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CES 3238





Name Matric Number

Thivany A/P Manogaran 4183007251

Teacher’s Roles

The 21st-century classroom teaching and learning is very different compared to the 20th-century
learning. In the 21st century classroom, teachers are mentors of student learning and creators of
productive classroom environments, in which students can develop the teaching, reading,
listening and writing skills they might need at present or in future. However, as a teacher I have
learned a lot of advantages and disadvantages from my experience,but advantages are
uncountable from my experience. I always ensure that the relationship between myself and
students is stronger and unbreakable. I have taught form 1 and form 2 both class students are
clever and unique. Each one of them has their own creativity and talent.

As a role of a teacher to deliver the knowledge to the students, I have also gained a lot of
knowledge from each one of the students when they respond to my questions. Despite that, as a
teacher I always encourage the students to participate and make suggestions about how students
may proceed in an activity. I will always monitor each of the students and will be helping
students only when necessary. When students are literally ‘lost of words or confused’, I will
explain the instructions from the beginning until the students are able to understand the
importance and ways to execute the activity or exercises.

Perhaps the most difficult and important role the teacher has to play. The success of many
activities depends on good organization and on the students knowing exactly what they are to do
next. Giving instructions is vital in this role as well as setting up activities.As a teacher, I will
help the students to demonstrate the games or activity for further understanding of the students.
As a teacher, getting involved and engaged with the students will engage the students interest
towards the activities being organized by the teacher. The teacher also serves to open and neatly
close activities and also give content feedback.

What we notice here is that the roles are often interchangeable. The teacher’s role is never static.
One activity could see an experienced teacher smoothly transition from one role to another. The
21st-century classroom is created on the premise that students experience what they require to
enter the 21st-century workplace and live in the global environment. The characteristics of the
21st-century classroom, therefore, sets it apart from the 20th-century classroom. 21st-century
learning engages and moves forward to students centered where the students are able to complete
all the assignments on their own with their creativity and ideas.

For instance, the collaborative project-based approach ensures that the curriculum used in this
classroom develops higher order thinking skills, effective communication skills and knowledge
of technology that students will need for 21st-century careers and the increased globalized
environment. While there is certainly a place for teacher-centered, lecture style learning, the
evolving ESL teacher must embrace new teaching strategies that are radically different from
20th- century teaching. The curriculum must become more relevant to what students will be
exposed to in the 21st-century.

Besides that, roles as an interactive teacher need to always ensure how students relate to each
other and their teacher, how the classroom environment when learning, how effectively students
cooperate and communicate with each other in the classroom teaching. From experiences, I hope
when next time I teach I need to consider my roles as a teacher might affect the student learning,
or my classes are always teacher centered or am I able to control the classroom environments.

From the past 16 weeks, the journey has taught me more than enough as a teacher and also as a
person. Each one of the classes I taught in these 16 weeks are a problem solving test for myself
and I'm proud that I'm able to deliver the knowledge to my students. The engagement of students
and the interest to learn new things from me in each class make me feel satisfied and also makes
me create more communicative and open learning activities for the students. Teacher's roles are
not always the time and it's not easy as people think, but I'm glad that I'm a teacher who is able to
play all the roles as a teacher. I'm each and every situation from my experience and also in my

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