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Consultant in Renal Medicine, Cork University Hospital;
Senior Clinical Lecturer, Department of Medicine,
University College Cork, Ireland


Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School;
Research Fellow in Medicine, Renal Division,
Transplantation Research Center, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts


Samuel A. Levine Distinguished Professor of Medicine,
Harvard Medical School; Director Emeritus, Renal Division,
and Senior Physician, Department of Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Clarkson, Michael R.
Pocket companion to Brenner & Rector’s the kidney, eighth edition / Michael R.
Clarkson, Ciara N. Magee, Barry M. Brenner.
p. ; cm.
Companion v. to: Brenner & Rector’s the kidney / [edited by] Barry M. Brenner.
8th ed. c2008.
ISBN 978-1-4160-6640-8
1. Kidneys—Diseases—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Kidneys—Handbooks,
manuals, etc. I. Magee, Ciara N. II. Brenner, Barry M. III. Brenner & Rector’s the
kidney. IV. Title. V. Title: Pocket companion to Brenner & Rector’s the
kidney, eighth edition.
[DNLM: 1. Kidney Diseases. 2. Kidney—physiopathology. WJ 300 C613p 2010]
RC902.K53 2008 Suppl.
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To sharing the inherent elegance of renal
pathophysiology and clinical nephrology with
physicians of today and tomorrow

Given the dramatic expansion in the number of patients being

treated for chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure
over the past three decades, a working knowledge of renal
medicine is a prerequisite for the practicing physician.
Nephrology is often perceived as being among the more chal-
lenging and complex areas of internal medicine, and the major
nephrology textbooks can appear daunting to the uninitiated
at first glance. Therefore, in designing this edition of the
Pocket Companion to Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney, we have
endeavored to provide a readily accessible and current source
of information on renal disease for medical students, resi-
dents, renal fellows, internists, urologists, and primary care
physicians. To ensure that the text meets the requirements of
the busy clinician, we have chosen the most clinically rele-
vant chapters from Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney and dis-
tilled the essence of the pathophysiologic, diagnostic, and
treatment issues pertaining to the practice of clinical nephrol-
ogy. The goal of this pocket-sized Companion is not to replace
the main textbook, but rather to provide a source of immediate
information at the bedside and to act as a starting point for fur-
ther in-depth reading of Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney and its
companion volumes, Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension,
Molecular and Genetic Basis of Renal Disease, and Chronic
Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Transplantation.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the professional
staff at Elsevier for their encouragement, guidance, and

Michael R. Clarkson
Ciara N. Magee
Barry M. Brenner
Chapter 1

Clinical Assessment of the

Patient with Kidney Disease
Differentiating acute from chronic kidney disease is an impor-
tant distinction (Table 1-1). Kidney disease progresses toward
the end stage in most patients with chronic kidney disease
(CKD); in contrast, most patients with acute kidney injury
(AKI) recover renal function, with no long-term sequelae.
However, outcome in AKI depends on three factors: (1) early
recognition, (2) establishment of cause, and (3) appropriate
clinical management.


AKI is characterized by a rapid (hours to weeks) decline in
kidney function. Recently, a new definition and diagnostic
classification scheme, referred to by the acronym RIFLE, was
proposed, and has been widely endorsed and increasingly
used in clinical practice (please refer to Chapter 10 for a more
detailed discussion). Early manifestations of AKI vary and
depend in part on context and underlying cause (Table 1-2).

The history should initially focus on causes of renal hypoper-
fusion and nephrotoxin exposure. A meticulous review of the
medical record should include a careful search for ischemic
and nephrotoxic insults. Common causes of volume depletion
such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, burns, and
renal salt wasting (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis) must be investi-
gated. Evidence of effective circulating volume depletion
should also be evaluated (e.g., congestive heart failure, cirrho-
sis). A history of recent trauma with or without overt blood
loss or muscle trauma should raise the possibility of ischemia,
myoglobin-induced tubular necrosis, or both. Fever, rash, and
joint pains are associated with lupus nephritis, vasculitides,
endocarditis, drug allergy, and infectious diseases causing
intrinsic acute kidney injury. A history of dyspnea or hemop-
tysis may be a sign of pulmonary vasculitis, but more typically
Differentiation of Acute from Chronic Kidney
Table 1-1
Factor Significance
I History Long-standing history suggests
chronic kidney disease
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Mineral bone disease/ Radiographic evidence of osteitis

renal osteodystrophy fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia
suggests chronic kidney disease
Renal size (length)
Small kidneys Chronic kidney disease
(e.g., <9 cm)
Normal size (9–12 cm) Acute kidney injury of any cause
Chronic kidney disease
HIV nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy
Enlarged kidneys Autosomal dominant polycystic
(>12 cm) kidney disease
Tuberous sclerosis
Obstructive uropathy
Renal biopsy Histological diagnosis

Table 1-2 Presentations of Kidney Disease

Symptomatic Presentation Neurologic
General Encephalopathy
Fatigue Seizure
Weakness Peripheral neuropathy
Genitourinary Musculoskeletal
Hematuria Muscle weakness
Dysuria Periarticular or articular pain
Cardiovascular Bone pain
Hypertension Cutaneous
Pulmonary congestion Pruritus
Cough Necrosis
Dyspnea Vasculitis
Hemoptysis Bruising
Anorexia Asymptomatic Presentation
Nausea Hypertension
Vomiting Proteinuria
Abdominal pain Hematuria
Bleeding Abnormal renal imaging
results from pulmonary edema due to volume overload. Obstruc- 5
tive uropathy and acute inflammation of the kidney can cause
painful stretching of the renal capsule. Flank pain may be seen
in renal vein thrombosis; upper quadrant pain may indicate
acute renal infarction (e.g., renal artery emboli). Prominent neu- CH 1
rologic signs are often observed in thrombotic thrombocytopenic

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

purpura (TTP), toxic nephropathies, and poisonings. Constitu-
tional and nonspecific symptoms, such as malaise, weakness,
fatigue, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting are common in patients
with AKI but do not alone establish a cause.
A history of nephrotoxin exposure is an extremely impor-
tant component of the evaluation of a patient with AKI. Both
endogenous and exogenous toxins can give rise to kidney
injury (Table 1-3). A thorough review of the patient’s history
and medical record for evidence of nephrotoxin exposure is

Some Substances Reported to Cause Acute

Table 1-3
Kidney Injury
Endogenous Substances
Uric acid
Light chains
Calcium phosphorus
Exogenous Substances
Sulfa drugs
Chemotherapeutic agents
Mitomycin C
Cytosine arabinoside
Interleukin 2
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Radiocontrast agents
Angiotensin II receptor 1 antagonists
Some Substances Reported to Cause Acute
Table 1-3
Kidney Injury—Cont’d
I Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors
Heavy metals and poisons
Ethylene glycol
Calcineurin inhibitors
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Immunomodulatory agents
Therapeutic immunoglobulins
Antidepressants and anticonvulsants

essential; all medications, particularly those new to the

patient’s regimen, should be considered. The potential toxic-
ity of over-the-counter drugs (including herbal and health care
products) and poisons should be considered in all patients in
whom the cause of AKI is not readily apparent. Endogenous
toxins include myoglobin, hemoglobin, uric acid, parapro-
teins, and calcium-phosphorus complexes. Tumor lysis, usu-
ally occurring in patients with bulky abdominal lymphomas,
can be caused by acute uric acid nephropathy or deposition
of calcium and phosphorus, and can lead to severe, even
anuric, AKI. AKI may be the presenting feature in patients
with nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis from cocaine use, infec-
tions, or tonic-clonic seizures. Occupational exposure to
heavy metals can cause acute tubular necrosis (ATN). A his-
tory of AIDS may indicate kidney injury due to either underly-
ing disease or associated nephrotoxic drugs. Cancers,
including solid tumors and lymphoma, may also cause intrin-
sic renal failure as a result of hypercalcemia or tumor
A history of the color and volume of the patient’s urine as 7
well as the pattern of urination can be useful in some set-
tings. For example, abrupt anuria suggests urinary obstruc-
tion, severe acute glomerulonephritis or tubulointerstitial
nephritis, or vascular obstruction due to renal artery emboli CH 1
or atherosclerotic occlusion of the aortorenal bifurcation.

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

A history of gradually diminishing urine output may indi-
cate urethral stricture or, in an older man, bladder outlet
obstruction due to prostate enlargement. Gross hematuria
in the setting of AKI suggests acute glomerulonephritis or
ureteral obstruction by tumor, blood clots, or sloughed renal

Physical Examination
The physical examination can provide many clues to the
underlying cause of and potential therapy for AKI.

Petechiae, purpura, and ecchymoses suggest inflammatory or
vascular causes of kidney failure. Cutaneous infarcts may
result from embolic phenomena; cutaneous vasculitis mani-
festing as palpable purpura occurs in patients with septic
shock, atheroembolic disease, systemic vasculitis, and infec-
tive endocarditis. Diffuse erythematous maculopapular rash
may be observed in cases of drug-induced allergic interstitial
nephritis or in systemic collagen vascular disease such as sys-
temic lupus erythematosus. Reduced skin turgor may corrobo-
rate the presence of volume depletion, but is less reliable in
the elderly.

The eyes are examined for uveitis (interstitial nephritis and
necrotizing vasculitis), ocular muscle paralysis (ethylene gly-
col poisoning and necrotizing vasculitis), signs of severe
hypertension, atheroembolic lesions, Roth spots (endocardi-
tis), and cytoid bodies (cotton-wool exudates seen in acute
lupus nephritis). Conjunctivitis can be a result of vasculitis
or drug toxicity or a manifestation of end-stage renal disease
(ESRD) (“red eyes of renal failure”), the latter due to conjunc-
tival calcium deposition.

Cardiovascular and Volume Status

Meticulous assessment of the cardiovascular and volume
status is the most important aspect in the diagnosis and
initial management of AKI. Evidence of volume depletion,
including orthostatic hypotension, dry mucous membranes,
and decreased skin turgor, as well as signs of sepsis,
8 congestive heart failure, and cardiac tamponade should be
sought in patients with low blood pressure or overt hypo-
tension. However, it is often difficult to assess the volume
status from physical findings alone, and in some cases it may
I be necessary to place a central venous catheter or pulmonary
artery catheter to measure right-sided heart pressures, cardiac
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

output, and systemic vascular resistance. If severe hyperten-

sion is present, AKI may be due to malignant nephrosclerosis
(e.g., scleroderma), glomerulonephritis, or atheroembolic dis-
ease. Use of recreational drugs, particularly cocaine, should
be considered. Cardiac murmurs are associated with endocar-
ditis or atrial myxoma, which can cause AKI due to fulminant
glomerulonephritis. A pericardial friction rub in a patient
with newly diagnosed renal failure may be a sign of impending
cardiac tamponade and is an indication for emergency dialy-
sis. In this situation, progressive hypotension is dramatic but
can be temporarily stabilized by a rapid intravenous bolus
infusion of fluids.

Abdominal examination may reveal a palpable bladder (uri-
nary obstruction). Also, tenderness in the upper quadrants
can be associated with ureteral obstruction or renal infarction.
Ascites may be observed in fulminant hepatic failure, severe
nephrotic syndrome, and Budd-Chiari syndrome, all of which
are associated with AKI. An abdominal bruit evokes the diag-
nosis of severe atherosclerotic disease, which can engender
renal failure from renal artery stenosis, thrombosis of the aor-
torenal bifurcation, or atheroembolic renal disease. A flank
mass can be a sign of renal obstruction from tumor or retroper-
itoneal fibrosis. In addition, a tense distended abdomen in a
patient who has just undergone surgery raises the possibility
of abdominal compartment syndrome.

Examination of the extremities for signs of edema, evidence of
tissue ischemia, muscle tenderness (e.g., rhabdomyolysis
causing myoglobinuric renal failure), and arthritis (e.g., sys-
temic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, infections)
may provide clues to the diagnosis of renal failure.

Neuropsychiatric Features
Neuropsychiatric abnormalities range from signs of uremic
encephalopathy (confusion, somnolence, stupor, coma, sei-
zures) to focal neurologic abnormalities in specific diseases
such as the vasculitides. Cranial nerve palsies can be seen
in patients with ethylene glycol poisoning or vasculitides.
Altered and changing mental status is common in thrombotic
microangiopathies and systemic atheroembolism.
Urinalysis 9

Urinalysis is essential in the evaluation of AKI (Table 1-4).

Abnormal urinary sediment strongly suggests intrarenal kid-
ney failure. The urine of patients with ATN frequently CH 1
appears “dirty” brown and opaque due to the presence of

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

tubular casts. Reddish brown urine or “Coca-Cola” urine is
characteristic of acute glomerulonephritis, myoglobinuria,
and hemoglobinuria. Bilious urine in patients with combined
liver and renal disease appears yellow-brown owing to bile
Qualitative assessments for proteinuria and heme pigment
are helpful in identifying glomerulonephritis, interstitial
nephritis, and toxic and infectious causes of tubular necrosis.
Microscopic examination of urine sediment after centrifuga-
tion is extremely helpful for differentiating prerenal from
intrarenal causes of kidney failure. The urine sediment in
ATN typically has granular “muddy” casts and renal tubular
cells. Interstitial nephritis is often accompanied by pyuria,
microhematuria, and eosinophiluria. Glomerulonephritis is
heralded by hematuria and RBC casts. In addition, granular
casts, fat globules, and oval fat bodies may be seen in glomer-
ulopathies associated with heavy proteinuria. Uric acid

Urine Tests in the Differential Diagnosis

Table 1-4
of Acute Kidney Injury
Urine/ Fractional
Plasma UNaþ Excretion
Diagnosis Urinalysis Osmolality (mEq/L) of Naþ
Prerenal Normal >1 <20 <1
Acute Granular casts, 1 >20 >1
tubular epithelial cells
Interstitial RBCs, WBCs,  1 >20 >1
nephritis eosinophils,
granular casts
Glomeru- RBCs, RBC >1 <20 <1
lonephritis casts, marked
Vascular Normal or >1 <20 <1
disorders RBCs,
Postrenal Normal or <1 >20 >1
RBCs, casts,
UNaþ, urinary sodium concentration.
10 crystals suggest ATN associated with acute uric acid nephrop-
athy from tumor lysis syndrome. Calcium oxalate crystals may
be present in ethylene glycol poisoning with AKI due to
nephrocalcinosis, and acetaminophen crystals may be
I observed in acute acetaminophen poisoning.
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Blood Tests
Increases in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine
(Cr) levels are hallmarks of renal failure. The normal BUN/Cr
ratio of 10:1 is usually maintained in cases of intrinsic AKI.
The ratio is usually elevated (>20:1) in prerenal conditions
and in some patients with obstructive uropathy. In patients
with significant upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the BUN/Cr
ratio may increase further as digested blood proteins are
absorbed and metabolized by the liver. BUN/Cr ratio may be
reduced in liver failure, malnutrition, and rhabdomyolysis.
The serum creatinine level begins to rise within 24 to 48 hours
in patients with AKI after renal ischemia, atheroembolization,
or radiocontrast exposure—three major diagnostic possibili-
ties in patients undergoing emergency cardiac or aortic angi-
ography and surgery. Creatinine levels typically peak at 7 to
10 days in ischemic ATN, with resolution within the next 7
to 14 days in the absence of further ischemic or nephrotoxic
insults. These rapid changes are in marked contrast to the
delayed elevation in serum creatinine levels (commencing at
7 to 10 days) that is characteristic of many tubule epithelial
cell toxins (e.g., aminoglycosides, cisplatin).
Additional diagnostic clues can be gleaned from routine
biochemical and hematologic tests. Hyperkalemia, hyperpho-
sphatemia, hypocalcemia, and increased concentrations of
serum uric acid and creatine kinase (CK3 isoenzyme) suggest
a diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. A similar biochemical profile
seen in the setting of AKI subsequent to cancer chemotherapy,
but with higher levels of uric acid, a urine uric acid/creatinine
ratio greater than 1.0, and normal or marginally elevated crea-
tine kinase, is typical of acute urate nephropathy and tumor
lysis syndrome. Severe hypercalcemia of any cause can
induce AKI. Widening of the serum anion gap ([Naþ] – [HCO3]
þ [Cl]) and of the osmolal gap (measured serum osmolality
minus calculated osmolality) is a clue to the diagnosis of eth-
ylene glycol toxicity. Severe anemia in the absence of hemor-
rhage may reflect the presence of hemolysis, multiple
myeloma, or thrombotic microangiopathy. Other laboratory
findings suggestive of thrombotic microangiopathy include
thrombocytopenia, dysmorphic RBCs (schistocytes) on a
peripheral blood smear, a low circulating haptoglobin level,
and an increased circulating level of lactate dehydrogenase.
Systemic eosinophilia suggests allergic interstitial nephritis 11
but may also be a prominent feature in other diseases, such
as atheroembolic disease and polyarteritis nodosa, particu-
larly the Churg-Strauss variant. Depressed complement levels
and high titers of antiglomerular basement membrane antibo- CH 1
dies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antinuclear anti-

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

bodies, circulating immune complexes, or cryoglobulins are
useful diagnostic tools in patients with suspected glomerulo-
nephritis or vasculitis.

Urine Chemistry Evaluation

Urine electrolyte measurement in a patient with AKI is per-

formed to test the functional integrity of the renal tubules.
The single most informative test is the fractional excretion of
sodium (FENa), defined as follows:

Urine Na  Plasma Cr
FENa ¼  100
Urine Cr  Plasma Na
In prerenal azotemia, the FENa is usually less than 1%,
while in ATN it is usually greater than 1%; exceptions to this
may occur in patients with ATN due to severe burns, radio-
contrast nephropathy or underlying liver disease. The FENa
is typically less than 1% in patients with acute glomerulone-
phritis, because tubular function remains intact with
increased, rather than decreased, proximal tubular sodium
reabsorption. Also, FENa is most accurate for differentiating
prerenal from intrarenal AKI when determined in the patient
with hypotension and oliguria. Because of these limitations,
FENa alone should not be used in assessing the cause of AKI.
Urine/plasma osmolality ratio (U/P Osm) is another useful
test of tubular function in the setting of AKI. With intact tubu-
lar function, the urinary osmolality exceeds plasma osmolality
three- to fourfold, whereas when tubules are damaged and
concentrating capacity is impaired, urine is isosthenuric to
plasma. Therefore, a U/P Osm value of 1 or less is consistent
with ATN, and a value greater than 1 is consistent with a pre-
renal cause. Routine urinalysis is the best diagnostic test if
only small volumes of urine are available for analysis. Diagno-
sis of acute uric acid nephropathy can be substantiated by
urine uric acid/urine creatinine ratio greater than 1.

Assessing Urine Output

Although not helpful in establishing the cause of AKI, knowl-
edge of the urine output is important for directing manage-
ment. Quantification of the urine output also plays a role in
12 the classification of AKI, as outlined by the RIFLE criteria
(please see Chapter 10). Traditionally, the following degrees
of urine output have been used as qualification:
• Anuria: urine output less than 100 mL/day
I • Oliguria: urine output of 100 to 400 mL/day
• Nonoliguric output: urine output greater than 400 mL/day
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

In patients with suprapubic discomfort and an obviously

distended bladder or in patients with a history of declining
urine output or documented oliguria, a bladder catheter
should be temporarily placed to relieve or rule out bladder
outlet obstruction.

Fluid Challenge
When prerenal AKI due to significant intravascular volume
depletion is suspected, a fluid challenge with an intrave-
nous infusion of normal saline may be helpful and should
improve renal blood flow with correction of renal failure
and increased urine output. This maneuver usually consists
of an infusion of 1 to 2 L of normal saline administered over
2 to 4 hours, depending on repeated bedside clinical evalu-
ation of the volume status and clinical judgment. Close and
careful bedside monitoring of vital signs, physical findings,
and urine output is required. Failure of this maneuver to
improve the vital signs and urine output may indicate
intrarenal or postrenal causes of renal failure. Caution must
be exercised during fluid challenge because of the potential
for precipitating pulmonary edema in patients with conges-
tive heart failure or intrarenal failure, which do not respond
to volume expansion. Therefore, the patient should be care-
fully and repeatedly examined, and the rate of fluid chal-
lenge adjusted according to the discretion of the treating

Imaging (see also Chapter 3)

Renal Ultrasonography and Doppler Flow Scanning

Ultrasonography should be performed whenever urinary tract
obstruction is considered in the differential diagnosis of AKI.
The test is readily available, noninvasive, accurate, reliable,
and very reproducible. In some cases, such as ureteral encase-
ment by tumor or fibrosis, ureteral and renal pelvis dilatation
may not be detected by ultrasonography. Increased echogeni-
city of renal parenchyma is a common and nonspecific indica-
tor of intrinsic renal disease. In some cases of ATN, renal
parenchymal echogenicity may be normal. Absence of renal
blood flow on Doppler scanning suggests complete thrombosis
of the renal circulation.
Nuclear Scan 13
Radionuclide imaging with 99mTc-labeled diethylenetriamine-
pentaacetic acid (99mTc-DTPA), 131I-labeled iodohippurate
(131I-Hippuran), or 99mTc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3)
scans can be used to assess renal blood flow and tubular func- CH 1
tion in AKI. Unfortunately, marked delay in tubular excretion

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

of nuclide occurs in both prerenal and intrarenal diseases;
thus, this technique is of little value in the evaluation of most
patients with AKI.

Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance

Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) may be useful in detecting parenchymal renal disease
and obstructive uropathy. However, these modalities are of lim-
ited value and, in most cases, do not provide more information
than Doppler flow scanning. An increase in T2-weighted signal
on MRI may be seen in some cases of tubulointerstitial nephri-
tis. MR venography is helpful in the evaluation of renal vein
thrombosis. The use of gadolinium-containing compounds in
the advanced CKD and ESRD populations has, however,
recently been associated with the development of nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis (NSF) (please refer to Chapter 3).

Renal Angiography
A renal angiogram is helpful in patients with AKI due to vas-
cular disorders, including renal artery stenosis with AKI from
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition, renal artery
emboli, and aortic atherosclerosis with acute aortorenal occlu-
sion, as well as in cases of systemic necrotizing vasculitides
such as polyarteritis nodosa and Takayasu arteritis. The use
of formal angiography is limited, however, by the risk of con-
trast nephrotoxicity.

Renal Biopsy
When clinical, biochemical, and noninvasive imaging studies
are insufficient for diagnosis and management of AKI, a renal
biopsy should be considered. Some studies show that biopsy
in the setting of AKI often has unexpected findings. Renal
biopsy is considered the “gold standard” for diagnostic accu-
racy in AKI, but in clinical practice, it is not often performed.
An exception is biopsy of a renal transplant, which is per-
formed relatively commonly in patients with AKI due to the
need to exclude transplant rejection. Patients presenting with
the clinical syndrome of rapidly progressive glomerulonephri-
tis (RPGN) should undergo renal biopsy promptly unless there
14 is an overt contraindication. This condition is considered a
medical emergency because effective kidney-preserving ther-
apy may be available and should be instituted as soon as
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease


A greater appreciation for the prevalence of chronic kidney
disease (CKD) in the population has led to improvements in
identification and diagnosis of chronic kidney diseases lead-
ing to progressive renal failure and end-stage renal disease
(ESRD). The most common causes of CKD leading to ESRD
are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, and
cystic kidney disease, which together account for 90% of all
new cases of CKD. CKD patients typically present with non-
specific symptoms or are referred to a nephrologist because
of an abnormal blood test or urinalysis. The key initial step
in the evaluation of kidney disease is the differentiation of
acute from chronic kidney disease (see Table 1-1). This is usu-
ally achieved by a careful history and thorough physical
examination combined with routine laboratory testing and
imaging, with further directed investigations to facilitate a
diagnosis. Once this has been accomplished, further evalua-
tion is needed to establish the following:
• The degree of renal impairment (determination of glomeru-
lar filtration rate, GFR)
• The presence of risk factors for progression
• Evaluate co-morbid cardiovascular risk factors
• Evaluate secondary co-morbidities (hyperparathyroidism,
• Review medication (avoid nephrotoxins, adjust dosages to
Kidney disease progresses toward the end stage in most
patients with CKD. Several interventions have been demon-
strated to slow the progression of renal disease, and late refer-
ral to a nephrologist is independently associated with worse
patient outcomes. Therefore, early recognition, referral, and
appropriate intervention are of paramount importance in
slowing or preventing the development of ESRD.

Establishing Chronicity of Disease

Clinical History
No specific blood or urine test unequivocally differentiates
acute from chronic kidney disease. In most patients with
CKD, symptoms have been present for months or years;
patient adaptation to slow development of uremia and lack of 15
recognition of subtle symptoms or changes in behavior often
account for delayed presentations (see Table 1-2). Urinary
symptoms suggestive of CKD include a history of urinary tract
infections, kidney stones, and nocturia, often due to impaired CH 1
urinary concentrating ability. In advanced disease, a common

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

early sign of uremic encephalopathy is sleep disturbance, par-
ticularly reversal of the sleep-wake cycle. Subsequent loss of
short-term memory, difficulty concentrating, and episodes of
confusion may occur as the disease approaches end stage,
although the prescription of centrally acting medications
(e.g., benzodiazepines) may precipitate such symptoms at a
higher GFR. Because patients may be unaware of these
abnormalities, the history should be supplemented by inter-
viewing a family member whenever possible.
Specific inquiry should routinely be made about risk factors
for CKD, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, conges-
tive heart failure, previous episodes of AKI, known or sus-
pected hepatitis B or C infection, and rheumatologic
diseases. A history of chronic rash may indicate primary renal
or systemic disease. A previous history of urologic disorders
or procedures may provide clues to the detection and diagno-
sis of obstructive and reflux nephropathies and congenital
anomalies of the urinary tract. Abnormal findings on urinaly-
sis conducted as part of an entrance examination for educa-
tion, military service, or other purposes should also be
elicited by direct questioning. The presence of back pain or
bone pain, particularly in an older patient with CKD, should
raise the possibility of malignancy, especially multiple
A history of nephrotoxin exposure is critical for establishing
causes of CKD. Nephrotoxins take many forms, including
prescription medication, over-the-counter drugs, and environ-
mental substances. Recent or long-standing history of ingestion
of combination analgesic agents (phenacetin, acetaminophen,
aspirin) is important in establishing the diagnosis of analgesic
nephropathy. Environmental exposure to lead, arsenic, mer-
cury, or silicon, or ingestion of certain herbal remedies (e.g.,
slimming regimens containing aristolochic acid) can lead to
the diagnosis of CKD. Exposure to cancer chemotherapeutic
agents, herbal remedies, drugs for chronic hypercalcemia or
osteoporosis (e.g., pamidronate), lithium, or cyclosporin in
recipients of solid organ transplants can cause CKD. A history
of recurrent urinary tract infection with flank pain, fever,
polyuria, and nocturia suggests chronic pyelonephritis.
A family pedigree should be constructed for all patients to
aid identification of autosomal dominant (e.g., autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease), sex-linked (e.g., Fabry
disease), and autosomal recessive (e.g., medullary cystic
16 disease) diseases. A family history of anemia and sickle cell
disease is important, particularly in African-American
patients. A complete family history also has relevance to more
common diseases, including diabetes and hypertension, as
I CKD arising from these conditions aggregates in families; up
to 50% of patients will have one family member with CKD.
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Physical Examination
The skin should be examined for excoriations due to uremic
pruritus, which are often seen on the back, torso, and lower
extremities. Vitiligo and periungual fibromas may be seen in
tuberous sclerosis. Neurofibromas may be a clue to renal disease
caused by underlying renal artery stenosis in patients with neu-
rofibromatosis. Hyperpigmented macules in the pretibial skin
are often observed in patients with cryoglobulinemic disease,
and livedo reticularis may be observed in those with atheroscle-
rotic ischemic nephropathy. A general sallow appearance
(urochromic pallor) of the skin is also a common finding in
patients with advanced CKD. Funduscopic examination may
demonstrate vascular findings, such as microaneurysms and
proliferative retinopathy characteristic of diabetic retinopathy.
Arteriolar narrowing, arteriovenous nicking, hemorrhage, and
exudates consistent with hypertension are also common. Less
common findings, which are more difficult to demonstrate on
routine examination, are anterior lenticonus and retinal flecks,
characteristic of Alport syndrome. Angioid streaks may be pres-
ent in patients with Fabry disease. Ocular palsy may be present
in patients with vasculitides (e.g., Wegener granulomatosis).
Diffuse conjunctivitis may indicate calcium-phosphorus depo-
sition in CKD with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
High-tone sensorineural hearing loss is overt in about 50%
of patients with Alport syndrome. Nasal and oropharyngeal
ulcers may be present in those with active lupus nephritis.
The presence of perforated nasal septum should raise the sus-
picion for Wegener granulomatosis or cocaine use. Examina-
tion for carotid or femoral bruit as a manifestation of
underlying atherosclerosis may also provide a clue to ische-
mic nephropathy as a cause of CKD.
Assessment of the cardiovascular and volume status is criti-
cal, because abnormal findings may require early and rapid
intervention before completion of the evaluation for CKD. Car-
diopulmonary examination for signs of volume overload is
essential for the evaluation and management of CKD, because
volume overload contributes to the development of hyperten-
sion, and many patients will have developed hypertensive
heart disease by the time of presentation (left ventricular
hypertrophy and heart failure). Cardiac murmurs may be pres-
ent in patients with endocarditis or atrial myxoma associated
with glomerulonephritis.
Abdominal examination should include a search for palpa- 17
ble kidneys, as observed in polycystic kidney disease and
tuberous sclerosis. A flank mass can be found in patients with
retroperitoneal fibrosis, lymphoma, or other tumors that can
obstruct the ureters. A palpable bladder or enlarged prostate CH 1
gland suggests chronic urinary outlet obstruction. Musculo-

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

skeletal examination, including examination for edema,
should be performed. Synovial thickening in small joints of
the hands may be seen in systemic lupus erythematosus and
rheumatoid arthritis, both of which may be associated with
CKD. Neurologic signs in patients with CKD include periph-
eral sensorimotor neuropathy and central nervous system
manifestations. Generalized muscle weakness and diminished
deep tendon reflexes are common.

Urinalysis is not particularly useful for differentiating acute
from chronic kidney disease. Similar findings, such as
pyuria, hematuria, and proteinuria, can be seen in the two
disorders. The presence of oval fat bodies in the urine,
signifying high-grade proteinuria, implies a glomerular dis-
ease, as does the presence of dysmorphic red blood cells. Cal-
cium oxalate crystals may be seen in the urine of patients
with hereditary or secondary forms of oxalosis causing kid-
ney disease. The presence of calcium phosphate and sodium
urate crystals may signify previous stone disease as a cause
of CKD. Triple phosphate crystals may suggest recurrent uri-
nary tract infection and staghorn calculi causing CKD. As
discussed later, proteinuria is an important finding in any
patient with CKD.

Mineral Bone Disease and Renal Osteodystrophy

The term mineral bone disease in CKD (MBD-CKD) is now
proposed to describe the wide spectrum of bone disorders
seen in the CKD population, replacing the historical term
renal osteodystrophy, which is more accurately used as
a histologic diagnosis (please refer to Chapter 30 for a
more detailed discussion). Radiographic evidence for high-
turnover bone disease may be present in CKD but not in
AKI, although the presence of radiographic changes is both
a variable and a late finding. Elevated plasma parathyroid
hormone concentration, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphate-
mia can be present in both acute and chronic kidney disease.
Radiographs of the shoulders, ribs, hands, and pelvis illus-
trating signs of osteitis fibrosa cystica strongly suggest CKD;
this finding is rarely, if ever, observed in AKI. A possible
exception may be a patient with parathyroid adenoma/carci-
noma in whom severe primary hyperparathyroidism may
induce hypercalcemic AKI.
18 Renal Mensuration
Measurement of kidney size is the most sensitive and specific
noninvasive test to establish the chronicity of renal disease.
Currently, renal ultrasonography is the technique of choice.
I The finding of small kidneys (i.e., small relative to body size)
on renal ultrasonography is a reliable indicator of CKD. How-
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

ever, it is important to note that kidney size varies from indi-

vidual to individual and between radiologic modalities (e.g.,
computed tomography versus ultrasonography). In contrast
to the finding of small kidneys indicative of CKD, the finding
of normal-sized or large kidneys is a sensitive but not specific
sign of acute kidney disease. That is, patients with acute kid-
ney disease have normal or enlarged kidneys; however, nor-
mal or enlarged kidneys are observed in many forms of CKD
including human immunodeficiency virus nephropathy
(HIVAN), diabetic nephropathy, and autosomal dominant
polycystic kidney disease (see Table 1-1).

Renal Biopsy
Renal biopsy is the most definitive method of differentiating
acute from chronic kidney disease. A biopsy is used to estab-
lish diagnosis, determine treatment regimen, collect prognos-
tic information, and track the clinical course of CKD,
especially in glomerulonephritis. Histologic findings of
chronicity include glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, and
interstitial fibrosis. Interstitial fibrosis is the best indicator of
chronicity and best prognosticator of long-term outcome.
Renal biopsy is a low-risk procedure in stable patients with
CKD, including the elderly. Notwithstanding this, renal
biopsy ideally should be performed only when the findings
are likely to alter clinical management. Most physicians
would consider the biopsy of a small, shrunken kidney to be

Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease

It is now recognized that a number of factors increase the risk
of development of CKD (Table 1-5). Among the strongest fac-
tors associated with increased risk of CKD are diabetes melli-
tus and hypertension. Currently, nearly 50% of new cases of
ESRD occur in diabetic patients, and 27% in hypertensive
patients. Additional clinical factors associated with increased
risk of CKD include autoimmune disease, chronic systemic
infection, urinary tract infection, obstruction of the urinary
tract, cancer, family history, reduced renal mass, low birth
weight, older age, drug exposure, and recovery after AKI. Cer-
tain ethnic minorities have a markedly higher risk of CKD,
including African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native
Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease
Table 1-5
Established Risk Factors
Age CH 1

Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Kidney Disease

Gender: male predilection
Race: African American, Hispanic, Native American
Exposure to nephrotoxins including analgesics, heavy metals
Family history of CKD
Diabetes mellitus
Metabolic syndrome
Reduced nephron number at birth
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Emerging Risk Factors
Oxidative stress
Elevated plasma homocysteine level
Prothrombotic factors (e.g., plasminogen inhibitor activator)

Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders. Cigarette smoking,

obesity, metabolic syndrome, and dyslipidemia have all also
been linked with development of CKD.

Definition and Staging of Chronic Kidney

Chronic kidney disease is defined as kidney damage with or
without decreased GFR, manifested as either pathologic
abnormalities or markers of kidney damage, including
abnormalities in composition of blood or urine, abnormal
renal imaging findings, and a GFR less than 60 mL/min/
1.73 m2. Staging of CKD is based on estimate of overall renal
function by GFR (Table 1-6). Patients with CKD are at
increased risk of progression to ESRD and cardiovascular dis-
ease and fatality, due to risk factors common to both progres-
sion of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, including
Table 1-6 Staging of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
GFR (mL/
I Stage Description min/1.73m2) Evaluation Plan
At increased risk >90 (with Screening CKD risk
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

CKD risk reduction

1 Kidney damage 90 Diagnose and treat
with normal or cause, slow
increased GFR progression,
evaluate risk of
2 Kidney damage 60–89 Estimate progression
with mild
decrease in GFR
3 Moderate 30–59 Evaluate and treat
decrease in GFR complications
4 Severe decrease 15–29 Prepare for renal
in GFR replacement
5 Kidney failure <15 Initiate renal
GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Therefore, manage-

ment of risk factors is paramount in this patient population.
For further discussion regarding the measurement of the
GFR in CKD, and evaluation and management of proteinuria,
please see Chapter 2, Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Dis-
ease. Further discussion of the patient with established
chronic kidney disease is undertaken elsewhere in this text.
Chapter 2

Laboratory Assessment of
Kidney Disease
Because patients in early stages of chronic kidney disease
(CKD) often exhibit few signs or symptoms, tests for screening
and diagnosis are critical in nephrology. In clinical practice,
these tests are used to detect the presence of kidney disease,
ideally at an early enough stage that therapy may be instituted
to prevent associated morbidity and fatality; to establish a
specific diagnosis, thereby directing therapy; to monitor dis-
ease progression; and to ascertain response to treatment. Tests
that measure the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) best detect
abnormalities in kidney function, although they may be less
useful from a screening viewpoint, as patients with early
CKD may have normal or even increased GFR. Guidelines
developed by the National Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Dis-
ease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) define stages of
CKD largely based on GFR. Urinalysis may be useful in detect-
ing early abnormalities and may aid in the decision to perform
a kidney biopsy. Examination of the urine sediment may also
help to establish a diagnosis. No single test of the GFR is ide-
ally suited for every clinical application. Rather, the goal
should be to select the most accurate and precise test to
answer the question being addressed in the safest, most cost-
effective, and most convenient manner possible in the popula-
tion being studied.


GFR is traditionally measured as the renal clearance of a par-

ticular substance, or marker, from plasma. The clearance of
an indicator substance is the amount removed from plasma,
divided by the average plasma concentration over the time of
measurement. If one assumes that there is no extrarenal elimi-
nation, tubular reabsorption, or tubular secretion of the
marker, then GFR can be calculated as follows:

GFR ¼ ðU  V Þ=ðP  T Þ

22 where U is the urine concentration of creatinine, V is the urine
volume, and P is the average plasma concentration of creati-
nine over the time (T) of the urine collection.

I Serum Creatinine
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Creatinine is a metabolic product of creatine and phosphocrea-

tine, both of which are found almost exclusively in muscle.
Thus, creatinine production is proportional to muscle mass
and varies little from day to day. Age- and gender-associated dif-
ferences in creatinine production are largely attributable
to differences in muscle mass. The creatinine molecule is small
(molecular weight 113 Da), does not bind to plasma proteins,
and is freely filtered by the glomerulus. As the production is
constant, the serum creatinine level depends on the rate of clear-
ance, which mainly reflects the GFR. However, it has long been
appreciated that creatinine is also secreted by the renal tubule, a
saturable process that is blocked by some commonly used
medications including cimetidine and trimethoprim. If tubular
secretion of creatinine were constant, differences in serum creat-
inine and renal clearance could still reflect GFR. However, there
is substantial variation in creatinine secretion, and as renal
function declines, the proportion of total renal creatinine
excretion due to tubular secretion increases, which may
maintain serum creatinine levels in the “normal” range, indicat-
ing better renal function than is actually the case.
Serum creatinine is probably the most widely used indirect
measure of GFR, its popularity attributable to convenience
and low cost, although it may be very insensitive to even sub-
stantial declines in GFR. In addition, failure to consider varia-
tion in creatinine production due to differences in muscle
mass frequently leads to misinterpretation of serum creatinine
levels. This confusion may be compounded by the use of stan-
dard normal ranges for serum creatinine levels that appear on
routine laboratory reports. For example, a serum creatinine
value that occurs in the normal range may indicate an accept-
able GFR in a young, healthy individual. However, the same
serum creatinine value in an elderly individual could indicate
a twofold reduction in GFR because of a comparably smaller
muscle mass. Therefore, K/DOQI guidelines recommend that
clinical laboratories report serum creatinine with an estimated
GFR using a serum creatinine-based formula.

Creatinine Clearance
Measuring the creatinine clearance rate obviates some of the
problems of using serum creatinine concentration as a marker
of GFR. Creatinine clearance should not be affected by
differences in steady-state creatinine production due to differ- 23
ences in muscle mass that affect serum creatinine level. How-
ever, the reliability of creatinine clearance is greatly
diminished by variability in tubular secretion of creatinine
and by the inability of most patients to accurately collect CH 2
timed urine samples. Prolonged storage of the urine can also

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

introduce error, as high temperature and low urine pH
enhance the conversion of creatine to creatinine in stored
urine. Therefore, urine samples should be refrigerated and
the urine creatinine level measured without undue delay.

Serum Creatinine Formulas to Estimate Kidney


Many attempts have been made to mathematically transform or

correct the serum creatinine value so that it may more accurately
reflect GFR (Table 2-1). The most widely used formula is that
developed by Cockcroft and Gault. However, the formula does
not take into account differences in creatinine production
between individuals of the same age and sex, or even in the same
individual over time, and it systematically overestimates GFR in
individuals who are obese or edematous. Moreover, it does not
account for extrarenal elimination, tubular handling, or inac-
curacies in the laboratory measurement of creatinine that can
contribute to error in the serum creatinine estimate of GFR.
Despite these drawbacks, with readily available parameters and
relative simplicity, the Cockcroft-Gault formula remains in wide-
spread use. In some clinical studies, outpatient 24-hour urine

Formulas for Estimating Glomerular

Table 2-1 Filtration Rate Using Serum Creatinine and
Other Clinical Parameters
Cockcroft-Gault Formula

ð140  ageÞ  ðweight in kgÞ

Estimated creatinine clearance ¼
ð72  PCrÞ
ð0:85, if femaleÞ

MDRD Equation

GFR ¼ 170  PCr0:999  Age0:176

 BUN0:170  Alb0:318

Alb, serum albumin (g/dL); BUN, blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL); MDRD,
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; PCr, plasma creatinine (mg/dL).
If the subject is black, multiply by 0.762. If the subject is female, multiply by 0.762.
To convert the CG formula to SI units, simply omit the multiplication factor 72
from the denominator. Online calculation of the MDRD equation is available at
24 collections and timed creatinine clearances offered no more pre-
cision than the Cockcroft-Gault formula.
Based on the results of isotopically measured GFR determi-
nations from the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
I Study, the investigators derived a formula for estimating GFR
using readily measurable clinical variables (see Table 2-1).
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

The formula, sometimes referred to as the MDRD equation, uses

serum chemistry values (creatinine, urea, and albumin) and
patient characteristics (age, gender, and race), and gives a more
accurate estimation of the GFR than the Cockcroft-Gault equa-
tion, at least in patients with moderate to advanced renal insuf-
ficiency. A simplified version requiring only serum creatinine,
age, race, and gender was found to similarly correlate with
measured GFR. Despite concerns regarding the applicability of
this equation to individuals not included in the MDRD trial
(normal kidney function, elderly persons, and kidney trans-
plant recipients), the National Kidney Foundation’s K/DOQI
guidelines consider the MDRD equation a reliable measure for
GFR in adults. Online calculation of the MDRD equation is
available at Individuals on a vegetarian
diet, those with unusual muscle mass or weight (morbid obe-
sity, amputations), and pregnant women were not included in
the study populations used to generate serum creatinine formu-
las, and such individuals may have more accurate estimation of
clearance utilizing a 24-hour urine collection for creatinine

Plasma Urea
Urea is not an ideal marker of GFR, and the plasma urea con-
centration alone is a poor measure of GFR. With a molecular
weight of 60 Da, urea is freely filtered at the glomerulus. How-
ever, it can be readily reabsorbed, and the amount of tubular
reabsorption is variable. In states of actual or effective intravas-
cular volume depletion, urea reabsorption can be substantial.
Plasma urea, or blood urea nitrogen (BUN), concentration is
affected by a number of factors other than alterations in GFR.
Increased plasma levels caused by greater production are seen
with elevated dietary protein intake, gastrointestinal bleeding,
and tetracycline use. Reduced levels of plasma urea can be seen
in patients with alcohol abuse and chronic liver disease.

Serum Cystatin C and Inulin

Several low-molecular-weight (LMW) proteins have been eval-
uated as endogenous markers of GFR, with cystatin C com-
manding the most attention. Cystatin C is a 13-kD basic
protein, which is synthesized at a constant rate and freely
passes the glomerular filter. It is not secreted, but proximal
tubular cells reabsorb and catabolize the filtered cystatin C, 25
resulting in very low urinary concentrations. Cystatin C can
be measured by any number of immunoassays, although latex
immunoassays demonstrate greater precision, produce more
consistent reference intervals, and are far quicker than other CH 2
methods. It has been evaluated in a wide variety of patient

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

populations including children, cirrhotic patients, and kidney
transplant recipients, and although some results have been
mixed, measurement of cystatin C appears to detect smaller
decrements in GFR than serum creatinine. However, due to
a number of factors, including mixed conclusions from stud-
ies, cost, and difficulty in making the assay universally avail-
able, it is not used in clinical practice.
Inulin was once considered the gold standard of exoge-
nously administered markers of GFR. Inulin (5200 Da) is a
polymer of fructose (found in tubers such as the dahlia, the
Jerusalem artichoke, and chicory), which is freely filtered at
the glomerulus and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by renal
tubules. It is readily measured in plasma and urine by one of
several colorimetric assays. Glucose is also detected by most
inulin assays, and must therefore be removed beforehand or
measured separately in the sample and subtracted. The renal
clearance method for inulin is cumbersome and inconvenient,
as it involves water loading to ensure constant urine flow rate,
a bolus dose and subsequent infusion of inulin, and bladder
catheterization. Many investigators have therefore utilized
plasma clearance techniques, using either a constant infusion
or a bolus injection. There is a high degree of correlation
between results from this method and the renal clearance
technique. However, the scarcity and high cost of inulin have
all but eliminated its use as a marker of GFR.

Radionuclide and Radiocontrast Markers of

Glomerular Filtration Rate
Several radionuclide-labeled markers and unlabeled radiocon-
trast markers of GFR can be used in either renal or plasma clear-
ance studies. Estimating GFR by plasma clearance of a single
intravenous bolus injection of an indicator is convenient and
has been used more often than constant infusion or renal clear-
ance techniques. Basically, renal clearance is measured as the
plasma clearance, or the amount of indicator injected divided
by the integrated area of the plasma concentration curve over
time. This requires a single bolus injection of the marker and
at least two or three timed blood samples. 51Cr-EDTA is proba-
bly the most extensively investigated radionuclide-bound indi-
cator of GFR. It is small (292 Da), appears to have little binding
to plasma proteins, and is freely filtered by the glomerulus.
Human studies have shown the renal clearance of 51Cr-EDTA
26 to be about 10% lower than that of inulin when both are
measured simultaneously. The most widely used agents are
technetium-radiolabeled diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid
(99mTc-DTPA), radioiodinated iodohippurate (Hippuran), 123I-
I ortho-iodohippurate, and Tc-mercaptoacetyltriglycine
(MAG3). The use of radiolabeling and very sensitive high-
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detection meth-

ods has reduced the required amount of marker, permitting
subcutaneous administration, with reasonably predictable
plasma concentrations achieved after subcutaneous injection
of a radiolabeled marker such as 125I-iothalamate.
Measurement of plasma clearance can also be achieved with-
out plasma sampling. A gamma camera positioned over the
kidneys can be used to measure renal elimination of a radioac-
tive indicator. However, GFR determination obtained through
quantitative renal imaging is not as precise as that arrived at
through plasma sampling. The advantage of quantitative renal
imaging is that additional information pertaining to the anat-
omy of kidney function can be obtained. Indeed, the “split
function” or relative contribution to total GFR from each kidney
can be calculated. This information can be important in the
evaluation of some patients with renal vascular disease and
can be crucial in certain circumstances (e.g., in deciding
whether or not to carry out a unilateral nephrectomy).
All radionuclide markers are radioactive, and this feature
has begun to erode their acceptance by patients and to man-
date close monitoring by regulatory agencies. The actual
amount of radiation delivered to a patient is less than the
amount any patient receives while undergoing most standard
radiologic procedures. However, the isotope is concentrated
in the urine, so that exposure of the urinary collecting system
may be greater. To alleviate this potential problem, patients
are advised to maintain a high fluid intake and urine volume
after the procedure.
In an effort to avoid the use of radiolabeled compounds,
techniques have been developed to use unlabeled radiocon-
trast agents to measure GFR. Radiocontrast agents are of low
molecular weight (600–1600 Da), are not protein bound, are
eliminated from plasma mainly by glomerular filtration, and
can be measured by HPLC. The main disadvantage of HPLC
is the expense, time, and labor needed to carry out the assay.
A rapid and convenient method has been developed to mea-
sure relatively low concentrations of iodine with the use of
x-ray fluorescence, and has been applied to the measurement
of the plasma clearance of the radiocontrast agent iohexol.
The use of iohexol to measure GFR has grown in popularity,
probably due to the low incidence of adverse effects, attribut-
able to its low osmolality and nonionic properties. Plasma
clearance determinations using iohexol appear to be
comparable with those obtained with other radionuclide- 27
labeled markers and with inulin.

CH 2

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

The color of urine is determined by chemical content, concen-
tration, and pH. Urine may be almost colorless if the output is
high and the concentration is low. Cloudy urine is generally
the result of phosphates (usually normal) or leukocytes and
bacteria (usually abnormal). Black urine is seen in alkaptonuria.
Acute intermittent porphyria frequently causes dark urine.
A number of exogenous chemicals and drugs can make urine
green, but green urine may also be associated with Pseudomonas
bacteriuria and urine bile pigments. The most common cause of
red urine is hemoglobin. Red urine in the absence of red blood
cells usually indicates either free hemoglobin or myoglobin.
Finally, red-orange urine due to rifampin is one of the better-
known drug effects. Among endogenous sources, bile pigments
are the most common cause of orange urine.

Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is a convenient and rapidly obtained indicator

of urine osmolality. It can be measured accurately with a
refractometer or a hygrometer or more crudely estimated with
a dipstick. The dipstick contains a polyionic polymer with
binding sites saturated with hydrogen ions. The release of
hydrogen ions when they are competitively replaced with uri-
nary cations causes a change in the pH-sensitive indicator
dye. Specific gravity values measured by dipstick tend to be
falsely high at urine pH less than 6 and falsely low if the pH
is greater than 7. The effects of albumin, glucose, and urea
on urine osmolality are not reflected by changes in the dip-
stick specific gravity. The normal range for specific gravity is
1.003 to 1.030, but values decrease with age as renal injury
concentrating ability declines. Self-monitoring of urine
specific gravity may be useful for stone-forming patients,
who benefit from maintaining a dilute urine.

Urine pH
Urine pH is usually measured with a reagent test strip. Most
commonly, the double indicators methyl red and bromthymol
blue are used in the reagent strips to give a broad range of col-
ors at different pH values. In conjunction with other specific
28 urine and plasma measurements, urine pH is often invaluable
in diagnosing systemic acid-base disorders. By itself, however,
urine pH provides little useful diagnostic information. The
normal range for urine pH is 4.5 to 7.8. Very alkaline urine
I (pH > 7.0) is suggestive of infection with a urea-splitting
organism, such as Proteus mirabilis. Prolonged storage can
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

lead to overgrowth of urea-splitting bacteria and a high urine

pH. However, diet (vegetarian), diuretic therapy, vomiting,
gastric suction, and alkali therapy can also cause a high urine
pH. Low urine pH (pH < 5.0) is seen most commonly in meta-
bolic acidosis. Acidic urine is also associated with the inges-
tion of large amounts of meat.

Bilirubin and Urobilinogen

Only conjugated bilirubin is passed into the urine. Thus, a

reagent test for bilirubin is typically positive in patients with
obstructive jaundice or jaundice due to hepatocellular injury,
whereas it is usually negative in patients with jaundice due
to hemolysis. In patients with hemolysis, however, the urine
urobilinogen result is often positive. Reagent test strips are
very sensitive to bilirubin, detecting as little as 0.05 mg/dL.
False-positive test results for urine bilirubin can occur if the
urine is contaminated with stool. Prolonged storage and expo-
sure to light can lead to false-negative results.

Leukocyte Esterase and Nitrites

Dipstick screening for urinary tract infection has been recom-
mended for high-risk individuals, but the issue is controver-
sial. The esterase method relies on the fact that esterases are
released from lysed urine granulocytes, causing a dye change
on the strip. The result is usually interpreted as negative,
trace, small, moderate, or large. Urine that is allowed to stand
indefinitely results in greater lysis of leukocytes and a more
intense reaction. False-positive results can occur with vaginal
contamination. High levels of glucose, albumin, ascorbic acid,
tetracycline, cephalexin, or cephalothin, or large amounts of
oxalic acid can inhibit the dye reaction.
Urinary bacteria convert nitrates to nitrites. The latter induce
a dye change on the strip. Results are usually interpreted as
positive or negative. High specific gravity and the presence of
ascorbic acid may interfere with the test. False-positive results
are common and may be due to low urine nitrates resulting
from low dietary intake. It may take up to 4 hours to convert
nitrate to nitrite, so inadequate bladder retention time can also
give false-negative results. Prolonged storage of the sample can
lead to degradation of nitrites, another source of false-negative
results. Finally, several potential urinary pathogens such as 29
Streptococcus faecalis, other gram-positive organisms, Neis-
seria gonorrhoeae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not con-
vert nitrate to nitrite. Restrospective analysis of the available
data suggests that the pairing of both tests is the most accurate CH 2
approach to screening for infection. However, when the likeli-

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

hood of infection is high (e.g., when signs and symptoms are
present), negative results of both tests are still insufficient to
exclude infection. These tests, in combination with other clini-
cal information, may be more useful in situations in which the
likelihood of infection is low.


Reagent strip measurement of urine glucose level, once used to

monitor diabetic therapy, has been almost completely replaced
by more reliable methods that measure finger-stick blood glu-
cose level. Most reagent strips detect levels of glucose as low
as 50 mg/dL. Because the renal threshold for glucose is gener-
ally 160 to 180 mg/dL, the presence of detectable urine glucose
indicates blood glucose values in excess of 210 mg/dL. Large
quantities of ketones, ascorbate, and pyridium metabolites
may interfere with the color reaction, and urine peroxide con-
tamination can cause false-positive results. Nevertheless, the
appearance of glucose in the urine is a specific indicator of high
serum glucose levels. Glucosuria due to a low renal threshold
for glucose reabsorption is rare.


Ketones (acetoacetate and acetone) are generally detected with

the nitroprusside reaction. Ascorbic acid and phenazopyri-
dine can give false-positive reactions. b-Hydroxybutyrate
(often 80% of total serum ketones in ketosis) is not normally
detected by the nitroprusside reaction. Ketones can appear
in the urine, but not in serum, with prolonged fasting or star-
vation. Ketones may also be observed in the urine in alcoholic
or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Hemoglobin and Myoglobin

Hematuria and contamination of the urine with menstrual

blood produce a positive reaction on dipstick urinalysis. Myo-
globin, oxidizing contaminants, and povidone iodine can
cause false-positive reactions. Free hemoglobin is filtered at
the renal glomerulus and thus appears in the urine when the
capacity for plasma protein binding with haptoglobin is
30 exceeded. Some of the hemoglobin is catabolized by the prox-
imal tubules. The principal cause of increased serum and
urine free hemoglobin levels is hemolysis. Rhabdomyolysis,
on the other hand, gives rise to myoglobin. A positive dipstick
I test result for hemoglobin in the absence of red blood cells in
the urine sediment suggests either hemolysis or rhabdomyoly-
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

sis. Specific assays for hemoglobin and myoglobin can be used

to measure urine levels.

Normal Physiology
The upper limit of normal total urine protein excretion in
healthy adults is 150 to 200 mg/day. The upper limit of normal
albumin excretion is 30 mg/day. Most urinary protein consists
of Tamm-Horsfall protein, a glycoprotein that is formed on
the epithelial surface of the thick ascending limb of the loop
of Henle and early distal convoluted tubule. Immunoglobulin
A and urokinase are also secreted by the renal tubule and
appear in the urine in small amounts. Disruption of the glomer-
ular capillary wall barrier can lead to the filtration of a large
amount of high-molecular-weight plasma proteins that over-
whelm the limited capacity of tubular reabsorption and cause
protein to appear in the urine, resulting in glomerular protein-
uria. Tubular damage or dysfunction that inhibits the normal
resorptive capacity of the proximal tubule may result in tubular
proteinuria that generally consists of lower-molecular-weight
proteins. Increased production of normal or abnormal plasma
proteins can be filtered at the glomerulus, overwhelming the
resorptive capacity of the proximal tubule. Although increased
urine protein excretion can also result from increased tubular
production of protein, this is rarely the case.

Techniques to Measure Urine Protein

Total protein concentration in urine can be rapidly estimated
with chemically impregnated plastic strips. Most dipstick
reagents contain a pH-sensitive colorimetric indicator that
changes color when negatively charged proteins bind to it.
However, positively charged proteins are less readily detected.
Positively charged immunoglobulin light chains (myeloma),
for example, may escape urine dipstick detection even when
present in large amounts in the urine. A very high urine pH
(>7.0) can also give false-positive results, as can contamination
of the urine with blood. The dipstick technique is sensitive to
very small urine protein concentrations (the lower limit of
detection is 10 to 20 mg/dL). However, at these low levels, the
major constituent of urine protein may be Tamm-Horsfall pro-
tein, particularly when the urine volume is low and the
concentration is high, and a positive test result may therefore 31
not reflect kidney injury. When urine volume is high and the
urine is maximally dilute, however, a relative large amount of
protein can go undetected. Indeed, total protein excretion
approaching 1 g/day may not be detected if urine output is suf- CH 2
ficiently high. Screening methods have been developed to

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

detect microalbuminuria, levels of albumin excretion that are
below the limits of detection achieved by standard reagent
strips. In general, these albumin reagent tests are more sensi-
tive than standard dipsticks, but have a high rate of false-posi-
tive results. Urine albumin concentrations can be quantified
more accurately by a number of techniques including radioim-
munoassay, immunoturbimetry, laser nephelometry, enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and HPLC.
Protein can be measured in random samples, in timed or
untimed overnight samples, or in 24-hour collections. Inaccu-
rate urine collection is probably the greatest source of error in
quantifying protein excretion in timed collections, particu-
larly 24-hour collections. The adequacy of collection can be
judged by performing a simultaneous measurement of urine
creatinine excretion. For men aged 20 to 50 years, the normal
range of creatinine excretion is 18.5 to 25 mg/kg/day, and for
women of the same age, 16.5 to 22.4 mg/kg/day. These values
decline with age so that the normal ranges are approximately
20% to 25% lower in patients over 60 years of age.
In an effort to correct for problems arising out of variability
in urine volume and concentration, many investigators have
used the protein/creatinine or albumin/creatinine ratio in
random or timed urine collections. There is a high degree of
correlation between 24-hour urine protein excretion and pro-
tein/creatinine ratios in random, single-voided urine samples
in patients with a variety of kidney diseases, including kidney
transplant recipients (i.e., a protein/creatinine ratio of 3 indi-
cates a protein excretion rate of 3 g/24 hours). Protein/creati-
nine ratios have been shown to be predictive of declining
kidney function in patients with nondiabetic CKD, and are
useful as both screening devices and as longitudinal tests for
following the level of proteinuria. Although protein/creatinine
or albumin/creatinine ratios may be more quantitative than a
simple dipstick screening procedure, their use has a number
of limitations. For example, obtaining protein/creatinine or
albumin/creatinine ratios on morning, first-void samples may
underestimate 24-hour protein excretion because of the reduc-
tion in proteinuria that normally occurs at night. Storage time
and temperature may also affect albumin levels in urine, and
specimens should be analyzed as soon as possible after collec-
tion. Urine creatinine concentration is extremely variable,
and very different ratios can be obtained in individuals with
similar protein excretion rates. Despite these limitations, the
32 urine protein/creatinine or albumin/creatinine ratio may be
useful, especially in individuals in whom urine collection is

Applications of Urine Protein Measurement
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Screening for Kidney Disease. Although urine protein mea-

surement can be used to assist in the diagnosis of kidney
disease and to assess disease progression and response to ther-
apy (discussed later), it is most commonly used as a screening
test. Microalbuminuria is defined as urine albumin excretion
of 30 to 300 mg/day and appears to be an important risk factor
for end-organ damage in patients with diabetes or hyperten-
sion. Most studies showing a relationship between micro-
albuminuria and end-organ damage have used 24-hour
quantitative techniques to measure urine albumin excretion.
As previously discussed, this is cumbersome and prone to
error, and an albumin/creatinine ratio in an untimed spot urine
specimen can be used instead. Indeed, albumin/creatinine
ratios have been shown to predict the subsequent development
of overt kidney disease. A value above 30 mg/g (or 0.03 mg/mg)
suggests that albumin excretion is above 30 mg/day, consistent
with microalbuminuria.
The appropriate manner in which to use various tests to
screen for kidney disease in the general population has not
been extensively investigated. Because the number of false-
positive results of dipstick tests for protein excretion is high,
a positive result should probably be followed by tests designed
to more accurately quantitate urine protein excretion. However,
in some clinical circumstances, the likelihood that a positive
dipstick test result for urine protein excretion indicates CKD
is so low that the screening test should be repeated at a later
date before more costly quantitation procedures are underta-
ken. Fever can cause tubular and glomerular proteinuria that
most often disappears when the fever resolves. Congestive heart
failure and seizures can also cause transient proteinuria. Light
or strenuous exercise is often associated with urine protein
excretion that resolves spontaneously. Posture can cause a rise
in urine protein excretion in otherwise normal individuals.
Postural proteinuria usually does not exceed 1 g/24 hours. It
is usually diagnosed through detection of protein excretion
during the day that is absent in a first morning void sample.
Patients with postural proteinuria have been shown to have
an excellent long-term prognosis.
Diagnosis and Prognosis. Once proteinuria has been det-
ected by screening, the degree of protein excretion must be
quantified. This may help to distinguish glomerular from
tubular proteinuria (see later discussion), and can also pro-
vide prognostic information and monitor response to therapy.
Determination of the components of urinary protein may 33
provide diagnostic information. Higher amounts of albumin
and high-molecular-weight (HMW) proteins suggest glomeru-
lar proteinuria, whereas isolated increases in low-molecular-
weight (LMW) protein fractions are more suggestive of tubular CH 2
proteinuria. It is unusual for tubular proteinuria to exceed 1 to

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

2 g/day, and only a small fraction should be albumin. Tubular
proteins are heterogeneous, although a2-microglobulin is often
a major component.
Glomerular proteinuria can be further characterized as
selective or nonselective. Patients with a clearance ratio of
immunoglobulin G (IgG) to albumin less than 0.1 are said to
have selective proteinuria, whereas those with ratios of greater
than 0.5 have a nonselective pattern. In general, selective pro-
teinuria is most often seen in patients with minimal change
disease, and predicts a good response to treatment with corti-
costeroids. The sensitivity and specificity of determining the
selectivity of glomerular proteinuria have not been systemati-
cally examined in large numbers of patients with different
kidney diseases, and the cost of performing protein separation
procedures has limited their widespread use.
Plasma cell dyscrasias can produce monoclonal proteins,
immunoglobulin, free light chains, and combinations of these.
Light chains are filtered at the glomerulus and may appear in
the urine as Bence Jones protein. The detection of urine immu-
noglobulin light chains can be the first clue to a number of
important clinical syndromes associated with plasma cell dys-
crasias that involve the kidney. Unfortunately, urine immuno-
globulin light chains may not be detected by reagent strip tests
for protein. However, plasma cell dyscrasias may also manifest
as proteinuria or albuminuria when the glomerular deposition
of light chains causes disruption of the normally impermeable
capillary wall. The diagnosis of a plasma cell dyscrasia can be
suspected when a tall, narrow band on electrophoresis suggests
the presence of a monoclonal g-globulin or immunoglobulin
light chain. However, monoclonal proteins are best detected
with serum and urine immunoelectrophoresis.
The amount of urine protein excretion has consistently
been shown to predict subsequent disease progression in kid-
ney disease of varying etiology. The clinical course and effect
of immunosuppressive therapy can also be monitored with
sequential quantitation of urine protein excretion.

Formed Elements
Urine Microscopy Methods
A midstream, “clean-catch” specimen should be collected
when possible; the patient should be instructed to retract the
foreskin or labia. A high urine concentration and a low urine
34 pH help preserve formed elements. Thus, a first-void morning
specimen, which is most likely to be acidic and concentrated,
should be used whenever possible. Strenuous exercise and
bladder catheterization can cause hematuria, and urine speci-
I mens collected to detect hematuria should not be obtained
under these conditions. Urine should be examined as soon
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

as possible after collection to avoid lysis of the formed ele-

ments and bacterial overgrowth. The specimen should not be
refrigerated because lowering the temperature causes the pre-
cipitation of phosphates and urates.
It is helpful to first measure the urine specific gravity and
pH, so as to judge the density of formed elements according
to the concentration and acidity of the specimen. Specimens
from concentrated and acidic urine may be expected to have
a greater density of formed elements than dilute and alkaline
specimens from the same patients. Urine should be centri-
fuged at approximately 2000 rpm for 5 to 10 minutes. The
supernatant should be carefully poured off, the pellet resus-
pended by gentle agitation, and a drop placed on a slide under
a coverslip.
Most commonly, urine is examined with an ordinary bright-
field microscope. However, polarized light can be used to
identify anisotropic crystals, and phase-contrast microscopy
can enhance the contrast of cell membranes. Generally, urine
is examined unstained; stains may occasionally be helpful in
distinguishing cell types.

Gross hematuria may first be detected as a change in urine
color. Microscopic hematuria can be identified by dipstick
methodology, microscopic examination, or both. Even when
the urine is red, or when a dipstick screening test result is pos-
itive, the sediment should be examined to determine whether
red blood cells are present. The presence of other pigments,
such as free hemoglobin and myoglobin, can masquerade as
hematuria. An occasional red blood cell can be seen in normal
individuals, but generally there are only one or two cells per
high-power field. The differential diagnosis of hematuria is
broad, but for practical purposes can be categorized as origi-
nating in either the upper or lower urinary tract. Red blood
cells originating in glomeruli have been reported to have a dis-
tinctive dysmorphic appearance that is most readily appre-
ciated with phase-contrast microscopy.
The differential diagnosis of hematuria is broad (Table 2-2).
Kidney vascular causes include arterial and venous thrombo-
sis, arteriovenous malformations, arteriovenous fistula, and
the nutcracker syndrome (compression of the left renal vein
between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery). Most
Table 2-2 Common Sources of Hematuria
Vascular Coagulation abnormalities
Excessive anticoagulation
Arterial emboli or thrombosis CH 2
Arteriovenous fistula
Nutcracker syndrome

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

Renal vein thrombosis
Loin-pain hematuria syndrome
(? vascular)
Glomerular IgA nephropathy
Thin basement membrane diseases
(including Alport’s syndrome)
Other causes of primary and secondary
Interstitial Allergic interstitial nephritis
Analgesic nephropathy
Renal cystic diseases
Acute pyelonephritis
Renal allograft rejection
Uroepithelium Malignancy
Vigorous exercise
Papillary necrosis
Cystitis/urethritis/prostatitis (usually
caused by infection)
Parasitic diseases (e.g., schistosomiasis)
Nephrolithiasis or bladder calculi
Multiple sites or Hypercalciuria
source unknown Hyperuricosuria
Sickle cell disease

patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy who have hematu-

ria can be found to have an underlying cause, especially if
the hematuria is macroscopic. However, excessive anticoagu-
lation or other coagulopathies can themselves be associated
with hematuria.
A reasonable approach to the patient with asymptomatic
hematuria is to first obtain a thorough history and perform a
complete physical examination. The presence of RBC casts,
significant proteinuria, or both suggests a glomerular source
for the hematuria. For the patient in whom glomerular pro-
teinuria is likely, a kidney biopsy may yield the diagnosis.
If the source of proteinuria is not evident from the history,
physical examination, or urinalysis, renal ultrasonography
is probably a reasonable next step. In the young patient (e.g.,
36 <40 years) in whom renal ultrasonography findings are nor-
mal and who is otherwise at low risk for uroepithelial malig-
nancy, a 24-hour urine collection to exclude hypercalciuria
and hyperuricosuria may then be performed. If urinalysis
I is normal, it is reasonable to observe the patient without fur-
ther evaluation. However, some patients may wish to undergo
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

kidney biopsy to better understand their prognosis. Patients

who are older than 40 years, who have risk factors for uroe-
pithelial malignancies, or both should undergo an intravenous
pyelogram, and possibly cystoscopy, in addition to renal

More than one white cell per high-power field can be consid-
ered abnormal. The differential diagnosis of leukocyturia is
broad. The presence of proteinuria or casts suggests a glomer-
ular source. Most often, leukocytes in the urine are polymor-
phonuclear. However, it should not be assumed that all
urinary leukocytes are neutrophils. The presence of non-
neutrophil white blood cells in the urine, for example, eosino-
phils, can sometimes be an important diagnostic clue.
Although the true sensitivity and specificity of urinary eosino-
phils for detecting different clinical kidney diseases are
unclear, eosinophiluria has been associated with a variety of
other renal diseases (Table 2-3).

Table 2-3 Diseases Associated with Eosinophiluria

Acute allergic interstitial nephritis
Urinary tract infection (upper and lower tract)
Acute tubular necrosis
Diabetic nephropathy
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Polycystic kidney disease
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis
Immunoglobulin A nephropathy
Acute cystitis
Acute prostatitis
Atheroembolic renal disease
Renal transplant rejection
Other Cells 37
It is difficult to identify the origin of cells that are neither leu-
kocytes nor red blood cells without special stains. Most com-
mon are probably squamous epithelial cells; these are shed
from the bladder or urethra and are rarely pathologic. Renal CH 2
tubular cells may appear whenever there has been tubular

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

damage. Transitional epithelial cells are rare but may be seen
in the patient with collecting system infection or neoplasia.
Podocytes are normally absent or seen in small numbers in
urine of normal individuals or those with inactive kidney
disease; increasing numbers are seen with active disease, even
before the appearance of proteinuria. The clinical utility of
podocyturia is being investigated and at present remains con-
fined to the research setting.

Urine Fat
In the absence of contamination, urinary lipids are almost
always pathologic. Lipids usually appear as free fat droplets
or oval fat bodies. They have a distinctive appearance but are
most readily seen under polarized light as doubly refractile
“Maltese crosses.” Urinary lipids are most commonly asso-
ciated with proteinuria and are particularly common in
patients with the nephrotic syndrome. Urine fat can also be
seen in bone marrow or fat embolization syndromes.

Casts are cylindrical bodies many times larger than leuko-
cytes and red blood cells. They form in distal tubules and
collecting ducts where Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein precipi-
tates and entraps cells present in the urinary space. Dehydra-
tion and the resulting increased tubular fluid concentration
favor the formation of casts. An acid urine is also conducive
to cast formation. The differential diagnosis of cast formation
is aided by considering the type of cast found. Hyaline or
finely granular casts can be seen in normal individuals and
provide little useful diagnostic information. Cellular casts
are generally more helpful. Red blood cell casts are distinc-
tive and indicate glomerular disease. White blood cell casts
are most commonly associated with interstitial nephritis
but can also be seen in glomerulonephritis. Casts made up
of renal tubular epithelial cells are always indicative of tubu-
lar damage. Coarsely granular casts often result from the
degeneration of different cellular casts and their presence is
usually pathologic, although nonspecific. Waxy casts are also
nonspecific. They are believed to result from the degenera-
tion of cellular casts and, thus, can be seen in a variety of
kidney diseases. Pigmented casts usually derive their dis-
tinctive color from bilirubin or hemoglobin and are found
in hyperbilirubinemia or hemoglobinuria, respectively.
38 Crystals and Other Elements
A large variety of crystals can be seen in the urine sediment.
Most result from urine concentration, acidification, and
ex vivo cooling of the sample and have little pathologic signifi-
I cance. However, an experienced observer can gain useful infor-
mation about patients with microhematuria, nephrolithiasis, or
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

toxin ingestion by examining a freshly voided, warm specimen.

For example, a large number of calcium oxalate crystals suggest
ethylene glycol toxicity when seen in the right clinical setting.
Calcium oxalate crystals are uniform, small, double pyramids
that often appear as crosses in a square. Calcium phosphate
crystals are usually narrow rectangular needles, often clumped
in a flower-like configuration. Uric acid crystals are reddish
brown, rectangular or rhomboidal, and also frequently seen in
flower-like clumps. Calcium magnesium ammonium pyrophos-
phate (so-called triple phosphate) crystals form domed rectan-
gles that take on the appearance of coffin lids.

The most common cause of bacteria in the urine is contamina-
tion, particularly in specimens that have been improperly col-
lected. The concomitant presence of leukocytes, however,
suggests infection. Fungal elements can also be seen, especially
in women. Like bacteria, fungi can be contaminants or patho-
gens. The most common protozoan seen in the urine is Tricho-
monas vaginalis. Urinary parasites are generally not seen in the
urine sediment. In Africa and the Middle East, however, Schis-
tosoma haematobium is common.

At present, no specific clinical indications mandate the use of
kidney biopsy, and its utility must be considered in the context
of the patient’s needs, in terms of diagnosis, prognosis, and ther-
apy. Nonetheless, there are clinical settings in which kidney
biopsy is likely to be most useful. These include the following:

Nephrotic Syndrome
A renal biopsy is indicated for the investigation of all cases of
the nephrotic syndrome with two exceptions:
• Children with the idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, in which
minimal change glomerulopathy, which is sensitive to steroid
therapy, accounts for nearly 80% of cases in children. How-
ever, in children who do not respond to an appropriate course
of steroids, or who have frequent relapses over a year, a kid-
ney biopsy may be indicated.
• Diabetic patients in whom the history and urinalysis are 39
consistent with a diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy (diabe-
tes mellitus for longer than 10 years, inactive urinary sedi-
ment, normal renal ultrasound).
In patients with evidence of elevated levels of serum or urinary CH 2
light chains in association with proteinuria in the ranges seen

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

in the nephrotic syndrome, a kidney biopsy frequently helps
to distinguish amyloidosis from light chain glomerulopathy. In
the presence or absence of multiple myeloma, the detection of
urinary light chain deposits in the kidney biopsy specimen
appears to have prognostic and therapeutic implications.

Non-nephrotic Proteinuria
The value of renal biopsy in the setting of lesser degrees of
proteinuria (<2 g) is less certain. Many of these patients will have
either focal segmental glomerulosclerosis or membranous
nephropathy. However, at this degree of proteinuria immunosup-
pressive treatment would not be contemplated and nonspecific
measures to reduce proteinuria (ACE inhibition) can be instituted
without reference to renal histologic findings. Indications to pro-
ceed to biopsy would include evidence of a fall in the GFR,
worsening proteinuria, or evidence of a systemic process (e.g.,
vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or multiple myeloma).

Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis

In patients with clinical and urinary sediment findings consis-
tent with either the nephritic syndrome or rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis (RPGN), a kidney biopsy provides invalu-
able information in determining the treatment options and
prognosis, with most clinical studies reporting poor outcomes
when the proportion of glomeruli with circumferential cres-
cents exceeds 50%. Some authorities have suggested that
the clinical presentation of RPGN associated with a circulating
ANCA (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody) or anti-GBM (glo-
merular basement membrane) antibodies is sufficient grounds
to initiate immunosuppressive therapy. However, knowledge
of the severity of histologic involvement clearly informs prog-
nosis, and thus has clinical management implications.

Isolated Hematuria
Patients with isolated hematuria should be closely evaluated
to exclude extrarenal causes of hematuria, such as uroepithe-
lial malignancy in patients with known risk factors or age
over 40 years. The differential diagnosis of isolated hema-
turia includes thin basement membrane disease and IgA
nephropathy. In the absence of proteinuria, most clinicians
forgo renal biopsy as the prognosis in this setting is typically
40 Post-transplantation Biopsy
Biopsy of the transplanted kidney has been established as an
important diagnostic and therapeutic technique in the manage-
ment of patients in whom rejection of the kidney allograft is
I suspected. It has become particularly important in an era when
the differential diagnosis of decreased allograft function includes
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

nephrotoxicity from the immunosuppressive drugs that are most

commonly used. Two cores (obtained with a 15-gauge needle) are
needed to avoid missing moderate or severe acute rejection in
10% of cases. Although the most common diagnosis resulting
from kidney allograft biopsy is acute rejection, biopsies also
play a role in determining the cause of proteinuria and chronic
allograft dysfunction, including assessment for recurrence of
the original glomerulopathy. Biopsy findings, particularly the
amount of interstitial fibrosis, are useful in predicting the long-
term function of the transplanted kidney, independent of the
underlying cause of kidney damage.

Other Indications
There does not appear to be any indication for a kidney biopsy
in patients with chronic, end-stage renal failure, and biopsy
in this setting is probably associated with a higher risk of com-
plications. In patients with acute kidney injury, in whom no
obvious cause for rapid deterioration in kidney function can
be found, kidney biopsy may be indicated. Biopsy in this
setting appears valuable mostly for those few patients with
acute allergic interstitial nephritis, in whom a course of corti-
costeroids may be of benefit. Cholesterol embolic acute kidney
injury without the typical clinical presentation has been more
commonly observed in older patients with atherosclerotic
disease, posing a diagnostic challenge. Because some of these
patients may regain kidney function after prolonged intervals,
closer attention to kidney function during dialysis is appropri-
ate. However, a clear-cut case for the utility of a kidney biopsy
for diagnosis, prognosis, or therapy has not been made in
patients with acute kidney injury.

Technique and Complications

Percutaneous renal biopsies have evolved from a blind proce-
dure to a real-time ultrasound-guided needle biopsy. The use
of real-time ultrasonography along with the use of an automatic
biopsy gun has been documented to minimize complications
while providing a high yield of adequate tissue for pathologic
diagnosis. A bleeding disorder is an absolute contraindication
to the performance of a percutaneous renal biopsy, although
if medically correctable, and the benefit of the biopsy out-
weighs the potential risk, it may be performed. For patients at
high risk of bleeding complications, a transjugular or open kid- 41
ney biopsy may be performed. Relative contraindications
include a solitary kidney, pyelonephritis, perinephric abscess,
uncontrolled hypertension, hydronephrosis, severe anemia,
pregnancy, renal masses, and renal artery aneurysms. Most CH 2
physicians would consider the biopsy of a small, shrunken

Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease

kidney to be ill-advised.
A complete blood count, prothrombin time, and partial
thromboplastin time are checked before the procedure. A
bleeding time may also be checked, and in patients at high
risk of uremic platelet dysfunction, prophylactic treatment
with 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin may be adminis-
tered before the procedure. Aspirin use (and any nonsteroi-
dal anti-inflammatory drugs) should be discontinued at
least 1 week prior to biopsy. Significant anemia should be
corrected prior to the procedure. Uncontrolled hypertension
increases the bleeding risk, and should be corrected (<140/90
mm Hg) before the procedure is performed. There is significant
correlation between the needle gauge and sample size; needles
used vary from 14-gauge to 18-gauge, with 14-gauge needles
providing the greatest number of glomeruli per core, and there-
fore the greatest diagnostic success. A postprocedure hemato-
crit and hemoglobin check is mandatory.
Microscopic hematuria occurs in virtually all patients. Peri-
nephric hematomas occur commonly, the majority of which
are clinically occult, although in 1% to 2% of patients these
hematomas are manifested as flank pain and swelling. Rarely,
these hematomas can become infected. Major complications of
renal biopsies, including gross hematuria or retroperitoneal
hematoma requiring blood transfusion, invasive procedure,
or surgical intervention, have been reported in less than 1%
of biopsies in some series, and in 5% to 6% in others. Among
those patients with major complications, the interval from
biopsy to diagnosis of complication was 4 hours or less in
52%, 8 hours or less in 79%, and 12 hours or less in 100%.
Thus, 12 hours should be the minimum period of observation
after a native kidney biopsy. Minor complications, including
transient gross hematuria or perinephric hematoma not requir-
ing transfusion or intervention, occurred in 6.6% of biopsies
in one series. Major bleeding that does not resolve with con-
servative measures requires further intervention. Previously,
this entailed surgical nephrectomy; however, the advent of
selective renal angiography with embolization of the bleeding
arteriole has facilitated a less invasive and usually successful
approach. Less common complications include arteriovenous
fistulas, aneurysms, and infections. The mortality rate asso-
ciated with kidney biopsy is 0.12%.
Chapter 3

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging

and Interventional
In the last two decades, spurred by the explosive growth of tech-
nology, the approach to imaging of the kidneys has undergone
significant change. These developments have improved renal
diagnostic evaluation, facilitated interventional approaches for
diagnosis and treatment, and refined the assessment of thera-
peutic results. To properly evaluate the clinical question in
patients, it is important to understand the benefits, the limita-
tions, and the diagnostic yields of each modality.

Plain Film of the Abdomen
This study may also be known as a KUB, or radiograph of the
kidneys, ureter, and bladder. The examination itself yields
little significant information. Renal size and contour may be
estimated if the renal outlines can be seen, calcifications
may be visualized, and other abdominal findings may be
noted. If performed, it should only be considered a starting
point. Intravenous iodinated contrast material is usually nec-
essary for the opacification of the kidneys and urinary tract
on radiographic examinations.

Intravenous Urography

The intravenous urogram (IVU) is also known as the intra-

venous pyelogram (IVP). A scout or plain film (KUB) is
performed initially. Subsequently, iodinated contrast material
is injected intravenously, ideally via bolus injection. Timed,
sequential images of the kidneys and remainder of the genito-
urinary system are then obtained. The first film, taken within
30 to 60 seconds, demonstrates a nephrogram, which may be
used to evaluate the size, shape, and contour of the kidneys.
The anatomic depiction of the calyces, infundibula, and pel-
vis is best displayed within 5 to 10 minutes. Imaging of the
ureters is usually accomplished at 10 to 15 minutes, and the
drainage of the contrast material from the kidney and ureters 43
allows for a global assessment of the urinary bladder.

Iodinated Contrast Media

CH 3
All contrast agents currently in use contain iodine, and are fur-

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

ther characterized as high osmolar contrast media (HOCM), low
osmolar contrast media (LOCM), and isotonic contrast media
(IOCM), depending on their osmolality relative to plasma. Vir-
tually all studies are now performed with LOCM or IOCM.
All HOCM agents are ionic, with an osmolality generally five
to eight times that of plasma. Virtually all of the contrast media
injected is filtered directly by the glomerulus with no tubular
reabsorption or excretion. Contrast material within the plasma
has a half-life of 1 to 2 hours in the patient with normal renal
function, and nearly all will be excreted within 24 hours. All
iodinated contrast agents are dialyzable. Most LOCM agents
are nonionic, and although their osmolality is still higher than
that of plasma (two to three times plasma osmolality), they
are hyperosmolar to a much lesser degree than HOCM agents.
These agents are also filtered by the glomerulus, but have a
higher concentration within the tubular system because there
is less water reabsorption. IOCM agents are filtered by the
glomerulus with no tubular reabsorption or excretion. These
agents are generally not used for renal imaging, being almost
exclusively used for cardiac catheterization.

Ultrasonography is the first-line examination in the azotemic
patient for assessing renal size and the presence or absence
of hydronephrosis and obstruction. It is used to assess the vas-
culature of native and transplanted kidneys, to guide renal
biopsy, and to characterize renal cysts or masses. Overall renal
echogenicity is generally compared with the liver on the right
and spleen on the left; normal kidneys are less echogenic by
comparison. The demonstration of increased echogenicity
suggests the presence of renal parenchymal disease, although
this finding is nonspecific and does not correlate with the
degree or severity of kidney injury. Renal size is easily
measured; the normal longitudinal dimension of the right
kidney is 11 cm  1 cm, the left being 11.5 cm  1 cm.

Computed Tomography
Computed tomography (CT) is now increasingly used in the
assessment of the genitourinary tract, and is often the first-line
examination to be performed in patients with ureteric colic,
44 renal stone disease, renal trauma, renal infection and abscess,
renal mass, and urothelial abnormalities. The kidney can be
scanned in the arterial, venous, nephrographic, and delay
phases, allowing for a more complete assessment. CT urogra-
I phy assesses the kidney as a whole (anatomic), the vascular
tree (function and perfusion), and the excretory (urothelial)
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

patterns. Noncontrast scans provide assessment of renal cal-

culi, high-density cysts, and contour abnormalities. Early
phase scans (12–15 seconds) lead to arterial assessment; scan-
ning at 25 seconds yields a combined arteriovenous phase
image with clear corticomedullary differentiation. Delayed
imaging provides excretory phase imaging.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a computer-based, multi-

planar imaging modality that utilizes electromagnetic radiation
and provides detailed tissue characterization of the kidney and
surrounding structures. The physics behind MRI are complex
and are based on the interaction of hydrogen ions (protons)
and radiofrequency waves in the presence of a strong magnetic
field; further discussion is beyond the scope of this text. Use of
intravenous (IV) contrast material is routine in renal imaging
owing to the improved lesion detection and diagnostic accuracy
provided by IV gadolinium-chelates (Gd-C). The pharmacoki-
netics and enhancement patterns of IV Gd-C agents are similar
to those of iodinated contrast agents. Gd-C agents are generally
well tolerated, and severe contrast reactions are rare. There have
been some reports of nephrotoxicity with IV Gd-C in high-risk
populations with moderate to severe kidney injury. As with
iodinated contrast agents, dialysis filters Gd-C effectively.
Contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) allows for dynamic evalua-
tion of the kidney and surrounding structures. MR angiography
(MRA) can be used to accurately assess the vasculature, and
detect turbulent blood flow and high velocities associated with
stenoses. MR urography is tailored to the evaluation of the
renal collecting system. It is useful in the evaluation of ana-
tomic anomalies, including duplications, ureteropelvic obstruc-
tion (intrinsic or extrinsic), anomalous crossing vessels, and
The use of Gd-C agents (predominantly high-dose gado-
diamide) has also been associated with the development of
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF), a rare fibrosing disease
seen predominantly in dialysis-dependent patients. High-risk
patients include patients with end-stage renal disease, patients
with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 30 mL/min/1.73m2,
and patients with acute hepatorenal syndrome. Potential for
NSF to occur in association with all the Gd-C agents is
suspected, but not proved. Dialysis after exposure to Gd-C 45
agents in dialysis-dependent patients has not been found to
decrease the incidence of NSF. Suspected cases should be
confirmed by skin biopsy.
CH 3
Nuclear Medicine

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

Scintigraphy offers imaging-based diagnostic information on
renal structure and function. With the rapid expansion of posi-
tron emission tomography (PET), and more recent hybrid struc-
tural-functional imaging systems such as PET-CT, additional
unprecedented opportunities have developed for quantitative
imaging evaluation of renal diseases in clinical medicine and
in the research arena. The commonly used radiopharmaceuti-
cals are discussed briefly here.
Technetium-99m diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (99mTc-
DTPA) is the common agent used to assess GFR and demon-
strate renal perfusion. 99mTc-DTPA is cleared only by glomeru-
lar filtration and is not secreted or absorbed, but has variable
degrees of protein binding, which deviates its kinetics from
the ideal agent such as inulin.
Iodine-131 orthoiodohippurate (131I-OIH) is an acceptable
alternative to para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) for determining
renal plasma flow, although its clearance is 15% lower than
PAH. 131I-OIH measures effective renal plasma flow (ERPF).
Technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (99mTc-MAG3)
is a common agent used in scintigraphic evaluation of renal
function, including evaluation of ERPF. It has similar proper-
ties to 131I-OIH but has significant advantages of better image
quality and less radiation exposure.
Technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid (99mTc-DMSA),
which localizes to renal cortex at high concentrations and
has a slow urinary excretion rate, has become useful for imag-
ing of the renal parenchyma.
Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is the most common
positron-labeled radiotracer used in PET scanning. FDG accu-
mulates in cells in proportion to glucose metabolism. PET
scanning is currently most commonly used in the further eval-
uation of malignancy.


Acute kidney injury (AKI) may be characterized as prerenal,
renal, or postrenal in etiology. In the hospital setting, the
majority (>90%) of cases of AKI are due to prerenal or renal
causes; postrenal AKI, however, is potentially the most readily
curable, and it is therefore imperative that it be excluded
46 IVU has no role in the evaluation of AKI, as iodinated con-
trast material is required for the study; ultrasonography is the
method of choice, with greater than 95% accuracy in the
detection of hydronephrosis (dilatation of the collecting sys-
I tems and renal pelvis). Hydronephrosis is graded in severity
from grade I to IV. Generally, the length and overall size of a
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

hydronephrotic kidney is increased. However, long-standing

obstruction may result in renal parenchymal atrophy and a
somewhat small kidney with marked cortical thinning. The
nonobstructive causes of hydronephrosis include increased
urine production and flow, such as occurs with diuresis from
any cause, pregnancy, acute and chronic infection, vesicoure-
teric reflux, papillary necrosis, congenital megacalyces, over-
distended bladder, and postobstructive dilatation. In patients
with repeated episodes of intermittent or partial obstruction,
the calyces become quite distensible or compliant, leading to
a variable picture of hydronephrosis, depending on their state
of hydration and urine production. The severity of hydrone-
phrosis does not always correlate with the severity of renal
failure. In addition, hydronephrosis may not be apparent early
in the course (<24 hours) of acute obstructive nephropathy.
Increased cortical echogenicity may be seen in both acute
and chronic and renal parenchymal disease. In chronic kidney
disease (CKD), the degree of cortical echogenicity correlates
with the severity of the interstitial fibrosis, global sclerosis,
focal tubular atrophy, and number of hyaline casts per glomer-
ulus. Similar correlation is seen with decreasing kidney size.
These findings, however, are nonspecific.
CT scanning in AKI and CKD is usually performed to further
evaluate hydronephrosis. Noncontrast CT easily demonstrates
the dilated pelvocalyceal systems in the kidney and allows the
parenchymal thickness relative to the dilated collecting systems
to be visualized. The dilated ureters may be followed distally to
establish the site of obstruction, and the cause frequently can be
identified, including pelvic tumors, distal ureteral calculi, and
retroperitoneal adenopathy or mass. In CKD, CT will usually
demonstrate small contracted kidneys, but may also show evi-
dence of adult acquired polycystic disease (ADPKD). In chronic
obstruction, CT usually shows large, fluid-containing kidneys
with little or no cortex remaining.
MRI becomes less specific in demonstrating injury in the
absence of vascular occlusion or collecting system obstruc-
tion. Although sensitive in the detection of renal parenchymal
disease, MRI findings are nonspecific. Initial experience with
diffusion-weighted MRI has demonstrated reproducible infor-
mation on renal function, with the possibility of determining
the degree of dysfunction.
In kidney injury, glomerular and tubular dysfunctions are
reflected by abnormal renal scintigraphy and renograms.
Renal uptake of MAG3 is prolonged with tubular tracer stasis, 47
and little or no excretion. In chronic kidney disease, there
is diminished renal perfusion, cortical tracer extraction, and
excretion. This imaging pattern is nonspecific, and needs to
be interpreted in the clinical context. CH 3

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology


Despite its utility in the detection of obstruction, ultrasonogra-

phy is usually unable to establish causality, such that contrast
studies, primarily IVU and CT, are the methods of choice in
the patient with normal renal function. Anterograde or retro-
grade pyelograms are used as secondary means of assessment.
The IVU scout film may provide a clue to the cause (e.g.,
pelvic mass). The obstructed kidney is usually larger than
the contralateral normal kidney. In the initial nephrogram,
the appearance of contrast material in the collecting system
may be delayed. With time, the nephrogram may be more pro-
nounced as compared to the normal side as a consequence of
delayed contrast excretion. Delayed images may be required
with prone or upright views to identify the site of obstruction.
With the IVU, despite identification of the site of obstruction,
the cause may only be inferred; this is also true for the antero-
grade and retrograde pyelograms.
Contrast-enhanced CT and, more specifically, the CT uro-
gram will be most useful in assessing unilateral obstruction.
Small differences in the enhancement pattern of the kidney
that are not notable on an IVU may be seen with CT. CT is also
more sensitive to differential patterns of excretion. The dilated
ureters may be followed in axonal or coronal sections to the
cause. The multiple causes of unilateral obstruction may be
seen on CT, including both intra- and extraureteral causes.
MRI demonstrates similar findings, although its sensitivity
and specificity are only now being established.
Nuclear medicine assessment by means of diuretic renogra-
phy (MAG3 scintigraphy) may also be used to evaluate for
obstructive uropathy, although this modality cannot provide
any diagnostic information regarding causality. Furosemide
(Lasix) is administered intravenously (1 mg/kg, higher doses
in renal insufficiency) when the renal pelvis and ureter are
maximally distended. Rapid emptying of the collecting system
with a subsequent steep decline in the renogram curve is
compatible with dilatation without obstruction. Obstruction
can be excluded if the clearance half-time (T½) of the renal
pelvic emptying is less than 10 minutes. A curve that reaches
a plateau or continues to rise after administration of furo-
semide is an obstructive pattern with a clearance T½ of
greater than 20 minutes. A slow downslope after furosemide
48 may indicate partial obstruction. An apparent poor response
to furosemide may also be seen in severe pelvic dilatation
(reservoir effect). Other pitfalls include poor injection tech-
nique of either diuretic or radiotracer, impaired renal func-
I tion, and dehydration in which delayed tracer transit and
excretion may not be overcome by the effect of a diuretic.
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Kidneys in neonates (<1 month of age) may be too immature

to respond to furosemide and are not suitable candidates for
diuretic renal scintigraphy.


Calcifications may occur in many regions of the kidney. Nephro-
lithiasis or renal calculi are the most common and occur in the
pelvocalyceal system. Nephrocalcinosis refers to renal parenchy-
mal calcification occurring in either the medulla or cortex and is
usually associated with diseases in which patients have hyper-
calcemia or hypercalciuria, or in conditions with specific patho-
logic lesions in the cortex or medulla. Calcifications may also
occur in vascular structures, particularly in patients with diabe-
tes and advanced atherosclerotic disease. Rimlike calcifications
may occur in simple cysts and polycystic disease. Renal carcino-
mas may exhibit variable calcifications also. All of these calcifica-
tions may be seen on plain films of the abdomen but will be seen
to better advantage with noncontrast CT scans of the abdomen.
Plain films of the abdomen require a stone that is densely
calcified and of sufficient size to be visible. Frequently overlying
bowel gas and feces may make visualization difficult. Costal
cartilage calcifications in the upper abdomen may be confused
with renal calculi, as may gallstones in the right upper quadrant.
As previously discussed, IVU may be employed to evaluate the
patient with stone disease but has been replaced by CT urogra-
phy in many institutions.
Ultrasonography may reveal unilateral hydronephrosis,
although the study may be normal early in the passage of a
renal stone. Renal stones may be visualized within the kidney,
whereas ureteric stones are rarely seen due to overlying bowel
gas. Distal ureteral stones near the ureterovesical junction may
be visualized through the urine-filled bladder transabdomin-
ally. Transvaginal and transperineal ultrasound has also been
suggested as a means of detecting distal ureteral stones. Ultra-
sound may demonstrate an absent ureteral jet in the bladder
on the side in which a stone is being passed.
Noncontrast CT scanning of the abdomen and pelvis has
emerged as the standard for evaluation of patients with ureteric
colic (pregnancy is the obvious exception, where MRI evalua-
tion may be particularly useful). CT has a sensitivity of 96%
to 100%, a specificity of 95% to 100%, and accuracy of 96% to 49
98% in the setting of calculi. An alternative diagnosis is made
in between 9% and 29% of presumptive cases of ureteric colic
when CT is used for evaluation. Virtually all stones are denser
than the adjacent soft tissues; exceptions are renal stones asso- CH 3
ciated with Indinavir, a protease inhibitor used in the manage-

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

ment of AIDS, and very small uric acid stones (<1–2 mm).
Matrix stones, which are rare, may also be relatively low in
density, but usually contain visible calcium impurities that
make them visible. Secondary signs may be present, including
hydronephrosis and hydroureter to the point of the stone,
asymmetrical perinephric and periureteral stranding related to
forniceal rupture, and urine leak. The involved kidney may be
larger and demonstrate decreased density when compared with
the opposite normal side. Noncontrast CT can also assess the
overall stone burden of the patient. Contrast material may occa-
sionally be necessary in confusing or difficult cases, or when
the patient is febrile, and pyonephrosis or pyohydronephrosis
is suspected.
In the evaluation of acute stone disease, MRI is not the exam-
ination of first choice, but is a suitable alternative in selected
patients. Stones are difficult to identify in nondilated systems,
even in retrospect. When stones are seen on MRI, they appear
as black foci on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Stones
become more conspicuous in a dilated collecting system; how-
ever, a nonenhancing filling defect is a nonspecific finding, as
blood, air, or debris may have the same appearance. When iodi-
nated contrast material is contraindicated or when reduction of
radiation exposure is desired, MR urography (MRU) can be
used to determine the cause and location of an obstructing pro-
cess. MRU is highly accurate in demonstrating obstruction,
either acute or chronic. Acute obstruction is associated with
perinephric fluid, which is well demonstrated on T2-weighted
sequences, although this finding is nonspecific. MRI has been
reported to be more accurate than CT in differentiating perire-
nal and intrarenal hematomas. With contrast, MRI can also
demonstrate damage to the collecting system and areas of
ischemia. MRU has also been found useful for the detection
and depiction of duplex renal systems, including ureteral

Imaging is rarely used or needed in the uncomplicated case
of acute pyelonephritis. It is reserved for the patient who is
not responding to conventional antibiotic treatment, patients
with an unclear diagnosis, those with coexisting stone disease
and possible obstruction, patients with diabetes and poor
50 antibiotic response, and immunocompromised patients. Imag-
ing is used to assist in confirming the diagnosis and determine
the extent of disease. It is also used in assessing complications
of acute pyelonephritis including renal abscess, emphysema-
I tous pyelonephritis, and perinephric abscess.
IVU findings in acute pyelonephritis include renal enlarge-
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

ment, delayed excretion of contrast material, and attenuation

or mild dilatation of the calyces, renal pelvis, and ureter. How-
ever, the IVU is not a sensitive diagnostic tool, with normal
findings in up to 75% of cases of acute pyelonephritis. Chronic
pyelonephritis appears as dilated or ballooned calyces that
extend to the cortical surface, which is thinned.
Ultrasound (US) is normal in the majority of patients with
acute pyelonephritis, and when abnormal, the findings are
often nonspecific. Altered parenchymal echogenicity is the
most frequent finding with loss of the normal corticomedul-
lary differentiation. The echogenicity is usually decreased or
heterogenous in the affected area, and there may be focal or
generalized swelling of the kidney. Power Doppler imaging
may improve sensitivity in demonstrating focal hypoperfu-
sion, but this is nonspecific. A renal abscess may be seen as
an anechoic or hypoechoic region, with or without internal
echoes, but US cannot consistently distinguish between sterile
and pyogenic perinephric fluid collections. Highly echogenic
foci within an abscess may represent microbubbles or gas.
CT is the most sensitive and specific method to image the
patient with acute pyelonephritis, and in determining the
extent of disease and presence of complications, although it
may be normal in mild, uncomplicated cases. The nephro-
graphic phase of contrast-enhanced CT is best; characteristic
findings include wedge-shaped areas of decreased density
extending from the renal pyramid to the cortex; a nephrogram
that is streaky or striated in a focal or diffuse manner; and a kid-
ney that is focally or diffusely swollen. There is usually a sharp
demarcation with the normal parenchyma that continues to
enhance normally in the nephrographic phase. Adjacent soft
tissue stranding and fascial thickening may be evident. The
walls of the renal pelvis and proximal ureter may be thickened,
and effacement of the calyces and renal pelvis may be seen.
The kidney may have a single focal area of involvement or mul-
tiple areas with similar findings. With hematogenous-related
infection, the early findings tend to be multiple, round, cortical
regions of hypodensity that become more confluent and involve
the medulla with time. These findings persist for weeks despite
successful antibiotic therapy.
CT findings in renal abscess include a reasonably well
defined mass with a low-density central region and a thick
irregular wall or pseudocapsule, with variable adjacent enhan-
cement seen. Perinephric abscess formation occurs due to
abscess rupture through the renal capsule or extension of 51
emphysematous pyelonephritis into the perinephric space.
Generally, there is heterogeneous fluid density material seen
in the perinephric space, which may also contain gas. Exten-
sion within the retroperitoneum is easily recognized into the CH 3
psoas muscle and adjacent structures. CT findings in emphy-

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

sematous pyelonephritis include extensive parenchymal
destruction with streaks of gas or mottled collections of gas
within the kidney, with little or no fluid. Emphysematous
pyelitis represents gas present in the pelvocalyceal system
only, which carries a less grave prognosis. Xanthogranuloma-
tous pyelonephritis is an end-stage condition resulting from
chronic obstruction with long-standing infection. The CT
findings include an enlarged, but generally reniform mass fill-
ing the perinephric space. Calcification, specifically calculi
and staghorm calculi, are found in 75% of cases. The kidney
appears enlarged and usually nonfunctional with multiple
round hypoattenuating regions with adjacent calcification.
Fistulas may occur to adjacent structures with adenopathy
noted in the retroperitoneum. CT imaging in the setting of
chronic pyelonephritis shows regions of cortical loss, with
the involved (variably) dilated calyces extending to the capsu-
lar surface.
MRI is comparable to contrast-enhanced CT for the evalua-
tion of pyelonephritis, abscess, and postinfectious scarring.
As CT is more sensitive for the evaluation of stones and gas,
MRI is reserved for those patients with contraindications to
iodinated contrast material or radiation exposure.
Radiolabeled leukocyte and gallium-67 citrate scans may be
useful in the identifcation of acute pyelonephritis but are
complicated by extended imaging times (>24 hours) and
higher radiation exposure. Cortical imaging with DMSA has
been shown to be highly sensitive for detecting acute pyelone-
phritis in the appropriate clinical setting.

Renal masses are quite common with simple renal cysts found
in more than 50% of patients over the age of 50. The vast
majority of renal masses are simple cysts, with solid renal
masses, such as renal cell carcinoma, in the minority.

Renal Cysts
Typically, renal cysts are asymptomatic, cortical in location,
and may be single or multiple. The cause is unknown. Intra-
cystic hemorrhage or infection can produce pain or fever.
52 Ultrasound is an excellent means of diagnosing a simple renal
cyst if all imaging criteria are met:
• The lesion is round or oval and must be anechoic (no inter-
nal echoes).
I • The cyst must be well circumscribed with a smooth wall.
• The image must be enhanced through transmission of the
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

ultrasound beyond the cyst with a sharp interface of the

back wall with the renal parenchyma.
• Thin septa may be seen within the cyst, but no nodules are
on the wall.
If all criteria are met, the diagnosis is sound. If there is any
deviation from the foregoing findings, further imaging with
CT or MRI is necessary.
CT is the method of choice for characterizing and differen-
tiating renal masses. A simple cyst appears on CT as a well-
circumscribed, round, water-dense lesion within the kidney;
the CT numbers of the cyst will be near zero; there will be
no significant enhancement of the contents after injection of
contrast medium; the CT numbers may vary slightly from
water density but by no more than 10 to 15 Hounsfield units;
the cyst must be uniform throughout with no measurable wall;
the interface with the parenchyma must be sharp; the margins
must be smooth with no perceptible nodules; thin rim-like
calcification may be seen. If atypical in appearance, CT-
guided percutaneous cyst aspiration/biopsy may be performed
to investigate further for the presence of malignancy. Occa-
sionally, “high-density” cysts may be encountered with CT
numbers in the 50 to 80 range. These are cysts containing
hemorrhage or proteinaceous debris, and they demonstrate
no wall nodularity or significant enhancement after contrast
injection. They are common in polycystic kidneys.
Cysts are well demonstrated on MRI owing to excellent soft
tissue contrast. On MRI, simple cysts are well-circumscribed,
thin-walled structures containing fluid that is dark on T1-
weighted images, and bright on T2-weighted sequences. With
complex cysts, the T1 signal intensity is higher, and the T2
signal intensity lower than expected for simple fluid. Cysts
do not enhance. When compared to CT, MRI has been found
to have a higher contrast resolution, allowing for better visual-
ization of septa, and is more sensitive to subtle enhancement,
surpassing CT in the differentiation of a complex cyst from a
cystic neoplasm.
Small cortical cysts may be seen in some hereditary syn-
dromes (e.g., tuberous sclerosis), and are best seen with MRI,
but may also be seen on CT if cysts are slightly larger. Para-
and peripelvic cysts are extraparenchymal cysts that occur in
the region of the renal pelvis, and are seen with increased
frequency due to use of cross-sectional imaging techniques.
The condition may be confused with renal sinus lipomatosis. 53
US, CT, and MRI reveal the true nature of the process with
the water-filled cystic structures in the renal sinus.

Polycystic Kidney Disease CH 3

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

See Chapter 21, Cystic Diseases of the Kidney.

Solid Renal Masses

CT is the imaging modality of choice for the characterization of
all solid masses, suspected solid masses, and masses that do
not meet US criteria for a true renal cyst. MRI has sensitivities
and specificities in line with CT, but is generally reserved for
cases in which there is contraindication to iodinated contrast
medium. MRI is technically more demanding but may be help-
ful in characterizing indeterminate CT-assessed masses, in eval-
uating masses with venous involvement, and in distinguishing
vessels from retroperitoneal lymph nodes. The findings in any
and all studies must be linked to the clinical history, especially
in the case of complex or complicated renal cysts.

Benign Renal Tumors

The renal adenoma is the most common benign renal tumor. It
arises from mature renal tubular cells, and is almost always less
than 2 to 3 cm in size. There are no characteristic radiologic fea-
tures that distinguish it from other solid tumors. Typically
these lesions will be corticomedullary in location, appear solid
on US, and demonstrate uniform enhancement on CT. Hamar-
tomas of the kidney, angiomyolipomas (AML), are one group
of benign tumors that are distinguishable radiologically.
Because the AML is composed of different tissues, including
fat, muscle, vascular elements, and even cartilage, the fat in
particular may be detected radiologically. US will demonstrate
the mass to be solid with increased echoes due to the presence
of fat in the lesion. CT is diagnostic in that fat will be seen,
with CT numbers usually of 20 or less. Uncommonly, only a
minimal amount of fat is present, and must be searched for
diligently on thin-section noncontrast CT scans.

Renal Cancer

Imaging studies in renal cell carcinoma are used for initial

detection, characterization, and staging; accurate staging is
imperative as it determines the treatment decision. Surgery
54 is the primary means of treatment; options include nephron-
sparing, simple nephrectomy, or radical nephrectomy. More
recently, radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation have been
used successfully in a limited population. Immunotherapy
I for metastatic renal cell carcinoma has been delivered by CT
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

US findings in a renal cell carcinoma include a mass with

variable complex internal echoes. Mural nodules may be seen
in cystic lesions, and the internal wall may be thickened and
irregular. US is less accurate than CT for revealing small renal
masses, and a normal US does not exclude a small mass.
Power Doppler US, phase-inversion tissue harmonic imaging,
and US contrast-enhanced harmonic imaging may improve
the sensitivity of US for the detection and characterization of
solid renal masses.
CT is the imaging modality of choice for staging renal cell
carcinoma, with accuracy exceeding 90%. On noncontrast
CT scans, renal cell carcinomas appear as an ill-defined irreg-
ular area in the kidney, with CT numbers close to that of renal
parenchyma, but showing significant enhancement after injec-
tion of iodinated contrast material. The excretory phase is
most helpful for showing the relationship of the renal cell car-
cinoma to the pelvicalyceal system and in preoperative
planning for nephron-sparing partial nephrectomy. The CT
appearance of renal cell carcinoma varies with tumor size
and vascularity. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the blad-
der may extend into the renal parenchyma and appears as a
mass within the kidney. The imaging appears similar to that
of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) but does not enhance as much
with contrast injection; retrograde pyelograms with uretero-
scopy are diagnostic. Lymphoma may involve the kidney as
part of multiorgan involvement or rarely as a primary neo-
plasm, and appears as single or multiple masses within one
or both kidneys. An infiltrative picture may also be seen with
lymphomatous replacement of the kidney.
In most cases MRI characteristics are similar to findings
on CT, and except for AML, it is not always possible to differ-
entiate benign from malignant lesions. Due to the presence
of macroscopic fat in AML, MRI with fat-suppressed and
opposed-phase chemical shift sequences can be used to make
an accurate diagnosis. Signal intensity of fat is high on both
T1- and T2-weighted sequences. The MRI appearance of RCC
may be variable due to the many histologic subtypes, includ-
ing clear cell, papillary, and chromophobe. RCC enhances less
than normal renal cortex, and may be quite heterogeneous.
Although MRI is highly accurate in staging RCC, the areas of
greatest challenge remain the evaluation for local invasion of
perinephric fat and direct invasion of adjacent organs. The
presence of an intact pseudocapsule, a hypointense rim around
the tumor seen best on T2-weighted sequences, aids in exclud- 55
ing local invasion. Contrast-enhanced MRI is highly accurate
and reliable in the detection and assessment of vascular throm-
bosis in patients with RCC. Coronal imaging in the venous
and delayed phases demonstrates the presence or absence of CH 3
venous invasion, reveals the extent of venous invasion, and dif-

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

ferentiates between tumor thrombus, which enhances, and
nonenhancing bland thrombus. This is imperative for deter-
mining the appropriate surgical therapy.

Positron Emission Tomography

Some preliminary studies of PET imaging have shown a
promising role in the evaluation of indeterminate masses, in
preoperative staging and assessment of tumor burden, in detec-
tion of osseus and nonosseus metastases, in restaging after ther-
apy, and in the determination of effect of imaging findings on
clinical management. However, false-negative rates of over
20% have been reported with FDG-PET in the preoperative
staging of RCC when compared with histologic analysis of
surgical specimens. The mixed observations may be due to
the heterogeneous expression of glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-
1) in RCC, which may not correlate with the tumor grade or
extent. A negative study may not exclude disease, whereas a
positive study is highly suspicious for malignancy. If the tumor
is FDG-avid, then PET can be a reasonable imaging modality for
follow-up after treatment and for surveillance. Many studies
have now reported the diagnostic synergism of the combined
PET-CT systems; its impact on clinical management of RCC
has yet to be established.


Renal Artery Stenosis

Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is found in less than 5% of the
hypertensive population, and is most commonly due to athero-
sclerosis (70% of cases), with fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD)
the second most common cause (25% of cases). Renal size
may be evaluated with gray-scale ultrasound. Doppler ultra-
sound has been employed to assess the main renal arteries for
RAS and the intrarenal vasculature for secondary effects with
variable success. Doppler US is highly operator dependant,
and may be inadequate owing to overlying bowel gas, body
habitus, or aortic pulsation. A complete examination has been
possible in 50% to 90% of patients. Accessory renal arteries,
which occur in 15% to 20% of patients, may not be imaged.
The criteria used for evaluation of the main renal artery include
an increase in the peak systolic velocity to greater than
185 cm/second, a renal/aortic ratio of peak systolic velocity
56 greater than 3, and turbulent flow beyond the region of the ste-
nosis. A difference in the resistive indices of more than 5%
between the kidneys is also suggestive of RAS. Contrast-
enhanced ultrasound has been suggested as a means of improv-
I ing the accuracy of diagnostic ultrasound.
CT angiography (CTA) performed with a multidetector CT
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

has sensitivity and specificity at or near 100%, and a normal

result should rule out RAS. The main renal artery, as well as
its segmental branches, can be evaluated, with accessory
arteries of 1 mm in diameter visible. CTA may also demon-
strate other findings in the patient with RAS, including a
smaller kidney with a smooth contour, thinning of the cortex,
and a delayed or prolonged nephrogram, all on the affected
side. CTA and MRA are equivalent in the detection of hemo-
dynamically significant RAS, with MRA usually reserved for
those with contraindications to iodinated contrast agents. Dig-
ital subtraction angiography should be reserved for those
patients requiring an intervention, either angioplasty or angio-
plasty plus stent. Patients with renal artery stents can be
successfully imaged with CTA.
Contrast-enhanced MRA has over 95% sensitivity for
demonstrating the main renal arteries and has a high negative
predictive value, with a normal CE-MRA almost completely
excluding stenosis in the visualized vessels. CE-MRA is reli-
able, but has been limited by incomplete visualization of seg-
mental and small accessory vessels. With the use of three-
dimensional (3D) reconstruction, studies have demonstrated
no significant difference between CE-MRA and multidetector
CTA in detecting hemodynamically significant RAS. Limita-
tions of MRA are in part due to limitations in resolution and
motion artifacts. Phase contrast MRA can be used to calculate
blood flow through the renal artery and determine the degree of
hemodynamic significance. Renal MRI perfusion studies may
determine the effects on parenchymal perfusion, although such
studies are not in widespread clinical use. MRA is currently of
limited value in the evaluation of restenosis in patients with
renal artery stents, as metal artifact still obscures the stent
lumen to varying degrees. FMD has a characteristic appearance
of focal narrowing and dilatation (“string of beads”), and fre-
quently involves the middle to distal renal artery and segmen-
tal branches, rendering MRA less reliable in diagnosis of
FMD. Renal infarctions are well demonstrated on MRA as
wedge-shaped areas of decreased parenchymal enhancement.
Captopril renography employs computer-assisted quantita-
tive evaluation of a 99mTc renogram augmented by adminis-
tration of 25 to 50 mg of oral captopril, and has a sensitivity
of 80% to 95%, and a specificity of 50%. The action of capto-
pril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, can
unmask RAS, which may appear normal on standard renogra-
phy. The affected kidney in renovascular hypertension often
has a renogram curve with a reduced initial slope, delayed time 57
to peak activity, prolonged cortical retention, and a slow down-
slope following peak. Consensus reports regarding methods
and interpretation of ACE renography recommend that high
(>90%), intermediate (10–90%), and low (<10%) probability CH 3
categories be applied based on change of renogram between

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

baseline and postcaptopril renograms. Among quantitative
measurements, relative renal function, time to peak activity,
and the ratio of 20-minute renal activity to peak activity (20/
peak) are used more commonly than other parameters. For
MAG3 scintigraphy a 10% change in relative renal function,
peak activity increase of 2 minutes or more, and a parenchymal
increase in 20/peak after captopril by 0.15 represent a high
probability of renovascular hypertension.

Renal Vein Thrombosis

Renal vein thrombosis (RVT) is usually clinically unsus-
pected, and is found in patients with a hypercoagulable state,
underlying renal disease (including nephrotic syndrome), or
both. Renal venography was previously the definitive method
of diagnosis, but has largely been replaced by other cross-
sectional imaging modalities including Doppler US, CT,
and MRI. With gray-scale and Doppler US, the involved
kidney appears large and swollen with relative hypoechogeni-
city. The finding of a filling defect within the renal vein is
both sensitive and specific for diagnosis, and is the only con-
vincing sign of RVT. Lack of flow on Doppler US is a nonspe-
cific sign. CT findings include an enlarged renal vein with a
low-attenuation filling defect. There may be abnormal paren-
chymal enhancement with prolonged corticomedullary differ-
entiation, and a delayed or persistent nephrogram. The kidney
will be enlarged with renal sinus edema. There may be
thickening of Gerota’s fascia, and formation of pericapsular
venous collaterals. Inhomogeneous enhancement of the throm-
bus suggests direct tumor involvement, rather than a bland
thrombus. The appearance of RVT on non-contrast-enhanced
MRI is variable. If acute, the renal vein will be distended,
and no normal flow void is seen; if chronic, the renal vein will
be small and difficult to visualize. Contrast-enhanced MRI
reveals a nonenhancing filling defect; thrombus enhancement
is characteristic of tumor.


A comprehensive radiologic assessment of the living renal

transplant donor is crucial, particularly pertaining to vascular,
parenchymal, and pelvocalyceal structure. The development
58 of multidetector CT (MDCT) has facilitated this evaluation.
A noncontrast low-dose CT scan is performed to search for
renal stones and identify renal masses. Arterial phase scanning
shows the main renal artery, branching pattern of the artery,
I and abnormalities such as atherosclerotic plaques or fibro-
muscular dysplasia. The nephrographic phase best demon-
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

strates the venous tributaries, and is used to evaluate the

cortex and medulla for scars and masses. MRI and CT are com-
parable for the evaluation of renal vasculature, morphology,
and function. MRI may be chosen over CT for preoperative
evaluation to avoid radiation exposure and iodinated contrast
Following surgically successful renal transplantation, radi-
ologic evaluation is frequently necessary. US is the initial
investigation for evaluation of patients with change in serum
creatinine or urine output, pain, or hematuria, and is also
used to direct renal biopsy. Conventional gray-scale US is
essential to assess for transplant obstruction and peritrans-
plant fluid collections which occur in up to 50% of cases,
and may represent urinoma, hematoma, lymphocele, abscess,
or seroma. Urine leaks and the associated urinoma occur early
in the immediate postoperative period. US will show an
anechoic fluid collection with no septations, which may rap-
idly increase in size. Lymphoceles also appear as anechoic
fluid collections, but will demonstrate septations. Abscess
appears on US as a complex fluid collection, possibly contain-
ing gas.
Nonspecific findings are evident in acute tubular necrosis
(ATN) and acute rejection, including obliteration of the corti-
comedullary junction, prominent swollen pyramids, and loss
of the renal sinus echoes. These changes all indicate allograft
edema, which leads to increased peripheral vascular resis-
tance, decreased diastolic perfusion, and elevation of the
resistive index (>0.8).
Doppler US adds valuable information pertaining to the
integrity of the vascular elements, and is most helpful in
detecting acute arterial thrombosis where there is an absent
signal in the artery or renal vein thrombosis where there is a
plateau-like waveform and retrograde diastolic flow. Color-
flow Doppler US has been shown to be valuable in evaluating
post-transplantation renal artery stenosis, which may be
found in up to 23% of patients, with CT or MRA used subse-
quently to determine the site and degree of stenosis. Angio-
plasty is successful in the management of most cases.
Obstruction of the renal transplant remains an important
reversible cause of allograft dysfunction, requiring prompt
diagnosis to prevent long-term graft damage. US is very sensi-
tive in the detection of hydronephrosis, but cannot be used
to assess functional significance and cannot differentiate
between obstruction and vesicoureteral reflux as the cause of 59
hydronephrosis. To this end, MAG3 diuretic renography may
be used. However, acute tubular necrosis, dehydration, or very
poor renal function may yield false-positive results.
Arteriovenous fistula may occur in the transplant kidney CH 3
following biopsy. Color and duplex Doppler imaging demon-

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

strate high velocity and turbulent flow localized to a single
segmental or interlobar artery and the adjacent vein. Gray-
scale images only demonstrate a simple or complex appearing
cystic structure. Embolization may be required.
Renal scintigraphy performed in the early post-transplant
period, usually for evaluation of delayed graft function, often
shows intact perfusion but delayed and decreased tracer
excretion and some cortical tracer retention, a pattern sugges-
tive of ATN. If both perfusion and function continue to
decline, rejection should be considered.

Interventional nephrology is a rapidly expanding field in
which nephrologists have become actively involved in
performing a wide variety of procedures, including vascular
access procedures, as outlined in Table 3-1. A discussion of
the technical aspects of angioplasty, and other related proce-
dures (discussed in the following sections), is beyond the
scope of this text.

Table 3-1 Procedures Used in Interventional Nephrology

Diagnostic renal ultrasound
Diagnostic fistulograms of arteriovenous grafts and fistulas
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous renal biopsy
Angioplasty of peripheral and central venous stenosis
Placement of nontunneled and tunneled dialysis catheters
Mechanical thrombectomy
Exchange of tunneled dialysis catheters
Deployment of endoluminal stents for peripheral and central
venous stenosis
Implantation of subcutaneous dialysis devices
Sonographic or angiographic assessment of immature fistulas
Preoperative vascular mapping
Salvage procedures for immature fistulas
Surveillance for stenosis
Placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters
Surveillance for Graft Stenosis
Approximately 80% of arteriovenous (AV) graft failures are
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

due to thrombosis, with the remainder lost to infection. Fol-

lowing referral for thrombectomy, a significant underlying ste-
nosis is usually observed, most commonly at the venous
anastomosis, followed by the peripheral draining vein, central
veins, or intragraft. The reported rate of inflow (arterial anasto-
mosis) stenosis has been low. This suggests that prophylactic
angioplasty of hemodynamically significant stenosis may
reduce the frequency of graft thrombosis, thereby increasing
graft longevity. A variety of methods have been validated for
detection of hemodynamically significant graft stenosis, and
are detailed in Table 3-2.
Each of these monitoring or surveillance tools has been
reported to have a positive predictive value for graft stenosis
of between 70% and 100%; the negative predictive value has
not been systematically studied. In contrast, the predictive
value of these surveillance tools for graft thrombosis is much
less impressive, although observational studies have shown
promising results. Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
(K/DOQI) guidelines recommend the implementation of a pro-
gram of graft surveillance and pre-emptive angioplasty to
reduce the incidence of graft thrombosis.

Angioplasty of Graft Stenosis

A number of published series document the short primary
patency duration of grafts following elective angioplasty with
50% to 60% patency at 6 months, and 30% to 40% patency at
1 year. The primary patency duration of AV grafts after

Table 3-2 Methods of Stenosis Monitoring

Clinical Monitoring Surveillance
Physical examination Static venous pressure
Abnormal bruit, absent thrill, (adjusted for systemic
distal edema pressure)
Dialysis abnormalities Access blood flow
Prolonged bleeding from Qa  600 mL/min
needle sites, difficult Qa decreased by >25% from
cannulation baseline
Unexplained decrease in Kt/V Doppler ultrasound
Qa, arterial blood flow rate.
elective angioplasty is not affected by patient age, race, diabe- 61
tes, or peripheral vascular disease, but does appear to be
shorter in females than males. The evidence pertaining to
effect of location of stenosis on patency is variable, with some
studies suggesting shorter primary patency survival following CH 3
angioplasty of central venous stenosis. Most studies show

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

progressively shorter patency after each consecutive angio-
plasty. In some cases a stent is also deployed in an attempt
to improve graft patency after angioplasty. The major compli-
cations of this procedure are vessel extravasations and vessel
rupture, which may be amenable to deployment of a covered
stent (endograft), or may require surgical repair.

Thrombectomy of Grafts

Graft thrombosis most commonly occurs in the setting of

underlying stenosis at the venous anastomosis. Successful
thrombectomy therefore requires both resolution of clot and
correction of the underlying stenotic lesion. The primary
patency rates following thrombectomy and angioplasty are con-
siderably poorer than those seen after elective angioplasty. The
primary patency rate is similar following mechanical and phar-
macomechanical thrombectomy. The duration of graft patency
after thrombectomy is not affected by diabetes, graft location,
or number of concurrent graft stenoses present. Similar to elec-
tive angioplasty, the primary patency of grafts after thrombect-
omy is inversely proportional to the magnitude of residual
stenosis at the end of the procedure. Major complications of
the procedure are vessel extravasation and venous rupture.
Arterial emboli distal to the AV anastomosis may occur, and
requires either intervention or surgical embolectomy.

Deployment of Stents for Graft


There is evidence that the vascular injury from angioplasty

may accelerate myointimal hyperplasia, contributing to the
short-lived primary patency after angioplasty. There has there-
fore been considerable interest in the role of endoluminal
stenting, with increasing rates of stent placement, particularly
in the setting of rapidly recurrent stenosis. Reported outcomes
suggest improved primary patency rates following stent place-
ment, although the evidence is limited. The potential impact
of use of drug-eluting stents or the antiplatelet agent clopidi-
grel is unknown. Complications of stent deployment include
those related to angioplasty, and also stent migration, if the
required stent size is underestimated, occlusion of another
vessel, and intrastent restenosis or thrombosis.
Preoperative Vascular Mapping
The use of preoperative sonographic vascular mapping has
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

been shown to substantially increase the proportion of patients

receiving a fistula rather than a graft. Some centers utilize
venography, although this carries a risk of contrast nephropa-
thy in the advanced CKD population. The minimum vein diam-
eter for a native AV fistula is 2.5 mm, and for graft placement
it is 4 mm. The minimum arterial diameter for either fistula
or graft placement is 2 mm. The subclavian, jugular, and cen-
tral veins are also assessed for thrombus or stenosis. Clinical
or sonographic suspicion of central venous stenosis requires
further investigation with formal or MR venography.

Salvage of Immature Fistulas

Native AV fistulas have a substantially higher primary failure
rate compared with AV grafts, with rates of 20% to 50% in
recent series, although they require less intervention to main-
tain patency. Primary fistula failures fall into two major
categories: early thrombosis and failure to mature. Early
thrombosis refers to fistulas that clot within 3 months of their
creation, before they have been used for dialysis. Failure to
mature refers to fistulas that never develop adequately to be
cannulated consistently, which may be due to one of several
anatomic defects: stenosis at the anastomosis or in the drain-
ing vein; the presence of large side branches on the draining
vein, diverting the flow of arterialized blood; or a fistula
which has adequate caliber and flow, but is too deep to be
cannulated safely. In most patients, these anatomic problems
can be corrected by radiologic or surgical intervention.

Angioplasty of Fistulas

Although the frequency of required intervention is signifi-

cantly lower in native AV fistulas, they are also susceptible
to the development of stenosis and thrombosis. Most studies
document a comparable primary patency rate of fistulas and
grafts after elective angioplasty. As with grafts, the primary
patency rate of native fistulas after angioplasty is inversely
related to both the magnitude of postangioplasty stenosis and
the magnitude of the postangioplasty intra-access–to–systemic
pressure ratio. Patient age, race, diabetic status, presence of
peripheral vascular disease, and number of stenotic sites have
not been associated with likelihood of access patency after 63

Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy and

Thrombolysis of Arteriovenous Fistulas CH 3

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

As for grafts, the most common cause of fistula thrombosis is
underlying stenosis in the venous outflow circulation, either
peripheral or central. Less common causes include needle infil-
tration, excessive manual pressure for hemostasis at the needle
insertion site, or severe or prolonged hypotension. Successful
restoration of patency in a thrombosed fistula requires expedi-
tious thrombectomy. Reported outcomes range from immediate
technical success rates of 73% to 93%, and subsequent patency
rates of 27% to 81% at 6 months, and 18% to 70% at 1 year.
Thrombectomy of aneurysmally dilated fistulas is the most diffi-
cult from a technical viewpoint. Contraindications to percu-
taneous thrombectomy include concurrent infection, fistula
immaturity, and very large aneurysms. The technical challenges
include initial cannulation of a thrombosed fistula, complete
removal of large thrombi, and successful treatment of recalci-
trant stenotic lesions. Arterial emboli distal to the AV anastomo-
sis may occur with greater frequency than grafts.


Cutting Balloon
Despite the use of angioplasty with high-pressure balloons and
prolonged inflations, some lesions remain severely stenotic.
The use of cutting balloons has been advocated as a tool to treat
these lesions by creating a controlled rupture of the intima or
hyperplastic fibrous tissue. A regular angioplasty balloon can
be used afterward to shape the vessel and expand it to the
desired diameter. Preliminary reports suggest that cutting
balloons may result in superior outcomes than those obtained
with conventional angioplasty, although with higher reported
device-related complications. There is also considerable addi-
tional cost associated with the use of cutting balloons.

Cryoplasty Balloon
Cryotherapy with the cryoballoon is a novel therapy for
patients with intractable stenoses at the venous anastomosis
of AV grafts. This technique utilizes cold temperatures at the
balloon site to cause apoptosis of the intimal layer. There are
64 currently no published randomized studies comparing the
outcomes of graft stenosis treated with cryoplasty versus with
angioplasty alone.

Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

Central vein stenosis is a frequent occurrence in hemodialysis

patients, and is predominantly due to acute or chronic
trauma of the central vessels by either temporary or permanent
dialysis catheters. Stenosis leads to impairment of venous
return on the ipsilateral extremity, and may result in mal-
function or thrombosis of the vascular access. A previously
clinically unappreciated central vein stenosis may become
evident following creation of an ipsilateral fistula or graft.
The stenotic lesion is an aggressive myointimal proliferation
or clot and fibrin sheath formation around indwelling catheters
that is organized and incorporated into the vessel wall. The
treatment of choice is percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
of the stenotic lesion. The long-term success is quite poor due
to a combination of elastic recoil and aggressive myointimal
hyperplasia. Stent placement has been utilized in the manage-
ment of refractory central vein stenosis, although at present the
published data is limited.


Nontunneled Temporary Hemodialysis
Temporary hemodialysis catheters are indicated for acute
dialysis treatments, and may be placed in a variety of sites,
most commonly the internal jugular or femoral veins. Femoral
venous catheters should not remain in situ for longer than
72 hours, and internal jugular catheters not longer than 1 week
due to higher rates of bacteremia with longer dwell times.
Subclavian catheters should only be placed in the absence of
any other available access due to an increased risk of stenosis
and occlusion of the central vesels. Temporary catheters may
be placed blindly, by ultrasound (including under direct
vision), or by fluoroscopic guidance. Real-time ultrasound is
highly recommended as it decreases the number of attempts
at vein cannulation and minimizes the risk of inadvertent
arterial cannulation. Potential complications at the time of
placement at the upper vessels include pneumothorax, vein
or arterial perforation, mediastinal or pericardial perforation
causing hemothorax and pericardial tamponade, air embo-
lism, and local hematoma with possible extension into the soft
tissue of the neck and possible external airway compression. 65
Exit-site infections and catheter-related bacteremia are fre-
quent complications of temporary dialysis catheters. Femoral
complications include vein or arterial perforation, formation
of an AV fistula, and less commonly, deep venous thrombosis. CH 3
A chest radiograph should be performed following insertion of

Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

a central vein catheter into the upper vessels.

Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters

Tunneled catheters are used for temporary vascular access in
patients waiting for formation or maturation of a permanent
vascular AV fistula or graft, and are required for long-term
access in patients who have exhausted permanent vascular
access options. They have the same characteristics as tempo-
rary catheters but are longer and have a Dacron cuff, which
is tunneled in the subcutaneous tissue. An inflammatory
response around the cuff results in scar tissue, creating a
mechanical barrier to prevent introduction of infection from
the exit site into the bloodstream. This results in a decreased
rate of catheter-related bacteremia. Complications are similar
to those associated with temporary nontunneled catheters. If
prolonged use of upper extremity catheters leads to bilateral
central vein occlusion, it becomes necessary to place a tun-
neled catheter in the femoral vein, although this site is asso-
ciated with significantly worse primary patency rates, and is
also associated with high frequency of symptomatic ipsilateral
deep vein thrombosis. If the femoral veins have also been
exhausted as access sites, placement of dialysis catheters at
unconventional sites, including translumbar and transhepatic,
have been described, although these sites should be consid-
ered last resort options.

Exchange of Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters

There are two major indications for catheter exchange: dys-

function and infection. Catheter dysfunction is diagnosed
when blood cannot be aspirated from the catheter lumen
at the time of initiation of dialysis, or if it is not possible
to consistently achieve a dialysis blood flow greater than
250 mL/min. In catheters that previously delivered an ade-
quate flow, intraluminal thrombus is the most likely etiology,
although a fibrin sheath may also be the cause. This problem
is usually treated empirically in the dialysis unit by instilla-
tion of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) into the catheter
lumens; persistent problems require catheter exchange. An
exit-site infection usually resolves with topical antimicrobials
66 or oral antibiotics and is not an indication for catheter
exchange. A tunnel track infection, however, mandates cathe-
ter removal. Catheter-related bacteremia is a common indica-
tion for catheter replacement. In the subset of patients who
I remain pyrexial after 48 to 72 hours of appropriate systemic
antibiotics, removal of the infected line is mandatory. For
Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease

the remainder, systemic antibiotics can be continued without

removal of the infected line, although this approach is asso-
ciated with recurrent bacteremia in a significant proportion
of patients, and delay in removal of an infected catheter may
result in metastatic infection including endocarditis, septic
arthritis, and epidural abscess. Placement of a temporary line
is necessary until the bacteremia has resolved. A number of
studies have evaluated the strategy of exchanging the infected
catheter for a new line over a guidewire, with reported safety
and efficacy. In recent years, there has been increasing recog-
nition of the central role of bacterial biofilms in causing cath-
eter-related bacteremia. Biofilms develop rapidly in the inner
surface of catheter lumens and are relatively refractory to con-
ventional plasma concentrations of antibiotics. Instillation of
concentrated antibiotic solution “antibiotic lock” into the
catheter lumen after each dialysis, in conjunction with sys-
temic antibiotics, has been associated with eradication of
infection, while permitting catheter salvage.


Peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters may be placed into the
abdominal cavity by surgeons, interventional radiologists, or
interventional nephrologists. There are several techniques:
blind (Seldinger) technique, surgical placement, peritoneo-
scopic insertion, laparoscopic approach, Moncrief-Popovich
technique, and fluoroscopic insertion. The most widely used
PD catheter is the double-cuff, swan-neck, coiled, Tenckhoff
design, which has been shown to be associated with a decrease
in mechanical complications and decreased pain during infu-
sion, and has less propensity to migrate. Several modifications
of the technique have been described, including alteration in
the exit site to a presternal location, which has been associated
with increased access survival, decreased exit-site infections,
and peritonitis. This technique has been advocated for obese
patients, those with ostomies or fecal incontinence, and chil-
dren with diapers. A major complication during catheter place-
ment is bowel perforation, although this is infrequent with all
techniques except for blind placement. Tip migration is a very
common (35%) late complication, which may interfere with
fluid drainage, and may require either surgical or radiologic
manipulation. PD leaks around the catheter are reported in 67
up to 10%. Perioperative infection and bleeding are very rare;
prophylactic antibiotics are usually given.


Diagnostic Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology

The technique of renal biopsy is discussed in Chapter 2,
Laboratory Assessment of Kidney Disease.
Chapter 4

Control of Extracellular
Fluid Volume and the
Pathophysiology of
Edema Formation

The volume of extracellular fluid (ECF) is maintained within

narrow limits in normal human subjects, despite considerable
day-to-day variations in dietary intake of salt and water. The
ECF is divided between two separate compartments; the intra-
vascular or plasma volume compartment and the extravascular
or interstitial compartment. The distribution of fluid between
these two compartments is determined by the hydraulic per-
meability of the capillary wall, the transcapillary hydraulic
pressure difference, and the transcapillary oncotic pressure
difference. The relationship of ECF volume and, in particular,
the volume of the plasma compartment to the overall vascular
capacitance determines such fundamental indices of cardio-
vascular performance as mean arterial blood pressure and left
ventricular filling volume. Given the rigorous defense of ECF
sodium concentration, mediated mainly by osmoregulatory
mechanisms concerned with external water balance, the vol-
ume of the ECF compartment is determined by the quantity
of Naþ. Changes in total body water alter serum Naþ concen-
tration and osmolality but contribute little to determining
the volume of the ECF. In a given steady state, total daily
Naþ intake and excretion are equal. Acute deviations from a
preexisting steady state, consequent to an alteration in Naþ
intake or extrarenal excretion, result in an adjustment in renal
Naþ excretion. This adjustment in renal Naþ excretion occurs
due to a new total body Naþ content and ECF volume, and it
aims to restore the preexisting steady state. Alternatively, an
alteration in the capacitance of the extracellular compartment
can also result in an adjustment in renal Naþ excretion, whose
aim is to restore the preexisting relationship of volume to
capacitance. It is clear that the operation of such a system
for Naþ homeostasis requires the following:

72 • Sensors that detect changes in ECF volume relative to vas-
cular and interstitial capacitance.
• Effector mechanisms that ultimately modify the rate of Naþ
excretion by the kidney to meet the demands of volume
II homeostasis.
Adjustments in effector mechanisms occur in response to
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

perceived alterations in sensor input, with the aim of optimiz-

ing circulatory performance. Derangements in either sensor or
effector mechanisms can lead to disordered Naþ balance and
disruption of circulatory integrity.

Volume Receptors
Volume detectors are located at several locations throughout
the body including cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreceptors,
as well as renal, central nervous system, and hepatic sensors.
Each compartment can be viewed as reflecting a unique charac-
teristic of overall circulatory function, such as cardiac filling,
cardiac output, renal perfusion, or fluid transudation into the
interstitial space. Sensors within each compartment monitor a
physical parameter (e.g., stretch, tension) that serves as an
index of circulatory function within that compartment. These
signals are then transduced via neural and hormonal signals
to the efferent limb of the integrated homeostatic response sys-
tem. In addition to its role as a major effector target responding
to signals indicating the need for adjustments in Naþ excretion,
the kidney participates in the afferent limb of volume homeo-
stasis. In the kidney, the volume sensors are found in the juxta-
glomerular apparatus of the afferent arteriole. Signals from this
site affect volume homeostasis primarily via modulation of
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and intrare-
nal hemodynamics such that alteration in the ECF results in
adjustments in physical forces governing tubular Naþ handling.
In contrast, the effects of cardiopulmonary and neural receptors
are mediated primarily through the actions of natriuretic pep-
tides and the sympathetic nervous system.

Effector Mechanisms
The major renal effector mechanisms defending against
changes in volume status include the RAAS, sympathetic ner-
vous system, and natriuretic peptides and intrarenal factors
(tubuloglomerular feedback).

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
The RAAS plays a major role in the regulation of ECF volume
homeostasis. Renin release from the kidney is enhanced in
situations that compromise extracellular volume homeostasis,
such as loss of blood volume, reduced ECF volume, “effec- 73
tive” circulating volume depletion (heart failure, cirrhosis),
diminished salt intake, and hypotension. Renin release accel-
erates the generation of angiotensin II (A-II), the principal effec-
tor of the RAAS, which has multiple actions: it raises the blood CH 4
pressure by arterial vasoconstriction; it promotes efferent arte-

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

riolar vasoconstriction within the kidney, thus maintaining
the glomerular filtration rate (GFR); it modulates pressure-
natriuresis; it triggers enhanced proximal tubule Naþ and
H2O absorption; and it promotes aldosterone release, which
in turn induces Naþ retention in the distal tubule.

Sympathetic Nervous System

Sympathetic nervous system activity is enhanced in the
setting of actual or “effective” volume depletion and is nor-
mally suppressed in states of ECF expansion. In addition to
the well-described effects on systemic hemodynamics (vaso-
constriction, increased cardiac contractility), activation of
the sympathetic nervous system results in direct enhancement
of proximal tubule Naþ reabsorption, as well as indirect
effects on distal Naþ handling, mediated via activation of the
RAAS, and interaction with various other hormonal systems,
including atrial natriuretic peptide, prostaglandins, and

Release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) from the posterior pitu-
itary occurs in response to an increase in plasma osmolality
(via osmoreceptor stimulation) or decreased effective circulat-
ing volume and blood pressure (nonosmotic baroreceptor
stimulation). AVP enhances water permeability and reabsorp-
tion in the medullary collecting duct via aquaporin II chan-
nels, but also increases Naþ reabsorption mainly in the
cortical and outer medullary collecting ducts via activation
of the epithelial Naþ channel (ENaC). Vasopressin has potent
arteriolar vasoconstrictive effects, resulting in significant
increases in systemic vascular resistance. In terms of overall
volume homeostasis, the predominant influence of AVP in
response to perceived ECF depletion results indirectly from
water accumulation or blood pressure changes. The systemic
vasoconstrictor effects, which might reasonably be assumed
the predominant defense of blood pressure, are buffered by a
concomitant increase in baroreflex-mediated sympathoinhibi-
tion or by an increase in prostaglandin (PG) E2, which blunts
vasocontriction and has a direct vasodepressive action. None-
theless, at supraphysiologic concentrations of vasopressin,
such as occur when effective circulating volume is severely
compromised, it plays an important role in supporting arterial
blood pressure and maintaining adequate organ perfusion.
74 Prostaglandins
Within the kidney, PGs play an integral role in the regulation
of renal function including hemodynamic regulation, renin
secretion, growth response, and tubular transport mechan-
II isms. PGs are formed from the metabolization of arachidonic
acid by the two principal isomers of cyclooxygenase (COX-1
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

and COX-2), both of which are constitutively expressed in

the kidney. The two major roles for the contribution of PGs
to volume homeostasis are related to their effect on renal
blood flow (RBF) and tubular handling of salt and water.
PGI2 and PGE2 have a predominantly vasodilatory and natri-
uretic activity; they also interfere with the action of vasopres-
sin and stimulate renin secretion. Thromboxane A2 (TXA2)
has vasoconstrictive effects; the physiologic importance of
this in the kidney remains controversial. The use of drugs that
inhibit cyclooxygenase (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, NSAIDs) predictably induces impairment of renal
hemodynamic regulation via a reduction in glomerular blood
flow, leading to a deterioration of renal function. This effect
is most marked in the setting of ECF volume depletion, and
is aggravated by concurrent RAAS blockade, as the PG-
induced secretion of renin is also inhibited. These effects are
not confined to COX-1 inhibitors, with identical effects seen
with the use of the selective COX-2 inhibitors.

Natriuretic Peptides
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), an endogenous 28-amino-acid
residue peptide of cardiac origin, has been the most extensively
studied member of the NP family, which contains at least two
other members, brain natriuretic peptide and C-type natriuretic
peptide. ANP is released in response to atrial stretch as occurs
in the setting of volume overload. At the renal level, ANP
increases the GFR and the filtered load of Naþ via an elevation
of glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure secondary to a
combination of efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and afferent
arteriolar vasodilatation. ANP antagonizes reabsorption of Naþ
mediated by A-II and it directly inhibits Naþ reabsorption in
the inner medullary collecting duct and NaCl reabsorption in
the distal tubule via inhibition of the thiazide sensitive NaþCl

Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Intrarenal physical factors, acting at the level of the coupling
of tubule reabsorption to glomerular filtration, are also
involved in regulating urinary Naþ excretion, responding to
afferent limb signals that indicate volume perturbation. The
mechanisms mediating tubuloglomerular feedback are beyond
the scope of this text but include changes in hydrostatic and
oncotic pressure within the peritubular capillaries, alterations 75
in flow-related proximal reabsorption of Naþ, and changes in
Naþ handling in the loop of Henle. The net result of these
changes is enhanced Naþ excretion in states of ECF volume
expansion and vice versa. CH 4

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

Volume contraction can result from water and salt loss from
either renal or nonrenal sources.

Renal Losses
The most common renal cause of ECF volume depletion is
Naþ wasting due to diuretic use. This is most frequently
observed with loop diuretic use and is more common in the
elderly, in whom the homeostatic responses to volume con-
traction are impaired. The combination of a loop diuretic
and the thiazide diuretic metolazone causes a brisk diuresis
that is frequently associated with volume depletion in clinical
practice, and should be undertaken with caution in the out-
patient setting. Other causes of renal Naþ wasting include
osmotic diuresis (hyperglycemia, mannitol administration,
postobstructive diuresis), primary renal salt wasting syn-
dromes (Bartter’s syndrome, medulary cystic kidney disease),
and secondary renal salt wasting syndromes (aldosterone
deficiency). Free water loss generally does not induce hypovo-
lemia unless the losses are severe (>10 L/day) and the patient
is denied free access to water, resulting in hypernatremic

Gastrointestinal Losses
Gastrointestinal secretions exceed several liters per day of
electrolyte-rich fluid, the majority of which is reabsorbed. Vol-
ume depletion is commonly observed if significant amounts
of gastrointestinal secretions are either lost (vomiting, osmotic
diarrhea, nasogastric suction) or are increased (secretory
diarrhea) in the absence of adequate water and electrolyte

Hemorrhage from any site can lead to life-threatening volume
depletion. Excluding traumatic blood loss, common causes
encountered in clinical practice include variceal hemorrhage
and bleeding from a peptic ulcer.
76 Sequestration
Sequestration of fluid into the third spaces, if severe, can
cause ECF volume depletion. Commonly encountered clinical
scenarios include intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, crush
II injuries, peritonitis, and hip fractures.
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Dermal and Respiratory Losses

Sweat is typically hypotonic with respect to plasma; hence,
enhanced losses in the setting of fever, exercise, or warm cli-
mate trigger thirst mechanisms in order to prevent net free
water loss. If dermal losses are exaggerated (>3 L/day) and
water and salt repletion is not appropriate, then volume
depletion can ensue. Transdermal volume losses are markedly
increased in the setting of burns and require substantial and
meticulous fluid and electrolyte repletion.

Clinical Manifestations of Volume Depletion

Historical enquiry should focus on potential causes of volume
depletion including diuretic use, vomiting, diarrhea, and
polyuria. The symptoms of volume contraction are typically
nonspecific but can include postural dizziness, thirst, or salt
craving. Despite the frequency of this clinical presentation,
the diagnosis of volume depletion by physical examination
can be difficult even for the experienced clinician. The physi-
cal manifestations of volume depletion are variable, and the
absence of physical findings does not preclude the diagnosis.

Body Weight
A rapid decline in body weight is a key finding in the evalua-
tion of the patient with volume contraction, particularly in the
elderly patient in whom other physical signs are often highly
unreliable. The change in body weight not only aids in the
diagnosis of volume depletion, but can also help guide therapy.

Skin and Mucous Membranes

Volume depletion is classically associated with a loss of normal
skin turgor over the forearm or thigh. However, because of loss
of the inherent elastic tone of skin with aging, decreased skin
turgor is an unreliable clinical sign in older subjects. Dryness
of the mucous membranes is also associated with ECF volume
contraction but can result from mouth breathing.

Jugular Venous Pressure

When hypovolemia is suspected, the jugular venous pulse
(JVP) is best assessed with the patient lying recumbent at a
lower angle than normal (20–35 degrees) with the head tilted
away from the examiner. At this angle, the JVP should be visi-
ble in the euvolemic patient, arising between the two heads of
the sternocleidomastoid muscle. If the pulse is absent, this is 77
suggestive of low right-sided filling pressures consistent with
ECF contraction.

Arterial Blood Pressure CH 4

Overt hypotension is typically observed only in severe volume

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

depletion and may be associated with signs and symptoms of
peripheral hypoperfusion such as oliguria, clammy extremi-
ties, and confusion. Less profound ECF volume deficits may
be demonstrated by checking for postural hypotension.

Diagnosis of Volume Depletion

Hemodynamic Monitoring
Intravascular hemodynamic monitoring is often required in
the critically ill patient in whom clinical clues of volume sta-
tus may be conflicting. Measurements of intravascular volume
status include the central venous pressure (CVP), which
reflects right-sided heart filling pressures, and the pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), which reflects left ventricu-
lar filling pressures. Measurement of the latter is not usually
performed unless other hemodynamic parameters are required
(cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance). Under normal
circumstances the CVP reflects the PCWP and can be used
as a surrogate marker of left-sided filling pressures. When
the CVP is in the low-normal range the response to a fluid
volume challenge can further help define the intravascular
volume status. Conditions for which the CVP does not reflect
the PCWP include isolated right-sided heart failure (cor pul-
monale) or pure left-sided heart failure. In these settings, mea-
surement of the PCWP may provide a more accurate index of
the optimal left ventricular filling pressure.

Serum Indices
Analysis of blood biochemistry is useful in the determination
of ECF volume status based on knowledge of the normal phys-
iologic response to volume contraction outlined earlier. Vol-
ume depletion leads to enhanced proximal tubule salt and
water retention, thereby increasing the passive reabsorption
of urea, leading to a rise in the normal blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) to creatinine ratio from the normal level of 10:1 to over
20:1. Factors that alter urea generation independent of renal
clearance (e.g., corticosteroid use) can affect the reliability of
this index. The nonosmotic release of vasopressin can trigger
a modest decrement in the serum Naþ concentration, while
hemoconcentration (high hematocrit) may result from plasma
volume contraction. Analysis of the acid-base status can fur-
ther elucidate the underlying cause of the volume-contracted
state. A hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis is characteristic
78 of volume depletion due to diuretic use, vomiting, or nasogas-
tric suctioning. In contrast, diarrhea can lead to heavy losses
of bicarbonate-rich fluids with secondary NaCl retention by
the kidney, giving rise to a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
Urine Indices
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Volume-depleted patients typically reabsorb sodium avidly in

the renal tubule and excrete urine with a Naþ concentration
less than 20 mEq/L and a high specific gravity. The fractional
excretion of Naþ (FENa), which relates Naþ clearance to creat-
inine clearance, is more sensitive in diagnosing ECF volume
depletion. Creatinine is reabsorbed to a much smaller extent
than Naþ in volume depletion. Consequently, patients with
volume depletion typically have a FENa below 1% (frequently
< 0.01%), whereas the FENa is usually above 1% in euvole-
mic patients. The FENa may be greater than 1% in prerenal
azotemia in patients receiving diuretics or in those with a met-
abolic alkalosis (in which Naþ is excreted with HCO3 to
maintain electroneutrality). In the latter case the urine Cl is
a better index of intravascular volume status, with a level less
than 20 mEq/L suggesting chloride depletion and ECF volume
contraction. In a patient receiving diuretics, the fractional
excretion of urate may be used as a surrogate marker of the
FENa, with a value less than 35% considered indicative of
volume depletion.

Management of Volume Depletion

The management of volume depletion is discussed in Chapter 10,
Acute Kidney Injury.


Generalized edema formation, the clinical hallmark of ECF
volume expansion, represents the accumulation of excessive
fluid in the interstitial compartment and is invariably asso-
ciated with renal Naþ retention. It occurs most commonly in
response to congestive heart failure (CHF), cirrhosis with asci-
tes, and the nephrotic syndrome.

Local Mechanisms in Interstitial Fluid

The balance of Starling forces prevailing at the arteriolar end
of the capillary (△ hydraulic pressure > △ oncotic pressure)
favors the net filtration of fluid into the interstitium. Net out-
ward movement of fluid along the length of the capillary is
associated with decreased capillary hydraulic pressure and an 79
increase in plasma colloid osmotic pressure, such that the net
balance of forces favors fluid movement back into the capil-
lary at the distal end of the capillary bed. In several tissues,
the local transcapillary hydraulic pressure gradient continues CH 4
to exceed the opposing colloid osmotic gradient throughout the

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

length of the capillary bed, so that filtration occurs along its
entire length. In such capillary beds, a substantial volume of
filtered fluid must return to the circulation via lymphatics.
The appearance of generalized edema implies one or more
disturbances in microcirculatory hemodynamics associated
with expansion of the ECF volume: increased venous pressure
transmitted to the capillary, unfavorable adjustments in precap-
illary and postcapillary resistance, or lymphatic flow inade-
quate to drain the interstitial compartment and replenish the
intravascular compartment. Generalized edema implies sub-
stantial renal Naþ retention, as the continued net accumulation
of interstitial fluid in the absence of renal Naþ retention might
result in prohibitive intravascular volume contraction and the
cessation of interstitial fluid formation. Indeed, the volume of
accumulated interstitial fluid required for clinical detection of
generalized edema (>2–3 L) necessitates that all states of
generalized edema are associated with expansion of ECF vol-
ume and hence with body-exchangeable sodium content.
Therefore, it can be concluded that all states of generalized
edema reflect past or ongoing renal Naþ retention.

Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation

in Congestive Heart Failure
CHF is a clinical syndrome in which the heart is unable to sat-
isfy the requirements of peripheral tissues for oxygen and other
nutrients. This happens most commonly in the setting of a
decrease in cardiac output (low-output CHF), but it may also
occur when cardiac output is increased, such as in patients
with arteriovenous fistula, hyperthyroidism, or beriberi (high-
output CHF). In both situations, the kidney responds in a
similar manner, by avidly retaining Naþ and water despite
ECF volume expansion.
The syndrome of CHF encompasses a series of compensa-
tory circulatory and neurohumoral mechanisms which occur
in response to reduction of the distending pressure within
the arterial circuit and to an increase in the filling pressures
in the atria and great veins, behind the failing ventricle. As
long as these adaptations are able to maintain their compensa-
tory role, they may prove to be beneficial (compensated CHF).
However, excessive activation of these systems may become
detrimental by further promoting peripheral vasoconstriction
80 and increasing the abnormal loading conditions in the failing
heart. At this critical point, a vicious circle is created (decom-
pensated CHF), in which the “compensatory” mechanisms
themselves contribute to further deterioration of the cardio-
II vascular system. From the standpoint of ECF volume homeo-
stasis, there are two key abnormalities in CHF:
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

• The perception of an inadequate circulating volume by

various sensors within the circulation
• A disturbance in the effector arm of volume control, with
excessive activation of antinatriuretic vasoconstrictor sys-
tems and failure of natriuretic vasodilatory mechanisms,
promoting Naþ and water retention by the kidney
The observation that the kidney is intrinsically normal in
CHF but continues to retain Naþ and water avidly, despite
ECF volume expansion, indicates that it must be responding
to “inadequate” signals from the volume regulatory system,
which suggests “underfilling” of a critical sensing area in the
vascular tree or failure of the normal volume-sensing mechan-
isms. The disturbances in the sensing mechanisms that initiate
and maintain renal Naþ retention in CHF include elevated car-
diac atrial pressure, which increases capillary hydraulic pres-
sure leading to transudation of fluid and Naþ into the
interstitium with edema formation and depletion of plasma vol-
ume: “backward failure.” The decrease in plasma volume then
initiates renal Naþ and water retention, perpetuating a mal-
adaptive cycle. In contrast, the concept of “forward failure”
emphasizes the importance of the failure of the heart as a pump
in supplying adequate blood flow to the tissues, similar to the
mechanism of acute circulatory failure (shock), such that the
kidneys are no longer able to excrete salt in a normal manner.
Other factors perpetuating the maladaptive responses in CHF
include chronic dilatation of the cardiac atria with blunting of
the normal natriuretic response to central venous congestion.
This attenuation is manifested predominantly as diminished
neural tonic inhibitory response to atrial stretch, which triggers
unopposed increased sympathetic nerve activity and aug-
mented release of renin and AVP. Experimental evidence
suggests that high endogenous levels of A-II in CHF may con-
tribute to the depression of baroreflex sensitivity seen in the
syndrome; use of AT-receptor antagonists and angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in animal studies has been
shown to augment arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflex
control of renal sympathetic activity.
Alterations in the efferent limb of volume regulation include
enhanced activities of both the vasoconstrictor/Naþ-retaining
systems, as well as activation of counterregulatory vasodila-
tory/natriuretic systems. The magnitude of Naþ excretion by the
kidney, and therefore the disturbance of volume homeostasis in
CHF, is largely determined by the balance between these antag- 81
onistic systems. In the early stages, the vasodilatory/natriuretic
systems are important in maintaining circulatory and renal
function; however, as CHF progresses, dysfunction of the vaso-
dilatory/natriuretic systems occurs, with marked activation of CH 4
the vasoconstrictor/antinatriuretic systems. This results in avid

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

retention of salt and water, leading to edema formation and the
dilutional hyponatremia observed in decompensated CHF. For
a further discussion of the clinical aspects of diuretic use in
CHF, see Chapter 26, Diuretics.

Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation

in Cirrhosis with Ascites
Abnormalities in renal Naþ and water excretion are commonly
found in cirrhosis. These abnormalities lead eventually to ascites,
a common complication of cirrhosis and a major cause of morbid-
ity and death, with the potential occurrence of spontaneous bac-
terial peritonitis, variceal bleeding, and development of the
hepatorenal syndrome. Similarly to CHF, the pathogenesis of
the renal water and Naþ retention in cirrhosis is not related to
an intrinsic abnormality of the kidney but to extrarenal mechan-
isms that regulate renal Naþ and water handling. The transplanta-
tion of kidneys from cirrhotic patients into persons with normal
liver function results in normal excretion of Naþ and water.
Two general explanations of Naþ retention complicating
cirrhosis have been proposed. The “underfilling” theory postu-
lates “effective” vascular volume depletion. In this hypothesis,
peripheral arterial vasodilation leads to relative underfilling of
the arterial vascular compartment, which leads to the same neu-
rohumoral responses that occur in low cardiac output. These
include activation of the RAAS and the sympathetic nervous
system, as well as nonosmotic release of vasopressin resulting
in renal water and Naþ retention. The retained fluid extravasates
from the expanded splanchnic venous circulation, preventing
arterial repletion, and propagating Naþ retention and ascites for-
mation. The alternate “overflow” theory of ascites formation in
cirrhosis envisions a volume-independent stimulus for renal
Naþ retention. Possible mediators include adrenergic reflexes
activated by hepatic sinusoidal hypertension and increased sys-
temic concentrations of an unidentified antinatriuretic factor
due to impaired liver metabolism.
It is likely that neither the “underfilling” nor the “overflow”
theory can account exclusively for all the observed derange-
ments in volume regulation in cirrhosis. Rather, it is probable
that elements of the two concepts may occur simultaneously
or sequentially in patients with cirrhosis. There is evidence
to suggest that, early in cirrhosis, intrahepatic hypertension
82 caused by hepatic venous outflow obstruction signals primary
renal Naþ retention with consequent intravascular volume
expansion. It is unclear if arterial circuit underfilling conse-
quent to vasodilatation is also operational at this stage. Plasma
II ANP levels rise consequent to intrathoracic venous compart-
ment expansion. The rise in ANP levels is sufficient to coun-
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

terbalance the renal Naþ-retaining forces but does so at the

expense of an expanded intravascular volume with the poten-
tial for overflow ascites. The propensity for accumulation of
volume in the peritoneal compartment and in the splanchnic
bed results from altered intrahepatic hemodynamics. Current
evidence suggests that the increase in intrahepatic vascular
resistance is not merely due to mechanical distortion of the
vasculature by fibrosis, but rather a dynamic process due to
contraction of myofibroblasts and stellate cells, in conjunction
with altered NO production due to endothelial dysfunction,
leading to a balance shift in favor of vasoconstrictor mechan-
isms. With disease progression, disruptions of intrasinusoidal
Starling forces and loss of volume from the vascular compart-
ment into the peritoneal compartment occur. These events,
coupled with other factors such as portosystemic shunting,
hypoalbuminemia, and vascular refractoriness to pressor
hormones, lead to underfilling of the arterial circuit, even in
the absence of measurable underfilling of the venous compart-
ment. This may attenuate further increases in ANP levels and
promote the activation of antinatriuretic factors. Whether the
antinatriuretic factors activated by underfilling are the same
as or different from those which promote primary renal Naþ
retention in early disease remains to be determined. At this
later stage of disease, increased levels of ANP may not be suffi-
cient to counterbalance antinatriuretic influences. In early
cirrhosis salt retention is isotonic and is accompanied by
ECF expansion and normonatremia. However, with advancing
cirrhosis, defective water excretion supervenes, resulting in
hyponatremia, reflecting combined ECF and intracellular fluid
space expansion, primarily due to nonosmotic stimuli for
release of vasopressin, acting with additional factors such as
renal prostaglandins and impaired distal sodium delivery. This
reflects the severity of the attendant hemodynamic abnormal-
ities that initiate Naþ retention and eventuate in hepatorenal
failure. For a discussion of the clinical aspects of diuretic use
in cirrhosis, see Chapter 26, Diuretics.

Renal Sodium Retention and Edema Formation

in the Nephrotic Syndrome
Edema is the most common presenting symptom of the
nephrotic syndrome. Various theories for the cause of nephrotic
edema have been proposed. The “underfilling” theory suggests
that hypovolemia consequent to reduced plasma oncotic pres- 83
sure is the primary stimulus for salt and water retention by
the kidney. Enhanced tubular sodium reabsorption is consid-
ered a function of multiple mediator systems responding to
the “perceived volume depletion” with activation of the RAAS, CH 4
sympathetic nervous system, and vasopressor system.

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

However, the literature is conflicting with regard to the
prevailing plasma volume in nephrotic syndrome; some
studies have been unable to consistently detail hormonal
modulations consistent with hypovolemia or indeed docu-
ment hypovolemia by direct measurements, whereas others
have data to suggest hypovolemia, with a natriuretic
response to maneuvers designed to expand plasma volume.
It is reasonable to assert that hypoproteinuria results in a fall
in the plasma oncotic pressure and the movement of fluid
into the interstitial space. Ongoing edema accumulation is
normally mitigated by several factors: expansion of the lym-
phatic system resulting in increased lymphatic flow; transu-
dation of protein-free fluid into the interstitium, reducing
the transcapillary oncotic pressure gradient (plasma oncotic
pressure minus interstitial oncotic pressure); and fluid flux
increasing interstitial hydrostatic pressure, reducing the
transcapillary pressure gradient. Furthermore, the compli-
ance characteristics of the interstitium resist fluid accumula-
tion. In normal patients, colloid osmotic pressure in the
plasma is approximately 26 mm Hg. The interstitial oncotic
pressure may be as high as 10 to 15 mm Hg due to filtration
of albumin across the capillary wall. In nephrotic patients,
the interstitial oncotic pressure may fall as low as 2.6 mm
Hg in the lower leg. The fall in interstitial oncotic pressure
may parallel the decline in plasma oncotic pressure, and is
a protective mechanism in hypoproteinemic patients, acting
to minimize the change in the transcapillary gradient and
reduce the fluid shift from the vascular compartment to the
interstitium. Excessive dietary salt ingestion or the adminis-
tration of saline to hypoproteinemic patients results in a
rapid fall in the transcapillary oncotic pressure gradient
and subsequent substantial edema.
Although some evidence supports the “underfilling” hypoth-
esis of edema formation, recent studies suggest that the salt and
water retention characteristic of the nephrotic syndrome occurs
as a primary renal phenomenon (the “overfill” hypothesis)
rather than as a response to perceived intravascular volume
depletion. As discussed earlier, multiple studies have shown
the plasma volume to be expanded in nephrotic syndrome,
which is consistent with the finding that many adult nephro-
tics are hypertensive. Other persuasive evidence is the find-
ing that levels of ANP and plasma renin activity in patients
with the nephrotic syndrome are equivalent to normal subjects
ingesting a usual amount of sodium, suggesting that renal
84 sodium retention in nephrosis is probably a consequence of pri-
mary renal sodium retention rather than a consequence of
plasma hormone effects on the kidney. Clinical and experimen-
tal data have noted renal resistance to ANP, with either blunted
II or absent natriuretic response. Animal data suggest that Na
retention in the cortical collecting duct is due, at least in part,
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

to coordinated overactivity of the Naþ/Kþ-ATPase and ENaC

sodium transporters.
Certain important issues should be considered when
making decisions about management of edema in the
nephrotic syndrome. In some patients, the edema is only of
minimal discomfort, but in others it causes substantial mor-
bidity. The goal should be a slow resolution of edema. In all
instances, the institution of rapid diuresis resulting in hypo-
volemia and hypotension must be avoided. The mainstay of
therapy remains dietary restriction of sodium intake. Patients
with nephrosis have marked sodium avidity and the amount
of sodium in the urine may be as low as 10 mmol/day. It is vir-
tually impossible to lower the sodium intake to these levels,
however, and it is more useful to suggest and achieve a
mild-moderate sodium restriction. Thiazide diuretics may be
sufficient in patients with mild edema. Potassium-sparing
diuretics, such as triamterene, amiloride, or spironolactone,
are useful in those patients in whom hypokalemia becomes a
clinical problem. However, their use is limited in those
patients with renal insufficiency. Furosemide and other loop
diuretics are typically used for moderate to severe nephrotic
edema. While the high-protein content of tubular fluid was
once thought to inhibit furosemide and other loop diuretics
by binding to them, new data suggest that urinary protein
binding does not affect the response to furosemide. Metola-
zone may be effective when used alone or in combination with
loop diuretics (i.e., furosemide) in patients with refractory
nephrotic edema. In patients treated with diuretics, episodes
of profound volume depletion may occur. The resultant
peripheral vasoconstriction, tachycardia, orthostatic hypoten-
sion, and, at times, oliguria and renal insufficiency are usually
amenable to cessation of the diuretic and rehydration. Albu-
min infusions transiently increase plasma volume and are
most useful in patients with profound volume depletion.
Unfortunately, because of the rapid excretion of infused albu-
min within 48 hours, the utility of this approach is short-lived
and may result in transient development of pulmonary edema.
In extreme cases of marked edema and especially pulmonary
edema, usually in the setting of reduced GFR, filtration using
either intermittent or continuous extracorporeal dialysis is
useful. For a further discussion of the clinical aspects of
diuretic use in the nephrotic syndrome, see Chapter 26,
Idiopathic Edema and Capillary Leak 85

Idiopathic edema is a disorder characterized by fluid retention

that cannot be attributed to the known causes or pathogenic
mechanisms of edema formation. Although the etiology of this CH 4
syndrome has not yet been clarified, it is known that it is over-

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and the Pathophysiology of Edema Formation

whelmingly more common in women. It is important to distin-
guish this disorder from excessive estrogen-stimulated Naþ
and fluid retention associated with the premenstrual state
(cyclic or premenstrual edema), diabetes mellitus, or hypothy-
roidism. A hallmark of idiopathic edema is the observation
that most of the affected patients retain Naþ and water in the
upright posture but diurese in the recumbent position. There
is considerable evidence that affected patients have a decreased
plasma volume, which declares itself with stimulation of anti-
natriuretic and antidiuretic effector mechanisms in the upright
position. The relative importance of secondary hyperaldoster-
onism in sustaining the progressive weight gain in this disor-
der is highlighted by the observation that treatment with
ACE inhibitors often results in weight loss and symptomatic
improvement. A subpopulation of patients with idiopathic
edema has been reported to develop edema while receiving
diuretic agents. It is assumed that in these patients salt-
retaining mechanisms overcompensate for the direct effects
of the drug. However, it is possible that Kþ depletion, a com-
mon complication of chronic diuretic therapy, in itself contri-
butes to edema formation. Overall, the effects of diuretic
therapy in this setting are unclear and patients are best treated
by salt restriction.
Chapter 5

Disorders of Water Balance

Disorders of body fluids are among the most commonly encoun-
tered problems in the practice of clinical medicine, largely
because many different disease states can potentially disrupt
the finely balanced mechanisms that control the intake and out-
put of water and solute. As body water is the primary determi-
nant of the osmolality of the extracellular fluid (ECF), disorders
of water metabolism can be broadly divided into hyperosmolar
disorders, in which there is a deficiency of body water relative
to body solute, and hypo-osmolar disorders, in which there is
an excess of body water relative to body solute. Because sodium
is the main constituent of plasma osmolality, these disorders are
typically characterized by hypernatremia and hyponatremia,
respectively. Water constitutes approximately 55% to 65% of
body weight, varying with age, sex, and body fat. Total body
water (TBW) is distributed between the intracellular fluid (ICF)
and ECF compartments, with approximately 55% to 65% in
the ICF and 35% to 45% in the ECF; approximately 75% of
the ECF compartment is interstitial.
Osmolality is defined as the concentration of all solutes in
a given weight of water and is expressed as units of either
osmolality (milliosmoles of solute per kilogram of water,
mOsm/kg H2O) or osmolarity (milliosmoles of solute per liter
of water, mOsm/L H2O). Total solute concentration can be
estimated by adding the concentrations of all individual ions
and other solutes. Plasma osmolality (Posm) can be measured
directly (freezing point) or calculated using the following

Posm ðmOsm=kg H2OÞ ¼ 2  plasma½Naþ þ Kþ ðmEq=LÞ

þ glucoseðmg=dLÞ=18
þ BUNðmg=dLÞ=2:8

where BUN ¼ blood urea nitrogen.

The total osmolality of plasma is not always equivalent to
the “effective” osmolality, because the latter is a function of
the relative solute permeability properties of the membranes
separating the ICF and ECF compartments. Solutes that cannot
freely traverse cell membranes (Naþ, mannitol) are restricted
to the ECF compartment and are effective solutes because they
create osmotic pressure gradients across cell membranes, lead-
ing to osmotic movement of water from the ICF to the ECF
88 compartments. Solutes that traverse cell membranes (urea,
ethanol, methanol) are ineffective solutes, because they do
not create such osmotic pressure gradients with the attendant
water shifts. At normal physiologic plasma concentrations,
II glucose is an ineffective solute as it is taken up by cells via
active transport mechanisms; however, under conditions of
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

impaired cellular uptake (e.g., insulin deficiency) it becomes

an effective extracellular solute.
The importance of this distinction between total and effec-
tive osmolality lies in the fact that only the effective solutes
in plasma are determinants of whether clinically significant
hyperosmolality or hypo-osmolality is present. An example
of this is uremia: a patient with a urea concentration that has
increased by 56 mg/dL will have a corresponding 20 mOsm/kg
H2O elevation in plasma osmolality, but the effective osmo-
lality will remain normal because the increased urea is
proportionally distributed across both the ECF and the
ICF compartments. In contrast, a patient whose plasma
[Naþ] has increased by 10 mEq/L will also have a
20 mOsm/kg H2O elevation of plasma osmolality, because
the increased cation must be balanced by an equivalent
increase in plasma anions. However, in this case, the
effective osmolality will also be elevated by 20 mOsm/kg
H2O as the Naþ and accompanying anions will largely
remain restricted to the ECF. Thus, elevations of solutes
such as urea, unlike elevations in plasma Naþ concentra-
tion, do not cause cellular dehydration, and consequently
do not activate mechanisms that defend body fluid
homeostasis by acting to increase body water stores.


Arginine Vasopressin Synthesis and Secretion
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is a nonapeptide that is synthe-
sized in the hypothalamus. As its name suggests, arginine
vasopressin causes constriction of blood vessels, but the pres-
sor effect occurs only at a much higher concentration than that
required to produce antidiuresis and is probably of no physio-
logic or pathologic importance in humans except under condi-
tions of severe hypotension and hypovolemia, in which it acts
to supplement the vasoconstrictive actions of angiotensin II
(A-II) and the sympathetic nervous system. AVP is produced
by the posterior pituitary gland or neurohypophysis in
response to a rise in serum osmolality. It affects antidiuresis
via binding to AVP V2 receptors in the collecting duct of the
kidney, which causes increased water permeability through
the insertion of the aquaporin-2 (AQP-2) water channel into
the apical membranes of collecting tubule principal cells. 89
Water reabsorption is enhanced, thereby lowering the plasma
osmolality toward the normal range. In healthy adults, the
osmotic threshold for AVP secretion ranges from 275 to
290 mOsm/kg H2O (averaging 280–285 mOsm/kg H2O). CH 5
A rise in plasma osmolality of as little as 1% is sufficient to

Disorders of Water Balance

trigger AVP release with proportional increases in urine con-
centration, and maximal antidiuresis is achieved after
increases in plasma osmolality of only 5 to 10 mOsm/kg H2O
above the threshold for AVP secretion. However, multiple
factors, in addition to genetic influences, can alter either the
sensitivity or the set-point of the osmoregulatory system for
AVP secretion. Other nonosmotic causes of AVP release
include actual or “effective” circulating blood volume, nau-
sea, hypoglycemia, stress, and a variety of drugs (Table 5-1).
Aging has been associated with increased sensitivity of the
osmoregulatory system, and pregnancy reliably decreases the
osmostat for AVP secretion.

Thirst is the body’s defense mechanism to increase water con-
sumption in response to a perceived water deficit. However,
the vast majority of fluid ingested is determined by influences

Drugs and Hormones That Affect Vasopressin

Table 5-1
Stimulatory Inhibitory
Acetylcholine Norepinephrine
Nicotine Fluphenazine
Apomorphine Haloperidol
Morphine (high doses) Promethazine
Epinephrine Oxilorphan
Isoproterenol Butorphanol
Histamine Opioid agonists
Bradykinin Morphine (low doses)
Prostaglandin Alcohol
b-Endorphin Carbamazepine
Cyclophosphamide IV Glucocorticoids
Vincristine Clonidine
Insulin Muscimol
2-Deoxyglucose Phencyclidine
Angiotensin II Phenytoin
Corticotropin-releasing factor
90 such as meal-associated fluid intake, taste, or psychosocial
factors rather than true thirst. In healthy adults, an increase
in effective plasma osmolality of only 2% to 3% above basal
levels produces a strong desire to drink, and is not dependent
II on changes in ECF or plasma volume. The absolute level of
plasma osmolality at which a person develops a conscious
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

urge to seek and drink water is called the osmotic thirst

threshold. It varies appreciably among individuals but
averages approximately 295 mOsm/kg H2O. Of physiologic
significance is the fact that this level is above the osmotic
threshold for AVP release and approximates the plasma osmo-
lality at which maximal concentration of the urine is normally
achieved. Thirst can also be stimulated by intravascular
hypovolemia, via activation of low or high baroreceptors and
circulating A-II, in contrast to the hypothalamic osmoreceptor-
mediated osmotic thirst, although the threshold for stimulation
of hypovolemic thirst appears to be significantly higher than
that of osmotic thirst.

Hypernatremia, defined as plasma Naþ level greater than
146 mEq/L, implies a deficiency of total body water relative
to total body sodium rather than total body Naþ overload.
When approaching a patient with either hypo- or hypernatre-
mia, it is important to understand the following key concept:
Total body Naþ stores are a major factor determining ECF
volume status; however, the measured serum Naþ reflects
only the concentration of sodium within the ECF. Analysis
of the serum Naþ without reference to the physical examina-
tion or other laboratory indices of volume status gives no
information regarding a patient’s ECF volume status.
The patient with hypernatremia may be hypovolemic, euvo-
lemic, or hypervolemic, and clinical determination of the vol-
ume status is attained by evaluating several factors including
the physical examination findings (e.g., blood pressure, skin
turgor), laboratory findings (e.g., BUN/creatinine ratio) and
hemodynamic parameters (e.g., central venous pressure).
Hypernatremia rarely develops in patients who have free
access to water because the hyperosmolar-induced thirst sensa-
tion triggers avid water ingestion that returns the serum osmolal-
ity to normal or near normal. When access to free water is
limited, such as may occur in critically ill patients, infants,
and patients with dementia, then either free water losses in
excess of Naþ losses (diarrhea, osmotic diuresis), free water
losses alone (diabetes insipidus), or augmented Naþ intake with-
out sufficient free water (hypertonic feeds, NaHCO3 administra-
tion) can lead to the development of hypernatremia. As Naþ is
the principal determinant of serum osmolality, hypernatremia is 91
associated with a rise in serum osmolality, which causes fluid to
exit brain cells, causing cell shrinkage and a variety of neurologic
sequelae. Depending on the speed of onset of the hypernatremia,
these sequelae include restlessness, anxiety, confusion, coma, CH 5
seizures, and most dramatically, central pontine myelinolysis

Disorders of Water Balance

(see later discussion in this chapter).

Management of the Patient with Hypernatremia

The approach to the patient with documented hypernatremia
includes the following key steps:
• Determination of total body Naþ stores (i.e., ECF volume
• Identification of the underlying cause of the water deficit
• Calculation of total body water deficit and ongoing free
water losses
• Correction of volume disturbance, if present
• Correction of the water deficit with specific regard to the
risk of cerebral edema from overly rapid correction

Hypovolemic Hypernatremia

Hypovolemic hypernatremia implies renal or extrarenal losses

of sodium that are exceeded by the loss of free water. Extrare-
nal losses can be due to increased dermal losses (e.g., burns,
sweating) or more commonly diarrhea (e.g., lactulose adminis-
tration). An assessment of the urinary biochemistry can help
to distinguish renal from extrarenal losses. In the latter setting,
the kidney avidly reabsorbs Naþ and water leading to the
excretion of concentrated urine with a urine Naþ concentra-
tion, [UNaþ], usually less than 20 mEq/L. In contrast, primary
renal salt and water losses (water > salt losses), as may occur
secondary to an osmotic diuresis (mannitol, postobstruction,
hyperglycemia), are characterized by the excretion of an iso-
tonic or hypotonic urine (Uosm < 300 mOsm/L) and a UNaþ
greater than 20 mEq/L.

Euvolemic Hypernatremia
Euvolemic hypernatremia implies a disorder of urinary con-
centration related to either the absence of AVP or a resistance
to the actions of AVP within the principal cells in the distal
tubule. The common causes of euvolemic hypernatremia are
discussed in the following sections.
92 Central Diabetes Insipidus
Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is caused by inadequate secre-
tion of AVP from the posterior pituitary in response to osmotic
stimulation. In most cases, this is due to destruction of the neu-
II rohypophysis by a variety of acquired or congenital anatomic
lesions, which damage the neurohypophysis by either direct
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

pressure or by infiltrative mechanisms (Table 5-2).

Familial CDI, an autosomal dominant disorder, is caused
by diverse mutations in the gene that encodes the AVP-
neurophysin precursor. Idiopathic forms of AVP deficiency
may represent autoimmune destruction of the neurohypophy-
sis, and account for a large proportion of cases of CDI. AVP
antibodies have been found in the serum of as many as one
third of patients with idiopathic diabetes insipidus (DI) and
two thirds of those with Langerhans cell histiocytosis X, but
not in patients with DI caused by tumors. Lymphocytic infun-
dibuloneurohypophysitis has been demonstrated to be present
in a subset of patients with idiopathic CDI, similar to the well-
recognized lymphocytic infiltration of the anterior pituitary
gland (lymphocytic hypophysitis) shown to cause anterior
pituitary deficiency. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
appearance of lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis is
characterized by a thickened stalk and enlargement of the pos-
terior pituitary mimicking a pituitary tumor.
CDI is also associated with changes in the renal response to
AVP, the most notable of which is a reduction in the maximal
concentrating ability, which has been attributed to washout of
the medullary concentrating gradient due to chronic polyuria.
The severity of this change is proportional to the degree of
polyuria, and is independent of its cause. In CDI, this is bal-
anced to some extent by an apparent increase in renal sensi-
tivity to low levels of plasma AVP, thought to be via
upregulation of AVP V2 receptor expression or function.

Osmoreceptor Dysfunction
The primary osmoreceptors that control AVP secretion and
thirst are located in the anterior hypothalamus. Lesions of this
region result in hyperosmolality through a combination of
impaired thirst and osmotically stimulated AVP secretion,
known as “adipsic hypernatremia” in recognition of the pro-
found thirst deficits found in most patients. All cases of
osmoreceptor dysfunction reported to date have been due to
variable degrees of osmoreceptor destruction caused by the
same types of lesions that can cause classic CDI, but in con-
trast, they are located, or extend, more anteriorly in the hypo-
thalamus. One lesion unique to this disorder is an anterior
communicating cerebral artery aneurysm, which is associated
with spontaneous or postsurgical infarction of the osmore-
ceptive region of the hypothalamus. Several patterns of
Table 5-2 Etiology of Hypotonic Polyuria
Central Diabetes Insipidus
Congenital (congenital malformations, autosomal dominant, AVP-
neurophysin gene mutations) CH 5
Drug/toxin-induced (ethanol, diphenylhydantoin, snake venom)

Disorders of Water Balance

Granulomatous (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis)
Neoplastic (craniopharyngioma, germinoma, lymphoma, leukemia,
meningioma, pituitary tumor, metastases)
Infectious (meningitis, tuberculosis, encephalitis)
Inflammatory/autoimmune (lymphocytic
Trauma (neurosurgery, deceleration injury)
Vascular (cerebral hemorrhage/infarction, brain death)
Osmoreceptor Dysfunction
Granulomatous (histiocytosis, sarcoidosis)
Neoplastic (as above)
Vascular (anterior communicating artery aneurysm/ligation,
intrahypothalamic hemorrhage)
Increased AVP Metabolism
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
Congenital (X-linked recessive, AVP-V2 receptor gene mutations,
aquaporin-2 water channel mutations)
Drug-induced (demeclocycline, lithium, cisplatin, methoxyflurane)
Infiltrating lesions (sarcoidosis, amyloidosis)
Vascular (sickle cell anemia)
Mechanical (polycystic kidney disease, bilateral ureteral
Solute diuresis (glucose, mannitol, sodium, radiocontrast dyes)
Primary Polydipsia
Psychogenic (schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive behavior)
Dipsogenic (downward-resetting of thirst threshold: idiopathic, or
lesions similar to those for central diabetes insipidus)
AVP, arginine vasopressin.
94 osmoreceptor dysfunction have been described, ranging from
normal thirst and AVP responses but at an abnormally high
osmostat, to blunting of thirst and AVP response at all osmol-
alities and complete absence of thirst and AVP response
II regardless of the plasma osmolality. The hallmark of this dis-
order, regardless of the actual disease pattern, is an abnormal
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

thirst response, in addition to variable defects in AVP secre-

tion, such that plasma osmolality rises far above the normal
thirst threshold, typically in the range of 300 to 340 mOsm/kg
H2O. Despite the impaired osmotic release of AVP, these
patients usually have normal AVP and renal concentrating
responses to baroreceptor-mediated stimuli such as hypovole-
mia and hypotension, or to other nonosmotic stimuli such as

Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

A relative deficiency of plasma AVP due to the action of
the circulating enzyme oxytocinase/vasopressinase, normally
produced by the placenta to degrade circulating oxytocin,
can trigger gestational diabetes insipidus, via degradation of
the structurally similar AVP. Marked variability in the plasma
levels of oxytocinase/vasopressinase has been demonstrated,
such that some patients have levels far in excess of those
normally seen in pregnancy, and some have relatively normal
levels. Coexistent preeclampsia, acute fatty liver, and coagulo-
pathies have been described, although a unifying causal rela-
tionship has not been indentified.

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Resistance to the antidiuretic action of AVP due to a defect
within the kidney is commonly referred to as nephrogenic DI
(NDI). NDI may be congenital or caused by a variety of drugs,
diseases, and metabolic disturbances, among them lithium,
hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia, all thought to cause NDI
via effects on the expression of AQP2, the protein that forms
water channels in renal medullary collecting tubules (see
Table 5-2). Inherited causes of nephrogenic DI are discussed
in Chapter 20, Inherited Disorders of the Kidney.

Clinical Manifestations of Diabetes Insipidus

The cardinal clinical symptoms of DI are polyuria and polydip-
sia. Clinical manifestations of hyperosmolality can be divided
into the signs and symptoms produced by dehydration, which
are largely cardiovascular, and those caused by the hyperos-
molality itself, which are predominantly neurologic and reflect
brain dehydration as a result of osmotic water shifts out of the
central nervous system (CNS). Cardiovascular manifestations
of hypertonic dehydration include hypotension, azotemia sec- 95
ondary to renal hypoperfusion, and rhabdomyolysis. Symp-
toms of hyperosmolality usually predominate, with neurologic
manifestations ranging from nonspecific symptoms such as irri-
tability and cognitive dysfunction to more severe manifesta- CH 5
tions of hypertonic encephalopathy such as disorientation,

Disorders of Water Balance

decreased level of consciousness, seizures, focal neurologic
deficits, and cerebral infarction. The period of time over which
hyperosmolality develops can markedly affect the clinical
symptomatology. Rapid development of severe hyperosmolality
is frequently associated with marked neurologic symptoms,
whereas gradual development over several days or weeks gen-
erally causes milder symptoms.

Hypervolemic Hypernatremia

Patients with hypervolemic hypernatremia typically have

received an exogenous Naþ load. Examples include the
administration of hypertonic intravenous sodium bicarbonate
to a patient with a metabolic acidosis or the administration
of excess NaCl to an infant.

Treatment of Hypernatremia
To reduce the risk of CNS damage from protracted exposure to
severe hyperosmolality, in most cases the plasma osmolality
should be lowered relatively rapidly within the first 24 hours,
to a range of 320 to 330 mOsm/kg H2O or by replacing approx-
imately 50% of the free water deficit (see later discussion). In
chronic hypernatremia and sustained hyperosmolality the
brain counteracts osmotic shrinkage by increasing the intra-
cellular content of solutes. However, once the brain has
adapted by increasing its solute content, rapid correction of
the hyperosmolality can trigger cerebral edema and neurologic
injury. Therefore, further correction to a normal plasma osmo-
lality should be extended over the next 24 to 72 hours to avoid
triggering cerebral edema. This slower correction is especially
important in children, where several studies have indicated
that limiting correction of hypernatremia to a maximal rate
of 0.5 mmol/L/hour prevents the occurrence of symptomatic
cerebral edema with seizures. In addition, the possibility of
associated thyroid or adrenal insufficiency should also be con-
sidered because patients with CDI caused by hypothalamic
masses may have associated anterior pituitary function defi-
ciency. Acute hypernatremia with associated neurologic signs
can be corrected over a shorter period (<24 hours).
96 Hypovolemic Hypernatremia
Restoration of the ECF volume is the primary therapeutic
maneuver in hypovolemic hyponatremia. This is accom-
plished with 0.9% NaCl, which is relatively hypotonic com-
II pared to the serum in the patient with hypernatremia. Once
euvolemia is established and ongoing losses (Naþ and water)
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

are accounted for, any residual hypernatremia can be managed

with 5% dextrose or 0.45% NaCl as outlined in the manage-
ment of euvolemic hypernatremia.

Euvolemic Hypernatremia
The total body water deficit in a hypernatremic patient can be
estimated using the following formula:

Total body water deficit ¼ 0:6  premorbid weight ðkgÞ

 ð1  140=½Naþ Þ

The preceding formula does not take into account ongoing

water losses. Therefore, frequent serum and urine electrolyte
determinations should be made, and the administration rate
of oral water, or intravenous 5% dextrose in water, should
be adjusted accordingly.

Specific Management Issues

The general goals of treatment of all forms of DI include cor-
rection of any preexisting water deficits and reduction in
ongoing urinary water losses.
Central Diabetes Insipidus. Patients with central DI should
be treated with intranasal or oral desmopressin, an agonist of
the AVP V2 receptor. Treatment must be individualized to
determine the optimal dosage and dosing interval. A satisfac-
tory schedule can usually be achieved with modest doses,
and the maximum dose needed rarely exceeds 0.2 mg orally
or 10 mg (one nasal spray) nasally given two to three times
daily. In selected cases, chlorpropamide, in an off-label capac-
ity, has been used with reported reduction in polyuria by 25%
to 75%, acting via potentiation of the hydro-osmotic action of
AVP in the renal tubule, and via stimulation of pitiuitary
release of AVP (Table 5-3).
The patient with acute postsurgical central DI is sometimes
treated only with intravenous fluid replacement for a period
before the institution of antidiuretic hormone therapy to
minimize the risk of cerebral edema. Postoperatively, desmo-
pressin may be given parenterally in a dose of 1 to 2 mg subcu-
taneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. A prompt
reduction in urine output should occur, and the duration of
antidiuretic effect is generally 6 to 12 hours. The urine osmo-
lality and serum [Naþ] must be checked every several hours
Therapies for the Treatment of Diabetes
Table 5-3
Antidiuretic agents CH 5
Arginine vasopressin (Pitressin)

Disorders of Water Balance

1-Deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (desmopressin, DDAVP)
Antidiuresis-enhancing agents
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (indomethacin, ibuprofen,
Natriuretic agents
Thiazide diuretics

during the initial therapy, and then at least daily until stabili-
zation or resolution of the DI. It is generally advisable to
ensure polyuria still exists before administration of
subsequent doses of desmopressin because postoperative DI
is often transient. The clinical management of acute traumatic
DI after injuries to the head is similar to that of postsurgical
DI, except that the possibility of anterior pituitary insuffi-
ciency must also be considered in such cases, and the patient
should be given stress doses of hydrocortisone (100 mg intra-
venously every 8 hours) until anterior pituitary function can
be definitively evaluated.
Osmoreceptor Dysfunction. The acute management of a
patient with osmoreceptor dysfunction involves the correction
of the underlying free water deficit. The long-term manage-
ment of osmoreceptor dysfunction syndromes requires a thor-
ough search for a potentially treatable cause (see Table 5-2), in
conjunction with the use of measures to prevent recurrence of
dehydration. The mainstay of management is education of the
patient and family about the importance of continuous regula-
tion of fluid intake in accordance with the hydration status.
This can be done most efficaciously by establishing a daily
schedule of water intake based on changes in body weight,
regardless of the patient’s thirst. If polyuria coexists, desmo-
pressin should be given as for any patient with DI.
Gestational Diabetes Insipidus. The treatment of choice is
desmopressin, because it is not degraded by oxytocinase/vaso-
pressinase and appears to be safe for both mother and child,
with minimal stimulation of the uterine oxytocin receptors.
During delivery, oral intake and desmopressin can be
continued, but parenteral fluid should be administered with
caution, as patients are susceptible to the development of
98 water intoxication and hyponatremia because of an inability
to excrete a free water load. Levels of oxytocinase/vasopressi-
nase decrease in plasma within several days, and depending
on the etiology, the disorder may disappear completely, or
II become asymptomatic.
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus. By definition, patients
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

with NDI are resistant to the effects of AVP. Some patients

with NDI can be treated by elimination of the drug (e.g.,
lithium) or disease (e.g., hypercalcemia) responsible for the
disorder. For many others, the only practical form of treatment
at present is to restrict sodium intake and administer a thia-
zide diuretic either alone or in combination with a prostaglan-
din synthetase inhibitor or amiloride. When combined with
dietary sodium restriction, thiazides cause modest hypovole-
mia. This stimulates isotonic proximal tubular solute reab-
sorption and diminishes solute delivery to the more distal
diluting site, with diminishment of renal diluting ability and
free water clearance, independently of any action of AVP.
Amiloride has the advantage of decreasing lithium entrance
into cells in the distal tubule via activity at the eNaC receptor,
and because of this may have a preferable action for the treat-
ment of lithium-induced NDI. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) have been used in this setting, and act via sen-
sitization of AVP effects upon the kidney, with successful
reduction in urine volume and free water clearance, although
the detrimental effects associated with long-term NSAID con-
sumption limit its use. Although desmopressin is generally
not effective in NDI, a few patients may have partial responses
to AVP or desmopressin, with increases in urine osmolality
following much higher doses of these agents than are typically
used to treat CDI (e.g., 6–10 mg), and it is generally worth a
trial of desmopressin at these doses to ascertain whether this
is a useful therapy in selected patients.

Hypervolemic Hypernatremia
The principal therapeutic intervention in hypervolemic hyper-
natremia is induction of a natriuresis with a loop diuretic such
as furosemide. Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
may require hemodialysis. Care must be taken to avoid overly
rapid rates of correction, as may occur when furosemide and
hypotonic fluids are administered simultaneously.

Hyponatremia (plasma [Naþ] < 130 mEq/L) is among the most
common electrolyte disorders encountered in clinical medi-
cine. As reviewed in the introduction to this chapter, changes
in plasma Naþ are usually associated with comparable
changes in plasma osmolality. When the “measured” osmolal- 99
ity exceeds the calculated osmolality by more than 10 mOsm/kg
H2O, an osmolar gap is said to be present. This occurs in two cir-
cumstances: (1) with a decrease in the water content of serum,
and (2) on addition of a solute other than urea or glucose to CH 5
the serum. A decrease in the water content of serum is usually

Disorders of Water Balance

due to its displacement by excessive amounts of protein or
lipids, as may occur in severe hyperglobulinemia or hyperlipid-
emia. The hyponatremia associated with normal osmolality has
been termed factitious or pseudohyponatremia. The most com-
mon causes of pseudohyponatremia are primary or secondary
hyperlipidemic disorders. It has been estimated that the plasma
Naþ concentration declines by 1 mEq/L for every 4.6 g/L of
plasma lipids. Plasma protein elevations above 10 g/dL, as seen
in multiple myeloma or macroglobulinemia, can also cause
The second setting in which an osmolar gap occurs is the
presence in plasma of an exogenous low-molecular-weight sub-
stance such as ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, or mannitol.
As previously discussed, in the presence of relative insulin
deficiency, glucose does not penetrate cells readily and remains
in the ECF. Consequently, it draws water from the cellular com-
partment causing cell shrinkage, and this translocation of water
commensurately decreases the extracellular concentration of
Naþ. In this setting, therefore, the plasma Naþ concentration
may be low while plasma osmolality is high. For every
100 mg/dL rise in plasma glucose, the osmotic shift of water
causes plasma Naþ to drop by 1.6 to 2.4 mEq/L. Similar “trans-
locational” hyponatremia occurs with mannitol or maltose or
with the absorption of glycine during transurethral prostate
resection, as well as in gynecologic and orthopedic procedures.
However, when the plasma solute is readily permeable (e.g.,
urea, ethylene glycol, methanol, ethanol), it enters the cell
and so does not establish an osmotic gradient for water move-
ment. There is no cellular dehydration despite the hypertonic
state, and the plasma Naþ concentration remains unchanged.
An increment in the osmolar gap is also seen in critically ill
patients, but the cause is unknown.

Etiology of Hyponatremia

In approaching the hyponatremic patient, the physician’s first

task is to ensure that the hyponatremia reflects a true hypo-
osmotic state, and is not a consequence of the causes of pseu-
dohyponatremia as just discussed. Thereafter, an assessment
of ECF volume (Fig. 5-1) provides a useful working classifica-
tion of hyponatremia, as it can be associated with decreased,
normal, or high total body sodium:
Assessment of
volume status

Hypovolemia Euvolemia (no edema) Hypervolemia

Total body water ↓ Total body water ↑ Total body water ↑↑
Total body sodium ↓↓ Total body sodium ↔ Total body sodium ↑

U[Na] U[Na] U[Na] U[Na] U[Na]

> 20 < 20 > 20 > 20 < 20

Renal losses Extrarenal losses Glucocorticoid Acute or Nephrotic

Diuretic excess Vomiting deficiency chronic syndrome
Mineralocorticoid deficiency Diarrhea Hypothyroidism renal failure Cirrhosis
Salt-losing nephropathy Third spacing of fluids Stress Cardiac failure
Bicarbonaturia with RTA and Burns Drugs
metabolic alkalosis Pancreatitis SIADH
Cerebral salt wasting Trauma
Figure 5-1. Diagnostic approach to the hyponatremic patient. RTA, renal tumor acidosis; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate
secretion of antidiuretic hormone. (Modified from Halterman R, Berl T: Therapy of dysnatremic disorders. In Brady H, Wilcox
C [eds]: Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1999, p 256.)
1. Hyponatremia with ECF volume depletion 101
2. Hyponatremia with excess ECF volume
3. Hyponatremia with normal ECF volume

CH 5
Hyponatremia with Extracellular Fluid Volume

Disorders of Water Balance


Hyponatremic patients with ECF volume depletion have sus-

tained a deficit in total body Naþ that exceeds their water
deficit. Volume depletion, if sufficiently severe, is a potent
stimulus to AVP release. Although the hyponatremia in this
setting clearly involves depletion of body solutes, a concomi-
tant failure to excrete water is critical to the process. An exam-
ination of the urinary Naþ concentration, [UNaþ], is helpful in
assessing whether the fluid losses are renal or extrarenal in
origin. A [UNaþ] less than 20 mEq/L reflects the normal renal
response to volume depletion and suggests an extrarenal
source of fluid loss (gastrointestinal, burns, sequestration).
Hypovolemic hyponatremia in patients with a [UNaþ] above
20 mEq/L suggests the kidney as the source of fluid loss.
Diuretic-induced hyponatremia accounts for a significant pro-
portion of symptomatic hyponatremia in hospitalized patients
and occurs almost exclusively with thiazide rather than loop
diuretics, owing to the lack of effect of thiazides on urine concen-
trating ability. Risk factors include female sex, low body weight,
and older age. Diuretics can cause hyponatremia by a variety of
mechanisms: (1) volume depletion, which enhances AVP release
and decreases fluid delivery to the diluting segment; (2) direct
effect of diuretics on the diluting segment; and (3) Kþ depletion
causing a decrease in the water permeability of the collecting
duct, as well as an increase in water intake.
Salt-losing nephropathy with hypovolemic hyponatremia
may occur in the following settings: advanced kidney disease,
interstitial nephropathy, medullary cystic disease, polycystic
kidney disease, and partial urinary obstruction. Patients with
proximal renal tubular acidosis exhibit renal sodium and
potassium wasting despite modest renal insufficiency because
bicarbonaturia obligates these cation losses.
Adrenal insufficiency has long been associated with
impaired renal water excretion and hyponatremia. This diag-
nosis should be considered in the volume-contracted hypona-
tremic patient whose urinary Naþ concentration is not low,
particularly when the serum Kþ, BUN, and creatinine levels
are elevated.
Cerebral salt wasting is a rare syndrome described primarily
in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage; it leads to renal
salt wasting and volume contraction. The mechanism is
thought to involve increased release of natriuretic peptides.
102 Hyponatremia with Excess Extracellular Fluid

In the advanced stages, the edematous states discussed in this

II section are associated with hyponatremia. These patients have
an increase in total body Naþ content, but the rise in TBW
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

exceeds that of Naþ. With the exception of renal failure and

ongoing diuretic use, these states are characterized by avid
Naþ retention (UNaþ < 10 mEq/L).

