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Inappropriate Language

Conversation starters:
If my child were to use inappropriate language I would_____________________.
When I was a child if I said something inappropriate my parents
I would teach my child to use appropriate language by_______________________.

Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond

Conversation starters:
If my child were to be caught in a lie I would _____________________.
When I was a child if I lied I would _____________________.
I would teach my child to not lie by _______________________.

Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond

Conversation starters:
If my child were aggressive towards other children, I would ___________________.
If my child were aggressive towards me I would _____________________.
I would teach my child to not be aggressive by _______________________.

Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond Reward
Seek Help Recognize

Temper Tantrums
Conversation starters:
If my child were to throw a temper tantrum I would _____________________.
When I was a child if I threw a temper tantrum _____________________.
I would teach my child to throw a temper tantrum by _______________________.

Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond Calm

Food Related Problems

Conversation starters:
If my child were to not want to eat something I would _____________________.
When I was a child if I didn’t like to eat something my parents would _____________________.
I would introduce my child to new foods by _______________________.
Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond Encourage

Bed Time Problems

Conversation starters:
If my child wanted to stay up past bed time _____________________.
When I was a child and I didn’t want to go to sleep _____________________.
If my child were to make up excuses to get out of bed I would _______________________.

Words that could help:

Model Approach Appropriate

Suggest Respond

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