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is widely agreed (It is not for agreement, but actual observation.)  is widely

observed that robots have gradually replaced humans in a variety of duties. In my
opinion, this is a positive trend and there are several reasons behind it. this
phenomenon. (Phenomenon is usually a natural event that is strange or difficult to

First of all, robots can help people save a lot of time and effort. Regardless to say, (That
is an unnatural expression. I have no idea what you mean.)  robots can do all the tasks
without tiredness and irritation. Currently, quite a few robots can help people do
housework such as cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and other chores. so on. (Do not
use "etc." or phrases like "and so on. These are vague and imprecise.)  At the office, robots
could do things that people humans do not have time for such as keeping a constant
check on whether someone is safe and well. Therefore, we can utilize our time and
energy to more complicated works (wrong form. "Work" is non-count)  that require
intelligence and creativity.

Secondly, robots can perform dangerous jobs / tasks responsibilities. (wrong

word)  Some kinds of robots so far have been able to clean places that humans
cannot hardly reach. For example, they can clean the outer surface windows of
skyscrapers. Besides, robots can operate in hazardous environments that humans
cannot. They can explore beneath the sea, investigate volcanoes and planets such as
Mars. so much more.

Last but not least, robots can be assistants for elderly and disabled people. Robots can
be a companion of those special individuals, chatting with them, supporting them doing
basic services demand, and reminding them to take medications. In some countries like
Japan, which has the highest proportion of the (That does not make sense)  oldest
population in the world, robots could be a good solution to reduce the burden of young

In conclusion, it is beneficial for families for humans that robots to could take more

responsibilities at home and work. They help people diminish (wrong
word)  avoid  wasting time and labor, deal with risky situations, and support elderly and
disabled people.

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