Congestive Heart Failure

Advanced congestive heart failure is associated with hypona-
tremia due to excess water retention. This is mediated by a
combination of decreased delivery of tubule fluid (i.e., Naþ)
to the distal nephron and increased release of AVP in
response to the decrement in “effective” blood volume and
decreased arterial filling sensed by aortic and carotid sinus
baroreceptors. Although acute atrial distention is associated
with inhibition of AVP, there is evidence that chronic atrial
distention blunts the receptor sensitivity, allowing unopposed
stimulation of AVP release. The degree of neurohumoral acti-
vation correlates with the clinical severity of left ventricular
dysfunction, and the degree of hyponatremia has been shown
to be a significant prognostic factor in these patients.

Hepatic Failure
Patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites frequently pres-
ent with hyponatremia consequent to their inability to excrete
a water load. This process results from a decrement in effec-
tive arterial volume (splanchnic venous pooling, decreased
plasma oncotic pressure due to hypoalbuminemia, peripheral
vasodilatation) leading to avid Naþ and water retention, again
thought to be via baroreceptor-mediated AVP release.

Nephrotic Syndrome
The incidence of hyponatremia in the nephrotic syndrome is
lower than in either congestive heart failure or cirrhosis, most
likely consequent to the higher blood pressure, higher glomer-
ular filtration rate (GFR), and more modest impairment in Naþ
and water excretion than in the other groups of patients. As
lipids are frequently elevated, a direct measurement of plasma
osmolality should be performed.

Renal Failure
Hyponatremia with edema can occur with either acute or
chronic renal failure owing to an inability to excrete an
ingested water load, often combined with an increased sensa-
tion of thirst.
Hyponatremia with Normal Extracellular Fluid 103

Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone

Secretion CH 5
Patients with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hor-

Disorders of Water Balance

mone secretion (SIADH) are hypo-osmolar while excreting
urine that is less than maximally dilute (>50 mOsm/kg H2O).
However, the development of hyponatremia accompanied by
a dilute urine (<100 mOsm/kg H2O) should raise suspicion
of a primary polydipsic disorder. UNaþ is usually greater than
20 mEq/L, but it may be low in patients with the syndrome
who are receiving a low-sodium diet. Before the diagnosis of
SIADH is made, other causes for a decreased diluting capacity,
such as renal, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, cardiac, or hepatic
disease, must be excluded. In addition, nonosmotic stimuli
for AVP release, particularly hemodynamic derangements
(e.g., hypotension, nausea, or drugs), need to be ruled out.
The presence of hypouricemia is another clue that is sugges-
tive of SIADH. The clinical diagnosis is confirmed by the mea-
surement of elevated levels of AVP. It must be noted, however,
that the majority of patients with SIADH have AVP levels in
the “normal” range (up to 10 pg/mL), but the presence of
any AVP is abnormal in the hypo-osmolar state.
The causes of SIADH fall into three general categories: (1)
malignancies, (2) pulmonary disease, and (3) central nervous
system disorders (Table 5-4). It is increasingly recognized that
an idiopathic form is common in the elderly. In addition, an
increasing number of patients with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) have been reported to have hyponatremia,

Table 5-4 Disorders Associated with SIADH

Carcinomas CNS
Bronchogenic Meningitis
Gastric Encephalitis
Pancreas Brain abscess
Lymphoma Guillain-Barré syndrome
Pulmonary Multiple sclerosis
Pneumonia Cerebrovascular accident
Tuberculosis Subarachnoid/subdural
Pulmonary abscess hemorrhage
Asthma Alcohol withdrawal
Aspergillosis Other
Asthma HIV infection
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone.
104 and of these, up to two thirds may be due to SIADH. Of the
tumors that cause SIADH secretion, bronchogenic carcinoma,
particularly small cell lung cancer, is the most common. It
appears that patients with bronchogenic carcinoma have higher
II plasma AVP levels in relation to plasma osmolality, even if they
do not manifest the full-blown SIADH. In view of the potential
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

to treat patients with this tumor, it is important that patients

with unexplained SIADH be fully investigated and evaluated
for underlying malignancy, as SIADH has been reported to occa-
sionally precede the diagnosis of malignancy by several

Glucocorticoid Deficiency
There is considerable evidence of an important role for gluco-
corticoids in the abnormal water excretion of adrenal insuffi-
ciency. The water excretory defect of anterior pituitary
insufficiency, and particularly corticotropin deficiency, is
associated with elevated AVP levels and corrected by physio-
logic doses of glucocorticoids. Prolonged glucocorticoid defi-
ciency has been associated with an AVP-independent
intrarenal process, leading to impaired water excretion, prob-
ably via alteration in renal hemodynamics.

Hypothyroidism is associated with impaired free water excre-
tion and development of hyponatremia, reversible by treatment
with thyroid hormones. Both decreased delivery of filtrate to
the diluting segment and persistent secretion of AVP, alone or
in combination, have been proposed as mechanisms responsi-
ble for the defect. Experimental evidence suggests hyposensi-
tivity to AVP, as urine osmolality has been shown to be
relatively low for the circulating levels of the hormone.

Postoperative Hyponatremia
The incidence of hospital-acquired hyponatremia is high in
postoperative patients (4%). The majority of affected patients
appear clinically euvolemic and have detectable circulating
levels of AVP. Although this occurs primarily as a consequence
of administration of hypotonic fluids, a decrease in serum Naþ
can occur in this high AVP state, even when isotonic fluids are
given. The presence of hyponatremia is a marker for poor out-
come, however, because it reflects the severity of the underly-
ing disease, rather than the hyponatremia per se. A subgroup
of postoperative patients—nearly exclusively premenstrual
females—can develop catastrophic neurologic events, fre-
quently accompanied by seizures and hypoxia.
Strenuous Exercise 105
There is increasing recognition that strenuous exercise, such as
military training, marathons, or triathlons, can cause frequently
symptomatic hyponatremia. A recent prospective study of mar-
athon runners revealed that weight gain related to excessive CH 5
fluid intake was the strongest predictor of hyponatremia, fol-

Disorders of Water Balance

lowed by longer racing times and lower body mass indexes
(BMIs). The use of NSAIDs has also been implicated.

Pharmacologic Agents
Chlorpropamide. The incidence of hyponatremia may be as
high as 7%, but severe hyponatremia (<130 mEq/L) occurs in
2% of patients so treated. The drug exerts its action primarily
by potentiating the renal action of AVP.
Carbamazepine. Carbamazepine possesses antidiuretic pro-
perties. The incidence of hyponatremia in carbamazepine-
treated patients is approximately 5%. The hyponatremia is
mediated by enhanced AVP release, enhanced sensitivity to the
action of AVP, and decreased sensitivity of the vasopressin
response to osmotic stimulation.
Psychotropic Drugs. A large number of psychotropic drugs
have been associated with hyponatremia, and they are fre-
quently implicated in the explanation of water intoxication
in psychotic patients. The elderly appear to be particularly
susceptible, with an incidence as high as 22% to 28%. The
tendency for these drugs to cause hyponatremia is thought to
be further compounded by their anticholinergic effect, which
stimulates water intake via drying of the mucous membranes.
The role of these drugs in impaired water excretion has not, in
most cases, been dissociated from the underlying psychiatric
disorder, and it may be that the pharmacologic agents are
not primarily responsible. Recently, an increasing number of
cases of amphetamine (Ecstasy)-related hyponatremia have
been described.
Antineoplastic Drugs. Vincristine exerts a direct neurotoxic
effect on the hypothalamic microtubule system, which then
alters normal osmoreceptor control of AVP release. The mech-
anism of the diluting defect due to cyclophosphamide admin-
istration is not fully understood, although may act via
potentiation of AVP, as the absolute levels of AVP are not
increased. The importance of anticipating potentially severe
hyponatremia in cyclophosphamide-treated patients who are
vigorously hydrated to avert urologic complications cannot
be overstated.
Narcotics. Opioid agonists have been reported to have
widely variable effects on AVP release. Agonists of m-receptors
have been shown to have antidiuretic properties, whereas
△-receptor agonists have the opposite effect.
106 Symptoms

The majority of patients with hyponatremia are asymptomatic,

with symptoms usually evident only at a serum Naþ concen-
II tration below 125 mmol/L. The symptoms of hyponatremia
are mainly neuropsychiatric, and include lethargy, psychosis,
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

and seizures, designated as hyponatremic encephalopathy.

In its severe form, hyponatremic encephalopathy can cause
brainstem compression leading to pulmonary edema and hyp-
oxemia. Elderly persons and young children with hyponatre-
mia are most likely to develop symptoms; it has also become
apparent that neurologic complications occur more frequently
in menstruating women. Rhabdomyolysis has also been
reported to occur in hyponatremic patients.
The degree of clinical impairment is related not to the abso-
lute measured level of lowered serum Naþ concentration, but
to both the rate and the extent of the drop in ECF osmolality.
The observed CNS symptoms are most likely related to the cel-
lular swelling and cerebral edema that result from acute low-
ering of ECF osmolality, which leads to movement of water
into cells. Such cerebral edema occasionally causes hernia-
tion. The increase in brain water is, however, much less
marked than would be predicted from the decrease in tonicity
were the brain to operate as a passive osmometer. Following
the onset of hyponatremia a prompt loss of both electrolyte
and organic osmolytes occurs. The rate at which the brain
restores the lost electrolytes and osmolytes when hyponatre-
mia is corrected is of great pathophysiologic importance.
Naþ and Cl recover quickly and even overshoot. However,
the reaccumulation of osmolytes is considerably delayed,
giving rise to the potential for cerebral dehydration upon
correction of the serum sodium in a previously adapted patient.


The treatment strategy should be guided by the underlying

cause of hyponatremia, the volume status of the patient, the
presence and severity of symptoms, and the estimated dura-
tion of the disorder, with particular regard to the potential
for neurologic sequelae, rather than by the serum Naþ level
alone. In view of the devastating neurologic consequences that
can be associated with acute (<48 hours) symptomatic hypo-
natremia, it has been suggested that rapid correction
(1–2 mEq/L/hour) is indicated for patients in this setting,
continued until seizures subside. Potential risks of this
approach include the development of central pontine myeli-
nolysis (CPM). Factors that predispose to CPM may include
the chronicity of the hypo-osmolar state, the rate of correction, 107
and possibly the absolute change in serum Naþ. The manifes-
tations of this disorder are not confined to the classic clinical
picture described in chronic alcoholics, and in both adults
and children, lesions have been demonstrated to be frequently CH 5
extrapontine, with variable clinical features. Although previ-

Disorders of Water Balance

ously thought to be uniformly fatal, it is now recognized that
most patients survive, including some with complete recov-
ery. The diagnosis is best made with diffusion-weighted
MRI. In the chronic hypo-osmolar state, care should be
taken not to exceed an absolute increase in serum Naþ of
12 mEq/L/day.
A general estimate of the sodium deficit is provided by the
following formula:

Sodium deficit ¼ ðDesired ½Naþ   Measured ½Naþ Þ

 ð0:6ÞðWeight in kilogramsÞ

It is essential to understand however, that changes in free

water excretion induced by NaCl administration or diuretic
use can alter the free water excretion rate such that the rate
of change in serum sodium may differ substantially from that
predicted by this equation. Changes in total body water (TBW)
content must also be taken into consideration, as the above
formula assumes TBW of 60%. There is no substitute for
repeated measurements of the serum Naþ, UNaþ, and urine out-
put in guiding the rate and extent of sodium replacement.

Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
Isotonic NaCl (0.9%) should be administered to patients with
hypovolemic hyponatremia. Importantly, if isotonic saline is
administered to patients with SIADH with a Uosm greater than
300 mOsm/L, worsening hyponatremia will result. This
occurs as the patient with SIADH is in Naþ balance. All of
the administered Naþ will therefore be excreted in a hyper-
tonic urine with the retention of free H2O.

Normovolemic Hyponatremia
If the patient is asymptomatic, the cornerstone of treatment is
water restriction. A guide to the degree of restriction required
can be estimated from the assessment of the urinary concen-
tration of Naþ and Kþ (see the following table). Because the
level of urine concentration is more or less fixed in many
patients with SIADH, any fluid intake above insensible losses
plus electrolyte-free water excretion (which can be a negative
figure) will cause the serum Naþ to fall. Therefore, the follow-
ing guide to therapy has been proposed:
108 (UNaþ þ UKþ)/Serum Naþ Water Restriction
>1 <500 mL/day
1 750 mL/day

II <1 1000 mL/day

Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Another nonpharmacologic intervention is based on increas-

ing solute intake and excretion. Given the essentially fixed level
of urine concentration, urine flow is extremely dependent on
solute excretion, and increasing the solute load results in
increased fluid loss. In practical terms, however, severe water
restriction is difficult to enforce for prolonged periods, espe-
cially in the outpatient setting. Pharmacologic agents that antag-
onize AVP action and maneuvers that increase solute excretion
have allowed patients with SIADH to drink more water. The
most commonly employed agent is demeclocycline in doses
between 600 and 1200 mg/day. This restores serum Naþ to nor-
mal levels within 5 to 14 days, permitting unrestricted water
intake. Toxicity in patients with cirrhosis has been well docu-
mented. The development of vasopressin antagonists has poten-
tial therapeutic implications for the management of patients
with excess AVP. Antagonists with activity against both endog-
enous and exogenous AVP have been developed, causing aquar-
esis in the absence of alterations in filtration rate or solute
excretion. Oral V2 receptor antagonists have been shown to be
effective in SIADH, and also appear to cause aquaresis in other
disorders such as cirrhosis and heart failure; however, although
short-term symptomatic improvements have been demonstrated
in heart failure, studies have yet to show a survival benefit.

Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
Fluid restriction with or without loop diuretic therapy is the
treatment of choice for patients with hypervolemic hyponatre-
mia. Dialysis may be required to normalize the serum Naþ in
patients with advanced CKD or ESRD.

Symptomatic Hyponatremia
If the patient is symptomatic, then rapid correction can be
achieved in the euvolemic patient by administration of hyper-
tonic saline (3% NaCl), which contains 513 mEq of Naþ/L.
The rate of administration required to increase the serum
Naþ concentration to 120 mEq/L, at a rate not to exceed
1 mEq/L/hour, can be derived from the earlier formula. For
example, a 70-kg man with a serum Naþ of 110 mEq/L would
require the following:

Sodium deficit ¼ ð120  110Þ  ð0:6Þ ð70Þ ¼ 420 mEq

Given that 3% NaCl contains 513 mEq of Naþ/L, one

would administer 0.8 L of 3% NaCl over 10 hours, at a rate
of 80 mL/hour. If the desired rate of correction was 109
0.5 mEq/L/hour, then the rate of infusion would be halved.
Patients with symptomatic hypovolemic hyponatremia may be
managed with 0.9% NaCl as a correspondingly higher rate of
infusion. It is important to emphasize that these figures do not CH 5
take into account ongoing urinary losses of either Naþ or water.

Disorders of Water Balance

The figure derived from the preceding formula should be con-
sidered as a rough estimate, and in the symptomatic patient
undergoing hypertonic saline therapy, hourly monitoring of
the serum Naþ is mandatory in order to minimize the risk of
osmotic brain injury.

There are two definitions of polyuria. The second illustrates
the importance of analyzing data on the basis of the prevailing
stimulus and knowledge of the expected renal response to an
abnormal plasma sodium (PNa):
• Nonphysiologic definition: In adults consuming a typical West-
ern diet, polyuria is present when the urine volume is very
noticeable or inconvenient—typically greater than 3 L/day.
• Physiologic definition: The urine volume is compared with
values expected for the same provocative stimulus. Hence,
polyuria is present when the urine volume is relatively
higher than expected. Under this definition, polyuria can
be present when the urine volume is much less than
3 L/day in one setting and not present when the urine vol-
ume is 4 L/day in another setting.
For example, when the PNa is in the high-normal range, vaso-
pressin is released to conserve water and excrete the maximal
Uosm possible. A typical osmole excretion rate is 600
to 900 mOsm/day in an adult and the maximum Uosm is approx-
imately 1200 mOsm/kg H2O. Therefore, in this setting
the expected minimum urine volume would be 0.5 L/day (600
 1200). Now, if this patient had an impaired renal concentrat-
ing ability (e.g., a maximum Uosm of 600 mOsm/kg H2O), then
the patient’s minimum urine volume would be 1 L/day
when vasopressin acts (i.e., 600  600). In this latter circum-
stance, the 1 L/day urine output is twice the expected minimum
value, indicating polyuria due to an impaired renal concentrat-
ing ability. This example illustrates the error of using data gath-
ered in one population (subjects consuming their usual diet) to
define a condition such as polyuria in a population with a much
lower osmole excretion rate (subjects consuming a low-protein
and low-salt diet). In contrast, in a patient with a 24-hour Uosm
of 80 mOsm/kg H2O and a PNa of 131 mmol/L, a urine output of
4 L should not be considered polyuric. The urine volume is
inappropriately low because most adults can lower the Uosm
110 to close to 50 mOsm/kg H2O when vasopressin is maximally
suppressed, as should occur in the setting of hyponatremia.
The basis for this patient’s diminished diluting capacity could
be a very low level, but not absence, of vasopressin due to nono-
II smotic stimulation of hormone release (see previous discussion).
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Differential Diagnosis of Polyuria

Use the following stepwise approach to evaluate the cause of
1. Take a 24-hour urine collection to confirm either a water
diuresis or an osmotic diuresis:
water diuresis: urine volume greater than 50 mL/kg BW
and osmolality less than 250 mOsm/kg H2O
osmotic diuresis: urine volume greater than 50 mL/kg BW
and osmolality greater than 300 mOsm/kg H2O
Measurement of a spot urine osmolality may suffice in
many cases. The major causes of an osmotic diuresis are
sodium, glucose, urea, and mannitol. These are easily distin-
guished by routine urinalysis and urine chemistries.
2. If the Uosm is less than 250 mOsm/kg H2O and the plasma
Na is less than 140 mEq/L, the likely diagnosis is primary
polydipsia. If the plasma Na is above 140 mEq/L, a sub-
maximally concentrated urine (i.e., urine osmolality
< 800 mOsm/kg H2O) strongly suggests the diagnosis of DI.
3. Distinguish between central and nephrogenic DI.
Administer DDAVP 1 to 2 mg subcutaneously or intrave-
nously. A significant increase in urine osmolality within 1 to
2 hours after injection indicates central DI, whereas an absent
response indicates renal resistance to AVP effects, and there-
fore nephrogenic DI.
Interpretational difficulties can arise because the water
diuresis produced by AVP deficiency in central DI produces
a washout of the renal medullary concentrating gradient.
Therefore, the initial increases in urine osmolality in response
to administered desmopressin may be blunted in central DI.
Generally, increases of urine osmolality greater than 50% reli-
ably indicate central DI and responses of less than 10% indi-
cate nephrogenic DI, but responses between 10% and 50%
are less certain and indeterminate.

Excessive fluid intake also causes hypotonic polyuria and, by
definition, polydipsia. Many different names have been used
to describe patients with excessive fluid intake, but primary
polydipsia remains the best descriptor because it does not pre- 111
sume any single cause for the increased fluid intake. Primary
polydipsia is often due to a severe mental illness, in which
case it is called psychogenic polydipsia. However, primary
polydipsia can also be caused by an abnormality in the osmo- CH 5
regulatory control of thirst, in which case it has been termed

Disorders of Water Balance

dipsogenic diabetes insipidus. These patients have no overt
psychiatric illness and invariably attribute their polydipsia
to a nearly constant thirst. Dipsogenic DI is usually idiopathic,
but it can also be secondary to organic structural lesions in the
hypothalamus, identical to those known to cause CDI. Finally,
primary polydipsia is sometimes caused by physicians,
nurses, lay practitioners, or health writers, who recommend
a high fluid intake for valid (e.g., recurrent nephrolithiasis)
or unsubstantiated reasons of health. Occasionally fluid intake
rises to such extraordinary levels that the excretory capacity of
the kidneys is exceeded and dilutional hyponatremia devel-
ops (>20 L/day). Intense drinking binges can transiently
achieve symptomatic levels of hyponatremia with total daily
volumes of water intake of less than 20 L if ingested suffi-
ciently rapidly. Acute psychosis itself can cause AVP secre-
tion, thought to occur via a reset osmostat.
Chapter 6

Disorders of Acid-Base
The diagnosis and management of acid-base disorders in
acutely ill patients requires an accurate and timely assessment
of the underlying acid-base disturbance. Appropriate interpre-
tation requires simultaneous measurement of serum electro-
lytes and arterial blood gases, in addition to a clinical
appreciation of the predictable physiologic adaptations and
compensatory responses that occur with specific acid-base
The acid-base status of the body is tightly controlled so as to
maintain the pH within a normal range of 7.35 to 7.45. This is
achieved through (a) chemical buffering both in the extra- and
intracellular fluid, and (b) regulatory mechanisms controlled
by the renal and respiratory systems. Primary changes in
serum concentrations of fixed acid or base, as reflected by
the serum HCO3 concentration, lead to either metabolic aci-
dosis or alkalosis, whereas primary changes in the partial
pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) lead to either respi-
ratory acidosis or alkalosis. The presence of an acid-base dis-
order is often consequent to, or complicated by, serious
illness, and the frequently complex presentation of these dis-
orders requires a systematic approach to both diagnosis and


Step 1: Obtain Arterial Blood Gas and Electrolyte
Values Simultaneously
Both pH and PaCO2 on an arterial blood gas are measured, but
the reported HCO3 concentration is a calculated figure.
Therefore, it should be compared with the measured HCO3
concentration (total CO2) obtained on the electrolyte panel.
The two values should agree to within 2 or 3 mEq/L. If these
values do not agree, the clinician should suspect that the sam-
ples were not obtained simultaneously or that a laboratory
error is present.

Step 2: Define the Major Acid-Base Disorder 113

There are two broad types of acid-base disorders: acidosis,

characterized by a low pH, and alkalosis, characterized by a
high pH. The concentration of HCO3 in serum should be CH 6
examined to determine if the observed change in pH can be

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

accounted for by the change in serum HCO3 concentration.
This process should then be repeated for the PaCO2. The most
commonly encountered clinical disturbances are simple acid-
base disorders due to primary derangement of either the
serum HCO3 concentration or the PaCO2 concentration.

Step 3: Determine Whether a Mixed Acid-Base

Disturbance Exists
In more complicated clinical situations, especially in severely
ill patients, a mixed acid-base disturbance may be observed. It
is important to understand that the finding of a normal pH
does not preclude the existence of a mixed acid-base disorder;
close attention should be paid to the measured HCO3 and
PaCO2 even if the pH is normal, when an acid-base disorder
is suspected on clinical grounds. To appreciate and recognize
a mixed acid-base disturbance, it is important to understand
the physiologic compensatory responses that occur in the sim-
ple acid-base disorders. Primary respiratory disturbances
invoke secondary metabolic responses, and primary metabolic
disturbances evoke a predictable respiratory response. The
levels of HCO3 and PaCO2 change in the same direction in
simple acid-base disorders: "HCO3 þ "PaCO2 or #HCO3 þ
#PaCO2. Any change in opposite direction suggests a mixed
disorder. After determining that the direction of change of
the compensatory response is appropriate, one should deter-
mine whether the magnitude of the compensatory response
is appropriate. An inappropriate change, either too small or
too great, suggests a mixed disorder. The expected change and
limits of the compensatory response to simple acid-base dis-
orders are outlined in Table 6-1. The use of an acid-base nomo-
gram or Flenley diagram (Fig. 6-1) is helpful in determining
the appropriate levels of compensation.

Step 4: Calculate the Anion Gap

All evaluations of acid-base disorders should include a simple
calculation of the anion gap (AG) (see later discussion). Mod-
est increases in the anion gap may be seen in volume deple-
tion and metabolic alkalosis; however, an AG greater than 20
signifies the presence of metabolic acidosis regardless of the

Table 6-1 Acid-Base Abnormalities and Appropriate Compensatory Responses for Simple Disorders
Acid-Base Effect Expected Range of Limits of
Disorders Primary Defect on pH Compensatory Response Compensation Compensation
Respiratory Alveolar # " Renal HCO3 reabsorption Acute [HCO3] ¼ 38 mEq/L
acidosis hypoventilation (HCO3 ") D[HCO3]¼ þ1 mEq/L for
(" PCO2) each " DPCO2 of 10 mm Hg
Chronic [HCO3] ¼ 45 mEq/L
D[HCO3]¼ þ4 mEq/L for
each " DPCO2 of 10 mm Hg
Respiratory Alveolar " # Renal HCO3 reabsorption Acute [HCO3] ¼ 18 mEq/L
alkalosis hyperventilation (HCO3 #) D[HCO3] ¼ 2 mEq/L for
(# PCO2) each # DPCO2 of 10 mm Hg
Chronic [HCO3] ¼ 15 mEq/L
D[HCO3] ¼ 5 mEq/L for
each # DPCO2 of 10 mm Hg
Metabolic Loss of HCO3 or # Alveolar hyperventilation to " PCO2 ¼ 1.5[HCO3] þ 8  2 PCO2 ¼ 15 mm Hg
acidosis gain of Hþ pulmonary PCO2 excretion PCO2 ¼ last 2 digits of pH
(# HCO3) (# PCO2)  100
PCO2 ¼ 15 þ [HCO3]
Metabolic Gain of HCO3 or " Alveolar hypoventilation to # PCO2 ¼ þ 0.6 mm Hg for PCO2 ¼ 55 mm Hg
alkalosis loss of Hþ pulmonary CO2 excretion D[HCO3] of 1 mEq/L
(" HCO3) (" PCO2) PCO2 ¼ 15 þ [HCO3]
HCO3 7.6 7.5
pH = 0.1 + log 7.4
.03 pCO2
50 pH = 7.62 – log
H2 (mEq/L) = ALKALOSIS 7.3
40 pH = 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Chronic
H2 = 100 79 63 50 40 32 25 20 15
HCO3 mEq/L 1 pH = 80% LH2 H2 = (7.8 – pH) = 100 7.2
20 Acute

Metabolic acidosis PaCO2 ↓ 25 mm Hg per mEq/L HCO3 (mm Hg)

Chronic Metabolic alkalosis PaCO2 ↑ 25 mm Hg per mEq/L HCO3 (mm Hg)
10 Acute resp acidosis HCO3 ↑ mm Hg per 10 mEq/L pCO2 (mEq/L)
Chronic resp acidosis HCO3 ↑ mm Hg per 10 mEq/L pCO2 (mEq/L)
METABOLIC ACIDOSIS Acute resp alkalosis HCO3 ↓ mm Hg per 10 mEq/L pCO2 (mEq/L)
Chronic resp alkalosis HCO3 ↓ mm Hg per 10 mEq/L pCO2 (mEq/L)

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
pCO2 mm Hg
Figure 6-1. Acid-base (or Flenley) nomogram.
116 pH or serum HCO3. If it is assumed that the serum albumin is
within the normal range, for each mEq/L change in the AG
(DAG), there should be an approximately equal and opposite
change in the serum HCO3 (DHCO3) concentration. If the

II DAG is greater than DHCO3 this suggests the presence of a
metabolic acidosis with a superimposed metabolic alkalosis
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

or chronic respiratory acidosis, whereas a DAG less than

DHCO3 suggests the coexistence of non-AG (hyperchloremic)
metabolic acidosis or a chronic respiratory alkalosis.

Step 5: Review the Clinical History, Physical

Examination, and Laboratory Data
For correct diagnosis of a simple or mixed acid-base disor-
der, it is imperative that a careful history be obtained. The
most common causes of acid-base disorders should be kept
in mind for the differential diagnosis while searching for
clues that may suggest the specific type of disturbance. For
example, a patient with chronic kidney disease would be
expected to have metabolic acidosis, whereas a patient with
chronic vomiting would be expected to have metabolic

Step 6: Make the Diagnosis and Initiate

With this stepwise approach outlined here, one should be able
to establish the diagnosis. The decision to treat the acid-base
disorder depends on the severity of the acid-base disturbance
and its potential for acute and chronic sequelae.

Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a decrease in both the
blood pH and the serum HCO3 concentration, and may be
accompanied by a compensatory respiratory alkalosis,
depending on the acuity of the condition (see Fig. 6-1 and
Table 6-1). It develops as the result of a marked increase in
serum acid concentration, due either to an absolute increase
via increased endogenous production of acid (such as lactic
acid or ketoacids), or progressive accumulation of endogenous
acids due to impaired excretion (renal failure) or due to a rel-
ative increase secondary to loss of HCO3 stores (either renal
or gastrointestinal).
The Anion Gap 117
The AG is invaluable in the initial assessment and characteriza-
tion of the metabolic acidosis and should always be calculated:

AG ¼ Naþ  ðCl þ HCO3 Þ ¼ 10  2 mEq=L CH 6

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

The AG represents the unmeasured anions that are normally pres-
ent in serum and unaccounted for by the serum electrolytes
measured on the laboratory electrolyte panel. The normal value
is 10  2 mEq/L. Causes of alteration in the AG are outlined in
Table 6-2. The unmeasured anions normally present in serum
include anionic proteins (principally albumin), PO43, SO42,
and organic anions. When acid anions, such as acetoacetate and
lactate, are produced endogenously in excess and accumulate in

Table 6-2 The Anion Gap*

Decreased Anion Gap Increased Anion Gap
Increased Cations (not Increased anions (not Cl or HCO3)
Naþ) 2þ
" Ca2þ, Mg " Albumin concentration
" Li þ " Inorganic anions
" IgG Phosphate
" Organic anions
L- and D-Lactate
" Exogenous supply anions
Ethylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Pyroglutamic acidosis
" Unidentified anions
Hyperosmolar, non-ketotic states
Myoglobinuric AKI
Decreased Anions (not Decreased Cations (not Naþ)

Cl or HCO3) #Ca2þ, Mg
# Albumin concentration
Laboratory Error —
*Anion gap ¼ Naþ  (Cl þ HCO3) ¼ 10  2 mEq/L.
For every 1g/dL # in the albumin from normal, the anion gap decreases by 2.5 mEq/L.
118 extracellular fluid (ECF), the AG increases above the normal value.
This is referred to as a high-AG acidosis. A metabolic acidosis with
a normal AG (hyperchloremic, or non-AG, acidosis), suggests that
Cl has effectively replaced HCO3. A modest increase in the AG
II may also be caused by a decrease in unmeasured cations (severe
hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia) or an increase in effective
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

anionic charge of albumin due to alkalemia or hyperalbuminemia.

A modest decrease in the AG can be generated by an increase in
unmeasured cations (Ca2þ, Mg2þ, or Kþ), the presence of abnormal
cations (e.g., Liþ, immunoglobulins/paraproteins), a decrease in
unmeasured anions (e.g., hypoalbuminemia), or if the effective
anionic charge on the albumin is decreased by acidosis. In general,
each decline in serum albumin by 1 g/dL, from the normal value of
4.5 g/dL, decreases the expected AG by 2.5 mEq/L.

Hyperchloremic (Normal Anion Gap) Metabolic

Table 6-3 details the diverse clinical disorders that may result in
a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Because a reduced serum
HCO3 and elevated Cl concentration may also occur in chronic

Clinical Causes of High Anion Gap and

Table 6-3
Normal Anion Gap Acidosis
Normal Anion Gap Acidosis
High Anion Gap Acidosis (Hyperchloremic)
Ketoacidosis Gastrointestinal loss of HCO3
Diabetic ketoacidosis (negative UAG)
(acetoacetate) Diarrhea
Alcoholic Fistulae external
(b-hydroxybutyrate) Ureterosigmoidostomy
Starvation Drugs (calcium chloride,
magnesium sulfate,
Lactic acid acidosis Renal loss of HCO3 or failure to
L-Lactic acid acidosis excrete NH4þ (low net acid
(type A and B) excretion ¼ positive UAG)
D-Lactic acid acidosis Proximal renal tubular acidosis
Classical distal renal tubular
acidosis (low serum Kþ)
Generalized distal renal tubular
defect (high serum Kþ)
Toxins Miscellaneous
Ethylene glycol NH4Cl ingestion
Methyl alcohol Sulfur ingestion
Salicylate Dilutional acidosis
UAG, urine anion gap.
respiratory alkalosis, it is important to confirm the presence of 119
acidemia by measuring arterial pH. The majority of disorders in
this category can be reduced to four major causes:
• Loss of bicarbonate from the kidney (proximal renal tubular
acidosis [RTA]) CH 6
• Inappropriately low renal acid excretion (positive urine AG)

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

(distal RTA or renal failure)
• Loss of bicarbonate from the gastrointestinal tract (negative
urine AG) (diarrhea, ureteric diversion, ileostomy)
• Rapid dilution of the serum HCO3 by saline (expansion
acidosis) or ingestion of an inorganic acid other than HCl
The important differentiating factor is the renal tubular
response to the acidemia; if the anion gap is positive, this sug-
gests a renal etiology for the acidosis etiology (Table 6-4).
Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis. The first phase of acidifi-
cation by the nephron involves reabsorption of the majority (usu-
ally 80%) of the filtered HCO3 by the proximal convoluted
tubule. If the capacity of the proximal tubule is reduced, increased
distal tubular HCO3 delivery overwhelms the limited capacity
the distal nephron has for HCO3 reabsorption, and leads to

Contrasting Features and Diagnostic Studies

Table 6-4
in Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)
Proximal Distal
Findings RTA Classic Distal Dysfunction
Plasma [Kþ] Low Low High
Urine pH with <5.5 >5.5 <5.5 or >5.5
Urine net charge Positive Positive Positive
Fanconi lesion Present Present Absent
Fractional HCO3 10–15% 2–5% 5–10%
Urine-blood PCO2 Normal Low Low
Hþ-ATPase defect Low
HCO3-Cl defect High
Amphotericin B Normal
Response to Least readily Readily Less readily
Associated Fanconi Nephrocal- Renal
features syndrome cinosis/ insufficiency
120 bicarbonaturia and the cessation of net acid excretion, resulting in
metabolic acidosis. Enhanced Cl reabsorption, stimulated by
ECF volume contraction, results in a hyperchloremic form of
chronic metabolic acidosis. With progressive metabolic acidosis,
II the filtered HCO3 load declines progressively. As the serum
HCO3 concentration decreases, the absolute amount of HCO3
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

entering the distal nephron eventually reaches a level approxi-

mating the distal HCO3 delivery in normal individuals. At this
point, the quantity of HCO3 entering the distal nephron can be
reabsorbed completely, and the urine pH declines. A new steady
state, in which acid excretion equals acid production, then pre-
vails, typically at a serum HCO3 concentration of 15 to 18 mEq/
L, so the systemic acidosis is not progressive. Therefore, in proxi-
mal RTA, in the steady state, the serum [HCO3] is low and the
urine pH is acid (<5.5). With bicarbonate therapy, the fractional
excretion of HCO3 increases and the urine pH becomes alkaline.
The majority of cases of proximal RTA occur in children, and are
usually associated with generalized proximal tubule dysfunction,
characterized by glycosuria, generalized aminoaciduria, hyperci-
traturia, and phosphaturia, often referred to as the Fanconi syn-
drome (see Chapter 20, Inherited Disorders of the Kidney). In
adults, the most common acquired cause of proximal RTA is mul-
tiple myeloma, in which proximal tubular epithelium is injured
by the accumulation of immunoglobulin light chains. The diagno-
sis of proximal RTA relies initially on the documentation of a
chronic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with an acid urine
pH, and a low fractional excretion of HCO3, which reverse upon
correction of the serum [HCO3] to near normal. Kþ excretion is
notably high in the setting of a proximal RTA, particularly during
the administration of HCO3; therefore, correction of the acidemia
may cause progressive hypokalemia, unless Kþ is appropriately
supplemented. Although Ca2þ excretion may be high in patients
with proximal RTA, nephrocalcinosis and renal calculi are rare,
possibly due to the associated hypercitraturia.
Classic (Hypokalemic) Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis. The
characteristic feature of this disorder is an inability to acidify
the urine maximally (to less than pH 5.5) in the setting of sys-
temic acidosis. The defect in acidification by the collecting
duct impairs NH4þ and titratable acid excretion and results in
positive acid balance (net HCO3 loss), hyperchloremic meta-
bolic acidosis, and volume depletion. Hypokalemia is typically
present, along with hypercalciuria and hypocitraturia, which
promote the development of nephrolithiasis and nephrocalci-
nosis. Proximal tubular reabsorptive function is intact. Osteo-
malacia may occur due to Ca2þ, Mg2þ, and PO43 wasting.
Classic distal RTA may occur as an inherited defect (primary
distal RTA) or secondary to chronic transplant nephropathy,
chronic pyelonephritis, hyperglobulinemic states, Sjögren syn-
drome, medullary sponge kidney, and nephrotoxin exposure
(amphotericin B, toluene, lithium carbonate). The diagnosis can 121
be confirmed by excluding nonrenal losses of HCO3 (urine anion
gap, see later discussion) and by the inability to lower the urine
pH to below 5.5 in response to an oral ammonium chloride load.
Hyperkalemic Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis. The coexis- CH 6
tence of hyperkalemia and hyperchloremic acidosis suggests

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

generalized dysfunction of distal tubule physiology, where
urinary ammonium excretion is invariably depressed (positive
urine AG), and renal function is often compromised. Although
hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia com-
monly occur in advanced kidney disease, hyperkalemia dis-
proportionate to the reduction in glomerular filtration rate
suggests a hyperkalemic distal RTA. This coexistent dysfunc-
tion of both potassium and acid excretion can be attributed
either to mineralocorticoid deficiency (either primary or sec-
ondary diabetic nephropathy or tubulointerstitial disease) or
resistance, or to specific voltage-mediated defects in renal
tubular function. The transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG)
is useful in estimating the appropriateness of the distal tubu-
lar response to hyperkalemia. The TTKG is defined as follows:

½Ku =½Kp
Uosm =Posm

where [K] is the potassium ion concentration and u refers to

urine, p to plasma, and osm to osmolality.
The value is usually low in patients with this disorder (<8),
indicating an inappropriate response by the collecting tubule
to the prevailing hyperkalemia. In patients presenting with
this constellation of findings, an evaluation of renin-aldoste-
rone function is indicated. A suggested classification of the
clinical disorders associated with hyperkalemia and defects
in acidification is summarized in Table 6-5.
Acidosis of Progressive Kidney Disease. The metabolic aci-
dosis associated with kidney disease (GFR, 20–30 mL/min) is
initially hyperchloremic in nature but converts to the normo-
chloremic, high-AG variety as renal insufficiency progresses
and the GFR falls below 15 mL/min. The principal defect in
net acid excretion in patients with a reduced GFR is not an
inability to secrete Hþ in the distal nephron, but rather an
inability to produce or to excrete NH4þ. The acidosis of
chronic kidney disease is typically stable over long periods,
and rarely severe, despite the fact that net acid excretion
is significantly less than the acid load from diet and meta-
bolism. Alkaline salts mobilized from bone largely buffer
the net positive acid load, which, over time, can contribute
to the mineral bone disease of chronic kidney disease, and
may be compounded by acidosis-impaired hydroxylation of
Disorders Associated with Hyperkalemic
Table 6-5
Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis
Mineralocorticoid Deficiency Renal Tubular Dysfunction
II Primary mineralocorticoid Disorders associated with
deficiency tubulointerstitial nephritis
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Addison disease and renal insufficiency

Bilateral adrenalectomy Lupus nephritis
Adrenal hemorrhage or Methicillin nephrotoxicity
carcinoma Obstructive nephropathy
Congenital enzymatic defects Kidney transplant rejection
Chronic idiopathic Sickle cell disease
hypoaldosteronism Drugs that interfere with Naþ,
Heparin in critically ill patient Kþ-ATPase in CCT
ACE inhibitors and AT1 Cyclosporine
receptor antagonists Tacrolimus
Secondary mineralocorticoid Drugs that inhibit aldosterone
deficiency effect on CCT
Hyporeninemic Spironolactone
hypoaldosteronism Eplerenone
Diabetic nephropathy Drugs that interfere with Naþ
Tubulointerstitial channel function in CCT:
nephropathies Amiloride
Nephrosclerosis Triamterene
Nonsteroidal anti- Trimethoprim
inflammatory agents Pentamidine
Acquired immunodeficiency
IgM monoclonal gammopathy
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; AT1, angiotensin II type 1; CCT, cortical
collecting duct.

25-hydroxycholecalciferol. Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality

Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines recommend maintenance of
[HCO3] greater than 22 mEq/L in patients with chronic kidney
disease. Other deleterious effects of chronic acidosis include
insulin resistance, increased levels of glucocorticoids, and
protein degradation. Also of concern in chronic progressive
kidney disease is the use of sevelamer hydrochloride, a noncal-
cium-based phosphate-binding agent, which has been shown
to result in significantly lower HCO3 levels than calcium-
based binders, likely predominantly as a result of the exchange
of HCl for monovalent phosphate.
Gastrointestinal HCO3 Loss. Loss of gastrointestinal fluids
distal to the pylorus results in the loss of large quantities of
HCO3. Because diarrheal stools and pancreaticobiliary juices
contain a higher concentration of HCO3 than serum, volume
depletion and metabolic acidosis develop. NaCl reabsorption,
stimulated by the ECF volume depletion, via activation of the
renin-angiotensin system, leads to replacement of lost HCO3
by a Cl, resulting in a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
Hypokalemia is often present. An unusual variant of this dis- 123
order is seen in patients with urinary diversion procedures,
particularly ureterosigmoidostomies, where, because of pro-
longed urinary transit time, Cl is exchanged for serum
HCO3 resulting in a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. CH 6
Urine Anion Gap in the Diagnosis of Hyperchloremic

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Metabolic Acidosis. The urine anion gap (UAG) can help
distinguish between gastrointestinal and renal HCO3 losses.
Because urinary NH4þ excretion is typically low in those with
RTA and high in patients with diarrhea, the level of urinary
NH4þ excretion in metabolic acidosis can be assessed indi-
rectly by calculating the UAG:

UAG ¼ ½UNaþ þ UKþ   ½UCl 

In chronic metabolic acidosis of nonrenal origin, the expected

response of the kidney is to increase ammonium production
and excretion. Because NH4þ can be assumed present if the
sum of the major cations (Naþ þ Kþ) is less than the sum of
major anions in urine (due to at least partial balance of Cl
by NH4þ), a negative UAG (usually in the range of 20 to
50 mEq/L) can be taken as evidence of extrarenal origin of
hyperchloremic acidosis (e.g., diarrhea). Urine estimated in
this manner to contain little or no NH4þ has more (Naþ þ
Kþ) than Cl (positive UAG), suggesting a renal mechanism
for the hyperchloremic acidosis, such as classic distal RTA
(hypokalemia) or hypoaldosteronism with hyperkalemia.

High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidoses

The addition to the body fluids of an acid load, in which the
attendant non-Cl anion is not excreted, rapidly results in
the development of a high-AG acidosis (see Table 6-3). The
normochloremic acidosis is maintained as long as the anion
that was part of the original acid load remains in the blood.
This may occur if the anion does not undergo glomerular fil-
tration (e.g., uremic acid anions), if the anion is filtered but
is readily reabsorbed (e.g., ketoacids, lactate), or if, because
of alteration in metabolic pathways, the anion cannot be uti-
lized (ketoacidosis, L-lactic acidosis).
Lactic Acidosis. Lactate is generated from pyruvate when
glucose undergoes anaerobic glycolysis. The normal basal pro-
duction of lactate is rapidly cleared from the serum by the
liver (70%) and kidney (30%). Accumulation of lactic acid
in the blood results either from enhanced generation,
decreased consumption, or more typically, a combination of
both. This leads to a reduction in serum HCO3 concentration,
with an equivalent increase in the AG. Lactic acidosis can be
classified as type A or B, depending on the cause. Type A
results from tissue hypoperfusion or acute hypoxia, and type B
124 results from an inability of tissue to utilize oxygen. Type A
lactic acidosis is common in the setting of shock (hypovole-
mic/septic/cardiogenic), where tissue ischemia accelerates
lactate production and simultaneously decreases lactate utili-
II zation by the liver and kidney. Severe arterial hypoxemia,
even in the absence of hypoperfusion, is sufficient to generate
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

L-lactic acidosis. Conditions (without tissue hypoxia) that pre-

dispose to type B L-lactic acidosis include hepatic failure;
inborn errors of metabolism (glucose-6-phosphatase defi-
ciency); toxins such as ethylene glycol, methanol, and cya-
nide; and drugs including metformin and nucleoside
analogs. Refractory lactic acidosis has also been reported in
patients with severe thiamine deficiency. Type A lactic acido-
sis is usually suspected on clinical grounds and can be con-
firmed either by measuring the serum lactate or by excluding
ketoacidosis and intoxications. Lactate concentrations are
mildly increased in various nonpathologic states (e.g., exer-
cise, nucleoside analog use), but the magnitude of the eleva-
tion is generally small. In practical terms, a lactate
concentration greater than 4 mEq/L (normal is 1 mEq/L) is
considered pathologic. Importantly, if the cause of the acido-
sis is removed, then the accumulated lactate can be rapidly
recycled to generate an equimolar amount of HCO3.
D-Lactic Acidosis. D-Lactate is the isomer of L-lactate produced
by humans, and is typically not measured in the standard labora-
tory assay, which measures the L-isomer. It is produced by bacte-
rial fermentation in the intestine, from which it can be absorbed
into the circulation. D-Lactic acidosis has been described in
patients with bowel obstruction, jejunal bypass, short bowel, or
ischemic bowel disease. The unifying finding in these disorders
is that ileus or stasis is associated with overgrowth of gut flora
and is often exacerbated by a high-carbohydrate diet. Episodic
encephalopathy is a typical manifestation.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a com-
mon cause of high-AG acidosis, is caused by increased fatty
acid metabolism and the accumulation of ketoacids (acetoace-
tate and b-hydroxybutyrate) due to insulin deficiency, either
absolute or relative. DKA is usually seen in insulin-dependent
(type 1) diabetes mellitus in association with cessation of
insulin therapy or an intercurrent illness, which increases
insulin requirements temporarily and acutely (e.g., infection,
gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, myocardial infarction). The accu-
mulation of ketoacids accounts for the increment in the AG,
and is accompanied most often by evidence of hyperglycemia
(glucose > 300 mg/dL). In comparison with alcoholic ketoacido-
sis (AKA), described next, DKA is characterized by a higher
serum glucose, a lower ratio of b-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate,
and a lower ratio of lactate to pyruvate.
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis. Alcoholic ketoacidosis (also known 125
as b-hydroxybutyric acidosis) is seen in chronic alcoholics,
especially binge drinkers, who consume alcohol in the
absence of solid food consumption, when alcohol ingestion
is subsequently abruptly curtailed. Cessation of alcohol intake CH 6
is usually prompted by the onset of vomiting and abdominal

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

pain with ECF volume depletion, prior to presentation to the
hospital. The metabolic acidosis may be severe, but is accom-
panied by only modestly deranged glucose levels, which are
usually low but may be slightly elevated. Insulin levels are
low and levels of triglyceride, cortisol, glucagon, and growth
hormone are increased. The net result of this deranged meta-
bolic state is ketosis. The acidosis is primarily caused by the
increased levels of ketones, which exist predominantly in
the form of b-hydroxybutyrate because of the altered redox
state induced by the metabolism of alcohol. Rarely, lactic aci-
dosis coexists. This disorder is not rare, and likely to be mark-
edly underdiagnosed. The clinical presentation may be
complex with mixed acid-base disorder due to coexistent met-
abolic alkalosis (vomiting), respiratory alkalosis (alcoholic
liver disease), lactic acid acidosis (hypoperfusion), and hyper-
chloremic acidosis (renal excretion of ketoacids). The pres-
ence of an elevated blood alcohol level will lead to an
increased osmolal gap, but a differential diagnosis of ethylene
glycol and methanol toxicity should always be considered.
Starvation Ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis occurs within the first
24 to 48 hours of fasting, is accentuated by exercise and
pregnancy, and is rapidly reversible by glucose or insulin.
Starvation-induced hypoinsulinemia and accentuated hepatic
ketone production have been implicated pathogenetically.
High-protein weight loss diets typically cause mild ketosis
but not ketoacidosis.
Drug- and Toxin-Induced Acidosis
Salicylates. Adult patients with salicylate intoxication usu-
ally have pure respiratory alkalosis or mixed respiratory alka-
losis–high-AG metabolic acidosis. Only part of the increase
in the AG is due to the increase in serum salicylate concen-
tration. A toxic salicylate level of 100 mg/dL would account
for an increase in the AG of only 7 mEq/L. High ketone con-
centrations, thought to be due to salicylate-induced hypogly-
cemia, and increased lactic acid production also contribute.
Proteinuria and pulmonary edema may occur.
Acetaminophen. 5-Oxoproline, or pyroglutamic acid, is an
intermediate substrate involved in the synthesis of glutathi-
one. The ingestion of acetaminophen (paracetamol) can lead
(rarely) to glutathione depletion, causing accumulation of pyr-
oglutamic acid. This condition was first seen in the setting of
congenital glutathione synthetase deficiency, but more
recently has been described due to acquired glutathione
126 synthetase deficiency. The majority of cases have been seen in
critically ill patients on full-dose acetaminophen therapy. All
have had increased serum levels of pyroglutamic acid, which
have increased proportionate to the increase in the AG.
II Ethylene Glycol and Methanol. Under most physiologic con-
ditions, Naþ, urea, and glucose generate the osmotic pressure
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

of blood. Serum osmolality is calculated according to the fol-

lowing equation:

Osmolality ¼ 2½Naþ  þ glucoseðmg=dLÞ=18 þ BUN=2:8

The calculated and measured osmolalities should agree to

within 10 to 15 mOsm/kg. If the measured osmolality exceeds
the calculated osmolality by more than 15 to 20 mOsm/kg in
the setting of a high-AG metabolic acidosis, this suggests the
presence of a toxic alcohol. (Caution should be taken to ensure
that the serum Naþ is not spuriously low prior to interpretation
of the biochemical picture.) Ethanol is metabolized to acetalde-
hyde, the levels of which are not usually toxic, unless an excep-
tionally high amount is ingested, or inhibiton of acetaldehyde
dehydrogenase occurs by compounds such as disulfiram or sul-
fonylureas. In general, ethanol intoxication does not cause a
high-AG acidosis, although the association with AKA and lactic
acidosis has been previously described. Ingestion of ethylene
glycol, commonly used in antifreeze, leads to an osmolar gap
with a high-AG metabolic acidosis attributable to ethylene glycol
metabolites, especially oxalic acid and glycolic acid. L-Lactic
acid production also increases due to toxic depression of reac-
tion rates of the citric acid cycle and altered intracellular redox
state. Methanol (wood alcohol) ingestion also causes metabolic
acidosis in addition to severe optic nerve and central nervous
system manifestations resulting from its metabolism to formic
acid from formaldehyde. Lactic acids and ketoacids, as well as
other unidentified organic acids, may contribute to the acidosis.
Uremia. Advanced kidney disease eventually converts the
hyperchloremic acidosis, discussed earlier, to a typical high-
AG acidosis, due to poor filtration, together with continued
reabsorption of poorly identified uremic organic anions.
Uremic acidosis, which is classically insidious in onset, is
not usually evident until the GFR declines to less than
15 mL/min, and is characterized by decreased net excretion
of NH4þ. The HCO3 concentration rarely falls below
15 mEq/L, and the AG rarely exceeds 20 mEq/L. Multiple
studies have demonstrated that the acid retained by patients
with chronic kidney disease is buffered by alkaline salts
derived from bone, which results in significant loss of bone
tissue. Despite significant retention of acid (up to 20 mEq/
day), the serum HCO3 does not decrease further, indicating
participation of buffers outside the extracellular compartment.
Metabolic Alkalosis 127

Metabolic alkalosis is a primary acid-base disturbance charac-

terized by alkalemia (elevated arterial pH) together with an
increase in PaCO2 due to compensatory alveolar hypoventila- CH 6
tion (Table 6-6; see also Table 6-1). A rise in the serum HCO3

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

requires that either retention or exogenous administration of
HCO3, or net acid loss from the kidney or GI tract must occur.
The maintenance of a metabolic alkalosis thereafter represents
a failure of the kidneys to eliminate HCO3 at the normal

Table 6-6 Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis

ECV Contraction, Kþ Deficiency, and Second-Degree
Hyperreninemic Hyperaldosteronism
Gastrointestinal origin
Gastric aspiration
Congenital chloridorrhea
Villous adenoma
Renal origin
Edematous states
Posthypercapnic state
Recovery from lactic acidosis or ketoacidosis
Nonreabsorbable anions such as penicillin
Mg2þ deficiency
Kþ depletion
Bartter syndrome
Gitelman syndrome
ECV Expansion, Hypertension, Kþ Deficiency, and
Associated with high renin
Renal artery stenosis
Accelerated hypertension
Renin-secreting tumor
Estrogen therapy
Associated with low renin
Primary aldosteronism
Adrenal enzymatic defects
Cushing syndrome or disease
Liddle syndrome
Exogenous HCO3 Loads
Acute alkali administration
Milk-alkali syndrome
ECV, effective extracellular volume.
128 capacity. Therefore, in assessing a patient with metabolic alka-
losis, two questions must be considered:
1. What is the source of alkali gain (or acid loss) that gener-
ated the alkalosis (see Table 6-4)?
II 2. What renal mechanisms are operating to prevent the excre-
tion of excess HCO3?
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Maintenance of Metabolic Alkalosis

Maintenance of a metabolic alkalosis occurs if one of the fol-
lowing two mechanisms is operative:
1. Cl deficiency (ECF depletion). Cl deficiency, often with con-
current hypokalemia, leads to a fall in GFR and enhanced prox-
imal and distal fractional HCO3 reabsorption. The associated
secondary hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism stimulates Hþ
secretion in the collecting duct, further worsening the acid-
base disturbance. These disorders are characterized by a low
rate urinary Cl excretion (<20 mEq/L). Correction of the alka-
losis may be accomplished by administration of saline and Kþ
repletion. Causes include vomiting, Cl-losing diarrhea, naso-
gastric suctioning, diuretic use, and posthypercapnic states.
2. Hypermineralocorticoidism (ECF expansion). Co-existent
hypermineralocorticoidism and hypokalemia are induced by
independent factors unresponsive to expanded ECF volume.
The stimulation of distal Hþ secretion is then sufficient to
reabsorb the increased filtered HCO3 load and to overcome
the decreased proximal HCO3 reabsorption caused by ECF
expansion. These disorders are characterized by a normal rate
urinary Cl excretion (>20 mEq/L) and are not responsive to
saline administration. Resolution requires removal of the
excess mineralocorticoid. Causes include hyperaldosteron-
ism, Cushing syndrome, exogenous corticosteroids, Bartter
syndrome, alkali loading, and profound Kþ depletion.


Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis occurs consequent to severe pulmonary
disease, respiratory muscle fatigue, or depressed ventilatory
control (Table 6-7). The increase in PaCO2 caused by reduced
alveolar ventilation is the primary abnormality leading to
acidemia. In acute respiratory acidosis, there is an immediate
compensatory elevation (due to cellular buffering mechan-
isms) in HCO3 which increases by 1 mEq/L for every
10 mm Hg increase in PaCO2. In chronic respiratory acidosis
(>24 hours), renal adaptation is achieved and the HCO3
increases by 4 mEq/L for every 10 mm Hg increase in PaCO2
Causes of Respiratory Acid-Base
Table 6-7
CNS Stimulation CH 6

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Cerebrovascular Accident
Meningitis, encephalitis
Hypoxemia or Tissue Hypoxia
High altitude, # PaCO2
Pneumonia, pulmonary edema
Severe anemia
Drugs or Hormones
Pregnancy, progesterone
Stimulation of Chest Receptors
Flail chest
Cardiac failure
Pulmonary embolism
Hepatic failure
Mechanical hyperventilation
Heat exposure
Recovery from metabolic acidosis
Drugs (anesthetics, morphine, sedatives)
Causes of Respiratory Acid-Base
Table 6-7
II Emphysema, COPD
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Mechanical Ventilation
Permissive hypercapnia
Myasthenia gravis
Muscular dystrophies
Multiple sclerosis
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

(see Table 6-1), although serum bicarbonate will usually not

exceed 38 mEq/L. The clinical features of respiratory acido-
sis vary according to severity, duration, underlying disease,
and the presence of accompanying hypoxemia. A rapid
increase in PaCO2 may result in anxiety, dyspnea, confusion,
psychosis, and hallucinations and may progress to coma.
Lesser degrees of dysfunction seen in chronic hypercapnia
include sleep disturbances, memory loss, daytime somno-
lence, and personality changes. Coordination may be
impaired, and motor disturbances such as tremor, myoclonic
jerks, and asterixis may develop. The sensitivity of the cere-
bral vasculature to the vasodilating effects of CO2 can cause
headaches and other signs that mimic increased intracranial
pressure, such as papilledema, abnormal reflexes, and focal
muscle weakness. The causes of respiratory acidosis are dis-
played in Table 6-7.
Respiratory Alkalosis
Alveolar hyperventilation decreases PaCO2 and increases the
HCO3/PaCO2 ratio, thus increasing pH (alkalemia). Nonbicar-
bonate cellular buffers respond by consuming HCO3. Hypo-
capnia develops whenever a sufficiently strong ventilatory
stimulus causes pulmonary CO2 excretion to exceed its pro- 131
duction by tissues. Serum pH and HCO3 concentrations
vary proportionately with PaCO2 over a range from 40 to
15 mm Hg. For each 1 mm Hg fall in PaCO2, the pH rises by
approximately þ0.01 unit, and serum [HCO3] falls by CH 6
approximately 0.2 mEq/L. Beyond 2 to 6 hours, sustained

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

hypocapnia is further compensated by a decrease in renal
ammonium and titratable acid excretion and a reduction in
filtered HCO3 reabsorption. The full expression of renal
adaptation may take several days and depends on a normal
volume status and renal function. The effects of respiratory
alkalosis vary according to duration and severity, but in gen-
eral they are primarily those of the underlying disease. A
rapid decline in PaCO2 can cause dizziness, mental confusion,
and seizures, even in the absence of hypoxemia, consequent
to reduced cerebral blood flow. Cardiac rhythm disturbances
may occur in patients with coronary artery disease resulting
from changes in oxygen unloading by blood due to a left shift
in the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve (Bohr effect).
Acute respiratory alkalosis causes minor intracellular shifts
of sodium, potassium, and phosphate and reduces serum-free
calcium by increasing the protein-bound fraction. Hyperven-
tilation usually results in hypocapnia. The finding of normo-
capnia and hypoxemia may herald the onset of rapid
respiratory failure and should prompt an assessment to deter-
mine whether the patient is becoming fatigued. The causes of
respiratory alkalosis are outlined in Table 6-7.


Treatment of Metabolic Acidosis: General
The goal of therapy in a metabolic acidosis is reversal of the
underlying cause (e.g., insulin for DKA, restoration of tissue
perfusion in type A lactic acidosis). If this is not possible,
then alkali administration may be considered. It has been
emphasized that treatment of a metabolic acidosis with alkali
therapy should be reserved for severe acidemia only (pH <
7.1). This dictum does not apply in the situation in which
the patient has no “potential HCO3” in serum. Potential
HCO3 can be estimated from the increment in the anion
gap (DAG ¼ patient’s AG  10) compared to the decrement
in the serum HCO3 (DHCO3 ¼ 23 – patient’s HCO3).
DHCO3 > DAG suggests the presence of combined hyper-
chloremic and high-AG acidosis. It must then be established
if the acid anion in serum is metabolizable (i.e., b-hydroxy-
butyrate, acetoacetate, lactate) or nonmetabolizable (anions
that accumulate in chronic kidney disease). The latter variety
132 requires normal renal function and renal ammoniagenesis to
replenish the HCO3 deficit, a slow and often unpredictable
process. Therefore, patients with a normal AG (hyperchlore-
mic acidosis), a small AG (mixed hyperchloremic and AG
II acidosis), or a high AG attributable to a nonmetabolizable
anion in the setting of renal insufficiency should receive
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

alkali therapy to increase the serum HCO3 concentration

slowly into the range of 20 to 22 mEq/L. In acute life-
threatening metabolic acidosis once the blood pH falls below
7.2, the decrease in myocardial contractility predisposes to
congestive heart failure; therefore, a pH of 7.2 is a reasonable
therapeutic end point. Intravenous HCO3 should be given in
amounts that increase the pH to this value. There is no fixed
dose to achieve this goal and a reasonable estimated starting
dose is determined as follows:

Serum ½HCO3  > 10 mEq=L : Dose in mEq

¼ Desired DHCO3  ½body weight ðkgÞ  0:5
Serum ½HCO3  < 10 mEq=L : Dose in mEq
¼ Desired DHCO3  ½body weight ðkgÞ  0:8

The need for the two equations is due to the increasing vol-
ume of distribution of HCO3 as acidemia worsens. Serum
electrolytes should be monitored hourly during the course of
therapy to facilitate timely modification of treatment, with
particular regard to the serum Kþ, which may decline precipi-
tously as the pH increases.

Treatment of Lactic Acidosis

The basic principle (and only effective form) of therapy for lac-
tic acidosis is the correction of the underlying condition initiat-
ing the derangement in normal lactate metabolism. In type A
lactic acidosis, cessation of acid production through improved
tissue oxygenation, restoration of the circulating fluid volume,
improvement or augmentation of cardiac function, resection
of ischemic tissue, or treatment of sepsis is necessary in many
cases. Alkali therapy is generally advocated for acute, severe
acidemia (pH < 7.1), to improve inotropy and lactate utiliza-
tion. However, NaHCO3 therapy in large amounts may depress
cardiac performance and paradoxically exacerbate acidemia.
The accumulation of lactic acid may be relentless and may
necessitate use of renal replacement therapy, which can simul-
taneously deliver HCO3, remove lactate, and correct fluid
and electrolyte abnormalities. If the underlying cause can
be remedied, blood lactate will be reconverted to HCO3.
HCO3 derived from lactate conversion and any new HCO3 133
generated by renal mechanisms during acidosis, or from exo-
genous alkali therapy, are additive, and may result in an
overshoot alkalosis.
CH 6

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
The administration of insulin, with simultaneous correction
of extracellular volume and Kþ deficits, is the cornerstone of
treatment of DKA. Administration of alkali is not usually
required except in cases of severe acidemia (<7.1) when myo-
cardial depression may hamper tissue perfusion. In less severe
acidosis, administration of alkali can result in an overshoot
alkalosis once the accumulated ketoacids are recycled into
HCO3 following insulin administration. Occasionally a
patient may develop a substantial non-AG acidosis due to uri-
nary loss of ketoacid anions with Naþ or Kþ that may benefit
from alkali administration. Starvation and alcoholic ketoaci-
dosis largely self-correct with caloric intake; however, care
should be taken to ensure that Kþ, PO43, and Mg2þ levels
are monitored and supplemented as required. The treatment
of salicylate and toxic alcohol ingestion are reviewed in
Chapter 38, Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning.

Treatment of Hyperchloremic Acidosis

Correction of the chronic metabolic acidosis associated with a

hypokalemic distal RTA in adults can be achieved with
approximately 1 to 3 mEq/kg/day of oral HCO3. In growing
children, endogenous acid production is higher, usually
between 2 and 5 mEq/kg/day, and therefore requires greater
amounts of supplemental bicarbonate in order to maintain
normal growth. Severe hypokalemia with flaccid paralysis,
metabolic acidosis, and hypocalcemia can occur in some
patients under extreme circumstances, and require immediate
intravenous therapy. Intravenous potassium replacement
should be commenced before alkali administration, because
existing hypokalemia may be exacerbated by an increase in
the systemic pH.
In proximal RTAs, the magnitude of the bicarbonaturia at
a normal or near normal HCO3 concentration requires that
large amounts of HCO3 be administered. At least 10 to
30 mEq/kg/day of HCO3 or its metabolic equivalent (citrate)
is required to maintain the serum HCO3 concentration at
normal levels. Large supplements of Kþ are often necessary
because of the kaliuresis induced by high distal HCO3 deliv-
ery when the serum HCO3 concentration is normalized.
134 Thiazides have proved useful in diminishing therapeutic
requirements for HCO3 supplementation by causing ECF
contraction to stimulate proximal HCO3 absorption. Vitamin
D and PO43 may be supplemented, and in some patients may
II improve the acidification defect.
In hyperkalemic distal RTA, treatment should be directed
Distrurbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

toward correction of the hyperkalemia, restoration of euvolemia,

adequate alkali therapy, loop diuretics, and dietary potassium
restriction. Patients with glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid
deficiency should receive steroid replacement in physiologic
doses, which can significantly augment the effect of loop diure-
tics. Fludrocortisone should be used cautiously, however, and
should be avoided in the face of hypertension or congestive
heart failure.
Although neither uremic acidosis nor the hyperchloremic
acidosis of chronic kidney disease is usually severe, the pro-
gressive dissolution of bone by acidosis warrants treatment
to maintain the HCO3 concentration higher than 20 mEq/L.
This can be accomplished with relatively modest amounts of
alkali (1–1.5 mEq/kg/day). If hyperkalemia is present, furose-
mide (60–80 mg/day) should be added.

Treatment of Metabolic Alkalosis

Treatment is primarily aimed at removing the underlying stimu-
lus for HCO3 generation and restoring the kidney’s ability to
excrete excess HCO3. If primary hypermineralocorticoidism is
present, cessation of excess mineralocorticoid elaboration or
antagonism of mineralocorticoid action reverses the alkalosis.
Hþ loss from the stomach can be prevented by the use of
H2-receptor blockers or proton pump inhibitors, and from the
kidneys by the discontinuation of diuretics. The second aspect
of treatment is removal of the factors that sustain HCO3 reab-
sorption, such as ECF contraction or Cl or Kþ deficiency.
Although Kþ deficits should be repaired, sodium chloride
therapy is usually sufficient to reverse the alkalosis if ECF
contraction exists. Unusual cases, termed saline resistant, are
associated with marked Kþ deficits (>1000 mEq), Mg2þ defi-
ciency, Gitelman syndrome, Bartter syndrome, or primary
autonomous mineralocorticoid states, as listed in Table 6-6.
Therapy in these cases must be directed toward the underlying
pathophysiology. If infusion of saline is precluded by associated
conditions (such as a mixed metabolic alkalosis and respiratory
acidosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/congestive
heart failure), accelerated renal HCO3 loss can be achieved
by the administration of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor acet-
azolamide (250 mg twice a day), which is usually very effective
in patients with adequate renal function, but may exacerbate
urinary Kþ losses. Dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1 N HCl), 135
although effective, can be dangerous and can result in brisk
hemolysis. Finally, if renal replacement therapy is required, a
custom dialysate lower in HCO3 and higher in Cl should be
utilized. CH 6

Disorders of Acid-Base Balance

Treatment of Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders
The treatment of respiratory acidosis depends on its severity
and rate of onset. Acute respiratory acidosis can be life-
threatening, and measures to reverse the underlying cause
should be made simultaneously with restoration of adequate
alveolar ventilation to relieve severe hypoxemia and acidemia.
Temporarily, this may necessitate assisted noninvasive or
invasive mechanical ventilation. Oxygen should be carefully
titrated in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease and chronic CO2 retention who are breathing sponta-
neously. Injudicious use of oxygen may exacerbate the respira-
tory acidosis. Aggressive and rapid correction of hypercapnia
should be avoided, because the falling PaCO2 may provoke
the same complications noted with acute respiratory alkalosis
(i.e., cardiac arrhythmias, reduced cerebral perfusion, and sei-
zures). It is advisable to lower the PaCO2 gradually in chronic
respiratory acidosis, aiming to restore the PaCO2 to baseline
levels while at the same time providing sufficient chloride
and potassium to enhance the renal excretion of bicarbonate.
Chronic respiratory acidosis is frequently difficult to
correct, but general measures aimed at maximizing lung func-
tion, cessation of smoking, use of oxygen, bronchodilators,
corticosteroids, diuretics, and physiotherapy can help some
patients and can forestall further deterioration. Respiratory
stimulants may prove useful in selected cases, particularly
if the patient appears to have hypercapnia disproportionate
to the level of lung function. The treatment of respiratory alka-
losis is primarily directed toward alleviation of the underlying
disorder. Respiratory alkalosis is rarely life-threatening,
and direct measures to correct it will be unsuccessful if the
stimulus remains unchecked.
the addition of sequential agents only when the patient has been 157
demonstrated to tolerate such medications.

The Clinical Approach to Hyperkalemia CH 7

Disorders of Potassium Metabolism

As for hypokalemia, the priority in the initial management of
hyperkalemia is to assess the requirement for emergency treat-
ment. Thereafter, a comprehensive investigation into the
underlying etiology should be undertaken, with particular
focus on medication history, diet (including supplements),
risk factors for kidney disease, and volume status (Fig. 7-2).
Initial laboratory tests should include a full electrolyte screen,
blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, serum osmolality, com-
plete blood count, and urinary pH, osmolality, creatinine, and
electrolytes, with calculation of the TTKG.

Treatment of Hyperkalemia

Most cases of hyperkalemia result from Kþ accumulation due to

a combination of renal insufficiency and impaired distal Kþ
excretion; Kþ elimination is therefore the aim of treatment. How-
ever, occasionally, hyperkalemia may be due to Kþ redistribu-
tion, and the clinical approach is addressed at achieving
intracellular translocation of Kþ rather than Kþ loss, as this may
result in rebound hypokalemia (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis).
The management of hyperkalemia is based on a combination
of factors, including the severity of the hyperkalemia, the pres-
ence of ECG evidence of cardiac toxicity, and clinical signs of
hyperkalemia, which are also influenced by other electrolyte
abnormalities, acid-base status, and chronicity. Severe hyper-
kalemia (serum Kþ  8 mmol/L or serum Kþ > 6.5 mmol/L with
ECG changes other than peaked T waves) is a medical emer-
gency and requires urgent intervention (Table 7-3). Given the
limitations of ECG changes as a predictor of cardiac toxicity,
patients with moderate hyperkalemia (Kþ  6.5 mmol/L) in
the absence of ECG changes or symptomatic patients (muscle
weakness) should also receive prompt medical intervention.
Urgent management of severe hyperkalemia includes a 12-lead
electrocardiogram, admission to the hospital, continuous ECG
monitoring, and immediate treatment. The treatment of hyper-
kalemia is generally divided into three categories:
1. Antagonism of the cardiac effects of hyperkalemia
2. Rapid reduction in Kþ by redistribution into cells
3. Removal of Kþ from the body
The necessary measures to treat the underlying conditions
causing hyperkalemia should be undertaken to minimize the

Emergency Yes K+ ≥ 6 or Hypokalemia Yes No further

therapy ECG changes (serum K+ ≥ 5.5 mmol/L) action
No No

Treat accordingly Yes Evidence of increased History, physical examination Evidence of Yes Treat accordingly
and re-evaluate potassium load and basic laboratory tests transcellular shift and re-evaluate
No No

Decreased urinary K+ excretion (<40 mmol/day) • Hypertonicity (e.g., mannitol)

• Hyperglycemia
• Succinylcholine
Decreased distal Urine Na+
Urine electrolytes • ε-Aminocaproic acid
Na+ delivery < 25 mmol/L
• Digoxin
• β-Blockers
TTKG • Metabolic acidosis (nonorganic)
• Arginine infusion
• Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
• ↓ Insulin
>7 <6 • Exercise

Reduced tubular flow Reduced distal K+ secretion

(GFR > 20 mL/min)
Advanced kidney failure Reduced Administer
(GFR ≤ 20 mL/min) ECV 9α-fludrocortisone

TTKG < 7 TTKG ≥ 7

(tubular resistance)

Low aldosterone
Drugs Other causes
• Amiloride • Tubulointerstitial diseases
• Spironolactone • Urinary tract obstruction Renin
• Triamterene • PHA type I
• Trimethoprim • PHA type II
• Pentamidine • Sickle cell disease High Low
• Eplerenone • Renal transplant
• Calcineurin inhibitors • SLE • Primary adrenal insufficiency • Diabetes mellitus
• Isolated aldosterone deficiency • Acute GN
• Heparin/LMW heparin • Tubulointerstitial diseases
• ACE-I/ARB • PHA type II
• Ketoconazole • NSAIDs
• β-Blockers

Figure 7-2. The diagnostic approach to hyperkalemia. ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; acute GN, acute
glomerulonephritis; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; CCD, cortical collecting duct; ECG, electrocardiogram; ECV,
effective circulatory volume; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; LMW heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin; PHA,
pseudohypoaldosteronism; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; TTKG, transtubular potassium gradient. (From Mount DB,
Zandi-Nejad K: Disorders of potassium balance. In Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney, 8th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders,
2005, pp 547–588.)
Table 7-3 Acute Management of Severe Hyperkalemia
Stabilize myocardium with calcium salts
Calcium gluconate 10% 10 mL as IV bolus
II Shift potassium into cells
Intravenous glucose (50 mL of 50%) with 5–10 IU of insulin
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

10–20 mg nebulized albuterol over 10 min (2–4 mL of 5 mg/mL
albuterol solution)
Subcutaneous terbutaline injection (7 mg/kg)
Potassium removal with dialysis (in patients with ESRD, or when
conservative measures are unsuccessful in the non-ESRD
ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
From Putcha N, Allon M: Management of hyperkalemia in dialysis patients. Semin
Dial 20:431–439, 2007.

factors that are contributing to hyperkalemia and to prevent

future episodes. Dietary restriction (usually 60 mEq/day) with
emphasis on the Kþ content of total parenteral nutrition solu-
tions and enteral feeding products (typically 25–50 mmol/L)
and adjustment of medications and intravenous fluids are nec-
essary; hidden sources of Kþ, such as intravenous antibiotics,
should not be overlooked.

Antagonism of Cardiac Effects

Intravenous calcium raises the action potential threshold and
reduces excitability without changing the resting membrane
potential, and reverses the depolarization blockade that occurs
with hyperkalemia. Calcium is available as calcium chloride
or calcium gluconate (10-mL ampules of 10% solutions) for
intravenous infusion. Calcium gluconate is less irritating to
the veins and can be used through a peripheral intravenous
line; calcium chloride can cause tissue necrosis if it extrava-
sates and it requires a central line. The recommended dose is
10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate (3–4 mL of calcium chloride),
infused intravenously over 2 to 3 minutes and under continu-
ous ECG monitoring. The effect of the infusion starts in 1 to 3
minutes and lasts 30 to 60 minutes. The dose should be
repeated if there is no change in ECG findings or if they recur
after initial improvement. Of note, calcium should be used with
extreme caution in patients taking digoxin, because hypercalce-
mia potentiates the cardiotoxic effects of digoxin. In such cases,
10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate should be added to 100 mL of
5% dextrose in water and infused over 20 to 30 minutes to avoid
hypercalcemia. To prevent the precipitation of calcium carbon-
ate, calcium should not be administered in solutions containing
bicarbonate. Intravenous calcium should be administered to all
patients with ECG changes; some authors advocate its use 161
in patients with serum potassium greater than 6 to 6.5 mmol/L,
even in the absence of ECG changes.

Redistribution of Potassium into Cells CH 7

Insulin and Glucose. Insulin lowers the serum Kþ concentra-
tion by shifting Kþ into cells. The effect is reliable, dose

Disorders of Potassium Metabolism

dependent, and effective, even in patients with chronic kid-
ney disease and ESRD. The recommended dose is 5 to 10 units
of regular insulin administered intravenously, followed by
50 mL of 50% dextrose. The effect of insulin on the Kþ level
begins in 10 to 20 minutes, peaks at 30 to 60 minutes, and
lasts for 4 to 6 hours. The expected fall in serum Kþ concentra-
tion should be 0.5 to 1.2 mmol/L and the dose can be repeated
as necessary. Hypoglycemia may occur in up to 75% of
patients. Therefore, a continuous infusion of 10% dextrose at
50 to 75 mL/hour and close monitoring of the blood glucose
levels is recommended following administration of the bolus
insulin/dextrose dose. Administration of glucose without sup-
plemental insulin is not recommended because the endoge-
nous insulin response to such a glucose load may be
variable, and glucose, in the absence of insulin, may in fact
increase serum Kþ, by increasing plasma osmolality. In hyper-
glycemic patients with glucose levels of 200 to 250 mg/dL,
insulin should be administered without glucose, but should
be followed by close monitoring of the serum glucose.
b2-Adrenergic Agonists. b2-Agonists are important, but
underutilized, agents for the acute management of hyperkale-
mia. They exert their effect by activating Naþ/Kþ-ATPase and
the NKCC1 Naþ-Kþ-2Cl cotransporter, shifting Kþ into hepato-
cytes and skeletal myocytes. Albuterol (Salbutamol), a selective
b2-agonist, is the most widely used agent; both intravenous and
nebulized forms are effective. The recommended dose for intra-
venous administration is 0.5 mg of albuterol in 100 mL of 5%
dextrose, given over 10 to 15 minutes. The Kþ-lowering effect
starts in few minutes, is maximal at about 30 to 40 minutes,
and lasts for 2 to 6 hours. It reduces serum Kþ levels by approx-
imately 0.9 to 1.4 mmol/L. The recommended dose for inhaled
albuterol is 10 to 20 mg of nebulized albuterol in 4 mL of normal
saline, inhaled over 10 minutes. Its effects start at 30 minutes,
peaks at 90 minutes, and last for 2 to 6 hours. Inhaled albuterol
reduces serum Kþ levels by approximately 0.5 to 1 mmol/L.
Administration of inhaled or parenteral albuterol has an addi-
tive effect when given with glucose/insulin in reducing serum
Kþ levels, by approximately 1.2 to 1.5 mmol/L in total. Treat-
ment with albuterol may result in increased heart rate, an effect
seen more prominently with intravenous administration, and it
should be used with caution in patients with ischemic heart
disease. Importantly, up to 40% of patients with ESRD are not
162 responsive to Kþ-lowering effect of albuterol; it should not
therefore be used as a single agent in this population. In an
attempt to reduce pharmacokinetic variability, a weight-based
regimen of subcutaneous terbutaline (7 mg/kg) was recently
II given a trial in a small group of ESRD patients, and effected a
mean reduction in serum Kþ levels of 1.3 mmol/L in 30 to 90
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

minutes, suggesting promise as an alternate approach, charac-

terized by simplicity of administration and speed of onset.
Sodium Bicarbonate. The role of bicarbonate in the acute
treatment of hyperkalemia is increasingly being challenged.
The effect of combining bicarbonate with either insulin-glu-
cose or with albuterol has been studied, with no convincing
benefit demonstrated in terms of lowering of the serum Kþ.
Potential adverse effects include a reduction in ionized cal-
cium levels and volume overload. Indeed some studies utiliz-
ing hypertonic bicarbonate have shown an increase in the
serum Kþ level, thought to be due to increased plasma osmo-
lality, promoting Kþ shift out of cells. As a result the routine
administration of bicarbonate, especially as a single agent,
has no role in the acute treatment of hyperkalemia. One excep-
tion may be the management of severely acidemic patients.

Removal of Potassium
Diuretics. Diuretics have a relatively modest effect on uri-
nary Kþ excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease.
However, they are useful in correcting chronic hyperkalemia
in patients with the syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldos-
teronism and selective renal Kþ secretory problems (e.g.,
post-transplantation or trimethoprim administration). In
patients with impaired renal function, the following are
• Oral diuretics with the highest bioavailability and the least
renal metabolism (e.g., torsemide, bumetanide) to minimize
the chance of accumulation and toxicity
• Intravenous agents (short-term) with the least hepatic
metabolism (e.g., furosemide rather than bumetanide)
• Combination loop-thiazide therapy, although this may acti-
vate tubuloglomerular feedback and decrease GFR
• Use of the maximal effective “ceiling” dose
Mineralocorticoids. Fludrocortisone may be useful in treat-
ing chronic hyperkalemia in patients with hypoaldosteronism
with or without hyporeninism, those with SLE, kidney trans-
plant recipients on cyclosporine, and as a preventive agent
in ESRD patients on hemodialysis with interdialytic hyperka-
lemia, although the available data are limited. Mineralocorti-
coids are thought to lower potassium by two mechanisms:
(1) augmentation of colonic potassium excretion, and (2) stim-
ulation of Naþ/Kþ-ATPase on the cell membrane to enhance
extrarenal potassium excretion. The recommended dose is 0.1 163
to 0.3 mg/day. In patients with ESRD on hemodialysis, this
regimen reduces serum Kþ by up to 0.5 to 0.7 mmol/L. Close
monitoring of blood pressure and weight after initiation of
these medications is prudent, especially in patients without CH 7

Disorders of Potassium Metabolism

Cation Exchange Resins. Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
(SPS, Kayexalate) exchanges Naþ for Kþ in the gastrointesti-
nal tract. To prevent constipation and to facilitate the pas-
sage of the resin through the gastrointestinal tract, sorbitol
may be added. The current recommended dose is 15 to 30 g
of powder in water or, preferably, 70% sorbitol, one to four
times daily. It can take from 4 to 24 hours for the full effect
to occur. Therefore, this approach should be used only in
conjunction with other measures in the treatment of acute
hyperkalemia. Each gram of resin binds 0.5 to 1.2 mEq of
Kþ in exchange for 2 to 3 mEq of Naþ. It is worth noting that
a recent, albeit small, study failed to demonstrate any potas-
sium-lowering effect when examining the use of single-dose
resins in ESRD patients on hemodialysis. Kayexalate can also
be administered rectally as a retention enema in patients
unable to take or tolerate the oral form. The recommended
dose is 30 to 50 g of resin every 6 hours administered as a
warm (i.e., body temperature) emulsion in 100 mL 20% dex-
trose in water after an initial cleansing enema (i.e., body tem-
perature tap water) and through a rubber tube secured at
about 20 cm from the rectum and well into the sigmoid
colon. The emulsion should be introduced by gravity,
flushed with an additional 50 to 100 mL of non–sodium-
containing fluid, retained for at least 30 to 60 minutes, and
followed by a cleansing enema (250 to 1000 mL of body tem-
perature tap water). The use of sorbitol in the enema prepara-
tion is not recommended due to multiple reported cases of
colonic necrosis, ischemic colitis, and perforation secondary
to SPS-sorbitol. This complication can also occur with oral
administration of SPS in sorbitol, although the incidence
tends to be much lower. Other potential complications,
although rare, include reduction of serum calcium, volume
overload, interference with lithium absorption, and iatro-
genic hypokalemia. Given the slow onset of action and lim-
ited potassium-lowering effect of resins, their use in the
acute treatment of hyperkalemia is of limited benefit.
Dialysis. Dialysis is the definitive treatment for severe
hyperkalemia in ESRD patients, and may also be required fol-
lowing failure of conservative measures to control severe
hyperkalemia and in settings of massive Kþ release (e.g.,
rhabdomyolysis). Continuous hemodiafiltration is increas-
ingly used for the management of critically ill and hemody-
namically unstable patients; peritoneal dialysis, although
164 less effective in an acute setting, can remove significant
amounts of Kþ over a 24-hour period using multiple
exchanges. However, hemodialysis is the preferred mode
when rapid correction of an acute hyperkalemic episode is
II desired in patients. An average 3- to 5-hour hemodialysis
session removes approximately 40 to 120 mmol of Kþ, with
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

the greatest decline in serum Kþ levels (1.2–1.5 mmol/L)

occurring during the first hour. The amount of potassium
removed depends primarily on the type and surface area of
the dialyzer used, blood flow rate, duration, and serum to
dialysate Kþ gradient. Other factors include the dialysate
concentration of bicarbonate and glucose. Dialysates with a
lower Kþ concentration are more effective in reducing serum
Kþ levels. However, a rapid decline in serum Kþ is associated
with an increased incidence of cardiac arrhythmias, and may
also be associated with rebound hypertension. Therefore,
dialysates with a very low Kþ concentration (0 or 1 mmol/L)
should be used cautiously, particularly in high-risk patients
(digoxin use, history of arrhythmia, coronary artery disease,
left ventricular hypertrophy, hypertension, older age). Con-
tinuous cardiac monitoring is recommended for all patients
dialyzed against a 0- or 1-mmol/L Kþ bath. A graded reduc-
tion in the dialysate Kþ concentration over the course of the
dialysis session may be used, particularly in high-risk
patients. Glucose-free dialysates are more efficient in remov-
ing Kþ, thought to be due to alterations in endogenous insu-
lin levels and associated Kþ shifts. The bicarbonate
concentration of dialysate has also been shown to influence
Kþ removal: the use of high concentration (39 mmol/L) bicar-
bonate dialysate is associated with a more rapid reduction in
serum Kþ, although the total amount of Kþ removal is greater
with low concentration (27 mmol/L) dialysate. A rebound
increase in serum Kþ can occur after hemodialysis. This phe-
nomenon can be especially marked in cases of massive
release from devitalized tissues (e.g., tumor lysis, rhabdomy-
olysis). Other factors attenuating Kþ removal and thus
increasing the risk and magnitude of post-dialysis rebound
include pretreatment with b2-agonists, insulin and glucose,
eating early during the dialysis treatment, a high predialysis
serum Kþ, and higher dialysate Naþ concentrations.

Other Therapeutic Options for Prevention of

Hyperkalemia in ESRD
Strategies to prevent hyperkalemia in the ESRD population are
critically important (Table 7-4) and include dietary restriction
of potassium, and use of b2-agonists and glucose with or with-
out insulin in the prolonged fasting situation (e.g., presurgery).
Table 7-4 Strategies to Prevent Hyperkalemia in the
ESRD Population
Restriction of dietary potassium
Administration of nebulized albuterol and/or 10% dextrose at CH 7
50 mL/hour (add 10 IU insulin per liter if patient is diabetic)

Disorders of Potassium Metabolism

during prolonged fasting
Avoidance of medications that may increase serum potassium,
including Kþ-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, heparin, NSAIDs,
and nonselective b-blockers
Potential therapies requiring further study
Mineralocorticoids, such as fludrocortisone
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
From Putcha N, Allon M: Management of hyperkalemia in dialysis patients. Semin
Dial 20:431–439, 2007.

Use of the ACE inhibitor fosinopril in a group of hemodial-

ysis patients was shown to result in a significant reduction in
predialysis serum potassium levels. Fosinopril is excreted by
both renal and biliary pathways, and it is thought that fosino-
pril may increase potassium secretion via the biliary system,
thereby decreasing interdialytic hyperkalemia.
Daily administration of the laxative bisacodyl has also
undergone trial as a modality for the reduction of interdialytic
potassium. Daily use of 5 to 10 mg of bisacodyl in hemodialy-
sis patients was shown to reduce serum potassium levels, and
although it increased stool frequency, it did not cause overt
diarrhea. Bisacodyl is thought to stimulate cAMP, thereby
activating potassium secretion in the gut.
Chapter 8

Disorders of Calcium,
Magnesium, and Phosphate
The extracellular calcium concentration is tightly maintained,
reflecting the actions of multiple hormones (parathyroid hor-
mone [PTH], calcitonin, and vitamin D) on bone, intestine,
kidney, and parathyroid tissue. This homeostatic system is
modulated by dietary and environmental factors (including
vitamins, hormones, medications, and mobility). The normal
total extracellular calcium concentration is 9 to 10.5 mg/dL
(2.25–2.65 mmol/L) of which approximately 50% is bound to
serum proteins, the remainder existing as free ionized calcium
(pathophysiologically relevant fraction). Alterations in the
serum pH can alter the fraction of ionized calcium: alkalosis
promotes the binding of serum free Ca2þ to albumin; the con-
verse is true in the setting of acidosis. Although an alteration
in ionized calcium is usually reflected by altered total cal-
cium, this may not be the case if the serum protein concentra-
tions are abnormal. A useful rule is to add 0.8 mg/dL for every
1-mg depression in serum albumin below 4 mg/dL to “correct”
for hypoalbuminemia.

Signs and Symptoms
The clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia reflect both the
degree of hypercalcemia and rate of increase. Neuromuscular
sequelae are common, and include altered mental status,
depression, fatigue, and muscle weakness. Frequent gastroin-
testinal complications include constipation, nausea, and
vomiting; peptic ulcer disease is rare, pancreatitis exceedingly
so. Hypercalcemia causes polyuria and polydipsia; significant
hypercalcemia can lead to severe dehydration. Nephrolithiasis
and nephrocalcinosis are seen in 15% to 20% of cases of pri-
mary hyperparathyroidism (HPT). Hypercalcemia causes a
shortened QT interval on electrocardiograms due to an
increased rate of cardiac repolarization. Heart block and other
arrhythmias also may be observed. Even mild hypercalcemia 167
may be of clinical significance, as some studies have sug-
gested an increased cardiovascular risk from relatively mild,
although prolonged, elevation in serum calcium.
CH 8

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

Primary HPT and malignancy-associated hypercalcemia are
responsible for the vast majority of cases of hypercalcemia.
In primary HPT, the serum PTH is usually frankly elevated;
in malignancy-associated hypercalcemia and in most other
causes, PTH levels are low. An elevated parathyroid hor-
mone–related protein (PTHrP) level indicates humoral hyper-
calcemia of malignancy (although some forms of malignancy-
associated hypercalcemia are not mediated by this circulating
hormone). Approximately 10% of cases of hypercalcemia are
due to other causes. Of particular importance in the evalua-
tion of a hypercalcemic patient are the family history (familial
syndromes including multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN]
types I and II, and familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia),
medication history (several medication-induced forms of
hypercalcemia), and the presence of other disease (e.g., granu-
lomatous or malignant disease).

Causes of Hypercalcemia (Tables 8-1 and 8-2)

Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Primary HPT is caused by
excess PTH secretion and accounts for 50% of cases of hypercal-
cemia. Incidental detection of hypercalcemia is the usual pre-
sentation and the degree of hypercalcemia may be mild and

Table 8-1 Causes of Hypercalcemia

Common Drug-induced
Primary Lithium
hyperparathyroidism Aminophylline
Adenoma Vitamin D
Carcinoma Estrogens
Hyperplasia Thiazides
Malignancy Vitamin A
Humoral hypercalcemia Milk-alkali syndrome
Lytic bone disease Granulomatous disease
Ectopic 1,25(OH)2- Nonparathyroid endocrinopathies
vitamin D Immobilization
Less Common Chronic kidney disease
Inherited disease Neonatal hypercalcemia
Multiple endocrine
neoplasia type I, II
Familial hypocalciuric
Table 8-2 Causes of Chronic Hypocalcemia
Hypoparathyroidism PTH Resistance
Altered Ca2þ/PTH setpoint Pseudohypoparathyroidism
II PTH gene defects Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
Postsurgical Hypomagnesemia
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Neck irradiation Other

Infiltrative disease Vitamin D deficiency
Hypo/hypermagnesemia Altered vitamin D metabolism
Autoimmune disease Drug induced
PTH, parathyroid hormone.

intermittent. The estimated prevalence of primary HPT is

approximately 1%, rising to 2% in postmenopausal women.
A single enlarged gland is causative in 80% to 90% of cases,
usually due to a single benign adenoma; carcinoma is rare. In
approximately 15% of cases, HPT is due to four-gland hyperpla-
sia. The disease is about three times more common in women
than in men. Primary HPT rarely causes life-threatening hyper-
calcemia; however, some data suggest that primary HPT may be
associated with hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, arterial
thickening, and increased mortality rate, primarily due to car-
diovascular disease. The classic bony lesion of HPT, osteitis
fibrosa cystica, is now rarely seen; diffuse osteopenia is a more
common finding.
Standard therapy for primary HPT remains parathyroidec-
tomy. Indications include serum calcium levels greater than
1 mg/dL above normal, a history of life-threatening hypercal-
cemia, renal insufficiency, kidney stones, reduced bone mass,
or hypercalciuria (>400 mg calcium per 24 hours). Medical
surveillance is considered a reasonable alternative for indivi-
duals older than 50 years with no obvious symptoms and
normal bone density. Such patients should receive close
follow-up, including periodic measurements of bone density,
renal function, and serum calcium. Preoperative localization
of parathyroid adenomas is increasingly performed by means
of a technetium-99 sestamibi scan. If a single adenoma is iden-
tified, minimally invasive parathyroidectomy may be a viable
option; this requires intraoperative visualization of only the
culpable gland, as long as resection results in a substantial
intraoperative decline in PTH. Otherwise, all four glands
should be surgically identified. Although excision of a single
enlarged gland is curative, the presence of more than one
enlarged gland raises the possibility of diffuse parathyroid
hyperplasia and the syndrome of multiple endocrine neopla-
sia (MEN). When all glands are enlarged, removal of 3½
glands or all 4 glands with forearm autotransplantation of a
portion of the gland is advocated.
Parathyroid Carcinoma. Parathyroid carcinoma accounts for 169
less than 1% of primary HPT. The diagnosis of parathyroid car-
cinoma may be difficult to make in the absence of metastases
because the histologic appearance may be similar to that of atyp-
ical adenomas. In general, parathyroid carcinoma is not aggres- CH 8
sive, and survival is common if the entire gland can be removed.
Malignancy. Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM)

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

generally refers to the syndrome of malignancy-associated
hypercalcemia caused by secretion of PTHrP (approximately
80% of malignancy-associated hypercalcemia). PTHrP is
widely expressed in a variety of tissues, but normal circulating
levels are negligible. PTHrP and PTH interact with the PTH
receptor with equal affinity. Malignancies associated with
HHM include squamous cell, renal cell, breast, and ovarian car-
cinomas. Lymphomas associated with human T-lymphotropic
virus type 1 (HTLV-1), and other non-Hodgkin lymphomas,
may also cause PTHrP-mediated HHM. Patients are hypercalce-
mic, hypophosphatemic, and hypercalciuric.
Malignant lymphomas have been reported to produce
1,25(OH)2D in sufficient quantity to cause hypercalcemia due
to increased bone and calcium reabsorption. Rarely, ectopic
production of PTH by a nonparathyroid tumor may occur.
Osteolytic metastases may produce severe pain, pathologic frac-
tures, and hypercalcemia. Extensive bone destruction is seen in
patients with multiple myeloma. Although bony lesions are
nearly universal, hypercalcemia is not noted with the same fre-
quency; the degree of hypercalcemia does not correlate well
with the extent of bone destruction.
Inherited Disease
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias. Multiple endocrine neoplasia
type I (MEN-I), an autosomal dominant disorder characterized
by tumors of the parathyroid gland, pituitary, and pancreas, is
the most common form of familial HPT, usually due to diffuse
four-gland-hyperplasia. The gene defect in MEN-I is the
menin gene, a possible tumor suppressor gene found on chro-
mosome 11q13. MEN-IIA is also characterized by parathyroid
hyperplasia and autosomal dominant inheritance. Medullary
thyroid carcinoma and pheochromocytoma are associated
findings. The MEN-IIA gene defect is on chromosome 10
within the RET proto-oncogene. Treatment of the HPT is sur-
gical: subtotal parathyroidectomy or total parathyroidectomy
with autotransplantation of a portion of the excised parathy-
roid gland in the forearm.
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia and Neonatal Severe
Hyperparathyroidism. Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
(FHH), or familial benign hypercalcemia, is a rare autosomal
dominant condition, the majority of cases due to inactivating
defects in the extracellular calcium receptor (CaR) located on
chromosome 3q. The hypercalcemia is typically mild to
170 moderate (10.5–12 mg/dL) and asymptomatic. Both total and
ionized calcium levels are elevated, and the PTH level is gen-
erally “inappropriately normal” in the presence of hypercalce-
mia. Urinary calcium excretion is not elevated, as would be
II expected in hypercalcemia of other causes. Relative hypocal-
ciuria persists even after parathyroidectomy in FHH, confirm-
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

ing the role of CaR in regulating renal calcium handling.

Differentiating primary HPT from FHH is critical, because
the hypercalcemia in FHH is benign and does not respond to
subtotal parathyroidectomy.
Two copies of CaR alleles bearing inactivating mutations
cause neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT). This
rare disorder, most often reported in the offspring of consanguin-
eous FHH parents, is characterized by severe hyperparathyroid
hyperplasia, PTH elevation, and elevated extracellular calcium.
Treatment is total parathyroidectomy followed by vitamin D
and calcium supplementation. This disease is usually lethal
without surgical intervention.
Medications. Hypercalcemia, often with elevated PTH
levels, affects 5% to 10% of patients treated with lithium,
likely mediated by interaction with the extracellular CaR to
alter the calcium set-point for PTH secretion. The hypercalce-
mia is typically reversible, although lithium-independent
HPT may develop after prolonged treatment. Vitamin A intox-
ication (in the order of 100,000 U/day) may cause hypercalce-
mia, presumably from increased osteoclast-mediated bone
resorption. Hypercalcemia has also been reported to be due
to use of vitamin A analogs, used in the treatment of dermato-
logic and hematologic malignancy. Hypercalcemia is a well-
recognized complication of thiazide diuretics, although it is
unclear whether their hypocalciuric effect alone is responsible
for the observed hypercalcemia. Because thiazides may exac-
erbate borderline hypercalcemia of other causes, severe hyper-
calcemia in a thiazide-treated patient should prompt further
Milk-Alkali Syndrome. The syndrome of hypercalcemia,
alkalosis, and renal insufficiency caused by the ingestion of
large amounts of calcium and antacids is known as the milk-
alkali syndrome. Reduction in the use of antacids had resulted
in a decline in the incidence of this syndrome, but the popu-
larity of calcium supplementation in the form of calcium car-
bonate has resulted in a recent upsurge in cases, such that
some reports suggest it is the underlying cause of hypercalce-
mia in up to 12% of cases. The pathogenesis of the syndrome
is unclear, and requires the ingestion of calcium of signifi-
cantly greater quantities than that contained within a normal
calcium-supplemented diet, in the order of 5 g/day. In suscep-
tible individuals, increased alkali intake, hypercalcemia, and
a concomitant reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
engender a metabolic alkalosis that inhibits calcium excretion 171
and further perpetuates the syndrome.
Vitamin D Intoxication. Hypercalcemia may develop in
individuals ingesting vitamin D or vitamin D analogs, includ-
ing 1,25(OH)2D. Serum 25(OH)D is elevated and immunoreac-
CH 8
tive PTH (iPTH) is depressed. The diagnosis is made by the
history and detection of elevated 25(OH)D levels.

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

Immobilization. Immobilization can produce increased
rates of bone resorption, decreased rates of bone formation,
and hypercalcemia days to weeks after start of complete bed
rest. The hypercalcemia is reversible with resumption of activ-
ity. Low PTH and 1,25(OH)2D levels are characteristically
Granulomatous Disease. Hypercalcemia is observed in
10% of cases of sarcoidosis due to increased production of
1,25(OH)2D from nonrenal sites; hypercalciuria is more com-
mon, seen in up to 50% of patients, and may precede the
development of hypercalcemia. Macrophages in sarcoid gran-
ulomata produce calcitriol. Other granulomatous disorders,
including leprosy, Wegener granulomatosis, and AIDS with
pulmonary Pneumocystis carinii (PCP) infection, have rarely
been associated with altered vitamin D metabolism and
Nonparathyroid Endocrinopathies. Mild hypercalcemia is
common in thyrotoxicosis. Bone turnover is increased, and
PTH and 1,25(OH)2D levels are decreased. Pheochromocy-
toma may be associated with hypercalcemia, usually due to
coincident HPT and MEN-IIA. Adrenal insufficiency, pancre-
atic islet cell tumors, growth hormone administration, and
acromegaly have all been associated with hypercalcemia.

Management of Hypercalcemia
The treatment of mild chronic hypercalcemia should be
directed at the underlying cause. However, immediate therapy
is required for patients with acute severe hypercalcemia
(>14 mg/dL/3.5 mmol/L). Volume depletion is almost univer-
sal in severe hypercalcemia. Volume repletion and induction
of saline diuresis prompt a calciuresis and are central to suc-
cessful therapy. Patients should be initially administered 200
to 300 mL/hour of 0.9% NaCl; tapering thereafter to 100 to
200 mL/hour at the clinical discretion of the treating physician.
Once volume is replete, loop diuretics may be administered to
augment the urinary calcium losses. Care should be taken not
to use loop diuretics prior to volume expansion as this may trig-
ger prerenal acute kidney injury (AKI). The patient’s volume
status must be closely monitored during the administration of
large amounts of saline and diuretic, particularly in
hospitalized patients with cardiac or pulmonary disease.
Bisphosphonates such as pamidronate (30–90 mg IV over
2 hours) and zoledronate (4 mg IV over 15 minutes) are highly
172 effective at lowering the serum calcium; a single dose may
control the serum calcium for several weeks. They act via
inhibition of osteoclast function in areas of high bone turnover
and appear to be particularly efficacious in patients with
II malignancy. Calcitonin, an effective inhibitor of osteoclast
bone resorption, is of limited use as sole therapy for hypercal-
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

cemia. Other therapies, including plicamycin, chelation with

EDTA, and intravenous phosphate, have adverse side effect
profiles, and are no longer recommended.
Glucocorticoids are most effective in the hematologic malig-
nancies (multiple myeloma, Hodgkin disease) and disorders
of vitamin D metabolism (granulomatous disease, vitamin
D toxicity). In severely hypercalcemic patients (>18 mg/dL/
4.5 mmol/L), hemodialysis with a low- or no-calcium dialy-
sate is an effective treatment. Newer therapies for the manage-
ment of hypercalcemia continue to evolve. Noncalcemic
analogs of calcitriol, such as 22-oxacalcitriol, may reduce the
release of PTHrP in patients with HHM. Manipulation of the
Ca2þ/PTH response with calcimimetic agents such as cinacal-
cet has revolutionized the management of secondary HPT, and
may hold promise for the treatment of primary HPT.

The clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia vary greatly and,
when present, are predominantly neurologic and neuromus-
cular. The most common clinical manifestations are muscle
cramps and numbness in the digits. Severe hypocalcemia
can cause laryngeal spasm, carpopedal spasm, bronchospasm,
seizures, and even respiratory arrest. Mental changes include
irritability, depression, and decreased cognitive capacity. Bed-
side signs of hypocalcemia include ipsilateral facial muscle
twitching in response to tapping the facial nerve (Chvostek
sign) and carpal spasm induced by brachial artery occlusion
(Trousseau sign). Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes include
prolongation of the QT interval. Long-standing hypocalcemia
may result in dry skin, coarse hair, alopecia, and brittle nails.
Teeth may be absent or hypoplastic. Calcification of the basal
ganglia and cerebral cortex may be detected by computed
tomography (CT) in chronic hypocalcemia.
Although the total calcium concentration generally reflects
the physiologically relevant ionized fraction, hypoalbumine-
mia affects the total calcium measurement, without affecting
the ionized level. Pseudohypocalcemia may also occur due
to interference with colorimetric calcium assays by some gad-
olinium-based contrast agents commonly used in magnetic
resonance imaging. The most common causes of hypocalce-
mia in the nonacute setting are hypoparathyroidism, hypo-
magnesemia, renal failure, and vitamin D deficiencies.
Acquired Hypoparathyroidism 173
Surgical hypoparathyroidism is the most common cause of
acquired hypoparathyroidism. It is observed after total thy-
roidectomy, radical neck dissection, and repeated operations
for parathyroid adenoma. Hypoparathyroidism may result CH 8
from inadvertent removal of the parathyroid glands or vascu-

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

lar damage, including devascularization. Transient hypopara-
thyroidism and hypocalcemia are quite common after total
thyroidectomy, and may result from a rapid reduction in thy-
roid-mediated bone resorption, or from temporary insult to the
parathyroid gland. Removal of a single hyperfunctioning para-
thyroid adenoma can result in transient hypocalcemia because
of hypercalcemia-induced suppression of PTH secretion from
the normal glands.

Magnesium-Related Disorders
Both hypomagnesemia and hypermagnesemia are associated
with hypocalcemia. Mg2þ is an extracellular CaR agonist and
infusion of Mg or hypermagnesemia inhibits PTH secretion.
Chronic severe hypomagnesemia results in hypocalcemia,
via intracellular Mg2þ depletion and its effect on PTH gland
function. Hypomagnesemia also alters end-organ responsive-
ness to PTH. Typically, these patients have low or inappropri-
ately normal PTH levels for the degree of hypocalcemia
observed. The appropriate therapy is Mg2þ repletion; in the
absence of adequate Mg repletion, the hypocalcemia is resis-
tant to PTH or to vitamin D therapy. Hypoparathyroidism
can also occur acutely due to hypermagnesemia (e.g., high
doses of magnesium sulfate used in the obstetric setting),
likely via CaR-mediated inhibition of PTH secretion.

Autoimmune Disease
Type I polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, also referred to
as APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis,
ectodermal dystrophy syndrome), is a recessive disorder. Its
cardinal features are childhood onset of hypoparathyroidism
in association with adrenal insufficiency and mucocutaneous
candidiasis. The gene for APECED has been localized to chro-
mosome 21q, and is termed AIRE (autoimmune regulator).
Autoantibodies against parathyroid tissue have been reported
in a significant percentage of cases of hypoparathyroidism, but
the causative role of these antibodies is unclear. CaR has been
identified as a possible autoantigen in some cases of autoimmune
hypoparathyroidism (either isolated or polyglandular).

Vitamin D–Related Disorders

Vitamin D3 is normally produced by the skin from 7-dehydro-
cholesterol in the presence of sunlight; vitamin D deficiency
therefore requires both dietary deficiency and lack of exposure
174 to the sun. Prolonged vitamin D deficiency causes rickets (a dis-
order of mineralization of growing bone) and osteomalacia (a
disorder of mineralization of formed bone). Elevation of PTH
levels is generally observed. The diagnosis is confirmed by mea-
II surement of serum 25(OH)D levels. Populations at risk include
hospitalized patients, nursing home residents, and breastfeeding
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

infants of mothers with diets low in vitamin D. In urban popula-

tions with low exposure to sunlight, vitamin D deficiency is
common. Vitamin D deficiency may also be seen following gas-
trectomy, in Crohn disease, in celiac sprue, and following intes-
tinal resection due to altered enterohepatic circulation and
malabsorption of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency with hypocal-
cemia is commonly seen in patients with renal insufficiency and
is due in part to impaired 1a-hydroxylation of vitamin D. Disor-
ders of altered vitamin D metabolism represent a second group
of vitamin D–related hypocalcemias. They may be acquired or
inherited. Medications, most notably the anticonvulsants phe-
nytoin and phenobarbital, can increase the rate of hepatic
metabolism of 25(OH)D to inactive metabolites.

Bisphosphonates, mithramycin, and calcitonin, all of which
inhibit bone resorption, may depress serum calcium to subnor-
mal levels. Administration of citrated blood during massive
transfusion can cause hypocalcemia. Similarly, significant
hypocalcemia may occur after plasmapheresis.
Foscarnet (trisodium phosphoformate) can cause hypocalcemia
through the chelation of extracellular calcium ions; normal total
calcium measurements may not reflect ionized hypocalcemia.
Other drugs associated with hypocalcemia include antimicrobial
agents (pentamidine, ketoconazole) and chemotherapeutic drugs
(asparaginase, cisplatin, and doxorubicin).

Critical Illness
In critically ill patients, total calcium measurements may be
poor indicators of the ionized calcium concentration (hypo-
proteinemia, acid-base disturbances, dialysis therapy). Thus,
it is particularly important to measure ionized calcium in this
setting. Hypocalcemia has been reported to be present in 70%
of intensive care unit patients. Hypocalcemia is frequently
noted in gram-negative sepsis and toxic shock syndrome, the
mechanism of which is unknown, but which may involve
direct effects of interleukin-1 on parathyroid function.
Hypocalcemia is commonly seen in acute pancreatitis, and is a
poor prognostic factor. It is probably due to calcium chelation
by free fatty acids generated by the action of pancreatic
lipase. Severe hyperphosphatemia may cause hypocalcemia,
particularly in patients with renal failure. The use of phosphate 175
enemas and phosphate-supplemented infant formula has been
reported to cause hypocalcemia. Hypophosphatemia may also
be associated with massive tumor lysis and the early phase of
rhabdomyolysis. CH 8
Genetic Disorders of Parathyroid Hormone

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

Dysfunction or Altered Responsiveness
A variety of inherited or genetic disorders give rise to hypocalce-
mia, including DiGeorge syndrome and pseudohypoparathy-
roidism. For a more detailed discussion of these conditions, see
Chapter 16, Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphate
Balance, in Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney.

Treatment of Hypocalcemia
Treatment of acute hypocalcemia depends on the severity of
the depression in serum calcium and the presence of clinical
manifestations. Oral calcium supplementation may be suffi-
cient treatment for mild hypocalcemia; severe hypocalcemia
with evidence of neuromuscular effects or tetany requires
intravenous calcium. Typically, 1 to 3 g of intravenous calcium
gluconate is given over a period of 10 to 20 minutes, followed
by slow intravenous infusion. Dialysis (with a high calcium
dialysate) may be the appropriate treatment if severe hyper-
phosphatemia is also present. Correction of hypomagnesemia
and hyperphosphatemia should also be undertaken when pres-
ent. Treatment of chronic hypocalcemia depends on the under-
lying cause. The principal therapy for primary disorders of
parathyroid dysfunction or PTH resistance is dietary calcium
supplementation and vitamin D therapy. Correction of serum
calcium to the low-normal range is generally advised; correc-
tion to normal levels may lead to frank hypercalciuria.


Hypomagnesemia and Magnesium Deficiency
Extracellular fluid Mg2þ accounts for only 1% of total body
Mg2þ, and serum Mg2þ concentrations therefore correlate poorly
with overall Mg2þ status. The incidence of hypomagnesemia
ranges from 11% in the general inpatient population to 60% of
patients admitted to intensive care units, where it is associated
with increased mortality rate.
Etiology and Diagnosis
Mg2þ deficiency may be caused by decreased intake or intesti-
nal absorption; increased losses via the gastrointestinal tract,
kidneys, or skin; or rarely, sequestration in the bone compart-
ment. Urinary Mg2þ excretion distinguishes between renal
176 Mg2þ wasting and extrarenal causes of Mg2þ loss. The frac-
tional excretion of magnesium (FeMg2þ) should be estimated,
and is calculated in the standard fashion after multiplication
of the serum Mg2þ concentration by 0.7, as approximately
II 30% of circulating magnesium is protein bound, and remains
unfiltered. A FeMg2þ greater than 3% in an individual with
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

normal GFR in the setting of Mg2þ deficiency is indicative of

inappropriate urinary magnesium loss. The FeMg2þ is thought
to be superior to the urinary magnesium/creatinine molar ratio
for this purpose. If renal Mg2þ wasting has been excluded, the
etiology of the extrarenal losses can usually be identified from
the case history.

Extrarenal Causes
Nutritional Deficiency. Induction of magnesium deficiency
by dietary means in normal individuals is surprisingly diffi-
cult, as the majority of foods contain significant amounts of
magnesium, and the renal adaptation to conserve Mg2þ is very
efficient. Nonetheless, magnesium deficiency of nutritional
origin is characteristically seen in two clinical settings: alco-
holism and parenteral feeding. Approximately 20% to 25%
of alcoholics are frankly hypomagnesemic. Some evidence
suggests that alcohol may also impair renal magnesium con-
servation. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition have a high
incidence of hypomagnesemia due to associated medical con-
ditions, a poorly understood increase in daily Mg2þ require-
ments, and the refeeding syndrome, whereby overzealous
parenteral feeding of severely malnourished patients causes
hyperinsulinemia and a rapid cellular uptake of Mg2þ.
Intestinal Malabsorption. Generalized malabsorption syn-
dromes caused by conditions such as celiac disease, Whipple
disease, and inflammatory bowel disease are frequently asso-
ciated with intestinal Mg2þ wasting and Mg2þ deficiency. In
fat malabsorption with concomitant steatorrhea, free fatty
acids in the intestinal lumen may combine with Mg2þ to form
nonabsorbable soaps; in rare patients reduction of dietary fat
intake, which reduces steatorrhea, can correct the hypomagne-
semia. Previous intestinal resection, particularly of the distal
part of the small intestine, is also an important cause of
Mg2þ malabsorption. Similarly, Mg2þ deficiency can be a late
complication of jejunoileal bypass surgery performed for the
treatment of obesity.
Cutaneous Losses. Hypomagnesemia may be observed after
prolonged intense exertion. About a quarter of the decrement
in serum Mg2þ can be accounted for by losses in sweat, with
the remainder most likely being due to transient redistribution
into the intracellular space. Hypomagnesemia occurs in 40%
of patients with severe burn injuries during the early period
of recovery due to cutaneous losses, which can exceed 1 g/day.
Redistribution to Bone Compartment. Hypomagnesemia 177
may occasionally accompany the profound hypocalcemia of
hungry bone syndrome, observed in some patients with HPT
and severe bone disease immediately after parathyroidectomy,
when the sudden removal of excess PTH results in an immedi- CH 8
ate cessation of bone resorption, but continued high rate of
bone formation and consequent sequestration of both Ca2þ

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

and Mg2þ into bone mineral.

Renal Magnesium Wasting

Polyuria. Renal Mg2þ wasting occurs with osmotic diuresis,
during recovery from ischemic injury in the transplanted kid-
ney, and during postobstructive diuresis. In the latter cases, it
is likely that residual tubule reabsorptive defects persisting
from the primary renal injury play as important a role as poly-
uria itself in inducing renal Mg2þ wasting.
Extracellular Fluid Volume Expansion. Chronic therapy
with Mg2þ-free parenteral fluids, either crystalloid or hyperal-
imentation, can cause renal Mg2þ wasting, partly due to extra-
cellular fluid volume expansion. Renal Mg2þ wasting is also
characteristic of hyperaldosteronism.
Defective Naþ Reabsorption in Distal Nephron. Loop
diuretics inhibit paracellular Mg2þ reabsorption via inhibition
of the Naþ-Kþ-2Cl cotransporter of the thick ascending loop
of Henle (TAL) and abolition of the transepithelial potential
difference. Hypomagnesemia is therefore a frequent finding
in patients receiving chronic loop diuretic therapy. Thiazides
also inhibit renal Mg2þ reabsorption by an incompletely
understood mechanism.
Hypercalcemia. Elevated serum ionized Ca2þ levels directly
induce renal Mg2þ wasting and hypomagnesemia. In HPT, the
hypercalcemia-induced tendency to Mg2þ wasting is counter-
acted by the action of PTH, which stimulates Mg2þ reabsorption,
so renal Mg2þ handling is usually normal and Mg2þ deficiency is
therefore rare.
Tubule Nephrotoxins. Multiple tubulotoxins are associated
with hypermagnesuria. The most commonly implicated drugs
include cisplatin, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, pentami-
dine, foscarnet, and cyclosporine. As with aminoglycosides
and pentamidine, foscarnet-induced hypomagnesemia is often
associated with significant hypocalcemia. In contrast, the
hypomagnesemia seen with cisplatin and amphotericin B is
accompanied by hypocalciuria, suggesting a distal convoluted
tubule defect, as with Gitelman syndrome. The hypomagnese-
mia associated with cisplatin is dose-related and may persist
for months, even years, following cessation of therapy. Cyclo-
sporine causes renal Mg2þ wasting and hypomagnesemia in
patients after renal and bone marrow transplantation.

178 Inherited Renal Mg -Wasting Disorders. Other rare causes
of Mg2þ wasting include isolated familial hypomagnesemia,
familial hypomagnesemia, and primary hypomagnesemia
with hypocalcemia. Bartter and Gitelman syndromes are dis-
II cussed at further length in Chapter 20, Inherited Disorders of
the Kidney.
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

Clinical Manifestations (Table 8-3)

Hypomagnesemia may cause symptoms and signs of disordered
cardiac, neuromuscular, and central nervous system function,
although most patients are completely asymptomatic. Thus,
the clinical importance of hypomagnesemia remains controver-
sial. Moreover, the frequent coexistence of hypokalemia and
hypocalcemia may explain many of the cardiac and neurologic
manifestations attributed to Mg2þ deficiency.
Given the clinical manifestations outlined earlier, it seems
prudent to replete all Mg2þ-deficient patients with a signifi-
cant underlying cardiac or seizure disorder, patients with con-
current severe hypocalcemia or hypokalemia, and patients
with isolated asymptomatic hypomagnesemia if severe
(<1.4 mg/dL). Individuals maintained by parenteral nutrition
should receive Mg2þ supplementation. The recommended oral
daily allowance of Mg2þ in adults is 420 mg (35 mEq) for men
and 320 mg (27 mEq) for women.
Intravenous Replacement. The initial rate of repletion
depends on clinical urgency. In a patient who is actively seizing
or who has a cardiac arrhythmia, 8 to 16 mEq (1–2 g MgSO4)
may be administered intravenously over a 2- to 4-minute period;
otherwise, a slower rate of repletion is safer. The magnitude
of the Mg2þ deficit is difficult to gauge clinically and cannot be
readily deduced from the serum Mg2þ concentration. In general,

Table 8-3 Clinical Manifestations of Mg2þ Deficiency

Cardiac Enhanced digitalis
Electrocardiographic toxicity
Nonspecific T wave Neuromuscular
changes Muscle weakness
U waves Muscle tremor and twitching
Prolonged QT and QU Trousseau and Chvostek signs
interval Vertical and horizontal nystagmus
Repolarization alternans Paraesthesia
Arrhythmias Generalized and multifocal
Ventricular ectopy motor seizures
Monomorphic Tetany
ventricular tachycardia Metabolic
Torsades de pointes Hypokalemia
Ventricular fibrillation Hypocalcemia
the average deficit can be assumed to be 1 to 2 mEq/kg body 179
weight. A simple regimen for nonemergency Mg2þ repletion is
to administer 64 mEq (8 g) of MgSO4 over the first 24 hours
and then 32 mEq (4 g) daily for the next 2 to 6 days. It is impor-
tant to remember that serum Mg2þ levels rise early, whereas CH 8
intracellular stores take longer to replete, so Mg2þ repletion

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

should continue for at least 1 to 2 days after the serum Mg2þ
level normalizes. In patients with renal Mg2þ wasting, additional
Mg2þ may be needed to replace ongoing losses. In patients with
a reduced GFR, the rate of repletion should be reduced by 25%
to 50%, and the serum Mg2þ level should be checked frequently,
and the patient monitored for signs of toxicity.
The main adverse effects of Mg2þ repletion are due to
hypermagnesemia and include facial flushing, loss of deep
tendon reflexes, hypotension, and atrioventricular block.
Monitoring of tendon reflexes is a useful bedside test to
detect Mg2þ toxicity. Moreover, intravenous administration
of large amounts of MgSO4 results in an acute decrease in
the serum ionized Ca2þ and can precipitate tetany. Adminis-
tration of magnesium as MgSO4 may have an additional
theoretical disadvantage in the presence of hypokalemia, as
sulfate cannot be reabsorbed in the distal tubule, it favors
the development of a negative luminal electrical potential,
thereby increasing Kþ secretion and exacerbating the existing
Oral Replacement. A number of oral Mg2þ salts are available
but all cause diarrhea in high doses. Magnesium hydroxide
and magnesium oxide are alkalinizing salts with the potential
to cause systemic alkalosis, whereas sulfate and gluconate
salts may potentially exacerbate Kþ wasting. If ongoing losses
are known, the appropriate dose of each salt may be estimated
by determining the salt content of elemental Mg2þ and assum-
ing an oral bioavailability of approximately 33% for normal
intestinal function. In patients with intestinal Mg2þ malab-
sorption, this dose may need to be increased two- to fourfold.
In patients with inappropriate renal Mg2þ wasting, potassium-
sparing diuretics, such as amiloride and triamterene, may
reduce renal Mg2þ losses. These drugs may be particularly
useful in patients who are refractory to oral repletion or
require such high doses of oral Mg2þ that diarrhea develops.

In states of Mg2þ excess, the kidney has a large capacity for
Mg2þ excretion. Once the apparent renal threshold is exceeded,
most of the excess filtered Mg2þ is excreted unchanged into the
urine; the serum Mg2þ is then determined by the GFR.
180 Renal Insufficiency. Significant hypermagnesemia is rare,
even in advanced kidney disease, unless the patient has
received exogenous Mg2þ in the form of antacids, cathartics,
or enemas.

II Excessive Mg Intake. Hypermagnesemia can occur in
individuals with a normal GFR when the rate of Mg2þ intake
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

exceeds the renal excretory capacity. It has been reported with

excessive oral ingestion of Mg2þ-containing antacids and cath-
artics and with the use of rectal magnesium sulfate enemas
and is observed with large parenteral doses of Mg2þ, such as
those given for preeclampsia.

Clinical Manifestations
Initial manifestations, observed once the serum Mg2þ exceeds
4 to 6 mg/dL (1.75–2.76 mmol/L) are hypotension, nausea,
vomiting, facial flushing, urinary retention, and ileus. If
untreated, this may progress to flaccid skeletal muscular paral-
ysis and hyporeflexia, bradycardia and bradyarrhythmias,
respiratory depression, coma, and cardiac arrest. An abnor-
mally low (or even negative) serum anion gap may indicate
hypermagnesemia but is not consistently observed and proba-
bly depends on the nature of the accompanying anion.
Cardiovascular System. Manifestations include hypoten-
sion, cutaneous flushing, sinus or junctional bradycardia, and
sinoatrial, atrioventricular, and His bundle conduction block.
Cardiac arrest due to asystole is often the terminal event.
Nervous System. Flaccid skeletal muscle paralysis and
hyporeflexia are observed when serum Mg2þ exceeds 8 to
12 mg/dL, via inhibition of acetylcholine release from the neu-
romuscular endplate. Respiratory depression is a serious com-
plication of advanced Mg2þ toxicity. Smooth muscle paralysis
also occurs and is manifested as urinary retention, intestinal
ileus, and pupillary dilatation. Signs of central nervous sys-
tem depression, including lethargy, drowsiness, and eventu-
ally coma, are well described in severe hypermagnesemia
but may be entirely absent.

Mild cases of Mg2þ toxicity in individuals with good renal
function may require no treatment other than cessation of
Mg2þ. In the event of serious toxicity, temporary antagonism
of the effect of Mg2þ may be achieved by the administration
of intravenous Ca2þ (1 g of calcium chloride infused via a cen-
tral vein over 2 to 5 minutes, or calcium gluconate, repeated
after 5 minutes if necessary). Renal excretion of Mg2þ can be
enhanced by saline diuresis and by the administration of furo-
semide. In patients with renal failure, hemodialysis efficiently
removes Mg2þ.

Hyperphosphatemia is generally defined as a serum phos- CH 8
phate level greater than 5 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L) in the adult

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

population, whereas children, particularly infants, have phys-
iologically higher levels of phosphorus. The serum phospho-
rus level usually exhibits diurnal variation with levels
lowest in the late morning, peaking in the first morning hours.

The clinical causes of hyperphosphatemia can be broadly clas-
sified into three groups: reduced phosphate excretion, excess
intake of phosphorus, and redistribution of cellular
Decreased Phosphate Excretion
Renal Insufficiency. Chronic kidney disease is by far the most
common cause of hyperphosphatemia. A compensatory
increase in fractional excretion of PO4 occurs until the GFR
falls to the extent that normal PO4 excretion can no longer
be maintained. This is further discussed in Chapter 30, Min-
eral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Endocrinopathies. Decreased renal excretion of phosphorus
may occur in the setting of reduced PTH secretion (hypopara-
thyroidism) or altered renal response to PTH (pseudohypopar-
athyroidism). Hyperphosphatemia is also seen in some
patients with acromegaly, and appears to result from direct
stimulation of proximal tubular phosphorus reabsorption by
growth hormone.
Increased Phosphorus Intake. Exogenous intake of phos-
phorus sufficient to cause hyperphosphatemia is rare in the
absence of renal insufficiency. Great caution in administration
of phosphate, particularly in the form of phosphate-containing
enemas, must be taken in individuals with renal insufficiency
and in children. The use of oral sodium phosphate for
bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy has been increasingly
recognized as a cause of acute kidney injury, so-called phos-
phate nephropathy, with intrarenal deposition of calcium
phosphate. This syndrome may occur in individuals with
good baseline kidney function, and typically does not recover.
Redistribution of Phosphorus
Respiratory Acidosis. Chronic respiratory acidosis can lead to
hyperphosphatemia, renal PTH resistance, and hypocalcemia.
The effect is more pronounced in acute respiratory acidosis.
Efflux of phosphate from cells into the extracellular space is
182 Tumor Lysis Syndrome. Tumor lysis syndrome is a well-
described complication of the treatment of hematologic malig-
nancies associated with hyperphosphatemia. Lymphoblasts
are particularly high in phosphorus. The lactate dehydroge-
II nase (LDH) level prior to the initiation of therapy correlates
with the development of hyperphosphatemia and azotemia.
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

If a particularly heavy tumor burden is present, it may occur

Pseudohyperphosphatemia. Incorrect hyperphosphatemic
laboratory readings from patient samples may occur in certain
settings due to interference with the analysis. This problem is
most common in the case of paraproteinemia (as in multiple
myeloma or Waldenström macroglobulinemia). Hyperlipid-
emia, hyperbilirubinemia, and sample dilution problems are
rare causes.

Clinical Manifestations and Treatment

Most of major clinical manifestations of hyperphosphatemia
stem from hypocalcemia, discussed earlier. Ectopic calcifica-
tion is the other clinically important manifestation of hyper-
phosphatemia. When the product of serum calcium and
serum phosphorus (expressed in mg/dL) exceeds 70, there is
significant risk of ectopic calcium precipitation, particularly
in the skin, joints, corneas, and vasculature. Treatment of
chronic hyperphosphatemia is generally accomplished
through dietary phosphate restriction and oral phosphate bin-
ders. Acute hyperphosphatemia in association with hypocal-
cemia requires rapid attention. Severe hyperphosphatemia in
patients with reduced renal function or acute kidney injury,
particularly those with tumor lysis syndrome, may require
hemodialysis or a continuous form of renal replacement ther-
apy. Volume expansion may increase urinary phosphate
excretion, as can administration of acetazolamide.

Only a small percentage (about 1%) of total body phosphorus
is extracellular. Hypophosphatemia may therefore not neces-
sarily reflect total body phosphorus depletion. Hypophospha-
temia is relatively common in hospitalized patients and is
present in a significant proportion of chronic alcoholics.

Clinical Manifestations
Mild hypophosphatemia does not typically cause symptoms;
symptomatic patients usually have serum phosphate levels
below 1 mg/dL. The clinical manifestations of phosphorus
depletion generally result from a decrease in intracellular
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels. In addition, erythrocytes 183
experience an increase in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels,
which increases hemoglobin-oxygen affinity and alters oxygen
transport efficiency. Depletion of ATP by severe hypophos-
phatemia impairs muscle function; overt heart failure and CH 8
respiratory failure secondary to decreased muscle perfor-

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

mance may be observed. Rhabdomyolysis is a well-recognized
complication of severe hypophosphatemia. As cell breakdown
may lead to the release of intracellular phosphate, normophos-
phatemia or hyperphosphatemia in this setting may mask the
existence of true phosphate depletion. Chronic phosphate
depletion causes increased bone resorption and, if prolonged,
rickets and osteomalacia may result. Hypophosphatemia leads
to decreased proximal tubule reabsorptive function and frank
hypercalciuria can result. This hypercalciuria is not solely
the result of renal calcium handling but also reflects increased
calcium release from bone and increased intestinal calcium

The probable cause of hypophosphatemia may be immediately
apparent from the clinical findings (e.g., a malnourished
patient with alcoholism or anorexia). Shifts of phosphorus
from the extracellular to the intracellular space generally
occur in the acute setting (respiratory alkalosis, treatment of
diabetic ketoacidosis). In hospitalized patients, hypophospha-
temia caused by shifts of phosphorus into the intracellular
compartment are much more common than hypophosphate-
mia caused by renal losses. If the underlying diagnosis is not
immediately apparent, it can be clinically useful to determine
the rate of urine phosphorus excretion. High urine phospho-
rus in the face of hypophosphatemia suggests HPT, a renal
tubule defect, or a form of rickets.

Causes of Hypophosphatemia
Increased Renal Excretion. Hypophosphatemia caused by
increased urinary phosphate excretion is generally due to
either excess PTH or an inherited disorder of renal phosphate
handling in the proximal tubule. Excess PTH directly
decreases renal phosphate reabsorption, leading to increased
renal phosphate excretion and hypophosphatemia. Phosphate
depletion itself decreases proximal tubular and distal nephron
reabsorption of phosphate.
Acute Kidney Injury and Recovery from Acute Tubular
Necrosis. AKI is typically associated with hyperphosphate-
mia. However, confounding factors in the setting of critical
illness may contribute to the development of hypophosphate-
mia in some instances: administration of phosphate-binding
184 antacids, refeeding syndrome, and mechanically induced
respiratory alkalosis. Moreover, the diuretic recovery phase
from acute tubular necrosis or postobstruction may cause sig-
nificant urinary losses of phosphate.
II Renal Transplantation. Hypophosphatemia is well described
in renal transplant patients, although severe hypophosphate-
Disturbances in Control of Body Fluid Volume and Composition

mia is rare. Persistent HPT is not the sole mechanism of

hypophosphatemia. Renal tubule dysfunction, diuretics, and
immunosuppressive medication are all contributory factors.
Fanconi Syndrome. Increased urine phosphorus excretion is
a typical feature of the defect in proximal tubule transport
known as Fanconi syndrome.
Decreased Intestinal Absorption
Malnutrition. Malnutrition is an uncommon cause of hypo-
phosphatemia. Increased renal reabsorption of phosphorus
can compensate for all but the most severe dietary deficiency.
As most dietary phosphate comes from protein, children in
parts of the world where protein malnutrition is common are
particularly susceptible to this.
Malabsorption. Phosphorus absorption occurs primarily in
the duodenum and jejunum, and small intestinal malabsorp-
tion may lead to hypophosphatemia. Heavy use of phos-
phate-binding antacids may also result in hypophosphatemia.
Vitamin D–Mediated Disorders. Deficiency of vitamin D leads
to decreased intestinal absorption of phosphorus. In addition,
vitamin D deficiency leads to hypocalcemia, HPT, and a conse-
quent PTH-mediated increase in renal phosphorus excretion.
Respiratory Alkalosis. Respiratory alkalosis, as may occur dur-
ing mechanical ventilation, decreases serum phosphorus
levels; it is thought that carbon dioxide diffusion from the intra-
cellular space increases intracellular pH, stimulates glycolysis,
and increases the formation of phosphorylated carbohydrates,
thereby leading to a fall in extracellular phosphorus levels.
Respiratory alkalosis-associated hypophosphatemia is asso-
ciated with undetectable levels of urinary phosphate excretion.
Refeeding. In chronically malnourished individuals, including
patients with anorexia nervosa, rapid refeeding can result in
significant hypophosphatemia, related to increased cellular
phosphate uptake and utilization. The incidence of refeeding-
related hypophosphatemia is quite high in hospitalized patients
receiving parenteral nutrition and may occur after even very
short periods of starvation. Adequate phosphate supplementa-
tion (13.6 mEq phosphorus per liter of parenteral nutrition)
appears to prevent this complication. Higher amounts may
be required in patients with diabetes or chronic alcoholism.
Special Situations: Alcoholism and Diabetes. Hypophospha-
temia is a particularly common and often severe problem in
alcoholic patients with poor intake, vitamin D deficiency,
and heavy use of phosphate-binding antacids. Refeeding 185
or administration of intravenous glucose (or both) in this
patient population stimulates shifts of phosphorus into cells,
leading to the development of severe hypophosphatemia, with
particular risk of rhabdomyolysis. Hypophosphatemia is an CH 8
extremely common complication of the treatment of diabetic

Disorders of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphate Balance

ketoacidosis as insulin administration stimulates the cellular
uptake of phosphorus. However, routine administration of
phosphate in this setting before the development of frank
hypophosphatemia is discouraged because it may lead to sig-
nificant hypocalcemia.
Drug Induced and Miscellaneous. Diuretics, particularly
those acting on the proximal tubule, may cause hypophospha-
temia. Corticosteroids both decrease intestinal phosphorus
absorption and increase renal phosphate excretion. Moder-
ate-severe hypophosphatemia may be seen in acute leukemia
and in the leukemic phase of lymphoma, due to increased
phosphorus utilization by rapid cell growth. Hypophosphate-
mia is also seen in liver disease, sepsis, hyperthermia, and
Inherited Disorders. Hypophosptemia is observed in a vari-
ety of inherited disorders including X-linked hypophosphate-
mia, autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR),
and hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria.
For a more detailed discussion of these disorders see Chapter
16, Clinical Disturbances of Calcium, Magnesium and Phos-
phate Metabolism, in Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney.

Because serum levels of phosphorus are a poor reflection of
total body stores, it is difficult to predict the amount of phos-
phorus necessary to correct phosphorus deficiency. In mild or
moderate hypophosphatemia (>2 mg/dL), oral repletion with
low-fat milk (containing 0.9 mg phosphorus per milliliter) is
effective. In individuals intolerant of milk, potassium phos-
phate or sodium phosphate preparations can be used (up to
3.5 g/day in divided doses). Intravenous phosphorus repletion
is generally reserved for individuals with severe (<1 mg/dL)
hypophosphatemia. One standard regimen is to administer
2.5 mg/kg body mass of elemental phosphorus over a 6-hour
period for severe asymptomatic hypophosphatemia and
5 mg/kg body mass of elemental phosphorus over a 6-hour
period for severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia.
Chapter 9

Epidemiology of Kidney
A standardized definition and staging scheme for chronic kid-
ney disease (CKD), a term used to encompass the entire spec-
trum of renal dysfunction, has dramatically improved our
understanding of the occurrence and consequences of renal
disease. CKD is defined as the presence, for at least 3 months,
of evidence of kidney damage with an abnormal glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) or, alternatively, by a GFR below 60 mL/
min/1.73 m2 body surface area. In clinical practice, the assess-
ment of GFR is most readily and reliably achieved using esti-
mation equations, such as the Cockcroft-Gault equation or
the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equa-
tion. The Cockcroft-Gault equation calculates unadjusted cre-
atinine clearance, using serum creatinine, age, gender, and
body weight. The formula uses an empirical adjustment factor
for women, based on a theoretical 15% lower muscle mass in
women relative to men; the equation tends to overestimate
renal function in subjects who are edematous or obese and
underestimates renal function in the elderly. The modified
MDRD equation was developed from subjects enrolled in the
baseline period of the MDRD Study. It estimates GFR adjusted
to body surface area and is calculated from the subject’s serum
creatinine, age, race, and gender. Although mathematically
somewhat complicated, it can be readily calculated with the
aid of a simple computer or at several Web sites (www. and; see
also Chapter 2, Laboratory Assessment of Renal Disease).
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) guidelines use a
five-stage schema based on the reduction in GFR to help clas-
sify the severity of CKD. An international position statement
added modifiers for noting whether a patient is treated with
dialysis or transplantation (Table 9-1). This staging system
represents a measure of the “azotemic burden” resulting from
the degree of kidney dysfunction. In essence, this staging sys-
tem recognizes that the progressive decrement in renal func-
tion gives rise to common complications (e.g., hypertension,
anemia, hyperparathyroidism) and management issues (e.g.,
hepatitis B vaccination, dietary modification, patient educa-
tion) that are independent of the underlying condition that
caused the kidney damage. This staging system complements,

Table 9-1 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
GFR (mL/min/
Stage Description 1.73 m2)
III 1 Kidney damage with normal or >90
Epidemiology of Renal Disease

2 Kidney damage with mild # 60–89

3 Moderate # GFR 30–59
4 Severe # GFR 15–29
5 Kidney failure <15 (or dialysis)
Chronic kidney disease is defined as either kidney damage or GFR 60 mL/min/
1.73 m2 for 3 months. Kidney damage is defined as pathologic abnormalities or
markers of damage, including abnormalities in blood or urine tests or imaging
GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
Data from National Kidney Foundation: K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for
chronic kidney disease: Evaluation, classification and stratification. Am J Kidney
Dis 39(Suppl 1):S1–S266, 2002.

but in no way replaces, traditional classification schema, such

as those based on clinical features (e.g., the presence and
severity of proteinuria) or on pathophysiologic mechanisms
(e.g., immune complex deposition on renal biopsy). These ear-
lier classification systems provide important information
regarding the rate of progression, long-term prognosis, and
management of a given condition, whereas the CKD stage is
informative regarding the likely complications and non–
disease-specific management steps that relate to the current
level of renal function.
Stage 5 CKD representing kidney failure is defined either by
GFR less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or by the need for dialysis.
Following renal transplantation, patients are defined by the
stage according to the post-transplant GFR. It is unclear, how-
ever, whether the relationship between complications and
CKD stage post-transplantation is identical to that reported
with decrements in native kidney function.


Chronic Kidney Disease
Estimating the incidence of CKD requires a large cohort fol-
lowed for many years with several estimates of kidney func-
tion. Among 2585 Framingham participants with baseline
estimated GFR (eGFR) greater than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and a 191
mean age of 43 years, 9.4% developed CKD, defined by eGFR
less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, over a mean follow-up period of
18 years. Risk was related to baseline GFR, diabetes, hyperten-
sion, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, and smoking. CH 9
Studies of CKD incidence are limited and complicated because

Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

creatinine assay calibration often changes over time by amounts
of comparable magnitude to creatinine changes associated with
the progression of CKD. Conversely, prevalence data are becom-
ing more widely available.

Prevalence of Stages 1 to 4
The occurrence of kidney damage and CKD in the general pop-
ulation is important because only a minority of patients prog-
ress to kidney failure and are thereby identified on national
ESRD registries. Instead, the majority of patients with CKD
die from concurrent disease or else maintain relatively stable,
although reduced, renal function and suffer the consequences
of CKD without ever progressing to the need for dialysis.
Thus, ESRD registries provide only limited insight into the
true burden of morbidity and death associated with CKD.
All prevalence estimates show a strong age dependence,
consistent with the most common forms of CKD being progres-
sive and increasing with age. Several of the initial studies
examining the prevalence of CKD were based on elevated
serum creatinine levels. With the increased recognition of
the many limitations of this approach, more recent surveys
have instead used estimation equations with attention to cre-
atinine assay calibration. The diagnosis of stages 1 and
2 CKD requires the presence of kidney damage in addition to
a reduced GFR. From an epidemiologic perspective, the most
commonly used surrogate for kidney damage in this setting
has been albuminuria. Other potential markers of kidney dam-
age include renal imaging or hematuria, although the latter is
less specific for CKD because the bleeding may often originate
from the lower genitourinary tract rather than the kidney.
Over the last several years, the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES) has provided a wealth of infor-
mation regarding the prevalence of CKD and its complications
within the United States. In NHANES III, the mean prevalence
estimate for a GFR less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 was 4.4%. Inter-
nationally, it is clear that both proteinuria and decreased eGFR
are quite common in many settings. A focused comparison of
Norway to the United States revealed very similar prevalence
rates of albuminuria and CKD stage 3, despite markedly higher
treated ESRD incidence in the United States. This suggests that
factors determining progression from CKD to ESRD, not the least
of which are treatment availability and patient management, will
be important to understand.
192 End-Stage Renal Disease

Incidence in the United States

Much more precise data are available on the occurrence of treated
III ESRD compared with earlier stages of CKD. In the United States,
ESRD is tracked by the U.S. Renal Disease Survey (USRDS) and
Epidemiology of Renal Disease

detailed reports are published annually. In the year 2003,

102,567 new patients commenced treatment with renal replace-
ment therapy in the United States, equivalent to an age-, gender-,
and race-adjusted rate of 338 per million population (pmp).
Throughout most of the 1980s and early 1990s, the incidence of
ESRD increased by 5% to 10% over consecutive years, resulting
in an adjusted incidence rate for 1981, 1991, and 2001 of 91, 223,
and 334 pmp, respectively. However, in the last several years, this
rate of increase has leveled off. Despite this recent stabilization in
the ESRD incidence rate, the absolute number of patients com-
mencing renal replacement therapy continues to rise, increasing
by 2% in 2003, in keeping with the overall population aging and
growth, particularly among minorities within the United States.
Furthermore, even with the stabilization of the incidence rate,
on the basis of the anticipated demographic changes in the general
population and of the sustained increase in diabetes, it is esti-
mated that, by 2015, the incidence for ESRD will have increased
to more than 130,000 cases per year.

Trends and Determinants of Incidence Rates

The reasons underlying the epidemic growth in incident ESRD
and the more recent stabilization of this trend are not
completely understood. The incidence of renal replacement
therapy will vary with the prevalence of CKD in the general
population, the rate of progression of CKD to ESRD, the rate
of acceptance of patients onto renal replacement programs,
and the effects of competing causes of death, which result in
the death of patients prior to the initiation of dialysis. Further-
more, the relative impact of these different factors with regard
to increasing incidence may differ substantially by race.
The mortality rates for patients with advanced CKD prior to ini-
tiation of renal replacement therapy are very high. This has a dra-
matic potential influence on the numbers of patients with
progressive kidney disease who survive long enough to require
dialysis. Improved survival from myocardial infarction and stroke
explains less than 5% of the increase in incidence of ESRD from
1978 to 1991, compared with 28% due to the higher prevalence
of diabetes and 8% from U.S. population growth.

Variation in Incidence Rates

Adjusted ESRD incidence rate differs substantially by race,
with African Americans having a 3.5-fold higher age- and gen-
der-adjusted incidence rate (996 pmp) than do whites
(259 pmp); rates for Native Americans (504 pmp) are midway 193
between those of whites and blacks; and the rate in Asians
(346 pmp) is closer to that of whites. One examination of the
excess risk of ESRD in blacks compared with whites suggests
differences in socioeconomic factors explained 12%, lifestyle CH 9
differences 24%, and clinical differences 32%, whereas all three

Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

groups of factors combined explained 44% of this excess risk.
Thus, some but not all of the excess risk in blacks compared
with whites is understood.
Substantial geographic variability exists in the adjusted
ESRD incidence rate in the United States, with over 2.5-fold
difference in incidence rates despite adjusting for demo-
graphic differences; the rate is highest in South Dakota
(411 pmp) and lowest in Wyoming (166 pmp). Incidence rates
are also significantly higher in urban than in rural settings.
This may be due to a movement of patients on treatment from
rural to urban environments or to limited access to care in
rural settings, with reduced opportunities for disease recogni-
tion and management.

Prevalence in the United States

In 2003, a total of 324,826 patients were treated with renal
replacement therapy in the United States, equivalent to a rate
of 1496 pmp. The prevalence of ESRD has grown consistently
over the last several decades, as a result of both the increased
incidence rate and better survival rates. The median age of the
prevalent ESRD population is 58.2 years, and it has remained
relatively constant over the last decade; it is 6.6 years younger
than the average age of persons starting dialysis, owing to the
higher mortality rate in older patients. Whereas the prevalence
rate for those younger than 65 has remained stable over the
last decade, the rate for those aged 65 to 74 (5300 pmp) has
increased by two thirds, and for those aged 75 years and older
(4609 pmp) the rate has nearly doubled.

Global Comparisons
The occurrence of ESRD varies widely between different
countries and, on many occasions, within different regions
of the same country. In addition to variability in the general
factors that determine the incidence of ESRD, which are dis-
cussed previously, international comparison of incidence
and prevalence rates may be complicated by different admin-
istrative definitions of ESRD and in the classification of the
underlying cause of kidney failure, as well as by variability
in the completeness and accuracy of the reported data. As a
result, direct comparison of the data from different national
registries must be undertaken with caution. However, within
194 these limitations, the increase in ESRD in Europe has mirrored
the U.S. experience, although absolute rates are lower. It is as
yet unclear whether the rising incidence of ESRD in Europe is
starting to slow, as has occurred in the United States in the
III last several years.
The age- and gender-adjusted incidence rates for Western
Epidemiology of Renal Disease

Europe between 1990 and 1999 increased 47% from

79.4 pmp in 1990 up to 117 pmp in 1998. Thus, the age- and
gender-adjusted incidence rates in Europe are about one third
those of the United States.
The annual incidence rate of ESRD in Japan increased
roughly threefold between 1982 (81 pmp) and 2001
(252 pmp). The unadjusted rate in Taiwan is similar to that
of the United States (331 pmp) and has continued to increase
at almost double the U.S. rate over the last several years. The
unadjusted incidence rate in Australia and New Zealand is
considerably lower than the aforementioned rates at 92 and
107 pmp, respectively. In Australia, the annual incidence
rates increased by twofold. This is largely reflected in the
increase in those aged over 65, with rates in those younger
than 65 being relatively stable. As in the United States, racial
minorities in people of native descent, such as the Australian
Aborigines or the New Zealand Maori, bear a disproportionate
degree of the overall burden of ESRD.

Dialysis Modality
In 2003, 91% of the incident U.S. ESRD population were trea-
ted with hemodialysis, 7% by peritoneal dialysis, and 2% by
preemptive transplantation. Of the prevalent population,
65.5% are treated by in-center hemodialysis, 0.3% by home
hemodialysis, 5.7% by peritoneal dialysis (2.5% with cycler-
based therapy, 3.2% with manual, noncycler therapy), and
28.5% with transplantation.

Dialysis Survival Rates

Improved survival rates have contributed to the increased
number of prevalent patients on dialysis. The adjusted mortal-
ity rate (adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, gender, primary renal
diagnosis, and years on dialysis) decreased from 224.3/1000
patient-years at risk in 1993 to 210.7/1000 patient-years in
2003, a 6.1% reduction. Some of this difference may reflect a
recent secular trend toward earlier initiation of dialysis with
better preserved GFR, with the resulting potential for “lead
time bias” in the comparisons of survival rates from earlier
time periods.
The overwhelming primary cause of death in patients trea-
ted with dialysis is due to premature and often accelerated
cardiovascular disease. In recognition of this, a recent position
statement from the American Heart Association recommended
that patients with ESRD be considered to be at “highest risk” 195
with regard to future cardiovascular events. Moreover, over-
whelming evidence now indicates that the entire spectrum
of CKD is associated with increased rates of cardiovascular
disease (see Chapter 27). The mortality rate seen with CKD CH 9
reflects both an increased prevalence of cardiovascular dis-

Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

ease and an increased case fatality rate. The latter may result
from the severity of the cardiovascular disease, the presence
of extensive comorbidities, or a greater degree of therapeutic
nihilism in the management of patients with CKD.
Mortality rates in ESRD steadily increase with increasing
age, from 102/1000 patient-years in 20- to 44-year-olds to
427/1000 patient-years for those older than 75. The 2003
crude mortality rate for males and females was 229.4 and
239.3/1000 patient-years, respectively, with adjusted rates of
210.9 and 211.1/1000 patient-years; both the crude and the
adjusted rates are higher for whites than for blacks. The
adjusted mortality rate is significantly worse for those whose
primary renal diagnosis is diabetes (253/1000 patient-years),
compared with those whose cause of ESRD is attributed to
hypertension (194/1000 patient-years) or glomerulonephritis
(157/1000 patient-years).
Modality-specific mortality rates for 2001 to 2003 were
194.7/1000 patient-years in peritoneal dialysis compared with
235.4/1000 patient-years for hemodialysis. Considerable cau-
tion is needed in interpreting these data. Despite being
adjusted for demographic characteristics, the data neverthe-
less suffer from significant persistent confounding factors,
owing to the substantial differences in clinical characteristics
between the two modalities at initiation of dialysis, both in
terms of comorbidity and in the level of residual renal func-
tion. More recent USRDS data suggest that the age-, race-,
and gender-adjusted 5-year mortality rate difference between
hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis has decreased over time.
This improvement has been more marked in peritoneal dialy-
sis, in which the crude mortality rate has reduced by 12%
since 1985, compared with an 8% reduction over the same
time period for hemodialysis.


While the number of renal transplants has slowly increased over

time, this increase has been overshadowed by the far greater
increase in the number of patients starting dialysis. Thus, in
2003, the number of patients transplanted was one seventh the
number of patients who commenced renal replacement therapy
and two thirds the number of patients who were added to the
transplant waiting list. Median wait-list time has progressively
196 increased over the last decade, with little variation by gender
but substantially shorter wait-list times in whites than in other
racial groups. Much of the increase in the absolute number of
transplants performed in the United States over the last decade
III is a result of an increase in living donation rates, now represent-
ing over 50% of transplant donations.
Epidemiology of Renal Disease

Transplant rates are highest in patients younger than 18

years and decrease with advancing age. Rates have remained
relatively constant in subjects younger than 50 years but have
doubled over the last decade in those aged 50 to 64 and tripled
in those aged 65 and older. Striking gender and racial inequal-
ities remain in current transplant rates, with male patients
being wait-listed and transplanted relatively more frequently
than females, and white patients being many times more
likely to receive a transplant than African Americans. These
inequalities have narrowed somewhat over time as transplant
rates in whites and males have decreased, while those in
blacks and in women have remained steady. Similar racial
inequalities are evident on a global basis.
Cadaveric donation rates increased by less than 10% from
1994 to 2003 and have more recently decreased. Deceased dona-
tion rates are highest in donors aged 45 to 59 years old, and in
men compared with women; rates are higher for whites than for
blacks, and lowest in Asians. In contrast, living donation rates
are highest in older donors (those aged 60–69 years), higher in
women than in men, and similar in whites and blacks, who
in turn, have higher rates than Asians or Native Americans.
Attempts to increase the number of deceased donor transplants
have led to several novel strategies including the use of less opti-
mal allografts. In 2000, the United Network of Organ Sharing
(UNOS) established an Extended Criteria Donors (ECD) based
on the presence of several characteristics that are associated with
an approximately 70% higher failure rate than that found with
non-ECD kidneys. Additional strategies have included increased
use of marginal kidneys, by transplanting both kidneys, where
they have been judged to be individually inadequate, into a single
recipient and by the use of non–heart-beating donors—as distinct
from the more usual situation of donation from a patient who is
brain dead but whose cardiorespiratory circulation is maintained
through artificial life support. Whereas non–heart-beating dona-
tion is associated with poorer initial graft function, the long-term
outcomes may nonetheless be acceptable.

Transplant Outcomes
The reduction in acute rejection rates and improvement in
short-term graft survival have been a dramatic success story
in the field of transplantation. The 1-year graft and patient
survival rates for a deceased donor transplant are 88% and 197
95%, respectively; the comparable figures for a living donor
are 94% and 98%. The cumulative rejection rates in the first
6 months are now less than 20%. Unfortunately, the long-term
graft outcome has failed to improve to a comparable degree. CH 9
One-year conditional graft half-life (the expected length for

Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

which half of all grafts that survive 1 year will remain func-
tional) has remained essentially unchanged over the last
decade, although this coincides with the increased use of less
optimal grafts. The rate of graft failure due to death with a
functioning graft has remained constant at 3.4/100 patient-
years, whereas the rate of graft failure in surviving patients
has steadily declined and is now only slightly greater than
the rate of graft failure due to death with a functioning graft.
The most common cause of death in transplant recipients is
cardiovascular disease, which accounts for 43.5% of those
with a known cause of death. The risk of death due to cardio-
vascular disease in transplant subjects is substantially less
than that in dialysis patients but is still higher than race-,
age-, and gender-matched rates in the general public. Infection
accounts for 26.3% of deaths in the remaining patients and
malignancy for 10.7%. Unfortunately, in approximately 30%
of transplant patients, the cause of death is unknown.
Chapter 10

Acute Kidney Injury


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is characterized by a rapid (hours to

weeks) decline in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and
retention of nitrogenous waste products such as blood urea
nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. In recent years, it has been
recognized that the time-honored term acute renal failure
(ARF) fails to adequately describe what is a dynamic process
extending across initiation, maintenance, and recovery
phases, each of which may be of variable duration and sever-
ity. The alternative proposed term acute kidney injury better
captures the diverse nature of this syndrome, and has entered
into widespread clinical use. In clinical practice, acute tubu-
lar necrosis (ATN) has come to be used almost synonymously
with AKI, although its use should preferably be limited to a
histologic context.
For purposes of diagnosis and management, AKI is divided
into three categories:
1. Prerenal AKI
2. Intrarenal AKI
3. Postrenal AKI
Many definitions of AKI exist. These are typically based on
either a fixed or relative increment in the serum creatinine
level or reductions in urinary output. Recently, a new defini-
tion of AKI has been widely accepted. This scheme is referred
to by the acronym RIFLE and includes three levels of renal
dysfunction of increasing severity—namely, risk of renal dys-
function, injury to the kidney, and failure of kidney func-
tion—and two outcome categories—loss of function, and
end-stage kidney disease (Table 10-1).
A major challenge in the investigation and management of
AKI is the timely recognition of the syndrome. It remains dif-
ficult to easily and reliably measure rapid changes in the GFR.
Although the severity in decline in GFR correlates with the
onset of oliguria, the latter is an insensitive marker of the syn-
drome because many subjects with severe renal failure remain
nonoliguric. In AKI, there is poor agreement between serum
creatinine and GFR, at least until a serum creatinine steady
state is reached, and even then, the absolute rise in serum

Table 10-1 RIFLE Classification of Acute Kidney Injury
GFR Criteria Urine Output Criteria
Risk ↑ Serum Cr  1.5 UO < 0.5 mL/kg/hr  6 hr
IV Injury ↑ Serum Cr  2 UO < 0.5 mL/kg/hr  12 hr
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Failure ↑ Serum Cr  3 UO < 0.3 mL/kg/hr  12 hr

or or
↑ Serum Cr to >4 mg/dL Anuria  12 hr
Loss Dialysis dependent AKI
> 4 wk
ESKD Dialysis dependent AKI
> 3 mo
AKI, acute kidney injury; Cr, creatinine; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; GFR,
glomerular filtration rate.

creatinine must take into account differences in creatinine

generation rates. As a result, definitions of AKI that are based
on a fixed increment in serum creatinine would be expected to
be biased toward making an early diagnosis in well-muscled (as
compared with malnourished) subjects and in men rather than
women. Creatinine clearances, especially when measured
over a short time frame such as 2 to 4 hours, have some
utility but may substantially overestimate GFR at low levels
of renal function, owing to a relatively high proportion of
tubular secretion.


Prerenal Azotemia
Prerenal azotemia is the most common cause of AKI. By
definition, the integrity of renal parenchymal tissue is main-
tained and GFR is corrected rapidly with restoration of renal
perfusion. Untreated, severe renal hypoperfusion may contrib-
ute to the development of ischemic ATN; in practice the two
syndromes frequently coexist. Prerenal azotemia can compli-
cate any disease characterized by hypovolemia, low cardiac
output, systemic vasodilatation, or intrarenal vasoconstriction
(Table 10-2). Glomerular filtration is preserved during mild
hypoperfusion (mean systemic blood pressure > 80 mm Hg)
through several compensatory mechanisms (see Chapter 4,
Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume and Pathophysiology
of Edema Formation). These compensatory renal responses are
blunted by a variety of drugs including ACE (angiotensin-
converting enzyme) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists,
and NSAIDs. The use of these agents can trigger prerenal AKI
in the setting of relatively modest falls in renal perfusion pres-
sure if administered to high-risk individuals, including those
Table 10-2 Major Causes of Prerenal Azotemia
Intravascular Volume Depletion
Gastrointestinal losses CH 10

Acute Kidney Injury

Renal losses (overzealous diuresis, osmotic diuresis, diabetes
Increased insensible losses
“Third-space” losses (pancreatitis, crush syndrome)
Decreased Cardiac Output
Cardiac failure
Systemic vasodilatation
Drugs: antihypertensives, afterload reduction, anesthetics, drug
Sepsis, liver failure, anaphylaxis
Renal Vasoconstriction
Norepinephrine, ergotamine, liver disease, sepsis, hypercalcemia
Pharmacologic Agents That Acutely Impair Autoregulation and
Glomerular Filtration Rate in Specific Settings
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in renal artery stenosis
or severe renal hypoperfusion
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during renal hypoperfusion

with preexisting renal disease and the elderly. Occasionally

prerenal AKI can be triggered by direct renal vasoconstriction
without overt systemic hypotension, as occurs in the setting
of hypercalcemia, vasoconstrictor administration, or the use
of a calcineurin inhibitor (cyclosporine/tacrolimus).

Intrinsic Renal Azotemia

From a clinicopathologic viewpoint, it is helpful to categorize
intrinsic renal failure as follows:
• Diseases involving large renal vessels
• Diseases of the renal microvasculature and glomeruli
• Ischemic and nephrotoxic ATN
• Tubulointerstitial diseases

Diseases of Large Renal Vessels, Microvasculature,

and Tubulointerstitium
Bilateral occlusion of the large renal vessels or unilateral
occlusion in a single functioning kidney is a rare cause of
AKI. Acute renal artery occlusion is usually caused by ather-
oemboli that are dislodged from an atheromatous aorta during
204 arteriography, angioplasty, or aortic surgery. Outside the
immediate post-transplantation period, renal vein thrombosis
is an exceedingly rare cause of AKI and is usually encoun-
tered only as a complication of the nephrotic syndrome in
IV adults or of severe dehydration in children.
Virtually any disease that compromises blood flow within
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

the renal microvasculature may induce AKI. These disorders

include inflammatory (e.g., glomerulonephritis, vasculitis)
and noninflammatory (e.g., malignant hypertension) diseases
of the vessel wall, thrombotic microangiopathies, and hyper-
viscosity syndromes. Disorders of the tubulointerstitium that
induce AKI, other than ischemia or tubule cell toxins, include
allergic interstitial nephritis, bilateral pyelonephritis, allograft
rejection, and, rarely, infiltrative disorders such as sarcoid,
lymphoma, or leukemia.

Acute Tubule Necrosis

The pathologic term ATN and the clinical term AKI are often
used interchangeably when referring to ischemic and nephro-
toxic renal injury. The clinical course of ATN can be divided
into three phases: the initiation phase, the maintenance phase,
and the recovery phase. The initiation phase is the period dur-
ing which patients are exposed to the ischemia or toxin and
parenchymal renal injury is evolving but not yet established.
ATN is potentially preventable during this period, which
may last hours to days. This is followed by a maintenance
phase, during which parenchymal injury is established and
GFR stabilizes at a value of 5 to 10 mL/min. The maintenance
phase typically lasts 1 to 2 weeks but may be prolonged for 1
to 12 months before the recovery phase, the period during
which patients recover renal function through repair and
regeneration of renal tissue. Its onset is typically heralded by
a gradual increase in urine output and a fall in serum creati-
nine, although the latter may lag behind the onset of diuresis
by several days. This “post-ATN” diuresis may reflect appro-
priate excretion of salt and water accumulated during the
maintenance phase, osmotic diuresis induced by filtered urea
and other retained solutes, and the actions of diuretics admi-
nistered to hasten salt and water excretion. Occasionally,
diuresis may be inappropriate and excessive if recovery of
tubule reabsorptive processes lags behind glomerular filtra-
tion, although this phenomenon is more common after relief
of urinary tract obstruction.
Ischemic ATN and prerenal azotemia are part of a spectrum
of manifestations of renal hypoperfusion, with prerenal azote-
mia being a response to mild or moderate hypoperfusion and
ischemic ATN being the result of more severe or prolonged
hypoperfusion, usually coexistent with other renal insults
(vasoactive drugs, nephrotoxins). In its more extreme form,
Exogenous Nephrotoxins Associated with
Table 10-3
Development of Acute Tubular Necrosis
Aminoglycosides CH 10

Acute Kidney Injury

Amphotericin B
Chemotherapeutic agents
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents
NSAIDs (including COX-2 inhibitors)
Radiocontrast agents
Organic solvents
Ethylene glycol
COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2.

renal hypoperfusion may result in bilateral renal cortical

necrosis and irreversible renal failure (<5%). Ischemic ATN
is observed most frequently in patients who have major sur-
gery, trauma, severe hypovolemia, overwhelming sepsis, or
burns. ATN in these settings is frequently multifactorial in ori-
gin and results from the combined effects of hypovolemia,
sepsis-induced vasodilation, toxins released by damaged tis-
sue (myoglobin), and the administration of nephrotoxic anti-
biotics. Table 10-3 lists the toxins that are most frequently
associated with ATN. The nephrotoxicity of most agents is
dramatically increased in the presence of borderline or overt
renal ischemia, sepsis, or other renal insults.
Nonoliguric ATN complicates 10% to 30% of courses of
aminoglycoside antibiotics, even when blood levels are in the
therapeutic range. Important risk factors for aminoglycoside
nephrotoxicity include the use of high or repeated doses or pro-
longed therapy, preexisting renal insufficiency, advanced age,
volume depletion, and the coexistence of renal ischemia, sep-
sis, or other nephrotoxins. AKI is usually detected during
the second week of therapy but it may manifest earlier in the
presence of ischemia or other nephrotoxins. AKI is common
in patients who receive prolonged courses of amphotericin B.
Amphotericin B infusion occasionally triggers an immediate
fall in GFR by inducing direct renal vasoconstriction, but more
commonly ATN develops as the cumulative dose reaches 1 g.
206 This is often associated with biochemical signs of tubule
dysfunction including hypomagnesemia, relative hypokale-
mia, and a non–anion gap acidosis. High-dose intravenous
acyclovir can cause AKI in the volume-depleted patient as a
IV result of intratubule precipitation of crystals, clinically charac-
terized by colic, nausea, and vomiting. A similar syndrome is
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

now recognized in patients receiving the oral antiretroviral

drug indinavir. A Fanconi-like syndrome is seen in up to
40% of patients receiving the novel antiviral agents adefovir
and cidofovir. ATN complicates up to 70% of courses of cis-
platin and ifosfamide, two commonly used chemotherapeutic
agents. Cisplatin causes direct injury to the proximal tubule
and may cause severe hypomagnesemia, even in the absence
of AKI, which may persist long after therapy has been stopped.
Ifosfamide-induced ATN is being recognized increasingly and
is often associated with the Fanconi syndrome.
ATN complicates up to 30% of cases of rhabdomyolysis.
Intratubular obstruction has been implicated as a central event
in the pathophysiology of ATN induced by some other endog-
enous (e.g., myeloma light chains, uric acid) and exogenous
(ethylene glycol) nephrotoxins. Casts, composed of filtered
immunoglobulin light chains and other urinary proteins such
as Tamm-Horsfall protein, induce AKI in patients with multi-
ple myeloma (myeloma-cast nephropathy). Acute uric acid
nephropathy typically complicates treatment of lymphoproli-
ferative or myeloproliferative disorders and is usually asso-
ciated with other biochemical evidence of tumor lysis such
as hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia.
Acute uric acid nephropathy is rare when plasma concentra-
tions are less than 15 to 20 mg/dL (885–1180 mmol/L) but
may be precipitated at relatively low levels by volume deple-
tion or low urine pH.

Postrenal Azotemia
Urinary tract obstruction accounts for fewer than 5% of cases of
AKI. Because one kidney has sufficient clearance capacity to
excrete the nitrogenous waste products generated daily, for
obstruction to cause AKI there must be either obstruction of
urine flow between the external urethral meatus and the blad-
der neck, bilateral ureteric obstruction, or unilateral ureteric
obstruction in a patient with only one functioning kidney or
with underlying chronic renal insufficiency. Obstruction of
the bladder neck, the most common cause of postrenal azote-
mia, may complicate prostatic disease (e.g., hypertrophy,
neoplasia, infection), neurogenic bladder, or therapy with anti-
cholinergic drugs. Less common causes of acute lower urinary
tract obstruction include blood clots, calculi, and urethritis
with spasm. Ureteric obstruction may result from intraluminal
obstruction (e.g., calculi, blood clots, sloughed renal papillae),
infiltration of the ureteric wall (e.g., neoplasia), or external 207
compression (e.g., retroperitoneal fibrosis, neoplasia, or
abscess, inadvertent surgical ligature). During the early stages
of obstruction (hours to days), continued glomerular filtration
leads to increased intraluminal pressure upstream of the site CH 10
of obstruction. This results in gradual distention of the proxi-

Acute Kidney Injury

mal ureter, renal pelvis, and calyces and a fall in GFR.

Differentiation of Prerenal Acute Kidney Injury

and Ischemic Acute Tubule Necrosis
Clinical Features, Urinary Findings, and
Confirmatory Tests
See Chapter 1, Clinical Assessment of the Patient with Renal

Differential Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury in

Specific Clinical Settings
Acute Kidney Injury Following an Intravenous Contrast
Study. The differential diagnosis of AKI following angiogra-
phy includes the following:
• Contrast nephropathy
• Atheroembolic renal disease
• Renal infarction (e.g., aortic dissection)
Risk factors for the development of contrast nephropathy
include chronic renal insufficiency (serum creatinine >
2 mg/dL, 176 mmol/L), diabetic nephropathy, cardiac failure,
jaundice, volume depletion, large contrast volumes, and the
coincident use of ACE inhibitors or NSAIDs. Creatinine levels
usually peak after 3 to 5 days in contrast nephropathy and
return to the normal range within 5 to 7 days. In atheroem-
bolic renal disease the initial rise occurs over a similar time
frame; however, the renal failure is typically irreversible.
Patients with contrast nephropathy usually present with
benign urine sediment, concentrated urine, and low fractional
excretion of Naþ.
Acute Kidney Injury in a Patient with Cancer. Most AKI
in patients with cancer is caused either by prerenal azotemia
induced by vomiting, often in the presence of NSAIDs, or by
intrinsic renal azotemia triggered by chemotherapeutic drugs
or the products of tumor lysis. Rarer causes include hypercal-
cemia of malignancy, tumor-associated glomerulonephritis,
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) or thrombotic thrombocy-
topenic purpura (TTP) induced by drugs or irradiation, or
infiltration of the renal vessels or urinary collecting system
by tumor. The leukemias have long been associated with
208 the development of AKI, usually as a result of tumor lysis syn-
drome or acute urate nephropathy, which can sometimes
develop before the administration of chemotherapeutic agents.
AKI in association with multiple myeloma carries a wide dif-
IV ferential diagnosis that includes hypovolemic prerenal AKI,
hypercalcemia, cryoglobulinemia, hyperviscosity syndrome,
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

contrast nephropathy, myeloma cast nephropathy, light-chain

deposition disease, plasma cell infiltration, vascular amyloid-
osis, sepsis caused by immunocompromise, and ATN induced
by drugs or tumor lysis syndrome.
Acute Kidney Injury after a Solid Organ or Bone Marrow
Transplant. Nonrenal solid organ transplant recipients have a
notably high risk of developing AKI from cardiopulmonary dis-
ease, hepatic failure, sepsis, and the nephrotoxic effects of anti-
microbial and immunosuppressive agents. AKI has been shown
to occur in 35% of heart transplants, 15% of lung transplants,
and 20% to 30% of liver transplants. The incidence of AKI fol-
lowing myeloablative hematopoietic cell transplantation
(HCT) is as high as 50%, with 20% to 31% of patients requiring
hemodialysis. Causes of AKI in this setting include hypovole-
mia, sepsis, tumor lysis syndrome, direct tubular toxicity from
cytoreductive therapy, antibiotics, and calcineurin inhibitors.
The prognosis is grave, particularly for patients requiring dialy-
sis (>80% mortality rate). The most common cause of severe
AKI complicating myeloablative HCT is the hepatorenal syn-
drome (HRS) complicating the development of veno-occlusive
disease (VOD) of the liver. The syndrome is characterized clini-
cally by profound jaundice and avid salt retention with edema
and ascites within the first month after engraftment. The mor-
tality rate approaches 100% for severe VOD.
Acute Kidney Injury in Pregnancy. Ischemic ATN may be
provoked by postpartum hemorrhage or abruptio placentae
and less commonly by amniotic fluid embolism or sepsis. Glo-
merular filtration is usually normal in mild or moderate pre-
eclampsia; however, AKI may complicate severe disease. In
this setting, AKI is typically transient and found in association
with intrarenal vasospasm, marked hypertension, neurologic
abnormalities, and laboratory evidence of abnormal liver func-
tion, thrombocytopenia, and coagulation abnormalities. A dis-
tinct variant of preeclampsia, the HELLP syndrome
(hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets), is charac-
terized by an initial benign course that can rapidly deteriorate
with marked hemolysis and derangement of coagulation and
hepatic and renal function. This presentation contrasts with
that of postpartum HUS or TTP, which typically occurs
against a background of normal pregnancy, is characterized
by thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic anemia, normal pro-
thrombin and partial thromboplastin times, and frequently
causes long-term impairment of renal function.
Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiovascular Surgery. AKI 209
requiring dialytic support is seen in 1% to 5% of patients
undergoing coronary bypass grafting procedures. AKI in this
setting can usually be attributed to prerenal azotemia, ische-
mic ATN, atheroembolic disease, or the effects of radiocon- CH 10
trast material administered perioperatively. The pattern of

Acute Kidney Injury

rise in serum creatinine may be extremely helpful in the dif-
ferential diagnosis of AKI in this setting. As noted earlier, pre-
renal azotemia is typified by rapid fluctuations in serum
creatinine values that usually precede surgery and mirror
changes in systemic hemodynamics and renal perfusion. In
ischemic ATN the rise in serum creatinine postoperatively is
sustained and returns to baseline over days to weeks. Indepen-
dent preoperative risk factors for the development of ATN
after cardiovascular surgery include advanced age, creatinine
clearance less than 60 mL/min, peripheral vascular disease,
cardiomegaly, and a left ventricular ejection fraction of less
than 35%. Intraoperative risk factors include emergency sur-
gery, bypass time greater than 100 minutes, intra-aortic bal-
loon pump insertion, and combined valvular and coronary
revascularization procedures.
Acute Kidney Injury in Association with Pulmonary
Disease. The coexistence of AKI and pulmonary disease (pul-
monary renal syndrome) classically suggests a diagnosis of
Goodpasture syndrome, Wegener granulomatosis, or another
vasculitis. The detection of circulating antineutrophil cyto-
plasmic antibodies, anti-glomerular basement membrane anti-
bodies, or hypocomplementemia can be useful in the
differentiation of these diseases, although the urgent need for
definitive diagnosis and treatment may mandate a lung or
renal biopsy. More commonly, AKI and pulmonary disease
coexist due to volume overload or pulmonary infection in
the critically ill patient.
Acute Kidney Injury in Association with Liver Disease.
The term hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is widely misused. It
should be reserved for a syndrome of irreversible AKI that
complicates advanced liver disease, hepatic failure, or portal
hypertension. Two subtypes of HRS have been described.
Type 1 is characterized by a rapid onset of renal failure with
a doubling of serum creatinine to greater than 2.5 mg/dL or a
50% reduction in GFR to less than 20 mL/min over a 2-week
period. This subtype is characterized by a fulminant course
with oliguria, encephalopathy, marked hyperbilirubinemia,
and death usually within 1 month of presentation. Type
2 HRS is typified by a more indolent course with a stable
reduction in GFR accompanying diuretic-resistant ascites
and avid sodium retention. The diagnosis of HRS is one of
exclusion. Other diagnoses that must be entertained in the
patient with AKI and liver disease are prerenal AKI due to
210 gastrointestinal losses, drug toxicity, combined hepatitis and
tubulointerstitial nephritis induced by drugs or infectious
agents, and multiorgan involvement in vasculitides (e.g.,
hepatitis C–induced cryoglobulinemia). The BUN and serum
IV creatinine values are characteristically deceptively low,
despite marked impairment of GFR, because of impaired urea
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

generation and coexisting muscle wasting. The urinary

findings include a benign sediment and a low fractional excre-
tion of sodium (FENa). The most common precipitant of the
HRS in patients with compensated cirrhosis is spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis. Other trigger factors include vigorous
diuresis, paracentesis, gastrointestinal bleeding, infections,
minor surgery, or the use of NSAIDs and other drugs. Death
is almost invariable in true HRS and is usually caused by
hepatic failure, infection, hemorrhage, or circulatory failure.


Intravascular Volume Disturbance

Intravascular volume overload is a common consequence of
AKI and manifests clinically as mild hypertension, increased
jugular venous pressure, bibasilar lung crackles, pleural effu-
sions or ascites, peripheral edema, increased body weight,
and life-threatening pulmonary edema. Hypervolemia may
be particularly troublesome in patients receiving multiple
intravenous medications, sodium bicarbonate for correction
of acidosis, or enteral or parenteral nutrition. Moderate to
severe hypertension is unusual in ATN and should suggest
other diagnoses, such as malignant hypertension, sclero-
derma, renal crisis, or primary glomerular disease. A vigorous
osmotic diuresis may complicate the recovery phase of AKI
and precipitate intravascular volume depletion and a delay
in recovery of renal function.

Electrolyte Disturbances
Hyponatremia due to a combination of impaired free-water
clearance and the ingestion of water or administration of hypo-
tonic intravenous solutions can cause hyponatremia, which
can be severe. Hyperkalemia is a common and potentially
life-threatening complication. The serum potassium typically
rises by 0.5 to 1 mEq/L/day in oligoanuric patients but the rate
of rise may be higher in rhabdomyolysis or the tumor lysis
syndrome. Mild hyperkalemia (<6 mEq/L) is usually asymp-
tomatic. Higher levels are frequently associated with elec-
trocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities, typically, peaked T
waves, prolongation of the PR interval, flattening of P waves,
widening of the QRS complex, and left-axis deviation. These 211
changes may precede the onset of life-threatening cardiac
arrhythmias such as bradycardia, heart block, ventricular
tachycardia or fibrillation, and asystole. Hypokalemia is
unusual in AKI but may complicate nonoliguric ATN caused CH 10
by aminoglycosides, cisplatin, or amphotericin B.

Acute Kidney Injury

Mild hyperphosphatemia (5–10 mg/dL, 1.6–3.2 mmol/L) is a
common consequence of AKI, and hyperphosphatemia may be
severe (10–20 mg/dL, 3.2–6.4 mmol/L) in highly catabolic
patients or when AKI is associated with rapid cell death, as in
rhabdomyolysis or tumor lysis. Hypocalcemia is usually asymp-
tomatic, possibly because of the counterbalancing effects of acido-
sis on neuromuscular excitability. However, symptomatic
hypocalcemia can occur in patients with rhabdomyolysis or acute
pancreatitis or after treatment of acidosis with bicarbonate. Clini-
cal manifestations of hypocalcemia include perioral paresthe-
sias, muscle cramps, seizures, hallucinations and confusion,
and ECG abnormalities including prolongation of the QT inter-
val and nonspecific T-wave changes. Mild asymptomatic
hypermagnesemia is usual in oliguric AKI and reflects impaired
excretion of ingested magnesium (dietary magnesium, magne-
sium-containing laxatives, or antacids). Hypomagnesemia
occasionally complicates nonoliguric ATN associated with cis-
platin or amphotericin B and, as with hypokalemia, probably
reflects injury to the thick ascending limb (TAL), the principal
site for Mg2þ reabsorption. Hypomagnesemia is usually asymp-
tomatic but may occasionally manifest as neuromuscular insta-
bility, cramps, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, or resistant
hypokalemia or hypocalcemia.

Acid-Base Disturbance
AKI is commonly complicated by metabolic acidosis, typically
with a widening of the serum anion gap. The acidosis may be
severe (daily fall in plasma HCO3 > 2 mEq/L) if the genera-
tion of Hþ is increased by additional mechanisms (e.g., dia-
betic or fasting ketoacidosis; lactic acidosis complicating
generalized tissue hypoperfusion, liver disease, or sepsis;
metabolism of ethylene glycol). Metabolic alkalosis is an infre-
quent finding but may complicate overzealous correction of
acidosis with bicarbonate or prerenal AKI triggered by loss of
gastric secretions by vomiting or nasogastric aspiration.

Uremic Syndrome
Protracted periods of severe AKI or short periods of catabolic,
anuric azotemia often lead to the development of the uremic
syndrome. Clinical manifestations of the uremic syndrome
include pericarditis, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tampo-
nade; gastrointestinal complications such as anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, and ileus; and neuropsychiatric disturbances
212 including lethargy, confusion, stupor, coma, agitation, psy-
chosis, asterixis, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, restless leg syn-
drome, focal neurologic deficit, and seizures.

Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Prerenal Azotemia
By definition, prerenal azotemia is rapidly reversible on resto-
ration of renal perfusion. Hypovolemia caused by hemorrhage
is ideally corrected with packed red blood cells if the patient
is hemodynamically unstable or if the hematocrit is danger-
ously low. In the absence of active bleeding or hemodynamic
instability, isotonic saline may suffice. Isotonic saline is the
appropriate replacement fluid for plasma losses (e.g., burns,
pancreatitis). Urinary or gastrointestinal fluids vary greatly in
composition but are usually hypotonic and, accordingly, ini-
tial replacement is best achieved with hypotonic solutions
(e.g., 0.45% saline). Colloid solutions should be used spar-
ingly in prerenal AKI with regular monitoring of renal func-
tion, and the risk of hyperoncotic renal failure minimized by
concomitant use of appropriate crystalloid solutions. Cardiac
failure may require aggressive management with loop diure-
tics, antiarrhythmic drugs, positive inotropes, and preload-
or afterload-reducing agents.
Fluid management may be particularly challenging in
patients with prerenal AKI and cirrhosis. These subjects typi-
cally have intense intrarenal vasoconstriction and expanded
total plasma volume because of pooling of blood in the
splanchnic circulation; the relative contribution of hypovole-
mia to AKI in this setting can be determined only by adminis-
tration of a fluid challenge. Fluids should be administered
slowly, because nonresponders may suffer an increase in
ascites formation or pulmonary edema, or both. Spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis is a common trigger factor for HRS
in patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites. The adminis-
tration of albumin (1.5 g/kg on diagnosis and 1 g/kg on day 3)
in combination with standard antibiotic therapy in this
setting has been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of
HRS and improve patient survival. Paracentesis can be
employed to remove large volumes of ascitic fluid. Although
it is controversial, simultaneous administration of albumin
intravenously is thought by some investigators to minimize
the risk of prerenal AKI and full-blown HRS during large-volume
paracentesis. Indeed, large-volume paracentesis may occa-
sionally improve GFR, possibly by lowering intra-abdominal
pressure and promoting blood flow in renal veins. Vasopres-
sin (V1) receptor agonists, either alone or in combination
with the a-agonist midodrine, have shown promise in the rever- 213
sal of established HRS. In a small randomized trial, terlipressin
(1 mg IV twice daily) combined with albumin resuscitation
(goal, central venous pressure 10–12 mm Hg) resulted in 5 of
12 patients surviving 15 days as opposed to none of the placebo CH 10
group. Predictors of nonresponse include older age and more

Acute Kidney Injury

severe liver failure (Child-Pugh score > 13).

Intrinsic Renal Azotemia

Optimization of cardiovascular function and intravascular vol-
ume is the single most important maneuver in the management
of acute intrinsic azotemia. There is compelling evidence that
aggressive restoration of intravascular volume dramatically
reduces the incidence of ATN after major surgery, trauma, and
burns. Recent studies have emphasized two salient features of
successful management of sepsis that may be of importance in
the prevention of AKI. Early goal-directed resuscitation to
defined hemodymanic targets (mean arterial pressure >
65 mm Hg, central venous pressure 10–12, urine output >
0.5 mL/kg/hour, SCVO2 > 70%) using a combination of crystal-
loid solutions, red blood cell transfusion, and vasopressors
results in a significant reduction in organ dysfunction and mor-
tality rate in patients with the sepsis syndrome.
The importance of maintaining euvolemia in high-risk clin-
ical situations has been demonstrated most convincingly with
contrast nephropathy. Prophylactic infusion of half-normal
saline (1 mL/kg for 12 hours before and after procedure)
appears to be more effective in preventing AKI than other
commonly used agents such as mannitol and furosemide. Pro-
phylactic administration of oral acetylcysteine (600 mg twice
daily, 24 hours before and 24 hours after the procedure), in
combination with hydration, reduced the incidence of con-
trast nephropathy in patients with moderate renal insuffi-
ciency in several trials.
Diuretics, NSAIDs (including COX-2 inhibitors), ACE inhi-
bitors, and other vasodilators should be avoided in patients
with suspected true or effective hypovolemia, because they
may convert prerenal azotemia to ischemic ATN. Careful mon-
itoring of circulating drug levels appears to reduce the inci-
dence of AKI associated with aminoglycoside antibiotics.
There is convincing evidence that once-daily dosing with
these agents affords equal antimicrobial activity and less
nephrotoxicity than do conventional regimens. The use of
lipid-encapsulated formulations of amphotericin B may offer
some protection against renal injury. Several other agents are
commonly employed to prevent AKI in specific clinical
214 settings. Allopurinol is useful for limiting uric acid generation
in patients at high risk for acute urate nephropathy; Amifostine,
an organic thiophosphate, has been demonstrated to ameliorate
cisplatin nephrotoxicity in patients with solid organ or hemato-
IV logic malignancies. Forced diuresis and alkalinization of urine
may attenuate renal injury caused by uric acid or methotrexate.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

N-Acetylcysteine limits acetaminophen-induced renal injury if

given within 24 hours of ingestion, and dimercaprol, a chelat-
ing agent, may prevent heavy metal nephrotoxicity. Both etha-
nol or fomepizole inhibit ethylene glycol metabolism to oxalic
acid and other toxic metabolites and can prevent the develop-
ment of ATN following toxic ingestion.

Specific Therapies
Despite intensive investigation no specific therapy exists that
accelerates recovery from ATN. Judicious volume manage-
ment, treatment of complications, and avoidance of further
injury are the mainstays of therapy. “Renal dose dopamine”
(1–3 mg/kg/min) has been widely advocated for the manage-
ment of oliguric AKI; however, it has not been demonstrated
to prevent or alter the course of ischemic or nephrotoxic
ATN in prospective, controlled clinical trials. The administra-
tion of high-dose intravenous diuretics to individuals with
oliguric AKI is commonly practiced. Although this strategy
may minimize fluid overload, there is no evidence that it
alters the mortality rate or the dialysis-free survival rate. Sim-
ilarly, no adequate data exist to support the routine adminis-
tration of mannitol, fenoldopam, or natriuretic peptides to
oliguric patients. AKI caused by other intrinsic renal diseases,
such as acute glomerulonephritis or vasculitis, may respond to
corticosteroids, alkylating agents, or plasmapheresis, depend-
ing on the primary disease.

Management of Complications
Metabolic complications such as intravascular volume over-
load, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and metabolic aci-
dosis are almost invariable in oliguric AKI, and preventive
measures should be taken from the time of diagnosis. Prescrip-
tion of nutrition should be designed to meet caloric require-
ments and minimize catabolism. In addition, doses of drugs
excreted via the kidney must be adjusted for the degree of
renal impairment.
Intravascular Volume Management. After correction of
intravascular volume deficits, salt and water intake should
be adjusted to match losses (urinary, gastrointestinal, drainage
sites, insensible losses). Intravascular volume overload can
usually be managed by restriction of salt and water intake
and the use of diuretics. In the volume-overloaded patient,
high doses of loop diuretics such as furosemide (bolus doses
of up to 200 mg or up to 20 mg/hour as an intravenous infu- 215
sion) or sequential thiazide and loop diuretic administration
may be required if there is no response to conventional doses.
Diuretic therapy should be discontinued in resistant patients
to avoid complications such as ototoxicity. Ultrafiltration or CH 10
dialysis may be required for removal of volume if conservative

Acute Kidney Injury

measures fail. Hyponatremia associated with a fall in effective
serum osmolality can usually be corrected by restriction of
water intake.
Electrolyte Disturbances. Mild hyperkalemia (<5.5 mEq/L)
should be managed initially by restriction of dietary potas-
sium intake and elimination of potassium supplements and
potassium-sparing diuretics. Moderate hyperkalemia (5.5–
6.5 mEq/L) in patients without clinical or ECG evidence of
hyperkalemia can usually be controlled by administration of
Kþ-binding ion exchange resins such as sodium polystyrene
sulfonate (15–30 g every 3 or 4 hours) with sorbitol (50–
100 mL of 20% solution) by mouth. Loop diuretics also
increase Kþ excretion in diuretic-responsive patients. Emer-
gency measures should be employed for patients with serum
Kþ values greater than 6.5 mEq/L and for all patients with
ECG abnormalities or clinical features of hyperkalemia. Intra-
venous insulin (5–10 U of regular insulin) and glucose
(50 mL of 50% dextrose) promotes Kþ shift into cells within
30 to 60 minutes, a benefit that lasts for several hours. Intrave-
nous albuterol (0.5 mg in 100 mL of 5% dextrose over 5 min-
utes) or nebulized albuterol (10–20 mg) also promotes an
intracellular shift of Kþ. Calcium solutions such as calcium
gluconate (10 mL of 10% solution intravenously over 5 min-
utes) antagonize the cardiac and neuromuscular effects of
hyperkalemia and provide a valuable emergency temporizing
measure while other agents reduce the serum Kþ concentra-
tion. Dialysis is indicated if hyperkalemia is resistant to these
measures. Hyperphosphatemia can usually be controlled by
restriction of dietary phosphate intake and oral administration
of agents (e.g., aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, seve-
lamer) that reduce absorption of PO43 from the gastrointesti-
nal tract. Hypocalcemia does not usually require treatment
unless it is severe, as may occur in patients with rhabdomyol-
ysis or pancreatitis or after administration of bicarbonate.
Acid-Base Balance. Metabolic acidosis does not require
treatment unless the serum bicarbonate concentration falls
below 15 mEq/L. More severe acidosis can be corrected by
either oral or intravenous bicarbonate administration. Initial
rates of replacement should be based on estimates of bicarbon-
ate deficit and adjusted thereafter according to serum levels.
Patients should be monitored for complications of bicarbonate
administration, including volume overload, hypernatremia,
and metabolic alkalosis.
216 Nutritional Management. If the duration of renal insuffi-
ciency is likely to be short and the patient is not catabolic, then
dietary protein should be restricted to less 0.8 g/kg body weight
per day. Catabolic patients, including those receiving continu-
IV ous renal replacement therapy, may receive up to 1.4 mg/kg/
day. Total caloric intake should not exceed 35 kcal/kg/day
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

and will typically range from 25 to 30 kcal/kg/day. The enteral

route of nutrition is preferred, because it avoids the morbidity
associated with parenteral nutrition while providing support
to intestinal function.
General Management Issues. Anemia may necessitate
blood transfusion or the administration of recombinant
human erythropoietin if it is severe or if recovery is delayed.
Uremic bleeding usually responds to desmopressin, correction
of anemia, estrogens, or dialysis. Febrile patients must be
investigated aggressively for infection and may require treat-
ment with broad-spectrum antibiotics while awaiting identifi-
cation of specific organisms. Meticulous care of intravenous
cannulas, Foley catheters, and other invasive devices is man-
datory. There is no indication for the prophylactic administra-
tion of antibiotic therapy.

Indications for and Modalities of Dialysis

When approaching the patient with AKI who requires renal

replacement therapy (RRT), the following questions should
be asked:
• When is it best to initiate RRT?
• What access is best?
• Which RRT modality should be utilized?
• What degree of solute clearance is required?

Absolute indications for RRT in AKI include the following:
• Symptomatic uremia (asterixis, pericardial rub,
• Metabolic acidosis/hyperkalemia/volume overload
refractory to medical management
Relative indications include a rapidly rising BUN and creat-
inine without evidence of imminent renal recovery when the
development of uremic or other complications can reasonably
be expected to supervene without intervention. “Renal sup-
port” indications involve using RRT to facilitate the adminis-
tration of total parenteral nutrition, fluid removal in
congestive heart failure, and total fluid management in the
patient with multiorgan failure. The decision regarding the
timing of initiation of RRT in the intensive care unit (ICU) is
a complex one, and has traditionally been dictated by the 217
presence of a life-threatening indication. However, when one
considers renal support requirements, and the extremely high
mortality rate in these patients, earlier intervention may be
appropriate in selected patients. CH 10

Acute Kidney Injury

Vascular Access
Vascular access in the ICU is an important and often overlooked
aspect of extracorporeal therapy. Poor access can lead to signifi-
cant recirculation and inadequate flows, resulting in less
efficient solute clearance. Factors determining catheter func-
tion include location of catheter placement and catheter design.
Temporary catheters range in length from 15 to 24 cm. The
15-cm catheters are designed for placement via the right inter-
nal jugular vein, although in most men and larger women,
19 to 20 cm may be required to reach the superior vena cava–
right atrial junction. Catheters 20 cm and longer are designed
for the left internal jugular and femoral approaches. Dialysis
catheters in the ICU should be placed in the internal jugular or
the femoral position; the right internal jugular is usually
preferred; femoral catheter length should exceed 19 cm to
minimize recirculation. Subclavian access should be avoided
whenever possible as it is associated with an unacceptable rate
of central vein thrombosis and stenosis.
Catheter care is designed to prevent malfunction and infec-
tion. Malfunction is usually related to thrombus or fibrin
sheath formation, the prevention of which has not been
proven with the use of any particular type of locking solution.
Most institutions continue to use heparin or 4% citrate. When
catheter dysfunction is present, line reversal may be success-
ful and has acceptable recirculation characteristics. Infection
is prevented by use of excellent local care and observation.
In addition, studies have demonstrated improved infection
rates in acute catheters with the use of local antibiotic oint-
ment on dry gauze at the exit site. Importantly, the risk of
bloodstream infection rises dramatically after 1 week in
patients with femoral catheters and 3 weeks in the case of
internal jugular catheters. It is reasonable to try to limit cathe-
ter duration to within these periods. If a catheter exit site
infection is recognized, the catheter should be removed

Modalities of Renal Replacement

No dialytic modality has been demonstrated to offer a defini-
tive survival benefit in AKI. Continuous renal replacement
therapy (CRRT) offers recognized advantages in continuous
fluid and solute control but has never been convincingly
shown to improve mortality statistics. Intermittent hemodialy-
sis (IHD) can be performed, and recently attention has shifted
218 to increasing its frequency above the traditional three times a
week. Slow low-efficiency daily dialysis (SLEDD) increases
volume control and solute clearance when compared to IHD
and approaches that achieved with CRRT. Peritoneal dialysis
IV (PD) is also used in the ICU but requires an intact peritoneal
cavity. A decision regarding which modality is selected is
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

dependent on local preference, cost, and availability of thera-

pies. Regardless of the RRT utilized, the goals should always
be to improve the patient’s fluid and electrolyte and acid-base
balances, allowing for an optimal chance of renal and patient
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies. With the
advent of safe placement of double-lumen venous catheters,
the CRRT options in general have developed into continuous
venovenous modalities. A roller pump ensures constant blood
flow and generates hydraulic pressure for ultrafiltration. Stan-
dard solutions are isotonic and use lactate as their bicarbonate
equivalent; however, tailored solutions may use bicarbonate
or citrate as the base. Anticoagulation options include sys-
temic heparinization, prostacyclin infusion, or regional citrate
anticoagulation. The latter approach offers several advantages
including the provision of highly effective local anticoagula-
tion with prolonged filter half-life without the need for sys-
temic anticoagulation. This approach is particularly useful in
patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and
in those at high risk of bleeding in whom systemic anticoagu-
lation is contraindicated. In slow continuous ultrafiltration
(SCUF), the extracorporeal system is simplified to include a
blood system hooked inline with a high-efficiency or high-
flux membrane. As blood passes through the membrane,
plasma water and solutes pass through the membrane to allow
formation of an ultrafiltrate, which is discarded. No replace-
ment fluids or dialysate fluids are required. Although SCUF
is a purely convective modality, the ultrafiltrate volume is lim-
ited to inputs plus desired losses and hence, not enough vol-
ume is generated to control azotemia or significant metabolic
disorders. This therapy is reserved for patients with residual
renal function but high volumes of input or significant fluid
overload with a “relative” oliguria.
CRRT modalities designed for fluid and metabolic control
require higher volumes of ultrafiltrate and hence require
replacement fluid, dialysate fluid, or a combination of both.
Continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) is an extracor-
poreal circuit with a double-lumen venous catheter hooked to
an extracorporeal system with a blood pump, high-efficiency
or high-flux dialysis membrane, and replacement fluid. As
with SCUF, pure convection produces the ultrafiltrate, but
much greater volumes are generated. Volume status and
metabolic improvements are maintained by the addition of
replacement fluid in the circuit. Replacement fluid can be 219
added prefilter or postfilter. Prefilter replacement carries a
benefit of less hemoconcentration within the dialysis mem-
brane but decreases clearances up to 15%. Postfilter replace-
ment maintains efficiency of the circuit but may be CH 10
associated with an increase in thrombosis of the extracorpo-

Acute Kidney Injury

real circuit.
Continuous venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD) is an extra-
corporeal circuit with a double-lumen venous catheter hooked
to an extracorporeal system with a blood pump, high-
efficiency or high-flux dialysis membrane, and dialysate
fluid. As with IHD, the dialysate runs countercurrent to the
blood pathway. As in other forms of CRRT, low efficiency is
maintained by limiting the dialysate volume to 1 to 3 L/hour.
Although considered a diffusive therapy, convection certainly
occurs due to significant back-filtration.
Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) con-
sists of an extracorporeal circuit with a double-lumen venous
catheter hooked to an extracorporeal system with a blood
pump, high-efficiency or high-flux dialysis membrane, and
both replacement and dialysate fluid. In general, this combi-
nation is used to increase clearance; others utilize CVVHDF
to simplify citrate delivery for anticoagulation. Clearly, both
diffusive and convective forces determine solute clearances.
Intermittent Therapies. Conventional hemodialysis is typi-
cally delivered in the ICU setting three to four times a week
with a standard prescribed clearance goal, similar to that of
end-stage renal disease; however, recent evidence suggests
that daily dialysis reduces mortality risk and aids renal recov-
ery. The major complications of acute IHD relate to rapid
shifts in plasma volume and solute composition, the angioac-
cess procedure, and the necessity for anticoagulation. Intra-
dialytic hypotension is common in patients undergoing
acute IHD and usually occurs in the following circumstances:
• Overestimation of the extent of intravascular volume
• Rapid removal of fluid which is not matched by a flux of
fluid into the intravascular space from the interstitial and
cellular compartments
• Impairment of the patient’s compensatory responses as a
result of microvascular disease, sepsis, or vasodilatory med-
ications (e.g., nitrates, antihypertensive medication)
Hypotension may be particularly problematic in critically ill
patients with ATN and concurrent sepsis, hypoalbuminemia,
malnutrition, or large third-space losses. Management of intra-
dialytic hypotension requires careful assessment of intravascular
volume, by invasive hemodynamic monitoring if necessary, pre-
scription of realistic ultrafiltration targets, and close observation
220 for tachycardia or hypotension during dialysis. The immediate
management of hypotension involves the discontinuation of
hemofiltration, placing the patient in the Trendelenburg posi-
tion, and rapid infusion of 250 to 500 mL of normal saline. Other
IV complications, including the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome,
are discussed in Chapter 34, Hemodialysis. SLEDD has been
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

developed to be a hybrid therapy between continuous and inter-

mittent therapy. Blood flows and dialysate flows are slowed to
200 to 300 mL/min and 100 mL/min, respectively, and the ther-
apy is prolonged to 8 to 12 hours/day. This slower form of dial-
ysis theoretically allows for more hemodynamic stability with
increased clearances when compared to conventional hemodial-
ysis. SLEDD also allows for time off the extracorporeal circuit,
allowing time for the patient to travel to diagnostic studies.
Peritoneal dialysis can also be utilized in the ICU. PD offers
the advantages of lack of anticoagulation and vascular pro-
blems, is hemodynamically stable, and is performed with rel-
atively inexpensive and simple systems. The disadvantages
include the need for an intact peritoneum, hyperglycemia,
potential respiratory embarrassment due to increased abdomi-
nal pressure, the risk of peritonitis, and less clearance than
can be obtained with SLEDD or CRRT.

