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English Assignment

Song : You Raise Me Up

1. What makes the song’ composer feel strong?

 I think this song can be interpreted in many different ways. For Josh Groban,  it is
a religious song, with god praising him up whenever he feels down. However, for
those with no religious belief, this could be a love song, with people you love
raise you up and give you support whenever you need.
2. When the composer has problem what does he hopes?
 The composer hopes that god would help him to beat all of his problem, whenever
he feels down. We do our best to face the challenges of this life, but the grace of
God carries us when our souls are weary.
3. Mention 2 messages that conveyed by the song’ lyrics!
 The song “You raise me up” convey a strong theme in god and the message of
power and strength through faith. The song effectively portrays Josh Groban’s
expression of faith and also presents the influence of his Episcopalian religion in
his lyrics.
4. “I am strong, when I’m on your shoulders”. What does the lyrics mean?
 It means that the composer always feel optimistic that there are no problems that
can’t be solved. Because God always be with us, he gives us power. He cares for
us and desires us to cast all our cares upon Him. He loved us while we far off and
as yet dead in our sin.

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