Postrenal Azotemia

Management of postrenal azotemia usually involves a multi-

disciplinary approach and requires close collaboration among
the nephrologist, urologist, and radiologist. This topic is
reviewed extensively in Chapter 16. Urethral or bladder neck
obstruction is usually relieved temporarily by transurethral
or suprapubic placement of a bladder catheter, which pro-
vides a window for identification and treatment of the
obstructing lesion. Similarly, ureteric obstruction may be trea-
ted initially by percutaneous catheterization of the dilated
ureteric pelvis or ureter. Indeed, obstructing lesions can often
be removed percutaneously (e.g., calculus, sloughed papilla)
or bypassed by insertion of a ureteric stent (e.g., carcinoma).
Most patients experience an appropriate diuresis for several
days after relief of obstruction; however, approximately 5%
develop a transient salt-wasting syndrome, because of delayed
recovery of tubule function relative to GFR, that may require
intravenous fluid replacement to maintain blood pressure.

The mortality rate among patients with acute intrinsic renal
azotemia varies from less than 10% in obstetric-related AKI
to over 70% in cases associated with multiple organ failure.
Factors associated with a poor prognosis include male sex, 221
advanced age, oliguria (<400 mL/day), and a rise in the serum
creatinine value of more than 3 mg/dL (265 mmol/L). Most
patients who survive an episode of AKI recover sufficient renal
function to live normal lives. However, AKI is irreversible in CH 10
approximately 5% of patients, usually as a consequence of

Acute Kidney Injury

complete cortical necrosis, and necessitates long-term renal
replacement therapy with dialysis or transplantation. An addi-
tional 5% of patients suffer progressive deterioration in renal
function after an initial recovery phase, probably because of
hyperfiltration and subsequent sclerosis of remnant glomeruli.
Chapter 11

Primary Glomerular Disease


Proteinuria can be caused by systemic overproduction (e.g.,
multiple myeloma with Bence Jones proteinuria), tubular dys-
function (e.g., Fanconi syndrome), or glomerular dysfunction.
It is important to identify patients in whom the proteinuria is
a manifestation of substantial glomerular disease as opposed
to those patients who have benign transient or postural (ortho-
static) proteinuria.
Isolated proteinuria is a mild, transient proteinuria that typ-
ically accompanies physiologically stressful conditions,
including fever, exercise, and congestive heart failure.
Orthostatic proteinuria is defined by the absence of protein-
uria while the patient is in a recumbent posture and its appear-
ance during upright posture, especially during exercise. It is
most common in adolescents. The total amount of protein excre-
tion in a 24-hour period is generally less than 1 g. The diagnosis
is made by comparing the protein excretion in two 12-hour urine
collections, one recumbent and one ambulatory. Alternatively,
the protein excretion in a split collection of 16 ambulatory hours
may be compared to that of an 8-hour overnight collection.
Importantly, patients should be recumbent for at least 2 hours
before their “ambulatory” collection is completed to avoid the
possibility of contamination of the “recumbent” collection by
urine formed during ambulation. The diagnosis of orthostatic
proteinuria requires that protein excretion be less than 50 mg
during those 8 recumbant hours. Patients should be followed
on an annual basis until the proteinuria resolves; the long-term
prognosis is typically excellent.
Fixed proteinuria is present whether the patient is upright
or recumbent. The proteinuria disappears in some patients,
whereas others have a more ominous glomerular lesion that
portends an adverse long-term outcome. The prognosis
depends on the persistence and severity of the proteinuria.
If proteinuria disappears, it is less likely that the patient will
develop hypertension or reduced glomerular filtration rate
(GFR). These patients must be evaluated periodically for as
long as the proteinuria persists.

Plasma cell dyscrasias can produce monoclonal proteins, 223
immunoglobulin, free light chains, and combinations of these.
Light chains are filtered at the glomerulus and may appear in
the urine as Bence Jones protein. The detection of urine immu-
noglobulin light chains can be the first clue to a number of CH 11
important clinical syndromes associated with plasma cell dys-

Primary Glomerular Disease

crasias that involve the kidney. Unfortunately, urine immuno-
globulin light chains may not be detected by reagent strip tests
for protein. However, plasma cell dyscrasias may also manifest
as proteinuria or albuminuria when the glomerular deposition
of light chains causes disruption of the normally impermeable
capillary wall. The diagnosis of a plasma cell dyscrasia can be
entertained when a tall, narrow band on electrophoresis sug-
gests the presence of a monoclonal g-globulin or immunoglob-
ulin light chain. However, monoclonal proteins are best
detected with serum and urine immunoelectrophoresis.

Nephrotic Syndrome
The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by over 3.5 g/day
proteinuria in association with edema, hyperlipidemia, and
hypoalbuminemia. In addition to primary (idiopathic) glomeru-
lar diseases discussed later in this chapter, the nephrotic syn-
drome may be secondary to a large number of identifiable
disease states (Table 11-1).

Hematuria is the presence of an excessive number of red blood
cells in the urine, and is categorized as either microscopic (visi-
ble only with the aid of a microscope) or macroscopic (urine that
is tea-colored or cola-colored, pink, or even red). An acceptable
definition of microscopic hematuria is more than two red blood
cells per high-power field in centrifuged urine. The urinary dip-
stick detects one to two red blood cells per high-power field and a
negative dipstick examination virtually excludes hematuria.
Glomerular hematuria: Dysmorphic red blood cells on urine
microscopy provide strong evidence for glomerular bleeding.
The findings of proteinuria (especially >2 g/day) or red blood cell
casts enhance the possibility that hematuria is of glomerular ori-
gin. The differential pathologic diagnosis of glomerular hematuria
without proteinuria, renal insufficiency, or red blood cell casts is
IgA nephropathy, thin basement membrane nephropathy, heredi-
tary nephritis, or histologically normal glomeruli. When hematu-
ria is accompanied by 1 to 3 g/day proteinuria but no significant
renal insufficiency, IgA nephropathy is the most likely cause.
Patients with hematuria and serum creatinine greater than 3 mg/dL
(260 mmol/L) usually have aggressive glomerulonephritis with
crescents. However, a definitive diagnosis requires a renal biopsy.
224 Table 11-1 Causes of the Nephrotic Syndrome
Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome due to primary glomerular disease
Nephrotic syndrome associated with specific etiologic events or in
which glomerular disease arises as a complication of other diseases
IV Medications
Organic, inorganic, elemental mercury
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Organic gold
Penicillamine, bucillamine
“Street” heroin
Allergens, Venoms, Immunizations
Bee sting, pollens
PSGN, infective endocarditis, “shunt nephritis,” leprosy, syphilis
(congenital and secondary), Mycoplasma infection, tuberculosis,
chronic bacterial pyelonephritis with vesicoureteral reflux
Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus infection, infectious
mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus infection), herpes zoster,
vaccinia, human immunodeficiency virus type I infection
Malaria (especially quartan malaria), toxoplasmosis
Schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, filariasis
Solid tumors (carcinoma and sarcoma): lung, colon, stomach, breast
Leukemia and lymphoma: Hodgkin disease
Graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplantation
Multisystem Disease
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Henoch-Schönlein purpura/IgA nephropathy
Amyloidosis (primary and secondary)
Heredofamilial and Metabolic Disease
Diabetes mellitus
Hypothyroidism (myxedema)
Graves disease
Amyloidosis (familial Mediterranean fever and other hereditary
forms, Muckle-Wells syndrome)
Podocyte mutations
Congenital nephrotic syndrome (Finnish type)
Pregnancy-associated (preeclampsia, recurrent, transient)
Chronic renal allograft failure
PSGN, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
The potential benefits of renal biopsy in patients with hematuria 225
and no proteinuria or renal insufficiency (“isolated hematuria”)
include a reduction of patient and physician uncertainty and the
accompanying anxiety by establishing a specific diagnosis. How-
ever, in many cases, isolated glomerular hematuria may not war- CH 11
rant a renal biopsy because the findings often do not affect

Primary Glomerular Disease

management. Nonglomerular causes of isolated hematuria are dis-
cussed in Chapter 2, Laboratory Assessment of Renal Disease.

Nephritic Syndrome
The nephritic syndrome is characterized by inflammatory
injury to the glomerular capillary wall. It presents clinically
as abrupt onset renal dysfunction with oliguria, hematuria
with red blood cell casts, hypertension, and subnephrotic pro-
teinuria. The distinction between the nephritic and nephrotic
syndrome is generally easily made based on clinical and labo-
ratory features. Common diseases that present as the nephritic
syndrome include poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, IgA
nephropathy, lupus nephritis, and immune complex glomeru-
lonephritis associated with infection.

Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis/

Crescentic Glomerulonephritis
The term rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) refers
to a clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid loss of renal
function (days to weeks), often accompanied by oliguria or
anuria, and features of glomerulonephritis (red blood cell casts/
proteinuria). These aggressive glomerulonephritides are usually
associated with extensive crescent formation, and hence, the
clinical term RPGN is sometimes used interchangeably with
the pathologic term crescentic glomerulonephritis. Renal dis-
eases other than crescentic glomerulonephritis that can cause
the signs and symptoms of RPGN include thrombotic microan-
giopathy and atheroembolic renal disease.
The three major immunopathologic categories of crescentic
glomerulonephritis are as follows:
• Immune complex
• Pauci-immune (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody [ANCA]-
• Anti–glomerular basement membrane (GBM) disease.
In a patient who has RPGN clinically and crescentic glomeru-
lonephritis identified by light microscopy of a renal biopsy spec-
imen, the precise diagnostic categorization of the disease
requires integration of clinical, serologic, immunohistologic,
and electron microscopic data (Fig. 11-1).


Linear glomerular Glomerular immune complex Paucity of glomerular IF

lgG IF staining localization with granular IF immunoglobulin staining
Serology: Anti-GBM Serology is varied: e.g., anti-DNA Serology: +ANCA
hypocomplementernia, anti-HCV,
anti-HBV, C3Nf, cryos, anti-Strep,
increased lgA

With lung Without lung No systemic Vasculitis with Granulomas Eosinophilia,

hemorrhage hemorrhage vasculitis no asthma or and no asthma asthma, and
granulomas granulomas

Goodpasture Anti-GBM ANCA Microscopic Wegener Churg-Strauss

syndrome GN GN polyangiitis granulomatosis syndrome

lgA and no lgA and systemic SLE Acute strep/ Mesangio-capillary GBM dense Sub-epithelial 20 nm Other
vasculitis vasculitis staph infection changes deposits deposits fibrils features

lgA H-S Lupus Acute post- Type I Type II Membranous Fibrillary Many
nephropathy purpura nephritis infectious GN MPGN MPGN GN GN others
Figure 11-1. Algorithm for categorizing glomerulonephritis
that is known or suspected of being mediated by antibodies.
This categorization applies to glomerulonephritis with crescents
as well as to glomerulonephritis without crescents. The diseases CH 11
with stars above them can be considered primary glomerular

Primary Glomerular Disease

diseases, whereas those without stars are secondary to
(components of) systemic diseases. ANCA, antineutrophil cyto-
plasmic antibody; cryos, cryoglobulins; C3Nf, C3 nephritic factor;
GBM, glomerular basement membrane; GN, glomerulonephritis;
HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; H-S, Henoch-
Schönlein; IF, immunofluorescent; SLE, systemic lupus erythe-
matosus; staph, staphylococcus; strep, streptococcus.


Minimal Change Glomerulopathy
Minimal change glomerulopathy is most common in children,
accounting for 70% to 90% of cases of nephrotic syndrome in
children younger than age 10 years and 50% of cases in older
children. Minimal change glomerulopathy also causes 10% to
15% of cases of primary nephrotic syndrome in adults. The
disease may also affect elderly patients in whom there is a
higher propensity for the clinical syndrome of minimal
change glomerulopathy and acute kidney injury.

Minimal change glomerulopathy has no glomerular lesions by
light microscopy, or only minimal focal segmental mesangial
prominence. Immunofluoresence staining in minimal change
disease is negative for immunoglobulins and complement
components. The pathologic sine qua non of minimal change
glomerulopathy is effacement of visceral epithelial cell foot
processes observed by electron microscopy.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The cardinal clinical feature of minimal change glomerulopa-
thy in children is the relatively abrupt onset of proteinuria
and development of the nephrotic syndrome with heavy pro-
teinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperlipidemia. Mini-
mal change glomerulopathy in adults is frequently associated
with hypertension and acute kidney injury, the latter especially
in the over-60 age group. Minimal change glomerulopathy has
been associated with several other conditions, including viral
228 infections, pharmaceutical agents, malignancy, and allergy.
There may be a history of drug reaction before the onset of mini-
mal change glomerulopathy. In this setting, most patients also
manifest pyuria and renal insufficiency as a consequence of the
IV simultaneous development of an acute tubulointerstitial nephri-
tis. This process has been described most commonly with
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

NSAIDs. A history of food allergy should be elicited because

there is an association in some patients. Minimal change glomer-
ulopathy is associated with malignancies, usually Hodgkin
disease, but it may also occur with solid tumors.

Laboratory Findings
The ubiquitous laboratory feature of minimal change glomeru-
lopathy is severe proteinuria. Microscopic hematuria is seen
in fewer than 15% of patients. Volume contraction may lead
to a rise in both the hematocrit and hemoglobin. The erythro-
cyte sedimentation rate is increased as a consequence of
hyperfibrinogenemia as well as hypoalbuminemia. The serum
albumin concentration is generally less than 2 g/dL and, in
more severe cases, less than 1 g/dL. Total cholesterol, low-
density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride levels are
increased. Pseudohyponatremia has been observed in the
setting of marked hyperlipidemia. Renal function is usually
normal, although a minority of patients have substantial acute
kidney injury, as discussed earlier. IgG levels may be pro-
foundly decreased—a factor that may result in susceptibility
to infections. Complement levels are typically normal in
patients with minimal change glomerulopathy.

Children. Prednisone 60 mg/m2/day will induce a remission
in over 90% of patients within 4 to 6 weeks of therapy. Once
remission has been obtained, an alternate-day schedule
should begin within at least 4 weeks of the response in order
to decrease the incidence of steroid-induced side effects. In
children who have received empirical treatment, a renal
biopsy is indicated when there is failure to respond to a
4- to 6-week course of prednisone.
Adults. For an adult, the dose of prednisone is 1 mg/kg body
weight, not to exceed 80 mg/day. In adult patients, response
rates are typically lower and a full response to corticosteroid
treatment may take up to 15 weeks.
Management of Relapse. As few as 25% of patients have a
long-term remission, 25% to 30% have infrequent relapses (no
more than one a year), and the remainder have frequent relapses,
steroid dependency, or steroid resistance. Frequently relapsing
or steroid-dependent nephrotic patients typically require cyto-
toxic therapy with either cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil.
Both cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil have profound side
effects that include life-threatening infection, gonadal dysfunc- 229
tion, hemorrhagic cystitis, bone marrow suppression, and muta-
genic events. In patients unresponsive to alkylating therapy, the
question is whether other forms of therapy are indicated. End-
stage renal failure is rare in minimal change glomerulopathy, CH 11
and in light of this fact, additional forms of therapy must be con-

Primary Glomerular Disease

sidered carefully with respect to the cumulative toxicity of
immunosuppressive and cytotoxic drugs.
Steroid-Resistant Minimal Change Glomerulopathy.
Approximately 5% of children with minimal change glomeru-
lopathy appear to be steroid-resistant. Reasons for steroid
resistance include inaccurate diagnosis (e.g., focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis), noncompliance with therapy, and, occa-
sionally, malabsorption in very edematous patients. Thera-
peutic options in true steroid resistance include cyclosporine
or cyclophosphamide. The latter agent may have a lower
relapse rate upon withdrawal.

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) should not be con-

sidered a single disease but rather a diagnostic term for a clin-
icopathologic syndrome that has multiple causes and
pathogenic mechanisms. The ubiquitous clinical feature of
the syndrome is proteinuria and the ubiquitous pathologic fea-
ture is focal segmental glomerular consolidation and scarring.
As shown in Table 11-2, FSGS may appear to be a primary
renal disease, or it may be associated with a variety of other
conditions. The yearly incidence of primary FSGS has risen
from less than 10% to approximately 25% of adult nephropa-
thies over the last two decades. A substantial portion of this
increase may be attributable to an increase in the collapsing
variant of FSGS and FSGS caused by obesity. Notably, the rel-
ative incidence of FSGS is higher for blacks than for whites.

FSGS is by definition a focal process; thus, not all glomeruli
are involved, the glomeruli are segmentally sclerotic, and por-
tions of the involved glomeruli may appear normal by light
microscopy. Nonsclerotic glomeruli and segments usually
have no staining for immunoglobulins or complement. The
ultrastructural features of FSGS on electron microscopy
include focal foot process effacement.

Clinical Features and Natural History

Proteinuria is the hallmark of primary FSGS. The degree of
proteinuria varies from non-nephrotic (1–2 g/day) to massive
Table 11-2 Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
Primary (Idiopathic) FSGS Reduced nephron numbers
Typical (not otherwise (usually perihilar variant)
IV specified) FSGS Unilateral renal agenesis
Glomerular tip lesion variant Oligomeganephronia
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

of FSGS Reflux-interstitial nephritis

Collapsing glomerulopathy Postfocal cortical necrosis
variant of FSGS Post nephrectomy
Perihilar variant of FSGS Drug toxicity
Familial FSGS Pamitronate (collapsing FSGS)
Secondary FSGS Lithium
With HIV disease (typically Familial
collapsing variant) a-Actinin 4 mutations
With IV drug abuse (autosomal dominant)
With glomerulomegaly Podocin mutations (autosomal
(usually periphilar variant) recessive)
Morbid obesity Nephrin mutations (autosomal
Sickle cell disease recessive)
Cyanotic congenital heart
Hypoxic pulmonary disease

proteinuria (>10 g/day). Hematuria, which can be gross,

occurs in over half of FSGS patients, and approximately one
third of patients present with some degree of renal insuffi-
ciency. Hypertension is found as a presenting feature in one
third of patients. Patients with a variant of FSGS known as
“collapsing FSGS” typically have more severe proteinuria
and renal insufficiency. The rapidity of onset of FSGS is
similar to the clinical presentation of minimal change glomer-
ulopathy. Predictors of a poor outcome in primary FSGS
include nephrotic range proteinuria, renal insufficiency, and
failure to respond to corticosteroid therapy. Neither the degree
of scarring within the glomerulus nor the number of glomeruli
that are totally obsolescent is predictive of long-term renal
outcome; however, significant interstitial fibrosis and tubular
atrophy correlate with poor prognosis.

Laboratory Findings
Hypoproteinemia is common in patients with FSGS and the
serum albumin concentration may fall to below 2 g/dL, espe-
cially in patients with the collapsing variant. Hypogammaglo-
bulinema and hyperlipidemia are typical; serum complement
components are generally in the normal range. Serologic test-
ing for HIV infection should be obtained for all patients with
FSGS, especially those with the collapsing pattern.
Treatment 231
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors decrease
proteinuria and the rate of progression to end-stage renal dis-
ease in proteinuric renal disease including FSGS. ACE inhi-
bition may provide a substantial reduction in proteinuria CH 11
and a long-term renoprotective effect that may be equal to,

Primary Glomerular Disease

or greater than, that of immunosuppressive therapy. In
patients who have proteinuria of less than 3 g/day, a trial
of ACE inhibition without recourse to immunosuppression
may be warranted as first-line therapy. Response rates to
immunosuppressive therapy in primary FSGS are approxi-
mately 45% for complete remission, 10% for partial remis-
sion, and 45% for no response. In children, the initial
treatment of FSGS is similar to that of minimal change glo-
merulopathy. In adults with nephrotic range proteinuria,
the recommended dose of prednisone is 1 mg/kg/day, up to
80 mg/day, for up to 16 weeks. The prolonged course is
based on the finding that the median time for complete
remission in adults is 3 to 4 months. Among adult patients
who relapse following a prolonged remission (>6 months),
a repeat course of corticosteroid therapy may again induce
a remission. In steroid-dependent patients who develop fre-
quent relapses, alternative strategies include the introduction
of cyclosporine (5 mg/kg/day). The practice of using higher
doses of corticosteroids to reach remission has resulted in
alternative therapeutic approaches, including the administra-
tion of methylprednisolone boluses of 30 mg/kg/day to a maxi-
mum of 1 g given every other day for six doses, followed by
this same dose on a weekly basis for 10 weeks; subsequently,
similar doses are given on a tapering schedule. These very high
doses of corticosteroids are not without significant short- and
long-term side effects.

Alternatives to Corticosteroid Therapy

Patients resistant to prednisone may be induced into remis-
sion with cyclosporine. In steroid-resistant FSGS patients
treated with cyclosporine, complete remission rates approxi-
mate 20% and partial remission rates are in the 40% to 70%
range. However, as with minimal change disease the with-
drawal of treatment results in relapse in over 75% of patients.
Relapse rates may be minimized by maintaining therapy for
12 months following induction of remission followed by a
slow taper. However, long-term treatment with cyclosporine
is associated with the development of tubular atrophy, tubu-
lointerstitial fibrosis, and renal insufficiency. Clinical studies
have failed to convincingly demonstrate the effectiveness of
cytotoxic drugs, including cyclophosphamide, or plasmaphe-
resis in the treatment of FSGS in both adults and children.
232 C1q Nephropathy

C1q nephropathy is a relatively rare cause of proteinuria and

nephrotic syndrome that can mimic FSGS clinically and histo-
IV logically. The diagnosis is based on the presence of mesangial
immune complex deposits that have conspicuous staining for
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

C1q accompanied by staining for IgG, IgM, and C3. Patients

with C1q nephropathy are predominantly black, male, and
between 15 and 30 years of age. Many are asymptomatic, but
50% present with edema, 40% with hypertension, and 30%
with hematuria. Renal survival rate at 3 years is 84% and
treatment with corticosteroids does not yield any improve-
ment in proteinuria or preservation of renal function.

Membranous Glomerulopathy
Idiopathic membranous glomerulopathy is the most common
cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults (25% of adult cases) and
can occur as an idiopathic (primary) or secondary disease. Sec-
ondary membranous glomerulopathy is caused by autoimmune
diseases (e.g., lupus erythematosus, autoimmune thyroiditis),
infection (e.g., hepatitis B, hepatitis C), drugs (e.g., penicilla-
mine, gold), and malignancies (e.g., colon cancer, lung cancer).
In patients over the age of 60, membranous glomerulopathy is
associated with a malignancy in 20% to 30% of patients. The
peak incidence of membranous glomerulopathy is in the fourth
or fifth decade of life. Although most patients with membranous
glomerulopathy present with the nephrotic syndrome, 10% to
20% of patients have less than 2 g/day proteinuria.

The characteristic histologic abnormality in membranous
glomerulopathy is diffuse global capillary wall thickening
and the presence of subepithelial immune complex deposits.

Clinical Features and Natural History

Patients with membranous glomerulopathy usually present
with the nephrotic syndrome. The onset is usually not asso-
ciated with any prodromal disease process or other antecedent
infections. Hypertension early in the disease process is vari-
able. Most patients present with normal or slightly decreased
renal function, and if progressive renal insufficiency develops,
it is usually relatively indolent. Causes of an abrupt decline in
renal function include overzealous diuresis, crecentic trans-
formation (ANCA/anti-GBM associated), or acute bilateral
renal vein thrombosis. Patients with membranous nephropa-
thy are hypercoagulable to a greater extent than other
nephrotic patients. Consequently, venous thrombosis,
including renal vein thrombosis, is reported more frequently 233
in patients with membranous glomerulopathy than other
nephrotic glomerulopathies. The high prevalence of deep vein
thrombosis in patients with membranous glomerulopathy (up
to 45%) has led to the use of prophylactic anticoagulation for CH 11
patients with proteinuria greater than 10 g/day.

Primary Glomerular Disease

Approximately 35% of patients progress to end-stage renal
disease by 10 years, while 25% can expect a complete sponta-
neous remission of proteinuria within 5 years. Spontaneous
remission may take 36 to 48 months to develop. Risk factors
for progression include renal insufficiency at presentation,
persistent proteinuria, male sex, advanced age (>50 years),
and poorly controlled hypertension. In addition to the clinical
prognostic features, the presence of advanced membranous
glomerulopathy on renal biopsy, tubular atrophy, and intersti-
tial fibrosis are also associated with a poor outcome.

Laboratory Findings
Proteinuria is usually more than 3 g of protein per 24 hours and
may exceed 10 g/day in 30% of patients. Microscopic hematu-
ria is present in 30% to 50% of patients, while macroscopic
hematuria is distinctly uncommon. Renal function is typically
preserved at presentation. Hypoalbuminemia is observed if
proteinuria is severe. Complement levels are normal; however,
the complex of terminal complement components known as
C5b-9 is found in the urine in some patients. Tests for hepatitis
B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and immunologic disorders such as
lupus, mixed connective tissue disease, and cryoglobulinemia
should be obtained to exclude secondary causes.

The management of primary membranous glomerulopathy is
controversial. Common therapeutic approaches include the
• Supportive care including ACE inhibition, lipid-lowering
therapy, and anticoagulation, if required
• Corticosteroids (usually prednisone or methylprednisolone)
• Alkylating agents, such as chlorambucil or cyclophospha-
mide, with or without concurrent corticosteroid treatment
• Cyclosporine
All patients should receive supportive care, including the use
of ACE inhibitors or adrenergic receptor blockers, lipid-lower-
ing agents, and consideration of the use of prophylactic
Corticosteroids. There have been three large, prospective,
randomized trials examining the efficacy of oral corticosteroid
therapy in adult patients, but they have differed in outcome.
A pooled analysis of randomized trials and prospective
234 studies has suggested a lack of benefit of corticosteroid ther-
apy in inducing a remission of the nephrotic syndrome. It
has been argued that higher does (60–200 mg every other
day) of prednisone and longer course of therapy (up to 1 year)
IV are required to effect a response. However, the side effects of
extended high-dose corticosteroid therapy are substantial
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

and the risk-benefit ratio may not favor corticosteroid therapy

in most, if not all, patients.
Cyclophosphamide. Cytotoxic drugs have been used in the
treatment of idiopathic membranous glomerulopathy, includ-
ing cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil. Chlorambucil
(0.2 mg/kg/day), alternating monthly with daily prednisone
(0.5 mg/kg/day), in combination with intravenous pulse methyl-
prednisolone (1 g/day) for the first 3 days of each month, has
been demonstrated to lead to a higher and more rapid rate of
remission in addition to stabilizing renal function. Cyclophos-
phamide may be at least as effective as chlorambucil when
used in a similar dosing protocol. The risk-benefit ratio of
these aggressive treatment protocols must be acceptable to
the patient, who must be informed of the heightened long-
term risk of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and of
lymphoma. Thus, these more aggressive strategies for membra-
nous glomerulopathy should probably only be considered for
patients with evidence of progressive deterioration of renal
function or adverse prognostic features.
Other Forms of Immunosuppressive Therapy. Cyclospor-
ine given in doses of 4 to 5 mg/kg/day has resulted in improve-
ment in proteinuria and stability of renal function in many
patients with membranous glomerulopathy. However, relapse
of proteinuria occurs in the majority of patients soon after the ces-
sation of cyclosporine therapy, and biopsy studies have docu-
mented persistent deposition of immunoglobulin and
complement in cyclosporine-treated patients. The role of agents
such as mycophenolate mofetil and rituximab in the treatment
of membranous nephropathy remains to be elucidated.
In summary, most patients should be observed for the
development of adverse prognostic factors or the development
of spontaneous remissions. Adult patients with good prognos-
tic features, with less than 4 g/day proteinuria and normal
renal function, should be managed conservatively. Patients
at moderate risk (persistent proteinuria between 4 and 6 g/day
after 6 months of conservative therapy and normal renal func-
tion) or high risk of progression (persistent proteinuria greater
than 8 g/day with or without renal insufficiency) should be
considered for immunosuppressive therapy, with either the
combination of glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide (or
chlorambucil) in alternating monthly pulses or a regimen con-
sisting of cyclosporine with low-dose glucocorticoids. Indivi-
duals who have advanced chronic kidney disease and in
whom serum creatinine exceeds 3 to 4 mg/dL are best treated by 235
supportive care awaiting dialysis and renal transplantation.

Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis CH 11
(Mesangial Capillary Glomerulonephritis)

Primary Glomerular Disease

MPGN is characterized by diffuse global capillary wall
thickening, frequently with a double contoured appearance
and either subendothelial deposits (type I MPGN) or deposits
within the mesangium and basement membrane (type II MPGN).
The majority of patients with idiopathic MPGN are children
with an equal proportion of males to females in both type I and
type II disease. Although the pathologic findings indicate that
type I MPGN is an immune complex disease, the identity of the
nephritogenic antigen is unknown in most patients. In type II
MPGN, an autoantibody, C3 nephritic factor, that triggers persis-
tent activation of the complement cascade occurs in over 60% of
patients, and may be responsible for disease in these patients.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The clinical presentations of MPGN are as follows:
• Nephrotic syndrome (50%)
• Combination of asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria
• Acute nephritic syndrome (25%)
Hypertension is typically mild and renal dysfunction occurs
in at least half of cases. When present at the outset of disease,
renal dysfunction portends a poor prognosis. Membranoproli-
ferative glomerular diseases are also associated with a number
of other disease processes (Table 11-3). A wide variety of infec-
tious and autoimmune conditions are associated with MPGN,
suggesting that, in addition to the known association with hepa-
titis, infections may themselves present with MPGN. A small
number of patients have an X-linked deficiency of C2 or
C3 with or without partial lipodystrophy. In addition to partial
lipodystrophy, congenital complement deficiency states and
deficiency of a1-antitrypsin also predispose to MPGN type I.
In general, one third of patients with type I MPGN will have a
spontaneous remission, one third will have progressive disease,
and one third will have a disease process that waxes and wanes
but never completely disappears. The 10-year renal survival rate
is 40% to 60%; however, non-nephrotic patients have a 10-year
survival rate of over 80%. The parameters suggestive of poor
prognosis in idiopathic MPGN type I include hypertension,
renal insufficiency, nephritic syndrome, and cellular crescents
on biopsy. The prognosis for type II disease is worse than that
for type I, as it is associated with a higher rate of crescentic
Classification of Membranoproliferative
Table 11-3
IV Type I
Type II
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Type III
Hepatitis B and C
Visceral abscesses
Infective endocarditis
Shunt nephritis
Quartan malaria
Schistosoma nephropathy
Mycoplasma infection
Rheumatologic Diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sjögren syndrome
Mixed essential cryoglobulinemia with or without hepatitis C
Anti–smooth muscle syndrome
a1-Antitrypsin deficiency
Complement deficiency (C2 or C3), with or without partial

glomerulonephritis and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis at

the time of biopsy. Clinical remissions of type II MPGN are rare
and recurrence in the transplanted kidney occurs much more
regularly than type I. Type III MPGN occurs in a very small num-
ber of children and young adults. These patients may have clin-
ical features and outcomes quite similar to that of MPGN type I.

Laboratory Findings
Hematuria is the hallmark of patients presenting with MGPN,
and may be microscopic or macroscopic. The degree of protein-
uria varies widely. Renal insufficiency occurs in a variable
number of cases, but it is the most ominous feature of the acute
nephritic syndrome. Serologic and clinical evidence of cryoglo-
bulinemia, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, osteomyelitis, subacute
bacterial endocarditis, or infected ventriculoatrial shunt should
be sought in type I MGPN. C3 is persistently depressed in 237
approximately 75% to 90% of MPGN patients. C3 nephritic fac-
tor is found in 60% of cases of type II MPGN.

Treatment CH 11
The treatment of type I MPGN is based on the underlying

Primary Glomerular Disease

cause of the disease process. Thus, the therapy for MPGN
associated with cryoglobulinemia and hepatitis C should be
aimed at treating hepatitis C virus infection (interferon/ribavi-
rin), whereas the treatment of MPGN associated with lupus or
with scleroderma should be based on the principles of care of
those rheumatologic conditions. Most recommendations for
the treatment of idiopathic type I MPGN are limited to studies
in children where low-dose prednisone therapy improves
renal survival. Whether similar effects are achieved in adults
has never been subjected to a prospective randomized trial.
In addition to glucocorticoids, numerous other forms of
immunosuppressive and anticoagulant treatment have been used
in the treatment of type I MPGN including dipyridamole, aspirin,
and warfarin, with and without cyclophosphamide. However,
definitive prospective data are lacking. Unfortunately, there is
no effective therapy for MPGN type II. This problem is com-
pounded by the fact that MPGN type II recurs almost invariably
in renal transplant patients, especially if crescentic disease was
present in the native renal biopsy.

The syndrome of glomerulonephritis is characterized as
• Hematuria with or without red blood cell casts
• Proteinuria
• Hypertension
• Renal insufficiency
The spectrum of clinical presentation ranges from asymptom-
atic hematuria to the acute nephritic syndrome. A diagnostic
algorithm is outlined in Figure 11-1.

Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis

Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) is a dis-
ease that affects primarily children, with peak incidence
between the ages of 2 and 6 years. It may occur as part of an
epidemic or sporadic disease, and only rarely do PSGN and
rheumatic fever occur concomitantly. The incidence of acute
PSGN is on the decline in developed countries, but it remains
238 static in developing countries. Epidemic PSGN is frequently
associated with skin infections rather than pharyngitides in
developed countries. Overt glomerulonephritis is found in
about 10% of children at risk, but when one includes subclin-
IV ical disease as evidenced by microscopic hematuria, about
25% of children at risk are affected. In some developing
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

countries, acute PSGN remains the most common form of

acute nephritic syndrome among children.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The syndrome of acute PSGN can present with a spectrum of
severity ranging from asymptomatic to oliguric acute kidney
injury. A latent period is present (7–21 days) from the onset
of pharyngitis to that of nephritis. The hematuria is micro-
scopic in more than two thirds of cases. Hypertension occurs
in more than 75% of patients and is usually mild to moderate
in severity. It is most evident at the onset of nephritis and typ-
ically subsides promptly after diuresis. Antihypertensive
treatment is necessary in only about one half of patients. Signs
and symptoms of congestive heart failure may occur in as
many of 40% of elderly patients with PSGN. Edema may be
the presenting symptom in two thirds of patients, and is pres-
ent in up to 90% of patients. Ascites and anasarca may occur
in children. Encephalopathy is not seen frequently but affects
children more often than adults. This encephalopathy is not
always attributable to severe hypertension, but may be the
result of central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis.
The clinical manifestations of acute PSGN typically resolve
in 1 to 2 weeks as the edema and hypertension disappear after
diuresis. Both the hematuria and proteinuria may persist for
several months, but are usually resolved within a year. The
long-term persistence of proteinuria, and especially albumin-
uria, may indicate the persistence of a proliferative glomerulo-
nephritis. The differential diagnosis of acute PSGN includes
IgA nephropathy/Henoch-Schönlein purpura, MPGN, or acute
crescentic glomerulonephritis. The occurrence of an acute
nephritis in the setting of persistent fever should raise the sus-
picion of a peri-infectious glomerulonephritis, such as may
occur with an occult abscess or infective endocarditis.

Laboratory Findings
Hematuria, microscopic or gross, is nearly always present in
acute PSGN. Microscopic examination of urine typically
reveals the presence of dysmorphic red blood cells or red
blood cell casts. Proteinuria is nearly always present, typically
in the subnephrotic range. Nephrotic-range proteinuria may
occur in as many as 20% of patients and is more frequent in
adults than in children. A pronounced decline in the GFR
is unusual in children and more common in the elderly
population. Throat or skin cultures may reveal group A strepto- 239
cocci, but serologic studies to evaluate the presence of recent
streptococcal infection are superior. The antibodies most
commonly studied for the detection of a recent streptococcal
infection are antistreptolysin O (ASO), antistreptokinase, anti- CH 11
hyaluronidase, antideoxyribonuclease B, and antinicotinylade-

Primary Glomerular Disease

nine dinucleotidase. An elevated ASO titer above 200 units
may be found in 90% of patients; however, a rise in titer is
more specific than the absolute level of an individual titer.
Serial ASO titer measurements with a twofold or greater rise
in titer are highly indicative of a recent infection. The serial
estimation of complement components is important in the diag-
nosis of PSGN. Early in the acute phase, the levels of hemolytic
complement activity (CH50 and C3) are reduced. These levels
return to normal, usually within 8 weeks, and the presence of
persistent depression of C3 levels suggests an alternate diagno-
sis such as MPGN or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Treatment of acute PSGN is largely that of supportive care.
Children almost invariably recover from the initial episode.
Indeed, even the presence of acute kidney injury in adults is
not necessarily associated with a poor prognosis. Thus, there
is little evidence to suggest the need for any form of immuno-
suppressive therapy. Supportive therapy may require the use
of loop diuretics such as furosemide to ameliorate volume
expansion and hypertension. In patients with substantial vol-
ume expansion and marked pulmonary congestion who do not
respond to diuretics, dialytic support may be appropriate.
Importantly, potassium-sparing agents, including triamterene,
spironolactone, and amiloride, should not be used in this dis-
ease state as patients can develop substantial hyperkalemia.
Usually, patients undergo a spontaneous diuresis within 7 to
10 days after onset of their illness and no longer require sup-
portive care. There is no evidence to date that the early treat-
ment of streptococcal disease, either pharyngitic or cellulitic,
alters the risk of developing PSGN. The long-term prognosis
of patients with PSGN is not as benign as was previously con-
sidered. Widespread crescentic glomerulonephritis results in
an increased number of obsolescent glomeruli associated with
tubulointerstitial disease and may herald a progressive loss of
functional renal mass over time.

IgA Nephropathy
IgA nephropathy is one of the most common forms of glomer-
ulonephritis, if not the most common. The disease process was
initially considered a benign form of hematuria. It is most
240 common in the second and third decades of life, and is much more
common in males than females. IgA nephropathy can only be
definitively diagnosed by the immunohistologic demonstration
of mesangial immune deposits that stain dominantly or codomi-
IV nantly for IgA. The mechanisms responsible for the glomerular
injury in IgA nephropathy are poorly understood but may involve
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

the synthesis of structurally abnormal IgA molecules.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The typical presenting features of IgA nephropathy are as
• Macroscopic hematuria (40–50%)
• Microscopic hematuria (40%)
• Nephritic syndrome (10%)
• Malignant hypertension (<5%)
Episodes of macroscopic hematuria tend to occur with a
close temporal relationship to upper respiratory infection,
including tonsillitis or pharyngitis. The timing differs from
that for PSGN, which has an interval period of 7 to 14 days
between the onset of infection and overt hematuria. Macro-
scopic hematuria may be entirely asymptomatic, but more
often is associated with dysuria that may prompt the treating
physician to consider bacterial cystitis. Systemic symptoms
are frequently found, including nonspecific symptoms such
as malaise, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, and fever. Micro-
scopic hematuria and proteinuria persist between episodes of
macroscopic hematuria. Associated hypertension is common.
Patients presenting with the nephrotic syndrome may have a
widespread proliferative glomerulonephritis or coexistence
of IgA nephropathy and minimal change glomerulopathy.
IgA nephropathy may be the glomerular expression of a sys-
temic disease—Henoch-Schönlein purpura—and many autho-
rities consider them part of one spectrum of disease.
Although IgA nephropathy was previously thought to carry a
relatively benign prognosis, it is estimated that renal insuffi-
ciency may occur in 20% to 30% of patients within 2 decades
of the original presentation. Renal failure typically follows a
slowly progressive course, but a minority of patients with IgA
nephropathy manifests a fulminant course resulting in a rapid
progression to end-stage renal disease. Clinical features that
predict a poor prognosis include sustained hypertension, per-
sistent proteinuria greater than 1 g/day, impaired renal func-
tion, and the nephrotic syndrome. In general, persistent
microscopic hematuria is associated with a poor prognosis. It
is important to note that acute kidney injury associated with
macroscopic hematuria does not affect the long-term prognosis
and may reflect acute tubular injury rather than crescentic disease.
Histologic features associated with progression to end-stage renal
disease include interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomeru- 241
lar scarring. Whether crescents found on renal biopsy constitute a
poor prognostic factor is controversial.

Laboratory Findings CH 11
Typical findings include microscopic hematuria on urinalysis

Primary Glomerular Disease

and dysmorphic erythrocytes on urine microscopy. Proteinuria
is found in many patients with IgA nephropathy, although the
majority of subjects have less than 1 g/day of protein. There are
no specific serologic or laboratory tests diagnostic of IgA
nephropathy or Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Although serum
IgA levels are elevated in up to 50% of patients, the presence of
elevated IgA in the circulation is not specific for IgA nephropa-
thy. Complement levels such as C3 and C4 are typically normal.

As in any form of chronic renal insufficiency, antihyperten-
sive therapy is essential in preventing progressive glomerular
injury. ACE inhibition is specifically indicated in proteinuric
patients. Furthermore, combination therapy with trandolapril
and losartan was significantly more effective in preventing
disease progression than either agent alone. Recent studies
suggest that corticosteroids may have important beneficial
effects. A prospective, randomized trial has demonstrated that
in patients with urine protein excretion of 1 to 3.5 g daily, and
plasma creatinine concentrations of 1.5 mg/dL (133 mmol/L) or
less, intravenous methylprednisolone for 3 consecutive days
in months 1, 3, and 5 combined with oral prednisone given
at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg every other day for months 1 through
6 protected against loss of renal function. Patients with IgA
nephropathy who have concurrent minimal change glomeru-
lopathy also benefit from corticosteroid therapy. More aggres-
sive treatment may be appropriate in patients with rapidly
progressive IgA nephropathy. Treatment options in this
setting include low-dose oral prednisone and cyclophospha-
mide for 3 months followed by 2 years of azathioprine, which
has been demonstrated to improve renal survival in patients
with baseline creatinine greater than 1.5 mg/dL (133 mmol/L).
It is reasonable to treat crescentic disease in IgA nephropathy
in a manner similar to other forms of crescentic glomerulone-
phritis using pulse methylprednisolone, oral prednisone, or
cyclophosphamide, individually or in combination.
The advent of treatment of IgA nephropathy with fish oil is
based on a study that demonstrated a marked improvement in
renal outcome in patients treated with 12 g of fish oil contain-
ing omega-3 fatty acids daily for 2 years. The enthusiasm for
this approach has been tempered by two other much smaller
trials that showed absolutely no benefit of fish oil, and a recent
meta-analysis of the available trials that suggested there was
242 no significant benefit of fish oil therapy in most patients. If any
effect is to be observed with fish oil therapy, it is probably in
those individuals who have heavier proteinuria.

Other Glomerular Diseases That Cause
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

The clinical designation of benign familial hematuria often
refers to thin basement membrane nephropathy. The preva-
lence of thin basement membrane nephropathy in the general
population has been estimated to be approximately 5% to
10%. Males and females are equally affected and are typically
found to have microscopic hematuria when they are adoles-
cents or young adults. Macroscopic hematuria and proteinuria
are uncommon. The pattern of hematuria is sometimes famil-
ial, and assessing the urine of family members can further
support a diagnosis. Persistent isolated hematuria is also pres-
ent in hereditary nephritis associated with Alport syndrome,
which is usually associated with an X-linked dominant form
of inheritance and is associated with hearing loss and ocular
abnormalities. The syndrome of loin pain hematuria is
another condition associated with hematuria. This uncommon
syndrome occurs primarily in young women. The clinical pic-
ture is reminiscent of IgA nephropathy. There are recurrent
episodes of gross hematuria, usually with flank pain that is
typically described as dull or aching. Patients sometimes have
fever, malaise, and anorexia. Hypertension and proteinuria are
uncommon. The treatment of loin pain hematuria usually
begins with cessation of oral contraceptives, which have been
associated with disease development, or treatment with anti-
coagulant drugs.

Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis and

Immunotactoid Glomerulopathy

Fibrillary glomerulonephritis and immunotactoid glomerulopa-
thy are glomerular diseases that are characterized by patterned
deposits seen by electron microscopy. There is controversy
over how to categorize these diseases. Most renal pathologists
distinguish fibrillary glomerulonephritis from immunotactoid
glomerulopathy based on the presence of fibrils of approxi-
mately 20-nm diameter in the former and larger 30- to 40-nm
diameter microtubular structures in the latter. The etiology
and pathogenesis of fibrillary glomerulonephritis and immuno-
tactoid glomerulopathy are not known, but both conditions
have been associated with lymphoproliferative diseases.
Epidemiology and Clinical Features 243
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis is relatively uncommon. It is
observed in less than 1% of native renal biopsies. Patients typi-
cally present with a mixture of the nephrotic and nephritic syn-
drome features. Proteinuria is typically in the nephrotic range. CH 11
Renal insufficiency, hematuria, and hypertension are common

Primary Glomerular Disease

at the time of presentation. There appears to be a racial predilec-
tion with a higher incidence in white patients. Immunotactoid
glomerulopathy is less frequently observed and some contro-
versy exists as to whether it is truly a separate glomerular dis-
ease entity from that of fibrillary glomerulopathy. It appears to
be more commonly associated with lymphoproliferative dis-
ease. The prognosis in patients with either of these diseases is
dismal; 40% to 50% of patients develop end-stage renal disease
within 6 years of presentation. Predictors of a poor outcome
in both conditions include the degree of proteinuria and the
severity of the associated hypertension.

At this time, there is no convincingly effective form of treat-
ment for patients with either fibrillary glomerulonephritis
or immunotactoid glomerulopathy. Efforts at treatment with
either glucocorticoids or alkylating agents such as cyclo-
phosphamide have proved unsuccessful. Nonetheless, it is
possible that the treatment of the underlying malignancy, if
one is detected, may improve the renal outcome. Fibrillary
glomerulonephritis recurs in the majority of renal allografts,
although the rate of deterioration in the allograft appears to
be slower.



The term rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) refers

to a clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid loss of renal
function, often accompanied by oliguria or anuria, and with
features of glomerulonephritis, including dysmorphic erythro-
cyturia and proteinuria. Aggressive glomerulonephritis that
causes RPGN usually has extensive crescent formation. For this
reason, the clinical term RPGN is sometimes used interchange-
ably with pathologic term crescentic glomerulonephritis.

Immune Complex–Mediated Crescentic

Most patients with immune complex crescentic glomerulone-
phritis have clinical or pathologic evidence of a specific
category of primary glomerulonephritis. However, a minority
244 of patients with immune complex crescentic glomerulonephri-
tis do not have patterns of immune complex localization that
readily fit into the specific categories; this category is sometimes
called idiopathic crescentic immune complex glomerulone-
IV phritis. The light microscopic appearance of crescentic
immune complex glomerulonephritis reflects the underlying
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

category of glomerulonephritis in their most aggressive expres-

sions (e.g., MPGN, PSGN, or IgA nephropathy).

Therapy for crescentic immune complex glomerulonephritis is
influenced by the nature of the underlying category of immune
complex glomerulonephritis. For example, acute PSGN with
50% crescents might not prompt the same therapy as IgA
nephropathy with 50% crescents. However, controlled pro-
spective data are inadequate to guide therapy for most forms
of crescentic immune complex glomerulonephritis. Some
nephrologists extrapolate from the lupus nephritis experience
and choose to use immunosuppressive drugs in patients with
crescentic immune complex disease, a strategy that would not
be employed if the glomerular lesions appeared less aggressive.
For the minority of patients who have idiopathic immune
complex crescentic glomerulonephritis, the most common
treatment is immunosuppressive therapy with pulse methyl-
prednisolone followed by prednisone at a dose of 1 mg/kg/
day, and then tapered over the second to third month to an alter-
nate-day regimen until completely discontinued. In patients
with a rapid decline in renal function, cytotoxic agents in addi-
tion to corticosteroids may be considered. There is evidence
that immune complex crescentic glomerulonephritis is less
responsive to immunosuppressive therapy than either anti-
GBM or ANCA crescentic glomerulonephritis.

Anti–Glomerular Basement Membrane


Anti-GBM disease accounts for about 10% to 20% of crescen-

tic glomerulonephritides. This disease is characterized by cir-
culating antibodies to the GBM and deposition of IgG or rarely
IgA along the GBM. Anti-GBM disease occurs as a renal-limited
disease (anti-GBM glomerulonephritis) and as a pulmo-
nary-renal vasculitic syndrome (Goodpasture syndrome). The
incidence of anti-GBM disease has two peaks with respect to
age. The first peak is in the second and third decades of life
and the second peak is in the sixth and seventh decades.
The first peak has a male preponderance and higher frequency
of pulmonary hemorrhage (Goodpasture syndrome), whereas
the second peak is predominant in women who more often
have renal-limited disease. Genetic susceptibility to anti-GBM 245
disease is associated with HLA-DR2 specificity.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The onset of renal anti-GBM disease is typically characterized CH 11
by an abrupt, acute glomerulonephritis with severe oliguria or

Primary Glomerular Disease

anuria. There is a high risk of progression to end-stage renal
disease if appropriate therapy is not instituted promptly.
Prompt treatment with plasmapheresis, corticosteroids, and
cyclophosphamide results in patient survival of approxi-
mately 85% and renal survival of approximately 60%. The
onset of disease may be associated with arthralgias, fever,
and myalgias; however, gastrointestinal complaints or neuro-
logic disturbances are rare. Goodpasture syndrome is charac-
terized by the presence of pulmonary hemorrhage concurrent
with glomerulonephritis. The pulmonary manifestation is
usually severe and pulmonary hemorrhage may be life-threat-
ening. The occurrence of pulmonary hemorrhage is far more
common in smokers than nonsmokers and is also associated
with environmental exposure to petroleum-based mineral oils.

Laboratory Findings
Renal involvement by anti-GBM disease typically causes an
acute nephritic syndrome with hematuria, including dysmor-
phic erythrocyturia and red blood cell casts. The diagnostic
laboratory finding in anti-GBM disease is detection of circu-
lating antibodies to GBM, specifically to the alpha-3 chain
of type IV collagen. These antibodies are detected by radio-
immunoassay or enzyme immunoassay in approximately
90% of patients. Up to 30% of patients also have a
circulating ANCA.

The standard treatment for anti-GBM disease includes inten-
sive plasmapheresis combined with corticosteroids and cyclo-
phosphamide or azathioprine. Plasmapheresis consists of
removal of 2 to 4 L of plasma and replacement with a 5% albu-
min solution, continued on a daily basis until circulating anti-
body levels become undetectable. In those patients with
pulmonary hemorrhage, clotting factors should be replaced
by administrating fresh-frozen plasma at the end of each treat-
ment. Prednisone should be administered at a dose of 1 mg/kg
body weight for at least the first month and then tapered to
alternate-day therapy during the second and third months of
treatment. Cyclophosphamide is administered either orally
(at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day) or intravenously at a starting dose
of 0.5 g/m2 body surface area. The dose of cyclophosphamide
must be adjusted with consideration for the degree of
impairment of renal function and the white blood cell count.
246 Cytotoxic therapy is usually continued for about 6 to 12
months. Aggressive plasmapheresis, even in patients with
severe renal insufficiency, may have an ameliorative effect
and provide improved long-term patient and renal survival.
IV The major prognostic marker for the progression to end-stage
renal disease is the serum creatinine level at the time of initi-
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

ation of treatment. Patients with a serum creatinine above

7 mg/dL (620 mmol/L) are unlikely to recover sufficient renal
function to discontinue renal replacement therapy. Aggressive
immunosuppression should probably be withheld in patients
with disease limited to the kidney who present with wide-
spread glomerular and interstitial scarring on renal biopsy
and a serum creatinine greater than 7 mg/dL (620 mmol/L).
Once remission of anti-GBM disease is achieved with immuno-
suppressive therapy, recurrent disease is rare. Similarly, the
recurrence of anti-GBM disease after renal transplantation is
also rare. However, transplantation should be delayed until
after the disappearance or substantial diminution of anti-GBM
antibody in the circulation.

Pauci-Immune Crescentic Glomerulonephritis

The characteristic feature of pauci-immune crescentic glomer-
ulonephritis is a focal necrotizing and crescentic glomerulone-
phritis in association with a circulating ANCA. Pauci-immune
crescentic glomerulonephritis is usually a component of a
systemic small vessel vasculitis, but some patients have
renal-limited (primary) pauci-immune crescentic glomerulone-
phritis. The presence of arteritis in a biopsy specimen with
pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis indicates that
the glomerulonephritis is a component of a more widespread
vasculitis, such as microscopic polyangiitis, Wegener granulo-
matosis, or the Churg-Strauss syndrome. The pathogenesis of
pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis is currently not
fully understood. While many patients have a circulating
ANCA, it has not been conclusively proved that ANCA are
involved in the pathogenesis of pauci-immune small vessel
vasculitis or glomerulonephritis.

Clinical Features and Natural History

The majority of patients with pauci-immune necrotizing
crescentic glomerulonephritis and ANCA have glomerular
disease as part of a systemic small vessel vasculitis. How-
ever, the disease is clinically limited to the kidney in about
one third of patients. When part of a systemic vasculitis,
patients may present with pulmonary-renal, dermal-renal,
or multisystem disease. Frequent sites of involvement
include the lungs, upper airways, sinuses, ears, eyes,
gastrointestinal tract, skin, peripheral nerves, joints, and 247
CNS. The three major ANCA-associated syndromes are
microscopic polyangiitis, Wegener granulomatosis, and
Churg-Strauss syndrome. Even when patients have no clini-
cal evidence of extrarenal manifestation of active vasculitis, CH 11
systemic symptoms consisting of fever, fatigue, myalgias,

Primary Glomerular Disease

and arthralgias are common.
Some patients follow an indolent course with slow decline
in function and less active urine sediment, where episodes of
focal necrosis and hematuria resolve with focal glomerular
scarring. Subsequent relapses result in cumulative damage to
The presence of pulmonary hemorrhage is the most
important determinant of patient survival in patients with
ANCA small vessel vasculitis. With respect to the risk of
end-stage renal disease, the most important predictor of
outcome is the entry serum creatinine at the time of initia-
tion of treatment. The presence of advanced interstitial
fibrosis is an independent risk factor of outcome only in
patients with entry serum creatinine levels of less than
3 mg/dL (265 mmol/L).

Laboratory Findings
Approximately 80% to 90% of patients with pauci-immune
necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis will have a circu-
lating ANCA. By indirect fluorescence microscopy on alcohol-
fixed neutrophils, ANCA yields two patterns of staining:
perinuclear (P-ANCA) and cytoplasmic (C-ANCA). The two
major antigen specificities for ANCA are MPO and PR3. With
rare exceptions, anti-MPO antibodies produce a P-ANCA pat-
tern of staining on indirect immunofluorescence microscopy,
whereas anti-PR3 antibodies cause a C-ANCA pattern of stain-
ing. About two thirds of patients with pauci-immune necrotiz-
ing crescentic glomerulonephritis without clinical evidence of
systemic vasculitis will have MPO-ANCA or P-ANCA, and
approximately 30% will have PR3-ANCA or C-ANCA. The fre-
quency of MPO-ANCA relative to PR3-ANCA is higher in
patients with renal-limited disease than in patients with micro-
scopic polyangiitis or Wegener granulomatosis. Maximal sensi-
tivity and specificity with ANCA testing is best achieved when
both immunofluorescence and antigen-specific assays are per-
formed. Antigen-specific assays may be either an enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or radioimmune assay.
The positive predictive value (PPV) of a positive ANCA result
depends on the signs and symptoms of disease in the patient
who is tested. The PPV of a positive ANCA result in a patient
with classic features of RPGN is 95%. Although the PPV is
not good in patients with hematuria and normal renal function,
the negative predictive value is greater than 95%.
248 Urinalysis findings in pauci-immune crescentic glomeru-
lonephritis include hematuria with dysmorphic red blood
cells, with or without red blood cell casts, and proteinuria.
The proteinuria ranges widely. Serum creatinine usually is
IV elevated at the time of diagnosis and rising, although a
minority of patients will have relatively indolent disease.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Serum complement component levels are typically within

normal limits.

The treatment of pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis
involves varying regimens of corticosteroids and cyclophos-
phamide. In view of the potentially explosive and fulminant
nature of this disease, induction therapy should be instituted
using pulse methylprednisolone at a dose of 7 mg/kg/day for
3 consecutive days followed by daily oral prednisone, as well
as cyclophosphamide, either orally or intravenously. Predni-
sone is usually started at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for the first
month, then tapered to an alternate-day regimen, and then dis-
continued by the end of third to fourth month of treatment.
When a regimen of monthly intravenous doses of cyclophos-
phamide is used, the starting dose should be about 0.5 g/m2
and adjusted upward to 1 g/m2 based on the 2-week leukocyte
count nadir. A regimen based on daily oral cyclophosphamide
should begin at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day and adjusted downward
as needed to keep a nadir leukocyte count above 3000 m3. The
usual length of therapy with cyclophosphamide is for 6 to 12
months. For patients who have not achieved remission by that
time, continuing for a longer duration is a reasonable
approach. In some patients, the monthly intravenous regimen
is not sufficiently immunosuppressive, necessitating daily
oral cyclophosphamide treatment (which results in a higher
cumulative dosage). An alternative proposed regimen is based
on the use of cyclophosphamide for the first 3 months of treat-
ment followed by azathioprine, 2 mg/kg/day, for an additional
6 to 12 months. Plasmapheresis does not provide any added
benefit over immunosuppressive treatment alone in patients
with renal-limited disease or in patients with mild to moder-
ate renal dysfunction. However, the use of plasmapheresis in
addition to immunosuppressive therapy may be beneficial in
the subset of patients who require dialysis at the time of pre-
sentation. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole has been suggested
to be of benefit in the treatment of patients with Wegener
granulomatosis. The beneficial effect, if any, seems to be
limited to the upper respiratory tract and this antibiotic
combination is unlikely to have a role in the treatment of
pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis alone.
Other agents currently undergoing evaluation in the manage-
ment of pauci-immune RPGN include rituximab, alemtuzumab
(Campath-1H), and infliximab. Definitive data regarding their 249
benefit is lacking at this time.
The chance of recovery of renal function in patients present-
ing with advanced renal failure requiring renal replacement
therapy is diminished when compared to patients who do not CH 11
require dialysis at presentation (50% versus 70%). It appears

Primary Glomerular Disease

that in this patient group, the adjunctive use of plasmapheresis
in addition to an immunosuppressive regimen is of benefit in
improving the renal outcome. Continuing immunosuppressive
therapy beyond 12 weeks in a patient who is still on dialysis is
unlikely to be of added benefit. Because of the clinically
observed increased risk of severe bone marrow suppression
with the use of cyclophosphamide in patients on dialysis, such
treatment should be pursued with extreme caution. The rate of
recurrence for ANCA small vessel vasculitis in general, includ-
ing pauci-immune necrotizing glomerulonephritis alone, is
about 20%. A positive ANCA test at the time of transplantation
does not seem to be associated with an increased risk of recur-
rent disease.
Whether a renal biopsy is essential to the management of
ANCA-associated pauci-immune glomerulonephritis depends
on a number of factors, including the diagnostic accuracy of
ANCA testing, the pretest probability of finding pauci-immune
glomerulonephritis, the value of knowing the activity and
chronicity of the renal lesions, and the risk associated with
immunotherapy of ANCA pauci-immune necrotizing glomeru-
lonephritis. Based on a study of 1000 patients with proliferative
or necrotizing glomerulonephritis or both and a positive test for
either PR3-ANCA or MPO-ANCA, the positive predictive value
of ANCA testing was found to be 86% with a false-positive rate
of 14% and a false-negative rate of 16%. Considering the seri-
ous risks inherent to treatment with high-dose corticosteroids
and cytotoxic agents, it is prudent to confirm the diagnosis
and characterize the activity and chronicity of ANCA-
associated pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis by
renal biopsy, unless the patient is too ill to tolerate the
Chapter 12

Secondary Glomerular
Lupus nephritis (LN) is a frequent and potentially serious
complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Renal
involvement worsens morbidity and mortality rates in lupus;
patient outcomes are also adversely affected through compli-
cations of therapy. Approximately 25% to 50% of unselected
lupus patients have clinical renal disease at disease onset
and up to 60% of adults with SLE develop renal disease dur-
ing their lifetime. Renal involvement in SLE is defined for
diagnostic purposes as persistent proteinuria exceeding
500 mg daily or the presence of cellular casts. The deposition
of circulating immune complexes plays a major role in the
development of LN. Glomerular and vascular damage may
also be potentiated by hypertension and a thrombotic micro-
angiopathy triggered by the presence of antiphospholipid
(APL) antibodies.

Pathology of Lupus Nephritis

The renal biopsy in LN may show a number of different histo-
pathologic patterns. In addition, overlapping patterns may be
present and histologic progression from one lesion to another
may occur spontaneously or with therapy. The World Health
Organization (WHO) has developed a uniform classification
system that is both accurate and precise. In the most recent
2003 WHO classification, biopsies of lupus patients are
classified into one of six categories according to glomerular
changes by light microscopy (LM), immunofluorescence (IF),
and electron microscopy (EM) (Table 12-1). The WHO classifi-
cation system is useful as a prognostic and therapeutic guide,
with grade IV disease having the worst outcome.

Clinical Manifestations
The clinical manifestations of kidney involvement in SLE are
varied. Renal involvement often develops concurrently or
shortly following the onset of SLE, and may follow a
International Society of Nephrology/Renal
Table 12-1 Pathology Society (2003) Classification of
Lupus Nephritis
Designation Description CH 12
Class I Minimal mesangial LN

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Class II Mesangial proliferative LN
Class III Focal LN (<50% of glomeruli)
III (A): Active lesions
III (A/C): Active and chronic lesions
III (C): Chronic lesions
Class IV Diffuse LN (>50% of glomeruli)
Diffuse segmental (IV-S) or global (IV-G) LN
IV (A): Active lesions
IV (A/C): Active and chronic lesions
IV (C): Chronic lesions
Class V* Membranous LN
Class VI Advanced sclerosing LN (>90% globally sclerosed
glomeruli without residual activity)
*Class V may occur in combination with class III or IV, in which case both will be
EM, electron microscopy; IF, immunofluorescence; LM, light microscopy; LN,
lupus nephritis.

protracted course with periods of remissions and exacerba-

tions. Patients with WHO class I often have no, or at most
mild, evidence of clinical renal disease. Likewise, most
patients with disease confined to the mesangial regions of
the glomeruli (WHO class II) have minimal clinical renal
findings including an inactive urinary sediment, proteinuria
below 1 g daily, and a normal serum creatinine. WHO class
III, focal proliferative LN, is often associated with active lupus
serology, although the degree of serologic activity does not
correlate with the severity or extent of the histologic damage.
Hypertension and active urinary sediment are commonly
present and proteinuria is usually greater than 1 g daily. Up
to 25% of these patients will have an elevated serum creati-
nine level at presentation. Patients with class IV disease typi-
cally have high anti-DNA antibody titers, renal dysfunction,
hypertension, low serum complement levels, and a very active
urinary sediment, with erythrocytes and RBC casts on urinal-
ysis. Virtually all patients have proteinuria, and up to 50%
present with the nephrotic syndrome. Patients with lupus
membranous nephropathy, WHO class V, typically present
with proteinuria, edema, and other manifestations of the
nephrotic syndrome. Although serologic activity is often mild,
up to 60% of membranous patients have a low serum
252 complement and an elevated anti-DNA antibody titer. End-
stage LN, WHO class VI, is usually the result of “burned
out” LN of long duration. It is often the end result of years of
lupus flares alternating with periods of inactivity.
Serologic Tests
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

Abnormal autoantibody production is the hallmark of SLE.

The presence of antibodies directed against nuclear antigens
(antinuclear antibodies [ANAs]), and especially against DNA
(anti-DNA), are included in the American Rheumatism Asso-
ciation’s diagnostic criteria for SLE, and are commonly used
to monitor the course of patients with SLE. However, the
ANA titer does not correlate well with the severity of renal
involvement in SLE. Autoantibodies directed against double-
stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) are a more specific but less sensi-
tive marker of SLE. A variety of other autoantibodies are com-
monly present in lupus patients including anti-Sm, anti-
nRNP, anti-Ro/serum amyloid A, and anti-La/SSB, but are
not predictive of renal involvement. Levels of total hemolytic
complement (CH50) and complement components are usually
decreased during active renal disease and this decrease may
precede a clinical flare. Other immunologic abnormalities
commonly detected in lupus patients include elevated levels
of circulating immune complexes, a positive lupus band test,
and the presence of cryoglobulins. Mixed IgG-IgM cryoglobu-
lins may be found in patients with SLE and active renal
disease. A false-positive Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
(VDRL) test due to the presence of APL antibodies is also

Monitoring Clinical Disease

LN is typically a chronic disease with relapses and remis-
sions. It is important in the management of lupus patients to
be able to predict clinical and renal relapses and prevent their
occurrence through the judicious use of immunosuppressive
agents. Serial measurements of serologic tests of clinical
activity have been used to predict flares of lupus activity. Cir-
culating serum levels of anti-dsDNA typically rise as the clin-
ical activity of SLE increases and usually before there is a
clinical renal deterioration. Likewise, serum total hemolytic
complement levels typically decline prior to or concurrent
with the onset of active clinical disease. An increase in pro-
teinuria from levels of less than 1 g daily to over this amount,
and certainly from low levels to nephrotic levels, is a clear
indication of either increased activity or a change in renal
histologic class.
Drug-Induced Lupus 253

A variety of medications may induce a lupus-like syndrome or

exacerbate an underlying predisposition to SLE. Although a
number of drugs have produced this entity, those metabolized CH 12
by acetylation such as procainamide and hydralazine are com-

Secondary Glomerular Disease

mon causes. This occurs more commonly in patients with a
genetic decrease in hepatic N-acyltransferase activity—“slow
acetylators.” Clinical manifestations of drug-induced lupus
include fever, rash, myalgias, arthralgias and arthritis, and
serositis. Renal involvement is relatively uncommon in drug-
induced disease.

Pregnancy and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Pregnancy in patients with LN has also been associated with
worsening of renal function. Risk factors for loss of renal func-
tion include active disease within the previous 6 months,
coexistent hypertension, proteinuria, and renal impairment
at baseline. Patients with elevated serum creatinine levels
are most likely to suffer worsening of renal function and are
at highest risk for fetal loss (which may exceed 50%). Both
high-dose corticosteroids and azathioprine have been used in
pregnant lupus patients, but mycophenolate and cyclophos-
phamide are contraindicated. Other risk factors for fetal loss
include the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies, hyperten-
sion, or heavy proteinuria.

Dialysis and Transplantation

The percentage of patients with LN who progress to end-stage

renal disease (ESRD) ranges from 10% to 30%. Most patients
who develop ESRD have a resolution of their extrarenal man-
ifestations of disease and serologic activity. In general, most
renal transplant programs allow patients with active SLE to
undergo a period of dialysis for 3 to 12 months to allow clini-
cal and serologic disease activity to become quiescent. Allo-
graft survival rates in patients with ESRD due to LN are
comparable to the rest of the ESRD population. The rate of
recurrent SLE in the allograft is less than 5%.

Course and Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis

The prognosis is defined in part by the initial pattern and
severity of renal involvement. However, the outcome is
ultimately modified by therapy, exacerbations of the disease,
and complications of treatment. Patients with lesions limited
254 to the renal mesangium generally have an excellent course and
prognosis. Patients with mild WHO class III disease typically
respond well to therapy, and fewer than 5% progress to renal
failure during 5-year follow-up. Patients with diffuse proliferative
IV disease have the least favorable prognosis. Nevertheless, the
prognosis for this group has markedly improved in recent years
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

and the 5-year renal survival rate is higher than 90% in some
series of patients treated with modern immunosuppressive
therapy. Clinical risk factors for a poor outcome in diffuse prolif-
erative disease include age over 30, male sex, African-American
race, nephrotic range proteinuria, disease relapse, and elevated
creatinine. Patients with combined severe activity and chronicity,
as well as those with the combination of cellular crescents and
interstitial fibrosis, appear to have a worse prognosis.

Treatment of Lupus Nephritis

Class I and II Lupus Nephritis
WHO class I and II do not merit renal-specific therapy and
patients should be treated only for extrarenal manifestations
of SLE.

Class III Lupus Nephritis

There is no general consensus on the treatment of patients
with focal proliferative LN. Patients with only moderate pro-
liferative lesions involving only a few glomeruli, with no
necrotizing features and no crescent formation, have a good
prognosis and respond often to a short course of high-dose
corticosteroid therapy. Patients with larger amounts of the glo-
merular surface area involved, with necrotizing features and
crescent formation, require more vigorous therapy similar to
patients with WHO class IV lesions.

Class IV Lupus Nephritis

The most appropriate form of treatment regimen for patients
with diffuse proliferative LN is still widely debated. Currently
widely used agents include high-dose daily or alternate-day
corticosteroids, azathioprine, intravenous pulse methylpred-
nisolone, oral or intravenous cyclophosphamide, cyclospor-
ine, rituximab, and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). None of
the current regimens of immunosuppressive therapy is with-
out major potential side effects and no agent is universally
Higher doses of corticosteroids during the early treatment
period appear to be more effective when compared to low-
dose therapy (<30 mg prednisone daily) and are the stan-
dard of care. A typical steroid regimen is 1 mg/kg/day of
prednisone converting to 2 mg/kg/day on alternate days 255
after 4 to 6 weeks of treatment and slowly weaned thereaf-
ter. The addition of a second immunosuppressive agent
usually involves cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, or myco-
phenolate mofetil. CH 12
Cyclophosphamide. A series of controlled trials have estab-

Secondary Glomerular Disease

lished intravenous cyclophosphamide as an effective agent
in the prevention of renal failure in patients with severe class
III and class IV disease. A typical regimen is 6 monthly intra-
venous boluses beginning with 0.75 g/m2 of body surface area
increasing to a maximum of 1 g/m2 given in a saline solution
over 30 to 60 minutes, assuming the white blood cell count
remains above 3000/mm3. This may then be followed by 3
monthly pulses for up to 24 months. The dose of intravenous
cyclophosphamide must be reduced in patients with signifi-
cant renal impairment. Complications include hemorrhagic
cystitis, alopecia, menstrual abnormalities, and premature
menopause, which is most common in women older than 25
years of age who have received intravenous cyclophospha-
mide for over 6 months of treatment.
Pulse Methylprednisolone. Pulse methylprednisolone may
be considered in those patients with severe active disease
who develop acute kidney injury. A typical regimen is three
consecutive daily doses of 1-g pulses. Recent trials at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found pulse cortico-
steroids to be less effective than intravenous cyclophospha-
mide in preventing progressive renal failure. Combination
therapy with intravenous cyclophosphamide may offer
improved remission rates albeit at the cost of a higher inci-
dence of short-term side effects.
Mycophenolate Mofetil. Initially evaluated in small non-
randomized trials in LN patients either intolerant or resistant
to intravenous cyclophosphamide therapy, MMF has now
been shown to have benefits in efficacy and in reduction of
complications of therapy when compared to standard treat-
ment regimens in a number of well-performed randomized
trials. Other studies have demonstrated that maintenance ther-
apy with MMF, following cyclophosphamide induction for 4
to 7 months, is superior to IV cyclophosphamide in maintain-
ing remission with less associated toxicity.
Azathioprine. Prospective trial data in patients with prolif-
erative. LN who receive induction therapy with intravenous
cyclophosphamide for 6 months suggests that oral azathioprine
is equally efficacious to three monthly intravenous boluses of
cyclophosphamide as a maintenance therapy.
Rituximab. Rituximab has been used in over 100 patients,
mostly in case reports and open-labeled uncontrolled trials,
and has been successful in some patients with both severe
and refractory LN. Further definitive studies are awaited.
256 Class V Lupus Nephritis
For patients with membranous lupus nephropathy there have
been conflicting data regarding the course, prognosis, and
response to treatment. The degree, if any, of a superimposed
IV proliferative lesion can greatly influence the course of the
individual patient. Patients with pure MLN and a good renal
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

prognosis (subnephrotic levels of proteinuria and preserved

GFR) may benefit from a short course of cyclosporine with
low-dose corticosteroids along with inhibitors of the renin-
angiotensin system and statins. For those at higher risk of
progressive disease (e.g., blacks, those who are fully
nephrotic), options include cyclosporine, monthly IV pulses
of cyclophosphamide, MMF, or azathioprine plus corticoster-
oids. Patients with mixed membranous nephropathy and pro-
liferative disease are treated in the same way as those with
proliferative disease alone.


The presence of APL antibodies may be associated with glo-
merular disease, large-vessel renal involvement, as well as
coagulation problems in dialysis and renal transplant patients.
A variety of APL antibodies including anticardiolipin antibo-
dies, antibodies causing a false-positive VDRL, the lupus anti-
coagulant, as well as antibodies directed against plasma
proteins that may be bound to phospholipids (antibodies to
b2-glycoprotein-1), have been identified in patients with renal
disorders; 30% to 50% of patients with APL antibodies have
the primary APL syndrome in which there is no associated
autoimmune disease. APL antibodies have also been found
in 25% to 45% of SLE patients, although most of these
patients never experience the clinical features of the APL syn-
drome. APL antibodies are also found with a variety of infec-
tions (hepatitis C, HIV) and drug reactions, but these are not
usually associated with the clinical spectrum of the APL
The clinical features of the APL syndrome relate to throm-
botic events and consequent ischemia. Systemic features
include superficial and deep venous thromboses, arterial
thromboses, fetal miscarriages (due to placental thrombosis),
pulmonary hypertension, cerebral infarcts with transient
ischemic attacks, strokes, memory impairment, and other neu-
rologic manifestations. Renal involvement occurs in as many
as 25% of patients with primary APL syndrome. The most fre-
quent clinical renal features are proteinuria, at times in the
nephrotic range, active urinary sediment, hypertension, and
progressive renal dysfunction. With major renal arterial
involvement there may be evidence of renal infarction, and
renal vein thrombosis may be silent or present with sudden 257
flank pain and a decrease in renal function. The renal pathol-
ogy is characterized by thrombosis of blood vessels ranging
from the glomerular capillaries to the main renal artery and
vein. CH 12

Secondary Glomerular Disease


The optimal treatment of patients with APL antibodies or APL

syndrome or both is unclear. In patients without evidence of
the APL syndrome, and no thrombotic events, some treat only
with daily aspirin therapy. In patients with the full APL syn-
drome, either primary or secondary to SLE, high-dose anticoa-
gulation (international normalized ratio [INR] > 3) has proved
more effective than no therapy, aspirin alone, or low-dose
anticoagulation in preventing recurrent thromboses. The role
of immunosuppressive agents has yet to be defined. In rare
patients who cannot tolerate anticoagulation due to recent
bleeding, who have thromboembolic events despite adequate
anticoagulation, or who are pregnant, plasmapheresis with
corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs have
been used with some success.


Patients with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) share
many overlapping features with patients with SLE, sclero-
derma, and polymyositis. They typically have a distinct
serologic profile characterized by a very high ANA titer,
often with a speckled pattern, and antibodies directed
against a specific ribonuclease-sensitive extractable nuclear
antigen (ENA), U1RNP. The incidence of renal disease has
been reported to vary from 10% to 26% of adults and from
33% to 50% of children with MCTD. Most patients with
renal involvement have mild or minimal clinical manifesta-
tions, with only microhematuria and less than 500 mg
proteinuria daily. However, heavier proteinuria and the
nephrotic syndrome occur in up to one third of patients.
Other patients have severe hypertension and acute kidney
injury reminiscent of “scleroderma renal crisis” (see later
discussion). In general, the glomerular lesions resemble
the spectrum found in SLE, whereas vascular lesions, when
present, resemble those found in scleroderma. Corticosteroid
therapy in MCTD is effective in treating the inflammatory
features of joint disease and serositis. Glomerular involve-
ment can vary as in SLE, and treatment is generally directed
at the glomerular lesion in a similar fashion to treating
active LN.
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) has been divided into two patterns:
• “Classic” PAN is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis primarily
IV affecting muscular arteries, often at branch points, produc-
ing lesions of varying ages with focal aneurysm formation.
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

• “Microscopic” polyangiitis is a necrotizing vasculitis affect-

ing small arteries, veins, and capillaries involving multiple
viscera, including lung and dermis, and producing lesions
of similar age, usually without aneurysms.
Many patients have overlapping features of both patterns.
Moreover, both presentations of polyarteritis may be asso-
ciated with circulating antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody
(ANCA) and histologic evidence of a pauci-immune segmental
necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis similar to
patients with isolated pauci-immune idiopathic rapidly pro-
gressive glomerulonephritis. Polyarteritis is more common in
males than females and occurs most often in the fifth and sixth
decades of life. Although a number of diseases have been asso-
ciated with glomerular disease and a systemic or renal vascu-
litis, true idiopathic polyarteritis is a primary vasculitis.
“Secondary” vasculitis associated with hepatitis B or C infec-
tion, cryoglobulinemia, systemic lupus, and Henoch-Schönlein
purpura is usually readily distinguished.

The vasculitis of polyarteritis may be mediated by a number of
diverse pathogenetic factors including humoral vascular
immune deposits, cellular immunity, endothelial cytopathic
factors, and ANCAs. ANCA may play a pathogenetic role in
a manner similar to in Wegener granulomatosis.

Renal Features
In the microscopic form of the disease, features of vasculitis
and glomerulonephritis manifest, whereas in the classic pat-
tern, features of renal ischemia and infarction predominate
due to larger vessel disease. Hypertension is common in poly-
arteritis (50%) and most patients have laboratory evidence of
their renal involvement at presentation. The majority of cases
have urinary sediment changes with microscopic hematuria
and often RBC casts. Proteinuria is found in most patients,
but the nephrotic syndrome is rarely present. In microscopic
polyarteritis, the severity of the clinical renal findings corre-
lates with the degree of glomerular involvement. Patients with
a normal creatinine clearance are likely to have normal
glomeruli on biopsy or only ischemic glomerular changes. 259
Presenting symptoms related to kidney disease are uncommon
in classic polyarteritis with the exception of hypertension but
may include hemorrhage from a renal artery aneurysm, flank
pain, and gross hematuria. Angiographic examination reveals CH 12
multiple rounded, saccular aneurysms of medium-sized

Secondary Glomerular Disease

vessels in about 70% of cases of classic PAN.

Laboratory Tests
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated in almost
all patients and is usually associated with anemia, leukocyto-
sis, eosinophilia, and thrombocytosis. Most patients are ANA
negative and have normal serum complement levels. Tests
for circulating immune complexes and rheumatoid factor are
often positive. Cryoglobulins may reflect associated hepatitis
B infection (<10% of cases). Patients with classic PAN are
ANCA-negative and a positive test result suggests either
microscopic polyarteritis or Wegener granulomatosis.

Prognosis and Treatment

Left untreated, the overall prognosis of polyarteritis is dismal,
with 5-year survival rates of less than 15%. Poor prognostic
indicators include older age, delayed diagnosis, gastrointestinal
tract involvement, and severe renal involvement. Aggressive
early therapy to turn off the disease process is believed to be
crucial in preventing residual organ damage. Initial therapy of
polyarteritis usually consists of high-dose cyclophosphamide
(e.g., 1–2 mg/kg/day), adjusted to avoid leukopenia, commonly
given along with high-dose corticosteroid therapy (e.g., 60 mg
of prednisone daily). The steroid dose is then tapered over time.
Monthly intravenous cyclophosphamide (0.5–1 g/m2) appears
to have equivalent efficacy and a better side effect profile
than oral regimens. Plasmapheresis may benefit a subset of
patients with severe glomerulonephritis requiring dialysis.
For patients with ESRD, immunosuppressive therapy should
be continued for 6 months to 1 year after the disease appears
inactive to manage extrarenal complications. The risk of
recurrence following transplantation ranges from 15% to 20%.


Churg-Strauss syndrome, or allergic granulomatosis, is a rare
systemic disease characterized by vasculitis, asthma, organ
infiltration by eosinophils, and peripheral eosinophilia. There
260 is no gender predominance, and the mean age of diagnosis is
50 years.

The spectrum of glomerular involvement in Churg-Strauss
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

syndrome is wide. It extends from normal renal tissue through

focal segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis onto diffuse
and global glomerulonephritis with severe necrotizing features
and crescents. Vasculitis of the renal vessels may be noted also.

Although the pathogenesis of Churg-Strauss syndrome is
unclear, an allergic or hypersensitive mechanism is suggested
by the presence of asthma, hypereosinophilia, and elevated
plasma levels of IgE. It is likely that ANCAs may play a role akin
to that in Wegener granulomatosis and microscopic polyarteritis.

Clinical and Laboratory Features

Patients may have initial constitutional symptoms such as

weight loss, fatigue, malaise, and fever. Characteristic extrare-
nal features include asthma (present in >95% of cases), an
allergic diathesis, allergic rhinitis, and peripheral eosinophilia.
Asthmatic disease typically precedes the onset of the vasculitis
by years, but it may occur simultaneously and the severity of
the asthma does not necessarily parallel the severity of the vas-
culitis. Chest radiograph may show patchy infiltrates, nodules,
diffuse interstitial disease, and even pleural effusion. This
multisystem disease can affect the heart with pericarditis, heart
failure, and ischemic disease; the gastrointestinal tract with
abdominal pain, ulceration, diarrhea, or bowel disease; and
the skin with subcutaneous nodules, petechiae, and purpuric
lesions. Mononeuritis multiplex is common, but migrating
polyarthralgias and arthritis occur less frequently. Laboratory
evaluation typically reveals anemia, leukocytosis, and an
elevated ESR. Eosinophilia is universally present and may
reach 50% of the total peripheral count. The degree of eosino-
philia and the ESR may correlate with disease activity. Rheu-
matoid factor is often positive and C-reactive protein levels
are increased, whereas serum complement, hepatitis markers,
circulating immune complexes, ANAs, and cryoglobulins are
usually negative. ANCA levels have been elevated in 40% to
80% patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome. Usually patients
are P-ANCA positive, but some are positive for C-ANCA. The
clinical renal findings in Churg-Strauss syndrome are also quite
diverse, but renal involvement rarely predominates. Micro- 261
scopic hematuria and mild proteinuria are common, but
nephrotic-range proteinuria is rare. In pure Churg-Strauss syn-
drome, renal failure is uncommon, although it occurs in
patients with overlap syndromes. CH 12

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Prognosis, Course, and Treatment
Patients may have several phases of the syndrome over many
months or years. There may be a prodromal phase of asthma or
allergic rhinitis, followed by a phase of peripheral blood and tis-
sue eosinophilia remitting and relapsing over months to years
before development of systemic vasculitis. A shorter duration
of asthma before the onset of vasculitis has been associated with
a worse prognosis. Survival rates in treated patients are approxi-
mately 90% at 1 year and 70% at 5 years. Patients with signifi-
cant cardiac or gastrointestinal involvement have a worse
prognosis. Corticosteroid therapy is successful in most patients
with Churg-Strauss syndrome. Patients respond rapidly to
high-dose daily oral prednisone therapy, and even relapses
respond to re-treatment. Resistant cases may benefit from con-
comitant treatment with other immunosuppressive agents, such
as azathioprine and cyclophosphamide.


Temporal Arteritis

Temporal arteritis, or giant cell arteritis, is a systemic vasculi-

tis with a characteristic giant cell vasculitis of medium-sized
and large arteries. The disease is the most common form of
arteritis in Western countries. It is primarily a disease of the
elderly, with an average age of onset of symptoms of 72 years.
Extracranial vascular involvement occurs in 10% to 15% of
patients. Renal manifestations are rare and generally mild,
consisting of mild hematuria and proteinuria, without renal
functional impairment. Abnormal urinary sediment changes
disappear with standard corticosteroid therapy.

Takayasu Arteritis
Takayasu arteritis is a rare vasculitic disease of unknown
pathogenesis characterized by inflammation and stenosis of
medium-sized and large arteries, with a predilection for the
262 aortic arch and its branches. The disease most commonly
affects young women between 10 and 40 years of age, and
Asians are much more commonly affected. Renal involvement
is characterized by an obliterative arteritis of the main renal
IV artery or narrowing of the renal ostia by abdominal aortitis
leading to renovascular hypertension. Arteriography is most
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

often used to make the diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis,

although CT and MR imaging have been used as well. Labora-
tory abnormalities reveal mild anemia, elevated ESR,
increased levels of C-reactive protein, and elevated gamma
globulin levels but other serologic tests are normal. Hyperten-
sion may be severe and occurs in 40% to 60% of patients;
however, renal failure is uncommon.

In most patients, corticosteroids are effective therapy for the
vasculitis and systemic symptoms and further vascular deteri-
oration is suppressed. Other immunosuppressive agents
including methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, and mycopheno-
late have also been used successfully.

Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is a systemic vasculitis syn-
drome with involvement of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and
joints in association with a glomerulonephritis characterized
by prominent IgA deposition. IgA immune complexes deposit
in the skin, kidney, and other organs in association with an
inflammatory reaction of the vessels. Children are far more
commonly affected than adults, although the disease can
occur at any age. More severe renal disease occurs in older
children and adults.

Clinical Findings

The classic tetrad in HSP includes dermal involvement, gastro-

intestinal disease, joint involvement, and glomerulonephritis.
Constitutional symptoms such as fever, malaise, fatigue, and
weakness may be associated with active isolated dermal
involvement or full-blown systemic disease. Skin lesions
commonly found on the lower and upper extremities may also
be on the buttocks or elsewhere. They are characterized by urti-
carial macular and papular reddish violaceous lesions and may
be discrete or may coalesce into palpable purpuric lesions. On
skin biopsy, there is a leukocytoclastic angiitis with evidence of
IgA containing immune complexes along with IgG, C3, and
properidine, but not C4 or C1q. Gastrointestinal manifestations
are present in 25% to 90% of patients, and may include colicky 263
pain, nausea and vomiting, melena, hematochezia, and intus-
susception. Rheumatologic involvement is most common in
the ankles and knees and less common in the elbows and
wrists, and may consist of arthralgias or frank arthritis with CH 12
painful, tender effusions. Renal involvement ranges from 40%

Secondary Glomerular Disease

to 60% of patients and is characterized by a proliferative
nephritis with prominent IgA deposition. The onset of the renal
disease usually follows the onset of the systemic manifestations
by days to weeks. Patients commonly have microscopic hema-
turia, active urinary sediment, and proteinuria. Up to one half
of patients with clinical renal involvement develop the
nephrotic syndrome, and some have a nephritic picture.

Course, Prognosis, and Treatment

In most patients, HSP is a self-limited disease with a good

long-term outcome. In general, there is a good correlation
between the clinical renal presentation and the ultimate prog-
nosis. Patients with focal mesangial involvement and only
hematuria and mild proteinuria tend to have an excellent
prognosis. A poor renal prognosis is predicted by an acute
nephritic presentation, persistent nephrotic syndrome, older
age, IgA deposits extending from the mesangium out along
the peripheral capillary walls, and especially the presence of
greater percentage of crescents on renal biopsy. There is no
proven therapy for HSP. Although steroids have been asso-
ciated with decreased abdominal and rheumatologic symp-
toms, they have not been proved to ameliorate the renal
lesions in any controlled fashion. Patients with severe clinical
features and especially those with more crescents on biopsy
may benefit from more aggressive intervention with pulse
methylprednisolone followed by oral corticosteroid therapy.
Other regimens used in this setting have included varying com-
binations of corticosteroids, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide,
chlorambucil, plasmapheresis, and intravenous immune
gamma globulin.


Sjögren syndrome is characterized by a chronic inflammatory

cell infiltration of the exocrine salivary and lacrimal glands
and is associated with the “sicca complex” of xerostomia
and xerophthalmia. Although this disease may present as an
isolated exocrine gland disorder, patients may have a systemic
inflammatory disease with renal involvement. Serologic
abnormalities include hypergammaglobulinemia, circulating
264 rheumatoid factor, cryoglobulins, a homogeneous or speckled-
pattern ANA, anti-Ro/SSA, and anti-La/SSB, but serum com-
plement levels are generally normal unless the patient has
associated SLE. The major clinical renal manifestations reflect
IV tubulointerstitial involvement; distal RTA, impaired concen-
trating ability, hypercalciuria, and less frequently, proximal
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

tubule defects. Most patients have a relatively bland urinaly-

sis with only mild elevations of the serum creatinine level.
In those patients with glomerular lesions, hematuria, protein-
uria, and renal insufficiency are found. Some patients dev-
elop the full nephrotic syndrome, whereas others may
develop renal vasculitis with prominent hypertension and
renal insufficiency. Patients with immune complex glomeru-
lonephritis and Sjögren syndrome are generally treated in a
similar fashion to those with SLE, and those with vasculitis
generally receive cytotoxic therapy similar to that given for
other necrotizing vasculitides.

The most common renal manifestations of sarcoidosis are
interstitial nephritis (typically granulomatous), nephrolithia-
sis, and functional abnormalities of the tubule. Glomerular
disease is infrequent and may be the coincidental expression
of two unrelated disease processes in one individual rather
than secondary to the sarcoidosis itself. A variety of glomeru-
lar lesions have been described in patients with sarcoidosis
including minimal change disease, focal segmental glomerulo-
sclerosis, membranous nephropathy, IgA nephropathy,
MPGN, and proliferative and crescentic glomerulonephritis.
Some patients have granulomatous renal interstitial nephritis
in addition to the glomerular lesions, whereas others have
only extrarenal histologic documentation of the sarcoidosis.
The clinical presentation of glomerular disease in sarcoidosis
is usually that of proteinuria, active urinary sediment at times,
and most commonly the nephrotic syndrome. Patients have
been treated with various forms of immunosuppression,
including steroids, depending on their glomerular lesions.


Amyloidosis comprises a diverse group of systemic and local

diseases characterized by the deposition of fibrils in various
organs. Amyloid fibrils bind Congo red (leading to characteris-
tic apple-green birefringence under polarized light), have a
characteristic ultrastructural appearance, and contain a
25-kD glycoprotein, serum amyloid P component. In primary
(AL) amyloidosis, the deposited fibrils are derived from the 265
variable portion of immunoglobulin light chains produced
by a clonal population of plasma cells. Secondary (AA) amy-
loid is due most frequently to the deposition of serum amyloid
A protein in chronic inflammatory states. Forms of hereditary CH 12
amyloid involving the kidney include mutations in transthyr-

Secondary Glomerular Disease

etin, fibrinogen A chain, apolipoprotein A-I, lysozyme, apoli-
poprotein A-II, cyclostatin C, and gelosin.

Primary and Secondary Amyloidosis

In primary (AL) amyloidosis, fibrils are composed of the N-
terminal amino acid residues of the variable region of an immu-
noglobulin light chain. The kidneys are the most common major
organ to be involved by AL amyloid, and the absence of other
organ involvement does not exclude amyloidosis as a cause of
major renal disease. From 10% to 20% of patients over 60 years
old with the nephrotic syndrome will have amyloidosis. Amy-
loidosis should be suspected in all patients with circulating
serum monoclonal M proteins, and approximately 90% of pri-
mary amyloid patients will have a paraprotein spike in the
serum or urine by immunofixation. The median age at presenta-
tion is approximately 60 years; fewer than 1% of patients are
younger than 40 years. Men are affected twice as often as
women. Presenting symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, light-
headedness, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, pain due to
peripheral neuropathy, and purpura. Patients may have hepato-
splenomegaly, macroglossia, or rarely enlarged lymph nodes.
Secondary amyloidosis is due to the deposition of amyloid A
(AA) protein in chronic inflammatory diseases. Secondary amy-
loid is observed in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel
disease, familial Mediterranean fever, bronchiectasis, and occa-
sionally in poorly treated osteomyelitis. The diagnosis of amy-
loid is usually established by tissue biopsy of an affected
organ. Liver and kidney biopsy are positive in as many as
90% of clinically affected cases. A diagnosis may be made with
less invasive techniques including fat pad aspirate (60–90%),
rectal biopsy (50–80%), bone marrow aspirate (30–50%), gingi-
val biopsy (60%), or dermal biopsy (50%) in selected series.
Serum amyloid P (SAP) whole-body scintigraphy, following
injection of radiolabeled SAP, may allow the noninvasive diag-
nosis of amyloidosis. In AL amyloidosis, detection of an abnor-
mal ratio of free kappa to lambda light chains in the serum is a
new technique to detect plasma cell dyscrasias, and has a
higher sensitivity than either serum or urinary electrophoretic
techniques. This technique also allows assessment of response
to therapy by following the level of abnormal free light chain in
the serum. Patients with hereditary amyloidosis due to
266 deposition of abnormal transthyretin, apolipoproteins, lyso-
zyme, and other proteins may present in a fashion similar to
AL amyloid.
Clinical manifestations of renal disease depend on the loca-
IV tion and extent of amyloid deposition. Renal involvement
predominates as the primary organ system involved in AL
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

amyloidosis. Most patients have proteinuria, approximately

25% of patients have nephrotic syndrome at diagnosis, and
others present with varying degrees of azotemia. Proteinuria
is almost universal but the urinalysis is typically otherwise
bland. In patients with proteinuria greater than 1 g/day, over
90% have a monoclonal protein in the urine. The amount of
glomerular amyloid deposition does not correlate well with
the degree of proteinuria. Despite the literature suggestion of
enlarged kidneys in AL amyloid, most patients have normal-
sized kidneys by ultrasonography. Hypertension is found in
20% to 50% of patients, but many have orthostatic hypoten-
sion due to autonomic neuropathy. Occasionally, patients
have predominantly tubule deposition of amyloid with tubule
defects such as distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA) and
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Course, Prognosis, and Treatment

The prognosis of patients with AL amyloidosis is poor, with some
series having a median survival of less than 2 years. The baseline
serum creatinine level at diagnosis and the degree of proteinuria
are predictive of the progression to ESRD. The median time from
diagnosis to onset of dialysis is 14 months and from dialysis to
death is only 8 months. Factors associated with decreased patient
survival include evidence of cardiac involvement, l versus k pro-
teinuria, and an elevated serum creatinine level. The optimal
treatment for AL amyloid is unclear. Most treatments focus on
methods to decrease the production of monoclonal light chains
akin to myeloma therapy using chemotherapeutic drugs such as
melphalan and prednisone, high-dose dexamethasone, chloram-
bucil, and cyclophosphamide. Recent reports using high-dose
melphalan followed by allogeneic bone marrow transplant or
stem cell transplant have given promising results. Thus, for youn-
ger patients with predominantly renal involvement, stem cell
transplantation is a reasonable alternative therapy for AL amy-
loid. Regardless of whether chemotherapy or marrow transplant
is used, the treatment of amyloid patients with nephrotic syn-
drome involves supportive care measures. These may include
judicious use of diuretics and salt restriction in those with
nephrotic edema, treatment of orthostatic hypotension (auto-
nomic neuopathy) with compression stockings, fludrocortisone,
and midodrine, an oral a-adrenergic agonist.
The treatment of AA amyloid focuses on the treatment of the 267
underlying inflammatory disease process. Alkylating agents
have been used to control AA amyloidosis secondary to rheu-
matologic diseases in a number of studies, with responses
including decreased proteinuria and prolonged renal survival CH 12
noted. In familial Mediterranean fever, colchicine has long

Secondary Glomerular Disease

been used successfully to prevent the febrile attacks. However,
in patients with nephrotic syndrome at presentation or an ele-
vated serum creatinine level, colchicine does not appear to pre-
vent progression to ESRD. A recent multicenter randomized
controlled trial compared a glycosaminoglycans (GAG)
mimetic, used to block fibrillogenesis, to placebo in 183
patients with AA amyloid. The GAG mimetic reduced the risk
of doubling the serum creatinine by 54% and halved the risk
of a 50% decrease in creatinine clearance. Several promising
experimental therapies for managing amyloid include using
antiamyloid antibodies, and the use of an inhibitor of the bind-
ing of amyloid P component to amyloid fibrils.


Monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease, which

includes light chain deposition disease (LCDD), light and
heavy chain deposition disease (LCDD/HCDD), and heavy
chain deposition disease (HCDD), is a systemic disease
caused by the overproduction and extracellular deposition
of monoclonal immunoglobulin proteins. In LCDD, the con-
stant region of the immunoglobulin light chain is typically
deposited. Patients with LCDD are generally older than
45 years of age, and many patients have, or subsequently
develop, frank myeloma or lymphoplasmacytic B cell dis-
ease such as lymphoma or Waldenström macroglobuline-
mia. Patients with renal involvement usually have
significant glomerular involvement and thus present with
heavy proteinuria accompanied by hypertension and renal
insufficiency. The prognosis for patients with LCDD is
uncertain and appears to be better than that for AL amyloid-
osis. As in amyloidosis, death is often attributed to cardiac
disease or infectious complications. Treatment with
melphalan and prednisone has led to stabilization or
improvement in renal function in some cases. However,
therapy is not successful in patients with a plasma creati-
nine higher than 4 mg/dL (350 mmol/L). Patient survival is
about 90% at 1 year and 70% at 5 years, with renal survival
of 67% and 37% at 1 and 5 years, respectively. Marrow or
stem cell transplantation may be the optimal treatment for
many patients with LCDD in the future.
Renal impairment is a common complication of multiple mye-
loma, occurring in 50% of patients. Renal involvement
IV includes myeloma cast nephropathy, light chain deposition
disease, AL amyloid, plasma cell infiltration, and glomerulone-
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

phritis. Other factors, such as hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia,

infection, hyperviscosity, and nephrotoxic drugs can precipi-
tate or exacerbate acute and chronic renal failure. Glomerular
and vascular lesions are usually restricted to those patients
with associated AL amyloidosis or monoclonal LCDD or HCDD
or both (see above). The glomeruli are usually spared and may
appear normal by LM or have only mild GBM thickening or
minor amounts of mesangial matrix deposition without mesan-
gial hypercellularity. In rare cases, glomerular crystals with
associated granulomatous reaction or exudates of proteinaceous
material in the urinary space have been reported. Crescentic
glomerulonephritis and MPGN have been reported rarely,
particularly in patients with associated cryoglobulinemia.

Myeloma Kidney
Myeloma cast nephropathy (myeloma kidney) is an important
cause of acute kidney injury in myeloma. The underlying
pathogenesis involves the precipitation of filtered light chains
within the tubule lumen and the subsequent obstruction of
urine flow. Light chains may also be directly toxic to the prox-
imal tubule cells and can trigger the development of the Fan-
coni syndrome. Patients are equally susceptible to cast
nephropathy whether the filtered light chain is of the k or l
variety; an inherent ability to bind with Tamm-Horsfall pro-
tein is an important determinant of whether or not the light
chain precipitates. Other factors favoring the development of
cast nephropathy include a low urine flow rate as may occur
during volume depletion, hypercalcemia, and diuretic or
NSAID use. Clinical findings include features of myeloma,
including a serum and urine paraprotein, and, occasionally,
evidence of Fanconi syndrome (proximal RTA, glycosuria).
Of note, a routine urine dipstick test may not detect the posi-
tively charged light chains, and hence quantitative determina-
tion of urine protein should be performed if cast nephropathy
is suspected. The definitive diagnosis requires a renal biopsy.
The pathologic findings include preservation of the normal
glomerular architecture and tubular casts that stain positive
for either k or l light chains on immunofluoresence. Manage-
ment involves treatment of exacerbating factors including
removal of offending agents (diuretics, NSAIDs, ACE inhibi-
tors), volume expansion, treatment of hypercalcemia, and,
possibly, the induction of an alkaline diuresis, though this last 269
point remains controversial. Ultimately, clearance of the para-
protein is required and this may be achieved by chemotherapy
aimed at the underlying plasma cell dyscrasia. Plasmapheresis
had been suggested in the management of patients with a high CH 12
paraprotein burden and acute kidney injury in whom conser-

Secondary Glomerular Disease

vative measures have failed to improve renal function. How-
ever, a recent large randomized controlled trial failed to
demonstrate any benefit of this approach.

Waldenström macroglobulinemia is a syndrome character-
ized by a circulating monoclonal IgM protein in association
with a B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. This slowly
progressive disorder occurs in older patients who present
with fatigue, weight loss, bleeding, visual disturbances,
peripheral neuropathy, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphade-
nopathy, anemia, and often a hyperviscosity syndrome.
Renal involvement is uncommon but may manifest as
microscopic hematuria and proteinuria, which may be
nephrotic. Patients may have enlarged kidneys. The pathol-
ogy seen in Waldenström macroglobulinemia is varied.
Some patients have invasion of the renal parenchyma by
neoplastic lymphoplasmacytic cells. Acute kidney injury
associated with intraglomerular occlusive thrombi of the
IgM paraprotein has also been reported. By IF, these glomer-
ular “thrombi” stain for IgM and a single light chain, consis-
tent with monoclonal IgM deposits. By EM, the deposits
contain nonamyloid fibrillar or amorphous electron-dense
material. Other potential presentations include MPGN
with an associated type I or II cryoglobulinemia, LCDD,
intratubule casts deposition similar to myeloma cast
nephropathy, and amyloidosis. Treatment of Waldenström
macroglobulinemia consists of therapy directed against the
lymphoproliferative disease with alkylating agents and, at
times, plasmapheresis for hyperviscosity signs and symp-
toms. Newer therapies include fludarabine, cladribine,
interferon alfa, rituximab, and marrow transplantation.

Cryoglobulinemia refers to a pathologic condition caused by
the production of circulating immunoglobulins that precipi-
tate on cooling and resolubilize on warming. It is associated
with a variety of infections as well as collagen-vascular
disease, and lymphoproliferative diseases. Cryoglobulins have
270 been divided into three major groups based on the nature of
the circulating immunoglobulin:
• Type I: The cryoglobulin is a single monoclonal immuno-
globulin often found associated with Waldenström macro-
IV globulinemia or myeloma.
• Type II: The cryoglobulin is a monoclonal immunoglobulin
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

(IgM k in > 90%) directed against polyclonal IgG and has

rheumatoid factor activity.
• Type III: The cryoglobulin contains polyclonal IgG and IgM
directed against polyclonal IgG.
The majority of patients with types II and III mixed cryoglobu-
lins have been shown to have hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.

Clinical and Laboratory Findings

The majority of patients with cryoglobulinemia are asymptom-

atic. Type I disease typically presents with symptoms related
to peripheral hyperviscosity including livido reticularis,
Raynaud phenomenon, or digital ischemia. Systemic manifes-
tation of types II and III are more nonspecific and include
weakness, malaise, Raynaud phenomenon, arthralgias and
arthritis, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, and
purpuric skin lesions. Renal disease occurs at presentation
in less than one quarter of patients but develops in as many
as 50% over time. The majority of patients with renal disease
due to cryoglobulin deposition within the kidney have a slow,
indolent course characterized by proteinuria, hypertension,
hematuria, and renal insufficiency. However, in up to one
third of patients an acute nephritic picture develops.
A rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis presentation is rare.
About 20% of patients present with the nephrotic syndrome.
Some studies of type II cryoglobulinemia have shown evi-
dence of hepatitis B infection. However, recent studies have
clearly documented HCV as a major cause of cryoglobulin pro-
duction in most patients previously believed to have essential
mixed cryoglobulinemia (types II and III). Antibodies to HCV
antigens have been documented in the serum, and HCV RNA
and anti-HCV antibodies are enriched in the circulating cryo-
globulins. HCV antigens have also been localized by immuno-
histochemistry in the glomerular deposits. Low levels of total
complement and especially C4 are common. The diagnosis
rests on the demonstration of a circulating cryoglobulin.

Course and Treatment

The treatment of cryoglobulinemia is based both on the sever-

ity of symptoms and the underlying etiology. Mild disease in
the absence of end-organ injury should be managed conserva- 271
tively (analgesics and cold avoidance). In type I disease with
evidence of end-organ injury, therapy is directed against the
underlying lymphoproliferative disease; in idiopathic cases,
treatment includes steroids and cyclophosphamide. Most CH 12
cases of type II and III disease are associated with HCV infec-

Secondary Glomerular Disease

tion and are managed with a combination of interferon alfa
and ribavirin. In severe disease with fulminant renal involve-
ment, therapy may be initiated with plasmapheresis to remove
the circulating cryoglobulin, corticosteroids to control the
inflammatory response, and oral cyclophosphamide to pre-
vent new cryoglobulin generation. Although this regimen
typically extinguishes the acute inflammatory injury, activa-
tion of HCV replication is a real concern and antiviral therapy
should proceed in parallel with immunosuppressive therapy.
Most patients suffer episodic exacerbations of their systemic
and renal disease. Mean patient survival rate is 70% at 5 years
after diagnosis, with death typically resulting from infection
and cardiovascular disease. Renal survival rate is greater than
80% at 10 years.


Alport syndrome is an inherited (usually X-linked) disorder
associated with progressive renal failure, hearing loss, and
ocular abnormalities. Renal failure develops as a result of
structural abnormalities in the GBM consequent to abnormal-
ities in the COL4A5 gene encoding the a5 subunit of collagen
type IV. Alport syndrome accounts for 2.5% of children and
0.3% of adults with ESRD in the United States.

Clinical Features
The disease usually manifests in children or young adults as
microscopic hematuria, with episodic gross hematuria that
may be exacerbated by respiratory infections or exercise.
Proteinuria is usually mild at first and increases progressively
with age. Hypertension is a late manifestation. Slowly progres-
sive renal failure is common and ESRD usually occurs in
males between the ages of 16 and 35. As this is usually an
X-linked disorder, most females have only mild disease. More
severe disease in females suggests an autosomal pattern of
inheritance. High-frequency sensorineural deafness occurs in
30% to 50% of patients and is always accompanied by renal
involvement. Ocular abnormalities occur in 15% to 30% of
patients. Anterior lenticonus is virtually pathognomonic of
Alport syndrome.
272 Course and Treatment

Recurrent hematuria and proteinuria may be present for many

years followed by the insidious onset of renal failure. Virtually
IV all affected males reach ESRD, but there is considerable inter-
kindred variability in the rate of progression. The rate of pro-
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

gression within male members of an affected family is usually,

but not always, relatively constant. There is no proven therapy
for Alport syndrome. Because weakening of the GBM appears
important, it has been proposed that reducing intraglomerular
pressures with aggressive control of hypertension and using
ACE inhibitors might slow the rate of progression in patients
with hereditary nephritis. Renal transplantation may be per-
formed in patients with hereditary nephritis. Allograft survival
is comparable to other patients with ESRD. In approximately
2% to 4% of patients receiving a renal transplant, anti-GBM
antibody disease may develop, particularly following a second
transplant. These antibodies are directed against the Goodpas-
ture antigen in the a3 chain, which presumably does not exist
in the kidneys of patients with hereditary nephritis and is thus
recognized as being a nonself antigen.


Thin GBM disease, also known as benign familial hematuria,
describes a condition that differs from Alport disease in its
benign course and lack of progression. The true incidence of
thin GBM disease is unknown; reports evaluating patients
with isolated hematuria suggest that 20% to 25% of such
patients have thin GBM disease.

Clinical Features
Patients usually present in childhood with microhematuria.
Hematuria is usually persistent but may be intermittent in
some patients. Episodic gross hematuria may occur, particu-
larly with upper respiratory infections. Patients do not
typically have overt proteinuria, but when present, this may
suggest progression of disease.

In most kindreds with benign familial hematuria, the disorder
appears to be transmitted in an autosomal dominant pattern.
Thin GBM disease has been linked to the COL4A3 and
COL4A4 genes suggesting that type IV collagen defects can
cause both benign hematuria and Alport syndrome.
Two novel proteins have been associated with the steroid-resistant
nephrotic syndrome in childhood: nephrin and podocin. CH 12

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Nephrin: Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome of the
Finnish Type
Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF) was
originally described in Finland, but has been reported in other
countries. The gene responsible for this form of nephrotic syn-
drome has been called NPHS1, and the gene product is a
podocyte protein named nephrin.
Clinical Features
The disease manifests in utero with heavy proteinuria, and the
affected infants are small for gestational age. Infants exhibit
massive proteinuria, ascites, anasarca, and polycythemia
associated with a failure to thrive and recurrent infectious
complications. Associated abnormalities include pyloric ste-
nosis and severe gastroesophageal reflux resulting in aspira-
tion pneumonia. The GFR progressively declines, and most
infants develop renal failure within the first few years of life.
CNF is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. The gene
affected in this disorder has been localized to chromosome 19
(19q13.1) and has been termed NPHS1; the gene product is
known as nephrin. In the kidney, nephrin expression is restricted
to the podocyte; nephrin localizes to the slit diaphragm but its
precise function is unknown. Prenatal diagnosis is possible.

Treatment strategies to support infants include intravenous
albumin substitution, optimizing nutrition, administration of
thyroxin, and anticoagulation, until bilateral nephrectomy
can be performed (at around 1 year of life). Patients are main-
tained on dialysis until renal transplantation (at around
2 years of age). Other authors have reported success in reduc-
ing proteinuria, thus avoiding nephrectomy, with ACE inhibi-
tion in combination with indomethacin.

Podocin: Autosomal Recessive Nephrotic


Podocin mutations have also been reported in familial cases of

steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. The clinical course is
274 characterized by early-childhood onset of proteinuria, rapid
progression to ESRD, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
on the kidney biopsy. The podocin gene (NPHS2) is located
on chromosome 1q25-1q31. Podocin has been localized to
IV the slit diaphragm and co-localizes with nephrin. Podocin
and nephrin interact at the level of the slit diaphragm possibly
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

to maintain podocyte ultrastructural integrity.

a-Actinin-4: Autosomal Dominant Nephrotic


Mutations in a-actinin-4 have been associated with an autoso-

mal dominant form of FSGS. The phenotype in these families
is characterized by subnephrotic proteinuria and progressive
renal insufficiency. The penetrance is high, but a small num-
ber of persons in these families do not have clinical disease.
NPHS2 mutations have also been identified in adult-onset
focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).



Fabry disease is an X-linked inborn error of glycosphingolipid

metabolism involving a lysosomal enzyme, a-galactosidase A.
It is characterized by an accumulation of globotriaosylcera-
mide and related neutral glycosphingolipids leading to multi-
organ dysfunction.

Clinical Features
The estimated incidence in males is 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 60,000.
The initial clinical presentation begins in childhood with epi-
sodic pain in the extremities and acroparesthesias. Renal
involvement presents with hematuria and proteinuria, which
often progress to nephrotic levels with progressive renal fail-
ure by the fifth decade. The skin is commonly involved with
reddish purple macules (angiokeratomas) typically found on
the abdomen, buttocks, hips, genitalia, and upper thighs.
The nervous system is involved, with peripheral and auto-
nomic neuropathy. Premature arterial disease of coronary ves-
sels leads to myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias at a young
age. Corneal opacities are seen in virtually all homozygotes
and most heterozygotes. Posterior capsular cataracts, edema
of the retina and eyelids, and tortuous retinal and conjunctival
vessels may also been seen in the eye. Up to one third of
female carriers have been reported to have significant disease
Pathogenesis 275

Deficiency of the a-galactosidase leads to accumulation of glo-

botriaosylceramide, especially in the vascular endothelium,
with subsequent ischemic organ dysfunction. Accumulation CH 12
in podocytes leads to proteinuria.

Secondary Glomerular Disease

The diagnosis in affected males may be established by measur-
ing levels of a-galactosidase A in plasma or peripheral blood
leukocytes. Female carriers may have enzyme levels in the
low-to-normal range; to diagnose female carriers, the specific
mutation in the family must be demonstrated. Prenatal diag-
nosis can be made in amniotic fluid by measuring amniocyte
enzyme levels.

Two randomized, controlled trials have shown that recombi-
nant human a-galactosidase A replacement therapy is safe
and can improve clinical parameters including neuropathic
pain and creatinine clearance. Treatment has also been shown
to decrease microvascular endothelial deposits of globotriao-
sylceramide in the kidney. Enzyme replacement therapy
should be administered as early as possible in all males with
Fabry disease (including those with ESRD) and female carriers
with substantial disease manifestations.


See Chapter 13, Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney.

This familial disorder is characterized by proteinuria, anemia,
hyperlipidemia, and corneal opacity. Most patients are of
Scandinavian origin; however, subsequent reports have been
from other countries.

Clinical Features
The triad of anemia, nephrotic syndrome, and corneal opacities
suggests lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency.
Renal disease is a universal finding, with albuminuria noted
276 early in life. Proteinuria increases in severity during the fourth
and fifth decades, often with development of nephrotic syn-
drome and progressive renal failure. Most patients are mildly
anemic with target cells and poikilocytes on the peripheral
IV smear. There is evidence of low-grade hemolysis. Corneal opa-
cities are noted during childhood, which appear as grayish
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

spots over the cornea accompanied by a lipoid arcus.

Patients have little or no LCAT activity in their blood circula-
tion because of mutations in the LCAT gene. In patients sus-
pected of having LCAT deficiency, measurements of plasma
enzyme should be performed. Other abnormalities of lipids fre-
quently accompany LCAT deficiency. The plasma is turbid, total
cholesterol varies, triglycerides are increased, HDL is reduced,
and all fractions contain higher amounts of cholesterol.


A low-lipid diet or lipid-lowering drugs have not been shown

to be of benefit. Plasma infusions may provide reversal of
erythrocytic abnormalities, but long-term benefits have yet to
be demonstrated. The lesions may recur in the allograft, but
renal function is adequately preserved.


Infectious Endocarditis

In the preantibiotic era, Streptococcus viridans was the most

common causative organism in endocarditis-related glomeru-
lonephritis. However, with the use of prophylactic antibiotics
in patients with valvular heart disease and an increase in
intravenous drug use, Staphylococcus aureus has replaced
S. viridans as the primary pathogen. The incidence of glomer-
ulonephritis with S. aureus endocarditis ranges from 22% to
78%, being higher in those series consisting predominantly
of intravenous drug users.
Clinical Features
Renal complications of infectious endocarditis include infarcts,
abscesses, and glomerulonephritis (all of which may coexist).
The spectrum of glomerulonephritis ranges from mild asymp-
tomatic urinary abnormalities including hematuria, pyuria,
and albuminuria to rapidly progressive renal failure with
crescents. Although hypocomplementemia is frequent, it is
not invariable. The majority of patients demonstrate activation 277
of the classic pathway and the degree of complement activation
correlates with the severity of renal impairment. Circulating
immune complexes have been found in the serum in up to
90% of patients. Mixed cryoglobulins and rheumatoid factor CH 12
may also be present.

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Endocarditis-related glomerulonephritis is an immune
complex–mediated disease. The demonstration of hypocom-
plementemia, antibody deposition in the glomeruli, and the
detection of bacterial antigen in the deposits supports this

With the initiation of antibiotic therapy, the manifestations of
glomerulonephritis begin to subside. Plasmapheresis and cor-
ticosteroids have been reported to promote renal recovery in
some patients with renal failure. However, the risk of worsen-
ing infectious aspects of the disease while ameliorating immu-
nologic manifestations should be kept in mind while using
this approach.

Shunt Nephritis
Ventriculovascular (ventriculoatrial, ventriculojugular) and
ventriculoperitoneal shunts used for the treatment of hydro-
cephalus may become colonized with microorganisms, most
commonly Staphylococcus albus (75%). Patients commonly
present with fever, arthralgia, and malaise. Anemia, hepato-
splenomegaly, and lymphadenopathy are found on examina-
tion. Renal manifestations include hematuria (microscopic or
gross), proteinuria (nephrotic syndrome in 30% of patients),
azotemia, and hypertension. Laboratory abnormalities include
presence of rheumatoid factor, cryoglobulins, elevated ESR
and C-reactive protein levels, hypocomplementemia, and
presence of circulating immune complexes.

Antibiotic therapy and prompt removal of the infected
catheter lead to remission of the glomerulonephritis.

Other Bacterial Infections and Fungal Infections

Congenital, secondary, and latent forms of syphilis may be
rarely complicated by glomerular involvement. Patients are
typically nephrotic, and proteinuria usually responds to
278 penicillin therapy. Membranous nephropathy with varying
degrees of proliferation and with granular IgG and C3 deposits
is the most common finding on biopsies. Renal involvement
including azotemia, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, renal
IV tubule defects, and hematuria is not uncommon in leprosy,
especially with the lepra reaction.
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

Rarely, presentation with rapidly progressive glomerulonephri-

tis and ESRD can occur. Mesangial proliferation, diffuse pro-
liferative glomerulonephritis, crescentic glomerulonephritis,
membranous nephropathy, MPGN, microscopic angiitis, and
amyloidosis all may be seen in kidney biopsies. Membranous
nephropathy, MPGN, crescentic glomerulonephritis, and amy-
loidosis have been associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Mycoplasma has been reported to be associated with nephrotic
syndrome and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Antibio-
tics do not seem to alter the course of the disease. Acute glomeru-
lonephritis with hypocomplementemia has been reported with
pneumococcal infections. Proliferative glomerulonephritis with
deposition of IgG and IgM, complements C1q, C3, and C4, and
pneumococcal antigens have been observed in renal biopsies. In
infections with Brucella, patients may present with hematuria
and proteinuria (usually nephrotic) and varying degrees of renal
functional impairment. There is usually improvement after antibi-
otic therapy, but histologic abnormalities, proteinuria, and hyper-
tension may persist. Mesangial proliferation, focal and segmental
proliferation, diffuse proliferation, and crescents may be found
in renal biopsies. IF may show no deposits, IgG, or occasionally
IgA deposition. Asymptomatic urinary abnormalities may be seen
in as many as 80% of patients infected with Leptospira. Patients
usually present with acute kidney injury due to tubulointerstitial
nephritis. Rarely, mesangial or diffuse proliferative glomerulone-
phritis may be seen.



Clinically overt glomerular disease is uncommon in falciparum

malaria (Plasmodium falciparum). However, severe falciparum
malaria may be manifest with hemoglobinuric acute kidney
injury. In quartan malaria (Plasmodium malariae) with renal
involvement, proteinuria is the cardinal manifestation and signifi-
cant hematuria is unusual. Serum complement may be depressed
in early stages of the disease. There is progression to end-stage
renal failure within 3 to 5 years. Spontaneous remissions may
occur but are rare. Antimalarial treatment fails to improve the
renal outcome, and response to steroids is disappointing.
Schistosomiasis 279

Schistosomiasis is a visceral parasitic disease caused by the

blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma. Schistosoma mansoni
and S. japonicum cause cirrhosis of the liver and S. hematobium CH 12
causes cystitis. Glomerular involvement in S. mansoni includes

Secondary Glomerular Disease

mesangial proliferation, focal sclerosis, membranoproliferative
lesions, crescentic changes, membranous nephropathy, amy-
loidosis, and eventually ESRD. Schistosomal antigens have been
demonstrated in renal biopsies in such patients. Treatment with
antiparasitic agents does not appear to influence progression of
renal disease. S. hematobium is occasionally associated with
the nephrotic syndrome, which may respond to treatment of
the parasite.

Leishmaniasis, also known as kala-azar, is caused by
Leishmania donovani. Renal involvement in kala-azar appears
to be mild and reverts with antileishmanial treatment. Renal
biopsies show mesangial proliferation or focal proliferation.
IgG, IgM, and C3 may be observed in areas of proliferation.
Amyloidosis may also complicate kala-azar.

Trypanosomiasis and Filariasis

Trypanosoma brucei, T. gambiense, and T. rhodesiense cause

African sleeping sickness and have rarely been associated
with proteinuria. Filariasis is caused by organisms in the
genera Onchocerca, Brugia, Loa, and Wuchereria. Hematuria
and proteinuria (including nephrotic syndrome) have
been described. Renal manifestations may appear with treat-
ment of infection. Renal biopsy findings have included
mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis with C3 deposi-
tion, diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, and collapsing



HIV-Associated Nephropathy
Clinical Features
HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) was first reported in
1984 and is characterized by a collapsing form of focal
glomerulosclerosis. There is a strong predilection for HIVAN
among black HIV-infected patients with a black-white ratio
280 of 12:1. Although intravenous drug use has been the most
common risk factor for HIVAN, the disease has been seen in
all groups at risk for AIDS. HIVAN usually occurs in patients
with a low CD4 count, but full-blown AIDS is certainly not a
IV prerequisite for the disease. The prevalence of HIVAN in
patients who test positive for HIV is reported to be
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

3.5%. The clinical features of HIVAN include proteinuria,

typically in the nephrotic range (and often massive), and renal
insufficiency. Some patients, however, present with subne-
phrotic-range proteinuria and urinary sediment findings of
microhematuria and sterile pyuria. The renal ultrasound in
HIVAN shows echogenic kidneys with preserved or enlarged
size (an average size of more than 12 cm) in spite of the severe
renal insufficiency.

HIV appears to be able to infect glomerular endothelial cells
and, to a lesser degree, mesangial cells in vitro. HIV-1 RNA
is detectable in renal tubule epithelial cells and glomerular
epithelial cells (visceral and parietal) by in situ hybridization
in human subjects. Based on animal models, it appears likely
that a viral gene product or indirect effects on host cytokine
production mediate glomerular injury.

Course and Treatment

The natural history of HIVAN during the early part of the
AIDS epidemic was characterized by rapid progression to
ESRD. However, early institution of zidovudine antiviral ther-
apy in HIVAN is associated with an improvement in outcome.
The role of combined antiviral therapies and the use of newer
agents in the treatment of HIVAN have been investigated in
small numbers of patients with apparent beneficial effect.
Indeed, the incidence of HIVAN-related ESRD has decreased
substantially with the introduction of highly active antiretro-
viral therapy. At present, the therapy of HIVAN should
include use of multiple antiviral agents as in HIV-infected
patients without nephropathy. Use of ACE inhibitors or angio-
tensin II receptor blockers is likely to be beneficial and should
be considered in all patients.


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B antigenemia is associated with membranous

nephropathy, MPGN, and PAN. In countries where the virus
is endemic (sub-Sahara Africa, Southeast Asia, and Eastern
Europe), hepatitis B–associated nephropathy occurs in these 281
children with a 4:1 male preponderance. In the industrialized
world, where hepatitis B is acquired by parenteral routes or
sexually, the nephropathy affects mainly adults and has a dif-
ferent clinical course from the endemic form. CH 12

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Clinical Features
Most patients present with proteinuria or the nephrotic syn-
drome and have normal renal function at time of presentation.
There may be urinary erythrocytes, but the majority have a
bland sediment. Liver disease may be absent (carrier state) or
chronic, and clinically mild. Serum aminotransferases may
be normal or modestly elevated. Liver biopsies in these
patients often show chronic active hepatitis. Some patients
ultimately develop cirrhosis in their biopsies. There is often
spontaneous resolution of the carrier state with resolution of
renal abnormalities.

In children with a mild endemic form of hepatitis B–
associated nephropathy, no treatment other than supportive
care is advocated and spontaneous recovery is common. In
patients with progressive renal dysfunction, interferon alfa
has been used with mixed results. Steroids do not signifi-
cantly improve proteinuria and may potentially enhance viral
replication. Nucleoside analogs including lamivudine (3TC),
adefovir, and lobucavir have also demonstrated clinical utility
in treating hepatitis B infection; their role in treating the
nephropathy remains to be established. Preemptive lamivu-
dine therapy in renal transplant recipients has shown
improved survival compared to historical control subjects.

Hepatitis C
Renal disease associated with HCV infection includes MPGN,
with or without associated mixed cryoglobulinemia, and mem-
branous glomerulopathy (see Chapter 11, Primary Glomerular
Disease, and previous discussion in this chapter). The MPGN
is most often type I, with fewer cases of type III. Rare cases of dif-
fuse proliferative and exudative glomerulonephritis, polyarter-
itis, and fibrillary and immunotactoid glomerulopathy have
also been described in association with HCV. Most patients
have evidence of liver disease as reflected by elevated plasma
transaminase levels. However, transaminase levels are normal
in some cases, and a history of acute hepatitis is often absent.

The pathogenesis of HCV-related nephropathies is immune
complex–mediated. HCV-specific proteins have been isolated
282 from glomerular lesions. The disappearance of viremia in
response to interferon (see later) is associated with a diminu-
tion of proteinuria; a relapse of viremia is accompanied by
rising proteinuria.
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

A number of reports demonstrate a beneficial response to

interferon alfa therapy in patients with HCV-induced renal
disease. Vasculitic symptoms, viral titers, proteinuria, and,
in some studies, plasma creatinine level improve in 50% to
60% of patients receiving interferon alfa for periods up to a year.
Cessation of interferon therapy, however, is associated with
recurrence of viremia and cryoglobulinemia in a majority of
patients in these studies. Interferon therapy may paradoxically
exacerbate proteinuria and hematuria that appears to be unre-
lated to viral antigenic effects. Combination therapy with ribavi-
rin and interferon may offer benefits over interferon alfa alone.
However, it may not be well tolerated in the presence of signifi-
cant renal dysfunction. Interferon alfa treatment of renal trans-
plant patients with HCV has been associated with acute kidney
injury and acute humoral rejection. Cyclophosphamide treat-
ment has been used successfully in HCV glomerulonephritis,
even if interferon alfa resistant. Cyclophosphamide treatment
may be associated with a temporary, reversible increase in viral

Cirrhotic glomerulonephritis is usually a clinically silent
disease; however, the diagnosis can be suspected by finding
proteinuria or abnormalities of the urine sediment. Glomeru-
lar morphologic abnormalities with IgA deposition have been
noted in more than 50% of patients with cirrhosis at both nec-
ropsy and biopsy, although this has also been found in some
autopsies of noncirrhotic kidneys. Clinically, there may be
mild proteinuria or hematuria, or both. Rarely, HSP with rap-
idly progressive glomerulonephritis has been described in
association with cirrhosis.


The occurrence of glomerular syndromes, both nephrotic and
nephritic, may be associated with malignancy, but this is rare
(<1%). Glomerular disease may be seen with a wide variety of
malignancies. Carcinomas of the lung, stomach, breast, and 283
colon are most frequently associated with glomerular lesions.
Membranous nephropathy is the most common lesion asso-
ciated with carcinoma. Patients older than 50 years of age pre-
senting with nephrotic syndrome should be reviewed for the CH 12
presence of a malignancy.

Secondary Glomerular Disease

Clinical and Pathologic Features
Clinically, the glomerulopathy of neoplasia may be mani-
fested by proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome, an active urine
sediment, and diminished glomerular filtration. Significant
renal impairment is uncommon and is usually associated
with the proliferative forms of glomerulonephritis. In evalu-
ating an ESR in patients with nephrotic syndrome, it should
be noted that most such patients have an ESR higher than
60 mm/hour, with roughly 20% being above 100 mm/hour.
As a result, an elevated ESR alone in a patient with the
nephrotic syndrome (or with ESRD) is not an indication to
evaluate the patient for an occult malignancy or underlying
inflammatory disease.

Membranous Nephropathy
Lesions of membranous nephropathy may be associated with
malignancies in 10% to 40% of cases. These include carci-
noma of bronchus, breast, colon, stomach, and Hodgkin dis-
ease, among others. In some instances, successful treatment
of the neoplasm has induced a partial or complete remission
of the associated glomerulopathy.

Minimal-Change Disease or Focal

Minimal-change disease or focal glomerulosclerosis may
occur in association with Hodgkin disease and less often with
other lymphoproliferative disorders or solid tumors.

Proliferative Glomerulonephritides and Vasculitides

Both MPGN and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis have
been described in patients with solid tumors and lymphomas,
although the etiologic relationship between these conditions
is not proved. The association is probably strongest for MPGN
and chronic lymphocytic leukemia and may be associated
with circulating cryoglobulins.
284 Thrombotic Microangiopathy
HUS-TTP can occur in patients with malignancy. An underly-
ing carcinoma of the stomach, pancreas, or prostate may be
associated with HUS. More commonly, however, antitumor
IV therapy is implicated: mitomycin, the combination of bleomy-
cin and cisplatin, and radiation plus high-dose cyclophospha-
Pathogonesis of Renal Disease

mide before bone marrow transplantation all can lead to HUS,

which may first become apparent months after therapy has
been discontinued.
Chapter 13

Microvascular Diseases
of the Kidney
Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) represents a group of disor-
ders with common pathologic features including alteration in the
microvasculature with detachment and swelling of the endothe-
lium, deposition of amorphous material in the subendothelial
space, and luminal platelet aggregation leading to microthrom-
bosis. Laboratory features include thrombocytopenia, hemolytic
anemia, and schistocytes. Among TMAs, hemolytic uremic syn-
drome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
are the most prominent diseases. Given the overlap in clinical
manifestations, the two syndromes were considered as a contin-
uum of a single disease entity. Newly identified pathophysio-
logic mechanisms, however, have allowed differentiation of the
two syndromes on a molecular basis.

Clinical Features

The diagnosis of HUS/TTP should be considered in the pres-

ence of the following clinical findings:
• Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
• Thrombocytopenic purpura
• Acute kidney injury (AKI)
• Fever
• Neurologic symptoms
TTP is usually a sporadic disease, with an incidence of
approximately 1 case per 1 million per annum. It is more com-
mon in women (female/male ratio, 3:2 to 5:2), and although
the peak incidence is in the third and fourth decades of life,
TTP can affect any age group. It is often accompanied by
nonspecific constitutional symptoms, such as malaise, nausea,
and vomiting. Neurologic symptoms are common at presenta-
tion (>85%) and include headache, altered mental status, pare-
sis, aphasia, dysphasia, paresthesias, visual problems, seizures,
and coma. Fever is almost universal. Renal involvement in TTP
286 (>80%) is usually mild. In HUS, hemolytic anemia and renal
involvement are uniformly present. AKI is detected in 50% to
90% of patients and neurologic symptoms occur less commonly
than in TTP. In children, HUS is commonly associated with
IV infection of shiga-toxin–producing Escherichia coli. Non-
shiga-toxin–associated HUS accounts for 5% to 10% of all
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

cases. It can be familial or sporadic and has a poor outcome.

Neurologic symptoms and fever can occur in 30%. Pulmonary,
cardiac, and gastrointestinal manifestations can also occur.

Laboratory Findings
The hallmark laboratory finding, essential for the diagnosis of
HUS/TTP, is a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. The labo-
ratory findings include the following:
• Schistocytes on the peripheral smear (burr cells, helmet
cells, and other fragments)
• Anemia (hemoglobin levels < 6.5 mg/dL in 40%)
• Reticulocytosis
• Elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)/low haptoglobin level
• Negative Coombs test
• Thrombocytopenia (cell count usually < 60,000/mm3)
Moderate leukocytosis may accompany the hemolytic ane-
mia, but white blood cell counts rarely exceed 20,000/mm3.
In contrast to disseminated intravascular coagulation, the pro-
thrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), fibri-
nogen level, and coagulation factors are normal.

Renal Involvement

Evidence of renal involvement is present in the majority of

patients with HUS/TTP. Microscopic hematuria and subne-
phrotic proteinuria are the most consistent findings. Male sex,
hypertension, prolonged anuria, and hemoglobin levels greater
than 10 g/L at onset are associated with a higher risk of renal
sequelae in children. More than 90% of patients with HUS have
significant renal failure at presentation, one third of whom are
anuric. Dialysis is required in a large percentage of these patients.
The mean duration of renal failure is 2 weeks. Severe AKI or
anuria occurs in fewer than 10% of cases of classic TTP.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Diarrhea-associated HUS (DþHUS) is associated with infection
by shiga-toxin–producing E. coli serotype O157:H7 and has an
excellent prognosis. Transmission can occur through contami- 287
nated foodstuffs or through municipal water, airborne trans-
mission, and person-to-person contact. Hemolytic uremic
syndrome can also follow non-shiga-toxin–producing E. coli
(STEC) O15:H7 infections, and such infections are almost cer- CH 13
tainly undetected. Diarrhea starts 2 to 12 days after ingestion

Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney

of the vehicle; it is bloody in 90% of cases. Most patients, how-
ever, are afebrile. Abdominal pain is severe. Thrombocytopenia
is the first abnormality in all patients and hemolysis usually
precedes azotemia.
Non–diarrhea-associated HUS (D-HUS) typically affects
adults, but can occur at any age, in sporadic or familial forms. It
is noninfective and is usually precipitated by drugs or pregnancy.
Several studies have demonstrated genetic predisposition in
atypical HUS, involving two regulatory proteins of the comple-
ment alternative pathway: factor H (FH) and membrane cofactor
protein (MCP or CD46). In a small number of children with recur-
rent atypical HUS, anti-FH antibodies have been described,
suggesting an autoimmune-mediated acquired FH deficiency.

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

and ADAMTS13
ADAMTS13 is a protease that cleaves von Willebrand factor
(vWF) inhibiting inappropriate vWF-platelet interaction. This
is a critical step in preventing inappropriate hemostasis under
the high shear stress conditions in the capillaries and arterioles.
Severe deficiency of ADAMTS13 has been described in patients
with TTP. In patients with sporadic TTP the deficiency appears
to be autoimmune. IgG molecules isolated from patients with
TTP suppress ADAMTS13 activity in normal plasma.
Drug-induced HUS/TTP is well recognized. HUS/TTP has
also been reported after chemotherapy with many chemothera-
peutic agents (Table 13-1). Thrombotic microangiopathy, unre-
lated to chemotherapy, has been described in conjunction with
vascular tumors, acute promyelocytic leukemia, and prostatic,
gastric, and pancreatic carcinomas. Ticlopidine, an antiplatelet
agent, was associated with the development of TTP with an esti-
mated incidence of 1 case per 1600 to 9000 patients treated.
A reversible calcineurin inhibitor–induced TMA has been
observed in bone marrow and solid organ transplant recipients.
Postpartum HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes, and low platelet count) is discussed in Chapter 24.
Other drugs and disease processes less commonly associated
with HUS/TTP are listed in Table 13-1.
Many of the infectious agents and drugs implicated in the
etiology of HUS/TTP are toxic to the vascular endothelium.
The shiga-like toxins, which include the verocytotoxins pro-
duced by E. coli O157:H7, directly damage human vascular
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome/Thrombotic
Table 13-1 Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Causes
and Associations
IV Infectious Agents
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Escherichia coli O157:H7 (verotoxin-producing)

Shigella dysenteriae type
Salmonella typhi
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Campylobacter jejuni
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Pseudomonas species
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Togavirus (rubella)
Influenza virus
Epstein-Barr virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Cyclosporine and FK-506
Mitomycin C
Cytosine arabinoside
Other agents
Oral contraceptives
Prepartum or postpartum
Other Causes/Associations
Malignant neoplasm
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Polyarteritis nodosa
Primary glomerulopathies
endothelial cells, enable leukocyte-dependent inflammation, 289
and promote loss of thromboresistance properties leading to
microvascular thrombosis. Recent genetic studies have shown
that mutations in factor H, membrane cofactor proteins, and
factor I regulatory proteins of the alternative complement path- CH 13
way predispose to non-shiga-toxin–associated HUS. FH nor-

Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney

mally deposits at the surface of human glomerular endothelial
cells, protecting them against complement attack. Mutations
in FH can lead to qualitative or quantitative deficiencies. Mem-
brane cofactor protein regulates glomerular C3 activation. In the
presence of stimuli that activate the complement system,
reduced levels of MCP may lead to microvascular damage.

Local Thrombosis and Fibrin Deposition

Reduced fibrinolytic capacity of the vessel wall has been
proposed in the pathophysiology of TTP. Under normal
circumstances, secreted vWF multimers undergo proteolytic
cleavage by ADAMTS13, preventing intravascular thrombosis.
In the absence of ADAMTS13, uncleaved vWF multimers
cause the formation of platelet thrombi in the arterioles and
capillaries with microvascular injury. Retrospective studies
have demonstrated that the majority of patients with acute
sporadic TTP had severe deficiency of ADAMTS13 due to
the presence of IgG antibodies that disappeared in most of
the patients during remission.

Prognosis and Treatment

If HUS/TTP is left untreated, the mortality rate approaches
90%. With the use of plasma exchange or plasma infusion ther-
apy, 60% to 90% of the patients survive the acute episodes. In
HUS the mortality rate is less than 10% among young patients
with shiga-toxin–associated HUS, but it approaches 90%
among the elderly.
Several prognostic factors have been postulated to predict
the outcome for patients with HUS. Younger children who
present during the summer with the “typical” diarrheal pro-
drome have a better prognosis than older children with HUS
that occurs in the colder months of the year and is not her-
alded by diarrhea.

Management of Shiga-Toxin–Associated Hemolytic

Uremic Syndrome and Thrombotic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Strict attention to volume assessment and judicious fluid
administration is essential to maintain renal perfusion while
avoiding fluid overload. Antibiotics should not be adminis-
tered to patients with possible shiga-toxin–producing E. coli
290 infection because their use in this setting is associated with a
higher rate of HUS. Blood transfusion to correct the anemia
should be given during dialysis. Platelet transfusion exacer-
bates thrombosis and is discouraged.
IV Plasma exchange is the treatment of choice for both children
and adults with HUS/TTP. Response rates vary between 60%
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

and 80%. As compared to plasma infusion alone, plasmaphere-

sis has the advantage of removing inhibitory autoantibodies
against vWF protease and supplying larger amounts of the prote-
ase enzyme. Typically, plasma exchange is performed once a day
and replaces one plasma volume (40 mL/kg). Plasma exchange
should be performed daily until remission is achieved, remission
being normalization of platelet count, or resolution of neurologic
symptoms, or both. Hemoglobin level, percent schistocytosis,
reticulocyte count, and renal indices do not appear to be determi-
nants of initial response to therapy, because they may be abnor-
mal for an undefined period after remission. Continuation of
plasma exchange for several sessions after remission has been
achieved has been advocated to prevent relapses. TTP relapses
occur between 1 and 140 months (median, 20 months) after the
initial episode in as many as 40% of the patients.
Patients with non-shiga-toxin–associated HUS may respond
to plasma treatment. Plasma exchange may be better than
plasma infusion for removal of toxic substances and increas-
ing platelet counts.
Corticosteroids have been used in addition to plasma ther-
apy for management of TTP. In view of recent data concerning
autoantibody-induced ADAMTS13 deficiency, a pathophysio-
logic basis seems to explain therapeutic strategies: plasma
exchange may remove antibodies, fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
replaces lacking proteases, and corticosteroids suppress
immunity. Of note, cancer- and chemotherapy-induced HUS/
TTP carries a poor prognosis despite treatment.

Management of Renal Failure in Hemolytic Uremic

Syndrome and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic
Severe renal insufficiency resulting from HUS/TTP often
requires dialysis. Renal transplantation has also been per-
formed. Kidney transplantation is safe and effective for DþHUS
patients who have progressed to end-stage renal disease
(ESRD), with recurrence rates of 0% to 10%.
In D-HUS, 1-year graft survival rate is less than 30% with
50% recurrence in the grafted organ. For patients with factor
H mutation, recurrence rate is between 30% and 100%;
because FH is synthesized in the liver, concomitant liver and
kidney transplantation should be performed to correct the

Clinical Features
Systemic sclerosis is a rare disease affecting predominantly CH 13
women between the ages of 30 and 50 years. The overall annual

Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney

incidence is unclear and estimates range from 2 to 20 cases per
million. Involvement of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is the
predominant feature of systemic sclerosis. In the diffuse cutane-
ous form of the disease, thickening of the skin is observed on the
face, trunk, and distal and proximal extremities. This phase is
followed by sclerosis, which leads to a taut, shiny appearance
of the skin and tapering of the fingertips (sclerodactyly). Other
extrarenal manifestations include the following:
• Raynaud phenomenon (>90%)
• Telangiectasias on the skin of the face and upper torso
• Arthralgias or arthritis in most patients
• Myopathy of the shoulder and pelvic girdle (20%)
• Esophageal hypomotility or diminished tone of the lower
esophageal sphincter (75%)
• Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis (45%)
• Pericarditis (20%)
• Myocardial fibrosis leading to arrhythmia (40%)

Laboratory Findings
About 70% of the patients with systemic sclerosis have a pos-
itive antinuclear antibody titer (ANA  1:16), typically in a
speckled or nucleolar pattern. Antibodies to DNA topoisomer-
ase I (anti-Scl-70) are more specific, but they are found in only
30% of patients with diffuse cutaneous involvement and in
only 15% of those with the limited form. Anticentromere anti-
bodies are present in half of the patients, most of whom have
limited systemic sclerosis. Approximately 30% of the patients
have positive tests for rheumatoid factor. Antibodies to dou-
ble-stranded DNA are rarely noted.

Renal Involvement
Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis (80%) manifests as
a slowly progressing chronic renal disease or as scleroderma
renal crisis (SRC), which is characterized by malignant hyper-
tension and acute azotemia. Clinical indicators of chronic
renal involvement in systemic sclerosis include proteinuria,
hypertension, and decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Renal manifestations rarely antedate the other features of sys-
temic sclerosis.
292 Scleroderma renal crisis is defined by the sudden onset of
accelerated or malignant arterial hypertension, followed by
rapidly progressive oliguric renal failure. Ten percent of
patients with scleroderma, in general, and 25% of those with
IV diffuse scleroderma develop SRC typically within the first 4
years of the disease. Patients with the diffuse cutaneous form
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

are at much higher risk for development of SRC than are those
with limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis, and black patients
are also at higher risk compared with white patients.
The symptomatology is predominantly that of accelerated/
malignant hypertension. Oliguria and a rapidly rising serum
creatinine concentration follow shortly thereafter. The urinal-
ysis reveals proteinuria, microscopic hematuria, and granular
casts. Plasma renin activity is markedly elevated during SRC.
SRC progresses rapidly to severe renal failure that requires
dialysis. Other clinical manifestations of SRC include micro-
angiopathic hemolytic anemia with thrombocytopenia.

The pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis is poorly understood.
Postulated mechanisms include abnormal vasomotor control,
enhanced collagen production, immune-mediated injury, and
primary endothelial abnormalities. Although several antinu-
clear autoantibodies have been detected in patients with
systemic sclerosis, it is unclear whether these immunologic
changes constitute primary events in systemic sclerosis or
are epiphenomena.

Management of Renal Complications

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition has revolu-
tionized the management of SRC. One-year patient survival
rates have improved from less than 20% to over 70% with
the advent of ACE inhibition. Close monitoring of renal func-
tion is required and an additional antihypertensive agent may
be required to effect adequate hypertensive control. Blood
pressure should be lowered gradually (10–20 mm Hg/day) to
avoid renal hypoperfusion and acute tubular necrosis. Diure-
tics are best avoided because of their ability to stimulate renin
release. Disappointing outcomes with the use of angiotensin
receptor blockers (ARBs) have been noted. Both peritoneal
dialysis and hemodialysis have been employed in the manage-
ment of ESRD in systemic sclerosis. Occasionally, recovery of
renal function is observed even after prolonged renal replace-
ment therapy. Evidence exists suggesting that aggressive use
of ACE inhibitors improves the chances of a spontaneous 293
recovery of renal function. Renal transplantation for SRC-
induced ESRD has been successfully performed, although
graft survival rates may be lower than normal. Recurrence of
systemic sclerosis in the transplanted kidney has been CH 13

Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney

Atheroembolic renal disease results from embolization of cho-
lesterol crystals from atherosclerotic plaques present in large
arteries, such as the aorta, to small arteries in the renal vascu-
lature. Patients with cholesterol embolization syndrome often
have a history of ischemic macrovascular disease, congestive
heart failure, or renal insufficiency. Precipitating factors
include vascular surgery, arteriography, angioplasty, anticoa-
gulation, and thrombolytic therapy. An estimated 15% of
patients with atheroembolism do not have any of the known
risk factors.

Clinical Features
The mode of onset of clinical manifestations varies greatly. It
may be sudden, developing in a few days after a precipitating
factor, or insidious, over weeks or months. Clinical manifesta-
tions include the following:
• Livedo reticularis, “purple” toes or toe gangrene (40–50%)
• Fever, myalgias, headaches, and weight loss (<50%)
• Abdominal pain (intestinal embolization)
• Transient cerebral ischemia
• Renal failure (50%)
A high degree of suspicion is required to diagnose atheroem-
bolic renal disease. The differential diagnosis includes sys-
temic vasculitis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, polymyositis,
myoglobinuric renal failure, drug-induced interstitial nephritis,
and renal artery thrombosis or thromboembolism. The time
course of decline in renal function may aid in the diagnosis
of atheroembolic renal disease. Renal failure due to proce-
dure-induced atheroembolic renal disease is characterized by
a decline in renal function over 3 to 8 weeks. Radiocontrast-
induced nephropathy, conversely, usually manifests earlier
and often resolves within 2 to 3 weeks after appropriate inter-
vention. Histologic demonstration of cholesterol crystals in
small arteries and arterioles of target organs is the most defini-
tive method of diagnosing atheroembolic renal disease.
294 Laboratory Features

Renal involvement in the cholesterol crystal embolization syn-

drome is manifested by the following:
IV • Increased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

• FENaþ greater than 1%

• Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), leukocyto-
sis, and anemia
• Transient eosinophilia (60–80%)
• Eosinophiluria (30%)
• Hypocomplementemia (40%)
• Cholesterol clefts on histologic evaluation of the renal


Atheroembolic renal disease is associated with mortality rates

of 20% to 30% within 1 year. The most significant morbidity
associated with atheroembolic renal disease is severe renal
insufficiency that requires dialysis. This occurs in approxi-
mately 40% of patients, only half of whom recover sufficient
renal function to recover dialysis independence. Mortality rate
is significantly higher in patients who progress to ESRD (>50%).

No effective therapy for atheroembolic renal disease has been
reported. Anticoagulants should be avoided because of the
risk of precipitating more atheroembolization. In fact, with-
drawal of anticoagulation may be beneficial. Despite the high
mortality rate and the absence of effective therapy, kidney
function improves in a minority of patients even after pro-
longed periods of renal insufficiency. An aggressive therapeu-
tic approach with patient-tailored supportive measures,
including statin therapy, withdrawal of anticoagulants, post-
ponement of aortic procedures, control of hypertension and
heart failure, dialysis therapy, and adequate nutritional sup-
port, may be associated with favorable clinical outcomes.


Clinical Manifestations
Sickle cell anemia, and occasionally the heterozygous forms of
sickle cell disease, can lead to multiple renal abnormalities,
which include tubular, medullary, and glomerular dysfunc- 295
tion or a combination of these. Clinical manifestations include
the following:
• Microscopic and gross hematuria (>50%)
• Renal papillary necrosis (15–36%) CH 13
• Proteinuria (26–40%)

Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney

• Nephrotic syndrome (3%)
• Polyuria
• Progressive renal failure (5%)
The onset of proteinuric progressive renal failure usually
occurs after age 30. Progression to ESRD occurs within 2 years
in 50% of these patients, and survival time is approximately
4 years, even with dialysis therapy. Acute or chronic deterio-
ration in renal function may reflect concomitant infection,
rhabdomyolysis, or, less commonly, renal vein thrombosis or
intravascular hemolysis. Sickling in the medullary microcir-
culation causes chronic medullary ischemia, which manifests
as an inability to maximally concentrate the urine and in an
incomplete form of distal renal tubule acidosis. A highly
aggressive form of renal cell carcinoma has been described
in some patients with sickle cell disease.

Hb-SS polymer formation is promoted by higher degrees of
deoxygenation, increased intracellular hemoglobin concentra-
tion, and the absence of hemoglobin F. The pathogenesis of
medullary renal lesions in sickle cell disease is attributed
largely to microvascular occlusion. Erythrocytes passing
through the vessels of the inner renal medulla and the renal
papillae are vulnerable to sickling because of relative hypoxia
and the high osmolality of the blood, which leads to cell
shrinkage and increased hemoglobin concentration. The path-
ogenesis of sickle cell glomerulopathy is generally attributed
to secondary hyperfiltration.

The management of patients with sickle cell disease is targeted
at limiting sickle cell crises and end-organ damage. Factors that
trigger sickling, such as infection and dehydration, should be
treated aggressively. Exposure to hypoxia, cold, or medications
that may induce sickle cell crisis should be avoided. Treatment
options include transfusion therapy and, more recently, bone
marrow transplantation. Hydroxyurea increases the hemoglobin
F concentration, which results in over 40% reduction in the
median annual rate of pain crises. However, it is not known
296 whether a reduction in the frequency of sickle cell crises trans-
lates to a lower incidence of renal disease. ACE inhibitors
should be used in the presence of proteinuric renal insufficiency
to retard disease progression. Patients with sickle cell disease
IV who reach ESRD have a 60% survival rate at 2 years after the
administration of renal replacement therapy. Dialysis is the
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

most common form of renal replacement therapy employed.

Kidney transplantation has been performed in small numbers
of patients. One-year survival rates are broadly comparable with
other causes of ESRD but there is a trend toward a lower allograft
survival thereafter. Nevertheless, patient survival appears better
with renal transplantation compared with maintenance
Chapter 14

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
Tubulointerstitial disease is common to all chronic progres-
sive renal diseases, irrespective of the initial trigger or site of
injury. Progressive inflammation or injury to the tubulointer-
stitial region typically destroys extensive amounts of kidney
tissue and, as a result, usually produces irreversible chronic
kidney disease (CKD). Interstitial inflammation can begin
either from within the interstitial compartment or as a second-
ary event following glomerular or vascular injury and, if left
unchecked, can evolve into irreversible tubulointerstitial
fibrosis. Although some forms of injury to the tubulointersti-
tial compartment are the result of toxic insult or exposure to
infection and drugs, much of the inflammatory process is
immunologically mediated. Many studies have pointed to
the degree of tubulointerstitial fibrosis as an accurate prognos-
tic marker of severe interstitial disease in a variety of glomer-
ular diseases.


Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) presents clinically with an

abrupt deterioration in renal function and is characterized
histopathologically by inflammation and edema of the renal
interstitium. AIN is an important cause of acute kidney injury
due to drug hypersensitivity reactions. AIN has been reported
to occur in approximately 5% to 15% of renal biopsies in
patients with acute kidney injury.


The most frequent causes of AIN can be found in three general

categories: drug-induced, infection-associated, and cases asso-
ciated with autoimmune idiopathic lesions (Table 14-1).

Drugs are frequently recognized as etiologic factors in AIN
because of the increased use of renal biopsy and the character-
istic clinical presentation. Approximately a third of cases of
drug-related AIN are due to antibiotics. Tubulointerstitial dis-
ease is more commonly seen with b-lactam antibiotics (includ-
ing cephalosporins), but other antibiotics (sulfonamides,
Acute Interstitial Nephritis: Causative
Table 14-1
IV Antibiotics Cephalosporins, ciprofloxacin, ethambutol,
isoniazid, macrolides, penicillins, rifampin,
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

sulfonamides, tetracycline, vancomycin

NSAIDs Almost all agents
Diuretics Furosemide, thiazides, triamterene
Miscellaneous Acyclovir, allopurinol, amlodipine,
azathioprine, captopril, carbamazepine,
clofibrate, cocaine, creatine, diltiazem,
famotidine, indinavir, mesalazine, omeprazole,
phenteramine, phenytoin, pranlukast,
propylthiouracil, quinine, ranitidine
Infectious Agents
Bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Legionella,
staphylococci, streptococci, Yersinia, Brucella,
Escherichia coli, Campylobacter
Viruses Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus,
hantaviruses, hepatitis C virus, herpes simplex
virus, human immunodeficiency virus, mumps
virus, polyomavirus
Other agents Leptospira, Mycobacterium, Mycoplasma,
Rickettsia, Treponema pallidum (syphilis),
Toxoplasma, Chlamydia
Immune Anti-tubule basement membrane disease,
tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU)

rifampin, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin) have also been

involved. b-Lactams cause interstitial nephritis because they
behave like haptens, which may bind to serum or cellular pro-
teins to be subsequently processed and presented by MHC
molecules as hapten-modified peptides.
Approximately 1% to 5% of patients exposed to NSAIDs
develop diverse nephrotoxic syndromes warranting potential
physician intervention. Whereas, on the surface, this rela-
tively low prevalence is not alarming, the extensive use pro-
file of these analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic
agents implies that an enormous number of patients are at risk
for consequential kidney dysfunction. The combination of
AIN with moderate or heavy proteinuria and nearly normal
glomeruli showing extensive epithelial foot process spread-
ing—minimal change glomerulopathy—is seen in fewer than
0.2 per 1000 subjects who take NSAIDs other than aspirin. The 299
onset of proteinuria combined with interstitial nephritis may
manifest after several days or months of NSAID exposure
(range, 2 weeks to 18 months) and is commonly observed with
fenprofen therapy. CH 14

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
AIN is associated with primary renal infections such as
acute bacterial pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, and fungal
nephritis. Systemic infections can cause direct injury
because of pathologic processes in the kidney or can be asso-
ciated with indirect injury caused by medications used in
the treatment of infections. For example, human immunode-
ficiency virus (HIV) can be responsible for AIN caused
by opportunistic infections or by using drugs such as indin-
avir, sulfonamide antibiotics, and others. Sometimes,
depressed cell-mediated immunity may protect the patients
from developing AIN.

Idiopathic Acute Interstitial Nephritis

Immunologic diseases such as Behçet disease, Sjögren syn-
drome, sarcoidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or the vas-
culitides may cause severe renal interstitial involvement.
However, acute kidney injury due to idiopathic AIN is quite
Anti–tubular basement membrane (TBM) nephritis is occa-
sionally manifested in association with membranous nephrop-
athy. The clinical characteristics of this combination include a
predominance of males, onset in early childhood, microscopic
hematuria, and nephrotic-range proteinuria. Affected patients
show tubular dysfunction, circulating anti-TBM antibodies,
and progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Circulating
anti-TBM antibodies from these patients react exclusively
with the proximal TBM, not with GBM.
Idiopathic tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) associated with
bilateral uveitis, termed TINU syndrome, describes a syndrome
characterized by anterior uveitis, bone marrow granulomas,
hypergammaglobulinemia, increased erythrocyte sedimenta-
tion rate, and acute kidney injury with renal histologic features
of AIN due to numerous interstitial inflammatory cells, consist-
ing mainly of eosinophils. TINU syndrome among adults
occurs predominantly in females (3:1). The anterior uveitis
may precede, concur with, or follow the nephropathy. These
patients generally suffer from weight loss and anemia and have
a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Prolonged steroid ther-
apy usually leads to improvement in both renal function and
uveitis, although the latter may relapse.
300 Pathology

The hallmark of AIN is the infiltration of inflammatory cells

within the renal interstitium, with associated edema, usually
IV sparing the glomeruli and blood vessels. In acute allergic inter-
stitial nephritis, the predominant pathology is interstitial,
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

is cortical rather than medullary, and comprises edema and

inflammatory infiltrate. The most numerous cells are lympho-
cytes. However, eosinophils are often present. The inflammatory
reaction may be concentrated around, or even be seen to be
invading, tubular epithelium (so-called tubulitis). Granulomas
may occur in the interstitium, but vasculitis is uncommon.
Immunofluorescence microscopy may show, with diminishing
frequency, no complement or immunoglobulin; immune com-
plexes sometimes with complement along the TBM; or linear
IgG and complement on the TBM. In AIN with minimal change
glomerulopathy induced by NSAIDs, the interstitial inflamma-
tory exudate resembles that of acute allergic interstitial nephritis
except that eosinophils are uncommon.

Clinical Features

AIN should be considered in any patient with a rising serum

creatinine but little or no evidence of glomerular or arterial dis-
ease, no prerenal factors, and no dilatation of the urinary col-
lecting system on ultrasonography. The typical presentation of
AIN is that of acute kidney injury, most commonly in an asymp-
tomatic patient who has experienced an intervening illness, or
who was commenced on a new medication. Occasionally, the
nephritis is severe enough to require renal replacement therapy.
The classic signs of drug-associated AIN include the following:
• Fever (75%)
• Skin rash (50%)
• Eosinophilia (80%)
The entire triad, however, is observed in fewer than one
third of patients. IgE levels are occasionally increased. Other
symptoms include lumbar pain due to distention of the renal
capsule from diffuse swelling of the kidney. The onset of
drug-induced nephritis ranges from days to weeks following
initiation of therapy. The onset of renal failure can be precipi-
tous (days), especially in those patients re-exposed to a nephro-
pathic agent; conversely, it can be protracted, with a steadily
declining glomerular filtration rate over months. A previous
allergic history is only rarely obtained.
Dipstick evaluation typically reveals mild to moderate protein-
uria and hematuria in the majority of cases. Gross hematuria is
uncommon. The sediment typically shows red and white blood
cells. The diagnostic value of urine eosinophils remains unclear. 301
The positive and negative predictive values for urinary eosino-
philuria have been reported as 38% and 74%, respectively.
The magnitude of proteinuria in acute tubulointerstitial
disease is usually modest and nearly always less than CH 14
3 g/24 hours. Nephrotic-range proteinuria is not usually seen

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
in acute interstitial nephritis unless there is a coexisting glo-
merular lesion after exposure to NSAIDs. The fractional
excretion of Naþ is usually greater than 1. Affected patients
are often oliguric, but nonoliguric renal failure also occurs.
Oliguria may be related to interstitial inflammation severe
enough to cause tubular obstruction and impede urine flow.
The kidney in AIN is usually normal or slightly increased
in size by ultrasonographic criteria. Many features of the
patient’s history, presentation, urinalysis, and laboratory
evaluation may suggest the diagnosis of AIN. Unfortunately,
none of these findings are pathognomonic, and ultimately
the diagnosis can be established with certainty only by renal
biopsy. Renal biopsy is the “gold standard” for diagnosis of
AIN; it is not, however, required in those patients for whom
a probable precipitating drug can be easily withdrawn, or
who improve readily after withdrawal of a potentially offend-
ing drug. Supportive management can proceed safely with-
out renal biopsy. Patients who do not improve after
withdrawal of likely precipitating medications, who have
no contraindications to renal biopsy and do not refuse the
procedure, and who are being considered for steroid therapy
are good candidates for renal biopsy.

Course and Treatment

Most patients with AIN, in whom offending medications are
withdrawn early, can be expected to recover normal or near-
normal renal function within a few weeks. Patients who dis-
continue offending medications within 2 weeks of the onset
of AIN (measured by increased serum creatinine) are more
likely to recover nearly baseline renal function. However, as
many as a quarter of patients are left with residual CKD and
10% to 15% with ESRD.
Withdrawal of medications that are likely to cause AIN is
the most significant step in early management of suspected
or biopsy-proven AIN. If multiple potentially precipitating
medications are being used by the patient, it is reasonable to
substitute other medications for as many of these as possible
and to withdraw the most likely etiologic agent among medi-
cations that cannot be substituted. The majority of patients
with AIN improve spontaneously after the withdrawal of med-
ications that resulted in renal failure. The role of steroids in
302 the treatment in AIN remains to be defined. Small case
reports and studies have demonstrated rapid diuresis, clini-
cal improvement, and return of normal renal function within
72 hours after starting steroid treatment. The decision to use
IV steroids should be guided by the clinical course following
withdrawal of offending medications. Steroid therapy is
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

indicated in the TINU syndrome. Both the ocular and the

renal changes of these patients respond dramatically to a
brief course of steroid therapy. The merits of immunosup-
pressive agents, specifically cyclophosphamide or cyclospor-
ine, are questionable. They should be considered in those
cases in which the biopsy reveals immune complex deposits
and in those with evidence of circulating anti-TBM anti-
bodies or complement consumption. Considerations should be
also given to patients who fail to respond to a 2-week course
of steroid therapy.


Patients with chronic interstitial disease present either
because of systemic symptoms of a primary disease or
because of nonspecific symptoms of renal failure. Typical
laboratory findings include modest proteinuria, microscopic
hematuria and pyuria, glycosuria, and positive urine cultures
in up to 30% of patients. Acidifying and concentrating
defects are common. Some causes of chronic interstitial dis-
ease display characteristic patterns of tubular dysfunction
(proximal or distal renal tubular acidosis) or marked early
concentrating defects (primary medullary dysfunction). Ane-
mia occurs relatively early in the course of certain forms of
chronic interstitial disease, presumably because of early
destruction of erythropoietin-producing interstitial cells.
Table 14-2 lists the more common causes of chronic intersti-
tial nephritis.

Analgesic Nephropathy
Analgesic nephropathy (AN) is a specific form of renal
disease characterized by renal papillary necrosis (RPN) and
chronic interstitial nephritis caused by prolonged and exces-
sive consumption of analgesic mixtures. It is caused by
compound analgesic mixtures containing aspirin or antipyrine
in combination with phenacetin, paracetamol, or salicylamide
and caffeine or codeine in popular over-the-counter proprietary
AN has been one of the more common causes of chronic
kidney disease (CKD), particularly in Australia and parts of
Common Causes of Chronic Interstitial
Table 14-2
Primary Infection
Metabolic Disturbances Bacterial pyelonephritis CH 14
Hypercalcemia/ Hantavirus

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
nephrocalcinosis Leptospirosis
Hyperoxaluria Malacoplakia
Hypokalemia Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Hyperuricemia Hematologic Disorders
Drugs and Toxins Sickle cell disease
Analgesics Light chain nephropathy
Cadmium Amyloidosis
Lead Secondary
Nitrosoureas Secondary chronic tubulointerstitial
Chinese herbs nephritis encompasses disease in
Lithium which the primary pathogenic process
Cyclosporine begins in vascular, glomerular, or tubular
5-Aminosalicylic acid systems, and is followed by damage to
(5-ASA) the tubulointerstitial compartment
Balkan endemic
Renal allograft rejection
Sjögren syndrome

Europe. AN was responsible for 13% to 20% of cases of CKD

in Australia, Belgium, and Switzerland.

Clinical Features
The renal manifestations of AN include slowly progressive
CKD, sterile pyuria, and mild proteinuria (<1.5 g/day). Hyper-
tension and anemia are commonly seen with moderate to
advanced disease; more prominent proteinuria that can exceed
3.5 g/day may also occur at this time, a probable reflection of
secondary hemodynamically mediated glomerular injury. Most
patients have no symptoms referable to the urinary tract,
although there may be flank pain or macroscopic/microscopic
hematuria from a sloughed or obstructing papilla. Urinary tract
infection is also somewhat more common in women with this
disorder. Most patients are between the ages of 30 and 70 years.
Careful questioning often reveals a history of chronic head-
aches or low back pain that leads to the analgesic use.
Renal function stabilizes or mildly improves in most patients
if analgesic consumption is discontinued. Eight percent to 10%
of patients with AN will develop urinary tract malignancy. The
tumors generally become apparent after 15 to 25 years of anal-
gesic abuse, usually, but not always, in patients with clinically
evident AN. The major presenting symptom of urinary tract
304 malignancy in AN is microscopic or gross hematuria. Thus,
continued monitoring is essential, and new hematuria should
be evaluated with urinary cytologic examination, and if indi-
cated, cystoscopy with retrograde pyelography.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Given the nonspecific nature of the presentation, AN is best

diagnosed by noncontrast computed tomography (CT). Classic
findings in an at-risk patient include decrease in renal volume,
bumpy renal contours, and papillary calcifications (Table 14-3).

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

The most common renal disorder associated with NSAIDs is
acute, largely reversible, insufficiency due to the inhibition
of renal vasodilatory prostaglandins in the clinical setting of
a stimulated renin-angiotensin system. Older age, hyperten-
sion, concomitant use of diuretics or aspirin, preexisting renal
failure, diabetes, and plasma-volume contraction are known
risk factors for renal failure after the ingestion of NSAIDs.
Although CKD can occur after prolonged use of NSAIDs, the
actual quantifiable risk is not known and epidemiologic stud-
ies give conflicting results regarding the relative risk, if any, of
daily NSAID use. Risk factors for permanent renal insuffi-
ciency may include preexisting renal damage, long intake of
the causative drug, slow oligosymptomatic disease develop-
ment, and histologic signs of chronicity in those with AIN.

5-Aminosalicylic Acid

Recently, an association has been suggested between the use of

5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in patients with chronic inflam-
matory bowel disease (IBD) and the development of a particular
type of CKD. However, determining the cause of renal disease
in those patients with IBD is not straightforward, as multiple
potential contributors to CKD in this setting include oxalate
nephrolithiasis, amyloidosis, and glomerulonephritis. The par-
ticular form of chronic TIN in patients with IBD treated with
5-ASA is characterized by an important cellular infiltration of
the interstitium, with macrophages, T cells, and B cells (even
granulomas) surrounding atrophic tubules, suggesting a cell-
mediated immune response such as T-cell response against an
autoantigen modified by the drug.

Clinical Features
The disease is more prevalent in men, with a male-female
ratio of 15:2. The age of reported cases ranged from 14 to 45
years. In contrast to AN, in which renal lesions are observed
Table 14-3 Differential Diagnosis of Some Forms of Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
Analgesic Chinese Herb Balkan Endemic 5-Aminosalicylic
Nephropathy Disease Nephropathy Acid Nephritis
Clinical course >10–15 yr 6 mo to 2 yr >20 yr >6 mo
Kidney imaging Shrunken Shrunken Shrunken Slightly shrunken
Irregular contours Irregular contours Smooth surface Smooth
Papillary No calcification No calcification No calcification
Cellular infiltration þþ þ þ þþþ
Fibrosis þþ þþ þþ þþ
Atrophy þþ þþ þþþ þ
Capillarosclerosis þ þ/? þ /?
Apoptosis ? ? þ ?
Urothelial þ* þ þ þ
Familial occurrence   þ 
Etiology Analgesics Aristolochic acid ?Aristolochia clematis 5-Aminosalicylic acid
þAddictive þDiuretics þ/?
substances þVasoconstrictive
*As long as phenacetin was part of the analgesic mixture.
306 only after several years of analgesic abuse, interstitial nephri-
tis associated with 5-ASA was already observed during the
first year of treatment in 7 out of 17 reported cases, most of
whom had started 5-ASA therapy with documented normal
IV renal function. The cumulative dose of 5-ASA is not predic-
tive for development of interstitial nephritis.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Diagnosis and Treatment

Because this type of chronic TIN produces few, if any, symp-
toms and, if diagnosed at a late stage, progresses to irreversible
chronic ESRD, serum creatinine levels should be measured in
any patient with IBD treated with 5-ASA at the start of the
treatment, every 3 months for the remainder of the first year,
and annually thereafter. If serum creatinine increases in a
patient with IBD treated with 5-ASA, a renal biopsy is the
only way to determine a correct diagnosis.

Chinese Herbs—Aristolochic Nephropathy

Aristolochic nephropathy was first described in Belgian women
presenting with CKD following their exposure to a slimming reg-
imen containing Chinese herbs. A plant nephrotoxin, aristo-
lochic acid (AA), has been proposed as a possible etiologic
agent. Histologic examinations of the kidneys and genitourinary
tract revealed renal tubular atrophy, interstitial infiltration/fibro-
sis, and atypical and malignant uroepithelial cells.

Clinical Features
Patients present with renal insufficiency and other features
indicating a tubulointerstitial disease. The blood pressure is
either normal or only mildly elevated, and the urine sediment
reveals only a few red and white blood cells. The urine con-
tains subnephrotic proteinuria and evidence of proximal tubu-
lar dysfunction. Stable renal function may be anticipated in
most patients with an initial plasma creatinine concentration
below 2 mg/dL. However, progressive renal failure resulting
in dialysis or transplantation may ensue in patients with more
severe disease.

Diagnosis and Treatment

No specific criteria exist for the diagnosis of this type of renal
disease. The diagnosis should be suggested in any patient
with unexplained relatively fast progressive renal disease
who is using/abusing herbal remedies. The presence of tubu-
lar proteinuria may be a clue to the diagnosis, particularly in
the early stages. The histologic appearances are not specific.
On CT scan, bilateral shrunken kidneys with irregular
contours and no parenchymal calcification can be observed.
Lithium 307

Lithium is used extensively in the treatment of bipolar

psychosis. Different forms of renal effects/injury have been
described: most frequently, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, CH 14
but also renal tubular acidosis, chronic interstitial nephritis,

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
nephrotic syndrome, and focal segmental glomerular sclerosis/
global glomerular sclerosis.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Lithium is eliminated from the body almost entirely by the kid-
ney. It accumulates in the kidney, particularly in the collecting
tubule, entering these cells through sodium channels in the
luminal membrane. Hence, its principal toxicity relates to distal
tubular function, in which inhibition of adenylate cyclase and
generation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) results
in down-regulation of aquaporin-2, the collecting tubule water
channel, and a decrease in antidiuretic hormone receptor den-
sity, leading to resistance to antidiuretic hormone.
It has been difficult to determine the nature of lithium-
induced chronic renal damage; epidemiologic studies have
given conflicting results regarding the risk of CKD with lith-
ium use. Long-term lithium therapy does not influence glo-
merular function in the majority of patients. However, up to
20% of long-term lithium patients may exhibit slowly progres-
sive CKD. It appears that the duration of lithium therapy and
the cumulative dose of lithium are the major determinants of
nephrotoxicity. The prevalence of lithium-related ESRD has
been estimated as 2 of every 1000 dialysis patients (0.22% of
all cases).

Diagnosis and Treatment

Polyuria and polydipsia due to nephrogenic diabetes insipi-
dus usually disappear rapidly if lithium is withdrawn. In most
cases, the lithium is so clearly beneficial that the polyuria is
accepted as a side effect and treatment continued. It is likely
that the serum concentration of lithium is important and that
renal damage is more likely to occur if the serum concentra-
tion is consistently high or if symptoms of lithium toxicity
recur. The serum lithium concentration should, therefore, be
monitored carefully (at least every 3 months) and maintained
at the lowest level that will provide adequate control of the
manic-depressive psychosis. Much more difficult is the situa-
tion in which a patient on long-term lithium therapy is found
to have impaired renal function, for which there is no obvious
alternative cause. As stated previously, renal failure may prog-
ress even if lithium therapy is withdrawn, and in some
patients, the discontinuation of lithium can lead to a devastat-
ing deterioration in their psychiatric condition.
308 Lead

Lead toxicity affects many organs, resulting in encephalopa-

thy, anemia, peripheral neuropathy, gout, and renal failure.
IV Although low-level lead exposure in the general population
is associated with mild but significant depression of renal
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

function, its role in the development of ESRD is still a matter

of debate. However, recent evidence suggests that low-level
environmental lead exposure is associated with accelerated
deterioration of renal function.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

The pathogenesis of the renal disease seen in the context of
lead exposure may be related to proximal tubule reabsorption
of filtered lead, with subsequent accumulation in proximal
tubule cells. Aminoaciduria, glycosuria, and phosphaturia,
representing the Fanconi syndrome, are observed after lead
exposure and are believed to be related to an effect of lead
on mitochondrial respiration and phosphorylation. Because
lead is also capable of reducing 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D syn-
thesis, prolonged hyperphosphaturia and hypophosphatemia
caused by lead poisoning in children may result in bone
demineralization and rickets. Chronic lead poisoning can
affect glomerular function: after an initial period of hyperfil-
tration, the GFR is reduced and nephrosclerosis and CKD
may ensue.

Clinical Features
Renal failure becomes apparent years after the exposure and
is associated with gout in most, if not all, cases. Hyperten-
sion is a very common feature of lead nephropathy. Although
hyperuricemia is common in renal failure, gout is unusual
and its presence should raise the possiblity of lead

Diagnosis and Treatment

As the blood lead level only reflects recent lead exposure and
is usually normal in patients with CKD due to their previously
sustained low level of lead exposure, the diagnosis has to be
based on measurement of the body lead burden as assessed
by an EDTA mobilization test. The diagnosis of lead nephrop-
athy should be considered in any patient with progressive
renal failure, mild-to-moderate proteinuria, significant hyper-
tension, history of gout, and an appropriate history of expo-
sure. EDTA chelation therapy may slow the progression of
renal insufficiency in patients with an elevated body lead
Cadmium 309

Exposure to cadmium after inhalation or ingestion can give

rise to nephrotoxicity in humans. High levels of cadmium
exposure triggers tubular proteinuria, renal glucosuria, amino- CH 14
aciduria, hypercalciuria, phosphaturia, polyuria, and, in

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
severe cases, progressive CKD. The extent to which chronic
low-level environmental exposure to cadmium affects renal
function is less clear. A number of studies have demonstrated
an increased prevalence of kidney stones among individuals
occupationally exposed to cadmium. Minimizing exposure to
cadmium is the most important therapeutic measure. Occupa-
tional exposure should be kept as low as technically feasible.
Other than general supportive therapy, no specific methods
are available for treating acute cadmium poisoning. Although
various chelating agents have been tried in animals, none
has been shown to be efficient in humans.

Balkan Endemic Nephropathy

Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a chronic, familial,
noninflammatory tubulointerstitial disease of the kidneys
associated with high frequency of urothelial atypia. BEN is
most commonly seen in southeastern Europe among those liv-
ing along the confluence of the Danube River. There is a very
high prevalence in endemic areas, with ranges as high as 20%
if the disorder is suspected and carefully screened for in an
at-risk population. A striking observation is that nearly all
affected patients are farmers.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Although the etiology of BEN is unknown, many environmen-
tal and genetic factors have been evaluated as possible underly-
ing causes. Given that it is endemic to a specific geographic
area, toxins and environmental exposures that are unique to
the Balkans have been investigated. One intriguing possibility
is that the mutagenic and nephrotoxic alkaloid found in the
plant Aristolochia clematis may underlie both Chinese herbal
nephropathy and BEN. Striking pathologic and clinical simila-
rities exist between the progressive interstitial fibrosis observed
in young women who have been on a slimming regimen
including Chinese herbs (as well as other agents) and BEN.

Clinical Features
BEN is a slowly progressive tubulointerstitial disease that may
culminate in ESRD. Clinical manifestations first appear in
patients 30 to 50 years of age. Initially characterized by
tubular dysfunction, a progressive decrease in concentrating
310 ability and in the GFR follows over many years. Patients are
usually nonedematous and normotensive, hypertension devel-
oping only with end-stage disease. Intrarenal calcifications
are not observed. BEN is also associated with the development
IV of transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis or ureter,
with studies noting a wide range in incidence (2% to nearly
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

50%). These tumors are generally superficial and slow


Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of BEN is based upon the presence of some com-
bination of the following findings: symmetrically shrunken
kidneys with absence of intrarenal calcifications. As with many
other chronic tubulointerstitial diseases of unclear origin, there
is no specific prevention or treatment. Therapy is, therefore,
largely supportive, with renal replacement therapy being
initiated in patients with ESRD.

Chronic Urate Nephropathy

The principal lesion of chronic urate nephropathy is the deposi-
tion of microtophi in the interstitium. This results in a second-
ary chronic inflammatory response, potentially leading to
interstitial fibrosis and CKD. Evidence linking CKD to gout is
weak, however, and the long-standing notion that chronic renal
disease is common in patients with hyperuricemia has been
questioned in the light of prolonged follow-up studies of renal
function in people with this condition. Furthermore, the deteri-
oration of renal function in those with hyperuricemia of a lower
magnitude has been attributed to the higher-than-expected
occurrence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, abnormal lipid
metabolism, and nephrosclerosis. Nonetheless, it seems reason-
able to prescribe allopurinol (in a dose appropriate to the level
of renal function) to those very rare patients with biopsy evi-
dence of “gouty nephropathy,” and, possibly, to patients with
CKD who have a grossly elevated serum urate.

Chronic Hypokalemia
Persistent hypokalemia can induce a variety of changes in renal
function, impairing tubular transport, and possibly inducing
chronic tubulointerstitial disease and cyst formation. Hypoka-
lemic nephropathy in humans produces characteristic vacuolar
lesions in the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule and, occa-
sionally, the distal tubule. More severe changes, including
interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and cyst formation that is
most prominent in the renal medulla, occur if prolonged
hypokalemia is maintained. Renal cyst formation as a conse- 311
quence of chronic hypokalemia has now been reported in a
patient with Bartter syndrome resulting from a gene defect in
CH 14

Tubulointerstitial Diseases
Clinically important renal involvement in sarcoid is an occa-
sional problem—hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia are most
often responsible, although granulomatous interstitial disease,
glomerular disease, obstructive uropathy, and, rarely, ESRD
may also occur. Most affected patients have clear evidence of
diffuse active sarcoidosis, although some patients present
with only minimal extrarenal manifestations.

Clinical Features
Hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, nephrolithiasis, granuloma-
tous interstitial nephritis, glomerular disease, and urinary
tract disorders can all be observed in patients with sarcoido-
sis. Macrophages in a sarcoid granuloma contain a 1a-hydrox-
ylase enzyme, capable of converting vitamin D to its active
form. The resultant increase in the absorption of calcium from
the gut leads to hypercalciuria and, in roughly 2.5% to 20% of
cases, to hypercalcemia. Most patients remain asymptomatic,
but nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis, renal insufficiency,
and polyuria are important complications. Nephrocalcinosis,
observed in over half of those with renal insufficiency, is the
most common cause of CKD in sarcoidosis.
An interstitial nephritis with granuloma formation is
common in sarcoidosis, but the development of clinical disease
manifested by renal insufficiency is unusual. Renal biopsy
reveals normal glomeruli, interstitial infiltration mostly with
mononuclear cells, noncaseating granulomas in the interstitium,
tubular atrophy, and, with more chronic disease, interstitial
fibrosis. Glomerular involvement is rare in sarcoidosis. Occa-
sionally, retroperitoneal lymph node involvement, retroperito-
neal fibrosis, or renal stones may produce ureteral obstruction.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Sarcoid nephropathy should be considered in any patient
with unexplained renal failure and hypercalcemia, renal tubu-
lar defect, nephrocalcinosis, or increased immunoglobulins.
The presence of granulomas on renal biopsy, although not
specific to sarcoidosis, should strongly suggest this diagnosis
in an appropriate setting. Granulomatous interstitial nephritis
can be treated effectively with glucocorticoids, typically
prednisolone 1 to 1.5 mg/kg initially, with dose tapering in
response to the signs and symptoms of disease activity. The
312 hypercalcemic/hypercalciuric syndrome also responds
quickly to corticosteroids: In general, the dose needed to treat
this complication is significantly lower than that required to
treat granulomatous interstitial nephritis and can be as low
IV as 35 mg of prednisolone daily. Although uncommon in
patients with sarcoidosis, ESRD requiring renal replacement
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

therapy is most often due to hypercalcemic nephropathy

rather than granulomatous nephritis. Graft loss due to disease
recurrence has been reported exceptionally.
Chapter 15

Urinary Tract Infection,

Pyelonephritis, and Reflux
General Considerations: The Urine Culture and
There is an incomplete correlation between the clinical symp-
toms of urinary tract inflammation and the presence of true
urinary tract infection (UTI), so objective evidence of the pres-
ence and the type of infection is of great importance.
Urine cultures with at least 105 CFU/mL (often termed “signifi-
cant bacteriuria”) have a high probability of true infection; those
with lesser numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs) (“insignifi-
cant bacteriuria”) probably reflect contamination. However,
women who present with symptoms of acute, uncomplicated
UTI are thought to have true infection when at least 103 CFU/mL
of a single species of uropathogen are found on quantitative cul-
ture. In patients with symptoms of acute pyelonephritis (fever,
rigors, flank pain, with or without dysuria or frequency), the cut-
off is at least 104 CFU/mL. Circumstances associated with lower
densities of bacteria in the urine when the patient has true
infection include acute urethral syndrome, infection with Staph-
ylococcus saprophyticus and Candida species, prior admin-
istration of antimicrobial therapy, rapid diuresis, extreme
acidification of the urine, obstruction of the urinary tract, and
extraluminal infection. Polymicrobial UTI is uncommon and is
observed in only a few clinical situations, including long-term
urinary catheterization, inadequate emptying of the bladder, par-
ticularly when repeated instrumentation is necessary, and when
there is a fistulous communication between the urinary tract and
the gastrointestinal or female genital tract. Other than these clin-
ical scenarios, the isolation of two or more bacterial species on
urine culture usually signifies a contaminated specimen.
Examination of the urine for leukocytes is another valida-
tion test that can be applied in the evaluation of patients
with possible UTI. When a randomly collected urine sample
is examined in a hemocytometer and at least 10 leukocytes

314 per cubic millimeter are found, there is a high probability of
clinical infection. Most symptomatic women with pyuria
without significant bacteriuria have urinary infection with
either bacterial uropathogens present in colony counts of less
IV than 10 CFU/mL (which will respond to appropriate antimi-
crobial therapy) or with some other condition. Possibilities
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

include Chlamydia trachomatis infection, interstitial cysti-

tis, genitourinary tuberculosis, and contiguous infection rest-
ing on the ureter or bladder and inducing “sympathetic
inflammation” in the urine. In patients with indwelling
urinary catheters the finding of pyuria does not necessarily
indicate infection.

Etiologic Agents
Bacterial Pathogens
• Enterobacteriaceae (including Escherichia coli) and Entero-
coccus faecalis account for over 95% of UTIs.
• Previous antimicrobial therapy, instrumentation, and uri-
nary obstruction favor other organisms including Serratia
marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
• Staphylococcus saprophyticus is an important cause of
symptomatic UTI in young, sexually active women.
• In contrast, the organisms that commonly colonize the dis-
tal urethra and skin of both men and women, and the vagina
of women, rarely cause UTI (Staphylococcus epidermidis,
corynebacteria, lactobacilli, Gardnerella vaginalis).
• Hematogenous seeding (<5%) is most commonly observed in
association with bacteremia resulting from Staphylococcus
aureus, P. aeruginosa, and Salmonella species.
• The kidney is the most common extrapulmonary site of
tuberculosis; the tubercle bacilli reach the kidney from the
lung by the hematogenous route.

Fungal Pathogens
• Candida species are the most common cause of fungal
infection of the urinary tract. Most such infections occur
in patients with indwelling Foley catheters who have been
receiving broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy, particularly
if diabetes mellitus is also present or corticosteroids are
being administered.

Other Pathogens
• C. trachomatis has been clearly shown to be an important
cause of the acute urethral syndrome.
• Ureaplasma urealyticum also causes a significant number of
cases of urethritis (albeit fewer than C. trachomatis).
Pathogenesis 315

Two potential main routes of infection occur:

• Ascending infection. Most infections of the kidney result
from the inoculation of bacteria derived from the gastroin- CH 15
testinal tract into the urethra, from there to the bladder,

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

and finally to the kidney. The most common mechanism
for introducing bacteria into the bladder in women is
through sexual intercourse, particularly if intercourse is
coupled with the presence of virulent bacteria in the vagina.
The normal bladder is capable of clearing itself of organisms
within 2 to 3 days by simple voiding. Clinically, clearing of
bacteriuria does not occur in the presence of inadequate
bladder emptying, foreign bodies or stones in the bladder,
increased vesical pressure, or previous inflammation of
the bladder mucosa.
• Hematogenous seeding of the kidney as a consequence of
bloodstream infection (<3% of cases). The spectrum of
organisms responsible differs from that seen in ascending
infection and includes S. aureus, Salmonella species,
P. aeruginosa, and Candida species.

Host Factors Influencing Infection

Risk factors for developing a UTI include the following:
• Urinary tract obstruction
• Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
• Instrumentation of the urinary tract (including
• Pregnancy
• Diabetes mellitus
• Nephrolithiasis
• Neurologic disorders with bladder involvement

Vesicoureteral Reflux
An important host defense against ascending infection from the
bladder to the kidneys is the competency of the vesicoureteral
valve. Indeed, the combination of VUR and infected urine is
the most common factor predisposing to chronic pyelonephritic
scarring, particularly in infants and children. Failure of this
vesicoureteric valve mechanism is most commonly due to
shortening of the intravesical portion of the ureter caused by
abnormal lateral localization of the ureteral orifices (primary
VUR). In children, VUR may also be secondary, occurring in
association with other anomalies including meningomyelocele,
paraurethral diverticulum, posterior urethral valves, ureteral
duplications, hypospadias, and ureteroceles. VUR occurs in
316 18% of adults who have spinal cord injuries and in a variable
percentage of adults with bladder tumors, prostatic hypertro-
phy, and urinary tract stones.
VUR, which can be unilateral or bilateral, may vary consid-
IV erably in severity. Severity of reflux is graded as follows:
• Grade I: reflux partly up the ureter
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

• Grade II: reflux up to the pelvis and calices without dila-

tion; normal caliceal fornices
• Grade III: same as grade II, but with mild or moderate dila-
tion and tortuosity of the ureter and no blunting of the
• Grade IV: moderate dilation and tortuosity of the ureters,
pelvis, and calices; complete blunting of fornices
• Grade V: gross dilation and tortuosity of the ureter, pelvis,
and calices; absent papillary impressions in the calices
The clinical significance of VUR is emphasized by the
fact that 30% to 50% of children with recurrent infection,
and 85% to 100% of children and 50% of adults with
chronic pyelonephritic scarring, demonstrate VUR on cysto-
graphy. Progressive renal scarring typically appears in the
more severe forms of reflux and almost always in the pres-
ence of infected urine. It must be stressed, however, that
in many infants and children with VUR, pyelonephritic
scarring never develops, and VUR may disappear either
spontaneously or with antibacterial therapy in up to 80%
of ureters after long follow-up. Even severe reflux associated
with scarring may disappear, although reflux is more likely
to cease if it is mild or moderate and if the kidneys are

Intrarenal Reflux
Whereas VUR is responsible for the ascent of bacteria into the
renal pelvis, considerable evidence now suggests that the
spread of infection from the pelvis into the cortex occurs by
virtue of a phenomenon known as intrarenal reflux. In this
setting, contrast medium instilled into the bladder during
voiding cystourethrography permeates the renal parenchyma
as far as the renal capsule. VUR and intrarenal reflux, in com-
bination, are almost certainly the major mechanisms respon-
sible for the renal inflammation and scarring characteristic of
chronic pyelonephritis. Scarring appears to occur early in
life, possibly even in utero. Indeed, the development of
new scars in children is unusual beyond the age of 5 years
(and possibly the age of 2 years), regardless of proven epi-
sodes of UTI, suggesting that the early detection of UTI and
the gross forms of VUR is essential if renal scarring is to be
Frequency and Epidemiology of Urinary Tract 317

UTI is predominantly a female disease. There is an incomplete

correlation between the presence of bacteriuria and the occur- CH 15
rence of clinical symptoms. Dysuria occurs each year in

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

approximately 20% of women between the ages of 24 and
64 years. Of those seeking medical care, one third have the
acute urethral syndrome, and two thirds have a UTI. Among
adult women, the incidence and prevalence of bacteriuria
are related to age, degree of sexual activity, and form of contra-
ception employed (Fig. 15-1). Approximately 1% to 3% of
women between the ages of 15 and 24 years have bacteriuria;
the incidence increases by 1% to 2% for each decade there-
after, up to a level of about 10% to 15% by the sixth or seventh
decade. As the aging process progresses and prostatic disease
becomes more common, the frequency of UTI in men rises
dramatically. By age 70 years, the frequency of bacteriuria
reaches a level of 3.5% in otherwise healthy men and a level
of greater than 15% in hospitalized men. Other populations
at high risk of UTI include pregnant women and renal
transplant recipients (see Chapter 24, The Kidney in
Hypertension and Pregnancy, and Chapter 40, Clinical
Aspects of Renal Transplantation).

Urinary Tract Infection, Renal Failure, and

There is little evidence that uncomplicated UTI beginning
in adult life, by itself, leads to progressive chronic renal
injury. In contrast to the experience in adults, bacteriuria
may have a significant impact on children. As discussed
in detail earlier, the combination of VUR and UTI in chil-
dren younger than 5 years of age can have potentially dis-
astrous consequences, but may be amenable to early
recognition and prolonged therapy with prophylactic anti-
biotics regimens.

In dealing with the patient who presents with possible UTI,
the tasks of the clinician are the following:
• To identify the microbial etiologic agent of the symptoms
and the ideal form of antimicrobial management
• To make a judgment as to the anatomic site within the uri-
nary tract that is the site of infection
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Treat with short-course


Follow-up 4–7
days later

Asymptomatic Symptomatic

No further Urinalysis,
intervention urine culture

Both Pyuria, no Bacteriuria

negative bacteriuria with or

Observe, Treat for Treat with

treat with Chlamydia extended
urinary trachomatis course
Figure 15-1. Clinical approach to the woman with dysuria and
frequency. (Modified from Tolkoff-Rubin NE, Wilson ME,
Zuromskis P, et al: Single-dose amoxicillin therapy of acute
uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. Antimicrob
Agents Chemother 25:626, 1984.)

• To ascertain the risk of complicating structural or func-

tional disease of the urinary tract that might alter clinical
management and, when indicated, carry out such diagnos-
tic tests as cystoscopy, voiding cystourethrography, ultraso-
nography, radioscintigraphy, or excretory urography
Acute Urinary Tract Infection 319

Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis

By far the most common clinical symptoms associated with
UTI that bring patients to medical attention are those referable CH 15
to the lower urinary tract: dysuria, frequency, nocturia, and

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

suprapubic discomfort. Approximately 10% to 20% of women
of reproductive age come to medical attention each year with
these symptoms. Of these, two thirds have significant bacteri-
uria, whereas one third (those with the acute urethral syn-
drome) do not. Of the patients with significant bacteriuria,
50% to 70% have infection restricted to the bladder, but the
remainder have covert infection of the upper urinary tract as
well. Women with the acute urethral syndrome can be divided
into two groups. Approximately 70% have pyuria on urinaly-
sis and have true infection. For the most part, these patients
have infection with C. trachomatis or with the usual bacterial
uropathogens (e.g., E. coli, S. saprophyticus) which are present
in “less than significant” numbers (102–104/mL). The remain-
ing 30% of patients with the acute urethral syndrome, but no
pyuria, have no known microbial etiologic agent for their symp-
toms. Presumably, these symptoms result from trauma related
to intercourse, local irritation, or allergy.

Recurrent Cystitis
Recurrent symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation may
be due to either relapsing infection or reinfection. Relapse is
caused by reappearance of the same organism from a seques-
tered focus, usually within the kidney, or in men, the prostate,
shortly after completion of therapy. In reinfection, the course
of therapy has successfully eradicated the original infection,
and there is no sequestered focus, but organisms are reintro-
duced from the fecal reservoir. More than 80% of all recur-
rences are due to reinfection. The most important cause of
recurrent symptoms of lower urinary tract inflammation in
adult men is prostatitis. Acute bacterial prostatitis is a febrile
illness associated with chills, perineal, back, or pelvic pain,
dysuria, and urinary frequency and urgency. There may be
bladder outlet obstruction; on physical examination, the pros-
tate is enlarged, tender, and indurated. Chronic prostatitis, in
contrast, may be more occult; asymptomatic infection is man-
ifested as recurrent bacteriuria or variable low-grade fever
with back or pelvic discomfort. Urinary symptoms usually
result from reintroduction of infection into the bladder from
a chronic prostatic focus that has been inadequately treated,
and only temporarily suppressed, by a previous course of
antimicrobial therapy.
320 Acute Pyelonephritis
The clinical findings associated with full-blown acute pyelo-
nephritis are familiar: rigors, fever, back and loin pain (with
exquisite tenderness on percussion of the costovertebral
IV angle), often with colicky abdominal pain, nausea and vomit-
ing, dysuria, frequency, and nocturia. Although bacteremia
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

may complicate the course of symptomatic pyelonephritis

in any patient, it is seldom associated with septic shock.
When shock or disseminated intravascular coagulation
occurs in the setting of pyelonephritis, the possibility of
complicating obstruction must be ruled out. In one particu-
larly important form of obstructive uropathy, which is asso-
ciated with acute papillary necrosis, the sloughed papilla
may obstruct the ureter. This form should be particularly sus-
pected in diabetic patients with severe pyelonephritis and
high-grade bacteremia, especially if the response to therapy
is delayed. In children younger than 2 years, fever, vomiting,
nonspecific abdominal complaints, or failure to thrive may
be the only manifestations of acute pyelonephritis. In older
children, clinical manifestations resemble more closely those
seen in the adult, although the reappearance of enuresis may
be a marker for the decreased urinary concentrating ability
that is sometimes associated with renal infection.

Complicated Urinary Tract Infection

The term complicated UTI encompasses a wide range of clin-
ical syndromes. The common element is the presence of bac-
terial infection of the urinary tract in patients with
structurally or functionally abnormal urinary tracts, intrinsic
renal disease, or a systemic process that renders the patient
particularly susceptible to bacterial invasion. The range of
organisms causing such infections is far broader than that
noted in patients with uncomplicated infection, and the level
of antibiotic resistance of these bacteria is also greater than
that seen in isolates from the general population. Because
the therapeutic requirements and management strategies
for complicated UTI are different from those for uncompli-
cated infection (see later discussion), this differentiation is
clinically important.

Chronic Pyelonephritis and Reflux Nephropathy

Unlike the dramatic clinical presentation of many patients with
acute pyelonephritis, chronic disease typically has a more
insidious course. Clinical signs and symptoms may be divided
into two categories: (1) those related directly to infection and
(2) those related to the degree and the location of injury within
the kidney. Surprisingly, the infectious aspects of the disease
may be minor. Although intermittent episodes of full-blown 321
pyelonephritis may occur, they are the exception. More com-
mon is asymptomatic bacteriuria, symptoms referable to the
lower urinary tract (dysuria and frequency), vague complaints
of flank or abdominal discomfort, and intermittent low-grade CH 15
fevers. Much more striking than the infectious or inflammatory

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

symptoms are the physiologic derangements that result from
the long-standing tubulointerstitial injury. These derangements
include hypertension, inability to conserve Naþ, decreased con-
centrating ability, and tendency to develop hyperkalemia and
acidosis. Although all of these are seen to some extent in all
forms of renal disease, in patients with tubulointerstitial
nephropathy such as this, the degree of physiologic derange-
ment is out of proportion to the degree of renal failure (or serum
creatinine elevation).
The diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis is either a pathologic
one or one based on specific radiologic findings of excretory uro-
graphy. Radiologic features include focal, coarse cortical scarring
with underlying retraction of the papillae and blunting and dila-
tion of the calices. Scars are most frequently observed in the
upper and lower poles. The laboratory findings are as nonspecific
as the clinical findings. Although pyuria is usually seen, it may
be absent, particularly if no active infection is present. Less
common is the presence of white blood cell casts on urinalysis.
Bacteriuria may or may not be demonstrable. Proteinuria is typi-
cally less than 1 g/day of protein.


History and Physical Examination

When a patient with a single acute episode of symptomatic
UTI is examined, the first consideration is whether there are
signs or symptoms suggesting the presence or imminent devel-
opment of systemic sepsis: spiking fevers, rigors, tachypnea,
colicky abdominal pain, and exquisite loin pain. Such
patients require immediate attention and parenteral therapy
in a hospital setting. If the patient is not acutely septic, atten-
tion turns to such concerns as previous history of UTIs, renal
disease, and such conditions as diabetes mellitus, neurologic
conditions, history of renal stones, and previous genitourinary
tract manipulation—conditions that could predispose to UTI
and could affect the efficacy of therapy. A careful neurologic
examination can be particularly important in suggesting the
possibility of a neurogenic bladder.
The patient with a history of recurrent UTIs merits special
attention in terms of obtaining a clear history of sexual activity,
response to therapy, and temporal relationships of recurrences
322 to the cessation of therapy. Thus, women with recurrent bacte-
rial UTIs temporally related to intercourse could benefit from
the administration of antibiotics after each sexual exposure.
The woman with the acute urethral syndrome due to C. tracho-
IV matis infection may respond only temporarily to antichlamy-
dial therapy because of reinfection from the untreated sexual
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

partner; cure occurs when both individuals are treated

Women with recurrent UTIs who have relapsing infection
usually present within 4 to 7 days of completing a course of
therapy of 14 days or less, whereas those with recurrent rein-
fection usually have a longer interval between episodes,
unless bladder dysfunction or some other disturbance of uri-
nary tract function is present. Similarly, men with persistent
prostatic foci of infection often relapse promptly after a con-
ventional course of therapy. When the patient with possible
chronic pyelonephritis and reflux nephropathy is examined,
two types of information should be sought: the history of
UTI in childhood and during pregnancy, and the possible
presence of such pathophysiologic consequences as hyperten-
sion, proteinuria, polyuria, nocturia, and frequency.

Urine Tests: Dipstick Tests

The most commonly used dipstick test is the Griess nitrate
reduction test, which is dependent on the bacterial reduction
of nitrate in the urine to nitrite. This test is most accurate on
first morning urine specimens and is reasonably effective in
identifying infection due to Enterobacteriaceae, but fails to
detect infection due to gram-positive organisms and Pseudo-
monas. False-negative results may also be caused by diuresis
because bladder incubation is necessary for bacteria to reduce
the nitrates. Because of its simplicity, this test is best used
as part of a home or epidemiologic screening program, partic-
ularly if multiple specimens can be evaluated from a single
individual. The combination of the nitrate test with a test for
leukocyte esterase on a single, inexpensive dipstick that can
be read in less than 2 minutes has greatly increased the utility
of this approach. False-negative test results can be caused by
proteinuria and the presence of gentamicin or cephalexin in
the urine.

Radiologic and Urologic Evaluations

The primary objective of radiologic and urologic evaluations
in UTI is to delineate abnormalities that would lead to
changes in the medical or surgical management of the patient.
An ultrasound study is indicated to rule out obstruction in 323
patients requiring hospital admission for bacteremic pyelone-
phritis. Patients with septic shock in this setting require such
procedures on an emergency basis, as they often cannot be
effectively resuscitated unless their “pus under pressure” is CH 15
relieved by some form of drainage procedure that bypasses

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

the obstruction.
Children with first or second UTIs, particularly those youn-
ger than 5 years, merit both excretory urography and voiding
cystourethrography for detection of obstruction, VUR, and
renal scarring. Dimercaptosuccinic acid scanning is a sensi-
tive technique for detecting scars, and serial studies can be
useful in assessing the course of scarring and the success of
preventive regimens. However, this approach does not delin-
eate anomalies in the pyelocalyceal system or the ureters. This
imaging effort in children is aimed at identifying those who
might benefit from intensive medical evaluation, particularly
from prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis. Because active
infection by itself can produce VUR, it is usually recom-
mended that the radiologic procedures be delayed until 4 to
8 weeks after the eradication of infection, although some
groups perform these studies as early as 1 week after infection.
Most men with bacterial UTI have some anatomic abnor-
mality of the urinary tract, most commonly bladder neck
obstruction secondary to prostatic enlargement. Therefore,
anatomic investigation, starting with a good prostatic exami-
nation, and then proceeding to excretory urography or urinary
tract ultrasound studies with postvoiding views, should be
performed in all male patients with UTI.
Routine anatomic evaluation of all women with recurrent
UTIs is not recommended. Characteristics of women who
might benefit from anatomic studies include patients who fail
to respond to appropriate antimicrobial therapy or who rap-
idly relapse after such therapy; patients with continuing
hematuria; patients with infection with urea-splitting bacteria;
patients with symptoms of continuing inflammation, such as
night sweats; and patients with symptoms of possible obstruc-
tion, such as back or pelvic pain that persists despite adequate
antimicrobial therapy.

Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Young Women
The treatment of choice is short-course therapy with trimetho-
prim-sulfamethoxazole or a fluoroquinolone, both of which
are superior to b-lactam in the treatment of UTI. The antibacter-
ial spectrum of activity of these drugs is such that the normal
324 anaerobic and microaerophilic vaginal flora, which provide
colonization resistance against the major uropathogens, are
left intact. In contast, b-lactam drugs, such as amoxicillin, appear
to promote vaginal colonization with uropathogenic E. coli.
IV Unfortunately, antimicrobial resistance has increased signifi-
cantly since the early 1990s, particularly to trimethoprim-
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

sulfamethoxazole. There is wide variation in different geographic

areas in terms of the incidence of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
resistance, and the prescribing physician is obligated to obtain
such information for his or her community of practice. If the
incidence is higher than 20%, then it is recommended that a
fluoroquinolone be prescribed as the drug of choice.
A 3-day course of therapy is superior to a single dose, with
either trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or a fluoroquinolone.
Early recurrence is significantly more common with single-dose
therapy. Short-course therapy should therefore never be given
to women who fall into the following categories: patients with
overt pyelonephritis, those with symptoms of more than 7 days’
duration, those with underlying structural or functional defects
of the urinary system, immunosuppressed individuals, patients
with indwelling catheters, and patients with a high probability
of infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms. Acute uncom-
plicated UTI in otherwise healthy women is so common, the
range of organisms causing the infection so well defined, their
antimicrobial susceptibility so uniform, and the efficacy and lack
of side effects of short-course therapy now so well established,
that a cost-effective approach that minimizes both laboratory
studies and the need for visits to the physician is widely
practiced (see Fig. 15-1).

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Young Women

Before the physician embarks on these antimicrobial

approaches to preventing reinfection, simple interventions
such as voiding immediately after sexual intercourse and
switching from a diaphragm and spermicide-based con-
traceptive strategy to some other approach should be imple-
mented. If these measures are not effective then other
preventive regimens can be considered. The most popular
prophylactic regimen currently used in women susceptible
to recurrent UTI is low-dose trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole;
as little as half a tablet (trimethoprim, 40 mg; sulfamethoxa-
zole, 200 mg) three times weekly at bedtime is associated
with an infection frequency of less than 0.2 per patient-year.
Other options include a fluoroquinolone. A variation on
these efficacious continuous prophylaxis programs is to
use a fluoroquinolone or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole as
postcoital prophylaxis.
An important unanswered question is the appropriate 325
duration of prophylactic therapy against recurrent UTI. One
option is to continue therapy for a total of 6 months; if infec-
tion then recurs, prophylaxis can be reinstituted for periods
of 1 to 2 years or longer. Because of concerns regarding CH 15
long-term adverse effects, compliance, and cost in the long-

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

term prophylaxis of recurrent UTI, another approach is to
provide women who have histories of recurrent infections
with a supply of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or a fluoro-
quinolone. The patient is then instructed to initiate single-
dose therapy with the onset of symptoms; further medical
attention is sought only when the symptoms do not abate
or the number of treated episodes exceeds four in a 6-month
The approach to the minority of patients with relapsing
infection is different. Two factors may contribute to the path-
ogenesis of relapsing infection in women: (1) deep tissue
infection of the kidney that is suppressed but not eradicated
by a 14-day course of antibiotics, and (2) structural abnormal-
ity of the urinary tract (e.g., calculi). At least some of these
patients respond to a 6-week course of therapy. Most true
relapses occur within 1 week of the cessation of antimicrobial
therapy, and virtually all occur within 1 month, so informa-
tion concerning the timing of the recurrences can be helpful
is establishing the diagnosis. Knowledge of the bacterial spe-
cies isolated and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the
species can help in deciding whether it is the same organism
or different from the original pathogen. The response to
short-course therapy in such women is helpful in making the
management decision: if the patient responds to short-course
therapy, it is likely that she has been having recurrent reinfec-
tion and is thus a candidate for long-term prophylaxis; if the
patient does not respond to short-course therapy, it is proba-
ble that she has been having relapsing infection and is thus a
candidate for imaging of the renal tract and an intensive
course of prolonged therapy.

Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in Older Women

Whereas symptoms referable to the lower urinary tract in youn-

ger women are almost invariably due to uropathogens and
C. trachomatis (see earlier), other possibilities exist in older
women. In particular, in symptomatic women with pyuria and
negative cultures, the possibility of genitourinary tuberculosis
or of diverticulitis or a diverticular abscess impinging on the
bladder or ureters merits consideration, rather than the
chlamydial infection that represents a major cause of such
infections in younger women. The antimicrobial strategies
326 discussed before for the management of acute cystitis in youn-
ger women are applicable in postmenopausal women as well.
In addition, however, other interventions have an important
role in this population. Several studies have now shown that
IV estrogen replacement therapy, either locally by use of a vaginal
cream or systemically with oral therapy, restores the atrophic
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

genitourinary tract mucosa of the postmenopausal woman, is

associated with a reappearance of lactobacilli in the vaginal
flora and a fall in vaginal pH, and decreased vaginal coloniza-
tion by Enterobacteriaceae. In addition, regular intake of
cranberry juice significantly reduces the frequency of both bac-
teriuria and pyuria in elderly women.

Acute Uncomplicated Pyelonephritis in Women

There are three goals in the antimicrobial therapy of symp-

tomatic pyelonephritis: control or prevention of the develop-
ment of urosepsis, eradication of the invading organism, and
prevention of recurrences. Use of ampicillin, amoxicillin, or
first-generation cephalosporins as first-line therapy for pyelo-
nephritis is not recommended when the nature and the sus-
ceptibility of the infecting organism are unknown, as 20%
to 30% of isolates are now resistant to these drugs. If possi-
ble, a Gram stain of the urine should be performed to estab-
lish whether gram-positive cocci are present, or if that
information is not available, initial therapy should include
intravenous ampicillin (or vancomycin) plus gentamicin to
provide adequate coverage of both enterococci and the more
common gram-negative uropathogens. If only gram-negative
bacilli are present, there are a large number of choices ranging
from parenteral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and fluoroqui-
nolones to gentamicin, such broad-spectrum cephalosporins
as ceftriaxone, aztreonam, the b-lactam–b-lactamase inhibitor
combinations, and imipenem-cilastatin. In general, these last
agents on the list are reserved for patients with more compli-
cated histories, previous episodes of pyelonephritis, and
recent urinary tract manipulations. Initial control with any
effective parenteral regimen, followed by oral trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole or fluoroquinolone for eradication of
infection, is the cornerstone of the therapeutic strategy. The
excellent antimicrobial spectrum and bioavailability of such
drugs as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and the fluoroquino-
lones allows the prescription of oral therapy for the entire
therapeutic course in those patients with milder disease,
who are free of nausea and vomiting. Once the patient has
been afebrile for 24 hours (usually within 72 hours of initia-
tion of therapy), there is no inherent benefit to maintaining
parenteral therapy.
Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy 327

See Chapter 24, The Kidney in Hypertension and Pregnancy.

CH 15

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

Urinary Tract Infections in Men
UTI is uncommon in men younger than 50 years, although
UTI without associated urologic abnormalities can occur
under the following circumstances: in homosexual men, in
men having intercourse with women colonized with uro-
pathogens, and in men with the acquired immunodefi-
ciency syndrome. Such individuals should never be
treated with short-course therapy; rather, 10- to 14-day regi-
mens of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or a fluoroquino-
lone should be regarded as standard therapy unless
antimicrobial intolerance or an unusual pathogen requires
an alternative approach. In men older than 50 years with
UTI, tissue invasion of the prostate, the kidneys, or both
should be assumed, even in the absence of overt signs of
infection at these sites. Because of the inflammation usually
present, acute bacterial prostatitis initially responds well to
the same array of antimicrobial agents used to treat UTIs in
other populations. However, after a conventional course of
therapy of 10 to 14 days, relapse is common. It is now
recognized that intensive therapy for at least 4 to 6 weeks
and up to as many as 12 weeks is required to sterilize the
urinary tract in many of these men. The drugs of choice
for this purpose, assuming that the invading organisms are
susceptible, are trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, trimetho-
prim (in the individual allergic to sulfonamide), and the
fluoroquinolones. Prolonged treatment with each of these
has a greater than 60% chance of eradicating infection.
When relapse occurs, a choice then has to be made among
three therapeutic approaches: (1) long-term antimicrobial
suppression, (2) repeated treatment courses for each
relapse, and (3) surgical removal of the infected prostate
gland under coverage of systemic antimicrobial therapy.
The choice of approach depends on the age, sexual activity,
and general condition of the patient, the degree of bladder
outlet obstruction present, and the level of suspicion that
prostate cancer could be present. In addition to the usual
uropathogens that cause a UTI in men, one additional
entity merits attention. After instrumentation of the urinary
tract, most commonly after repeated insertion of a Foley
catheter, infection with S. aureus may occur; the use of
antistaphylococcal therapy and the removal of the foreign
body are required for cure.
328 Treatment of Childhood Urinary Tract Infection

The treatment of full-blown pyelonephritis in the child is sim-

ilar to that in the adult: broad-spectrum parenteral therapy
IV until the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the infecting
organism is known, followed by narrow-spectrum, least-toxic
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

therapy parenterally until the patient is afebrile for 24 to 48

hours. A prolonged 1- to 3-month course of oral therapy is
then instituted. Follow-up urine cultures within a week of
completion of therapy and at frequent intervals for the next
year are indicated. In children with acute, uncomplicated
UTI, conventional 7- to 14-day regimens are appropriate,
although many respond to short-course therapy. The one
major difference in the approach to children, as opposed to
adults, is that fluoroquinolones are not used in children
because of possible adverse effects on developing cartilage.
Recurrent UTI in children, particularly in those with renal
scarring or demonstrable VUR, is dealt with by long-term pro-
phylaxis with such agents as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(2 mg/kg per dose once or twice per day of the trimethoprim
component, which gives 10 mg/kg per dose of the sulfameth-
oxazole component), nitrofurantoin (2 mg/kg/day as single
dose), or methenamine mandelate (50 mg/kg/day in three
divided doses). Sulfonamides are less effective because of
the emergence of resistance. An auxiliary intervention that
can be effective in some children with recurrent UTI is the
aggressive treatment of constipation, particularly if this is
present in conjunction with urinary incontinence. Results of
trials comparing medical therapy with surgical correction of
VUR in children have failed to show significant benefit from
the surgical approach in terms of renal function, progressive
scarring, or renal growth, despite the fact that the technical
aspects of the surgical repair could be accomplished satisfac-
torily. As a result, current views are to aggressively prevent
scarring with prolonged antimicrobial therapy and close mon-
itoring as primary therapy. Surgical correction is reserved for
the child who, in a 2- to 4-year period, appears to not be
responding to medical therapy.

Complicated Urinary Tract Infection

The term complicated UTI, encompasses infections in a hetero-

geneous group of patients with a wide variety of structural and
functional abnormalities of the urinary tract and kidney. Therapy
should be aimed primarily at symptomatic UTI because there is
little evidence that treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in this
population of patients either alters the clinical condition of the
patient or is likely to be successful. The one exception to this rule
is if the asymptomatic patient is scheduled for instrumentation 329
of the urinary tract. In this instance, sterilization of the urine
before manipulation and continuation of antimicrobial therapy
for 3 to 7 days after manipulation can prevent serious morbidity
and even fatality from urosepsis. Because of the broad range of CH 15
infecting pathogens and their varying sensitivity patterns, cul-

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

ture data are essential in prescribing therapy for symptomatic
patients. If therapy should be needed before such information
is available, initial therapy must encompass a far broader spec-
trum than in other groups of patients. Thus, in a patient with
apparent pyelonephritis or urosepsis in a complicated setting,
initial therapy with such regimens as ampicillin plus gentami-
cin, imipenem-cilastatin, and piperacillin-tazobactam is indi-
cated. In the patient who is more subacutely ill, trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole or a fluoroquinolone appears to be a reasonable
first choice.
Every effort should be made to correct the underlying com-
plicating factor, whenever possible, in conjunction with
antimicrobial therapy. If this is possible, a prolonged 4- to
6-week “curative” course of therapy in conjunction with
surgical manipulation is appropriate. If such correction is
not possible, shorter courses of therapy (7–14 days), aimed
at controlling symptoms, appear to be more appropriate.
Frequent symptomatic relapses are worth an attempt at
long-term suppressive therapy. A particular subgroup of
patients susceptible to complicated UTI are patients with
neurogenic bladders secondary to spinal cord injury. In
these, intermittent self-catheterization with clean catheters
and methenamine prophylaxis have been shown to decrease
the morbidity associated with UTI.

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection

Infections of the urinary tract are by far the most common
cause of hospital-acquired infection. Approximately 2% to
4% of these patients develop gram-negative sepsis, and such
events can contribute to the death of these patients. Although
bacteriuria is inevitable with long-term catheterization, cer-
tain guidelines can be employed to delay the onset of such
infections and to minimize the rate of acquisition of antibi-
otic-resistant pathogens. Critically important in this regard
are sterile insertion and care of the catheter, use of a closed
drainage system, and prompt removal. Isolation of patients
with catheter-associated bacteriuria from other patients with
indwelling bladder catheters will also decrease the spread of
infection. Whether such additions as silver ion–coated cathe-
ters, the use of disinfectants in collecting bags, and other local
strategies offer additional benefit is still unclear, although
330 topical meatal care with povidone-iodine may be especially
useful. Systemic antimicrobial therapy can delay the onset of
bacteriuria and can be useful in those clinical situations in
which the time of catheterization is clearly limited (e.g., in
IV association with gynecologic or vascular surgery and kidney
transplantation). Treatment of catheter-associated UTI
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

requires good clinical judgment. In any patient symptomatic

from the infection, immediate therapy with effective antibio-
tics is indicated, with use of the same antimicrobial strategies
described before for other forms of complicated UTI. In an
asymptomatic patient, no therapy is indicated. Patients with
long-term indwelling catheters rarely become symptomatic
unless the catheter is obstructed or is eroding through the
bladder mucosa. In those patients who do become symptom-
atic, antibiotics should be given and close attention should
be directed to changing the catheter or changing the type of
urinary drainage.

Candidal Infection of the Urinary Tract

Clear-cut guidelines for the treatment of candidal infection of

the urinary tract are not available. The following approach is
the one that we currently advocate:
1. In patients with catheter-associated candidal UTI, removal
of the preceding catheter, insertion of a three-way catheter,
and infusion of an amphotericin rinse for a period of 3 to 5
days appear to have a greater than 75% success rate in era-
dicating this infection. Success is increased if such contri-
buting factors as hyperglycemia, corticosteroid use, and
antibacterial therapy can be eliminated.
2. In patients with candiduria without an indwelling catheter,
our preference is to treat such patients with fluconazole,
200 to 400 mg/day for 10 to 14 days.
3. Any patient with candiduria who is to undergo instrumen-
tation of the urinary tract requires systemic therapy with
amphotericin or fluconazole to prevent the consequences
of transient candidemia.


Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is an uncommon form of
chronic bacterial pyelonephritis characterized by the destruc-
tion of renal parenchyma and the presence of granulomas,
abscesses, and collections of lipid-filled macrophages. Women
are affected more often than men (2:1), and the lesions typi- 331
cally affect only one kidney. The majority of patients present
with renal pain, recurrent UTI, fever (of undetermined
nature), malaise, anorexia, weight loss, and constipation. Most
patients have a history of previous calculous disease, obstruc- CH 15
tive uropathy, or diabetes mellitus, and 38% have undergone

Urinary Tract Infection, Pyelonephritis, and Reflux Nephropathy

urologic procedures. The diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous
pyelonephritis should be considered in patients with a history
of chronic infection and certain radiologic features, including
unilateral renal enlargement, a nonfunctioning kidney on
intravenous urogram, the presence of renal calculi, angio-
graphic demonstration of an avascular mass or masses with
stretched attenuated intrarenal vessels, and an irregular
impaired nephrogram with prominent avascular areas. Bacte-
rial cultures of the urine are almost invariably positive. Pro-
teus mirabilis and E. coli are the organisms that are most
commonly cultured. The pathogenesis of xanthogranuloma-
tous pyelonephritis is unclear, although it seems certain that
the condition is caused by bacterial infection and accentuated
by urinary obstruction. Most kidneys with xanthogranuloma-
tous pyelonephritis are removed surgically, largely because a
correct preoperative diagnosis is made infrequently, but stud-
ies suggest that diagnosis by a combination of clinical and
radiologic features is possible in 40% of cases.


Malakoplakia is a rare, histologically distinct inflammatory

reaction usually caused by enteric bacteria and affecting
many organs, most commonly the urinary tract. In most
cases, the condition is confined to the urinary bladder
mucosa, where it appears as soft, yellow, slightly raised,
often confluent plaques 3 to 4 cm in diameter. It is most
common in middle-aged women with chronic UTI. Renal
malakoplakia occurs in the same clinical setting as xantho-
granulomatous pyelonephritis—chronic infection and
obstruction—and there is considerable overlap in the gross
histologic features of both conditions. E. coli is the most com-
mon organism cultured from urine. Clinical findings usually
include flank pain and signs of active renal infection.
Bilateral involvement has been reported, as has a clinical
presentation simulating acute kidney injury. The pathogene-
sis of malakoplakia is unclear, but about half of the cases are
associated with immunodeficiency or autoimmune disorders,
including hypogammaglobulinemia.
Chapter 16

Urinary Tract Obstruction

In obstructive nephropathy, the extent of recovery of renal func-
tion is inversely related to the duration and extent of obstruc-
tion; therefore, prompt diagnosis and relief of obstruction are
the cornerstones of effective management. Several terms with
varying definitions have been used to describe urinary tract
obstruction. It should be noted that they are not interchangable:
• Hydronephrosis: Dilation of the renal pelvis and calices
proximal to the point of obstruction
• Obstructive uropathy: A blockage to urine flow due to a
structural or functional derangement anywhere from the
tip of the urethra back to the renal pelvis that increases
pressure proximal to the site of obstruction
• Obstructive nephropathy: The functional or pathologic
damage to the renal parenchyma resulting from the obstruc-
tion anywhere along the urinary tract


The frequency of urinary tract obstruction varies widely among

different patient populations, and depends on age, sex, and con-
current medical conditions. In autopsy subjects younger than 10
years of age, the principal causes of urinary tract obstruction are
neurologic abnormalities or ureteral and urethral strictures.
Between the ages of 20 and 60 years, the frequency of urinary
obstruction is higher among women than among men, mainly
due to the effects of pregnancy and uterine cancer. After age 60
years, prostatic disease raises the frequency of urinary tract
obstruction among men above that among women.


Congenital Causes of Obstruction

Any level along the urinary tract from the ureteropelvic junction
to the tip of urethra can be obstructed because of congenital
anomalies (Table 16-1). Congenital causes of urinary tract
obstruction are important because in younger patients they often
lead to severe renal impairment and may result in end-stage renal
disease. There is considerable controversy as to whether all cases
Congenital Causes of Urinary Tract
Table 16-1
Ureteropelvic Junction
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction CH 16
Proximal and Middle Ureter

Urinary Tract Obstruction

Ureteral folds
Ureteral valves
Benign fibroepithelial polyps
Retrocaval ureter
Distal Ureter
Ureterovesical junction obstruction
Vesicoureteral reflux
Prune-belly syndrome
Bladder diverticula
Neurologic conditions (e.g., spina bifida)
Posterior urethral valves
Urethral diverticula
Anterior urethral valves
Urethral atresia
Labial fusion

of obstruction early in life are clinically significant. The wide-

spread use of fetal ultrasound has resulted in detection of many
cases that remain asymptomatic and may resolve spontaneously
with prospective follow-up. Because operative complications
may be high, the use of fetal or neonatal surgery for the relief of
obstruction remains controversial. Although bilateral obstruc-
tion requires intervention, the simple presence of unilateral
hydronephrosis does not. Indications for surgery in unilateral
hydronephrosis include symptoms of obstruction or impaired
renal function in a salvageable hydronephrotic kidney.

Acquired Causes of Obstruction

Acquired causes of obstruction may be intrinsic or extrinsic to
the urinary tract (Table 16-2).
Acquired Causes of Urinary Tract
Table 16-2
Intrinsic Processes Extrinsic Processes
IV Intraluminal Reproductive Tract
Intrarenal Females
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Uric acid nephropathy Uterus

Sulfonamides Pregnancy
Acyclovir Tumor (fibroids,
Indinavir endometrial or cervical
Multiple myeloma cancer)
Intraureteral Endometriosis
Nephrolithiasis Uterine prolapse
Papillary necrosis Ureteral ligation (surgical)
Blood clots Ovary
Fungus balls Tubo-ovarian abscess
Intramural Tumor
Functional Cyst
Diseases Males
Diabetes mellitus Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Multiple sclerosis Prostate cancer
Cerebrovascular disease Malignant Neoplasms
Spinal cord injury Genitourinary Tract
Parkinson disease Tumors of kidney, ureter,
Drugs bladder, urethra
Anticholinergic agents Other Sites
Levodopa (a-adrenergic Metastatic spread
properties) Direct extension
Anatomic Gastrointestinal System
Ureteral strictures Crohn disease
Schistosomiasis Appendicitis
Tuberculosis Diverticulosis
Drugs (e.g., nonsteroidal Chronic pancreatitis with
anti-inflammatory agents) pseudocyst formation
Ureteral instrumentation Acute pancreatitis
Urethral strictures Vascular System
Benign or malignant tumors of the Arterial aneurysms
renal pelvis, ureter, bladder Abdominal aortic
Iliac artery aneurysm
Ovarian vein
Systemic lupus
Polyarteritis nodosa
Wegener granulomatosis
Acquired Causes of Urinary Tract
Table 16-2
Intrinsic Processes Extrinsic Processes
Retroperitoneal Processes CH 16

Urinary Tract Obstruction

Ascending lymphangitis
of the lower extremities
Chronic urinary tract
Iatrogenic (multiple
abdominal surgical
Enlarged retroperitoneal
Tumor invasion
Tumor mass
Biologic Agents

Intrinsic Causes
Nephrolithiasis represents the most common cause of ureteral
obstruction in younger men. Twelve percent of the U.S. popu-
lation forms a symptomatic stone at some time in their lives,
with a male-female predominance of 3:1. When they cause
obstruction, it tends to be acute, unilateral, and intermittent,
usually without a long-term impact on renal function. Less
common types of stones, such as struvite (ammonium-magne-
sium-sulfate) and cystine stones, are more frequently asso-
ciated with renal damage because these substances
accumulate over time, and often form staghorn calculi.
Intrinsic intramural processes that cause obstruction
include functional abnormalities, such as those associated
with the neurologic dysfunction of diabetes mellitus, multiple
sclerosis, and spinal cord injury. Lower spinal tract injury
may result in a flaccid, atonic bladder and failure of micturi-
tion. When the bladder does not void normally, renal damage
may develop as a consequence of recurrent urinary tract infec-
tions and back-pressure produced by the accumulation of
residual urine. Various drugs can cause intrinsic intramural
obstruction by disrupting the normal function of the smooth
muscle of the urinary tract (see Table 16-2).
336 Acquired anatomic abnormalities of the wall of the urinary
tract include ureteral strictures, and both benign and malignant
tumors of the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and urethra. Ure-
teral strictures may occur as a result of radiation therapy for
IV local cancers, such as cervical cancer, or as a result of analgesic
abuse. In addition, strictures may develop as a complication
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

of ureteral instrumentation or surgery. Certain infectious

organisms may produce intrinsic obstruction of the urinary
tract as well. Schistosoma haematobium infects nearly 100
million people worldwide. Though active infection can be
treated and obstructive uropathy may resolve, chronic shisto-
somiasis (bilharziasis) may develop in untreated cases, lead-
ing to irreversible ureteral or bladder fibrosis and obstruction.

Extrinsic Causes
A wide variety of diseases cause acquired extrinsic urinary
tract obstruction. Because processes affecting the female
reproductive tract (e.g., pregnancy, pelvic neoplasms) often
cause obstructive uropathy, urinary tract obstruction occurs
more frequently in younger women than in younger men.
Noninvasive imaging studies have shown that more than two
thirds of women entering their third trimester demonstrate
some degree of dilation of the collecting system. The vast
majority of these are subclinical and appear to completely
resolve soon after delivery. Pelvic malignant neoplasms repre-
sent the second most common cause of extrinsic obstructive uro-
pathy in women. In older women, uterine prolapse may cause
obstruction, with hydronephrosis developing in 5% of patients.
Pelvic inflammatory disease, particularly a tubo-ovarian abscess,
can also cause obstruction. Although endometriosis only rarely
results in ureteral obstruction, it should be excluded in all pre-
menopausal women presenting with unilateral obstruction.
The onset of obstruction may be insidious, and the process is
usually confined to the pelvic portion of the ureter. Inadvertent
ligation of the ureter in abdominal and retroperitoneal operations
during gynecologic procedures is also a cause of ureteral
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, the most common cause of
urinary tract obstruction in men, produces some symptoms
of bladder outlet obstruction in 75% of men aged 50 years
and older. Presenting symptoms include urgency, difficulty
initiating micturition, dribbling at the end of micturition,
incomplete bladder emptying, and nocturia. The diagnosis
may be established by history and urodynamic studies. Malig-
nant genitourinary tumors occasionally result in urinary tract
obstruction. Bladder cancer is the second most common cause
(after cervical cancer) of malignant obstruction of the ureter.
Prostate cancer may cause obstruction by compression of the
bladder neck, invasion of the ureteral orifices, or metastatic
involvement of the ureter or pelvic nodes. Although urothelial 337
tumors of the renal pelvis, ureter, and urethra are rare, they
also may lead to urinary obstruction.
Several gastrointestinal processes, including Crohn disease,
may extend into the retroperitoneum causing ureteric obstruc- CH 16
tion, usually on the right side. An abdominal aortic aneurysm

Urinary Tract Obstruction

is the most common vascular cause of urinary obstruction.
Obstruction occurs either due to direct pressure from the aneu-
rysmal aorta on the ureter or due to associated retroperitoneal
fibrosis. Aneurysms of the iliac vessels may also cause obstruc-
tion. Retroperitoneal processes, such as tumor invasion leading
to compression and fibrosis, can produce obstruction. The
major extrinsic causes of retroperitoneal obstruction, account-
ing for 70% of all cases, are tumors of the cervix, prostate, blad-
der, colon, ovary, or uterus. Retroperitoneal fibrosis usually
involves the middle third of the ureter, typically in the
fifth and sixth decades of life. It may be drug-induced (e.g.,
methysergide), or it may occur as a consequence of multiple
abdominal surgical procedures. It may also be associated with
conditions as varied as sarcoidosis, gonorrhea, chronic uri-
nary tract infections, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, biliary tract
disease, tuberculosis, and inflammatory processes of the lower
extremities with associated ascending lymphangitis.


Patients with urinary tract obstruction may or may not exhibit

symptoms referable to the urinary tract. The clinical presenta-
tion depends on the rate of onset of the obstruction (acute or
chronic), the degree of obstruction (partial or complete),
whether the obstruction is unilateral or bilateral, and whether
the obstruction is intrinsic or extrinsic. Pain is usually asso-
ciated with obstruction of sudden onset and appears to result
from abrupt stretching of the renal capsule or collecting sys-
tem. The severity of the pain correlates with the rate, rather
than the degree, of distention. With ureteropelvic junction
obstruction, flank pain may develop when the patient ingests
large quantities of fluids or receives diuretics.
Sometimes, symptoms of obstruction include changes in
urine output. Bilateral urinary tract obstruction is one of the
few conditions that can result in anuria; however, obstruction
may coexist with no change in urine output. Recurrent urinary
tract infections may be the only sign of obstruction, particu-
larly in children. As mentioned earlier, difficulty initiating
urination, decreased size or force of the urine stream, post-
voiding dribbling, and incomplete emptying are signs of blad-
der outlet obstruction in patients with prostatic disease.
Spastic bladder or irritative symptoms such as dysuria,
338 frequency, and urgency may result from urinary tract infec-
tion. The cyclic appearance of obstructive symptoms may also
be a sign of endometriosis.
On physical examination, several signs may suggest urinary
IV obstruction. A palpable abdominal mass, especially in neo-
nates, may represent hydronephrosis. A palpable suprapubic
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

mass may represent a distended bladder. On laboratory exam-

ination, proteinuria, if present, is generally less than 2 g/day.
Microscopic hematuria is a common finding, but gross hema-
turia may develop occasionally as well. The urine sediment
is often unremarkable.

History and Physical Examination
A careful history and a well-directed and complete physical
examination often reveal the specific cause of urinary obstruc-
tion. Important information in the history includes the type
and duration of symptoms (voiding difficulties, flank pain,
decreased urine output), number of urinary tract infections
(especially in children), pattern of fluid intake and urine out-
put, history of stone disease, malignancies, gynecologic dis-
eases, history of recent surgery, and prescription medication
use. The abdominal examination may reveal hydronephrosis
presenting as a flank mass or a distended bladder. A pelvic
examination in women and a rectal examination in all patients
are mandatory.

Laboratory Evaluation
Unexplained renal failure with benign urinary sediment
should suggest urinary tract obstruction. Microscopic hematu-
ria without proteinuria or casts suggests a calculus or tumor.
Pyuria and bacteriuria may indicate pyelonephritis; bacteri-
uria alone may suggest stasis. Serum electrolytes, blood urea
nitrogen concentration, creatinine, Ca2þ, phosphorus, Mg2þ,
uric acid, and albumin levels should be measured. These
levels will help identify disorders of distal nephron function
(impaired osmoregulation or acid excretion) and uremia. Uri-
nary chemistries may also suggest distal tubular dysfunction
(isosthenuric urine, high urine pH), and/or inability to reab-
sorb sodium normally (urinary Naþ > 20 mEq/L, fractional
excretion of Naþ [FENa] > 1%, and osmolality < 350 mOsm).
Alternatively, in acute obstruction, urinary chemistry values
may be consistent with prerenal azotemia (urinary Naþ < 20
mEq/L, FENa < 1%, and osmolality > 500 mOsm).
Radiologic Evaluation 339

A variety of radiologic techniques are used in the evaluation

of obstructive uropathy. The risk of using radiocontrast mate-
rial in the setting of renal insufficiency, as well as that of CH 16
exposure to radiation in pregnant women, must always be

Urinary Tract Obstruction

taken into consideration.

Plain Film Imaging of the Abdomen

If a renal calculus is suspected, a plain film of the abdomen
(kidney, ureter, and bladder) can provide information on the
size and overall contour of the kidneys and may detect a cal-
culus along the course of the ureter or in the bladder, as
90% of calculi are radiopaque.

When obstruction is suspected, ultrasonography is the pre-
ferred screening modality because it is safe, cost effective, and
lacks ionizing radiation, making it ideal for pregnant patients.
Moreover, because no contrast agent is involved, it is well
suited to patients with an elevated or rising serum creatinine
level. Utrasonography can determine the size and shape of the
kidney, show dilation of the pelvis and calyces, and may dem-
onstrate thinned cortex in the case of severe long-standing
hydronephrosis. It has both high sensitivity and specificity for
detecting hydronephrosis. However, it may fail to detect
obstruction in the first 48 hours when hydronephrosis has
not, as yet, developed. False-positive conclusions may be the
result of a large extrarenal pelvis, parapelvic cysts, vesicouret-
eral reflux, or high urine flow rate.

Antenatal Ultrasonography
Prenatal hydronephrosis is diagnosed with an incidence of 1
in 100 to 1 in 500 maternal-fetal ultrasonographic studies.
Both obstructive and nonobstructive processes can cause dila-
tion of the urinary tract (see earlier discussion). The long-term
morbidity of mild hydronephrosis (pelviectasis without caly-
ceal dilation) is low. Cases of severe hydronephrosis (pelvical-
yceal dilation with parenchymal thinning) may require
postnatal surgical intervention for declining renal function,
infection, or symptoms. Overall, approximately 5% to 25%
of patients with antenatal hydronephrosis will ultimately
require surgical intervention. Therefore, long-term follow-up
of these patients is required. Functional imaging is required
for patients with persistent postnatal hydronephrosis. All
infants with prenatally detected hydronephrosis, confirmed by
postnatal studies, should be placed on antibiotic prophylaxis
pending the outcome of further evaluation. An infection in
340 the setting of ureteral obstruction can cause significant mor-
bidity in the uroseptic infant, and renal damage is a potential
comorbidity. Oral amoxicillin (10 mg/kg/day) is the most com-
monly used prophylactic antibiotic.
Intravenous Urography
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Intravenous urography (IVU; also known as intravenous pyelo-

graphy, or IVP) provides both functional and anatomic data,
particularly of the ureter. Until recently, it was considered to
be the gold standard for imaging in acute renal colic. However,
the procedure has significant drawbacks including contrast
nephrotoxicity and the fact that it is contraindicated in
pregnancy. Furthermore, kidneys may not be visualized in
cases of severe obstruction as the suppressed glomerular filtra-
tion rate (GFR) may not allow excretion of the contrast material.
All these concerns have led to replacement of IVU with com-
puted tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), and magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) in many cases.

Computed Tomography
CT has the distinct advantage of being able to visualize a dilated
collecting system, even without contrast enhancement, and can
also be performed more quickly than IVU. Non–contrast-
enhanced CT is more effective than IVU in precisely identifying
ureteral stones; it is as effective as IVU in determining the presence
or absence of ureteral obstruction and can identify even radiolu-
cent stones. CT is useful in identifying extrinsic causes of obstruc-
tion (e.g., retroperitoneal fibrosis, lymphadenopathy, hematoma).
CT can also detect extraurinary pathology and can establish non-
urogenital causes of pain. All of these advantages establish non–
contrast-enhanced helical CT as the diagnostic study of choice
for the evaluation of the patient with acute flank pain.

Isotopic Renography
Isotopic renography, or renal scintigraphy, can diagnose
upper urinary tract obstruction while avoiding the risk of
radiocontrast agents. Although it provides a functional assess-
ment of the obstructed kidney, anatomic definition is poor.
Isotopic renography is typically used to estimate the fractional
contribution of each kidney to overall renal function, and
repeat studies can gauge the extent to which relief of the
obstruction has restored renal function.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI can be used to explore the urinary tract when obstruc-
tion is suspected. Because MRI does not use ionizing radia-
tion, it is especially useful in children and pregnant
woman. It was previously considered to be safe in patients
with renal insufficiency and renal allografts, as it avoided the 341
risk of contrast nephropathy. However, recent recognition of
the link between the use of certain gadolinium agents, most
notably gadodiamide, and the development of nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis in patients with severe renal insufficiency, CH 16
means that it must be used with caution in the presence of

Urinary Tract Obstruction

renal dysfunction, and avoided in those with an estimated
GFR less than 30 mL/min/1.73m2 (see Chapter 3, Diagnostic
Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology, for a more
detailed discussion). MRI provides no substantial diagnostic
advantages in comparison to combined US and CT.
Retrograde and Antegrade Pyelography
When standard radiographic methods fail to yield a diagnosis, or
when obstruction must be promptly relieved (bilateral obstruc-
tion, obstruction of a solitary kidney, symptomatic infection in
the obstructed system), more invasive investigation, with a combi-
nation of treatments, may be necessary. Retrograde pyelography is
performed by cystoscopically guided cannulation of the ureteral
orifice and contrast injection. The procedure can be combined
with placement of a ureteral stent to relieve an obstruction, or with
possible stone extraction. Antegrade pyelography is performed by
percutaneous cannulation of the kidney, and injection of the con-
trast material into the kidney and ureter. This procedure should
establish the proximal level of obstruction, and may also serve as
a first step in relieving obstruction by means of percutaneous


Once the presence of obstruction is established, intervention is
usually indicated to relieve it. The type of intervention depends
on the location of the obstruction, its degree and etiology, as well
as the presence or absence of concomitant diseases and compli-
cations and the general condition of the patient. The first step
usually involves prompt relief of the obstruction, followed by
the definitive treatment. Infravesical obstruction (e.g., benign
prostatic hyperplasia or urethral stricture) can be relieved easily
with placement of a urethral catheter. If the urethra is impass-
able, suprapubic cystostomy may be necessary. Alternatively,
insertion of a nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent may be indi-
cated when supravesical urinary obstruction is present. The
urgency of the intervention depends on the degree of renal
impairment, the presence or absence of infection, and the overall
risk of the procedure. The presence of infection in an obstructed
urinary tract, or urosepsis, is a urologic emergency, which
requires prompt relief of the obstruction and antibiotic therapy.
342 Acute kidney injury, associated with bilateral ureteral obstruc-
tion or with the obstruction of a single functioning kidney, also
calls for emergent intervention.
Calculi, the most common form of acute unilateral urinary
IV obstruction, can usually be managed conservatively with analge-
sics to control pain, and intravenous fluids to increase urine flow.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Ninety percent of stones smaller than 5 mm pass spontaneously,

but as stones get larger, it becomes progressively less likely that
they will. Surgery or instrumentation is indicated for persistent
obstruction, uncontrollable pain, or urinary tract infection. Cur-
rent treatment options include cystoscopic placement of ureteral
stents, nephrostomy with urine drainage, extracorporeal shock
wave lithotripsy (which may require ureteral stent placement if
the patient is symptomatic), and ureteroscopy with stone frag-
mentation (usually with laser lithotripsy). Large renal stones
can be fragmented through nephrostomy. These newer
approaches have all but eliminated the need for open surgical
Intramural or extrinsic ureteral obstruction may be relieved
by placement of a ureteral stent through the cystoscope. If this
cannot be accomplished, or is ineffective (especially in cases
of extrinsic ureteral compression by the tumors), then
nephrostomy tubes will need to be inserted to effect prompt
relief of the obstruction. For infravesical obstruction due to
benign prostatic hyperplasia, surgery can be safely delayed
or completely avoided in patients with minimal symptoms,
lack of infection, and an anatomically normal upper urinary
tract. If needed, transurethral resection of the prostate, laser
ablation, or other techniques can be used for definitive treat-
ment. Internal urethrotomy with direct visualization may be
effective in the treatment of urethral strictures, as dilation
usually has only temporary effect. Suprapubic cystostomy
may be necessary in patients with impassable urethral stric-
tures, followed by open urethroplasty to restore urinary tract
continuity, when possible. Patients with neurogenic bladder
require a variety of approaches, including frequent voiding,
often by external compression, medications to stimulate blad-
der activity or relax the urethral sphincter, and intermittent
catheterization using meticulous technique to avoid infection.
Long-term indwelling bladder catheters should be avoided
because they increase the risk of infection and renal damage.
If more conservative measures such as frequent voiding or
intermittent catheterization are not effective, ileovesicostomy
or other form of urinary diversion should be considered.
In many forms of obstruction, initial stabilization of the
patient’s condition is followed by a decision as to whether
continued observation remains appropriate, or definitive surgery
or nephrectomy is required. The actual course chosen depends
on the likelihood that renal function will improve with the relief
of obstruction. The decision to operate and the choice of surgical 343
procedure are influenced by several factors including the age and
general condition of the patient, the appearance and function
of the obstructed kidney and the contralateral one, the cause of
the obstruction, and the presence of infection. The extent CH 16
of recovery of renal function depends on the extent and duration

Urinary Tract Obstruction

of the obstruction.

Estimating Renal Damage and Potential for

As noted earlier, when deciding whether to bypass or recon-
struct drainage of an obstructed kidney rather than excise it,
the potential for meaningful recovery of function in the affected
kidney represents a critical issue. Isotopic renography with a
variety of isotopes can be used to examine renal function, as
outlined earlier. This approach is a far more reliable indicator
of potential renal function when applied well after temporary
drainage of the obstructed kidney (e.g., by nephrostomy tubes)
has been achieved rather than performed while the obstruction
is still present. Of course, anatomic studies will reveal the
remaining size and volume of the kidney, and can provide some
idea of the extent to which the tissue remains viable. All of these
considerations contribute to the final clinical judgment as to
whether attempts should be made to salvage the kidney.

Recovery of Renal Function after Prolonged

The potential for recovery of renal function depends primarily
on the extent and duration of the obstruction, but other factors,
such as the presence of other illnesses and the presence or
absence of urinary tract infection, play an important role as
well. Recovery of renal function in humans has been documen-
ted following release of obstruction of over 60 days’ duration.
Because it is difficult to predict whether renal function will
recover when temporary relief of obstruction has been
achieved, it makes sense to measure function repeatedly with
isotopic renography over time, before deciding on a definitive
surgical course. Chronic bilateral obstruction, as seen in benign
prostatic hyperplasia, can cause chronic kidney disease, espe-
cially when the obstruction is of prolonged duration and when
it is accompanied by urinary tract infections. Progressive loss of
renal function can be slowed or halted by relieving the obstruc-
tion and treating the infection. When obstruction has been
relieved and there is poor return of renal function, interstitial
fibrosis and inflammation may have supervened.
Release of obstruction can lead to marked natriuresis and diure-
sis with the wasting of potassium, phosphate, and divalent
IV cations. It is notable that clinically significant postobstructive
diuresis usually occurs only in the setting of prior bilateral
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

obstruction, or unilateral obstruction of a solitary functioning

kidney. The mechanisms involved include a combination of
intrinsic damage to tubular salt, solute, and water reabsorption,
as well as the effects of volume expansion, solute (e.g., urea)
accumulation, and attendant increases in natriuretic sub-
stances, such as atrial natriuretic peptide. Management of the
patient with postobstructive diuresis focuses on avoiding
severe volume depletion due to salt wasting, and other electro-
lyte imbalances, such as hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hyperna-
tremia, and hypomagnesemia. Postobstructive diuresis is
typically self-limited. It usually lasts for several days to a week,
but may, in rare cases, persist for months. Volume or free water
replacement is appropriate only when the salt and water losses
result in volume depletion or a disturbance of osmolality. In
many cases, excessive volume or fluid replacement prolongs
the diuresis and natriuresis. Because the initial urine is isosthe-
nuric, with an initial Naþ of approximately 80 mEq/L, an appro-
priate starting fluid for replacement may be 0.45% saline, given
at a rate somewhat slower than that of the urine output. During
this period, meticulous monitoring of vital signs, volume status,
urine output, and serum and urine chemistry and osmolality is
imperative. This data will determine the need for ongoing
replacement of salt, free water, and other electrolytes. With
massive diuresis, these measurements will need to be repeated
frequently, up to four times daily, with frequent adjustment of
replacement fluids as needed.
Chapter 17

Diabetic Nephropathy
Persistent albuminuria (>300 mg/24 hours) is the hallmark of
diabetic nephropathy, which can be diagnosed clinically if
the following additional criteria are fulfilled: the presence of
diabetic retinopathy and the absence of clinical or laboratory
evidence of other kidney or renal tract disease. This clinical
definition of diabetic nephropathy is valid in both type 1
and type 2 diabetes. During the last decade longitudinal stud-
ies have shown that microalbuminuria strongly predicts the
development of diabetic nephropathy in both type 1 and type
2 diabetes. Microalbuminuria is defined as urinary albumin
excretion greater than 30 mg/24 hours (20 µg/min) and less
than or equal to 300 mg/24 hours (200 µg/min), irrespective
of how the urine is collected.
Diabetic nephropathy is the single most common cause of
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Europe and the United
States, accounting for 25% to 45% of patients enrolled in
ESRD programs. Nephropathy is a major cause of illness and
death in diabetes and is associated with strikingly high rates
of cardiovascular disease (CVD), particularly in type 2 diabetic


Prevalence and Incidence

The overall prevalence of micro- and macroalbuminuria is
around 30% to 35% in both type 1 and 2 diabetes. The highest
prevalence is found in Native Americans with type 2 diabetes,
followed by black Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian
Indians, and white Europeans. Diabetic nephropathy rarely
develops before 10 years’ duration of type 1 diabetes, whereas
approximately 3% of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients
have overt nephropathy. The incidence peak (3% per year)
is usually found between 10 and 20 years of diabetes, after
which a progressive decline in incidence takes place. Thus,
the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy for a normoalbu-
minuric patient with a diabetes duration of greater than 30
years is very low.

346 Microalbuminuria Predicts Nephropathy

Several longitudinal studies have shown that microalbuminuria

strongly predicts the development of diabetic nephropathy in
IV type 1 diabetic patients (risk ratio > 20). The predictive value
is somewhat lower in microalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

(risk ratio, 8.5). In addition to microalbuminuria, several other

risk factors or markers for development of diabetic nephropathy
have been documented, including poor glycemic control, hyper-
tension, male sex, familial clustering, smoking, age under
20 years at disease onset, and ethnicity.

Prognosis in Microalbuminuria
Microalbuminuria is a strong predictor of total and cardio-
vascular fatality and cardiovascular morbidity in diabetic
patients. The mechanisms linking microalbuminuria and
death from CVD are poorly understood. Microalbuminuria
has been proposed as a marker of widespread endothelial
dysfunction, which might predispose to enhanced penetra-
tions in the arterial wall of atherogenic lipoprotein particles
and as a marker of established cardiovascular disease. It is
associated with an excess of well-known and potential
cardiovascular risk factors: raised blood pressure, dyslipo-
proteinemia, increased platelet aggregability, endothelial
dysfunction, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia have
all been demonstrated in microalbuminuric diabetic patients.
Recent echocardiographic studies have revealed impaired
diastolic function and cardiac hypertrophy in microalbumi-
nuric insulin-dependent (IDDM) and non–insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitis (NIDDM) patients. Left ventricular hypertro-
phy predisposes the individual to ischemic heart disease,
ventricular arrhythmia, sudden death, and heart failure.

Prognosis in Diabetic Nephropathy

Type 1 diabetic patients without proteinuria have a low and
constant relative mortality rate, whereas patients with protein-
uria have a significantly higher relative mortality rate (>10-
fold). However, the prognostic importance of proteinuria in
type 2 diabetic patients is considerably less than in type 1 dia-
betes (2- to 5-fold). The cumulative death rate 10 years after
the onset of abnormally elevated urinary albumin excretion
in European type 2 diabetic patients is approximately 70%,
compared to 45% in normoalbuminuric patients. Indeed,
much of the excessive cardiovascular mortality rate associated
with type 2 diabetes is concentrated in patients with

A preclinical phase consisting of a normo- and a microalbumi-

nuria stage and a clinical phase characterized by albuminuria
are well documented in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic CH 17
patients. Figure 17-1 depicts the putative promoters for pro-

Diabetic Nephropathy
gression of diabetic nephropathy.

Approximately one third of type 1 diabetic patients have a glo-
merular filtration rate (GFR) above the upper normal range of
age-matched healthy nondiabetic subjects. The degree of
hyperfiltration is less in type 2 diabetic patients. The GFR ele-
vation is particularly pronounced in newly diagnosed diabetic
patients and during other intervals with poor metabolic control.
Intensified insulin treatment and near-normal blood glucose

Systemic blood
Dietary protein





Figure 17-1. Putative promoters for progression of diabetic
nephropathy. ACE/ID, angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/
deletion. (From Parving H-H, Mauer M, Ritz E: Diabetic
nephropathy. In Brenner BM: Brenner & Rector’s The Kidney,
8th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2008.)
348 control reduce GFR toward normal levels after a period of days
to weeks in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.
Longitudinal studies suggest that hyperfiltration is a risk
factor for subsequent increase in urinary albumin excretion
IV and development of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic
patients, but this has not been conclusively established. The
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

prognostic significance of hyperfiltration in type 2 diabetic

patients is unclear.

Subclinical albumin excretion rate has been termed microalbu-
minuria and can be normalized by improved glycemic control.
In addition to hyperglycemia, many other factors can induce
microalbuminuria in diabetic patients such as hypertension,
massive obesity, heavy exercise, various acute or chronic ill-
nesses, and cardiac failure. Furthermore, the day-to-day varia-
tion in the urinary albumin excretion ratio (AER) is high, 30%
to 50%, and consequently more than one urine sample is needed
to determine whether an individual patient has persistent micro-
albuminuria. Urinary albumin excretion within the microalbu-
minuric range (30–300 mg/24 hours) in at least two out of three
consecutive nonketotic sterile urine samples is the generally
accepted definition of persistent microalbuminuria. Persistent
microalbuminuria is exceptional in the first 5 years of diabetes.
The annual rate of rise of urinary albumin excretion is about
20% in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with persistent
microalbuminuria. The prevalence of arterial hypertension
(140/90 mm Hg) in adult type 1 diabetic patients is 42%,
52%, and 79% in subjects with normo-, micro-, and macroalbu-
minuria, respectively. The prevalence of hypertension in type
2 diabetes is 71%, 90%, and 93% in the normo-, micro-, and
macroalbuminuria groups, respectively.

Clinical Features and Natural History

Diabetic nephropathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by
persistent albuminuria (>300 mg/24 hours), a relentless
decline in GFR, and raised arterial blood pressure. Although
albuminuria is the first sign, peripheral edema is the first
symptom of diabetic nephropathy. Fluid retention is fre-
quently observed early in the course of this kidney disease,
that is, at a stage with well-preserved renal function and only
slight reduction in serum albumin.
The natural history of diabetic nephropathy is a relentless,
often linear, but highly variable rate of decline in GFR ranging
from 2 to 20 mL/min/year, with a mean of 12 mL/min/year. 349
Type 2 diabetic patients suffering from nephropathy display
the same degree of loss in GFR. Systemic hypertension acceler-
ates the progression of diabetic nephropathy and a close correla-
tion between blood pressure and the rate of decline in GFR has CH 17
been documented in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.

Diabetic Nephropathy
Impaired or abolished renal autoregulation of renal plasma flow
(RPF), as demonstrated in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients
with nephropathy, contributes to increased glomerular pres-
sures in diabetic nephropathy: glomerular hypertension. Pro-
teinuria itself may contribute to renal damage. Indeed, type 1
diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy and nephrotic-
range proteinuria (>3 g/24 hours) have the worst prognosis.
For many years it was believed that once albuminuria had
become persistent, then glycemic control was unimportant
because a “point of no return” had been reached. This is a
misconception and studies dealing with large numbers of type
1 diabetic patients have documented the important impact of
glycemic control on progression of diabetic nephropathy. In
contrast, most of the studies dealing with proteinuric type
2 diabetic patients have failed to demonstrate any significant
impact of glycemic control on disease progression.

Extrarenal Complications
Diabetic retinopathy is present in virtually all type 1 diabetic
patients with nephropathy, whereas only 50% to 60% of pro-
teinuric NIDDM patients suffer from retinopathy. Absence of
retinopathy should prompt further investigation for nondia-
betic glomerulopathies (see later discussion). Blindness due
to severe proliferative retinopathy or maculopathy is approxi-
mately five times greater in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients
with nephropathy compared to normoalbuminuric patients.
Macroangiopathies—for example, stroke, carotid artery steno-
sis, congestive heart failure, and peripheral vascular dis-
ease—are two to five times more common in nephropathic
patients. Peripheral neuropathy is present in almost all
patients with advanced nephropathy. Foot ulcers with sepsis
leading to amputation occur frequently (>25%), probably
due to a combination of neural and arterial disease. Auto-
nomic neuropathy may be asymptomatic and simply manifest
as abnormal cardiovascular reflexes, or it may result in debili-
tating symptoms. Over half of the patients with advanced
nephropathy have symptoms of autonomic neuropathy: gusta-
tory sweating, impotence, postural hypotension, and diarrhea.
Diabetic cystopathy is also a frequent (>30%) problem in
these patients (Table 17-1).
Major Microvascular and Macrovascular
Table 17-1 Complications in Patients with Diabetic
IV Microvascular Complications
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Polyneuropathy including autonomic neuropathy (gastroparesis,

diarrhea/obstipation, detrusor paresis, painless myocardial
ischemia, erectile dysfunction; supine hypertension/orthostatic
Macrovascular Complications
Coronary heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, congestive
heart failure
Cerebrovascular complications (stroke)
Peripheral artery occlusive disease
Mixed Complications
Diabetic foot (neuropathic, vascular)


Glycemic Control
Primary Prevention
Intensive blood glucose control has a significant beneficial effect
on the progression from normo- to microalbuminuria in type 1
diabetic patients. A worsening of diabetic retinopathy may be
observed during the initial months of intensive therapy, but in
the longer term, the rate of deterioration is slower than in conven-
tionally treated type 1 diabetic patients. Side effects are a major
concern with intensive therapy and the frequency of severe
hypoglycemia is higher in intensively treated patients. In the
Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) intensive ther-
apy reduced the occurrence of microalbuminuria by 39% and
that of albuminuria by 54%. Despite these impressive results,
16% of subjects in the primary prevention cohort and 26% in
the secondary prevention cohort developed microalbuminuria
during the 9 years of intensive treatment. This clearly documents
the need for additional treatment modalities to avoid or reduce
the burden of diabetic nephropathy. Intensive metabolic control
has been confirmed to have a beneficial effect on progression of
normoalbuminuria to micro- and macroalbuminuria in type
2 diabetes by the U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS).

Secondary Prevention
The impact of intensive versus conventional diabetic treatment
on the progression or regression of microalbuminuria in type 1
diabetic patients has shown conflicting outcomes. These disap- 351
pointing results might partly be due to the relatively short
length of the follow-up period, because the UKPDS study
with 15 years of follow-up documented a progressive beneficial
effect with time on the development of proteinuria and a two- CH 17
fold increase in plasma creatinine. Furthermore, pancreatic

Diabetic Nephropathy
transplantation can reverse glomerulopathy in patients with
type 1 diabetes, but reversal requires more than 5 years of nor-
moglycemia. Recently, intensified multifactorial intervention
(pharmacologic therapy targeting hyperglycemia, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, and microalbuminuria) in patients with type
2 diabetes and microalbuminuria has been demonstrated to
substantially slow progression to nephropathy, retinopathy,
and autonomic neuropathy.

Blood Pressure Control

Primary Prevention
Recent laboratory observations are consistent with the concept
that glomerular hypertension is a major factor in the pathogen-
esis of diabetic glomerulopathy, and indicate that lowering of
systemic blood pressure without concomitant reduction of
glomerular capillary pressure may be insufficient to prevent
glomerular injury. Lowering of systemic blood pressure by
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or conven-
tional antihypertensive treatment affords significant renopro-
tection in experimental models of diabetic nephropathy.
Three randomized placebo-controlled trials in normotensive
type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with normal albumin
excretion ratios (AERs) have suggested a beneficial effect of
ACE inhibition on the development of microalbuminuria.
In contrast, studies comparing the effect of ACE inhibitors
versus a long-acting dihydropyridine calcium antagonist or
b-blockade in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with nor-
moalbuminuria have shown equivalent protection. The
UKPDS study reported that, by 6 years, patients under tight
blood pressure control had a 29% reduction in risk of devel-
oping microalbuminuria. Beneficial effects of aggressive blood
pressure control in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients on
albuminuria, retinopathy, and incidence of stroke have
recently been demonstrated.

Secondary Prevention
ACE inhibitors significantly reduce the risk of progression to
macroalbuminuria compared to placebo in type 1 patients with
microalbuminuria (odds ratio, 0.38). In addition, regression to
normoalbuminuria occurs more frequently, and urinary albu-
min excretion ratio is 50% lower in patients taking ACE
352 inhibitors. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of ACE inhibitors
in preventing progression from microalbuminuria to overt
nephropathy is long-lasting and is associated with preser-
vation of normal GFR. Antihypertensive treatment has a
IV renoprotective effect in hypertensive patients with type 2 dia-
betes and microalbuminuria, particularly when achieved
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

using angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). Based on the

trials with ARBs the American Diabetes Association now
recommends: “In hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients with
microalbuminuria or clinical albuminuria, ARBs are the ini-
tial agents of choice.”

Established Nephropathy
Control of hypertension and blockade of the renin-angiotensin
system are key therapeutic interventions in established diabetic
nephropathy. Indeed, the prognosis of type 1 diabetic patients
suffering from diabetic nephropathy has improved during the
past decade, largely because of effective antihypertensive treat-
ment with conventional drugs (b-blockers, diuretics) and ACE
inhibitors. Early and aggressive antihypertensive treatment
reduces albuminuria and the rate of decline in GFR in young
men and women with type 1 diabetes and nephropathy. In
addition, regression of kidney disease (DGFR  1 mL/min/year)
or remission of proteinuria for at least 1 year (proteinuria  1 g/
24 hours) has been documented in up to 20% of type 1 diabetic
patients receiving aggressive antihypertensive therapy for dia-
betic nephropathy. The renoprotective effect of interruption of
the renin-angiotensin blockade on the progression of diabetic
nephropathy has been conclusively proved in both type 1
(ACE inhibition) and type 2 (ARB) diabetes mellitus. Moreover,
these agents offer an additional significant mortality benefit in
this patient population.
Initiation of antihypertensive treatment usually induces an
initial drop in GFR. This phenomenon occurs with conven-
tional antihypertensive treatment with b-blockers, diuretics,
and when ACE inhibitors or ARBs are used. This initial decline
in GFR is due to a functional (hemodynamic) effect of antihy-
pertensive treatment; however, this is accompanied thereafter
by a slower decline in kidney function reflecting the beneficial
effect on progression of nephropathy. This is an important
clinical point. Many patients with diabetic nephropathy will
experience a modest increment in serum creatinine following
initiation of ACE inhibition or ARB therapy. These changes
should be anticipated and should not trigger withdrawal of
the agent. However, the development acute kidney injury
should prompt consideration of the possibility of coexisting
bilateral renal artery stenosis or effective or actual volume
depletion (e.g., congestive heart failure or excessive diuresis).
Lipid Lowering 353

Hyperlipidemia may promote the progression of chronic renal

disease including diabetic nephropathy. However, the reno-
protective effect of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A CH 17
(HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors in patients with type 1 or

Diabetic Nephropathy
type 2 diabetes with micro- or macroalbuminuria appears to
be highly variable. These agents should be prescribed only if
a coexisting indication is present.

Dietary Protein Restriction

Short-term studies in normoalbuminuric, microalbuminuric,
and macroalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients have shown
that a low-protein diet (0.6–0.8 g/kg/day) reduces urinary
albumin excretion and hyperfiltration, independent of
changes in glucose control and blood pressure. Longer-term
trials in type 1 patients with diabetic nephropathy suggest that
protein restriction reduces the progression of kidney function,
but the data are not definitive.


Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of ESRD in most
Western countries. Survival of the diabetic patient on hemodi-
alysis is poorer whether diabetic or primary nondiabetic renal
disease accounts for end-stage renal failure (Table 17-2). The
diabetic patient with ESRD has several options for renal
replacement therapy:
1. Transplantation (kidney only, simultaneous pancreas plus
kidney, pancreas after kidney)
2. Hemodialysis (HD)
3. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)

Frequent Therapeutic Challenges in the

Table 17-2
Diabetic Patient with Renal Failure
Hypertension (blood pressure amplitude, circadian rhythm)
Glycemic control (insulin half-life, accumulation of oral
hypoglycemic agents)
Bacterial infections (diabetic foot)
Timely creation of vascular access
354 There is consensus today that medical rehabilitation and
survival are best after transplantation, particularly after trans-
plantation of pancreas plus kidney. The results of CAPD and
HD are inferior to transplantation but comparable between
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Management of the Patient with Advanced

Renal Failure
The diabetic patient with advanced renal failure has usually
a much higher burden of microvascular and macrovascular
complications than the diabetic patient without nephropa-
thy. The diabetic patient with advanced renal impairment,
even if he or she is asymptomatic, must therefore be moni-
tored at regular intervals for timely detection of these com-
plications (ophthalmologic examination at half-yearly
intervals, cardiac and angiologic status yearly, foot inspec-
tion at each visit). The most vexing clinical problems are
related to coronary heart disease (CHD) and autonomic

Blood pressure tends to be higher in diabetic compared to
nondiabetic patients with renal failure. Because of their ben-
eficial effect on cardiovascular complications and disease
progression, ACE inhibitors or ARBs are obligatory in all
patients unless there are contraindications (e.g., renal artery
stenosis or resistant hyperkalemia). Patients with diabetic
nephropathy are sodium avid and have a marked tendency
to develop hypervolemia and edema. Therefore, dietary salt
restriction and the use of loop diuretics are usually indi-
cated. Thiazides are not sufficient as monotherapy once
GFR is below 40 to 50 mL/min. When the creatinine concen-
tration is elevated, multidrug therapy is usually necessary to
normalize blood pressure with, on average, three to five anti-
hypertensive agents. In these patients hypertension is also
characterized by a wide pulse pressure (as a result of
increased aortic stiffness) and by an attenuated nighttime
decrease in blood pressure, which in itself is a potent risk

Glycemic Control
The half-life of insulin is prolonged in advanced kidney dis-
ease causing a tendency to develop hypoglycemia. This risk
is further compounded by anorexia and by accumulation of
most sulfonylurea compounds. Glinides and glitazones do
not accumulate, but long-term safety data in renal failure are
not available.
Malnutrition 355
Patients with ESRD due to diabetic nephropathy are typically
catabolic and are predisposed to develop malnutrition, particu-
larly during periods of intercurrent illness and fasting. There-
fore, protein-restricted diets are discouraged in advanced CH 17
renal insufficiency, particularly in anorectic patients. Anorectic

Diabetic Nephropathy
obese patients with type 2 diabetes and advanced renal failure
often undergo massive weight loss leading to normalization of
fasting and even postloading glycemia. Wasting with low mus-
cle mass is an important reason why physicians misjudge the
severity of renal failure, because at any given level of GFR,
serum creatinine concentrations are spuriously low.

Acute and “Acute-on-Chronic” Kidney Disease

Diabetic patients with nephropathy are particularly prone to
develop “acute-on-chronic” kidney disease. The most common
causes include emergency cardiologic interventions involving
administration of radiocontrast material, septicemia, low car-
diac output, and shock. The high susceptibility of the kidney
to ischemic injury may be a contributory factor. Often the acute
kidney injury (AKI) is irreversible and necessitates chronic HD.
This mode of presentation as irreversible AKI has a particularly
poor prognosis.

Vascular Access
Timely creation of vascular access is of overriding importance.
It should be considered when the GFR is approximately 20 to
25 mL/min. Although venous runoff problems are not
unusual, inadequate arterial inflow is increasingly recognized
as the major cause of fistula malfunction. If distal arteries are
severely sclerotic, anastomosis at a more proximal level may
be necessary. Arteriosclerosis of arm arteries not only jeopar-
dizes fistula flow but also predisposes to the steal phenome-
non with digital ischemia.

Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy

Many nephrologists would agree that renal replacement ther-
apy should be started earlier than in nondiabetic patients
and at a GFR of approximately 15 mL/min. An even earlier
start may be justified when hypervolemia and blood pressure
become uncontrollable, or when the patient is anorectic and

In recent years, survival of diabetic patients on HD has
improved, with a 5-year survival rate in type 2 diabetic
patients on HD of approximately 30%.
356 Intradialytic and Interdialytic Blood Pressure
Diabetic hemodialysis patients are more hypertensive than
nondiabetic patients, and the blood pressure is exquisitely
volume-dependent. The problem is compounded by the fact
IV that patients are predisposed to intradialytic hypotension,
so that it is difficult to reach the target “dry weight” by ultrafi-
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

ltration. The main causes of intradialytic hypotension are

autonomous neuropathy and diastolic dysfunction so that car-
diac output decreases abruptly when left ventricular filling
pressure diminishes during ultrafiltration. Longer dialysis ses-
sions, omission of antihypertensive agents immediately before
dialysis sessions, and correction of anemia by erythropoietin
therapy may lower the incidence of this complication.

Cardiovascular Problems
Cardiovascular disease accounts for over half of all deaths in
diabetic patients on HD. The prevalence of CHD is signifi-
cantly higher in diabetic compared to nondiabetic patients
entering ESRD programs. In addition, the diabetic patient is
at higher risk when coronary complications supervene. The
impact of ischemic heart disease is amplified by coexisting
cardiac abnormalities such as congestive heart failure, left
ventricular hypertrophy, and disturbed sympathetic innerva-
tion, as well as microvessel disease with diminished coronary
reserve. Observational studies suggest that good glycemic con-
trol before or during dialysis reduces overall and cardiovascu-
lar mortality rates. It is sensible to reduce afterload (blood
pressure control) and preload (hypervolemia). The value of
lipid lowering by statins has not been proved but is currently
being investigated in type 2 diabetic patients on dialysis. Dia-
betic patients with renal failure are characterized by prema-
ture and more pronounced anemia, so that timely and
effective treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin
(rhEPO) is advisable. Pharmacologic blockade of the renin-
angiotensin system using ACE inhibitors or ARBs is also
advised based on an extrapolation of the results of the Heart
Outcome Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study. In the patient
with symptomatic CHD, active intervention, for example, per-
cutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or CABG
(coronary artery bypass graft), has been shown to be superior
to medical treatment alone. A recent retrospective analysis of
dialysed diabetics suggested that CABG using internal mam-
mary grafts (but not CABG using venous grafts) yielded supe-
rior outcome compared to PTCA with or without stenting.

Because of anorexia and prolonged habituation to dietary
restriction, the dietary intake of diabetic patients on HD often
falls short of adequate energy (30–35 kcal/kg/day) and protein
(1.3 g/kg/day) intake. This is particularly undesirable because 357
malnutrition is a potent predictor of death. All patients should
be reviewed on a regular basis by a clinical nutrition service.

Peritoneal Dialysis CH 17

Diabetic Nephropathy
In the United States, 7% of all patients with diabetes receiving
renal replacement therapy are treated with peritoneal dialysis
(PD), but these rates are much higher in Western Europe.
There are very good a priori reasons to initially offer CAPD
treatment to diabetic patients including difficulties in vascu-
lar access placement, improved survival during the first
2 years, survival in patients treated with PD compared to HD
(excluding the very elderly), and avoidance of rapid fluctua-
tions of fluid volumes and electrolyte concentrations. Some
evidence suggests that patients who start on PD and then
transfer to HD when residual renal function declines have
better long-term survival than patients who started on HD.
Although protein is lost across the peritoneal membrane, the
main nutritional problem is gain of glucose and calories
because high glucose concentrations in the dialysate are nec-
essary for osmotic removal of excess body fluid. This leads
to weight gain and obesity.


Kidney Transplantation
Although survival of the diabetic patient with a kidney graft is
worse compared with a grafted nondiabetic patient, the gain in
life expectancy of the diabetic patient with a graft, compared
with the dialyzed diabetic patient on the waiting list, is propor-
tionally much greater than in the nondiabetic patient, because
survival of the diabetic patient is so much poorer on dialysis.
The higher mortality rate of the diabetic with a kidney graft is
mainly explained as the consequence of preexisting vascular
disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, and post-transplant
hypertension. Diabetic patients must be subjected to rigorous
pretransplantation evaluation, which in most centers includes
routine coronary angiography. Patients should also be exam-
ined by Doppler sonography of pelvic arteries and, if necessary,
angiography, to avoid placement of a renal allograft into an iliac
artery with compromised arterial flow at risk of ischemia of the
extremity and amputation.

Kidney-Plus-Pancreas Transplantation
Survival of patients with simultaneous pancreas-kidney trans-
plantation (SPK) approaches that of patients transplanted for
nondiabetic renal disease and is clearly superior to that for
358 diabetic recipients of living donor kidney-only grafts and par-
ticularly of cadaver kidney-only grafts. Reversibility of estab-
lished microvascular complications after SPK is minor at
best, with the important exception of autonomic polyneu-
IV ropathy, particularly improved cardiorespiratory reflexes,
potentially contributing to increased survival, and some
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

improvement in nerve conduction. Further benefits include

improved gastric and bladder function, as well as superior
quality of life, better metabolic control, and improved sur-
vival, so that today SPK should be the preferred treatment
for the type 1 diabetic who meets the selection criteria. There
is an increasing tendency for early or even preemptive SPK.

Pancreas-After-Kidney Transplantation
An alternative strategy must be considered in the diabetic
patient who has a live kidney donor: to first transplant the liv-
ing donor kidney, and subsequently, once stable renal func-
tion is achieved (GFR > 50 mL/min), to transplant a cadaver
donor pancreas. Recent data suggest a poorer outcome in such
patients compared to conventional treatment.

Islet Cell Transplantation

Islet cell transplantation is an area of emerging interest. Suc-
cessful islet cell transplantation achieving insulin indepen-
dence in seven consecutive patients using a steroid-free
immunosuppression regimen consisting of sirolimus, tacroli-
mus, and taclizumab has been reported.

Bladder dysfunction as a sequela of autonomous diabetic poly-
neuropathy is frequent in diabetic patients, leading to straining,
hesitancy, and the sensation of incomplete emptying of the blad-
der; disabling symptoms, however, are rare (with the exception
of the frail elderly). Because of its association with autonomous
polyneuropathy, it is not surprising that bladder dysfunction is
frequently associated with postural hypotension, gastroparesis,
constipation, and nocturnal diarrhea. Cystometry shows
increased bladder volume at first desire to void and increased
maximal bladder capacity associated with decreased detrusor
contractility. Cystopathy with residual volume after voiding
renders eradication of urinary tract infection (UTI) difficult.


It is not absolutely certain whether the frequency of bacteri-
uria is higher in diabetic patients, but there is no doubt that
symptomatic UTIs are more severe and more aggressive.
UTIs in diabetes also lead to complications, such as prostatic 359
abscess, emphysematous cystitis and pyelonephritis, intrare-
nal abscess formation, renal carbuncle, and penile necrosis
(Fournier disease). Papillary necrosis should be suspected in
diabetic patients with recurrent episodes of UTI, renal colic, CH 17
hematuria, or obstructive uropathy.

Diabetic Nephropathy
Extrarenal bacterial metastases are common, particularly
after UTI with methicillin-resistant staphylococci. In commu-
nity-acquired UTI, the predominant microbe is E. coli, but
Klebsiella is more frequently found in diabetic patients than
in control subjects. The reasons for the potentially higher fre-
quency and the definitely higher severity of UTI in diabetes
are not known but may include more favorable conditions
for bacterial growth (glucosuria), defective neutrophil func-
tion, increased adherence to uroepithelial cells, and impaired
bladder evacuation (detrusor paresis). As to the management
of UTI, no clear benefits of antibiotic treatment have been
demonstrated for treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in
diabetic patients. Community-acquired symptomatic lower
UTI may be managed with trimethoprim, trimethoprim with
sulfamethoxazole, or gyrase inhibitors. For nosocomially
acquired UTI, sensitivity tests and sensitivity-directed antibi-
otic intervention are necessary. Invasive candiduria can be
managed with amphotericin by irrigation or systemic adminis-
tration of fungicidal substances.


It has been reported that renal disorders such as minimal
change disease and membranous nephropathy occur with
greater frequency in the type 1 diabetic patient population
than among nondiabetics. In fact, fewer than 1% of type 1
patients with 10 or more years of diabetes and fewer than
4% of those with proteinuria and long diabetes duration will
have conditions other than, or in addition to, diabetic
nephropathy. However, proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients
without retinopathy, or with unusual features, may have a
high incidence of other renal diseases. Proteinuria in type 1
diabetic patients with less than 10 years of diabetes duration
or type 2 diabetic patients without retinopathy should be thor-
oughly evaluated for other renal diseases, and renal biopsy for
diagnosis and prognosis should be strongly considered.
Chapter 18


The lifetime risk of nephrolithiasis is 7% to 13%. The major-

ity of crystals are composed of calcium (>80%) complexed
with oxalate or phosphate. Other stones are composed of uric
acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), or cystine,
either alone or in combination. The mean age at onset of
symptomatic stone disease is 45 years for men and 41 years
for women, and the overall male-female ratio is 1.7:1. In addi-
tion to age and gender, race, geography, and body mass index
are factors in the prevalence of kidney stones, with sun expo-
sure and obesity significant risk factors.
The most characteristic symptoms of nephrolithiasis are
pain, hematuria, nausea, and vomiting. Other presentations
include urinary tract infection and acute kidney injury, if
stones cause bilateral renal tract obstruction or unilateral
obstruction in a single functioning kidney.

The classic presentation of pain in patients with nephrolithia-
sis is severe ureteral colic. This pain is often of abrupt onset
and intensifies over time into an excruciating, severe flank
pain that resolves with stone passage or removal. The pain
may migrate anteriorly along the abdomen and inferiorly to
the groin, penis, or labia majora as the stone moves toward
the ureterovesical junction. Gross hematuria, urinary urgency,
frequency, nausea, and vomiting may be also present. Stones
smaller than 2 mm have a 97% likelihood of spontaneous pas-
sage, at 3 mm an 86% chance of passage, at 4 to 6 mm a 50%
chance, but if larger than 6 mm, it has only a 1% chance of
spontaneous passage and will almost certainly require uro-
logic intervention.

Stone disease commonly causes hematuria, both microscopic
and macroscopic. In general, macroscopic hematuria occurs
most commonly with large calculi and during urinary infection
and colic. Although typically associated with loin pain or
ureteric colic, nephrolithiasis may cause hematuria in the 361
absence of pain. The clinical differential diagnosis of hematuria
is therefore wide and includes tumor, infection, and stones, as
well as glomerular and interstitial renal parenchymal disease.
Painless microscopic hematuria in children may occur with CH 18
hypercalciuria in the absence of demonstrable stones.

Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome
The combination of loin pain with hematuria syndrome (LPHS)
in the absence of renal stones is a poorly understood condition
that must always be considered in the differential diagnosis of
patients presenting with the clinical manifestations of nephro-
lithiasis. This diagnosis is reached by exclusion when the
patients, often young to middle-aged females, present with loin
pain and persistent microscopic or intermittent macroscopic
hematuria. Careful evaluation is required to exclude small
stones, tumor, and urinary tract infection as a cause of the pain.
Inconsistent angiographic abnormalities implying intrarenal
vasospasm or occlusion have been reported, as have renal biopsy
abnormalities typified by deposition of complement C3 in arteri-
olar walls. Denervation of the kidney by autotransplantation is
rarely successful, and although nephrectomy has been
attempted, often the pain recurs promptly in the contralateral

Asymptomatic Stone Disease

Even obstructive uropathy caused by large staghorn calculi
may be painless; thus, nephrolithiasis should always be con-
sidered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained renal

Special Clinical Problems

Complications of pregnancy are not increased above those of
the general population in patients with nephrolithiasis except
for a slightly higher rate of urinary tract infection. Further-
more, the rate of stone formation during pregnancy is no
higher than that observed in nongravid stone formers.

Uric Acid and Calcium Stones

A small fraction of patients who form calcium stones also
form uric acid stones and, occasionally, stones composed of
both calcium oxalate and uric acid. These patients display
an unusually high recurrence rate; the average recurrence is
362 over 65 stones per 100 patient-years—nearly twice the average
rate for calcium stone formers in general. These patients may
have a mixture of metabolic disorders involving both calcium
and uric acid, which, if present, must be treated or stone
IV recurrence will continue.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease



After a first episode of a stone, the 10-year recurrence rate is

about 50% and the metabolic profile of single stone formers
is not different from that of recurrent stone formers. Further-
more, there may be underlying conditions, such as primary
hyperparathyroidism, the diagnosis of which should not be
deferred. Therefore, all stone formers merit further evaluation.
Patient age and family history are important for inherited
causes or possibility of underlying structural abnormalities.
States of volume contraction and oliguria, such as low fluid
intake, excessive sweating, and diarrhea, should be noted.
A careful nutritional history of estimated dietary contents of
calcium, oxalate, sodium, acid (protein), potassium-rich citrus
fruits, and purine can be conducted in a semiquantitative
fashion by a physician before or without consultation with a
dietician. Gastrointestinal diseases such as any chronic diar-
rhea states, ileal resection, jejunoileal bypass, or weight reduc-
tion surgery are all important in the history. Underlying
conditions that lead to hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
include immobilization, metastatic diseases, multiple mye-
loma, and primary hyperparathyroidism; a history of bone
pain, nontraumatic fractures, and systemic symptoms of
hypercalcemia are important features. Distal renal tubular aci-
dosis (RTA) can present solely with kidney stones, although
in more severe cases in children, stunted growth may be
noted. Recurrent urinary tract infection with urease-positive
organisms can cause kidney stones. Gout, diabetes, obesity,
and the metabolic syndrome are risk factors for kidney stone
formation and, particularly, uric acid stones.

Radiologic Evaluation

The plain abdominal film remains a very common radiologic

examination; its overall diagnostic accuracy, however, is less
than satisfactory. Certain characteristics of stones that help
differentiate between stone types are listed in Table 18-1. Ultra-
sonography is less useful because it often yields suboptimal
visualization in the kidney and is almost useless for ureteral
Table 18-1 Stone Appearance on Plain Radiographs
Crystal Characteristics
Calcium Radiopaque
Calcium oxalate-monohydrate Well circumscribed CH 18
Calcium oxalate-dehydrate

Calcium phosphate (apatite; brushite)
Uric acid Radiolucent
Rarely staghorn
Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) Can be staghorn
Cystine Mildly opaque
“Ground-glass” look
Can be staghorn

stones, although it is excellent in detecting obstruction caused

by kidney stones. Although the intravenous pyelogram has
served well as the standard procedure for decades, unenhanced
CT scan is currently the diagnostic procedure of choice.

Laboratory Studies
A simple urinalysis can offer important information. Urine
crystals are of variable assistance in the diagnosis, because
crystalluria can be encountered in the absence of kidney
stones. However, the presence of distinctive hexagonal cystine
stones is extremely valuable in prompting the diagnosis of
cystinuria and cystine stones. Specific gravity and osmolality
provide a clue to the habitual fluid intake of a given individ-
ual. A low urinary pH (<5.5) signifies the possibility of uric
acid stones. A moderately high pH (6.5–7.2) may reflect com-
plete or incomplete distal RTA. An extremely high pH (>7.4)
usually indicates splitting of urea into ammonium and

Basic Metabolic Evaluation of

Table 18-2
Analysis of stone composition
Urinalysis (including sediment examination)
Urine culture
Serum chemistry
Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine
Total CO2
Uric acid
Calcium (repeat if high normal)
Intact parathyroid hormone if calcium high or high-normal
Table 18-3 Complete Metabolic Evaluation of
24-Hour Urine Collections Normal Values
IV Total volume >2 L
Calcium <4 mg/kg (0.1 mmol)
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Oxalate <45 mg (0.4 mmol)

Phosphorus <1100 mg (35 mmol)
Citrate >320 mg (17 mmol)
Uric acid <800 mg (4.7 mmol)
Sodium <3 g (130 mmol)
Urine Supersaturation Values
Calium oxalate <5
Calcium phosphate <0.5–2
Uric acid 0–1
*See Table 18-1 for basic evaluation.
The 24-hour urinary creatinine also should be measured to ensure the adequacy of
the collection. The normal rate of urinary creatinine excretion in patients < 50
years of age is 20–25 mg/kg (177–221 mmol/kg) lean body weight in men and 15–20
mg/kg (133–177 mmol/kg) lean body weight in women.

bicarbonate. A positive nitrite test and a culture will reveal the

microbiologic diagnosis. Plasma tests should include at least
electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, and uric acid. The level
of calcitropic hormones (parathyroid hormone [PTH] and
25- and 1,25-[OH]2 vitamin D3) can be included in the initial
evaluation, especially if there are abnormalities of calcium
and phosphorus. The basic metabolic evaluation of nephro-
lithiasis is summarized in Table 18-2.
An outpatient 24-hour urine analysis on a random diet
should also be performed (Table 18-3). The analysis should
include calcium, phosphorus, oxalate, uric acid, sodium,
potassium, pH, bicarbonate, sulfate, ammonium, titratable
acid, citrate, and creatinine; the relative supersaturation ratios
of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, monosodium urate,
and concentration of undissociated uric acid can also be cal-
culated. This simple test not only enlightens the clinician on
the underlying diagnosis but also provides guidelines for

Stone Analysis
Stone analysis assumes a central role in the evaluation of
stone formers. In the majority of cases, knowledge of the
stone composition can disclose the underlying diagnosis or
at least streamline the diagnostic process. Identification of
calcareous stones is less definitive in terms of narrowing 365
down the diagnosis but is still helpful. Mixed urate/calcium
stones may suggest hyperuricosuric calcium urolithiasis,
and primarily calcium phosphate stones may suggest acid-
ification defects such as RTA and carbonic anhydrase CH 18

In addition to diagnosis, stone analysis can also assist in
prognosis and treatment. A higher recurrence rate has been
described for calcareous stones with higher calcium phosphate
content; with recurrent stone formation, the proportion of cal-
cium phosphate also increases in the stone.

Renal Colic

Renal colic may be excruciatingly painful and affected

patients frequently need parenteral therapy for relief of
symptoms. In the acute setting, therapeutic approaches
include NSAIDs and opiates. Ketorlac (30 mg IM/IV) has
demonstrated substantial efficacy in this setting, and once
pain relief is established, an oral NSAID can be substituted.
Other options include morphine (5 mg IM/IV) or meperidine
(50 mg IM). Associated nausea may be managed with pro-
chlorperazine (5–10 mg PO/IM). If the patient’s pain is con-
trolled and the patient is able to drink fluids, then he can
be discharged home. All patients should be given a urine
strainer to facilitate collection of the stone, which is an
essential step in the diagnostic evaluation of the patient with

Indications for Urologic Referral

Emergent urologic referral is required in patients presenting
with urosepsis, intractable pain, or bilateral disease mani-
festing as acute kidney injury. Other indications for surgical
referral include persistent obstruction, failure to pass a stone
(within 4–6 weeks), hematuria requiring transfusion, a stone
judged unlikely to pass spontaneously (>7 mm), staghorn
calculi, and stone growth despite optimal medical manage-
ment. The likelihood of a stone passing spontaneously is
dependent on both its size (as discussed earlier) and ana-
tomic location. Proximal ureteric stones are less likely to
pass than stones located more distally.
Current surgical management options include cystoscopic
placement of ureteral stents, nephrostomy with urine drain-
age, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (which may
require ureteral stent placement if the patient is symptom-
atic), and ureteroscopy with stone fragmentation (usually
366 with laser lithotripsy). Large renal stones can be fragmented
through nephrostomy. These newer approaches have all but
eliminated the need for open surgical procedures. The com-
plete discussion of the optimal surgical approach to renal
IV stone disease is beyond the scope of this chapter and readers
are referred to Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension,
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

2nd ed., Chapter 40, Nephrolithiasis: Lithotripsy and


General Therapy
Therapy to minimize stone recurrence should ideally be
guided by determination of stone type. However, passage of
a single stone in an apparently healthy young adult often does
not lead to extensive metabolic evaluation, and the stone may
not be available for analysis. Nonpharmacologic measures in
such patients should include an increase in fluid intake;
restriction of dietary sodium, which leads to a reduction of
urine calcium excretion; restriction of animal protein, which
also leads to a reduction of urine calcium excretion and an
increase in excretion of the calcification inhibitor citrate;
and ingestion of an age- and gender-appropriate amount
of dietary calcium. With this general advice, in the absence
of pharmacologic therapy, stone recurrence rates of 60% over
5 years are typical.

Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones account for
the majority of renal stones, and because they are so com-
mon much is known about their natural history and

Epidemiology and Natural History

The annual incidence of kidney stones in the industrialized

world is 1 in 1000 persons with a peak incidence in the third
decade. Caucasian race and male sex are significant risk
factors. Unfortunately, recurrence rates are high: 40% to
50% by 5 years and over 50% to 60% by 10 years. Patients
at risk of stone recurrence cannot be identified prospectively
by laboratory evaluation. In dealing with patients who have
had a single stone, it is important to emphasize that the natu-
ral history of stone disease is one of chronicity, and that
although effective interventions exist to decrease the inci-
dence of new stone formation, the treatment is lifelong and a
“cure” is an unrealistic expectation.
Etiology 367

Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Approximately 20% of patients with hyperparathyroidism will
develop nephrolithiasis, usually calcium oxalate stones. CH 18
Despite the fact that PTH stimulates distal tubule calcium reab-

sorption, urinary calcium excretion may be greatly elevated in
those patients with primary hyperparathyroidism who form
renal stones even when hypercalcemia is slight. Stones often
recur and become bilateral if the diagnosis is not made early
in the course of the disease. Nephrocalcinosis may be the only
renal manifestation of hyperparathyroidism. Less commonly,
parenchymal calcification may be accompanied by calculi in
the renal pelvis and ureters. The presence of nephrocalcinosis
should prompt a diagnostic evaluation to exclude
Diagnosis. Immunometric assays distinguish hyperparathy-
roidism and hypercalcemia of malignancy with a high level
of reliability, and show high (or absence of suppression)
PTH levels in 90% of patients with hyperparathyroidism.
Despite advances in the measurement of immunoreactive
PTH (iPTH), the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism
still requires the demonstration of hypercalcemia and the
exclusion of other causes. In general, multiple serum samples
should be studied, and even modest elevations of calcium
concentration should be accorded considerable weight, if
consistent. Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy may be
difficult to distinguish from hyperparathyroidism, as both
present as hypercalcemia with hypercalciuria. PTH-related
peptide (PTHrP) has been identified as a mediator of humoral
hypercalcemia of malignancy, the diagnosis of which can be
confirmed by demonstration of a high serum concentration
of PTHrP. This finding is present in most hypercalcemic
patients with solid tumors.
Treatment. Removal of the adenoma or hyperplastic glands
is indicated in patients with renal stone disease. Medical
therapy may be used for patients deemed not to be surgical
candidates. Dietary salt restriction reduces urine calcium
excretion and may be helpful in preventing stones in
patients not having surgery. Bisphosphonates, which inhibit
osteoclast function, are effective in controlling hypercalce-
mia with short-term use. However, hypercalciuria does not
improve with these agents. After successful surgery, serum
calcium becomes normal and cessation of hypercalciuria
presumably accounts for the marked decrease in the rate of
stone formation compared with that observed in the preoper-
ative period. Patients with osteitis fibrosa appear to suffer
more severe renal damage than those presenting with renal
calculi alone.
368 Idiopathic Hypercalciuria
Between 30% and 50% of calcium stone formers excrete more
calcium in their urine than normal people customarily do,
with levels exceeding 300 mg/24 hours in men, 250 mg/24
IV hours in women, or 4 mg/kg body weight/24 hours (either
sex), and are therefore labeled hypercalciuric. Hypercalciuria
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

is termed “idiopathic” if serum calcium is normal and if sar-

coidosis, RTA, hyperthyroidism, malignant tumors, rapidly
progressive bone disease, immobilization, Paget disease,
Cushing disease (or syndrome), and furosemide administra-
tion—the usual causes of normocalcemic hypercalciuria—
can be excluded. Virtually all normocalcemic hypercalciuria
encountered in patients with nephrolithiasis is idiopathic.
The etiology of idiopathic hypercalciuria involves one or all
of the following events: enhanced intestinal calcium adsorp-
tion, reduced renal tubular adsorption, increased calcium
mobilization from bone, or a renal phosphate leak.
Treatment. Unfortunately, identifying the pathogenesis of
any single patient’s hypercalciuria is not easily achieved,
restricting the ability of the practicing physician to carefully
tailor therapy.

As with any type of stone, high water intake is always the cor-
nerstone of the therapeutic regimen. A high-fluid intake (2–2.5
L/day) results in a greater than 50% reduction in stone recur-
rence over 5 years. Dietary sodium restriction reduces urine
calcium excretion, thereby lowering the risk of stone forma-
tion. A high-protein intake increases urine calcium excretion
and causes negative calcium balance, so dietary protein
restriction would also seem to be a prudent recommendation.
A low-calcium diet has long been advocated for the treatment
of hypercalciuric stone disease and has been shown to be
effective in reducing urine calcium excretion. However, given
the risks of osteopenia and the absence of compelling prospec-
tive data suggesting that calcium restriction reduces stone fre-
quency, this therapeutic approach should be avoided. A
recent study compared the effectiveness of a low-calcium diet
to a low-sodium, low-protein, normal-calcium diet. One hun-
dred and twenty male hypercalciuric recurrent calcium stone
formers were randomized to either a low-calcium (400 mg/day)
diet with no sodium or protein restriction or a 1200-mg
calcium, low-sodium, low-protein diet. The patients were fol-
lowed for 5 years. In the low-salt, low-protein diet group the uri-
nary calcium-oxalate supersaturation fell, and stone recurrence
was significantly lower compared to the calcium-restricted
group. Based on this study, sodium restriction is now favored
over calcium restriction in the prevention of recurrent 369


Thiazide diuretics are the first-line therapy for idiopathic
hypercalciuria. They inhibit tubule resorption of NaCl,
stimulate calcium reabsorption by the distal convoluted tubule,
and trigger a fall in urine supersaturation of calcium salts. Mul-
tiple randomized studies of thiazide diuretics show a benefit in
the treatment of recurrent calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis with
respect to the incidence of recurrent stones. Chlorthalidone 25
to 50 mg daily is usually sufficient. Diuretic-induced hypokale-
mia can predispose to hypocitraturia, a known risk factor for
stone pathogenesis; therefore, serum potassium levels should
be checked after several days and if hypokalemia develops then
potassium citrate supplements (Uro-cit K 20–40 mmol daily)
can be administered.


The usual upper limits of daily urine uric acid excretion, 800 mg
(men) and 750 mg (women), are exceeded more frequently by
calcium stone formers than by normal people. In hyperuri-
cosuric patients who form calcium stones, stone disease
begins at a later age and is unusually active and severe. The
pathogenetic link between hyperuricosuria and the tendency
to develop calcium stones likely involves seed crystals of
urate initiating calcium oxalate precipitation from the urine.
Urinary uric acid crystals are commonly found in the setting
of volume depletion, emphasizing the need to maintain a brisk
urine flow in patients at risk of stone formation. Low urine pH
is also a risk factor. A reduction of new stone formation during
allopurinol administration is the most compelling evidence
for the role of hyperuricosuria in calcium oxalate stone dis-
ease. Allopurinol dramatically reduces new stone formation
in patients with combined uric acid–calcium stones and may
be combined with a thiazide diuretic in patients with idio-
pathic hypercalciuria and hyperuricosuria. Allopurinol
should be commenced at 100 mg/day and increased gradually
to 300 mg/day. A low-protein, low-purine diet can decrease
uric acid secretion and raise urinary pH, but compliance with
this diet is often poor. All patients should maintain a brisk
oral fluid intake; alkalinization of the urine with potassium
citrate to achieve a urine pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is also helpful. The
urine pH should not exceed 7.0, as this may trigger precipita-
tion of calcium phosphate salts.
370 Hypocitraturia

Citrate inhibits stone formation and hypocitraturia is found in

15% to 60% of stone formers. Hypocitraturia may occur as an
IV isolated abnormality or be associated with hypercalciuria, distal
RTA (see later), chronic diarrheal states, and diuretic-induced
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

hypokalemia. The management of hypocitraturia involves correc-

tion of any underlying disorder that reduces urine citrate, such as
acidosis or hypokalemia, or, if the patient has idiopathic hypoci-
traturia, induction of a mild metabolic alkalosis to increase urine
citrate. Any alkali supplement will raise urine citrate levels;
potassium bicarbonate or, preferably, potassium citrate may be
used. Potassium citrate therapy is generally well tolerated, but
some patients note significant gastrointestinal side effects, partic-
ularly dyspepsia. These side effects may be improved by taking
potassium citrate with meals, which will not affect intestinal
absorption of the drug. Because alkali will not only increase urine
citrate but also raise urine pH, urine calcium phosphate supersat-
uration may increase. Clinicians should watch for the potential
conversion of calcium oxalate stones to calcium phosphate stones
if urine pH increases substantially during therapy. In addition, in
patients with renal insufficiency serum potassium levels should
be monitored closely following initiation of therapy.

Renal Tubular Acidosis

Classic hypokalemic distal RTA is a cause of nephrocalcinosis
and renal stone formation (calcium phosphate > calcium oxa-
late). When distal RTA is acquired as a drug- or toxin-induced
nephropathy, it usually does not cause stones, possibly as a
result of the associated concentrating deficit. Proximal RTA
or any other forms of renal acidosis are not usually associated
with stones. Hypercalciuria and elevated urine phosphorus
excretion both tend to raise urine saturation with respect to
calcium phosphate, but alkaline urine pH and hypocitraturia
are the most important etiologic factors. The hypocitraturia and
metabolic acidosis should be treated with either potassium cit-
rate or potassium bicarbonate. High doses are often required
(1–2 mmol/kg in two or three divided doses) and although this
regimen may increase the urine pH, this is offset by the fall in cal-
cium oxalate supersaturation.

Idiopathic Calcium Lithiasis

Despite a thorough evaluation, a remediable cause of stones
will not be found in up to 10% of patients. However, it should
be recognized that urinary stone risk factors are continuous
variables and the normal limits are somewhat arbitrary. Many 371
patients with idiopathic calcium lithiasis have urine chemis-
try at the border of the normal limits, which increases urine
supersaturation and contributes to stone formation. Identifica-
tion of the urine chemistries closest to the stone-forming range CH 18
will allow the clinician to compose a rational therapy for most

patients. Hydration, restriction of dietary protein and sodium,
and avoidance of foods that contain excessive oxalate are pru-
dent management measures. Pharmacologic therapy to further
reduce urine supersaturation may be useful if hydration and
diet fail to control stone formation. However, small scale stud-
ies suggest that thiazide diuretics and allopurinol are signifi-
cantly less effective in patients with idiopathic calcium
stones than in patients with established hypercalciuria or
hyperuricosuria. In this setting, citrate supplementation has
also been used with some success.

Hyperoxaluria causes stones by raising the saturation of the
urine with respect to calcium oxalate and is found in 5% to
25% of stone formers. The upper limit of normal for oxalate
excretion is usually considered to be 45 mg/day in an adult.
Hyperoxaluria can result from one of the following problems:
• Excessive dietary intake
• Overabsorption (enteric oxaluria)
• Crohn disease, ileal resection, celiac disease, pancreatic
• Metabolic overproduction
• Primary oxaluria types I and II
• Ethylene glycol intoxication
Oxalate is an end product of several metabolic pathways;
the amount of oxalate in the urine reflects the sum total of
intestinal absorption plus de novo synthesis. Dietary oxalate
intake is estimated to be 50 to 200 mg/day with about 10%
absorption; a liberal intake of high-oxalate foods can cause
frank hyperoxaluria. Calcium and magnesium complex oxa-
late in the intestinal tract; diets low in calcium have been
shown to increase urine oxalate excretion even when oxalate
intake is fixed. Increased luminal free fatty acids may promote
oxalate overabsorption by increasing the permeability of colon
epithelium to oxalate (Crohn disease, celiac sprue, pancreatic
insufficiency, and small intestinal bypass surgery for obesity).
In general, a low-fat, low-oxalate diet should be tried in the
first instance, followed by oral calcium carbonate or cholestyr-
amine, which both bind intestinal oxalate, if dietary manipu-
lation proves unsuccessful. Treatment needs to be aggressive
372 as patients can develop renal failure and systemic oxalosis
from severe enteric hyperoxaluria.
Hyperoxaluria may also be inherited as an autosomal reces-
sive trait. Primary hyperoxaluria is characterized by urinary
IV oxalate excretion of 100 to 300 mg/day, recurrent calcium oxa-
late calculi, progressive renal failure, and oxalosis, beginning
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

as early as childhood. Treatment of primary hyperoxaluria

focuses on reducing oxalate excretion and maintaining a high
urine flow. In some cases pyridoxine has been used success-
fully to treat patients with primary hyperoxaluria.


Uric acid crystal formation in the urinary tract may manifest as
crystalluria, stones, or obstruction. In addition, uric acid and its
salt, sodium hydrogen urate, may produce intrarenal disease by
initiating an inflammatory response to interstitial deposition as
a consequence of hyperuricemia. Crystalluria often occurs in
uric acid stone formers and is accompanied by dysuria and
hematuria. It may occur in the absence of hyperuricemia or
hyperuricosuria, and crystals may be present in the urine of
normal subjects whenever urine pH is low.

Natural History

Uric acid stones account for 5% to 10% of all renal stones in

the United States, but this figure varies in other parts of the
globe. The chance of stone formation increases with increas-
ing serum urate levels and urine excretion rates.

Clinical Classification of Uric Acid Nephrolithiasis

Uric acid stone–forming conditions include a variety of dis-
orders involving disturbances in purine metabolism, renal
urate handling, and urine pH.

Idiopathic Uric Acid Stones

Both sporadic and familial forms of idiopathic uric acid stones
occur. The familial form is inherited as an autosomal domi-
nant trait; stones are both formed at an earlier age than in
the sporadic form and are more likely to cause obstruction
and subsequent loss of renal function. Men and women are
affected equally, and an ethnic predilection (Jews, Italians)
has been suggested. In the sporadic variety, stone formation
or crystalluria usually begins in middle age, with recurrence
predictable if the disorder is not treated. Serum and urine uric 373
acid levels are normal in both forms, and the urine pH is
invariably low. The mechanism for stone formation is related
to the low urine pH. The majority of uric acid stone formers
appear to have reduced ammonium excretion as the cause of CH 18
the low urine pH.

Patients with primary gout may also have uric acid stones.
The frequency of uric acid stones is directly related to the
degree of uricosuria. The disease may be heterogeneous,
because uric acid overexcretion persists despite a low-purine
diet in some 21% to 28% of gouty subjects. In addition, urine
pH tends to be low, suggesting a defect in ammonium produc-
tion. The majority of patients also have a defect in renal urate
excretion, such that hyperuricemia is required to excrete even
normal amounts of uric acid.

Malignant Disease
Myeloproliferative disease and chronic granulocytic leukemia
in adults and acute leukemia in childhood are the common
neoplastic disorders that cause hyperuricosuria. Massive cell
necrosis in response to chemotherapy abruptly increases urine
uric acid excretion, which may cause extensive precipitation
and urinary tract obstruction. In the absence of chemotherapy,
less marked uricosuria may cause uric acid stones.

Gastrointestinal Diseases
Acute diarrheal states and chronic inflammatory bowel dis-
ease may increase urine uric acid concentration through
excessive water loss and dehydration. Urine pH tends to fall
with extracellular volume contraction, increasing the possibil-
ity of stone formation. Patients with ileostomy are particularly
at risk, and associated small bowel disease (proximal ileum)
may contribute to the lowered urine pH through signifi-
cant bicarbonate loss. Hyperoxaluria may also be present
in patients with ileal resection, leading to mixed stones
composed of both uric acid and calcium oxalate.

Drug-Induced Stones
Probenecid and aspirin in large doses are both common urico-
suric drugs. Hyperuricemic patients respond to these agents
with a transient increase in uric acid excretion. Excretion then
falls but remains higher than pretreatment levels, owing to
reduced intestinal uricolysis. In patients with high dietary
purine intake, the efficient excretion of uric acid induced by
the drugs may increase the risk of uric acid stone formation
or calcium oxalate stone formation.
374 Treatment

The goals of therapy are a regression in the size of preformed

stones and the prevention of new ones. The available thera-
IV peutic tools include fluids, alkali, diet, and allopurinol. Urine
volume can be increased to about 2 L/day with minimal
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

inconvenience. Urine pH should be maintained within the

range of 6.0 to 6.5. During the day, this can be achieved by
ingestion of alkali, as either bicarbonate or citrate. Citrate
may be preferred over bicarbonate as it requires less frequent
dosing. If nocturnal urine pH falls and stone formation per-
sists, a single dose of 250 mg of acetazolamide at bedtime will
usually maintain an alkaline urine. Dietary purine may be
reduced to avoid periods of transient excessive uric acid
excretion. Allopurinol should be used if stones recur despite
fluid and alkali, or if the patient has gout. Allopurinol is also
indicated in the dissolution or reduction in size of existing
stones and when large, nonobstructing renal pelvic stones
are too large to pass. If given prior to chemotherapy for myelo-
proliferative or lymphoproliferative malignant disease, allopu-
rinol prevents widespread uric acid precipitation. When
allopurinol is used for treatment of patients with massive uric
acid overproduction, excellent hydration must be maintained.

See Chapter 20, Inherited Disorders of the Kidney.


Struvite (MgNH4PO4  6 H2O) stones make up only 10%
to 15% of all kidney stones and often also contain car-
bonate apatite (Ca10[PO4]6  CO3). These rapidly growing
stones branch and enlarge, and may fill the renal collecting
system to form staghorn calculi. Struvite stones form only in
urine infected by urea-splitting bacteria. These stones are dif-
ficult to treat because surgical removal is successful only if
every infected stone fragment is removed. Any remaining frag-
ments generally contain the infecting bacteria and are a nidus
for further stone growth.
In contrast to other types of kidney stones, struvite stones
occur more frequently in women than in men, largely because
of the increased incidence of urinary tract infections in women.
Chronic urinary stasis or infections predispose patients to stru-
vite stones so that the elderly and those with neurogenic blad-
ders, indwelling urinary catheters, and anatomic abnormalities
of the urinary tract and spinal cord lesions are particularly at risk.
Urease-Producing Bacteria 375

Although several hundred types of bacteria, both gram-

negative and gram-positive, as well as Mycoplasma and yeast
species, have been shown to produce urease, the majority of CH 18
urease-producing infections are caused by Proteus mirabilis.

In addition to Proteus species, Haemophilus, Corynebacte-
rium, and Ureaplasma are also frequently shown to cause
struvite stones. The common urinary pathogen, Escherichia
coli, does not produce urease.

Struvite staghorn calculi generally require surgical removal
and, if not properly treated, may result in nephrectomy in
up to 50% of cases. Initially, struvite stones were treated with
open surgical stone removal; however, almost one quarter of
patients so treated had recurrence following surgery. Rather
than open surgical stone removal, percutaneous nephrolithot-
omy can completely remove struvite stones in up to 90% of
cases, with a recurrence rate approaching only 10% in
kidneys rendered stone-free. Extracorporeal shock wave litho-
tripsy with ureteral stenting alone will result in stone-free
rates of 50% to 75%. The American Urological Association
suggested that a combined approach of percutaneous nephro-
lithotomy and shock wave lithotripsy was preferred. Other
approaches include ureteroscopy with holmium:YAG laser
stone disruption.

Antimicrobial Agents
In the absence of ongoing infection with urease-producing
bacteria, stones cannot grow and, if urine can be sterilized,
may actually regress in size. Long-term, culture-specific anti-
microbial drugs must be used. Optimally, the urine will be
sterilized; however, this will rarely occur because it is diffi-
cult to eradicate infections in the presence of the struvite
stone, owing to bacteria lodging in sites relatively inaccessible
to antibiotics and white blood cells. However, the reduction of
bacterial counts will result in reduced urease production and
should reduce stone growth.
After surgery, the urine should be cultured, as should
stone fragments. After 1 to 2 weeks of full-dose antibiotic
therapy, the urine may become sterilized; the dose of antibio-
tics can then be decreased by 50%. This dose of antibiotics
should be continued while monthly urine cultures are taken,
and can be discontinued when there are three successive
376 negative monthly urine cultures. The urine should continue
to be cultured on a monthly basis for another year, with re-
treatment of any recurrent infection. In patients who cannot
tolerate surgery, chronic suppressive antibiotics can be used
IV in an effort to retard stone growth.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease
Chapter 19

Renal Neoplasia
Malignant neoplasms involving the renal parenchyma and
renal pelvis may be primary or secondary in origin, although
the latter are typically of little clinical consequence. The main
primary renal tumors are the following:
• Renal cell carcinomas (80–85%)
• Transitional carcinomas (7–8%)
• Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor) in children (5–6%)
• Other parenchymal epithelial tumors, including oncocyto-
mas, collecting duct tumors, and renal sarcomas, are
uncommon but are becoming more frequently recognized


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is responsible for 2% of all cancers
and 2% of all cancer deaths. The incidence varies widely from
country to country, with the highest rates found in northern
Europe and North America. RCC occurs predominantly in the
sixth to eighth decades and is uncommon in patients younger
than 40 years. The 5-year survival rate has improved in recent
years and is now around 60%. This improved case-fatality rate
is probably a consequence of the increasingly common use of
abdominal imaging, leading to the diagnosis of disease at earlier
stages more amenable to surgical cure. Risk factors for the devel-
opment of RCC include tobacco use, urbanization, and exposure
to cadmium, asbestos, and petroleum by-products, analgesic
abuse, and acquired cystic disease of the kidney in end-stage
renal failure. Genetic factors have been implicated in the etiology
of RCC; inherited disorders associated with RCC include tuber-
ous sclerosis, autosomal dominant adult polycystic kidney
disease, and von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease.

Clinical and Laboratory Features

The clinical manifestations of RCC are extremely variable.
Many tumors are clinically silent and 25% to 30% of patients
present with distant metastases, and an additional 25% have

378 locally advanced disease at diagnosis. The most common pre-
senting symptom is hematuria, followed by abdominal mass,
pain, and weight loss. The classic triad of flank pain, hematu-
ria, and a palpable abdominal renal mass occurs in only about
IV 10% of cases. Hematuria, gross or microscopic, is usually
observed only if the tumor has invaded the collecting system.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

The sudden onset of a scrotal varicocele is indicative of obstruc-

tion of the gonadal vein at its entry point into the left renal vein
by tumor thrombus, and this finding should always raise the
possibility of a neoplasm within the kidney. Seventy-five
percent of patients initially seen with metastatic disease
have lung involvement. Other common sites for metastasis
include lymph nodes, bone, and liver. A number of patients
with RCC experience systemic symptoms or a paraneoplastic
syndrome (Table 19-1). Fever accompanied by night sweats,
anorexia, weight loss, and fatigue is one of the more common
manifestations of RCC. Hormones produced by RCCs include
parathyroid-like hormone, gonadotropins, placentolactogen,
adrenocorticotropic hormone–like substance, renin, erythro-
poietin, glucagon, and insulin. Several of these hormones have
been associated with specific paraneoplastic phenomena.
Erythrocytosis, defined as a hematocrit greater than 55 mL/dL,
occurs in almost 4% of patients with RCC. Hypercalcemia
occurs in up to 15% of all patients with RCC and is an indepen-
dent negative prognostic factor in patients with metastatic RCC.
Hypercalcemia can occur in the absence of osseous metastases,
and ectopic production of parathyroid hormone–related pep-
tide by the primary tumor has been documented in these cases.

Paraneoplastic Syndromes Associated with

Table 19-1
Renal Cell Cancer
Syndrome/Clinical Manifestation Incidence (%)
Anemia 20–40
Cachexia, fatigue, weight loss 33
Fever 30
Hypertension 24
Hypercalcemia 10–15
Hepatic dysfunction (Stauffer syndrome) 3–6
Amyloidosis 3–5
Erythrocytosis 3–4
Enteropathy 3
Neuromyopathy 3
From McDougal WS, Garnick MB: Clinical signs and symptoms of kidney cancer.
In Vogelzang NJ, Scardino PT, Shipley WU, et al (eds): Comprehensive Textbook of
Genitourinary Oncology. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
Radiologic Diagnosis 379

For patients with symptoms suggestive of RCC, the radiologic

approaches available for evaluation of the kidney include CT,
MRI, and ultrasonography. Although intravenous pyelography CH 19
remains useful in the evaluation of hematuria, CT and ultra-

Renal Neoplasia
sonography are the mainstays of evaluation of a suspected
renal mass. As seen on CT, the typical RCC is generally larger
than 4 cm in diameter, has a heterogeneous density, and
enhances with contrast material. Ultrasonography, though less
sensitive than CT, is particularly useful in differentiating
between a simple benign cyst and a more complex cyst or
a solid tumor. It has a sensitivity of 97%, a specificity of
97%, and a false-negative rate of only 1% in differentiating a
benign cyst from a potentially malignant tumor. MRI with gad-
olinium contrast agent is superior to CT for evaluating the
inferior vena cava if tumor extension into this vessel is sus-
pected. MRI is also a useful adjunct to ultrasonography in
the evaluation of renal masses if radiographic contrast mate-
rial cannot be administered because of allergy or inadequate
renal function. Although most solid renal masses are RCCs,
some benign lesions complicate the diagnosis. These lesions
include angiomyolipomas and renal oncocytomas. Selective
renal arteriography, a mainstay of diagnosis in the past, is
now rarely used. Renal arteriography is generally reserved
for selected cases in which preoperative mapping of the vas-
culature is necessary, such as when nephron-sparing surgery
is contemplated.

Staging and Prognosis

After the presumptive diagnosis of renal carcinoma has been
made, an evaluation of the extent of involvement of regional
and distant metastatic sites should be performed. Renal
carcinomas can grow locally into very large masses and invade
through surrounding fascia into adjacent organs. The most com-
mon sites of metastasis are the regional lymphatics, lungs, bone,
liver, brain, ipsilateral adrenal gland, and contralateral kidney.
Metastases to unusual sites, such as the thyroid gland, pancreas,
mucosal surfaces, skin, and soft tissue, are not uncommon in
this disease. CT of the abdomen is the principal radiologic tool
for defining the local/regional extent of RCC. Staging evaluation
should also include CT of the chest and a bone scan. Of note,
approximately 2% of patients present with bilateral tumors,
and 25% to 30% of patients have overt metastases at initial
evaluation. The TNM system is used for staging RCC; pathologic
stage remains the most consistent prognostic variable that
influences survival (Table 19-2). Survival based on stage is
Tumor-Node-Metastasis Staging for Renal
Table 19-2
Cell Carcinoma
Primary Tumor (T)
IV TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

T1a Tumor  4 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney

T1b Tumor > 4 cm but 7 cm in greatest dimension, limited to
the kidney
T2 Tumor > 7 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney
T3 Tumor extends into major veins or invades adrenal gland
or perinephric tissue, but not beyond Gerota fascia
T3a Tumor invades adrenal gland or perinephric tissue, but
not beyond Gerota fascia
T3b Tumor grossly extends into renal vein(s) or vena cava
below diaphragm
T3c Tumor grossly extends into vena cava above diaphragm
T4 Tumor invades beyond Gerota fascia
Regional Lymph Nodes (N)*
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Metastasis in a single regional lymph node
N2 Metastasis in more than one regional lymph node
Distant Metastasis (M)
MX Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
*Laterality does not affect the N classification.

displayed in Table 19-3. Other factors that influence prognosis

include the histologic subtype (see earlier), performance status,
and the presence of paraneoplastic signs or symptoms such as
anemia, hypercalcemia, hepatopathy, fever, or weight loss.

Surgical Management

The mainstay of treatment of primary RCC is surgical excision
or nephrectomy. This procedure may involve a radical
nephrectomy, which includes early ligation of the renal artery
and renal vein and en bloc excision of the kidney with the sur-
rounding Gerota fascia and ipsilateral adrenal gland. The early
ligation of the vascular pedicle is important to prevent
Table 19-3 Correlation of Stage Grouping with Survival
in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma
Stage Grouping 5-Year Survival Rate (%)
I T1 N0 M0 90–95 CH 19
II T2 N0 M0 70–85

Renal Neoplasia
III T3a N0 M0 50–65
T3b N0 M0 50–65
T3c N0 M0 45–50
T1 N1 M0 25–30
T2 N1 M0 25–30
T3 N1 M0 15–20
IV T4 Any N M0 10
Any T N2 M0 10
Any T Any N M1 —
M, distant metastasis; N, nodes; T, tumor.

dissemination of tumor at the time of surgery. The value of

radical nephrectomy is being reassessed. Involvement of the
ipsilateral adrenal gland occurs only 4% of the time, and in
most instances, this is associated with either direct extension
from an upper pole lesion or the presence of metastatic dis-
ease. Therefore, adrenalectomy is often reserved for patients
with large upper pole lesions or those with solitary ipsilateral
adrenal metastases. The benefit of performing regional lymph
node dissection in conjunction with radical nephrectomy is
controversial. However, several institutional series have sug-
gested a therapeutic benefit for extended lymphadenectomy in
patients with clinically evident lymphadenopathy in whom
few other options exist for aggressive, potentially curative ther-
apy. With improved preoperative CT staging, the incidence of
unsuspected nodal metastases is low.

Nephron-Sparing Surgery
The generally accepted criteria for consideration of nephron-
sparing or partial nephrectomy include patients with bilateral
tumors, tumor in a solitary kidney, or compromised renal func-
tion. The rate of recurrence in the partially resected kidney
ranges from 4% to 10%. Complications of nephron-sparing sur-
gery include urinary fistulas, acute tubular necrosis, the need
for temporary or permanent dialysis, and hemorrhage. Because
of the favorable results seen with nephron-sparing surgery and
the increasing number of smaller, incidentally discovered
tumors, nephron-sparing surgery has been increasingly used to
treat patients with small (<4 cm), polar tumors and a normal
382 contralateral kidney. The primary concern with this approach is
that a multicentric tumor would go unrecognized and result in
recurrent disease in the salvaged kidney. With highly sensitive
preoperative staging, increasing use of three-dimensional recon-
IV struction of CT images, and the use of intraoperative ultrasound,
such an occurrence should be rare.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
Although no randomized study has been conducted, the clin-
ical data to date suggest that laparoscopic radical nephrec-
tomy may be a viable alternative to an open procedure, with
equivalent surgical efficacy and safety and substantially
reduced postoperative recovery time.

Energy-Based Tissue Ablation

Over the past decade, cryoablation and radiofrequency abla-
tion (RFA) have emerged as treatment alternatives for a select
group of patients with localized renal tumors. Although long-
term follow-up has not been achieved, intermediate oncologic
effectiveness is comparable to the current “gold standard”
treatment modalities. Loss of radiographic contrast enhance-
ment has been used as a surrogate marker for efficacy.
Whether this actually correlates with lack of viable cancer
remains a subject of much debate.

Angioinfarction is performed with or without nephrectomy for
the treatment of patients with metastatic or locally advanced
RCC. This approach has been used to reduce vascularity and
the consequent risk of hemorrhage during nephrectomy in
patients with large, marginally resectable primaries and to
control symptoms such as bleeding or pain in patients with
unresectable tumors or distant metastases. Most patients expe-
rience pain, fever, and nausea after the procedure that may
last several days.

Cytoreductive (Debulking) Nephrectomy

Patients with RCC who present with metastatic disease typi-
cally have a poor prognosis, with no 5-year survivors reported
in some series. Regression of distant metastases after removal
of the primary tumor is an infrequent event (<1%) and is
unlikely to yield a survival advantage in patients presenting
with metastatic disease. However, responses to immunother-
apy are uncommon in patients with primary tumors in place.
Consequently, some groups have advocated that patients pre-
senting with metastatic disease undergo debulking nephrec-
tomy before immunotherapy commences. Indeed, some
prospective evidence exists supporting a role for nephrectomy
in patients with metastatic or locally advanced disease who
do not have liver, bone, or central nervous system involve- 383
ment, and who have a good performance status.

Vena Caval Involvement

Inferior vena caval involvement with tumor thrombus is CH 19
found in about 5% of patients undergoing radical nephrec-

Renal Neoplasia
tomy. Venal caval obstruction may produce various clinical
manifestations, including abdominal distention with ascites
and hepatic dysfunction—possibly related to Budd-Chiari
syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, caput medusa, varicocele,
malabsorption, and pulmonary emboli. Survival rates in
patients with subdiaphragmatic lesions approach 50%;
patients with supradiaphragmatic thrombi do considerably
less well. A team of specialists is usually required for the sur-
gical management of these patients, as the operative mortal-
ity rate may be as high as 5% to 10%, particularly if
thrombectomy of an intracardiac tumor is contemplated.

Palliative Surgery
“Palliative nephrectomies” are rarely necessary. Pain and
bleeding can be controlled with systemic pain medication
and angioinfarction, clot colic can be minimized with ureteral
stents and hydration, and hypercalcemia, fatigue, fever, and
other systemic symptoms can often be controlled with
NSAIDs, bisphosphonates, hydration, and appetite stimulants
such as medroxyprogesterone.

Resection of Metastatic Disease

Surgical resection of metastatic disease has been actively pursued
in certain clinical situations. Resection of solitary metastases or
oligometastases, often in the ipsilateral lung or adrenal gland, in
conjunction with nephrectomy, occasionally yields long-term
survival. Resection of metastases may also be considered following
effective systemic therapy.

Radiation Therapy
The major sites of systemic metastases include lung, bone, and
brain. Radiation treatment of disease in these areas can provide
palliation of bone pain, prevention of cord compression or frac-
ture, regression of central nervous system metastases, or control
of hemoptysis or airway obstruction. Objective responses occur
in about 50% of patients with symptomatic skeletal metastases.
Palliation of large renal bed recurrences by external-beam irra-
diation has been unsatisfactory. Stereotactic radiation surgery
has been reported to be effective therapy for selected patients
with small (3 cm) central nervous system metastases from
renal cell carcinoma.
384 Systemic Therapy

Although surgical resection of localized disease can be cura-

tive, many patients later experience recurrence, and 50% of
IV patients present with either regional or metastatic disease. In
these patients the median survival time of only 12 months
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

emphasizes the need for more effective adjuvant therapies.

Treatment options include chemotherapy, immunotherapy,
and more recently, molecular-based targeted therapeutic

Single-agent chemotherapy has limited or no activity against
RCC. Gemcitabine chemotherapy has been studied as a single
agent, with response rates reported between 6% and 30%.
Response rates with combination chemotherapy regimens are
slightly better. The combination of gemcitabine and 5-FU
demonstrated a response rate of 17% in 41 patients with met-
astatic RCC. Median progression-free survival time in this pre-
treated group of patients was 28.7 weeks. Follow-up studies
using gemcitabine and capecitabine, the oral prodrug form of
5-FU, demonstrated response rates of 11% and overall sur-
vival of 14 months.

The most successful immunotherapeutic strategies for RCC
involve the administration of interferon-a (IFN-a) and inter-
leukin-2 (IL-2). The mechanism of action of these cytokines
is incompletely understood but may involve the direct killing
of tumor cells by activated T and natural killer cells, as well as
antiangiogenic effects.
Interferon-a. IFN-a has undergone extensive clinical evalua-
tion for the treatment of metastatic RCC over the past two dec-
ades. Most studies have demonstrated some antitumor effect,
with the overall response rate being approximately 15%. The
median time to response is approximately 4 months. However,
most responses are partial and short-lived (median response
duration, 6 to 7 months) and only about 2% of patients have
had complete responses. The toxicity of IFN-a includes flulike
symptoms such as fever, chills, myalgia, and fatigue, as well
as weight loss, altered taste, depression, anemia, leukopenia,
and elevated liver function test results. Most side effects, espe-
cially the flulike symptoms, tend to diminish with time during
chronic therapy. Efforts to improve the clinical activity of IFN-
a have included combinations with 5-FU, cis-retinoic acid,
IFN-g, thalidomide, and IL-2.
Interleukin-2 Therapy. High-dose bolus IL-2 has received
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for treat-
ment of metastatic RCC. Because of considerable toxicity
associated with high-dose IL-2 regimens (hypotension, capil- 385
lary leak syndrome), treatment should be administered in a
setting capable of providing a level of care comparable to that
in an intensive care unit, and restricted to carefully selected
patients with excellent organ function treated at experienced CH 19
treatment centers. The clinical result of this approach is a com-

Renal Neoplasia
plete response in approximately 5% of patients and a partial
response in 9%. Attempts to improve efficacy have included
the addition of IFN-a and then 5-FU to IL-2, with variable
reported success rates. Factors that have been variably
associated with response to IL-2 include performance status,
number of organs with metastases (one versus two or more),
absence of bone metastases, prior nephrectomy, degree of
treatment-related thrombocytopenia, absence of prior interferon
therapy, thyroid dysfunction, rebound lymphocytosis, erythro-
poietin production, and post-treatment elevations of blood
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and IL-1 levels.

Targeted Agents

Given the frequency of biallelic loss of the VHL gene and asso-
ciated dysregulation of hypoxia-inducible genes, including
proangiogenic growth factors VEGF (vascular endothelial
growth factor) and PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor),
renal cell carcinoma is a particularly promising target for
antiangiogenic therapy.

Bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized anti-VEGF monoclo-
nal antibody, demonstrated several responses in patients with
RCC. Progression-free survival of 4.8 months versus 2.4
months for the patients on placebo has been demonstrated.

Sorafenib possesses inhibitory activity against VEGF and PDGF
receptors (VEGFR, PDGFR). Based on phase II and III trials demon-
strating prolongation of progression-free survival (4 months),
sorafenib received approval by the FDA in late 2005.

Sunitinib is a small molecule inhibitor of VEGFR, PDGFR,
c-KIT, and FLT-3. Based on phase II data showing response
rates of 25% to 40%, sunitinib was approved for use in
patients with advanced renal cancer in early 2006. A phase
III trial comparing sunitinib and interferon-a showed a
response rate of 31% and a median progression-free survival
of 11 months for sunitinib-treated patients versus 6%
response rate and 5 months median progression-free survival
386 for patients treated with interferon. No significant difference
in overall survival was observed.

Temsirolimus (CCI-779)
IV Temsirolium is a rapamycin analog that inhibits mammalian
target of rapamycin (mTOR) downstream of AKT, resulting
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

in cell cycle arrest. A phase III study randomizing patients

with renal cancer and poor prognostic features to either
25 mg IV weekly of temsirolimus, 9 million units (MU) three
times per week of INF-a, or 15 mg IV weekly temsirolimus
plus 6 MU three times per week of interferon-a, showed that
the overall survival of patients receiving temsirolimus alone was
significantly longer than those receiving interferon alone
(10.9 months versus 7.1 months, P ¼ 0.0069). The survival
of patients receiving both agents was 8.4 months, and was
not significantly different from the temsirolimus-only arm.

Nonmyeloablative Allogeneic Transplantation

Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation has evolved from a
means to achieve chemotherapeutic dose escalation to a form of
adoptive immunotherapy. Preliminary experience with nonmye-
loablative allogeneic transplantation in patients with RCC has
been reported by a number of centers. However, substantial
hematologic toxicities, as well as graft-versus-host disease may
occur; such adverse outcomes are associated with poorer pre-
transplant performance status. Though promising, nonmyeloa-
blative transplantation requires substantial further development
before it can be considered in a larger number of patients.


Uroepithelial tumors account for approximately 10% of all pri-
mary renal cancers. Tumors of the upper tract are twice as com-
mon in men, usually occur in patients older than 65 years, and
are generally unilateral. Risk factors for the development of
urothelial tumors include exposure to cigarettes, certain chemi-
cals, plastics, coal, tar, and asphalt. Long-term exposure to the
analgesic phenacetin, usually ingested over years by women for
headache relief, has been associated with the development of
renal pelvic tumors. These tumors are frequently multicentric
and have a high rate of recurrence. Although most tumors of the
upper tract are transitional cell carcinomas (>90% of lesions),
squamous carcinomas also occur, usually in the setting of chronic
infection with kidney stones. Adenocarcinomas and other miscel-
laneous subtypes are rare.
Initial Features and Diagnostic Evaluation 387

The most common initial feature is gross hematuria, which

occurs in 75% of patients, followed by flank pain in 30%. Radi-
ologic evaluation may reveal either a nonfunctioning kidney CH 19
and nonvisualization of the collecting system or more com-

Renal Neoplasia
monly, a filling defect of the caliceal system, or renal pelvis, on
intravenous pyelography. Exfoliative cytologic testing is com-
monly positive, as it is in bladder cancers. Positive cytologic
findings in the presence of a filling defect of the renal pelvis or
ureter confirm the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is still uncertain
after pyelography, ureteroscopy may facilitate diagnosis.

Staging and Grading

Transitional cell carcinomas are graded on a scale of I, repre-
senting a well-differentiated lesion, to IV, an anaplastic or
undifferentiated lesion. In a staging system similar to that
used for urinary bladder cancer, stage 0 is limited to the
mucosa; stage A, invasion into the lamina propria without
muscularis invasion; stage B, invasion into the muscularis;
stage C, invasion into the serosa; and stage D, metastatic dis-
ease. Lymphatic metastases usually indicate that more wide-
spread metastatic disease is or will be present.


For low-grade, low-stage transitional cancers, the general

approach to treatment is conservative and consists of local exci-
sion and preservation of the kidney parenchyma. Five-year sur-
vival rates are usually in excess of 60%. For high-stage and
high-grade lesions that have infiltrated into the renal paren-
chyma, the surgical treatment of choice is nephroureterectomy
and removal of a cuff of bladder that encompasses the ipsilat-
eral ureteral orifice. In patients with regionally advanced or
metastatic renal pelvic tumors, systemic chemotherapy is often
used. Standard first-line regimens for patients with locally
advanced or metastatic transitional cell carcinoma include
methotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and cis-
platin (MVAC); gemcitabine and cisplatin; or paclitaxel and
cisplatin. Initial response rates may vary depending on prog-
nostic factors, but the chance of long-term survival is poor.


Renal Sarcomas
Renal sarcomas account for approximately 1% to 2% of pri-
mary renal cancers. Fibrosarcomas are the most common and
388 have a poor prognosis as a result of late diagnosis and the
presence of locally advanced involvement into the renal vein
or metastatic disease at initial evaluation. Five-year survival
rates are less than 20%. Other, rarer, sarcoma variants may
IV occur and include leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma,
osteogenic sarcoma, and liposarcoma.
Pathogenesis of Renal Disease

Wilms Tumor

In children, Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) is the most common

cancer of the kidney and accounts for approximately 400 new
cases per year in the United States. Several well-described
genetic abnormalities are associated with Wilms tumor. Patients
with Wilms tumor may also manifest other abnormalities,
including aniridia, WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia,
other genitourinary abnormalities, and mental retardation),
Denys-Drash syndrome (Wilms tumor, glomerulitis, pseudoher-
maphroditism), hemihypertrophy, trisomy 21, other rare physi-
cal abnormalities including macroglossia, and developmental
sexual disorders. Abnormalities in WT1 (chromosome 11p13)
and WT2 (11p15) and mutations at 16q have all been implicated
in the molecular genetics of Wilms tumor. Loss of heterozygosity
in WT1 and 16q occur in 20% of patients; inactivation of WT2
has also been described. Other genetic abnormalities have sug-
gested the presence of additional abnormal chromosomal loca-
tions. Patients with trisomy 21 and XX/XY mosaicisms have
been reported to have an increased incidence of Wilms tumor.

Initial Features
An abdominal mass, with or without abdominal pain, is the most
common finding and occurs in 80% and 40% of cases, respec-
tively. Other physical abnormalities, including aniridia, genito-
urinary abnormalities, and hemihypertrophy, may occasionally
be detected. Hematuria, anemia, hypertension, and acute severe
abdominal pain may also be present. An abdominal ultrasound
is an important diagnostic test to further evaluate the mass and
its anatomic extension, which may include inferior or superior
extension into the vena cava. Intravenous pyelography and CT
are also warranted. Metastatic evaluation of liver, chest, and bone
complement the evaluation. The diagnosis is usually established
by surgery. If the diagnostic tests and clinical features suggest the
presence of a Wilms tumor, preoperative needle biopsy should
be avoided because of the attendant risk of tumor spillage.

Multimodality Management
High cure rates have been achieved with the concerted effort
of multimodality teams performing surgery, radiation therapy,
and chemotherapy. Removal of all gross tumor by radical
resection should be attempted. Most patients receive radiation
therapy as an adjunct to surgical removal. Chemotherapy is an 389
important component of therapy in Wilms tumors. In addition
to adjuvant chemotherapy in conjunction with radiation ther-
apy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy can diminish the size of the
primary tumor and induce regression of metastatic lesions. CH 19
Agents that have activity against Wilms tumor include vincris-

Renal Neoplasia
tine, dactinomycin, doxorubicin, etoposide, ifosfamide, and
cisplatin. Cure rates approach 80% to 90% with survival rates
of 92% to 97% in early stage disease. For patients who experi-
ence relapse or for those with poor prognostic features, bone
marrow transplantation has been offered with good results.
Chapter 20

Inherited Disorders of the

The disorders discussed here are referenced with their Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) number to facilitate
further study.


The proximal tubule is responsible for reclaiming almost
all the filtered load of bicarbonate, glucose, and amino acids,
as well as most of the filtered load of sodium, chloride, and
phosphate. The renal Fanconi syndrome is a generalized dys-
function of the proximal tubule with no primary glomerular
involvement. It is usually characterized by variable degrees
of phosphate, glucose, amino acid, and bicarbonate wasting
by the proximal tubule. The clinical presentation in children
is usually rickets and impaired growth. In adults, bone disease
manifests as osteomalacia and osteoporosis. In addition,
polyuria, renal salt wasting, hypokalemia, acidosis, hypercal-
ciuria, and low-molecular-weight proteinuria can be part of
the clinical spectrum. There are both hereditary and acquired
forms of the Fanconi syndrome (Table 20-1).

Clinical Presentation

All amino acids are filtered by the glomerulus; greater than 98%
are subsequently reabsorbed by multiple transporters in the
proximal tubule. In Fanconi syndrome, all amino acids are
excreted in excess. Clinically, amino acid losses are relatively
modest; they do not lead to specific deficiencies and affected
patients do not require supplementation. Phosphate wasting
is a cardinal feature; serum phosphate levels are usually
decreased. Rickets and osteomalacia result from increased uri-
nary losses of phosphate as well as impaired 1a-hydroxylation
of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 by proximal tubule cells. A hyper-
chloremic metabolic acidosis (type II) is a frequent finding
and is caused by defective bicarbonate reabsorption by the
Table 20-1 Causes of Inherited and Acquired Fanconi
V Idiopathic (AD)
Dent disease (X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, X-linked
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

recessive nephrolithiasis
Cystinosis (AR)
Tyrosinemia type 1 (AR)
Galactosemia (AR)
Glycogen storage disease
Wilson disease
Mitochondrial disease (cytochrome c oxidase deficiency)
Oculocerebral syndrome of Lowe
Hereditary fructose intolerance
Paraproteinemias (multiple myeloma)
Nephrotic syndrome
Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis
Renal transplantation
Exogenous Factors
Heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead, uranium, platinum)
Drugs (cisplatin, aminoglycosides, 6-mercaptopurine, valproate,
ifosfamide, outdated tetracyclines, methyl-3-chrome)
Chemical compounds (toluene, maleate, paraquat, Lysol)
AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.

proximal tubule. Distal renal acidification is normal and the

urine pH falls below 5.5 when plasma bicarbonate falls below
the reabsorption threshold. Glucosuria of varying degrees
occurs, serum glucose ranging from 0.5 to 10 g/24 hours.
Massive glucosuria (and hypoglycemia) may be seen in glyco-
genosis type I. Renal sodium losses can be significant and
lead to hypotension, hyponatremia, and metabolic alkalosis.
Hypokalemia occurs due to activation of the renin-angiotensin
system due to volume depletion and increased distal delivery
of sodium with increased potassium losses. Polyuria, poly-
dipsia, and dehydration may be prominent features; the con-
centrating ability of the kidney is impaired due to abnormal
tubule function of the distal tubule and collecting duct,
possibly caused by hypokalemia. Low-molecular-weight pro- 395
teinuria is almost always present, usually in a low to moderate
quantity. The dipstick test is frequently positive because of
the presence of albuminuria. b2-Microglobulin rates can be
measured to identify “tubular proteinuria.” Hypercalciuria, CH 20
the pathogenesis of which is unknown, is frequently seen,

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

although it is rarely associated with nephrolithiasis, likely
due to the associated polyuria.

Dent Disease, X-Linked Recessive

Hypophosphatemic Rickets, X-Linked
Recessive Nephrolithiasis

Dent disease, X-linked recessive hypophosphatemic rickets,
and X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis (OMIM 300009) repre-
sent the same inherited disorder caused by mutations in the
CLCN5 gene (chromosome Xp11.22) encoding a renal chloride
channel, ClC-5. This X-linked recessive disease is associated
with a primary renal Fanconi syndrome.

Clinical Presentation
The clinical spectrum of CLCN5 mutations includes hypercal-
ciuria with calcium phosphate nephrolithiasis, rickets,
nephrocalcinosis, low-molecular-weight proteinuria, and
renal failure. The same mutation can induce different pheno-
types in different families, probably because of genetic or
environmental modifiers or both. The disease affects males
predominantly but females frequently have an attenuated phe-
notype. Renal failure is seen only in males. The degree of pro-
teinuria is relatively constant and amounts to 0.5 to 2 g/day in
adults and up to 1 g/day in children. The nephrotic syndrome
does not occur and albumin excretion represents less than half
of the proteins excreted. Affected males usually excrete
b2-microglobulin in amounts exceeding 100 times the upper
limit of normal. Hypercalciuria is characteristic and is present
in most cases, beginning in childhood, with overt hypercal-
ciuria (>7.5 mmol/day) usually seen in males. Females are also
frequently hypercalciuric, but with values closer to the upper
end of the normal range. Kidney stones are present in 50% of
males, and are composed of calcium phosphate or a mixture
of calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate. Radiologic nephro-
calcinosis of the medullary type is seen in most affected males
and occasionally females. Serum phosphate levels are usually
below normal values and rickets or osteomalacia may occur.
Serum levels of 1,25(OH)D3 are normal or slightly raised,
whereas 25(OH)D levels are normal. Systemic acidosis is usu-
ally not seen before renal function deteriorates significantly.
396 Spontaneous hypokalemia is common in males and there is an
inability to maximally concentrate the urine. Aminoaciduria
and glucosuria are also frequent. Progressive renal failure
occurs in 50% of males with end-stage renal failure occurring
V in the fifth decade on average. Renal biopsy specimens show a
pattern of chronic interstitial nephritis with scattered calcium
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

deposits. The glomeruli are normal or hyalinized; tubular atro-

phy is prominent, with a diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate and
foci of calcification around epithelial cells.

Renal stones and hypercalciuria are treated with supportive
measures (particularly by increasing fluid intake). Dietary
restriction of calcium reduces calcium excretion but is not
recommended as it may exacerbate bone disease. Thiazide diure-
tics may be given in small doses, but may trigger hypotension and
excessive diuresis, as these patients tend to have a salt-losing
nephropathy. Rickets and osteomalacia are treated with small
doses of vitamin D, but this should be administered with caution
as it might increase urine calcium excretion and the risk of
nephrolithiasis. Assessment of urinary calcium excretion before
and after vitamin D therapy may be useful.

Idiopathic Cases of the Renal Fanconi Syndrome

Idiopathic renal Fanconi syndrome occurs in the absence of

known inborn errors of metabolism or acquired causes of the
Fanconi syndrome (see Table 20-1). Most cases are sporadic,
although familial cases associated with progressive renal failure
have been reported and transmitted as an autosomal dominant
trait. No specific loci or genes have been discovered.

Cystinosis (OMIM 219800) is a rare autosomal recessive disease
(incidence 1 in 100,000–200,000) caused by defective transport
of the disulfide amino acid cystine across lysosomal membranes,
with consequent intracellular accumulation and crystallization,
causing cell death. Cystinosis is due to inactivating mutations
in CTNS, which encodes an integral lysosomal membrane
protein, termed cystinosin.

Clinical Presentation
Cystinosis is the most frequent cause of the renal Fanconi syn-
drome in children. The clinical spectrum of disease is variable,
encompassing classic nephropathic cystinosis, a rare adolescent
variant, and a mild adult-onset variant. Nephropathic cystinosis 397
usually presents in the first year of life with failure to thrive,
increased thirst, polyuria, poor feeding, and hypophosphatemic
rickets. In whites, affected subjects frequently have blond hair
and blue eyes, and are more lightly pigmented. Renal wasting CH 20
of sodium, calcium, and magnesium is frequently seen, as well

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

as tubular proteinuria. Progressive renal damage usually culmi-
nates in end-stage renal failure by the end of the first decade.
The disease does not recur in the donor kidney. However,
continued accumulation of cystine crystals in extrarenal tissues
results in progressive multisystem involvement: ocular disease
(deposits in the corneas, irides, conjunctivae, and retinas,
peripheral retinopathy), neurologic disease (distal myopathy,
dysphagia, central nervous system involvement), decreased pul-
monary function, and primary hypogonadism in males. Other
features of cystinosis include endocrine disease: hypothyroid-
ism (>70% of patients > age 10) and insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus (particularly after renal transplantation). Hepatomegaly
and splenomegaly with little clinical impact occur in more than
40% of patients after age 10.
Cystinosis is usually diagnosed by measuring the cystine
content of peripheral leukocytes or cultured fibroblasts.
Cystinotic patients usually have values exceeding 2 nmol of
half-cystine per milligram of protein (normal < 0.2 nmol of
half-cystine per milligram of protein). Alternatively, the
appearance of characteristic corneal crystals on slit-lamp
examination is also diagnostic. In utero diagnosis can be
made by cystine measurements in amniocytes or chorionic
villi, or at birth using cystine measurements of the placenta.

Early diagnosis, and appropriate treatment with cysteamine,
dialysis, and renal transplantation has improved the outcome
of patients with nephropathic cystinosis, and most patients
now reach adulthood. Symptomatic treatment involves rehy-
dration, particularly during episodes of gastroenteritis.
Replacement of bicarbonate losses with citrate or bicarbon-
ate-containing salts is frequently indicated. Phosphate losses
are replaced with phosphate salts and oral vitamin D therapy.
Indomethacin has been used for decreasing the renal salt- and
water-wasting syndrome. Recombinant human growth hor-
mone can also be given to increase growth, and does not
increase the rate of progression of renal failure. The cystine-
depleting drug cysteamine slows the rate of progression of
renal failure, increases growth in affected patients, and is
now widely used for cystinosis. Kidney function stabilizes
upon initiation of therapy and may allow patients treated at
an early age to reach adulthood without developing end-stage
renal failure. Topical cysteamine eyedrops can be used to treat
398 ocular complications of cystinosis, and results in dissolution
of corneal crystals. Transplantation is now routinely per-
formed in cystinotic patients.

Lowe Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

The oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL; OMIM

309000) is an X-linked recessive multisystem disorder charac-
terized by congenital cataracts, mental retardation, and renal
Fanconi syndrome. Mutations in the OCRL1 gene are respon-
sible for OCRL. This gene encodes a 105-kDa Golgi protein
involved in the inositol phosphate signaling pathway,
believed to influence membrane traffic and actin dynamics.
Renal dysfunction (Fanconi syndrome) is a major feature of
the disorder and usually occurs within the first year of life.
It is characterized by proteinuria, generalized aminoaciduria,
wasting of carnitine, phosphaturia, and bicarbonaturia. Gluco-
suria is usually not present. Glomerular function falls with
age, with renal failure developing between the second and
fourth decades of life. Linear growth decreases after 1 year of
age. Neurologic findings include infantile hypotonia, mental
retardation (not universal), and areflexia. Cranial magnetic
resonance imaging shows mild ventriculomegaly and cysts
in the periventricular regions. Status epilepticus is also fre-
quent. Prenatal development of cataracts is universal, and
other ocular abnormalities include glaucoma, microphthal-
mos, and corneal keloid formation. In the absence of reliable
biochemical tests or a confirmed family history, the diagnosis
is made clinically based on the cardinal ocular, renal, and
neurologic manifestations. Carrier detection can be performed
by slit-lamp examination, mutation detection, or linkage anal-
ysis of markers if the specific mutation is unknown. Levels of
the muscle enzymes creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransfer-
ase, and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as total serum protein,
serum a2-globulin, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,
are elevated. Treatment is supportive and includes repletion
of bicarbonate, phosphate, sodium, and vitamin D.

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

Hereditary fructose intolerance caused by aldolase B deficiency
(fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase) is an autosomal recessive
disorder characterized by vomiting shortly after fructose inges-
tion. The disease is associated with proximal tubule dysfunc-
tion (aminoaciduria, bicarbonaturia, and phosphaturia) and
lactic acidosis. Hypoglycemia is unfortunately frequently
absent. Liver dysfunction progressing to cirrhosis, renal
dysfunction, and growth retardation result from prolonged 399
exposure to noxious sugars. The incidence is 1 in 23,000. The
pathophysiology of the renal Fanconi syndrome is not clear,
but may be related to impaired acidification and recycling of
endosomes similar to that seen in Dent disease. The treatment CH 20
of hereditary fructose intolerance involves withdrawal of

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

sucrose, fructose, and sorbitol from the diet.


Amino acids are freely filtered by the glomerulus; however, the
proximal tubule reabsorbs up to 99.9% of the filtered load. Ami-
noaciduria occurs when a renal transport defect of the proximal
tubule decreases the reabsorptive capacity for one or several
amino acids, or when the threshold for reabsorbing an amino
acid is exceeded by elevated plasma levels due to a metabolic
defect (“overflow aminoaciduria”). Clinically, the most signifi-
cant renal aminoaciduria is cystinuria (Table 20-2). Most of
the other disorders are rarely symptomatic. Most amino acids
are reabsorbed by more than one transporter and almost
completely reclaimed. Amino acids can share transporters with

Table 20-2 Classification of the Aminoacidurias

Disease Category Amino Acid(s)
Cystinuria Basic amino acids Cystine, lysine,
ornithine, arginine
Lysinuric Lysine, arginine,
protein ornithine
Isolated Cystine
Lysinuria Lysine
Hartnup disease Neutral amino Alanine, asparagine,
acids glutamine, histidine,
isoleucine, leucine,
phenylalanine, serine,
threonine, tryptophan,
tyrosine, valine
Blue diaper Tryptophan
Iminoglycinuria Glycine, proline,
Glycinuria Glycine
Methioninuria Methionine
400 low affinity but high transport capacity, and have a specific
transporter for one amino acid that has a high affinity and low
maximal transport capacity. The transport of amino acids is
coupled to the sodium gradient established by the basolateral
þ þ
V Na /K -ATPase.
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Cystinuria (OMIM 220200) is an autosomal recessive disorder
associated with defective transport of cystine and the dibasic
amino acids ornithine, lysine, and arginine, involving the epi-
thelial cells of the renal tubule and gastrointestinal tract. The
formation of cystine calculi in the urinary tract, leading to
infection and renal failure, is the hallmark of the disorder.
Cystine is the least soluble of the naturally occurring amino
acids, particularly at low pH. The prevalence is approximately
1 in 7000 but varies depending on the geographic location.

Cystinuria is caused by mutations in either of two genes
implicated in dibasic amino acid luminal transport by the
proximal tubule.
Type A (or type 1, OMIM 220100) cystinuria is a completely
recessive disease caused by mutations in SLC3A1on chromosome
2, which encodes the renal proximal tubule S3 segment and intes-
tinal dibasic amino acid transporter. Jejunal uptake of cystine
and dibasic amino acids is absent and there is no plasma response
to an oral cystine load. The risk of nephrolithiasis is very high.
Type B (or non-type 1, OMIM 600918) cystinuria is an
incompletely recessive form in which both parents usually
excrete intermediate amounts of cystine (100–600 mmol/g cre-
atinine) but may also have normal excretory function. The
disease is caused by mutations in the SLC7A9 gene located on
chromosome 19q13, which encodes a protein BAT1. It belongs
to a family of light subunits of amino acid transporters,
expressed in the kidney, liver, small intestine, and placenta.

Clinical Presentation
The only known manifestation of cystinuria is nephrolithiasis.
Clinical expression of the disease typically starts during the
first to third decades. Males tend to be more severely affected
than females, although the incidence is equal in both sexes.
Cystine stones are made of a yellow-brown substance (sulfur-
containing), are very hard, and appear radiopaque. Stones
are frequently multiple, have a staghorn configuration, and
tend to be smoother than calcium stones. Magnesium ammo-
nium phosphate and calcium stones can also form as a result
of infection.
Diagnosis can be made by demonstration of the presence of 401
characteristic hexagonal cystine crystals in the urine. Acidifi-
cation of concentrated urine with acetic acid can precipitate
crystals not visible on initial urine microscopy. Diagnosis is
ultimately made by measurement of cystine excretion in the CH 20
urine, usually performed in specialized centers using chro-

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

matographic methods. The cyanide-nitroprusside test has
been widely applied as a qualitative screening procedure
and is particularly useful for the detection of homozygotes.
False-positive fndings include homocystinuria and patients
with acetonuria.

Management involves maintaining a high urine flow rate and
reducing sodium in the diet, which results in lower urinary
cystine concentrations. Fluid intake should ideally reach
4 L/day because many patients excrete 1 g or more of cystine
daily. Cystine solubility can also be increased by alkaliniza-
tion of the urine with potassium citrate, but the solubility of
cystine does not increase until the pH reaches 7.0 to 7.5; the
requirements for alkali may reach 3 to 4 mmol/kg. Patients
who are unable to comply with a regimen of high-fluid intake
and urine alkalinization or who fail despite adequate treat-
ment can be given D-penicillamine in doses of 30 mg/kg up to
a maximum of 2 g/day. Through a disulfide exchange reaction
D-penicillamine forms the disulfide cysteine-penicillamine,
which is much more soluble than cystine. This drug has
variable tolerability and frequent side effects (including rash,
fever, membranous nephropathy, epidermolysis, and loss of
taste) complicate therapy. Another drug that may be useful
in cystinuria is mercaptopropionylglycine, whose mechanism
of action is identical to that of D-penicillamine. This drug is
as effective as D-penicillamine in reducing urine cystine excre-
tion but this agent also has substantial side effects includ-
ing skin rash, fever, nausea, proteinuria, and membranous
The introduction of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
has not been of great benefit to cystinuric patients as cys-
tine stones are difficult to pulverize. Consequently, percutane-
ous lithotripsy is more effective. Urinary alkalinization with
direct irrigation of the urinary tract with D-penicillamine or
N-acetylpenicillamine to form disulfide compounds has
resulted in dissolution of stones, although dissolution may
require several weeks of therapy with the attendant complica-
tions of catheterization. Transplantation is sometimes neces-
sary for patients who develop end-stage renal disease from
chronic obstruction or infection. A kidney from an unaffected
donor will not form cystine stones.
402 Hartnup Disease

Hartnup disease (OMIM 234500) is an autosomal recessive

condition characterized by excessive urinary excretion of the
V neutral amino acids alanine, asparagine, glutamine, histidine,
isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, threo-
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

nine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine. Its incidence has been

estimated in newborn screening programs at 1 in 26,000. The
disease is due to mutations in the neutral amino acid trans-
porter B(0)AT1 (SLC6A19). The clinical features of this dis-
order, if any, are due to nicotinamide deficiency, which is
partly derived from tryptophan. These features include a
photosensitive erythematous skin rash (pellagra-like) that is
clinically identical with that due to niacin deficiency, inter-
mittent cerebellar ataxia, and rarely mental retardation. The
diagnosis is easily made by performing a urinary aminogram
and shows increased excretion of neutral amino acids, but
not glycine, cystine, and dibasic, dicarboxylic, and imino
amino acids. Thus, Hartnup disease can be easily differen-
tiated from the generalized aminoaciduria of Fanconi
syndrome. Treatment of symptomatic cases involves the
administration of nicotinamide in doses of 50 to 300 mg/
day. The value of treating asymptomatic patients is unclear,
but given the benign nature of treatment, it seems reasonable
to undertake therapy in these cases.


Inherited disorders of renal phosphate transport are character-
ized by hypophosphatemia due to a reduction in renal tubule
reabsorption of inorganic phosphate (Pi). These disorders are
characterized by metabolic bone disease presenting as rickets
in childhood and osteomalacia in adults. Normal phosphate
intake in adults varies from 800 to 1600 mg/day and the aver-
age serum phosphate levels remain normal over a wide range
of intake. Intestinal phosphate absorption is greatest in the
jejunum and ileum and is regulated by vitamin D metabolites.
In the normal state, moderate phosphate deprivation that
leads to a marginal decrease in serum phosphate levels
induces a reduction in urine excretion of phosphate and an
increase in 1,25(OH)2D3 levels. Renal proximal tubular reab-
sorption of phosphate is mediated by a Na/Pi-co-transporter
system, which is down-regulated by PTH and hyperphospha-
temia and up-regulated by phosphate deprivation. The proxi-
mal tubule is insensitive to the action of PTH in states of
phosphate deprivation.
X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets 403

X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (OMIM 307800) is an
X-linked dominant disorder and is the most common inherited CH 20
hypophosphatemic disorder, accounting for 80% of cases of

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

familial phosphate wasting. It is characterized by hypophos-
phatemia with phosphaturia, normal serum calcium and para-
thyroid hormone (PTH) levels, normal to low serum 1,25
(OH)2D3 levels, and elevated levels of serum alkaline phospha-
tase. The mutated gene, PHEX, encodes a cell surface–bound
metalloprotease. The role of PHEX in phosphate metabolism
has not been elucidated, although it has been suggested that it
is involved in the inactivation of a phosphaturic hormone or
activation of a Pi-conserving hormone. Down-regulation of the
sodium-phosphate co-transporter in the proximal tubule is also
thought to be important. PHEX is expressed in osteoblasts and
in tumor tissue associated with the paraneoplastic syndrome
of renal phosphate wasting.

Clinical Presentation
The hallmark of X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) is
inappropriately normal 1,25(OH)2D3 levels in the presence of
hypophosphatemia and rickets. There is no renal wasting of
amino acids and glucose. The patients demonstrate growth
retardation, femoral or tibial bowing presenting early in life,
and evidence of rickets and osteomalacia. Serum phosphate
levels are usually lower than 2.5 mg/dL (0.8 mmol/L). The ear-
liest sign of the disease in children may be increased serum
alkaline phosphatase levels. Males are usually more severely
affected than females and there is variable penetrance.

Early therapy with 1,25(OH)2D3 (1–3 mg/day) and phosphate
(1–2 g/day in divided doses) has a beneficial effect on growth
and bone disease. Nephrocalcinosis due to vitamin D and
phosphate therapy can lead to deterioration of renal function.

Autosomal Dominant Hypophosphatemic

Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR; OMIM
193100) is characterized by low serum phosphorus concentra-
tion, phosphaturia, inappropriately low or normal 1,25(OH)2D
levels, and bone mineralization defects that result in rickets,
osteomalacia with bone pain, lower extremity deformities, and
muscle weakness. ADHR is phenotypically similar to X-linked
hypophosphatemic rickets, but is much less common, and is
404 characterized by variable age of onset and incomplete pene-
trance. The gene responsible for ADHR encodes a new member
of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, FGF-23. FGF-23
expression is not readily detectable in normal tissues, but is
V abundantly expressed in tumors removed from patients with
oncogenic hypophosphatemic osteomalacia, an acquired renal
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Pi-wasting disorder with features of XLH and ADHR.

Hereditary Hypophosphatemic Rickets with


Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets associated with hyper-

calciuria (OMIM 241530) is a very rare autosomal disease, with
apparently recessive inheritance. The disease has been mapped
to chromosome 9q34, which contains SLC34A3, the gene
encoding the renal sodium-phosphate co-transporter NaPi-IIc.
Affected subjects appear to have a chronic renal phosphate
leak with an appropriate response to hypophosphatemia. Stim-
ulation of 1a-hydroxylase by hypophosphatemia leads to
increased 1,25(OH)2D3 production and increased intestinal
absorption of calcium and phosphate leading to hypercalciuria.
Other characteristic features include rickets, short stature, nor-
mal serum calcium levels, and suppression of PTH leading to a
reduction in bone mineralization and growth. Patients respond
to administration of daily oral phosphate (1–2.5 g/day).

Hereditary Selective Deficiency of 1a,25(OH)2D3

This rare form of autosomal recessive vitamin D–responsive
rickets (OMIM 264700) is not a disease of tubule transport
per se, but a deficiency in 1a-hydroxylation. It results from
inactivating mutations in the P-450 enzyme 1a-hydroxylase
on chromosome 12q14. Patients usually appear normal at
birth but develop muscle weakness, tetany, convulsions, and
rickets starting at 2 months of age. Serum calcium levels
are low; PTH levels are high, with low to undetectable
1,25(OH)2D3. Serum levels of 25(OH)D3 are normal or slightly
increased. 1,25(OH)2D3 therapy results in healing of rickets
and restores the plasma calcium, phosphate, and PTH levels.

Hereditary Generalized Resistance to

This rare autosomal recessive disorder (OMIM 277400) has a
similar phenotype to selective deficiency of 1a,25(OH)2D3.
The salient clinical features include increased serum levels
of 25(OH)D3 and 1a,25(OH)2D3 and resistance to exogenous
1a,25(OH)2D3 and 1a-(OH)D3. Approximately half of cases 405
described have alopecia. The disease is caused by mutations
in the vitamin D receptor gene.



Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

Under normal conditions, glucose is almost completely reab-
sorbed by the proximal tubule via a Naþ-coupled active trans-
port located in the brush border membrane. Only very small
amounts of glucose are present in the urine of most normal
people. The appearance of glycosuria suggests hyperglycemia
(overload glucosuria) and, rarely, abnormal handling of glu-
cose by the kidney. Renal glucosuria may be part of a
generalized defect of the proximal tubule (Fanconi syndrome)
or present as an isolated defect.

Renal Glucosuria
Familial renal glucosuria (FRG; OMIM 233100) is generally a
benign clinical condition that denotes a renal tubular abnormal-
ity characterized by persistent isolated glucosuria in the absence
of hyperglycemia. FRG is transmitted as a codominant trait with
incomplete penetrance. Homozygotes may demonstrate gluco-
suria above 60 g/day, evidence of renal sodium wasting, mild
volume depletion, and raised basal plasma renin and serum aldo-
sterone levels. Selective aminoaciduria may occasionally be
seen, unlike the generalized aminoaciduria seen in the Fanconi
syndrome. Mutations in the sodium/glucose co-transporter
SGLT2 coding gene, SLC5A2, are responsible for the disorder.
Mutations in the GLUT2 glucose transporter are thought to be
responsible in some Japanese kindreds.
A currently accepted stringent definition of glucosuria pro-
poses the following diagnostic criteria:
1. The oral glucose tolerance test, levels of plasma insulin and
free fatty acids, and glycosylated hemoglobin levels should
all be normal.
2. The amount of glucose in the urine (10–100 g/day) should
be relatively stable except during pregnancy, when it may
3. The degree of glucosuria should be largely independent of diet
but may fluctuate according to the amount of carbohydrates
ingested. All specimens of urine should contain glucose.
4. The carbohydrate excreted should be glucose. Other sugars
(e.g., fructose, sucrose, galactose, lactose) are not found.
5. Subjects with renal glucosuria should be able to store and
utilize carbohydrates normally.
Familial hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis is not
V a single entity but rather a set of closely related disorders. The dis-
tinguishing features of these disorders are outlined in Table 20-3.
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Bartter Syndrome
Bartter syndrome (OMIM 601678, 241200, 607364, and 602522)
is a group of autosomal recessive disorders affecting the func-
tion of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, giving a
clinical picture of salt-wasting and hypokalemic metabolic
alkalosis. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the juxtaglomerular
apparatus is seen. It is caused by inactivating mutations in
one of at least four genes encoding membrane proteins (Bartter
syndrome I–IV) expressed in this nephron segment:
1. The Naþ/Kþ/2Cl co-transporter (SLC12A1 encoding NKCC2)
2. The apical inward-rectifying potassium channel (KCNJ1
encoding ROMK)
3. ClC-Kb, a basolateral chloride channel (CLCNK encoding
4. Barttin (BSND), a protein that acts as an essential activator
b-subunit of ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb
Gain-of-function mutations in the extracellular calcium
ion–sensing receptor (CaSR) cause a variant of Bartter syn-
drome with hypocalcemia.

Clinical Presentation
Most cases of Bartter syndrome present antenatally or in the
neonatal period. Polyhydramnios and premature labor are com-
monly found. Polyuria and polydipsia are invariable. Postnatal
findings include failure to thrive, growth retardation, volume
depletion, hypotension, muscle weakness, seizures and tetany,
paresthesias, and joint pain due to chondrocalcinosis. In con-
trast to patients with Gitelman syndrome, those with Bartter
syndrome are virtually always hypercalciuric and normomag-
nesemic. Nephrocalcinosis occurs almost universally in
patients with NKCC2 and ROMK mutations but in only 20%
of those with ClC-Kb mutations. Patients with ROMK mutations
may present with hyperkalemia at birth, which converts to
hypokalemia within the first weeks of life, and may be misdiag-
nosed with pseudohypoaldosteronism type I. In contrast to
other Bartter patients, they do not need potassium supplemen-
tation. The type III Bartter syndrome (ClC-Kb) phenotype is
highly variable, and may present either as a typical antenatal
Table 20-3 Clinical Differences between Bartter and Gitelman Syndromes
Bartter Syndrome
Type 1 (NKCC2) Type II (ROMK) Type III (ClC-Kb) Type IV (Barttin) Gitelman Syndrome
Polyhydramnios þ þ þ þ 
Failure to thrive þ þ þ þ 
Growth retardation þ þ þ þ 
Polyuria þ þ þ þ 
Polydipsia þ þ þ þ 
Muscle cramps/spasm     
Nephrocalcinosis þ þ  þ 
Sensorineural deafness    þ 
408 variant or as a “classic” Bartter variant characterized by onset in
early childhood and less severe or absent hypercalciuria and
nephrocalcinosis. Barttin mutations are usually associated with
an extremely severe phenotype of intrauterine onset that
V includes profound renal salt and water wasting, renal failure,
sensorineural deafness, and motor retardation. Sensorineural
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

deafness is specific for Barttin mutations because it is an essen-

tial subunit of chloride channels in the inner ear.

The treatment of Bartter syndrome involves oral potassium
supplementation combined with interventions to reduce dis-
tal potassium secretion including spironolactone and nonste-
roidal anti-inflammatory drugs in addition to oral potassium
supplementation. Adjunctive use of angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors has also been successful. Therapy should
lead to catch-up growth for infants.

Gitelman Syndrome
Gitelman syndrome (OMIM 263800) is an autosomal recessive
disorder usually diagnosed in adults. It results from inactivat-
ing mutations in the SLC12A3 gene encoding the thiazide sen-
sitive Naþ/Cl co-transporter, or NCCT. This results in sodium
and chloride wasting with secondary activation of the renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system. The increased sodium load to
the cortical collecting duct leads to increased sodium reabsorp-
tion by the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), counterbalanced
by increased potassium and hydrogen excretion, resulting in
hypokalemia and a metabolic alkalosis. Hypocalciuria is due
to enhanced passive Ca2þ transport in the proximal tubule,
rather than active Ca2þ transport in the distal convoluted
tubule. Hypomagnesemia remains unexplained. Down-regula-
tion of the epithelial Mg2þ channel transient receptor potential
channel subfamily M, member 6 (TRPM6) has been recently

Clinical Presentation
Unlike Bartter syndrome (see Table 20-3), Gitelman syndrome
does not present symptomatically in the neonatal period and
is often discovered incidentally. Patients have a hypokalemic
metabolic alkalosis, but in contrast with Bartter syndrome,
they are hypocalciuric and hypomagnesemic and may not
have signs of overt volume depletion. Polyuria and polydipsia
are not features of Gitelman syndrome. Urinary prostaglandin
E2 levels are normal. The major differential diagnosis of
Gitelman syndrome is diuretic abuse and chronic bulemia.
A careful history, as well as measurement of urinary chloride 409
(low in surreptitious vomiting) and a urinary diuretic screen,
should help differentiate these conditions.

Treatment CH 20
The treatment of Gitelman syndrome includes potassium supple-

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

mentation and spironolactone. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs are usually not helpful, as prostaglandin levels are normal.
Symptoms of volume depletion may require intravenous reple-
tion of saline. Pregnancy may exacerbate symptoms with signifi-
cantly increased requirements for fluid and electrolyte repletion,
and has been associated with oligohydramnios and intrauterine
growth restriction.


Causes of hypertension and hypokalemia are rare and include
excess secretion of aldosterone or other mineralocorticoids
and abnormal sensitivity to mineralocorticoids. These disor-
ders are characterized primarily by low or low-normal plasma
renin, normal or low serum potassium, and salt-sensitive
hypertension, suggesting enhanced mineralocorticoid activity.
However, most patients with hypokalemia and hypertension
have essential hypertension associated with the use of diure-
tics or secondary aldosteronism from renal artery stenosis, or
primary hyperaldosteronism from adrenal gland hyperplasia
or adenoma.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Inherited abnormalities in two of the key enzymes required for

steroid biosynthesis can result in hypertension in association
with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: 11b-hydroxylase defi-
ciency and 17a-hydroxylase deficiency. In these autosomal
recessive disorders, overproduction of cortisol precursors
results in a loss of negative feedback inhibition of ACTH (adre-
nocorticotropic hormone) release. These precursors either
have intrinsic mineralocorticoid activity or are metabolized to
mineralocorticoid agonists. This activity induces volume- and
salt-dependent forms of hypertension with suppressed renin
and reduced potassium concentrations.

11b-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Inactivating mutations in the gene encoding 11b-hydroxylase
(OMIM 202010) are responsible for 5% of cases of congenital
adrenal hyperplasia (90% of cases are caused by 21-hydroxylase
410 deficiency, which is not associated with hypertension). This dis-
ease is associated with excess production of deoxycortisone
(DOC), 18-deoxycortisol, and androgens. DOC has significant
intrinsic mineralocorticoid activity, and high levels trigger
V hypokalemic hypertension. Because the androgen pathway is
unaffected, prenatal masculinization occurs in females and
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

postnatal virilization occurs in both sexes. The diagnosis of

11b-hydroxylase is made by the detection of increased levels of
DOC and 18-deoxycortisol. Treatment consists of exogenous
corticoids that inhibit ACTH secretion. Correction of mild salt
wasting from reduced mineralocorticoid production may be

17a-Hydroxylase Deficiency
17a-hydroxylase deficiency (OMIM 202110) results in reduced
conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone and androgens,
with absent sex hormone production. The resulting hypogo-
nadism and male pseudohermaphroditism is usually detected
at adolescence because of failure to undergo puberty. Elevated
glucocorticoid-suppressible levels of DOC and corticosterone,
as well as their 18-hydroxylated products, are responsible for
hypertension, hypokalemia, and renin-aldosterone suppression.
In severe 17a-hydroxylase deficiency, both the 17a-hydroxylase
and 17,20-lyase activities are reduced or absent, resulting in
excess mineralocorticoid activity, hypertension, and a universal
female phenotype due to absent sex steroid production in both
the adrenal and gonad. Partial 17a-hydroxylase deficiency
occurs and can present as sexual ambiguity in males, without
hypertension. Corticosteroid replacement corrects ACTH levels
and hypertension. Females usually require hormone replace-
ment, as do genetic males reared as females. Genetic males reared
as males require surgical correction of their external genitalia and
androgen replacement therapy.

Liddle Syndrome
Liddle syndrome (OMIM 177200) is an autosomal dominant
form of hypertension characterized by hypokalemia and low
levels of plasma renin and aldosterone, resulting from mutations
in the b- or g-subunits of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial
sodium channel (ENaC) in the distal convoluted tubule and col-
lecting duct. ENaC activity in the kidney is tightly controlled
by several distinct hormonal systems, including aldosterone.
In Liddle syndrome, mutations within the b- and g-subunits of
ENaC lead to constitutive activation of the channel. SCNN1B
b-subunit mutations or SCNN1G g-subunit mutations could lead
to an increase in the number of channels in the membrane or an
increased probability of the channels being open.
Clinical Presentation 411
Constitutive activation of the ENaC causes inappropriate renal
Naþ reabsorption, blunted Naþ excretion, and low-renin
hypertension. Affected individuals are at increased risk of
cerebrovascular and cardiovascular accidents, but renal fail- CH 20
ure is notoriously rare. Liddle syndrome can be differentiated

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

from other rare mendelian forms of low-renin hypertension
with urinary or plasma hormonal profiles (Table 20-4).
Hypertension is not improved by mineralocorticoid receptor
inhibitors (spironolactone), but can be corrected by a low-salt
diet and ENaC antagonists (amiloride or triamterene).

Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess

Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME; OMIM 207765) is a
rare autosomal recessive disorder that results in hypokalemic
hypertension, with low serum levels of renin and aldosterone.
It is caused by a deficiency of the 11b-hydroxysteroid dehy-
drogenase type 2 (11b-HSD2) enzyme, responsible for the con-
version of cortisol to the inactive metabolite cortisone. In
AME, cortisol acts as a potent mineralocorticoid and causes salt
retention, hypertension, and hypokalemia with a suppression
of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Inhibition
of 11b-HSD2 by licorice (glycyrrhetinic acid) or carbenoxolone
can also result in the development of hypokalemic, hyporenine-
mic hypertension.

Table 20-4 Urinary Steroid Profiles in Mendelian Forms

of Low-Renin Hypertension
Glucocortcoid- Mineralo-
Liddle Remediable corticoid
Syndrome Aldosteronism Excess
Aldosterone Decreased Increased Decreased
TH-aldo Decreased Increased Decreased
18-Hydroxy-TH-aldo Decreased Increased Decreased
18-Hydroxycortisol-F Not Increased Not
detected detected
Tetrahydrocortisol Normal Normal Increased
Tetrahydrocortisone Normal Normal Decreased
TH-F/TH-E Normal Normal Increased
TH-aldo, tetrahydroxyaldosterone.
Data from Warnock DG: Liddle syndrome: An autosomal dominant form of human
hypertension. Kidney Int 53:18–24, 1998.
412 Clinical Presentation
AME is associated with severe juvenile low-renin hyperten-
sion, hypokalemic alkalosis, low birth weight, failure to thrive,
poor growth, and nephrocalcinosis. The urinary cortisol meta-
V bolites demonstrate an abnormal ratio: tetrahydrocortisol is
increased while tetrahydrocortisone is decreased. The milder
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

form of AME (type 2), also due to mutations in the 11b-HSD2

gene, has similar clinical features but lacks the typical urinary
steroid profile; that is, biochemical analysis reveals a moder-
ately elevated cortisol-to-cortisone metabolite ratio. The hetero-
zygote state is phenotypically normal but associated with
subtle defects in cortisol metabolism.

The treatment of AME is sodium restriction and either triamter-
ene or amiloride. Spironolactone is not effective. Additional
antihypertensive agents can be used as needed, particularly in
older patients.

Glucocorticoid-Remediable Hyperaldosteronism

Glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism (GRA) or familial
hyperaldosteronism type 1 (OMIM 103900) is an autosomal dom-
inant form of hypertension caused by a chimeric gene duplication
arising from unequal crossover between aldosterone synthase and
11b-hydroxylase, two highly similar genes with the same tran-
scriptional orientation lying 45,000 base pairs apart on chromo-
some 8. Normally 11b-hydroxylase is expressed at high levels
and is regulated by ACTH, whereas aldosterone synthase is
expressed at low levels and is regulated by angiotensin II. The
genetic defect in this disorder results in the aldosterone synthase
gene coming under the control of regulatory promoter sequences
of the 11b-hydroxylase. The chimeric gene product is expressed
at high levels in both the zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata,
and is controlled by ACTH. This leads to increased production of
18-hydroxycortisol and aldosterone metabolites and subsequent
hypokalemic, hyporeninemic hypertension.

Clinical Presentation
The phenotypic spectrum of disease is broad, ranging from
patients with mild hypertension and normal biochemistry to
patients with early onset of severe hypertension, hypokalemia,
and metabolic alkalosis. GRA is associated with high morbidity
and mortality rates from early onset of hemorrhagic stroke and
ruptured intracranial aneurysms (20%). The diagnosis is usually
established by demonstrating high levels of 18-hydroxycortisol
or 18-oxocortisol metabolites in the urine (which are normally
secreted in negligible amounts) or with the dexamethasone sup- 413
pression test. Inhibition of ACTH via glucocorticoid administra-
tion can suppress excessive aldosterone secretion. The diagnosis
of GRA can be definitively established demonstrating the chime-
ric gene by molecular techniques. CH 20

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

Simple glucocorticoid replacement is the treatment for GRA.
Salt restriction combined with either ENaC inhibition or spir-
onolactone is also effective.



Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type I
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA-I) is a rare genetically
heterogeneous disorder of which there are two subtypes—an
autosomal recessive form (OMIM 264350 and 177735) with
severe manifestations that persist into adulthood, and an auto-
somal dominant form (OMIM 177735) with milder manifesta-
tions that remit with age. The autosomal recessive form is
caused by inactivating mutations in any of the three subunits
(a, b, g) of ENaC, resulting in resistance to the effects of aldo-
sterone; the autosomal dominant form is due to mutations in
the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) gene.

Clinical Presentation
Autosomal recessive PHA-I presents in early life with renal salt
wasting, hypotension, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, and on
occasion, failure to thrive. Biochemical features include hypona-
tremia, high plasma and urinary aldosterone levels despite hyper-
kalemia, and elevated plasma renin activity. The differential
diagnosis includes aldosterone synthase deficiency, salt-wasting
forms of CAH, and adrenal hypoplasia congenita. Bartter syn-
drome resulting from mutations in the ROMK gene may present
in the neonatal period with a similar (transient) clinical picture.
Autosomal dominant PHA-I presents with milder manifestations
with remission of the syndrome with age. This is consistent with
progressively reduced dependence on aldosterone.

Treatment consists of salt supplementation. Administration of
aldosterone, fludrocortisone, and deoxycorticosterone is not
helpful. Patients with the recessive form usually need lifelong
treatment for salt wasting and hyperkalemia, whereas in the dom-
inant form, treatment can usually be withdrawn in adulthood.
Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type II
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Pseudohypoaldosteronism type II (PHA-II; OMIM 145260),

also known as Gordon’s syndrome, is a volume-dependent
low-renin form of hypertension characterized by persistent
hyperkalemia despite a normal GFR. Hypertension is attribut-
able to increased renal salt reabsorption; hyperkalemia to
reduced renal Kþ excretion. A metabolic acidosis is commonly
seen, due to reduced Hþ excretion. The features of PHA-II are
chloride-dependent, and are corrected when infusion of
sodium sulfate or bicarbonate is substituted for sodium chlo-
ride. In addition, the clinical abnormalities are ameliorated
by thiazide diuretics, which inhibit salt reabsorption in the
distal nephron. The disease is genetically heterogeneous and
three loci have now been mapped to chromosomes 17, 1, and
12. Two genes identified on chromosomes 12 and 17 encode
members of the WNK family of serine-threonine kinases,
WNK1 and WNK4, that localize to the distal nephron. Both
overactivity of the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl co-transporter
(NCCT) and increased paracellular reabsorption of Cl (“chlo-
ride shunt”) have been suggested as possible causes. WNK4
negatively regulates surface expression of NCCT and mutations
result in enhanced surface expression of the co-transporter.
Recent data suggest that WNK1 plays a general role in the regu-
lation of epithelial Cl flux and gain-of-function mutations
may lead to enhanced co-transporter activity.

Clinical Presentation
PHA-II is usually diagnosed in adults, but it may also be seen in
the neonatal period. The severity of hyperkalemia varies greatly
and is influenced by prior intake of diuretics and salt. In its
most severe form, it is associated with muscle weakness (from
hyperkalemia), short stature, and intellectual impairment. Mild
hyperchloremia, metabolic acidosis, and suppressed plasma
renin activity are findings variably associated with the trait.
The plasma renin response to upright posture or to a low-
sodium diet is blunted. Aldosterone levels vary from low to high
depending on the level of hyperkalemia. Urinary concentrating
ability, acid excretion, and proximal tubular function are all

Treatment with thiazide diuretics reverses all the biochemical
abnormalities. Lower than average doses can be given if over-
correction is seen.

The major action of arginine vasopressin (AVP) is to facilitate CH 20
urinary concentration by allowing water to be transported pas-

Inherited Disorders of the Kidney

sively down an osmotic gradient between the tubular fluid
and the surrounding interstitium. AVP acts via the vasopres-
sin V2 receptor located on the basolateral membrane of collect-
ing duct cells, initiating a cascade of events that leads to the
exocytic insertion of specific water channels, aquaporin-
2 (AQP-2), into the luminal membrane, thereby increasing
the water permeability of this membrane. When AVP is
not available, water channels are retrieved by an endocytic
process, and the tubule becomes water impermeable.
In nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), the kidney is
unable to concentrate urine despite normal or elevated con-
centrations of AVP. In congenital NDI, the obvious clinical
manifestations of the disease (polyuria and polydipsia) are
present at birth and need to be immediately recognized to
avoid severe episodes of dehydration. Most (>90%) congeni-
tal NDI patients have mutations in the AVPR2 gene, the
Xq28 gene coding for the vasopressin V2 receptor. In fewer
than 10% of families studied, congenital NDI has an autoso-
mal recessive inheritance and mutations have been identified
in the AQP-2 gene (AQP2) located in chromosome region
12q13, that is, the vasopressin-sensitive water channel. Other
inherited disorders with mild, moderate, or severe inability
to concentrate urine include Bartter syndrome, cystinosis,
and autosomal dominant hypocalcemia.

Clinical Presentation
Loss-of-Function Mutations of the AVPR2
X-linked NDI (OMIM 304800) is secondary to AVPR2 muta-
tions that result in loss-of-function or dysregulation of the V2
receptor. Males who have an AVPR2 mutation have a pheno-
type characterized by early dehydration episodes, hypernatre-
mia, and hyperthermia as early as the first week of life.
Dehydration episodes can be life-threatening. The infants are
irritable, cry almost constantly, and although eager to suck,
will vomit milk soon after ingestion unless prefed with water.
The history given by the mothers often includes persistent
constipation, erratic unexplained fever, and failure to gain
weight. Heterozygous females exhibit variable degrees of poly-
uria and polydipsia because of skewed X chromosome inacti-
vation. Historically, mental retardation consequent to
repeated episodes of dehydration was a prevalent feature.
416 Early recognition and treatment of X-linked NDI with an abun-
dant intake of water allows a normal life span with normal
physical and mental development. A variant of this disorder
is autosomal dominant NDI, which occurs secondary to muta-
V tions in the prepro-arginine-vasopressin-neurophysin II gene.
Patients with autosomal dominant NDI retain some limited
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

capacity to secrete AVP during severe dehydration and the

polyuric-polydipsic symptoms usually appear after the first
year of life when the infant’s demand for water is more likely
to be understood by adults.

Loss-of-Function Mutations of AQP2

Mutations in the AQP2 gene that encodes the aquaporin-
2 channel result in nephrogenic DI. The gene is located in
chromosome region 12q13. Evidence suggests that both auto-
somal recessive and autosomal dominant NDI phenotypes
could be secondary to novel mutations in the AQP2 gene.
Mutations appear to impair trafficking of aquaporin-2 and
decrease channel function.
Chapter 21

Cystic Diseases of the

Renal cysts are a common abnormality that arise primarily
from the renal tubule epithelium. They are composed of a
layer of epithelium enclosing a cavity filled with urine-like
liquid or semisolid material. They are extremely rare in
infants, but their prevalence increases with age. A relatively
large number of clinical conditions are associated with renal
cysts (Table 21-1). Cystic kidneys of different etiologies may
appear morphologically similar, whereas the same etiologic
entity may cause a wide spectrum of renal abnormalities.



Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and

autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) are
the principal single-gene disorders that cause polycystic kidney

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

ADPKD occurs worldwide and in all races, with prevalence
estimated to be between 1 in 400 and 1 in 1000 individuals. It
is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with complete pen-
etrance. In approximately 5% of cases, no family history is
found, suggesting a relatively high spontaneous mutation rate.
ADPKD is genetically heterogeneous with one of two known
mutations in genes on chromosomes 16 (PKD1 on chromosome
16p13.3; 85% of cases) and 4 (PKD2 on chromosome 4q21;
15% of cases) responsible for disease development. PKD1 and
PKD2 encode proteins polycystin-1 and -2, respectively, which
are located in the plasma membranes overlying primary cilia. It
is uncertain whether a third gene accounts for a small number
of unlinked families. Homozygous or compound heterozygous
genotypes are lethal in utero. The exact mechanism whereby
the genetic mutations trigger cystogenesis remains incompletely
ADPKD may not be clinically apparent until the third or
fourth decade of life. There is significant intrafamilial
Table 21-1 Classification of Renal Cysts
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
V Autosomal or X-linked dominant disease in the differential
diagnosis of ADPKD
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Orofaciodigital syndrome
Tuberous sclerosis
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Familial renal hamartomas associated with hyperparathyroidism–
jaw tumor syndrome
Autosomal recessive disease in the differential diagnosis of ARPKD
Meckel-Gruber syndrome
Other multiple malformation syndromes
Hereditary cystic disease with interstitial nephritis
Joubert syndrome
Bardet-Biedl syndrome
Alström syndrome
Medullary cystic kidney disease
Cystic renal dysplasia
Multicystic kidney dysplasia
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1b mutations
Other cystic kidney disorders
Simple cysts
Localized or unilateral renal cystic disease
Medullary sponge kidney
Acquired cystic kidney disease
Renal cystic neoplasms
Cystic renal cell carcinoma
Multilocular cystic nephroma
Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor
Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma
Cysts of nontubular origin
Cystic disease of the renal sinus
Perirenal lymphangiomas
Subcapsular and perirenal urinomas
Pyelocalyceal cysts

variability in the severity of both renal and extrarenal manifes-

tations, suggesting the role of environmental modifying factors
in addition to genetic factors. It is difficult to predict in young
patients whether or when renal failure will develop, although
a number of risk factors have been identified with a more
rapid and severe course. These include onset of hypertension
before age 35, renal hemorrhage (with first episode of hematu-
ria before age 30), hyperlipidemia, low levels of high-density
lipoprotein, male gender, and the PKD1 disease genotype.
Parental hypertension, particularly in the nonaffected parent,
increases the risk of hypertension and end-stage renal disease 419
(ESRD). A strong relationship with renal enlargement has
been noted; the CRISP (Consortium of Imaging Studies to
assess the Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease) study
showed that kidney and cyst volumes are the strongest predic- CH 21
tors of renal functional decline, with renal blood flow (or vas-

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

cular resistance) an independent predictor, indicating the
importance of vascular remodeling in disease progression.
PKD1 and PKD2 disease are clinically similar, except that
the progression to ESRD is slower in PKD2. Most individuals
with PKD1 mutations experience renal failure by age 70 years,
whereas more than 50% of adults with PKD2 mutations have
adequate renal function at that age (mean age of onset of ESRD
54.3 years for PKD1; 74 years for PKD2).

Pathogenesis of Renal Failure

Cystic kidneys usually retain their reniform shape, with size
ranging from minimally or moderately enlarged in early dis-
ease to more than 20 times normal in advanced disease. Cysts
begin as outpouchings from preexisting renal tubules, but
most become detached from the parent tubule once they have
exceeded a few millimeters in size. The cells in the vast major-
ity of cysts are thought to be relatively immature or partially
de-differentiated tubular epithelium. A minority of cysts con-
tinue to function, as evidenced by their ability to generate
transepithelial electrical gradients and to secrete NaCl and
fluid in vitro.
Renal failure results from the progressive expansion and
encroachment on adjacent parenchyma, rather than by loss
of function in individual renal tubules. Vascular remodeling
is also thought to play an important role. At end-stage disease,
there is only scant evidence of normal-appearing parenchyma,
found in isolated patches. There is abundant subcapsular
fibrous tissue, and cysts may be encapsulated by fibrous
bands. Tubulointerstital fibrosis and arteriolar sclerosis are
cardinal features of the end-stage kidney. Hypertension is
thought to develop secondary to disturbances in the microvas-
culature, leading to activation of the renin-angiotensin system,
which in turn accelerates the tubulointerstitial fibrosis.
Clinical measurements of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in
ADPKD are poor predictors of the future course of slowly
progressive renal disease. Indeed, relatively young patients
may have profoundly distorted renal anatomy and extreme
renal enlargement, yet the GFR may be within normal limits.
This finding reflects the fact that GFR is maintained within
the normal range in patients with advanced cystic change
through compensatory hyperfiltration in residual glomeruli.
Only after the compensatory mechanisms fail is a fall in GFR
seen, which may be relatively precipitous.
420 Diagnosis
In those patients in whom a family history is not evident,
diagnosis of ADPKD in its fully developed form is not diffi-
cult. Many patients will have noticed loin pain, hematuria,
V or increased abdominal girth. In an individual with a positive
family history of ADPKD, the diagnosis is based on radiologic
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

testing. Counseling should be done prior to testing with full

explanation of the implications of diagnosis, including genetic
transmission, and potential discrimination in terms of
employment and insurability.
Ultrasonography, the preferred screening method, reveals
multiple echo-free areas in both kidneys. Standard sonographic
criteria for the diagnosis of ADPKD include at least two cysts in
at least one kidney in patients younger than 30 years of age.
Patients between the ages of 30 and 59 years should have at
least two cysts in each kidney, and patients older than 60 years
of age should have at least four cysts in each kidney. A negative
radiologic evaluation in a patient over the age of 30 effectively
excludes the diagnosis of ADPKD, but is less sensitive in youn-
ger individuals, particularly those with PKD2 mutations. If
ultrasonography is equivocal, then contrast-enhanced CT and
MRI provide better anatomic definition and can readily distin-
guish between solid and cystic renal masses, demonstrating
the diffuse distribution of large and small cysts, a characteristic
that is important in differentiating ADPKD from multiple sim-
ple cysts. CT and MRI will also reveal small cysts in the liver,
a finding that helps to further differentiate ADPKD from
acquired cystic disorders. Gene linkage analysis can be used
to determine obligate ADPKD gene carriers, but this method
has not gained widespread clinical use.
The differential diagnosis of ADPKD includes ARPKD in
children, tuberous sclerosis, multiple simple cysts, multicys-
tic dysplastic kidney, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, and
acquired cystic kidney disease.

Renal Manifestations and Therapy

Cyst Development and Growth. Many manifestations are
directly related to the development and enlargement of renal
cysts. The CRISP study evaluated patients with a yearly MRI
examination, and demonstrated exponential increases in total
kidney volume and cyst volume, with a mean increase in kidney
volume of 5.3% per year over 3 years. Baseline total kidney vol-
ume predicted the subsequent rate of increase of kidney volume
and was associated with declining GFR in patients with baseline
total kidney volume higher than 1500 mL.
Renal Function Abnormalities. Urinalysis is usually unre-
markable early in the disease course. Impairment of urinary
concentrating ability is common, however, even at early
stages, with up to 60% of affected children unable to
maximally concentrate the urine. Mild to moderate persistent 421
proteinuria may be found in significant numbers in middle to
late stage disease, and is indicative of more progressive dis-
ease. Massive proteinuria is rare and, if found, should prompt
a search for an additional renal disorder. Patients with pro- CH 21
teinuria may also excrete oval fat bodies. Plasma vasopressin

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

levels are elevated. Recent studies have suggested that the
urinary concentrating defect and elevated vasopressin may
contribute to cystogenesis, and may also contribute to glomeru-
lar hyperfiltration, with consequent hypertension and progres-
sion of chronic kidney disease. Reduced renal blood flow is
another early functional change.
Hypertension. Hypertension develops in more than 50% of
patients with ADPKD and is an important risk factor for pro-
gression of kidney disease. The development of hypertension
is accompanied by a reduction in renal blood flow, increased
filtration fraction, abnormal renal handling of sodium, and
extensive renal vasculature remodeling. The association
between renal size and prevalence of hypertension supports
the hypothesis that stretching and compression of the vascular
tree by cyst expansion causes ischemia and activation of the
renin-angiotensin system. Other factors thought to contribute
to the development of hypertension in ADPKD include
increased sympathetic nerve activity, impaired nitric oxide–
dependent endothelial vasorelaxation, and insulin resistance.
The diagnosis of hypertension in ADPKD is often delayed,
and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring of chil-
dren or young adults without documented hypertension may
reveal elevated blood pressures, attenuated nocturnal blood
pressure dipping, and exaggerated blood pressure response
during exercise, which may be accompanied by left ventricu-
lar hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction. Uncontrolled
hypertension increases the risk of hematuria, proteinuria,
and a faster decline in renal function, with increased morbid-
ity and mortality rates from valvular heart disease and aneur-
ysms. The presence of hypertension also increases the risk of
fetal and maternal complications during pregnancy.
Current recommendations for blood pressure targets derive
from studies of renal diseases in general and a target level of
less than 130/80 mm Hg is appropriate. Angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
(ARBs) are effective in the treatment of hypertension in patients
with ADPKD and should be the agents of first choice. Close
monitoring of the serum creatinine is warranted after initiation
and during episodes of cyst hemorrhage or infection. Calcium
channel blockers, b-adrenergic blockers and a2-adrenergic ago-
nists may be helpful in refractory cases.
Pain and Hematuria. Pain is the most common symptom
(60%) reported by adult patients with ADPKD. Acute pain
422 is associated with renal hemorrhage, passage of stones, and
urinary tract or cyst infections; tumors should also be consid-
ered. Some patients develop chronic flank pain without
identifiable cause other than the cysts alone. Long-term
V administration of nephrotoxic agents should be avoided, and
narcotic analgesia should be reserved for acute episodes.
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

A number of interventions may help to minimize the risk of

analgesic dependence in chronic pain, including reassurance,
a supportive attitude on the part of the physician, psychological
input, lifestyle modification, avoidance of aggravating activ-
ities, tricyclic antidepressants, and pain clinic interventions,
such as splanchnic nerve blockade with local anesthetic
or steroids. Pain may also be associated with the enlarge-
ment of one or more cysts in a kidney, and some relief may
be obtained by percutaneous aspiration of fluid combined
with instillation of a sclerosing agent. Alternatively, surgical
aspiration and unroofing of cysts has been performed for the
treatment of extremely large kidneys filled with cysts. This
radical therapy may produce relief that lasts for several years.
Percutaneous laparoscopic methods have been developed for
cyst unroofing or total nephrectomy with reasonably good out-
comes. Laparoscopic renal denervation or thoracoscopic sym-
pathosplanchnicectomy can be considered, particularly in
patients without large cysts.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a rare cause of pain in
ADPKD. It does not occur with greater frequency in the
ADPKD population, but may present at an earlier age, with
frequent constitutional symptoms, and a higher proportion of
sarcomatoid, bilateral, multicentric, and metastatic tumors.
A solid mass on ultrasound, speckled calcifications on CT
and contrast enhancement, or tumor thrombus and regional
lymphadenopathy on CT or MRI should raise the suspicion
of carcinoma.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) produced by the
cystic epithelium may promote angiogenesis, hemorrhage into
cysts, and gross hematuria, which is caused by the rupture of a
cyst into the pelvis of the kidney. Symptomatic episodes
likely underestimate the frequency of cyst hemorrhage. Epi-
sodes resolve within 2 to 7 days, and can usually be treated
with bed rest and analgesics. Segmental arterial embolization
or surgery may be required in refractory cases.
Renal Infection. As in the general population, urinary tract
infections (UTIs) in ADPKD predominantly affect women. Dif-
fuse pyelonephritis is suggested by fever, bacteremia, leukocy-
tosis, bacteriuria, pus casts in the urine, and exquisite
tenderness on deep palpation of the kidneys. In contrast,
isolated cyst infection may not be associated with either bacte-
riuria or bacteremia, and may be suspected if the infection
fails to respond to conventional parenteral therapy. Radiologic
studies are not generally useful as the changes induced by 423
infection are similar to those of hemorrhage. Most infections
are caused by Enterobacteriacae.
Pyelonephritis should be treated as for patients without
cystic disease. Cyst infections pose a particular problem and CH 21
treatment failure may be due to poor antibiotic penetrance

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

by polar antibiotics, such as cephalosporins and aminoglyco-
sides. Lipophilic agents (such as ciprofloxacin and newer
derivatives, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracyclines)
consistently penetrate cysts. If fever persists after 1 to 2 weeks
of appropriate antimicrobial therapy, complicating features
such as obstruction, perinephric abscess, or calculus should
be excluded, and percutaneous or surgical drainage of
infected cysts may be undertaken. Nephrectomy is reserved
for intractable infection after parenteral antibiotic therapy
has been unsuccessful.
Nephrolithiasis. Approximately 20% of ADPKD patients
have kidney stones, usually composed of uric acid and cal-
cium oxalate. Metabolic factors include decreased ammonia
excretion, low urinary pH, and low urinary citrate concentra-
tion. Urinary stasis due to distorted renal anatomy may also
play a role. The treatment of urolithiasis is similar to that
for patients without ADPKD, and often includes potassium
citrate. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and
percutaneous nephrostolithotomy have been performed suc-
cessfully without undue complications. See Chapter 18,
End-Stage Renal Disease, Dialysis, and Transplantation. As
previously discussed, the development of renal failure in
ADPKD is highly variable. ADPKD patients on dialysis do as
well or better than others with nondiabetic renal disorders.
Patients may have higher hematocrit values and less profound
anemia than individuals with other renal diseases, due to cys-
tic secretion of erythropoietin. Despite renal size and
increased risk for hernias, peritoneal dialysis is usually possi-
ble. Renal transplantation is used routinely to treat patients
with end-stage ADPKD. Post-transplantation patient and kid-
ney survival rates appear to be equal to, if not better than,
those in other renal disorders. Indications for pre- or post-
transplantation bilateral nephrectomy include severe pain,
unrelenting infection, persistent bacteriuria, recurrent severe
urinary tract hemorrhage, renal neoplasm, nephrolithiasis,
and extreme kidney size with compression of intra-abdominal
vessels and viscera leading to symptoms.

Extrarenal Manifestations
Vascular Manifestations. Vascular manifestations include
intracerebral aneurysms (ICAs) and dolichoectasia, thoracic
aortic and cervicocephalic artery dissections, and coronary
424 artery aneurysms, caused by alterations in the vasculature
directly related to mutations in PKD1 or PKD2. ICAs occur
in approximately 6% of patients with a negative family history
and approximately 16% of patients with a clear family his-
V tory of cerebral aneurysm; angiographic screening (usually mag-
netic resonance angiography) is reserved for individuals with a
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

family history of aneurysm and for those with symptoms consis-

tent with intracerebral disease. Aneurysms are most often
asymptomatic, although focal signs such as cranial nerve palsies
or seizures can result from compression of local structures. The
risk of rupture depends on many factors (see later). The mean
age of rupture is lower than in the general population (39 years
versus 51 years). Most patients have normal renal function and
up to 30% will have normal blood pressure at the time of rup-
ture. Conservative management is usually recommended for
small (<7 mm) aneurysms detected by presymptomatic screen-
ing, particularly in the anterior circulation. Semiannual or
annual repeat imaging studies are appropriate initially, but
reevaluation at less frequent intervals may be sufficient once
the stability of the aneurysm has been documented. Tobacco
use should be discontinued, and aggressive treatment of hyper-
tension and hyperlipidemia should be undertaken. The risk of
developing a new aneurysm after an initial negative study is
small, about 3% at 10 years in patients with a family history
of intracranial aneurysms; therefore, rescreening of patients
after an interval of 5 to 10 years seems reasonable.
Polycystic Liver Disease. Up to 90% of adults with ADPKD
have cysts of the liver. Minimal to moderate dilatation of
the extrahepatic bile ducts is common. Liver dysfunction
and portal hypertension rarely occur, regardless of the size
and number of cysts. In rare kindreds, hepatic changes indis-
tinguishable from congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF) may be
seen. Hepatic cysts are more prevalent, and cyst volume
larger, in females, and women who have had multiple preg-
nancies or who have used oral contraceptive therapy or estro-
gen replacement therapy have more severe disease,
suggesting hormonal stimulation. Typically, polycystic liver
disease (PLD) is asymptomatic, but symptoms have become
more frequent as the lifespan of ADPKD patients has length-
ened. Symptoms may result from mass effect, characterized
by dyspnea, early satiety, gastroesophageal reflux, and
mechanical low back pain. Local mass effect may cause
hepatic venous outflow compression, inferior vena caval or
portal vein compression, or bile duct compression.
Symptomatic cyst complications include cyst hemorrhage,
infection, and rarely torsion or rupture. The liver cysts may
continue to grow and to appear de novo after institution of
renal replacement therapy. Rare associations include adeno-
mas of the ampulla of Vater and cholangiocellular carcinoma.
Most cases of PLD require no treatment. Patients with 425
severe and symptomatic PLD should avoid estrogens and
compounds that promote cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) accumulation (e.g., caffeine). Histamine H2 blockers
and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may inhibit secretin pro- CH 21
duction and fluid secretion into cysts. Rarely, symptomatic

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

PLD requires interventions to reduce cyst volume and
hepatic size. The choice of procedure (percutaneous cyst
aspiration  sclerosis, laparoscopic cyst fenestration, and
liver transplantation) is dictated by the anatomy and distri-
bution of the cysts. Combined percutaneous cyst drainage
and antibiotic therapy provide the best outcomes for hepatic
cyst infections, with long-term antibiotics indicated for
relapsing or recurrent cases. Fluoroquinolones and trimetho-
prim-sulfamethoxazole are effective against the typical
organisms, and have good penetration into the biliary tree
and cysts.
Pregnancy. Normotensive women with normal renal func-
tion usually have uncomplicated pregnancies; those with
hypertension have are at higher risk for fetal and maternal
complications (see Chapter 24, The Kidney and Hypertension
in Pregnancy).

Novel Therapies
Improved understanding of the pathophysiology of ADPKD
has facilitated the development of preclinical trials, with
identification of promising targets for therapy and candidate
Vasopressin V2 receptor (VPV2R) antagonists have been
undergoing trials, given the inhibitive effect of vasopressin
on cAMP levels in the collecting duct, the major site of cyst
formation in ADPKD, and the role of cAMP in cystogenesis,
resulting in reduction of renal cysts in rodent models. Phase
III clinical trials are underway.
cAMP accumulation in the liver and kidney is inhibited by
somatostatin acting on SST2 receptors. Octreotide, a synthetic
metabolically stable somatostatin analog, has been shown to
halt the expansion of both hepatic and renal cysts in the
PKD rat.
Recently, mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) activa-
tion in polycystic kidneys and an interaction between poly-
cystin-1 and the tuberous sclerosis protein tuberin have been
reported. Rapamycin has been shown to significantly inhibit
cyst expansion and protect renal function. Phase II clinical
trials of the mTOR inhibitors rapamycin and everolimus are
being implemented.
Material to educate patients and their families about
ADPKD can be obtained through the Polycystic Kidney Dis-
ease Foundation (
426 Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

ARPKD is a rare disorder with an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1

in 50,000 live births. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive
V trait and as most patients do not have homozygous mutations,
there is considerable variability in the clinical expression of
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

the disease. The genetic defect has been localized to a large

gene in chromosome 6, PKHD1, which encodes a protein
called fibrocystin/polyductin localized in primary cilia. Fibro-
cystin is also expressed in ureteric bud branches, intra- and
extrahepatic bile ducts, and pancreatic ducts during embryo-
genesis. ARPKD affects both the kidneys and liver in approxi-
mately inverse proportions, such that the disease may be
viewed as a spectrum, ranging from severe renal involvement
with mild liver disease to mild renal disease with severe liver
involvement. The former is more common, and usually mani-
fested at or near the time of birth. The renal enlargement is
due to fusiform dilatation of collecting ducts to 1 to 2 mm in
the cortex and medulla. In later presentations of ARPKD, in
which the clinical picture is often dominated by hepatic com-
plications, renal involvement may consist of medullary ductal
ectasia, with minimal or no renal enlargement, and may be
confused with medullary sponge kidney (MSK).

Diagnosis and Features

Affected children typically present in utero with enlarged,
echogenic kidneys. The kidneys are bilaterally and symmetri-
cally enlarged, and may reach more than 20 times normal size.
The most severe cases may result in oligohydramnios with the
associated Potter sequence, characterized by the typical facies,
wrinkled skin, compression abnormalities of the limbs, and
pulmonary hypoplasia. The neonatal period may be domi-
nated by respiratory difficulties due to pulmonary hypoplasia
or restrictive disease due to massive kidney enlargement.
Approximately 30% of affected neonates die shortly after
birth. The delivery itself may also be complicated by dystocia
due to the enlarged fetal kidneys. Renal function usually is
compromised, but death from renal insufficiency is uncommon
in the newborn period.
Most patients who survive the neonatal period live to adult-
hood. Hypertension often develops in the first several months
and may be complicated by cardiac hypertrophy, endocardial
fibroelastosis, congestive heart failure, and the onset of renal
failure. Inability to concentrate or dilute the urine can cause
major electrolyte abnormalities. In older children, symptoms
and signs referable to hepatic fibrosis and portal hypertension,
including variceal bleeding, hypersplenism with anemia, leu-
kopenia, and thrombocytopenia, predominate. Up to 50%
of patients with congenital hepatic fibrosis may exhibit
segmental dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts (Caroli disease), 427
which may be complicated by episodes of cholangitis/sepsis
and biliary sludge/lithiasis. Hepatocellular function is rarely
Ultrasonography is the most important diagnostic tool for CH 21
initial screening purposes as well as for prenatal diagnosis.

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

Genetic linkage and direct mutational analysis hold promise
of more precise diagnosis and characterization of the disease
in individual patients and families.

The newborn with pulmonary hypoplasia usually succumbs
to pulmonary insufficiency within the first few days. Nonethe-
less, until the degree of the pulmonary insufficiency and its
cause can be assessed fully, artificial ventilation and aggres-
sive resuscitative measures are indicated. Severely affected
neonates may require unilateral or bilateral nephrectomies
because of nutritional and respiratory compromise. Early
institution of dialysis has been used successfully, with perito-
neal dialysis the modality of choice in infants with ESRD.
Patients with less severe ARPKD who survive the newborn
period invariably develop progressive renal failure. Aggres-
sive nutritional supplementation and correction of acid-base
and electrolyte disorders are required to optimize linear
growth. Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice. Pre-
transplant splenectomy may be required in patients with
severe leukopenia or thrombocytopenia due to hypersplenism.
Biliary sepsis is a frequent complication in ARPKD patients
who undergo transplant surgery. Combined kidney/liver
transplant has been advocated for ESRD patients with signifi-
cant bile duct dilatation and recurrent cholangitis.
Emotional support and educational material for families
can be obtained through the Polycystic Kidney Foundation


Acquired cystic kidney disease (ACKD) is characterized by
small cysts distributed throughout the renal cortex and
medulla of patients with ESRD or advanced chronic kidney
disease unrelated to inherited renal cystic diseases. There
has been no agreement on the extent of cystic change required
for the diagnosis, ranging from one to five cysts per kidney in
radiologic studies to cystic change in 25% to 40% of renal vol-
ume in tissue-based studies. Both prevalence and severity are
higher in men than women, and increase with the duration of
azotemia. Acquired cysts are found in more than 20% of
patients with serum creatinine values exceeding 3 mg/dL,
428 increasing to greater than 90% of patients on dialysis for more
than 8 years. It is unrelated to age, dialysis modality, race, or
underlying cause of renal failure. Cysts may regress after suc-
cessful transplant surgery, but conversely may develop in
V chronically rejected kidneys. Cyclosporin has been implicated
in the predisposition of native kidneys to cyst formation. An
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

important clinical consequence of acquired renal cystic disease

is the occurrence of aggressive renal tumors. Renal cell carci-
noma (RCC) in dialysis patients is three times more common in
the presence of acquired renal cysts, and six times more common
in large rather than small cystic kidneys. Overall, the incidence
of renal malignancy in dialysis patients has been estimated to
be 50 to 100 times greater than in the general population.
ACKD-associated RCC has a lower risk for metastasis and a better
prognosis than sporadic RCC. The predominant type of RCC
appears to be papillary, although clear-cell type, tubular, and
solid neoplasms have been reported. In addition, a RCC with dis-
tinctive histologic appearance has been associated with ACKD,
characterized by abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, a variably
solid, cribriform, tubulocystic, and papillary architecture, and
deposits of calcium oxalate crystals.

ACKD develops insidiously. Most patients are asymptomatic,
but when symptoms do occur, gross hematuria, flank pain,
renal colic, fever, palpable renal mass, and rising hematocrit
are most common. Retroperitoneal hemorrhage may present
with acute pain, hypotension, and shock. Sonography reveals
the bilateral cystic process in advanced cases and is useful in
the detection of neoplasms. However, CT, with or without
contrast enhancement, is the preferred diagnostic technique
and is better at distinguishing between simple cysts and
ACKD. MRI may be particularly useful for the diagnosis of
neoplasms, without the attendant risk of contrast nephro-
pathy, and when CT findings are indeterminate. Distinction
from ADPKD and from multiple simple cysts usually is sug-
gested by the generally smaller size of the kidneys and of the
individual cysts in ACKD, by the usual absence of hepatic
cysts, and by the family and patient histories.

Bleeding episodes, either intrarenal or perirenal, often may be
treated conservatively with bed rest and analgesics. Persistent
hemorrhage, however, may require nephrectomy or therapeutic
renal embolization and infarction. Because the risk of unde-
tected renal cell carcinoma is high in patients with
retroperitoneal hemorrhage, nephrectomy is recommended in 429
those cases in which carcinoma cannot be ruled out. Due to
the associated risk of renal cell carcinoma, CT screening has
been recommended after 3 years of dialysis, followed by
screening for neoplasm at 1- or 2-year intervals thereafter. Renal CH 21
masses larger than 3 cm detected in ACKD are treated by exci-

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

sion. For tumors smaller than 3 cm, some physicians advocate
nephrectomy, whereas others recommend annual CT follow-
up with resection if the lesions enlarge. Resection even of small
neoplasms seems prudent in preparation for transplantation.
Because ACKD-associated carcinoma is often multicentric and
bilateral, some authors recommend bilateral nephrectomy.
Laparoscopic bilateral radical nephrectomy in these patients
has recently been proposed as a more desirable alternative to
traditional open surgery.



Nephronophthisis (NPH) is an autosomal recessive disorder

that accounts for 10% to 20% of cases of childhood renal fail-
ure, and is characterized by infantile, juvenile, and adolescent
forms according to age of onset of ESRD. In a significant
minority of cases, it is associated with a variety of ocular
and neurologic disorders. NPH is genetically heterogeneous,
and six genes responsible for different types of NPH have
been identified. The most commonly occurring mutation is
in the NPHP1 gene, which encodes nephrocystin. The
kidneys are small with a granular capsular surface. A vari-
able number of small, thin-walled cysts of distal convoluted
and collecting tubule origin are seen; similar cysts may be
present in the medulla. Tubular basement membranes are
thickened, and a dense sclerotic interstitium with sparse
inflammatory cell infiltrates may be evident. Sonography
may fail to detect the cysts due to their small size. Contrast-
enhanced CT and MRI are more sensitive in the detection
of small corticomedullary and medullary cysts, but failure
to detect the cysts radiologically does not exclude the
The onset of the disease is insidious. Polyuria and polydip-
sia are the usual presenting symptoms. Hypertension is usu-
ally absent, but if present, it is not a prominent feature.
Sodium wasting is common. Proteinuria is either mild or
absent, and urine sediment is bland. Progression to ESRD
occurs within the first two decades of life.
The treatment of NPH is supportive. Because of the tendency
to sodium wasting and volume contraction, unnecessary
430 sodium restriction or diuretic use should be avoided. If living
related transplant is considered, potential sibling donors
should be subjected to meticulous diagnostic evaluation.

Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

Medullary cystic kidney disease (MCKD) is an autosomal

dominant disorder that shares its pathologic appearance and
clinical manifestations with NPH (see preceding discussion).
Its distinguishing features are the pattern of inheritance, an
older age at diagnosis and development of ESRD, and the
absence of extrarenal organ involvement, with the exception
of gout. MCKD is also genetically heterogeneous, with two
genotypes described, namely MCKD1 and MCKD2. UMOD is
the mutated gene in MCKD2, and in familial juvenile hyperur-
icemic nephropathy, previously believed to be distinct clini-
cal entities, but now shown to be the same disease. UMOD
encodes uromodulin, also known as the Tamm-Horsfall pro-
tein, with more than 30 mutations described. MCKD1 and
MCKD2 can both be associated with hyperuricemia and gout,
although some families demonstrate normal serum uric acid
levels. MCKD1 and MCKD2 patients reach ESRD at median
age of 62 and 32 years, respectively.
Adequate NaCl and water intake must be maintained to
counterbalance the tendency toward sodium wasting and vol-
ume contraction, although as the disease progresses toward
ESRD, the propensity to waste sodium may diminish. The treat-
ment of choice of ESRD secondary to MCKD is renal transplan-
tation. If living related donor transplantation is considered,
precautions should be taken to obtain them only from older
relatives, who should be subjected to meticulous diagnostic

Medullary Sponge Kidney

Medullary sponge kidney (MSK) or precaliceal canalicular

ectasia is a common, typically benign, and often asymptom-
atic disorder (incidence approximately 1:5000) characterized
by tubular dilatation of the collecting ducts and cyst formation
strictly confined to the medullary pyramids, especially to
their inner, papillary portions. It is usually considered a non-
hereditary disease, but autosomal dominant inheritance has
been suggested in several families. MSK has been associated
with primary hyperparathyroidism, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,
and hemihypertrophy.
Clinical manifestations include gross and microscopic
hematuria and recurrent urinary tract infections. Renal stones
consisting of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and other 431
types of calcium salts commonly form in the ectatic collecting
ducts in this disease, largely due to absorptive hypercalciuria
and hypocitraturia. Impairment of tubular function, character-
ized by defective urinary solute concentrating ability, and CH 21
diminished capacity for acid and potassium handling may be

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

evident, with an incomplete distal renal tubular acidosis
found in 30% to 40% of patients. The disease seldom pro-
gresses to ESRD, although reduced glomerular filtration rates
have been observed, and perhaps 10% of patients have a rela-
tively poor prognosis because of recurring urolithiasis, bacteri-
uria, and pyelonephritis.
Intravenous urography reveals dilated collecting ducts on
early and delayed films without the use of compression and
in the absence of ureteral obstruction. Deposition of calcium
salts within these dilated tubules may give the radiographic
appearance of renal calculi or nephrocalcinosis, characteristi-
cally seen in clusters fanning away from the calyx.
There is no specific treatment for MSK. Most patients
discovered incidentally to have MSK can be advised that
the disorder is benign, and that they need not anticipate
any serious illness or an untimely death. Management of
the nephrolithiasis is the same as that of the general popula-
tion with recurrent nephrolithiasis. As patients with MSK
appear to be more susceptible to urinary tract infections, rou-
tine preventive measures are warranted, especially in female
Renal abscesses are a rare complication of this disorder that
may require prolonged antibiotic therapy or surgical drainage.
In cases in which the tubule ectasia is unilateral or segmental,
a unilateral or partial nephrectomy may be warranted. How-
ever, because this is usually a bilateral disorder, partial or
complete nephrectomy should be undertaken only after care-
ful evaluation indicates that sufficient residual renal function
will be preserved.


Simple cysts are the most common cystic abnormality encoun-

tered in human kidneys. They are very rare in children and
increase in frequency with age so that by age 50 they are found
in approximately 50% of the population. Most simple cysts
are found on routine imaging studies; differentiation from
malignant cystic lesions may be difficult. CT or MRI is com-
monly required to characterize the lesion. About 2% of simple
cysts and 10% of RCCs contain calcium deposits, but calcifi-
cation in simple cysts appears to be peripheral, whereas that
in tumors is more central.
432 The majority of cysts are asymptomatic, although large cysts
may cause abdominal or flank discomfort. Rare cases of gross
hematuria due to vascular erosion by an enlarging cyst have
been described, but hematuria is usually attributable to
V another cause; infection is rare. When the simple cysts lie at
or near the hilum, a urographic appearance of caliceal obstruc-
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

tion or hydronephrosis is frequently found. Rare cases of

renin-dependent hypertension caused by solitary intrarenal
cysts have been described, thought to be due to arterial com-
pression by the cyst, causing segmental ischemia. Carcinomas
do not arise from benign simple cysts, and for asymptomatic
patients with unequivocal simple cysts, periodic follow-up
with ultrasonography is reasonable. If the radiologic features
are suspicious, then surgical exploration is recommended.
Treatment is indicated only for symptomatic cysts or
for cysts causing obstruction. Intermediate-sized cysts can
be aspirated percutaneously, and a sclerosing agent can be
instilled into the cavity in an attempt to prevent recurrence.
Symptomatic cysts greater than 500 mL in volume are usu-
ally drained surgically. Laparoscopic methods are now used
routinely. An operative approach to infected renal cysts is
usually taken, but percutaneous aspiration of infected cysts
has also been performed.


The term renal dysplasia implies any developmental abnor-

mality resulting from anomalous early development in utero.
In general, the most severely dysplastic kidneys are nonfunc-
tional, have no patent connection to the urinary bladder, and
remain asymptomatic if unilateral. Less severely dysplastic
kidneys may have near-normal function and manifest with
clinical symptoms and signs related only to their size or to
their increased susceptibility to infection.


Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant
disorder that affects up to 1 in 6000 individuals. There are
two genotypes: TSC1 is located on chromosome 9q32p34 and
encodes a protein called hamartin; TSC2 is located next to
PKD1 on chromosome 16p13 and encodes a protein called
tuberin. The disease tends to be less severe in patients with
TSC1 rather than with TSC2 mutations. Hamartin and tuberin
physically interact; the hamartin/tuberin complex antagonizes
an insulin-signaling pathway that plays an important role in 433
cell size and number and organ size. Tuberin or hamartin
mutations prevent the formation of tuberin/hamartin com-
plexes and lead to constitutive activation of mTOR.
TSC is characterized by development of hamartomatous CH 21
tumors in the skin, brain, retina, bone, liver, heart, lung,

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

and kidney. Renal involvement is second only to the involve-
ment of the central nervous system (CNS) as a cause of death
in patients with TSC. The main renal manifestations include
angiomyolipomas, cysts, RCCs with various histologic pat-
terns, epithelioid angiomyolipomas, lymphangiomatous
cysts, and, rarely, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Angio-
myolipomas in TSC are extremely common, developing after
the first year of life, present in 60% of patients by the third
decade. They are usually multiple and bilateral, and affect
both genders. The main symptoms of angiomyolipomas relate
to their potential for hemorrhage (hematuria, intratumoral, or
retroperitoneal) and mass effect (abdominal or flank mass
and tenderness, hypertension, renal insufficiency). The diag-
nosis can be established by sonography, CT, or MRI, and
requires demonstration of fat in the tumor. Unlike angiomyo-
lipomas, renal cysts may be present in the first year of life,
and cystic disease may be the presenting feature. The combi-
nation of renal angiomyolipomas and cystic kidneys is virtu-
ally pathognomonic for TSC. The association with RCC is
well established, and RCC should be suspected in enlarging
lesions without demonstrable fat and in the presence of
intratumoral calcifications. TSC2 and PKD1 lie adjacent on
chromosome 16 and deletions involving both genes are asso-
ciated with early onset of polycystic kidneys (TSC2/PKD1
contiguous gene syndrome), with early onset of ESRD.
The main clinical problems associated with cystic disease
in TSC are hypertension and renal failure. Meticulous control
of hypertension is required. Angiomyolipomas often require
no treatment, although patients with multiple angiomyolipo-
mas should be cautioned about the potential risk of pregnancy
and estrogen administration, due to reports of hemorrhagic
complications in pregnancy. Annual evaluation with ultra-
sound or CT is recommended. Renal sparing surgery is indi-
cated for symptoms such as pain or hemorrhage, growth
with compromise of functioning renal parenchyma, and
inability to exclude an associated RCC. Some lesions, due to
their size and central location, may be more amenable to selec-
tive arterial embolization. Bilateral nephrectomy should be
considered before transplantation surgery because of the risk
of life-threatening hemorrhage and the development of RCC.
Elucidation of TSC protein function at a molecular level has
identified mTOR as a target for intervention in TSC, and
434 clinical trials evaluating the use of rapamycin for the treat-
ment of angiomyolipomas in TSC are in progress.

von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) is a rare autosomal dom-
Genetic Basis of Kidney Disease

inant disease with a prevalence of 1 in 36,000. It is character-

ized by retinal hemangioma, clear-cell RCC, cerebellar and
spinal hemangioblastoma, pheochromocytoma, endocrine
pancreatic tumors, and epididymal cystadenoma. VHL is
encoded by a tumor suppressor gene found on chromosome
Renal cysts usually, but not always, precede the develop-
ment of renal tumors. VHL-associated RCC presents early in
life, with a mean age of diagnosis of 35 years. The histologic
picture is uniformly clear-cell carcinoma. The cumulative
probability of developing RCCs rises progressively from age
20 years, reaching 70% by the age of 60 years. In contrast to
the general population, RCC in VHL is more often multicentric
and bilateral. Metastatic RCC is the leading cause of death
from VHL.
The diagnosis should be made in a person with multiple
CNS or retinal hemangioblastomas, or a single hemangioblas-
toma plus one of the other characteristic physical abnormal-
ities or a family history of VHL disease. In some cases, the
diagnosis may be warranted in a patient with a positive family
history but without CNS or retinal lesions, who has one or
more of the less specific findings, with the exception of epi-
didymal cysts, which are too nonspecific. The molecular
genetic diagnosis of VHL has greatly facilitated the evaluation
and management of VHL families. Using a variety of techni-
ques, the current detection rate of mutations is nearly 100%.
Candidates for mutational analysis are patients with classic
VHL disease and their first-degree family members, and mem-
bers of a family in which a germline VHL gene mutation has
been identified (presymptomatic test).
Patients with VHL disease need an annual physical and
ophthalmologic examination, peripheral blood cell count,
urinalysis, yearly CT or ultrasound of the abdomen, and
yearly or biannual CT or MRI of the head and upper spine.
Early detection of complications, especially RCC and CNS
lesions, are essential to reduce the risk of death from VHL.
The National Cancer Institute developed the 3-centimeter
rule for surgical intervention based on absence of documen-
ted metastasis from tumors smaller than 3 cm in diameter.
Renal sparing surgery provides effective initial treatment
with 5- and 10-year cancer-specific survival rates similar to
those obtained with radical nephrectomy. Minimally
invasive techniques that include percutaneous or laparoscopi- 435
cally guided cryotherapy or radiofrequency ablation are being
evaluated for the treatment of VHL-associated tumors. Other
novel therapies directed against transcription factors impli-
cated in VHL-associated carcinogenesis are being evaluated, CH 21
including VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and

Cystic Diseases of the Kidney

receptors for VEGF and TGF-b (transforming growth factor-b).
Chapter 22

High blood pressure (BP) is a leading risk factor for heart dis-
ease, stroke, and kidney failure. It is estimated that 50 million
people in the United States are hypertensive. However, fewer
than 30% of all hypertensive patients have adequate BP con-
trol. In general, the upper limits of normal BP in older persons
have been considered to be a systolic value of 140 mm Hg and
a diastolic value of 90 mm Hg. These figures may be adjusted
downward for younger patients to the point that readings in
excess of 120/80 mm Hg may be considered hypertensive.
Clinical studies indicate that relatively higher BPs that are
casually recorded, even those that are within the normal
range, are statistically associated with increased mortality rate
from cardiovascular complications. It is well established that
antihypertensive treatment provides a significant degree of
protection against such complications as congestive heart fail-
ure (CHF), renal failure, and stroke, but not coronary artery
disease. Nonetheless, the risks of death and disability asso-
ciated with hypertension are increased only in the broad sta-
tistical sense; a large majority of patients with hypertension
live lives of normal longevity and health. Thus, risks are
apparently not distributed randomly but are concentrated in
subgroups of patients that have proved difficult to accurately
identify. For these and other reasons, hypertension cannot be
considered a discrete disease entity but must be considered a
factor common to the development of several pathologic
events. Thus, hypertension is a physical sign and a risk factor
to be assessed in conjunction with other physiologic and envi-
ronmental factors.


In an attempt to clarify the nomenclature, recent guidelines

have designated a classification system for BP for adults.
Hypertension is stratified by the following systolic (S) and dia-
stolic (D) measurements:
• Prehypertension (120–139 mm Hg [S] or 80–89 mm Hg [D])
• Stage 1 (140–159 mm Hg [S] or 90–99 mm Hg [D])
• Stage 2 (160–179 mm Hg [S] or 100–109 mm Hg [D])
• Stage 3 (180 mm Hg [S] or 110 mm Hg [D])

440 However, it should be noted that the relationship between
blood pressure and cardiovascular risk moves along a contin-
uum; thus, any discrete numeric criteria for the classification
of hypertension should be considered arbitrary.
VI Essential hypertension: The pathophysiologic mechanism
underlying hypertension is unknown in approximately 90%
Hypertension and the Kidney

of cases. Members of this group are classified as having “pri-

mary hypertension” or “essential hypertension,” signifying
that no cause for their disorder has been found.
Secondary hypertension: This term implies a discrete cause for
the hypertension, which may or may not be curable (Table 22-1).
Isolated systolic hypertension: Hypertension may be purely
systolic and accompanied by a normal or even lowered dia-
stolic pressure. This condition is usually observed in the
elderly and is a manifestation of decreased arterial elasticity.
Labile hypertension: Labile hypertension is an intermittent
form of hypertension. It is unclear whether such patients go
on to sustained hypertension with consequent secondary car-
diovascular damage.
Borderline hypertension: BP readings close to the upper
limits of the normal range or only slightly elevated represent
borderline hypertension.
Malignant hypertension: Malignant hypertension is charac-
terized clinically by severe accelerating hypertension with
neuroretinopathy or papilledema and by evidence of renal
damage. Clinically, it is almost always associated with mas-
sive oversecretion of renin and aldosterone and is strikingly
relieved by binephrectomy or antirenin drugs. On pathologic
examination, it is characterized by fibrinoid and necrotizing
arteriolitis. This syndrome can occur de novo, but most often,
it follows preexisting milder forms of hypertension. Malignant
hypertension may occur as a complication of primary hyper-
tension and of virtually every form of secondary hypertension.
The process of malignant hypertension begins with a critical
degree of renal microvascular injury. Renal hypoperfusion triggers
a massive release of renin, which, through its joint vasoconstrictor
and sodium-retaining effects, causes a marked increase in sys-
temic blood pressure. The rise in pressure normally suppresses
renin production through feedback inhibition. However, in malig-
nant hypertension, this regulatory mechanism is impaired and
renin secretion continues unabated. A vicious circle results
whereby more renin secretion causes more hypertension, causing
more renal and systemic arteriolar necrosis, which again causes
more renin secretion.
Drugs that interrupt the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system (RAAS) (e.g., propranolol, captopril) can normalize
and maintain the BP in patients with malignant hypertension,
including those in encephalopathic crises. In other such
patients, the addition of diuretics to antirenin therapy may
Known Causes of Secondary Hypertension
Table 22-1
Renal Disorders
Renal causes
Renal parenchymal CH 22
Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis; pyelonephritis;

nephrocalcinosis; neoplasms; glomerulosclerosis
Obstructive uropathies and hydronephrosis
Renin-secreting renal tumors
Congenital defect in renal sodium transport (Liddle syndrome)
Renal arterial lesions, occlusions, stenoses, aneurysms,
Coarctation of the aorta with renal ischemia

Adrenocortical disorders
Cushing syndrome (cortisol excess)
Primary aldosteronism (Conn syndrome)
Pseudoprimary aldosteronism (bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia)
Congenital or acquired enzymatic defects with excess Naþ-retaining
steroids (11b-hydroxylase deficiency, 11b-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase deficiency, 17-hydroxylase deficiency)
Adrenal carcinoma
Ectopic corticotropin-secreting tumor

Other endocrine causes
Hypothyroidism (diastolic hypertension)
Hyperthyroidism (systolic hypertension)
Hypercalcemic states
Toxemias of pregnancy
Neurogenic factors
Increased intracranial pressure
Familial dysautonomia
Acute porphyria, buffer denervation, poliomyelitis, spinal cord

Iatrogenic and other causes

Oral contraceptive or estrogen therapy
Mineralocorticoid or glucocorticoid therapies, licorice ingestion
(i.e., acquired 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency)
Sympathomimetic drugs (decongestants)
Alcohol abuse
Lead toxicity
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (interactions with other agents)
Excessive salt ingestion
From Blumenfeld JD, Mann SJ, Laragh JH: Clinical evaluation and differential
diagnosis of the individual hypertensive patient. In Laragh JH, Brenner BM (eds):
Hypertension Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 2nd ed. New York,
Raven Press, 1995, pp 1897–1911.
442 be required for normalization of BP, illustrating the joint par-
ticipation of renin and sodium retention.
Accelerated hypertension: This term is often used synony-
mously with malignant hypertension, but sometimes only to
VI imply a significant increase in the pace or severity of the
hypertensive process.
Hypertension and the Kidney

Defining the Risk of Hypertensive Complications
Practice guidelines for the treatment of hypertension are tradi-
tionally based on the premise that a discrete cut point sepa-
rates normotension and hypertension. There is, in fact, a
continuous, graded, and independent relationship between
the height of the BP and the incidence of cardiovascular dis-
ease and stroke. Hypertension is not the sole determinant of
cardiovascular risk and whether, and how soon, these compli-
cations occur in an individual hypertensive patient appears to
be strongly determined by the concurrence of other risk fac-
tors, such as left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), glucose intol-
erance, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity. In fact,
only some hypertensive individuals will have a heart attack
or stroke even at the highest end of the BP range and more
than half of all heart attacks, and almost half of all strokes,
occur in normotensive individuals. Thus, there is no thresh-
old BP that distinguishes patients at risk.

Cardiovascular Disease
The Framingham Heart Study confirmed the finding that high
BP is a leading risk factor predisposing to stroke, heart failure
(HF), heart attack, and kidney failure.
The relative importance of systolic, diastolic, and more
recently, pulse pressure components of BP as predictors of
cardiovascular risk have been analyzed. Under age 50 years,
diastolic BP is the strongest predictor. Between ages 50 and
59 years, all three BP components are comparable predictors.
However, from age 60 years onward, both systolic BP and
pulse pressure are significant predictors of the risk of illness
and death due to cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Electrocardiographic evidence of LVH (ECG-LVH) is pres-
ent in about 3% to 8% of hypertensive individuals. When
ECG-LVH is identified, clinical manifestations of CVD occur
at a rate that is about threefold higher than that in the general
population. About 12% to 30% of unselected hypertensive
adult patients will have echocardiographic increases in LV
mass. As compared with hypertensive persons with a normal 443
LV geometry, those with concentric LVH had about 10-fold
greater total mortality rate and about 5-fold higher rate of car-
diovascular events. It is notable that studies have demon-
strated that the risk of having LVH is almost twice as high CH 22
for blacks as for whites.

Stroke is the third most common cause of death in the United
States and is the most feared and devastating complication of
hypertension. Ischemic strokes predominate in hypertensive
individuals, accounting for 80% of all strokes, followed by
the hemorrhagic type. There is a direct, graded, positive asso-
ciation between BP and stroke risk, down to at least 115 mm
Hg systolic BP and 75 mm Hg diastolic BP, below which there
is little evidence. In the Framingham study, definite hyperten-
sion (160/95 mm Hg) was associated with a 2.5-fold higher
relative risk of stroke, after adjustment for other known car-
diac risk factors.

Heart Failure
Hypertension is the most common condition antedating HF,
with a two- to threefold higher risk than for normotensive sub-
jects and with a graded increase in risk at higher pressure.
This risk is amplified further when ECG-LVH or echo-LVH
findings are present. Diastolic dysfunction plays an important
role in the pathogenesis of HF in the hypertensive population.
Treatment of hypertension decreases the risk of HF, with an
approximately 50% reduction in the occurrence of HF in
hypertensive patients who received medication compared
with those who receive placebo.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hypertension is both a consequence and a cause of chronic

kidney disease (CKD). Hypertension is listed as the second
most common cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). How-
ever, this figure is probably inaccurate because the cause of
ESRD is often uncertain. In many cases, hypertension is
applied as a diagnosis by default because BP is elevated in
the majority of patients when dialysis is initiated. The rela-
tively low incidence of ESRD in essential hypertension is a
barrier to assessing a relationship with hypertension and
assessing benefits from treatment. Nevertheless, an indepen-
dent graded relationship of the incidence of ESRD with both
systolic and diastolic BP has been reported in men.
444 It is estimated that 3% of the U.S. adult population has an
elevated serum creatinine level and that 70% are hypertensive.
The prevalence of hypertension is reciprocally related to glo-
merular filtration rate (GFR), with stage 1 or higher hyperten-
VI sion occurring in approximately 75% of those with GFR less
than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. The magnitude of this problem is
Hypertension and the Kidney

underscored in the dialysis population, in whom the risk of

death from CVD is 50 to 500 times higher than in age-matched
individuals in the general population. Several factors contrib-
ute to this increased risk. Traditional cardiovascular risk fac-
tors are highly prevalent in this population. In addition, both
reduced GFR and albuminuria are associated with CVD out-
comes in CKD. Although the relative contribution of each of
these CVD risk factors is not well defined in CKD, hypertension
plays an important role because it contributes to the progres-
sion of both CKD and CVD.

Microalbuminuria occurs in approximately 6% to 40% of
individuals with primary hypertension, with the prevalence
increasing with age and duration of hypertension. The pres-
ence of microalbuminuria is associated with a significantly
higher prevalence of LVH, coronary artery disease, myocardial
infarction (MI), hyperlipidemia, and peripheral vascular
Effective reduction in BP with antihypertensive medication
can decrease the urinary excretion of albumin. Although there
is evidence that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi-
tors may be more effective in accomplishing this goal, this
effect has been reported with several different classes of anti-
hypertensive agents. It has not been established whether the
treatment-related reduction in albumin excretion, per se, is
associated with a decline in cardiovascular risk in patients
with essential hypertension, or whether this change simply
reflects the decline in BP.

Hypertension in the Dialysis Population

Hypertension in the dialysis population is discussed in Chap-
ters 34 and 35.

Hypertension in the Renal Transplant Population

Hypertension in the renal transplant population is discussed
in Chapter 40.
Benefits of Treating Hypertension 445

The Veterans Administration Cooperative trial of the 1960s was

the first major American trial to demonstrate an improvement of
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates in patients with dia- CH 22
stolic BPs of 105 to 129 mm Hg who were treated with antihyper-

tensive medications. The benefit was manifested by a reduced
frequency of strokes, CHF, and dissection of the aorta but not of
ischemic cardiac events. Notably, no benefit was achieved among
the patients with diastolic BP below 105 mm Hg. Furthermore,
a particularly relevant finding was that the major benefit in the
group with diastolic BPs between 105 and 115 mm Hg was rea-
lized by those patients who had displayed evidence of preexisting
cardiovascular disease on entering the study, or who were
50 years of age or older. Subsequent trials have confirmed the
benefit of antihypertensive treatment in patients with milder
forms of hypertension. Once again the primary benefit is a reduc-
tion in stroke incidence, but beneficial effects on the development
of CHF and ischemic cardiac events have also been demonstrated.
Antihypertensive treatment in the elderly significantly
reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality rates. These
benefits are greater in male patients with higher baseline risk
status, such as prior cardiovascular complications. In a more
recent meta-analysis of treatment trials encompassing 80,000
patients, prevention of coronary heart disease was attributed
primarily to the reduction in systolic BP and to ACE inhibitor
use, whereas prevention of stroke was most closely associated
with systolic BP reduction and calcium channel blocker use.

Benefits and Limitations of Treating

Hypertension in Specific Clinical Settings

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Regression of echocardiographic LVH has been reported during
treatment with several classes of antihypertensive medications.
ACE inhibitors have been shown to both prevent and reverse
LVH in patients with essential hypertension. In the Heart Out-
comes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study, these beneficial
effects were independent of BP changes and were associated
with a reduced risk of death, MI, and CHF. In the Losartan Inter-
vention for Endpoint Reduction (LIFE) study, losartan treatment
was associated with a significant reduction in stroke compared to
atenolol treatment in hypertensive patients with ECG-LVH.

Congestive Heart Failure

Controlled treatment trials indicate that survival in patients
with CHF is prolonged by drugs that interrupt the renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), including ACE
446 inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). This ben-
eficial effect is not observed equally in all antihypertensive
drug classes. In the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering
Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT), hyperten-
VI sive patients with at least one other cardiovascular risk factor,
when treated with doxazosin (an a1-adrenergic receptor
Hypertension and the Kidney

blocker), were twice as likely to develop heart failure than

patients treated with chlorthalidone; previous studies lend
support to the view that a1-adrenergic receptor blockade may
not reduce the risk of CHF.

Ischemic Stroke
BP rises during acute stroke in previously treated hypertensive
patients and even in previously normotensive patients. Cere-
bral autoregulation is disrupted during acute ischemic stroke
and marked decrements in cerebral blood flow can occur with
inappropriate reductions in BP. When left untreated during an
ischemic stroke, BP decreases to baseline level within 1 to 4
days. Although severe hypertension during an ischemic stroke
has been reported to augur a poor prognosis, there is no con-
vincing evidence to support acute pharmacologic reduction in
BP in this setting. Randomized, controlled clinical trials indi-
cate that antihypertensive drug treatment during an ischemic
stroke does not improve clinical outcome and, in fact, may
worsen it. Precipitous declines in BP during treatment with
direct vasodilators (e.g., nitroprusside, nifedipine, hydralazine)
may cause catastrophic consequences.
Therefore, BP should be allowed to decrease spontaneously
during the first few days after an ischemic stroke. Antihyper-
tensive treatment may be indicated when a concurrent medi-
cal condition exists, such as acute aortic dissection or MI.

Hemorrhagic Stroke
Hypertension occurs commonly in the early period following
intracerebral hemorrhage. It is more severe and, in contrast
to the BP elevation during ischemic stroke, is less likely to
spontaneously improve during the first few days after presen-
tation. Severe hypertension is a common feature of subarach-
noid hemorrhage. Nimodipine, a dihydropyridine calcium
channel blocker, significantly improves outcome in patients
with subarachnoid hemorrhage. However, transient hypoten-
sion is a relatively common side effect of nimodipine, particu-
larly when it is administered intravenously.
Treatment with a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker
during the early period after intracerebral or subarachnoid
hemorrhage causes a significant reduction in mean arterial
pressure and mean cerebral perfusion pressure, while simulta-
neously increasing mean intracerebral pressure. The adverse
hemodynamic responses to dihydropyridine calcium channel
blockers may account for their limited therapeutic efficacy 447
reported in treatment trials.



General Principles
The evaluation of a new patient with high BP relies on a
complete history and physical examination and the routine
application of appropriately chosen laboratory tests. A thor-
ough initial evaluation can avoid the prescription of needless
or inappropriate drugs for the lifetime commitment that
hypertension may often require, and can reveal surgically
curable hypertension or other important medical diseases.
Multiple visits have the advantage of defining the persistence
or lability of the hypertensive process. In general, the milder
or more labile the hypertension is, the longer the evaluation
period will be before commitment to therapy. Unless the
hypertension is severe or complications are impending or
present, treatment should be withheld throughout the

Goals of the Initial Evaluation

The four major goals of the initial evaluation are as follows:
1. To establish whether the hypertension is sustained and
might benefit from treatment
2. To define coexisting diseases and characterize other risk
3. To identify the presence and extent of target organ damage
4. To identify or exclude curable causes of the hypertension
A rational method for selecting drugs for the individual
hypertensive patient must be based on an individual patho-
physiologic evaluation. The diagnostic workup, aside from
the routine complete blood count and urinalysis, includes
serum potassium, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and serum cre-
atinine concentrations, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and base-
line echocardiogram for full evaluation of LV mass.
The first goal of this process is to identify or exclude defin-
able and curable causes of the hypertensive disorder. Several
clinical clues may suggest that secondary hypertension is
• New onset of hypertension in patients before age 20 years
or after age 60 years, especially with diastolic BP above
100 mm Hg
448 • Hypertension that is not adequately reduced by multidrug
• The presence of diffuse atherosclerotic disease
• Hypokalemia or metabolic alkalosis not related to diuretic
VI treatment
The remaining 90% or so of patients, for whom no definable
Hypertension and the Kidney

cause for the hypertension can be found, are candidates for

lifestyle intervention and possibly long-term drug therapy.
For these individuals, the baseline evaluation process informs
the selection of the most effective and least counterproductive

Medical History

Evaluation of the severity and time course of the hypertensive

disorder is important to allow planning of the pace of the medi-
cal workup and treatment. Accordingly, after learning of any
current symptoms, one should record the duration of the hyper-
tension, the circumstances of its onset, and the highest known
readings. Was the BP elevation merely discovered on routine
examination? Does the patient have symptoms suggestive of
sleep apnea? Which drugs has the patient tried, and what effect
have they produced? Has the patient taken any agents that may
raise BP, such as oral contraceptives, diet pills, antidepressants,
cocaine or other illicit drugs, or a high intake of alcohol?
Classically, headaches in hypertensive patients are said to be
occipital and pulsatile, most prominent on awakening, and
gradually lessening during the day. Other neurologic symp-
toms may include blurred vision, unsteadiness of gait, slug-
gishness, and in some patients, a decreased libido. Whereas
some of these symptoms may be nonspecific, blurred vision
may reflect vascular changes in the fundi. More advanced
hypertensive disease may also be accompanied by more
defined focal sensory or motor neurologic changes, occurring
paroxysmally and associated with either transient ischemic
attacks or more sustained attacks presaging the onset of hyper-
tensive encephalopathy or stroke.
Early symptoms of cardiac dysfunction are expressed by
increased fatigability, or by shortness of breath on effort,
which probably reflect the increased cardiac work of hyper-
tension or impending heart failure. Young patients with labile
pressure or largely systolic hypertension may exhibit tachy-
cardia and signs of an unstable or hyperdynamic circulation.
Palpitations may reflect an arrhythmia, which is more com-
mon in hypertensive than in normotensive people, especially
in the presence of demonstrable LVH. Because coronary artery
disease and MI are more prevalent in hypertensive patients, a
history of angina pectoris or documented MI may be elicited.
The renal history may reveal antecedent acute glomerulone- 449
phritis, proteinuria, hematuria, nocturia, polyuria, or recur-
rent urinary tract infections. Renal colic or renal trauma
should be noted, and the physician should suspect that the
hypertension has a renal basis whenever it can be established CH 22
that the urinary tract symptoms or the proteinuria preceded

the hypertension. An abrupt onset of hypertension with rapid
progression, especially in young or old patients, should lead
the physician to a strong suspicion of renovascular hyperten-
sion due to either fibromuscular hyperplasia or an atheroscle-
rotic plaque, respectively. This suspicion is reinforced by
retinopathy or by cardiac or renal involvement, all of which
are likely to be more prominent in renovascular hypertension.
Polyuria or nocturia may indicate more severe renal hyperten-
sion or a metabolic abnormality such as hypokalemia or
hypercalcemia. Inability to concentrate the urine, with poly-
dipsia, polyuria, and nocturia, commonly occurs in patients
with primary aldosteronism or malignant hypertension or in
chronic renal disorders, including glomerulonephritis, tubu-
lointerstitial nephropathy, or obstructive uropathy. Muscle
weakness may accompany hypokalemia or hypercalcemia.
Patients should be asked about their smoking, drinking,
exercise, and dietary habits. Obesity can be an important fac-
tor in producing or amplifying hypertension. Excessive regu-
lar consumption of alcohol can also induce or aggravate
hypertension, and in some patients, cessation of the habit
may correct the hypertensive process. Tobacco, because it is
a known vasoconstrictor, is especially contraindicated in
hypertensive subjects, even though no causal relationship
between smoking and the development of essential hyperten-
sion has been defined. The risk factor analysis is completed
by the identification of any target organ damage and of any
other coexisting diseases.

Physical Examination

Special Aspects
The general appearance is unrevealing in most patients with
hypertension. However, a florid facies—with or without a ten-
dency for rapid color changes, which would suggest vasomo-
tor instability—may signify an underlying metabolic process,
perhaps pheochromocytoma, a hyperdynamic circulation, or
hyperthyroidism. A ruddy complexion with a bluish tinge
characterizes some patients with essential hypertension and
reactive polycythemia (Gaisböck syndrome). Truncal obesity
with moon facies, frontal baldness, atrophic extremities with
abdominal striae, atrophy of the skin, and spontaneous ecchy-
moses suggests Cushing syndrome.
450 Blood Pressure
In the vast majority of hypertensive patients, elevated BP is the
only abnormal finding. Hence, the way in which the BP is
measured assumes great importance. The patient should be
VI seated quietly, and a cuff size appropriate to the arm diameter
should be chosen. Several readings should be taken, and it is
Hypertension and the Kidney

generally recommended that phase 5 Korotkoff sounds (disap-

pearance) be taken as diastolic pressure. Establishing a diagnosis
of hypertension often requires more than one visit, because the
pressure tends to fall with repeated measurement. The mercury
sphygmomanometer is the gold standard for clinical BP measure-
ment. BP monitors that employ the oscillometric method are now
commonly used in home and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitors.
However, their accuracy may be limited because the amplitude
of the oscillations depends on several factors other than BP, most
importantly the stiffness of the arteries. Therefore, BP can be
underestimated in elderly patients with stiff arteries and wide
pulse pressures.
Even after several visits, however, a fairly sizable group of
patients show a persistently elevated pressure in the clinic
although they are normotensive at other times. This phenom-
enon, often referred to as “white coat hypertension,” can be
detected only by including measurements made outside the
clinic. These measurements can be obtained by having the
patient measure his or her BP at home or by ambulatory

Ophthalmoscopic examination of the optic fundi is one of the
most valuable clinical tools for assessing target organ damage,
the severity and duration of the hypertension, and the urgency
for applying treatment.

A forceful apical thrust is common even in early hypertensive
disease and may be exaggerated in the so-called hyperdynamic
state. In contrast, a sustained, heaving LV pulse indicates sign-
ificant hypertrophy due to pressure overload. Probably the ear-
liest physical sign of cardiac involvement is the fourth heart
sound, the atrial gallop, which is occasionally heard in normal
patients. It is usually audible before cardiac enlargement is
detectable, and is said to reflect a reduced ventricular compli-
ance leading to a more forceful atrial contraction. The third
heart sound may be a late manifestation of hypertensive heart
disease and reflects the early diastolic compliance abnormality
of LV failure. In severe hypertension, an accentuated aortic sec-
ond sound may be accompanied by an aortic insufficiency mur-
mur. It suggests dilation of the aortic root and may indicate the
need for more urgent therapy.
Vascular System 451
Bruits and thrills, indicative of occlusive disease, are more
prevalent in hypertensive patients and may occur throughout
the arterial tree. Accordingly, the physician should examine
the carotid arteries, abdominal aorta, renal arteries, and femo- CH 22
ral arteries. A diastolic component to a bruit or palpable thrill

over a peripheral vessel usually suggests a higher-grade steno-
sis. When pulses in the lower extremities are absent or damp-
ened, coarctation of the aorta should be suspected in a young
person, and occlusive aortic femoral disease should be sus-
pected in an older one.

The aorta should be palpated carefully in all patients inas-
much as possible, as aortic dilation or aneurysm is a highly
treatable condition best identified at the initial physical exam-
ination. A systolic and diastolic bruit in the upper epigastrium
or in one or both upper quadrants of the abdomen suggests
renal artery stenosis. A palpable enlargement of one or both
kidneys may suggest polycystic renal disease, hydronephro-
sis, or a renal tumor.

Neurologic Examination
Gross neurologic deficits in sensory or motor function, menta-
tion, or mood are not likely to be ignored. More subtle deficits
suggesting transient cerebral ischemia or autonomic dysfunc-
tion may be overlooked and should be sought clinically, espe-
cially when the history is suggestive.

Initial Laboratory Evaluation

The initial laboratory evaluation should include complete

blood count and hematocrit together with complete urinalysis,
blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum uric acid, fasting
blood glucose, serum electrolyte measurements, and a lipid
profile. If the serum Kþ level is borderline or low (i.e., 3.6
mEq/L), the test should be repeated on two or three separate
occasions. The serum Kþ concentration serves as a baseline
value for the subsequent response to thiazide diuretics and
often provides the first laboratory clue to the presence of pri-
mary or secondary aldosterone excess. Serum Ca2þ and circu-
lating thyroid hormone levels may point to parathyroid or
thyroid disease, which often exists without clear-cut clinical
evidence. Measurement of serum cholesterol, high- and low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels are
important in the analysis of coexistent risk factors. Optional
tests include a urine albumin/creatinine ratio.
452 Electrocardiogram and Echocardiography

A routine ECG to identify signs of LVH is highly desirable for

all new patients with established high BP. Manifestations of
VI LVH include T-wave abnormalities, expressed either by
notching or by a biphasic form, particularly in the precordial
Hypertension and the Kidney

leads. As LVH progresses, voltage of the R waves increases,

and then a characteristic strain pattern involving ST-segment
depressions and T-wave inversion occurs. With the advent of
echocardiography and its application to the development of
highly sensitive methods for examining cardiac structure and
function, investigators have been able to study the evolution
of cardiac hypertrophy in hypertensive patients with greater
precision than before (see discussion under “Left Ventricular

Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure


Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), whereby multiple indirect

BP readings are obtained automatically over 1 or more days, is
being used to investigate BP patterns in normal individuals and
in hypertensive patients. Studies of normotensive subjects
show that BP is characterized by a circadian rhythm with peaks
during the daytime hours. ABPM can successfully identify
patients who have “office” or white coat hypertension, and
thus may not require medication. Home BP monitoring is used
increasingly in the evaluation and treatment of patients with
hypertension. Although BP readings are generally higher in
the medical office setting, these measurements do not correlate
as well as home readings to the presence of abnormal markers
for cardiovascular risk (e.g., LVH). Although home BP monitors
are generally accurate, the patient’s technique and the preci-
sion and reproducibility of the measurements should be vali-
dated during an office visit by the clinician.

Searching for Remediable Causes of

The clinical features suggestive of secondary hypertension are
outlined earlier. In selected cases when a pheochromocytoma
is suspected, measurements of catecholamines in plasma or in
urine, or in both, and measurement of metanephrines, their
urinary metabolites, are essential. Cushing syndrome can be
screened for by an elevated 24-hour urinary free cortisol level.
Urinary aldosterone levels, when combined with measure-
ments of urinary Naþ and Kþ excretion, are valuable for
establishing the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism and other 453
hypertensive situations associated with either low renin levels
or hypokalemia. A plasma aldosterone-renin ratio greater than
50 (ng/dL-ng/mL/hour) has been suggested as a simple screen-
ing test for this disorder. However, there is some concern that CH 22
this test may be misleading in patients with low-renin essen-

tial hypertension or when it is measured during antihyperten-
sive treatment with agents that affect renin secretion. If the
biochemistry is suggestive of primary aldosterone excess, then
a thin-slice adrenal CT can help identify an adenoma. The
approach to the patient with suspected renovascular hyper-
tension is outlined in Chapter 23, Renovascular Hypertension
and Ischemic Nephropathy.

Unilateral Renovascular Hypertension
Unilateral renovascular hypertension is discussed in Chapter 23.

Pheochromocytoma (PHEO) is a catecholamine-producing
tumor arising from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
or extra-adrenal paraganglia. The hemodynamic and meta-
bolic manifestations of PHEO are caused by catecholamine
excess in addition to high plasma renin levels that are a conse-
quence of catecholamine-induced renal ischemia. In hyper-
tension referral clinics, the prevalence is approximately 0.5%.
Many of the signs and symptoms of PHEO are related to the
direct actions of catecholamines. Although the classic triad of
headache, paroxysmal sweating, and tachycardia in a hyperten-
sive patient has a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity exceeding
90%, fewer than 10% of patients present in this way. Metabolic
effects include hyperglycemia, lactic acidosis, and weight loss.
Although hypertension is usually present, BP may be quite vari-
able and some cases are now detected incidentally by imaging.
Sustained hypertension with paroxysmal increases is relatively
common and may be associated with a hypertensive crisis. The
occurrence of unexplained orthostatic hypotension in patients
with sustained hypertension is a clue that PHEO may be present.
Hypotension and shock may be the presenting clinical signs.
Cardiovascular complications are common, most notably
atrial and ventricular fibrillation, myocarditis with dilated
cardiomyopathy, vasospastic coronary artery disease, and
cardiogenic or noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. During
pregnancy, PHEO can cause severe hypertension, with
454 cardiovascular and neurologic complications. The diagnosis
of PHEO during pregnancy, the presentation of which can
mimic preeclampsia, is associated with maternal mortality
rate of 4% and fetal loss rate of 11%.
VI Germline mutations in five genes have been identified to be
responsible for familial PHEOs: the von Hippel-Lindau syn-
Hypertension and the Kidney

drome; multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2; von Recklinghau-

sen disease (neurofibromatosis 1); and the genes encoding the
B and D subunits of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase
(SDHB and SDHD), which are associated with familial para-
gangliomas and pheochromocytomas.

Laboratory Tests
All patients with suspected PHEO should undergo biochemi-
cal evaluation. Indications for testing include (1) episodic
headaches, tachycardia, diaphoresis (regardless of whether
hypertension is present), (2) family history of PHEO, (3) his-
tory, signs, or symptoms of a multiple endocrine neoplasia
(MEN) syndrome (e.g., medullary thyroid carcinoma), (4) inci-
dentally discovered adrenal mass, (5) hypertension with
equivocal increases in catecholamine production, and (6)
markedly elevated BP or hemodynamic instability, especially
during induction of anesthesia or surgical procedure.
Plasma and Urinary Free Metanephrines. Plasma free meta-
nephrines and normetanephrines have a diagnostic sensitivity
exceeding 95% and specificity of approximately 85%. In compar-
ison, 24-hour urinary total metanephrines and catecholamines
have a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 98%. The higher spec-
ificity of the urinary measurements yield fewer false-positive
results and, thus, may be preferable for screening low-risk
patients. Plasma concentrations of free metanephrines are rela-
tively independent of renal function and are, therefore, more
suitable for screening patients with concurrent kidney disease.
Catecholamines. There is no relationship between the
height of the BP and the plasma catecholamine levels. There-
fore, plasma catecholamine levels can have diagnostic value
regardless of whether the patient is symptomatic or hyperten-
sive at the time the sample is obtained. Resting plasma cate-
cholamine levels (sum of norepinephrine and epinephrine)
are abnormal when elevated above 2000 pg/mL and are nor-
mal below 500 pg/mL. PHEO is very unlikely to be present
when catecholamine levels are normal in the patient with a
markedly elevated BP. Values between 500 and 2000 pg/mL
are equivocal and the sampling should be repeated.
Clonidine Suppression Test. In most cases of PHEO, cate-
cholamine and plasma free metanephrine levels are markedly
elevated. However, when equivocal levels of plasma catecho-
lamines or plasma metanephrines are found, then further eval-
uation with a clonidine suppression test is indicated. Failure
to suppress plasma catecholamine levels after acute clonidine 455
administration is highly predictive of PHEO, with both false-
positive and false-negative rates of 2%.
Several relatively common disorders, including HF, stroke,
autonomic dysfunction, alcohol withdrawal, cocaine use, clo- CH 22
nidine withdrawal, and vasodilator therapy are associated

with increased levels of catecholamines and, thus, can lead
to a false-positive screening test for PHEO.
b-Adrenergic receptor blockers (b-blockers), including the
combined a1- and b-blocker labetalol, have been associated with
60% of all false-positive elevations of plasma metanephrines;
phenoxybenzamine and tricyclic antidepressants have been
associated with up to 45% of all false-positive elevations of
plasma normetanephrine and norepinephrine (NE). Calcium
channel blockers have been associated with a significantly higher
prevalence of false-positive elevations of plasma and urinary NE
levels as well as the urinary epinephrine level. By contrast, other
antihypertensive agents, including ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and
diuretics, had little influence on the frequency of false-positive
biochemical results of these plasma and urinary analytes.

Tumor Localization
To avoid unnecessary radiographic procedures, tumor locali-
zation should be attempted only after the diagnosis of PHEO
has been confirmed by biochemical testing. Most tumors
(95%) are found within the abdomen. The most common
extra-adrenal locations are the superior and inferior paraortic
areas (75% of extra-adrenal tumors), the bladder (10%), the
thorax (10%), and the head, neck, and pelvis (5%). Extra-adrenal
PHEOs probably represent up to 15% of adult and 30% of
childhood PHEOs.
MRI with gadolinium enhancement and CT scans identify
lesions with a diameter greater than 0.5 cm with diagnostic
sensitivities approaching 100% and specificities ranging from
70% to 80%. However, MRI is superior for detecting extra-
adrenal PHEO. Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigra-
phy employs radioisotopes with chemical similarities to NE
that allow it to enter the metabolic pathway into and out of
storage granules. However, false-negative MIBG scan results
can occur when patients are also treated with drugs that block
the catecholamine transport mechanism (e.g., tricyclic antide-
pressants, guanethidine, phenylpropranolamine).

Medical Treatment
Surgical resection of PHEO is the definitive treatment. The goal
of preoperative treatment is to optimize the patient’s cardiovas-
cular status and, thus, prevent perioperative complications.
Prospective clinical trials of various drug treatment regimens
456 have not been performed. However, we utilize the following
preoperative medical regimen in patients with PHEO:
a-Adrenergic Receptor Blockade. Phenoxybenzamine
should be commenced 2 to 4 weeks prior to surgery, with an ini-
VI tial dose of 20 mg/day, increasing to 40 to 100 mg daily as neces-
sary. If postural hypotension occurs preoperatively during
Hypertension and the Kidney

treatment with phenoxybenzamine, dietary intake of Na and

water should be liberalized (>200 mEq/day), and in the imme-
diate preoperative period, saline infusion may be required.
b-Adrenergic Blockade. b-Blockers are usually not required
and should not be given prophylactically for tachycardia or
arrhythmias. In PHEO, b-blockade can increase vascular resis-
tance owing to unopposed a-adrenergic–mediated vasocon-
striction if concurrent a-blockade is inadequate. b-Blockade is
indicated for patients with cardiac complications, such as
atrial tachyarrhythmias and myocardial ischemia, that do not
respond to a-blockade. It is essential that (1) effective a-block-
ade is established before treatment with a b-blocker is started,
and (2) a b1-selective blocker (e.g., metoprolol, atenolol) is used
at the lowest dose that is effective. Combined a- and b-blockers
limit the ability to carefully titrate adrenergic blockade and,
thus, should not be used routinely in patients with PHEO.
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition. Compared
with patients with primary hypertension, those with PHEO
have higher PRA levels. Indications for ACE inhibitor treat-
ment include (1) hypertension that is resistant to a-blockade,
particularly when the PRA level is high, and (2) HF due to sys-
tolic dysfunction.
Calcium Channel Blockade. Long-acting forms of verapamil
and diltiazem can be effective for controlling atrial tachyar-
rhythmias that are refractory to a-blockade and subsequent
b-blockade. Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers with
short durations of action have been associated with cardiovas-
cular complications and have no role in the treatment of PHEO.
Hypertensive Crisis. Prompt treatment with an a-blocker is
required while the patient is monitored in an intensive care unit.
Phentolamine infusion at an initial rate of infusion of 1 to 5
mg/min enables rapid, controlled reduction of BP. Affected
patients are also likely to be markedly volume depleted and
require aggressive volume repletion. Central venous monitoring
is usually required to optimize fluid management.
In the hemodynamically stable patient with a PHEO, preop-
erative adrenergic blockade for several weeks is indicated to
optimize BP, volume status, and other metabolic or cardiac
complications that may be present. By contrast, PHEO crisis
is an indication for emergency resection of the tumor. In this
case, hypovolemia should be corrected for 24 hours prior to
operation, in addition to concurrent a-blockade, to minimize
the risk of postoperative hypotension.
Bilateral Renovascular Hypertension 457

See Chapter 23, Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic

CH 22


Primary Hyperaldosteronism
Primary hyperaldosteronism (PAL) describes the clinical syn-
drome characterized by hypertension, hypokalemia, hyperna-
tremia, alkalosis, and periodic paralysis caused by an
aldosterone-secreting adenoma. There are distinct subsets of
PAL. The majority of patients with PAL can have hyperten-
sion and metabolic abnormalities ameliorated by unilateral
adrenalectomy due to an aldosterone-producing adenoma. A
subset of patients with autonomous aldosterone production
do not manifest adrenal adenomas. This variant has been
referred to as primary adrenal hyperplasia (PAH).
Glucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism
Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA), also termed
familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 (FH-1), is an autosomal
dominant disorder in which aldosterone biosynthesis is regu-
lated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), rather than by
the RAAS. The exaggerated aldosterone responsiveness to
ACTH in GRA can be corrected by glucocorticoid treatment.
Clinical features include a strong family history of hyperten-
sion, early-onset hypertension, and an increased risk of intra-
cerebral hemorrhage or aortic dissection.
The most common routine laboratory finding is a low plasma
renin activity (PRA) level; however, other biochemical evi-
dence of aldosterone excess may be absent (e.g., hypokalemia).
A key diagnostic feature is the overproduction of 18-
hydroxycortisol and 18-oxocortisol, which are formed when
cortisol is accepted by aldosterone synthase as a substrate for
GRA is caused by a chimeric gene duplication resulting
from the fusion of the ACTH-responsive promoter region of
the 11-hydroxylase gene and coding sequences of the aldoste-
rone synthase gene. It results in ectopic expression of aldoste-
rone synthase activity in the cortisol-producing zona
fasciculata that is stimulated by ACTH instead of angiotensin
II. Treatment of this syndrome with low doses of exogenous
glucocorticoid inhibits ACTH secretion, suppresses aldoste-
rone production, thereby promoting natriuresis, normalizes
PRA, and consequently reduces BP and corrects the metabolic
abnormalities caused by mineralocorticoid excess.
458 The preferred diagnostic test for GRA is direct genetic analy-
sis to identify the chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene. Other tests
include 24-hour urine collection demonstrating overproduction
of cortisol C-18 oxidation metabolites (i.e., 18-hydroxycortisol,
VI 18-oxocortisol), and the dexamethasone suppression test.
Hypertension and the Kidney

Familial Hyperaldosteronism Type 2

In this familial form of primary aldosteronism, termed FH-2,
aldosterone production is not suppressed by glucocorticoid
treatment. The inheritance pattern of FH-2 has not been
completely determined.

Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess

Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) is characterized by
hypertension, low PRA, low urinary aldosterone excretion rate,
and increased urinary excretion of metabolites of cortisol
rather than cortisone. Normally, the mineralocorticoid receptor
in vitro binds cortisol and aldosterone with equal affinity,
whereas cortisone binding is less avid. Although the serum
concentration of cortisol is normally 1000-fold greater than
aldosterone, cortisol is inactivated by conversion to cortisone
(which has a relatively low affinity for the mineralocorticoid
receptor) by 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase at mineralo-
corticoid responsive tissues. This allows aldosterone, rather
than cortisol, to gain access to the mineralocorticoid receptor.
Thus, it is 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase rather than the
mineralocorticoid receptor, per se, that confers tissue specific-
ity for aldosterone.
Treatment options in AME include (1) blockade of either
the mineralocorticoid receptor (e.g., spironolactone) or the
renal apical Na channel (amiloride), or (2) suppression of
endogenous cortisol production with dexamethasone, which
has a low affinity for the mineralocorticoid receptor.
Licorice ingestion can cause hypertension with features that
are similar to AME. Glycerrhyzic acid, the active ingredient of
licorice, inhibits 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and
thereby allows cortisol to gain access to the mineralocorticoid

Liddle System
Liddle syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition charac-
terized by low renin hypertension, hypokalemia, renal potas-
sium wasting, and low levels of aldosterone. The genetic
defects responsible for this syndrome are mutations in the
C-terminus of the b/g-subunits of the renal epithelial Na
channel (ENaC). These gain-of-function mutations lead to con-
stitutive activation of ENaC, resulting in electrogenic Na reab-
sorption and kaliuresis. Amiloride, which blocks the apical
Na channel, is effective treatment.
Epidemiology 459

PAL has traditionally been considered a rare form of hypertension,

affecting 1% to 2% of hypertensive patients, with APA the most
prevalent diagnostic subset. However, results of screening efforts CH 22
at several large centers, which rely primarily on the use of the ratio

of plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity (PRA), suggest that
the prevalence of PAL may be higher than previously believed.

Clinical Characteristics
Symptoms include nocturia and urinary frequency, reflecting the
urinary concentrating defect induced by the potassium deficit.
In patients with more severe hypokalemia, other manifestations
including muscular weakness, frontal headaches, polydipsia,
paresthesias, visual disturbances, temporary paralysis, cramps,
and tetany may occur. If the patient is normokalemic, these
characteristic symptoms are usually mild or absent.
Patients with an adenoma, however, usually have more exten-
sive manifestations of mineralocorticoid excess than those with
hyperplasia, including more severe hypertension. The physical
examination is not usually distinguishable from primary hyperten-
sion, unless hypokalemia is severe. Serum potassium levels are
significantly lower in adenoma patients (<2.8 mEq/L in >40%)
compared with patients with hyperplasia (<2.8 mEq/L in <10%).
The profound hypokalemia that occurs in patients with an ade-
noma contributes to the development of a metabolic alkalosis.

Diagnostic Tests
The diagnostic tests described are designed to (1) screen the
large hypertensive population for PAL and (2) identify
patients with surgically remediable subtypes of PAL.
Unprovoked hypokalemia is the hallmark of hyperaldosteron-
ism, but as already discussed, serum Kþ levels between 3.5 and
4 mEq/L are relatively common in patients subsequently proven
to have PAL. Moreover, patients with primary hypertension may
exhibit hypokalemia, especially during treatment with thiazide
and loop diuretics. Monitoring serum Kþ following salt loading
is required to identify the entity of normokalemic PAL.

Plasma Renin Activity

Measurement of PRA is an essential diagnostic test and should
precede the measurement of either plasma or urine aldosterone.
Primary aldosteronism would be an extremely unlikely diagno-
sis in the absence of a low PRA level. Although approximately
one third of patients with primary hypertension also exhibit
low PRA, with an increased prevalence of low renin primary
460 hypertension among black patients, these patients are normoka-
lemic and have normal aldosterone responses to changes in
posture, Na depletion, and saline loading.

VI Aldosterone-Renin Ratio
An elevated aldosterone-renin ratio (ARR) is an indicator of
Hypertension and the Kidney

autonomous aldosterone secretion and is now widely used

as a screening test for PAL. ARR greater than 40 (aldosterone
[ng/dL] to PRA [ng/mL/hour]) has been shown to successfully
identify untreated patients with APA.
An elevated ARR is predominantly an indicator of the low
PRA level and is especially vulnerable to variability in this
assay that can occur from antihypertensive medication use
and volume depletion. To minimize the risk that the ARR will
result in an incorrect diagnosis, several additional steps
should be employed before proceeding with the ARR as a
screening test for primary aldosteronism:
1. The patient should be seated when blood samples are
2. Hypokalemia should be corrected with oral potassium sup-
plementation because potassium depletion attenuates aldo-
sterone secretion.
3. Plasma (or serum) aldosterone concentration (PAC) greater
than 15 ng/dL: Although there is no clearly defined level,
a plasma aldosterone level less than 15 ng/dL is unlikely
to occur in patients with PAL (especially those with APA).
4. Antihypertensive medications:
a. False-negative ARR: Diuretics (amiloride, spironolac-
tone, thiazide, loop diuretics) stimulate renin secretion
and should be discontinued 4 weeks before testing to
decrease the chance of a false-negative test. Dihydropyr-
idine calcium channel blockers can inhibit aldosterone
secretion and increase renin and should be discontinued
at least 2 weeks before testing.
b. False-positive ARR: b-Adrenergic receptor blockers, clo-
nidine, and methyldopa suppress PRA and should be
discontinued for at least 2 weeks before testing to reduce
the chance of a false-positive test.
5. Captopril test: ACE inhibitors and ARBs stimulate renin secre-
tion and should be discontinued 2 weeks before testing to
reduce the likelihood of potentially false-negative ARR, particu-
larly in patients with idiopathic hyperaldosteronism or an
angiotensin II–responsive (Ang II-R) adenoma. If antihyperten-
sive medication is required, verapamil and a1-adrenergic recep-
tor blockers do not significantly influence renin or aldosterone
secretion and, thus, are less likely to confound the ARR.
6. If ARR screening test is positive (>25–50), then a salt-loading
suppression test is indicated (see the following discussion).
Sodium Loading 461
Sodium-loading maneuvers are useful for identifying patients
with PAL. Accordingly, during volume expansion in normal
individuals or in patients with primary hypertension, PRA
levels decrease, and consequently, aldosterone secretion falls. CH 22
In PAL, renin secretion is suppressed before salt loading, and

therefore, additional volume expansion does not decrease
aldosterone levels to the same extent as in normal subjects
or patients with primary hypertension.
1. Oral Na loading for 3 to 5 days with 200 mEq/day or more
(5 g Na/day)
2. Intravenous saline loading: Plasma aldosterone is
measured after the infusion of 2 L 0.9% NaCl over 4 hours.
3. Fludrocortisone suppression test: Plasma aldosterone and
cortisol levels are measured in an upright position at
10:00 AM after 4 days of administration of fludrocortisone
(0.1 mg every 6 hours) and NaCl supplementation
(30 mEq thrice daily) with a corresponding 24-hour urine
Na excretion rate of 3 mEq/kg/day.

Lateralizing Tests
Adrenal Vein Sampling
The diagnostic tests reviewed previously provide the bio-
chemical evidence necessary to confirm the diagnosis of
PAL. Adrenal CT and MRI scanning lack sufficient sensitivity
and specificity to identify adrenal tumors less than 1.5 cm
diameter and thus cannot reliably distinguish APA from bilat-
eral adrenal hyperplasia.
The ability to measure plasma aldosterone concentration
(PAC) from selectively catheterized adrenal veins has added
an important dimension to the localization of APAs. Techni-
cal problems that are encountered during adrenal vein sam-
pling include (1) difficulty in catheterizing the short right
adrenal vein, (2) trauma, including adrenal hemorrhage that
can result in acute adrenal insufficiency, (3) dilution of the
sample by blood from nonadrenal sources, and (4) the epi-
sodic changes in aldosterone secretion coincident with
changes in cortisol. Most of these problems can be controlled
by careful catheter localization, simultaneous plasma cortisol
measurements to document appropriate catheter placement,
and collection of blood during ACTH administration.

Diagnostic Strategy
The results of diagnostic screening of patients with this syn-
drome are often ambiguous, especially when the serum
462 potassium level is in the normal range. Some relatively simple
tests can improve the diagnostic accuracy:
• 24-hour urinary aldosterone excretion rate 14 mg or greater
and a PRA less than 1 ng/mL/hour, after Na loading for at
VI least 3 days (urinary Na content > 200 mEq/day)
• ARR greater than 50, with a concurrent serum aldosterone
Hypertension and the Kidney

greater than 15 ng/dL

• Failure to increase PRA after Na restriction, furosemide-
induced diuresis
• Supine plasma 18-hydroxycorticosterone levels above 50
ng/dL or ratio of plasma 18-hydroxycorticosterone to corti-
sol greater than 3 after saline infusion
Measurements of aldosterone should be performed only
after potassium supplementation because aldosterone secre-
tion is attenuated by the potassium deficit and, thus, may
obfuscate the diagnosis. The presence of hypokalemia and
renal potassium wasting (24-hour urine K > 40 mEq), together
with the characteristics described previously, confirms the
diagnosis of primary aldosteronism.
The sensitivity and specificity of each of these diagnostic
maneuvers can be adversely influenced by concurrent use of
antihypertensive medications. Therefore, antihypertensive
medications should be discontinued for at least 2 weeks
before diagnostic evaluation and potassium supplements
provided to hypokalemic patients. Spironolactone should be
discontinued for at least 1 month before these biochemical
assessments because it has a long duration of action.
Figure 22-1 is a diagnostic algorithm that can be useful for
directing treatment when biochemical screening tests are
indicative of PAL.

Idiopathic Hyperaldosteronism (Bilateral Adrenal
The cornerstone of medical therapy in PAL caused by idio-
pathic hyperaldosteronism is a mineralocorticoid receptor
antagonist (i.e., spironolactone, eplerenone). Side effects of

Figure 22-1. Algorithm for diagnostic testing in patients with

suspected primary aldosteronism. A/C ratio, aldosterone/
cortisol ratio; CT, computed tomography; DOC,
deoxycorticosterone; GRA, glucocorticoid aldosteronism; 18-
OHB, plasma 18-hydroxycorticosterone; 18-OHF, 24-hour urine
18-hydroxycortisol; PRA, plasma renin activity. (From Vaughan
E, Blumenfeld J: The adrenals. In Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR,
Novick AC, et al (eds): Campbell-Walsh Urology, vol. 4.
Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2006, pp 1819–1867.)

CH 22

<0.65 mg/hr ≥0.65 mg/hr

Plasma aldosterone No Primary aldosteronism

≥ 15 mg/dL unlikely


Na loading
K repletion

24 hr urine:
• Na > 200 mEq No Check cortisol
• Aldosterone ≥ 15 mg DOC
Plasma aldosterone > 15

GRA screen Medication


Adrenal CT scan

Adrenal vein sampling

Lateralized Contralateral Unsuccessful or

ratio > 5 (A/C ratio ratio > 1 (A/C ratio no lateralization
of dominant/non- of non-dominant
dominant adrenal vein) adrenal vein/IVC)

Ancillary tests
Postural stimulation
Unilateral Plasma 18-OHB
adrenalectomy 24 hr urine 18-OHF

Positive Negative

• Repeat adrenal • Medication

vein sampling • No further
• Medication diagnostic tests
464 spironolactone include painful gynecomastia, erectile dys-
function, decreased libido, and menstrual irregularities that
are caused by nonspecific binding to cellular receptors for
progesterone and dihydrotestosterone.
VI Amiloride can also effectively lower BP and correct hypoka-
lemia in patients with gynecomastia or other side effects asso-
Hypertension and the Kidney

ciated with spironolactone. The dihydropyridine calcium

channel antagonists can acutely decrease BP and aldosterone
secretion in patients with this syndrome. ACE inhibitors have
been reported to successfully treat some patients with hyper-
plasia in whom aldosterone production is not completely
autonomous from angiotensin II stimulation.
Subsets of patients with PAL who demonstrate autonomous
aldosterone production should be managed with excision of
the adrenal gland containing the adenoma or, in the case of non-
adenomatous adrenal hyperplasia, the gland from which aldo-
sterone secretion is predominant. This rationale is based on the
observation that both the metabolic abnormalities and the hyper-
tension are alleviated by unilateral adrenalectomy in a vast
majority of these patients. By contrast, patients with idiopathic
hyperaldosteronism usually do not have significant improve-
ment in hypertension after unilateral or bilateral adrenalectomy.

Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma
Laparoscopic unilateral adrenalectomy is now the standard of
care for patients with an APA. Although more than 90% of
patients will have their BP controlled postoperatively, antihy-
pertensive medication is required in 40% to 70%. Factors that
have been associated with persistent hypertension after uni-
lateral adrenalectomy include age older than 50 years, dura-
tion of hypertension, increased serum creatinine, one first-
degree relative with hypertension, and preoperative use of
more than two antihypertensive medications.


The goal BP in the uncomplicated hypertensive patient is less
than 140/80 mm Hg, as this level of BP control has been asso-
ciated with a significant decrease in the incidence of cardiovas-
cular events. In patients with diabetes or renal disease the goal
should be less than 130/80 mm Hg. After performing the initial
evaluation, in which the diagnosis of secondary forms of hyper-
tension has been excluded, the clinician is then faced with the
treatment of essential hypertension. All patients should under-
take nonpharmacologic interventions, including the following:
• Dietary sodium restriction (<2.4 g or 100 mEq of sodium)
• Maintain normal body weight (body mass index < 25)
• Moderation of alcohol intake (<2 drinks/day in men, <1 in 465
• Aerobic exercise (e.g., brisk walking) 30 minutes a day most
days of the week
The effect of dietary composition on BP was evaluated in the CH 22
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study. In that

study, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products,
in addition to dietary sodium restriction intake, significantly low-
ered systolic BP (8–14 mm Hg). These BP lowering effects were
observed in both black and white subjects and were comparable
in obese and nonobese subjects. However, only a relatively small
percentage of patients will achieve a goal BP of less than 140/90
mm Hg with nonpharmacologic intervention alone; therefore,
pharmacologic therapy is required in most cases.
The drug treatment of the hypertensive patient requires a
complex decision-making process. It is complicated by the
fact that there are many pharmacologically distinct drug
classes available, all of which effectively lower the BP
and have been demonstrated to reduce the complications
of hypertension. In uncomplicated patients, the initial drug
of choice according to Joint National Committee on Preven-
tion, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC) VII guidelines should be a thiazide diuretic
either alone or in combination with an agent previously
demonstrated to have a beneficial affect on cardiovascular out-
comes (ACE inhibitor, ARB, b-blocker, or calcium channel
blocker). If the BP is considerably above goal (>160/100 mm Hg),
consideration should be given to commencing two agents
from the outset. Indeed, most patients will require at least
two medications to achieve adequate control. In certain clinical
circumstances, specific antihypertensive agents are indicated
(Table 22-2). An algorithm outlining the approach to treat-
ment of essential hypertension is given in Figure 22-2.
The class effects and side effects of the individual agents
are discussed in Chapter 26, Diuretics, and Chapter 25, Antihy-
pertensive Drugs. The management of hypertensive emergen-
cies is discussed in Chapter 25, Antihypertensive Drugs.


Hypertension in African Americans

The prevalence of hypertension is higher in people of African-

American ancestry and the degree of hypertension is typically
more severe. Several studies have noted a relative resistance to
monotherapy with agents that interrupt the RAAS in African
Americans (ACE inhibitors, ARB, b-blockers). In contrast, diure-
tics and calcium channel blockers are usually quite effective. If
Indications for Specific Class of
Table 22-2
Antihypertensive Agent
Indication Class of Antihypertensive Agent
VI Congestive heart failure ACE inhibitor
Hypertension and the Kidney

Aldosterone antagonist
Angina pectoris b-Blocker
Long-acting CCB
Post-myocardial infarction ACE inhibitor
Aldosterone antagonist
Left ventricular hypertrophy All classes except a-blockers and
Diabetes mellitus ACE inhibitor
Thiazide diuretic
Diabetic microalbuminuria Type 1: ACE inhibitor
Type 2: ARB
Chronic kidney disease ACE inhibitor
(especially if proteinuric) ARB
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CCB,
calcium channel blocker.

specific indications exist, the resistance to ACE inhibitors and

ARB therapy can usually be abrogated if these agents are admin-
istered concomitantly with an appropriate diuretic.

Hypertension in the Elderly

Hypertension occurs frequently in the elderly and despite the
fact that they benefit most from antihypertensive therapy (more
baseline risk ¼ greater risk reduction with therapy), hyperten-
sive control in this population tends to be poorer than in youn-
ger subjects. The goal blood pressure in the elderly is the same
as in younger subjects (140/90 mm Hg). Postural hypotension
can be problematic and therefore lower initiation doses should
be considered and incremental increases in dosing must be
undertaken with appropriate caution. Despite this approach,
most elderly hypertensive patients will require more than one
medication to effect appropriate control.

See Chapter 25, Antihypertensive Drugs.
Lifestyle modifications 467

Not at goal BP
CH 22
(<140/90 mm Hg or <130/80 mm Hg

for patients with diabetes mellitus or CKD)

Initial drug choices

HTN without HTN with

compelling compelling
indication indication

Stage I Stage II Drug(s) for

hypertension hypertension compelling
SBP 140–159 mm Hg SBP > 160 mm Hg indication
DBP 90–99 mm Hg DBP > 100 mm Hg
Thiazide diuretic Two-drug combination
for most Thiazide diuretic
May consider + ACE–I,
β-blocker, ACE–I, ARB, β-blocker,
ARB, or CCB or CCB

Not at goal

Optimize doses or add additional agents

as needed
Figure 22-2. Algorithm for treatment of hypertension. ACE-I,
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin
receptor blocker; BP, blood pressure; CCB, calcium channel
blocker; CKD, chronic kidney disease; DBP, diastolic blood
pressure; HTN, hypertension; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
(Modified from The seventh report of the Joint National
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment
of High Blood Pressure, JAMA 289:2560–2572, 2003, used with
Chapter 23

Renovascular Hypertension
and Ischemic Nephropathy
The clinical manifestations of renovascular disease include
the following:
• Asymptomatic “incidental” renal artery stenosis (RAS)
• Renovascular hypertension
• Ischemic nephropathy
• Accelerated cardiovascular disease
• Congestive heart failure/stroke/secondary hyperaldosteronism
Each of these clinical manifestations presents different
co-morbid and risk factor management issues. Even though
renal artery stenosis can accelerate cardiovascular disease
and threaten the viability of the kidney, renal revasculariza-
tion, either surgical or percutaneous, is not always indicated.
The benefits of renal artery interventional procedures include
the potential to improve systemic blood pressure and to pre-
serve or salvage renal function. Selecting patients to whom
these benefits apply without excessive risk is rarely simple.
The procedures themselves may threaten the viability of the
affected kidney through vascular thrombosis, dissection, reste-
nosis, or atheroemboli and can precipitate the need for life-
long renal replacement therapy. It is therefore important that
clinicians understand the risks and benefits of both medical
management and intervention for the restoration of renal
perfusion pressure.

Renal Artery Stenosis versus Renovascular
RAS is identified in 20% to 45% of patients undergoing vas-
cular imaging for other reasons, such as coronary angiography
or lower extremity peripheral vascular disease. However, the
majority of the observed stenoses are of little or no hemody-
namic significance. The term renovascular hypertension
refers to a rise in arterial pressure induced by a reduction in
renal perfusion that can be triggered by a variety of lesions
(Table 23-1). Luminal narrowing must approach 70% to 80%

Examples of Vascular Lesions Producing
Table 23-1 Renal Hypoperfusion and the Syndrome
of Renovascular Hypertension
Unilateral Disease CH 23
Unilateral atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Unilateral fibromuscular dysplasia
Medial fibroplasia
Perimedial fibroplasia
Intimal fibroplasia
Medial hyperplasia
Renal artery aneurysm
Arterial embolus
Arteriovenous fistula—congenital/traumatic
Segmental arterial occlusion—post-traumatic
Extrinsic compression of renal artery (e.g., pheochromocytoma)
Renal compression (e.g., metastatic tumor)
Bilateral Disease or Solitary Functioning Kidney
Stenosis to a solitary functioning kidney
Bilateral renal arterial stenosis
Aortic coarctation
Systemic vasculitis (e.g., Takayasu arteritis, polyarteritis)
Atheroembolic disease
Vascular occlusion due to endovascular aortic stent graft

before hemodynamically significant changes occur. When

renal artery lesions reach these critical dimensions a series
of integrated renal responses leads to a rise in systemic arterial
pressure and restoration of renal perfusion pressure. Foremost
among these pathways is the release of renin with subsequent
generation of angiotensin II (A-II) and release of aldosterone. If
the renal artery lesion progresses further, a cycle of reduced
perfusion and rising arterial pressures recurs and can lead to
the development of malignant phase hypertension. The natu-
ral history of this disorder is in part dependent on whether
the perfusion to one or both kidneys is compromised (Fig. 23-1).

Mechanisms of Ischemic Nephropathy

Patients with stenosis affecting the entire renal mass can

develop reduced blood flow and glomerular filtration when
poststenotic pressures fall below the range of autoregulation.

Hypertension and the Kidney

Reduced renal perfusion Increased renal perfusion

↑ Renin-angiotensin Supressed Increased Na+

system (RAAS) RAAS excretion
↑ Renin (pressure
↑ Angiotensin II natriuresis)
↑ Aldosterone

Angiotensin II
dependent hypertension

Effect of blockade of RAAS

Reduced arterial pressure
Enhanced lateralization of diagnostic tests
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in stenotic kidney may fall

Diagnostic tests
Plasma renin activity elevated
Lateralized features, e.g., renin levels in renal veins,
A captopril-enhanced renography
Figure 23-1. Schematic views of one-kidney (A) and two-
kidney (B) renovascular hypertension. These models differ by the
presence of a contralateral kidney exposed to elevated perfusion
pressures in two-kidney hypertension. The nonstenotic kidney
tends to allow pressure natriuresis to ensue and produces
ongoing stimulation of renin release from the stenotic kidney. The
one-kidney model eventually produces sodium retention and a fall
in renin with minimal evidence of angiotensin dependency unless
sodium depletion is achieved. (From Textor SC: Renovascular
hypertension. In Johnson RJ, Feehally J [eds]: Comprehensive
Clinical Nephrology. London, Mosby, 2000, pp 41.1–41.12.)

This process is reversible if pressure is restored or the vascular

lesion is removed. However, if allowed to progress, the recur-
rent reduction in kidney blood flow can result in a pathologic
cascade that produces irreversible renal fibrosis.

CH 23

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Bilateral Stenosis of solitary kidney

Reduced renal perfusion

↑ Renin-angiotensin Impaired Na+

system (RAAS) and water excretion
↑ Renin
↑ Angiotensin II
↑ Aldosterone
Inhibit RAAS Volume

Normal or low Increased

angiotensin II arterial pressure

Effect of blockade of RAAS

Reduced arterial pressure only after volume depletion
May lower GFR

Diagnostic tests
Plasma renin activity normal or low
B Lateralized features: none
Figure 23-1, cont’d.


The majority of stenotic lesions are caused by “fibromuscular

diseases” or atherosclerotic plaques. The prevalence of reno-
vascular disease varies widely depending on the population
studied. In unselected populations with mild to moderate
hypertension, the frequency of renovascular disease is only
between 0.6% and 3%, whereas in a referral clinic of “elderly”
patients, the prevalence may exceed 30%.

Fibromuscular Disease

Fibromuscular disease (FMD) commonly refers to one of

several conditions affecting the intima or fibrous layers of
472 the vessel wall. Approximately 3% to 5% of the population
(female > male) have FMD, many of which are present at an
early age and do not affect either renal blood flow or arterial
pressure. Previous estimates derived from hypertension referral
VI clinics suggested that 23% of patients with renovascular hyper-
tension had FMD; more recent studies suggest that the rate is
Hypertension and the Kidney

less than 20%. Smoking is a risk factor for disease progression.

Medial fibroplasia is the most common subtype, often asso-
ciated with a “string-of-beads” appearance on arteriography.
Such lesions consist primarily of intravascular “webs,” each
of which may have only moderate hemodynamic effect. The
combination of multiple webs in series, however, can impede
blood flow characteristics and activate responses within
the kidney to reduce perfusion. FMD lesions are classically
located away from the origin of the renal artery, often in the
midportion of the vessel or at the first arterial bifurcation.
Some of these lesions expand to develop small vascular aneu-
rysms. Occasionally, intimal hyperplasia can progress and lead
to renal ischemia and atrophy. Although fibromuscular dys-
plasia is considered commonly a disorder of younger women,
they can present at older ages, sometimes combined with athero-
sclerotic lesions, which magnify the hemodynamic effects.

Atherosclerosis affecting the renal arteries is the most common
cause of renovascular disease (75–85% of cases). Atheroscle-
rotic renal artery stenosis (ARAS) is commonly associated with
vascular disease in other vascular beds. Approximately 20% of
patients undergoing coronary angiography, and up to 50% of
patients undergoing aortography for peripheral vascular dis-
ease, have renal artery lesions of some degree. The prevalence
of such lesions increases with age and with the presence of ath-
erosclerotic risk factors such as elevated cholesterol, smoking,
and hypertension. Indeed, the probability of identifying high-
grade RAS in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney
disease rises from 3.2% in the sixth decade to above 23% in the
eighth decade. The location of atherosclerotic disease is most
often at the origin of the artery, usually representing a direct
extension of an aortic plaque into the renal arterial segment.


Changing Population Demographics

As a result of recent improvements in mortality rates from cor-

onary and cerebrovascular events, the incidence of RAS is
increasing in the elderly population. The prevalence of 473
advanced coronary disease, congestive heart failure, previous
stroke or transient ischemic attack, and aortic disease, as well
as impaired renal function, is high in patients with atheroscle-
rotic renal artery disease. CH 23

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Clinical Presentation of Renal Artery Stenosis

Manifestations of renal artery disease vary widely across a

spectrum illustrated in Table 23-2. The spectrum of disease
may range from a purely incidental finding, noted during angi-
ography performed for other indications, to advancing renal
failure leading to the need for dialytic support. Clinical features
of patients with renovascular hypertension differ when com-
pared to patients with essential hypertension. Many features,
including duration of hypertension, age of onset (>55 years),
funduscopic findings, hypokalemia, and so on, are more com-
mon with renovascular hypertension, but they have limited dis-
criminating or predictive value. If renal artery lesions progress to
critical stenosis, they can produce a rapidly developing form of
hypertension, which may be severe and associated with neuroret-
inopathy or papilledema and accompanied by evidence of renal

Clinical Features of Patients with

Table 23-2
Renovascular Hypertension
Essential Renovascular
Clinical Feature Hypertension (%) Hypertension (%)
Duration < 1 yr 12 24
Age at onset > 50 yr 9 15
Family history of 71 46
Grade 3 or 4 fundi 7 15
Abdominal bruit 9 46
Blood urea nitrogen 8 16
> 20 mg/dL (7 mmol/L)
Potassium < 3.4 mEq/L 8 16
Urinary casts 9 20
Proteinuria 32 46
Syndromes Associated with Renovascular Hypertension
1. Early- or late-onset hypertension (<30 yr or >50 yr)
2. Acceleration of treated essential hypertension
3. Deterioration of renal function in treated essential hypertension
4. Acute kidney injury during treatment of hypertension
5. “Flash” pulmonary edema
6. Progressive renal failure
474 damage. Such cases are most often seen with acute renovascular
events, such as sudden occlusion of a renal artery or branch ves-
sel. More commonly, RAS presents as a progressive worsening of
preexisting hypertension, often with a modest rise in serum cre-
VI atinine. Since the prevalence of both hypertension and athero-
sclerosis rises with age, this disorder must be considered,
Hypertension and the Kidney

particularly in older patients with progression of blood pressure

elevation. Some of the most striking examples of renovascular
hypertension are in older individuals, in whom previously
well-controlled hypertension has deteriorated with an acceler-
ated rise in systolic blood pressure and target organ injury, such
as stroke. Declining renal function during antihypertensive ther-
apy is a common manifestation of progressive renal arterial
disease. In critical renal arterial stenosis, blood flow and perfu-
sion pressures to the kidney are dependent on an elevated
systemic blood pressure. Any reduction in systemic arterial
pressure, induced by any antihypertensive regimen, can precipi-
tate acute falls in renal perfusion pressure and hence glomerular
filtration rate (GFR). This phenomenon has become particularly
common since the introduction of angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and more recently with angiotensin
receptor blockers (ARBs), which specifically interrupt A-II
mediated efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction. A sudden rise in
serum creatinine soon after starting these agents suggests bilat-
eral RAS or stenosis to a solitary functioning kidney.
Other syndromes heralding occult RAS include rapidly
developing episodes of circulatory congestion (so-called flash
pulmonary edema).This usually arises in patients with hyper-
tension and with left ventricular systolic function that may be
well preserved. Renovascular disease favors volume retention
and resistance to diuretics in such cases. Further volume
expansion (e.g., high-salt diet or diuretic withdrawal) triggers
a rapid rise in arterial pressure, which in turn impairs cardiac
function due to rapidly developing diastolic dysfunction lead-
ing to abrupt onset pulmonary edema. Such episodes tend to
be rapid both in onset and in resolution. A similar sequence
of events may produce symptoms of crescendo angina from
otherwise stable coronary disease. When the role of RAS is
identified, renal revascularization can prevent its recurrence.
Another clinical presentation of RAS is advanced renal fail-
ure, occasionally at end stage, requiring renal replacement
therapy. Some estimates indicate that between 12% and 14%
of patients reaching end-stage renal disease (ESRD) with no
other identifiable primary renal disease may have occult, bilat-
eral RAS. Unfortunately, most patients with advanced renal
dysfunction and RAS typically have multiple co-morbid dis-
eases and commonly have irreversible renal injury on biopsy.
Those with declining renal function have a poor survival rate
regardless of intervention, the strongest predictor of which is a
low baseline GFR. The likely benefit of revascularization 475
regarding salvage, or at least stabilization, of renal function
is greatest when the GFR is relatively well preserved. Remark-
ably, RAS can be associated with proteinuria, occasionally to
nephrotic levels. Such proteinuria can diminish or resolve CH 23
entirely following renal revascularization.

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Clinical manifestations and prognosis differ when renovas-
cular disease affects one of two kidneys or affects the entire
functioning renal mass. Although blood pressure levels may
be similar, response to renal revascularization leads to a
greater fall in bilateral disease. Most patients with episodic
pulmonary edema have bilateral disease or a solitary kidney.
Long-term mortality rate during follow-up is higher when
bilateral disease is present, regardless of whether renal revas-
cularization is undertaken, reflecting an overall higher athero-
sclerotic disease burden. The causes of death in patients with
atherosclerotic RAS are mainly related to cardiovascular
disease, including stroke and congestive heart failure.

Progressive Vascular Occlusion

Atherosclerosis is a progressive disorder and the impetus to
intervene in RAS depends, in many cases, on predicting the
likelihood of progression in the individual patient. Importantly,
clinical events such as detectable changes in renal function or
accelerating hypertension bear only a limited relationship to
vascular progression. Retrospective angiographic studies from
the 1970s indicate that atherosclerotic lesions progress to more
severe levels in 40% to 60% of patients followed from 2 to 5
years, with up to 16% of renal arteries developing total occlu-
sion. More recent prospective studies suggest that current rates
of progression are approximately 20% over 3 years, with less
than 10% of patients developing complete occlusion. The
improved management of cardiovascular risk factors including
the widespread use of aspirin and statin drugs, diminishing
tobacco use, and more intensive antihypertensive therapy may
have resulted in a change in the natural history of this disorder;
however, this hypothesis remains unproved.



Goals of Evaluation
The goals of the diagnostic evaluation in the patient with sus-
pected renovascular disease are outlined in Table 23-3.
Goals of Diagnostic Evaluation and
Table 23-3 Therapeutic Intervention in Renovascular
Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy
VI Goals of Diagnostic Evaluation
Establish presence of renal artery stenosis: location and type of
Hypertension and the Kidney

Establish whether unilateral or bilateral stenosis (or stenosis to a
solitary kidney) is present
Establish presence and function of stenotic and nonstenotic
Establish hemodynamic severity of renal arterial disease
Plan vascular intervention: degree and location of atherosclerotic
Goals of Therapy
I. Improved blood pressure control
Prevent morbidity and mortality of high blood pressure
Improve blood pressure control and reduce medication
II. Preservation of renal function
Reduce risk of renal-adverse perfusion from use of
antihypertensive agents
Reduce episodes of circulatory congestion (“flash” pulmonary
Reduce risk of progressive vascular occlusion causing loss of
renal function
Salvage renal function (i.e., recover glomerular filtration rate)

Diagnostic tests in renovascular disease fall into three general

1. Functional studies to evaluate the role of stenotic lesions
particularly related to activation of the renin-angiotensin
2. Imaging studies to identify the presence and degree of vas-
cular stenosis
3. Studies to predict the likelihood of benefit from renal

Physiologic and Functional Studies of the

Renin-Angiotensin System
Peripheral plasma renin activity (PRA) and its response to admin-
istration of an ACE inhibitor such as captopril have been pro-
posed as a marker of renovascular disease. While these studies
are promising when studied in patients with known renovascular
hypertension, they have lower performance as diagnostic tests 477
when applied to wider populations, and their sensitivity and spe-
cifity are too low for them to be used as major determinants in
clinical decision making. In contrast, measurement of renal vein
renin levels has been widely applied in planning surgical revas- CH 23
cularization. These measurements are obtained by sampling renal

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

vein and inferior vena cava blood individually. The level of the
vena cava is taken as comparable to the arterial levels in each kid-
ney and allows estimation of the contribution of each kidney to
total circulating levels of plasma renin activity. Lateralization is
defined usually as a ratio exceeding 1.5 between the renin activity
of the stenotic kidney and the nonstenotic kidney. In general, the
greater the degree of lateralization, the more probable that clinical
blood pressure benefit will accrue from revascularization on that
side. In recent years, the shift away from revascularization for
control of blood pressure toward revascularization for preserva-
tion of renal function has led to a decline in the use of renal vein
assays. However, in patients in whom it is important to establish
the degree of pressor effect of a specific kidney before considering
nephrectomy, measurement of renal vein renins remains a useful
diagnostic test.

Studies of Individual Renal Function

Separate renal functional measurements can be obtained with

radionuclide techniques. These methods use a variety of radio-
isotopes (e.g., technetium Tc 99m mertiatide or technetium Tc
99m pentetate) to estimate fractional blood flow to each kidney
and estimate single kidney GFR. Prior administration of capto-
pril magnifies differences between the kidneys, primarily by
delaying excretion of the filtered isotope, due to removal of
the efferent arteriolar effects of ACE inhibition. Some authors
rely upon such measurements to follow progressive renal artery
disease and its effect on unilateral kidney function to determine
the need for revascularization. Serial measurement of individ-
ual renal function by radionuclide studies may allow more pre-
cise identification of progressive ischemic injury to the affected
kidney in unilateral renal artery disease than can be determined
from the overall GFR.

Noninvasive Imaging and Assessment of the

Renal Vasculature
Current practice favors limiting invasive arteriography to the
occasion of endovascular intervention, for example, the place-
ment of stents and/or angioplasty. Although renal arteriogra-
phy remains the “gold standard” for evaluation of the renal
478 vasculature, its invasive nature and potential hazards (con-
trast nephropathy, atheroembolism) make it most suitable for
those in whom intervention is planned, often during the
same procedure. As a result, most clinicians favor preliminary
VI noninvasive studies beforehand.
Hypertension and the Kidney

Captopril Renography
Imaging the kidneys using the radiopharmaceuticals technetium
Tc 99m pentetate and technetium 99m mertiatide provides useful
information regarding the size and glomerular filtration rates of
both kidneys. The change in glomerular filtration characteristics
after ACE inhibition allows inferences regarding the dependence
of glomerular filtration upon A-II. Captopril renography has a rea-
sonably high specificity, and thus can be used in populations at
low pretest probability, with an expectation that a normal study
will exclude significant renovascular hypertension in more than
95% of cases. Important considerations in the use of captopril
renography include a lower sensitivity and specificity in the pres-
ence of renal insufficiency (usually defined as creatinine > 2 mg/
dL, 175 mmol/L) and the need to withdraw diuretics and ACE inhi-
bitors for 4 to 14 days before the study. It should be emphasized
that renography provides functional information but no direct
anatomic information, that is, the location of renal arterial disease,
the number of renal arteries, or associated aortic or ostial disease.

Doppler Ultrasound of the Renal Arteries

Duplex interrogation of the renal arteries provides measure-
ments of localized velocities of blood flow with a sensitivity
and specificity as high as 90% in experienced hands. This
affords an inexpensive means of measuring vascular occlu-
sive disease to establish the diagnosis of RAS, following its
progression, and monitoring for restenosis following endo-
vascular intervention. Its main drawbacks relate to the diffi-
culties of obtaining adequate studies in obese patients and
interoperator variability. Recent studies emphasize the
potential for Doppler ultrasound to characterize the small
vessel flow characteristics within the kidney. The resistive
index provides an estimate of the relative flow velocities in
diastole and systole. A resistive index above 80 is suggested
as a means of identifying irreversible parenchymal disease
that will not respond to renal vascularization. In contrast, a
resistive index of less than 80 is proposed to reliably predict
a favorable blood pressure response and GFR response to

Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA) of the abdominal and renal vasculature is becoming a
mainstay of evaluating renovascular disease in many institu- 479
tions. Comparative studies indicate that sensitivity ranges from
83% to 100% and specificity from 92% to 97%. Advantages
include the avoidance of radiation and the ability to estimate
parenchymal volume and relative function from the nephrogram. CH 23
Drawbacks include the expense, a tendency to overestimate the

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

severity of atherosclerotic lesions, and an inability to perform
follow-up studies of metallic stents due to signal degradation.
The utility of MRA is now limited as a consequence of the
recognition of the association between the development of
the debilitating condition nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
(NSF) in patients with advanced renal dysfunction and the
prior administration of gadolinium. NSF only develops in patients
with estimated GFR levels less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2.
For that reason, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
issued a cautionary warning against its use in patients with
advanced chronic kidney disease (see Chapter 3, Diagnostic
Kidney Imaging and Interventional Nephrology, for a more
detailed discussion).

Computed Tomography Angiography

CT angiography using “helical” or multiple head scanners and
intravenous contrast agent can provide excellent images of
both kidneys and the vascular tree. Resolution and reconstruc-
tion techniques render this modality capable of identifying
smaller vessels, vascular lesions, and parenchymal character-
istics, including stones. When used for detection of RAS, CT
angiography correlates well with conventional arteriography,
and sensitivity may reach 98% and specificity 94%. Although
this technique offers a noninvasive examination of the main
renal vessels, it has the drawback of requiring a considerable
amount of contrast material. As a result, it is less suited for
evaluation of renovascular hypertension or ischemic nephrop-
athy in patients with impaired renal function.


In most cases, the management of the patient with renovascular
disease represents a balance between the pharmacologic manage-
ment of hypertension and cardiovascular risk factors and the
decision whether or not to proceed with renal revascularization.
What should not be taken for granted is the premise that renal
revascularization is likely to prolong life, prevent ESRD, or con-
trol hypertension. Indeed, both endovascular and surgical inter-
vention in the aorta and renal vasculature carry substantial
risks, including irreversible loss of renal function. It should be
emphasized that consideration of renal artery disease takes place
480 in the broad context of managing other cardiovascular
risk factors, including withdrawal of tobacco use, reduction of
cholesterol levels, and treatment of diabetes and obesity.
The goals of therapy in renovascular disease can be divided
VI into three categories:
1. Prevention of morbidity and fatality associated with
Hypertension and the Kidney

2. Preservation of kidney function
3. Facilitation of volume management in congestive cardiac
Newer antihypertensive agents and the expanding use of
agents that block the renin-angiotensin system for indications
other than hypertension have fundamentally changed the
presentation and clinical management of renovascular disease.
“Uncontrollable” hypertension is now rarely the main reason
for considering renal revascularization. Rather, the hazards of
underperfusion of kidney tissue, leading to irreversible renal
failure, have led many to consider revascularization for “preser-
vation” of renal function. Importantly, it must be emphasized
that long-term clinical outcomes in patients with atheroscle-
rotic renovascular disease are commonly determined by other
disease entities (termed competing risk), and this has important
implications for decisions concerning invasive therapy. The
burden of atherosclerotic disease associated with RAS is often
widespread and the causes of death include a broad array of
cardiovascular events. An algorithm for managing these
patients is illustrated in Figure 23-2.

Management of Unilateral Renal Artery Stenosis

Since the introduction of agents that block the renin-angiotensin
system, most patients (86–92%) with unilateral renal artery disease
can achieve blood pressure levels of less than 140/90 mm Hg

Figure 23-2. Algorithm summarizing general management

scheme for patients with renovascular hypertension or ischemic
nephropathy, or both. Optimizing antihypertensive and medical
therapy of comorbid disease, particularly hyperlipidemia, is
paramount to reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
atherosclerotic disease. Decisions regarding timing of renal
revascularization procedures depend both upon the clinical
manifestations and whether blood pressures and kidney function
remain stable. ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; GFR,
glomerular filtration rate; PTRA, percutaneous renal artery
angioplasty; RAS, renal artery stenosis.
Hypertension ± reduced GFR

Initiate therapy: antihypertensive medications

Lifestyle, risk factor, and CH 23
dyslipidemia management

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

Suspicion of renovascular disease
? Age, associated vascular disease
? Diminishing GFR/proteinuria
? Clinical features/abrupt onset (see text)

Low High
Stable renal function Non-invasive imaging: RAS present
Excellent blood pressure ? Comorbid disease risk
? Indications for revascularization
• Circulatory congestion
• Deteriorating kidney function
ACE inhibitor
Advanced renal failure
Optimize • Bilateral high-grade RAS
antihypertensive • Solitary functioning kidney
and medical therapy • Uncontrolled hypertension

Moderate High:
Repeat assessment: Rx failure
3–6 months
? Significant Renal intervention
disease progression PTRA/stent
Stable Progression Surgical revascularization
Nephrectomy (nonsalvageable
Stable renal function pressor kidney)
Excellent blood pressure No
Repeat assessment: 6–12 weeks need
? Excellent blood pressure control repeat
? Stable renal function procedure
? Recheck for vessel patency
? Restenosis
Yes ? Technical failure
? De novo/contralateral lesions
? Atheroemboli

Optimize antihypertensive and medical therapy

482 with medical regimens based upon these agents. Indeed, the
widespread use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs ensures that subcrit-
ical levels of renovascular disease are treated without being iden-
tified. The experience of ACE inhibition in trials of congestive
VI cardiac failure is reassuring with regard to the use of ACE inhibi-
tion in patients with diffuse vascular disease, including renovas-
Hypertension and the Kidney

cular disease. Thousands of patients with marginal arterial

pressures and clinical heart failure have been treated with block-
ade of the renin-angiotensin system over many years. Many of
these patients have undetected renal artery lesions and although
minor changes in serum creatinine are observed in approxi-
mately 10% of patients, a rise sufficient to lead to withdrawal
of these agents under trial monitoring conditions occurs in only
1% to 2%. More importantly, patients with congestive heart fail-
ure and moderate chronic kidney disease (creatinine 1.4–2.3
mg/dL, 120–200 mmol/L), many of whom will have RAS, have a
major survival benefit from ACE inhibition.
It follows, therefore, that many patients with unilateral RAS
can be managed without restoration of blood flow for a long
period, often indefinitely. The judgment on endovascular
intervention in the individual patient revolves about the clin-
ical response to conservative management and the anticipated
outcome of revascularization. In trials addressing the relative
value of endovascular repair, specifically angioplasty, as com-
pared to medical therapy in atherosclerotic RAS, endovascu-
lar intervention has demonstrated little or no advantage over
antihypertensive drug therapy in patients whose blood
pressure was controlled adequately by pharmacologic inter-
vention, although patients managed conservatively usually
required a higher number of antihypertensive medications.
The benefits of angioplasty, even in the short term, are moder-
ate compared to effective antihypertensive therapy. However,
patients failing to respond to medical therapy often improve
after revascularization and many clinicians support a role for
endovascular intervention in the management of patients with
refractory hypertension and RAS. However, convincing ran-
domized control data are awaited in this regard.

Progressive Renal Artery Stenosis in Medically

Treated Patients
As noted above, the potential for progressive vascular occlusion
is central to the management of patients with renovascular dis-
ease. It may be argued that failure to revascularize the kidneys
exposes the patient to the hazard of undetected, progressive
occlusion, potentially leading to total occlusion and irreversible
loss of renal function. However, prospective studies indicate
that rates of progression of renovascular disease are moderate
and occur at widely varying rates. Often, such patients can be 483
managed well without revascularization for many years. The
clinical issue in a specific patient frequently hinges on whether
the risks of revascularization are truly less than the risks of pro-
gression. It is clear that for many patients with progressive dis- CH 23
ease, optimal long-term stability of kidney function and blood

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

pressure control can be achieved by successful surgical or endo-
vascular restoration of the renal blood supply.

Surgical Treatment of Renovascular

Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy
With the advent of endovascular techniques, surgical interven-
tion is less commonly performed in the current era. Several of
the options developed for renal artery reconstruction are listed
including endarterectomy, aortorenal bypass, splenorenal
bypass, and hepatorenal bypass grafting. The majority of these
methods now focus on reconstruction of the vascular supply for
preservation of nephron mass. Benefits of surgical intervention
include excellent long-term patency (>90%) both for renal artery
procedures alone and in combination with aortic reconstruction.
This leads some clinicians to favor this approach for younger
patients with longer life expectancy. Risk factors for poor out-
come include advanced age, elevated creatinine (>3 mg/dL,
265 mmol/L), and associated aortic or other vascular disease.

Endovascular Renal Procedures

The ability to restore renal perfusion in high-risk patients with

endovascular methods represents a major advance in the man-
agement of renovascular hypertension and ischemic nephrop-
athy. The past two decades have been characterized by a major
shift from surgical reconstruction toward preferential applica-
tion of endovascular procedures, particularly in the elderly
and patients with high levels of co-morbidity. The introduc-
tion of endovascular stents has accelerated the trend away
from surgical intervention, in part because of the improved
patency rates achieved with ostial atherosclerotic lesions com-
pared to angioplasty alone. However, it is often difficult to
ascertain the risk-benefit ratio of these procedures from the
published literature.

Angioplasty for Fibromuscular Disease

Most lesions of medical fibroplasia are located at a distance
away from the renal artery ostium. Many of these have multi-
ple webs within the vessel, which can be successfully
traversed and opened by balloon angioplasty so that stents
484 are rarely required. Clinical benefit regarding blood pressure
control has been reported in observational outcome studies
in 65% to 75% of patients. Cure of hypertension, defined as
sustained blood pressure levels less than 140/90 mm Hg with
VI no antihypertensive medications, may be obtained between
35% and 50% of the time. Predictors of cure include lower
Hypertension and the Kidney

systolic blood pressures, younger age, and shorter duration

of hypertension. In general, such patients have relatively less
aortic disease and are at less risk for the major complications
of angioplasty than patients with atherosclerotic renal disease.
Because the risk for major procedural complications is low,
most clinicians advocate early intervention for patients with
FMD, with the hope of reduced antihypertensive medication
requirements after successful angioplasty.

Angioplasty and Stent Placement for Atherosclerotic

Renal Artery Stenosis
Few advances in renovascular disease have been associated
with the level of controversy as that associated with the use
of endovascular stent placement for atherosclerotic renovascu-
lar disease. Ostial lesions commonly fail to respond to angio-
plasty alone, in part because of extensive recoil of the plaque
which typically extends into the main portion of the aorta.
Endovascular stents represent a major technical advance in
this area. Intermediate (6–12 months) vessel patency is signif-
icantly better following stent placement compared to angio-
plasty alone (29% versus 75%), and restenosis rates are
below 15% as compared to almost 50% with angioplasty.
The demographic features of patients undergoing renal revas-
cularization have changed during the last decades. The mean
age of patients undergoing either surgery or angioplasty (with
or without stents) has climbed from 55 years to more than
75 years, as many patients are now offered endovascular pro-
cedures who otherwise would not be considered candidates
for major surgical procedures, such as aortic or renal recon-
struction. The outcomes of patients undergoing placement of
renal artery stenting are considered in terms of (1) blood pres-
sure control and (2) preservation or salvage of renal function
in ischemic nephropathy. While “cures” are rare, typical falls
in standardized blood pressure measurement are in the range
of 5 to 10 mm Hg systolic, which may result in the need for
fewer medications. Other reported benefits include improve-
ment in anginal and congestive cardiac failure symptoms,
presumably due to amelioration of diastolic dysfunction and
improvements in natriuretic capacity. The ambiguity in outcome
of many clinical trials may reflect the problem of patient selec-
tion, which likely understates the benefit of revascularization.
Most trials have excluded accelerated hypertension, advancing
renal dysfunction, or recent congestive cardiac failure, settings 485
in which successful revascularization can offer major benefit.
Importantly, the crossover rate from medical therapy ranged
from 26% to 44% in the prospective trials, indicating that medi-
cal therapy alone simply does not succeed in a subset of patients CH 23
with renovascular hypertension.

Renovascular Hypertension and Ischemic Nephropathy

In general, changes in renal function for atherosclerotic RAS
following endovascular intervention, as reflected by serum
creatinine levels, have been small. Careful evaluation of the lit-
erature indicates that three distinctly different clinical outcomes
are routinely observed. In some instances (approximately 27%),
revascularization results in a distinct improvement in kidney
function. There can be no doubt that such patients benefit from
the procedure and can avoid the major morbidity (and probably
mortality) associated with advanced renal failure. The bulk of
patients, however, have no measurable change in renal function
(approximately 52%). Whether such patients benefit much
depends upon the true clinical likelihood of progressive renal
injury if the stenotic lesion were managed without revasculari-
zation, as discussed earlier. Those without the risk of progres-
sion likely gain little. The most significant concern, however,
is the group of patients whose renal function deteriorates further
after a revascularization procedure. In most reports, this ranges
from 19% to 23%. In some instances, this represents athero-
embolic disease, or a variety of complications, including vessel
dissection with thrombosis. Hence, nearly 20% of patients face
a relatively rapid progression of renal insufficiency and the
potential for requiring renal replacement therapy, including
dialysis or renal transplantation. Possible mechanisms of deteri-
oration include atheroembolic injury, which may be nearly
universal after any vascular intervention, and acceleration of
oxidative stress producing interstitial fibrosis.
Few studies have compared endovascular intervention (per-
cutaneous renal artery angioplasty [PTRA] without stents) and
surgical repair. A single study of nonostial, unilateral athero-
sclerotic disease, in which patients were randomly assigned
to surgery or PTRA, indicates that although surgical success
rates were higher and PTRA was needed on a repeat basis in
several cases, the 2-year patency rates were 90% for PTRA
and 97% for surgery.

Predictors of Likely Benefit Regarding Renal

Identification of patients most likely to obtain improved blood
pressure or renal function after renal revascularization
remains a difficult task. As noted, functional tests of renin
release, such as measurement of renal vein renin levels, have
486 not performed universally well as predictors of outcome.
These studies are most useful when positive (e.g., the likeli-
hood of benefit improves with more evident lateralization),
but they have relatively poor negative predictive value, that
VI is, when such studies are negative, outcomes of vessel repair
may still be beneficial. As a clinical matter, recent progression
Hypertension and the Kidney

of hypertension remains among the most consistent predictors

of improved blood pressure after intervention. Predicting
favorable renal functional outcomes is also difficult. As with
hypertension, a recent deterioration of kidney function por-
tends more likely improvement with reconstruction. Several
series indicate that surgical or endovascular procedures are
least likely to benefit those with advanced renal insufficiency,
usually characterized by serum creatinine levels above 3
mg/dL (265 mmol/L). Small kidneys, as identified by length
less than 8 cm, are less likely to recover function, particularly
when little function can be identified on radionuclide renog-
raphy. Reports of renal resistance index measured by Doppler
ultrasound indicate that identification of lower resistance was
a favorable marker for both improvement in GFR and blood
pressure, whereas an elevated resistance index was an inde-
pendent marker for poor outcomes; however, none of these
criteria are absolute.


Renovascular disease is common, particularly in older people

with atherosclerotic disease elsewhere. It can produce a wide
array of clinical effects, ranging from asymptomatic “incidental”
disease to accelerated hypertension and progressive renal
failure. With improved imaging and older patients, significant
renal artery disease is detected more often than ever before.
Management of cardiovascular risk and hypertension is the pri-
mary objective of medical management. It is incumbent upon
clinicians to evaluate both the role of renal artery disease in the
individual patient and the potential risk-benefit ratio for timing
renal revascularization. For most patients, the realistic goals of
renal revascularization are to reduce medication requirements
and to stabilize renal function over time. Patients with bilateral
disease or stenosis to a solitary functioning kidney may achieve
a lower risk of circulatory congestion (flash pulmonary edema
or its equivalent) and a lower risk for advancing renal failure.
Chapter 24

The Kidney and

Hypertension in Pregnancy
Hemodynamic and Vascular Changes of Normal
Normal pregnancy is characterized by profound vascular and
hemodynamic changes that reach far beyond the uterus and
placenta (Table 24-1). By 6 weeks’ gestation, systemic vascular
resistance (SVR) decreases and arterial compliance increases.
Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) falls by an average of
10 mm Hg below baseline by the second trimester. Sympa-
thetic activity is increased, manifested by a 15% to 20%
increase in heart rate. A significant increase in the cardiac out-
put occurs early in the first trimester, peaking at 50% above
prepregnancy levels in the middle of the third trimester. The
renin-aldosterone-angiotensin system (RAAS) is activated,
leading to salt and water retention. Increased renal interstitial
compliance may also contribute to volume retention via atten-
uation of the renal pressure natriuretic response. Total body
water increases by 6 to 8 L, causing both plasma volume and
interstitial volume expansion. There is cumulative retention
of approximately 950 mmol of sodium distributed between
maternal extracellular compartments and the fetus. The
plasma volume increases disproportionately to the red blood
cell mass, leading to mild physiologic anemia.

Renal Adaptation to Pregnancy

The kidney increases 1 to 1.5 cm in length, and kidney vol-
ume increases by 30% in pregnancy. There is physiologic
dilatation of the collecting system with hydronephrosis, seen
in up to 80% of women, usually more prominent on the right
than the left side. These changes are likely due to mechanical
ureteric compression between the gravid uterus and linea ter-
minalis, although hormonal changes and prostaglandins may
also affect ureteral structure and peristalsis.
The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases by 40% to
65%, resulting from an up to 80% rise in renal blood flow
Table 24-1 Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy
Physiologic Variable Change in Pregnancy
VI Plasma volume " 30–50% above baseline
Hypertension and the Kidney

Blood pressure # 10 mm Hg below prepregnancy

level; nadir in second trimester;
gradual " toward prepregnancy
levels by term
Cardiac output " 30–50%
Heart rate " 15–20 beats/min
Renal blood flow " 80% above baseline
GFR 150–200 mL/min (" 40–50% above
Hemoglobin # by an average of 2 g/L due to plasma
volume expansion disproportionate
to increase in RBC mass
Creatinine # to 0.4–0.5 mg/dL
Uric acid # to nadir of 2–3 mg/dL by 22–24
weeks, then rises to prepregnant
levels toward term
pH " slightly to 7.44
PCO2 # by 10 mm Hg to an average of
27–32 mm Hg
Calcium " calcitriol stimulates " intestinal
calcium reabsorption and " urinary
calcium excretion
Sodium # 4–5 mEq/L below nonpregnancy
Osmolality Falls to a new osmotic set-point of
270 mOsm/kg
GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

by the early second trimester. This is maintained until the

middle of the third trimester, when renal blood flow begins
to decline toward prepregnancy levels. The increase in GFR
results in a physiologic decrease in creatinine, blood urea
nitrogen (BUN), and uric acid levels. Normal creatinine clear-
ance in pregnancy rises to 150 to 200 mL/min, and average
serum creatinine falls from 0.8 mg/dL to 0.5–0.6 mg/dL, and
BUN from an average of 13 mg/dL to 8 to 10 mg/dL. Although
not a feature of normal pregnancy, proteinuria is exacerbated
in women with preexisting proteinuric renal disease in the
second and third trimesters to a greater extent than would be
expected with the increase in GFR alone.
Serum uric acid declines in early pregnancy due to the rise in 489
GFR, reaching a nadir value of 2 to 3 mg/dL by 22 to 24 weeks.
Thereafter, the uric acid level begins to rise, reaching nonpreg-
nant levels by term. The late gestational rise in uric acid levels
is attributed to increased renal tubular absorption of urate. CH 24
Pregnancy is characterized by several changes in renal

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

tubular function. Due to the large increase in GFR, glomerular
tubular balance requires a concomitant increase in tubular sol-
ute reabsorption in order to avoid excessive renal losses.
Sodium balance is maintained; pregnant women have normal
excretion of an exogenous solute load and appropriately
conserve sodium when intake is restricted. The ability to
excrete a water load is normally maintained, albeit at a lower
osmotic set-point. The osmotic threshold for antidiuretic hor-
mone (ADH) release and thirst is decreased, resulting in mild
hyponatremia, with serum sodium typically falling by 4 to 5
mEq/L below prepregnancy levels. In contrast, a small number
of pregnant women develop transient diabetes insipidus due
to placental vasopressinase activity in the latter stages of preg-
nancy. This can be treated with the synthetic ADH analog,
desmopressin (DDAVP), which is not metabolized by vaso-
pressinase. Mild glucosuria and aminoaciduria can occur in
normal pregnancy in the absence of hyperglycemia or renal
disease, thought to be due to an increase in the filtered load
of glucose and amino acids, coupled with less efficient tubular

Respiratory Alkalosis of Pregnancy

Minute ventilation begins to rise by the end of the first trimes-
ter, and continues to rise until term. This is mediated by pro-
gesterone, which directly stimulates the respiratory drive, and
increases the sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2. This
results in a mild respiratory alkalosis—PCO2 decreases to
approximately 27 to 32 mm Hg—and a compensatory increase
in renal excretion of bicarbonate. This large increase in min-
ute ventilation allows maintenance of high-normal PO2 despite
the 20% to 33% increase in oxygen consumption during preg-
nancy. The reduction in total buffering capacity predisposes
pregnant women to more severe acidosis with the develop-
ment of either ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis.

Mechanism of Vasodilation in Pregnancy

The mechanisms mediating the widespread pregnancy-induced

decrease in vascular tone are not fully understood. The fall
in SVR is only partially attributable to the low-resistance
490 circulation in the pregnant uterus, as blood pressure and SVR
are noted to fall before this system is well developed. Reduced
vascular responsiveness to vasopressors such as angiotensin II,
norepinephrine, and vasopressin is well documented. Preg-
VI nancy differs fundamentally from other conditions of peripheral
vasodilation, which are characterized by increased, rather than
Hypertension and the Kidney

decreased, renal vascular resistance, suggesting that there is a

specific renal vasodilating effect that overrides vasoconstricting
factors. Recent studies suggest that the hormone relaxin may be
central to this process. Relaxin facilitates increased endothelin
and nitric oxide production in the renal circulation, leading to
generalized renal vasodilation, decreased renal afferent and
efferent arteriolar resistance, and a subsequent increase in renal
blood flow and GFR.
The low-resistance, high-flow circulation of the fetoplacental
unit also contributes to the low SVR characteristic of the second
and third trimesters. The high-resistance uterine arteries are
transformed during placental development into large-caliber
capacitance vessels. This process, termed pseudovasculogenesis,
appears to be driven by invasion of the maternal spiral arteries
by fetal-derived cytotrophoblasts, which transform from an
epithelial to an endothelial phenotype as they replace the
endothelium of the maternal spiral arteries. The mechanisms gov-
erning this process are still being elucidated.


The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology clinical

criteria for the diagnosis of hypertensive disorders of preg-
nancy are summarized in Table 24-2. These guidelines help
to distinguish preeclampsia, chronic hypertension in preg-
nancy, gestational hypertension, and chronic hypertension
with superimposed preeclampsia. The diagnosis of pre-
eclampsia in women with chronic hypertension or proteinuric
renal disease on clinical criteria alone remains challenging.

Preeclampsia and the HELLP Syndrome

Preeclampsia is a systemic syndrome that is specific to preg-

nancy, typically characterized by new-onset hypertension
and proteinuria after 20 weeks’ gestation. It affects 3% to 5%
of pregnancies worldwide, although the incidence of pre-
eclampsia varies among populations. Most cases occur in pre-
viously healthy nulliparous women, in whom the incidence is
reported to be as high as 7.5%. Interestingly, multiparous
women who are pregnant with a new partner appear to have
an elevated preeclampsia risk similar to nulliparous women.
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy:
Table 24-2
Definitions and Classification
Disorder Definition
Preeclampsia Hypertension: BP  140 mm Hg CH 24
systolic or 90 mm Hg diastolic

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

occurring after 20 wk of gestation
in a previously normotensive
Proteinuria: Excretion of 300 mg
protein in a 24-hr specimen
Severe preeclampsia Preeclampsia with one or more of
the following:
Systolic BP  160 mm Hg or
diastolic BP  110 mm Hg on two
occasions at least 6 hr apart while
on bed rest
Proteinuria (protein excretion > 5 g
in a 24-hr specimen) or dipstick
proteinuria (3þ on two random
urine samples at least 4 hr apart)
Oliguria (<500 mL urine output
over 24 hr)
Severe headache, mental status
changes, or visual disturbance
Pulmonary edema or cyanosis
Epigastric or right upper quadrant
Hepatocellular injury
(transaminase elevation to at
least twofold normal levels)
Thrombocytopenia (<100,000
Fetal growth restriction
Cerebrovascular accident
Eclampsia New-onset tonic-clonic seizures
during pregnancy or within 4 wk
post partum in a woman with
Gestational hypertension New-onset hypertension without
proteinuria after 20 wk of
Chronic hypertension Hypertension documented before
20 wk of gestation (if documented
after 20 wk but persists >6 wk
post partum, is retrospectively
classified as chronic
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy:
Table 24-2
Definitions and Classification—Cont’d
Disorder Definition
VI Preeclampsia In absence of proteinuria before
superimposed on chronic 20 wk:
Hypertension and the Kidney

hypertension New-onset proteinuria in a woman

with chronic hypertension
With proteinuria before 20 wk, any
of the following raises concern for
superimposed preeclampsia:
Sudden increase in proteinuria
Sudden increase in hypertension
Increase in liver enzymes

Although most cases occur in the absence of a family history,

the presence of preeclampsia in a first-degree relative
increases a woman’s risk of severe preeclampsia two- to four-
fold, suggesting a genetic contribution. The presence of under-
lying chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal disease,
or hypercoagulable states increases the risk of preeclampsia;
women with a prior history of preeclampsia are at increased
risk in subsequent pregnancies. Conditions associated with
increased placental mass including multifetal gestations and
hyatidiform mole, are also associated with increased risk.
Racial differences in the incidence and severity of preeclamp-
sia have been difficult to assess owing to confounding socio-
economic and cultural factors. The increased preeclampsia
incidence noted in African Americans is thought to be due
to the high rate of underlying chronic hypertension in this
population, itself a strong risk factor for preeclampsia. A full
discussion of the pathogenesis of preeclampsia is beyond the
scope of this text, but it is thought to be multifactorial with
abnormal placental vascular remodeling, maternal endothelial
dysfunction, oxidative stress, immunologic intolerance, angio-
genic imbalance, and insulin resistance all implicated in the
pathogenesis of the disease. Renal changes in preeclampsia
include glomerular endotheliosis (swelling of glomerular
endothelial cells), atrophy of the macula densa, and hyperpla-
sia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Renal blood flow falls
due to high renal vascular resistance (primarily increased
afferent arteriolar resistance) with a consequent reduction in
GFR, also due to a decrease in the ultrafiltration coefficient,
attributed to endotheliosis in the glomerular capillary.

Clinical Features
The clinical onset of preeclampsia may be insidious and
not accompanied by overt symptoms. The laboratory
abnormalities seen may frequently mimic other conditions, 493
and a high clinical index of suspicion may be required early
in the course of disease.
Hypertension. For the diagnosis of preeclampsia, hyperten-
sion is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or CH 24
higher, or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

after 20 weeks’ gestation in a previously normotensive
woman, confirmed by two separate readings at least 2 hours
apart. The severity of hypertension in preeclampsia can vary
widely, from mild elevations in blood pressure managed with
bed rest alone, to severe hypertension associated with head-
ache and visual disturbances resistant to multiple medica-
tions, a situation which may herald the onset of eclampsia
and is an indication for urgent delivery.
Proteinuria. The urine dipstick is widely used to screen for
proteinuria throughout pregnancy. It has, however, a high
rate of false-positive results (due to the presence of blood,
drugs, or a highly concentrated or alkaline urine sample) and
false-negative results (due to low specific gravity, high acidity,
or nonalbumin proteinuria) when compared with a 24-hour
urine protein collection. The spot urine protein/creatinine ratio
has been shown to strongly correlate with 24-hour protein excre-
tion in pregnant subjects, and is an excellent method of estimat-
ing the degree of proteinuria in women with hypertension during
pregnancy. The degree of proteinuria in preeclampsia can range
widely from minimal levels to nephrotic range; women with
gestational hypertension without proteinuria occasionally have
other features of preeclampsia and should be treated as such.
Edema. Edema is also recognized to be a feature of normal
pregnancy, limiting its utility as a specific pathologic sign.
However, the sudden onset of severe edema, especially of
the hands and face, can be an important presenting symptom
in an otherwise insidious disease.
Uric Acid. Serum uric acid is elevated in preeclampsia, pri-
marily as a result of enhanced tubular urate reabsorption. It
has been suggested that hyperuricemia may contribute to the
pathogenesis of preeclampsia by inducing endothelial dysfunc-
tion. Uric acid is of limited clinical utility in distinguishing
preeclampsia from other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy,
or as a clinical predictor of adverse outcomes, but may be use-
ful in the diagnosis of preeclampsia in women with chronic
kidney disease (CKD) in whom the usual diagnostic criteria of
hypertension and proteinuria are often impossible to apply.
Severe Preeclampsia. Several clinical and laboratory find-
ings suggest severe or progressive disease (see Table 24-2),
and should prompt urgent delivery of the fetus, or termination
of the pregnancy if the fetus is nonviable.
Eclampsia. Seizures complicate approximately 2% of pre-
eclampsia cases in the United States, with one third of cases
494 occurring post partum, sometimes days to weeks after delivery.
Late postpartum eclampsia may be a particularly difficult, and
potentially missed diagnosis. Radiologic imaging is not indi-
cated when the diagnosis is apparent, but typically shows
VI vasogenic edema, predominantly in the subcortical matter of
the parieto-occipital lobes.
Hypertension and the Kidney

HELLP Syndrome. The HELLP syndrome comprises hemo-

lytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets. It is
generally considered to be a severe variant of preeclampsia,
although it can occur in the absence of proteinuria. HELLP
syndrome is associated with increased maternal and neonatal
adverse outcomes compared with preeclampsia alone, includ-
ing eclampsia (6%), placental abruption (10%), acute kidney
injury (AKI) (5%), disseminated intravascular coagulation
(8%), pulmonary edema (10%), and rarely, hepatic hemor-
rhage and rupture.

Maternal and Neonatal Mortality

In the United States, preeclampsia and eclampsia account for
20% of all pregnancy-related maternal deaths. Risk of death
in preeclampsia is increased for women with little or no pre-
natal care, women of black race, those over age 35, and those
with early onset preeclampsia. Adverse maternal outcomes
can often be avoided with timely delivery; hence, in the devel-
oped world the burden of morbidity and mortality falls on the
neonate. Worldwide, preeclampsia is associated with a peri-
natal and neonatal mortality rate of 10%, with risk of neonatal
death increasing substantially for preeclampsia presenting
earlier in gestation. Neonatal death is most commonly due to
iatrogenic prematurity undertaken to preserve the health of
the mother. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) can occur,
likely due to impaired uteroplacental blood flow or placental
infarction. Oligohydramnios and placental abruption are less

Postpartum Recovery
Generally, preeclampsia begins to remit soon after delivery of
the fetus and placenta; complete recovery is the rule, although
normalization of blood pressure and proteinuria may take
weeks. Postpartum monitoring is important as eclampsia
may occur after delivery.

Long-term Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes

It was previously thought that preeclampsia had no long-term
consequences, with the exception of increased risk of pre-
eclampsia in subsequent pregnancies. It is now apparent,
however, with long-term follow-up, that approximately 20%
of women with preeclampsia develop hypertension or micro-
albuminuria and risk of subsequent cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular disease is doubled in women with preeclamp- 495
sia and gestational hypertension compared with age-matched
control subjects. Severe and recurrent preeclampsia, or pre-
eclampsia associated with preterm birth and IUGR are most
strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. CH 24
Preeclampsia, especially with low neonatal birth weight, car-

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

ries an increased risk of later maternal kidney disease.
Whether these observations result from vascular damage or
persistent endothelial dysfunction caused by preeclampsia,
or simply reflect the common risk factors shared by pre-
eclampsia and cardiovascular disease remains speculative.
Epidemiologic evidence suggests that low birth weight ( pre-
eclampsia) is associated with the development of hyperten-
sion, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and CKD in the
offspring of affected pregnancies, thought to be due to low
nephron number.

Risk assessment early in pregnancy is important to identify
those who require close monitoring after 20 weeks. Women
with first pregnancies or any of the previously discussed risk
factors should be assessed every 2 to 3 weeks during the third
trimester for development of symptoms of preeclampsia.
Higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure at the initiation
of prenatal care, even in the absence of overt hypertension,
is associated with elevated risk of preeclampsia in healthy
nulliparous women; the elevations in midtrimester blood
pressure are usually subtle, however, limiting its use as a
screening tool. Preeclampsia is associated with increased
placental vascular resistance in the second trimester, as
measured by uterine artery Doppler ultrasound. However,
test performance varies widely, limiting its diagnostic accu-
racy. Recent data suggest there may be promise in combining
uterine artery Doppler with serum markers. Alterations in
circulating levels of angiogenic factors occur weeks prior to
the development of preeclampsia. Significant elevations in
maternal soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt1) appear
to rise 5 to 8 weeks prior to onset of preeclampsia, and are
particularly elevated in severe preeclampsia, early-onset
disease, and preeclampsia associated with a small-for-
gestational-age infant. Serum and urine levels of placental
growth factor (PIGF) are lower in women who develop pre-
eclampsia, from the first and early second, and late second
trimester, respectively.

Despite intensive investigation of potential preventive strate-
gies, no intervention to date has proved unequivocally
496 Because of prominent alterations in prostacyclin-thromboxane
balance in preeclampsia, aspirin has been proposed as a prophy-
lactic agent and, along with other antiplatelet agents, has been
evaluated in multiple trials. Despite some disparity in results of
VI individual trials, two large meta-analyses have suggested a mod-
est benefit with the use of antiplatelet agents, with the greatest
Hypertension and the Kidney

reduction in absolute risk seen in patients with the highest base-

line risk. Aspirin prophylaxis therefore should be considered as
primary prevention for preeclampsia, especially in women with
high baseline risk.
The use of calcium supplementation has not been found to
be of benefit in prevention of preeclampsia, although when
used in women with low baseline dietary intake and women
at high risk of gestational hypertension, the use of calcium
was associated with a lower rate of eclampsia, gestational
hypertension, preeclampsia complications, and neonatal mor-
tality. Calcium supplementation may therefore be considered
in women with low baseline calcium intake.
The currently available data do not support the routine use
of antioxidants in the prevention of preeclampsia.

Management and Treatment of Preeclampsia

Timing of Delivery. The timing of delivery in severe pre-
eclampsia remains controversial. In women presenting prior
to 24 weeks, perinatal and neonatal mortality rates are
extremely high (>80%), even with attempts to postpone deliv-
ery, and maternal complications are common. For this reason,
termination of pregnancy may be recommended in women
with severe second trimester preeclampsia.
The presence of nonreassuring fetal testing, thrombocytope-
nia, deteriorating liver/renal function, and symptoms such as
unremitting headache, visual changes, nausea, vomiting, or
epigastric pain are generally considered indications for expe-
dient delivery. Suspicion of abruptio placentae, is, as ever,
an indication for emergent delivery.
In preeclampsia presenting between 24 and 34 weeks’ gesta-
tion without evidence of severe disease, postponing delivery
may improve neonatal outcomes, although this must be bal-
anced against the possibility of increased maternal morbidity
as a result of delaying delivery. Studies suggest that expectant
management may be safe with careful and intensive fetal and
maternal monitoring, even in cases of severe disease. There
are no randomized, controlled trials to evaluate optimal mode
of delivery in severe preeclampsia, although retrospective evi-
dence suggests that fetal and maternal outcomes are similar in
women undergoing induction of labor compared to those
undergoing cesarean section.
Blood Pressure Management. Management of hypertension
in the preeclamptic population is substantially different from
that in the nonpregnant population. Aggressive treatment of 497
hypertension in pregnancy can compromise placental blood
flow and fetal growth. Treatment of mild-moderate hyperten-
sion in pregnancy has not been shown to improve outcomes
and has been associated with increased risk of small-for-gesta- CH 24
tional-age infants. Acutely, aggressive lowering of blood pres-

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

sure can lead to fetal distress or demise, especially if the fetus
is already compromised. Because of this, antihypertensive ther-
apy for preeclampsia is usually withheld unless the blood pres-
sure rises above 150 to 160 mm Hg systolic or 100 to 110 mm
Hg diastolic, above which the risk of cerebral hemorrhage
becomes significant. The use of specific antihypertensive
agents for management of hypertension in pregnancy is
reviewed in Table 24-3 and discussed in the following sections.

Use and Safety of Antihypertensive

Table 24-3
Medications in Pregnancy
Drug Advantages Disadvantages
First-Line Agents
Methyldopa Extensive safety data Short duration of
No apparent adverse action (bid or tid
fetal effects dosing); occasional
Rare side effects:
elevated liver
enzymes, hemolytic
Labetalol Appears safe; Short duration of
preferred to other action (tid dosing)
b-blockers owing to
theoretical benefit of
a-blockade on
uteroplacental flow
Widespread use
Long-acting Appears safe
nifedipine Available in slow-
release formulation,
allowing once-daily
Labetolol Good safety data
Nicardipine Extensive safety data on
use as a tocolytic during labor
Use and Safety of Antihypertensive
Table 24-3
Medications in Pregnancy—Cont’d
Drug Advantages Disadvantages
VI Second-Line Agents
Hydralazine Extensive clinical " Risk of maternal
Hypertension and the Kidney

(PO or IV) experience hypotension and

placental abruption
when used acutely
Metoprolol Potential for once-daily Safety data less
dosing with long- extensive than for
acting formulation labetolol

Verapamil, No evidence of adverse Limited data

diltiazem fetal effects
Generally Avoided
Diuretics No clear evidence of Theoretically may
adverse fetal effects impair pregnancy-
associated plasma
volume expansion
Atenolol May impair fetal

Nitroprusside Risk of fetal cyanide

poisoning if used for
more than 4 hr
ACE Multiple fetal
inhibitors anomalies (including
renal dysgenesis,
fetal oliguric AKI,
Angiotensin As for ACE inhibitors
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; AKI, acute kidney injury; IUGR, intrauterine
growth restriction.

Magnesium and Seizure Prophylaxis. Magnesium has been

widely used for decades for the prevention and management
of eclampsia, and has been proved superior to other agents
including diazepam and phenytoin in reduction in risk of sei-
zures in women with preeclampsia/eclampsia. It is usually
given as a bolus, followed by a continuous infusion. In the
therapeutic range (5–9 mg/dL), magnesium sulfate slows neu-
romuscular conduction and depresses central nervous system
irritability. Women receiving continuous infusions should be
carefully monitored for signs of toxicity, including loss of 499
deep tendon reflexes, flushing, somnolence, muscle weak-
ness, and decreased respiratory rate. Close monitoring is
imperative in women with impaired renal function who have
impaired urinary magnesium excretion. CH 24
Management of the HELLP Syndrome. The clinical course

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

of HELLP syndrome usually involves inexorable and often
sudden and unpredictable deterioration. Given the high inci-
dence of maternal complications, some authors advocate
immediate delivery in all cases of confirmed HELLP. Among
women in the 24- to 34-week gestational window whose clin-
ical status appears relatively stable with reassuring fetal mon-
itoring, expectant management may be a viable alternative.
The use of intravenous steroids has long been suggested as
an adjunct to usual management, although a recent rando-
mized controlled trial showed no benefit with the use of
high-dose dexamethasone. Post-hoc analysis, however, sug-
gested shorter average platelet count recovery and shorter hos-
pitalization with steroid use in the subgroup with severe
disease (platelet count < 50,000); further studies are required
to evaluate the benefit in this population.
Novel Therapies. Recent advances in our understanding of
the pathophysiology of preeclampsia have revealed new
potential therapeutic targets. Interference with the production
or signaling of sFlt1 may ameliorate the endothelial dysfunc-
tion of preeclampsia. Phase 1 trials using recombinant vascu-
lar endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the management of
severe preeclampsia are planned.

Chronic Hypertension and Gestational

The diagnosis of chronic hypertension is usually based on a
documented history of hypertension prior to pregnancy, or a
blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg prior to 20 weeks’ gestation.
It is present in 3% to 5% of pregnancies, and is more common
with advanced maternal age, obesity, and black race. Pregnant
women with chronic hypertension have an increased risk of
preeclampsia (21–25%), IUGR (10–15%), placental abruption
(1–3%), and perinatal death (4.5%). Most adverse outcomes
occur in women with severe hypertension (diastolic blood pres-
sure > 110 mm Hg); women with mild, uncomplicated chronic
hypertension usually have obstetric outcomes comparable to
those in the general population. Both duration and severity of
hypertension correlate with perinatal morbidity and preeclamp-
sia risk. The presence of baseline proteinuria increases the risk of
preterm delivery and IUGR but not preeclampsia per se.
Gestational hypertension, in contrast, is usually first noted
after 20 weeks’ gestation, and by definition, resolves after
500 delivery. However, the physiologic dip in blood pressure in
the second trimester that nadirs at about 20 weeks’ gestation
occurs in women with chronic hypertension, and may mask
presence of underlying chronic hypertension early in preg-
VI nancy, resulting in a false label of gestational hypertension
when blood pressure rises once again in the third trimester.
Hypertension and the Kidney

Gestational hypertension progresses to overt preeclampsia in

10% to 25% of cases. When gestational hypertension is
severe, it carries similar risks for adverse outcomes as pre-
eclampsia, even in the absence of proteinuria, and should be
monitored equally carefully.
Preeclampsia can occasionally present prior to 20 weeks’ ges-
tation, and should always be suspected in women presenting
with new hypertension and proteinuria close to midgestation.
The diagnosis of superimposed preeclampsia on chronic
hypertension can be difficult. In the absence of underlying
renal disease, the new onset of proteinuria (>300 mg/day) is
the most reliable sign of superimposed preeclampsia. When
proteinuria is present at baseline, the diagnosis requires a sig-
nificant exacerbation of hypertension (>30 mm Hg) over base-
line levels, with other symptoms and signs of preeclampsia,
and laboratory derangements including hemoconcentration,
elevated liver enzymes, and elevated uric acid.
Baseline investigations in the pregnant patient with hyper-
tension should include routine urinalysis and culture; mea-
surement of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, glucose,
and electrolytes; and spot protein/creatinine ratio.

Secondary Hypertension in Pregnancy

Prepregnancy evaluation of women with chronic hypertension
should include consideration and evaluation for secondary
causes of hypertension, including renal artery stenosis, primary
hyperaldosteronism, and pheochromocytoma, all of which may
present during pregnancy, albeit rarely. Pheochromocytoma in
particular can be devastating when first presenting during preg-
nancy, and may be unmasked during labor or delivery, when
fatal hypertensive crisis can be triggered by vaginal delivery,
uterine contractions, and anesthesia. Maternal and neonatal
outcomes are much better when the diagnosis is made antepar-
tum. A rare cause of early-onset hypertension is due to a miner-
alocorticoid receptor mutation, resulting in inappropriate
activation by progesterone; affected women develop marked
exacerbation of hypertension during pregnancy, but without
proteinuria or other features of preeclampsia.

Blood pressure control should be optimized prior to concep-
tion where possible, and women should be appropriately
counseled regarding potential adverse outcomes. When
hypertension is severe (diastolic blood pressure > 100 mm 501
Hg), antihypertensive therapy is clearly indicated for the pre-
vention of stroke and cardiovascular complications. However,
as discussed previously, there is little evidence that treatment
of mild-moderate hypertension is of clear benefit to either CH 24
mother or fetus, and although it reduces the risk of developing

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

severe hypertension, it has no beneficial effect on the develop-
ment of preeclampsia, neonatal death, small-for-gestational-
age babies, or other adverse outomes. Aggressive treatment of
mild-moderate hypertension in pregnancy may impede fetal
growth, attributed to decreased uteroplacental perfusion. Cur-
rent guidelines suggest that treatment should be initiated in
women with newly diagnosed chronic hypertension in preg-
nancy only if there is evidence of end-organ damage, includ-
ing proteinuria, or if blood pressure exceeds 150–160/100–
110 mm Hg.
Choice of Agents. Recommendations for the use of antihy-
pertensive agents in pregnancy are summarized in the next
Antihypertensive Drugs in Breastfeeding. In general,
agents that are considered safe in pregnancy remain so in
breastfeeding. Methyldopa, if effective and well tolerated,
should be considered first-line. b-Blockers with high protein
binding, such as labetolol and propranolol, are preferred to
atenolol and metoprolol, which concentrate in breast milk.
Diuretics may decrease milk production and should be
avoided. ACE inhibitors are poorly excreted in breast milk
are generally considered safe in lactating women. Hence, in
women with proteinuric renal disease, reinitiation of ACE
inhibition should be considered immediately after delivery.
Specific data on the pharmacokinetics should be used to guide
breastfeeding intervals to avoid peak excretion times.

Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy

Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare but potentially

fatal complication of pregnancy, affecting about in 1 in 10,000
pregnancies, with a 10% case fatality rate. More than 90% of
cases occur in the third trimester. The clinical picture is domi-
nated by liver failure, with elevated serum aminotransferase
levels and hyperbilirubinemia. Symptoms may be nonspecific.
Severe cases have elevated ammonia levels and hypoglycemia.
Preeclampsia may be present in up to 50% of cases. Hemolysis
and thrombocytopenia are not prominent features, and their
presence should prompt consideration of a diagnosis of HELLP
syndrome or a thrombotic microangiopathy. Acute kidney
injury associated with AFLP is seen mainly near term, but can
occur any time after midgestation; the cause of kidney injury
502 is unclear, but may be due to hemodynamic changes. A defect in
mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation due to mutations in the long-
chain 3-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase
(LCHAD) has recently been hypothesized as a risk factor for
VI the development of AFLP. Management includes supportive
care, comprising aggressive management of coagulopathy and
Hypertension and the Kidney

prompt delivery of the fetus. The syndrome typically remits

post partum with no residual hepatic or renal impairment,
although it may recur in subsequent pregnancies.

Acute Kidney Injury in Pregnancy

In general, the diagnostic approach to AKI is the same as in
the nonpregnant patient, although with careful consideration
to pregnancy-specific conditions. This requires a careful phys-
ical examination to observe for signs of volume depletion and
evaluation of the urinary sediment for evidence of acute
tubule necrosis (ATN) or a glomerular/tubulointerstitial pro-
cess. If urinary tract obstruction is suspected, ultrasonography
can be performed to rule out hydronephrosis, although given
the physiologic hydronephrosis of pregnancy, this diagnosis
can be difficult to make with certainty.

Acute Tubule Necrosis and Bilateral Cortical

ATN occurs as a complication of many conditions, most com-
monly sepsis or volume depletion complicating hyperemesis grav-
idarum or uterine hemorrhage. Bilateral cortical necrosis is a
severe and often irreversible form of ATN that is most often asso-
ciated with septic abortion and placental abruption. Women with
septic abortion usually present with vaginal bleeding, lower
abdominal pain, and fever hours to days after the attempted abor-
tion. Untreated, progression to shock is rapid; patients may mani-
fest a peculiar bronze color due to hemolytic jaundice with
cutaneous vasodilation, cyanosis, and pallor. Renal failure compli-
cates up to 73% of cases, and is often characterized by gross hema-
turia, flank pain, and oligoanuria. Other complications include
acute respiratory distress syndrome, severe anemia, leukocytosis,
severe thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagu-
lopathy. An abdominal x-ray may demonstrate air in the uterus or
abdomen due to gas-forming organisms or perforation.
Sepsis associated with septic abortion is usually polymicro-
bial: Clostridium welchii, Clostridium perfringens, Streptococ-
cus pyogenes, and gram-negative organisms such as
Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are all known
pathogens. Fatal toxic shock syndrome with Clostridium sor-
dellii has been reported following medical termination of
pregnancy using mifepristone and intravaginal misoprostol.
Cortical necrosis can involve the entire renal cortex, often 503
leading to irreversible renal failure, but more commonly,
involvement is patchy or incomplete. In such cases, a pro-
tracted period of oligoanuria is followed by a variable return
in renal function. The diagnosis can usually be established CH 24
by CT scan, which characteristically demonstrates hypodense

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

areas in the renal cortex.
The treatment if ATN in pregnancy is supportive with
prompt restoration of fluid volume deficits, and in later preg-
nancy, expedient delivery. No specific therapy is effective in
acute cortical necrosis, with the exception of dialysis when
needed; both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis have been
used during pregnancy, although peritoneal dialysis carries a
risk of impedance of uteroplacental blood flow.

Acute Kidney Injury and Thrombotic

The similarity in the clinical, pathologic, and laboratory fea-
tures seen in several of the pregnancy syndromes (preeclamp-
sia/HELLP, TTP/HUS, AFLP, systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE) with the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, and
disseminated intravascular coagulation) means that establish-
ment of a definitive diagnosis may be extremely challenging.
The confluence of clinical clues can often establish a likely
diagnosis, however (Table 24-4).

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome/Thrombotic

Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic throm-
bocytopenic purpura (TTP) are two pathophysiologically
distinct diseases characterized by thrombotic microangiopa-
thy with thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, and AKI. Pregnancy
appears to be associated with an increased risk of both TTP
(usually presenting prior to 24 weeks) and HUS (typically
occurring near term or post partum), and can also precipitate
relapse in women with a history of TTP. Deficiency in the
von Willebrand cleaving factor protease (ADAMTS-13) has
been linked to the pathogenesis of TTP in nonpregnant states;
ADAMTS-13 levels fall in the second and third trimesters,
potentially contributing to the increased incidence of TTP
in the latter half of pregnancy. Clinical distinction between
HUS/TTP and preeclampsia/HELLP may be difficult but
has a significant impact on management (see Table 24-4).
Case series suggest plasmapheresis to be safe and effective
for the treatment of HUS/TTP in pregnancy and post partum.
Delivery does not appear to alter the course of the disease
and thus is generally not recommended unless the fetus is
Comparison of Clinical and Laboratory
Table 24-4 Characteristics of Preeclampsia/HELLP,
VI Preeclampsia/
Clinical Feature HUS/TTP HELLP AFLP
Hypertension and the Kidney

Hemolytic anemia þþþ þþ 

Thrombocytopenia þþþ þþ 
CNS symptoms þþ  
Liver disease  þþþ þþþ
AKI þþ þ þþ
Hypertension  þþ 
Proteinuria  þþ 
Elevated AST  þþ þþ
Elevated bilirubin þþ þ þþ
Anemia þþ þ 
Ammonia Normal Normal High
Effect of delivery None Recovery Recovery
on disease
Management Plasma Supportive Supportive
exchange care, care,
delivery delivery
AFLP, acute fatty liver of pregnancy; AKI, acute kidney injury; AST, aspartate
transaminase; CNS, central nervous system; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes, low platelets; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; TTP, thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura.

Obstructive Uropathy and Nephrolithiasis

AKI due to bilateral ureteral obstruction is a rare complication
of pregnancy. The radiologic diagnosis of obstruction can be
challenging due to the physiologic hydronephrosis of preg-
nancy; if clinical suspicion is high (marked hydronephrosis,
elevated creatinine, abdominal pain), a percutaneous nephros-
tomy may be needed as a diagnostic and therapeutic trial. If
present, obstruction may be managed by ureteral stenting. Mas-
sive hematuria from the right ureter has been reported in the
postpartum period, subsiding spontaneously following decom-
pression of the partially obstructed right collecting system.
Despite the increased intestinal absorption and urinary
excretion of calcium during pregnancy, there is no evidence
that the risk of nephrolithiasis is increased, possibly due to
concomitant increase in urine flow and dilatation of the uri-
nary tract. Ultrasonography is the investigation of choice to
visualize obstruction and stones. The management of urinary
calculi is conservative, with adequate hydration and antibio-
tics. Nephrolithiasis complicated by urinary infection should
be treated with antibiotics for 3 to 5 weeks, followed by sup- 505
pressive treatment after delivery. Most stones pass spontane-
ously, although placement of a ureteral stent may be
CH 24
Urinary Tract Infections

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

Although the prevalence of asymptomatic bacteruria is the
same (2–10%) in pregnant as in nonpregnant women, it
requires more aggressive management due to the greater pro-
pensity to develop pyelonephritis; untreated, it can progress
to overt cystitis or acute pyelonephritis in up to 40% of cases.
Asymptomatic bacteriuria has also been associated with
increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight; treat-
ment reduces these complications and improves perinatal
morbidity and mortality rates. Acute pyelonephritis usually
presents between 20 and 28 weeks of gestation with fevers,
loin pain, and dysuria and may progress to shock.
The usual clinical features of urinary tract infection can be
unreliable in pregnancy, as symptoms of dysuria and urinary
frequency are quite common in the latter half of pregnancy
due to bladder pressure from the gravid uterus. Low-grade
pyuria is often present due to contamination by vaginal secre-
tions. Quantitative urine culture is preferred to dipstick for
screening; greater than 105 bacteria/mL of a single specimen
indicates significant bacteriuria. Screening for asymptomatic
bacteriuria is recommended during the first prenatal visit
and is repeated only in high-risk women, such as those with
a history of recurrent urinary tract infections or urinary tract
anomalies, including vesicoureteral reflux.
If asymptomatic bacteriuria is found, prompt treatment is
warranted (usually with a cephalosporin or ampicillin) for at
least 3 to 7 days. Treatment with a single dose of fosfomycin
has been successfully used. Trimethoprim sulfate and tetra-
cyclines are contraindicated due to their association with birth
defects. A follow-up culture 2 weeks after treatment is neces-
sary to ensure eradication of infection. Suppressive therapy
with nitrofurantoin or cephalexin is indicated for bacteruria
that persists after two courses of therapy; prolonged suppres-
sive therapy has been shown to reduce the incidence of pyelo-
nephritis. Pyelonephritis should be treated aggressively with
hospitalization, intravenous antibiotics, and hydration.



Women who enter pregnancy with CKD are at increased risk

for adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, including rapid
decline of renal function and perinatal fatality. The frequency
of live births now exceeds 90% in this population, but with
506 significant elevation in the risk of preterm delivery, IUGR, peri-
natal death, and preeclampsia. The physiologic increase in GFR
and renal blood flow seen in normal pregnancy is attenuated in
CKD; preexisting hypertension and proteinuria commonly
VI worsen. Overall maternal and fetal prognosis correlates with
the degree of hypertension, proteinuria, and CKD present prior
Hypertension and the Kidney

to conception. Women with underlying kidney disease but with

only mild impairment, normal blood pressure, and no protein-
uria have good fetal and maternal outcomes, with little or no risk
of progression to ESRD or preterm delivery. Women who become
pregnant with a serum creatinine greater than 1.4 to 1.5 mg/dL
are more likely to experience a decline in renal function com-
pared to nonpregnant women with comparable renal function.
Initiating pregnancy with a serum creatinine greater than 2
mg/dL carries a high risk (>30%) for accelerated decline in renal
function both during and after pregnancy. Among women with
serum creatinine greater than 2.5 mg/dL, over 70% experience
preterm delivery, and over 40% preeclampsia; a significant pro-
portion of pregnancies in this population will not result in a live
birth. Termination of pregnancy does not reliably reverse the
decline in renal function. Goals of antihypertensive treatment
are discussed earlier in this chapter.

Diabetic Nephropathy and Pregnancy

Women with pregestational diabetes, with or without nephrop-
athy, have a higher risk of adverse fetal and maternal outcomes
compared to nondiabetics. The risk of preeclampsia is more
than double that seen in the general population, and is further
compounded by the presence of microalbuminuria. Poor glyce-
mic control before and during pregnancy has also been linked
to preeclampsia and serious adverse fetal outcomes. Pregnancy
itself does not appear to adversely affect the progression of kid-
ney disease if renal function is normal or near normal at the
start of pregnancy; however, in women with impaired function
at onset, there is typically a progressive decline in renal func-
tion after pregnancy. Aggressive blood pressure control before
and after pregnancy may attenuate the postpartum decline in
function. The diabetic milieu during pregnancy is speculated
to lead to impaired nephrogenesis and reduced nephron mass
in the offspring of affected mothers, with subsequent increased
risk of renal disease and hypertension in later life.

Lupus Nephritis and Pregnancy

Women with SLE are at increased risk of preterm birth, IUGR,
spontaneous abortions, and preeclampsia, with further
increase in risk seen in the presence of associated renal dis- 507
ease. It is clear that active disease, compromised renal func-
tion, hypertension, or proteinuria at conception is associated
with increased risk of adverse fetal and maternal outcomes.
Specific subsets of women with SLE are at particularly high CH 24
risk: those with antiphospholipid antibodies have an

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

increased risk of thrombosis, fetal loss, and preeclampsia,
and those with proliferative lupus nephritis (WHO class III
or IV) have an increased risk of preeclampsia and lower birth
weights than those with mesangial (class II) or membranous
(class V) lupus nephritis. Women with SLE should postpone
pregnancy until lupus activity is quiescent and immunosup-
pressive agents have been minimized. Prophylactic treatment
with steroids does not appear to prevent lupus flare during
pregnancy; immunosuppressants have been used to manage
flares during pregnancy in the hope of extending pregnancy
duration. Distinguishing a flare of lupus nephritis from super-
imposed preeclampsia may be challenging, but is particularly
critical in women presenting prior to 37 weeks’ gestation;
those with disease flare may be treated as such and pregnancy
allowed to continue, whereas preeclampsia may warrant
immediate delivery. Unfortunately, low complement levels
and the presence of hematuria are neither sensitive nor spe-
cific for a lupus nephritis flare. An active urine sediment is
common in lupus nephritis, whereas the sediment in pre-
eclampsia is typically bland. Frequent clinical assessments
are required, and a renal biopsy may be necessary to deter-
mine the diagnosis. Clinical experience suggests that renal
biopsy is safe if undertaken prior to 30 weeks’ gestation, after
which biopsy becomes technically difficult due to the gravid

Pregnancy and Chronic Dialysis

ESRD is characterized by severe hypothalamic-pituitary-
gonadal dysfunction that is reversed by transplantation but
not by dialysis. Women on dialysis have menstrual distur-
bances, anovulation, and infertility; men may experience tes-
ticular atrophy, hypospermatogenesis, infertility, and
impotence. Conception on dialysis is unusual but not impos-
sible; adequate contraception is therefore important. The inci-
dence of pregnancy in women of childbearing age undergoing
chronic hemodialysis is less than 1%. When pregnancy does
occur, significant changes in management are required. Cur-
rent guidelines recommend increasing the weekly dialysis
dose to 20 hours or more per week, as this has been associated
with improved neonatal outcomes and longer gestations; this
is often most realistically achieved by daily nocturnal dialysis.
508 Management of volume status is challenging because the dry
weight needs to be sequentially increased throughout preg-
nancy, and hypovolemia needs to be vigilantly avoided. Med-
ications must be adjusted appropriately; erythropoietin in
VI particular must be adjusted to approximate the physiologic
anemia of pregnancy, as high hematocrit has been associated
Hypertension and the Kidney

with adverse fetal outcomes. Exacerbation of hypertension is

common; the incidence of preeclampsia is difficult to ascer-
tain due to the inapplicability of standard diagnostic criteria.
Close monitoring of fetal well-being in collaboration with an
obstetrician is essential after 24 weeks’ gestation, as early fetal
distress is common. Data on pregnancy outcomes in peritoneal
dialysis are even more limited, but appear to be similar to

Pregnancy in the Renal Transplant Recipient

Kidney transplantation restores normal hormonal function
and fertility within 6 months in approximately 90% of women
of child-bearing age. Although the majority of pregnancies
following kidney transplant lead to excellent outcomes for
both mother and fetus, such pregnancies are not without risk,
and require close monitoring by both obstetrician and
nephrologist. Approximately 22% of pregnancies among renal
transplant recipients end in the first trimester, 13% due to
miscarriage, and the remainder due to elective termination.
For pregnancies that continue, more than 90% result in a suc-
cessful outcome. There is, however, a substantial risk of low
birth weight (25–50%) and preterm delivery (30–50%).
Ectopic pregnancy appears to be slightly increased, especially
in pregnancies that occur soon after transplant, but the rate
remains less than 1%. The rate of structural birth defects is
not increased above the general population. Vaginal delivery
is safe, and cesarean section should be performed only for
obstetric indications.
Pregnancy in the first 6 to 12 months following transplant is
undesirable for several reasons. The risk of acute rejection is
relatively high, immunosuppressants are at higher doses, and
risk of infection is greatest. Although an interval of 2 years fol-
lowing successful transplant was traditionally advised, the
American Society of Transplantation currently suggests that
for women on stable, low doses of immunosuppressive medi-
cations, with normal renal function, and no rejection epi-
sodes, pregnancy could be considered as early as 1 year after
transplant (Table 24-5).
Pregnancy itself does not appear to adversely affect graft
function, provided baseline graft function is normal and sig-
nificant hypertension is not present. When pregnancy occurs
Immunosuppressive Medications in
Table 24-5
Medication Safety Comments
Prednisolone Safe chronically at low-moderate CH 24
doses (5–10 mg/day)

The Kidney and Hypertension in Pregnancy

Used acutely at high doses for acute
Cyclosporine Extensive clinical data suggest safe
at low-moderate clinical doses
Animal data suggest adverse fetal
effects at high doses
Changes in absorption and
metabolism require close monitoring
of levels and frequent dose
Tacrolimus Similar to cyclosporine, although
safety data are more limited
Sirolimus Contraindicated in pregnancy:
teratogenic in animal studies
Mycophenolate mofetil Contraindicated in pregnancy:
teratogenic in animal and human
Azathioprine Considered safe at doses
< 2 mg/kg/day
OKT-3 Case reports of successful use for
induction in unsuspected
pregnancy and for acute rejection;
limited data
Antithymocyte globulin, No data
dacilizumab, basiliximab

1 to 2 years after transplant, the rejection rate is similar to that

seen in nonpregnant control subjects (3–4%). Where baseline
serum creatinine exceeds 1.5 to 1.7 mg/dL pregnancy carries
a risk of progressive renal dysfunction, as well as increased
risk of small-for-gestational-age infant and of preeclampsia.
Owing to ongoing immunosuppression, transplant recipients
are at increased risk of infections that have implications for
the fetus, including cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex
virus (HSV), and toxoplasmosis. The rate of urinary tract
infections is increased (13–40%), but these infections are usu-
ally treatable and uncomplicated. Hypertension is the most
common complication of pregnancy (30–75%); preeclampsia
complicates 25% to 30% of pregnancies. The American Soci-
ety of Transplantation recommends that hypertension in preg-
nant renal transplant recipients should be treated more
aggressively, with target blood pressure close to normal,
510 differing from the higher blood pressure goals in hypertensive
women in pregnancy in the absence of a transplant. Appropri-
ate antihypertensive drugs are discussed earlier in this
VI Calcineurin inhibitors and steroids, with or without azathio-
prine, form the basis of immunosuppressants during preg-
Hypertension and the Kidney

nancy. Steroids at low-moderate doses (5–10 mg/day) are

safe; stress-dose steroids are required at time of, and for 24 to
48 hours after, delivery. Azathioprine is generally considered
safe at dosages less than 2 mg/kg/day; higher doses are asso-
ciated with congenital anomalies, immunosuppression, and
IUGR. Experience with tacrolimus is more limited than that
with cyclosporine, but is growing. Clinical data have not shown
increased risk of congenital malformations, with the possible
exception of low birth weight. Because of decreased gas-
trointestinal absorption, increased volume of distribution, and
increased GFR, calcineurin levels can fluctuate significantly,
mandating close monitoring with appropriate adjustment.
Sirolimus and mycophenolate mofetil are contraindicated in

Management of Acute Rejection in Pregnancy

The incidence of acute rejection in pregnancy is similar to that
for the nonpregnant population, although diagnosis may be
difficult. Biopsy of the renal graft should be performed to con-
firm the diagnosis prior to treatment. Although high-dose ster-
oids have been associated with fetal malformations and
maternal infections, they remain a mainstay of treatment of
acute rejection. Little data are available on the safety of agents
such as OKT-3, ATG, dacilizumab, or basiliximab in
Chapter 25

Antihypertensive Drugs

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Class Mechanisms of Action
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors inhibit the
activity of ACE, which converts angiotensin I (A-I) to the potent
hormone angiotensin II (A-II). Because A-II plays a crucial role
in maintaining and regulating blood pressure (BP) by promoting
vasoconstriction and renal sodium and water retention, ACE
inhibitors are powerful tools for targeting multiple pathways that
contribute to hypertension, as shown in Table 25-1.

Class Members
There are currently more than 15 ACE inhibitors in clinical
use. Each drug has a unique structure but they all have
remarkably similar clinical effects. The pharmacodynamic
properties of the ACE inhibitors are outlined in Table 25-2.

Class Renal Effects

ACE inhibitors have vast hemodynamic and nonhemody-
namic effects that afford the kidney protection. The mechan-
isms by which this is achieved are outlined in Table 25-3.
The antikaliuretic effect is typically transient but can be
exacerbated by concomitant administration of potassium-
sparing diuretics, supplements, and NSAIDs and should be
monitored rigorously. The effectiveness of ACE inhibitors on
angiotensin peptide levels depends on the responsiveness of
renin secretion. When renin shows little increase in response
to ACE inhibiton, the levels of A-II and its metabolites decrease
markedly, with little change in A-I levels. Large increases in
renin levels in response to ACE inhibition increase the levels
of A-I and its metabolites, which can produce higher levels of
A-II by uninhibited ACE and other pathways, thereby blunting
the effect of ACE inhibition. This phenomenon is referred to
as ACE escape, and may contribute to reduced ACE inhibitor
efficacy when used chronically.
The reduction of proteinuria is a key therapeutic goal in
chronic kidney disease (CKD) management. All ACE inhibi-
tors decrease urinary protein excretion in both normotensive
and hypertensive patients with CKD of various origins.
Antihypertensive Mechanism of
Table 25-1
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
# Peripheral vascular resistance
VI # Vasodilatory bradykinins
Enhance vasodilatory prostaglandin synthesis
Hypertension and the Kidney

Improve nitric oxide–mediated endothelial function

Reverse vascular hypertrophy
# Aldosterone secretion
Induce natriuresis
Augment renal blood flow
Blunt sympathetic nervous system activity and pressor responses
Inhibit norepinephrine and arginine vasopressin release
Inhibit baroreceptor reflexes
# Endothelin-1 levels
Inhibit thirst
Inhibit oxidation of cholesterol
Inhibit collagen deposition in target organs

Pharmacodynamic Properties of Angiotensin-

Table 25-2
Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Dose Max Peak Duration
Generic Range Dose Dosing Response Response
Name (mg) (mg) Interval (hr) (hr)
Captopril 12.5–50 150 bid/tid 1–2 6–12
Benazepril 10–20 40 qd 2–6 24
Enalapril 10–40 40 qd/bid 4–8 12–24
Quinapril 20–80 30 qd 2 24
Ramipril 2.5–20 40 qd/bid 3–6 24
Trandolapril 2–4 8 qd 2–12 24
Fosinopril 5–40 40 qd/bid 2–7 24
Perindopril 4–8 8 qd 3–7 24
Lisinopril 20–40 40 qd 6–8 24

Several mechanisms account for the reduction in proteinuria,

including a decrease in glomerular capillary hydrostatic pres-
sure, a decrease in mesangial uptake and clearance of macro-
molecules, and improved glomerular basement membrane
permselectivity. Individual response rates vary widely and
Potential Renoprotective Effects of
Table 25-3
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Renoprotective Effects Associated Effects
Restore pressure- Results in natriuresis and lower CH 25
natriuresis relationship to arterial blood pressure; exaggerated

Antihypertensive Drugs
normal response if restricted sodium
Inhibit tubule sodium
Decrease arterial pressure
Decrease aldosterone Correlates with decreased
production potassium excretion
Decrease proteinuria Variable individual response rates;
antiproteinuric effects abolished by
high salt intake
Improve altered lipid
Decrease renal blood flow
Decrease filtration fraction
Decrease renal vascular
Reduce scarring and
Attenuate oxidative stress
and free radicals

are strongly influenced by drug dose and changes in dietary

sodium. There is a clear dose-response relationship between
increasing doses and reduction of proteinuria, independent
of changes in BP, renal plasma flow, and glomerular filtration
rate (GFR). Notably, the effect of ACE inhibitors on reduction
of proteinuria is abolished with high salt intake. The ACE
inhibitors have superior antiproteinuric efficacy compared
with other classes of antihypertensive agents, with the excep-
tion of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). The antiprotei-
nuric effect is additive with the ARBs and does not depend
on changes in creatinine clearance, GFR, or BP.
Many patients with impaired renal function exhibit a
reversible fall in GFR with ACE inhibitor therapy that is not
detrimental. This fall in GFR occurs because of the hemo-
dynamic changes, but the long-term reduction in perfusion
pressure is renoprotective. Indeed, type 1 diabetic patients
with the greatest initial decline in GFR have the slowest rate
of loss of renal function over time. It should be emphasized
that ACE inhibitors should not be withdrawn immediately if
a modest increase in serum creatinine is noted; a 20% to
514 30% decline in GFR can be expected and close monitoring is
warranted. The improvement in clinical outcome is not
restricted to hypertensive patients. In normotensive diabetics,
studies demonstrate that ACE inhibitors can normalize GFR,
VI markedly reduce the progression of renal disease, and normal-
ize microalbuminuria.
Hypertension and the Kidney

In patients with an activated renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

system (RAAS), ACE inhibitors cause a decrease in GFR and
may be a cause of acute kidney injury. Patients with severe
bilateral renal artery stenosis, unilateral stenosis of a solitary
kidney, severe hypertensive nephrosclerosis, volume deple-
tion, congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, or a transplanted
kidney are at high risk for renal deterioration with ACE
inhibitors. In these states of reduced renal perfusion related
to low effective arterial circulating volume or flow reduced
by an obstructed artery, the maintenance of renal blood flow
and GFR is highly reliant on A-II-mediated increased efferent
arteriolar vasoconstriction, and interruption of this causes a
critical reduction in perfusion pressure, leading to dramatic
reductions in GFR and urinary flow, worsening of renal ische-
mia, and in selected cases, anuria.

Class Efficacy and Safety

ACE inhibitors are recommended for initial monotherapy in
patients with mild, moderate, and severe hypertension regard-
less of age, race, or gender, and are safe to use in patients with
mild, moderate, and severe renal insufficiency. Black hyper-
tensive patients have been found to respond less well to lower
doses than whites, but higher doses are as effective. ACE inhi-
bitors elicit an adequate response in 40% to 60% of patients
and response rates are enhanced by salt restriction or the addi-
tion of low-dose hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). Addition of the
diuretic has been shown to be more effective than increasing
the dose of ACE inhibitors.
ACE inhibitors are indicated as first-line therapy in hyper-
tensive patients with heart failure and systolic dysfunction,
those with type 1 diabetes mellitus and proteinuria, patients
after myocardial infarction with reduced systolic function,
and patients with left ventricular dysfunction. ACE inhibitors
reduce ventricular hypertrophy independent of reduction in
BP. Indeed, all hypertensive diabetic patients, even those with
no evidence of nephropathy, should be given ACE inhibitors
for cardiovascular risk reduction. Primary and secondary pre-
vention trials have shown a reduction in myocardial ischemia
and infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular death with the use
of ACE inhibitors.
ACE inhibitors may cause fetal or neonatal injury or death
when used during the second and third trimesters of preg-
nancy; first trimester use has also been associated with major
congenital malformations. If a patient becomes pregnant during 515
treatment, the ACE inhibitor should be discontinued and alter-
native treatment commenced; termination of pregnancy should
be left to the discretion of the patient and treatment team.
Hyperkalemia rarely requires discontinuation of therapy and CH 25
is more likely to develop in patients with renal insufficiency

Antihypertensive Drugs
or diabetes or those taking potassium-sparing drugs. The most
common side effect of ACE inhibitors is a dry, hacking, nonpro-
ductive, and often intolerable cough that is reported in up to
20% of patients, thought to be secondary to hypersensitivity
to bradykinins, which are normally degraded by ACE. This is
managed by switching to an ARB (see later discussion). Angioe-
dema is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of
ACE inhibitor therapy, thought to be due to tissue accumula-
tion of bradykinins and inhibition of C1 esterase activity. It
occurs in less than 0.2% of patients within hours of the first
dose of ACE inhibitor or occasionally after prolonged use.
First-dose hypotension occurs more commonly in volume-
depleted states, patients with high-renin hypertension, and
those with systolic heart failure. In elderly patients, ACE inhib-
itor therapy more frequently causes nocturnal hypotension. In
high-risk patients, therapy should be initiated with lower doses
and preferably after discontinuation of diuretics. Other compli-
cations include a metallic taste sensation, leucopenia, and ane-
mia. Fatal agranulocytosis has been reported. ACE inhibitors
have been demonstrated to interfere with the response to eryth-
ropoietin, an effect that has been utilized therapeutically for
post-transplant erythrocytosis.

Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Antagonists

Class Mechanisms of Action
The angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) allow more specific
and complete blockade of the RAAS than ACE inhibitors by
selectively antagonizing A-II directly at the angiotensin type
1 (AT1) receptor. Because A-II plays a crucial, multifactorial
role in maintaining and regulating BP, blockade of the AT1
receptor with ARBs is a powerful tool for targeting multiple
pathways that contribute to hypertension. The hypotensive
effects of ARBs are mediated through the same mechanisms
as ACE inhibitors, as listed in Table 25-1. The pharmaco-
dynamic properties of the ARBs are outlined in Table 25-4.

Class Renal Effects

A-II receptors are widely distributed within the kidney. The
hemodynamic responses are achieved by mechanisms similar
to those of ACE inhibitors, as described previously. Hyperten-
sive patients treated with ARBs, with normal or slightly
Pharmacodynamic Properties of the Common
Table 25-4
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers
Dose Max Peak Duration
VI Generic Range Dose Dosing Response Response
Name (mg) (mg) Interval (hr) (hr)
Hypertension and the Kidney

Eprosartan 200–400 400 qd/bid 4 24

Irbesartan 150–300 300 qd 4–6 24
Losartan 50–100 100 qd/bid 6 12–24
Valsartan 80–160 300 qd 4–6 24
Candesartan 8–32 32 qd 6–8 24
Telmisartan 40–80 80 qd 3–6 24
Olmesartan 20–40 40 qd 1.4–2.8 24

impaired renal function, exhibit renal responses similar to,

or slightly greater than, those treated with ACE inhibitors.
In healthy and hypertensive patients, ARBs produce dose-
dependent increases in circulating A-II levels and plasma
renin activity. Decreases in plasma levels of aldosterone have
been reported but are variable. Angiotensin receptor blockade
significantly decreases urinary protein excretion in a manner
broadly similar to that observed with ACE inhibition.
Antiproteinuric effects have been described in diabetic and
nondiabetic patients and with renal transplant recipients. The
maximal antiproteinuric effect occurs at 3 to 4 weeks. The
antiproteinuric effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs appear to
be additive. In a number of trials, ACE inhibitor or ARB ther-
apy reduced proteinuria by up to 40%; combination therapy
resulted in a 70% reduction in proteinuria with no further
changes in BP. Long-term renoprotection with these agents
substantially retards the progression of renal disease and
reduces overall mortality rate in patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus independent of changes in BP. Thus, the ARBs
should be the foundation of therapy in patients with type
2 diabetes and nephropathy. It is recommended that patients
receiving ACE inhibitor therapy with persistent hypertension
or proteinuria should be considered for combined treatment
with angiotensin receptor antagonist therapy.
A property unique to the losartan molecule is induction of
uricosuria. This effect is not associated with an increased risk
of nephrolithiasis, nor is it observed with ACE inhibitors or
other ARBs, and it is not related to inhibition of the RAAS.
The decrease in serum uric acid may be beneficial, as it has
been suggested that hyperuricemia is a risk factor for renal
disease progression and coronary artery disease.
ARBs have multiple, nonhemodynamic effects that may 517
contribute to renal protection, including antiproliferative
effects on the vasculature and mesangium, inhibition of ath-
erogenesis, improved endothelial function, and reduction of
oxidative stress. CH 25

Antihypertensive Drugs
Class Efficacy and Safety
All ARBs have been demonstrated to lower BP effectively
and safely in patients with mild, moderate, and severe
hypertension regardless of age, gender, or race. They are
indicated as first-line monotherapy or add-on therapy for
hypertension and are comparable in efficacy to ACE inhibi-
tor therapy. They are safe and effective in patients with
chronic kidney disease, diabetes, heart failure, renal trans-
plants, coronary artery disease (CAD), and left ventricular
hypertrophy (LVH), and have been shown to protect against
hypertensive end-organ damage, such as LVH, stroke, end-
stage renal disease (ESRD), and possibly diabetes. Although
they may not be the most efficacious agents in terms of BP
reduction in black hypertensive patients, they are equally
or more efficacious in offering target organ protection and
arresting disease progression than agents that do not inhibit
the RAAS.
The long onset of action of 4 to 6 weeks avoids the first-
dose hypotension and rebound hypertension commonly seen
with other drugs. The addition of thiazide diuretics potenti-
ates the therapeutic effect and increases response rates to
70% to 80%, and is more effective than increasing the dose
of ARB. ARBs may cause fetal or neonatal death when used
during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. As with
ACE inhibitors an abrupt decline in GFR may be observed in
the setting of renal hypoperfusion; this typically responds to
withdrawal of the drug or optimization of renal perfusion. In
clinical trials, hyperkalemia occurs in less than 1.5% of
patients and is comparable to that observed with ACE inhibi-
tor therapy. It is more likely to develop in patients with renal
insufficiency, those with diabetes, or those taking potassium-
sparing drugs. ARBs tend to lower brain natriuretic peptide
levels, which may explain their benefit in heart failure. They
have no effect on serum lipids in hypertensive patients but
may improve the abnormal lipoprotein profile of patients
with proteinuric renal disease. Clinically relevant side effects
are not observed more frequently than in placebo-treated
patients. Because ARBs do not interfere with kinin metabo-
lism, cough is rare and the incidence of cough in patients
with a history of ACE inhibitor–induced cough is no greater
than in those receiving placebo. Similarly, the incidence
of angioedema and facial swelling is no greater than with
518 b-Adrenergic Antagonists

Mechanisms of Action
b-Adrenergic blocking drugs act via attenuation of sympathetic
VI stimulation through competitive antagonism of catecholamines
at the b-adrenergic receptor. In addition to b-blockade proper-
Hypertension and the Kidney

ties, certain drugs have antihypertensive effects mediated

through several different mechanisms including a1-adrenergic
blocking activity, b2-adrenergic agonist activity, and perhaps
effects on nitric oxide–dependent vasodilator action. Partial
agonist activity is a property of certain b-adrenergic blockers
that results in less slowing of the resting heart rate; the overall
clinical significance of this remains unclear. b-Adrenergic
receptor blockers may be nonspecific and block both b1- and
b2-adrenergic receptors, or they may be relatively specific for
b1-adrenergic receptors. b1-Receptors are found predominantly
in heart, adipose, and brain tissue, whereas b2-receptors pre-
dominate in the lung, liver, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle.
Many tissues, however, have both b1- and b2-receptors, includ-
ing the heart, and it is important to realize that the concept of a
cardioselective drug is only relative. b-Blockers differ signifi-
cantly in terms of absorption, lipid solubility, and CNS pene-
trance and clearance; bioavailability varies greatly.

Class Members
The b-adrenergic antagonists are classified and reviewed on
the basis of the following subclasses: nonselective b-adrener-
gic antagonism, nonselective b-adrenergic antagonism with
partial agonist activity, and b1-selective adrenergic antago-
nism. Their pharmacodynamic properties are outlined in
Table 25-5.

Renal Effects
Both a- and b-adrenergic receptors in the kidney mediate
vasoconstriction, vasodilatation, and renin secretion. In gen-
eral, the acute administration of a b-adrenergic blocker usually
results in reduction of GFR. The degree of reduction in GFR is
typically modest and not of clinical significance in most cases.
b-Adrenergic antagonist therapy is usually associated with
suppression of plasma renin activity.

Efficacy and Safety

b-Adrenergic antagonists are effective therapy for the manage-
ment of mild to moderate hypertension; however, their use as
a first-line agent has become controversial. The Seventh
Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detec-
tion, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC
VII) has strongly recommended a thiazide diuretic as appro-
priate initial therapy for most patients with hypertension.
Table 25-5 Pharmacodynamic Properties of b-Adrenergic Antagonists
Partial Agonist Usual Daily Max Duration of
Generic Name b1-Selectivity Activity Dose (mg) Dose (mg) Interval Response (hr)
Nadolol 0 0 40–80 320 qd —
Propranolol 0 0 80–320 640 bid —
Timolol 0 0 20–40 60 bid —
Pindolol 0 þ 10–40 60 qd/bid 24
Labetolol* 0 þ (weak) 200–800 1200–1400 bid 8–12
Atenolol þ 0 50–100 200 qd 24
Metoprolol þ 0 100–200 450 qd/bid 3–6
Bisoprolol þ 0 5–20 40 qd 24
Nebivolol* þ 0 5 — qd 24
Acebutalol þ þ 400–800 1200 qd 24
Carveldilol 0 0 3.125–25 50 bid 24
Celiprolol þ 0 200–600 — qd —
*Denotes vasodilatory properties.
520 The use of b-adrenergic antagonists is suggested largely as sec-
ondary therapy for patients with specific co-morbidities for
which b-adrenergic antagonists have been shown to be of spe-
cific value, such as heart failure, postmyocardial infarction,
VI and angina. Meta-analyses have suggested that compared to
therapy with other agents, the reduction in major cardiovascu-
Hypertension and the Kidney

lar events associated with b-adrenergic antagonist therapy is

not seen in older patients, and that b-adrenergic antagonists
should not be considered first-line therapy for older patients
without specific indications for their use. b-Adrenergic antago-
nists are useful therapy for patients in all ethnic groups,
although evidence suggests that the antihypertensive response
may be less in older black patients, and that b-adrenergic block-
ers may be less efficacious in black than in white patients when
compared with therapy with calcium channel blockers and
thiazides. b-Adrenergic blockers have been used to treat
women with hypertension in the third trimester of pregnancy,
although they are generally avoided in early pregnancy.
The main side effects associated with b-adrenergic blockade
include central nervous system symptoms of lethargy, seda-
tion, sleep disturbance, depression, and visual hallucinations;
sexual dysfunction in males; constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
or indigestion; hyperkalemia; and impaired glucose tolerance.
b-Blockade can also blunt the effects of epinephrine secretion
resulting from hypoglycemia, which may result in hypoglyce-
mia unawareness. Patients with severe bronchospastic airway
disease should not receive b-adrenergic blockers. In patients
with mild to moderate disease, b1-selective agents may be
used cautiously. Symptoms of peripheral vascular disease
may be exacerbated by b-blocker therapy. Abrupt withdrawal
of b-adrenergic blockers may be associated with overshoot
hypertension and worsening angina in patients with coronary
artery disease; myocardial infarction has been reported. These
withdrawal symptoms may be due to increased sympathetic
activity, reflecting possible adrenergic receptor up-regulation
during chronic sympathetic blockade. Gradual tapering of
b-blockers decreases the risk of withdrawal. Chronic use of
b-adrenergic antagonists has been associated with an increase
in triglyceride levels and decrease in high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol, although those with increased b1-selectiv-
ity or with partial agonist activity appear to have less effect.

Calcium Antagonists
Mechanisms of Action
Calcium antagonists (CAs) have emerged as an important ther-
apeutic class of medications for a variety of cardiovascular
disorders. Initially introduced in the 1970s as antianginal
agents, they are now widely advocated as first-line therapy for 521
hypertension. CAs do not directly antagonize the effects of
calcium, but they inhibit the entry of calcium or its mobiliza-
tion from intracellular stores. Each class of CA is quantita-
tively and qualitatively unique, possessing differential CH 25
sensitivity and selectivity for binding pharmacologic receptors

Antihypertensive Drugs
as well as the slow calcium channel in various vascular tis-
sues. This differential selectivity of action has important clin-
ical implications for the use of these drugs and explains why
the CAs vary considerably in their effects on regional circula-
tory beds, sinus and atrioventricular (AV) nodal function, and
myocardial contractility. It further explains the diversity of
indications for clinical use, ancillary effects, and side effects.
CAs uniformly lower peripheral vascular resistance in
patients regardless of race, salt sensitivity, age, or co-morbid
conditions. CAs decrease vascular responsiveness to A-II,
and the synthesis and secretion of aldosterone. Interestingly,
the maximal vasodilatory response to the CAs is inversely
related to the patient’s plasma renin activity. Thus, it is possi-
ble that these agents are of specific benefit in patients with
low-renin hypertension, such as black hypertensive patients.
CAs may also induce a mild diuresis.

Class Members
CAs are a very heterogeneous group of compounds and differ
with respect to pharmacologic profile, pharmacokinetic
profile, clinical indications, and side effect profile (Table 25-6).

Pharmacodynamic Properties of Calcium

Table 25-6
Max Duration
Usual Daily Dose Dose Response
Generic Name Dose (mg) (mg) Interval (hr)
Diltiazem 60–120 480 tid/qid 8
Diltiazem SR 120–240 480 bid 12
Amlodipine 5–10 10 qd 24
Felodipine 5–10 20 qd 24
Isradipine 2.5–10 20 bid 12
Nicardipine 20–40 120 tid 8
Nifedipine 10–30 120 tid/qid 4–6
Nifedipine ER 30–90 120 qd 24
Verapamil 80–120 480 tid/qid 8
Verapamil SR 90–240 480 bid 12–24
522 The two primary subtypes are the dihydropyridines (nifedi-
pine, felodipine, amlodipine, nicardipine, isradipine, nisoldi-
pine) and nondihydropyridines. The nondihydropyridines are
further divided into two classes: benzothiazepines (diltiazem)
VI and diphenylalkylamines (verapamil). Although all CAs vaso-
dilate coronary and peripheral arteries, the dihydropyridines
Hypertension and the Kidney

are the most potent. Their potent vasodilatory action prompts

a rapid compensatory increase in sympathetic nervous activ-
ity, mediated by baroreceptor reflexes creating a neutral or
positive inotropic stimulus. Longer acting dihydropyridines,
however, do not appear to activate the sympathetic nervous
system. In contrast, the nondihydropyridines are moderately
potent arterial vasodilators but directly decrease AV nodal
conduction and have negative inotropic and chronotropic
effects, not abrogated by the reflex increase in sympathetic
tone. Because of their negative inotropic action, they are con-
traindicated in patients with systolic heart failure. Short-
acting agents are no longer recommended for the treatment
of hypertension as the powerful stimulation of the sympa-
thetic nervous system by the vasodilation may predispose
patients to angina, myocardial infarction, and stroke.

Class Renal Effects

There are multiple mechanisms whereby CAs alter or protect
renal function, notably as natriuretics, vasodilators, and anti-
proteinuric agents. The natriuretic effect, apparently mediated
by direct inhibition of renal tubule sodium and water absorp-
tion, appears to persist in the long term. The renal hemody-
namic effects of CAs are variable. Experimentally, CAs
improve GFR in the presence of the vasoconstrictors norepi-
nephrine and A-II by preferentially attenuating afferent arteri-
olar resistance. Acute administration of CA results in little
change or augmentation of the GFR and renal plasma flow,
no change in the filtration fraction, and reduction of renal vas-
cular resistance. The long-term effects of CAs on renal func-
tion are variable; some patients exhibit no change in GFR,
but others exhibit an exaggerated increase in GFR and renal
plasma flow. Variable antiproteinuric effects are also seen
with respect to class of drug—some dihydropyridines increase
protein excretion by up to 40%. In contrast, felodipine, diltia-
zem, and verapamil do not appear to have this effect and may
lower protein excretion, possibly by also decreasing efferent
arteriolar tone and glomerular pressure. The clinical implica-
tions remain to be determined. Studies have shown that in
black hypertensive patients with mild to moderate renal
insufficiency and proteinuria above 1 g/day, renoprotection
with an ACE inhibitor far exceeds any effect of the dihydro-
pyridine calcium channel blocker amlodipine, with which
renal function may deteriorate. Hypertensive patients with
diabetic nephropathy also fare considerably worse with amlo- 523
dipine therapy than with an ARB both in terms of renoprotec-
tion and overall mortality. However, co-administration of
amlodipine with an ARB does not abrogate the protective
effect on kidney function. It is postulated that selective dila- CH 25
tion of the afferent arteriole favors an increase in glomerular

Antihypertensive Drugs
capillary pressure that perpetuates renal disease progression.
CAs represent an important treatment option for renal trans-
plant recipients. Administration of CAs may help preserve
long-term renal function by protecting against cyclosporine
nephrotoxicity and, possibly, by contributing to immunomo-
dulation (Table 25-7).

Class Efficacy and Safety

Approximately 70% to 80% of stage I and II hypertensive
patients respond to monotherapy. In contrast to other vasodila-
tors, the CAs attenuate the reflex increase of neurohormonal
activity that accompanies reduction in BP, and in the long term
they inhibit or do not change sympathetic activity. The CAs are
effective in young, middle-aged, and elderly patients with all
ranges of hypertension. CAs are equally efficacious in patients
with a high or low plasma renin activity, regardless of sex, die-
tary salt intake, or race, although their effect is diminished in
smokers. They are effective and safe in patients with hyperten-
sion and coronary artery disease and ESRD. The long-acting
agents produce sustained systolic and diastolic BP reductions
of 16 to 28 mm Hg and 14 to 17 mm Hg, respectively, with no
appreciable development of tolerance.
Among the different classes, the dihydropyridines appear to
be the most powerful at reducing BP but may also be associated
with greater activation of baroreceptor reflexes. Verapamil and
to a lesser extent diltiazem exert greater effects on the heart
and less vasoselectivity. They typically reduce heart rate,
slow AV conduction, and depress contractility. CAs are

Table 25-7 Renal Effects of Calcium Antagonists

Renal Renal
Na+ Blood Vascular
Class Excretion GFR Flow Resistance Proteinuria
Dihydro- ↑ ↑ to $ ↑ to $ # ↑
Diltiazem ↑ ↑ to $ ↑ to $ # /#
Verapamil ↑ ↑ to $ ↑ to $ # ↑
GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
524 contraindicated in patients with severely depressed left ven-
tricular function (except perhaps amlodipine or felodipine),
hypotension, sick sinus syndrome (unless a pacemaker is in
place), second- or third-degree heart block, and atrial arrhyth-
VI mias associated with an accessory pathway. They should not
be used as first-line antihypertensive agents in patients with
Hypertension and the Kidney

heart failure, patients after myocardial infarction, those with

unstable angina, or blacks with proteinuria greater than 300
mg/day. Conversely, CAs are indicated, and may be preferred,
in patients with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, periph-
eral vascular disease, and stable ischemic heart disease. They
may also be ideal agents for elderly hypertensive patients
because they tend to lower the risk of stroke more than other
The CAs are generally well tolerated and are not associated
with electrolyte derangements, significant perturbations of
glycemic balance, lipemic control, or sexual dysfunction.
Orthostatic changes do not occur because venoconstriction
remains intact. The most common side effect of the dihydro-
pyridines is peripheral edema. It is a result of uncompensated
precapillary vasodilation and is not responsive to diuretics
but may improve with the addition of an ACE inhibitor, which
preferentially vasodilates postcapillary beds. Other side
effects related to vasodilation include headache, nausea, diz-
ziness, and flushing. The nondihydropyridines verapamil
and isradipine more commonly cause constipation and nau-
sea. Another common side effect of the dihydropyridines is
gingival hyperplasia, exacerbated in patients taking concomi-
tant cyclosporine.
Properties beyond their antihypertensive actions make the
CAs particularly useful in certain clinical situations. CAs not
only lower arterial pressure but increase coronary blood
flow. With the exception of the short-acting dihydropyridines,
most CAs reduce heart rate, improve myocardial oxygen
demand, improve ventricular filling, and conserve contractil-
ity, making them ideal for patients with angina or diastolic
dysfunction. Verapamil may also be used for secondary cardio-
protection to reduce reinfarction rates in patients intolerant of
b-blockers unless they have concomitant heart failure. In gen-
eral, the antihypertensive effects of CAs are enhanced more in
combination with b-blockers or ACE inhibitors than with
diuretics. Concomitant therapy with b-blockers and nondihy-
dropyridine CAs, however, is potentially dangerous as they
may have additive effects on suppressing heart rate, AV node
conduction, and cardiac contractility, especially in patients
with ESRD.
Drug interactions are not uncommon. Concurrent use of a CA
and amiodarone exacerbates sick sinus syndrome and AV
block. Diltiazem, verapamil, and nicardipine have been shown
to increase cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and sirolimus levels by 525
25% to 100% by inhibiting the cytochrome P4503A4 isoen-
zyme, which metabolizes the calcineurin inhibitors. Concomi-
tant administration of nifedipine, diltiazem, nicardipine, and
verapamil with the digitalis glycosides results in up to a 50% CH 25
increase in serum digoxin concentrations.

Antihypertensive Drugs
CAs may be associated with an increased risk of gastrointes-
tinal hemorrhage, particularly in elderly persons. There is
clear evidence that CAs reduce cardiovascular mortality and
morbidity rates, particularly for stroke; however, short-acting
agents such as nifedipine have been associated with a small
increased risk for myocardial infarction in meta-analyses
when compared with other agents. Currently, there is no evi-
dence to prove the existence of either additional beneficial
or detrimental effects of CAs on coronary disease events,
including fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarctions and other
deaths from coronary heart disease. Because of a potential
risk, however, as well as simplicity and improved compliance,
longer-acting agents should be considered over short-acting
CAs for the treatment of hypertension.

Central Adrenergic Agonists

Mechanisms of Action
Central adrenergic agonists act by crossing the blood-brain
barrier and have a direct effect on a2-adrenergic receptors
located in the midbrain and brainstem, or the more recently
described I1 imidazole receptors. In addition to decreasing
total sympathetic outflow, binding to these receptors results
in increases in vagal activity. Clonidine is a stimulant of both
a2- and I1 receptors, while a-methlydopa acts on the former.
The classical a2-receptor agonists such as clonidine and
a-methyldopa trigger vasodilatation in resistance vessels and
hence a reduction in peripheral vascular resistance and BP.
Despite the vasodilatory action, reflex tachycardia generally
does not occur due to peripheral sympathetic inhibition. The
selective I1 receptor agonists moxonidine and rilmenidine
are predominantly arterial vasodilators, resulting in a reduc-
tion in peripheral vascular resistance. Moxonidine is also
associated with reduction in plasma renin activity. The cen-
tral a2-adrenergic agonists may also stimulate peripheral
a2-adrenergic agonists, which mediate vasoconstriction,
resulting in a paradoxic increase in BP.

Class Renal Effects

Central a2-agonists and imidazole I1 agonists have little, if
any, clinically important effect on renal plasma flow, GFR,
or the RAAS. These agents may result in decreased renal
526 vascular resistance mediated by a decrease in preglomerular
capillary resistance related to decreased levels of circulating

VI Antihypertensive Efficacy and Safety

These agents have been shown to be effective monotherapy for
Hypertension and the Kidney

hypertension in all age and racial groups. Additive effects are

associated with the addition of a diuretic. Moxonidine and ril-
menidine have been associated with decreased plasma glu-
cose levels and may improve insulin sensitivity, and may
also decrease total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
(LDL), and triglycerides, suggesting a role in the management
of the metabolic syndrome. These agents may also be of
benefit in patients with congestive heart failure; treatment
with moxonidine and rilmenidine has been shown to reverse
LVH and improve arterial compliance, with an associated
decrease in plasma atrial natriuretic levels.
Stimulation of a2-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous
system induces several side effects of these drugs, including
sedation and drowsiness. The most common side effect related
to a2-adrenergic activation is dry mouth due to a centrally
mediated inhibition of cholinergic transmission. Clonidine in
high doses may precipitate a paradoxic hypertensive response
related to stimulation of postsynaptic vascular a2-adrenergic
receptors. Methyldopa has been associated with a positive
direct Coombs test with or without hemolytic anemia. The
a2-adrenergic agonists are associated with sexual dysfunction
and may produce gynecomastia in men and galactorrhea in both
men and women. Abrupt cessation of a2-adrenergic blockers
may result in rebound hypertension, tachycardia, tremor, anxi-
ety, headache, nausea, and vomiting within 18 to 36 hours.

Direct-Acting Vasodilators
Mechanisms of Action
The direct-acting vasodilators reduce systolic and diastolic BP
by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance. Decreases in arte-
rial pressure are associated with a fall in peripheral resistance
and a reflex increase in cardiac output. Sodium and water reten-
tion is promoted secondary to the stimulation of renin release.

Class Members
Hydralazine is a direct-acting arteriole vasodilator. Initial oral
doses in hypertension should be 10 mg four times daily
increasing to 50 mg four times daily over several weeks.
Patients may require doses of up to 300 mg/day. Dosing can
be changed to twice daily for maintenance. The drug may also
be used as an intravenous bolus injection or as a continuous
infusion. Oral absorption is 50% to 90% of the dose and the 527
drug is up 90% protein bound. Patients with mild to moderate
renal insufficiency should have the dosing interval increased
to every 8 hours. In severe renal failure, the dose interval
should increase to every 8 to 24 hours. CH 25
Minoxidil is a direct vasodilator. It is more potent than

Antihypertensive Drugs
hydralazine and induces a more marked activation of adrener-
gic drive. For severe hypertension the initial recommended
dose is 5 mg as a single daily dose, increasing to 10 to 20 mg
or 40 mg in single or divided doses. Minoxidil is usually used
in conjunction with salt restriction and diuretics to prevent
sodium retention. Concomitant therapy with a b-adrenergic
blocking agent is often required to prevent increases in heart
rate. The elimination half-life varies with the acetylation rate
in the liver, and both slow and fast acetylators have been
described. Renal excretion is 90%. Dosage adjustments may
be required in patients with renal failure, although the mean
daily doses required to control BP have been reported to be
similar in patients with normal renal function.

Class Renal Effects

Hydralazine and minoxidil both increase the secretion of
renin and therefore cause elevations of A-II and aldosterone.
Retention of salt and water may be due to direct drug effects
on the proximal convoluted tubule. GFR and renal plasma
flow are unaffected.

Efficacy and Safety

Minoxidil is commonly reserved for severe or intractable hyper-
tension. When added to a diuretic and a b-blocker, minoxidil is
generally well tolerated. Hypertrichosis is common. Pericarditis
and pericardial infusions have been observed. An increase in left
ventricular mass has been reported, possibly due to adrenergic
hyperactivity. Chronic treatment with hydralazine has been
associated with the development of systemic lupus erythemato-
sus (6–10% of patients receiving high doses of hydralazine for
>6 months). Generally, the syndrome occurs early in therapy,
but it can occur after many years of treatment. A positive antinu-
clear antibody titer is used to confirm a clinical diagnosis of
lupus. It occurs primarily in slow acetylators. The syndrome is
reversible when hydralazine is discontinued but may require
months for complete clearing of symptoms. Hydralazine has
frequently been used to treat pregnancy-associated hypertension.

Endothelin Receptor Antagonists

The development of endothelin receptor antagonists heralds
promise for the future management of hypertension, as
528 endothelin is one of the most potent vasoconstrictors known,
and is also thought to be involved in vascular remodeling
and end-organ damage.

VI Mechanisms of Action and Class Members

Endothelin receptor antagonists were originally studied in the
Hypertension and the Kidney

management of pulmonary hypertension and heart failure,

with encouraging results. The two primary receptor sites ETA
and ETB can be either selectively or simultaneously blocked.
It has been hypothesized that selective ETA receptor antago-
nists might offer greater benefits in systolic heart failure
patients. Bosentan, a mixed ETA/ETB receptor antagonist,
and Darusentan, a selective ETA receptor antagonist, have
both been studied in the treatment of hypertension, and have
shown dose-dependent reductions in BP. Common side effects
include peripheral edema, flushing, headache, and liver
enzyme derangement.

Class Renal Effects

The effects of endothelin receptor antagonists on the kidney
have not been extensively investigated. When compared to
the ACE inhibitor enalapril, although comparable in terms of
BP reduction, bosentan was less effective in preventing the
development of proteinuria.

Class Efficacy and Safety

Despite the BP reduction evident with these drugs, clinical
progress in defining the therapeutic index with endothelin
receptor antagonists is as yet unknown.

Moderately Selective Peripheral a1-Adrenergic


Mechanisms of Action
The nonselective agents phentolamine and phenoxybenza-
mine have an occasional role in hypertension management.
Phentolamine is utilized parenterally, and the longer acting
agent phenoxybenzamine has been used orally for the manage-
ment of hypertension associated with pheochromocytoma.

Class Members
Phenoxybenzamine irreversibly binds to the a-receptors, low-
ering peripheral resistance and increasing cardiac output.
The usual oral dose of phenoxybenzamine for pheochromo-
cytoma is 10 mg twice daily, gradually increasing every other
day to doses ranging between 20 and 40 mg two or three times
a day. A b-blocker may be administered if tachycardia
becomes excessive during therapy; however, the pressor
effects of a pheochromocytoma must be controlled by a-blockade 529
before b-blockers are initiated. With oral use, symptoms of
pheochromocytoma decrease after several days. Administra-
tion of phenoxybenzamine to patients with renal impairment
should be done cautiously. Specific dosage recommendations CH 25
are not available. Phentolamine is an a-adrenergic blocking

Antihypertensive Drugs
agent that produces peripheral vasodilatation in cardiac stim-
ulation with a resulting fall in BP in most patients. The drug is
used parenterally. The usual dose is 5 mg repeated as needed.
The onset of activity with intravenous dosing is immediate.
The drug is metabolized in the liver, with 10% excreted in
the urine as unchanged drug.

Renal Effects
Phenoxybenzamine has no clear effect on the renin-angioten-
sin-aldosterone axis. Salt and water retention does not occur.
GFR and effective renal plasma flow would be expected to
increase, and renal vascular resistance to decrease in propor-
tion to the degree of blockade of a-adrenergic receptors.

Efficacy and Safety

Tachycardia may result from a-adrenergic blockade, which
unmasks b-adrenergic effects with epinephrine-secreting
tumors. This may be controlled with concurrent use of a
b-adrenergic antagonist. a-Adrenergic blockade must be initiated
prior to b-adrenergic blockade to avoid paradoxic hypertension.
Side effects of phenoxybenzamine are sedation, weakness, nasal
congestion, hypertension, and tachycardia.

Peripheral a1-Adrenergic Antagonists

Mechanisms of Action
Drugs of this class (doxazosin, prazosin) are selective for the
postsynaptic a1-adrenergic receptor. Because of the selective
a1 action the reflex tachycardia associated with blockade of
the presynaptic a2-receptor is decreased substantially.

Renal Effects
GFR and renal blood flow are maintained during long-term
treatment with these agents. Renal vascular resistance may
be reduced. No dosage adjustment is necessary in patients
with renal disease.

Efficacy and Safety

Patients receiving doxazosin as their initial antihypertensive
drug have been found to have poorer BP control compared to
those receiving a chlorthalidone-based treatment. In clinical
studies, patients receiving doxazosin had no difference in
530 fatal coronary heart disease or nonfatal myocardial infarction
but did have higher rates of stroke and congestive heart failure
compared to diuretic-based regimens. There are potentially
beneficial effects of a1-blockers on lipid metabolism. These
VI drugs have been consistently shown to result in a modest
reduction in total and LDL cholesterol and a small increase
Hypertension and the Kidney

in HDL cholesterol. Prazosin has been shown to increase insu-

lin sensitivity.
The most important side effect of a1-adrenergic receptor
blockers is the first-dose orthostatic hypotension effect result-
ing in lightheadedness, palpitations, and occasional syncope.
This effect can be exacerbated in patients with underlying
autonomic insufficiency and may be minimized by initiating
therapy with a small dose taken at bedtime. a1-Adrenergic
antagonists are also used for symptomatic treatment of pro-
static hypertrophy.

Renin Inhibitors
The development of renin inhibitors has been limited by diffi-
culty with oral bioavailability, and as a result development on
several drugs was canceled.

Class Mechanism of Action and Class Member

Aliskiren is a potent and specific inhibitor of human renin
in vitro, and is the first in a new class of orally effective renin
inhibitors. Aliskiren is potent in reducing BP and has an effec-
tive half-life of 40 hours. It is not actively metabolized by the
liver and is primarily excreted in the urine.

Class Renal Effects

Renin inhibitors offer substantial promise for renoprotection
in that they not only provide BP reduction, but also attenua-
tion of the activity of the renin-angiotensin system, without
a reactive increase in renin or other angiotensin peptides. Ani-
mal studies have suggested that aliskiren provides comparable
renoprotection as an ACE inhibitor or an ARB. Preliminary
data in humans indicate that aliskiren reduces proteinuria in
conjunction with BP. There appears to be greater improve-
ment in renal blood flow with the renin inhibitor when com-
pared to ACE inhibitors, suggesting that it may be more
effective in blocking A-II formation. Longer-term studies are
required, however.

Class Efficacy and Safety

Clinical trials of aliskiren have shown a dose-dependent effi-
cacy in reducing both systolic and diastolic BP, and BP reduc-
tion comparable to ARB therapy, although with suppression of
plasma renin activity and angiotensin I and II levels. The tol- 531
erability of aliskiren is comparable to that of placebo, with a
relatively low incidence of adverse events with all doses
tested in the 150 to 600 mg range, with the exception of some
diarrhea at the 600 mg dose. CH 25

Antihypertensive Drugs
Selective Aldosterone Receptor Antagonists
Class Mechanism and Class Member
Eplerenone is a selective aldosterone receptor antagonist that
may have antihypertensive effects distinct from its diuretic
properties. Although it is a much less potent mineralocorti-
coid receptor blocker than spironolactone, it is much more
specific and has little agonist activity for estrogen and proges-
terone receptors. Therefore, it is associated with a lower inci-
dence of gynecomastia, breast pain, and impotence in men
and diminished libido and menstrual irregularities in women.

Class Renal Effects

Selective aldosterone receptor antagonism may be renoprotec-
tive independent of its effects on BP. Both experimental and
clinical studies have demonstrated that A-II may be the pri-
mary mediator of the RAAS associated with progression of
renal disease. Despite having no observable effects on glomer-
ular hemodynamics, selective aldosterone receptor antago-
nism therapy may provide an incremental opportunity to
protect the kidney in addition to ACE inhibitor or A-II recep-
tor blocker therapy by inhibiting the effects of aldosterone that
persist despite therapy with these drugs.

Class Efficacy and Safety

Eplerenone lowers BP when administered at 25, 50, or 200 mg
twice daily in a dose-dependent fashion. Clinical trials also
demonstrated that eplerenone has antihypertensive activity that
is additive with that of either an ACE inhibitor or A-II receptor
blocker. In diabetic hypertensive patients with microalbuminuria,
adding eplerenone to ACE inhibitor therapy reduces proteinuria
more than using the ACE inhibitor alone, independent of effects
on BP. The advantage of eplerenone over spironolactone in clini-
cal practice is probably related to fewer endocrine side effects
because of more selective aldosterone receptor antagonism.

Tyrosine Hydroxylase Inhibitor

Mechanisms of Action and Class Member
Metyrosine, the only drug in this class, blocks the rate-limiting
step in the biosynthetic pathway of catecholamines via
532 inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase, the enzyme responsible for
conversion of tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine. In patients
with pheochromocytomas, metyrosine reduces catecholamine
synthesis by up to 80%. This results in decreased total periph-
VI eral resistance and increased heart rate and cardiac output. The
recommended initial dose of metyrosine is 250 mg four times
Hypertension and the Kidney

daily, increasing by 250 to 500 mg daily, to a maximum of 4

g/day. Metyrosine is primarily eliminated unchanged in the
urine; dose reduction is appropriate in patients with renal

Efficacy and Safety

Metyrosine is used in the perioperative management of pheo-
chromocytoma. Hypertension and reflex tachycardia may
result from vasodilatation, and may be minimized by volume
expansion. Side effects include sedation, changes in sleep pat-
terns, and extrapyramidal signs. Metyrosine crystals have
been noted in the urine in patients receiving high doses;
patients should maintain a generous fluid intake.


Blood pressure is only one of many surrogate markers of risk
contributing to cardiovascular disease; the optimal goal BP
for different patients may be somewhat different, depending
on coexistent cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, the treat-
ment of high BP and the estimation of goal BP necessitate
careful individualization for each patient.

Choosing Appropriate Agents

The choice of initial therapy in hypertension depends on a

variety of factors including patient age, gender, race, obesity,
and coexistent cardiovascular or renal disease. The major con-
siderations for initial therapy in older patients should take
into account the major pathophysiologic problem, which is
an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. Systolic hyper-
tension, a wide pulse pressure, diastolic dysfunction, reduc-
tion in cardiovascular baroreceptor reflex function, and a
propensity for orthostasis are characteristic. Ideal therapeutic
strategies for these patients include low dose of HCTZ, 12.5
to 25 mg/day. Thiazide diuretics function primarily as vasodi-
lators and are particularly effective in controlling systolic BP.
Thiazide diuretics also facilitate vasodilation with other ther-
apeutic classes, particularly those that block the RAAS, and
they can be utilized together as fixed-dose combinations.
Calcium channel blockers are also useful vasodilators in older 533
patients. They are much better tolerated in the lower half of
their dosing range, and are quite effective even in the presence
of a high-salt diet. a-Blockers may be useful in older men with
benign prostatic hypertrophy. ACE inhibitors are also effective CH 25
vasodilators in older patients. b-Blockers may impair barore-

Antihypertensive Drugs
ceptor responses in older patients and worsen orthostasis
and should be used with caution. Treatment of isolated sys-
tolic hypertension in older patients frequently requires multi-
ple drugs. Regardless of the agents that are utilized, a slow
careful titration approach is recommended, preferably not
more frequently than every 3 months.
Differences in gender may be important with regard to
the selection of antihypertensive therapy. Women should
avoid the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in pregnancy
because of their possible teratogenic effects. Optimal therapy
in a pregnant woman includes a-methyldopa, hydralazine, or
b-blockers as they have a proven safety record with minimal
risk of teratogenic effects. The treatment of pregnancy-
related hypertension is discussed further in Chapter 24,
The Kidney in Hypertension and Pregnancy. In women with
osteoporosis, thiazide diuretics are ideal agents because they
antagonize calciuria and facilitate bone mineralization.
Women experience more cough with ACE inhibitors and
more pedal edema with calcium channel blockers compared
with men.
Race may play a role in the choice of antihypertensive
agents. Blacks typically present with hypertension at an ear-
lier age, have more substantial elevations in BP, and experi-
ence earlier development of target organ damage than similar
demographically matched white counterparts. In addition,
significant racial differences in the response to antihyperten-
sive medications exist, possibly due to higher salt sensitivity
in black patients. In general, thiazide diuretics and calcium
channel blockers have more robust antihypertensive proper-
ties in lower doses in blacks than other commonly used thera-
peutic classes. Higher doses of ACE inhibitors or ARBs are
frequently required in order to achieve the same level of BP
reduction as seen in other racial groups. It is not uncommon
for multiple drugs to be required to reach the target BP. Conse-
quently, fixed-dose combinations may prove to be most useful
in this population group as part of the strategy to simplify the
approach. Hispanic and Asian populations do not appear to
have different hypertensive responses to commonly used
drugs compared with whites.
Obese hypertensive patients frequently have other medical
problems that complicate their hypertensive management.
b-Blockers may be helpful in diminishing sympathoadrenal
drive. Vasodilators, such as HCTZ and ACE inhibitors, ARBs,
534 and calcium channel blockers, are useful for reducing periph-
eral vascular resistance. Combinations of these drugs may also
be helpful. Because of the tendency toward expanded plasma
volume, thiazide diuretics can be helpful as they provide an
VI opportunity to cause both vasodilation and mild volume
reduction. Frequently, these patients require multiple drugs
Hypertension and the Kidney

to achieve BP goals, and simplification strategies are impor-

tant. Given the increased frequency of cardiovascular risk
clustering phenomena in these patients, drug therapies that
are metabolically neutral are ideal.
In patients with coronary artery disease, it is important to
remember that the majority of coronary artery perfusion
occurs during diastole. Hence, pharmacotherapy should be
targeted toward slowing heart rate in order to enhance perfu-
sion during diastole. b-Blockers and heart rate–lowering cal-
cium channel blockers, such as nondihydropyridines, are
ideal in this respect. Agents that block the RAAS are the most
effective in reducing LVH. In patients with heart failure, it is
important to use an echocardiogram to distinguish between
diastolic and systolic dysfunction. The treatment of diastolic
dysfunction should include therapies that facilitate ventricu-
lar relaxation and reduce heart rate (b-blockers and calcium
channel blockers). With systolic dysfunction, drugs that block
the RAAS are more suitable to provide both preload and after-
load reduction. b-Blockers are also helpful in addition to ACE
In patients with kidney disease, optimal control of hyper-
tension is an integral component of management to prevent
progression of renal disease. RAAS blockers such as ACE inhi-
bitors and ARBs provide greater renoprotection compared
with other commonly used antihypertensives. The benefit of
these drugs, in part, resides in their effects to facilitate efferent
glomerular arteriolar dilation by antagonizing the effects of
A-II as they lower BP. Sufficient diuretics should be employed
to control blood volume; when the serum creatinine reaches
2 mg/dL volume reduction is more amenable to loop diuretics
than thiazide diuretics.

Refractory Hypertension
Refractory hypertension is a term used to characterize hyper-
tension that fails to respond to what the clinician considers
an adequate antihypertensive regimen. True refractory hyper-
tension is unusual, and a methodologic approach should be
taken to help achieve BP control in these patients. A variety
of factors interfere with the ability to normalize BP, the most
important of which is noncompliance. This problem derives
from many factors including inadequate education, poor
clinician-patient relationship, lack of understanding about 535
side effects, and the complexity of multidrug regimens.
Pseudohypertension is commonly observed in older hyper-
tensive patients who have hardened atherosclerotic arteries,
which are not easily compressible. This interferes with aus- CH 25
cultatory measurements of BP and greater apparent pressure

Antihypertensive Drugs
is required to compress the sclerotic vessel than the intra-arte-
rial BP requires. Another common cause of pseudohyperten-
sion is improper measurement. This occurs when the BP is
taken with an inappropriately small cuff in people with large
arm circumference. Because of the substantial proportion of
hypertensive patients who are obese, it is critical to have the
appropriate cuff size for determining auscultatory pressure.
Some clinicians may view white coat hypertension as a
cause of refractory hypertension. This is an area of contentious
debate in that elevated office readings, despite lower home
readings, still provide important predictive value for the devel-
opment of cardiovascular events. Some clinical studies indicate
that patients with so-called white coat hypertension also have
LVH and may not have an appropriate nocturnal dip in BP.
Volume overload is an important and common cause of
refractory hypertension. It may be related to excessive salt
intake or inability of the kidney to excrete an appropriate salt
and water load because of either endocrine abnormalities or
intrinsic renal disease. Salt sensitivity is particularly common
in patients of African-American descent. A careful clinical
examination coupled with judicious use of either thiazide or
loop diuretics is critical in achieving ideal blood volume in
order to restore the antihypertensive efficacy of most classes
of drugs. It is also appropriate to consider educating the
patient about avoiding foods that are rich in salt content, such
as processed foods.
Drug-related causes of refractory hypertension are common
and need to be carefully assessed in each patient. Perhaps the
most common drugs that cause refractory hypertension are
over-the-counter preparations of sympathomimetics such as
nasal decongestants, appetite suppressants, and NSAIDs.
Unfortunately, patients may not always recognize over-
the-counter preparations as a medication. Therefore, careful
questioning specifically focusing on these types of medica-
tions should be routine during the evaluation for refractory
hypertension. In addition, oral contraceptives, ethanol, cigar-
ettes, and cocaine can be complicating factors that interfere
with the ability of medications to lower BP.
Obesity is an oft-overlooked cause of refractory hyperten-
sion and is commonly associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
Nighttime ventilation techniques enhance the control of BP.
Secondary causes of hypertension might also be considered
as a cause of refractory hypertension. CKD and renal vascular
536 disease are not uncommon and are easily investigated. Addi-
tional endocrine abnormalities include hyperaldosteronism,
pheochromocytoma, or hypo- or hyperthyroidism and hyper-
parathyroidism; rarely, aortic coarctation can be a cause of
VI refractory hypertension. Often patients with subtle hyperal-
dosteronism will respond to the addition of a selective aldo-
Hypertension and the Kidney

sterone receptor blocker.

Strategies to control BP in patients with refractory hyperten-
sion should first deal with issues related to compliance, simpli-
fying the medical regimen, and ensuring that side effects are
not playing a role. Subsequently, one can evaluate the medica-
tions and try to choose those that work well with one another to
facilitate a nearly additive antihypertensive response. Most
drugs reduce systolic BP by approximately 8 to 10 mm Hg. Con-
sequently, it is not unusual for patients who are 40 or 50 mm
Hg from goal systolic BP to require four or five medications or
possibly even more. One should also be careful to be sure that
volume excess is controlled and that there are no drug-drug
interactions or clinical situations that would promote diuretic
resistance such as excessive salt intake.



The terms hypertensive urgency and hypertensive emergency

are used loosely in clinical practice with a great deal of over-
lap. The distinction between the two is important because
the management approach is substantially different. A hyper-
tensive emergency is a clinical syndrome in which severe
hypertension results in ongoing target organ damage mani-
fested by encephalopathy, retinal hemorrhage, papilledema,
acute myocardial infarction, stroke, or acute renal dysfunc-
tion. Any delay in control of BP may lead to irreversible
sequelae, including death. Hypertensive emergencies are
unusual but require immediate hospitalization in an intensive
care unit, with careful and judicious use of intravenous vaso-
dilators to lower systolic and diastolic BP cautiously to
approximately 140/90 mm Hg (Table 25-8). In contrast, hyper-
tensive urgencies are clinical situations in which a patient has
a marked elevation in BP (>200/130 mm Hg) but no evidence
of ongoing target organ damage. These patients can be man-
aged cautiously on an outpatient basis (Table 25-9).

Parenteral Drugs, Direct-Acting Vasodilators

Diazoxide is a pure arterial dilator that is used primarily in the
treatment of acute hypertensive emergencies. The “minibolus”
Table 25-8 Parenteral Drugs Used in the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies
Class Drug Dose (max) Onset of Action Peak Effect of Action
Direct-acting Diazoxide 7.5–30 mg/min infusion or 1–5 min 30 min 4–12 hr
vasodilators 1 mg/kg bolus q 5–15 min
(300 mg max)
Hydralazine 0.5–1 mg/min infusion or 1–5 min 10–80 min 3–6 hr
10–50 mg IM
Nitroglycerine 5–100 mg/min 1–2 min 2–5 min 3–5 min
Nitroprusside 0.25–10 mg/kg/min infusion Immediate 1–2 min 2–5 min
b1-Adrenergic Esmolol 250–500 mg/min  1 (loading), 1–2 min 5 min 10–30 min
antagonist then 50–100 mg/kg/min  4
(maintenance); to max
maintenance dose 300 mg/kg/
a1- and b1-Adrenergic Labetolol 2 mg/min infusion or 0.25 mg/kg 5 min 10 min 3–6 hr
Ganglionic blockers Trimethaphan 0.5–10 mg/min infusion bolus Immediate 1–2 min 5–10 min
over 2 min (max 300 mg)
ACE inhibitor Enalaprilat 0.625–5 mg bolus over 5 min 5–15 min 1–4 h 6 hr
every 6 hr

Table 25-8 Parenteral Drugs Used in the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies—Cont’d

Class Drug Dose (max) Onset of Action Peak Effect of Action
Peripheral a-adrenergic Phentolamine 0.5–1 mg/min infusion or Immediate 3–5 min 10–15 min
antagonist 2.5–5 mg bolus
Calcium antagonist Nicardipine 5–15 mg/hr 5–10 min 45 min 50 hr
Dopamine D1-like Fenoldopam 0.01–1.6 mg/min constant 5–15 min 30 min 5–10 min
receptor antagonist infusion
Central a2-agonist Methyldopa 250–500 mg bolus every 6 hr 2–3 hr 3–5 hr 6–12 hr
(max 2 g)
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.
Rapidly Acting Oral Drugs Used in the
Table 25-9
Treatment of Hypertensive Urgencies
Peak Duration
Dosage Onset of Effect of Action CH 25
Drug (maximal) Action (hr) (hr)

Antihypertensive Drugs
Labetolol 100–400 mg 1–2 hr 2–4 8–12
every 12 hr
(max 2400 mg)
Clonidine 0.2 mg initially, 30–60 2–4 6–8
then 0.1 mg/hr min
(max 0.8 mg)
Diltiazem 30–120 mg every <15 min 2–3 8
8 hr (max 480
Enalapril 2.5–10 mg every <60 min 4–8 12–24
6 hr
Captopril 12.5–25 mg <15 min 1 6–12
every hr (max
150 mg)
Prazosin 1–5 mg every <60 min 2–4 6–12
2 hr (max
20 mg)

(1 mg/kg administered at intervals of 5–15 minutes) and the

continuous infusion of diazoxide have become the preferred
methods of administration to avoid excessive reduction in
BP. Diazoxide acts rapidly, and the BP effect persists up to
12 hours. It has a plasma half-life of 17 to 31 hours. In renal
disease, the plasma half-life is prolonged, and dose reduction
is required. Concurrent administration of a b-adrenergic antag-
onist can control reflex tachycardia. Transient hyperuricemia
and hyperglycemia occur in the majority of patients, and the
blood glucose level should be monitored.
Hydralazine is a direct-acting vasodilator and may be given
intramuscularly or as a rapid intravenous bolus injection. It
acts rapidly, and the BP effect persists up to 6 hours. It is less
potent than diazoxide, and the BP response is less predictable.
It may also cause a reflex increase in heart rate, and sodium
and water retention.
Sodium nitroprusside is the most potent of the parenteral
vasodilators, and it dilates both arteriolar resistance and
venous capacitance vessels. It has the advantages of being
immediately effective when given as an infusion and of hav-
ing an extremely short duration of action, which permits
minute-to-minute adjustments in BP control. Disadvantages
of nitroprusside therapy include the need for intra-arterial
BP monitoring, the need to protect the solution from light
540 during infusion, and the potential for toxic effects from meta-
bolic side products. Nitroprusside is rapidly metabolized to
cyanide and then to thiocyanate. Thiocyanate is largely
excreted in the urine; it has a plasma half-life of 1 week in nor-
VI mal subjects and accumulates in renal insufficiency. Toxic
concentrations of cyanide or thiocyanate may occur if nitro-
Hypertension and the Kidney

prusside infusions are given for more than 48 hours or at infu-

sion rates greater than 2 mg/kg/min; the maximal dose rate of
10 mg/kg/min should not last more than 10 minutes. Toxic
manifestations include air hunger, hyperreflexia, confusion,
and seizures. Lactic acidosis and venous hyperoxemia are lab-
oratory indicators of cyanide intoxication. The drug should be
promptly discontinued and levels of cyanide measured. Nitro-
prusside is hemodialyzable.
Intravenous nitroglycerin produces, in a dose-related man-
ner, dilation of both arterial and venous beds. At lower doses,
its primary effect is on preload; at higher infusion rates, after-
load is reduced. Nitroglycerin may also dilate both epicardial
coronary vessels and their collaterals, increasing blood supply
to ischemic regions. Effective coronary perfusion is main-
tained provided that BP does not fall excessively or heart rate
does not increase significantly. Nitroglycerin has an immedi-
ate onset of action but is rapidly metabolized to dinitrates
and mononitrates. Patients with normal or low left ventricular
filling pressure or pulmonary wedge pressure may be hyper-
sensitive to the effects of nitroglycerin. Therefore, continuous
monitoring of BP, heart rate, and pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure must be performed to assess the correct dose. Intrave-
nous nitroglycerin may be the drug of choice in the treatment
of the patient with moderate hypertension associated
with coronary ischemia. The principal side effects are head-
ache, nausea, and vomiting. Tolerance may develop with
prolonged use.

b1-Selective Adrenergic Antagonist

Esmolol hydrochloride is a short-acting b1-selective adrenergic

antagonist used in the management of hypertensive emergen-
cies (see Table 25-8). Efficacy should be assessed after the
1-minute loading dose and 4 minutes of maintenance infusion.
If an adequate therapeutic effect is observed, the maintenance
infusion should be maintained. If an adequate therapeutic
effect is not observed, the same loading dose can be repeated
for 1 minute followed by an increased maintenance rate of infu-
sion. Extravasation of esmolol hydrochloride may cause serious
local irritation and skin necrosis. Esmolol shares all of the toxic
potential of the b1-adrenergic antagonists previously discussed.
Esmolol may be particularly useful for the treatment of
postoperative hypertension and hypertension associated with 541
coronary insufficiency. Esmolol is hydrolyzed rapidly in blood,
and negligible concentrations are present 30 minutes after dis-
continuance. The de-esterified metabolite of esmolol is elimi-
nated by the kidney; it should therefore be used cautiously in CH 25
patients with renal insufficiency.

Antihypertensive Drugs

The a1- and b-adrenergic antagonist labetalol may be given by

either repeated intravenous injection or slow continuous infu-
sion (see Table 25-8). The maximal BP-lowering effect is
within 5 minutes of the first injection. The drug should be
administered to patients in the supine position to avoid symp-
tomatic postural hypotension. It has been proved to be safe
and useful in hypertensive urgencies and emergencies in preg-
nant women.

Ganglionic Blocking Agent

Trimethaphan camsylate blocks transmission of impulses at
both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia, and is used
exclusively for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.
It has an immediate onset of action when administered as a
continuous infusion (see Table 25-8). The resulting dramatic
reduction of BP requires intra-arterial monitoring. The main
disadvantage is that the drug must be administered with the
patient supine to avoid profound postural hypotension.
It has been shown to be useful for acute BP reduction in
patients with acute aortic dissection. Other disadvantages
include the potential for tachyphylaxis after sustained
infusion (48 hours), the appearance of side effects associated
with parasympathetic and sympathetic blockade, and
histamine release.

a-Adrenergic Antagonist
Phentolamine mesylate is a nonselective a-adrenergic antago-
nist used primarily in the treatment of hypertension associated
with pheochromocytoma. It has a rapid onset of action when
administered intravenously as either a bolus or a continuous
infusion (see Table 25-8). The duration of action is 10 to
15 minutes. It has a plasma half-life of 19 minutes; approxi-
mately 13% of a single dose appears in the urine as unchanged
drug. Adverse effects include those associated with nonselec-
tive a-adrenergic blockade, as discussed previously.
542 Calcium Antagonists

Nicardipine hydrochloride, a dihydropyridine CA, is adminis-

tered by slow continuous infusion resulting in a dose-depen-
VI dent decrease in BP. Onset of action is within minutes; 50%
of the ultimate decrease occurs in 45 minutes, but a final
Hypertension and the Kidney

steady state does not occur for about 50 hours (see Table 25-8).
Discontinuation of infusion is followed by a 50% offset of
action in 30 minutes, but gradually decreasing antihyperten-
sive effects exist for about 50 hours. It has been shown to be
safe and effective in pediatric hypertensive emergencies.

Dopamine D1-like Receptor Agonist

Fenoldopam mesylate is a dopamine D1-like receptor agonist

used for acute hypertensive treatment. Elimination half-life
is 5 minutes, and steady-state concentrations are reached
within 20 minutes. Clearance of the active compound is not
altered by ESRD or hepatic disease. Side effects include reflex
increase in heart rate, increase in intraocular pressure, head-
ache, flushing, nausea, and hypotension.

Hypertensive Urgency and Rapid-Acting

Oral Drugs
A more gradual, progressive reduction in systemic BP may be
achieved after the oral administration of drugs with rapid
absorption. These drugs include (1) the a1- and b-adrenergic
antagonist labetalol, (2) the central a2-adrenergic agonist
clonidine, (3) the CAs diltiazem and verapamil, (4) the ACE
inhibitors captopril and enalapril, (5) the postsynaptic
a1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin, and (6) a combination of
oral therapies. The doses and pharmacodynamic effects
of rapid-acting oral drugs used commonly in the treatment of
hypertensive urgencies are given in Table 25-9. Note that
rapid-acting oral dihydropyridine CAs such as sublingual
nifedipine are no longer recommended as they may cause large
and unpredictable reductions in BP with resultant ischemic

Clinical Considerations in the Acute Reduction

of Blood Pressure
The acute reduction of BP carries the risk of impairing blood
supply to vital structures such as the brain and heart. Conse-
quently, every effort should be made to avoid excessive
reduction of BP. Short-term, rapid reduction of BP may 543
decrease cerebral blood flow sufficiently to precipitate ische-
mia and infarction in patients with chronic hypertension.
This may be particularly important in patients with athero-
sclerotic disease of the cerebral blood vessels in whom there CH 25
may be areas of uneven cerebral perfusion. Sudden drops in

Antihypertensive Drugs
BP can also interfere with coronary perfusion during diastole
and result in myocardial ischemia, infarction, or arrhythmia.
In addition, rapid reduction of BP may result in a reflex
increase in heart rate, which would also interfere with coro-
nary perfusion. For these reasons, careful, cautious, and con-
trolled reduction in BP is necessary in these patients. For
most hypertension emergencies, a parenteral drug such as
sodium nitroprusside is ideal. However, if the patient has cor-
onary disease, intravenous nitroglycerin or esmolol, or both, is
a useful approach as they can induce coronary dilation or
slow heart rate, respectively. Intravenous nicardipine could
also be used because it facilitates coronary vasodilation.
Patients with acute aortic dissection are best treated with a
b-adrenergic antagonist plus nitroprusside or a ganglionic
blocker such as trimethaphan. Patients with hypertensive
encephalopathy or central nervous system hemorrhage may
be best treated with drugs that do not cause cerebral vasodila-
tion such as hydralazine, nitroprusside, nicardipine, or fenol-
dopam. Fenoldopam may be helpful in patients with kidney
diseases, as it maintains renal blood flow (Table 25-10).

Antihypertensives Requiring Dose Modification* in Renal Insufficiency: Estimated Glomerular

Table 25-10
Filtration Rate (Creatinine Clearance)
Class Drug 10–15 mL/min (%) <10 mL/min (%) Dialysis (%){
ACE inhibitors Benazepril 50 25 Negligible
Captopril 50 25 (H) 50
Cilazepril 50 25 (H) 50
Enalapril 50 25 (H) 50
Fosinopril No change 75 —
Lisinopril 50 25 (H) 50
Perindopril 75 50 —
Quinapril 50 25 —
Ramipril 50 25 —
Trandolapril 50 25 —
ARBs Candesartan No change No change Negligible
Eprosartan No change 50 Negligible
Irbesartan No change — Negligible
Losartan No change No change Negligible
Olmesartan — — —
Telmisartan No change No change Negligible
Valsartan No change No change —
b-Adrenergic antagonists Nadolol 50 25 (H) 50
Carteolol 50 25 —
Penbutolol No change 50 Negligible
Pindolol No change 50 Negligible
Atenolol 50 25 (H) 50
Bisoprolol 50 25 Negligible
Acebutolol 50 30–50 (H) 50
Celiprolol 50 Avoid —
Nebivolol 50 — —
Calcium antagonists No adjustment — — —
Central a2-adrenergic Methyldopa No change 50 (H) 50
Imidazole I1 agonists Clonidine 50 25 Negligible
Peripheral adrenergic-neuronal Guanethidine No change (Avoid) —
Direct-acting vasodilators Hydralazine No change 75{ Negligible
Minoxidil 50 50 (H & P) 5%
Selective aldosterone Eplerenone Dosage adjustment Caution with —
receptor antagonists unknown hyperkalemia
Tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor Metyrosine 50 25 —
*Percent of total dose given.
Replacement dose at end of dialysis (% of dose prescribed when GFR < 10 mL/min).
Slow acetylators.
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin receptor blockers; H, hemodialysis; P, peritoneal dialysis.
Chapter 26


Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Site of Action
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) act primarily in the
proximal tubule; an additional, albeit modest, effect along
the distal nephron is also observed.

Mechanism of Action
CAIs work by inhibition of luminal and cellular carbonic anhy-
drase, resulting in an alkaline diuresis with impaired reabsorption
of Naþ, Cl, and HCO3 and decreased excretion of titratable acid
and NH4þ. There is substantial kaliuresis, although hypokalemia
is uncommon. Diuretic efficacy is limited by distal Naþ and
HCO3 reabsorption and development of metabolic acidosis,
which limits the filtered load to HCO3, thereby curtailing natri-
uresis. Most diuretics have some carbonic anhydrase activity.

Acetazolamide (Diamox) is readily absorbed. It is eliminated by
tubular secretion (which is diminished by hypoalbuminemia),
and has a half-life (t1/2) of 13 hours. Methazolamide (Neptazane)
has less plasma protein binding, a longer t1/2, and greater lipid
solubility, all of which favor penetration into aqueous humor
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It has fewer renal effects and there-
fore is preferred for treatment of glaucoma.

Clinical Indications
The use of CAIs is limited by their transient action, develop-
ment of metabolic acidosis, and a spectrum of adverse effects.
They can be used with NaHCO3 infusion to cause an alkaline
diuresis that increases the excretion of weakly acidic drugs
(e.g., salicylates and phenobarbital) or acidic metabolites
(urate). Chloride-responsive metabolic alkalosis is best treated
by administering Cl with Kþ or Naþ. However, if this produces
unacceptable extracellular volume (ECV) expansion, acetazol-
amide (250–500 mg/day) and KCl can be used to increase
HCO3 excretion. These agents are useful in glaucoma by
diminishing the transport of HCO3 and Naþ by the ciliary pro-
cess, thereby reducing the intraocular pressure. CAIs also limit
formation of CSF and endolymph. Acetazolamide is used in a 547
dose of 250 mg twice daily as prophylaxis against mountain
sickness, probably through stimulating respiration and dimin-
ishing cerebral blood flow. In established mountain sickness,
it improves oxygenation and pulmonary gas exchange. It can CH 26
stimulate ventilation in patients with central sleep apnea. CAIs

are effective in prophylaxis of hypokalemic periodic paralysis
due to diminished influx of Kþ into cells. Paradoxically,
they are also useful in the treatment of hyperkalemic periodic

Adverse Effects
Lethargy, abnormal taste, paresthesia, gastrointestinal distress,
malaise, and decreased libido are among the adverse effects
seen with treatment. Administration of NaHCO3 may amelio-
rate symptoms, but increases the risk of nephrocalcinosis
and nephrolithiasis, which is tenfold higher in patients
receiving acetazolamide. Symptomatic metabolic acidosis
develops in 50%; the elderly, diabetics, and patients with
chronic kidney disease (CKD) may develop serious metabolic
acidosis. An alkaline urine favors partitioning of renal ammo-
nia into blood, rather than its elimination in urine, and may
precipitate encephalopathy in patients with liver failure.

Osmotic Diuretics
Site of Action
Osmotic diuretics do not act on any specific transport path-
way. They act as osmotic particles in tubule fluid and are
freely filtered but poorly reabsorbed.

Mechanism of Action
Filtered mannitol is concentrated sufficiently to diminish
tubular fluid reabsorption. Ongoing Naþ reabsorption creates
an osmotic gradient for back-flux of reabsorbed Naþ into the
tubule. Increased distal flow stimulates Kþ secretion. Manni-
tol increases the total renal and medullary blood flow and
decreases the medullary solute gradient, preventing urinary

Pharmacokinetics and Dosage

Mannitol is distributed in the ECV and is filtered freely at
the glomerulus. Consequently, the t1/2 for plasma clearance
depends on the GFR and can be prolonged up to 36 hours in
advanced kidney disease. It can be infused intravenously in
daily doses of 50 to 200 g as a 15% or 20% solution or 1.5 to
2 g/kg of 20% mannitol over 30 to 60 minutes to treat raised
intraocular or intracranial pressure.
548 Clinical Indications
Mannitol is used in the management of severe head injury,
where it is more effective than loop diuretics or hypertonic
saline in reducing brain water content, and has been used
VI with success in treating cerebral edema complicating hepatic
failure. Mannitol can also prevent or reverse the dialysis dis-
Hypertension and the Kidney

equilibrium syndrome. There is no clear evidence that manni-

tol, or any diuretic, is effective in prevention or treatment of
AKI and its routine application in this setting is discouraged.

Adverse Effects
The osmotic abstraction of cell water initially causes hypona-
tremia and hypochloremia. Later, when the excess extracellular
fluid is excreted, the decrease in cell water concentrates Kþ and
Hþ within cells, which increases the gradient for their diffusion
into the extracellular fluid (ECF), leading to hyperkalemic aci-
dosis. If renal function is adequate, these electrolyte changes
are normally rapidly corrected by the kidney. Hypernatremic
dehydration may later develop if free water is not provided,
because urinary concentrating ability is inhibited. Importantly,
in patients with renal failure, administration of mannitol
causes expansion of ECV, hemodilution, and hyperkalemic
metabolic acidosis; the consequent circulatory overload, central
nervous system depression, and severe hyponatremia can
trigger the need for emergent hemodialysis.

Loop Diuretics

Site of Action
Loop diuretics work in the luminal aspect of the thick ascend-
ing limb of the loop of Henle (TAL).

Mechanism of Action
Loop diuretics are organic anions that inhibit the Naþ/Kþ/2Cl
co-transporter, a member of the solute carrier family 12
(SLC12A1), also termed NKCC2, which is expressed on the api-
cal membranes of medullary and cortical TAL cells and macula
densa segments. Expression of NKCC2 is increased by pro-
longed infusion of saline or furosemide. They are potent diure-
tics (25% of Naþ reabsorption occurs in TAL). Loop diuretics
also inhibit NaCl transport in short descending limbs of the
loop of Henle and collecting ducts. Reduction in the medullary
concentrating gradient due to inhibition of solute reabsorption
in the water-impermeable TAL leads to impaired free water
excretion during water loading and reabsorption during dehy-
dration. Loop diuretics increase the fractional excretion of
Ca2þ by up to 30% by decreasing the lumen-positive transep-
ithelial potential that promotes paracellular Ca2þ reabsorption
from the lumen. The loop of Henle is the major nephron 549
segment for reabsorption of Mg2þ; loop diuretics increase frac-
tional Mg2þ excretion by more than 60%, also by diminishing
voltage-dependent paracellular transport. Uniquely, furosemide
also has a venodilatory action mediated by an endothelium- CH 26
dependent hyperpolarizing action that can acutely lower central

filling pressures in the setting of congestive heart failure (CHF).
The total renal blood flow is maintained or increased, and the
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is little changed during adminis-
tration of loop diuretics to normal subjects, although there is
marked redistribution of blood flow from the inner to the outer
cortex. Furosemide increases the renal generation of prostaglandins
(PGs); blockade of cyclooxygenase (COX) prevents furosemide-
induced renal vasodilatation. Loop diuretics stimulate renin secre-
tion, both acute and chronic, partly from ECV depletion, but also
from direct effects on the macula densa.

Loop diuretics are absorbed promptly after ingestion, but their
bioavailability varies. Loop diuretics are more than 90% albu-
min-bound, greatly limiting their clearance by glomerular
filtration. Diuretics gain access to tubular fluid almost exclu-
sively by proximal secretion; loop diuretics, thiazides, and
CAIs are all secreted avidly by a probenecid-sensitive organic
ion transporter (OAT) in proximal tubule cells. Furosemide is
variably absorbed, both between patients and over time;
approximately 50% is eliminated by renal metabolism to the
inactive glucuronide. In contrast, bumetanide and torsemide
have better oral bioavailability and are metabolized in the
liver. The duration of action of torsemide is approximately
twice as long as furosemide, whereas the duration of bumeta-
nide action is shorter; clinically relevant differences in salt-
depleting action are not evident. In patients with CKD, the
elimination of furosemide, unlike bumetanide or torsemide,
is greatly reduced because its metabolism to the inactive glu-
curonide occurs in the kidney, although the fraction of drug
excreted unchanged in CKD is greater for furosemide. There
is, therefore, a tradeoff when selecting a loop diuretic in
CKD: furosemide can accumulate and cause ototoxicity at high
doses, whereas bumetanide retains its metabolic inactivation
but is therefore somewhat less potent. Renal clearance of the
active form of loop diuretics falls in proportion to the creati-
nine clearance. In addition, there is competition for peritubu-
lar uptake and luminal secretion by other organic anions
(including urate), and impairment of organic anion secretion
by metabolic acidosis. These factors combine to explain why
diuretic secretion is often impaired in advanced CKD. Hypoal-
buminemia also decreases tubular secretion of active diuretic.
Natriuresis is related to the urinary, but not the plasma,
550 diuretic concentration. It is worth noting that a reduced die-
tary salt intake and repeated administration of furosemide
during salt restriction diminish the renal tubular response to
Clinical Indications
Hypertension and the Kidney

These indications are described under “Clinical Uses of


Adverse Effects
These effects are discussed under “Adverse Effects of

Site of Action
Thiazides act at the early distal convoluted tubule (DCT).

Mechanism of Action
Thiazide diuretics inhibit the thiazide-sensitive Naþ/Cl co-
transporter (NCC, gene symbol SLC12A3), which mediates
40% of coupled reabsorption of Naþ and Cl. Thiazides
increase Kþ excretion, due to stimulation of aldosterone secre-
tion, increased distal flow, and increased calcium reabsorp-
tion. The mechanisms underlying decreased Ca2þ excretion
include enhanced basolateral Naþ/Ca2þ exchange and stimu-
lation of proximal reabsorption of Ca2þ in response to ECV
depletion. Mg2þ excretion is enhanced. Thiazides impair max-
imal urinary dilution, but not maximal urinary concentration,
thereby predisposing to hyponatremia, particularly in the
elderly. Thiazides also enhance water absorption from inner
medullary collecting ducts in a vasopressin-independent
manner, further contributing to the tendency toward hypona-
tremia. Urate clearance is diminished due to ECV depletion
and competition for tubular uptake.

Thiazides are readily absorbed and are extensively bound to
plasma proteins. They are eliminated largely by secretion
into the proximal tubule, mainly via OAT. The t1/2 is
prolonged in renal failure and in the elderly, which reduces
their natriuretic efficacy, as the secreted component is
clinically active. The more lipid-soluble drugs (e.g., bend-
roflumethiazide and polythiazide) are more potent, have a
more prolonged action, and are more extensively metabo-
lized. Chlorthalidone has a particularly prolonged action;
indapamide is sufficiently metabolized to limit accumulation
in renal failure.
Clinical Indications 551
These indications are described under “Clinical Uses of

Adverse Effects CH 26
These effects are described under “Adverse Effects of


Distal Potassium-Sparing Diuretic Agents

Distal Kþ-sparing diuretics comprise those that directly block
the epithelial Naþ channel (ENaC; amiloride and triamterene)
and competitive antagonists of aldosterone (spironolactone
and eplerenone).

Site of Action
Their site of action is the principal cells in the late DCT, the
initial connecting tubule, and the cortical collecting duct.

Mechanism of Action
Direct inhibition of ENaC from the luminal surface (triamter-
ene and amiloride) results in a natriuresis and diminished
electrochemical gradient for Kþ and Hþ secretion. Amiloride
also inhibits the Naþ/Hþ exchanger in the proximal tubule,
although distal effects predominate clinically. Trimethoprim
and pentamidine have amiloride-like actions and can cause
hyperkalemia. Spironolactone and eplerenone are competitive
antagonists of the mineralocorticoid receptor. Eplerenone has
fewer estrogenic side effects. Distal Kþ-sparing diuretics cause
a modest natriuresis; their more clinically relevant actions are
to reduce the excretion of Kþ and net acid.

Triamterene is well absorbed. The drug and its metabolites are
secreted in the proximal tubule with half-lives of 3 to 5 hours.
Triamterene and its active metabolites accumulate in patients
with cirrhosis because of decreased biliary secretion, in the
elderly, and in those with CKD because of decreased renal
excretion. Amiloride is incompletely absorbed, and has a dura-
tion of action of approximately 18 hours. It accumulates in renal
failure and may worsen renal function. Spironolactone is read-
ily absorbed, has a t1/2 of 20 hours, and takes 10 to 48 hours to
become maximally effective.

Clinical Indications
Distal Kþ-sparing agents are used to prevent or treat hypokalemic
alkalosis, especially in combination with a thiazide diuretic.
Amiloride can prevent amphoteracin-induced hypokalemia
552 and hypomagnesemia. Spironolactone is indicated as first-line
therapy for the treatment of ECV expansion in cirrhotic ascites,
for treatment of CHF with systolic dysfunction, and may also be
an effective adjunct to the treatment of resistant hypertension
VI and hypertension associated with hyperaldosteronism. Eplere-
none is indicated for systolic dysfunction in the setting of recent
Hypertension and the Kidney

myocardial infarction.

Adverse Effects
The risk of hyperkalemia is dose-dependent and increases consid-
erably in patients with CKD or in those receiving potassium
supplements, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs),
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), NSAIDs, b-blockers, hepa-
rin, or ketoconazole. Impaired net acid excretion can cause meta-
bolic acidosis, which worsens hyperkalemia. Amiloride and
triamterene accumulate in renal failure, and triamterene accumu-
lates in cirrhosis. Therefore, these drugs should be avoided in
these situations. Gynecomastia may occur in men, especially with
increasing doses (less with eplerenone); decreased libido and
impotence have also been reported. Menstrual irregularities,
hirsutism, breast swelling, and tenderness have been reported in


In low doses (1–3 mg/kg/min), dopamine is natriuretic, owing

primarily to a modest increase in the GFR and reduction in
proximal reabsorption attributed to a cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphate (cAMP)–induced inhibition of the Naþ/Hþ antipor-
ter. “Renal dose dopamine” has little or no renal effect in
critically ill or septic patients and controlled trials have uni-
versally failed to detect improved renal outcomes in patients
given dopamine. There is, therefore, currently no justification
for the use of low-dose dopamine for renal protection. Higher
rates of dopamine infusion have a role as a pressor agent, but
any benefits are offset by associated arrhythmias.

Vasopressin Antagonists
Nonpeptide orally active vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists
(e.g., tolvaptan) cause free water diuresis without appreciable
natriuresis, and have been shown to increase urine volume,
free water clearance, and serum sodium concentration in
patients with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of anti-
diuretic hormone (SIADH), CHF, and cirrhosis. Despite these
effects, there is no evidence to date that the use of these agents
modifies CHF outcomes.
Diuretics entrain a set of homeostatic mechanisms that limit
their fluid-depleting actions and contribute to diuretic resis- CH 26
tance and adverse effects. The first dose of a diuretic normally

produces a brisk diuresis. However, in subjects on a normal
salt diet, a new equilibrium is attained within 24 hours when
body weight stabilizes and daily fluid and electrolyte excre-
tion no longer exceeds intake. This adjustment occurs as a
result of a combination of postdiuretic salt retention, contrac-
tion alkalosis that inhibits the efficacy of loop diuretics, and
diuretic tolerance (which is class-specific). In contrast, during
salt restriction, while the first dose of furosemide produces a
blunted natriuresis, Naþ balance cannot be restored because
of the low level of dietary Naþ intake, and the patient con-
tinues to lose both Naþ and body weight. Tolerance manifests
as a 40% reduction in the natriuretic response to the drug over
3 days. It is noteworthy that the natriuretic response to the
addition of a thiazide is augmented during furosemide ther-
apy. Tolerance to furosemide is thus class-specific, and is
dependent on increased NaCl reabsorption at a downstream,
thiazide-sensitive site.
There are a number of clinical implications from these find-
ings: first, that even in subjects receiving powerful loop diuretics,
dietary salt intake must be restricted to obviate postdiuretic
salt retention and to ensure the development of a negative NaCl
balance; second, during prolonged diuretic administration,
subjects may be particularly responsive to another class of
diuretic; third, diuretic therapy should not be stopped abruptly
unless dietary salt intake is effectively curtailed, because the
adaptive mechanisms limiting salt excretion persist for days
after diuretic use; fourth, selection of a diuretic with a prolonged
action, or more frequent administration of the diuretic, will
enhance NaCl loss by limiting the time available for postdiuretic
salt retention; fifth, prevention or reversal of diuretic-induced
metabolic alkalosis may enhance diuretic efficacy.

Diuretic Resistance
Diuretic resistance implies inadequate clearance of edema
despite a full dose of diuretic. The principal causes are sum-
marized in Table 26-1. The first step is to select the appropri-
ate target response (e.g., a specific body weight) and to ensure
that the edema is due to inappropriate renal NaCl and fluid
retention rather than lymphatic or venous obstruction. Diure-
tics do not prevent edema caused by dihydropyridine calcium
channel blockers. The next step is to exclude noncompliance
Table 26-1 Common Causes of Diuretic Resistance
Cause Example(s)
Incorrect diagnosis Venous or lymphatic edema
VI Inappropriate NaCl intake Naþ intake > 120 mmol/day
Hypertension and the Kidney

Inadequate drug reaching tubule

lumen in active form
Dose inadequate or too
Poor absorption Uncompensated CHF
Decreased renal blood flow CHF, hepatic cirrhosis,
Decreased functional renal AKI, CKD, elderly
Proteinuria Nephrotic syndrome
Inadequate renal response
Low glomerular filtration rate AKI, CKD
Decreased effective ECV Edematous conditions
Activation of renin-angiotensin- Edematous conditions
aldosterone axis
Nephron adaptation Prolonged diuretic therapy
NSAIDs Indomethacin, aspirin
AKI, acute kidney injury; CHF, congestive heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney
disease; ECV, extracellular volume.

or concurrent NSAID use. Thereafter, dietary NaCl intake

should be quantified (24-hour Naþ excretion). For patients
with mild edema or hypertension, restriction of daily Naþ
intake to 100 to 120 mmol may be sufficient. For patients with
diuretic resistance, the help of a dietitian is usually necessary
to reduce daily Naþ intake to 80 to 100 mmol. The diuretic dose
must be above the natriuretic threshold, and the next
step therefore is to double the dose or, better, to give two daily
doses of the diuretic. Furosemide or bumetanide act for only
3 to 6 hours. Two divided doses, by interrupting postdiuretic
salt retention, produce a greater response than the same total
dose given once daily, as long as both are above the diuretic
threshold. Concurrent disease may impair the absorption of
the diuretic, such that use of a more bioavailable diuretic, such
as torsemide, may be preferable. Diuretic resistance is often
accompanied by a pronounced metabolic alkalosis. This may
be reversed by KCl or by adding a distal Kþ-sparing diuretic.
Adaptive changes in downstream nephron segments during
prolonged diuretic therapy provide a rational basis for com-
bining diuretics (see the following section). If there is no
response, consideration should be given to a trial of intrave-
nous loop diuretic infusion or ultrafiltration.
Diuretic Combinations 555

Combination diuretic therapy using agents acting on separate

natriuretic mechanisms can significantly augment the diuretic
response. CH 26

Loop Diuretics and Thiazides
A loop diuretic and a thiazide (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide or
metolazone) are synergistic in normal subjects and in those
with edema or renal insufficiency. Metolazone is equivalent
to bendrofluazide in enhancing NaCl and fluid losses in furose-
mide-resistant subjects with CHF or the nephrotic syndrome.
Patients with advanced CKD (GFR < 30 mL/min) who are
unresponsive to thiazide alone have a marked natriuresis
when the thiazide is added to loop diuretic therapy, probably
by blockade of enhanced distal tubular Naþ reabsorption.
However, close clinical surveillance is imperative when
combination therapy is initiated, because of a high incidence
of hypokalemia, excessive ECV depletion, and azotemia.

Loop Diuretics or Thiazides and Distal

Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
Amiloride or triamterene increases furosemide natriuresis
only modestly but curtails the excretion of Kþ and net acid
and preserves total body Kþ. Distal Kþ-sparing agents are gen-
erally contraindicated in renal failure because they may cause
severe hyperkalemia and acidosis.


Fluid and Electrolyte Abnormalities

Extracellular Volume Depletion and Azotemia

Diuretics normally do not decrease the GFR. However, renal
failure can be precipitated by vigorous diuresis in patients
with impaired renal function, severe edema, or cirrhosis and
ascites. A rise in the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine
(>20:1) suggests ECV depletion.

Hyponatremia is usually described with thiazide therapy. The
mechanisms include enhanced arginine vasopressin (AVP)
release in response to volume depletion and, more importantly,
specific effects on the urinary concentrating capacity. This
effect is relatively specific for thiazides, which inhibit urinary
dilution, whereas loop diuretics inhibit both urinary concentra-
tion and dilution. Mild, asymptomatic hyponatremia can be
treated by withdrawal of diuretics, restriction of daily free
556 water intake to 1 to 1.5 L, restoring any Kþ and Mg2þ losses,
and replenishing NaCl if the patient is clearly volume-depleted.
Severe, symptomatic hyponatremia complicated by seizures is
an emergency requiring intensive treatment. The ideal manage-
VI ment remains controversial but may involve the controlled
administration of hypertonic saline (see Chapter 5, Disorders
Hypertension and the Kidney

of Water Balance).

The serum Kþ concentration (SK) of patients not receiving KCl
supplements falls by an average of 0.3 mmol/L with furosemide
and by 0.6 mmol/L with thiazides. Mild diuretic-induced hypo-
kalemia (SK 3–3.5 mmol/L) increases the frequency of ventricu-
lar ectopy, the clinical significance of which is unknown in
otherwise healthy subjects. Severe hypokalemia (SK < 3
mmol/L) is associated with a doubling of serious ventricular
dysrhythmias, muscular weakness, and rhabdomyolysis. Lesser
degrees of hypokalemia can precipitate dysrhythmias in
patients with known ischemic heart disease or left ventricular
hypertrophy, those taking digoxin, or patients with a prolonged
QT interval. An increase in the daily intake of Kþ with Cl can
prevent hypokalemia, although this often requires 40 to 80
mmol daily. In the presence of alkalosis, hyperaldosteronism,
or Mg2þ depletion, hypokalemia is poorly responsive to dietary
KCl. A more effective, convenient, and predictable strategy is to
prescribe a combined therapy with a distal Kþ-sparing agent,
such as amiloride or triamterene, which prevents diuretic-
induced hypokalemia and alkalosis and provides further natri-
uresis and antihypertensive efficacy.

Distal potassium-sparing diuretics decrease Kþ secretion and
predispose to hyperkalemia. Recently, trimethoprim and pent-
amidine have been identified as amiloride-like agents that
inhibit Kþ secretion in the collecting ducts.

During prolonged therapy with thiazides and loop diuretics,
serum Mg2þ concentration (SMg) falls by 5% to 10% and
diuretic-induced hyponatremia and hypokalemia cannot be
reversed fully until any Mg2þ deficit is replaced. Symptoms
of hypomagnesemia include depression, muscular weakness,
and atrial fibrillation and can be corrected by administration
of magnesium oxide or sulfate. Distal Kþ-sparing agents and
spironolactone diminish Mg2þ excretion.

Thiazides increase the serum concentrations of total and ion-
ized calcium (SCa). Persistent hypercalcemia should prompt a
search for a specific cause, for example, an adenoma of the 557
parathyroid glands. In contrast, loop diuretics are used in asso-
ciation with saline volume expansion to treat hypercalcemia.

Acid-Base Changes CH 26
Metabolic alkalosis induced by thiazides or loop diuretics is

an important adverse factor in patients with hepatic cirrhosis
and ascites, in whom the alkalosis may provoke hepatic coma
by partitioning ammonia into the brain, and in those with
underlying pulmonary insufficiency, in whom the alkalosis
can impair ventilatory drive. Diuretic-induced metabolic alkalo-
sis is best managed by administration of Cl, usually as KCl, but a
distal Kþ-sparing diuretic, or occasionally a CAI, should also be
considered. Metabolic alkalosis impairs the natriuretic response
to loop diuretics, and may therefore contribute to diuretic resis-
tance. Spironolactone and distal Kþ-sparing diuretics can cause
hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis, especially in elderly patients,
those with renal impairment or cirrhosis, and those receiving
KCl supplements.

Metabolic Abnormalities
Diuretic therapy, especially thiazide use, impairs carbohydrate
tolerance and occasionally precipitates diabetes mellitus. The
increase in blood glucose concentration is greatest during initia-
tion of therapy and is reversed rapidly after diuretic discontinu-
ation, even following many years of therapy. During sustained
thiazide therapy, there is decreased insulin secretion that can
be corrected by reversal of hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or
administration of spironolactone. Care should be taken to moni-
tor blood glucose following initiation of thiazide therapy, partic-
ularly in obese or diabetic patients. Measures to prevent this
complication include co-administration of a distal, Kþ-sparing
diuretic, spironolactone, ACEI, or ARB, prescribing extra KCl,
or reducing the thiazide dosage.

Administration of loop diuretics or thiazides increases the
plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, triglycerides,
and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but reduces
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, thereby raising
the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio. Importantly, most studies
have shown that serum cholesterol returns to baseline over
3 to 12 months of thiazide therapy, and when combined
with lifestyle management, 4 years of thiazide therapy for
hypertension is associated with a modest improvement in
lipid profile.
558 Hyperuricemia
Prolonged thiazide therapy for hypertension increases the
serum urate concentration by approximately 35%, due to
competition for secretion between urate and the diuretic,
VI and because of ECV depletion-induced urate reabsorption.
Hyperuricemia is dose related and may lead to gout.
Hypertension and the Kidney

Other Adverse Effects

The incidence of impotence has been shown in some series
to be twice as high in patients receiving thiazides than in
normal subjects. Sildenafil use has been demonstrated to be
efficacious in hypertensive patients receiving multiple
antihypertensive agents, including diuretics.

Loop diuretics can cause deafness that may occasionally be
permanent. The risk is greater with ethacrynic acid and when
combined with another ototoxic drug (e.g., an aminoglyco-
side), during high-dose bolus intravenous therapy in patients
with renal failure where plasma levels are increased, and in
hypoalbuminemic subjects.

Hazards in Pregnancy and Newborns

Current evidence suggests that thiazides can be maintained
during pregnancy in those whose hypertension has been con-
trolled by them, as long as volume depletion is avoided. They
may also be used in pregnancy to treat pulmonary edema.
Prolonged furosemide therapy in preterm infants can cause
renal calcification. Furosemide is excreted in breast milk;
thiazide diuretics are excreted to a much lesser extent.

Drug Allergy
A reversible photosensitivity dermatitis occurs rarely during
thiazide or furosemide therapy. High-dose furosemide in renal
failure can cause bullous dermatitis. Diuretics may cause a more
generalized dermatitis, sometimes with eosinophilia, purpura,
or blood dyscrasia. Occasionally, they cause a necrotizing vasculi-
tis. Cross-sensitivity can occur with other sulfonamide drugs.
Acute interstitial nephritis with fever, skin rash, and eosinophilia
may develop abruptly some months after initiation of therapy
with a thiazide or, less often, furosemide. Ethacrynic acid is chem-
ically dissimilar from other loop diuretics and can be a substitute.

B Vitamin Deficiency
Diuretics increase the excretion of water-soluble vitamins.
Long-term diuretic therapy for CHF reduces folate and vitamin
B1 (thiamine) levels and increases plasma homocysteine. Thi- 559
amine can improve left ventricular function in some patients
with CHF treated with furosemide.

Adverse Drug Interactions CH 26

Hyperkalemia in patients receiving distal Kþ-sparing

diuretics can be precipitated by concurrent therapy with
KCl, ACEIs, ARBs, heparin, ketoconazole, trimethoprim, or
pentamidine. Loop diuretics and aminoglycosides potentiate
ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Diuretic-induced hypokale-
mia increases digitalis toxicity fourfold. Plasma lithium
concentrations increase during thiazide therapy because of
increased proximal lithium reabsorption. NSAIDs may impair
the diuretic, natriuretic, antihypertensive, and venodilating
responses to diuretics and predispose to renal vasoconstric-
tion and a fall in GFR. Used together, indomethacin and triam-
terene may precipitate acute urinary obstruction and renal


Edematous Conditions
Diuretic therapy for edema should be initiated with the lowest
effective dose and only after treatment of the underlying cause
has been initiated. Dietary Naþ intake should be monitored
and restricted to 2.5 to 3 g/day (107–129 mmol/day) in
patients with mild edema. Increasingly severe restrictions of
dietary salt to 2 g/day (86 mmol/day) are required for patients
with refractory edema.

Cardiac Failure
The therapeutic approach for cardiac failure depends on the
cause of the dysfunction.
Acute Ischemic Left Ventricular Failure. Intravenous furo-
semide for left ventricular failure (LVF) complicating acute
myocardial infarction can rapidly reduce the left ventricular
filling pressure, primarily by increasing venous capacitance,
an effect that antecedes any diuretic effect. The ensuing diure-
sis reduces left ventricular end-diastolic pressure further. It is
critical, however, that preload-dependent right-sided heart
failure, which may result from a right ventricular infarct,
and diastolic dysfunction are ruled out, because in this
setting, diuretic-induced volume losses can occasionally
reduce cardiac output to the point of hypotension and shock.
Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure. Acute decom-
pensation often results from an imbalance in the neurohu-
moral systems that regulate cardiac and renal function. It is
560 therefore rational to target these mechanisms with selective
therapy. These patients often respond to intravenous vasodila-
tors, which counteract the effects of baroreceptor-dependent
increases in sympathetic tone, angiotensin II and aldosterone,
VI endothelin, and AVP. Venodilation and diuresis evoked by
furosemide may be useful. Longer-acting loop diuretics (e.g.,
Hypertension and the Kidney

torsemide or azosemide) produce less neurohumoral activa-

tion and may be preferable. Additional therapy with a thiazide
diuretic can potentiate diuresis.

Chronic Stable Congestive Heart Failure

Diuretics are extremely useful in the long-term management of
chronic, stable CHF. Loop diuretic therapy can improve car-
diac output and congestive symptoms. Conversely, because
the failing heart has a decreased capacity to regulate its
contractility in response to changes in venous return, if
diuretic therapy is too abrupt or severe, patients suffer from
a decreased effective blood volume (orthostatic hypotension,
weakness, fatigue, decreased exercise ability, and prerenal
azotemia). Therefore, salt-depleting therapy requires contin-
ual reassessment and judicious use of other measures (e.g.,
vasodilators, ACEIs, or ARBs). Diuretics should be used cau-
tiously in those with diastolic dysfunction. A recent study
has shown that patients with CHF have an improved outcome
if randomized to spironolactone (25–50 mg/day), even if they
are receiving concurrent ACEI therapy, thought to be due to
effects on ventricular remodeling. Impaired diuretic respon-
siveness in patients with advanced CHF is due to delayed
absorption and diminished tubular secretion. Thus, resistance
should be anticipated in patients with severe CHF and the
diuretic dosage increased accordingly. Mild CHF often
responds to dietary Naþ restriction (100–120 mmol/day) and
low doses of a thiazide diuretic. As cardiac failure progresses,
larger, more frequent doses of loop diuretics and tighter con-
trol of dietary salt intake (80–100 mmol/day) are required.
For the refractory patient, the addition of a second diuretic
acting at the proximal tubule (e.g., acetazolemide) or a down-
stream site (e.g., a thiazide) can produce a dramatic diuresis,
even in individuals with impaired renal function. Many resis-
tant patients with advanced CHF have a satisfactory diuresis
after addition of spironolactone (25–100 mg/day). Resistant
patients may require hospital admission for escalating doses
of intravenous loop diuretic.
Right Ventricular Failure. The requirement for diuretic
therapy in patients with pure right ventricular failure or cor
pulmonale is not compelling. A decrease in venous return
induced by vigorous diuresis may worsen right ventricular
function and the clinical emphasis should be on reversal of
chronic hypoxemia.
Cirrhosis of the Liver 561
Most patients with cirrhotic ascites and peripheral edema
have ECV expansion due to arteriolar underfilling caused by
peripheral vasodilation and impaired cardiac function;
diuretic therapy for this group is rational and well tolerated. CH 26
In some patients, however, the reduced serum albumin and

increased portal pressure, combined with preexisting diuretic
use, lead to true “underfill edema.” Diuretic therapy for this
group is complicated by hypotension, azotemia, and electro-
lyte dysfunction. Studies in patients with cirrhosis demon-
strate increases in proximal reabsorption in response to a
diminished effective arterial blood volume; there may also be
a blunted response to furosemide because of hypoalbumine-
mia leading to diminished tubular delivery. These patients
have an enhanced natriuretic response to diuretics acting
in the distal nephron. Thus, thiazides and, in particular,
spironolactone are a rational choice. Cirrhotic patients with
peripheral edema may tolerate a diuresis of 1 to 3 kg/day.
However, as the daily ascites drainage into the systemic
circulation is limited to 300 to 900 mL, the maximum daily
weight loss in nonedematous patients should not exceed 0.3
to 0.5 kg. Mild edema can be treated by dietary restriction of
Naþ (100 mmol/day). Guidelines developed by the American
Association for the Study of Liver Disease recommend fluid
restriction only if the SNa falls below 120 to 125 mmol/L.
Patients with moderate ascites require stricter reduction of salt
and diuretics. Spironolactone (50–200 mg/day), eplerenone
(50–200 mg/day), and occasionally amiloride (5–10 mg/day)
have been used as first-line agents. Guidelines suggest an
initial regimen of 40 mg furosemide with 100 mg spironolac-
tone, with titration upward, maintaining the same diuretic
ratio. Patients with diuretic resistance may be considered for
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting or repeated
large-volume paracentesis. Large-volume paracentesis is more
effective than diuretic therapy in relieving ascites
and reducing length of hospital stay and electrolyte complica-
tions, but does not influence mortality rates. Even repeated,
large-volume paracenteses (4–6 L/day) are safe if intravenous
albumin (8 g/L removed) is co-administered.
The most common problems with furosemide in cirrhosis
are electrolyte disturbances and volume depletion. Hypokalemia
is related to preexisting Kþ depletion and hyperaldosteronism.
It can be countered by the use of spironolactone or distal
Kþ-sparing agents. However, patients with cirrhosis can develop
hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis with spironolactone.

Nephrotic Syndrome
Diuretics, in combination with dietary salt restriction, are cen-
tral to the management of the nephrotic syndrome. These
562 patients typically have some degree of diuretic resistance;
loop diuretics by virtue of their more potent natriuretic effects
are therefore the agents of first choice. Decreased diuretic
delivery into tubular fluid, and diuretic binding to filtered
VI albumin within the tubule lumen contribute to the observed
diuretic resistance. The administration of albumin in combi-
Hypertension and the Kidney

nation with furosemide to enhance diuretic efficacy has long

been practiced. However, controlled trials suggest that any
effect is modest at best. A more logical approach to diuretic
resistance is to limit albuminuria with an ACEI or ARB or
both, which also may combat the associated coagulopathy,
dyslipidemia, edema, and progressive loss of renal function.
The addition of a thiazide diuretic to furosemide may
dissipate edema but at the expense of marked kaliuresis.

Idiopathic Edema
Idiopathic edema predominantly affects women. It causes
fluctuating salt retention and edema, exacerbated by orthosta-
sis. The effects of diuretic therapy in this setting are unclear,
and patients are best treated by salt restriction.

Nonedematous Conditions
Hypertension is discussed in Chapter 22.

Acute Kidney Injury

Diuretics can be used to convert patients from oliguric to
nonoliguric AKI. Most patients with severe AKI demonstrate
some diuretic resistance; the administration of high-dose
diuretic therapy (>1 g/day) can provoke hearing loss and
therefore cannot be recommended. Importantly, furosemide
therapy does not improve the prognosis of AKI, but may
reduce the need for dialysis by diminishing hyperkalemia, aci-
dosis, or fluid overload. The use of bumetanide or torsemide,
which are hepatically metabolized, may lead to less drug
accumulation and lower risk of ototoxicity.

Chronic Kidney Disease

In subjects who are in balance, the fractional reabsorption of
NaCl and fluid by the renal tubules is reduced in proportion
to the fall in GFR. The renal clearance of loop diuretics falls
in parallel with the GFR because of decreased renal mass
and accumulation of organic acids that compete for proximal
secretion. The maximal increase in fractional excretion of
Naþ produced by furosemide is maintained quite well in
CKD as there is a relative increase of three- to fourfold per
residual nephron in the expression of the Naþ/Kþ/2Cl co- 563
transporter in the TAL. The absolute response to diuretics is
limited by a reduced absolute rate of NaCl reabsorption in
the kidney, and by a reduction in diuretic delivery to the
urine. Torsemide has the greatest oral bioavailability in CKD. CH 26
Loop diuretics may be used in bolus or infusion therapy.

Thiazide diuretics, when used alone, become relatively inef-
fective in patients with a creatinine clearance less than
35 mL/min. When used in combination with a loop diuretic,
higher doses of thiazides, such as metolazone, retain some
efficacy in patients with moderate azotemia, although at the
expense of further deterioration in renal function and high
incidence of electrolyte disorders. High plasma levels of furo-
semide can cause ototoxicity and it is advisable to set a ceiling
dose in patients with CKD.

Ca2þ excretion is increased by osmotic or loop diuretics.
Hypercalcemia activates a Ca2þ-sensing protein that inhibits
fluid and NaCl reabsorption in the TAL and impairs renal con-
centration. The ensuing ECV depletion further limits Ca2þ
excretion by reducing the GFR and enhancing proximal fluid
and Ca2þ reabsorption. Therefore, the initial therapy for
hypercalcemia is volume expansion with saline. Once volume
expansion is achieved, an infusion of a loop diuretic (e.g., 80–
120 mg of furosemide every 1–2 hours) causes the loss of
approximately 80 mg of Ca2þ per dose. Intermittent bolus ther-
apy may also be used. Fluid and electrolytes should be
replaced quantitatively.

Thiazides reduce stone formation in hypercalciuric and even
normocalciuric patients by reducing excretion of Ca2þ and
oxalate. Some patients continue to form stones and require
additional citrate therapy. Ca2þ excretion can be enhanced
by addition of amiloride or a low-salt diet. KHCO3 produces
a greater reduction in Ca2þ excretion than KCl when given
with hydrochlorothiazide.

Diabetes Insipidus
Thiazides can reduce urine flow by about 50% in patients with
central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Antidiuresis is related
to a decreased GFR, enhanced water reabsorption in the proximal
and distal tubules, and an increase in papillary osmolarity.
Amiloride is effective treatment for lithium-induced diabetes
564 Osteoporosis
Bone cells express a Naþ/Cl co-transporter that, when
blocked by a thiazide, enhances bone Ca2þ uptake. Thiazides
inhibit osteocalcin, an osteoblast-specific protein that retards
VI bone formation. They inhibit bone reabsorption and augment
bone mineralization, independent of PTH. Indeed, thiazide
Hypertension and the Kidney

therapy has been associated with increase in bone mineral

density and reduction in hip fractures in the elderly.
Chapter 27

Cardiovascular Aspects of
Chronic Kidney Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is the predominant cause of death in
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Heart disease
accounts for 40% to 45% of all deaths among both dialysis
and transplantation patients. Most clinical consequences of
cardiac disease result from either cardiomyopathy (systolic or
diastolic) or ischemic heart disease. Although myocardial
infarction and angina are most often attributable to the pres-
ence of critical coronary artery disease (CAD), they may also
result from decreased perfusion of the myocardium due to non-
atherosclerotic small vessel disease and left ventricular (LV)
hypertrophy. It has also become evident that the structure
of large arteries can be altered not only by atherogenesis, but
also by arteriosclerosis. Valvular heart disease due to dystro-
phic calcification of the aortic and mitral valves is another
significant cause of cardiac morbidity.

Cardiovascular Disease and Stage of Chronic

Kidney Disease
It is important to recognize that the time of presentation of car-
diovascular disease depends not only on prevailing cardiovas-
cular abnormalities but also on the duration, severity, and
type of renal disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease

LV hypertrophy is present in a significant proportion of
patients. Risk factors that accelerate the development of
symptomatic cardiomyopathy in patients with CKD include
diabetes, hypertension, tobacco use, and anemia.

End-Stage Renal Disease

Only 15% of patients commencing dialysis have a normal
echocardiogram and a substantial minority have already
developed systolic dysfunction. Over time, many patients

568 progress from LV hypertrophy with preserved systolic func-
tion to LV dilatation and symptomatic heart failure.

Renal Transplant Recipients

VII Mortality rates, including cardiovascular death, for those
undergoing transplantation are lower than for dialysis patients.
The Consequences of Renal Failure

There is evidence that systolic dysfunction, LV dilatation, and

concentric hypertrophy all improve after renal transplantation.
Improvements in extracellular volume control, anemia, and
calcium and phosphate abnormalities, as well as normalization
of the uremic environment, undoubtedly could account for the
enhanced longevity after transplantation. However, cardiovas-
cular disease remains the leading cause of death and it should
be remembered that these patients remain subject to a wide
variety of cardiovascular risks after transplantation.


Cardiac Disease
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
LV hypertrophy is an adaptive process that occurs in response
to a long-term increase in myocardial work caused by LV
pressure or volume overload. The initial effects are beneficial;
however, LV hypertrophy in response to chronic pressure and
volume overload in CKD/end-stage renal disease (ESRD) even-
tually becomes maladaptive, resulting in a chronic energy def-
icit and myocyte death. The pathogenesis of this is complex
and includes diminished myocardial capillary density,
decreased coronary reserve with reduced subendocardial per-
fusion, aortic stiffening, architectural rearrangement of myo-
cytes, and the development of myocardial fibrosis.
Consequent to these changes are electrophysiologic abnormal-
ities and maintenance of systolic efficiency at the expense of
impaired diastolic filling. Eventually, in conditions of sus-
tained overload, the deleterious effects of hypertrophy,
increased LV chamber pressure, and fibrosis dominate, lead-
ing to cardiomyopathy and LV failure. The principal factors
contributing to the pressure and volume overload characteris-
tic of patients with CKD, known collectively as hemodynamic
risk factors, are listed in Table 27-1.
Concentric hypertrophy is considered an adaptive mechanism
to chronic LV pressure overload, with eccentric hypertrophy the
adaptive mechanism to states of chronic volume overload.
Reduced arterial wall compliance is a key component of LV
afterload. Arterial stiffness due to arteriosclerosis is common
in CKD and is characterized clinically by an increased systolic
pressure and widening of the pulse pressure. Because the
Factors Contributing to the Development of
Table 27-1
Pressure and Volume Overload
Pressure Overload
Hypertension CH 27

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Aortic stenosis
Volume Overload
Increased extracellular fluid volume
Arteriovenous fistulas

peripheral resistance in most dialysis patients is within the

normal range, it is likely that effects of arterial stiffening con-
tribute more significantly to cardiovascular morbidity than
does an elevation in mean blood pressure. Indeed, the systolic
pressure and pulse pressure more closely correlate with LV
hypertrophy than does diastolic blood pressure. In addition
to the dominant influence of pressure and volume overload,
other factors may also contribute to the development of the
cardiomyopathy of CKD/ESRD including raised sympathetic
activity, homocysteine, and endothelin.
Interstitial myocardial fibrosis is a prominent finding in
CKD and ESRD, the extent of which is exacerbated by many fac-
tors, including male sex, senescence, ischemia, and hormones
such as catecholamines, angiotensin II (A-II), aldosterone, and
transforming growth factors. Recent studies have also demon-
strated that parathyroid hormone is a permissive factor in the
development of cardiac interstitial fibrosis. The predominant
clinical effects appear to relate to diastolic dysfunction and an
increase in arrhythmias, thought to occur due to abnormalities
in calcium reuptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum causing a
delayed relaxation phase, and delay in cardiac depolarization,
compounded by fibrosis-induced conduction abnormalities.

Cardiac Failure
Diastolic Dysfunction. Hemodialysis patients with LV
hypertrophy often have some impairment in LV diastolic func-
tion. Consequent to increased LV stiffness, small increases in
extracellular volume trigger large rises in LV pressure, predis-
posing to symptomatic pulmonary edema. The reverse is also
true: volume depletion results in a large fall in LV pressure
with symptomatic hypotension and hemodynamic instability,
as is frequently observed during rapid ultrafiltration during
hemodialysis. This is often a clinical clue to the presence of
diastolic dysfunction in a hemodialysis patient.
570 Systolic Dysfunction. Decreased systolic function is fre-
quently observed in patients in whom cardiac disease was
present before the onset of dialysis therapy, and in patients
who have experienced prolonged and marked hemodynamic
VII overload. Approximately 15% of patients have systolic
dysfunction at the time of initiation of dialysis. Diminished
The Consequences of Renal Failure

myocardial contractility may also be due to overload cardiomy-

opathy, in which the myocardium relies on Starling forces to
maintain a normal output. This manifestation of cardiomyopa-
thy has a substantially worse prognosis than either concentric
LV hypertrophy or LV dilatation with normal systolic function.
In dialysis patients, systolic dysfunction is strongly associated
with the presence of ischemic heart disease or sustained bio-
mechanical stress or both. However, it can also be a reversible
manifestation of severe uremia, improving when the uremic
environment is treated. Renal transplantation has also been
shown to normalize systolic function in dialysis patients with
systolic dysfunction, and subsequently to reduce, but not nor-
malize, LV mass index, although to date without evidence of
survival benefit.
Symptomatic Cardiac Failure. If left untreated, both LV
hypertrophy and LV dilatation will ultimately progress to
dilated cardiomyopathy. The clinical presentation is one of
symptomatic heart failure, with dyspnea and pulmonary
venous congestion, ultimately resulting in acute pulmonary
edema. This end-stage clinical manifestation of cardiac disease
may result from systolic failure, usually caused by dilated car-
diomyopathy or ischemia or both, or from diastolic dysfunc-
tion in association with LV hypertrophy.

Ischemic Heart Disease

Atheromatous Ischemic Heart Disease. The uremic milieu
or the associated co-morbidities provide hemodynamic and met-
abolic perturbations that favor coronary artery wall damage.
CAD is highly prevalent in the CKD population, both because
of the demographic characteristics of the patient population
and their underlying disease states (e.g., hypertension, diabetes
mellitus). The prevalence of CAD in patients entering dialysis
programs varies depending on the associated co-morbidities,
but ranges from 15% to 73%. Of these, it is estimated that
more than 50%, particularly diabetics, are asymptomatic. Both
mechanical and humoral factors predispose to atheroma forma-
tion. Arterial hypertension causes increased tensile stress, while
shear stress alterations occur at internal vessel orifices and
bifurcations, resulting in endothelial cell activation and injury.
In addition to endothelial injury and activation, the vascular
pathology of chronic uremia includes autocrine and endocrine
sequelae from a diverse range of seemingly unrelated factors
(Table 27-2).
Table 27-2 Risk Factors for Atheromatous Ischemic
Heart Disease in CKD/ESRD
Uremia-Related Risk Factors
Atherogenic lipid profiles and dyslipidemia CH 27
Derangement of platelet function with high levels of

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

prothrombotic factors
Increased oxidative stress
Abnormal divalent ion metabolism
Disturbances of glucose metabolism including advanced glycation
Inflammation, with dysregulation in proinflammatory cytokines
Traditional Risk Factors
Diabetes mellitus
Left ventricular hypertrophy
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.

Two factors have received particular attention recently in

regard to their contribution to the development of atheroma
in CKD: inflammation and vascular calcification. Evidence
from clinical studies has shown that C-reactive protein (CRP)
levels are a powerful predictor of mortality risk in both hemo-
dialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, and are an indepen-
dent predictor of the number of atherosclerotic plaques and
intima-media thickness in carotid arteries of hemodialysis
and predialysis patients, respectively. Epidemiologic studies
support its pathogenetic role as a cardiovascular risk factor
in the general community, a situation that may be amenable
to intervention with agents such as aspirin and pravastatin.
Coronary atherosclerotic plaque morphology in patients
with CKD is distinguished by severe calcium deposition, and
such deposits may contribute substantially to the high rate of
complications seen in CKD. Markers of coronary and carotid
calcification include longer duration of dialysis, hyperpara-
thyroidism, estimates of calcium and phosphate load, CRP
levels, elevated homocysteine levels, and age. Although coro-
nary artery calcification is predictive of subsequent coronary
events in the general population, its clinical significance in
patients with CKD is unknown. It is possible that the more
572 generalized arterial calcification observed in dialysis patients
is not predictive of atherosclerotic coronary events, but rather
is a marker for arteriosclerosis and diminished vascular com-
pliance and a risk factor for LV hypertrophy. Intimal and
VII medial aortic cacification have recently been shown to exist
as distinct clinical entities, with intimal calcification asso-
The Consequences of Renal Failure

ciated with older age and high risk/history of atherosclerosis,

and medial calcification associated with younger age, lower
risk of atherosclerosis, longer duration of hemodialysis, and
serum calcium-phosphate abnormalities. Medial calcification
implies arteriosclerosis with noncompliance of the large
conduit vessels.
The etiology of such changes almost certainly relates to the
positive calcium and phosphate balance to which CKD patients
are exposed, through both increased intake and inadequate
excretion. Calcium-containing phosphate binders, together
with hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D use, contribute to
vessel calcification. There is now evidence that suggests that
elevated plasma phosphate, acting via transcription factors,
can alter the phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells from
contractile to a secretory chondrocyte-osteoblastic cell type,
essentially causing new bone formation in vessel walls.
Nonatheromatous Ischemic Heart Disease. About 25% of
dialysis patients with ischemic symptoms do not have critical
coronary artery stenosis. It is likely that their symptoms result
from microvascular disease and an underlying cardiomyo-
pathy. In LV hypertrophy, increases in myocardial oxygen
demand may not be met with adequate increases in coronary
flow, especially if there are pathologic changes in the large
coronary arteries or in the small coronary vessels. Decreased
arterial compliance and volume overload probably reduce
cardiac transmural perfusion and aggravate subendocardial
ischemia. Small-vessel smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and
endothelial cell abnormalities have also been described in
uremia and LV hypertrophy.

Dialysis Hypotension
The pathophysiology of the clinical manifestations of dialysis
hypotension is multifactorial and not fully understood. It may
occur in the presence of systolic failure, diastolic dysfunc-
tion, or ischemic disease. In the latter, it is usually associated
with chest pain, whether atherosclerotic or nonatherosclerotic
in origin. In dilated cardiomyopathy, hypotension during dial-
ysis occurs only in patients who are unable to increase resting
cardiac output in response to plasma volume depletion. Such
patients usually have severe systolic failure, because the dial-
ysis procedure actually improves myocardial performance in
most patients with depressed LV function. LV hypertrophy, 573
highly prevalent in this population, may also be a contributing
factor to dialysis hypotension. Because of diminished LV com-
pliance, the relationship between LV end-diastolic pressure
and volume is exaggerated. Consequently, during dialysis, rel- CH 27
ative hypovolemia may result in a disproportionately large

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

decrease in LV end-diastolic pressure, which in turn leads to
hypotension if a compensatory increase in peripheral resis-
tance does not occur.

LV hypertrophy and coronary heart disease are associated
with an increased risk of arrhythmias. In addition, serum elec-
trolyte levels that can affect cardiac conduction, including
potassium, calcium, magnesium, and hydrogen, are often
abnormal or undergo rapid fluctuations during hemodialysis.
Hence, arrhythmias (or sudden death) are of particular con-
cern in patients undergoing dialysis. High-grade ventricular
arrhythmias such as multiple premature ventricular contrac-
tions, ventricular couplets, and ventricular tachycardia have
been observed in up to 30% of dialysis patients on 24-hour
Holter monitoring. Older age, dialysis-associated hypoten-
sion, preexisting heart disease, LV hypertrophy, and digoxin
therapy are associated with a higher prevalence and greater
severity of cardiac arrhythmias. There is considerable varia-
tion in the frequency and severity of arrhythmias during
hemodialysis, as well as in the interdialytic period. Because
of these factors, there is no consensus on the frequency of
arrhythmias in these patients or their clinical significance.
There are also conflicting data about the effect of dialysis and
of various dialysis compositions and dialysis protocols on the
occurrence of rhythm disturbances. Whereas the dialysis
method, membrane, and buffer used do not seem to have a direct
effect on the incidence of arrhythmias, dialysis-associated
hypotension seems to be an important factor in precipitating
high-grade ventricular arrhythmias.
Arrhythmias in peritoneal dialysis patients appear different
from those in hemodialysis patients, and consist mainly of
atrial and ventricular premature beats. Peritoneal dialysis by
itself does not appear to provoke or aggravate arrhythmias.
The arrhythmias seen in these patients are more a reflection
of the patient’s age, underlying ischemic heart disease, or an
association with LV hypertrophy. Most atrial arrhythmias are
of low clinical significance, although sustained, rate-related
(fast or slow) impairment of LV filling can trigger hypotension.
The use of digoxin in hemodialysis patients has also raised
concern regarding precipitation of arrhythmias, especially in
574 the immediate postdialysis period, when both hypokalemia
and relative hypercalcemia may occur. However, an asso-
ciated increase in the incidence of arrhythmias has not been
demonstrated in patients taking digoxin.
Valvular Disease
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Most valvular lesions observed in CKD patients are acquired

and develop from dystrophic calcification of the valvular
annulus and leaflets, particularly the aortic and mitral valves.
The prevalence of aortic valve calcification in dialysis patients
is as high as 55%, similar to that in the elderly general popu-
lation, although it occurs 10 to 20 years earlier. Aortic valve
orifice stenosis in CKD can evolve rapidly (within 6 months)
from valve sclerosis to hemodynamically significant stenosis,
with a worsening of LV hypertrophy and rapidly evolving
symptoms. Age, duration of dialysis, a raised phosphate level,
and an elevated calcium phosphate product appear to be the
most important risk factors for the development of aortic
Mitral valve calcification is not as common as aortic valve dis-
ease in CKD and the pathogenetic factors are not as well defined.
Valve calcification has also been associated with rhythm and
cardiac conduction defects, valvular insufficiency, and periph-
eral vascular calcification. Although calcium-phosphate dysre-
gulation has been identified as the predominant risk factor,
additional factors include specific involvement of the posterior
cusp, left atrial dilatation, duration of dialysis, and duration
of predialytic systolic hypertension. Factors associated with
decreased survival include severity of calcification, mitral
regurgitation, and reduced LV function.


Although pre-ESRD patients undoubtedly have a higher inci-

dence of cardiovascular disease than the general population,
the major burden of ill health in CKD occurs once the patient
has commenced renal replacement therapy. Risk factors for
cardiovascular death include echocardiographic abnormalities
(LV hypertrophy or systolic dysfunction), diabetes mellitus,
and congestive heart failure. Those with systolic dysfunction
have a significantly worse survival throughout all time frames,
whereas those with concentric LV hypertrophy and LV dilata-
tion have been shown to have significantly worse late sur-
vival, beginning 2 years after starting dialysis. Aortic
stiffness has been found to be an independent predictor of
all-cause and cardiovascular death. Other cardiovascular
events, including acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and 575
interventions for peripheral vascular disease, are associated
with a high mortality rate.

Chronic Kidney Disease as an Independent CH 27

Cardiovascular Risk Factor

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

In high-risk populations, proteinuria and decreased glomeru-
lar filtration rate (GFR) are independent cardiovascular risk
factors, although large-scale longitudinal studies in low-risk
community populations have shown less consistent results.
The uremic state, characterized by its hemodynamic milieu
(hypertension, volume overload, reduced arterial compliance),
is certainly cardiomyopathic. The reasons why proteinuria
and decreased GFR are independent cardiovascular risk factors
have not been fully elucidated. It may be that these factors are
associated with a higher prevalence or more severe burden of
traditional risk factors causing end-organ damage, concomitant
generalized endothelial dysfunction, coagulation/fibrinolytic
abnormalities, inflammation, or other nontraditional risk factors,
as previously discussed.

These diagnostic tools can often be applied across the spectrum
of CKD; they can be used to investigate both ischemic and
cardiomyopathic disease, and they are limited by the same
clinical considerations, both renal and cardiovascular. In a
practical context, it is, of course, assumed that careful clinical
assessment will always precede further diagnostic endeavors.

Cardiac Disease
Electrocardiography. The increasing prevalence of LV
hypertrophy with declining renal function predisposes to
abnormalities in resting and exercise electrocardiographic
(ECG) findings in patients with CKD. In dialysis patients, minor
incremental changes in the PR and QRS intervals, together with
nonspecific ST-T wave changes, are frequently seen in the rest-
ing ECG. Changes may be more prominent during dialysis due
to the substantial intracellular and extracellular electrolyte
shifts; the QRS amplitude has been shown to alter with reduc-
tion in extracellular fluid levels. In episodes of acute coronary
ischemia (unstable angina and myocardial infarction), classic
ECG changes occur. Exercise-related ECG changes should be
interpreted with caution. Resting abnormalities, a restricted
576 maximal pulse rate (autonomic neuropathy), and limited exer-
cise capacity in patients with CKD may either mask or errone-
ously predict underlying ischemia.
Biochemical Markers of Ischemia. Serial estimates of levels
VII of standard myocardial enzymes (creatine phosphokinase and
lactate dehydrogenase), when elevated, reliably diagnose acute
The Consequences of Renal Failure

myocardial infarction in CKD, although single estimates have

poor specificity. Recently, attention has focused on the role of
troponin levels in predicting outcome in acute ischemia.
In the normal population, the presence of troponin T or I in
serum can be used to assess acute ischemia. In CKD, despite
concerns regarding impaired troponin clearance with declin-
ing renal function, third-generation cardiac troponin T assays
are reliable independent predictors of death at all levels of
GFR, although serial measurements are recommended in the
evaluation of acute ischemia.
Echocardiography. Two-dimensional and M-mode echocar-
diographic studies provide a noninvasive assessment of LV
structure and function, together with imaging of valves and
pericardium. As LV mass varies over the course of a hemodial-
ysis session due to the effects of fluid removal, imaging
should ideally be carried out when the patient has achieved
so-called “dry weight.” Dobutamine stress echocardiography
is achieving recognition as a screening tool for ischemic heart
disease in patients with CKD, particularly for patients who are
unable to exercise adequately. It can also be used in patients
with valvular disease or impaired systolic function to assess
underlying systolic reserve. For dialysis patients, negative
predictive values in excess of 95% have been reported with
reasonable patient numbers and follow-up times, and the sen-
sitivity may be broadly comparable to that of exercise-related
scintigraphic scanning.
Nuclear Scintigraphic Scanning. Nuclear scintigraphy can
be used for assessment of both myocardial systolic function
and ischemia. The predominant role for nuclear scanning
techniques in CKD, however, is in the assessment of myocar-
dial ischemia, particularly as a screening tool in the workup
for transplantation. Exercise-based studies and dipyridamole
to enhance vasodilatation are commonly employed, together
with Tc-labeled thallium, methoxyisobutylisonitrite (MIBI),
or metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG). Inherent problems with
scintigraphy need to be taken into consideration: blood pres-
sure may be too high or too low to permit safe administration
of a vasodilatory agent; high endogenous circulating levels of
adenosine may blunt the efficacy of dipyridamole; coronary
flow reserve may be reduced due to LV hypertrophy and small
vessel disease; and symmetrical coronary disease or a blunted
tachycardic response due to autonomic neuropathy can mask
significant disease.
Electron-Beam Ultrafast Computed Tomography–Derived 577
Coronary Artery Calcification. The relatively new tech-
nique of electron-beam ultrafast computed tomography
(EBCT) relies on the principle that coronary artery calcifica-
tion is a reliable surrogate for significant coronary atheroscle- CH 27
rosis, though this is far from certain in patients with CKD.

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Widespread vessel wall calcification is common in uremia
and evidence is accumulating that increased calcium content
per se portends a poor prognosis. The role of EBCT in evaluat-
ing risk or disease in patients undergoing transplantation is
Coronary Angiography. CKD patients with CAD are fre-
quently asymptomatic. Despite the availability of newer diag-
nostic tools, the sensitivity and specificity of most
noninvasive techniques are limited, and the gold standard
for diagnosis of CAD remains coronary angiography. Given
the risks of contrast nephropathy and cholesterol embolization,
coronary angiography should be reserved for CKD patients
with unstable angina/myocardial infarction on maximal ther-
apy in whom coronary revascularization is a viable therapeutic
modality. For reasons of cost, access, demand, and possible
deterioration in renal function, it is not possible to screen all
patients with CKD by formal angiography. This is of particular
significance in patients being evaluated for transplantation,
and some effort has been directed to establishing guidelines
to determine which patients are most at risk and, hence, may
benefit from coronary catheterization. Most units now have a
predefined strategy to determine which patients require more
intensive cardiac workup in this context, usually stratified into
diabetic and nondiabetic patients. All patients, except those at
lowest risk for ischemic heart disease, should receive some
form of screening.

Treatment of Cardiac Disease

Cardiomyopathy and Cardiac Failure

A reversible precipitating or aggravating factor is frequently
found in patients with CKD who present with cardiac failure.
Arrhythmias, underlying myocardial ischemia, anemia, uncon-
trolled hypertension, and the use of drugs that may adversely
affect cardiac performance can all precipitate a clinical presen-
tation of cardiac failure and should be addressed. A careful and
ongoing assessment of the optimal target weight is a central
component of dialysis care.
Pharmacotherapy. In most patients with cardiac failure
and CKD, combination pharmacotherapy therapy is required;
dosing considerations and medication interactions need care-
ful consideration. Other issues, such as effects on co-morbid
578 conditions (e.g., diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, glau-
coma, chronic airflow obstruction), compliance, and potential
interactions with other drugs (e.g., immunosuppression,
anticoagulants, statin therapy) can be important.
VII Loop diuretics are indispensable for achieving and main-
taining euvolemia in all patients with cardiac failure, includ-
The Consequences of Renal Failure

ing those with CKD. Dose augmentation is typically required

as GFR falls. While thiazide diuretics become ineffective at a
GFR lower than 30 mL/min, the synergistic diuretic effect of
loop diuretics and metolazone persists even at relatively
advanced stages of renal insufficiency and can be a useful
therapeutic option under close supervision.
The effects of aldosterone antagonists are unpredictable in
patients with CKD. The primary reason for consideration of
their use resides in their recently reported benefit in cardiac
disease or reduction in proteinuria in patients with CKD.
Hyperkalemia in particular can result when these drugs are
combined with blockade of the renin-angiotensin system or
b-receptor antagonists in the setting of CKD. Dose reduction
or avoidance is advised in such circumstances.
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists
improve symptoms, morbidity and survival in nonuremic
individuals with heart failure, and, although less studied in
the CKD population, it is reasonable to extrapolate these
results and consider their use in the absence of contraindica-
tions. ACE inhibitors should be used in patients with symp-
tomatic cardiac failure, to prevent cardiac failure in
asymptomatic patients whose LV ejection fraction is less
than 35%, and in post–myocardial infarction patients with
an ejection fraction of 40% or less. Cautions include their
commencement in patients not yet on dialysis with a GFR
lower than 25 mL/min and avoidance may be advisable in
this group, as well as in patients with severe renovascular
disease, those with acute renal dysfunction, or those recently
transplanted. Hyperkalemia in moderately advanced CKD
and renal artery stenosis in a transplanted kidney are
additional concerns requiring monitoring after treatment is
b-Receptor antagonists improve the prognosis of indivi-
duals with asymptomatic systolic dysfunction, regardless of
whether they have had a myocardial infarction. Chronic acti-
vation of the adrenergic nervous system contributes to the
development of LV hypertrophy, ischemia, and myocyte dam-
age and exerts a maladaptive role in chronic heart failure in
patients on hemodialysis. In recommending increased use of
b-receptor antagonists in dialysis patients, one should remem-
ber that contraindications to their use (reactive airway disease,
sinus-node dysfunction, and cardiac conduction abnormal-
ities) occur frequently in patients with CKD. Furthermore,
the dose of some drugs (e.g., atenolol) often needs to be 579
reduced according to the degree of renal impairment.
The use of digoxin is controversial. It has not been found to
reduce mortality rate in the general population and its use
is associated with a variety of risks in patients with severe CH 27
kidney dysfunction. These risks include a predisposition to

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

toxicity because of impaired clearance as renal function
declines and an increased risk of arrhythmia in association
with hypokalemia, which can occur particularly during or
after dialysis. Based on these results, digoxin should not be
considered a first-line drug in the management of heart failure
in CKD. It is reasonable to consider its use for rate control in
atrial fibrillation and for patients with substantial systolic dys-
function or symptoms despite the use of other agents, with or
without atrial fibrillation.
The treatment of diastolic dysfunction is less well defined.
Attempts to eliminate the cause are usually the focus of
therapy. This includes aggressive control of hypertension,
treatment of anemia, and control of other factors responsible
for the development of LV hypertrophy. The drugs of choice
in diastolic failure are probably verapamil or diltiazem, which
enhance LV diastolic relaxation. Excessive diuresis should be
avoided, as should the use of digoxin and direct vasodilators,
such as prazosin, hydralazine, or minoxidil.

Ischemic Heart Disease

The treatment of both the acute (unstable angina and acute
myocardial infarction) and the nonacute (stable angina and
cardiac failure) presentations of CAD in patients with CKD is
the same as in the general population.
Pharmacotherapy. Patients with CKD and stable angina
who have not had an infarct should be treated with standard
antianginal agents for relief of symptoms. For those who have
had an infarct, b-receptor blockade should be prescribed, as
should an ACE inhibitor for patients with LV dysfunction.
Despite the platelet dysfunction associated with uremia, and
attendant increase in bleeding risk, the beneficial effects of
aspirin use in the setting of acute ischemia or in high-risk
patients are considered to outweigh the risks.
Coronary Revascularization. Despite the relatively high
incidence of asymptomatic ischemia in CKD, there is no evi-
dence to suggest that aggressive investigation and treatment
results in improved mortality statistics. For patients who have
had an infarction, angiography is indicated if there are symp-
toms of myocardial ischemia at rest or after minimal exertion,
or if there is early, severe ischemia during a stress test.
For other patients, coronary angiography should be limited
to those with symptoms refractory to medical therapy. As in
the general population, coronary arteriography should be
580 reserved for patients in whom revascularization (angioplasty,
stenting, or bypass grafting) would be undertaken if critical
CAD were identified, based on an assessment of the signifi-
cance of the lesion, the operative risk, and overall life expec-
VII tancy. Initial success rates for coronary angioplasty for
patients with CKD are similar to those in the general popula-
The Consequences of Renal Failure

tion, although the restenosis rate may be higher. In addition,

1-year mortality rates following angioplasty vary proportion-
ately with renal function, with higher rates in those with
lower levels of GFR.
Among hemodialysis patients, the in-hospital mortality
rate for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is four times
higher than in the general population. Hence, there is a con-
sensus in favor of bypass surgery only for left main or exten-
sive three-vessel disease and angioplasty for single-vessel
disease. In the remaining multivessel cases, it appears that
angioplasty with stents has similar clinical outcomes to
CABG, but more repeat revascularization procedures are
needed. In view of the propensity for restenosis after angio-
plasty in dialysis patients, CABG is probably the revas-
cularization procedure of choice, although angioplasty with
stenting may be useful in multivessel disease with culprit
In summary, the evidence suggests that patients with CKD
in general are at higher risk for complications and have poorer
long-term outcomes, regardless of the revascularization proce-
dure used. Effectively, the decision for a particular procedure
will rely on the specific cardiac and overall clinical condition
of the patient, together with available resources.

Arrhythmias and Valvular Disease

Specific and detailed management of cardiac arrhythmias is
largely beyond the scope of this text. An awareness of the
potential for, and types of arrhythmias likely to be encoun-
tered is advocated, and management should accord with gen-
eral principles. Perhaps the most important practical
consideration is to solicit specialist cardiology advice and
support for patients with resistant or troublesome arrhythmias
or poor cardiac function. Consideration of the renal metabo-
lism of drugs (such as digoxin and b-receptor antagonists) in
patients with impaired renal function is necessary, as is the
disturbed homeostasis of monovalent and divalent ions in
the CKD population.
In CKD patients with mitral or aortic valve disease, primary
control of potentiating factors, frequent monitoring once valve
aperture is encroached, and appraisal of the individual patient
and associated co-morbidities once surgery is considered
would appear, in the absence of evidence, to be a reasonable
approach to treatment.
Risk Factor Intervention 581

Table 27-3 lists pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic inter-

ventions to minimize cardiovascular disease in patients with
CKD. CH 27

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

Predialysis. ACE inhibitors or A-II antagonists are considered
the first-line agents in most patients due to their documented
benefit in delaying the progression of proteinuric CKD. Other
beneficial effects include improved cardiovascular disease out-
comes in patients with at least one cardiovascular disease
risk factor, in addition to either diabetes or manifest vascular
disease, and reduced hospitalization for heart failure in

Interventions to Minimize Risk of

Table 27-3 Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with
Chronic Kidney Disease
Nonpharmacologic Interventions
Cessation of tobacco use
Minimizing excess extracellular fluid to target BP < 130/80 mm Hg
Awareness/prevention of inflammation and microalbuminemia
Dietary modification to target LDL cholesterol < 100 mg/dL (2.6
Coronary revascularization for secondary prevention of ischemic
cardiovascular disease
Renal transplantation when appropriate
Pharmacologic Interventions
Antiplatelet agents in patients with coronary disease, vascular
disease, or diabetes mellitus
Drug therapy to target BP < 130/80 mm Hg
Epoetin and iron therapy to target hemoglobin > 11 g/L (upper
limits less defined)
Treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) to target
LDL cholesterol < 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L)
Use of ACE inhibitors and b-receptor antagonists in patients with
known ischemic cardiovascular disease
Appropriate use of ACE inhibitors or ARA in predialysis patients
for treatment of proteinuria and arteriosclerosis
Correction of abnormal divalent ions to target serum calcium 8.4–9.5
mg/dL (2.1–2.37 mmol/L), serum phosphate 3.5–5.5 mg/dL (1.13–1.78
mmol/L), and intact PTH 150–300 pg/mL
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARA, angiotensin receptor antagonist; BP,
blood pressure; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A; LDL,
low-density lipoprotein; PTH, parathyroid hormone.
582 diabetics with overt nephropathy. Concerns with regard to
hyperkalemia and the use of these agents in patients with reno-
vascular disease mandate the close monitoring of renal function
and serum potassium. Calcium channel blockers, particularly
VII the dihydropyridines, have not compared well against ACE
inhibitors and A-II antagonists in reduction of proteinuria, delay
The Consequences of Renal Failure

in progression of renal function, or prevention of cardiovascular

events. The use of b-receptor antagonists, diuretics, and other
vasodilators depends on the response to treatment and underly-
ing co-morbidities. Treatment of hypertension should generally
aim for blood pressure levels lower than 130/80 mm Hg for indi-
viduals with parenchymal disease or 125/75 mm Hg if there is
more than 1 g/day of proteinuria or for patients with diabetes
and less than 1 g/day of proteinuria.
Dialysis. The mainstay of therapy in dialysis patients is mainte-
nance of normal extracellular fluid volume. A reasonable target
blood pressure for antihypertensive treatment is less than 140/
90 mm Hg before dialysis, unless the patient develops symptom-
atic hypotension or low blood pressure during or after dialysis.
Patients whose blood pressure is higher than 140/90 mm Hg
after achievement of dry weight should have antihypertensive
drugs prescribed. Selection of antihypertensive agents is best
guided by the presence of associated co-morbidities.
Transplantation. Limited data are available concerning opti-
mal antihypertensive regimens in transplantation patients.
Calcium channel blockers are widely used because they are
well tolerated and because of their effects in counteracting
calcineurin-mediated vasoconstriction. The use of ACE inhi-
bitors or A-II antagonists is probably justified in most patients,
although they are best avoided in the first 6 months after
transplantation when concerns regarding hyperkalemia, ane-
mia, and abrupt rises in serum creatinine are greatest. A target
blood pressure of less than 130/80 mm Hg is advocated, in
line with chronic kidney disease recommendations.

In short-term studies, statins have been recognized as being safe
and efficient for patients with CKD/ESRD. Recently published
results of longer-term studies support their use in the CKD pop-
ulation, where the use of pravastatin in a CKD stage 3 cohort was
associated with a reduction in the incidence of myocardial
infarction, coronary death, or revascularization. Experience of
fibrate use in CKD patients is limited, although subgroup analy-
sis of the Veterans’ Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Interven-
tion Trial (VA-HIT) showed a reduction in the incidence of
coronary death or nonfatal infarction with the use of gemfibrozil
compared with placebo in male patients with CKD stage 2. The
use of fluvastatin in the transplant population was evaluated in
the Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantation (ALERT)
study, with effects on the primary end-points of cardiac death, 583
nonfatal MI, or coronary intervention investigated. Primary
analysis failed to show a difference, although post-hoc analysis
suggested a reduction in the incidence of cardiac death or defi-
nite myocardial infarction with the use of fluvastatin. Evidence CH 27
for the use of statins in the dialysis population, however, is less

Cardiovascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease

encouraging—the 4D (Die Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse) study
evaluated atorvastatin use in dialysis patients with type II dia-
betes mellitus, and found failure to reduce the composite end-
point of cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or stroke. Whether
the anti-inflammatory effects of statins are beneficial in dialysis
patients has yet to be determined. Dose reduction should
be instituted when used in combination with calcineurin
inhibitors and may be required in individual patients as
GFR declines. Clinicians should be alert to the finding that
dialysis patients appear to be at higher risk of myositis and rhab-
domyolysis from statin use than the general population.

There are no studies demonstrating that cessation of smoking
improves the outcome of CKD at any stage. Nevertheless, it
is reasonable to extrapolate data from the general population
that indicates reduction of cardiovascular risk over time after
smoking cessation.

Tight glycemic control is an appropriate aim in predialysis
patients, given the proven attendant reduction in microvascu-
lar disease, unless hypoglycemic episodes are troublesome or
unpredictable. There is less support for near-euglycemic levels
in dialysis patients because of the inability to influence renal
function, and the propensity for hypoglycemia due to glucose
diffusion during dialysis. In transplantation patients, tight con-
trol may be difficult because of the hyperglycemic tendency of
immunosuppressive agents; however, strict glycemic control
after transplantation may reduce the development of new dia-
betic changes in the transplanted kidney and is a worthy goal.

Uremia-Related Risk Factors

Anemia. LV mass increases significantly in CKD patients as the
level of hemoglobin falls below 10 g/dL. In dialysis patients,
worsening anemia is associated with progressive LV dilatation
and hypertrophy, and with the development of de novo heart fail-
ure. Anemia correction by erythropoietin can prevent or reverse
early echocardiographic changes in CKD but has little effect after
LV hypertrophy has progressed to LV dilatation. Recent large-
scale randomized trials (Correction of Hemoglobin and Outcomes
in Renal Insufficiency [CHOIR], Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
by Early Anemia Treatment with Epotein Beta [CREATE]) do
584 not support normalization of anemia to physiologic levels, how-
ever, with an excess of cardiovascular events reported in patients
randomized to higher-target hemoglobin levels.
Inflammation. The source of elevated CRP levels in patients
VII with CKD is uncertain. Both statins and aspirin have been
studied in regard to their effects on reducing inflammation
The Consequences of Renal Failure

in CKD patients and in the general population. The suggestion

is that each agent modifies the inflammatory response beyond
the effects for which it was designed and the use of these
agents should be considered in patients who have evidence
of, or are at high risk from, cardiovascular disease.
Hyperhomocysteinemia. A combination of high-dose folic
acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 lowers homocysteine levels
by 25%, which may restore normal levels in patients with
CKD or in renal transplant recipients, but not in dialysis
patients. However, no trials have yet shown that lowering
homocysteine levels improves cardiovascular outcome; and
screening for homocysteine levels would appear to have only
a limited role and currently cannot be advocated as part of a
general management strategy.
Oxidative Stress. Although evidence of increased oxidative
stress in CKD exists, there are no longitudinal studies examining
the impact of oxidative stress on subsequent de novo cardiac
events. Vitamin E and C use has been associated with reduction
in myocardial infarction rates in one small study, although pre-
vious studies have failed to show a difference. The antioxidant
N-acetylcysteine has been found to be associated with a reduced
incidence of composite ischemic end-points when compared to
placebo. However, given the dissonance of results available
to date, no recommendations for the use of antioxidants in the
prevention of CVD can be made.
Abnormal Divalent Ion Metabolism. Patients with CKD are
in a substantial positive calcium balance from an early stage of
disease and attempts to minimize the calcium load in the con-
text of PTH and phosphate control are assuming increasing
importance. In the CKD 5/ESRD population, K/DOQI guide-
lines suggest target concentrations for serum calcium between
8.4 and 9.5 mg/dL (2.1–2.37 mmol/L), for serum phosphate
3.5 to 5.5 mg/dL (1.13–1.78 mmol/L), to achieve a calcium-
phosphate product of less than 55 mg2/dL2. The target range
for intact PTH levels is controversial, but suggested to be
between 150 and 300 pg/mL. In the context of advanced vascu-
lar calcification and its associated mortality in CKD, the use
of noncalcium, nonaluminum agents is highly desirable—
Renagel (sevelamer hydrochloride) and Fosrenol (lanthanum
carbonate) are effective, although costly, phosphate binders
and are not associated with hypercalcemia (see Table 27-3).
Chapter 28

Hematologic Aspects of
Kidney Disease and
Erythropoietin Therapy
Anemia is a state of deficient mass of red blood cells and
hemoglobin (Hgb), resulting in insufficient oxygen delivery
to the body’s tissues and organs. The anemia of kidney disease
is characterized by normocytic and normochromic RBCs, an
inappropriately low reticulocyte count for the degree of ane-
mia, and a hypoplastic erythroid bone marrow, with normal
leukopoiesis or megakaryocytopoiesis. Anemia is a cardinal
feature of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the hematocrit
typically declines in parallel with the fall in the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR), although anemia is not typically a
frequent or severe complication until the GFR falls below
30 mL/min. Anemia develops earlier in CKD among patients
with diabetes mellitus, and tends to be more profound than
the anemia seen in nondiabetic patients. There is also
ethnic variation, with anemia a more prominent feature in
non-Hispanic blacks.

Normal Erythropoiesis

Erythropoiesis is the dynamic process of RBC production.

In the steady state, a sufficient number of erythrocytes must
be produced to replace the number lost daily to senescence.
The system’s afferent limb senses tissue oxygen delivery, via
hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). When activated by tissue
hypoxia, HIF-1 binds to the hypoxia response elements (HRE)
of oxygen-regulated genes including the erythropoietin gene,
stimulating increased erythropoietin production. Erythropoie-
tin (EPO) mediates the efferent limb of erythropoiesis and
is the major regulator of erythrocyte production. The site of
EPO production within the kidney is in the interstitial cells of
the renal cortex near the base of the proximal tubule cells.
The interaction of erythropoietin with its receptor on the
surface of certain erythrocyte precursor cells in the bone mar-
row leads to enhanced cell survival and completion of the

586 erythropoietic process. The interaction of erythropoietin with
colony-forming units-erythroid (CFU-E), a pre-normoblast cell
that expresses blood group and Rh antigen, is the key process
in determining net erythrocyte production. After this stage,
VII the number of erythropoietin receptors per cell progressively
declines, with none found on the surface of reticulocytes or
The Consequences of Renal Failure

mature erythrocytes.

Pathobiology of the Anemia of Kidney Disease

Anemia in CKD can develop as a result of any of the usual

hematologic disorders that affect individuals without kidney
disease such as iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or folic acid defi-
ciency, and chronic blood loss; anemia that seems dis-
proportionate to the level of GFR should be evaluated for
secondary causes. The anemia most commonly found in renal
failure is a normochromic normocytic anemia, characterized
by insufficient erythropoiesis. The etiology is multifactorial,
including relative erythropoietin deficiency, iron deficiency,
blood loss during hemodialysis, hemolysis, and other factors.
In addition, it has long been noted that kidney disease is asso-
ciated with circulating inhibitors of erythropoiesis, although
these are not of great pathologic importance. Erythropoietin
deficiency cannot be reliably demonstrated by measurement
of serum erythropoietin levels. The deficiency is relative rather
than absolute, and levels may be the same or higher than levels
of normal, nonanemic individuals. The adequacy of erythro-
poietin production appears to decline in rough proportion to
the degree of reduced nephron mass.
Patients with CKD may also have shortened erythrocyte life
span, which may be partially due to low-grade hemolysis,
although the etiology of impaired RBC survival has not been
fully elucidated. RBCs from uremic patients are intrinsically
normal and the RBC life span may become nearly normal or
even normal in intensively dialyzed patients, which suggests
the presence of a circulating uremic toxin. The use of recombi-
nant erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy is also associated with
an improvement in RBC life span. Recent studies suggest that
this may be due to improved survival of young circulating ery-
throcytes, due to reduction in neocytolysis, a process of selec-
tive hemolysis of young circulating erythrocytes during
periods of erythropoietin withdrawal. In autosomal dominant
polycystic disease, the degree of anemia is often less than, and
the serum level of EPO greater than, those seen in other causes
of CKD despite comparable serum creatinine concentrations,
as cystic kidneys may maintain EPO production despite
advancing renal failure.
Consequences of Anemia in Chronic 587
Kidney Disease

Quality of Life
Anemia and its attendant symptoms of fatigue, dyspnea, and CH 28
reduced mental acuity have been shown to diminish the indi-

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

vidual’s overall experience and quality of life. Studies evaluat-
ing the effect of rHuEPO treatment on quality of life have
shown beneficial effects in sense of well-being, appetite, sex-
ual function, sleep, and socializing, with a relatively linear
improvement in quality of life results with higher attained
Hgb levels.

Mortality Risk
The relationship of anemia to mortality risk has been evalu-
ated through both observational and interventional studies,
although with limitations. Observational studies suffer partic-
ularly from the presence of multiple confounding factors,
including health status (sicker patients at greatest risk for
poor outcomes tend to be more anemic with lower Hgb levels),
co-morbidity, inflammation, and nutrition, and although
useful for describing the relationship between anemia and
mortality risk, do not establish causality.

Cardiac Health
The significant and deleterious impact of cardiovascular dis-
ease in CKD is discussed extensively in Chapter 27, Cardio-
vascular Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease. Anemia results
in chronic compensatory changes in the cardiovascular sys-
tem, including increased cardiac output, reduced systemic
vascular resistance, vasodilatation, and neurohormonal acti-
vation. In the short term, these processes diminish the effect
of reduced oxygen carriage by the circulation, but in the long
term, maladaptive cardiac changes may occur. Left ventricular
hypertrophy (LVH) has been shown to be consistently asso-
ciated with chronic anemia, with increasing risk as Hgb
declines. LVH is a strong independent predictor of mortality
risk. However, interventional studies evaluating the effect of
treatment of anemia on left ventricular mass have had mixed

Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents
The cloning and expression of the human EPO gene was
reported in 1985, and the clinical efficacy of rHuEPO in
reversing the anemia of chronic and end-stage kidney disease
was thereafter rapidly established. The impact of the use of
588 rHuEPO cannot be overstated: it is estimated that over 95%
of ESRD patients in the United States currently receive
replacement therapy with some form of recombinant erythro-
poietin. Transfusion dependence in ESRD has virtually been
VII eliminated, with reduction in attendant infectious sequelae
and sensitizing events, and marked enhancement in the
The Consequences of Renal Failure

quality of life of patients with ESRD and CKD.

Several forms of rHuEPO are available for the treatment of the
anemia of renal disease, by either the intravenous or subcutane-
ous route. Epoetin alfa and epoetin beta are glycoproteins that
differ modestly from each other in the oligosaccharide compo-
nent. The half-life of epoetin alfa is between 4 and 12 hours
when administered intravenously, and is around 25 hours fol-
lowing subcutaneous administration. The beta form has a
slightly larger volume of distribution, a longer elimination
half-life after intravenous administration, and delayed subcuta-
neous absorption when compared to the alfa form, although
no substantive difference in clinical efficacy has been evident.
Both rHuEPO preparations appear to be eliminated by primarily
nonrenal routes. In the late 1990s, a hyperglycosylated rHuEPO
analog, designated darbepoetin alfa (or “novel erythropoiesis-
stimulating protein,” or NESP) was synthesized, and is now in
widespread use, particularly among the CKD population and
ESRD patients on peritoneal dialysis. Darbepoetin alfa and
rHuEPO are identical in their effect on intracellular signaling
and mechanism of action, but due to the effects of increased
glycosylation on slowing metabolic clearance, darbepoetin has
an approximately threefold longer serum half-life, allowing less
frequent (weekly, alternate weekly, and three-weekly) adminis-
tration than rHuEPO with equal outcome and safety profiles.
No antibody formation against darbepoetin has been described.
In addition, a pegylated form of erythropoiesis-stimulating
agent (ESA), designated continuous erythropoietin receptor
stimulator, or CERA, facilitating longer interval dosing, has been
developed and recently introduced into clinical use.


Treatment with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents
Given the nearly uniform efficacy of treatment by virtually
all routes and frequencies of administration, current treatment
strategies have de-emphasized specific prescriptive approaches
to frequency, interval, rate, and routes of administration, and
have instead favored overall matching of dose, frequency, and
route of administration with their suitability for each patient,
the patient’s CKD or ESRD status, modality of renal replacement
therapy, and overall clinical status. Suggested safe rates of
hemoglobin correction range from an increase of 1 to 2 g/dL/ 589
month, and should be less than 2 to 3 g/dL/month. Concern
regarding more rapid rates of correction relate to blood pressure
control, potential induction of access clotting, and prolonged
oscillation of hemoglobin values around the desired target, CH 28
causing a delay in attaining stable levels.

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

Assuming adequate iron stores, overviews of available
evidence-based guidelines suggest comparable initiating doses
of rHuEPO, delivered as doses divided twice or three times
per week. Current recommendations are as follows:
• 80 to 120 U/kg/week subcutaneously, 120 to 180 U/kg/week
intravenously per K/DOQI (Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative) guidelines
• 50 to 150 U/kg/week subcutaneously or intravenously per
European best-practice guidelines
• 100 to 200 U/kg/week per Canadian guidelines
Higher starting doses are employed when it is necessary to rap-
idly increase the level of hemoglobin. Once-weekly administration
of rHuEPO by the subcutaneous route (less so by the intravenous
route) is also supported by currently available evidence. Doses
exceeding 300 IU/kg three times per week do not enhance the
erythropoietic response. Patients with a slow initial response in
the first month of treatment may have the dose of rHuEPO
increased by up to 25% to 50%. A dose reduction of 25% or exten-
sion of the interval between doses (the latter in particular for subcu-
taneous administration) is appropriate for patients experiencing
rapid increases in hemoglobin. The dosage of rHuEPO must be
adjusted monthly until the target is attained; the response to any
change of dosage requires 4 weeks to be completely assessed.
Thereafter, the dose should be titrated down gradually by making
adjustments at convenient intervals (8 weeks). In general, the
higher the target, the greater the maintenance dose required.
There is no role for intraperitoneal administration of rHuEPO.
Current evidence suggests an initial dose of darbepoetin
alfa of 0.45 to 0.75 mg/kg, administered either weekly, or alter-
nate-weekly, and either via the subcutaneous or intravenous
route. Trials have confirmed effective maintenance of hemo-
globin levels following a change of therapy from twice or three
times weekly rHuEPO to weekly or alternate-weekly treatment
with darbepoetin. To change from rHuEPO to darbepoetin, a
rule of thumb is to divide the rHuEPO dose by a factor of 200.
After treatment has begun, provided iron stores and essential
cofactors are either adequate or being replenished, hemoglobin
should be checked weekly or biweekly. Once a stable hemoglobin
concentration is attained, it should be checked at least monthly,
with follow-up at shorter intervals (weekly or biweekly) for
dosage changes, changes in clinical status such as intercurrent
illnesses, or hospitalization. Iron stores should be evaluated a
590 minimum of every 3 months by measurement of transferrin satu-
ration and ferritin, with evaluations timed appropriately around
periods of iron repletion to avoid artefactually elevated values.

VII Target Hemoglobin

The Consequences of Renal Failure

Current medical practice regarding target hemoglobin levels in

patients with CKD/ESRD is derived from the National Kidney
Foundation’s K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines, which cur-
rently recommend that the target hemoglobin concentration
should be 11 to 12 g/dL, and should not exceed 13 g/dL.
Correction of anemia is normally instituted when the hemo-
globin concentration falls below 9 to 10 g/dL.
Previously, a significant proportion of the data pertaining to
effects of hemoglobin concentration on such parameters as mor-
tality and hospitalization rates were obtained from observa-
tional studies, with the attendant limitations thereof. The
recent publication of several large randomized controlled trials
examining the effects of targeting near-normalization to normal-
ization of hemoglobin levels on a variety of parameters in
predialysis patients with CKD has further contributed to the
controversy surrounding anemia management. The Correction
of Hemoglobin and Outcomes in Renal Insuffciency (CHOIR)
study found increased risk of death, myocardial infarction, hos-
pitalization for congestive heart failure (without renal replace-
ment therapy), and stroke, without improvement in quality
of life in patients randomized to higher hemoglobin target
(13.5 g/dL) compared to those randomized to lower hemoglobin
target (11.5 g/dL). The Cardiovascular Risk Reduction by Early
Anemia Treatment with Epoetin Beta (CREATE) study failed
to show a reduction of cardiovascular outcomes in the group
randomized to higher hemoglobin targets (13–15 g/dL) com-
pared to those randomized to lower targets (10.5–11.5 g/dL)
and also failed to demonstrate improvement in LVH in the
higher target group. Interestingly, the higher target group in
CREATE had a shorter mean time to progression to dialysis.
Increased use of intravenous iron may be detrimental, and in
particular, may accelerate renal injury through its oxidative
and inflammatory effects. These results must be balanced by
the fact that patients randomized to higher hemoglobin targets
experience significant improvement in quality of life outcomes
including cognitive, physical, and sexual function.

Iron Status
In clinical practice, the iron status is most commonly assessed
using serum ferritin and the transferrin saturation (TSAT%).
The percentage of hypochromic red blood cells (PHR) and the
reticulocyte hemoglobin concentration (CHr) may, however, 591
offer greater overall utility.
Serum ferritin, a protein secreted into the plasma by the
reticuloendothelial cells under the regulation of intracellular
iron concentration, is an indirect measure of storage iron, CH 28
although its behavior as an acute phase reactant limits its

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

diagnostic value. The most recent K/DOQI guidelines recom-
mend a serum ferritin level greater than 200 ng/mL for hemo-
dialysis patients, and a level greater than 100 ng/mL for CKD
or peritoneal dialysis patients, although there is much less
published evidence pertaining to iron targets in these popula-
tions. There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of
intravenous iron if serum ferritin exceeds 500 ng/mL.
Percent transferrin saturation (TSAT) assesses the availabil-
ity of circulating iron, calculated as follows:

TSAT% ¼ ðserum iron=total iron capacityÞ  100

K/DOQI guidelines recommend a target TSAT of over 20%.

Although reasonably sensitive, TSAT has a specificity in
hemodialysis patients of only about 60%. The limitations of
the predictive ability of both serum ferritin and TSAT man-
date that the results of these tests not be used reflexively to
guide iron therapy, but that clinical judgment be used to cor-
relate the results with the patient’s clinical status.
Percentage of hypochromic red blood cells (PHR) has been
shown to be a useful measure of iron status in hemodialysis
patients. A PHR greater than 6% was consistent with a test
efficiency of approximately 90%, suggesting excellent dis-
criminative ability. However, the test has an important limita-
tion: it is affected by changes in erythrocyte mean corpuscular
volume (MCV), which may be significantly altered when sam-
ples are stored or shipped, as occurs in the majority of U.S.
laboratories. PHR targets have not been specifically addressed
in the K/DOQI guidelines.
CHr is a direct measure of iron status at the level of the
reticulocyte. It is unaffected by changes in cell volume, and
can indicate very acute changes in iron status. It has been
shown to be cost-effective and to have far less variability than
that noted with other iron monitoring tests. K/DOQI guide-
lines recommend a CHr greater than 29 pg.

Oral Iron Treatment

Erythropoietin therapy is most successful in the presence of
adequate iron stores, which usually require iron supplementa-
tion. Oral iron supplementation offers the benefits of simplic-
ity, low cost, and safety. However, as studied predominantly
in the hemodialysis population, its efficacy is limited. The
reasons for failure of oral iron treatment in hemodialysis
592 patients include poor compliance due to gastrointestinal side
effects (including dyspepsia, constipation, and bloating) and
diminished gastrointestinal iron absorption (largely from
interference with iron absorption by phosphate binders or
VII other medications, if oral iron is taken at the same time as
food). In patients with CKD and in those being treated by peri-
The Consequences of Renal Failure

toneal dialysis, ongoing iron losses are less than those seen
in the hemodialysis population. Accordingly, iron balance
should be easier to attain, and there may be a role for oral iron
therapy, although the lack of controlled studies means that its
efficacy has yet to be established. K/DOQI guidelines recom-
mend that when oral iron is used in adults, 200 mg of elemen-
tal iron should be administered daily in two to three divided
doses. The efficacy of oral iron in patients with kidney disease
may be enhanced through several simple practices: first, the
dose should provide at least 200 mg of elemental iron per
day (for ferrous sulfate, this approximates to three 325-mg
tablets per day); second, iron administration should occur
between meals and should be spaced at least 1 hour apart from
the ingestion of phosphate binders; and third, because iron is
absorbed proximally in the gastrointestinal tract, delayed-
release iron supplements should be avoided.

Intravenous Iron
The efficacy of intravenous iron has been widely studied in
hemodialysis patients, and has been consistently shown to
result in higher hemoglobin levels or a reduced erythropoietin
requirement (>40%), or both. Several forms of intravenous
iron are available: iron dextran, iron sucrose, and ferric gluco-
nate. Iron dextran has been used for several decades and
although clearly effective, its use is associated with risk of
anaphylactoid reaction in approximately 0.6% of patients
treated. These reactions are believed to be related to the drug’s
dextran component and may be due to direct release of vaso-
active mediators by mast cells. Iron sucrose and ferric gluco-
nate are non-dextran forms of intravenous iron that appear to
be safer than iron dextran with lower risk of anaphylactoid
reactions, and a similar rate of serious adverse events when
compared to placebo.
Two strategies for administering intravenous iron to hemo-
dialysis patients are in common use. The first entails surveil-
lance for the presence of iron deficiency every 3 months and,
if detected, treatment with a short, repletive course of intrave-
nous iron. Typically, 1000 mg of either iron sucrose or ferric
gluconate can be given in divided doses over a period of
2 to 3 weeks. Patients will generally demonstrate a significant
improvement in responsiveness to rHuEPO thereafter. Many,
however, will remain iron deficient, so assessment of iron
stores should be repeated after completing such a course of
treatment. A second strategy is to anticipate iron deficiency
by administering small weekly doses to maintain stable iron 593
stores. Weekly doses of 12.5 to 100 mg of intravenous iron
may improve responsiveness to rHuEPO. The potential advan-
tage of such an approach lies in linking iron replacement tem-
porally with ongoing iron losses. Assessment of iron stores CH 28
should be performed quarterly, however, to ensure the adequacy

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

of this approach.
Although patients with CKD or those treated with peritoneal
dialysis develop iron deficiency less frequently than hemodial-
ysis patients, iron still plays a central role in the maintenance
of responsiveness to rHuEPO, and deficiency states refractory
to oral iron replacement develop frequently during the course
of treatment, requiring administration of intravenous iron.
Because of the inconvenience of needing to obtain sequential
intravenous access in these patients, a larger infusion of iron
is often used; for example, 5 infusions of 200 mg of diluted iron
sucrose or ferric gluconate may be infused over a 2-hour period.
Such an approach appears to be effective and well tolerated.

Potential Adverse Effects of Iron Therapy

Several complications may occur with inattentive intravenous
iron use. Iron overload may occur if iron is administered
indiscriminately, and without due regard for monitoring the
parameters indicative of iron status. The role of iron exposure
in the setting of infection is unclear, although several studies
have demonstrated increased risk of infection and bacteremia
with increased administration of intravenous iron. At present,
it seems prudent to avoid the use of intravenous iron during
periods of acute infection. Intravenous iron administration
has also been shown to increase oxidative stress, thought to
be due to the release of free iron into the circulation, although
the quantitative importance of such induced oxidative stress
is less clear. However, given our increasing knowledge of the
importance of oxidative stress in such pathologic processes
as atherosclerosis, and effects of oxidative tissue injury, includ-
ing renal injury, this clearly may have significant implications
on future use of intravenous iron and rHuEPO.

Potential Adverse Effects of rHuEPO Treatment

Following the introduction of rHuEPO, general concern was
expressed regarding the development of a variety of serious
potential complications of therapy, including worsening
hypertension (occasionally in an accelerated form), seizures,
impaired solute clearance (particularly potassium), and an
increased frequency of thrombotic events at, but not confined
to, vascular access sites. Despite this, few have materialized
over the course of time as major clinical issues in the routine
use of rHuEPO.
594 Hypertension
Changes in blood pressure regulation, either de novo hyperten-
sion or increasing antihypertensive requirements, are frequent
accompaniments to treatment, occurring in an estimated 23%
VII in the largest meta-analysis undertaken. The etiology is likely
multifactorial and includes increased erythrocyte mass with
The Consequences of Renal Failure

increased peripheral resistance (without a comparable decrease

in cardiac output), diminished effect of nitric oxide (diminished
synthesis or resistance), release of endothelin or vasoconstrictor
prostanoids, and a trophic effect of rHuEPO on endothelial cell
growth. Worsening blood pressure control should be managed
with a reduction in extracellular fluid volume (assuming that
hemoglobin does not greatly exceed the target range), initiation
or alteration in antihypertensive medications, or more rarely, a
decrease in rHuEPO dose.

The risk of precipitating seizures in patients receiving rHuEPO,
apart from that associated with hypertensive encephalopathy,
has not appeared to be increased once appropriate attention
is paid to dosing and titration guidelines. A previous history
of seizures should not preclude treatment with rHuEPO.

Loss of Dialytic Efficiency

Initial concerns that increases in red blood cell mass, changes
in blood rheology, and the use of high-efficiency/flux dialy-
zers with short dialysis times might result in worsening azote-
mia and hyperkalemia have not materialized as clinically
significant issues. Although decrements in solute clearance
have been reported with successful treatment, they are small
(10–15%), and when the delivered dialysis dose is closely
monitored, shortfalls in the delivered dialysis dose, as
measured by the Kt/V equation, can be investigated and recti-
fied prospectively.

In patients treated with rHuEPO, increases in factor VIII, von
Willebrand factor antigen, fibrinogen, and whole-blood plate-
let aggregation are observed. Despite this, multiple studies of
rHuEPO-treated patients, with mean hematocrit values of
34%, have revealed an average clotting incidence of only
7.5%. At present, there does not appear to be any added risk
of thrombosis in rHuEPO-treated patients with either grafts
or fistulas. Data from the U.S. Normalization of Hematocrit
trial demonstrated a higher rate of both fistula and graft throm-
bosis in patients randomized to the higher hemoglobin group
(Hgb 13g/dL), although no correlation between the hemoglobin
concentration attained, rHuEPO dose, and access thrombosis
was observed.
Pure Red Blood Cell Aplasia 595
Although reported only three times from the availability of
rHuEPO until 1998, from 1998 to 2001 Casadevall and collea-
gues* noted 21 patients in whom pure red blood cell aplasia
(PRCA) developed in the setting of rHuEPO treatment. These CH 28
patients possessed rHuEPO-neutralizing antibodies, which

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

suppressed erythroid colony mutation from normal bone mar-
row cells. Immunosuppressive treatment or discontinuation
or rHuEPO treatment resulted in the disappearance of anti-
body in the large majority of reported cases. To date, nearly
250 cases have been reported worldwide, almost exclusively
in CKD patients receiving subcutaneous Eprex, a form of epoe-
tin alfa only available outside the United States. This phenom-
enon has now been well characterized, and the likely cause
elucidated. It was found that leachates from uncoated rubber
syringe stoppers may have caused the immunogenicity result-
ing in PRCA. A switch to fluororesin coated stoppers coin-
cided with a rapid decline in new causes of PRCA. Recovery
has been reported following immunosuppressive therapy,
including cyclosporine and renal transplantation.

Inadequate Response to rHuEPO

Hyporesponsiveness to rHuEPO has been defined as failure to
achieve target hematocrit in the presence of adequate iron stores
at a dose of 450 IU/kg/week intravenously, or 300 IU/kg/week
subcutaneously, over a period of 4 to 6 months, or failure to
maintain it subsequently at that dose. This definition now mer-
its revisiting, given current patterns of utilization. A significant
proportion (20%) of patients in the United States receive an
rHuEPO equivalent of 30000 IU/week, or 428 U/kg/week in a
patient of 70 kg, suggesting a requirement for broader guidelines
for evaluation of hyporesponsiveness to rHuEPO; it is now con-
sidered appropriate to investigate if (1) hemoglobin is inappro-
priately low for dose of rHuEPO administered, (2) if an
increase in rHuEPO is required to maintain stable hemoglobin,
(3) if a decrease in Hgb occurs at a constant dose of rHuEPO,
(4) if a dose of more than 500 U/kg/week fails to increase Hgb
to more than 11 g/dL. The establishment of an upper monthly
dose limit for hormone reimbursement by Medicare has obvious
implications for those patients manifesting profound rHuEPO
resistance. Several conditions (Table 28-1) have been associated
with an inadequate response to rHuEPO, of which some are
discussed next.

*Casadevall N, Nataf J, Viron B, et al: Pure red-cell aplasia and antiery-

thropoietin antibodies in patients treated with recombinant erythro-
poietin. N Engl J Med 346:469–475, 2002.
Table 28-1 Causes of Inadequate Response to
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Therapy
Iron deficiency
VII Chronic blood loss (dialysis circuit/gastrointestinal tract)
Iron malabsorption
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Malnutrition: folate or vitamin B12 deficiency
Aluminum toxicity
Severe secondary hyperparathyroidism
Hemoglobinopathies (e.g., a- and b-thalassemia, sickle cell anemia)
Pure red blood cell aplasia
ACE inhibitor use
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.

Iron Deficiency
A suboptimal response to rHuEPO most commonly results from
failure of delivery of an adequate amount of iron to the erythron,
either consequent to iron (blood) loss, iron consumption by the
growing erythron in an appropriate response to rHuEPO ther-
apy, or inadequate gastrointestinal absorption. In CKD or perito-
neal dialysis patients, issues of blood loss are far less common
because of the absence of extracorporeal circulation and repeti-
tive systemic anticoagulation. Most treated patients become iron
deficient and therefore require more rHuEPO to maintain the
same rate of RBC production, and if the iron balance is not
restored by administration of oral or parenteral iron, an initial
good response may falter.

Aluminum Overload
Aluminum toxicity has been seen with decreasing frequency
due to major improvements in water purification, declining
use of aluminum-based phosphate binders, and the availabil-
ity of non–aluminum-based agents. Mechanisms for the disor-
der have been variably ascribed to interference with
enzymatic insertion of iron and competition between alumi-
num and iron for binding to transferrin before substrate deliv-
ery to erythropoietic elements. Basal serum aluminum
concentrations greater than 50 ng/mL and aluminum levels
greater than 175 ng/mL following a desferoxamine challenge
test (a single dose of 500–1000 mg intravenously) suggest alu-
minum overload, although bone biopsy is the best method of
diagnosis. Increasing rHuEPO dosing has generally proved
effective in overcoming disruption in erythropoiesis, as has
exclusion of aluminum, or when necessary, desferoxamine
treatment of bone or central nervous system disease.
Infectious and Inflammatory Chronic Disease 597
and Malignancy
In states of active inflammation (infectious processes, surgical
insults, and malignancies), iron metabolism is directly altered,
and access to iron from the reticuloendothelial system by CH 28
hematopoietic cells is blocked due to increased iron uptake

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

by activated macrophages. Erythropoiesis is negatively regu-
lated by several macrophage-derived cytokines, including
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6,
and interferon-g (IFN-g), which are thought to impair the
growth of erythroid progenitor cells, diminish local response
to erythropoietin, and increase IFN production, culminating
in rHuEPO resistance. These mediators may represent a link
between inflammation, poor response to rHuEPO, and the larger
syndrome of malnutrition, wasting, and increased mortality rate
seen in dialysis patients. Studies have demonstrated associa-
tions between hypoalbuminemia, elevations in C-reactive pro-
tein, and an elevated rHuEPO dose, suggesting a convergent
pathogenic process potentially associated with poor outcomes.

Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
A correlation exists between rHuEPO requirements and the
degree of marrow fibrosis, osteoclastic and eroded surfaces
seen on bone biopsy specimens, and PTH levels. This has
been borne out in the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns
Study (DOPPS), which demonstrated a relationship between
attainment of a hemoglobin concentration of greater than
11 g/dL and local practices relating to the treatment of high-
turnover bone disease. A possible role for vitamin D has been
suggested in improving erythropoiesis, independent of its
effect on either serum calcium or PTH levels. Overall, effec-
tive management of high-turnover bone disease, either by sur-
gical or biochemical intervention, may have a beneficial effect
on the efficacy of rHuEPO treatment.

Carnitine Deficiency
L-Carnitine is an essential cofactor for transmitochondrial trans-
port for fatty acids for oxidation and is depleted by hemodialysis.
A role for carnitine in maintaining erythrocyte membrane integ-
rity and improving deformability, thereby increasing red blood
cell survival, has been postulated. Studies have shown modest
efficacy in raising hemoglobin levels or reducing rHuEPO
requirements. Variable benefit has been shown for dyslipidemia
or improvement in any specific abnormal lipid fraction.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

A relationship between the use of angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and declining hemoglobin levels has
long been evident. Plasma levels of N-acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-
lysyl-proline (AcSDKP), a physiologic inhibitor of erythropoiesis
598 that is degraded in vivo by ACE, are elevated in patients with
CKD and ESRD. Treatment with ACE inhibitors therefore results
in further increases in AcSDKP in both populations, although
to a greater extent in dialysis patients, and the weekly rHuEPO
VII dose has been shown to correlate with AcSDKP levels. This rela-
tionship has been used to therapeutic effect in the treatment of
The Consequences of Renal Failure

post-transplant erythrocytosis (see Table 28-1).


Uremic Bleeding
Excessive bleeding has long been recognized as an important
complication of the uremic state, the pathogenesis of which
is multifactorial. Platelet abnormalities are considered the pri-
mary cause of the bleeding diathesis, and although the num-
ber of circulating platelets is generally normal, their function
is often impaired (thrombasthenia). The most consistent
abnormality is impaired platelet interaction with the vascular
subendothelium, hindering platelet adhesion and aggregation.
Endothelial production of nitric oxide, a powerful platelet
inhibitor, is increased in uremia. The platelet itself is also intrin-
sically altered; activation of glycoprotein IIb-IIIa to facilitate its
adhesion to vonWillebrand factor (vWF) is impaired. Anemia
is a significant contributor and hemostatic improvement can be
achieved with rHuEPO therapy. Given the increased propensity
toward bleeding in the advanced CKD and ESRD populations,
the additional use of anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents must
be carefully considered, weighing the risk versus benefit ratio.

Therapeutic Strategies
The treatment of uremic patients experiencing bleeding epi-
sodes requires the usual approach to a bleeding patient, includ-
ing hemodynamic stabilization, identification of the bleeding
source and etiology, and replacement of blood products as
required. Particular to uremic bleeding is the need to correct
platelet dysfunction and other contributing factors to the bleed-
ing diathesis. The intensity of interventions to correct uremic
platelet dysfunction is dictated by the severity of bleeding. Ini-
tiation of dialysis will lead to improvement in thrombasthenia
and bleeding risk, with over two thirds of dialyzed patients
demonstrating reduction in bleeding time. It is noteworthy,
however, that hemodialysis may induce a transient deterio-
ration in platelet dysfunction, thought to be multifactorial.
A transient decrease of platelet membrane expression of
glycoprotein 1b has been shown to occur after dialysis, with 599
other potential factors thought to include the removal of youn-
ger platelets with greater function and impaired platelet func-
tion due to a secondary effect of activated leukocytes. Clearly,
in the setting of acute bleeding, anticoagulation must be mini- CH 28
mized, or ideally avoided. The use of regional anticoagulation

Hematologic Aspects of Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin Therapy

of the dialysis circuit with citrate may be a viable alterative.
Treatment of anemia with rHuEPO may be the most effective
treatment of uremic platelet dysfunction, most likely due to ves-
sel flow phenomena. It is thought, however, that erythropoietin
therapy itself may directly affect platelet function, potentially
due to an increase in young circulating forms of platelets with
improved functionality, improved platelet intracellular cal-
cium mobilization, and repaired platelet signal transduction.
Desmopressin (DDAVP), a synthetic form of antidiuretic hor-
mone, is often used to treat uremic bleeding, and in some cases
may be administered prophylactically in those considered high
risk. Its primary mechanism of action is thought to be enhanced
release of larger vWF multimers by endothelial cells; other fac-
tors may include improved platelet aggregation in contact with
collagen. Intravenous infusion of 0.3 mg/kg intravenously
(added to 50 mL of saline over 30 minutes) is most commonly
used; intranasal administration of this drug at a dose of 3 mg/kg
is also effective and is well tolerated. The response to DDAVP
is heterogeneous and, when it occurs, lasts approximately 4 to
8 hours. Repeated administrations of DDAVP may result in
diminished response with development of tachyphylaxis.
Other therapeutic options include infusion of cryopreci-
pitate, a plasma product rich in vWF and fibrinogen. There
is little published evidence to support its use, and response
is highly variable. Cryoprecipitate use should be reserved for
life-threatening bleeding due to attendant risk of infectious
complications. Estrogens have been shown to improve platelet
function in both males and females, with favorable effects on
bleeding time seen following both oral (25 mg/day of conjugated
estrogen) and intravenous (0.6 mg/kg/day for 5 days) administra-
tion, although the effect of intravenous estrogen is seen to begin
earlier and last longer. The mechanism of action of estrogen has
not been fully elucidated, but is thought to relate to inhibition of
vascular nitric oxide production.


Renal failure is associated with an increased susceptibility to
infections. In cell-mediated defense against infectious agents,
granulocytes and monocytes move by chemotaxis to the site
of injury. Cells then phagocytose microorganisms through
600 complex processes that include cell adhesion and the forma-
tion of oxygen free radicals (particularly H2O2) from O2. Many
studies have found that leukocyte chemotaxis is impaired in
uremia, possibly due to a circulating inhibitor of chemotaxis,
VII decreased intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate–
cyclic adenosine monophosphate ratio, or a plasma factor
The Consequences of Renal Failure

blocking granulocyte membrane receptors. Interestingly, the

chemotactic activity of granulocytes is diminished further,
rather than corrected, by hemodialysis (HD). Studies of
granulocyte phagocytosis and respiratory burst in uremia are
conflicting. HD has a profound effect on granulocyte kinetics.
During the first 2 hours of HD, all patients develop peripheral
neutropenia mediated by complement activation on the dialy-
sis membrane and sequestration of granulocytes in the lung.
In the hours following HD, the release of neutrophils from the
bone marrow and sites of sequestration produces rebound neu-
trophilia. Thus, pulmonary dysfunction occurring within the
first hours of HD may be the result of endothelial injury caused
by massive granulocyte adherence to pulmonary vessels. During
HD with nonbiocompatible membranes (e.g., cuprophane), there
is a rapid increase in the surface expression of phagocyte adhe-
sion receptors, leading to cell aggregation and sequestration in
the pulmonary vasculature. These effects are observed to a lesser
degree with newer biocompatible membranes.
Monocytes are also markedly activated by contact with dial-
ysis membranes, as documented by transient increases in
plasma levels of IL-1 and TNF during HD. The functional con-
sequences of monocyte activation during HD may include
the possibility that cytokine release might trigger hypotension
or augment susceptibility to infections and atherosclerosis.
It has been known for many years that uremic patients suffer
from an acquired form of immunodeficiency characterized by
abnormal T-cell proliferation in response to antigenic chal-
lenges. This defect could well be the consequence of monocyte
dysfunction, as T-cell activation is monocyte-dependent. The
monocytes in uremic nonresponders to hepatitis B vaccination
are unable to deliver to T lymphocytes the necessary signal
required for triggering IL-2 synthesis. However, further studies
are needed to clarify the true clinical impact of these changes
on the immunodeficiency of uremic patients.
Chapter 29

Neurologic Complications
of Kidney Disease
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is associated with at least five
well-described disorders of the nervous system:
• Uremic encephalopathy
• Dialysis dysequilibrium syndrome (DDS)
• Dialysis dementia
• Stroke
• Sexual dysfunction
In addition to these five manifestations of neurologic
dysfunction, which are specifically related to renal insuffi-
ciency, dialysis, or both, a number of other neurologic disorders
occur with increased frequency in patients who have ESRD and
are being treated with chronic hemodialysis. Subdural hema-
toma, acute stroke, certain electrolyte disorders (hyponatremia,
hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, phosphate depletion, hyper-
calcemia), vitamin deficiencies, Wernicke encephalopathy, drug
intoxication, hypertensive encephalopathy, and acute trace
element intoxication must be considered in patients with
chronic kidney disease (CKD) or ESRD who manifest an altered
mental state. Patients with renal failure are also at risk for
development of the same varieties of organic brain disease and
metabolic encephalopathy that can affect the general popula-
tion. Therefore, when a patient with ESRD presents with altered
mental status, a thorough and complete evaluation is necessary.

The term uremic encephalopathy is used to describe the early
appearance and dialysis-responsiveness of the nonspecific
neurologic symptoms of uremia. It is an acute or subacute
organic brain syndrome that regularly occurs in patients with
acute kidney injury (AKI) or CKD when the glomerular filtra-
tion rate (GFR) declines to less than 10% of normal. The causes
of uremic encephalopathy are doubtless multiple and com-
plex. As with other organic brain syndromes, these patients
display variable disorders of consciousness, psychomotor
behavior, thinking, memory, speech, perception, and emotion.
The symptoms of uremic encephalopathy are shown in
Table 29-1. Key early clinical features include daytime
Signs and Symptoms of Uremic
Table 29-1
Early Uremia
VII Anorexia
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Diminished attention span
Decreased libido
Moderate Uremia
Decreased activity
Easy fatigability
Decreased cognition
Advanced Uremia
Severe weakness and fatigue
Stupor, seizures, coma

drowsiness and insomnia with a tendency toward sleep-

inversion; impaired concentration; itching; and “restless legs.”
Uremic symptoms are generally more severe and progress more
rapidly in patients with AKI than in those with CKD. In more
slowly progressive CKD, the number and severity of symptoms
also typically vary cyclically, with intervals of acceptable
well-being in an otherwise inexorable downhill course toward
increasing disability. The symptoms are readily ameliorated by
dialysis procedures and suppressed by maintenance dialysis
regimens and are usually relieved entirely after successful
renal transplantation. Therefore, the early recognition of the
encephalopathy of renal failure is important, as it is decisively
treatable by renal replacement therapy.
In addition, since the widespread introduction of recombi-
nant human erythropoietin (EPO) as a therapeutic agent in
patients with ESRD treated with hemodialysis, it is now clear
that brain function and quality of life are significantly amelio-
rated by correction of anemia with EPO, although the impaired
cerebral oxygen utilization seen in ESRD is only partially
improved. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is known to have CNS
effects in humans, even in the absence of impaired renal func-
tion, with neuropsychiatric symptoms reported to be among
the most common manifestations of primary hyperparathyroid- 603
ism. In recent years, there has been considerable discussion on
the potential role of PTH as a uremic toxin. In uremic patients,
both electroencephalographic (EEG) changes and psychological
abnormalities have been shown to improve following parathy- CH 29
roidectomy or medical suppression of PTH.

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

Diagnosis of Uremic Encephalopathy
The diagnosis of uremic encephalopathy in most patients is
suspected if there is a constellation of clinical signs and symp-
toms indicative of renal disease or injury. However, as the
presenting symptoms of uremia are similar to those of many
other encephalopathic states (e.g., drug intoxication, hepatic
encephalopathy), there is a risk of misdiagnosis and mistreat-
ment, especially as patients with renal failure are subject to
other intercurrent illnesses that may also induce encephalo-
pathic effects. Moreover, if a drug with potential CNS toxicity
is excreted or significantly metabolized by the kidney, the
ensuing encephalopathic symptoms may be attributable to
the fact that the drug has reached CNS toxic levels at doses
inappropriate for a suppressed GFR. Despite the possibilities
that such multiple causes of encephalopathy might occur
simultaneously, uremic encephalopathy may be successfully
differentiated in most instances by means of standard clinical
and laboratory methods and, if necessary, a trial of dialysis.

Uremic Encephalopathy in Patients with Hepatic

In patients with advanced liver disease with associated renal
insufficiency, it is often difficult to differentiate whether the
cause of encephalopathy is hepatic or renal. Under normal
conditions, ammonia is formed by the metabolization of pro-
tein and amino acids, and enters the portal circulation, where
it participates in the urea cycle to form urea. Over 90% of urea
generated in the liver is excreted in the urine, with the
remainder excreted into the gastrointestinal tract, where it is
metabolized by colonic bacteria and mucosal enzymes to form
ammonia. However, in patients with renal failure, consequent
to the increase in blood urea, the amount of urea entering the
colon rises, leading to enhanced ammonia production, which
in the setting of hepatic dysfunction triggers an increase in
plasma ammonia levels. Plasma ammonia levels have been
shown to correlate well with the severity of hepatic encepha-
lopathy. Therefore, patients with liver damage and ESRD are
at particular risk for development of encephalopathy, because
both conditions act synergistically to increase blood ammonia
and hence the risk of encephalopathy.
604 Further complicating the assessment, it should also be noted
that plasma urea and serum creatinine are poor markers of renal
function in patients with severe liver disease. Many patients
who have liver disease with normal or near-normal plasma urea
VII and creatinine values may, in fact, have severe renal impairment.
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is found in up to 50% of patients

on maintenance renal replacement therapy. It is characterized
by an urge to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by
uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs, which
worsen during rest/inactivity, particularly at night. The etio-
logy is unclear and does not appear to be related to inadequate
clearance on dialysis. Treatment with anti-parkinsonian thera-
pies such as ropirinole, carbidopa, or levodopa, and more
recently pramipexole, has met with some success.


Cognitive functions impaired in uremia include sustained and

selective attention capacity, speed of decision making, short-
term memory, and mental manipulation of symbols.

Electroencephalogram in Patients with Chronic

Kidney Disease

EEG findings in patients with CKD are usually less severe than
those observed in patients with AKI. Several investigations have
shown a good correlation between the slow delta wave activity
and the decline of renal function as estimated by serum creati-
nine. After the initiation of dialysis, there may be an initial period
of clinical stabilization during which time the EEG deteriorates
(up to 6 months), but it subsequently approaches normal pat-
terns. Significant improvement is seen in the EEG abnormalities
following renal transplantation. The EEG abnormalities are likely
to be multifactorial; however, as discussed previously, there is
evidence to suggest that PTH may exert a direct effect on the
brain, by increasing the brain content of calcium Ca2þ.

Psychological Testing in Patients with Chronic

Kidney Disease
Several different types of psychological tests have been applied
to subjects with CKD and ESRD. These tests have been desig-
ned to measure the effects of dialysis, renal transplantation, or
parathyroidectomy. In general, the performance outcomes are 605
poorer in CKD patients than those of normal subjects and there
appears to be a consensus, based on psychological testing, that
CKD results in organic-like losses of intellectual function, partic-
ularly information-processing capacities. Psychological testing CH 29
scores typically improve with treatment by dialysis or renal

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

transplantation. Supporting a role for hyperparathyroidism in
the development of uremic encephalopathy, patients who
underwent parathyroidectomy for other medical reasons have
shown significant improvements in several areas of psycho-
logical testing including general cognitive function, nonverbal
problem solving, and visual-motor or visual-spatial skills.


The clinical neurologic manifestations of AKI include abnormal-

ities of mental status that can progress rapidly into disorientation
and confusion. Fixed attitudes, torpor, and other signs of toxic
psychosis are common, and if untreated, uremic coma often
supervenes. Other clinical findings include cranial nerve signs
such as nystagmus, transient mild facial asymmetries, visual field
defects, and papilledema of the optic fundi. About half of the
patients have dysarthria, and many have diffuse weakness and
fasciculations. Marked asymmetrical variation of deep tendon
reflexes is noted in most patients. Progression of hyperreflexia,
with sustained clonus at the patella or ankle, is common and
is an absolute indication for renal replacement therapy. The elec-
troencephalogram is usually grossly abnormal with marked
enhancement of slow wave (delta wave) activity. In patients with
AKI, the EEG result is abnormal within 48 hours of onset, and
is generally not affected by dialysis within the first 3 weeks.


Dialysis Dysequilibrium Syndrome

In patients with ESRD, several CNS disorders may occur as
a consequence of dialytic therapy. Dialysis dysequilibrium syn-
drome (DDS) is a clinical syndrome that typically occurs in
very uremic patients undergoing an initial hemodialysis treat-
ment. The classic symptoms include headache, nausea, emesis,
blurring of vision, muscular twitching, disorientation, hyper-
tension, tremors, and seizures. However, milder symptoms,
such as muscle cramps, anorexia, restlessness, and dizziness
may occur. Although DDS has been reported in all age groups,
it is more common among younger patients, particularly the
606 pediatric age group. Those at highest risk are older patients,
with longer duration of CKD, and very high levels of blood urea
nitrogen (BUN). The syndrome is most often associated with
rapid hemodialysis of patients, with almost all cases reported
VII occurring during the initial four hemodialysis sessions, but it
has occasionally been reported after maintenance hemodialysis
The Consequences of Renal Failure

in patients with ESRD. The symptoms are usually self-limited,

but recovery may take several days. Sporadic reports of death
associated with DDS do exist, although it is unclear whether
these were directly related to DDS or other dialysis-associated
neurologic complications, such as acute stroke, subarachnoid
hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, or hyponatremia.
DDS can be prevented by the gradual institution of dialysis,
requiring careful prescription of the dialysis treatment to ensure
that reduction in BUN levels after the first dialysis treatments are
not excessive. A general rule of thumb is that a urea reduction
ratio (URR) of 20% is nearly universally tolerated, and the first
hemodialysis session should aim to achieve this target, with an
increase in the subsequent two sessions to achieve 30% and
40%, respectively, increasing thereafter. The precise prescrip-
tion of dialysis to achieve this outcome includes such variables
as membrane size, blood flow rate, and duration of treatment.
Isolated ultrafiltration can continue for a longer period if volume
removal is the critical management issue. Other less widely used
options include the intravenous infusion of mannitol or glycerol.
Administration of 50 mL of 50% mannitol at the initiation, and
after 2 hours of the initial three hemodialysis treatments has gen-
erally been successful in preventing symptoms of DDS. The use
of lower clearance targets in initial hemodialysis treatments has
led to a sharp decline in reports of seizures, coma, and death
and most presentations are generally mild, consisting of nausea,
weakness, headache, fatigue, and muscle cramps. It is important
to recognize that the diagnosis of DDS should be one of exclusion
and a differential diagnosis of patients presenting with these
symptoms is shown in Table 29-2.

Dialysis Dementia
Dialysis dementia (also called dialysis encephalopathy) is a
progressive, frequently fatal neurologic disease that has been
reported almost exclusively in patients being treated with
chronic hemodialysis. Recent reports suggest that some forms
of dialysis dementia may be a part of a multisystem disease,
which may include encephalopathy, osteomalacic bone dis-
ease, proximal myopathy, and anemia. The syndrome is not
alleviated by increased frequency of dialysis or by renal trans-
plantation. The etiology has not been elucidated and although
an increase in brain aluminum content has been strongly impli-
cated in some cases of dialysis dementia, it is not the sole
Differential Diagnosis of Dialysis
Table 29-2
Disequilibrium Syndrome
Subdural hematoma
Uremia CH 29
Acute cerebrovascular accident

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

Dialysis dementia
Cardiac arrhythmia
Dialysate composition error

etiologic factor. Additional possible causes of dialysis demen-

tia include other trace element contaminants, normal-pressure
hydrocephalus, slow virus infection of the CNS, and regional
alterations in cerebral blood flow. There are at least three sub-
groups, and in two of them the etiology of dialysis encephalo-
pathy must be regarded as unknown (Table 29-3).
At this time, there is no known satisfactory treatment for
patients with dialysis dementia. Most patients reported in the
literature have not survived, usually dying within 18 months
from the time of diagnosis.

Clinical Manifestations of Dialysis Dementia

The initial reports of dialysis dementia in the 1970s described
patients who had usually been on dialysis for over 2 years, all
of whom had the endemic form. Early clinical manifestations

Characteristics of Subgroups of Dialysis

Table 29-3
Sporadic Endemic
No clear relation to aluminum (Al3þ) intake
Worldwide distribution
No known therapy
Often related to Al3þ concentration in dialysis water
Geographic clusters
Treatment of dialysis water
Likely associated trace metal accumulation
No clear relation to Al3þ intake
May be secondary to effects of uremia on immature brain
608 consist of a mixed dysarthria-apraxia of speech with slurring,
stuttering, and hesitancy. Personality changes include psy-
choses, progressing to dementia, myoclonus, and seizures.
Symptoms initially are intermittent and are often worse during
VII dialysis, but eventually become constant. In most cases, the
disease progresses to death within 12 to 18 months. Despite the
The Consequences of Renal Failure

fairly distinct clinical course, brain histologic appearance has

generally been normal or nonspecific. Early in the disease, the
EEG shows multifocal bursts of high-amplitude delta activity
with spikes and sharp waves, intermixed with runs of more
normal-appearing background activity. These EEG abnormalities
may precede overt clinical symptoms by 6 months. The EEG has
been said to be pathognomonic, but a similar pattern may also be
seen in other metabolic encephalopathies. The diagnosis
depends on the presence of the typical clinical picture and is
confirmed by the characteristic EEG. Magnetoencephaly (MEG)
has only recently been used in the evaluation of uremic patients,
but not of patients with dialysis dementia.

Aluminum and Dialysis Dementia

Aluminum intoxication was first implicated in the develop-
ment of this disorder in the mid-1970s. The aluminum
content of brain gray matter in patients with dialysis dementia
is 11 times that of normal individuals and three times that of
unaffected patients on chronic hemodialysis. Brain aluminum
content is also elevated in patients with Alzheimer’s disease,
with accumulation in protein moieties of neurofibrillary
tangles and in amyloid cores of senile plaques, features also
observed in most cases of dialysis dementia, although with
reported variances in distribution. Aluminum-containing oral
phosphate binders were originally suspected as the source of
aluminum; the association of dialysis dementia epidemics
with significant aluminum contamination of the water supply
identified dialysate as another potential source. The increased
total body burden of aluminum is not restricted to neural
tissue, and high levels are also found in bone and other soft
tissues. Most aluminum in blood is bound to transferrin, with
little existing in free form. The brain contains few transferrin
receptors, with negligible aluminum uptake into the brain as
a result. Any free aluminum, usually existing as aluminum
citrate, can readily enter the central nervous system. There-
fore, it may be that patients who develop dialysis dementia
have less transferrin binding capacity, less transferrin, or a
greater density of transferrin receptors in the brain.
Recent studies have suggested an association with dihy-
dropteridine reductase, an enzyme involved in the synthesis
of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine and tyrosine.
Erythrocyte levels of the enzyme activity were found to be less
than predicted and correlated with plasma aluminum levels.
Following treatment with desferrioxamine, erythrocyte enzyme 609
activity levels doubled, suggesting that increased levels of alu-
minum in the brain would lead to decreased dihydropteridine
reductase availability in the brain. The plasma aluminum level
is poorly correlated with the degree of tissue aluminum deposi- CH 29
tion and the diagnosis of aluminum toxicity is usually suggested

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

by a rise in plasma aluminum concentration (>200 ng/mL)
following intravenous infusion of desferioxamine (40 mg/kg).

Prevention and Treatment of Dialysis Dementia

Measures to limit aluminum exposure are the cornerstone of
the prevention and treatment of dialysis dementia. The use of
aluminum-based phosphate binders should be restricted to
short courses in patients with refractory hyperphosphatemia
and avoided completely in those suspected of having early clin-
ical changes consistent with dialysis dementia. Lowering the
dialysate aluminum to less than 20 mg/L by deionization
appears to prevent onset of the disease in patients and is now
the standard of care. Deionization may be beneficial by remov-
ing other trace elements which may cause CNS toxicity, includ-
ing cadmium, mercury, and manganese. Among patients with
overt disease, eliminating the source of aluminum has resulted
in improvement in some but not all patients.
The use of desferrioxamine to chelate aluminum or other trace
elements is experimental; although there have been several
reports of improvement following treatment with desferrioxa-
mine, these results have not been confirmed and its current role
is limited to the treatment of acute intoxication. Renal transplan-
tation has generally not been helpful in patients with established
dialysis dementia. Diazepam and clonazepam are useful in
controlling associated seizure activity, but later become ineffec-
tive and do not alter the final outcome. Treatment of sporadic
cases, in which the cause is not clear, is more difficult. Every
effort should be made to identify a treatable cause (Table 29-4).

Chronic Dialysis-Dependent Encephalopathy

It is currently not unusual for patients to survive on hemodialy-
sis for 25 years. However, among patients who have been under-
going hemodialysis for longer than 10 years, there is often
mental deterioration, with markedly decreased intellectual
capability, even without medical evidence of stroke. The collec-
tive syndrome of chronic dialysis-dependent encephalopathy
is a combination of probable organic mental disorders plus psy-
chiatric disorders commonly associated with hemodialysis,
although the exact etiology is likely multifactorial. The clinical
manifestations of this are outlined in Table 29-5. There are
several well-studied pathophysiologic mechanisms that likely
Table 29-4 Differential Diagnosis of Dialysis Dementia
Metabolic encephalopathies
VII Hypophosphatemia
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Symptomatic uremia
Drug/trace metal intoxications
Structural brain lesions
Subdural hematoma
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Other disorders
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Dialysis disequilibrium

contribute to the potential dysfunction of brain tissue in patients

with chronic dialysis-dependent encephalopathy including
oxidative stress, inflammation, hyperhomocysteinemia, and
neuronal apoptosis.
Muscular weakness is an important component of the syn-
drome, the possible causes of which include anemia, hypo-
thyroidism and antihypertensive therapy, a constellation of
features similar to that labeled uremic myopathy. Uremic
myopathy is a frequent cause of weakness, exercise limitation,
and rapid onset fatigue in dialysis patients. In ESRD patients,
there is impairment of oxidative metabolism in skeletal mus-
cle, and evidence exists that correction of acidosis by dialysis
increases protein breakdown in muscle. Vitamin D deficiency

Clinical Manifestations of Chronic

Table 29-5
Dialysis-Dependent Encephalopthy
Decreased intellectual capability
Impaired cognition
Chronic depression
Decreased capacity for physical activity
Deterioration of vision
Suicidal behavior
Sexual dysfunction
is an important and frequently overlooked cause of myopathy, 611
with an increased tendency toward falling. Pruritus is another
component of this syndrome, which has proved difficult to
treat. Recently, the k-opioid receptor agonist nalfurafine has
shown promise. CH 29

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease


The recent use of advanced neuroimaging techniques has led to

increased understanding of the changes in the uremic brain in
humans. Acute and subacute movement disorders have been
observed in patients with ESRD. These have been associated
with bilateral basal ganglia and internal capsule lesions.
Cerebral atrophy has been observed in chronic hemodialysis
patients and tends to worsen as dialysis therapy continues.
Cerebral atrophy was previously thought to be associated with
dialysis dementia, but this is apparently not the case. ESRD has
also been reported to lead to deterioration of vision. Some cases
are associated with uremic pseudotumor cerebri, and in these
selected cases, surgical optic nerve fenestration may improve
visual loss. There is probably neuronal loss not detectable by
techniques currently in common use. In patients with CKD,
prevalence of cerebral white matter lesions is increased, often
with extensive vascular calcification, which is associated with
small, maybe silent, cerebral infarcts. In uremic patients, there
is some evidence of necrosis of the granular layer of the cerebral
cortex. Small intracerebral hemorrhages and necrotic foci are
seen in about 10% of uremic patients, and focal glial prolifera-
tion is seen in about 2%. The few available studies also suggest
a disproportionately high incidence of cerebral atrophy.



Subdural Hematoma
Subdural hematoma is an infrequent cause of death in patients
maintained on chronic hemodialysis. This condition presents
with headache, drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting and may pro-
ceed to loss of consciousness with clinical signs of increased
intracranial pressure. On physical examination, there is often
evidence of localized neurologic disease; there may be signs of
meningeal irritation, and somnolence and focal seizures may
be observed. The diagnosis of subdural hematoma can usually
be made by CT or MRI and should be entertained as a possible
cause of altered mental status particularly in dialysis patients
612 taking anticoagulants. Rapid diagnosis and operative interven-
tion is required if a fatal outcome is to be averted.

VII Technical Dialysis Errors

The Consequences of Renal Failure

Improper proportioning of dialysate, due to human or mechan-

ical error, is an important cause of neurologic abnormality
in dialysis patients. The usual effect of such mistakes is the
production of hyponatremia or hypernatremia. Either of these
abnormalities of body fluid osmolality can lead to seizures
and coma, although different mechanisms are involved.
In acute hypernatremia, there is excessive thirst, lethargy, irrita-
bility, seizures, and coma, with spasticity and muscle rigidity.
In acute hyponatremia, there is weakness, fatigue, and dulled
sensorium, which may also progress to seizures and coma,
respiratory arrest, and death. Such symptoms developing soon
after initiation of hemodialysis should alert the physician to
the possibility of an error. A check of the dialysate osmolality
or sodium concentration is the most rapid means of detecting
this problem. Overly aggressive ultrafiltration in dialysis
patients, particularly in those with diastolic dysfunction and
large vessel arteriolosclerosis, may trigger overt hypotension.
This can manifest as seizures that, although actually caused
by cerebrovascular insufficiency, may be mistaken for DDS,
particularly in diabetic subjects.


Key to the high incidence of stroke in patients with ESRD is

the coincidence of many of the known risk factors for stroke
in this population including hypertension, cigarette use, dia-
betes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia. Recent evidence has also
shown that a chronic inflammatory state greatly increases
the risk of stroke. There is a high incidence of chronic infec-
tion in dialysis patients, leading to increased circulating
levels of atherogenic factors, such as cytokines. The process
of hemodialysis itself may contribute to the chronic inflamma-
tory milieu. As with the general population, most preventive
interventions in CKD patients focus on cardiovascular risk fac-
tor minimization. More specific interventions include screen-
ing patients for the presence of carotid stenosis, or for the
presence of large atherosclerotic plaques (>4 mm thick),
which are important predictors for the possibility of stroke
in the future. Atrial fibrillation, another major risk factor for
both initial and recurrent stroke, should be ruled out. Tran-
sient ischemic attacks are often associated with numbness,
weakness, or partial blindness, and the presence of such a
symptom complex should trigger a workup that includes 613
evaluation of the carotid arteries (ultrasound, CT, or MRI).
Migraine is a common clinical disorder, often characterized
by an aura, headache, and autonomic dysfunction. In patients
with ESRD, headache is common, and the possible association CH 29
with impending stroke may not be appreciated. Other possible

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

preventive measures include dietary antioxidants, low-dose
aspirin, and dietary modification.

Therapy for Stroke in CKD/ESRD

It is now clear that, in many cases, acute stroke can be suc-
cessfully treated if timely therapy is initiated. An initial CT
scan usually reveals acute stroke and serves to differentiate
occlusive from hemorrhagic stroke. If acute ischemic stroke
is diagnosed within an appropriate time window (within 3
hours after onset of symptoms), current treatment may include
the administration of thrombolytic (intravenous or intra-arte-
rial) therapy, although its use is controversial. Associated
therapy includes antithrombotic and antiplatelet drugs, defib-
rinogenating agents, and neuroprotective drugs. Importantly,
some cases of apparent acute stroke in dialysis patients are
caused by subdural hematoma, which must always be consid-
ered in the differential diagnosis of stroke in dialysis patients,
and some may be due to dissection of the carotid or vertebral
arterial systems. Angiography may be required to further eval-
uate, with a preference usually for noninvasive imaging. The
use of intravenous contrast agent for CT angiography must
be balanced against the use of gadolinium-chelate contrast
agents for magnetic resonance angiography, with the attendant
risks of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.


Pathogenesis of Uremic Sexual Dysfunction

Disturbances in sexual function including erectile dysfunction,

decreased libido, and decreased frequency of intercourse are a
common complication of CKD. Sexual dysfunction is observed
in over 80% of male patients receiving maintenance hemodial-
ysis. A number of abnormalities associated with renal failure
appear to be important in the genesis of impotence including
autonomic nervous system dysfunction, impairment in arterial
and venous systems of the penis, hypertension, drug-related
side effects, and other associated endocrine abnormalities.
Sexual dysfunction is also common in women who are treated
with dialysis, characterized by significantly poorer quality of
sexual intercourse, decreased libido, less lubrication, and
decreased ability to achieve orgasm.
614 Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction in Uremia

The management of sexual dysfunction in the patient with

renal disease must address the underlying cause and exacer-
VII bating factors. Many drugs used to treat hypertension can
lead to impotence, including calcium channel blockers and
The Consequences of Renal Failure

b-blockers, and this should be considered in any evaluation.

It is also important to exclude undiagnosed depression, as
the incidence of mood disturbance is considerably higher in
patients with advancing renal disease than in the general popu-
lation. If these etiologic factors have been addressed and
the problem persists, treatment options include the use of sil-
denafil (Viagra), which is highly effective in men with ESRD.
If this proves unsuccessful, other treatment options include
penile prostheses, direct intrapenile injection of alprostadil,
and vacuum constrictive devices.

Clinical Manifestations

Peripheral neuropathy is probably present in about 65% of

patients with ESRD at the time of institution of dialysis. Many
patients with CKD who are neurologically asymptomatic may
exhibit abnormalities on physical examination including evi-
dence of autonomic neuropathy, such as postural hypotension.
Moreover, in patients who have renal insufficiency, abnormal
nerve conduction may be present in the absence of symptoms
or abnormal findings on physical examination, although the
routine application of this examination is limited due to
patient discomfort. Clinical evidence of neuropathy is usually
absent until the advanced stages of renal insufficiency.
Uremic neuropathy is usually a distal, symmetrical, mixed
polyneuropathy. In general, motor and sensory modalities
are both affected, and lower extremities are more severely
involved than are the upper extremities. Clinically, uremic
polyneuropathy cannot be distinguished from the neuropa-
thies associated with certain other metabolic disorders, such
as diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, and various defic-
iency states. The occurrence of neuropathy bears no relation
to the type of underlying disease process (i.e., glomerulone-
phritis or pyelonephritis). However, certain diseases that can
lead to renal failure may simultaneously affect peripheral nerve
function in a manner separate from the manifestations of ure-
mia. Such diseases include amyloidosis, multiple myeloma,
systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, diabetes
mellitus, and hepatic failure.
Peripheral Nerves 615

The restless leg syndrome is a common early manifestation of

CKD. Clinically, patients experience sensations in lower extre-
mities such as crawling, prickling, and pruritus. The sensa- CH 29
tions are worse distally than proximally and are generally

Neurologic Complications of Kidney Disease

more prominent in the evening. Another symptom experi-
enced by patients with early uremic neuropathy is the burning
foot syndrome, which is present in fewer than 10% of patients
with chronic renal failure. Rather than “burning,” the actual
symptoms consist of swelling sensations, constriction, and
tenderness of the distal lower extremities. The physical signs
of peripheral nerve dysfunction often begin with loss of deep
tendon reflexes, particularly knee and ankle jerks. Impaired
vibratory sensation is also an early sign of uremic neuropathy.
Loss of sensation in the lower leg is common and often takes
the form of “stocking glove” anesthesia of the lower leg. The
sensory loss includes pain, light touch, vibration, and pressure.

Metabolic Neuropathy
Uremic neuropathy is one of a group of central-peripheral axo-
nopathies, also known as dying-back polyneuropathies, which
include neuropathies associated with diabetes, multiple mye-
loma, and certain hereditary polyneuropathies. There is also
an associated degeneration of the spinal cord, particularly
involving posterior columns, as well as other portions of the
CNS (Table 29-6).
In addition to uremic neuropathy, uremic myopathy is a fre-
quent cause of weakness, exercise limitation, and rapid-onset
tiredness in dialysis patients. Later, muscle wasting occurs,
particularly in the limb muscles.

Clinical Characteristics of Distal

Table 29-6
Insidious onset
Onset in legs (large and long axons affected early; sciatic nerve
especially vulnerable)
Stocking-glove sensory loss
Early loss of Achilles reflex
Moderate slowing of motor nerve conduction
Normal cerebrospinal fluid protein content (pathologic changes
usually distal with nerve root sparing)
Slow recovery (axonal regeneration 1 mm/day)
Residual disability
Chapter 30

Mineral Bone Disease in

Chronic Kidney Disease
In the absence of chronic kidney disease (CKD), normal serum
levels of phosphorus and calcium are maintained through the
interaction of two hormones: parathyroid hormone (PTH) and
1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol), the main metabolite that activates
the vitamin D receptor (VDR). There is also increasing evi-
dence to support the existence of a hormone, or hormones,
that directly control the renal excretion of phosphorus termed
phosphatonins, although their precise role has yet to be eluci-
dated. These hormones act on three primary target organs:
bone, kidney, and intestine. Because the kidney has a critical
role in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, derangements
are initially seen at glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) of less
than 60 mL/min and are nearly uniform at a GFR below
30 mL/min. The progression of CKD is eventually associated
with the inability to maintain normal mineral homeostasis,
ultimately resulting in (1) altered serum levels of calcium,
phosphorus, PTH, and vitamin D; (2) disturbances in bone
remodeling with fracture development; (3) impaired linear
growth in children; and (4) extraskeletal calcification in soft
tissues and arteries.
Traditionally, this group of disorders was termed renal
osteodystrophy. However, given the diverse and multisystem
manifestations of mineral and bone abnormalities, the Kidney
Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) organization
recently classified a new systemic disorder, termed CKD-
mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD). In contrast, the term renal
osteodystrophy should be reserved to define an alteration
of bone morphology in patients with CKD, quantifiable by
histomorphometry of bone obtained by biopsy (Table 30-1).

Inorganic phosphorus is critical for numerous physiologic
functions including skeletal development, mineral metabo-
lism, cell membrane phospholipid content and function, cell
signaling, platelet aggregation, and energy transfer through
Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
(KDIGO) Classification of Chronic Kidney
Table 30-1 Disease (CKD)–Mineral Bone Disorder (MBD)
and Renal Osteodystrophy
CH 30
Definition of CKD-MBD

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

CKD-MBD is a systemic disorder of mineral and bone metabolism
due to CKD manifested by either one or a combination of the
1. Abnormalities of calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, or
vitamin D metabolism
2. Abnormalities in bone turnover, mineralization, volume,
linear growth, or strength
3. Vascular or other soft tissue calcification
Definition of Renal Osteodystrophy
Renal osteodystrophy is an alteration of bone morphology in
patients with CKD
It is one measure of the skeletal component of CKD-MBD
quantifiable by histomorphometry of bone biopsy specimen

mitochondrial metabolism. Normal homeostasis maintains

serum phosphorus concentrations between 2.5 and 4.5 mg/dL
(0.81–1.45 mmol/L). Levels are highest in infants and decrease
throughout growth, reaching adult levels in the late teens.
Approximately 85% of total adult body stores are contained in
bone in the form of hydroxyapatite. Of the remainder, approxi-
mately 14% is intracellular, and 1% extracellular. Of the extra-
cellular portion, 70% is organic (phosphate) and contained
within phospholipids, and 30% is inorganic, of which 85% is
either circulating freely or complexed with sodium, magnesium,
or calcium. Serum measurements therefore reflect only a small
fraction of total body stores. Under normal circumstances,
approximately two thirds of ingested phosphate is excreted in
urine, and one third in stool. Foods high in phosphate are gener-
ally high in protein; it is therefore challenging to balance dietary
phosphate restriction while ensuring adequate protein intake in
the dialysis population. Most well-nourished dialysis patients
are therefore in positive phosphate balance, and dietary restric-
tion alone is insufficient, requiring in addition the optimization
of dialysis and the use of phosphate binders.

Phosphorus Homeostasis
Between 60% and 70% of dietary phosphate is absorbed by
the gastrointestinal tract, a process dependant both on passive
transport and active transport stimulated by calcitriol and, to a
much lesser extent, PTH. Most inorganic phosphate is freely
618 filtered by the glomerulus. Approximately 70% to 80% of
the filtered load is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, the
remainder in the distal tubule. Phosphate excretion is increased
by increased plasma phosphate concentration, PTH, volume
VII expansion, metabolic acidosis, glucocorticoids, and calcitonin.
The majority of this regulation occurs in the proximal tubule
The Consequences of Renal Failure

through the sodium-phosphate co-transporter Npt2b.

The exquisite sensitivity of renal phosphate excretion to
changes in the serum phosphate levels led to the concept of phos-
phatonins, hormones thought to regulate phosphate excretion.
Several phosphatonins have now been identified, including
fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). FGF23 is predominantly
produced from bone cells during active remodeling, and exerts
a host of effects, including regulation of the sodium-phosphate
co-transporter independent of PTH, and inhibition of the 1a-
hydroxylase enzyme in the renal tubules, thereby decreasing
the production of 1,25(OH)2D. In the setting of hyperphosphate-
mia, both PTH and FGF23 levels increase with phosphaturic

Phosphorus Abnormalities in Chronic

Kidney Disease

As mentioned previously, disturbances in phosphate homeosta-

sis are evident at GFR rates of less than 60 mL/min, and frank
hyperphosphatemia is seen in most patients with a GFR below
30 mL/min. The maintenance of normal serum levels in CKD
stage 3 is thought to be at the expense of progressive increase
in PTH excretion. The regulation of PTH by phosphate is multi-
factorial and includes regulation of intracellular calcium, cell
proliferation and growth, and reduction in the expression of
the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR), thereby decreasing the abil-
ity of the parathyroid gland to respond to changes in ionized cal-
cium. The inhibition of 1a-hydroxylase by hyperphosphatemia,
decreasing the production of 1,25(OH)2D, also increases the
secretion of PTH. Recent studies have demonstrated increased
levels of FGF23 in CKD, with progressive elevation as GFR
declines. The elevation in FGF23 is thought to further contribute
to the development and exacerbation of secondary hyperpara-
thyroidism. Interestingly, FGF23 has been shown in vitro to
inhibit osteoblastic mineralization.

Serum calcium levels are normally tightly controlled within a
narrow range, usually 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL (2.1–2.6 mmol/L),
although these levels are a poor reflection of overall total body
calcium. Ionized calcium is the physiologically active compo- 619
nent, and generally makes up approximately 40% of total
serum calcium levels. The nonionized component is bound to
albumin or anions such as citrate, bicarbonate, and phosphate.
Serum levels of ionized calcium are maintained within the nor- CH 30
mal range by alterations in the secretion of PTH, which acts to

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

increase bone resorption, increase renal calcium reabsorption,
and increase the conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D, thereby
increasing gastrointestinal calcium absorption.

Calcium Homeostasis
Calcium absorption across the intestinal membrane occurs via
both a vitamin D–dependent, saturable pathway and a vitamin
D–independent, nonsaturable pathway. The duodenum is the
major source of calcium absorption, although the remainder of
the small intestine and the colon also contribute. In the kid-
ney, approximately 60% to 70% of calcium is reabsorbed pas-
sively in the proximal tubule, driven by a transepithelial
electrochemical gradient generated by sodium and water reab-
sorption. A further 10% is absorbed in the thick ascending
limb by paracellular transport. The regulation of reabsorption
is via transcellular pathways that occur in the distal convo-
luted tubule, the connecting tubule, and the initial portion of
the cortical collecting duct.

Calcium-Sensing Receptor

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is expressed in organs

controlling calcium homeostasis, such as the parathyroid
gland, thyroid C cells, intestine, and kidney. It is also
expressed in a number of other tissues, although its expres-
sion in bone remains controversial. The primary ligand for
the CaR is Ca2þ, but it also senses other divalent and poly-
valent cations, including Mg2þ. Recent studies indicate that the
CaR can also act as sensors for pH and L-amino acids. Activa-
tion of the CaR leads to mobilization of intracellular calcium
and decrease in PTH secretion; the converse is also true. CaR
expression is regulated by 1,25(OH)2D in parathyroid, thyroid,
and kidney cells; studies have failed to find evidence supporting
its regulation by calcium. Uremic animal models have shown
down-regulation of CaR expression by a high-phosphate diet,
occurring after the onset of parathyroid hyperplasia. Within the
kidney, the CaR is expressed in mesangial cells and throughout
the tubules. Interestingly, in rat studies, the CaR is present within
the same endosomes that contain the vasopressin-regulated
620 water channel aquaporin-2, and responds to increases in intra-
luminal calcium concentration by reducing antidiuretic
hormone–stimulated water absorption. This may be the
mechanism by which the urine can remain dilute in the face of
VII hypercalcemia/hypercalciuria, and may explain the polyuria
seen in hypercalcemic patients.
The Consequences of Renal Failure


Vitamin D3 is metabolized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol,

a reaction facilitated by ultraviolet light and increased
temperature. There are also dietary sources of vitamin D2 (ergo-
calciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D2 and D3
bind with vitamin D–binding protein (DBP), and are trans-
ported to the liver, where they undergo hydroxylation to yield
25(OH)D, called calcidiol. This compound is then further
hydroxylated in the kidney by the action of 1a-hydroxylase to
1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol), which exerts the predominant effects
of vitamin D in the body. The primary role of the DBP is to
maintain stable serum stores of vitamin D metabolites and mod-
ulate the rates of bioavailability, activation, and end-organ
As discussed earlier in this chapter, calcitriol facilitates
the uptake of calcium in intestinal and renal epithelium via
voltage-dependent calcium channels and thereafter enhances
its transport. Calcitriol also directly suppresses PTH synthesis
and is important for normal bone turnover. The 1a-hydroxylase
enzyme in the kidney is the site of regulation of 1,25(OH)2D
synthesis by numerous factors, including low calcium, low
phosphorus, estrogen, prolactin, growth hormone, 1,25(OH)2D
itself, and FGF23.
Vitamin D is also important in cell differentiation and pro-
liferation. Additional studies have shown that vitamin D and
many of its analogs inhibit the secretion of inflammatory cyto-
kines and proliferation from lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and
Particular to CKD are direct effects of calcitriol on the cardio-
vascular system, leading to decreased vascular tone, decreased
renin-angiotensin activation, decreased cardiac contractility,
and decreased myocardial fibrosis, resulting in improved blood
pressure and reduction in left ventricular mass. Serum calci-
triol levels vary substantially at any given level of renal func-
tion although they typically decline as CKD advances. This
biochemical disturbance adversely affects intestinal calcium
absorption and contributes substantially to modest reductions
in serum calcium concentration and to the hypocalciuria
seen in patients with mild to moderate CKD, thereby directly
stimulating PTH secretion.
Nutritional Vitamin D Deficiency 621

In the general population, 25(OH)D (calcidiol) levels are

accepted as the standard measure of nutritional intake, as they
correlate best with end-organ effects and with total body stores, CH 30
whereas calcitriol levels may be in a normal range despite

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

severe vitamin D deficiency. Although there is no absolute level
of calcidiol that defines deficiency, a level less than 10 ng/mL
(25 nmol/L) is typically used, as it is associated with rickets in
children and osteomalacia in adults. More recently, the
term calcidiol insufficiency has been used to describe less
severely deficient states. Although controversial, the typical
range of insufficient calcidiol levels is 10 to 30 ng/mL
(25–75 nmol/L). Calcidiol insufficiency has been found to
be associated with increased intact PTH (iPTH) levels and
Studies have also indicated that calcidiol deficiency and
insufficiency are common in CKD, with less than 30% of CKD
stage 3 patients having sufficient levels. Proteinuria, which
results in ongoing losses of DBP, along with vitamin D,
increases the likelihood of vitamin D deficiency in CKD
patients. There is concern that low calcidiol levels in CKD
may contribute to secondary hyperparathyroidism. The
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guide-
lines suggest measuring calcidiol levels in patients with stage
3 or 4 CKD and an elevated PTH, although studies to date
have been small and heterogeneous and have shown variable
results following calcidiol supplementation. The vitamin D
sterols developed for treatment of secondary hyperparathy-
roidism (SHPT), including paricalcitol and alfacalcidol, are
not metabolized to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and their use thera-
peutically does not raise serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.


The primary function of PTH is to maintain calcium homeosta-

sis by (1) increasing bone mineral dissolution, releasing calcium
and phosphorus; (2) increasing renal reabsorption of calcium
and excretion of phosphorus; (3) increasing the activity of
1a-hydroxylase; and (4) enhancing gastrointestinal absorption
of both calcium and phosphorus via synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D.
SHPT is common in the CKD population, develops early in the
clinical course, and progresses as renal function declines. It is
characterized by persistent elevation of PTH, leading to meta-
bolic bone disease and disturbances in calcium and phosphate
metabolism. PTH secretion occurs in response to hypocalcemia,
hyperphosphatemia, and 1,25(OH)2D deficiency. It is, however,
the extracellular concentration of ionized calcium that is the
622 most important determinant of minute-to-minute secretion of
PTH from stored secretory granules, a response modulated via
the CaR. It appears that although calcium is more important in
stimulating PTH release, calcitriol is more important in its inhi-
VII bition. Other factors causing increased PTH secretion include
FGF23, down-regulation of the VDR, acidosis, and resistance to
The Consequences of Renal Failure

PTH at the skeletal level. PTH binds to the PTH1 receptor, which
is found in many tissues including osteoblasts and vascular
smooth muscle cells, and is widely expressed in the kidney.
Although PTH-related protein (PTHrp) also binds to the PTH1
receptor, its effects are autocrine, whereas the effects of PTH
are systemic.
Plasma PTH levels generally serve not only as a non-
invasive test for the initial diagnosis of renal bone disease,
but also as a useful index for monitoring evolution of the dis-
order, and as a surrogate marker of bone turnover in CKD, with
high levels associated usually with high-turnover bone dis-
ease, and low-turnover/adynamic bone disease with normal
or reduced plasma PTH levels. Interpretation of early immu-
noassays for PTH was complicated by the fact that PTH circu-
lates not only in the form of the intact 84-amino-acid peptide
but also as multiple fragments of the hormone, particularly from
the middle and COOH-terminal regions of the PTH molecule.
More recently, two-site immunoradiometric assays that only
detect intact PTH have been developed and are now widely
commercially available. Some recent studies have suggested that
PTH fragments may also have biologic actions.

The majority of total body stores of calcium and phosphorus
are located in bone. Trabecular (cancellous) bone is located
predominantly in the epiphyses of long bones, is 15% to
25% calcified, and serves a metabolic function with a rela-
tively short turnover rate of calcium, in contrast to cortical
(compact) bone in the shafts of long bones, which is 80% to
90% calcified, and has a calcium turnover rate of months.
The control of bone remodeling is highly complex but appears
to occur in distinct phases: (1) osteoblast activation, (2) osteo-
clast recruitment resorption, (3) preosteoblast migration and
differentiation, (4) osteoblast deposition of matrix, (5) mineral-
ization, and (6) quiescent stage. Osteoclasts, the bone-resorbing
cells, are derived from hematopoietic precursor cells, and act
via the release of degradative enzymes. PTH, cytokines, and
1,25(OH)2D are all important in the control of osteoclast
Bone strength reflects the integration of two main features:
bone density and bone quality. These “quality” factors include
abnormal bone turnover or remodeling, and other indices of 623
bone architecture including mineralization and collagen cross-
linking. Impaired bone quality in CKD/ESRD is clinically mani-
fested by increased prevalence of hip fracture across all age
groups in the dialysis population compared to the general popu- CH 30
lation, with dialysis patients in their 40s shown to have a rela-

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

tive risk of hip fracture 80-fold that of age- and sex-matched
control subjects. CKD has also been shown to be an independent
risk factor for hip fracture. Most studies have observed a high
prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis as measured by dual
x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in ESRD patients. There are limita-
tions to the use of DEXA in the ESRD population, however,
as DEXA can detect only the overall density of bone, rather
than bone quality. Differences in pattern of mineral content
and potential artefact from vascular calcification in ESRD
patients are also considerations. Quantitative CT scanning may
offer an alternative to DEXA, as it can differentiate cortical and
trabecular bone, and local patterns of mineral content.

Bone Biopsy and Histomorphometry in Patients

with Chronic Kidney Disease

Bone biopsy is the gold standard for the assessment of bone

turnover and remodeling, although is now used primarily for
research purposes. Historically, renal osteodystrophy has been
defined as a spectrum of disorders, ranging from low-turnover
(adynamic) to high-turnover (osteitis fibrosa) disease, with a
poorly defined entity termed mixed renal osteodystrophy,
which represented various degrees of bone turnover with
mineralization defects.
The histologic features of high-turnover bone disease (pre-
dominant hyperparathyroidism or osteitis fibrosa) are charac-
terized by increased rate of bone formation and resorption,
extensive osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity, and a progres-
sive increase in endosteal peritrabecular fibrosis. There is also
abnormal alignment of collagen strands in the bone matrix
that renders the bone more physically vulnerable to stress.
Low-turnover or adynamic bone disease is histologically
characterized by absence of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activ-
ity, osteoid formation, and endosteal fibrosis. Low-turnover
disease was initially described as a result of aluminum toxicity,
but remains common in its absence. Osteomalacia, character-
ized by an excess of unmineralized bone, a markedly decreased
mineralization rate, and absence of cell activity, was frequently
associated with aluminum toxicity. Risk factors for adynamic
bone disease include age, diabetes, oversuppression of PTH
with vitamin D and calcium-containing phosphate binders,
peritoneal dialysis, and possibly calcium overload. Although
Bone Turnover, Mineralization, and
Table 30-2 Volume Classification System for Renal
VII Turnover Mineralization Volume
Low Normal Low
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Normal Abnormal Normal

High High

most patients with low-turnover bone disease are asymptom-

atic, they are at increased risk of fracture compared to impaired
remodeling, and are at risk of vascular calcification due to an
inability of bone to buffer an acute calcium load.
The progression in our understanding of bone biology, how-
ever, has necessitated a new classification system. The KDIGO
classification uses three key histologic components—bone
turnover, mineralization, and volume (TMV system), where
any combination of each component is possible in a given
bone specimen. This new classification is consistent with
the current classification, but provides more information on
clinically relevant parameters (Table 30-2).
As discussed earlier, serum PTH is currently used as a sur-
rogate biomarker to predict bone turnover. However, studies
evaluating the ability of PTH to predict both low- and high-
turnover disease have been disappointing. In general, the risk
of high-turnover bone disease increases with the concen-
tration of intact PTH, but its predictive ability is poor until
iPTH levels reach 450 to 500 pg/mL. Conversely, levels below
100 pg/mL are reasonably reliable for the prediction of low-
turnover bone disease, but not infallible. Despite initial hopes,
other bone markers such as osteocalcin and bone-specific
alkaline phosphatase have failed to offer additional benefit
in the prediction of underlying bone histologic disease.

Classically, atherosclerotic disease has been characterized
by fibrofatty plaque formation, associated with intimal calcifi-
cation, where calcification was thought to be a late feature
of the disease. More recent advances have demonstrated cir-
cumferential atherosclerosis, where calcification is an early
feature. The medial layer may also be affected, leading to
medial calcification of elastic arteries. This medial calcinosis,
or Monckeberg calcification, is seen in patients with diabetes
and kidney disease, and is associated with younger age, longer
duration of hemodialysis, and serum calcium phosphate
abnormalities. Medial calcification implies arteriosclerosis 625
with noncompliance of the large conduit vessels. It has been
clearly shown to be associated with increased all-cause and
cardiovascular calcification in CKD and in diabetic patients
in the absence of CKD. CH 30
Although initially believed to be a bystander process, recent

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

evidence suggests that vascular calcification is a tightly regu-
lated process that resembles mineralization in bone. Vascular
smooth muscle cells and vascular pericytes are capable of
producing bone-like proteins in cell culture, and can form
mineralized nodules in vitro in the presence of a phosphorus
donor. Evidence for similar osteogenesis in vascular calcifica-
tion in the dialysis population was found in small skin arterioles
from dialysis patients with calcific uremic arteriolopathy
(calciphylaxis) that expressed osteopontin and bone protein
sialoprotein, whereas noncalcified vessels did not. Using an
in vitro calcification model of vascular smooth muscle cells, sev-
eral nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors can accelerate vas-
cular calcification, including PTH, PTHrp, calcitriol, advanced
glycation end products, alterations of lipoproteins, and homo-
cysteine. Excess calcium can also induce mineralization in vitro,
with effects additive to those of increased phosphorus.

Inhibitors of Vascular Calcification

Vascular calcification, although very prevalent in the dialysis
population, is not uniform, and the persistent absence of calci-
fication in a subgroup of patients supports the presence of
naturally occurring inhibitors of calcification. Animal models
have shown that selective deletion of many genes, including
matrix gla protein (MGP) and osteoprotegerin, leads to vascu-
lar calcification. Studies to date assessing circulating levels of
MGP have shown disparate results, however. Another potential
circulating inhibitor of extraskeletal calcification is fetuin-A, an
abundant glycoprotein produced mainly in the liver. Fetuin-A
inhibits the de novo formation and precipitation of the apatite
precursor mineral basic calcium phosphate, but does not dis-
solve it once the basic calcium phosphate is formed, thereby
allowing it to prevent undesirable calcification in the circula-
tion without causing bone demineralization. Studies have
shown that low fetuin-A levels are associated with increased
cardiovascular mortality rate in dialysis patients, although it
is unclear whether there is a relative deficiency of fetuin-A in
setting of elevated calcium and phosphate, or if genetic poly-
morphisms are responsible for altered function. Pyrophosphate
is another naturally occurring inhibitor of mineralization; cir-
culating levels have been found to be decreased in dialysis
patients and to be partially cleared by dialysis. The precise role
Table 30-3 Clinical Features of Mineral Bone Disease
Bone pain—usually insidious and nonspecific; symptoms of
pseudogout due to calcification of articular cartilage
VII Myopathy—associated with SHPT, phosphate depletion, and
vitamin D deficiency
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Spontaneous tendon rupture

Pruritus—may reflect high levels of PTH, hypercalcemia, and a
high calcium-phosphorus product
Metastatic and extraskeletal calcifications
Calciphylaxis (calcific uremic arteriolopathy)
Ocular calcification—usually asymptomatic; dry or gritty eyes,
conjunctival erythema
Cardiovascular (discussed in detail in Chapter 27)
PTH, parathyroid hormone; SHPT, secondary hyperparathyroidism.

of these and other inhibitors remains to be determined, but

there are clearly multiple mechanisms involved in the regula-
tion of extraskeletal calcification.


Bone disease in CKD patients is usually asymptomatic, with
clinical features appearing only late in the course of disease,
at which time significant biochemical and histologic changes
are present (Table 30-3).

Calciphylaxis is a small vessel vasculopathy largely confined
to patients with end-stage kidney disease and is also known
as calcific uremic arteriolopathy. Ischemia of the skin and
subcutaneous tissues is the most common clinical presenta-
tion, leading to necrosing skin ulcers, subcutaneous nodules
of infarction, and areas of poor wound healing. The most com-
mon sites of involvement are subcutaneous tissue with
increased adipose content, including the breast, abdominal
wall, and thigh. The overall prognosis is poor, with death due
to sepsis extremely common. The exact etiology of this disorder
is unclear. Risk factors include obesity, white ethnic race,
and diabetes mellitus. Much attention has also focused on the
roles of hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, SHPT, and high
calcium phosphate product (Ca  P). Sustained hyperphos-
phatemia in particular may be a risk factor for calciphylaxis.
Although associated with severe SHPT, many cases occur in
the absence of hyperparathyroidism at the time of diagnosis. 627
Protein calorie malnutrition, use of warfarin, vitamin K defi-
ciency, and protein C and S deficiency have also been postu-
lated as potential risk factors. Calciphylaxis is generally
diagnosed clinically by the presence of subcutaneous and cuta- CH 30
neous nodules, necrotic lesions, and eschar with hyperesthesia

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

of the skin. Tissue biopsy demonstrates calcification of small
arterioles and venules. Biopsy is not always recommended
because there is a high likelihood of poor healing at the biopsy
Treatment outcomes for patients with calciphylaxis are
poor, and only anecdotal case reports of successful treatment
exist. Suggested strategies include lowering of the (Ca  P) to
less than 55 mg/dL, optimization of calcium/phosphate derange-
ments, discontinuation of calcium-containing phosphate bin-
ders, vitamin D sterols, and the use of lower calcium dialysate
concentrations. Isolated case reports have documented success-
ful treatments with hyperbaric oxygen, bisphosphonates, subto-
tal parathyroidectomy, sodium thiosulfate, and more recently,
the calcimimetic cinacalcet. Careful attention to analgesia,
avoidance of trauma, and wound care are essential.


Considerable amounts of bone mineral can be lost prior to overt
radiologic change, and radiologic changes correlate poorly
with underlying histologic appearance. There is therefore no
benefit to the routine use of skeletal imaging for screening for
renal bone disease. The classical radiologic changes are briefly
described in Table 30-4.


The clinical management of SHPT, renal bone disease, and
disturbances in calcium and phosphorus metabolism asso-
ciated with CKD is challenging, and requires continuous
effort. The benefits and risks associated with each therapeutic
intervention should be considered carefully.

Phosphate-Binding Agents
As discussed previously, we are increasingly aware of the
need for optimal control of hyperphosphatemia, as its role in
SHPT, vascular mineralization, and cardiovascular morbidity
Table 30-4 Radiographic Features of Mineral Bone Disease
Bone Disease Type Specific Feature(s)
High-turnover Subperiosteal bone resorption
VII Cystic lesions or brown tumors
The Consequences of Renal Failure

Osteosclerosis (“rugger-jersey”
appearance on lateral view of spine)
“Pepper-pot” skull
Osteomalacia Pseudofractures or Looser zones
Stress fractures
Deformities of long bones (e.g., bowing)
May also see features of high-turnover
bone disease
Osteopenia Decreased bone mineral density
(nonspecific finding)
Metastatic Calcified large blood vessels; also
calcification calcifications in joints, skeletal muscle
Dialysis-related Cystic bone lesions (not pathognomonic)
amyloidosis Cysts of synovial joints, subchondral
Destructive Usually affects cervical spine; reduction
spondyloarthropathy of disk space with destruction or
sclerosis of adjacent end-plates (need to
distinguish from infective

has been further defined. Dietary limitation of phosphorus,

intrinsically linked as it is to protein restriction, is usually
insufficient, and may lead to insufficient consumption of pro-
tein. Current recommendations, as listed in K/DOQI guide-
lines (Table 30-5), are to maintain normal serum levels for
patients with CKD stage 3 and 4, and to maintain levels
between 3.5 and 5.5 mg/dL in CKD stage 5 or dialysis patients.
Phosphate-binding agents are widely used to diminish intesti-
nal phosphate absorption by forming poorly soluble com-
plexes with phosphate in the intestinal lumen. In the past,
aluminum-containing compounds such as aluminum hydrox-
ide or aluminum carbonate were widely used, and although
they were potent phosphate-binding agents, their long-term
use led to aluminum retention and toxicity, and they are
now infrequently used.

Calcium-Containing Phosphate Binders

Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate are two widely used
phosphate-binding agents, and although both have similar effi-
cacy, calcium acetate contains less elemental calcium (325 mg
Recommended Serum Values for Selected Biochemical Parameters According to Stage of Chronic
Table 30-5
Kidney Disease (CKD)*
CKD Stage GFR Range (mL/min/1.73 m2) Phosphorus (mg/dL) Calcium (corr) (mg/dL) Ca  P Intact PTH (pg/mL)
3 30–59 2.7–4.6 8.4–10.2 — 35–70
4 15–29 2.7–4.6 8.4–10.2 — 70–110
5/ESRD <15/dialysis 3.5–5.5 8.4–9.5 <55 150–300
*As summarized in K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Bone Metabolism and Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Ca  P, calcium-phosphorus product; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; K/DOQI, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative;
PTH, parathyroid hormone.
630 versus 500 mg). The exclusive use of calcium-containing phos-
phate binders in the dialysis population may result in episodes
of hypercalcemia, a risk compounded by the concomitant use
of vitamin D sterols. The use of very large oral doses of calcium
VII has been associated with evidence of soft tissue and vascular
calcification in long-term dialysis patients, and may also be a
The Consequences of Renal Failure

risk factor for calciphylaxis. K/DOQI recommends a limit of

1500 mg/day of elemental calcium intake, with a further
500 mg in dietary sources, so that total intake does not exceed
2000 mg. This often precludes the use of calcium-containing
binders at doses sufficient to adequately control serum

Calcium-Free Phosphate Binders

Sevelamer hydrochloride and lanthanum carbonate are two non–
calcium-containing phosphate binders commercially available
for use. Sevelamer is a synthetic polymer that effectively binds
phosphate within the intestinal lumen, and it has been shown
to be as effective as calcium acetate, with fewer episodes of
hypercalcemia. Interestingly, serum levels of total cholesterol
and low-density lipoprotein decrease by 20% to 30% during
treatment with sevelamer, while high-density lipoprotein levels
rise, representing a potentially favorable side effect of therapy.
Metabolic acidosis is a potential side effect of therapy, and is a
result of the release of hydrogen ions during phosphate binding.
This may be seen particularly in the CKD population, and may
preclude its use in this patient group. One study which evaluated
vascular calcification as assessed by electron-beam computed
tomography (EBCT) showed no progression of coronary artery
or aortic calcification among patients treated with sevelamer, in
contrast to patients treated with calcium-containing phosphate
binders, although a survival benefit has yet to be demonstrated.
Lanthanum carbonate is a potent phosphate-binding agent,
with efficacy similar to that of aluminum hydrochloride.
A very small fraction of ingested lanthanum is absorbed from
the intestine, and trace amounts are detectable in various tis-
sues, including liver and bone. No adverse effects on skeletal
mineralization or remodeling have been detected among the
hemodialysis population after 1 year of treatment.

Vitamin D Sterols

Treatment with vitamin D is recommended to lower plasma

intact PTH levels in patients with CKD stage 3 and 4, when
values exceed 70 and 110 pg/mL, respectively. However, vita-
min D therapy should be undertaken only when the serum
levels of calcium and phosphate are adequately controlled,
to limit the risks of hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.
In the context of hypocalcemia, the classic biologic actions of 631
vitamin D, particularly calcitriol, to enhance intestinal cal-
cium resorption and raise serum calcium levels are a primary
goal of treatment.
CH 30
Calcitriol or Alfacalcidol

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

Calcitriol is an effective agent both orally and intravenously
for the treatment of SHPT. Early reports suggested that the
therapeutic use of calcitriol worsened renal function in
patients with established CKD. This, however, appeared to
be associated with treatment-related hypercalcemia and
hypercalciuria. The development of hypercalcemia and hyper-
calciuria is uncommon, however, when the daily oral dose of
calcitriol does not exceed 0.5 mg or when the daily dose of
alfacalcidol, or 1a-hydroxyvitamin D3 (which undergoes
25-hydroxylation in the liver), does not exceed 0.9 mg. These
amounts are often effective in lowering plasma PTH levels,
and the use of small daily oral doses of calcitriol has been
reported to prevent the progressive rise of plasma PTH levels
in CKD stages 3 and 4. Nevertheless, the therapeutic index
for such patients is rather narrow, and serum calcium, phos-
phorus, and PTH levels must be monitored regularly.
The occurrence of hypercalcemia during calcitriol therapy
may provide insight into the existing state of skeletal remodeling
and underlying bone disease. When hypercalcemia develops
after many months of treatment, with normalization of previ-
ously elevated plasma PTH and alkaline phosphatase, it is likely
that the skeletal changes of hyperparathyroidism have resolved
substantially or completely. In contrast, episodes of hypercalce-
mia that occur within the first few weeks of treatment suggest
the presence of either low-turnover bone disease or severe SHPT.
The hypercalcemic effects of calcitriol are aggravated by the con-
comitant use of large amounts of calcium-containing phosphate-
binding agents, although recommendations for the limitation of
daily consumption of elemental calcium now exist. The recom-
mended calcium concentration of dialysate was also changed
in an attempt to limit net calcium transfer from dialysate to
plasma, with current K/DOQI guidelines advising a 2.5 mEq/L
or 1.25 mmol/L calcium concentration.
The use of parenteral calcitriol is often limited by the occur-
rence of recurrent hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, and
given the associated cardiovascular concerns, therapy has now
largely been replaced by parenteral use of the new vitamin D
sterols (see later discussion).

New Vitamin D Sterols

New vitamin D analogs have been introduced for the treat-
ment of SHPT, including doxecalciferol and paricalcitol,
632 both of which are vitamin D2 derivatives, and are available in
both parenteral and oral forms. Clinical studies suggest that
these compounds are less potent than calcitriol in promoting
intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and in rais-
VII ing their serum concentrations, and may therefore have a
greater therapeutic index and a more favorable safety profile.
The Consequences of Renal Failure

The impact of treatment with either agent on bone histology

or mass has yet to be determined. Treatment with intravenous
or oral doxecalciferol, at doses of 2.5 to 10 mg and 1 to 4 mg
thrice weekly, respectively, produce similar reductions in
plasma PTH, although episodes of hypercalcemia and hyper-
phosphatemia have been shown to occur more often with oral

Calcimimetic Agents
Calcimimetic agents are small organic molecules that func-
tion as allosteric activators of the calcium-sensing receptor
(CaR), which mediates calcium-regulated PTH secretion by
parathyroid cells. Cinacalcet hydrochloride is one such calci-
mimetic that is now commercially available. Cinacalcet is
rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral
administration, reaching peak plasma levels 60 to 90 minutes
after dose, corresponding to maximum biologic effects, as
judged by reductions in plasma PTH levels. Treatment with
daily doses of cinacalcet produces an oscillating hormone
profile over the course of the day, a pattern that clearly
requires consideration when timing the sampling of plasma
levels of PTH taken to monitor biochemical response to ther-
apy. It is generally recommended that PTH levels be
measured at least 12 hours after the preceding dose. Serum
calcium concentrations also fall modestly, with a decrease
seen during the first 12 to 24 hours after commencement of
therapy, with subsequent stabilization within 24 to 48 hours,
but do not fall progressively if the dose remains unchanged.
Nevertheless, the use of large initial doses of cinacalcet or
continued administration of cinacalcet without periodic dose
adjustments based on measurements of serum calcium can
result in symptomatic hypocalcemia or overt tetany. There-
fore, a dose titration scheme is used, commencing at initial
doses of 30 mg daily, increasing in increments of 30 mg at
2- or 3-week intervals, to a maximum daily dose of 180 mg
if serum calcium concentrations remain within acceptable
limits. The efficacy of cinacalcet for lowering plasma
PTH appears to be equally effective among patients with
mild, moderate, or advanced SHPT. Although CaR expres-
sion is diminished in hyperplastic parathyroid tissue from
patients with overt SHPT, such changes do not affect the 633
ability of cinacalcet to produce clinically meaningful and
sustained reductions in serum PTH levels. Available data
also indicate that cinacalcet can be used either alone or
together with vitamin D sterols to control SHPT. Additional CH 30
studies are needed to ascertain the effect of cinacalcet on

Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease

bone mass. Caution must be undertaken in raising the
serum calcium concentration in dialysis patients already
receiving cinacalcet, as this produces sustained reductions
in plasma PTH, as the parathyroid tissue is rendered more
sensitive to the inhibitory effect of calcium, and may lead to
inadvertent calcium loading. Persistent reductions in PTH
may also render the skeleton less capable of buffering an
acute calcium load, increasing the likelihood of extraosseous


Parathyroidectomy should be considered for patients with

severe hyperparathyroidism manifested by very high levels
of PTH (e.g., intact PTH > 800 pg/mL) who have hyper-
calcemia or hyperphosphatemia or an elevated Ca  P that is
resistant to, or precludes, medical therapy. The advent of
use of calcimimetic agents has seen a decline in the require-
ment for parathyroidectomy. Several surgical procedures have
been described, including subtotal parathyroidectomy with or
without parathyroid tissue autotransplantation, and total
parathyroidectomy. All of these approaches result in satisfac-
tory reductions in PTH. Preoperative imaging of parathyroid
glands by technetium 99m-sestamibi, CT, MRI, or ultrasonog-
raphy is not routinely performed by most surgeons and is
usually reserved for reoperation.
Total parathyroidectomy is not widely used as there is a
risk of inducing a low bone turnover state if total parathyroid-
ectomy is achieved. Persistent hyperparathyroidism immedi-
ately after surgery occurs in up to one quarter of cases and is
usually due to a missed gland. Even after initially successful
surgery, the recurrence of hyperparathyroidism may be as
high as 30% after 5 years. Postoperatively, it is imperative to
monitor the levels of calcium closely (e.g., every 6 hours for
a few days), and a calcium infusion should be given, if neces-
sary, to maintain the levels of ionized calcium between 4.6
and 5.4 mg/dL (1.15–1.36 mmol/L). High levels of alkaline
phosphatase preoperatively are a useful indicator of those
patients more likely to develop overt hypocalcemia, as it sug-
gests higher osteoblastic activity. Patients may require high
doses of oral calcium supplementation (doses exceeding 4g/day
634 may be necessary). Calcitriol should be continued either orally
or intravenously, and up to 5 mg/day may be required to normalize
serum calcium. Calcimimetics should be discontinued periopera-
tively. Phosphate supplementation may also be necessary if
VII hypophosphatemia occurs (see Table 30-5).
The Consequences of Renal Failure


See Chapter 40, Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation.
Chapter 31

Diet and Kidney Disease

Nutritional management is a central component of the care of
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage
renal disease (ESRD). In contrast to fat and carbohydrate,
excess protein cannot be stored, and therefore must be broken
down and eliminated in the form of nitrogenous waste. In
renal failure the excretion of nitrogenous waste is limited
and the accumulation of the metabolic by-products of protein
catabolism gives rise to the clinical syndrome of uremia. In
addition, malnutrition is common in advanced CKD/ESRD
and is a significant risk factor for adverse patient outcomes.
The goals of nutritional management in CKD/ESRD are the
• Prevention of malnutrition
• Limitation of nitrogenous waste accumulation
• Normalization of metabolic disturbance
• Prevention of progressive renal disease
• Minimization of cardiovascular risk
Given the complexity of the medical and nutritional con-
cerns encountered in this patient population, a consultation
with a dietitian experienced in the care of patients with CKD
is essential in most cases (Table 31-1).


Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and inflammation are com-

mon in patients with CKD and both typically worsen as CKD
progresses toward ESRD. Approximately 40% of hemodialysis
patients in the United States have PEM, with 8% to 10% hav-
ing severe malnutrition. The consequences of malnutrition
include an increased overall mortality rate, increased hospi-
talization rates, poor wound healing, and increased suscepti-
bility to infection. The major contributing factor to the
development of PEM is poor dietary intake. This results from
a multitude of factors including anorexia (uremia), dietary
restrictions, depression, altered taste sensation, and gastro-
paresis. Metabolic disturbances such as acidemia, and inter-
current catabolic illness, also contribute to ongoing net body
protein losses. Metabolic acidosis is a major factor causing
excessive catabolism of amino acids and protein in CKD/ESRD


Table 31-1 Dietary Recommendations for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Dietary Factor Impact on GFR Decline Special Subgroups Recommendations Other Comments
Protein Restriction acutely Unknown Restriction to 0.8 g Protein-restricted diets should
lowers GFR protein/kg/day contain approx. 50%
Long-term restriction For symptomatic high-quality protein
may slow progression patients: restriction to
0.6 g protein/kg/day
Fat No impact concerned Unknown Restrict saturated and Polyunsaturated fats may
avoid trans fatty acids reduce risk of CHD
Carbohydrates Insufficient data Diabetics Avoid refined Energy needs can be met with
carbohydrates sugar polymers
Sodium Restriction may slow Elderly, African Intake  2 g/day Most effective for hypertension
progression Americans, diabetics with higher potassium intake
Potassium Insufficient data Elderly, African Encourage potassium-rich Monitor for hyperkalemia
Americans, diabetics diet as tolerated
Vitamins and Insufficient data Unknown Follow recommended Retinol may adversely affect
minerals dietary allowance bone health; vitamin D should
be used with care
CHD, coronary heart disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
patients and correction of metabolic acidosis in predialy- 639
sis patients, as well as those treated by hemodialysis (HD) or
peritoneal dialysis (PD), sharply decreases the degradation of
body protein stores. More recently, chronic inflammatory
responses have been implicated in the development of PEM CH 31
and cardiovascular disease in CKD/ESRD.

Diet and Kidney Disease

Calculation of nitrogen balance is the “gold standard” for eval-
uating whether protein stores are being maintained. Unfor-
tunately, measurement of nitrogen balance is difficult and
requires careful measurement of food eaten and all routes of
nitrogen excretion. It also does not provide rates of protein
turnover and, hence, rarely gives insight into mechanisms that
cause loss of protein stores. For these reasons, measurement of
nitrogen balance has largely been supplanted by a number of
anthropometric and biochemical markers of nutritional status.

History and Physical Examination

The clinical assessment of nutritional status should begin
with a thorough history focusing on recent changes in dietary
intake, weight, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Height and
weight measurement should be compared to historical records
for evidence of weight loss. However, the clinician must be
acutely aware of the confounding effects of salt and water
retention in advancing CKD, which can mask the loss of lean
body mass. Symptoms of depression should also be identified,
as depressive illness can result in a significant fall in caloric


These measurements include the patient’s weight, height,

body mass index, skinfold thickness, and mid-arm muscle cir-
cumference. Skinfold thickness in the triceps or subscapular
area can be used to assess body fat stores and mid-arm circum-
ference is used to assess lean body mass. There is significant
interpatient variation depending on factors such as age, sex,
and race. The lack of accurate population-specific reference
values limits the utility of these measurements; however,
measurements below 70% of age- and sex-matched “normal”
values are highly suggestive of malnutrition. Virtually all
cross-sectional studies of dialysis patients have found a high
incidence of anthropometric abnormalities, but attributing
640 these abnormalities to malnutrition is questionable. Indeed,
these findings have led some to suggest that dialysis should
be initiated early to avoid malnutrition and improve the prog-
nosis of these patients. There are several reasons to reject
VIII this conclusion. First, the dietary protein intake of patients
with uremia may decrease when they have had minimal or no
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

instruction in a sufficient diet. However, in patients enrolled

in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study, the
largest evaluation of the effects of dietary protein restriction,
serum albumin increased when dietary protein was limited
and proper dietary instruction was provided. In addition, long-
term results of patients eating low-protein diets indicate that
body weight, serum proteins, and blood biochemistry levels are
well maintained, even when renal function is very impaired.
This indicates that a well-planned diet does not cause mal-
nutrition and can improve values of blood biochemistry.

Biochemical Markers
The concentration of serum albumin is frequently cited as an
index of the adequacy of the diet, with a low value being
equated with malnutrition. Although the serum albumin is a
reasonable marker of body protein stores and a reliable predic-
tor of mortality risk in dialysis patients, concluding that a low
serum albumin concentration is simply due to a low-protein
diet can be very misleading. The serum albumin concentration
is the result of a balance between synthesis and degradation
of albumin. The serum albumin responds relatively slowly
to changes in protein stores because of a half-life of about
20 days. A fall in plasma albumin levels may lag behind the
development of malnutrition by several months, and in mal-
nourished patients, albumin levels are only slowly restored to
normal during protein refeeding. In contrast, during states of
volume expansion the serum albumin concentration falls owing
to dilutional effects. Despite these drawbacks, given the strength
of association of hypoalbuminemia with poor outcomes, this
remains a widely used marker in nutritional assessment and
should be measured monthly in all dialysis patients.
Other serum markers of malnutrition in renal disease
include serum transferrin and prealbumin. The serum transfer-
rin may be a more reliable marker than albumin as an estimate
of protein nutrition because transferrin is more sensitive to pro-
tein deficiency and has a shorter half-life (10 days). Unfortu-
nately, serum transferrin levels, like serum albumin, change
with factors other than nutritional status. Serum transferrin
may rise when iron stores are depleted and diminish by
as much as 50% with chronic inflammatory disorders such
as malignant tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, and infections.
The serum concentration of prealbumin also has been touted as 641
an index of nutritional status. It has a half-life of about 2 days
and therefore changes more rapidly with variations in nutri-
tional status. However, as with serum albumin, a number of
other factors (e.g., inflammation) may also cause changes in CH 31
serum prealbumin. When compared with serum albumin and

Diet and Kidney Disease

transferrin, prealbumin concentrations in hemodialysis
patients appear to have a special advantage because they are
more highly correlated with complications (at a level below
0.3 g/L, a higher incidence of complications is observed,
including infections and death). Results from other studies
of hemodialysis or chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
(CAPD) patients concur; however, the usefulness of prealbu-
min as a nutritional marker has not been extensively evaluated
in predialysis patients. Other markers of malnutrition in renal
disease include inappropriately low phosphate, potassium, or
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, all of which can result from
diminished protein intake. Hypocholesterolemia has been
suggested to reflect diminished caloric intake.
Albumin synthesis falls sharply in subjects with inflamma-
tory illnesses (i.e., albumin functions as a “negative” acute-
phase reactant), while levels of the acute-phase reactant proteins
and C-reactive protein (CRP) rise. Some investigators have
equated the high level of CRP with inflammation, and have sug-
gested a link between this inflammation and cardiovascular
disease in dialysis patients that may be responsive to treat-
ment with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)
reductase inhibitors.


Energy Requirements of Uremic Patients
CKD patients do not have any special ability to adapt to a low-
calorie intake. Consequently, if energy intake is inadequate,
calorie malnutrition and negative nitrogen balance develop,
especially when protein intake is restricted. In many CKD
patients, the daily caloric intake falls below the recommended
levels of 30 to 35 kcal/kg/day, even with intensive dietary
counseling. In general, the recommended caloric intake in
CKD/ESRD patients is 35 kcal/kg/day for those patients youn-
ger than 65 years of age, especially if they are on a protein-
restricted diet or are underweight. For patients older than
65 years of age, 30 to 35 kcal/kg/day should suffice. It is
important to remember that in CAPD absorption of glucose
from the dialysate may contribute 700 kcal/day to the patient’s
daily caloric intake.
642 Protein

In normal healthy adults, the minimum dietary protein intake

to prevent net nitrogen loss is approximately 0.6 g/kg/day.
VIII Most individuals on a typical Western diet consume consider-
ably in excess of this figure (1–2 g/kg/day). Excess dietary pro-
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

tein leads to an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

that is of little consequence in normal individuals. However,
in patients with either microalbuminuria or overt albumin-
uria, a high-protein diet augments albuminuria and has been
associated with a more rapid decline in GFR. Conversely,
many studies have documented that protein restriction
reduces proteinuria and given that hyperfiltration and pro-
teinuria are independent risk factors for the progression of
renal disease, dietary protein restriction has been advocated
as a potential renoprotective measure in CKD. Based on the
available data, it is reasonable to suggest that the benefit of
protein restriction remains to be proved conclusively. If a
low-protein diet is instituted (0.6–1 g/kg/day) in patients with
CKD, then it is important that 50% of the protein come from
high biologic value sources and that the caloric intake be
maintained at 35 kcal/kg/day to prevent the development of
malnutrition. Growth retardation is a major problem in chil-
dren with CKD and protein restriction is generally not advo-
cated. In patients with the nephrotic syndrome an intake of
1 g/kg/day of protein is advised. Once ESRD has supervened,
protein requirements rise. Hemodialysis patients should
receive 1 to 1.2 g/kg/day, while CAPD patients require a higher
intake (1.2–1.3 g/kg) to allow for ongoing peritoneal losses.

As CKD progresses, the ability to excrete the daily dietary
sodium intake diminishes. Sodium retention occurs in most
forms of CKD and contributes to the development of hyperten-
sion, and hence, progressive end-organ hypertensive injury.
The typical Western diet is high in sodium (100–300 mmol/day),
while the recommended sodium intake to limit hypertension
and edema in patients with CKD is less than 100 mmol/day
(43 mmol ¼ 1 g). In dialysis patients, excess sodium intake is
associated with higher interdialytic weight gains and intradia-
lytic hypotension as a result of the need to ultrafilter large fluid
volumes over a relatively short time interval. The degree of sodium
restriction in ESRD depends on the residual urine output—in
an anuric patient the intake should be less than 100 mmol/day,
but this restriction can be safely increased by 50 mmol/500 mL of
residual urine output. In rare cases of salt-wasting nephropathy,
sodium supplementation may be required to prevent intravascular
volume depletion.
Potassium 643

Potassium regulation is disrupted in individuals with CKD,

and these patients may have decreased amounts of total body
potassium despite having higher serum potassium levels. The CH 31
impaired ability to excrete potassium is due to decreased GFR

Diet and Kidney Disease

and hormonal changes; the latter defect is frequently associated
with drugs commonly used in this population such as
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), angiotensin
receptor blockers (ARBs), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agents. There are adaptations that increase the excretion of
potassium via both the kidney and gut. Prior to prescribing
low-potassium diets, other causes of an increase in serum
potassium should be addressed, including modification of
drugs affecting potassium excretion, correction of metabolic
acidosis, and constipation. The major sources of dietary potas-
sium are fruits and vegetables. In these foods, the accompany-
ing anion is typically citrate. Because citrate is converted in
the body to bicarbonate, these foods also provide net alkali that
may be important, as patients with CKD tend to have a reduced
ability to excrete acid. In addition to favorably impacting over-
all acid-base balance, a higher dietary alkali intake may also
directly benefit protein stores and reduce bone loss.
Because of the lack of adequate studies in patients with
CKD, firm guidelines cannot be established; it may be prudent
to encourage patients with CKD to consume a healthy diet
that includes fruits and vegetables. This will not only reduce
protein intake, and hence, the generation of acid and nitro-
genous waste products that must be excreted, but will also
be associated with a lower sodium intake, making hyperten-
sion more easily managed. The serum potassium will need
to be monitored to avoid clinically important hyperkalemia.
The risk of mild hyperkalemia must be balanced against the
benefits of higher potassium intake, and clinical recommenda-
tions should be tailored to the individual patient.

Calcium and Phosphorus

In early renal failure, serum calcitriol levels fall, and secondary
hyperparathyroidism is nearly universal. As renal failure pro-
gresses, a reduction in parathyroid expression of the vitamin D
receptor, as well as calcium receptors, renders these glands resis-
tant to both calcitriol and calcium. Dietary phosphorus further
increases parathyroid hyperplasia in addition to parathyroid
hormone (PTH) synthesis and secretion. A normal individual
typically ingests 1 to 1.5 g of phosphorus per day, mainly from
dietary protein intake. As GFR falls, phosphate restriction
(<600–800 mg/day) can be achieved by moderate protein
restriction, in particular limiting intake of dairy products.
644 However, as the GFR falls below 20 to 25 mL/min, phosphate
binders are usually required to maintain normal serum phos-
phate levels (<5.5 mg/dL or 1.8 mmol/L). Calcium carbonate,
calcium acetate, and sevelamer HCl are all effective in lowering
VIII serum phosphorus levels. Calcium-based binders are often used
as first-line agents. It is important to understand that if the pri-
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

mary goal is a reduction in phosphate absorption, then the bin-

ders should be administered with food. If hypocalcemia is the
major concern, then they should be administered in between
meals so as to maximize systemic absorption. The total dose of
elemental calcium provided by the calcium-based phosphate
binders should not exceed 1.5 g/day, and the total intake of ele-
mental calcium (including dietary calcium) should not exceed
2 g/day. Contraindications to the use of calcium binders include
hypercalcemia and persistent “relative” hypoparathyroidism
(PTH < 150 pg/mL or <16.5 pmol/L on two consecutive mea-
surements). In such cases, sevelamer HCl may be used as a first-
line agent. A more detailed discussion of metabolic bone disease
in CKD and ESRD, including the indication for vitamin therapy,
is found in Chapter 30, Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney

Dietary Lipids
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in end-stage
renal failure; the expert opinion is that the management of dys-
lipidemia in patients with CKD should be equivalent to that of
patients with known coronary heart disease. In addition, hyper-
lipidemia has been postulated to play a role in progression of
renal disease. Whether progression can be slowed by dietary or
pharmacologic modification of lipid levels is less clear. The
safety and efficacy of a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet in patients
with CKD has not been conclusively proved. Restriction of die-
tary fat should probably be avoided when there is evidence of
PEM. In general, the dietary recommendations regarding fat
intake mirror those given to the general population: 25% to
35% of the caloric intake should come from fat. Diet should
include less than 7% of calories as saturated fat, less than 10%
of calories as polyunsaturated fat, and the remainder of fat intake
as monounsaturated fat. According to Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines, complex carbohydrates
should account for 50% to 60% of total calories.
Although statins are not a dietary component, these drugs
can modify serum cholesterol and support coronary heart dis-
ease (CHD) prevention, and thus, deserve mention. Multiple
randomized trials have demonstrated the beneficial effect of
statins on reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
and CHD. In individuals with preexisting CHD, pravastatin
has been shown to reduce secondary events just as effectively 645
when given to patients with CKD, as compared to those indi-
viduals without CKD. An important reduction in adverse out-
comes was also observed in diabetic patients treated with
pravastatin. The greatest absolute reduction in risk was CH 31
observed in those with both CKD and diabetes, emphasizing

Diet and Kidney Disease

the importance of prevention in this high-risk subgroup.
Because of the positive impact on vascular disease, it has
been suggested that statins might also reduce the rate of renal
function decline and proteinuria. A meta-analysis has found
that statin use slowed renal function decline by an average
of 1.2 mL/min/year; however, in subgroup analysis, this benefit
was statistically significant only among those with cardiovascu-
lar disease and not among participants with renal disease due to
diabetes, hypertension, or glomerulonephritis.
The impact of statins may vary by patient characteristics. In
diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia and nephropathy, statin
treatment reduces proteinuria and may slow progression.
However, pronounced reduction of plasma total and LDL
cholesterol and triglycerides by statin therapy failed to alter
albuminuria or rate of progression to renal failure in children
with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome.

Vitamins and Trace Elements in Uremia

Vitamin deficiencies may occur in renal failure. Dietary limita-
tions, malabsorption, impaired cellular metabolism, circulating
inhibitors, or increased losses (dialysis) may all jeopardize the
intake of micronutrients. Because the symptoms of vitamin
deficiency are often subtle in their manifestations, and may be
mistaken for uremic symptoms, routine vitamin supplementa-
tion is widely practiced. Patients with advanced CKD, espe-
cially those on protein, phosphate, or potassium restricted
diets should receive a vitamin B complex (including folate)
supplementation (1 mg/day). Once on dialysis, water-soluble
vitamin losses may accelerate, particularly of vitamin B1
(thiamine). To circumvent this and other water-soluble vitamin
deficiencies, most patients are prescribed a multivitamin spe-
cially formulated for CKD/ESRD patients that contains the
recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) of vitamin C, folate,
niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (6 mg),
and pantothenic acid (e.g., Nephrocap).
Importantly, dialysis can impose special requirements for
vitamin intake. For example, hemodialysis patients given vita-
min C in excess (>100 mg) may develop systemic oxalosis,
and excessive pyridoxine supplementation has been reported
to cause a peripheral neuropathy. Recently, extensive interest
has arisen regarding the accumulation of homocysteine in
646 patients with kidney disease; homocysteine levels are high in
dialysis patients and could contribute to the development of
arteriosclerosis in these patients. In theory, supplements of vita-
min B6 and folic acid could help reduce homocysteine levels,
VIII but a definite beneficial effect remains to be demonstrated.
The requirements for fat-soluble vitamins are even more
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

difficult to establish than the requirements for water-soluble

vitamins. It has also been suggested that fat-soluble vitamins
may participate in some of the complications of kidney fail-
ure. For these reasons, fat-soluble vitamins should be given
only to patients with a well-defined indication, and supple-
ments providing all vitamins should not be prescribed to
avoid the dangers of toxicity.
In summary, evidence indicates that vitamin intake by rea-
sonably nourished hemodialysis patients is often insufficient
to meet the RDAs for normal subjects. In addition, there is evi-
dence that the requirements for vitamin B6 and folate may be
increased in uremia, especially in patients receiving erythro-
poietin therapy. Thus, the practice of prescribing a water-
soluble vitamin supplement for hemodialysis patients may
be useful and probably does little harm. However, in view of
the reports that peripheral neuropathy and hyperoxalemia
can occur with high doses of pyridoxine and vitamin C,
respectively, “megavitamin” therapy should be avoided.
Recommendations for providing trace element supplemen-
tation for uremic patients are controversial for several reasons:
it is very difficult to determine whether body stores are suffi-
cient, insufficient, or excessive, and it is difficult to prove that
symptoms are reversed solely by the administration of trace
elements. Based on postmortem studies, the distribution of
trace elements in different tissues of uremic patients is abnor-
mal, but it is not clear that these abnormalities are clinically
important. Therefore, unless specific indications are present,
supplemental trace elements should not be given. An excep-
tion would be patients receiving long-term parenteral or enteral

Management of Malnutrition
Once the diagnosis of malnutrition is made, the initial evalua-
tion should include attempts to identify reversible causes
of diminished intake. Evaluation should include dietary
restrictions, drugs that interfere with taste, and depressive ill-
ness. In patients with gastroparesis (e.g., diabetic autonomic
neuropathy), metochlopramide and erythromycin have been
used with some success to improve gastric emptying. Uremia
is a leading cause of anorexia, and evidence of worsening
malnutrition (such as loss of lean body mass or a fall in serum
albumin concentration) is an indication to commence renal 647
replacement in subjects with advanced CKD. In those patients
established on maintenance HD or PD, evidence of underdia-
lysis should be specifically sought as suboptimal clearance
rates can lead to anorexia and weight loss. This is best identi- CH 31
fied by assessing dialysis adequacy as measured by the Kt/V

Diet and Kidney Disease

equation (see Chapter 34, Hemodialysis, and Chapter 35, Peri-
toneal Dialysis). In the setting of malnutrition, the clinician
should aim for a Kt/V of at least 1.3 in hemodialysis patients
and a weekly Kt/V greater than 2 in PD patients. Abdominal
distention due to the instilled dialysate can occasionally inter-
fere with appetite in PD patients. If abdominal distention is a
persistent problem, then the patient should drain the abdo-
men prior to meals to minimize this complication.

Nutritional Supplements
If the preceding interventions do not yield an improvement in
appetite and lean body mass, then nutritional supplementation
should be considered. Oral supplementation is the preferred
option and specially formulated supplements are available for
patients with stage 5 CKD/ESRD. Specialty supplements are
typically low in potassium and phosphate and have a high
caloric content relative to their volume. In patients with severe
malnutrition and persistent poor intake, consideration can be
given to overnight nasogastric feeding. Intradialytic parenteral
nutrition has been advocated as a treatment option in patients
with severe malnutrition with or without gastroparesis; how-
ever, definitive outcome data are lacking. Given its substantial
cost and the lack of compelling evidence of benefit, it should
probably be reserved for patients unable to tolerate oral supple-
mentation. The institution of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is
reserved for those patients unable to consume more than 50%
of their prescribed caloric intake by the enteral route. Specially
formulated preparations are required in ESRD as most generic
TPN solutions are high in potassium, phosphate, and magne-
sium. Close attention to electrolyte serum levels during TPN
administration in ESRD is essential in order to prevent the
development of life-threatening electrolyte disturbances.

Other Options
Malnutrition in the PD patient may respond to a dialysate con-
taining amino acids rather than glucose as the osmotic agent.
Intraperitoneal amino acid administration is postulated to
enhance net nitrogen balance and overall nutritional status.
A commercially available formulation is available (Nutrineal)
648 in the United States and Europe but definitive guidelines for
its use are lacking at this time. A reasonable approach is to
use an amino acid solution equivalent to 1 to 2 exchanges
per day in malnourished patients who are resistant to or
VIII unable to tolerate oral supplementation. Serial biochemical
and anthropometric measurement can be used to assess the
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

response to therapy. A failure to respond within 3 to 4 months

should be considered evidence of a lack of efficacy, and
the agent then discontinued. Control of metabolic acidosis
(>25 mmol/L) with oral sodium bicarbonate has been demon-
strated to improve nutritional parameters in one small clinical
trial. Other treatment options include the administration of
recombinant human growth hormone or the anabolic steroid
nandrolone in selected cases.
Chapter 32

Specific Pharmacologic
Approaches to Clinical
In many patients with chronic renal disease, progressive loss of
renal function occurs despite the absence of any overt activity of
the underlying renal disorder. The accepted hypothesis is that
common mechanisms account for the progressive loss of renal
function regardless of the underlying nature of the original dis-
ease. Systemic and glomerular hypertension, proteinuria, and
metabolic abnormalities, such as hyperlipidemia, are assumed
to be common mediators in the pathophysiology of focal glomer-
ulosclerosis, the probable final common pathway of progressive
renal damage. In many renal conditions, hypertension, protein-
uria, and metabolic abnormalities are simultaneously present.
This clustering of risk factors is presumably of prime importance
for renal outcome as the interaction of these risk factors likely
accelerates progressive renal damage. To prevent progressive loss
of renal function, as a matter of clinical common sense, any pre-
vailing primary damaging factors amenable to intervention
should be eliminated. However, in many patients no disease-spe-
cific factors accessible to intervention can be identified, and treat-
ment strategies should be aimed at ameliorating common renal
risk factors. Such interventions have been shown to effectively
slow the rate of loss of renal function in diabetic as well as nondi-
abetic patients. Importantly, clinical studies have consistently
demonstrated the importance of proteinuria as a promoter of pro-
gressive renal damage. Therefore, reduction of proteinuria is the
central element of any renoprotective regimen.



Whereas malignant hypertension has long been recognized to

lead to rapid loss of renal function, the role of less severe
hypertension in progressive renal damage is not as clearly
650 defined. Epidemiologic data on patients entering dialysis sug-
gest a substantial role for hypertension, with hypertensive
nephrosclerosis being the second most common cause of
end-stage renal failure, surpassed only by diabetes. Among
VIII patients with a diagnosis of hypertensive nephrosclerosis,
however, only 6% had a history of malignant hypertension,
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

a finding that strongly suggests a causal role for less severe

hypertension in the development of end-stage renal failure.
In addition, large epidemiologic screening investigations have
found blood pressure (BP), specifically diastolic BP, to be a
predictor of end-stage renal disease in the general population.
Remarkably, in some studies the association with increased
renal risk is already apparent with systolic and diastolic pres-
sures well within the normotensive range. Although hyper-
tension is very common, the development of renal failure is
a rare event. This suggests the impact of BP on long-term renal
function depends on the concomitant presence of either a
specific susceptibility to hypertensive renal damage or the
presence of other renal risk factors (or a combination thereof).
Several predictors of loss of renal function have been identi-
fied in hypertensive populations, including racial factors,
impaired glucose tolerance, increased uric acid levels, and
elevated serum creatinine.
In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), hyperten-
sion is common, and its prevalence increases with deteriorat-
ing renal function. Hypertension is consistently associated
with a poor renal outcome in CKD. In diabetic patients, the
development of hypertension is closely associated with the
transition from normoalbuminuria to microalbuminuria, with
subsequent progression to overt proteinuria, and with progres-
sive loss of renal function. Likewise, in nondiabetic renal dis-
ease, hypertension is associated with a poor long-term renal
outcome across a spectrum of renal disorders.

Blood Pressure Reduction

Antihypertensive therapy has been the cornerstone of reno-

protective intervention for decades. Reduced BP is associated
with a more favorable course of long-term renal function in
both diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Evidence for the
renoprotective effect of a reduction in BP is supported by sev-
eral studies investigating the long-term renal effects of more
aggressive BP control. In essential hypertension, more effective
stabilization of renal function is obtained with a BP level of
129/86 mm Hg than with a BP level of 139/90 mm Hg. In diabetic
nephropathy, the importance of aggressive BP reduction for pres-
ervation of renal function has been extensively demonstrated in
observational studies. Trials comparing angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors with conventional antihypertensive 651
agents in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), as well
as in non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), show
that loss of renal function is ameliorated more effectively in the
treatment groups with the lower BP, specifically, those assigned CH 32
to ACE inhibition. Although non–pressure-related effects of ACE

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

inhibitors are also likely to be involved in renoprotection, the
association between BP reduction and the protection obtained
against loss of renal function is strong.

Target Blood Pressure

The target BP for renoprotection in nondiabetic renal disease
depends on the severity of proteinuria. In patients with pro-
teinuria of 1 to 3 g/day, a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of
92 mm Hg (125/75 mm Hg) provides superior renoprotection
compared to a MAP of 98 mm Hg (corresponding to 135/
80 mm Hg). This additional benefit is not observed in
patients with protein loss of less than 1 g/day. Ethnic factors
may also have an impact on the benefit of a given BP level,
with proteinuric black patients appearing to garner more
benefit from tighter BP control than white subjects. Although
the evidence from multiple trials is of an indirect nature,
analysis appears to support a target BP not exceeding 130/
80 mm Hg in CKD, as supported by the Kidney Disease Out-
comes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines. Stabilization
of renal function may require a target MAP of 95 mm Hg,
which corresponds to approximately 120/80 mm Hg. For dia-
betic patients, although no formal trials comparing different
target levels have been performed, the recommendation is
a target BP below 120 to 130 mm Hg systolic and 80 to
85 mm Hg diastolic for microalbuminuric patients. These
targets require great effort, and most CKD patients will need
combination therapy allied with strict dietary modification
to achieve these goals.

Glomerular Hypertension
Experimental studies have shown that glomerular hyperten-
sion/hyperfiltration occurs as a renal adaptive response to
loss of functional renal mass. This serves initially to main-
tain glomerular filtration rate (GFR) but ultimately it is mal-
adaptive and accelerates the decline in renal function.
Hyperfiltration is worsened by high protein intake, which
may further accelerate the progression of CKD. A reduction
in elevated glomerular capillary pressure, rather than a
reduction in systemic BP, closely correlates with protection
652 against the development of focal glomerulosclerosis in several
experimental renal conditions. Indirect data suggest that a
reduction in intraglomerular hydrostatic pressure may be rele-
vant to the outcome of renoprotective interventions in humans
VIII as well. In nondiabetic and diabetic renal disease, the early
renal hemodynamic response (but not the response of systemic
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

BP) to antihypertensive therapy has been shown to predict its

long-term renoprotective efficacy. A slight drop in GFR at the
onset of treatment—which may indicate a reduction in glomer-
ular hydrostatic pressure—predicts a favorable long-term
course of renal function, suggesting that a reduction in glomer-
ular pressure may play a role in long-term renoprotection in
humans (Fig. 32-1).



GFR (mL/min)





0 50 100 150 200
Time (wk)
Figure 32-1. Time course of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
before, during, and after withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy in
renal patients. Closed circles and continuous lines are patients who
initially showed a distinct fall in GFR (n ¼ 20). Open circles and
broken lines are patients in whom the GFR did not fall at the start
of therapy (n ¼ 20). After withdrawal of therapy, a rise in GFR
occurs in patients with an initial drop only, thus demonstrating the
functional nature of the initial drop in GFR. Interestingly,
withdrawal of treatment reveals that the GFR is better preserved in
patients with an initial drop. (Used with permission from Apperloo
AJ, de Zeeuw D, de Jong PE: A short-term antihypertensive
treatment induced fall in glomerular filtration rate predicts long
term stability of renal function. Kidney Int 51:793–797, 1997.)
Proteinuria 653

A pathogenetic role for proteinuria in progressive loss of renal

function is suggested by many experimental and clinical studies.
Proteinuria consistently predicts the rate of loss of renal function CH 32
in CKD and is the best predictor of end-stage renal failure.

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

Remarkably, the association between proteinuria and the rate of
progression is present not only in conditions in which protein-
uria might reflect the severity or activity of a primary glomerular
disorder, but also in chronic pyelonephritis and vesicoureteral
reflux where the glomerulus is not the primary site of injury.
This consistent relationship is the basis of the hypothesis that
proteinuria is a key factor in a vicious circle of non–disease-
specific factors that account for progressive renal function loss.
However, it should be recognized that many patients progress
toward end-stage renal failure without significant proteinuria,
suggesting that its impact relative to disease-specific factors
may vary between different populations.

Reduction of Proteinuria
Antihypertensive regimens associated with a better reduction in
proteinuria typically provide better renoprotection in CKD. The
association between a reduction in proteinuria and renal progno-
sis applies not only to antihypertensive treatment but also to
remission of proteinuria attained spontaneously or by treatment
of the underlying renal disease (e.g., immunosuppressive treat-
ment). The consistent relationship between residual proteinuria
and long-term renal prognosis demonstrates, first and foremost,
that a reduction in proteinuria is a prerequisite for renoprotec-
tion. In individual patients, the long-term renal prognosis corre-
lates with the initial antiproteinuric response to therapy. For
clinical purposes, it is important that the response be apparent
early after the start of therapy to allow early distinction between
patients who will benefit from the intervention and those in
whom additional therapy may be required. Furthermore, in view
of the consistent relationship between a reduction in proteinuria
and renoprotection, as well as the absence of a J-shaped curve for
proteinuria, exploration of the renoprotective potential of a treat-
ment regimen titrated to obtain a maximally effective reduction
in proteinuria might be a fruitful approach.

Dyslipidemia is common in renal disease and lipid nephrotoxi-
city has been hypothesized to be involved in the progression of
renal damage. This association may be particularly relevant in
proteinuric renal disease that is associated with hyperlipidemia.
654 However, the common forms of primary hyperlipidemia do not
appear to initiate overt renal disease in normal individuals.
Nevertheless, several clinical studies have suggested that hyper-
lipidemia is associated with a faster rate of renal function loss in
VIII patients with CKD and in hypertensive individuals. A second-
ary analysis from the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

(MDRD) study identified high-density lipoprotein (HDL) choles-

terol as a predictor of the rate of decline in renal function,
thereby supporting the relevance of the lipid profile.

Reduction of Lipids

Hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhi-

bitors effectively reduce total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol, and apo B in patients with CKD, however, the
effects on proteinuria levels have been variable. The results of
meta-analysis studies support a tendency toward a reduction in
proteinuria by reducing lipids. No study has demonstrated slow-
ing of disease progression but it should be noted that the power
to detect such a change was low in most studies. In summary, more
solid data are required, especially on the long-term outcome of
renal function, to substantiate the possible renoprotective benefit
in humans provided by HMG-CoA reductase inhibition.

Genetic Factors

Familial clustering of diabetic nephropathy and the association

of several renal disorders (e.g., membranous glomerulopathy,
IgA nephropathy, and focal segmental sclerosis) with distinct
HLA patterns suggested that susceptibility to the development
of these disorders was subject to genetic influences. A role for
genetic factors in modifying the course of renal function loss is
also suggested by interethnic differences in outcome and by
the remarkably constant individual progression rate, as opposed
to the large interindividual differences in the rate of progression,
even for subjects suffering from the same underlying disorder.
To date, most attention has focused on a common insertion/
deletion (I/D) polymorphism for the ACE gene. ACE levels in
serum and renal tissue are higher in DD homozygotes and an
association between the DD genotype and more rapid loss of
renal function has been reported in a variety renal disorders.

Morbid obesity has long been known to be associated with
focal glomerulosclerosis. Less extreme obesity is now increas-
ingly being recognized as a renal risk factor in CKD. The
mechanism underlying the renal risk of obesity is not well
characterized and may relate to its association with other 655
renal risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
lipid abnormalities, and possibly hyperfiltration.
Importantly, weight loss by ingestion of a hypocaloric diet
can result in significant reductions in proteinuria in obese CH 32
patients. An increasing body of evidence indicates that ciga-

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

rette smoking is associated with an increased rate of loss of
renal function. The effect appears to be particularly prominent
in diabetic nephropathy, but it is also apparent in nondiabetic
renal disease.


Antihypertensive Treatment
Reduction in BP is of prime importance in the prevention
of disease progression in CKD and this can be achieved with
all of the currently available classes of antihypertensive
agents. Whether the choice of a particular antihypertensive
agent matters for long-term renoprotection, independent of
the reduction in BP achieved, is a matter of active debate.
Recent meta-analyses of ACE inhibitors support a renoprotec-
tive effect of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
blockade beyond BP control in nondiabetic and diabetic
patients; this finding is supported by recent data on the reno-
protective effects of angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) blockade.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Comparative clinical studies have found more effective pres-
ervation of renal function by ACE inhibitors than by other
antihypertensives. The benefit of ACE inhibitors appears to
be most evident in those patients at highest risk of progression
based on their initial rate of loss of renal function or baseline
proteinuria. Nevertheless, patients with less severe protein-
uria also benefit from ACE inhibition. In diabetic patients
with either microalbuminuria or overt nephropathy, ACE
inhibition attenuates the long-term rate of renal function loss
independent of its effects on BP. The benefit of these drugs
resides, in part, in their facilitation of efferent glomerular
arteriolar dilation by antagonizing the effects of angiotensin
II (A-II) as they lower BP. Thus, there is a more consistent
reduction in both systemic and glomerular capillary pressure.
Special attention should be paid to adequate dosing of these
agents, as in many studies the renoprotective effect was
observed at the higher end of the dosing range. The goals of
therapy should be a BP of less than 130/85 mm Hg (<125/
80 mm Hg, if proteinuria > 1 g), a reduction in proteinuria to
below 300 mg/24 hours, and a loss of GFR of less than
656 2 mL/min per annum. The dose of the individual ACE inhibi-
tor should be maximized until these goals are attained or side
effects preclude further dose augmentation. Interestingly, ACE
inhibition also appears to be able to induce regression toward
VIII normoalbuminuria in subjects with microalbuminuria, and
reduce not only the risk for nephropathy, but also overall mor-
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

tality risk and cardiovascular events in diabetic patients with

high cardiovascular risk. ACE inhibitors are a fairly homoge-
neous class of drugs, apart from their kinetic properties.
Nevertheless, the renal effects may not necessarily be similar
for all ACE inhibitors. Data in essential hypertension suggest
that straightforward extrapolation of renal findings from one
ACE inhibitor to another is not warranted, because lisinopril
was shown to exert less pronounced renal hemodynamic
effects than enalapril, despite similar BP effects.

Angiotensin Receptor Blockers

In patients with essential hypertension, as well as patients with
CKD, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) induce a gradual fall
in BP that is associated with renal hemodynamic changes and a
reduction in proteinuria similar to that achieved by ACE inhibi-
tion. The renoprotective profile of this class was recently substan-
tiated by a series of landmark studies, which demonstrated that
AT1 blockade protected hypertensive patients with type II diabe-
tes from progressing from the microalbuminuric state to overt
nephropathy, and slowed the loss of renal function in type II
diabetics with overt nephropathy compared to conventional treat-
ment. As with ACE inhibition, the renoprotective effect mediated
by the ARBs appears to be linked to the reduction in proteinuria.
Treatment goals are as outlined earlier for ACE inhibition.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are effective antihypertensive
agents in patients with CKD. Their renoprotective effects, how-
ever, have been questioned because of possible deleterious
effects of increased glomerular pressure mediated by attenuation
of glomerular afferent arteriolar tone. Most studies of the effects
of calcium channel blockade in CKD have used RAAS blockade
as a comparative regimen. To date, most diabetic and nondiabetic
renal disease trials favor RAAS blockade–based regimens over
CCB-based regimens. This effect may be even more pronounced
in African-American patients with hypertensive nephrosclero-
sis. Comparing CCBs with placebo—not usually warranted in
renal populations—provides an additional perspective: in older
subjects with systolic hypertension, active therapy with the
CCB nitrendipine resulted in a reduction in proteinuria and
serum creatinine when compared with placebo. All in all, it
would be reasonable to assume that the renoprotective properties
of the CCBs are closely linked to their antihypertensive proper- 657
ties and that a renoprotective benefit can be expected only in
patients in whom BP is rigorously controlled. In most cases, they
should be considered as “add-on” therapy to RAAS blockade
when the latter agents fail to adequately control BP. CH 32


Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

In patients with CKD, b-blockers are generally effective in
reducing BP. However, no studies are available to support
specific renoprotection by b-blocker–based antihypertensive
treatment and b-blockers are less effective than ACE inhibitors
for long-term renoprotection in nondiabetic patients, as well
as in African-American NIDDM patients. However, other
well-controlled studies have found a similar rate of loss of
renal function with b-blockers and ACE inhibitors, suggest-
ing that b-blockers are useful for long-term renoprotection,
possibly by virtue of their effects on BP.

In many patients with CKD, diuretics are required for effec-
tive BP control, and are, accordingly, diuretics are part of
the therapeutic regimen in many studies. Nonetheless, their
long-term renoprotective effect in humans has not been
established. Not with standing this however, diuretics are
indispensable in renoprotective intervention in view of the
importance of control of volume status and BP in patients
with overt renal disease. Whether different diuretics are
equivalent for renoprotection is unknown. The specific cardi-
oprotective effects of aldosterone blockade by spironolactone
suggest that this issue may be relevant to renal patients as
well. Although spironolactone appears to have added antipro-
teinuric efficacy on top of ACE inhibition, it is unclear
whether this finding reflects specific aldosterone blockade or
just its effect on volume control. Of note, in renal patients
the combination of RAAS blockade and aldosterone blockade
will require close consideration of safety issues in light of
the risk of development of hyperkalemia.


Clustering of Renal Risk Factors and

Concordance with Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Renal risk factors can be identified in most renal patients,

and several risk factors are often simultaneously present. In
light of the evidence for synergism between different renal
risk factors, this simultaneous presence has considerable
658 clinical impact. Proteinuria in particular appears to cluster
with hypertension, as well as with metabolic risk factors.
The main clinical and demographic factors associated with
an increased renal risk are also well-established risk factors
VIII for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This concordance
may reflect the similarity of the pathophysiologic pathways of
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

progressive glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis with

the process of atherosclerosis. Patients with CKD have a par-
ticularly high risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
The increased risk is attributed in large part to risk factors also
present in the nonrenal population, such as demographic fac-
tors, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking.
Proteinuria is a consistent predictor of risk for cardiovascu-
lar mortality in the CKD population. Remarkably, increased
cardiovascular risk is present not only in overtly proteinuric
individuals but also in microalbuminuric diabetic and nondia-
betic subjects. The grim clinical consequences of this risk factor
profile is reflected by the fivefold to sixfold increased risk for
myocardial infarction in nephrotic patients as opposed to the
normal population. Hyperlipidemia is usually proportional to
the severity of the proteinuria, with a particularly atherogenic
lipid profile including an elevation of the highly atherogenic


A Framework for Renoprotective Intervention

An overall framework for renoprotective intervention is required
in patients with CKD (Table 32-1). Most patients at risk of loss of
renal function will eventually die of cardiovascular causes.
Treatment aims should therefore also explicitly entail an overall
reduction in cardiovascular risk. In order to achieve this goal,
however, aggressive and costly therapy is required and must be
continued for many years. A risk factor–based approach may
serve to properly identify patients likely to benefit from such

Table 32-1 Framework for Renoprotective Intervention

Identify patients at risk of renal function loss
Establish individual overall risk profile
Intervention—pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic measures for
overall risk reduction
Monitor therapeutic efficacy—blood pressure and proteinuria
Adapt and optimize therapy on an individual basis
In therapy-resistant cases, consider causes and circumvention
aggressive treatment while alleviating the burden of treatment in 659
those at low risk.

Primary Prevention CH 32

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

Primary Prevention of Renal Function
Loss in Hypertension
The main preventive measure is effective BP reduction. At pres-
ent, no data are available to substantiate a specific renal advan-
tage of any particular class of antihypertensive agents for
hypertensive patients in the absence of overt renal disease or pro-
teinuria. The preferred choice of drug for the individual patient
can thus be guided by specific indications and contraindications
as a result of co-morbid conditions. A systolic BP less than
140 mm Hg has been recommended to prevent loss of renal func-
tion in essential hypertension; however, the target goal should be
lower in patients with microalbuminuria (<130/80 mm Hg).

Primary Prevention in Diabetes Mellitus

In both IDDM and NIDDM, improved glycemic control and
aggressive BP control have clearly been shown to be effective
in primary prevention of renal disease. Antihypertensive
treatment with ACE inhibitors provides primary prevention
of nephropathy, while treatment with the ARB irbesartan
dose-dependently prevents progression from microalbumi-
nuria to overt albuminuria. In the natural history of IDDM,
the onset of microalbuminuria, defined as an excretion rate
of 30 to 300 mg/day or 20 to 200 mg/min, is a strong predic-
tor of subsequent progression to overt nephropathy. There-
fore, the discovery of microalbuminuria should trigger the
commencement and subsequent monitoring of renoprotec-
tive intervention therapy in diabetes mellitus. Accordingly,
the first step in primary prevention of nephropathy in IDDM
is screening for microalbuminuria on an annual basis 5 years
after diagnosis. In NIDDM, a larger proportion of patients
may have microalbuminuria at the time of diagnosis or shortly
thereafter; thus, screening of patients with NIDDM should
start at the time of diagnosis. In addition, BP should be moni-
tored at least annually in IDDM and NIDDM and antihyper-
tensive treatment instituted, if required, to achieve a target
pressure under 130/85 mm Hg. If microalbuminuria is dis-
covered, then pharmacologic therapy should be instituted irre-
spective of BP. Based on the evidence available, ACE inhibitors
can be recommended as first-choice agents in IDDM and ARBs
in NIDDM. Monitoring response to therapy should include
monitoring of microalbuminuria as well as BP, with a goal of
stabilization and, eventually, reduction of microalbuminuria
660 and a BP less than 130/85 mm Hg. If the response to therapy is
insufficient, a diuretic should be added.

Secondary Prevention
In patients with established renal disease, primary causal factors
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

for ongoing renal damage, if present, should first be eliminated.

The benefit of rigorous BP control is supported by many studies.
Reduction of BP to below 130/80 mm Hg has been recommended
for renal patients. For proteinuric patients, the target BP should
be even lower. In patients with proteinuria greater than 1 g/day,
additional benefit is obtained by BP reduction to 125/75 mm Hg.
Given the importance of proteinuria as a renal risk factor, it
should act as a guide to therapy. Even if BP is in the so-called
normotensive range, the presence of proteinuria should prompt
the institution of antiproteinuric therapy. In light of the consis-
tent predictive value of a reduction in proteinuria for
subsequent renoprotection, not only a reduction in BP but also
a reduction in proteinuria should be a main target of renopro-
tective intervention. The proven renoprotective efficacy of
ACE inhibitors renders them first-choice agents in patients at
high risk for deterioration of renal function, such as nondia-
betic patients with overt proteinuria and patients with diabetic
nephropathy. In NIDDM, the renoprotective efficacy of ARBs
has now been established, and thus they are first-choice drugs.
In patients without proteinuria, notably those with polycystic
kidneys and tubulointerstitial disease, other classes of drugs,
such as b-blockers and CCBs, may also be used as first-line
drugs. In addition to dietary sodium restriction, adjunctive
therapy in subjects with overt proteinuria should preferably
entail dietary protein restriction. Even though conflicting study
outcomes have generated controversy on the benefit of protein
restriction, meta-analysis supports the renoprotective benefit
of protein restriction in nondiabetic as well as diabetic subjects
(see also Chapter 31, Diet and Kidney Disease).
Additional measures in renal patients should entail control
of prevalent cardiorenal risk factors. The main measures are
discontinuation of smoking and control of hyperlipidemia.
Specific antihyperlipidemic therapy is required in many renal
patients. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors are effective for this
purpose and may be combined with fibric acid derivates in
patients with high triglycerides.

Monitoring of Renoprotective Therapy

Usually, chronic loss of renal function is a gradual process

that takes years or decades to lead to end-stage renal failure.
This gradual deterioration in renal function has implications
for monitoring the efficacy of renoprotective interventions. 661
A slight reduction in GFR at the onset of antihypertensive
therapy predicts better long-term renoprotection. This drop
presumably reflects functional hemodynamic changes—such
as a drop in glomerular capillary pressure—that are favorable CH 32
in the long run. However, when the drop in GFR is substantial

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

or the clinical condition is compatible with renal artery steno-
sis, it is important to exclude renal artery stenosis, especially
when the treatment includes ACE inhibition or an ARB.
In individual patients, even with sophisticated and fre-
quent measurements, the rate of decline in GFR is usually
too slow to monitor and titrate renoprotective therapy. Titra-
tion based on intermediate parameters predicting future loss
of renal function provides a better alternative. Whereas BP
should obviously be monitored, proteinuria (or albuminuria)
is the best predictor of future loss of renal function and thus
reflects the renoprotective efficacy of the regimen. Proteinuria
can therefore guide adjustment of therapy.

Optimizing Response to Therapy

Despite recent advances, chronic renal disease is still essen-
tially a progressive condition. In order to achieve better preven-
tion of end-stage renal failure, strategies are needed to optimize
renoprotective interventions by an integrated regimen of phar-
macologic and nonpharmacologic measures (Table 32-2).

Sodium Status
The disturbed sodium and volume homeostasis in most renal
patients leads to expanded extracellular volume and hyperten-
sion, particularly prominent in proteinuric patients. In specific
patient categories, such as African Americans and microalbu-
minuric diabetic patients, BP is often exquisitely sodium sen-
sitive and diuretic therapy is often required to obtain effective
BP control. This dependence of response on volume status
applies particularly to ACE inhibitors and AT1 receptor block-
ers. The effect of sodium status on antiproteinuric efficacy
may be partly related to its concomitant effects on BP, but the
intrarenal effects of sodium status may be important as well, as
suggested by the prominent effect of sodium restriction on pro-
teinuria in contrast to its relatively modest effect on BP. There-
fore, sodium restriction and diuretic therapy, if required, are
essential components of an optimal renoprotective regimen.

Protein Intake
Dietary protein restriction can reduce proteinuria in patients
with CKD; however, conclusive outcome data in terms of pre-
vention of end-stage renal disease are lacking. Nevertheless,
Circumvention of Treatment Resistance in
Table 32-2 Renoprotective Intervention by RAAS
VIII General Measures
Check and, if necessary, improve compliance
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

Dietary Measures
Restrict dietary sodium to 50 mEq/day
Restrict dietary protein in proteinuric patients
Pursue weight loss in excessively obese
Pharmacologic Measures
Consider dose response for proteinuria separately
Add diuretic
Add other antihypertensive if blood pressure is above target
Consider dual blockade if proteinuria persists
Consider higher dose of RAAS blockade if proteinuria persists
Add indomethacin if proteinuria persists
RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

protein restriction can enhance the antiproteinuric effect of

ACE inhibition. In severe proteinuria, institution of protein
restriction during ACE inhibition can yield a reduction in pro-
teinuria of up to 33%. Thus, if proteinuria persists despite
blockade of the RAAS, then protein restriction should be

Dose Titration for Proteinuria

In view of the importance of proteinuria, it may be surprising
that so little data are available on dose-response curves for
proteinuria with the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs. The dose-
response curves for BP and proteinuria are not necessarily sim-
ilar. A progressive antiproteinuric effect from ACE inhibitors
may occur at higher doses than needed for maximal BP reduc-
tion or for achieving recommended target BP values. With
regard to AT1 receptor blockade, the optimal antiproteinuric
effect of losartan is obtained at a higher dose than needed for
the maximal BP response in nondiabetic and diabetic nephrop-
athy. Importantly, the responses of BP and proteinuria are not
always concordant; a common trend across several studies
seems to be that, in subjects with normal BP, an antiproteinuric
effect can be obtained with doses that do not or only slightly
affect BP. For a balanced view of the renoprotective potential
of supramaximal doses of ACE inhibitors or ARBs, further
studies in different populations are needed, as well as research
on the issue of tolerability. The benefits of high-dose ACE 663
inhibitor or ARB monotherapy should also be weighed against
those of dual blockade of the RAAS (see the next section). For
the moment, controlled studies to support specific dose recom-
mendations for long-term renoprotection are lacking. However, CH 32
the treatment targets—BP control plus optimal reduction of

Specific Pharmacologic Approaches to Clinical Renoprotection

proteinuria (<300 mg/24 hour)—should guide titration of ther-
apy. If proteinuria persists despite good BP control, increasing
the dose is worth a try, although it may not be invariably

Combination Therapy
Combinations of drugs with different mechanisms of action
can exert additive effects. With regard to renal protection,
several combinations are of specific interest, as judged by
their effect on intermediate renal parameters. First, as noted
earlier, co-treatment with diuretics during ACE inhibition
can overcome the effects of high sodium intake on BP and
proteinuria. Thus, combination therapy provides a way to
overcome resistance to antiproteinuric efficacy. In light of
the different levels of RAAS blockade, a case may be made
for combining ACE inhibitors with ARBs. In renal popula-
tions, several studies thus far have reported that combined
therapy with an ACE inhibitor and an AT1 receptor blocker
exerts a more effective antiproteinuric response than either
agent alone in both diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathy.
However, dose considerations may be relevant. In studies
reporting an added effect of dual blockade, the doses used were
deliberately chosen to be submaximal—with the rationale of
possibly inducing fewer side effects than with the drugs used
separately. Thus, the efficacy of dual blockade could simply
be due to more effective RAAS blockade, and might also have
been achieved with a higher dose of either drug. For the pur-
pose of maximal reduction in proteinuria, it would also be rel-
evant to assess whether dual blockade, at optimal doses of both
drugs, would result in a further reduction in proteinuria. The
available data suggest an enhanced potential of dual blockade
over monotherapy, but this additive effect may not apply to
all conditions. Optimal dosing schedules, relative to other
optimizing measures such as volume control, will have to be
developed further.

Time Course
In nondiabetic patients, the reduction in proteinuria takes
several weeks to reach a maximum level, which should be
taken into account when titrating for optimal reduction of pro-
teinuria. In microalbuminuric IDDM, however, the time
course of reduction in albuminuria parallels the reduction in
BP, with maximal responses already taking place in the
664 first week of treatment, which may reflect the greater renal
impact of BP in these patients. The lack of similar data on
other antihypertensives, or in diabetics with overt nephropa-
thy, precludes recommendation of a fixed schedule for dose
VIII titration in these subgroups at the present time.
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease
Chapter 33

Prescribing Drugs in Renal



Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) require multiple
medications, and special care is needed to avoid drug-related
toxicity. Clinical evaluation always begins with a careful his-
tory and physical examination, with specific regard paid to
the patient’s volume status and muscle mass. Reviewing the
possibility of drug interactions before choosing a drug regimen
is essential; and drug therapy should be individualized to take
advantage of the fact that one drug can be used to treat several
conditions. Individualization of the drug regimen requires mea-
surements of body height and weight and estimation of the vol-
ume of distribution. Many clinicians use the average of the
measured body weight and the ideal body weight as the value
on which to base drug doses. A loading dose equivalent to that
given to a patient with normal renal function should always be
given to patients with renal impairment once the physical
examination suggests a normal extracellular fluid volume.
The maintenance dose adjustment thereafter depends on the
measured or estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR).


Factors Affecting Clearance

Drug removal by conventional hemodialysis occurs primarily
by the process of drug diffusion across the dialysis membrane
and is most effective for drugs that less than 500 Da and less
than 90% protein bound with a small volume of distribution.
Removal of low-molecular-weight drugs is enhanced by
increasing the blood and dialysate flow rates and by using
large-surface-area dialyzers.

666 The hemodialysis clearance of a drug can be estimated from
the following relationship:
Cl HD ¼ Cl urea  ð60=MW drug Þ
where ClHD is drug clearance by hemodialysis, Clurea is urea
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

clearance by the dialyzer (typically 150–200 mL/min), and

MWdrug is molecular weight of the drug.
The use of porous dialysis membranes during high-flux
dialysis improves the clearance of drugs with a higher molec-
ular weight. The removal of drugs during high-flux dialysis
depends more on treatment time, blood and dialysate flow
rates, distribution volume, and binding of the drug to serum
proteins. Typically, much more drug is removed during
high-flux dialysis than with conventional hemodialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis is much less efficient at removing drugs
than hemodialysis. As with conventional hemodialysis,
clearance is most effective for low-molecular-weight drugs
with a small volume of distribution. In contrast, many drugs
are well absorbed when placed in the peritoneal dialysate.
Higher-molecular-weight drugs may be somewhat more
removed by peritoneal dialysis because of secretion into peri-
toneal lymphatic fluid.
Molecular weight, membrane characteristics, blood flow
rate, and the addition of dialysate determine the rate and
extent of drug removal during continuous renal replacement
therapies (CRRT). Because of the large pore size of membranes
used for CRRT, and the fact that most drugs are less than
1500 Da, drug removal by CRRT does not depend greatly on
molecular weight. The volume of distribution of a drug is
the most important factor determining removal by CRRT. A
volume of distribution greater than 0.7 L/kg substantially
decreases CRRT drug removal. In addition, protein binding
of more than 80% provides a substantial barrier to drug
removal by convection or diffusion. The addition of continu-
ous dialysis to continuous hemofiltration increases drug clear-
ance, depending on blood and dialysate flow rates. As during
high-flux dialysis, drug removal parallels the removal of urea
and creatinine. The simplest method for estimating drug
removal during CRRT is to estimate urea or creatinine clear-
ance during the procedure.
Recommendations for dosing selected drugs in patients
with impaired renal function are given in Table 33-1 (located
at the end of the chapter). These recommendations are meant
only as a guide and do not imply efficacy or safety of a
recommended dose in an individual patient. A loading dose
equivalent to the usual dose in patients with normal renal
function should be considered for drugs with a particularly
long half-life. The table indicates potential methods for adjust- 667
ing the dose by decreasing the individual doses or increasing
the dose interval. In the table, when the dose method (D) is
suggested, the percentage of the dose for normal renal func-
tion is given. When the interval method (I) is suggested, the CH 33
actual dose interval is provided. When the dose interval can

Prescribing Drugs in Renal Disease

safely be lengthened beyond 24 hours, extended parenteral
therapy may be completed without prolonging hospitaliza-
tion. In patients requiring chronic hemodialysis, many drugs
need to be given only at the end of the dialysis treatment,
thereby improving compliance.
The effect of the standard clinical treatment on drug
removal is shown for hemodialysis, chronic ambulatory peri-
toneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy.
Most of these recommendations were established before
very-high-efficiency hemodialysis treatments were practical,
continuous cycling nocturnal peritoneal dialysis was com-
mon, and diffusion was added to hemofiltration in CRRT.
Some drugs that have high dialysis clearance do not require
supplemental doses after dialysis if the amount of the drug
removed is not sufficient, as is the case if the volume of dis-
tribution is large. To ensure efficacy when information about
dialysis loss is not available and to simplify dosimetry,
maintenance doses of most drugs should be given after
dialysis. Peritonitis is a major complication of peritoneal
dialysis, and treatment of choice is the intraperitoneal
administration of antibiotics. In general, there is excellent
drug absorption after intraperitoneal administration of com-
mon antibiotics.

Dosing Considerations for Specific Drug

Most analgesics are eliminated by hepatic biotransformation.
However, the accumulation of active metabolites can result
in CNS toxicity and seizures. The use of morphine, meperi-
dine, and dextropropoxyphene in patients with impaired
renal function is to be avoided. Hydromorphone is suitable
for patients with severe pain. Prolonged narcosis is associated
with codeine and dihydrocodeine, whereas the use of fentanyl
may lead to prolonged sedation. Alternative weak opioid or
nonopioid alternatives are often used as analgesics in dialysis
patients (e.g., tramadol, buprenorphine, or nefopam); unfortu-
nately, these drugs are often tolerated poorly due to metabolite
668 Anticonvulsants
Generalized major motor seizures occur in patients with ure-
mia, and phenytoin is one of the most frequently used drugs
for such seizures. For any given total serum phenytoin level,
VIII the concentration of active, free drug is higher in uremic
patients than in patients with normal renal function, increas-
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

ing the risk of toxicity. Dose increments of phenytoin should

be small, sufficient time should be allowed for the patient to
reach steady-state drug levels, and measurement of free serum
phenytoin concentration should be done frequently in uremic
patients who are not responding to therapy.

Antihypertensive and Cardiovascular Agents

Antihypertensive and cardiovascular agents are the most com-
monly prescribed drugs for patients with renal disease. Many
cardiovascular drugs or their metabolites have prolonged half-
lives and can accumulate in patients with renal insufficiency.
Adverse effects are typically related to their pharmacologic
effect and can be avoided by careful dose titration to clinical
effect, especially with newer, longer-acting formulations.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angio-
tensin receptor antagonists are widely used in the manage-
ment of progressive renal disease and hypertension. The
initial doses of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
antagonists should be low and carefully titrated, and renal
function and serum potassium should be monitored.
The use of antiarrhythmic agents requires particular care
and frequent monitoring for electrocardiographic evidence of
toxicity, such as a prolonged QT interval or widening of the
QRS complex on electrocardiogram.
Diuretics are widely used in patients with chronic kidney
disease to control volume overload and aid the management
of hypertension. Diuretic-induced hypovolemia can result in a
further decrease in renal function, and volume status should be
carefully evaluated during diuretic therapy. Potassium-sparing
diuretics (i.e., amiloride, spironolactone, and triamterene) must
be avoided with CrCl less than 30 mL/min given the risks asso-
ciated with hyperkalemia. As renal function decreases, tubular
secretion of loop diuretics falls and larger doses are required to
effect a diuresis. Thiazides lose their diuretic efficacy when
the GFR falls below about 30 mL/min; however, the combination
of a thiazide and loop diuretic can prove more effective than a
higher dose of either agent alone.

Antimicrobial Agents
Inappropriate loading dose reduction resulting in ineffectively
low plasma concentration is a significant danger in patients with
renal impairment. A single loading dose of antibiotic, equivalent
to the usual maintenance dose for patients with normal renal
function, should almost always be given to patients with 669
impaired renal function. Subsequent doses and dose intervals
can be individualized based on relative importance of maintain-
ing therapeutic peak or trough concentrations (see earlier discus-
sion). Uremia may mask the clinical presentation of infection CH 33
and the signs of antibiotic toxicity in patients with renal failure.

Prescribing Drugs in Renal Disease

Adverse reactions to antimicrobial treatment in patients with
impaired renal function are usually caused by the accumulation
of drugs or their metabolites to toxic levels with repeated doses;
any organ system may be affected. Drug toxicity should be con-
sidered in antibiotic-treated patients with renal insufficiency
who develop new symptoms, and therapeutic drug monitoring
is essential in all patients with renal impairment to avoid toxicity
to the kidney and other organs. Specific care should be taken
with the use of aminoglycosides as nephrotoxicity can occur
even in the context of “normal” serum levels. Antiviral agents
may also be problematic. Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and ganciclo-
vir accumulate in renal failure, resulting in increased cerebrospi-
nal fluid levels of both parent compound and metabolites,
resulting in neuropsychiatric side effects.

Hypoglycemic Drugs
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) in the United States. Careful consideration of
hypoglycemic drug selection and dosage is important for
patients with impaired renal function. The kidney accounts
for almost 30% of the elimination of insulin from the body
and as renal function decreases, insulin clearance also falls.
Diabetics with impaired renal function are at increased risk
of hypoglycemia when they are treated with insulin or oral
hypoglycemic drugs, and doses should be adjusted accord-
ingly. In renal failure, long-acting sulfonylureas (e.g., glybur-
ide) are accompanied by an enhanced risk of hypoglycemia
and metformin is associated with a higher risk of lactic acido-
sis, and therefore, their use is discouraged.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

NSAIDs are potent inhibitors of renal prostaglandin synthesis
and their use typically results in a decreased GFR in patients
with chronic kidney disease. NSAIDs also cause salt and
water retention and trigger hyperkalemia in patients with even
modest renal impairment. NSAIDs should be used cautiously
in patients with decreased renal function and avoided in those
with congestive heart failure, volume contraction, or liver
failure. There is no advantage in the use of selective inhibitors
of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) over nonselective NSAIDs. The
development of acute interstitial nephritis, occasionally in
association with a minimal change–like glomerular lesion, is a
well-recognized complication of both NSAID and COX-2 use.
670 Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Drugs Used in Psychiatry
Anxiety and depression are frequent clinical correlates of
renal failure. Excessive sedation is the most frequent compli-
cation of centrally acting agents in renal failure and is often
VIII inappropriately ascribed to the effects of uremia. The short-
term administration of benzodiazepines is safe; however, care
Conservative and Pharmacologic Management of Kidney Disease

must be taken to avoid longer-acting agents and those with

active metabolites such as diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and
flurazepam. Phenothiazines and tricyclic antidepressants can
produce confusion, orthostatic hypotension, and excessive
sedation. Lithium carbonate, used in the management of bipo-
lar disorder, is excreted by the kidney and has a narrow thera-
peutic range. Dose reduction and plasma lithium level
monitoring is required in all patients with impaired or unsta-
ble renal function. Life-threatening lithium toxicity may be
managed by dialysis. Repeated treatments are often required
to deal with the rebound in serum levels frequently observed
following dialysis.
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Acarbose D 100% Avoid Avoid Unknown Unknown Avoid
Acebutolol D 100% 50% 30–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Acetaminophen I q4h q6h q8h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Acetazolamide I q6h q12h Avoid No data No data Avoid
Acetohexamide I Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Acetohydroxamic D 100% 100% Avoid Unknown Unknown Unknown
Acetylsalicyclic I q4h q4–6h Avoid As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
acid Give after HD GFR
Acrivastine D, I 8 mg 8 mg 8 mg q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q12h q12–24h
Acyclovir D, I 5 mg/kg 5 mg/kg 2.5 mg/kg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 3.5 mg/kg/day
q8h q12–24h q24h Give after HD
Adenosine D 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Albuterol D 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Alfentanil D 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Allopurinol D 75% 50% 33% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Alprazolam 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Alteplase (t-PA) 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Altretamine D Unknown Unknown Unknown No data No data Unknown
Amantadine I q24–48h q48–72h q7d As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Amikacin D, I 60–90% 30–70% 20–30% 5 mg/kg after HD 15–20 mg/L/day As for GFR 10–50
q12h q12–18h q24–48h
Amiloride D 100% 50% Avoid NA NA NA
Aminophylline D 100% 200– 200– As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
400 mg 300 mg
q12h q12h
Amiodarone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Amitriptyline 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Amlodipine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Amoxapine 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Amoxicillin I q8h q8–12h q24h As for GFR < 10 250 mg q8h As for normal GFR
Give after HD
Amphotericin I q24h q24h q24–36h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Amphotericin B I q24h q24h q24–36h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Amphotericin B I q24h q24h q24–36h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ampicillin I q6h q6–12h q12–24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Amrinone D 100% 100% 50–75% No data No data As for GFR 10–50
Anistreplase D 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Astemizole D 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Atenolol D, I 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
q24h q24h q24h
Atovaquone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Atracurium D 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Auranofin D 3–6 mg 3 mg Avoid Avoid Avoid As for GFR 10–50
q24h q24h
Azathioprine D 100% 75% 50% As for normal GFR As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Azithromycin D 100% 100% 100% No data No data No data
Azlocillin I q4–6h q6–8h q8h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Aztreonam D 100% 50–75% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Basiliximab 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Benazepril D 100% 50–75% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Betamethasone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Betaxolol D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Bezafibrate D, I 70% 50% Avoid 200 mg q72h 200 mg q72h As for GFR 10–50
Bisoprolol D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Bleomycin D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Bopindolol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Bretylium D 100% 25–50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Bromocriptine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Brompheniramine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Budesonide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Bumetanide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Bupropion D 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q24h q24h q24h
Buspirone D 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
50% if anuric 50% if anuric
Busulfan 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Butorphanol D 100% 75% 50% Unknown Unknown NA
Capreomycin I q24h q24h q48h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Captopril D, I 100% 75% 50% q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q12–18h
Carbamazepine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Carbidopa 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Carboplatin D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Carmustine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Carteolol D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Carvedilol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Cefaclor D 100% 50–100% 50% 250–500 mg q8h 250 mg q8–12h As for normal GFR
Cefadroxil I q12h q12–24h q24–48h 0.5–1 g after HD 0.5 g/day As for normal GFR
Cefamandole I q6h q6–8h q12h 0.5–1 g q12h 0.5–1 g q12h As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Cefazolin I q8h q12h q24–48h 0.5–1 g after HD 0.5 g q12h As for GFR 10–50
Cefepime I q12h q16–24h q24–48h 1 g after HD As for GFR < 10 Not recommended
Cefixime D 100% 75% 50% 200 mg q24h 200 mg q24h As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Cefmenoxime D, I 1g 0.75 g 0.75 g 0.75 g q12h 0.75 g q12h As for GFR 10–50
q8h q8h q12h Give after HD
Cefmetazole I q16h q24h q48h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d

Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Cefonicid D, I 0.5 g/d 0.1–0.5 g/ 0.1 g/day As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ceforanide I q12h q12–24h q24–48h 0.5–1 g after HD None 1.0 g/day
Cefotaxime I 100% 100% q8h 50% As for GFR < 10 1 g q24h 1 g q12h
q8h q8–12h Give after HD
Cefotetan D 100% 50% 25% 250–500 mg q24h 1 g q24h 750 mg q12h
500 mg after HD
Cefoxitin D, I 100% 1–2 g 0.5–1 g 0.5–1 g q24–48h 1 g q24h As for GFR 10–50
q8–24h q12–24h þ1 g after HD
Cefpodoxime I 100% 100% 100– As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
200 mg
Cefprozil D, I 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10
q24h q24h Give after HD
Ceftazidime I 100% 0.5–1 g 0.5–1 g 1 g after HD 0.5–1 g q24h 0.5–1 g q12h
q12–24h q48h
Ceftibuten D 100% 50% 25% 400 mg after HD As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ceftizoxime D, I 0.5–1.5 g 0.25–1 g 0.25–0.5 g 0.25–0.5 g q24h 0.5–1 g q24h As for GFR 10–50
q8h q12h q24h Give after HD
Ceftriaxone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Give after HD GFR
Cefuroxime axetil D 100% 100% 250 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
(oral) q24h Give after HD
Cefuroxime (IV) D, I 100% 0.75–1.5 g 750 mg 750 mg q24h 750 mg q24h As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q12h Give after HD
Celiprolol D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Cephalexin I 250– 250– 250– As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
500 mg 500 mg 500 mg Give after HD
q6h q8–12h q12–24h
Cephalothin I q6h q6–8h q12h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 1 g q8h
Give after HD
Cephapirin I q6h q6–8h q12h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 1 g q8h
Give after HD
Cephradine D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 Give after GFR < As for normal GFR
Give after dialysis 10
Cetirizine D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Chloralhydrate D 100% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Chlorambucil 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Chloramphenicol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Chlorazepate 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Chlordiazepoxide D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Chloroquine D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Chlorpheniramine D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Chlorpromazine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Chlorpropamide D 50% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Chlorthalidone I 100% 100% Avoid Avoid Avoid NA
Cholestyramine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Cibenzoline D, I 100% 100% 66% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q12h q12h q24h
Cidofovir D 50–100% Avoid Avoid No data No data Avoid
Cilastin D 100% 50% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Cilazapril D, I 75% 50% 10–25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q24h q24–48h q72h
Cimetidine D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Cinoxacin D 100% 50% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Ciprofloxacin D 100% 50–75% 50% 250 mg q12h 250 mg q8h 200 mg IV q12h
Cisapride D, I 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 50–100%
Cisplatin D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Cladribine D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Clarithromycin D 100% 75% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Clavulanic acid D 100% 100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Clindamycin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Clodronate D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Clofazimine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 No data
Clofibrate I q6–12h q12–18h Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Clomipramine D 100% Start at As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
dose and
Clonazepam 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Clonidine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Codeine D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Colchicine D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Colestipol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Cortisone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Cyclophosphamide D 100% 75–100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Cycloserine I q12h q12–24h q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Cyclosporine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Cytarabine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Dapsone D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Daunorubicin D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Delavirdine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 No data As for GFR 10–50
Desferrioxamine D 100% 100% 50% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Desipramine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Dexamethasone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Diazepam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Diazoxide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Diclofenac* 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Dicloxacillin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Didanosine D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Diflunisal D 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Digitoxin D 100% 100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Digoxin D, I 100% 25–75% 10–25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q24h q36h q48h
Dilevalol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 Unknown
Diltiazem 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Diphenhydramine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Dipyridamole 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Dirithromycin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Disopyramide I q8h q12h q24–40h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Dobutamine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Doxacurium D 100% 50% 50% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Doxazosin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Doxepin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Doxorubicin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Doxycycline 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Dyphylline D 75% 50% 25% 1
=3 dose Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Ebastine D 100% 50% 50% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Enalapril D 100% 75–100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Epirubicin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Erythromycin D 100% 100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Estazolam D 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Etanercept 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Ethambutol I q24h q24–36h q48h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Ethchlorvynol D 100% Avoid Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Ethionamide D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ethosuximide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Etodolac* 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for GFR 10–50
Etomidate 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Etoposide D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Famciclovir D, I 100% q12–48h 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q48h Give after HD
Famotidine D, I 100% 50% 20 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Fazadinium 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Felodipine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Fenoprofen* 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Fentanyl D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Fexofenadine I q12h q12–24h q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Flecainide D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Fleroxacin D 100% 50% 50% 400 mg after HD 400 mg/24h As for GFR 10–50
Fluconazole D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Give after HD
Flucytosine I q12h q16h q24h As for GFR < 10 0.5/24h As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Fludarabine D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Flumazenil 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Flunarizine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Fluorouracil 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Fluoxetine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Flurazepam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Flurbiprofen* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Flutamide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Fluvastatin D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Fluvoxamine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 Unknown NA
Foscarnet D 28 mg/kg 15 mg/kg 6 mg/kg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q8h q8h q8h Give after HD
Fosinopril D 100% 100% 75–100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Furosemide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d

Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Gabapentin D, I 400 mg 300 mg 300 mg 300 mg load, then As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q8h q12–24h q48h 200 mg after HD
Gallamine D 75% Avoid Avoid NA NA As for GFR 10–50
Ganciclovir D, I 2.5–5 mg/kg 1.25– 1.25 mg/kg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 2.5 mg/kg q24h
q12h 2.5 mg/kg q24h Give after HD
Gemfibrozil 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Gentamicin D, I 60–90% 30–70% 20–30% As for GFR < 10 3–4 mg/L/day As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q12h q24–72h Give after HD
Glibornuride D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Avoid
Gliclazide D 100% 20–40 mg/ 20–40 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
day mg/day
Glipizide D 100% 100% Contrain- As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 Avoid
Glyburide D Unknown Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Gold sodium D 50% Avoid Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 Avoid
Griseofulvin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Guanabenz 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Guanadrel I q12h q12–24h q24–48h Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Guanethidine I q24h q24h q24–36h Unknown Unknown Avoid
Guanfacine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Haloperidol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Heparin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Hexobarbital 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 Unknown NA
Hydralazine I q8h q8h q8–16h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Hydrocortisone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Hydroxyurea D 100% 50% 20% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Hydroxyzine D 100% Unknown Unknown 100% 100% 100%
Ibuprofen* 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for GFR 10–50
Idarubicin Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Ifosfamide D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Iloprost D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Imipenem 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Imipramine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Indapamide D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Indinavir 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Indobufen D 100% 50% 25% Unknown Unknown NA
Indomethacin* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Infliximab 100% No data No data No data No data No data
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Insulin (soluble) D Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable
Ipratropium 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Isoniazid D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Give after HD
Isosorbide 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Give after HD GFR
Isradipine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Itraconazole 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Kanamycin D, I 60%–90% 30%–70% 20%–30% 2
=3 normal dose 15–20 mg/L/day As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q12h q24–48h
Ketamine 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Ketanserin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ketoconazole 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ketoprofen* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ketorolac* D 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Labetolol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Lamivudine D, I 100% 50–150 mg 25 mg qd As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
qd Give after HD
Lamotrigine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Lansoprazole 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Lepirudin 0.4 mg/kg 50% bolus Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 50% bolus
0.15 mg/ 15–30% 15%
Levodopa 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Levofloxacin D 100% 50% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Lidocaine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Lincomycin I q6h q6–12h q12–24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Linezolid 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Lisinopril D 100% 50–75% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Lispro Insulin D Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable
Lithium carbonate D 100% 50–75% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Lomefloxacin D 100% 50–75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Loracarbef I q12h q24h q3–5d As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Lorazepam 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Losartan D 100% 100% 100% 25 mg/24h and 25 mg/24h and As for GFR 10–50
titrate titrate
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Lovastatin 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown Dose for GFR
Low-molecular- D 100% Prophy- Prophy- As for GFR < 10 As for GFR As for GFR 10–50
weight heparin lactic lactic < 10
dose only dose only
Maprotiline 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Meclofenamic 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Mefenamic acid* D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Mefloquine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Melphalan D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Meperidine D 100% 75% 50% Avoid Avoid Avoid
Meprobamate I q6h q9–12h q12–18h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Meropenem D, I 500 mg q6h 250– 250– As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
500 mg 500 mg Give after HD
q12h q24h
Metaproterenol 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Metformin D 50% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Methadone D 100% 100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Methenamine D 100% Avoid Avoid NA NA NA
Methicillin I q4–6h q6–8h q8–12h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Methimazole 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Methotrexate D 100% 50% Contra- Contraindicated Contraindicated As for GFR 10–50
Methyldopa I q8h q8–12h q12–24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Methylpre- 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
dnisolone Give after HD GFR
Metoclopramide D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 50–75%
Metocurine D 75% 50% 50% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Metolazone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Metoprolol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Metronidazole I 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
q8–12h q8–12h q12h Give after HD
Mexiletine D 100% 100% 50–75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Mezlocillin I q4–6h q6–8h q8h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Miconazole 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Midazolam D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Midodrine 5–10 mg 5–10 mg 2.5–10 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q8h q8h q8h
Miglitol D 50% Avoid Avoid Unknown Unknown Avoid
Milrinone D 100% 100% 50–75% No data No data As for GFR 10–50
Minocycline 100% 100% 100% None None As for GFR 10–50
Minoxidil 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d

Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Mitomycin C D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Mitoxantrone 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Mivacurium D 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Moricizine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Morphine D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Moxalactam I q8–12h q12–24h q24–48h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Mycophenolate D 100% 50–100% 50–100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Nabumetone* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
N-Acetylcysteine D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 100%
Nadolol D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Nafcillin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nalidixic acid D 100% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Naloxone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Naproxen* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nefazodone 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Nefopam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nelfinavir No data No data No data No data No data No data
Neostigmine D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Netilmicin D, I 50–90% 20–60% 10% q24h 2 mg/kg after each IV: 2 mg/kg q48h As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q24h HD session IP: 7.5–10 mg/
Nevirapine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nicardipine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nicotinic acid D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nifedipine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nimodipine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nisoldipine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Nitrazepam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Nitrofurantoin D Avoid Contrain- Contrain- Contraindicated Contraindicated Contraindicated
dicated dicated
Nitroglycerine 100% 100% 100% No data No data As for GFR 10–50
Nitroprusside 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Nitrosoureas D 100% 75% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 Unknown Unknown
Nizatidine D 75% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Norfloxacin I q12h q12–24h Avoid NA NA NA
Nortriptyline 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Ofloxacin D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Omeprazole 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Ondansetron 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Orphenadrine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Oxaprozin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Oxatomide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Oxazepam D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Oxcarbazepine 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Paclitaxel 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for GFR 10–50
Pancuronium D 100% 50% Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Paroxetine D 100% 50–75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Para-amino D 100% 50–75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
salicylic acid Give after dialysis
Penbutolol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Penicillamine D 100% Avoid Avoid 125–250 mg 3/ Avoid Avoid
week after HD
Penicillin G D 100% 75% 20–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Penicillin VK 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Give after HD
Pentamidine I q24h q24–36h q48h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Pentazocine D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Pentobarbital 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Pentopril D 100% 50–75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Pentoxifylline 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Pefloxacin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Perindopril D 100% 75% 50% 25–50% Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Phenelzine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Phenobarbital I q8–12h q8–12h q12–16h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Phenylbutazone 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Phenytoin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Pindolol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Pioglitazone 100% 100% 100% with As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
caution with caution GFR with with caution
Pipecuronium D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Piperacillin I q4–6h q6–8h q8h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Piretanide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Piroxicam* 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Plicamycin D 100% 75% 50% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Pravastatin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Prazepam 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Prazosin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Prednisolone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Give after HD GFR
Prednisone 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Pregabalin D 100% 50% 25% q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 No data
q8–12h q8–12h Extra dose
after HD
Primaquine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Primidone I q8h q8–12h q12–24h 1
=3 dose Unknown Unknown
Probenecid D 100% Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Probucol 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Procainamide I q4h q6–12h Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Promethazine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Propafenone 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Propofol 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Propoxyphene D 100% 100% Avoid Avoid Avoid NA
Propranolol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Propylthiouracil D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Protryptyline 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Pyrazinimide 100% As for As for As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
normal normal GFR
Pyridostigmine D 50% 35% 20% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Pyrimethamine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Quazepam D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NA
Quinapril D 100% 75–100% 50% As for for GFR 10–50 As for for GFR < As for for GFR
10 10–50
Quinidine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for normal As for normal GFR
Quinine I q8h q8–12h q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Ramipril D 100% 50–75% 25–50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ranitidine D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ribavirin D 100% 100% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Rifabutin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Rifampin D 100% 50–100% 50–100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Ritonavir 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Rituximab 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Use with Use with Use with caution Use with caution Use with caution
caution caution
Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d
Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Rosiglitazone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Saquinavir 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Secobarbital 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Sertraline 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Simvastatin D 100% 100% 10 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for normal GFR
Sodium valproate 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Sotalol D 100% 25–50% Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Sparfloxacin D, I 100% 50–75% 50% q48h As for GFR < 10 No data As for GFR 10–50
Spectinomycin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Spironolactone I q6–12h q12–24h Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 Avoid
Stavudine D, I 100% 50% 50% q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q12–24h Give after HD
Streptokinase 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Streptomycin I q24h q24–72h q72–96h 750 mg 2–3/week 20–40 mg/L/day As for GFR 10–50
Streptozotocin D 100% 75% 50% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Succinylcholine 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Sufentanil 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Sulbactam I q6–8h q12–24h q24–48h As for GFR < 10 0.75–1.5 g/day 750 mg q12h
Give after HD
Sulfamethoxazole I q12h q18h q24h 1 g after dialysis 1 g/day As for GFR 10–50
Sulfinpyrazone D 100% 100% Avoid None None As for GFR 10–50
Sulfisoxazole I q6h q8–12h q12–24h 2 g after dialysis 3 g/day NA
Sulindac D 100% 50–100% 50–100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Sulotroban D 50% 30% 10% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tacrolimus 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Tamoxifen 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Tazobactam D 100% 75% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Teicoplanin I q24h q48–72h q72h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Temazepam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Teniposide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Terazosin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Terbutaline D 100% 50% Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Terfenadine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Tetracycline I q8–12h q12–24h q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Thiazides D 100% 100% Avoid As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Thiopental D 100% 100% 75% NA NA NA
Ticarcillin D, I 1–2 g q4h 1–2 g q8h 1–2 g q12h 3 g after dialysis As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Ticlopidine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d

Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Tigecycline 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Timolol 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Tobramycin D, I 60–90% 30–70% 20–30% 2
=3 normal dose 3–4 mg/L/day As for GFR 10–50
q8–12h q12h q24–48h
Tolazamide 100% 100% 100% Unknown Unknown Avoid
Tolbutamide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 Avoid
Tolmetin 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Topiramate D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Topotecan D 75% 50% 25% No data No data No data
Torsemide 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Tramadol D 100% 50–100 mg 50 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q6–12h q12h
Tranexamic acid D 50% 25% 10% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Tranylcypromine D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NA
Trazodone D 100% 100% Avoid/50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Triamcinolone 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Triamterene I q12h q12h Avoid Avoid Avoid Avoid
Triazolam 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Trihexyphenidyl D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Trimethadione I q8h q8–12h q12–24h Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Trimethoprim I q12h 50% q18h 50% q24h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Trimetrexate D 100% 50–100% Avoid No data No data No data
Trimipramine 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 NA
Tripelennamine D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NA
Triprolidine D Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown NA
Tubocurarine D 75% 50% Avoid Unknown Unknown As for GFR 10–50
Urokinase 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Valganciclovir D 50–100% 450 mg 450 mg Avoid Avoid 450 mg q48h
q24–48h 2/week
Vancomycin D, I 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
q6–12h q12–48h q48–96h
Vecuronium 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Venlafaxine D 100% 50% 50% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Verapamil 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Vidarabine D 100% 100% 75% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Infuse after HD
Vigabatrin D 100% 50% 25% As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Vinblastine 100% 100% 100% 100% 2–3/week As for normal As for normal GFR
Give after HD GFR
Vincristine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR

Table 33-1 Drug Dosing in Renal Failure—Cont’d

Dosage Modification/Recommendation
GFR (mL/min)
Drug Method >50 10–50 <10 HD CAPD CRRT
Vinorelbine 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Warfarin 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Zafirlukast 100% 100% 100% As for normal GFR As for normal As for normal GFR
Zalcitabine I 100% q12h q24hAs for GFR < 10 No data As for GFR 10–50
Give after HD
Zidovudine (AZT) D, I 100% q8h 100% q8h 50% q12h As for GFR < 10 As for GFR < 10 As for GFR 10–50
Zileuton 100% 100% 100% As for GFR < 10 Unknown As for GFR 10–50

*Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (see further discussion in the chapter text).

AZT, azidothymidine; CAPD, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; HD, hemodialysis; GFR, glomerular
filtration rate; D, decreasing individual doses; I, increasing individual doses; LPE, linguopharyngeal event; NA, not applicable; t-PA, tissue plasminogen
Chapter 34


Over 300,000 patients in the United States with end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) are on hemodialysis. The annual incidence of
patients entering hemodialysis programs is approximately 250
per 1 million people, representing over 70,000 new patients
per annum. Notably, the prevalence rate for African-American
patients with ESRD is approximately 4 times that of the general
population and 6.5-fold that of the white population.

Morbidity and Mortality of Hemodialysis Patients

As access to hemodialysis has expanded, the number of co-

morbid diseases in patients at initiation of therapy has increased.
Hemodialysis patients typically have high coincident rates of dia-
betes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease,
and chronic lung disease. This results in frequent hospitaliza-
tions, particularly in older patients. Specific risk factors for
admission include being on hemodialysis for less than 1 year, a
hematocrit below 30%, and an inadequate dialysis dose (urea
reduction ratio < 60%). The annual mortality rate for the ESRD
population in the United States is approximately 182 per 1000
patient-years, with cardiovascular disease and infections
accounting for most deaths. The striking mortality rates asso-
ciated with hemodialysis are reflected in the finding that, at age
60, the life expectancy of a hemodialysis patient is only 5 years
compared to 20 years in a healthy individual.



Reducing Co-morbidity
Optimal pre-ESRD management includes treatment strategies
focused on the following clinical issues:
• Strict blood pressure and glycemic control
• Blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
• Management of anemia
704 • Avoidance of nephrotoxins (e.g., radiocontrast agents, NSAIDs)
• Prevention of renal osteodystrophy
• Dietary intervention to minimize malnutrition while
moderating protein intake
IX • Patient education regarding treatment options in ESRD
• Appropriate placement of vascular or peritoneal access
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

• Evaluation for renal transplantation (including pre-emptive

Co-morbid conditions must also be treated with particular
emphasis placed on the management of cardiovascular risk
factors, including the treatment of anemia with erythropoie-
tin. The key to optimal management of the patient with
chronic kidney disease (CKD) is early input from a nephrolo-
gist (once the glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min). Early
management has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortal-
ity rates among patients entering renal replacement programs.

Starting Hemodialysis
Common indications for initiation of hemodialysis in acute
kidney injury include uncontrolled hypertension, pulmonary
edema, acidosis, hyperkalemia, pericarditis, and encephalopa-
thy. These indications should never be reasons for initiating
chronic maintenance hemodialysis, as the goal for patients is a
smooth transition from CKD to ESRD. Although there is no pre-
determined absolute level at which hemodialysis should be
initiated, therapy should be commenced at a level of residual
renal function below which the major symptoms of uremia
supervene. Among the criteria for initiating dialysis are residual
creatinine clearances of 15 and 10 mL/min, which roughly corre-
spond to serum creatinine concentrations of 6 and 8 mg/dL, for
diabetics and nondiabetics, respectively. These are general
guidelines and it may be necessary to initiate hemodialysis ear-
lier in patients who have otherwise uncorrectable symptoms or
signs of renal failure such as nausea and vomiting, weight loss,
intractable congestive heart failure, or hyperkalemia. The rest-
less leg syndrome, asterixis, and a reversal of the sleep-wake
cycle are early neurologic manifestations of uremia. If alternative
explanations for these symptoms and signs cannot be discerned,
they should be indications for initiating dialysis.

Arteriovenous Fistula

Creation of a native vein fistula is the vascular access of choice

in hemodialysis patients. The most commonly used site is at
the wrist, where the cephalic vein is connected to the radial 705
artery. A significant percentage of radial-cephalic fistulas fail
to mature or thombose (25–35%), especially in female, diabetic,
and older hemodialysis patients. An alternative to the radial-
cephalic fistula is a brachiocephalic fistula or a brachiobasilic CH 34
fistula. Because the basilic vein in the upper arm lies under

deep fascia, the vein must be dissected and transposed into a
more convenient subcutaneous position (basilic vein transposi-
tion). Compared with brachiocephalic fistulas, transposed
brachiobasilic fistulas are more likely to mature, but have a
higher long-term thrombosis rate. Better patency for upper
arm fistulas compared with lower arm fistulas or arteriovenous
grafts have been reported, supporting the trend toward creation
of upper arm arteriovenous fistulas as the access of choice in
patients with poor forearm venous anatomy. Preoperative ultra-
sonographic imaging can increase the success rate in the surgical
placement of arteriovenous fistulas. The chosen vein should
be at least 2.5 mm in diameter at the point of anastomosis to
increase the fistula success rate. Another strategy to increase
the prevalence of successful arteriovenous fistulas prevalence
involves ligation of tributary veins when arteriovenous fistulas
fail to mature promptly. The average time to first use of a fistula
is over 8 weeks, and because commencing hemodialysis using
an arteriovenous fistula is associated with better long-term
patient outcomes, timely insertion is essential.

Arteriovenous Grafts
Dialysis arteriovenous grafts made of expanded polytetrafluor-
oethylene (ePTFE) have the advantage of low early thrombosis
rate, surgical ease of placement, and a relatively short time
between access creation and successful cannulation. However,
short-term advantages are more than outweighed by the long-
term increased risk for infection and thrombosis compared to
native vein fistulas. The 1- and 2-year primary patency rates
for ePTFE grafts are only 50% and 25%, respectively. Graft
thrombosis accounts for 80% of all vascular access dysfunction,
and in more than 90% of thrombosed grafts, venous stenosis at
or distal to the graft vein anastomosis is detected. This can be
managed by either surgical revision or balloon angioplasty. Infec-
tion in the graft should be suspected when fever is accompanied
by pain over the graft or evidence of new onset graft dysfunction.
Graft infection should be treated as a matter of clinical urgency
and involves removal of the infected graft combined with
systemic antibiotic therapy for at least 3 weeks. There are no
compelling clinical trial data suggesting a benefit from either
antiplatelet or anticoagulant strategies in the prevention of
arteriovenous graft or fistula thrombosis.
706 Vascular Access Monitoring and Surveillance

Physiologic monitoring of access function may improve clini-

cal outcomes by helping identify patients at risk of arteriove-
IX nous graft failure and facilitating elective correction of
venous stenotic lesions. Approaches include physical exami-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

nation, static and dynamic venous pressure monitoring, vas-

cular access blood flow monitoring, vascular access imaging
by Doppler ultrasound, and measurement of access recircula-
tion. Although fistulography remains the “gold standard” for
assessing access patency, it is not suitable for routine surveil-
lance studies. Indications for fistulography, with or without
angioplasty, include the following clinical findings suggestive
of early venous outflow stenosis:
• Prolonged bleeding from needle puncture sites
• Elevated venous pressures on hemodialysis (>100 mm Hg)
• Edema of the arm
• Evidence of recirculation (>10%)
• Arteriovenous graft flow less than 600 mL or reduced by
25% from baseline
Although venous stenoses develop less frequently and at
a slower rate in patients with native arteriovenous fistulas
compared with arteriovenous grafts, it has been suggested that
vascular access blood flow monitoring has utility in this
patient population as well.

Venous Catheters
Cuffed, tunneled dialysis catheters have the advantage of
immediate usability and relatively easy placement. However,
they are associated with strikingly high rates of patient mor-
bidity. They should only be used as a bridge to use of an arte-
riovenous access or as a permanent vascular access in patients
who have exhausted all other peripheral access options.Tun-
neled catheters are, unsurprisingly, associated with a high
rate of local exit site infections, bacteremia/septicemia (“line
sepsis”), and thrombotic complications. The importance of
line sepsis as a cause of death in ESRD patients cannot be
overemphasized. There is up to a 300-fold higher sepsis mor-
tality rate in all dialysis patients compared with the general
population, and the incidence of catheter-associated blood
stream infection is at least two to four episodes per 1000
patient-catheter days. The clinician needs to be ever vigilant
in the care of the patient with a tunneled line. Clinical find-
ings suggestive of a catheter infection include a fever, tender-
ness over the tunnel or exit site, and rigors during dialysis.
If infection is suspected, intravenous vancomycin and
gentamicin should be administered pending the results of blood 707
cultures. The coverage can be adjusted when the results of
bacteriologic evaluation are available. If infection is confirmed,
the treatment of catheter-related bacteremia is as follows:
• Removal of the catheter with delayed replacement until CH 34
defervescence in patients with severe clinical symptoms

• Catheter exchange by guidewire in patients with minimal
symptoms and normal-appearing tunnel and exit site
• Catheter replacement by guidewire with creation of a new
tunnel in patients with exit site or tunnel infection only
In all cases, patients should be treated with at least 3 weeks
of systemic antibiotic therapy. However, even employing
these conservative strategies, 15% to 20% of patients with
catheter-related bacteremias experience complicated infec-
tions, including osteomyelitis, discitis, endocarditis, and
septic arthritis. Catheter-related bacteremia due to Staphylo-
coccus aureus is particularly associated with metastatic infec-
tion. The use of mupirocin ointment at the catheter exit site
may decrease the incidence of S. aureus–associated bactere-
mias. Attempting to treat catheter-related bacteremia with
antibiotics but without catheter removal is unsuccessful in
most patients. Venous catheters are also subject to frequent
episodes of thrombosis requiring thrombolytic therapy or
replacement of the catheter. The long-term use of cuffed
venous catheters also leads to the development of central
venous stenosis and right atrial thrombi. Because subclavian
vein stenosis may preclude the subsequent successful place-
ment of ipsilateral arteriovenous fistulas or grafts, the use of
subclavian venous catheters is generally contraindicated in
dialysis patients unless used as a last resort.


Dialysis relies on the mass transfer across semipermeable
membranes. The hemodialysis membrane separates the blood
and dialysate compartments. Diffusion, convection, and ultra-
filtration across the membrane are properties that are integral
to the dialysis procedure.
Diffusion: The movement of solutes from one compartment to
another across a semipermeable membrane, relying on a
concentration gradient between the two compartments.
Ultrafiltration: Fluid movement across a semipermeable mem-
brane driven by a hydrostatic pressure gradient.
708 Convection: The movement of solutes by bulk flow in associa-
tion with fluid removal. It is not dependent on concentra-
tion gradients and the magnitude of its contribution to
clearance is directly related to the ultrafiltration rate.
IX Diffusion is the principal mechanism for toxin removal dur-
ing hemodialysis, although convective clearance does contrib-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

ute if ultrafiltration also takes place. Convective clearance is

the mechanism of toxin removal by the depurative process
known as hemofiltration, which is commonly used in the
setting of continuous renal replacement in critically ill patients.

The clearance of a substance is the amount removed from plasma
divided by the average plasma concentration over the time of
measurement. Clearance is expressed in moles or weight of the
substance per volume per time, and can be thought of as the vol-
ume of plasma that can be completely cleared of the substance in
a unit of time. The goals of dialysis are straightforward: to remove
accumulated fluid and toxins. With respect to toxins, the goal is
to maintain their concentrations below the levels at which they
produce uremic symptoms. However, the toxic levels of retained
substances are not used as performance measures for dialysis
because their identities are unknown. Instead, the efficacy of
dialysis is primarily judged by the clearance of urea. Several vari-
ables affect clearance by the dialyzer including blood and dialy-
sate flow rates, dialyzer surface area, dialytic time, and the
inherent transport characteristics of the membrane for high-
and low-molecular-weight substances (Table 34-1).

Hemodialysis Membranes: Effects and

The surface area, surface charge, and pore size are properties
of the membrane that directly govern the molecules that can
diffuse from blood to the dialysate. Virtually all of the com-
mercial dialyzers available in the United States are configured
as large cylinders packed with hollow fibers, known as
hollow-fiber dialyzers. Blood flows within the hollow fibers,
and dialysate flows outside and around these fibers, generally
in a countercurrent fashion, whereby dialysate flow is in
opposite direction to blood flow. Dialyzer membranes may
be composed of one of three basic types based on the struc-
tural compound used in the synthesis of the membrane:
Cellulose: These polysaccharide-based membranes are manu-
factured from cotton fibers. They are low flux and are con-
sidered “bioincompatible” (see later).
Table 34-1 Factors Influencing Clearance by the Dialyzer
Charge CH 34

Protein binding
Volume of distribution
Procedure-Related (in Order of Importance)
High-Molecular-Weight Toxin
Dialysate composition*
Blood flow
Dialysate flow
Membrane surface area
Low-Molecular-Weight Toxin
Membrane surface area
Blood flow
Dialysate flow
Dialysate composition*
*For potassium, calcium, sodium, and total CO2, this factor is nonapplicable.

Semisynthetic: These cellulosic membranes are modified by the

addition of a synthetic material to increase biocompatibility.
Synthetic: Synthetic membranes may be composed of polyac-
rylonitrile (PAN), polysulfone (PS), polymethylmethacry-
late (PMMA), or polyamide (PA). They are generally more
biocompatible than cellulose-based membranes and have
higher permeability and flux characteristics.
During hemodialysis, patients may experience a number of
reactions that are a direct consequence of establishing the
extracorporeal circuit. The number and severity of these reac-
tions define the degree of dialysis biocompatibility. The clini-
cal manifestations of bioincompatibilty include chest and
back pain, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, and hypotension. More
severe anaphylactic reactions are fortunately rare and usually
reflect contamination with bacterial peptides. Complement
activation through the alternative pathway, with generation
of the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a, mediate most of the effects
of bioincompatibility.
710 Water Treatment

Hemodialysis (HD) patients are exposed to as much as 600 L of

dialysis water a week—and to all its potential contaminants.
IX Although water treatment systems used by dialysis centers pro-
duce high-quality water for safe dialysis, water treatment sys-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

tems are susceptible to malfunction or to user error. Numerous

reports of patient injury or death have been linked to improperly
treated or inadequately monitored water used for HD. High levels
of aluminum sulfate in dialysate water have been linked to bone
disease (osteomalacia and aplastic bone disease) and dialysis-
associated encephalopathy (dialysis dementia). Chloramines,
used as bactericidal agents in treatment of municipal water,
denature hemoglobin by oxidation and inhibition of the hexose
monophosphate shunt. Chloramine exposure during dialysis
has been associated with hemolysis, Heinz-body hemolytic ane-
mia, and methemoglobinemia.

Essential Components of Water Purification

Filters remove particulate matter from the water. Sand filters
remove particles of 25 to 100 mm, cartridge filters extract par-
ticles of 1 to 100 mm, and submicron filters remove particles
as small as 0.25 mm. In general, 5-mm filters are usually
accepted as adequate protection for equipment and water
Water softeners, often sodium-containing cation-exchange
resins, can remove calcium, magnesium, and other polyvalent
cations from the feed water. Granular activated-carbon filters
(GAC) absorb chlorine, chloramines, and other organic sub-
stances from the water. Reverse osmosis (RO) applies high
hydrostatic pressure to a solution across a semipermeable
membrane to prepare a purified solvent. RO rejects 90% to
99% of monovalent and divalent ions and microbiologic con-
taminants, producing water safe for dialysis.


The goal of hemodialysis in patients with ESRD is to restore
the body’s intracellular and extracellular fluid environment
to the greatest extent possible toward that of healthy indivi-
duals with functioning kidneys. The prescription for an indi-
vidual hemodialysis session must take into account an
examination and physiologic assessment of individual patient
needs to achieve these goals. The variables in the hemodialy-
sis procedure that may be manipulated by the physician on
the basis of clinical assessment include the following:
• Choosing the type of dialyzer 711
• Establishing blood and dialysate flows
• Prescribing the time for the dialysis procedure
• Prescribing the dialysate composition
• Determining the frequency of the dialysis procedure CH 34
• Determining the intensity of anticoagulation of the extracor-

poreal circuit

Dialyzer Choice

The three most critical determinants in making a decision

about the choice of dialyzer are its solute clearance capacity,
ultrafiltration capacity, and biocompatibility. The ideal hemo-
dialysis membrane would have high clearance of low- and
middle-molecular-weight uremic toxins, negligible loss of
vital solutes, and adequate ultrafiltration capacity, in an effort
to maximize efficiency and reduce adverse metabolic effects
from the hemodialysis procedure. Additional characteristics
of the ideal dialyzer would be a low blood volume compart-
ment, beneficial biocompatibility effects, high reliability, and
low cost. The capacity for fluid removal by a dialyzer is
described by its ultrafiltration coefficient, which correlates
directly with its permeability. A low ultrafiltration coefficient
implies a low permeability to water and vice versa.

Anticoagulation for Hemodialysis

The most widely used anticoagulant for dialysis is heparin.
For most patients, heparin is administered systemically dur-
ing the dialysis procedure as a single bolus or incrementally
during the dialysis treatment. In routine hemodialysis prac-
tice, the intensity of anticoagulation is not measured, but in
some circumstances, the activated clotting time (ACT) is
used. A simple method used is the systemic administration
of heparin 50 to 100 U/kg at the initiation of dialysis, fre-
quently followed by a bolus of 100 U/hour. When ACT is
being measured, the target ACT is approximately 50% above
baseline values. In fractional anticoagulation, a smaller ini-
tial bolus of heparin is administered (10–50 U/kg), followed
by an infusion of 500 to 1000 U/hour. Fractional hepariniza-
tion can be used to achieve less intensive anticoagulation, in
which the target ACT is maintained at 25% (fractional) or
15% (tight fractional) above the baseline value. This
approach is generally reserved for patients at higher risk of
bleeding complications (see later discussion). For patients
at high risk for bleeding, heparin is occasionally admin-
istered as regional anticoagulation, in which only the
712 extracorporeal dialyzer circuit is anticoagulated by adminis-
tering heparin into the arterial line and protamine into the
venous line. As an alternative to regional anticoagulation
for patients at high risk for bleeding, dialysis may be per-
IX formed without any anticoagulation. Using the saline flush
technique, hemodialysis is initiated at a high blood flow rate
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

to reduce thrombogenicity, and the dialyzer is flushed every

15 to 60 minutes with 50 mL of saline. This technique is
not likely to be successful when high blood flow rates are
not attainable and when a high ultrafiltration rate is required.
For patients at high risk for serious adverse events from
hemorrhage, the following guidelines are recommended:
Heparin-free dialysis (including regional anticoagulation)
Significant bleeding risk
Within 7 days of major operative procedure (14 days if
Within 72 hours of visceral organ biopsy
A major surgical procedure anticipated within 8 hours after
Fractional anticoagulation
More than 7 days after major surgery
More than 72 hours after visceral organ biopsy
Dialysis within 8 hours prior to a surgical procedure

Blood and Dialysate Flow

The blood flow and dialysate flow rates are critical elements of
the dialysis prescription that can be altered to modify solute
clearance. Blood and dialysate flow rates typically range from
300 to 500 mL/min and 500 to 800 mL/min, respectively. Stud-
ies have demonstrated that the practical upper limit of effective
dialysate flow is twice the blood flow rate, beyond which the
gain in solute removal is minimal. In clinical practice, the
efficacy of angioaccess may affect solute clearance obtained at
a given prescribed blood flow rate. Should venous outflow be
restricted, there is an increased likelihood of backflow (called
recirculation) from the venous to the arterial side of the access,
so that “dialyzed” blood re-enters the dialytic circuit, thereby
decreasing the efficiency of solute clearance.
The fractional recirculation (R) is calculated using the

R ¼ Cs  Ca=Cs  Cv

In this equation, Cs, Ca, and Cv are the concentrations (C) of

the measured solute in systemic (s), arterial line (a), and
venous (v) blood. Recirculation is measured as follows: after
arterial line and venous line samples are obtained during 713
dialysis, the blood flow is abruptly reduced to 50 mL/min,
the dialysate flow turned off, and a peripheral sample
obtained from the arterial line after 150% of the volume from
the needle to the sample point has been cleared (usually CH 34
between 20 and 30 seconds). A recirculation rate of more

than 10% is considered significant and mandates evaluation
of the vascular access.

Dialysis Time
The clearance of any solute, such as urea, can be increased by
lengthening the dialysis treatment. Because the typical dialy-
sis prescription emphasizes optimal blood and dialysate
flows and the selection of dialyzers with large mass transfer
coefficient characteristics, the duration of dialysis is often
the sole variable that can be used to augment solute clearance
during an individual dialysis session. However, because diffu-
sive solute clearance depends on solute concentration on the
blood side, the efficiency of solute removal declines over the
course of the dialysis procedure. A longer duration of the dial-
ysis procedure also allows for a lower net ultrafiltration rate
per hour for a given targeted ultrafiltration goal. This may
result in fewer intradialytic symptoms such as hypotension
and cramping.

Dialysate Composition
The sodium concentration of the dialysate plays a crucial role
in determining cardiovascular stability during hemodialysis.
Historically, the dialysate sodium concentration was main-
tained at hyponatremic levels (130–135 mEq/L) to favor diffu-
sive sodium loss during the dialysis procedure. However, this
favored fluid shifts from the extracellular to the intracellular
space, thereby exacerbating the plasma volume–depleting
effects of hemodialysis. In addition, the osmolar changes and
fluid shifts resulted in a high incidence of dialysis disequilib-
rium, characterized by headaches, nausea, vomiting, and in
severe cases, seizures. As a consequence, hyponatric dialysate
has largely been abandoned. The current standard is to have a
dialysate sodium concentration close to that of plasma. The
prescription of high-sodium dialysate has become a common
practice in an attempt to reduce intradialytic hypotension.
Unfortunately, this approach may lead to polydipsia,
increased interdialytic weight gain, and increased interdialy-
tic hypertension, thereby offsetting the beneficial effects of
714 increased intradialytic hemodynamic stability. Therefore,
strategies have evolved that involve varying the dialysate
sodium concentration over the course of a dialysis session,
referred to as sodium modeling. Sodium modeling is often
IX performed either in a stepwise fashion, in which the initial
dialysate sodium concentration is greater than or equal to
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

145 mEq/L and then abruptly reduced during the second half
of the dialysis session, or reduced gradually over the course
of the dialysis session (linear sodium modeling). Although
sodium modeling can reduce the frequency of hypotension
during dialysis, it is unclear whether this technique offers
any advantage over a fixed dialysate sodium concentration of
140 to 145 mEq/L.

The fractional decline in the plasma potassium concentration
during hemodialysis is proportionately greater when there is
a higher predialysis potassium concentration. However, the
flux of potassium from the intracellular compartment to the
extracellular space lags behind the transfer of potassium
across the dialysis membrane. Hence, after the hemodialysis
session, there is an increase in the plasma potassium concen-
tration of approximately 30% over 4 to 5 hours due to move-
ment of potassium from the intracellular to the extracellular
space. Most of the cardiac arrhythmias that arise from the
fall in the serum potassium concentration occur during the
first half of the dialysis session. It is important to realize that
it is the rapidity of the fall in plasma potassium concentra-
tion, rather than the absolute plasma potassium level, that
determines the risk for interdialytic cardiac arrhythmias.
The selection of a dialysate potassium concentration is
empirical and guided by patient-specific factors. Generally,
a dialysate potassium concentration of 1 to 3 mEq/L is used
in most patients. Patients who have excessive potassium
loads from diet, medications, hemolysis, tissue breakdown,
or gastrointestinal bleeding may require a lower dialysate
potassium concentration. Low dialysate potassium concen-
trations should be used with caution, however, as an analysis
has found an association between low dialysate potassium
concentrations and sudden cardiac death in outpatient
hemodialysis patients.

Given the use of calcium-based phosphate binders and the
aggressive use of vitamin D analogs, a standard dialysate cal-
cium concentration of 2.5 to 3 mEq/L is preferred in order to
prevent interdialytic hypercalcemia and elevations in the cal-
cium phosphate product, which are associated with vascular
Buffers 715
Hemodialysis therapy cannot remove large quantities of free
hydrogen ions because their low concentration in the blood
precludes the development of a sufficiently large concentra-
tion gradient. As a result, correction of the acidosis is largely CH 34
achieved by using a dialysate with a higher concentration of

bicarbonate than is present in the blood (30–40 mmol/L), pro-
moting flux of base from the dialysate into the blood. Higher
dialysate bicarbonate concentrations are sometimes used to
fully correct metabolic acidosis due to the adverse effects of
metabolic acidosis on protein catabolism and nutritional sta-
tus in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Acetate-based dia-
sylates are no longer in routine use.

In general, an optimal dialysate glucose concentration is 100 to
200 mg/dL for most patients. However, in diabetic patients, insulin
doses may require adjustment to account for this dialysis-imposed
“glucose clamp,” in which levels of plasma glucose may be kept
constant during dialysis due to the concentration in the dialysate.

Dialysate Temperature
Dialysate temperature is generally maintained between 36.5 C
and 38 C at the inlet of the dialyzer. Under normal circum-
stances, there is an increase in body temperature during dial-
ysis due to ultrafiltration-induced volume contraction during
hemodialysis, which results in peripheral vasoconstriction,
which in turn limits peripheral heat loss. Eventually, there is
a reflex dilatation of peripheral blood vessels, which allows
heat to escape but reduces peripheral vascular resistance,
resulting in an intradialytic fall in blood pressure. This led to
the suggestion that lowering dialysate solution temperature
might permit increased hemodynamic stability in hypoten-
sion-prone dialysis patients. Clinical trials have demonstrated
that the provision of low temperature dialysis (35 C) improves
cardiovascular stability during hemodialysis.

Ultrafiltration Rate

Modern dialysis machines possess ultrafiltration control systems

that allow remarkably precise titration of the ultrafiltration
presciption. Prescription of the ultrafiltration rate in mainte-
nance hemodialysis patients is generally based on an assessment
of estimated dry weight. Dry weight is defined as the lowest
weight a patient can tolerate without the development of signs
or symptoms of intravascular hypovolemia. Tolerance of the
716 ultrafiltration rate during hemodialysis is largely determined by
the rate of vascular refilling from the interstitium. Efforts to mini-
mize intradialytic volume depletion include online hematocrit
monitoring, which estimates blood volume changes during dialy-
IX sis, thereby allowing appropriate adjustment of ultrafiltration
rates before the development of overt hypotension. An additional
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

approach involves the use of variable ultrafiltration rates during

the hemodialysis procedure, known as ultrafiltration modeling.
Studies suggest that combining sodium and ultrafiltration profil-
ing may significantly reduce hemodialysis-related symptoms.


Multiple lines of evidence implicate inadequate dialysis prescrip-

tions and underdelivery of the prescribed dose of dialysis as cen-
tral factors responsible for the high mortality rate seen in ESRD.
Monitoring the delivered dose of dialysis has, therefore, become
a central facet of the management of patients with ESRD. How-
ever, the task of assessing treatment adequacy by indexing the
dose of dialysis to a simple plasma level of urea or creatinine is
unhelpful. In the first instance, they are not the major uremic tox-
ins, and in addition the plasma levels reflect not only dialysis
clearance but also nutritional intake and muscle mass. Therefore,
clinicians have related the measured clearance of urea to outcome
using one of two well-accepted methods (urea kinetic modeling):
• Kt/VUrea
• Urea reduction ratio
Kt/V describes the fractional clearance of urea (Kt) as a func-
tion of its volume of distribution (V), where K equals the dia-
lyzer clearance of urea (a function of the K0A urea and the
blood and dialysate flows) and t is the time on dialysis. The
Kt/V is related to the pre- and postdialysis urea levels. Both
urea generation and fluid removal during dialysis increase the
postdialysis blood urea nitrogen (BUN). As a result, models that
ignore urea generation and volume changes yield a lower value
for Kt/V, and it appears that dialysis has been less efficient. The
more complex models take into account urea generation rates
during dialysis, dialysis-induced changes in total body water,
and urea rebound after dialysis. A useful formula for calculat-
ing the Kt/V is as follows:

Kt=V ¼  ln ðR  0:008  tÞ  ð4  3:5  RÞ  UF=W

where ln is the natural logarithm, R is the post/predialysis urea

ratio, t is the time (in hours) of the dialysis session length, UF is
ultrafiltration volume removed during the dialysis session (in
liters), and W is the postdialysis patient weight (in kilograms).
Great care should be taken in drawing the postdialysis urea 717
level as this is central to the accurate estimation of the Kt/V.
Both cardiopulmonary and access recirculation can signifi-
cantly affect the BUN level drawn from the arterial inflow
port. In order to avoid this potential source of error, the blood CH 34
flow pump should be slowed to 50 mL/min for 1 to 2 minutes

prior to drawing the sample from the “arterial” inflow access
port at the end of dialysis. The value obtained from the forego-
ing formula is known as a single pool, nonequilibrated Kt/V. A
postdialysis blood urea level drawn 30 to 60 minutes after
dialysis will be higher because of the equilibration of intracel-
lular and blood urea levels. A value derived from this figure is
known as a double pool, equilibrated Kt/V. The difference
between these two values is usually greater with shorter dial-
ysis treatment times; on average, however, the equilibrated
Kt/V is 0.2 Kt/V units lower than the single pool Kt/V. Despite
the apparent significance of the figure, clinical studies evalu-
ating the importance of Kt/V have used the single pool,
unequilibrated approach.
The simpler method for quantifying the delivered dose of
hemodialysis is the urea reduction ratio (URR) (i.e., predialy-
sis BUN  postdialysis BUN/predialysis BUN). The URR
depends exclusively on the changes that occur in urea levels
during intermittent hemodialysis. Although URR has been
shown to correlate with survival in a fashion similar to
Kt/V and is recognized by Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) guidelines as a valid index of
hemodialysis adequacy, Kt/V is a more precise index of small
molecule clearance.

Clinical Importance of Kt/V and URR

Evidence supporting the importance of measuring the clear-
ance of urea derives from the National Cooperative Dialysis
Study (NCDS). The NCDS suggested that removal of urea
strongly predicted morbidity and that urea kinetic modeling
could be used to guide the dosing of hemodialysis in individ-
ual patients. Although the primary results of the NCDS were
not expressed in terms of Kt/V, subsequent retrospective
analysis suggested that a Kt/V of less than 0.8 or a URR below
0.5 were associated with a significant rise in all-cause patient
mortality rate. Although the NCDS was able to define a dose
of dialysis below which an unacceptable number of complica-
tions occur, it was not designed to define an optimal level of
dialysis beyond which no further improvement was realized.
In order to try to determine the optimal dialysis dose, the
National Institutes of Health initiated a multicenter, prospec-
tive, randomized trial to assess the impact of the dialysis
718 prescription on morbidity and mortality rates of hemodialysis
patients, namely, the Hemodialysis (HEMO) Study. An equili-
brated Kt/V of 1.05 was compared with an equilibrated Kt/V of
1.45, comparable on average to single pool Kt/V of 1.25 and
IX 1.65, respectively. The effect on mortality and morbidity rates
of high-flux versus low-flux dialyzers was also compared.
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

All-cause mortality rate was the primary outcome; secondary

outcomes included all hospitalizations not related to vascular
access, and the composite end-points of first hospitalization
for cardiac causes or death from any cause, first hospitaliza-
tion for infection or death from any cause, and first decline of
more than 15% from baseline in the serum albumin level or
death from any cause. The primary outcome, death from any
cause, was not influenced by the dialysis dose or the dialyzer
flux assignment. The main secondary outcomes, as outlined
above, also did not differ between the dose or flux groups.
Subgroup analysis suggested that females randomized to the
high-dose hemodialysis group had a lower risk of death. Sub-
jects with a longer length of time on hemodialysis at entry into
the study also had a lower mortality rate if they were allocated
to the high-flux arm of the study.
Based on the above data, current K/DOQI guidelines man-
date a single pool Kt/V of at least 1.2 for both adult and pedi-
atric hemdialysis patients (or an average URR > 65%).
However, it would appear prudent to provide a margin above
the minimal dose to protect the patient from receiving less
dialysis than intended, due to factors that result in lower than
intended clearance including suboptimal blood flows, poor
blood pump calibration, poor access function, or premature
treatment termination. Of note, the HEMO Study should not
be used as a justification to reduce hemodialysis time, nor is
it possible to conclude from the HEMO Study that minimizing
time while maintaining an “acceptable” Kt/V is justified.


The results of the HEMO Study can only be applied to thrice-
weekly hemodialysis as it is practiced in the United States.
Worldwide, there is increasing interest in different treatment
times and frequencies designed to improve the clearance of
larger substances with a view to improving mortality and mor-
bidity rates. The removal of high-molecular-weight substances
depends on porosity and on the length of the dialysis treat-
ment. It is possible to argue that, for the full benefit of these
membranes to be realized, longer treatment times than those
employed in the HEMO Study are required. Alternative
approaches include the following:
Short, daily hemodialysis (DHD) involves five to seven 719
treatments per week, each lasting 1.5 to 2.5 hours, and the
use of high-flux biocompatible membranes at blood flow rates
higher than 400 mL/min and dialysate flow rates of 500 to
800 mL/min. This form of therapy has been associated with CH 34
significant improvement in serum albumin, calcium phos-

phate, and volume control in small scale studies. No mortality
data is available.
Nocturnal hemodialysis (NHD) is also performed five to
seven times per week, with each treatment lasting 6 to 8 hours
and using biocompatible membranes at blood flow rate of 200
to 300 mL/min and dialysate flows of 200 to 300 mL/min.
Although the number of patients studied has been rather lim-
ited, multiple lines of evidence suggest that significant
improvements in nitrogen intake, caloric intake, and serum
albumin result. Once again, convincing outcome data are lack-
ing; however, one report described the use of NHD in children
with growth retardation and failure to thrive on peritoneal
dialysis: treatment with NHD was well tolerated and resulted
in improved nutritional status and quality of life and catch-
up growth.
Slow, long hemodialysis is given thrice weekly, with blood
flow rates of 200 to 250 mL/min and a dialysis time of 6 to
8 hours. The single pool Kt/V is typically 1.6 to 1.8. This
procedure is practiced in Tassin, France, and has been
associated with improvements in blood pressure control and
better overall nutritional status.


Infection and Immunity

Infection is the second leading cause of death in hemodialysis

(10–20%) after cardiovascular disease, with septicemia
accounting for more than 75% of these infectious deaths. Risk
factors for septicemia in hemodialysis patients include older
age, diabetes mellitus, hypoalbuminemia, temporary vascular
access, and the reprocessing of dialyzers. Clinical data demon-
strate that central venous catheters are a major source of bacte-
rial colonization and infection in hemodialysis patients
compared with patients using arteriovenous grafts or arterio-
venous fistulas. Most infections in hemodialysis patients are
caused by common catalase-producing bacteria such as Staph-
ylococcus species, rather than opportunistic infections. There
is increasing concern about the development of antibiotic
resistance in hemodialysis patients. The frequent occurrence
of methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections over time has led
720 to the frequent use of vancomycin to treat suspected and
proven septicemia. This, in turn, has led to the emergence of
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) infections in many
dialysis units.
IX Viral infections are also common in hemodialysis patients.
The frequency of hepatitis B infection has fallen as a result of
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

the introduction of recombinant erythropoietin coupled with

the availability of the hepatitis B vaccine, but infections still
occur. Hemodialysis patients may acquire hepatitis B infection
from community sources, from transmission in hemodialysis
centers due to inadequate infection control precautions, or from
accidental breaks in infection control technique. The hepatitis
C virus (HCV) has become the most important cause of liver dis-
ease among hemodialysis patients and is also a major concern
for hemodialysis staff. The prevalence of anti-HCV antibody
positivity in hemodialysis units varies from 5% to 40%. The
clinical course of HCV infection in hemodialysis patients tends
to be chronic and indolent, with a characteristic fluctuating
course and multiple peaks and troughs in alanine aminotrans-
ferase levels. Current recommendations are that hemodialysis
patients should be considered a high-risk population for HCV
infection and should undergo periodic screening. Isolation of
HCV carriers within the hemodialysis unit is not recommended
beyond standard universal precautions. Although most hemo-
dialysis patients with HCV infection remain asymptomatic over
a long period, identified patients should be instructed to avoid
additional hepatic toxins, including alcohol consumption and
potentially hepatotoxic medications. Antiviral therapy with
interferon-a is recommended for selected categories of HCV-
infected hemodialysis patients. HIV infection appears to be
increasing in hemodialysis patients. According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2000, 1.5% of hemodial-
ysis patients had HIV infection, and 0.4% had AIDS. There is no
contraindication to highly active antiretroviral therapy in the
dialysis population.
All hemodialysis patients should receive the hepatitis B,
pneumococcal, and influenza vaccines. Patients with CKD
should receive three doses of recombinant hepatitis B vac-
cine as early in the course of renal disease as possible as only
50% to 75% of dialysis patients develop protective antibody
levels against hepatitis B surface antigen compared with
more than 90% of healthy adults. Revaccination with up to
three additional doses is recommended for those hemodialy-
sis patients who do not develop protective antibody levels.
Anti-hepatitis B surface antigen testing is recommended
1 to 2 months after vaccination of hemodialysis patients to
demonstrate protective antibody levels. Additional postvac-
cination testing is recommended annually. A booster dose
is recommended if the anti-hepatitis B surface antigen titer
falls below 10 mU/mL. A single dose of the 23-valent pneu- 721
mococcal polysaccharide vaccine is recommended intramus-
cularly or subcutaneously for all dialysis patients older than
2 years of age. Revaccination is recommended 3 years after
the previous dose for children and after at least 5 years in CH 34
adults. The influenza vaccine is recommended annually for

hemodialysis patients because of an increased risk for
influenza-related death. Household members and health care
workers in contact with hemodialysis patients should also be
vaccinated annually to decrease influenza transmission rates.
The influenza vaccine is also recommended for children on
Vaccines routinely administered in childhood (i.e., measles,
mumps, and rubella vaccines; varicella vaccine; inactivated
poliovirus vaccine; diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine;
and Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccine) are
generally recommended for children on hemodialysis. Oral
poliovirus vaccine, which is no longer available in the United
States, is not recommended because of a theoretical risk of
producing paralytic poliomyelitis.
The pathogenesis and management of anemia, cardiovascu-
lar disease, calciphylaxis, and nutrition in the dialysis popu-
lation are discussed in detail in Chapter 27, Cardiovascular
Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease; Chapter 28, Hematologic
Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease and Erythropoietin
Therapy; Chapter 30, Mineral Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney
Disease; and Chapter 31, Diet and Kidney Disease.

Hemodialysis is a relatively safe procedure, with an estimated
1 death in 75,000 treatments as a result of technical error. The
age of the patient; the presence of underlying medical conditions
such as diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, or congestive
heart failure; and the patient’s degree of compliance with a com-
plex medical regimen necessary in end-stage disease influence
the frequency and severity of adverse events.

Hypotension is the most common acute complication of hemodi-
alysis (Table 34-2). The incidence of hypotension in the dialysis
population ranges between 15% and 30%. During ultrafiltration,
a protein-free ultrafiltrate of plasma is removed from the intravas-
cular space. The resultant rise in plasma oncotic pressure causes
fluid to move from the interstitial and intracellular spaces to
replenish plasma volume. Hypotension results when the rate of
intravascular volume depletion exceeds the rate of refilling of
Table 34-2 Causes of Intradialytic Hypotension
Common Causes
High ultrafiltration rate (>1 L/hr)
IX Excessive interdialytic weight gain
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Inappropriately low “dry weight”

Rapid reduction in plasma osmolality
Autonomic neuropathy
Diabetes mellitus
Underlying cardiac dysfunction
Diastolic dysfunction
Systolic dysfunction
b-Blockers, alpha-blockers, nitrates, calcium channel blockers
Food ingestion during dialysis (splanchnic vasodilation)
Uncommon Causes
Myocardial infarction
Pericardial tamponade
Dialyzer reaction
Occult hemorrhage
Adenosine release due to tissue ischemia
Acetate-based dialysate

this space, especially if total peripheral resistance and cardiac

output cannot compensate for the loss of intravascular volume.
Very large interdialytic weight gains cannot easily be removed
during a typical treatment (usually lasting between 3.5 and 4
hours), even in the presence of volume overload, because the
refilling of intravascular space is time dependent. Hypotension
is probable with ultrafiltration rates in excess of 1.5 L/hour.
Hypotension can also occur when the weight of the patient is at
or below the “estimated dry weight,” when volume shifts are
no longer able to compensate for intravascular depletion, and to
maintain blood pressure. The estimated dry weight of a patient
may be defined as that weight below which the patient develops
symptomatic hypotension, in the absence of edema and exces-
sive interdialytic weight gains.
The composition of the dialysate can influence blood pres-
sure in several ways. Sodium and calcium concentrations
and the temperature of the dialysis fluid are among the factors 723
that influence the frequency of hypotension during dialysis.
The process of diffusion also leads to a decline in plasma
osmolality because of removal of solutes from the patient.
The magnitude of the fall in effective plasma osmolality CH 34
ranges between 10 and 25 mOsm/kg. The fall in plasma osmo-

lality creates an osmotic gradient between the plasma and the
interstitial and intracellular spaces. Fluid moves from the
plasma into cells and the interstitium, resulting in a reduction
in plasma volume. This intravascular volume loss is superim-
posed on volume removed by ultrafiltration, and its magni-
tude can be as much as 1 to 1.5 L during the treatment. This
shift is opposed by an increase in oncotic pressure induced
by ultrafiltration. Increases in the concentration of sodium,
the principal osmotic agent in the dialysate, reduce this
osmotic gradient. The frequency of hypotension reported at a
dialysate sodium concentration of 140 mEq/L is substantially
lower than the frequency at 130 mEq/L. An increase in inter-
dialytic hypertension has not been a major problem at the
higher sodium concentration and the use of dialysate with a
sodium concentration of 140 mEq/L is common. The calcium
concentration of the dialysate has also been shown to affect
myocardial contractility. Higher calcium concentrations in
the dialysate, up to a concentration of 3.5 mEq/L, have been
associated with improved contractility, independent of the
nature of other factors in the dialysate. However, with the
increasing use of calcium salts to prevent hyperphosphatemia,
hypercalcemia is seen more often when the calcium concen-
tration of dialysate is this high. Dialysate temperature has
been shown to affect blood pressure during hemodialysis.
Dialysate cooled to 35 C reduces the frequency of hypotensive
episodes because vasoconstriction is potentiated at this
Patients undergoing hemodialysis are often receiving anti-
hypertensive agents or other medications that can interfere
with the normal hemodynamic response to ultrafiltration and
loss of blood volume into the dialytic circuit. b-Adrenergic
receptor blockers reduce myocardial contractility and prevent
a compensatory increase in the heart rate, thus interfering
with a major defense supporting blood pressure during
dialysis. Verapamil can be expected to exert a similar effect.
Vasodilators can prevent vasoconstriction in response to
ultrafiltration. The development of several antihypertensive
agents formulated to be administered orally as a single
daily dose or by a transdermal delivery system (nifedipine
and clonidine, respectively) has reduced the incidence of
drug-induced hypotension. These agents are generally well
tolerated and may often be used on dialysis days because
high peak levels are avoided. Nitroglycerin ointment can
724 often aggravate the propensity for hypotension by inducing
peripheral vasodilatation.

Management of Hypotension
IX The immediate management of hypotension is achieved by
placing the patient in the Trendelenburg position, administer-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

ing 100 to 200 mL of normal saline as a bolus, and reducing

the ultrafiltration rate, at least temporarily. Alternatives to
saline include mannitol or albumin administration. Supple-
mental oxygen also may be useful to improve hypoxemia
and cardiac contractility in some patients. The next step is
to evaluate the cause of hypotension. This involves deter-
mining whether hypotension occurs early or late in the treat-
ment period. The most common cause of hypotension in a
previously stable patient, who is free from edema and signs
of congestive heart failure and where hypotension occurs late
in the treatment, is underestimation of the patient’s dry
weight. Reducing the amount of ultrafiltration during hemo-
dialysis, effectively raising the postdialysis dry weight, cor-
rects the hypotension. In contrast, the patient with
excessive intradialytic weight gains may become hypoten-
sive before the dry weight is achieved because the rate at
which fluid can be mobilized to refill the intravascular space
is limited. In this instance, dialysis time or frequency may
need to be increased to allow removal of all necessary fluid
at a tolerable rate. Whenever possible, doses of short-acting
antihypertensive medication should not be administered at
least 4 hours before the hemodialysis treatment. Many of
the long-acting blood pressure medications can be taken at
bedtime to avoid peak concentrations during dialysis. In
patients with frequent hypotension early into the treatment,
pericarditis with tamponade must be suspected.
A multifaceted approach often can prevent hypotension.
Sodium and ultrafiltration modeling can be applied to the
treatment. The newer dialysis machines have programs that
permit the dialysate sodium or the ultrafiltration rate, or
both, to be automatically changed during the treatment. The
dialysate sodium level can be gradually altered during the
treatment from an initial concentration of 150 to 140 mEq/L,
allowing easier mobilization of fluid during the treatment.
Most dialysis machines allow dialysate temperature to be
easily lowered to 35 C. At this dialysate temperature, ther-
mal energy is transferred from the patient to the dialysate,
and the resultant vasoconstriction raises blood pressure.
For patients with persistent hypotension or autonomic
insufficiency, the oral a1-adrenergic agonist midodrine can
be prescribed. A dose of 5 to 10 mg given 30 to 60 minutes
before hemodialysis has proved effective in reducing the
incidence of hypotension in small-scale studies.
Cramps 725

Muscle cramps occur in as many as 20% of dialysis treatments.

Although their pathogenesis is uncertain, cramps are associated
with high ultrafiltration rates and low dialysate sodium con- CH 34
centrations, indicating that cramps are caused by acute extra-

cellular volume contraction. Cramps are managed by reducing
the ultrafiltration rate and administering normal saline
(200 mL) or small volumes (5 mL) of 23% hypertonic saline,
or 50% dextrose in water (D50W). In nondiabetic patients,
D50W is especially useful, particularly near the conclusion of
the dialysis treatment, because as glucose is metabolized,
hyperosmolality and intravascular volume expansion in the
postdialysis period are avoided. The pain resulting from very
severe cramps may be alleviated by administration of agents
such as diazepam but at the risk of increased hypotension.
Quinine sulfate, an agent that increases the refractory period
and excitability of skeletal muscle, is effective in preventing
cramping if administered 1 to 2 hours before dialysis com-
mences. Patients using quinine must be observed for the devel-
opment of thrombocytopenia. In patients with excessive weight
gains, dialysis time must be increased to prevent cramps during
attempts to achieve the patient’s dry weight.

Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome

Dialysis disequilibrium refers to a constellation of symptoms
including nausea and vomiting, restlessness, headaches, and
fatigue during hemodialysis or in the immediate postdialysis
period. Severe disequilibrium may result in life-threatening
emergencies, including seizures, coma, and arrhythmias.
These symptoms are believed to arise from rapid rates of
change in solute concentration and pH in the central nervous
system. Dialysis disequilibrium is most commonly seen in
situations in which the initial solute concentrations are very
high and the rate at which they decline is rapid, as may occur
during the first few hemodialysis sessions in a uremic patient.
Milder symptoms may occur in patients in chronic mainte-
nance hemodialysis, particularly if noncompliant behavior
has resulted in missed or shortened treatments. In particular,
shorter treatment times, possible because of high-clearance
dialyzers (high-efficiency and high-flux dialyzers), may lead
to symptoms in smaller individuals who have low urea
During the initiation of a new patient to hemodialysis,
measures that reduce the rate of osmolar change are helpful.
The use of smaller-surface-area dialyzers, reduced rates of
blood flow, and maintenance of the direction of flow of
726 dialysate in the same direction as blood flow (rather than
the customary countercurrent configuration), are measures
that can be employed to lower solute clearance rates and
reduce symptoms. Daily dialysis for 3 to 4 days with gradual
IX increases in dialysis time and blood flow often prevents
symptoms and signs of disequilibrium. The dialysis should
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

aim for a URR of less than 40%. Patients at particularly high

risk for disequilibrium (BUN > 150 mg/dL [50 mmol/L]) can
receive prophylactic mannitol (12.5 g of hypertonic manni-
tol) at the start of the hemodialysis session and hourly there-
after until the end of the treatment. A high dialysate sodium
level (e.g., 145 mg/L) may also be helpful. In the setting
of severe headache, seizures, or obtundation, the dialysis
procedure should be immediately terminated. Intravenous
administration of mannitol (12.5 g of hypertonic mannitol)
or diazepam is useful in treating seizures caused by

Arrhythmias and Angina

Patients with ESRD frequently have several predisposing

factors for arrhythmias including a high prevalence of
ischemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, valvular
sclerosis, and calcific deposits within the conducting system.
Superimposed on these organic problems are the rapid
changes in electrolyte concentrations inherent in efficient
hemodialysis. Ventricular ectopic activity, including nonsus-
tained ventricular tachycardia, is seen most frequently in
patients who are taking digoxin, particularly when dialysate
potassium concentration is less than 2 mEq/L. Supraventricular
tachycardia and atrial fibrillation also can be precipitated by
hypotension and coronary ischemia.
The physician must attempt to strike a balance between
the need to remove potassium that has accumulated during
the interdialytic period and the exigency to avoid low serum
potassium levels that precipitate arrhythmias. In patients
taking digoxin or who have myocardial dysfunction, the use
of a dialysate with a potassium concentration of 3 mEq/L
may reduce the frequency of arrhythmia. The acute therapy
for arrhythmias during hemodialysis is similar to that for
patients with normal renal function, but appropriate dose
adjustments must be made for those drugs normally removed
by the kidney. A reassessment of the need for digoxin should
also be considered: digoxin may have been started in the pre-
dialysis period, in an attempt to improve cardiac contractil-
ity and lessen congestive heart failure, and may no longer
be required once patients’ vascular volume status is ade-
quately controlled by dialysis.
Occasional episodes of atrial fibrillation also occur in some 727
patients at the end of dialysis. In many cases, these are self-
limited episodes that last 1 to 2 hours, with controlled ventric-
ular rate and no signs or symptoms of ischemia. Neither
digoxin nor anticoagulation is definitely indicated in these CH 34
cases because the risk of subsequent more serious arrhyth-

mias, with concomitant digoxin and hypokalemia, may be
Angina frequently occurs during dialysis. Coronary artery
disease is common in the dialysis population, and may be
exacerbated by the anemia associated with chronic kidney
disease and the increases in heart rate that commonly accom-
pany ultrafiltration, leading to episodes of overt angina.
Other potential precipitating factors include episodes
of hypotension, tachyarrythmias, and the possible need to
withhold b-blockers prior to the dialysis treatment. Supple-
mental oxygen should be administered if angina occurs, the
blood flow should be slowed, and hypotension treated if
present. If hypotension is not present, sublingual nitroglyc-
erin may be given, but the patient should be in the recumbent

Carbohydrate metabolism is quite abnormal in patients with
chronic kidney disease. Although there is peripheral resis-
tance to the effects of insulin in uremia, the half-life of
insulin is significantly prolonged when the GFR is less than
20 mL/min. It is noteworthy, however, that the initiation of
hemodialysis leads to an improvement in peripheral respon-
siveness to insulin, thereby enhancing the effect of a given
dose of insulin. The implication of this is that a diabetic
patient who takes a usual dose of insulin may experience
hypoglycemia when undergoing dialysis against a bath with
a fixed glucose concentration (i.e., glucose clamp) that is
too low for the amount of insulin being administered. It is fre-
quently necessary to decrease the dose of insulin on dialysis
days to prevent hypoglycemic episodes. Diabetic patients
should not be dialyzed against a bath that has a glucose
concentration less than 100 mg/dL.

The uremic environment produces impaired platelet func-
tioning, changes in capillary permeability, and anemia, all
of which can impair hemostasis. There may also be increased
blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract because of gastritis
728 or angiodysplasia, lesions associated with renal failure.
While the initiation of hemodialysis is reported to partially
correct the defects responsible for the platelet dysfunction
and capillary permeability, patients undergoing hemodialy-
IX sis still have a higher risk of hemorrhagic events because of
repeated exposure to heparin.
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Acute bleeding episodes can occur at many sites; gastroin-

testinal blood loss, subdural and retroperitoneal hematomas,
and the development of a hemopericardium may be life-
threatening. Patients with acute inflammatory pericarditis,
those who have had trauma or recent surgery, and those who
have an underlying coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia are at
particular risk for developing hemorrhagic complications dur-
ing hemodialysis. In addition to acute bleeding episodes,
patients undergoing hemodialysis are exposed to chronic,
low-grade episodes of blood loss with each dialysis treatment.
Between 5 and 10 mL of residual blood remain in the artificial
kidney and tubing even after thorough rinsing. There may be
blood loss as needles are inserted and removed and as repeated
blood tests are performed on the patients. Estimates of loss of
between 5 and 50 mL of blood per dialysis treatment have been
Prevention of bleeding episodes requires identification of
patients who are at increased risk. In hospitalized patients,
regional anticoagulation may be a useful alternative to heparin
(see earlier discussion). If the patient is closely supervised, the
use of heparin-free dialysis may also be useful. In this case,
blood coagulation of the extracorporeal circuit is prevented
by maintenance of high blood flows (>300 mL/min) and fre-
quent flushes of saline into the extracorporeal circuit. There
is a suggestion that low hematocrit in itself predisposes to
bleeding. The use of erythropoietin to increase hematocrit
may lessen the risk of bleeding. Attention to iron stores and
iron supplementation is therefore important in these patients.
The use of low-molecular-weight heparin compounds should
be avoided in patients with ESRD. Massive hemorrhage
has been described with repeated use of these compounds in
dialysis patients.

First-Use Syndrome or Blood-Membrane


The membrane interposed between the blood and dialysate

should not be considered an inert material. Numerous reac-
tions, involving activation of the complement pathway and
the coagulation cascade, as well as the formed elements of
blood, occur during contact of the blood with the dialysis
The first-use syndrome refers to a symptom complex encoun- 729
tered when a new dialyzer made of cuprophane, a cellulosic
material, is employed. The symptoms associated with the first
use of a dialyzer appear early, usually within the first half-hour
after the commencement of the treatment. One group of symp- CH 34
toms resembles an anaphylactic reaction, with urticaria,

angioedema, and wheezing. A severe reaction is associated with
profound hypotension and cardiac arrest.
Many patients who have suffered from this reaction have
elevated levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) directed against
serum proteins that have interacted with ethylene oxide, a
sterilizing agent used in the manufacture of dialyzers. Com-
plement activation also has been implicated. Noncellulosic
membranes, such as polyacrylonitrile, polysulfone, or poly-
methyl methacrylate, do not cause large amounts of comple-
ment to be released into the circulation, and appear to be
better tolerated. Anaphylactoid reactions have been reported
when patients taking ACE inhibitors undergo hemodialysis
using polyacrylonitrile (AN69) membranes or other reused
membranes of various kinds. These reactions occur despite
the fact that the biocompatibility profile of these membranes,
at least with respect to complement activation, is superior to
that of new cuprophane membranes. Evidence indicates that
AN69, because of its negative surface charge, is capable of
generating bradykinin by activation of Hageman factor and
the kallikrein-kininogen pathway. ACE is a potent kinase
responsible for degrading bradykinin. ACE inhibition may
lead to higher bradykinin levels and to the unopposed action
of this substance. Bradykinin-induced hypotension and
bronchoconstriction result. Treatment of mild forms of this
syndrome is symptomatic, but anaphylactoid reactions need
to be treated with epinephrine and steroids. Blood in the
extracorporeal circuit should not be returned to the patient.
Chapter 35

Peritoneal Dialysis
In the first decade of the 21st century, it is estimated that more
than 120,000 patients worldwide are being kept alive by peri-
toneal dialysis (PD), and this accounts for approximately 8%
of the world’s chronic dialysis population. The enormous suc-
cess of PD over the past 30 years has been made possible by
better understanding of the anatomy and physiology underly-
ing the modality and by greater appreciation of the complica-
tions of the therapy. This information has led to the
development of better technology, new delivery systems and
solutions, and better strategies for maintaining patients more
successfully on PD.

With regard to PD, it is now recognized that the major site of
resistance to peritoneal transport is provided by the peritoneal
capillary. Understanding of peritoneal transport has been
greatly facilitated by the development of both the three-
pore model of peritoneal capillary transport and the
distributed model, which helps explain differences in trans-
port characteristics among PD patients. The three-pore model
states that solute and water transport across the peritoneal
capillary occurs through three different sets of pores. The
smallest of these, known as ultrapores, correspond to aqua-
porin I channels and transport only water and not solute.
Small pores are abundant, have a diameter of 4 to 6 nm, and
correspond to clefts in the endothelium. They transport small
solutes and water in proportion to their concentrations in
serum. Large pores have a diameter of 10 to 20 nm and also
correspond to clefts in the endothelium. These pores are much
fewer in number and are responsible for the transport of
macromolecules such as albumin. In standard glucose-based
PD, approximately half of peritoneal water transport is
accounted for by small pores and the other half by ultrapores.
Because the proportion of water transported by ultrapores is
solute free, the total ultrafiltrate in PD has a lower solute con-
centration than serum. This is the phenomenon of “sieving.”
The distribution of peritoneal capillaries within the sub-
mesothelial matrix of the membrane is the other major deter-
minant of differences between patients in their peritoneal

transport characteristics, such that peritoneal transport is 731
determined not so much by the peritoneal membrane surface
area but rather by the “effective peritoneal surface area.”
In other words, the vascularity of the membrane is more
important than its area. CH 35
Three distinct peritoneal transport processes occur during

Peritoneal Dialysis
PD and determine the success of fluid removal and solute
clearance. These three processes are diffusion, convective
ultrafiltration, and peritoneal fluid absorption.

The key factors determining diffusion for a given solute are, of
course, the concentration gradient and the mass transfer area
coefficient (MTAC) (Table 35-1). The MTAC for a given sol-
ute depends on the effective peritoneal surface area, which,
in turn, is determined by the size and vascularity of the
patient’s peritoneal membrane. At the start of a PD dwell,
the concentration gradient is maximal and solute removal is
fastest. As the dwell proceeds and the gradient decreases,
transport slows down. More frequent drainage and replenish-
ment of the cavity with fresh solution maintains the gradient
and maximizes peritoneal transport. The MTAC can also be
modified in the clinical setting but only to a modest degree.
Increased dwell volumes increase the surface area
of peritoneal membrane available for diffusion and so raise
the MTAC.

Mass Transfer Area Coefficients for Various

Table 35-1
Solute Molecular Weight (daltons) MTAC (mL/min)
Urea 60 17
Creatinine 113 10
Uric acid 158 10
Glucose 180 11
Inulin 5500 4
MTAC, mass transfer area coefficient.
Data from Krediet RT, Zuyderhoudt MJ, Boeschoeten EW, Arisz L: Alterations in
the transport of water and solutes during peritonitis in CAPD patients. Eur J Clin
Invest 17:43–52, 1987; Heimburger O, Waniewski J, Werynski A, Lindholm B:
A quantitative description of solute and fluid transport during peritoneal dialysis.
Kidney Int 41:1320–1332, 1992; and Waniewski J, Heimburger O, Werynski A,
Lindholm B: Aqueous solute concentrations and evaluation of mass transfer area
coefficients in peritoneal dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 7:50–56, 1992.
732 Fluid Removal

Ultrafiltration, or fluid removal, in PD is achieved by osmotic

or oncotic forces, as distinct from the hydrostatic pressure
IX gradients that are applied in hemodialysis (Table 35-2). In
standard PD, the osmotic gradient for glucose is the key deter-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

minant of fluid removal. Of course, the standard Starling

forces of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure also influence fluid
removal during PD. The hydrostatic pressure gradient is deter-
mined by the difference between peritoneal capillary pressure
and intraperitoneal pressure. The latter is, in turn, influenced

Typical Pressure Gradients Across the

Table 35-2
Peritoneal Membrane in Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal Intraperitoneal Gradient
Capillary Pressure Favoring
Pressure (2-L Solution) Ultrafiltration
Hydrostatic 17 8 9
(mm Hg)
Colloid 21 <0.1 21
(mm Hg)
Osmolality 305 347 (1.5% —
(mOsm/kg dextrose)
H2O) 486 (4.25%
Maximum — — þ24* (1.5%
crystalloid dextrose)
osmotic þ105* (4.25%
pressure dextrose)
(mm Hg)
Net — — þ12 (1.5%
maximum dextrose)
pressure þ93 (4.25%
gradient dextrose)
(mm Hg)
*Based on osmolality gradient  solute reflection coefficient  Van’t Hoff constant.
Thus, 42  0.03  19.3 ¼ 24 for 1.5% dextrose; 181  0.03  19.3 ¼ 105 for 4.25%
Adapted from Krediet RT, Lindholm B, Rippe B: Pathophysiology of peritoneal
membrane failure. Perit Dial Int 20(Suppl 4):S22–S42, 2000.
by the volume of dialysate in place relative to the size and 733
compliance of the patient’s peritoneal cavity. It is also influ-
enced by the patient’s posture, as intraperitoneal pressure,
for a given dialysate volume, is lower when the patient is
supine and higher when the patient is standing. Just as in CH 35
other capillary beds, oncotic pressure is also a determinant

Peritoneal Dialysis
of water movement. Peritoneal capillary albumin concentra-
tions tend to hold fluid within the vasculature. In recent
years, peritoneal solutions based on polyglucose agent, ico-
dextrin, have become popular. These solutions have approxi-
mately the same osmolarity as serum and so do not remove
fluid by osmotic forces. However, the large icodextrin mole-
cules have an oncotic effect analogous to that of albumin
and remove fluid in this manner.

Fluid Absorption
During the course of a PD dwell, there is constant removal of
fluid from the peritoneal cavity through the lymphatics back
into the peritoneal circulation. It is now appreciated that
much of the absorption occurs not directly into the lymphatics
but rather into the tissues of the abdominal wall in a process
driven by peritoneal hydrostatic pressure. It is presumed that
much of this anterior abdominal wall fluid is subsequently
removed by subserosal lymphatics and by peritoneal capil-
laries. Peritoneal fluid absorption occurs at a rate in the range
of 1 to 2 mL/min or 250 to 500 mL during a 4-hour peritoneal
dwell. This fluid absorption is a “bulk flow” process, and so
results in both water and solute being restored to the systemic
circulation rather than being removed in the peritoneal efflu-
ent. It thus detracts from the ability of PD to clear solute and
remove fluid.
It should be noted that overall solute removal depends on
the combined contributions of diffusion and convection
minus the effect of peritoneal fluid absorption. The extent to
which ultrafiltration contributes to solute removal depends
not only on the net ultrafiltration, but also on the sieving co-
efficient of the solute concerned. This is the fraction of the
solute that passes through the membrane in association with
transported water. Because of the sieving effect of the ultra-
pores in glucose-driven peritoneal ultrafiltration, the siev-
ing coefficients for most small solutes, including urea and
sodium, are in the range of 0.6, meaning that the concentra-
tion of these solutes in pure ultrafiltrate is about 60% of what
it is in the serum. Overall, however, it can be said that convec-
tion is relatively more important in solute removal in PD as
compared with hemodialysis, accounting typically for 10%
to 20% of total solute removal.
734 Peritoneal Equilibration Test

The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is the standard test used in

clinical practice to assess peritoneal transport. Over a 4-hour
IX period, it measures the processes of equilibration between plasma
and dialysate for urea, creatinine, and sodium, as well as the diffu-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

sion of glucose out of the peritoneal cavity. The typical equilibra-

tion curves for urea and glucose display relatively tight bands, so
the degree of equilibration of creatinine between dialysate and
plasma after 4 hours (D/P Cr) is used to determine a given patient’s
transport status. Four transport categories are described: high
(D/P Cr ratio > 0.81), high-average (D/P Cr ratio 0.81–0.65), low-
average (D/P Cr ratio 0.65–0.5), and low (D/P Cr < 0.5). It is now
appreciated that the PET is primarily a measure of the effective
surface area or vascularity of the patient’s membrane, and so D/P
Cr values differ between patients and increase during peritonitis.
Initially, the PET results were thought to be useful in design-
ing the PD prescription, with the idea being that high transpor-
ters would benefit from the short dwells of cycler PD, whereas
low transporters would do better with the long-duration dwells
of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). However,
in practice, the type of PD performed is more often driven by cost
and lifestyle issue, and most patients can be managed on either
cycler or CAPD. Notwithstanding this, it has become apparent
that high transport status is associated with worse patient out-
comes, at least on CAPD. It may be that high transporters have
more difficulty with fluid removal due to more rapid dissipation
of the glucose osmotic gradient. Alternatively, it may be that
high transport status is a marker of co-morbidity or of systemic
inflammation and that these factors, rather than the transport
status per se, account for the adverse outcomes. Regardless, the
PET is now as much a guide to patient prognosis and potential
complications than a determinant of the type of PD used.

Changes in Transport with Time on Peritoneal

It has long been recognized that there is a tendency for perito-
neal transport to alter with time on PD. On average, there is a
gradual increase in D/P Cr and in MTAC values over the years.
It is associated with a decrease in ultrafiltration capacity,
which leads to ultrafiltration failure in the worst affected
patients. The etiology of these changes has long been debated.
They may be accelerated by episodes of peritonitis, but they
can clearly occur in the absence of this complication. The
most popular theory, however, is that the changes are related
to cumulative exposure to bioincompatible PD solutions and,
in particular, to glucose and glucose degradation products.

The catheter used to provide access to the peritoneal cavity is

critical to the success of PD. A good catheter should achieve
consistently brisk dialysate inflow and outflow as well as CH 35
low rates of infection. There are two main problems with

Peritoneal Dialysis
catheters. The first is the predisposition to exit site and tunnel
infection and to biofilm formation on the intraperitoneal
segment, all of which may ultimately lead to peritonitis and
catheter loss. The second is impaired function, usually mani-
fested as poor or absent outflow, that is predisposed to by
migration of the catheter tip out of the pelvis and by wrapping
of omentum and bowel around the tip.
A basic chronic catheter design constitutes four compo-
nents: the extra-abdominal, subcutaneous, transmural, and
intraperitoneal segments (Fig. 35-1). All chronic catheters
now have a Dacron cuff at the point of entry into the cavity
between the transmural and intraperitoneal segments. A double-
cuff catheter has an additional cuff placed about 2 to
3 cm internal to the exit site, in the subcutaneous tunnel.
The extra-abdominal segment protrudes out of the exit site
and enables convenient safe handling of the catheter. The
subcutaneous segment sits in the tunnel and provides a pro-
tection against infection through in-growth of epithelial cells.
The intramural segment provides mechanical anchorage and a
watertight seal. The Dacron cuff stimulates fibrosis to provide
an antibacterial seal. Coiled catheter tips are designed to
reduce omental obstruction of the catheter and to minimize
inflow pain due to a jet effect caused by the dialysate flow.

Catheter Insertion
Patients should be evaluated for suitability for PD before cath-
eter placement. Apart from cognitive and social problems,
issues such as multiple previous complicated abdominal sur-
geries with likelihood of adhesions, the presence of bowel
or urinary ostomies, a convincing history of complicated
diverticular disease or recent abdominal aneurysm repair
are all relative, although not absolute, contraindications.
The abdominal wall needs to be assessed for defects or weak-
nesses and hernias, which may be contraindications or may at
least need to be repaired at the time of catheter insertion.
Insertion may be performed with the patient under general
or local anesthesia.
Catheter dysfunction is a relatively common and often
frustrating complication of PD that may manifest itself in sev-
eral ways, including complete two-way, or just one-way out-
flow obstruction; slow catheter drainage; or drainage that is

Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure




Abdominal Peritoneum
cavity Drain
Bladder bag

Figure 35-1. Peritoneal cavity. (From Sharma A, Blake PG:

Peritoneal dialysis. In Brenner BM [ed]: Brenner & Rector’s The
Kidney, 8th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2008.)

excessively positional. Causes of catheter obstruction include

excess fibrin formation occluding the catheter lumen, consti-
pation, catheter migration, and omental wrapping. Obstruc-
tion with fibrin can occur in the context of peritonitis or for
no obvious predisposing reason. The type most often encoun-
tered is a two-way obstruction. It is managed by irrigation of
the catheter with heparin or with a fibrinolytic agent such as 737
tissue plasminogen activator. If there is any question that a
hypoactive bowel may be contributing to the problem, aggres-
sive prescription of laxatives and subsequent dietary measures
are indicated. If the problem does not rapidly resolve, a plain CH 35
x-ray study of the abdomen is required. This will show if the

Peritoneal Dialysis
catheter is in an appropriate position in the pelvis. Catheters
with their tips in the upper portion or middle of the abdomen
are less likely to function. Usually, the obstruction in these
cases is outflow related. If the catheter appears to be in a good
position and does not improve with fibrinolytics or laxatives,
omental wrapping is presumed culpable. Sometimes a few
days of laxative therapy may resolve the issue. However, if
nonfunction persists, catheter manipulation is required. This
can be done in the radiologic suite using a guidewire or by a
physician or surgeon using a laparoscope, or even an open
procedure to reposition the catheter.


Standard peritoneal solutions have, since the inception of the
modality, been based on the use of glucose as the osmotic
agent. Typically, solutions are provided in three different
concentrations of glucose so that ultrafiltration can be appro-
priately varied (Table 35-3). In North America, these are
presented as 1.5%, 2.5%, and 4.25% dextrose solutions.
The osmolarities of these three solution concentrations are
345, 395, and 484 mOsm/kg, respectively.
Although glucose has been effective as the osmotic agent in
PD for decades, there have been increasing concerns in recent
times about its use. These concerns have focused on two broad
areas, the first of which is the toxic effect of glucose on the
peritoneal membrane, as recent longitudinal clinical studies
have suggested that patients who use more hypertonic glucose
have more rapid deterioration in peritoneal membrane func-
tion. The second significant concern relates to the metabolic
and potentially adverse cardiovascular effects of constant
systemic absorption of glucose. These effects include the
induction or exacerbation of hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia,
hyperinsulinemia, and obesity, all potentially important car-
diovascular risk factors in a population with an already high
rate of cardiac disease.
Consequently, interest in alternative osmotic agents has
grown. The first such agents to be used clinically were amino
acids. These are relatively weak osmotic agents when used in
concentrations that are clinically tolerated, and so the main
purpose has been to supplement nutrition rather than to aug-
ment ultrafiltration. A more successful alternative to glucose

Table 35-3 Typical Composition of Common Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions

Conventional Glucose-Based
1.5% 2.5% 4.25% Icodextrin Lactate-Buffered Bicarbonate-Buffered
Na (mEq/L) 132 132 13 132 132 132
Cl (mEq/L) 96 96 96 96 96 96
Ca (mEq/L) 3.5* 3.5* 3.5* 3.5* 3.5* 3.5*
Mg (mEq/L) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Lactate (mEq/L) 40 40 40 40 40 40
Bicarbonate (mEq/L) — — — — — 25
Glucose (mg/dL) 1360 2270 3860 — 1360–3860 1360–3860
pH 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 7.3 7.3
Osmolality (osmol/kg) 345 395 484 282 345–484 345–484
GDPs þ þþ þþþ þ Very low Very low
*Low calcium solutions have 2.5 mEq (1.25 mmol).
GDP, glucose degradation product.
has been icodextrin. This is a mixture of glucose polymers 739
with a mean molecular weight of about 20,000 kD. Icodextrin
induces ultrafiltration by oncotic rather than osmotic pres-
sure, and the solution is actually isosmotic relative to normal
plasma. The icodextrin molecule is too large to diffuse across CH 35
the peritoneal membrane, so systemic absorption can occur

Peritoneal Dialysis
only through lymphatic flow. This does occur but not to a
degree that impairs the ability of icodextrin to induce ultrafil-
tration in a sustained manner during long dwells. Accord-
ingly, the solution is most useful for the long nocturnal
dwell of CAPD and the long diurnal dwell of automated peri-
toneal dialysis (APD), where it will typically remove between
300 and 600 mL of fluid. Side effects include skin rashes and
occasional aseptic peritonitis, which has been related to con-
tamination in the manufacturing process.

When considering PD solutions, it is important to distinguish
between the pH of the solution and the buffer used. The buffer
has traditionally been lactate, which is then converted
in the liver to bicarbonate. Lactate is generally an effective
buffer, and most PD patients have well-controlled acid-base
status, mainly because of the continuous nature of the modal-
ity. However, concerns have been raised about the biocompat-
ibility of lactate, and there is some bench science data to
support the notion that lactate may be harmful to the perito-
neal membrane and host defenses. The use of bicarbonate
has been limited by concerns about precipitation of calcium
and bicarbonate if both are constituents of the same solution.
However, multipouch technology can be used to solve this
problem. Thus, the calcium and magnesium can be stored in
the same low-pH pouch as the glucose, while the bicarbonate
buffer can be in the high-pH pouch with the other constituents
of the solution. When mixing occurs before infusion, it results
in a normal-pH, bicarbonate-buffered solution.

Traditionally, the calcium content of PD solutions was
1.75 mmol/L (3.5 mEq/L), which is notably higher than the
typical serum ionic calcium level of 1.1 to 1.3 mmol/L in
patients with renal failure. This results in diffusion of calcium
into the patient, resulting in positive calcium balance.
Although this was previously considered desirable in that it
helped suppress hyperparathyroidism, it became less attrac-
tive with the widespread use of calcium-based phosphate
740 binders and 1-hydroxylated vitamin D products. Hypercalce-
mia, excessive parathyroid suppression, and adynamic bone
diseases became increasing concerns, and there was a switch
to lower calcium dialysis solutions in both PD and hemodial-
IX ysis. The most common calcium concentration now used is
1.25 mmol/L (2.5 mEq/L), and this may lead to neutral or even
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

negative calcium balance in PD patients taking calcium-based

binders and vitamin D.


PD for ESRD is delivered either as CAPD or as APD. CAPD
usually involves four exchanges of 1.5 to 2.5 L of solution
daily, with a night dwell of 8 to 9 hours and day dwells of
4 to 6 hours each. Most centers now use a double-bag format,
with both fill and drain bags preattached to a Y-shaped trans-
fer set of tubing (see Fig. 35-1). This method removes the
requirement for the patient to spike or connect the tubing to
the fill bag, and has been repeatedly shown in randomized
controlled trials to reduce the risk of peritonitis substantially.
APD has greatly increased in popularity in the past decade
and is now used more than CAPD in the United States. Its
appeal is that it frees up the daytime from PD procedures for
patients and their caregivers. It also has the capacity to deliver
more clearance and remove more fluid. Typically, patients on
APD have three to seven cycles of 1.5 to 2.5 L delivered over 9
hours at nighttime. Dwell times may range from 45 minutes to
3 hours, depending on prescription requirements. Most
patients leave a dwell in at the end of the cycling period and
drain this dwell out again before the next cycling period about
15 hours later. This is called continuous cycled peritoneal
dialysis. Others have no day dwell, usually because of good
residual renal function or mechanical contraindications, and
this is called nocturnal intermittent peritoneal dialysis or
day dry APD.


Determination of the PD prescription requires consideration of
the clearance and volume removal requirements of the patient.
However, it also needs to take into account nutritional, cardio-
vascular, and metabolic status, because all of these factors
may be influenced by systemic glucose absorption. The social
situation is important in that it will influence capacity and
willingness to carry out simple versus more complicated
Clearances and Adequacy 741

The term adequacy is generally used to refer to clearances

achieved on dialysis. Two well-conducted major randomized
clinical trials published in the early 2000s failed to show benefit CH 35
for augmented prescriptions as compared with standard ones.

Peritoneal Dialysis
An analogous trial in hemodialysis was also negative, and so
there has been a move to de-emphasize high clearance targets
and to return to recommendations more easily achieved with
standard prescriptions.

Measurement of Clearance
Clearance on PD is a combination of peritoneal clearance and
that due to residual renal function. The latter is especially
important in PD because it is maintained for longer and is a
larger proportion of the total clearance than in hemodialysis.
It is typically measured using either or both of two indices—
fractional urea clearance, imported from hemodialysis and
best known as Kt/V, and creatinine clearance normalized for
body surface area (CrCl). The calculation of these two indices
requires 24-hour collections of PD effluent and urine with
measurements of urea and creatinine content, a simultaneous
blood sample to measure serum urea and creatinine, and then
a simple standard calculation of clearance. For the calculation
of the residual component of CrCl, a mean of renal urea and
creatinine clearance is used because residual renal creatinine
clearance is known to substantially overestimate the true glo-
merular filtration rate. The clearance is then normalized to a
measure of body size, which for urea is, by convention, the
total body water or “V” to give Kt/V and for creatinine is the
body surface area (BSA) to give CrCl.

Clearance Targets
The weekly Kt/V target advised by the Kidney Disease Out-
comes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) is 1.7, with the same target
for both APD and CAPD and for all transport types. CrCl was
not considered to add extra useful information, although some
groups still support its use in high transporters. It is still rea-
sonable practice if a patient is doing poorly and is suspected
of being uremic to give a trial of increasing dialysis dose, even
if Kt/V already exceeds 1.7 weekly. Conversely, if a patient
cannot tolerate the prescriptions required to reach 1.7 weekly
but is clinically well or has a limited prognosis for other rea-
sons, a clinical judgment to continue PD may be appropriate.
There is also some concern that the populations studied in
742 the important trials had relatively low rates of cardiovascular
disease and so again a trial of higher-dose dialysis might be
appropriate if such patients appeared uremic.

IX Factors Affecting Clearance

Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Residual renal clearance and body size are two of the three
major determinants of Kt/V and CrCl. The third is, of course,
the peritoneal dialysis prescription, the only parameter that
can be adjusted to alter the achieved clearance (Table 35-4).
The membrane transport characteristics influence the deliv-
ered clearance for a given prescription. This is particularly
so for CrCl because, as can be seen in the standard PET curves,
creatinine transport exhibits a wider range of variation than
urea transport (see Fig. 35-1). Similarly, membrane transport
has bigger effect in APD than CAPD because the short cycles
used in the APD are associated with greater variations in
equilibration than the longer duration dwells of the CAPD.
CAPD prescription is essentially simple, and clearance can
be increased either by raising the dwell volume from 1.5 or 2 L
to 2.5 or 3 L or by going from three or four exchanges daily to
four or five. Both are effective, but increasing dwell volume is
usually preferred because it allows better spacing of dwells,
is less intrusive on patient time, is associated with better
adherence, and is less expensive. However, increasing dwell
volume may be limited by patient tolerance related to mechan-
ical symptoms such as bloating and back pain, and to histories
of hernias and leaks. Clearances can also be raised modestly
by increasing ultrafiltration, but this is generally not favored
because it entails greater exposure to hypertonic glucose with
consequent metabolic and other side effects.

Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription: Variables

Table 35-4
Affecting Clearance
Day Dwell
CAPD Cycler Component Component
Number of dwells Time on cycler Number of day
Dwell volumes Frequency of cycles dwells
Type and tonicity Cycler dwell Duration of day
of solution volumes dwells
Type and tonicity Day dwell volumes
of solution Type and tonicity
of solution
APD, automated peritoneal dialysis; CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal
Generally, the Kt/V target of 1.7 per week can be achieved, 743
even in the anuric state, using four dwells of 2 or 2.5 L daily in
all but the largest of patients, especially when correction for
body size is based on appropriate weight rather than actual
weight, which is often higher due to obesity. A reasonable CH 35
approach to APD prescription is to start with four or five 2-L

Peritoneal Dialysis
cycles over 9 hours at night with a single day dwell; if residual
function is substantial, it may be possible to forego the day
dwell, at least initially. If this single-day-dwell approach does
not achieve the clearance target, either from the start or subse-
quently as residual function declines, then there are two com-
mon approaches. Either the number of cycles can be increased
to six or seven nightly or a second day dwell can be added. Add-
ing a second day dwell is less expensive but adds an additional
procedure and so is a little more onerous for the patient or care-
giver. Increasing the number of cycles may raise clearance a lit-
tle less but is generally well tolerated. The choice should, if
possible, take into account the patient’s lifestyle circumstances.

Volume Status
Strategies to control volume status should always include con-
sideration of salt intake. Although PD has been considered to
allow liberal salt and water intake, this is emphatically not
the case when high blood pressure or other signs of volume
overload are present. Salt removal through the urine should
also be promoted using high-dose loop diuretics as required
and either angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), as well as other vali-
dated strategies to preserve residual renal function. Peritoneal
strategies should include a focus on the long-duration noctur-
nal dwell in CAPD and day dwell in APD. If fluid resorption
or minimal ultrafiltration is being achieved in these settings
and if there is evidence of volume overload, a switch from
glucose to icodextrin should be considered. Alternatively,
the dwell can be shortened by doing an early drain, followed
by either a dry period or an additional dwell. Ultimately, more
hypertonic glucose will often be required to normalize volume
and should be used, if necessary. However, other strategies
should be used first in the light of real concerns about the
toxic effects of excess glucose absorption on the metabolic
and cardiovascular risk profile and on membrane longevity.

Ultrafiltration Failure
Ultrafiltration failure is defined as clinical evidence of fluid
overload occurring in association with less than 400 mL of
ultrafiltrate after a standardized 4-hour duration dwell with
744 a 4.25% glucose 2-L dwell. True ultrafiltration failure is rare
in the first 1 to 2 years on PD but becomes progressively more
common after that, owing, as already mentioned, to increases
in peritoneal transport characteristics. Management of all
IX cases of ultrafiltration failure include general measures such
as review of salt and water intake and restriction of these as
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

indicated, consideration of high-dose loop diuretics if urine

output is still significant, and review of a recent PET result
to help make the exact diagnosis. If icodextrin is not available,
APD with short day dwells may be effective. In some cases, a
switch to hemodialysis may be required.

Peritonitis remains a leading complication of PD. It contri-
butes to patient morbidity, technique failure, hospitalizations,
and, occasionally, death. In most major centers, over the past
2 decades, peritonitis rates have fallen from 1 every 12 months
to 1 every 2 to 4 years.

Diagnosis of Peritonitis

The three cardinal features of peritonitis are cloudy effluent,

abdominal pain, and a positive effluent culture. Abdominal
pain may precede cloudy effluent in some cases. The intensity
of symptoms varies by etiologic microorganism and with the
severity of the infection (Table 35-5). Staphylococcus epider-
midis and diphtheroids are usually associated with mild
pain, whereas with Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and fungi, the pain is often more severe. The pres-
ence of high fever is not typical of PD peritonitis and suggests
systemic sepsis. Peritonitis is confirmed by peritoneal leuko-
cytosis and documentation of the causative microorganism.
PD effluent should be sent for total and differential WBC
counts, Gram stain, and culture before starting empiric anti-
biotics for the suspected peritonitis. A culture should be sent
from the exit site, if drainage is present. Effluent WBC counts
should exceed 100 cells/mL, with more than 50% neutrophils.
Occasionally, fungal and mycobacterial infections may have
initial lymphocytic predominance. Cell counts should be
repeated if initially low in those with suggestive symptoms.
Gram stain of the peritoneal fluid in peritonitis is often nega-
tive. If proper culture technique is followed, the effluent
culture should be positive in approximately 80% to 90%
of peritonitis cases. A negative culture, despite suggestive
symptoms and peritoneal leukocytosis, may be due to fastidious
Organisms Causing Peritoneal Dialysis–
Table 35-5 Associated Peritonitis: Contemporary Data
from a Single Clinical Center
Organism Prevalence CH 35
Gram-positive organisms 71.3%

Peritoneal Dialysis
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 39.9%
Staphylococcus aureus 21.6%
Streptococcus species 7.9%
Enterococcus species 1.9%
Gram-negative organisms 23.3%
Escherichia coli 8.6%
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 4.6%
Other Pseudomonas species 0.7%
Acinetobacter species 2.6%
Klebsiella species 1.9%
Serratia species 1.3%
Enterobacter 1.1%
Other gram-negative organisms 5.4%
Multiorganism 1.9%
Fungi 3.4%
Mycobacteria 0.1%
Adapted from Kim DK, Yoo TH, Ryu DR, et al: Changes in causative organisms and
their antimicrobial susceptibilities in CAPD peritonitis: A single center’s
experience over one decade. Perit Dial Int 24:424–432, 2004.

organisms, inadequate samples or collection techniques, labora-

tory problems, preexisting antibiotic treatment. or nonbacterial
In most series, the majority of cases of peritonitis continue
to be due to gram-positive organisms. About a third of all
cases are still accounted for by coagulase-negative staphylo-
cocci, which are likely acquired through touch contamination.
S. aureus peritonitis causes 10% to 20% of cases in most
series. It is often associated with exit site and tunnel infection
and is a more severe infection with a higher probability of hos-
pitalization, catheter loss, and technique failure. Pseudomo-
nas organisms cause peritonitis in about 10% of cases and
can be acquired from the exit site or from enteric sources.
The most dreaded peritonitis is fungal, which represents less
than 5% of cases in most series and is most often due to Can-
dida albicans. It typically occurs in patients who have
received multiple antibiotic courses, often in the context of
relapsing bacterial peritonitis. Almost invariably, catheter
removal is required and should be done promptly.
In gram-negative peritonitis, the concern often arises that the
infection is secondary to intra-abdominal disease or infection,
such as diverticulitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, or abscess
746 formation. Clues to its identification include symptoms related
to the disease, fecal matter in the effluent, and cultures positive
for multiple enteric organisms or anaerobic bacteria.
Cloudy fluid, with a differential increase in cell lines other
IX than neutrophils, suggests alternative causes. Eosinophilic peri-
tonitis is defined as greater than 10% eosinophils in the effluent
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

at presentation and has been reported in association with allergic

reactions, exposure to drugs such as vancomycin, fungal and
viral infections, and early in the post-catheter insertion period.
Icodextrin-associated sterile peritonitis can occur at any time
after exposure to the solution and manifests with mild abdominal
pain, no systemic symptoms, cloudy effluent with a predomi-
nance of macrophages and eosinophils, and sterile cultures.

Management of Peritonitis
Initial Empiric Therapy
Initial antimicrobial therapy must account for all the common
causes of peritonitis. The 2005 International Society for Perito-
neal Dialysis (ISPD) guidelines recommended that gram-
positive organisms be covered by either a cephalosporin or
vancomycin and gram-negative organisms by a third-generation
cephalosporin or an aminoglycoside (Table 35-6). Aminogly-
cosides are effective and inexpensive, but there are concerns
about nephrotoxicity in patients with residual renal function,
although this may have been overstated, and short-duration,
once-daily courses appear safe. For cephalosporin-allergic
patients, aztreonam is an alternative to ceftazidime or cefepime
for gram-negative coverage, if aminoglycosides are not used.

Intermittent or Continuous Intraperitoneal Dosing

In patients on CAPD, intraperitoneal dosing of antibiotics
is preferred to intravenous dosing, given the increased local
concentration with intraperitoneal administration.
Intraperitoneal administration can be either continuous
(with antibiotics given in each exchange) or intermittent
(given once daily). With intermittent dosing, the antibiotic
must dwell for at least 6 hours. On APD, recommendations
are that it is safe to add first-generation cephalosporins to each
exchange. Vancomycin can be administered intermittently
with a dosing interval every 4 to 5 days, but the optimal inter-
val should be determined by monitoring levels.

Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus
First-generation cephalosporins are preferable for 2 weeks of
therapy. Units with a high rate of methicillin resistance may
prefer to use vancomycin. Most peritonitis episodes due to a
coagulase-negative staphylococcus respond rapidly to therapy.
Intraperitoneal Antibiotic Dosing
Table 35-6
Recommendations for Patients on CAPD*
Antibiotic Intermittent (Once Continuous (mg/L,
Agent Daily) All Exchanges) CH 35

Peritoneal Dialysis
Amikacin 2 mg/kg LD 25, MD 12
Gentamicin 0.6 mg/kg LD 8, MD 4
Netilmicin 0.6 mg/kg LD 8, MD 4
Tobramycin 0.6 mg/kg LD 8, MD 4
Cefazolin 15 mg/kg LD 500, MD 125
Cefepime 1000 mg LD 500, MD 125
Cephalothin 15 mg/kg LD 500, MD 125
Ceftazidine 1000–1500 mg LD 500, MD 125
Ampicillin No data MD 125
Amoxicillin No data LD 250–500, MD 50
Penicillin G No data LD 50,000 units, MD
25,000 units
Ciprofloxacin No data LD 50, MD 25
Vancomycin 15–30 mg/kg every LD 1000, MD 25
Aztreonam No data LD 1000, MD 250
Amphotericin Not applicable 1.5
Impenem/ 1000 mg bid LD 500, MD 200
*In patients with >100 mL/day urine output, dose should be empirically increased
by 25%.
CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; LD, loading dose; MD,
maintenance dose.
Adapted from Piraino B, Bailie GR, Bernardini J, et al: ISPD guidelines/
recommendations. Peritoneal dialysis–related infections recommendations:
2005 update. Perit Dial Int 25:107–131, 2005.

Staphylococcus aureus. If the organism is methicillin sensi-

tive, cephalosporin can be continued, but if methicillin resis-
tant, vancomycin is indicated. Three weeks of treatment are
required, and if needed, rifampin, 600 mg/day orally can be
added, but should only be used for 1 week to avoid resistance
and not in regions where tuberculosis is endemic. If there is
concomitant exit site infection due to the same organism, or
tunnel infection S. aureus peritonitis is unlikely to be cured
without removal of the catheter.
748 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa peritonitis requires
administration of at least two antibiotics with differing
mechanisms of action. One antibiotic can be an oral quino-
lone, with the other being intraperitoneal ceftazidime, cefe-
IX pime, tobramycin, or intravenous piperacillin. With this
peritonitis, a catheter-related infection is frequently present
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

and so catheter removal is required, with appropriate anti-

biotics administered for 2 weeks, while the patient is on

Non-Pseudomonas Gram-Negative Peritonitis

For this infection, the recommendation is a single antibiotic
based on sensitivity, safety, and convenience and given for
2 to 3 weeks.

Polymicrobial Peritonitis
With multiple enteric organisms, intra-abdominal disease
such as ischemic bowel or diverticular disease should be
considered, and a surgical consultation should be obtained
and laparotomy performed if response to treatment is not

Culture-Negative Peritonitis
With culture-negative peritonitis, repeat cell and differential
counts, along with culture, should be obtained after day 3.
If the repeat cell count points toward an unresolved infection,
special culture techniques should be used to isolate unusual
causes of peritonitis, such as fungi and mycobacteria, and
catheter removal should be considered.

Fungal Peritonitis
Fungal peritonitis is difficult to eradicate and generally
requires early catheter removal. Prolonged treatment with anti-
fungal agents to attempt clearance is not encouraged. Fungal
peritonitis is serious, leading to death in approximately 25%
of episodes. Evidence suggests that prompt catheter removal
may lessen the risk of death.
Initial therapy may be a combination of amphotericin B and
flucytosine until the culture results are available with suscept-
ibilities. Caspofungin, fluconazole, or voriconazole may
replace amphotericin B, based on culture and sensitivity.

Indications for Catheter Removal in Peritonitis

This is the most critical decision in the management of perito-
nitis. If delayed too long, the patient may become unnecessar-
ily ill and the cavity may be damaged permanently by
adhesions; however, unneccessary removal is also undesirable
for the patient. It is recommended that the catheter should be
removed in the following conditions:
• Relapsing peritonitis—defined as an episode with the same 749
organism that caused the preceding episode of peritonitis or
one sterile episode within 4 weeks after completing the
course of antibiotics
• Refractory peritonitis—defined as the failure to respond CH 35
within 5 days of appropriate antibiotics

Peritoneal Dialysis
• Refractory catheter infections (exit site and tunnel
• Fungal peritonitis
• Fecal peritonitis or other causes of significant intra-
abdominal infection
• Peritonitis occurring in association with intra-abdominal
Simultaneous catheter removal and new catheter replace-
ment can be performed for refractory exit site and tunnel
infection and in relapsing peritonitis, provided there has been
temporary clearance of florid peritoneal infection.


Mechanical complications of PD are relatively common, as a
consequence of the raised pressure inside the peritoneal cav-
ity. Most frequent is the problem of hernias, which occur in
10% to 20% of patients during their time on PD. If hernias
are painful or large enough to cause discomfort, they should
be surgically repaired. With asymptomatic hernias, a judg-
ment must be made as to whether the risks of bowel incarcer-
ation are sufficient to justify the inconvenience and associated
risks of surgery. Repair does not require a routine switch to
hemodialysis, and patients can be managed with a 24- to 48-
hour break from PD, followed by 2- to 3-week period of day
dry APD or low-volume CAPD.
Pericatheter leaks are also common, especially in the early
weeks after initiation of PD. They usually occur around the
exit site and present as frank dialysate leakage, or as abdomi-
nal wall swelling or dependent genital edema. Again, the
management is to either discontinue PD for a number of weeks
or to switch to day dry APD: these options are often feasible
because the leaks usually occur at a time when residual renal
function is still good. All hernias and leaks can be imaged by
instilling contrast dye or radioactive isotope into the PD solu-
tion before infusion and then by performing computed tomog-
raphy, magnetic resonance imaging, or nuclear scanning. This
is most useful with genital swelling when it is often unclear
whether the problem is a patent processus vaginalis or a peri-
catheter leak.
750 Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis

Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS), the most feared com-

plication of PD, is an uncommon but dramatic condition in
IX which gross sclerosis of the peritoneal membrane occurs to a
degree that causes encapsulation of the intestines with con-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

sequent obstructive ileus, leading to anorexia and weight loss.

There is typically hemorrhagic ascites, anemia, high serum
C-reactive protein, low serum albumin, and low-grade fever.
Radiologic features include calcification of the peritoneum
with formation of an encapsulating fibrotic cocoon around
the bowels, loculated ascites, adherent and dilated bowel
loops, and air-fluid levels. The mortality rate is in the range
of 30% to 50%.
The cause of this condition is unknown, but it is clear
that its incidence rises with time on PD. The condition often
presents only after PD is discontinued and the patient is on
hemodialysis. It may begin as recurrent ascites, progressing
to bowel obstruction.
Treatment in the past was generally supportive and largely
ineffective. Steroid use has become common and appears to
help, although there are no randomized trials. Other immuno-
suppressives have also been administered, and recently,
tamoxifen has been used based on its efficacy in other fibros-
ing diseases. Surgical techniques of enterolysis have also
improved. Total parenteral nutrition is often required.

Metabolic Complications

Hyperlipidemia in PD is often quite marked and comprises

both hypertriglyceridemia and high low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, related, in turn, to high apolipoprotein B levels.
It is presumed that glucose absorption is the main cause of
these abnormalities, although dialysate protein losses may
also contribute. The tendency is to treat with statins, if reduc-
tion of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is the main goal of
therapy, or with fibrates if a high triglyceride level is the more
marked abnormality.
Induction or exacerbation of hyperglycemia resulting from
the glucose absorption is common in PD because many
patients, if not frankly diabetic, have impaired glucose toler-
ance. Some previously nondiabetic patients with PD develop
hyperglycemia sufficient to require oral hypoglycemic agents
or insulin. Intraperitoneal insulin was widely used in the
early days of CAPD because it avoided the need for insulin
injections and appeared to be more physiologic. In recent
times, however, it has become less popular due to the risks
of contamination during injection of bags.
Glucose absorption contributes about 500 to 800 kcal/day 751
to a PD patient’s caloric intake, a significant proportion of
the daily recommended 3500 kcal. A weight gain of 10% is
common in the first 6 months of PD and may be welcome in
some malnourished patients. However, in others, it causes CH 35
or, more often, exacerbates obesity, and this may decrease

Peritoneal Dialysis
mobility and increase cardiovascular risk.
Hypoalbuminemia is common in PD patients with an aver-
age value of 32 to 34 g/L. It is predominantly related to two
factors: dialysate protein losses and systemic inflammation.
Dialysate protein losses are mainly albumin and are typically
6 to 8 g/day. They are greater in high transporters and in
patients with peritonitis. High serum C-reactive protein levels
are also associated with low serum albumin, related to the
altered pattern of protein synthesis seen in inflammation.
Dietary protein intake has, contrary to common opinion, little
influence on serum albumin.
Serum sodium in PD tends to be a little lower than in
normal individuals, owing to fluid intake against a back-
ground of renal failure and due to the dialysate sodium of
132 mmol/L. Marked hyponatremia usually reflects hypergly-
cemia or very high water intake. Icodextrin causes a modest,
clinically unimportant fall in serum sodium related to serum
levels of maltose and other metabolites. Hypernatremia is rare
but can occur in the context of rapid cycling when dwell times
are short and the dominant factor is removal of a low sodium
ultrafiltrate due to sodium sieving with consequent rise in the
serum sodium, especially if the patient does not sense thirst or
have access to water.



It is well recognized that technique failure is more common on

PD than on hemodialysis. Typically, once transplantation and
death are censored out, about 15% of prevalent PD patients
switch to hemodialysis annually, most often due to recurrent
or refractory peritonitis, accumulating co-morbidity, or fail-
ure to thrive. There is also a long-standing controversy about
how patient survival compares between the two modalities.
In short, there is no conclusive evidence that one modality is
superior to the other in terms of survival. However, there is
some concern that PD is associated with higher risk of
mortality in older PD patients with diabetes or overt heart dis-
ease. This emphasizes the need to address the potentially
adverse effects of glucose absorption on the cardiovascular
risk profile. The apparent survival benefit for the different
modalities in different age groups is neither consistent nor
752 large enough to justify using the data to make blanket deci-
sions concerning modality selection. It would no more be jus-
tified to put every older diabetic on hemodialysis than it
would be to put every young nondiabetic on PD. Factors such
IX as social circumstances and patient choice should continue to
be given more weight in these decisions.
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure
Chapter 36

Intensive Care Nephrology

A significant proportion of critically ill patients develop acute
kidney injury (AKI) during the course of their illness. An
understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory failure,
shock, and management of mechanical ventilation is essential
for nephrologists who are active in the care of these patients.


Respiratory failure can be divided into two main types: hyp-
oxemic respiratory failure, which is failure to maintain ade-
quate oxygenation, and hypercapnic respiratory failure,
which is inadequate ventilation with CO2 retention. Because
nephrologists are often asked to assist with the acid-base man-
agement of these patients, an understanding of mechanical
ventilation and the newer treatment strategies for acute respi-
ratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is important. Several modes
of mechanical ventilation are now available and can be classi-
fied into (1) volume-cycled ventilation, in which a certain
tidal volume is delivered by the ventilator (synchronized
intermittent mandatory ventilation and continuous mandatory
ventilation); (2) pressure-cycled ventilation, in which volume
is delivered until a preset maximum pressure is reached (pres-
sure control ventilation); and (3) flow-cycled ventilation, in
which inspiration continues until a preset flow rate is reached
(pressure support ventilation). The following list further
describes these modes:
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): CPAP is not a
true form of mechanical ventilation, but provides a supply
of fresh gas at a constant, specified pressure. It is most com-
monly used in weaning trials or in patients without respira-
tory failure who require an endotracheal tube to maintain an
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV): In this
modality, the physician orders a set number of breaths, deliv-
ered every minute at a certain tidal volume, which is given in
synchrony with inspiratory effort if the patient is able to gener-
ate inspiration. Any breaths beyond the set number must be
generated by the patient.
Assist control mode, or continuous mandatory ventilation
(CMV): In this modality, the ventilator delivers a breath

754 every time the patient generates a negative inspiratory force,
or at a set rate, whichever is the higher frequency. CMV
minimizes the work of breathing done by the patient, and
therefore should be used in the setting of myocardial ische-
IX mia or profound hypoxemia. CMV can lead to dynamic
hyperinflation (breath stacking or “auto-PEEP” [positive
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

end-expiratory pressure]) in tachypneic patients or in those

with obstructive lung disease if there is inadequate time to
exhale the full tidal volume, and can result in increased
intrathoracic pressure, decreased cardiac output, and possi-
bly barotrauma.
Pressure control ventilation (PCV): This setting differs from
SIMV and CMV in that the physician sets an inspiratory
pressure, not a tidal volume. The tidal volume depends on
how much flow can be delivered prior to equilibration of
the airway pressure with the inspiratory pressure. The tidal
volume can vary from breath to breath, and thus the minute
volume is variable.
Pressure support ventilation (PSV): In this patient-triggered
mode of ventilation, a preset pressure is maintained
throughout inspiration. When inspiratory flow falls below
a certain level, inspiration is terminated. PSV is commonly
used in patients who require minimal support, or to assist
the spontaneous breaths during SIMV.
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV): APRV is used in a
spontaneously breathing patient who is using CPAP. At the
end of each ventilator cycle, the lungs are allowed to briefly
deflate to ambient pressure facilitating CO2 elimination,
before being rapidly reinflated to the baseline (CPAP) pres-
sure with the next breath.
In addition to the mode of ventilation, the physician pre-
scribes the oxygen concentration to be delivered, the level
of PEEP, the tidal volume, and the respiratory rate. When
initially intubated, patients are typically placed on a high
oxygen concentration and weaned down as quickly as possi-
ble due to postulated risks associated with “oxygen toxicity”
including worsening lung compliance and interstitial edema.
PEEP provides a continuous airway pressure above atmo-
spheric pressure, preventing collapse of alveoli and small air-
ways at end-expiration, thus improving functional residual
capacity and oxygenation. The level of PEEP directly increases
airway pressures, so high levels of PEEP can result in baro-
trauma. PEEP also increases intrathoracic pressure and can
result in a decrease in cardiac output secondary to reduced
filling. The respiratory rate is set based on the patient’s minute
ventilation requirement. Patients who are very septic or
metabolically active often require a high minute volume to
adequately eliminate CO2.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome is characterized clinically

by hypoxia refractory to oxygen therapy, decreased lung com-
pliance, and diffuse inflltrates on chest tomography. Two CH 36
categories of the syndrome have been defined, depending on

Intensive Care Nephrology

the severity of hypoxemia:
• Acute lung injury (ALI)
Acute onset of hypoxemic respiratory failure with bilateral infil-
trates on chest tomography, and a pulmonary artery wedge pres-
sure of less than 18 mm Hg, or no clinical evidence of left atrial
hypertension characterizes both categories. ALI is present when
the preceding criteria are present with an arterial O2 tension/
fraction of inspired O2 (PaO2/FIO2) ratio of less than 300, and
ARDS is present when the PaO2/FIO2 falls below 200. ARDS
generally has a poor prognosis, with recent studies reporting a
35% to 60% mortality rate.

Clinical Features

The acute stage of ARDS/ALI is characterized by the

onset of acute respiratory failure, refractory hypoxemia, and
radiographic evidence of bilateral infiltrates on chest x-ray,
typically in the dependent zones, which may be indistin-
guishable from cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Patients often
progress to requiring mechanical support as the work of
breathing increases. Mechanically ventilated ARDS patients
often have very high airway pressures, a result of fewer ven-
tilated alveoli and reduced compliance. This often necessi-
tates a high minute ventilation to maintain an acceptable
PCO2. Following the acute phase, many patients recover
completely, yet some develop a fibrotic phase characterized
by fibrosing alveolitis, persistent hypoxemia, and right ven-
tricular failure.

Risk Factors and Pathophysiology

ALI and ARDS can develop in association with several clini-

cal conditions (Table 36-1), not all of which directly involve
the pulmonary system. The most common condition asso-
ciated with ARDS is sepsis. Multiple risk factors synergisti-
cally increase the risk for ARDS. Damage to the pulmonary
capillary endothelium results in increased permeability and
influx of fluid to the alveoli.
Risk Factors for Acute Respiratory Distress
Table 36-1
Pulmonary Causes
IX Pneumonia
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Near drowning
Nonpulmonary Causes
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Multiple blood transfusions
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Supportive mechanical ventilation is the primary treatment of
ARDS. The goal should be to provide adequate oxygenation
while avoiding further barotrauma to the lung that can worsen
existing injury. Traditionally, tidal volumes used during
mechanical ventilation were in the range of 12 to 15 mL/min;
however, it is now felt that the resulting barotrauma may exac-
erbate pulmonary dysfunction. In the ARDS Network (ARDS-
NET) trial, conventional mechanical ventilation (12 mL/kg
ideal body weight [IBW]) was compared with a lower tidal vol-
ume goal starting at 6 mL/kg IBW. In each group, the tidal vol-
ume was decreased in increments of 1 mL/kg to maintain the
plateau pressure below 50 mm Hg for the traditional ventilation
group, and below 30 mm Hg for the lower tidal volume group.
The mortality rate was significantly better in the lower tidal vol-
ume group, albeit at the expense of a higher PaCO2 (“permissive
hypercapnia”) and a lower arterial pH. Other methods of
mechanical ventilation evaluated in the treatment of ARDS
include high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), which
uses very low tidal volumes at 4 to 250 times the usual respira-
tory rate. This mode has been studied more extensively in
neonates with respiratory distress syndrome; studies in adults
have been less compelling, and there is currently insufficient
evidence to support its routine use. Permissive hypercapnia
may result in significant acidosis in a patient with renal failure
and may require a higher bicarbonate bath during hemodialysis
or continuous renal replacement therapy (RRT), as increasing 757
the minute volume to improve acid-base control is often not
an option. In patients with severe ARDS not yet on RRT, large
infusions of bicarbonate may not improve acidosis, as the
injured lung may not be able to expel the CO2 produced. Tris- CH 36
hydroxymethyl aminomethane (THAM) is a buffer that accepts
one proton per molecule, generating HCO3 but not CO2. It has

Intensive Care Nephrology

been shown to control arterial pH without increasing CO2 in the
setting of refractory respiratory acidosis. However, THAM is
renally excreted, so is not recommended in renal failure.
Volume management in the patient with ALI/ARDS is contro-
versial. On balance, maintaining euvolemia (wedge pressure,
10–14 mm Hg, central venous pressure 6–12 mm Hg) in patients
with ARDS/ALI, with use of fluids as guided by evidence of
organ perfusion, is considered the most reasonable approach at
this time. Other therapeutic strategies in the management of
ARDS include systemic glucocorticoids, prone positioning
during ventilation, aerosolized surfactant, and inhaled nitric
oxide. No clear benefit has been seen with these interventions,
although some recent studies suggest a trend toward lower mor-
tality rates with the use of surfactant and prone positioning.

Effects on Renal Function

Renal dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with

ARDS/ALI. Although this may primarily reflect the effects of sep-
sis or hemodynamic instability, mechanical ventilation itself has
been found to be a predictor of need for dialysis. Positive intra-
thoracic pressure from mechanical ventilation reduces cardiac
output by impairing venous return and raising right ventricular
afterload. This is particularly true in the setting of high PEEP,
as is often needed in ARDS. Hypercapnia decreases renal blood
flow (RBF) by directly causing renal vasoconstriction and stimu-
lating norepinephrine release. Hypercapnia also causes systemic
vasodilatation, which can result in decreased systemic vascular
resistance and subsequently reduced RBF. Activation of the
inflammatory cascade and widespread cytokine release is also
likely to contribute to the development of AKI.


Hypovolemic shock can be defined as a reduction in effective

circulating blood volume, which leads to an oxygen deficit in
the tissues, as oxygen supply is not able to meet oxygen
demand. This leads to reduced cellular metabolism, conver-
sion to anerobic metabolism, accumulation of CO2 and waste
products (lactate), and if prolonged, cellular death. The most
common causes of hypovolemic shock are listed in Table 36-2.
Table 36-2 Etiology of Hypovolemic Shock
Blood Loss
IX Trauma
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Massive hematuria
Aortic dissection/rupture abdominal aortic aneurysm
Trauma: laceration/rupture of liver or spleen, fracture of pelvis/
long bones
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Fluid Loss
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Adrenal crisis
Lack of Volume Replacement
Comatose/found down

Once 10% of circulating volume has been lost, compensatory
mechanisms are activated to maintain cardiac output, including
adrenal catecholamine release, activation of the sympathetic ner-
vous system, generation of angiotensin II via activation of the
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and vasopressin
released by the pituitary gland. Once the loss of volume exceeds
approximately 40%, these compensatory mechanisms are over-
whelmed and overt hypotension and shock ensue. In the early
stages this process is reversible, but if left untreated, irreversible
shock ensues. This state is characterized by capillary pooling of
blood and volume- and pressor-resistant hypotension. Although
restoration of flow to an ischemic organ is critical to restore func-
tion, reperfusion itself may contribute to organ damage via forma-
tion of reactive oxygen species and activation of complement.
Reperfusion injury can manifest as myocardial stunning, reperfu-
sion arrhythmias, breakdown of the gut mucosal barrier, AKI,
hepatic failure, or multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS).

Clinical Manifestations

Early in the course of hypovolemia, tachycardia, tachypnea,

and orthostatic hypotension are observed. Orthostasis is a
particularly reliable clinical sign. Once volume losses become 759
profound, overt hypotension, oliguria, and peripheral cyanosis
as a result of diminished perfusion ensue. Confusion may
occur. Hypovolemic shock due to trauma or bleeding is usually
apparent, but internal bleeding or the other causes listed in CH 36
Table 36-2 may not be as obvious. Acidosis can occur, often

Intensive Care Nephrology

from hypoperfusion of tissues resulting in lactate production.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) can also occur
during hypovolemic shock, resulting in microvascular thrombi
formation, and may contribute to the multiple organ dysfunc-
tion often seen following traumatic or hypovolemic shock.

In most cases of hypovolemic shock, it is readily apparent that
trauma or blood loss is the primary cause, but care must be
taken not to overlook septic, cardiogenic, or anaphylactic
shock. Initial resuscitation should begin during the evalua-
tion. In the case of external blood loss, cross-matching of
blood should be done while fluids are infused for resuscita-
tion. Gastrointestinal bleeding can be evaluated and poten-
tially treated with upper or lower endoscopy or angiography,
once the patient is stabilized. In the event of trauma, chest
radiography should be performed to rule out tension pneumo-
thorax or hemothorax. If abdominal trauma has occurred, peri-
toneal lavage can be performed to assess for hemorrhage, most
commonly from splenic or hepatic lacerations. If the patient is
stabilized, CT or ultrasound may be used to assess for intra-
abdominal hemorrhage as well as organ injury. Laboratory
tests should include a complete blood count; a chemistry
panel, including electrolytes, creatinine, glucose, and liver
function tests; arterial blood gas measurements; arterial lactate
level; blood type and cross-match; and urinalysis. In the event
of trauma or bleeding, coagulation studies should include a
platelet count, prothrombin time (PT), and partial thrombo-
plastin time (PTT). If the cause of shock is not readily appar-
ent, an electrocardiogram (ECG) should be performed to rule
out myocardial infarction (MI).


Diagnostic procedures should not delay the resuscitation of the

patient in shock. The primary goal in the treatment of hypovole-
mic shock is to return circulating volume to normal. Care must
be taken when transfusing, as a higher hematocrit can actually
worsen oxygen balance by increasing viscosity and reducing
capillary flow. Although elderly patients with MI may benefit
760 from transfusion to a hematocrit of 30%, large transfusions of
blood have been associated with multiple organ dysfunction,
and a liberal transfusion policy to a hemoglobin of 10 to 12
g/dL has been associated with increased risk of mortality. Mea-
IX surement of oxygen delivery and consumption also requires
pulmonary artery catheter placement, which may be an inde-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

pendent risk for mortality; thus, many physicians use improve-

ment in blood pressure, metabolic acidosis, and serial lactate
levels as markers that oxygen delivery and consumption are
adequate. Further treatment depends on the cause of shock,
with directed therapies as appropriate. Traumatic shock often
requires surgical exploration to treat the source of bleeding.

Fluid Resuscitation
Fluid resuscitation is the initial therapy in hypovolemic shock,
as this helps restore circulating volume and oxygen delivery.
The types of fluids used are quite varied (Table 36-3), and
controversy exists as to which agent is the most efficacious. Iso-
tonic crystalloid solutions have traditionally been used as the
primary fluid for volume expansion. Normal saline (0.9%) and
lactated Ringer’s solution are both commonly used, although
large volumes of lactated Ringer’s solution should be avoided
in the setting of renal failure, as they can result in hyperkalemia.
Approximately 75% of the crystalloid volume infused enters the
interstitial space, while 25% remains intravascular. Colloid solu-
tions, including albumin, dextran, and hydroxyethyl starch, are
retained in the intravascular space to a much greater extent than
isotonic crystalloids, and are widely used. Administration of
hydroxyethyl starch (hetastarch) has, however, been associated
with increased incidence of AKI and need for renal replacement
therapy in sepsis; its use should therefore be avoided.

Crystalloid versus Colloid for Resuscitation

The most appropriate fluid for resuscitation of the patient in
shock is controversial. Colloids offer the theoretical advantage
of expanding the intravascular space with less volume. One
liter of dextran-70 increases intravascular volume by 800 mL,
1 L of hetastarch by 750 mL, 1 L of 5% albumin by 500 mL,
and 1 L of saline by 180 mL. Colloids increase blood pressure
more rapidly than crystalloids and may have a lower inci-
dence of pulmonary edema. However, in the setting of sepsis,
where there is significant capillary leak, these factors may not
be relevant. There is also evidence that colloids inhibit the
coagulation system, cause anaphylactoid reactions, and as
discussed previously, increase the risk of AKI (hetastarch).
Several meta-analyses have shown a concerning trend toward
increased mortality rate in heterogeneous groups of critically
ill patients resuscitated with colloids. Although the Cochrane
Injuries Group Albumin Reviewers found that the risk of
Table 36-3 Fluids Used for Resuscitation
Sodium Sodium Dextran 70 þ
Chloride Ringer’s Chloride Albumin Hetastarch Sodium Urea-
(0.9%) Lactate (3%) (5%) (6%) Chloride Gelatin
Sodium (mEq/L) 154 130 513 130–160 154 154 145
Chloride (mEq/L) 154 109 513 130–160 154 154 145
Potassium (mEq/L) 0 4 0 0 0 0 5.1
Osmolarity (mOsm/L) 308 275 1025 310 310 310 391
Oncotic pressure (mm Hg) 0 0 0 20 30 60 26–30
Lactate (mEq/L) 0 28 0 0 0 0 0
Maximum dose None None Limited by None 20 20 20
(mL/kg/24 hr) serum
Cost (per L) $1.26 $1.44 $1.28 $100 $27.30 $35.08 —
762 death was significantly increased in critically ill patients who
received albumin, a large randomized trial of ICU patients
requiring fluid resuscitation compared 0.9% NaCl with 4%
albumin, and found no difference in outcomes. Volume resus-
IX citation in critically ill patients is therefore still a matter of
debate, although patients with profound volume deficits may
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

benefit from colloid solutions in addition to crystalloids to

hasten restoration of circulating volume.

The use of vasopressors in hypovolemic shock should be
reserved for the patient in whom adequate fluid infusion has
not improved hypotension. In this setting, a pulmonary artery
catheter can help guide therapy, as persistent shock can be
caused by either peripheral vasodilation or myocardial dysfunc-
tion. A wedge pressure of 12 to 16 mm Hg is indicative of ade-
quate volume expansion. Choice of vasopressor agent depends
on the clinical circumstances. Vasopressin has often been used
as an adjunct to treatment in those refractory to fluid and cate-
cholamines, although a recently published randomized trial
comparing the use of vasopressin to norepinephrine failed to
demonstrate 28-day mortality rate benefit in those with severe
septic shock treated with vasopressin.

Treatment of Acidosis
In cases of intractable shock, metabolic acidosis may persist
despite volume expansion and improved oxygen delivery. Intra-
venous bicarbonate is often used in this setting in an attempt to
improve cardiac function. However, decreased cardiac contrac-
tility in the setting of lactic acidosis may be partially due to hyp-
oxemia, hypoperfusion, or sepsis, and establishing the direct
effects of the low pH is difficult. Many patients treated with
permissive hypercapnia/low tidal volume ventilation develop
acidosis that is well tolerated, with minimal change in the
cardiac output. Furthermore, bicarbonate infusion has been
theorized to cause worsening intracellular acidosis, as the CO2,
produced when bicarbonate reacts with acids can diffuse rapidly
across the cell membrane, whereas bicarbonate cannot. As the
treatment of lactic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate has not
been shown to be beneficial in clinical studies, and the potential
for adverse effects appears real, the routine administration of
sodium bicarbonate in this setting should be discouraged unless
further compelling evidence becomes available.

Effects of Shock on Renal Function

AKI is a common finding in a patient with shock. In the
setting of shock, compensatory mechanisms maintaining renal
perfusion (prostaglandin/NO release and efferent arteriolar
vasoconstriction) are overwhelmed and ischemic renal injury 763
supervenes. Other factors including DIC with resultant micro-
vascular thrombi can aggravate the renal ischemic injury.


Intensive Care Nephrology

Sepsis and septic shock are common causes of AKI. The
nephrologist is frequently involved in the care of this disease,
and complete understanding of the pathophysiology and
newer therapeutic approaches for sepsis is critical.

The American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical
Care Medicine Consensus Conference in 1991 led to a uniform
definition of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock (Table 36-4).
The mortality rate for patients with SIRS increases as patients
fulfill more criteria and advance along the spectrum. Approx-
imate mortality rates for patients with two SIRS criteria are
7%; three SIRS criteria, 10%; four SIRS criteria, 17%; sepsis,
16%; severe sepsis, 20%; and septic shock, 46%.

Source of Infection and Microbiology

Gram-negative organisms (most commonly Escherichia coli,

Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) are estimated to be

Definitions of Systemic Inflammatory

Table 36-4 Response Syndrome (SIRS), Sepsis, Severe
Sepsis, and Septic Shock
Clinical Syndrome Definition
SIRS Presence of two or more of the following:
Temperature > 38 C or <36 C
Heart rate > 90 beats/min
Respiratory rate > 20 breaths/min
White cell count > 20,000/mm3 or
<4000/mm3, or >10% immature
Sepsis SIRS in the presence of documented
Severe sepsis Sepsis with hypotension, hypoperfusion,
or organ dysfunction
Septic shock Sepsis with hypotension despite volume
resuscitation and evidence of organ
dysfunction or hypoperfusion
764 responsible for 25% of all cases of sepsis, with gram-positive
organisms (most commonly Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococ-
cus, and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus) responsible for a
further 25%. Mixed gram-negative and gram-positive organ-
IX isms account for 20%, fungal 3%, anaerobic organisms 2%,
and 25% of organisms unknown. The most common primary
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

sites of infection in sepsis are the respiratory tract (50%),

intra-abdominal and pelvic sites (20%), the urinary tract
(10%), skin (5%), and intravascular catheters (5%). Risk factors
for the development of sepsis include immunocompromise
(HIV, cytotoxic/immunosuppressive therapy), malnutrition,
alcoholism, malignancy, diabetes mellitus, advanced age, and
chronic kidney disease.

Clinical Features

Common clinical manifestations include changes in body tem-

perature (fever or hypothermia), tachycardia, tachypnea, and
leukocytosis or leukopenia. Hypotension is due to a combina-
tion of persistent vasodilatation (low systemic vascular
resistance [SVR]) and a decreased effective circulating volume
(increased microvascular permeability and increased insensi-
ble losses). Impaired organ perfusion is suggested by confu-
sion, restlessness, oliguria, and lactic acid accumulation.
Once fluid-resuscitated and volume-resuscitated, most
patients with septic shock have an elevated cardiac output
and decreased SVR. Yet despite these findings, the heart
may not be as hyperdynamic as it should be given the clinical
setting, possibly due to a myocardial depressant effect of sep-
sis. ARDS complicates up to 40% of cases of sepsis and is
often the initial manifestation of the multiorgan dysfunction
syndrome. Adrenal insufficiency is a common finding in sep-
tic shock, with a reported incidence of 25% to 40%. The
threshold for diagnosing adrenal insufficiency should be a
cortisol level below 25 to 30 mg/mL, instead of the usual 18
to 20 mg/mL in response to a low-dose (1–2 mg) adrenocortico-
tropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test. It is also advocated
that if a fluid-resuscitated patient is hypotensive and requires
pressors, a baseline cortisol level of less than 25 mg/mL should
be considered diagnostic of adrenal insufficiency.
DIC is often seen in sepsis, and is characterized by enhanced
activation of coagulation, with intravascular fibrin deposition
and platelet consumption. The resulting microvascular thrombi
can reduce blood flow to portions of organs, contributing to the
onset of MODS. Laboratory studies in DIC typically show
thrombocytopenia, with an elevation of the PT, activated partial
thromboplastin time, as well as D-dimer. Critical illness poly-
neuropathy is a common occurrence in the setting of sepsis
and is caused by axonal degeneration. It is characterized by 765
hyporeflexia, distal weakness, and normal or slightly elevated
creatine kinase levels, and may complicate ventilator weaning.
Muscle weakness can take up to 6 months for recovery.
Renal dysfunction is found in up to 40% of patients with CH 36
sepsis, and the mortality rate in these patients is greater than

Intensive Care Nephrology

50%. The clinical manifestations vary from acute tubular
necrosis (ATN) to acute cortical necrosis. Renal hypoperfu-
sion due to the hypotension commonly seen in sepsis likely
plays a major role in the incidence of AKI. However, as previ-
ously discussed, the widespread activation of the inflamma-
tory cascade including tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a),
interleukins, leukotrienes, and endothelin-1 is also thought
to be a significant component.

The management of sepsis is primarily based on eradication of
the infection and support of the patient’s hemodynamics and
other organ systems.

Identifying and treating the source of sepsis should be one of
the primary goals in the management of sepsis. The initial
choice of antibiotic often depends on the suspected site of
infection, and usually consists of broad-spectrum coverage,
progressing to focused therapy upon identification of a source.
Close consultation with local microbiologic departments is
essential. If no organism is isolated, initial broad-spectrum
antibiotics can be continued so long as the patient is improv-
ing. Immediate institution of antibiotic therapy is critical, as
there is a 10% to 15% higher mortality rate in patients not
treated promptly.

Hemodynamic Support
Intravascular volume depletion, peripheral vasodilation, and
increased microvascular permeability all contribute to the
hypotension seen in severe sepsis and septic shock, and
aggressive volume resuscitation should be the primary initial
therapy. The fluid requirements for resuscitation are very
large, and up to 10 L of crystalloid are often required in the
first 24 hours. Boluses of fluid should be given until blood
pressure, heart rate, or evidence of end-organ perfusion such
as urine output have improved. Prompt treatment is crucial;
early, goal-directed therapy, using central venous pressure,
mean arterial pressure, hematocrit, and central venous oxygen
saturation as end points, has been shown to lower the risk of
mortality (Fig. 36-1).
Supplemental oxygen ±
endotracheal intubation and
mechanical ventilation
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Central venous and

arterial catheterization

Sedation, paralysis
(if intubated),
or both

<8 mm Hg Crystalloid
8–12 mm Hg

<65 mm Hg Vasoactive
MAP agents
>90 mm Hg
≥65 and
≤90 mm Hg
<70% Transfusion of red cells
ScvO2 <70%
until hematocrit ≥ 30%

Inotropic agents

No achieved


Hospital admission

Figure 36-1. Protocol for early goal-directed therapy in sepsis.

The protocol was as follows. A 500-mL bolus of crystalloid was
given every 30 minutes to achieve a central venous pressure of
8 to 12 mm Hg. If the mean arterial pressure was less than
65 mm Hg, vasopressors were given to maintain a mean
arterial pressure of at least 65 mm Hg. If the mean arterial
pressure was greater than 90 mm Hg, vasodilators were given
until it was 90 mm Hg or below. If the central venous oxygen
saturation was less than 70%, red blood cells were transfused
to achieve a hematocrit of at least 30%. After the central venous
pressure, mean arterial pressure, and hematocrit were thus
optimized, if the central venous oxygen saturation was less
than 70%, dobutamine administration was started at a dose of CH 36
2.5 mg/kg body weight per minute, a dose that was increased

Intensive Care Nephrology

by 2.5 mg/kg/minute every 30 minutes until the central venous
oxygen saturation was 70% or higher or until a maximal dose
of 20 mg/kg/minute was given. Dobutamine was decreased in
dose or discontinued if the mean arterial pressure was less
than 65 mm Hg or if the heart rate was above 120 beats per
minute. To decrease oxygen consumption, patients in whom
hemodynamic optimization could not be achieved received
mechanical ventilation and sedatives. CVP, central venous
pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SCVO2, central venous
oxygen saturation. (Adapted from Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad
S, et al: Early goal-directed therapy in the treatment of severe
sepsis and septic shock. N Engl J Med 345:1368, 2001.)

Despite adequate fluid resuscitation, many patients require

vasopressor agents. Dopamine and norepinephrine are both
considered first-line vasopressors in the Surviving Sepsis
Campaign guidelines. However, the chronotropic activity of
dopamine is increased in sepsis; thus, tachycardia and
arrhythmias may limit its use. When compared with dopa-
mine, norepinephrine is as effective in raising blood pressure,
but does not raise cardiac output as much, and causes less
tachycardia. Phenylephrine has purely a-adrenergic effects
and fewer risks of tachyarrhythmias, but experience in septic
shock is limited. Epinephrine can be used for refractory hypo-
tension, but has been shown to cause a rise in serum lactate
levels. Dobutamine has been used in sepsis to improve oxygen
delivery, but can potentiate hypotension due to b2-adrenergic–
mediated vasodilation. Dobutamine is recommended for
patients with a low cardiac index (<2.5 L/min/m2) after vol-
ume resuscitation, but if profound hypotension is present
(systolic blood pressure [SBP] < 80 mm Hg), it should be used
in conjunction with an agent with more peripheral vasocon-
strictor effects such as norepinephrine or phenylephrine.
Vasopressin may be considered in those refractory to fluid
resuscitation and catecholamine use, although the most recent
evidence has failed to show mortality rate benefit in patients
with severe sepsis treated with vasopressin.

Treatment of the Coagulation Cascade

Treatment of the underlying condition will accelerate resolu-
tion of DIC. No specific therapy is recommended for DIC
unless severe or life-threatening hemorrhage occurs, at which
768 time replacement with platelets, fresh-frozen plasma, and pos-
sibly cryoprecipitate is indicated. In patients with severe sep-
sis (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
[APACHE II] score of  25), the administration of activated
IX protein C (APC) was shown to result in significant reduction
in overall mortality rates. APC acts as an anticoagulant and
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

therefore should be used with caution in patients with preex-

isting coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia. Activated protein C
should be considered in all patients at high risk for death from
sepsis (APACHE II score > 25, sepsis-induced multiple organ
failure, septic shock, or sepsis-induced ARDS). Benefit has not
been seen in septic patients at low risk of death (APACHE II
score < 25, single-organ dysfunction) treated with APC.

Nutrition and Glycemic Control

Nutritional support is a key component of the management of
the critically ill patient. It is essential for maintaining optimal
immune function, and appears to decrease the susceptibility of
critically ill patients to infection. The enteral route of nutrition
is preferred as it is associated with a lower incidence of cathe-
ter-related blood stream infection and may support the integrity
of the intestinal mucosal barrier. Intensive insulin therapy to
maintain euglycemia (80–110 mg/dL or 4.4–6.1 mmol/L) was
previously thought to confer a survival advantage; recently
published evidence, however, reports an excessive mortality rate
associated with intensive insulin therapy in sepsis, thought to be
related to increase in hypoglycemic events.

Corticosteroids have long been the subject of studies in sepsis,
the rationale being that minimization of the inflammatory cas-
cade could improve outcome. There has been considerable
variability in the study outcomes, and while the use of low-
dose corticosteroids (200–300 mg/day in three to four divided
doses for 7 days) with the addition of fludrocortisone (50 mg
orally once daily) was advocated in patients who required
vasopressor therapy despite adequate fluid resuscitation, and
who failed to respond to a 250 mg ACTH stimulation test, more
recent evidence has failed to demonstrate any survival advan-
tage conferred by the use of corticosteroids.

The role of cytokines in sepsis and septic shock has led to the
theory that their removal by hemofiltration may improve out-
comes. The use of hemofiltration has been associated with
reduction in the hyperdynamic response, including improved
SVR, improvement in APACHE II scores, improvement in
vasopressor requirement, and beneficial hemostatic changes.
Despite this, no randomized, controlled trial has shown an
improvement in survival. Therefore, in the absence of AKI 769
requiring RRT, there is no evidence to support the routine
use of hemofiltration for sepsis.


Intensive Care Nephrology

Cardiogenic shock is a state of decreased cardiac output in the
setting of adequate intravascular volume, resulting in inadequate
tissue perfusion. The diagnosis can be made clinically by the
findings of poor tissue perfusion, such as oliguria or cool extre-
mities, along with the hemodynamic criteria of sustained hypo-
tension (SBP < 90 mm Hg), reduced cardiac index (<2.2
L/min/m2), and congestion (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
[PCWP] > 18 mm Hg). The most common cause of cardiogenic
shock is massive myocardial infarction; other causes include
smaller infarctions in patients with reduced left ventricular func-
tion, acute mitral regurgitation, rupture of the interventricular
septum, myocarditis, end-stage cardiomyopathy, valvular heart
disease, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Cardiogenic shock may occur once 40% of the myocardium is
acutely lost. The resultant clinical sequelae of hypotension
and tachycardia can potentiate the myocardial damage. The
elevated wall stress resulting from left ventricular dilation
and pump failure increases myocardial oxygen requirements,
which also worsens ischemia.

Clinical Features
Hypotension is universal in cardiogenic shock. Tachycardia,
arrhythmias, jugular venous distention, pulmonary rales, and
a third heart sound may be observed. Signs of tissue hypoperfu-
sion include confusion, mottling of the skin, and oliguria. AKI
occurs in approximately one third of cases, with an associated
dramatic increase in mortality rate to as high as 90%. Multiple
organ failure and lactic acidosis develops in many patients,
primarily due to ischemia from decreased cardiac output.

MI with reduced left ventricular systolic function is the most
common cause; however, other causes of shock, such as sep-
sis, hypovolemia, and pulmonary embolism, must be consid-
ered. An ECG should be performed, and if an inferior MI is
770 suspected, a right-sided ECG should be performed to evaluate
for right-sided involvement. Routine blood tests, including car-
diac enzymes, should be performed, a Foley catheter should be
placed to monitor urine output, and a chest radiograph should
IX be obtained. Echocardiography is a valuable tool to confirm
the diagnosis of cardiogenic shock and can evaluate for
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

potential mechanical causes that require surgical intervention,

including papillary muscle rupture, tamponade, or left
ventricular free wall rupture.

General Measures
Airway management and maintenance of adequate oxygenation
should be of primary concern during resuscitation. Intubation
and mechanical ventilation may be required if supplemental
oxygen or noninvasive ventilation cannot maintain adequate
oxygenation with minimal work of breathing. b-Blockers, ACE
inhibitors, and nitrates should be discontinued as they may
worsen the clinical state. If there is no evidence of pulmonary
edema, an empirical fluid bolus (250 mL 0.9% NaCl) can
be administered. Significantly higher fluid requirements may
be seen in cases of right ventricular infarction in order to main-
tain left ventricular filling pressures.

Ionotropic Support
If hypotension persists despite optimization of filling pressures,
inotropic agents should be commenced. Dobutamine improves
myocardial contractility and cardiac output and is the drug of
first choice when the SBP exceeds 80 mm Hg. At lower SBP, its
vasodilatatory effects may worsen hypotension and it should
only be used in conjunction with another vasopressor. Dopamine
may be considered when the SBP falls below 80 mm Hg; at low
doses (<5 mg/kg/min), b1 effects predominate, with a effects more
prevalent at higher doses; peripheral ischemia, tachycardia, and
arrhythmias may occur. Norepinephrine is a pure a-agonist and
can be used when there is an inadequate response to dopamine.
Milrinone and amrinone are phosphodiesterase inhibitors
that increase inotropicity and cardiac output; however, they
cause peripheral vasodilation and should not be used in
patients with marginal blood pressures. Once the blood pres-
sure has been stabilized, the treatment of pulmonary edema
with diuretics, and the optimization of preload and afterload
with direct vasodilator therapy can be considered. Emerging
therapies include the use of recombinant human b-type
natriuretic peptide nesiritide, which can reduce pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure and systemic vascular resistance,
and improve the urine output in diuretic resistant patients.
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping 771
Intra-aortic balloon pumping (IABP) can improve diastolic
blood pressure and coronary perfusion, and increase cardiac
output in the setting of cardiogenic shock. Clinical studies
have suggested that IABP placement improves survival, par- CH 36
ticularly in patients who have received thrombolytic therapy,

Intensive Care Nephrology

likely owing to increased coronary blood flow. IABP has a
complication rate of up to 15% (bleeding, limb ischemia,
blood stream infection).

Coronary Reperfusion
The outcome of cardiogenic shock in the setting of MI is
directly related to the patency of the involved coronary arteries.
Therefore, interventions to open occluded arteries are crucial.
Thrombolytics reduce the incidence of shock when adminis-
tered for acute MI, but once shock is established, the benefit
is less clear. Recent evidence suggests that a more aggressive
approach, involving early revascularization (percutaneous pro-
cedures/coronary artery bypass grafting), results in improved
outcomes in cardiogenic shock complicating acute MI. Ventric-
ular assist devices have been used in peri-infarction cardio-
genic shock, acute myocarditis, and postcardiotomy shock to
bridge patients to either recovery of adequate myocardial func-
tion or transplantation.

Ultrafiltration by continuous renal replacement therapy
(CRRT) has also been proposed as a treatment for severe
refractory heart failure in patients who do not have uremia.
In patients who are diuretic-resistant, ultrafiltration, either
by continuous or intermittent methods, can improve systemic
hemodynamics and may result in improved diuresis and
reduced symptoms; however, compelling outcome data are
lacking. Although hemofiltration may improve CHF in some
patients, removal of intravascular volume may not be tolerated
by all and may lead to permanent renal dysfunction.



Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is defined as severe acute

liver failure in a patient with no preexisting liver disease, with
encephalopathy developing within 2 weeks of the first mani-
festation of liver disease. Subfulminant hepatic failure (SFHF)
is defined as liver failure that is complicated by encephalopa-
thy between 3 and 12 weeks after the onset of jaundice.
Because the rate of onset of this disease process is an indicator
772 of prognosis, with the patients having the most rapid onset of
encephalopathy also having the best chance of recovery, a
newer definition has been proposed to classify FHF and
SFHF. Hyperacute, acute, and subacute liver failure are
IX defined by the time between the onset of jaundice and the
development of encephalopathy (0–7 days, 8–28 days, and
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

29 days to 12 weeks, respectively). The survival rate in hyper-

acute liver failure is 36%, in acute 7%, and in subacute 14%.
The most common cause of hyperacute liver failure is acet-
aminophen overdose, although hepatitis A and B can also
result in this condition. Acute liver failure is predominantly
caused by viral hepatitis and drug reactions; subacute liver
failure is most often caused by a hepatitis for which no viral
cause can be found. Causes of FHF are listed in Table 36-5.

Clinical Features
FHF presents with a variety of symptoms including nausea,
vomiting, malaise, and jaundice. Hypoglycemia results from
impaired gluconeogenesis, high insulin levels, and inability to
utilize stored glycogen. Metabolic acidosis is a consequence of
poor tissue perfusion and inability to clear lactate. Hypokale-
mia and hyponatremia also occur frequently. Encephalopathy,
felt to be multifactorial in etiology, may develop quickly, and

Table 36-5 Causes of Fulminant Hepatic Failure

Viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B, C, and E; HSV, CMV, adenovirus,
EBV, and HHV-6 infections)
Amanita mushroom posioning
Autoimmune hepatitis
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
HELLP syndrome
Reye syndrome
Malignant hyperthermia
Drug toxicity (acetaminophen, halothane, NSAIDs, isoniazid,
phenytoin, valproate, sulfonamides, amiodarone, ecstasy)
Wilson disease
Metastatic tumor
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Portal vein thrombosis
Right heart failure
Acute rejection of liver transplant
CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes, low platelets; HHV, human herpesvirus; HSV, herpes simplex virus.
Table 36-6 Stages of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Stage Description
1 Euphoria, anxiety, disruption of sleep, shortened
attention span, mild confusion, slight asterixis CH 36
2 Slurred speech, lethargy, inappropriate behavior,

Intensive Care Nephrology

asterixis, hypoactive reflexes, loss of continence
3 Marked confusion, incoherent speech, hyperactive
reflexes, somnolent but rousable
4 Coma, unresponsive to pain, lacking asterixis

is required, by definition, to be present in FHF. Hepatic

encephalopathy is graded on a scale of 1 to 4 as listed in
Table 36-6. Strong consideration should be given to intubation
for airway protection as encephalopathy progresses through
stage 3. Cerebral edema has been found in 40% of patients with
FHF and advanced encephalopathy and leads to increased
intracranial pressure (ICP) and decreased cerebral perfusion.
This is manifested clinically by abnormal pupillary reflexes,
systemic hypertension, and bradycardia. Decerebrate posturing
and brainstem respiratory patterns are classic but late findings.
Invasive ICP monitoring has been advocated for all patients
with grade 3 and 4 encephalopathy and has been shown to
improve the outcome of liver transplantation by excluding
those patients with low cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP ¼
mean arterial pressure  ICP) who are likely to have permanent
neurologic damage.
Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia are common findings
in FHF. Factor V levels fall rapidly, and this measurement is
often used as a marker of disease progression with prognostic
indication. DIC may be seen. Although hemorrhage is uncom-
mon, the gastrointestinal tract is the most common site of
bleeding, and intracranial hemorrhage may rarely occur spon-
taneously. Bacterial infections occur in up to 80% of patients
with acute liver failure. Fungal infections are also common,
the predominant organisms being Candida albicans or Can-
dida glabrata and Aspergillus. There may be an absence
of clinical signs of infection in FHF, so a high index of suspi-
cion must be maintained, particularly when patients undergo a
sudden clinical deterioration. Renal dysfunction is present
in up to 55% of all patients with FHF. Direct toxicity can be a
result of acetaminophen overdose, radiocontrast toxicity, or
antibiotic use. The circulatory changes seen in FHF (low SVR,
hypotension, renal vasoconstriction) predispose patients to
renal dysfunction. Hepatorenal syndrome is a well-recognized
entity and is discussed in Chapter 10, Acute Kidney Injury.
If RRT is required, then CRRT should be considered first-line
774 therapy in FHF, even in hemodynamically stable patients, as
intermittent RRT has been associated with a significant increase
in ICP.

IX Evaluation
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Initial laboratory tests should include chemistry profiles,

coagulation studies, complete blood count, toxicology screen,
viral serologic tests, ceruloplasmin (in patients < 40 years
old), creatinine kinase, and urinalysis. Transaminases can be
strikingly high, but the levels do not predict outcome.
Increases in bilirubin and prothrombin, and a reduction in
factor V have prognostic value and should be followed
closely. Signs of cardiac or renal failure should prompt con-
sideration of Swan-Ganz catheter placement due to the diffi-
culty in otherwise determining the intravascular volume
status. Patients must be evaluated for sepsis, including a
search for fungal infections. Intravenous H2 blockers are con-
sidered routine to prevent gastric bleeding in the setting of
coagulopathy. Liver biopsy is needed for diagnosis in a minor-
ity of cases, as the cause is usually evident. Transjugular
biopsy has become the favored method in the setting of coagu-
lopathy because it has less risk of bleeding than the percutane-
ous approach.

Acetaminophen toxicity should be treated with N-acetylcysteine
(NAC), which may improve outcome up to 36 hours after an over-
dose of acetaminophen. NAC should therefore be given when
acetaminophen overdose is suspected, even if levels are unde-
tectable. The oral dose is 140 mg/kg initially, followed by
70 mg/kg every 4 hours for 17 doses. When given intravenously,
the dose is 150 mg/kg bolus followed by 70 mg/kg intrave-
nously every 4 hours for 12 doses. Acyclovir should be used
for herpes simplex infection and lamivudine has been proved
to be of some benefit for hepatitis B infection. Acute fatty
liver of pregnancy and the HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes, and low platelets) syndrome require immediate
delivery of the fetus. Amanita poisoning should be treated with
high-dose penicillin (300,000 to 1 million U/kg/day), which has
an antagonistic effect on the mushroom toxin, amatoxin, and
sylibin (20–48 mg/kg/day), which blocks the hepatocellular
uptake of amatoxin.
In the majority of cases, therapy for FHF is supportive.
Fluid resuscitation is often required in the acute setting as
there is hypotension from decreased SVR, as well as redistrib-
utive losses. FFP continues to be used as a first-line agent for
volume resuscitation, although there are no studies to support 775
its use over normal saline. Once volume resuscitation is
complete, dextrose with 0.45% normal saline should be used
for maintenance fluids, with careful monitoring of serum elec-
trolytes. Hypotension that persists after fluid resuscitation is CH 36
adequate, as evidenced by a wedge pressure of 12 to 14

Intensive Care Nephrology

mm Hg, requires vasopressors. Norepinephrine is most com-
monly used for its preferential effect on peripheral a-adrener-
gic receptors.
The treatment of hepatic encephalopathy is directed at limit-
ing the production of ammonia and avoiding benzodiazepines.
Hypokalemia increases renal ammonia synthesis and should be
aggressively treated. Lactulose reduces the gut absorption of
ammonia and is the mainstay of therapy. Metronidazole is used
to reduce intestinal bacteria and decrease ammonia production;
neomycin has been used without demonstrable benefit, and
confers additional risk of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
Flumazenil may offer a short-term improvement in encephalop-
athy but does not appear to alter mortality rates.
Cerebral edema is a common cause of death in patients with
FHF and should be treated aggressively. When ICP monitoring
is performed, the CPP should be maintained above at least
50 mm Hg. Stategies to lower the ICP include raising the head
of the bed to 20 to 30 degrees, measures to reduce fever, hyper-
ventilation to a PCO2 of 26 to 30 mm Hg, and mannitol admin-
istration. Mannitol (0.5–1 g/kg) is effective in reducing ICP in
patients with normal renal function. A diuresis of twice the
volume of mannitol given should be expected in 1 hour. This
dose can be repeated, but the serum osmolality must be moni-
tored and mannitol stopped when the osmolality reaches
320 mOsm/kg. Complications of mannitol use include hyper-
natremia and volume depletion leading to AKI or, if renal
excretion is impaired, volume overload and hyponatremia.
In the setting of renal failure, mannitol can be coupled with
hemofiltration to maintain the osmotic effect. Twice the vol-
ume of mannitol administered should be removed by ultrafil-
tration to ensure a beneficial effect.
Most patients with FHF develop coagulopathy, but sponta-
neous hemorrhage is uncommon. Parenteral vitamin K should
be given for 3 days if coagulopathy develops, and fresh-frozen
plasma should only be given for bleeding or in advance of
invasive procedures. Other therapies, including insulin and
glucagon, corticosteroids, and exchange transfusion, have not
been shown to be beneficial. Emerging therapies for the treat-
ment of FHF include liver-dialysis units, bioartificial liver
units, and the molecular adsorbent recirculating system
(MARS). MARS is available in Europe for patients with liver
failure, but is currently available only for investigational use
in the United States.
King’s College Criteria for Liver
Table 36-7
Cause Criteria
IX Acetaminophen Arterial pH < 7.3 with any degree of
overdose encephalopathy
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

INR > 6.5

Creatinine > 3.4 mg/dL in presence of grade
III or IV encephalopathy
Non– INR > 6.5 with encephalopathy or any three
acetaminophen- of the following variables:
related Age < 10 yr or >40 yr
Etiology: idiopathic nonviral hepatitis,
idiosyncratic drug reaction
Jaundice > 7 days before onset of
Serum bilirubin > 17.5 mg/dL
INR > 3.5
INR, international normalized ratio.

The King’s College criteria (Table 36-7) are utilized to aid

decision as to when a patient should be listed for transplanta-
tion. Contraindications include uncontrolled intracranial
hypertension, sepsis, adult respiratory distress syndrome,
and dependence on pressors.


For a complete discussion of dialytic modalities in AKI see
Chapter 10, Acute Kidney Injury.
Chapter 37

The term plasmapheresis (PE) or therapeutic plasma exchange
(TPE) involves the therapeutic removal of macromolecules from
the plasma of patients with a variety of underlying medical
conditions. The plasmapheresis process involves the replace-
ment of plasma with albumin or other solutions (crystalloid
or colloid) to maintain a normovolemic state.

For most conditions, the aim of the procedure is the removal
of pathologic autoantibodies or toxins, and the initial treat-
ment goal is to exchange 1 to 1.5 times the plasma volume
per plasmapheresis procedure. A formula to estimate plasma
volume in an adult is as follows:

Estimated plasma volume ðin litersÞ

¼ 0:07 weight ðin kgÞ  ð100  hematocritÞ

For removal of components predominantly restricted to the

plasma space, the use of higher exchange volumes will require
significantly longer procedure times without additional clini-
cal benefit. The ultimate clinical success of the procedure
depends on the abundance of abnormal protein and its rate
of production, and unless additional therapies are employed
(usually immunosuppressive or cytotoxic) to eliminate or
reduce the source of the abnormal protein(s), it is unlikely to
be of clinical benefit.

Plasma Separation Techniques

There are two major modalities to separate the plasma from
blood during a PE procedure: (1) centrifugation and (2) mem-
brane filtration. The mechanism and equipment for these pro-
cedures vary significantly, and are usually employed by blood
bank or hemodialysis facilities, respectively. The choice of
method depends on the specific disease, as well as the
resources of the health care facility concerned. If concurrent
hemodialysis treatment is required, the membrane filtration
method can be performed in combination with conventional
778 The centrifugation method uses centrifugal force to separate
whole blood into plasma and cellular fractions according to
their density, and can be either an intermittent or continuous
process. In intermittent centrifugation, sequential volumes of
IX whole blood are removed and centrifuged, the cellular fraction
is returned to the patient, and the process is repeated until
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

the desired volume of plasma is removed. The advantages

of intermittent centrifugation include relative simplicity of
operation, machine portability, and the convenience of sin-
gle-needle peripheral venipuncture. Disadvantages include
time required (typically more than 4 hours per procedure)
and the relatively large extracorporeal volume removed each
time. In continuous centrifugation, blood is pumped contin-
uously, plasma is removed at a specified rate, and cells plus
replacement fluid are returned to the patient in a continuous
manner. This method is faster, and more suitable for hemo-
dynamically unstable patients, but it is more costly and
requires two venipunctures or insertion of a dual-lumen cen-
tral venous catheter.
The membrane filtration technique is based on a synthetic
membrane filter composed of many hollow fiber tubes, made of
a membrane, with relatively large pore sizes, arranged in parallel,
similar to a hemodialysis filter. The pores are sufficiently large to
allow passage of plasma (proteins and plasma water), while
retaining cells within the hollow fiber lumen before returning
the cells to the patient through a typical hemodialysis circuit.
This technique can be done with conventional or continuous
hemodialysis equipment, with a blood flow rate of 100 (20)
mL/min, and an optimal transmembrane pressure less than
70 mm Hg. Plasma is removed at a rate of 30 to 50 mL/min and
the infusion rate of replacement fluid is adjusted to maintain
intravascular volume. Potential disadvantages include activa-
tion of complement and leukocytes by the artificial membrane,
and the need for a central large-bore catheter to obtain adequate
blood flow rates.

Venous Access

Successful implementation of the plasmapheresis procedure

requires reliable venous access. Several factors need to be
considered when deciding on venous access, particularly
the potential requirement for long-term plasmapheresis and
the method of plasmapheresis being utilized. A peripheral
vein allows a maximum flow of between 50 and 90 mL/min,
and intermittent centrifugation requires only a single venous
access, whereas the continuous method will need two. If
long-term (more than 1–2 weeks) plasmapheresis is required,
or the membrane filtration method is used, a central venous
catheter will be required. Central venous catheters have the 779
risk of numerous complications including catheter thrombo-
sis, infection, and central vein thrombosis.

CH 37

The plasmapheresis procedure requires anticoagulation to
prevent clotting of the extracorporeal circuit. For centrifuga-
tion procedures, the acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) solution (1=9
volume of solute per volume of solution), given as a continu-
ous intravenous infusion, is the most commonly used agent.
Heparin, if not contraindicated, can be used alone or in combi-
nation with citrate when risk of catheter clotting is increased.
For membrane filtration procedures, the use of standard
unfractionated heparin is preferred, although approximately
twice the amount needed for hemodialysis is required, as a sig-
nificant amount of infused heparin is removed along with
plasma. Systemic anticoagulation may be potentiated, how-
ever, due to the additional effect of dilution of clotting factors
by nonplasma replacement solutions. The initial intravenous
loading dose of heparin (40 U/kg) is usually followed by a
continuous infusion (20 U/kg/hour), adjusted to maintain
adequate circuit anticoagulation. If patients are receiving stan-
dard oral anticoagulation, regional citrate or heparin should be
added to prevent circuit clotting. In critically ill patients with
coagulation abnormalities, regional citrate is recommended.
The use of citrate mandates careful monitoring of calcium
levels. Hirudin and lepirudin (thrombin inhibitors) are effec-
tive for patients with contraindications to heparin use.

Replacement Fluid
The choice of replacement fluids include 5% albumin, fresh-
frozen plasma (FFP) or other plasma derivatives such as cryo-
supernatant, and crystalloids (0.9% saline, Ringer’s lactate).
Albumin is the most commonly used solution and is generally
combined with saline on a 50:50 (volume %) basis. It lacks
calcium, potassium, coagulation factors, and immunoglobu-
lins. FFP contains complement and coagulation factors, and
is the replacement fluid of choice in patients with thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), which is discussed in more
detail later. Plasma may also be preferable in patients at
increased risk of bleeding (e.g., liver disease, pulmonary-renal
syndromes with potential for pulmonary hemorrhage) or in
whom intensive therapy is required, as frequent albumin
replacement will result in post-plasmapheresis coagulopathy
780 and a net loss of immunoglobulins. Disadvantages of FFP use
include the risk of viral disease transmission and citrate

Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Adverse events in plasmapheresis are common, the vast majority

of which do not require termination of the procedure; death is
rare. The common complications are summarized in Table 37-1.

Plasmapheresis can lead to a reduction in blood pressure, usu-
ally due to decreased plasma volume. Intermittent centrifugal
techniques use a greater volume of extracorporeal blood, with
higher incidence of hypotension. Hypotension can also occur
in response to complement-mediated reactions to the filter,
or sensitivity to ethylene oxide used as a sterilant. Anaphylac-
toid reactions have been reported with FFP use, although
cardiopulmonary collapse is rare.

Citrate-induced Complications: Hypocalcemia and

Metabolic Alkalosis
Citrate, either as an anticoagulant or as a component of FFP,
can bind to free calcium to form soluble calcium citrate,
thereby lowering the free, but not total, serum calcium

Table 37-1 Complications of Plasmapheresis

Component Related Complication
Vascular Hematomas
access Pneumothorax
Catheter infections/thrombosis
Replacement Anaphylactoid reactions to fresh-frozen plasma
fluids Coagulopathies
Transmission of viral infections
Miscellaneous Hypotension
Dyspnea (pulmonary edema; rarely, anaphylaxis
causing noncardiogenic edema)
Removal of erythropoietin and drugs bound to
plasma proteins
Angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors
concentration. Monitoring of serum calcium levels is man- 781
dated, therefore, and symptoms can be anticipated and reduced
by either intravenous or oral administration of calcium. In the
presence of renal failure, citrate administration can cause meta-
bolic alkalosis, due to the generation of bicarbonate from the CH 37
metabolism of excess citrate.

Replacement regimens using saline and albumin solutions
can result in a 25% reduction in the plasma potassium
concentration in the post-pheresis period. This can be mini-
mized by the addition of potassium 4 mEq/L to the replace-
ment solution.

Coagulation Abnormalities
Albumin replacement produces a predictable decrease in clot-
ting factors that may predispose to bleeding. A single plasma
volume exchange increases the prothrombin time by 30%
and the partial thromboplastin time by 100%. These changes
return to normal within several hours, but with repeated treat-
ments they may persist. Therefore, 3 to 4 units of FFP should
be included with the replacement fluid each week or sooner in
patients at risk for bleeding.

Repeated plasmapheresis with albumin replacement will
deplete a patient’s reserve of immunoglobulins for several
weeks, and this, combined with complement removal, could
result in an immunodeficient state. However, a study evaluat-
ing infection rates did not find increased likelihood of infec-
tion in patients treated with plasmapheresis. Should
infection occur, a single infusion of intravenous immunoglob-
ulin (100–400 mg/kg) will restore the plasma immunoglobulin
rates to normal. Although estimates for the risk of viral trans-
mission by the use of FFP are low, large volumes from multi-
ple donors increase the risk in patients undergoing long-term
treatment. Use of large-volume plasma from a single donor
and use of the hepatitis B vaccine may reduce the risk of viral


Plasmapheresis should be considered when the pathogenic

factor(s) are high-molecular-weight substances or the patient
is deficient in a plasma component, whereas hemodialysis or
Pathologic Factors Removed by
Table 37-2
IX Immune complexes
Myeloma protein
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Complement products
Protein-bound toxins
Cells—platelets or white blood cells (modified procedure ¼
ADAMTS-13, a disintegrin-like metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 repeats.

hemofiltration is more efficient for the removal of small

molecules and toxins with a large volume of distribution.
Table 37-2 lists the pathologic factors that may be removed
with plasmapheresis.

Anti–Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease

Anti–glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody
disease is a disorder in which circulating antibodies are
directed against an antigen in the glomerular basement mem-
brane, resulting in a rapidly progressive (usually catastrophic)
glomerulonephritis. When accompanied by pulmonary hem-
orrhage, the disease is known as Goodpasture syndrome.
Circulating anti-GBM antibodies are detected in excess of
90% of patients, and antibody titer correlates to disease activity.
The pathophysiology of anti-GBM antibody disease is discussed
further in Chapter 11, Primary Glomerular Disease. Historically,
untreated patients do not recover renal function and have a sub-
stantial mortality rate, mainly from pulmonary hemorrhage.
Plasmapheresis is used to rapidly remove the pathogenic autoan-
tibodies, while further immunosuppression (usually cyclophos-
phamide and steroids) is administered to reduce additional
antibody synthesis and reduce inflammation. All patients
with anti-GBM antibody disease and severe renal failure who
do not require immediate dialysis should be immunosuppressed
and immediately receive intensive plasmapheresis—current
evidence suggests daily plasmapheresis for at least 14 days. As
pulmonary hemorrhage is associated with high mortality
rate, plasmapheresis should be initiated in all Goodpasture
patients with pulmonary hemorrhage regardless of the severity
of renal failure.
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis 783

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) is character-

ized by a rapid deterioration in renal function, occurring
over a period of a few days to a few weeks. Histologically, CH 37
there is severe inflammation and necrosis of the glomeruli

and, often, glomerular crescent formation. There are
three major subgroups: (1) anti-GBM antibody disease, (2)
immune complex–mediated processes, including systemic
lupus erythematosus, postinfectious processes, and mixed
cryoglobulinemia, (3) pauci-immune diseases that are most
often associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
(ANCA), including Wegener granulomatosis and microscopic
polyangitis. These conditions are discussed in more detail in
Chapter 11, Primary Glomerular Disease. There is limited data
to support the use of plasmapheresis in immune complex–
mediated processes. The rationale for using plasmapheresis in
pauci-immune ANCA-associated disease was initially based
on the similarity of the renal pathology to anti-GBM antibody
disease. However, several studies performed in the 1990s failed
to demonstrate significant additional benefit in the absence of
dialysis dependence. Recently published results from the Euro-
pean Vasculitis Study Group (EUVAS), which evaluated
ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis with severe renal
involvement (creatinine > 5.7 mg/dL or >500 mmol/L), showed
a lower incidence of dialysis dependence at 12 months in
patients treated with plasmapheresis in addition to induction
and maintenance of immunosuppression. For patients present-
ing with severe ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis and
advanced renal involvement, there is therefore strong support
for the use of plasmapheresis, although less evidence for those
presenting without acute kidney injury. Plasmapheresis should
be initiated in any patient who co-presents with anti-GBM anti-
body disease, and in any patient with acute pulmonary alveolar

Lupus Nephritis
Lupus nephritis is a common and potentially serious compli-
cation of systemic lupus erythematosus and is discussed in
detail in Chapter 12, Secondary Glomerular Disease. Class
IV lupus nephritis is associated with poor renal outcomes
unless treated with immunosuppressive protocols utilizing
cytotoxic therapy, although there is little data to support
the use of plasmapheresis. A large randomized controlled
trial evaluated the use of plasmapheresis, in addition to a
standard therapy regimen of cyclophosphamide and prednis-
olone, in patients with lupus nephritis including histologic
784 subtypes III, IV, and V. Despite a significantly more rapid
reduction in serum concentrations of antibodies to double-
stranded DNA in the plasmapheresis-treated group, no addi-
tional clinical benefit was seen. It is thought that selected
IX patients with aggressive lupus nephritis may benefit, and it
has been used with some reported success in patients relaps-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

ing on conventional therapy, but currently available data are

insufficient to recommend its use.

Cryoglobulinemia refers to the presence of serum proteins that
precipitate at temperatures below 37 C, and re-dissolve on
warming. The pathophysiology of cryoglobulinemia is dis-
cussed in more detail in Chapter 12, Secondary Glomerular
Disease. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)–related cryoglobulinemia
and glomerulonephritis is related to the glomerular deposition
of immune complexes. There are no randomized controlled
studies of plasmapheresis for the treatment of cryoglobuline-
mia. However, the goal of removing pathogenic cryoglobulins
is rational, and there are many case reports and uncontrolled
studies that suggest that severe, active disease (as manifested
by progressive renal failure, coalescing purpura, or advanced
neuropathy) may benefit from the addition of plasmapheresis.
Given the unique characteristics of cryoglobulins, modifica-
tion of the plasmapheresis technique has been made to
enhance their removal. Cryofiltration cools the plasma in an
extracorporeal circuit allowing for more efficient removal of
the pathogenic proteins, although this is best performed by a
continuous process, requiring a machine designed for the pur-
pose. Alternatively, a two-step procedure can be performed, in
which the patient’s own plasma can be reinfused after cold
incubation to precipitate out the abnormal proteins.

Renal Failure Associated with Multiple Myeloma

Renal disease is a common problem in multiple myeloma and
can be caused by a variety of factors, including precipitation
of myeloma light chains within tubules, and direct toxicity
to tubule epithelium. Other factors frequently implicated
include hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia, amyloidosis, hyper-
viscosity, infections, and chemotherapeutic agents. Theoreti-
cally, the removal of nephrotoxic Bence Jones proteins with
plasmapheresis could prevent or resolve the development of
renal failure, but despite some early optimism, subsequent
trials have failed to demonstrate clinical benefit following
treatment with plasmapheresis.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and 785
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

These thrombotic microangiopathic disorders, although dis-

tinct in pathophysiology, share patterns of endothelial injury, CH 37
which are manifested by systemic or intrarenal aggregation of

platelets, thrombocytopenia, mechanical injury to erythro-
cytes, and end-organ injury. Although historically considered
to be the same disease, major advances have been made in
recent years in our understanding of the distinct pathophysi-
ology underlying each disease, and are discussed in more
detail in Chapter 13, Microvascular Diseases of the Kidney.
Genetic studies of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura (TTP) led to the identification of defects in a metallo-
proteinase called von Willebrand factor–cleaving protease,
now known as ADAMTS-13 (a disintegrin-like metalloprotease
with thrombospondin type 1 repeats). Deficiencies in
ADAMTS-13, now recognized to be due either to an inherited
or autoantibody-mediated defect, lead to the accumulation of
unusually large von Willebrand factor multimers in the circula-
tion, which subsequently initiate endothelial injury. Histori-
cally, this disease was nearly uniformly fatal; however, the
use of plasmapheresis has dramatically improved the progno-
sis, with response rates in adults of 60% to 80%. The use and
success of plasmapheresis are supported by our knowledge of
the underlying defect—in the case of inherited ADAMTS-13
deficiency, replacement of plasma with normal ADAMTS-13
activity, and in the case of an inhibitory autoantibody to
ADAMTS-13, its removal by plasmapheresis. It appears, how-
ever, that there is a wide range of normal ADAMTS-13 activity,
and deficiency alone may not be sufficient to cause disease in
the absence of additional causes of endothelial injury.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is classically associated
with a prodromal diarrheal illness, with endothelial injury
caused by verocytotoxin/shiga toxin–producing bacteria. Diar-
rhea-associated HUS is more common in children, and typically
has a high recovery rate, requiring only supportive therapy,
although therapy may include need for hemodialysis because
the incidence of renal failure is high. It is now clear, however,
that a significant proportion of cases of HUS are not associated
with a diarrheal illness, suggesting other mediators of endothe-
lial injury. Familial forms of HUS are described and have more
aggressive clinical courses, with high relapse rates. Inherited
complement disorders, including disorders of complement fac-
tor H (FH), factor I (FI), and membrane co-factor protein (MCP)
(CD46), have been shown to be associated with HUS. Approxi-
mately 20% of cases of familial HUS are due to FH mutations.
Inhibitory autoantibodies to FH have also been described. The
786 role of plasmapheresis in the treatment of HUS is less clear than
that for TTP, although the diseases are often clinically difficult to
distinguish, particularly in the absence of a diarrheal prodrome,
so that plasmapheresis may be commenced empirically. It is
IX often used for severe or persistent disease, particularly in adults.
The duration of plasmapheresis required is unknown, but it
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

is performed daily until the platelet count has risen to normal,

evidence for hemolysis has resolved, and resolution of neuro-
logic symptoms has been achieved, although formal guidelines
differ in terms of the absolute platelet count required prior to
discontinuation of plasmapheresis. Improvements in the plate-
let count may not be seen for several days, and improvements
in renal function often take longer. Upon achievement of a nor-
mal platelet count, plasmapheresis should be tapered gradually
by increasing the interval between treatments. A significant
proportion of patients may show evidence of ongoing active
disease on discontinuation of therapy, mandating careful mon-
itoring. For recurrent disease, additional immunosuppressive
therapy is often required.

Recurrent Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

Recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a com-
mon glomerular disease resulting in end-stage renal disease,
and is the most common disease to recur in a renal allograft
(20%). The immediate reappearance of proteinuria after trans-
plantation suggests that a nondialyzable circulating factor may
be present, altering glomerular permeability. The circulating fac-
tor is found in normal plasma and has not been definitively iden-
tified, but is thought to be a nonimmunoglobulin. Variable levels
of this constituent in normal plasma may explain the discrep-
ancy among studies evaluating the circulating factor. Removal
of such a factor by plasmapheresis may account for the remission
of the disease in some patients. Studies have shown benefit in the
use of plasmapheresis, and early relapse rates improved with the
extension of plasmapheresis to nine sessions.
In recurrent FSGS after renal transplantation, beneficial
results have been reported in children treated with plasmaphe-
resis and cyclophosphamide, although the study numbers are
very small. The evidence in adults is less clear, in the absence
of controlled trials, although the use of plasmapheresis has
been associated with better allograft outcomes.

Renal Transplantation
In addition to its role in the treatment of recurrent FSGS after
transplant, plasmapheresis has been utilized in several other
clinical settings involving transplantation, including ABO
blood group incompatibility, positive T-cell cross-match, and 787
acute humoral rejection.

ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplantation

ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation is an increasingly CH 37
attractive option for transplant candidates whose only living

donor is blood group incompatible. The ABO blood group
consists of four common categories, A, B, AB, and O, with
types A and O the most frequently occurring in the U.S. pop-
ulation. The proteins comprising these antigens are on red
blood cells, lymphocytes, and platelets, in addition to epithe-
lial and endothelial cells. Historically, ABO incompatibility
was an exclusion criterion for transplantation, as blood group
antibodies arise against those antigens not native to the host,
and mismatched renal transplantation in this situation can lead
to acute humoral rejection. However, excellent reported out-
comes with ABO-incompatible transplants from Japan kindled
renewed interest in ABO-incompatible renal transplantation
with a variety of desensitization procedures.
Current desensitization protocols utilize intravenous
immune globulin (IVIG), with and without plasmapheresis,
to remove IgG and IgM antibodies against the ABO group of
the potential recipient. These treatments are performed in
addition to a variety of immunosuppression regimens includ-
ing tacrolimus, mycophenolate, and steroids.

Positive T-Cell Cross-Match

The most recent available data in the United States indicates
that about 20% of patients awaiting kidney transplantation
have reactive antibodies. Primary sensitization results from
exposure to foreign HLA antigens via transfusion, transplanta-
tion, or pregnancy. Patients who have antibodies reactive with
donor lymphocytes are at increased risk for hyperacute or acute
antibody-mediated rejection and graft loss. There are currently
two HLA antibody reduction protocols for which efficacy has
been demonstrated: high-dose IVIG and plasmapheresis com-
bined with IVIG. Plasmapheresis is used to remove anti-HLA
antibodies and is followed by infusion of low doses of IgG during
hemodialysis, which is postulated to have additional beneficial
immunomodulating effects. Simultaneous to commencement of
plasmapheresis, treatment with tacrolimus  steroids (plus anti-
microbial prophylaxis) is administered. Plasmapheresis is
continued thrice weekly until the T-cell CDC cross-match is neg-
ative; in the setting of living donor transplantation, the transplant
then takes place within 24 hours. Plasmapheresis and low-dose
IgG are usually repeated several times during the first two post-
transplant weeks to remove any rebounding antibody. The use
of plasmapheresis-based desensitization protocols for patients
awaiting deceased donor transplantation is more difficult, as
788 the availability of donor organs is unpredictable, and plasmaphe-
resis is both difficult and expensive to continue indefinitely.
Anti-HLA antibody titers will rebound upon discontinuation of
Acute Humoral Rejection
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Acute humoral rejection is characterized by the presence of

severe allograft dysfunction associated with the presence of
circulating donor-specific antibodies. Poor outcomes are seen
with acute humoral rejection and treatment with pulse steroids
and antilymphocyte therapy is often ineffective. Removal of
the donor specific antibodies with plasmapheresis has been suc-
cessful when combined with tacrolimus and mycophenolate
mofetil. It is now proposed that the combination of plasmaphere-
sis and IVIG may lead to short-term recovery from acute
antibody-mediated rejection in more than 80% of cases.

The use of plasmapheresis to manage a variety of kidney dis-
eases has grown significantly in recent years. In some cases,
the rationale and benefit are supported by clinical studies, but
in others the evidence is not robust. Additional studies are
required to determine the potential benefits for plasmapheresis
in these conditions.
Chapter 38

Extracorporeal Treatment
of Poisoning
Poisoning may result from an unintentional toxic exposure,
an intentional misuse of a substance with or without self-
destructive intent, therapeutic error, or malicious activity.
The treating physician must have a working knowledge of
clinical pharmacokinetics and the relationship between a tox-
in’s characteristics and the ability to enhance its elimination
with extracorporeal therapy.



The general approach to the intoxicated patient includes prompt

resuscitation and stabilization, including airway and circulatory
management, clinical and laboratory evaluation, and gastroin-
testinal decontamination. In certain cases, toxin elimination
can be enhanced using various decontamination techniques,
urinary alkalinization, and extracorporeal therapy. As patients
may present in an obtunded state, a collateral history will be fre-
quently required, including questions regarding habits, hobbies,
prescription medications, behavioral changes, and antecedent
events. Close clinical monitoring is mandated given the poten-
tial for sudden and rapid deterioration in clinical status. The
distinguishing laboratory features of toxin exposure, including
metabolic acidosis, and evaluation of the anion gap and osmolal
gap, are discussed in detail later in this chapter. The anion gap
and osmolal gap are two key features that assist in the determi-
nation of type of toxin ingested. A high anion gap metabolic
acidosis is characteristic of salicylate, methanol, and ethylene
glycol toxicity, or lactic acidosis secondary to hypotension/
hypoxia. A low anion gap is observed with lithium, nitrate,
iodine, and bromide poisoning. Ketosis may be present with ace-
tone, isopropanol (i.e., isopropyl alcohol), and salicylate inges-
tion. The osmolal gap is the difference between the measured
serum osmolality and the calculated osmolality. The calculated
osmolality is determined by the following formula:

Osmcalculated ðmOsm=kgÞ ¼ 2½Naþ  þ glucose ðmg=dLÞ=18

þ blood urea nitrogen ðmg=dLÞ=2:8

790 The osmolal gap indicates the presence of an unmeasured
solute and is considered elevated if the value is more than
10 to 12 mOsm/kg H2O. An elevated osmolal gap is most com-
monly seen with ethanol, ethylene glycol, isopropanol, and
IX methanol toxicity.
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure


Forced Diuresis and Manipulation of Urinary pH
The physiologic mechanisms involved in the elimination of
drugs by the kidney include (1) glomerular filtration of the
drug (depends on degree of protein binding of the drug,
as only unbound drug is readily filtered by the glomerulus),
(2) active proximal tubule secretion of the drug into the urine
(mediated by organic anion transporters), and (3) passive reab-
sorption of the drug in the distal tubule (occurs more fre-
quently with the elimination of lipid-soluble, nonionized
Historically, forced diuresis through volume expansion
with isotonic fluids (0.9% NaCl or Ringer’s lactate), with or
without comcomitant diuretics, has been used to enhance
renal elimination of toxins. Early studies suggested that
despite maximal proximal tubular secretion of a solute, urine
volumes of 200 to 300 mL/hour inhibited solute tubular reab-
sorption due to an unfavorable concentration gradient. How-
ever, when passive tubular reabsorption of a solute was pH
sensitive, increased urine volume through forced diuresis
was not found to significantly enhance drug elimination when
combined with urinary alkalinization. When considered with
the common complications of forced diuresis, including vol-
ume overload, pulmonary and cerebral edema, electrolyte dis-
orders, and metabolic alkalosis, the lack of clinical evidence
supporting this approach means that it is now no longer
recommended in the management of acute poisonings.
Manipulation of urinary pH has also been used to enhance
renal elimination of a toxin, based on the concept of ion
trapping. As cell membranes are generally more permeable to
lipid-soluble, nonpolar, nonionized forms, the goal of manip-
ulating urinary pH is to favor the formation of the ionized
form, which is lipid insoluble, thereby inhibiting passive reab-
sorption of the drug. The ionized form becomes trapped in
the tubular lumen and is excreted in the urine. The clinical
efficacy of urine alkalinization is dependent on the relative
contribution of renal clearance to the total body clearance
of active drug. Criteria that determine whether a drug is
amenable to urinary alkalinization are as follows: (1) it is 791
eliminated unchanged by the kidney, (2) it is distributed pri-
marily in the extracellular fluid compartment, (3) it possesses
low protein binding, and (4) it is weakly acidic with a dissoci-
ation constant (pKa) of 3 to 7.5. Urinary alkalinization can be CH 38
achieved with administration of sodium bicarbonate (1–2

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

mEq/kg every 3 to 4 hours) using an initial 1 ampule bolus
of sodium bicarbonate, followed by intravenous 5% dextrose
in water (D5W) with 2 to 3 ampules of sodium bicarbonate
(50 mEq NaHCO3 per ampule) added to each liter. The rate
of infusion should initially be based on the volume status of
the patient. After volume expansion, the rate of fluid replace-
ment should match the urine output, with a goal of 2 to 3
mL/kg/hour. In patients with altered sensorium, a urinary
catheter may be placed for accurate monitoring of urinary out-
put. Serum electrolytes and urinary pH must be closely moni-
tored every 2 to 3 hours during alkaline diuresis, with a target
urine pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Urinary alkalinization effec-
tively increases elimination of drugs such as phenobarbital,
barbital, and salicylates. Complications of urinary alkaliniza-
tion include hypokalemia, fluid overload, pulmonary edema,
cerebral edema, hypernatremia (if free water restricted), and
alkalemia. Alkalemia is of special concern in patients with
renal dysfunction who are unable to excrete the bicarbonate
load. Relative contraindications are congestive heart failure,
renal failure, pulmonary edema, and cerebral edema. The
degree of hypokalemia may be profound, due to a combination
of increased urinary potassium excretion and an intracellular
potassium shift. It is essential that hypokalemia is corrected,
as failure to do so will result in inhibition of alkaline urine
excretion, due to preferential potassium reabsorption in the
distal tubule in exchange for hydrogen ion secretion.
Previously, urinary acidification was used to enhance the
elimination of amphetamines, fenfluramine, phencyclidine,
and quinine. However, acid diuresis has fallen out of favor
because of its serious side effects including rhabdomyolysis,
acute kidney injury, exacerbation of metabolic acidosis, and
the lack of evidence supporting its use.


The clearance of a drug or toxin by extracorporeal therapy is
determined by the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
properties of the drug and by factors related to the extracorpo-
real technique itself. The factors that favor extracorporeal
removal are outlined in Table 38-1.
Factors That Enhance Drug Removal by
Table 38-1
Extracorporeal Therapy
Drug-Related Factors
IX Low molecular weight (<500 D)
Low protein binding (<80%)
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Low volume of distribution (<1 L/kg)

Water solubility
Fast redistribution from peripheral compartments into the blood
Therapy-Related Factors
Large surface area of dialysis membrane
High-flux dialyzer
High blood and dialysate flow rates
Increased ultrafiltration rate
Increased time on dialysis

Drug-Related Factors

Molecular Weight
Toxin removal during hemodialysis occurs primarily by dif-
fusion into the toxin-free dialysate. As molecular weight
increases, the rate of diffusion across a given membrane pro-
gressively decreases. Low-molecular-weight solutes (<500 D)
diffuse easily through the pores of even low-flux dialysis
membranes, such that their clearance is primarily determined
by membrane surface area, blood-dialysate concentration gra-
dient, and blood and dialysate flow rates. Larger solutes have
limited membrane permeability and are removed through con-
vective clearance rather than diffusion; therefore, dialytic time
and membrane surface area determine their rate of removal.

Protein Binding
Drugs that are highly bound to plasma or tissue proteins have a
low proportion of drug available for removal by hemodialysis
or hemofiltration. Hemoperfusion may be more effective in these
cases as the adsorbent (e.g., activated carbon) competes with
plasma proteins for toxin binding and is dependent purely on
the adsorbent’s affinity for the toxin. The degree of protein bind-
ing can be influenced by many factors, including alterations in
plasma protein concentration and the presence of different path-
ologic states. For example, hypoalbuminemia results in less
protein available for binding, and uremic organic acid accumu-
lation leads to a reduction in binding sites for acidic drugs
(e.g., salicylates, phenytoin, warfarin). These actions increase
the fraction of unbound, biologically active drug relative to the
total drug concentration. It is possible that this may result in
therapeutic efficacy (or toxicity) occurring at a lower total drug
Protein Binding Characteristics of Common
Table 38-2
Highly Protein Bound
Arsenic CH 38
Calcium channel blockers

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

Tricyclic antidepressants
Poorly Protein Bound
Alcohols (methanol, ethylene glycol, ethanol)

concentration, but may also result in enhanced drug clearance

by hepatic enzymatic metabolization; drug levels are therefore
invaluable. The protein binding characteristics of some of the
relevant drugs are listed in Table 38-2. Alterations in protein
binding are particularly clinically relevant for drugs that have
a narrow therapeutic index (e.g., lithium, digoxin).

Volume of Distribution
A drug’s volume of distribution (Vd) is the apparent vol-
ume into which the drug is distributed at equilibrium and
before metabolic clearance begins. Vd may be calculated by
the following formula:

Vd ðL=kgÞ ¼ dose ðmg=kgÞ  serum concentration ðmg=LÞ

Drugs that are extensively tissue bound (e.g., digoxin) have a

large Vd; conversely, drugs that are primarily restricted to
the intravascular space (e.g., phenytoin) have a small Vd.
Therefore, dialytic removal will be insignificant for drugs with
a large Vd, as highly bound drugs and toxins are not available
to the dialysis membrane, whereas drugs with a low Vd are
readily eliminated by extracorporeal therapies.

Redistribution or rebound refers to the movement of a drug to
the plasma space from tissue/protein binding sites or from the
intracellular space. If this occurs slowly, total body clearance
of the substance is limited, especially if the Vd is large. The time
course and magnitude of the rebound varies dramatically by
drug, membrane characteristics, Vd, and degree of recirculation.
794 This phenomemon is seen in the elimination of drugs such as
lithium, methotrexate, and digoxin. For these toxins, a plasma
concentration obtained immediately after extracorporeal ther-
apy should therefore not be regarded as a nadir, and frequent
IX levels should be obtained in the redistribution period. Repeated
dialysis or continuous therapy may be required.
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

Dialysis-Related Factors

Factors that affect drug elimination during dialysis include char-

acteristics of the dialysis membrane (material, surface area,
porosity), concentration gradient across the membrane, blood
and dialysate flow rates, and to a lesser extent, ultrafiltration
rate. Drug removal by hemofiltration, however, depends on con-
vective transport for solute removal and is therefore limited by
the rate of ultrafiltration. Factors that affect drug elimination
by hemoperfusion include the cartridge material (type of adsor-
bent), size, and saturation with toxin (i.e., duration of use).



Several factors influence the decision to consider extracorpo-

real therapy in acute poisonings: (1) the dialysis membrane
should be readily permeable to the toxin, or the adsorbent
should bind the toxin with high affinity, (2) a clinically signif-
icant proportion of the drug is present in the intravascular
space or rapidly equilibrates with plasma, (3) drug levels in
the blood directly correlate with the pharmacologic effects of
the drug, and (4) extracorporeal methods increase total body
clearance by 30% or more. The indications for extracorporeal
therapy in poisoning include the following:
• Progressive clinical deterioration despite aggressive sup-
portive therapy
• Impairment of normal routes of drug excretion
• Ingestion of a dose that can causes serious metabolic or
delayed effects for which supportive therapy is ineffective.
• Presence of co-morbid conditions that predispose the
patient to increased susceptibility to the effects of the toxin
• Depression of midbrain function resulting in hypoventila-
tion, hypothermia, and hypotension
• Extracorporeal detoxification removes the drug at a rate that
exceeds endogenous or spontaneous clearance
For any given drug there is no absolute drug level that indi-
cates when dialysis must be initiated; instead, the decision is
based on the patient’s clinical status and drug-related and
dialysis-associated factors.
Intermittent Hemodialysis 795

Characteristics of an ingested drug that favor efficient toxin

removal by hemodialysis are low molecular weight (<500 D),
small volume of distribution (<1 L/kg), low degree of protein CH 38
binding (<80%), nonionized state, and high water solubility/

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

low lipid solubility. Although both hemodialysis and hemo-
perfusion are recommended for a wide variety of drug and
chemical intoxicants, the most common toxins amenable to
hemodialysis are the alcohols, salicylate, lithium, and theophyl-
line. Choosing a dialyzer with a large surface area and increasing
the blood flow and dialysate flow rates increase the clearance of
low-molecular-weight toxins. High-flux dialyzers have more
permeable membranes and can remove high-molecular-weight
substances with greater efficiency. There are several distinct
advantages of hemodialysis compared to other extracorporeal
modalities in the management of poisonings: both solute and
volume removal occur rapidly, and it corrects the common com-
plications associated with fatal intoxications—acute kidney
injury, pulmonary edema, and acid-base and electrolyte distur-
bances. The most common complication of hemodialysis is
hypotension, which may be sufficient to limit treatment. There
are several strategies that may be employed to counteract intra-
dialytic hypotension, and these are discussed in Chapter 34,

Hemoperfusion refers to the circulation of anticoagulated
blood through an extracorporeal circuit with a disposable,
adsorbent-containing cartridge (typically activated charcoal
or an exchange resin). Drug elimination is dependent on the
affinity of the charcoal or resin to adsorb the toxin rather than
diffusion. Hemoperfusion is preferred when the toxin is lipid
soluble or highly protein bound. At present, the clinical use
of hemoperfusion occurs most commonly with theophylline
poisoning. Current hemoperfusion devices microencapsulate
the sorbent material with a thin, porous semipermeable mem-
brane, which serves to improve biocompatibility by mimi-
mizing direct contact between the adsorbent and the blood
constituents. Anticoagulation is performed with heparin infu-
sion at a rate of at least 2000 U/hour to avoid clotting of the
circuit. Requirements for resin hemoperfusion are slightly
higher. Blood flow rates should be maintained at 250 to
400 mL/min for efficient drug removal. Complications of hemo-
perfusion include (1) mild thrombocytopenia, platelet losses
at 30% or less, caused by adsorption of platelets by acti-
vated charcoal (recovery of platelet count within 24–48 hours),
796 (2) transient leukopenia (<10% decrease) due to complement
activation and margination of leukocytes, (3) reduction of
fibrinogen and fibronectin, (4) hypothermia, (5) hypocalcemia,
and (6) hypoglycemia. Although these problems were more
IX common with the earlier, uncoated charcoal devices, hemo-
perfusion still carries a higher complication rate than hemodi-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

alysis. The principal disadvantage of hemoperfusion is the

saturation of the adsorbent cartridge, which occurs after 4 to
8 hours due to clotting and adherence of cellular debris and
plasma proteins to the adsorbent, necessitating regular changes
of the cartridge. In addition, hemoperfusion does not correct
any acid-base or electrolyte abnormality, or fluid overload.


The concurrent use of hemodialysis and hemoperfusion

(hemoperfusion cartridge upstream of the dialyzer) is theoret-
ically the optimal treatment in acute poisoning because
it effectively removes toxin by adsorption and diffusion. How-
ever, hemodialysis-hemoperfusion is an expensive procedure,
and the data on clinical outcomes are lacking. Combination
therapy may be useful for toxins with a small volume of

Hemofiltration is a process in which solutes are removed by
convection. Drug elimination by hemofiltration depends on
the rate of ultrafiltration, the drug protein binding, and
the sieving coefficient of the membrane. The convective trans-
port of hemofiltration efficiently eliminates unbound high-
molecular-weight toxins (40,000 D) with small volumes of
distribution. Most poisons, however, are smaller, with a
molecular size of less than 1000 D, and as such, hemofiltration
does not offer much advantage over hemodialysis.

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is rarely used
in patients with acute intoxication because of its lower drug
clearance relative to intermittent hemodialysis (IHD). How-
ever, CRRT is advantageous when the ingested drug possesses
avid tissue binding, and when it has a large volume of distri-
bution and a slow rate of redistribution from the peripheral
tissue. It has been used successfully to treat life-threatening
lithium intoxication in which extended treatment time and
gradual removal of intracellular lithium prevents postdialysis
rebound. It is also preferable in hemodynamically unstable 797
patients who are unable to tolerate the rapid solute and fluid
losses of hemodialysis.

Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis CH 38

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

Sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) is a new “hybrid”
technique that combines the advantages of both IHD and
CRRT by using conventional hemodialysis machines at slower
blood flow rates (200 mL/min), reduced dialysate flow rates
(300–350 mL/min), and for prolonged periods (8–12 hours)
on a daily basis. It is discussed in more detail in Chapter 36,
Intensive Care Nephrology. Although there is mounting evi-
dence to support its use in the ICU setting, it remains a novel
extracorporeal treatment modality for acute poisoning.

Peritoneal Dialysis and Plasma

There is little role for peritoneal dialysis in acute poisoning
and it should be considered only when access to hemodialysis
is not possible or is contraindicated. The role of plasma
exchange in acute poisoning is not well defined, but it may
be considered for toxins that are highly protein bound
(>80%) and have low volumes of distribution (<0.2 L/kg
of body weight). Poisonings complicated by massive hemoly-
sis (e.g., hemolytic anemia from sodium chlorate poisoning)
or methemoglobinemia are other indications for plasma
exchange. Plasma exchange not only removes the toxin but
also eliminates red blood cell fragments and free hemoglobin.
Complications associated with plasma exchange include vas-
cular access complications, bleeding, and hypersensitivity
reactions to the replacement plasma proteins.


Alcohols: Ethylene Glycol, Methanol, and


Intoxications with ethylene glycol, methanol, or isopropanol

are associated with significant morbidity and mortality rates.
If appropriate treatment is instigated promptly, the prognosis
is excellent. These substances and their metabolites share
several characteristics that make them ideal for removal by
hemodialysis: low molecular weight, small volume of distri-
bution, water solubility, and low levels of protein binding.
798 Ethylene Glycol
Pharmacology. Ethylene glycol is a colorless, odorless,
sweet-tasting substance most commonly found in antifreeze,
solvents, hydraulic brake fluid, de-icing solutions, detergents,
IX lacquers, and polishes. It is rapidly absorbed by the gastro-
intestinal system, reaches a peak serum concentration 1 to
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

4 hours after ingestion, and has an elimination half-life of

3 hours. The accepted minimum lethal dose of ethylene glycol
for an adult is 1 to 1.5 mL/kg or 100 mL.
Metabolism. Ethylene glycol itself is not toxic; instead, it is
the accumulation of its metabolites that is responsible for its
severe toxicity. Ethylene glycol is oxidized to glycoaldehyde
by alcohol dehydrogenase. Aldehyde dehydrogenase then
rapidly converts glycoaldehyde to glycolic acid, followed by
the slow conversion of glycolic acid to glyoxylic acid (rate-
limiting step). The final end-products include oxalic acid,
glycine, oxalomalic acid, and formic acid.
Pathophysiology. The underlying mechanisms of ethylene
glycol toxicity are tissue destruction from calcium oxalate
deposition and profound acidosis due to the accumulation of
its metabolites (e.g., glycoaldehyde, glycolic acid, lactate).
In the kidney, acute tubular necrosis from calcium oxalate
deposition in the proximal tubules, interstitial nephritis, focal
hemorrhagic cortical necrosis, direct renal cytotoxicity, and
obstruction are suggested mechanisms of renal toxicity in eth-
ylene glycol poisoning, although it is thought that glycolic
acid or its metabolites are primarily responsible.
Clinical Presentation. The clinical course of ethylene glycol
toxicity occurs in three phases:
Phase 1 is the neurologic phase, occurring 0.5 to 12 hours after
ingestion and is characterized by the appearance of inebria-
tion without the odor of alcohol on the patient’s breath.
Nausea, vomiting, and hematemesis due to gastrointestinal
irritation may be noted. As ethylene glycol undergoes
metabolism (4–12 hours after ingestion), symptoms of CNS
depression predominate. Altered consciousness may prog-
ress to coma and seizures in severe poisonings. Cerebral
edema, nystagmus, ataxia, ophthalmoplegias, myoclonic
jerks, and hyporeflexia may also occur.
Phase 2 is the cardiopulmonary phase, occurring 12 to 24 hours
after ingestion. During the second phase of ethylene glycol
intoxication, calcium oxalate crystals deposit in the vascula-
ture, myocardium, and lungs. Patients may develop tachy-
cardia, mild hypertension, congestive heart failure, acute
respiratory distress syndrome, severe metabolic acidosis,
and multiorgan failure. Most deaths occur during this phase.
Phase 3 is the renal phase, occurring 24 to 72 hours after
ingestion. In this final stage, calcium oxalate precipitates
in the kidney, resulting in flank pain, acute tubular necrosis, 799
hypocalcemia, microscopic hematuria, and oliguric acute
kidney injury.
With appropriate early medical intervention, ethylene gly-
col toxicity tends to resolve completely, although permanent CH 38
renal, CNS, and cranial nerve damage has been described.

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

Diagnosis and Laboratory Data. The diagnosis of ethylene
glycol toxicity should be suspected in patients who present
with the following features:
• Inebriation without the smell of alcohol
• Altered mental status
• High anion gap metabolic acidosis/high osmolal gap
• Hypocalcemia
• Calcium oxalate crystals in the urine (50% of cases, typi-
cally within 4–8 hours)
The osmolal gap is an extremely useful diagnostic tool in
the various alcohol intoxications. It represents an estimation
of the unmeasured, osmotically active substances in the serum
(e.g., ethylene glycol). The osmolal gap is the difference
between the measured osmolality, as determined by the freez-
ing point depression method, and the calculated osmolality:

DOsmgap ¼ Osmmeasured  Osmcalculated

The calculated osmolality is determined by the formula

described earlier in this chapter. If co-ingestion of ethanol is
suspected, the contribution of ethanol should be corrected
for in the calculated osmolality as follows:

Osmcalculated ðmOsm=kgÞ ¼ 2 ½Naþ  þ glucose ðmg=dLÞ=18

þ blood urea nitrogen ðmg=dLÞ=2:8
þ ethanol ðmg=dLÞ=4:6

The measured osmolality normally ranges between 270

and 290 mOsm/kg, and the normal osmolal gap is less than
10 to 12 mOsm/kg H2O. An elevated osmolal gap suggests
the presence of ethylene glycol, methanol, ethanol, isopropa-
nol, propylene glycol, or acetone. It is important to recognize
that, although an elevated osmolal gap is a significant clinical
finding, a normal osmolal gap does not exclude the diagnosis
of ethylene glycol or methanol poisoning. In the case of ethyl-
ene glycol toxicity, glycolic acid does not contribute to the
osmolal gap and patients who present later in the course of
their ethylene glycol intoxication may have a normal osmolal
gap as the ethylene glycol is metabolized to glycolic acid.
Urinalysis may reveal calcium oxalate crystals (monohydrate
or dihydrate forms) that are birefringent when viewed under
800 polarized light. The presence of the monohydrate form is not
specific for ethylene glycol intoxication and is seen in indivi-
duals who ingest large amounts of vitamin C or high-oxalate
containing foods. Urine that fluoresces under Wood lamp
IX examination suggests ethylene glycol intoxication due to anti-
freeze ingestion. In addition to the high anion gap metabolic
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

acidosis, other laboratory abnormalities may be seen, includ-

ing hypocalcemia, leukocytosis, microscopic hematuria, and
an elevated protein level in cerebrospinal fluid.
Treatment. The management of ethylene glycol intoxication,
following emergency airway management, includes aggressive
fluid resuscitation to maintain urine output, correct volume
depletion, and prevent circulatory shock. Intravenous glucose
(50 mL of 50% glucose) should be administered in patients
with altered mental status. If the patient is a suspected alco-
holic or is malnourished, thiamine, multivitamins, and pyri-
doxine should be given. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate
should be administered if the serum bicarbonate concen-
tration is less than 15 mEq/L or the arterial pH is less than
7.35. Seizures, which may be caused by hypocalcemia, should
be controlled with standard anticonvulsant therapy. Asymp-
tomatic hypocalcemia is not routinely treated because therapy
may exacerbate calcium oxalate crystal deposition. If seizures
persist despite adequate anticonvulsant therapy, 10 to 20 mL
of 10% calcium gluconate (0.2–0.3 mL/kg) can be infused
The antidotes for ethylene glycol toxicity are ethanol and
fomepizole, inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase that prevent
the metabolism of ethylene glycol to its metabolites. Indica-
tions for use of an antidote in ethylene glycol toxicity are
(1) a plasma ethylene glycol concentration of more than
20 mg/dL, (2) documented recent ingestion of toxic amounts
of ethylene glycol and osmolal gap of more than 10 mOsm/L,
or (3) a history or strong clinical suspicion of ethylene glycol
poisoning and at least two of the following: arterial pH less
than 7.3, serum bicarbonate level less than 20 mEq/L, osmolal
gap more than 10 mOsm/L, or presence of oxalate crystals in
the urine.
Ethanol can be given intravenously as 10% ethanol diluted
in D5W (10 g of ethanol per 100 mL of solution). The loading
dose of ethanol is 0.6 to 0.7 g ethanol/kg (7.6 mL 10% etha-
nol/kg), and the maintenance dose is 66 mg ethanol/kg/hour
(0.83 mL 10% ethanol/kg/hour) for nondrinkers and 154 mg
ethanol/kg/hour (1.96 mL 10% ethanol/kg/hour) for alcoholics.
If hemodialysis is initiated, the ethanol dose must be adjusted
to replace the ethanol removed during dialysis to 169 mg
ethanol/kg/hour (2.13 mL 10% ethanol/kg/hour) for nondrin-
kers, and 257 mg ethanol/kg/hour (3.26 mL 10% ethanol/kg/
hour) for alcoholics. Serum ethanol concentrations should be
monitored every 1 to 2 hours to ensure that blood levels 801
remain therapeutic at 100 to 150 mg ethanol/dL. Adverse side
effects of ethanol are hypoglycemia, inebriation, and CNS
depression, which may mask the signs and symptoms of
ethylene glycol toxicity. CH 38
Fomepizole (4-MP, 4-methylpyrazole) is a newer antidote

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

that is a potent competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydro-
genase that has largely replaced the use of ethanol due to
its predictable pharmacokinetics, higher potency, ease of
dosing, and relatively few adverse side effects. Adverse side
effects include headache, nausea, dizziness, eosinophilia,
rash, tachycardia or bradycardia, and mild but transient eleva-
tion of the hepatic transaminases. Fomepizole is administered
intravenously over 30 minutes. The loading dose of fome-
pizole is 15 mg/kg, followed by 10 mg/kg every 12 hours for
4 doses. After 48 hours, fomepizole is continued at 15 mg/kg
every 12 hours until the ethylene glycol concentration is
undetectable or less than 20 mg/dL and the patient is asymp-
tomatic and has a normal arterial pH. During hemodialysis,
the dosing interval must be changed to every 4 hours, or a con-
stant infusion of 1 to 1.5 mg/kg/hour can be used to maintain
adequate therapeutic levels of fomepizole.
Hemodialysis is an extremely effective method in the
removal of ethylene glycol and its toxic metabolite, glycolic
acid. The elimination half-life of ethylene glycol on hemo-
dialysis is 2.5 to 3.5 hours, and of glycolic acid is 2.5 hours.
Indications for hemodialysis are as follows: deteriorating clin-
ical status despite supportive therapy, metabolic acidosis
(arterial pH < 7.3), acute kidney injury (serum creatinine
> 3 mg/dL, 265 mmol or a rise in creatinine by 1 mg/dL,
90 mmol), or electrolyte abnormalities unresponsive to stan-
dard treatment. Hemodialysis should be continued until the
ethylene glycol level is undetectable or until the ethylene
glycol level is less than 20 mg/dL, and the disappearance of
metabolic acidosis and signs of systemic toxicity. Rebound
distribution of ethylene glycol may occur within 12 hours;
therefore, serum osmolality and electrolytes should be moni-
tored every 2 to 4 hours for 12 to 24 hours and treatment with
ethanol or fomepizole continued for 24 hours after withdrawal
of hemodialysis.

Pharmacology. Methanol is a clear, colorless liquid used
as a solvent (including glass cleaning solutions, paint remov-
ers), an intermediate of chemical synthesis during various
manufacturing processes, or as an octane booster in gasoline.
Methanol is rapidly absorbed and distributed with peak serum
concentrations reached within 30 to 60 minutes after inges-
tion, and an elimination half-life (untreated) of 12 to 20 hours.
802 Methanol is water-soluble, easily crosses the blood-brain bar-
rier, and has a low Vd. The estimated minimum lethal dose
is 10 mL, although this is highly variable.
Metabolism. Methanol is oxidized by alcohol dehydroge-
IX nase to formaldehyde, which is in turn rapidly metabolized
to formic acid, the primary substance responsible for the toxic-
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

ity of methanol poisoning.

Clinical Presentation. The early stage of methanol ingestion
is characterized by CNS depression in which the patient
appears inebriated and drowsy. This phase is mild and tran-
sient and is followed by a latent interval lasting 6 to 30 hours
corresponding to the metabolism of methanol and the gradual
accumulation of formic acid. There is typically no altered
mental status during the latent interval, and the only pre-
senting symptom may be blurred vision. In the delayed stage
formic acid accumulates and systemic toxicity develops.
The visual changes associated with methanol poisoning tend
to occur rapidly and symmetrically, and may include blurred
vision, central scotoma, impaired pupillary response to light,
decreased visual acuity, photophobia, visual field defects, or
progression to complete blindness. Early clinical findings
include hyperemia of the optic disk and fixed, dilated pupils.
The visual abnormalities do not resolve in 25% to 33% of
patients. The CNS effects of mild to moderate methanol toxicity
are headache, vertigo, delirium, lethargy, restlessness, and con-
fusion; effects of severe toxicity include coma and seizures.
Other symptoms during the delayed phase include nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain from acute pancreatitis.
Rarely, myoglobinuric acute kidney injury may develop. Poor
prognostic signs include severe metabolic acidosis, elevated for-
mic acid level, bradycardia, cardiovascular shock, anuria, and
seizures or coma at presentation. Death most commonly occurs
due to respiratory failure or sudden respiratory arrest.
Diagnosis and Laboratory Data. Methanol overdose should
be considered in patients who present with visual changes,
abdominal pain, high anion gap metabolic acidosis, and ele-
vated osmolal gap. An osmolal gap is apparent during the
early and latent phases of intoxication. During the delayed
stage, as methanol is metabolized to formic acid, the osmolal
gap may return to normal because formate is not osmotically
active, and a normal osmolal gap does not exclude the diagno-
sis of methanol poisoning. Other laboratory abnormalities
include an increased serum amylase level due to parotitis or
Treatment. Once supportive care is initiated, treatment
focuses on limiting the accumulation of the toxic metabolites
formic acid and formaldehyde to prevent the development
of ocular toxicity, seizures, and coma. Metabolic acidosis
(pH < 7.3) is treated aggressively with sodium bicarbonate
therapy, because the severity of intoxication and clinical out- 803
come correlate with the degree of acidosis. The rate-limiting
step of methanol metabolism is mediated by 10-formyl tetra-
hydrofolate synthetase, which is folic acid dependent; admin-
istration of folic acid (50 mg given intravenously every 4 hours CH 38
for 5 doses and then once daily) may increase the metabolism

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

of formic acid to carbon dioxide and water. Other measures
include aggressive intravenous fluid support to maintain ade-
quate urine output, and control of seizures with standard
anticonvulsants. As in the treatment of ethylene glycol poi-
soning, inhibitors of alcohol dehydrogenase ethanol and fome-
pizole are used in methanol intoxications, and treatment
should be initiated without delay. The indications for the
use of antidotes in methanol overdose are plasma methanol
concentration greater than 20 mg/dL; documented recent
ingestion of toxic amounts of methanol and osmolal gap of
more than 10 mOsm/kg H2O; or a history or strong clinical
suspicion of methanol poisoning and at least two of the
following: arterial pH less than 7.3, a serum bicarbonate level
less than 20 mEq/L (20 mmol/L), or an osmolal gap more than
10 mOsm/kg H2O. Dosing and route of administration are iden-
tical to those used in ethylene glycol intoxication (see earlier).
Hemodialysis in methanol toxicity is indicated for the
following: serum methanol levels higher than 50 mg/dL, meta-
bolic acidosis (pH < 7.30), visual changes, dose of ingested
methanol of more than 30 mL, seizures, deteriorating clinical
status despite supportive therapy, renal failure, or electrolyte
abnormalities not responsive to standard therapy. Because
methanol overdose is associated with an increased frequency
of intracerebral hemorrhage, the use of heparin during hemo-
dialysis should be minimized. A methanol concentration of
more than 50 mg/dL is no longer an absolute indication for
hemodialysis because fomepizole may be used as first-line
treatment of methanol poisoning. Hemodialysis is continued
until the serum methanol concentration is undetectable or
until the methanol level is less than 25 mg/dL and the anion
gap metabolic acidosis and osmolal gap are normal. The pres-
ence of visual changes is not an indication for continued dialy-
sis. Close monitoring of the serum osmolality and electrolytes
should be continued every 2 to 4 hours for 12 to 36 hours after
hemodialysis to detect rebound. Fomepizole or ethanol therapy
should be continued for several hours after withdrawal of
hemodialysis, until methanol levels are undetectable or less
than 20 mg/dL with resolution of acidosis and symptoms.

Pharmacology. Isopropanol (i.e., isopropyl alcohol) is a
clear, colorless, bitter liquid commonly found in “rubbing
alcohol,” skin lotion, hair tonics, aftershave lotion, denatured
804 alcohol, solvents, cements, cleaning products, and de-icers.
Intoxication may occur through ingestion or inhalation of
vapors, especially in infants. Isopropanol is rapidly absorbed
by the gastrointestinal system and reaches a peak serum con-
IX centration 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion with an elimination
half-life of 3 to 7 hours. Isopropanol is directly responsible for
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

the toxic effects observed, and delaying the metabolism of iso-

propanol therefore is not considered a beneficial method of
treatment. It is converted to acetone by alcohol dehydrogenase,
which is then excreted in the urine and breath. The lethal dose
ranges from 150 to 240 mL, although patients may become
symptomatic with doses as low as 20 mL.
Clinical Presentation. Clinical symptoms tend to appear
within 1 hour of ingestion and include confusion, headache,
lethargy, and dizziness, progressing to ataxia, coma, and respi-
ratory arrest in severe cases of poisoning. Gastrointestinal
effects include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Hypo-
tension is often severe and is caused by multiple factors,
including cardiac depression, arrhythmias from cardiomyopa-
thy (myocyte toxicity), vasodilation, dehydration, and gastro-
intestinal bleeding. Hypotension is the strongest predictor of
death in cases of isopropanol overdose. AKI may develop
due to severe hypotension or myoglobinuria. Other systemic
findings include hypoglycemia (impaired gluconeogenesis),
hypothermia, and hemolytic anemia.
Diagnosis and Laboratory Data. The diagnosis of iso-
propanol overdose should be suspected in any patient pre-
senting with altered sensorium, acetone smell on the breath,
elevated osmolal gap, and acetonemia or acetonuria (i.e., pos-
itive sodium nitroprusside reaction in serum or urine) in the
absence of hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and acidosis. Acetone
is not an organic acid; therefore, there is no elevated anion
gap metabolic acidosis, unless poor tissue perfusion due
to hypotension triggers lactic acid accumulation. Other labo-
ratory abnormalities include hypoglycemia, elevated serum
creatinine and creatine kinase, and elevated protein in
cerebrospinal fluid.
Treatment. Treatment for isopropanol toxicity focuses on
appropriate supportive therapy. Agents that inhibit alcohol
dehydrogenase are not used in the treatment of isopropanol
poisoning. Emergency airway and circulatory management,
including mechanical ventilation and fluid and pressor sup-
port, should be initiated as required. Activated charcoal is
highly effective in preventing systemic absorption of isopro-
panol. Hemodialysis is usually unnecessary, except in severe
cases. Indications for hemodialysis include an isopropanol
level of more than 400 mg/dL, prolonged coma, hypotension,
myocardial depression or tachyarrhythmias, and renal failure.
Drugs 805

Pharmacology. Lithium is rapidly and completely absorbed
in the upper gastrointestinal tract, achieving peak serum CH 38
levels in 1 to 2 hours, although sustained-release preparations

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

are also available. Lithium is less than 10% protein bound and
is distributed in total body water. The elimination half-life
ranges from 12 to 27 hours with normal renal function. It is
entirely eliminated by the kidneys, where it is freely filtered
at the glomerulus. Lithium reabsorption follows that of
sodium, and sodium avid states markedly increase lithium
retention. Lithium is predominantly located intracellularly
and diffuses slowly across cell membranes, making its
removal by extracorporeal therapy a slow process.
Clinical Presentation. Acute lithium poisoning (e.g., acci-
dental overdose in a child) generally carries less risk of fatal-
ity, and patients have milder symptoms compared with
that observed in chronic intoxication because the elimination
half-life is shorter in lithium-naı̈ve individuals. Chronic intox-
ication may develop due to inappropriate dose adjustments
or in states of sodium retention (e.g., congestive heart failure,
cirrhosis, gastrointestinal losses). The severity of chronic lith-
ium intoxication correlates directly with the serum lithium
concentration and may be categorized as mild (1.5–2 mEq/L),
moderate (2–2.5 mEq/L), or severe (>2.5 mEq/L), although
symptoms may be present when concentrations are within
the normal range. Symptoms of mild lithium toxicity include
lethargy, drowsiness, coarse hand tremor, and gastrointestinal
symptoms. With moderate toxicity, neurologic symptoms pre-
dominate with confusion, nystagmus, ataxia, myoclonic jerks,
and dysarthria. Plasma lithium concentration greater than
3.5 mEq/L may manifest as seizures, cardiac arrhythmias,
hyperreflexia, coma, and death.
Diagnosis and Treatment. Given its narrow therapeutic
index, plasma levels should be monitored closely any time
an adjustment in dose is made, or in clinical situations in
which lithium excretion is decreased (e.g., volume depletion).
The initial management of acute lithium intoxication involves
supportive care, prevention of further absorption, and enhance-
ment of lithium elimination. Whole bowel irrigation with poly-
ethylene glycol solution has been reported to remove lithium
from the gastrointestinal tract. One of the major initial steps in
lithium intoxication is volume resuscitation using half-normal
saline. Administration of hypotonic fluid is especially impor-
tant in patients with underlying lithium-induced diabetes insi-
pidus because intravenous normal saline may precipitate
806 Indications for hemodialysis include coma, seizure, respira-
tory failure, worsening mental status, or the development of
acute kidney injury. Extracorporeal therapy should also be con-
sidered for any patient with a serum lithium level of more than
IX 6 mEq/L, regardless of the clinical status, for those on chronic
therapy with a level above 4 mEq/L, or for patients with cardiac
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

or neurologic symptoms with a level between 2.5 and 4 mEq/L.

If endogenous renal clearance is not significantly impaired,
hemodialysis is rarely required for peak levels below 2.5 mEq/L.
As lithium predominantly distributes to the intracellular space,
levels often rebound after dialysis. This may be prevented by
extension of the dialysis therapy to 8 to 12 hours.

Pharmacology. Salicylates are widely used as analgesics
and anti-inflammatory agents, and are found in many over-
the-counter medications and prescription drugs, the most
common of which is aspirin (i.e., acetylsalicylic acid). Salicy-
late is 90% protein bound at therapeutic levels and is primar-
ily distributed to the vascular space. Hepatic metabolism
predominates at therapeutic levels, being rapidly hydrolyzed
to salicylic acid and subsequently oxidized or conjugated to
glucuronic acid or glycine. Following intoxication, hepatic
pathways become saturated and protein binding decreases,
leading to a larger amount of circulating salicylic acid,
in which case the slow renal excretion of unmetabolized
salicylic acid becomes clinically more important. The elimina-
tion half-life can be extended from 2 to 4.5 hours to 18 to
36 hours.
Mechanism of Toxicity. The classic acid-base abnormality
that occurs with salicylate intoxication is mixed respiratory
alkalosis and a high anion gap metabolic acidosis. Salicylate
stimulates the medullary respiratory center independent of
the aortic and carotid chemoreceptors, leading to an early res-
piratory alkalosis. Several factors contribute to the metabolic
acidosis including salicylate-induced uncoupling of mitochon-
drial oxidative phosphorylation, and interruption of glucose
and fatty acid metabolism in the Krebs cycle, leading to an
increase in ketoacid, lactic acid, and tissue carbon dioxide pro-
duction. The salicylate anion itself has only a minor effect on
serum pH. An isolated metabolic acidosis is rare in adults but
is a common finding in the pediatric population.
Clinical Presentation. Two distinct syndromes of salicylate
intoxication may occur depending on whether the exposure
is acute or chronic. Following acute ingestion, nausea and
vomiting frequently occur, followed by tinnitus, tachypnea,
sweating, and lethargy. With severe intoxication, coma, sei-
zures, hypoglycemia, hyperthermia, oliguric AKI (thought sec-
ondary to prostaglandin synthesis inhibition), noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema, and death may occur. Victims of chronic 807
intoxication are usually young children, or the delirious/
demented elderly, who present with nonspecific symptoms
including confusion, dehydration, and metabolic acidosis.
Severe poisoning typically occurs at a lower plasma concen- CH 38
tration than that observed in acute intoxication, and morbidity

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

and mortality rates are higher. Cerebral and pulmonary edema
are more commonly seen in this population.
Diagnosis and Laboratory Data. Salicylate poisoning
should be suspected in patients presenting with hyperventila-
tion, diaphoresis, tinnitus, and unexplained acid-base distur-
bances. Salicylate levels should be determined on admission,
providing that more than 4 hours have elapsed from ingestion
to presentation. Measurements made in the first 4 hours are
difficult to interpret due to the unknown quantity in the gas-
trointestinal tract. Ingestion of enteric-coated products
requires even longer to assess the true extent of intoxication.
Approximately 6 hours after ingestion, mild toxicity is seen
with serum salicylate levels of 30 to 50 mg/dL, moderate tox-
icity with 50 to 70 mg/dL, and severe toxicity with 75 mg/dL
or higher. The magnitude of the level is less important in
those who present with significant symptoms, because treat-
ment will be initiated regardless. In these cases, the salicylate
level should be used to follow the effectiveness and determine
the duration of therapy. The serum Phenistix or urine ferric
chloride test may be used to rapidly detect the presence of uri-
nary salicylate, although taken alone the test is very nonspecific
in the adult population due to the prevalence of therapeutic
salicylate consumption. Other laboratory derangements include
hypernatremia (increased insensible free water loss), hypokale-
mia, early hyperglycemia, late hypoglycemia, and hypourice-
mia. Clinically, hyperpyrexia and hyperventilation are seen.
Treatment. During initial stabilization, intubation should be
avoided unless there is biochemical evidence of hypoventila-
tion. Intubation for impending respiratory failure without
objective evidence of hypoventilation has resulted in death,
likely due to increased fraction of nonionized salicylic acid
when metabolic alkalosis was not maintained. If intubation
is necessary, the patient must be hyperventilated. The use of
gastric lavage is controversial but may be of benefit if adminis-
tered within 1 hour of ingestion. Use of multiple-dose acti-
vated charcoal may further enhance elimination, but the
evidence supporting this is weak. Careful assessment of fluid
and electrolyte balance is critical, and volume deficits should
be replaced. Intravenous fluids should empirically contain
glucose, and in those with altered sensorium, the use of sup-
plemental glucose (e.g., 50–100 mL of 50% glucose) is advo-
cated, even if the serum glucose level is normal. The use of
systemic and urinary alkalinization is suggested if salicylate
808 levels are 30 to 60 mg/dL or there are any signs of salicylism,
with a goal urine pH above 7.5. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate
(100–150 mEq NaHCO3 in 1 L of D5W) should be administered.
Potassium may be added once urine output is established. Salic-
IX ylate elimination is directly proportional to urine flow rate, but
logarithmically proportional to urine pH. Acetazolamide is
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

absolutely contraindicated because it lowers arterial pH and

promotes salicylate movement into the CNS and other tissues.
Frequent monitoring of electrolytes, volume status, and urinary
pH is mandatory, with particular attention to the risk of pulmo-
nary edema with administration of large volumes of fluid.
Hemodialysis is indicated for clinical deterioration despite
supportive care, seizures, persistent altered mental status, pul-
monary edema, persistent acidemia, coagulopathy, renal or
hepatic dysfunction, and extremes of age. Dialysis should also
be considered if the plasma salicylate concentration is higher
than 80 mg/dL in adults and 70 mg/dL in children. Successful
treatment with the use of continuous venovenous hemodiafil-
tration (CVVHDF) and SLED has also been reported.

Pharmacology. Theophylline is extensively metabolized in
the liver by several hepatic cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes.
Knowledge of potential drug-drug interactions is therefore cru-
cial. The therapeutic index is very narrow (10–20 mg/L), with
some patients exhibiting symptoms of toxicity even within
the normal range. Interestingly, smoking significantly increases
the clearance of theophylline, so that abstinence from smoking,
even for a brief period, can result in supratherapeutic levels.
Clinical Presentation. Mild theophylline intoxication is
characterized by nervousness, tremors, tachycardia, abdominal
pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. In moderate toxicity, patients
are often lethargic and disoriented and exhibit cardiovascu-
lar tachyarrhythmias. Severe intoxication may manifest as
seizure activity (typically generalized, although focal signs
such as lip smacking and ocular deviation may occur), asso-
ciated with hyperthermia, hypotension, ventricular tachy-
cardia, rhabdomyolysis, and acute kidney injury. Seizures
and ventricular tachycardias generally do not occur until
plasma theophylline levels exceed 90 to 100 mg/L in acute over-
dose, although they may occur with levels of 40 to 60 mg/L in
chronic overdose.
Laboratory Data. The most common electrolyte abnor-
mality associated with acute toxicity is hypokalemia, due to
catecholamine-induced transcellular potassium shift. Total body
stores of potassium are preserved and return to normal with a
reduction in the theophylline concentration. Hyperglycemia,
hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, metabolic acidosis, and
hypercalcemia are also observed.
Treatment. Multiple-dose activated charcoal accelerates 809
theophylline clearance and decreases the serum elimination
half-life from 7 to 20 hours to 1 to 3 hours. Activated charcoal
(50 g or 1 g/kg) should be administered every 4 hours until the
serum level is below 20 mg/L. b-Blockade is a useful adjunct CH 38
to control tachyarrhythmias. Seizures associated with the-

Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning

ophylline toxicity are usually difficult to control, and often
unresponsive to standard therapy; general anesthesia is occa-
sionally required. Extracorporeal therapy is utilized when
the patient is clinically unstable with life-threatening cardiac
arrythmias or seizures. A level of 100 mg/L or higher in acute
intoxication, or 60 mg/L or higher in chronic poisoning, is
generally considered an indication for extracorporeal treat-
ment. Relative indications include an inability to tolerate acti-
vated charcoal, congestive heart failure, and liver disease
because metabolism of theophylline is impaired in these situa-
tions. Theophylline elimination can be significantly enhanced
by hemoperfusion or hemodialysis, and although hemoperfu-
sion has a very high extraction ratio, it does not correct any
of the accompanying electrolyte abnormalities. Hemodialysis
with high-flux membranes and high blood flow rates can be
used to achieve a theophylline clearance rate of more than
200 mL/min. Treatment should be continued until clinical
signs improve and serum levels are below 20 mg/L, monitor-
ing for rebound thereafter. Special care should be exercised
when sustained-release preparations have been ingested as
peak adsorption may be delayed for up to 15 hours.

Valproic Acid
Pharmacology and Pathophysiology. Valproic acid (VPA)
is an anticonvulsant drug used in several neurologic condi-
tions such as seizures, bipolar affective disorder, and migraine
headaches. Acute VPA intoxication is usually self-limiting,
although serious toxicity and deaths have been reported. It is
typically highly protein-bound (90%) with a small Vd. The
elimination half-life normally ranges from 5 to 20 hours.
Clinical Presentation. Acute intoxication commonly causes
gastrointestinal disturbance, CNS abnormalities (confusion,
obtundation, and coma with respiratory failure), hypoten-
sion, tachycardia, and death. Associated metabolic disturbances
include hypernatremia, hyperosmolality, hypocalcemia, high
anion gap metabolic acidosis, elevated serum aminotrans-
ferases, and hyperammonemia. Plasma concentrations correlate
poorly with severity of toxicity, but most patients with levels
higher than 180 mg/mL develop some degree of CNS depression.
Delayed complications include pancreatitis, optic nerve atro-
phy, cerebral edema, bone marrow suppression, and acute
kidney injury.
810 Diagnosis and Treatment. Diagnosis is based on history
of exposure, CNS depression, and typical metabolic distur-
bances, and confirmed with a serum valproate level, although
absolute levels correlate poorly with outcome. Initial treat-
IX ment consists of respiratory and cardiovascular stabiliza-
tion. Subsequent treatment includes gastrointestinal tract
Invasive Therapy of Renal Failure

decontamination with activated charcoal, or whole bowel irri-

gation if serum levels continue to rise despite multiple-dose
activated charcoal. Forced diuresis is ineffective in enhancing
drug elimination. In severe cases (and where valproate level
> 850 mg/mL), the use of extracorporeal therapy is undertaken;
at supratherapeutic levels, the increase in fraction of unbound
drug increases substantially, favoring dialytic clearance.
Charcoal hemoperfusion has been used also, but has been
reported to have inconsistent efficacy.
Chapter 39

Donor and Recipient Issues


The evaluation of candidates for kidney transplantation

should seek to identify those in whom the risk of morbidity
and death is minimized and, at the same time, potential qual-
ity of life maximized. Dialysis remains an alternative to trans-
plantation for potential candidates, such that the decision not
to transplant a particular patient does not confer an automatic
death sentence. However, studies comparing transplant reci-
pients to patients on the deceased donor transplant waiting
list have shown that survival is at least twofold greater for
transplant recipients than for waiting list patients.
The evaluation of potential transplant candidates is also
designed to protect living donors, and the scarce resource of
deceased and living donor kidneys from use in a transplanta-
tion that fails to benefit the recipient or where the recipient dies
soon after transplantation. Physicians and transplant centers
that evaluate recipients are advocating for, and representing
the interests of, transplant candidates. However, indirectly,
they must also protect the interests of donors and society.

Timing of the Referral

Observational studies suggest that survival after transplantation
is incrementally worse the longer patients have been on dialy-
sis prior to transplantation. Indeed, the best outcomes are seen
in patients who are preemptively transplanted before dialysis is
initiated. Conversely, some patients have very slowly progres-
sive kidney disease, and it makes little sense to perform a trans-
plant months or even years before it is needed.
In general, patients who are not clinically uremic should
not be transplanted until the estimated glomerular filtration
rate (eGFR) is 15 mL/min or less, or at least less than
20 mL/min. The rate of progression is also an important
consideration, however. Patients with diabetes, for example,
may progress relatively rapidly, and when it is clear that a
patient will require renal replacement therapy within the
next few months, there is no sense in delaying transplanta-
tion if a living donor is available. When kidney disease
814 is progressing and eGFR is 30 mL/min or less, it may be time
to refer the patient to a transplant center.
Absolute contraindications to referral include life-threaten-
ing infections, cancer, unstable cardiovascular disease (CVD),
X and noncompliance. However, infections can often be effec-
tively treated, cancers can be cured, organs threatened by occlu-
Renal Transplantation

sive arterial disease can be protected with revascularization

procedures, and noncompliant patients can become compliant.
In general, patients who would not be expected to survive more
than 2 years with a kidney transplant should not undergo trans-
plantation. It is not good practice to place a patient on the wait-
ing list if they are not considered to be a good candidate, for
reasons including the expectation that the patient will not
survive long enough to be offered a kidney or will refuse an
offered kidney if it is made available.

Most agree that older age per se should not be an absolute con-
traindication to transplantation, but an elderly patient’s over-
all physical condition, life expectancy, and chance for
improvement in quality of life should be carefully considered.
A living donor transplant is often the best option for an older
patient, and a healthy relative, friend, or spouse of a similar
age as the recipient may be a suitable donor. If living donation
is not an option, and the patient is placed on the transplant
waiting list, frequent reassessment of their condition and suit-
ability for transplantation is mandatory.

An active infection that is potentially life-threatening in an
immunosuppressed patient is a contraindication to transplanta-
tion. Transplant candidates should be screened for potentially
life-threatening infections, and vaccinations should be up to
date. A number of infections should be considered (Table 39-1).
Patients should be immunized against childhood infections,
influenza, pneumococcal infection, and hepatitis B. Asplenic
patients should also be immunized against Haemophilus influ-
enzae and Meningococcus sp. Patients seronegative for vari-
cella-zoster virus (VZV) infection should be immunized prior
to transplantation.
Patients with HIV infection may be transplant candidates if
they (1) are adherent to a highly active antiretroviral therapy
regimen, (2) have an undetectable virus load, (3) have a sus-
tained CD4 lymphocyte count greater than 200/mL, (4) have
no opportunistic infections, and (5) have no life-threatening
Table 39-1 Transplant Candidate Evaluation to
Minimize Infection Risk
Infection Screening Action
HIV HIV antibody Transplant only if CH 39
stringent conditions are

Donor and Recipient Issues

Tuberculosis PPD, chest radiograph Consider prophylaxis
Influenza None Vaccinate yearly
Pneumococcus None Vaccinate at least every
5 yr
HBV HBsAg, HBsAb Evaluate further
if patient is HBsAg-
positive; otherwise,
vaccinate to achieve
and sustain an HBsAb
HCV HCV antibody Evaluate further if
patient is HCV-positive
CMV CMV antibody Post-transplantation
EBV EBV antibody None
VZV VZV antibody Vaccinate if patient is
Childhood None Measles, mumps,
infections rubella, etc.
CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HBsAb, hepatitis B surface
antibody; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV,
hepatitis C virus; PPD, purified protein derivative; VZV, varicella-zoster virus.

Tuberculosis remains a threat to kidney transplant recipi-

ents. It may be difficult to diagnose in stage 5 chronic kidney
disease (CKD), owing to anergy to the purified protein deriva-
tive (PPD) skin test. Patients who are PPD positive and have
never been treated for tuberculosis should probably receive a
6-month course of prophylaxis with isoniazid.


An active malignancy that is potentially life-threatening in

an immunosuppressed patient is also a contraindication to
transplantation. It is generally recommended that transplant
candidates undergo the same cancer screening as that recom-
mended for the general population. This should include colo-
noscopy every 5 years for everyone over age 50. It should also
include mammography for women over age 50 and younger
women with a family history of breast cancer. Annual pelvic
816 examination with cervical cytologic testing is also recommended
for women. Screening men over age 50 for prostate cancer with
digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen testing
is controversial. Screening for bladder cancer with cystoscopy
X may be beneficial in high-risk patients with analgesic nephropa-
thy or chronic exposure to cyclophosphamide.
Renal Transplantation

Patients with a history of prior malignancy are at increased

risk for recurrence after transplantation. Based on tumor
registry experience, rates of recurrence after variable dis-
ease-free intervals have led to recommendations for what
may be a “safe” waiting period for specific tumor types
(Table 39-2).

Disease-Free Intervals Recommended to

Table 39-2 Reduce the Chances of Malignancy
Recurrence after Kidney Transplantation
Recommended Minimum
Malignancy Disease-Free Interval (yr)
Thyroid 2
Testicular 2
Cervical 2
Breast—invasive 5
Breast—ductal carcinoma in situ 2
Colorectal carcinoma 5
Colorectal carcinoma—localized 2
Liver cancer Avoid*
Leukemia 2
Lymphoma 2
Multiple myeloma Avoid{
Lung cancer 2
Prostate 2
Prostate—focal disease only None
Bladder—invasive 2
Bladder—superficial None
Renal cell—invasive 2
Renal cell—incidental None
Wilms tumor 1
Malignant melanoma 5
Noninvasive skin cancers None
*Patients probably should not undergo renal transplantation unless it is in
conjunction with liver transplantation.
Patients probably should not undergo renal transplantation unless it is in
conjunction with bone marrow transplantation.
Cardiovascular Disease 817

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of

death after kidney transplantation. However, it is not clear
whether screening asymptomatic patients for CVD reduces CH 39
morbidity and mortality rates. All patients should probably

Donor and Recipient Issues

undergo a history, physical examination, electrocardiogram,
and chest x-ray. Patients with symptomatic CVD should be
assessed for possible intervention.
In most transplant programs, asymptomatic, high-risk patients,
for example, patients with a history of CVD, diabetes, or multiple
risk factors, undergo noninvasive cardiac stress testing. Patients
with a positive stress test are then subjected to angiography and
revascularization of critical coronary lesions. Studies have
shown, however, that the risk of CVD events is low in low-risk
patients, and screening such patients is not warranted. However,
screening high-risk patients generally only results in revasculari-
zation in less than 10%, and whether this low rate of revasculari-
zation can reduce CVD events is questionable.
It is reasonable to use b-blocker therapy prior to kidney
transplantation in patients with known CVD, diabetes, or mul-
tiple CVD risk factors. Patients with a history of a stroke or a
transient ischemic attack (TIA) should be symptom-free for
at least 6 months before transplantation. Transplant candi-
dates with a history of CVD, peripheral arterial disease
(PAD), or claudication symptoms should be examined closely
for signs of lower extremity arterial insufficiency. In addition,
consideration should be given to ultrasound or magnetic
resonance angiography to image the aorta and iliac arteries.

Obesity, that is, body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or greater,
is associated with a small, albeit statistically significant
increase in the relative risks of death and graft failure. In addi-
tion, obese patients are at increased risk for wound dehis-
cence, wound infections, and other surgical complications.
It seems prudent to recommend weight loss for patients with
BMI of 30 kg/m2 or higher and to insist on weight reduction
for patients with BMI of 35 kg/m2 or higher. If diet is unsuc-
cessful, bariatric surgery should be considered for patients
with BMI of 40 kg/m2 or higher.

Pulmonary Disease
Patients should be strongly encouraged to quit smoking prior
to transplantation. Patients who have a history of cigarette
smoking or shortness of breath may benefit from pulmonary
818 function testing and a chest x-ray. Rarely, patients with
chronic lung disease may be at risk for postoperative pneumo-
nia and ventilator dependence after transplant surgery.

X Liver and Other Gastrointestinal Disorders

Renal Transplantation

Transplant candidates should be screened for hepatitis B virus

(HBV) replication with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg),
e-antigen, and viral load measured by polymerase chain reac-
tion. If there is no evidence of HBV replication by these tests
and HBV vaccine has been administered, then hepatitis B sur-
face antibody (HBsAb) should be measured to determine if
the HBV vaccine was effective. Alternatively, the HBV vaccine
should be given and HBsAb response measured. Measuring
hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) may be useful in determin-
ing whether there has been inactive, but relatively recent,
HBV infection, in contrast to HbsAb, which generally indicates
immunity conferred by vaccination.
Patients with evidence of HBV replication are high risk for
chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carci-
noma. These risks may be aggravated by immunosuppression,
and a liver biopsy is helpful in assessing the severity of liver
Hepatitis caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is more
common and more indolent than hepatitis caused by HBV.
Nevertheless, HCV can cause severe liver disease and is asso-
ciated with new-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation.
Transplant candidates should be screened with HCV antibody
and, if positive, should have HCV RNA measured. Patients
who are HCV RNA–positive should undergo biopsy, and treat-
ment with ribavirin (with or without alfa-interferon) should be
considered before transplant.
Patients with HBV or HCV and chronic active hepatitis
or cirrhosis are at high risk for developing hepatocellular
carcinoma and should have baseline and follow-up levels of
a-fetoprotein. If liver disease is advanced, it may be best to
forego kidney transplantation.

Genitourinary Disorders
Patients who are asymptomatic and have no history of bladder
dysfunction do not usually require further evaluation. Trans-
plant candidates with a history of infections, bladder dysfunc-
tion, or analgesic nephropathy may benefit from a urologic
evaluation to rule out cancer, obstruction, reflux, bladder
stones, and chronic cystitis. It is important to have adequate
urinary drainage established at the time of transplantation.
This can usually be best accomplished with the patient’s
own bladder. A urinary diversion procedure is only occasion- 819
ally necessary. When there is doubt, it may be best to proceed
with transplantation and assume that the bladder will func-
tion adequately until proved otherwise.
CH 39

Donor and Recipient Issues

Approximately 2% of kidney allografts are lost to thrombosis.
Many of these patients will have a predisposing coagulopathy.
Therefore, a prudent approach may be to screen patients with
a history of venous thrombosis, including recurrent hemodial-
ysis access thromboses, for factor V Leiden, prothrombin
G20210A mutation, and the presence of antiphospholipid
antibodies. If any of these tests are positive, perioperative
anticoagulation may be considered.

Noncompliance and Cognitive Impairment

Predicting who will be noncompliant is often difficult, and most

patients should be given the benefit of the doubt. Young age is
one of the best predictors of medication noncompliance. However,
such patients may eventually mature and become reliable trans-
plant recipients. In general, most agree that patients with a history
of blatant noncompliance need to demonstrate compliance with
medications and the dialysis prescription for at least 6 months
prior to acceptance for transplantation. Intellectually disabled
patients living in a structured environment often do very well after
kidney transplantation. In such cases, transplantation not only
improves quality of life but also reduces the cost of end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) care.

Immunologic Evaluation
Preformed antibodies to a donor kidney can be a major obsta-
cle to transplantation. Patients acquire preformed antibodies
to human tissues through (1) prior transplantations, (2) preg-
nancies, and (3) blood transfusions. The number of antibodies
against potential donor antigens can be tested by measuring
antibody-induced (complement-dependent) lysis of a panel
of lymphocytes from different individuals in the popula-
tion. The higher the panel reactive antibody (PRA; range
0–100%) titer, the more difficult it will be to find a donor that
the potential recipient will not reject with an antibody-
mediated rejection.
The PRA is generally measured at the time of transplant
evaluation and then periodically (usually quarterly) thereafter
until transplantation. Often, the PRA will decline with time,
820 especially if blood transfusions are avoided (through the use
of iron and erythropoietin treatment of anemia). Nevertheless,
a patient may also have an anamnestic antibody response if re-
exposed to an antigen, and it may be wise to avoid, if possible,
X transplantation with a donor antigen to which the recipient
once had an antibody.
Renal Transplantation

Medical Evaluation of the Kidney Donor
Evaluation of the living kidney donor usually begins with
education about the process and a screening history by the
live donor coordinator, who is typically a registered nurse.
Prospective donors are then asked for a copy of their medical
records, if available. Evaluating the donor’s blood type is a
first step because it determines compatibility with the recipi-
ent. If the initial information does not disclose an immediate
contraindication to donation and the blood type is compatible,
the donor is usually asked to undergo an initial evaluation as
outlined in Table 39-3.

Routine Screening for the Potential Living

Table 39-3
Kidney Donor
Dipstick for protein, blood, and glucose
Microscopy, culture and sensitivity
Measurement of protein excretion rate
Assessment of renal function
Estimation/measurement of GFR
Blood tests
Hematologic profile
Complete blood count
Hemoglobinopathy (where indicated)
Coagulation screen (PT and APTT)
G6PD deficiency (where indicated)
Biochemical profile
Creatinine, urea, and electrolytes
Liver tests
Fasting plasma glucose
Bone profile
Glucose tolerance test (if fasting plasma glucose > 6–7 mmol/L)
Blood lipids
Thyroid function tests (if indicated)
Pregnancy test (if indicated)
PSA assay (if indicated)
Routine Screening for the Potential Living
Table 39-3
Kidney Donor—Cont’d
Virology and infection screen
Hepatitis B and C CH 39

Donor and Recipient Issues

HIV and HTLV-1, -2
Malaria (where indicated)
Trypanosoma cruzi (where indicated)
Epstein-Barr virus
Schistosomiasis (where indicated)
HHV-8 and HSV (where indicated)
Strongyloides (where indicated)
Typhoid (where indicated)
Brucellosis (where indicated)
Cardiorespiratory system
Chest radiograph
Stress test
Echocardiography (where indicated)
Assessment of renal anatomy
Appropriate imaging investigations should allow confirmation of
the presence of two kidneys of normal size and enable
abnormalities of the collecting system and calcification or stone
disease in the renal tract to be detected. They must also delineate
the anatomy of the renal vasculature
APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; G6PD,
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; HHV, human herpesvirus; HSV, herpes
simplex virus; HTLV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus; PSA, prostate-specific
antigen; PT, prothrombin time.
From Delmonico F: Council of the Transplantation Society. A report of the
Amsterdam Forum on the Care of the Live Kidney Donor: Data and medical
guidelines. Transplantation 79:S53–S66, 2005.

Assessment of Renal Function in Kidney Donors

The threshold glomerular filtration rate (GFR) accepted by most
transplant physicians for living donors is 80 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Whereas 24-hour urinary collection for creatinine clearance
seems to be the most popular method of assessing GFR, its
disadvantages and shortcomings are well known. There is a
shift toward utilizing creatinine-based formulas, mainly the
Cockcroft-Gault and the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
(MDRD) GFR estimating formulas. At this range of GFR, the
MDRD equation consistently underestimates GFR, whereas
the Cockcroft-Gault equation may overestimate it. However,
on average, the MDRD equation is more accurate than the
Cockcroft-Gault formula. Therefore, formal GFR measure-
ments should be done, especially when the Cockcroft-Gault,
which typically overestimates GFR, is less than 80 mL/min.
822 Consequences of Living with One Kidney

A major long-term concern regarding the use of living donors

is whether unilateral nephrectomy predisposes the donor to
X the development of kidney disease and premature death.
Recent data regarding the latter concern suggest that kidney
Renal Transplantation

donors may actually live longer than the age-matched general

population. Uninephrectomy is followed by early compensa-
tory changes; GFR and renal blood flow increase by 70% of
prenephrectomy values within 7 days of donation. As regards
the real risk of subsequent chronic kidney disease, studies
suggest a small increase in blood pressure and an increased
incidence of mild proteinuria after uninephrectomy. Isolated
cases of renal failure after donor nephrectomy have been
reported. No large series, however, has demonstrated any
evidence of progressive deterioration of renal function in
kidney donors. In recognition of this benign course, insur-
ance companies do not increase premiums for kidney donors.

Postdonation Development of Diabetes and Risk

of Nephropathy
It is not known whether having diabetes with a single func-
tioning kidney results in significant functional and structural
differences compared to having diabetes and two functional
kidneys. Clinically, albumin excretion rate, serum creatinine,
and systolic blood pressure were slightly greater in subjects
with diabetes and one kidney, compared to those with two
kidneys. In general, individuals who are at risk for developing
type 2 diabetes (positive family history, BMI above 30 kg/m2,
history of gestational diabetes, and excessive alcohol use)
should be counseled about the 30% risk of developing type
2 diabetes if they are the offspring of a diabetic, should lose
weight, and should reduce alcohol intake. Screening with a
2-hour glucose tolerance test in high-risk donors is routine
in most centers.

Special Donor Situations

There is evidence that obesity, in addition to its cosegregation
with other known risk factors for the development of kidney
disease, namely hypertension and diabetes, may lead to the
development of ESRD, and while the surgical aspects of obese
donors may have become more acceptable, most centers con-
tinue to exclude kidney donors with BMI greater than 35 kg/m2
until they have actually lost the weight.
Hypertension 823
Hypertension is an independent risk factor for ESRD. This
observation has generally excluded hypertensive subjects
from becoming kidney donors, although some programs will
allow a hypertensive donor whose blood pressure is well CH 39
controlled. The physician is not uncommonly faced with a sit-

Donor and Recipient Issues

uation in which a subject’s blood pressure is elevated during
the clinic visit. Observations from the same group that have
accepted hypertensive donors have demonstrated that home
blood pressure and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure read-
ings are comparable in their ability to detect hypertension.
Only office blood pressure was disconcordant.
Recommendations from the Amsterdam Forum on the Care
of the Live Kidney Donor regarding hypertension in the donors
are as follows: (1) patients with a blood pressure higher than
140/90 mm Hg by ambulatory blood pressure should generally
not be accepted as donors and (2) the preferred method of mea-
surement is ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, particularly
in those above age 55 and those with high office blood pressure
readings. Some patients with easily controlled hypertension who
meet other defined criteria (e.g., age > 50 years, GFR > 80 mL/min,
and urinary albumin excretion < 30 mg/day) may represent a low-
risk group for development of kidney disorders following dona-
tion and may be acceptable as donors. Donors with hypertension
should be regularly followed up by a physician.

It is generally accepted that subjects with nephrocalcinosis on a
plain x-ray of the abdomen, especially when bilateral in nature;
those with kidney stones that are known to have high recurrence
rates such as cystine stones, infection stones, and primary hyper-
oxaluria; and those with renal tubular acidosis or inflammatory
bowel disease should be excluded from donation. Whether one
should accept those with a history of a single kidney stone
remains debatable, but those with a favorable urine profile,
namely the absence of hypercalciuria, oxaluria, or recurrent uri-
nary tract infections, should probably be allowed to donate.

As part of the thorough living donor medical evaluation, basic
screening for malignancy should be performed. This includes
chest x-ray and flexible sigmoidoscopy plus hemoccult
screening or colonoscopy for those older than 50. A mammo-
gram (>35 years) and a pelvic examination for females
above the age of 20 should also be done.
Potential donors who have a history of renal cell carcinoma,
choriocarcinoma, lymphomas and leukemias, lung and breast
cancer, testicular cancer, and monoclonal gammopathy
should be excluded from donation. In regard to those with
824 remote history of malignancy, the Amsterdam Forum consid-
ers them acceptable candidates if prior treatment or the malig-
nancy itself do not decrease renal mass or put the donor at
increased risk for ESRD, and if the prior treatment does not
X increase the operative risk for nephrectomy.
Renal Transplantation

Infectious Diseases
Donors should be screened carefully for active infections by a
careful history, physical examination, chest x-ray, and com-
plete blood count. A more detailed and targeted approach
should be employed for the potential donor with a suspicion
for a certain infection (Table 39-4).

Screening for Infectious Diseases in

Table 39-4
the Donor
Infection Recommendations
HIV A positive HIV-1, HIV-2 by ELISA should
be confirmed by Western blot analysis.
A positive test result excludes the donor.
HTLV-1 Endemic in the West Indies and Japan
Causative agent for T-cell leukemia and spastic
paraparesis (HTLV-1)
HTLV-2 infection is seen in injection drug users,
and risk of infection is unknown.
CMV/EBV Donors with positive results on IgM and PCR
testing for CMV cannot donate until their PCR
assay result is negative.
It is preferable, if feasible, for a donor who is
positive for both CMV and EBV to donate to a
child who is positive, because PTLD is a major
issue in seronegative children receiving organs
from seropositive adults.
HCV HCV-positive with normal or elevated liver
enzymes donors should be excluded if the
recipient is HCV-negative.
HCV-positive donors wishing to donate to
HCV-positive recipients should have
quantitative PCR assay.
If positive by PCR assay, they should be
excluded. If PCR assay result is negative, they
may still donate because the kidney is not a
known reservoir for HCV.
Genotyping HCV-positive donor and recipient
should be done.
Previously treated HCV donors, especially
those with favorable genotypes, can be
considered as donors.
Screening for Infectious Diseases in
Table 39-4
the Donor—Cont’d
Infection Recommendations
HBV HBsAg positivity generally excludes the CH 39

Donor and Recipient Issues

Donors who are IgM core–positive can be
considered later, in order to determine whether
the infection is progressive.
HSV-8 There is no routine screening, and it is
currently not recommended.
TB TB may remain dormant in the kidney,
and is, therefore, a contraindication to
PPD skin test is not universally practiced.
Active TB is a contraindication to donation.
Donors with a past history of TB may be
considered, especially if they were treated
and have extensive evaluation for
genitourinary TB.
Syphilis All donors should be screened with RPR or
VDRL testing. Positive tests should be
confirmed by FTA absorption test.
FTA-positive donors should be treated
before donation according to the stage of their
Chagas disease Endemic in Central and South America and
Donors from endemic areas should be screened
by serologic tests.
Donors with positive serologic findings should
not be excluded unless the xenodiagnostic
blood test is positive.
Recipients of a kidney from Chagas-seropositive
donors can be safely transplanted especially
if treated with benznidazole for 2 weeks.
Schistosomiasis Uncomplicated schistosomiasis does not
adversely affect kidney function. Only
symptomatic donors should be treated before
donation for 1 month with praziquantel and
Strongyloidiasis Because Strongyloides has been transmitted via
a kidney transplant, screening is
recommended in endemic areas.
Brucellosis Donors treated in the past for brucellosis
should not be excluded.
Malaria Those who reside in or have traveled to
endemic areas should be screened. Malaria
has been transmitted from an organ donor to
multiple transplant recipients.
Screening for Infectious Diseases in
Table 39-4
the Donor—Cont’d
Infection Recommendations
X Urinary tract Unexplained recurrent pyelonephritis is a
infection contraindication to donation, but recurrent
Renal Transplantation

cystitis is not.
Potential donors with recurrent infection may
require a VCUG.
CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; ELISA, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay; FTA, fluorescein treponemal antibody; HBsAg, hepatitis
B surface antigen; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HTLV,
human T-cell lymphotropic virus; IgM, immunoglobulin M; PCR, polymerase
chain reaction; PPD, purified protein derivative; PTLD, post-transplantation
lymphoproliferative disorder; RPR, rapid plasma reagin test; TB, tuberculosis;
VCUG, voiding cystourethrogram; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory.
Adapted from Delmonico F: Council of the Transplatation Society. A report of the
Amsterdam Forum on the Care of the Live Kidney Donor: Data and medical
guidelines. Transplantation 79:S53–S66, 2005.

The evaluation of microscopic hematuria in a potential donor
should be similar to that used in the general population.
Persistent microscopic hematuria (defined as longer than 3
months’ duration) is seen in up to 3% of the general population
and is more likely to be associated with pathologic findings
that warrant further investigation.

Living kidney donation constitutes the best renal replacement
therapy option for most patients with ESRD. Every effort should
be made to protect kidney donors and ensure that their motive for
donation is truly altruistic. The establishment of national donor
registries is greatly needed to answer many remaining questions
regarding the long-term renal and nonrenal consequences of
reduced renal mass.
Chapter 40

Clinical Aspects of Renal

Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for many end-
stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and is associated with signif-
icant improvements in both life expectancy and quality of life for
successful recipients. The development of novel immunosup-
pressive agents allied to improved transplant care has resulted
in significant improvement in both short- and long-term allograft
survival rates over the last two decades.


In adult recipients, the donor kidney is transplanted into
the extraperitoneal space of the right or left lower abdominal
quadrant. Laparoscopic retrieval of kidneys from living
donors is being increasingly employed but is associated with
an increased incidence of early graft dysfunction. Major sur-
gical complications of renal transplantation are rare but can
include major vessel injury. Perinephric lymphoceles occur
in up to 15% of transplant recipients; more are asymptom-
atic, but if sufficiently large can compress the ureter or the
iliac veins or simply cause localized abdominal swelling that
may require either percutaneous or internal drainage (marsu-
pialization). The differential diagnosis for a peritransplant
fluid collection also includes seroma, hematoma, and uri-
noma. In a functioning kidney, the fluid creatinine level is
higher than serum creatinine in the setting of a urinoma, dis-
tinguishing it from a lymphocoele.



The T-lymphocyte is the primary target of most immunosuppres-
sive strategies. Currently used agents are classified as follows:
• Mono- or polyclonal anti–T-cell antibodies
• Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs)—cylosporin, tacrolimus/FK506
• Glucocorticoids
828 • Inhibitors of purine synthesis—azathioprine and mycophe-
nolate mofetil
• Target of rapamycin (TOR) inhibitors—rapamycin/
X The risk of rejection is greatest in the early post-transplant
period, hence maximal immunosuppression is given at
Renal Transplantation

this time and tapered in the weeks and months thereafter.

Combination therapy is used to achieve adequate immunosup-
pression while minimizing drug-related toxicity. The choice
of agents used depends on patient-specific factors such as
susceptibility to toxicity and risk of rejection.

Mono- and Polyclonal Antilymphocyte

The available antilymphocyte antibodies include the murine
monoclonal antibody OKT3, the monoclonal antibody alemtuzu-
mab (Campath 1-H, anti-CD52), and polyclonal horse or rabbit
antihuman T-cell antibodies, ATG and thymoglobulin, respec-
tively. These are powerful immunosuppressive agents, useful
in the immediate post-transplant period in patients who are at
high risk of acute rejection or who have delayed graft function
(DGF). They are also widely used in the reversal of severe acute
cellular rejection. Their use results in a rapid and prolonged
depletion (months) of circulating T lymphocytes and is asso-
ciated with a higher incidence of opportunistic infection and
post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD).

Nondepleting Antibodies

These agents include the nondepleting antibodies that bind to

the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor on activated T cells. They are
well tolerated with minimal short-term side effects. Rando-
mized, controlled trials have demonstrated a 30% reduction in
acute rejection rates with daclizumab or basiliximab as com-
pared with placebo. They are indicated only for induction immu-
nosuppression and not for the reversal of acute cellular rejection.
Belatacept (LEA29Y) is a novel second-generation CTLA-4Ig that
binds with higher affinity to B7-1/2 and prevents effective T-cell
activation by blocking the CD28 co-stimulation pathway. It has
shown promise as a calcineurin-sparing agent in clinical trials.

Calcineurin Inhibitors: Cyclosporine

Cyclosporine is an inhibitor of calcineurin that prevents
T-lymphocyte activation. Important adverse effects include
acute and chronic nephrotoxicity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
glucose intolerance, hirsutism, and gum hypertrophy. The inci- 829
dence of myositis in cyclosporine-treated patients receiving
hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhi-
bitors may be as high as 10% with lovastatin or simvastatin.
Microemulsion formulations of cyclosporine with improved CH 40
bioavailability and more consistent pharmacokinetics have

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

replaced the standard preparation. Trough blood concentrations
have traditionally been used to guide dosing; the superiority of
dosing based on C2 concentrations (concentrations 2 hours after
ingestion of cyclosporine) is not fully proved. Cyclosporine (and
tacrolimus) is metabolized by the intestinal and hepatic cyto-
chrome P-450 systems, drugs that induce or inhibit these systems
should be used with caution and appropriate therapeutic drug
monitoring (Table 40-1).

Tacrolimus (FK-506)
Tacrolimus is structurally distinct from cyclosporine, how-
ever, its mechanism of action is similar and both agents have
equivalent nephrotoxicity. Clinically relevant advantages over
cyclosporine include lower rates of acute rejection, better
lipid and blood pressure control, and less hirsutism. Neuro-
toxicity, alopecia, diarrhea (especially in combination with
mycophenolate mofetil [MMF]), and post-transplant diabetes

Important Cyclosporine/Tacrolimus Drug

Table 40-1
Inhibitors of Cyclosporine/Tacrolimus Metabolism
Clarithromycin, erythromycin, norfloxacin
Antifungal agents
Voriconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole
Calcium channel blockers
Diltiazem, nicardipine, verapamil
Other drugs: bromocriptine, amiodarone, metoclopromide,
cimetidine, grapefruit juice, nefazodone, nevirapine,
propoxyphene, quinupristin-dalfopristin, zafirlukast, zileuton,
Promoters of Cyclosporine/Tacrolimus Metabolism
Rifampin, nafcillin
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin
Other drugs
830 are more common with tacrolimus. In general, patients on
cyclosporine are converted to tacrolimus if they have an epi-
sode of acute rejection or if hyperlipidemia, hypertension, or
hirsuitism is a concern. There is emerging evidence that
X medium-term renal allograft survival may be better with
tacrolimus than cyclosporine.
Renal Transplantation


Azathioprine is a purine analog that inhibits the proliferation

of T and B lymphocytes. Leukopenia is the most common
side effect, but at doses of 1 or 2 mg/kg/day, azathioprine is
usually well tolerated. It has been widely used in clinical
transplantation for 30 years, but its role in maintenance ther-
apy is being superseded by MMF. Azathioprine is inactivated
by xanthine oxidase, and concomitant use of allopurinol can
lead to life-threatening bone marrow suppression and should
be avoided.

Mycophenolate Mofetil

MMF is a reversible inhibitor of inosine monophosphate

dehydrogenase, the rate-limiting enzyme in de novo purine
synthesis. Lymphocytes are uniquely dependent on this
pathway for synthesis of guanosine nucleotides and
subsequent cell proliferation. The principal adverse effects
are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that usually respond to
dose reduction. Nephrotoxicity is not a concern. The combi-
nation of MMF and tacrolimus is highly effective in prevent-
ing acute rejection but is associated with a high incidence of
diarrhea due to the higher MMF plasma concentrations
obtained when the drug is administered with tacrolimus.

Glucocorticoids are widely used in the induction and mainte-
nance of immunosuppression. Their dosage is progressively
decreased after transplantation to a maintenance regimen of
prednisone 5 to 10 mg/day. Adverse sequelae include hyper-
lipidemia, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and osteoporo-
sis. Glucocorticoid withdrawal has been associated with
increases in the risk of short-term and long-term graft dysfunc-
tion. Newer “steroid minimization” protocols incorporating
various combinations of thymoglobulin, tacrolimus, MMF,
and sirolimus are encouraging, but adequate long-term data
are not yet available.
Sirolimus 831

Sirolimus (rapamycin) is a novel immunosuppressive agent

that impairs cytokine-induced lymphocyte proliferation. The
prolonged half-life of sirolimus means that once-daily dosing CH 40
is sufficient. It is metabolized via the cytochrome P-450 sys-

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

tem; thus, the potential for multiple drug interactions exists.
Adverse effects of sirolimus include hyperlipidemia, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, diarrhea, and interstitial pneumonitis.
Short- and medium-term data suggest sirolimus may have a
useful role as a CNI-sparing agent. There is growing evidence
that sirolimus has important antineoplastic effects in vivo.



Medical Status
The potential recipient of a renal transplant should be evaluated
to ensure that there are no new contraindications to transplanta-
tion or general anesthesia. A key decision is whether or not hemo-
dialysis, with the attendant delay of surgery and prolongation of
cold ischemia time, is required. Preoperative hemodialysis is
advisable if either a plasma Kþ level higher than 5.5 mmol/L or
severe volume overload is present. Patients on peritoneal dialysis
need only drain out instilled fluid prior to surgery; if the patient is
hyperkalemic, several rapid exchanges can be performed.

Immunologic Status
A pretransplant cross-match of a recent recipient serum sample
against donor lymphocytes must always be performed to detect
preformed antibodies against donor human leukocyte antigens
(HLA). The presence of cytotoxic donor IgG antibodies is a
contraindication to transplantation. For immunologically
“high-risk” patients (Table 40-2), flow cytometry cross-matching

Factors Suggesting High Risk for Acute

Table 40-2
Rejection of Kidney Transplant
Previous blood transfusions, particularly if recent
Previous pregnancies, particularly if multiple
Previous allograft, particularly if rejected early
History of high levels of panel-reactive antigen
Black race
832 (FCXM), which can detect low concentrations of antidonor anti-
bodies, may be performed. In such cases, a negative antihuman
globulin cross-match but positive FCXM against donor T cells
is a relative contraindication to transplantation and the decision
X to proceed with transplantation must be weighed against the
higher risk of early acute cellular or antibody-mediated rejection.
Renal Transplantation


Immediate Post-transplant Period
Evaluation of the Recipient Immediately after
the Transplant
The physician should carefully review the operating room
notes with particular emphasis on the following: cold and
warm ischemia times, technical difficulties encountered,
intraoperative fluid balance, blood pressure, and urine output.
Patients can be divided into three groups based on allograft
function in the first postoperative week: (1) those with excel-
lent graft function as manifested by a brisk urine output and
falling creatinine; (2) those with slow graft function (SGF)
(serum creatinine > 3 mg/dL but dialysis independent at
1 week); and (3) those with delayed graft function (DGF) in
whom there is initial failure of allograft. The causes, manage-
ment, and outcomes of SGF are similar to those for DGF (see
next section).

Delayed Graft Function

Delayed graft function is a clinical diagnosis based on the
apparent failure of the renal allograft to function in the first
week after transplant. Risk factors include male sex, black
race, high panel reactive antibodies (PRA), prolonged cold
ischemia time, and nontraumatic death in the donor. The
causes of DGF fall into three categories:
• Ischemic/nephrotoxic acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
• Hyperacute or accelerated acute rejection
• Major surgical complication (vascular thombosis, ureteric
obstruction or leak)
The diagnosis of the underlying cause of DGF is based on clin-
ical, radiologic, and sometimes histologic findings. Ischemic
ATN is the most common cause of DGF in cadaveric kidney
transplant recipients. In the absence of a renal biopsy, ischemic
ATN can be diagnosed only when radiologic studies have
excluded obstruction and confirmed allograft perfusion. ATN
is uncommon following living-donor renal transplantation,
and persistent oliguria despite adequate volume expansion
(diuretics) suggests a major surgical complication (renal vein 833
thrombosis, urine leak) that may warrant early surgical re-explo-
ration. Management of ATN is supportive and includes judicious
volume management, nutritional support, and renal replacement
therapy as required. Calcineurin avoidance with substitution of CH 40
polyclonal antilymphocyte preparations has been advocated as

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

a means of shortening the clinical course of postoperative ATN.
The use of sorbitol-based ion exchange resins in the management
of hyperkalemia should be avoided in the early postoperative
period because of the risk of colonic dilation and perforation.
Hemodialysis may exacerbate ischemic damage to the allograft
and therefore is typically used only if medically imperative.
Acute rejection is more common following ATN, and renal allo-
graft biopsy is often required to exclude untreated acute rejec-
tion. Renal function in ischemic ATN typically recovers over 5
to 7 days but recovery may be delayed for several weeks.
Hyperacute rejection is now a rare cause of primary renal allo-
graft nonfunction. It is caused by preformed recipient antibodies
directed against ABO blood group or HLA class I antigens. In
classic hyperacute rejection, macroscopic changes are seen min-
utes after vascular anastomosis is established. Clinically, there is
cyanosis and mottling of the kidney, anuria, and sometimes
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Screening for recipi-
ent-donor ABO or class I major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) incompatibility has ensured that hyperacute rejection is
now uncommon. More commonly, antibody-mediated acute
rejection occurring early in the post-transplant course is trig-
gered by newly synthesized antibodies directed against donor
alloantigens (humoral/antibody-mediated rejection). Pretrans-
plant lymphocytotoxicity cross-match may miss low level anti-
donor alloantibodies generated by memory B cells. The
diagnosis is made by renal biopsy and a positive repeat donor-
recipient cross-match. Peritubular staining of capillaries for
C4d has been proposed as a reliable marker of acute antibody-
mediated rejection. Early diagnosis of this condition is crucial
and high-risk patients with DGF should have a renal allograft
biopsy and repeat cross-match studies performed 3 to 5 days after
transplantation. A regimen of plasmapheresis (to immediately
remove donor-specific antibody [DSA]) and enhanced immuno-
suppression including MMF and tacrolimus (to suppress further
production of DSA) is now yielding excellent results.
Transplant renal artery or renal vein thrombosis usually
occurs within 72 hours after transplantation and is the most
common cause of graft loss in the first post-transplant week.
Renal artery thrombosis presents with abrupt onset of anuria,
rapidly rising plasma creatinine, but often little localized graft
pain or discomfort. Radiologic studies show absent arterial
and venous blood flow and transplant nephrectomy is indi-
cated. Renal vein thrombosis has a similar presentation but
834 is often accompanied by allograft discomfort. Meticulous sur-
gical technique and avoidance of hypovolemia can minimize
the incidence of this devastating complication.
The importance of ischemic injury in cadaveric renal trans-
X plantation is emphasized by the impressive graft survival out-
comes in living nonrelated donor transplantation, where
Renal Transplantation

ischemic times are short but HLA matching is often suboptimal.

DGF is an independent predictor of long-term graft loss, and
lowers the expected graft half-life by one third. Measures to limit
the incidence and duration of DGF include optimization of
the hemodynamic status of the donor and recipient. Avoidance
of postoperative hypotension and minimization of exposure to
nephrotoxins, especially radiocontrast material, is essential. No
specific intervention, including the administration of dopamine
or loop diuretics, has shown clinical benefit. DGF associated with
ATN is likely to remain a significant problem in cadaveric kidney
transplantation as the use of marginal donors increases. An algo-
rithm for managing DGF is given in Figure 40-1.

High-risk recipient* Low-risk recipient

Biopsy day 3–5 Biopsy day 7–10

No Rejection No
rejection rejection

Acute Mild/moderate Severe

AMR cellular cellular

Steroid pulse Steroid Steroid pulse

Plasmapheresis pulse or OKT3/
MMF + tacrolimus IgG thymoglobulin

Rebiopsy in Rebiopsy in
5–10 days 7–10 days
if DGF if DGF
persists persists

Figure 40-1. Algorithm for diagnostic biopsy of and treatment

for persistent delayed graft function (DGF). *The presence of
anti-donor HLA antibodies should prompt immediate biopsy in
this high-risk setting. AMR, antibody-mediated rejection; MMF,
mycophenolic mofetil.
Prerenal Dysfunction in the Early 835
Post-Transplant Period

Table 40-3 shows the causes of allograft dysfunction during

the early (1- to 12-week) post-transplant period. CH 40

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

Acute kidney injury (AKI) due to hypovolemia may develop
as a result of a variety of factors including diminished oral
intake, excessive diuresis from the transplanted kidney, or
MMF-induced diarrhea. The effects of volume depletion are
often compounded by CNI-induced renal vasoconstriction,
which further impairs the GFR. Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and NSAIDs also exacerbate prere-
nal ARF and should be avoided in the early post-transplant
period. Management involves careful reduction of MMF dos-
age if diarrhea is problematic and either oral or intravenous
volume expansion.

Acute Calcineurin Inhibitor Nephrotoxicity

CNIs cause an acute reversible decrease in renal plasma flow and
GFR mediated by afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction. This is
manifested by blood concentration-dependent increases
in plasma creatinine level that respond to dose reduction.
On occasion, this may occur as a result of the introduction of a

Table 40-3 Causes of Allograft Dysfunction in the Early

Postoperative Period
Renal vessel thrombosis
Drugs—ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs
Transplant renal artery stenosis
Acute rejection
Acute CNI nephrotoxicity
CNI-induced thrombotic microangiopathy
Recurrence of primary disease
Acute pyelonephritis
Acute interstitial nephritis
Urinary tract obstruction/leakage
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor.
836 medication that interferes with CNI metabolism (see Table 40-1).
Conversely, drugs that induce the cytochrome P-450 system can
lead to subtherapeutic drug levels with resultant acute rejection
episodes. Histologic changes associated with CNI toxicity
X include tubule and myocyte vacuolization. Several clinical find-
ings suggest acute CNI nephrotoxicity:
Renal Transplantation

• Extrarenal toxicity such as severe tremor

• Moderate increase in plasma creatinine (<20% over baseline)
• High CNI concentrations (e.g., cyclosporine > 350 ng/mL or
tacrolimus levels > 20 ng/mL)
An algorithm for approaching this common clinical prob-
lem is shown in Figure 40-2. The threshold for biopsy should
be low in patients at high risk of rejection given the risks asso-
ciated with delayed treatment of undiagnosed acute rejection.

Exclude/treat hypovolemia, thrombotic microangiopathy, pyelonephritis

Imaging studies to rule out urologic or vascular cause

Cr still elevated

trough blood

High (e.g., CsA > 350 ng/mL, Normal/low

tacrolimus > 20 ng/mL)

Reduce CsA/tacrolimus steroid pulse

No response
No improvement
in 3–5 days
in 1–2 days


Specific intervention

Figure 40-2. Algorithm for management of allograft dysfunction in

the early post-transplant period. Cr, creatinine; CsA, cyclosporine.
Acute Rejection 837
Acute rejection is the most common cause of graft dysfunction
in the early post-transplant period and is strongly associated
with development of chronic rejection and poorer allograft
survival rates. An increase in serum creatinine (typically > CH 40
20%) is the cardinal sign of acute rejection. With current

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

immunosuppression regimens, clinical symptoms (pain, fever,
oliguria) are rare. Definitive diagnosis requires biopsy, but
where there is a high likelihood of uncomplicated acute rejec-
tion, empirical treatment is sometimes instituted prior to
biopsy. Uncomplicated acute cellular rejection is generally
treated with a short course of high-dose intravenous cortico-
steroid (500–1000 mg methylprednisolone daily IV for 3–5
days). OKT3 or polyclonal antilymphocyte antibody prepara-
tions are reserved for steroid-resistant cases or when there is
evidence of severe rejection (endothelialitis) on the initial
biopsy (20–30% of cases). Treatment of acute rejection with
OKT3 may be associated with an increase in plasma creatinine
3 to 4 days into the course due to a cytokine release syndrome.
Following reversal of rejection, patient compliance with pre-
scribed medications should be reviewed and if there are no
contraindications, baseline immunosuppression should be
adjusted. Acute rejection refractory to antibody therapy is
associated with very poor allograft outcomes. Uncontrolled
studies suggest that tacrolimus and MMF may be beneficial
as “rescue” therapy in this setting.
Acute rejection is less common after the first 6 months post-
transplantation and, when occurs, may reflect either patient
noncompliance or the inadvertent introduction of an inducer
of the cytochrome P-450 system (see Table 40-1). Risk factors
for noncompliance include younger age, immunosuppressive-
related side effects, lower socioeconomic status, minority sta-
tus, and psychological stress or illness. Late acute rejection
has a particularly deleterious effect on long-term graft outcome.

Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) after renal transplanta-
tion is a rare but serious complication. Laboratory findings
include rising plasma creatinine, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
and the presence of schistocytes on the blood film. CNIs
and, to a lesser extent, other factors (OKT3, viral infection,
antiphospholipid syndrome) are associated with development
of this syndrome. Onset is usually in the early post-transplant
period. The long-term prognosis for graft function is often
poor, and early diagnosis and intervention are essential. There
are no prospective controlled trials of therapy in post-
transplant TMA. Suggested measures include cessation of CNI
therapy and tight control of blood pressure. There is no evidence
to support the use of plasma exchange. Combination therapy
838 with MMF, corticosteroids, and sirolimus would appear to be
the most prudent immunosuppresive regimen in such cases.

Acute Pyelonephritis
X Urinary tract infections (UTIs) may occur at any period but are
most frequent shortly after transplantation. Risk factors for
Renal Transplantation

UTI include catheterization, ureteric stenting, and preexisting

anatomic or neurologic abnormalities. UTIs are often heralded
by fever, allograft pain and tenderness, and a raised peripheral
blood white blood cell count. Diagnosis requires urine culture,
but empirical antibiotic treatment should be started immedi-
ately if infection is suspected clinically. Renal function usu-
ally returns to baseline with antimicrobial therapy and
volume expansion. Recurrent cases of pyelonephritis merit
investigation to rule out underlying anatomic abnormalities.

Acute Allergic Interstitial Nephritis

Acute interstitial nephritis is occasionally observed in the
early postoperative course. Removal of the offending agent
(often SMX-TMP) is indicated. A role for augmented steroid
therapy is unclear.

Urine Leaks
Urine leaks usually occur within weeks of transplantation.
Causes include ureteric infarction due to perioperative dis-
ruption of its blood supply and breakdown of the ureterove-
sical anastomosis. The clinical features include abdominal
pain and swelling with rising plasma creatinine levels
secondary to reabsorption of solutes across the peritoneal
membrane. If a perirenal drain is being used, a urine leak
may present with high-volume drainage. Ultrasound often
demonstrates a fluid collection (urinoma). Antegrade pyelo-
graphy allows precise diagnosis and localization of proximal
urinary leaks. Whenever urine leakage is suspected, a blad-
der catheter should be immediately inserted to decompress
the urinary tract and most cases require urgent surgical
exploration and repair.

Urinary Tract Obstruction

Urinary tract obstruction can cause allograft dysfunction at
any time after transplantation but is most common in the early
postoperative period. The causes include the following:
• Suboptimal ureterovesical anastomosis
• Ureteric blood clots
• Fibrosis of the ureter due to ischemia or rejection
• Prostatic hypertrophy
• Neurogenic bladder (diabetic neuropathy)
• Lymphocele
Ultrasonography demonstrates hydronephrosis; however, 839
dilation of the transplant urinary collecting system is frequently
seen in the early postoperative period and serial scans may be
required to confirm the diagnosis. Renal scintiscan with diuretic
washout may be useful in equivocal cases. Open surgical repair is CH 40
usually required but endoscopic measures may suffice in certain

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

circumstances. Obstruction in the early postoperative period due
to an enlarged prostate should be managed with initial bladder
catheter drainage and followed by elective prostatectomy.

Late Allograft Dysfunction

The causes and evaluation of late (>6 months post-transplant)
renal allograft dysfunction in the months and years following
renal transplantation are listed in Table 40-4.

Chronic Allograft Nephropathy

Chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) is characterized by a
slow insidious decline in renal function at least 6 months after
renal transplantation. It is typically associated with protein-
uria and hypertension and, after censoring for death, is the
most common cause of late renal allograft loss. Although
alloimmune factors are important in the pathogenesis of
CAN, other etiologic factors include ischemic injury, calci-
neurin toxicity, hypertension, and glomerular hyperfiltration.
There is no specific treatment for CAN at this time. Hyperten-
sion and hyperlipidemia should be rigorously controlled, the
former preferably with either an ACEI or ARB. The use of sir-
olimus or MMF in place of CNI may lead to a temporary
improvement in GFR, however, there are no randomized, con-
trolled trials supporting a long-term benefit from this strategy.

Table 40-4 Causes of Late Chronic Allograft Dysfunction

Transplant renal artery stenosis
Chronic allograft nephropathy
Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity
Chronic rejection (cellular or antibody mediated or both)
Polyomavirus nephropathy
Recurrence of primary disease
New disease
Urinary tract obstruction
840 Chronic Calcineurin Nephrotoxicity
Chronic nephrotoxicity associated with CNI is a well-
documented phenomenon in both renal and nonrenal organ
transplantation. It is caused by chronic exposure to cyclospor-
X ine or tacrolimus and can occur even when drug levels are
maintained within the normal therapeutic range. It is difficult
Renal Transplantation

to distinguish clinically from chronic allograft nephropathy,

and often the two may coexist. The replacement of azathio-
prine by MMF, followed either by elimination or reduction of
the CNI, is widely practiced. Many authorities advocate the
reduction or removal of CNI-based immunosuppression in all
patients; however, this runs the risk of triggering late acute
rejection, which is associated with a poor prognosis.

Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis

Transplant renal artery stenosis can arise at any time after trans-
plantation. Retrospective studies report functionally significant
stenosis in fewer than 10% of renal transplant recipients. Sugges-
tive clinical signs include resistant hypertension, AKI following
ACE inhibition, an audible renal bruit, and polycythemia. The
diagnosis is made by renal angiography, magnetic resonance
(MR) angiography, or duplex sonography. The clinical response
rate to percutaneous angioplasty is approximately 40% to 75%;
however, restenosis is common and may require repeat interven-
tion or operative bypass. Particular care must be taken to avoid
radiocontrast medium nephrotoxicity in the investigation and
management of this condition.

Recurrent Disease in the Allograft

Table 40-5 summarizes the conditions that recur after transplan-
tation. With improvements in short- and long-term renal allograft
survival rates, disease recurrence has assumed greater clinical
importance. Several diseases such as focal segmental glomerulo-
nephritis (FSGS), anti–glomerular basement membrane disease,
and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)/thrombotic thrombocy-
topenic purpura (TTP) can occur early in the post-transplant
course, but most diseases recur in the months and years follow-
ing transplantation. The rates of disease recurrence vary depend-
ing on the primary diagnosis. Recurrence rates are highest with
FSGS (especially the childhood variant) and membranoprolifera-
tive glomerulonephritis (MPGN), in which rates of over 80% are
observed with type II disease and are associated with significant
reductions in renal allograft survival. Recurrent diabetic
nephropathy is common; however, the poorer outcomes in this
patient subpopulation heretofore may have masked the true clin-
ical significance of disease recurrence. Recurrence rates are less
common with IgA nephropathy, the rapidly progressive glomer-
ulonephritides, and lupus nephritis. Treatment strategies are
broadly similar to those used in native real disease. Notably, even
Table 40-5 Recurrent Disease after Transplantation
Approximate Time to
Disease Recurrence Rate Recurrence Management Living Donor Transplantation
Primary FSGS 40–50% Hours to weeks ACEI, steroids, No, if high risk of recurrence
? plasmapheresis
IgA GN 35% >2 months ACE-I, ? fish oil Yes
Cytotoxics if
cresentic GN
MPGN 30% type I Weeks Type I: ? aspirin Type I: yes
80–100% type II Type II: ? steroids Type II: consider (<50% of
grafts lost)
Anti-GBM disease Rare if antibody negative Immediate Plasmapheresis, Yes
pretransplant cyclophosphamide
SLE <10% >1 week Steroids, MMF, Yes
Wegener’s 10% >1 week Steroids, cytotoxics Yes
HUS/TTP Depends on cause: Immediate and Plasmapheresis No, if familial HUS/TTP
familial > classic HUS onward
ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; GBM, glomerular basement membrane;
HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; IgA, immunoglobulin A; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; SLE, systemic
lupus erythematosus; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
842 though less than 5% of all grafts are lost due to recurrent disease,
this figure approaches 50% in cases of second graft loss when the
first graft was lost due to primary disease recurrence.

X Polyomavirus Infection
Reactivation of polyomavirus infection with shedding of
Renal Transplantation

infected urothelial cells (decoy cells) is estimated to occur in

10% to 60% of renal transplant recipients, but clinically sig-
nificant disease occurs in less than 5%. The clinical features
associated with infection of renal transplant patients include
asymptomatic infection (most common), acute and chronic
allograft dysfunction, and hemorrhagic cystitis. The acute
graft dysfunction usually occurs secondary to interstitial
nephritis, although ureteric stenosis has been described. The
use of more powerful maintenance immunosuppression regi-
mens incorporating MMF and tacrolimus have probably con-
tributed to a rise in the incidence of clinically significant
polyomavirus infection. The management of this condition is
difficult and primarily involves progressive reduction in the
immunosuppression burden in an attempt to augment host
mechanisms of viral clearance. The long-term outlook for graft
survival is often poor.

Clinical Outcomes and Allograft Survival Rates in

Renal Transplantation
Analysis of survival rates between the general dialysis popula-
tion and transplanted patients is greatly affected by selection
bias—in general, patients referred for transplantation are
healthier and have better functional status than those patients
felt to be unsuitable for transplantation. Comparisons between
patients on the waiting list who do or do not receive a trans-
plant demonstrate that, in the medium- to long-term, trans-
plantation confers a significant survival benefit, particularly
in diabetic patients. One-year survival rates of over 90% are
now expected for both cadaveric and living-donor transplants.
Long-term renal allograft survival rates have also steadily
increased over the last 10 years and the expected graft half-life
of a cadaveric transplant is now over 10 years.

With the current low acute rejection rates and improvements
in long-term graft survival, more emphasis is being placed
on the general medical management of transplant patients.
The management of common electrolyte, endocrine, and
cardiovascular complications after transplant is discussed in 843
the following sections.

Electrolyte Disorders
CH 40

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

Hypophosphatemia is common in the early post-transplant period
due to residual hyperparathroidism. Clinical symptoms are
uncommon but include muscle weakness and, in rare cases, respi-
ratory muscle weakness. The target plasma phosphate level
should be 2.5 to 4 mg/dL achieved by increasing dietary phos-
phate and oral phosphate repletion with or without vitamin D.

Mild hyperkalemia due to CNI-mediated impairment of tubule
potassium secretion is common after renal transplant and may
be exacerbated by poor allograft function, dietary indiscretion,
and medications such as ACEIs or b-blockers. The hyperkale-
mia is usually not severe and improves with reduction in
CNI dosage; treatment is often not required; exacerbating
factors should be minimized.

Metabolic Acidosis
A mild distal (hyperchloremic) renal tubular acidosis (RTA) is
common after transplantation. This reflects tubule dysfunc-
tion caused by CNIs, rejection, or residual hyperparathyroid-
ism. Oral bicarbonate replacement is given in severe cases.

Other Electrolyte Abnormalities

Hypomagnesemia is common and due to a magnesuric effect
of the CNIs. The effectiveness of supplementation is limited
and magnesium supplement should be considered only when
the serum level is below 1.5 mg/dL.

Bone Disorders after Renal Transplantation

Hyperparathyroidism is seen in more than 50% of allograft reci-
pients. Risk factors include the severity of pretransplant hyper-
parathyroidism and duration of renal replacement therapy.
Laboratory findings include hypophosphatemia and mild to
moderate hypercalcemia with an inappropriately high parathy-
roid hormone level. The condition usually resolves spontane-
ously and management in the interim consists of repletion of
phosphate and the administration of vitamin D analogs if
1,25-vitamin D concentrations are low. Post-transplant subtotal
parathyroidectomy is performed only for either severe acute
844 symptomatic hypercalcemia or persistent, moderately severe
hypercalcemia (e.g., calcium > 12 mg/dL for 12 months).

X Osteoporosis, defined as bone density more than 2.5 standard
deviations below the mean of sex-matched, young adults, is
Renal Transplantation

observed in up to 60% of allograft recipients after transplantation,

with most of the bone loss occurring in the first 6 months. Patho-
logic fractures of the appendicular skeleton are common after
renal transplantation and diabetic recipients are at particular risk.
Corticosteroid use is the primary cause of post-transplant osteo-
porosis, with hyperparathyroidism, hypophosphatemia, and
vitamin D resistance acting as contributing factors. The diagnosis
can be confirmed by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning
and all patients thought to be at high risk should be evaluated
prospectively. Treatment strategies include 1000 mg/day of ele-
mental calcium and 800 U/day of standard vitamin D (calcitriol,
if GFR < 50 mL/min) accompanied by regular weight-bearing
exercise. Emerging options include the minimization or elim-
ination of corticosteroid use often in combination with T-cell
mono- or polyclonal antibody administration. The use of bisphos-
phonates or sex hormone repletion is controversial. No prospec-
tive data exist showing a reduction in fracture incidence and
these agents should only be used following consultation with an
endocrinologist familiar with post-transplant bone disease.

Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis), the most serious bone com-
plication of renal transplantation, is seen 5% to 10% of renal
transplant recipients. The most commonly affected site is the
femoral head, and high-dose corticosteroid use is a risk factor.
The principal symptom is pain and MR imaging is diagnostic.
Treatment options include rest, core decompression, osteotomy,
or joint replacement.

The majority of cyclosporine-treated renal transplant recipi-
ents develop hyperuricemia, with less than 10% developing
clinical symptoms. Acute attacks are treated with colchicine
or an oral corticosteroid pulse. NSAIDs should be avoided.
The use of azathioprine and allopurinol in combination
for the treatment of hyperuricemia can result in severe bone
marrow suppression and is best avoided.


Hypertension occurs in up to 80% of kidney transplant

recipients and can be attributed to the CNIs, weight gain,
allograft dysfunction, native kidney disease, and less com- 845
monly, transplant renal artery stenosis. Hypertension should
be aggressively managed with a target blood pressure of less
than 135/85 mm Hg and less than 125/75 mm Hg in those with
proteinuria. ACEIs are typically avoided in the early post- CH 40
transplantation period. CCBs may offer some protection

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

against CNI-mediated nephrotoxicity.

Hyperlipidemia is seen in 60% to 70% of kidney transplant
recipients and may contribute not only to the high cardiovas-
cular mortality rate observed but also to the development of
CAN. The target low-density lipoprotein cholesterol should
to be lower than 100 mg/dL and pharmacologic therapy is
required to achieve this in the majority of patients. Other treat-
ment options include steroid minimization and switching
cyclosporine to tacrolimus. Statins are the cholesterol-lowering
drug of choice despite concerns regarding rhabdomyolysis (see
earlier). Bile acid sequestrants bind CNIs and should be taken

Post-Transplant Malignancy
The overall incidence of cancer in renal transplant recipients
is greater than that in dialysis patients and the general popula-
tion; for specific “transplant-associated” malignancies the risk
is dramatically higher, but for the common malignancies
(lung, breast, and prostate) the risk is similar. The cumulative
amount of immunosuppression is the most important factor in
increasing the risk of malignancy, and the long-term impact of
more powerful immunosuppression regimens on cancer inci-
dence is an emerging concern. The common post-tranplant
malignancies are discussed here.

Skin and Anogenital Cancers

Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and malig-
nant melanoma are more common in renal transplant patients.
Risk factors for skin cancer are the duration and cumulative
dose of immunosuppression, exposure to ultraviolet light, and
fair skin. Primary and secondary prevention is important:
patients should be counseled on minimizing exposure to strong
sunlight and to self-screen for skin lesions. Cancers of the vulva,
uterine cervix, penis, scrotum, anus, and perianal region are
more common than in the general population. These tumors
tend to be multifocal and more aggressive and are associated
with human papillomavirus infection. Prevention measures
846 include yearly physical examination of the anogenital area and,
in women, yearly pelvic examinations and cervical histologic
testing. Suspicious lesions should be excised, and patients
should be closely followed for recurrence.
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Renal Transplantation

Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is not a

single disorder but rather a spectrum of tumors extending
from benign polyclonal lymphoid proliferations to overtly
malignant lymphomas. The cumulative incidence in renal
transplant patients is 1% to 5%, with most occurring within
2 years of transplantation. More than 90% are non-Hodgkin
lymphomas of recipient B-cell origin and the majority of cases
are Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated.
Risk factors include the following:
• The combination of EBV-positive donor and EBV-negative
• Pediatric recipient (children are more likely to be EBV
• Degree of immunosuppressive burden (especially use of
antilymphocyte antibodies)
Thus, the clinical and histologic spectrum of PTLD at pre-
sentation is wide and its treatment can vary greatly. Extrano-
dal involvement, including involvement of the renal
allograft, is more common than in non–transplant associated
lymphomas. The treatment involves the reduction of, or in
the case of life-threatening disease, the elimination of, the
immunosuppressive burden. Combination therapy involving
surgical excision, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are com-
monly employed.

Infectious Complications of Renal

The heightened risk of infection in renal transplant recipi-
ents is directly related to the intensity of immunosuppres-
sion and the exposure to potential pathogens. Given that
immunosuppression alters the clinical presentation of life-
threatening infections, early and aggressive diagnostic
workup followed by empirical antimicrobial therapy is
essential if infectious illness is suspected. The spectrum of
infection observed in renal transplant recipients changes
over time. The majority of infections seen in the first month
are related to the operative procedure itself (wound infec-
tion, urinary tract infection, etc.). Preventive measures
include ensuring that donor and recipient are free of overt
infection before transplant, good surgical technique, and
SMX-TMP prophylaxis to prevent UTIs. After several weeks 847
of intensive immunosuppression, the risk of opportunistic
infections with cytomegalovirus (CMV), EBV, Listeria mono-
cytogenes, Pneumocystis carinii, and Nocardia sp. increases.
Preventive measures include antiviral prophylaxis (for 3–6 CH 40
months after transplant) and SMX-TMP prophylaxis (for

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

6–12 months after transplant). Opportunistic infections after
6 to 12 months are uncommon unless the immunosuppres-
sive burden is increased, for example, following the treat-
ment of a late acute rejection. Exceptions include CMV
retinitis and colitis, a higher incidence of respiratory syncy-
tial virus (RSV) and influenza infections, and chronic mani-
festations of human papillomavirus infections.

CMV is one of the most important post-transplant pathogens
and disease is typically observed 1 to 6 months after trans-
plant. CMV infection is seen in 50% to 80% of patients; how-
ever, CMV disease implies both laboratory evidence of viral
exposure (rising IgG titer or CMV antigen in body fluids)
and symptoms of tissue invasion. The risk of CMV infection
or disease is highest in the CMV-negative recipient of a
CMV-positive kidney. OKT3/polyclonal therapy, particularly
when prescribed for treatment of rejection, significantly
increases the risk of subsequent CMV disease. Typical clini-
cal features include fever, malaise, leukopenia, pneumonitis,
hepatitis, and ulcerating lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
The gold standard diagnostic test is detection of CMV antige-
nemia by quantitative serum DNA PCR. Less sensitive alter-
natives include the centrifuged shell viral technique.
Demonstration of shed virus in the urine or sputum corre-
lates poorly with clinical outcomes and biopsy interpretation
is complicated by the focal nature of the infection in many
organs. CMV disease should be treated with reduction in
immunosuppression and intravenous ganciclovir therapy
for 2 to 4 weeks. Valganciclovir has greatly improved oral
bioavailability compared to oral ganciclovir and is emerging
as a possible replacement for intravenous ganciclovir in
some situations. Foscarnet is reserved for CMV-resistant
cases. Prevention of CMV disease is of great clinical impor-
tance and patients at highest risk of CMV should routinely
receive CMV prophylaxis for up to 6 months; whether
all low-risk patients need to receive prophylaxis is

The incidence of post-transplant Pneumocystis carinii infec-
tion has declined with the widespread use of SMX-TMP
848 prophylaxis. Alternative agents in sulfa-allergic patients
include dapsone and pyrimethamine, atovaquone, and aeroso-
lized pentamidine.

X Immunization in Renal Transplant Recipients

Important general rules concerning immunization in renal
Renal Transplantation

transplant patients are the following:

• Immunizations should be completed at least 4 weeks before
• Immunization should be avoided in the first 6 months after
• Live vaccines are generally contraindicated after transplan-
Infections are a predictable complication of renal transplan-
tation. Minimizing infection risk requires meticulous surgical
technique, antiviral prophylaxis for the first 3 to 6 months,
SMX-TMP prophylaxis for the first 6 to 12 months, and of
course, avoidance of excessive immunosuppression.

Surgery in the Renal Transplant Recipient

Allograft Nephrectomy
This is an uncommon procedure. Indications for allograft
nephrectomy include the following:
• Allograft failure with symptomatic rejection (fever, malaise,
and graft pain)
• Allograft infarction due to thrombosis
• Emphysematous pyelonephritis
• Graft rupture
Ongoing rejection in a failed allograft can sometimes be
controlled with steroids, but prolonged immunosuppression
of the ESRD patient is undesirable.

Nontransplant-Related Surgery or Hospitalization

In-patient management of the renal transplant recipient hospi-
talized for nontransplant-related surgery should focus on the
maintenance of adequate volume status, avoidance of nephro-
toxic medicines (including NSAIDs and radiocontrast mate-
rial), and the proper dosing of immunosuppressive drugs.
If intravenous administration of corticosteroid is required,
intravenous methylprednisolone can be used as maintenance
therapy, prescribed at the same milligram-per-milligram dose
as prednisone, with supplemental stress-dose hydrocortisone
prescribed separately. Intravenous cyclosporine should be
prescribed in slow infusion form at one third of the total daily
oral dose, and intravenous tacrolimus given daily should be at
one fifth of the total oral dose.
The Patient with the Failing Kidney 849

In patients with a failing allograft, the selection criteria for ini-

tiation of dialysis and retransplantation are no different from
those for the general ESRD population. The timely insertion CH 40
of access is essential. The optimal management of immuno-

Clinical Aspects of Renal Transplantation

suppressive withdrawal is controversial; prolonged tapering
of corticosteroids is required to avoid precipitating addisonian
symptoms. A gradual taper (weeks to months) of immunsup-
pression may help avoid symptomatic acute rejection or the
elaboration of anti-HLA antibodies that can complicate

Pregnancy in the Renal Transplant Recipient

Female and male fertility improves after successful renal

transplantation. Pregnancy is generally considered safe for
the mother, fetus, and renal allograft if the following criteria
are met before conception: good general health for more than
18 months before conception, stable allograft function with
a plasma creatinine level less than 2 mg/dL (preferably
<1.5 mg/dL), minimal hypertension, minimal proteinuria,
immunosuppression at maintenance doses, and no dilation
of the pelvicaliceal system on recent imaging studies. Hyper-
tension occurs in approximately 63% of cases and pre-
eclampsia in 30%. UTIs and asymptomatic bacteriuria are
also common. Prematurity and low birth weight are common.
Data on allograft function are overall reassuring; however,
the average plasma creatinine does increase slightly (by
0.2 mg/dL) after pregnancy. It is possible that pregnancy
may affect long-term allograft function by accentuating
nephron hyperfiltration and overwork, but this has proved
difficult to assess.
All pregnant renal allograft recipients should be managed
as high-risk obstetric cases with nephrology involvement.
Throughout the pregnancy, regular monitoring of blood pres-
sure, proteinuria, renal function, and urine cultures is
advised. Significant renal dysfunction occurs in a minority
of cases; the principal causes are severe preeclampsia, acute
rejection, acute pyelonephritis, and recurrent glomerulone-
phritis. Distinguishing these causes clinically may be difficult.
Initial investigations should include plasma creatinine, creat-
inine clearance, 24-hour urinary protein excretion, urine
microscopy, urine culture, and renal ultrasound. Acute rejec-
tion should be confirmed by allograft biopsy before instituting
antirejection therapy. Pulse steroids are used to treat rejection.
There are no transplant-specific reasons to perform cesar-
ean section; if it is performed (for obstetric reasons), care
850 should be taken to avoid damaging the transplant ureter.
Renal function should be monitored closely for 3 months post-
partum because of the increased risk of HUS and possibly
acute rejection.
X Short-term and long-term data indicate that children born to
transplant recipients using cyclosporine, steroids, or azathio-
Renal Transplantation

prine do not have a significant increase in morbidity. Short-

term data on tacrolimus are similarly reassuring. Dosages of
cyclosporine and tacrolimus may need to be increased to
maintain pre-pregnancy trough concentrations. MMF is terato-
genic and its use in pregnancy is contraindicated. Women of
child-bearing age on MMF therapy should be counselled
regarding the need for adequate contraception, or, if contem-
plating pregnancy, the need to adjust their immunosuppres-
sive regimen. Sirolimus should also be avoided. Limited data
regarding paternal use of cyclosporine, steroids, azathioprine,
tacrolimus, and MMF are reassuring.


Improvements in renal allograft outcomes have significantly

improved the outlook for renal transplant recipients, and
transplantation is the treatment of choice for many patients
with ESRD. Given the success in lowering acute rejection
rates the focus of care is shifting toward the management of
post-transplant complications such as chronic allograft
nephropathy, bone disease, and cardiovascular disease.

Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to figures, and those followed

by t refer to tables.

A step 5: history, examination,

and laboratory data in,
Abdomen 116
in acute kidney injury, 8 step 6: initiation of treatment
in chronic kidney disease, 17 in, 116
in hypertensive patient, 451 diuretic-related, 557
plain film radiography of, 42 in acute kidney injury, 211
calculi in, 48 management of, 215
urinary tract obstruction in, metabolic, 116–128
339 acidosis, 116–126. See also
Abdominal aneurysms, in Metabolic acidosis.
urinary tract alkalosis, 127–128. See also
obstruction, 337 Metabolic alkalosis.
ABO-incompatible renal respiratory, 128–131, 129t
transplantation, 787 treatment of, 135
Abortion, septic, 502–503 treatment of, 131–135
Abscess, in medullary sponge urinary pH and, 27–28
kidney, 431 Acidosis
Accelerated hypertension, 442 lactic, 123–124
Acebutalol, doses and responses treatment of, 132–133
of, 519t D-lactic, 124
Acetaminophen metabolic, 114t, 115f, 116–126.
acidosis caused by, 125–126 See also Metabolic
overdose of, 773–774 acidosis.
Acetazolamide, for uric acid respiratory, 128–130, 129t
stones, 374 hyperphosphatemia and, 181
Acetoacetate, 29 treatment of, 135
Acetone, 29 Acquired cystic disease,
Acid-base balance 427–429
maintenance of, 112 Activated charcoal
potassium distribution and, for isopropanol poisoning, 804
137t, 138 for salicylate poisoning,
Acid-base disorders, 112–135 807–808
diagnosis of, stepwise for theophylline poisoning,
approach to, 112–116 809
step 1: blood gas and Activated clotting time (ACT),
electrolyte assessment 711–712
in, 112 Activated protein C (APC),
step 2: definition of disorder 767–768
in, 113 Acute fatty liver, of pregnancy,
step 3: determination of 501–502
mixed disturbance in, Acute kidney injury (AKI),
113, 114t, 115f 199–221
step 4: anion gap calculation acute fatty liver and,
in, 113–116 501–502

852 Acute kidney injury (AKI) (Cont.) intrinsic renal azotemia and,
after cardiovascular surgery, 213–216
209 postrenal azotemia and, 220
after intravenous contrast prerenal azotemia and,
studies, 207 212–213
after organ or bone marrow neurologic disorder in, 605
transplantation, 208 outcome of, 220–221

biopsy in, 13–14 physical examination of, 7–8

categories of, 201 postrenal azotemia in, 206–207
clinical assessment of, 3–14 management of, 220
complication(s) of, 210–212 prerenal azotemia in, 11,
acid-base disturbance as, 211 202–203, 203t
electrolyte disturbance as, management of, 212–213
210–212 pulmonary disease with, 209
intravascular volume substances causing, 5–6, 5t
disturbance as, 210 vs. chronic kidney disease,
management of, 214–216 3, 4t
uremic syndrome as, Acute poststreptococcal
211–212 glomerulonephritis,
definition of, 3, 201 237–239
diagnostic imaging of, 45–47 Acute respiratory distress
dialysis in, 216–220 syndrome (ARDS),
indications for, 216–217 755–757
modalities of renal clinical features of, 755
replacement and, effects of, on renal function,
217–220 757
vascular access for, 217 risk factors for, 755, 756t
differential diagnosis of, in treatment of, 756–757
specific clinical settings, Acute respiratory failure (ARF),
207–210 753–754
diuretics for, 562 Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
etiology of, 202–210 hypophosphatemia and,
evaluation of 183–184
blood tests in, 10–11 in intrinsic renal azotemia,
urinalysis in, 9–10, 9t 204–206
urine chemistry in, 11 in pregnancy, 502–503
urine output in, 11–12 nephrotoxins associated with,
history of, 3–7 205t
hypophosphatemia and, nonoliguric, 205–206
183–184 post-transplant, 832–833
imaging of, 12–13 ADAMTS13 protease, 288, 289,
in cancer, 207–208 503, 785
in hypovolemic shock, Addison’s disease, 154
762–763 Adenoma
in pregnancy, 208, 502–505 aldosterone-producing, 145,
intrinsic renal azotemia in, 464
203–206 renal, imaging of, 53
acute tubular necrosis and, Adrenal hyperplasia
204–206, 205t bilateral, 462–464
management of, 213–216 congenital, 154, 409–410
vascular and primary, 145
tubulointerstitial Adrenal insufficiency
disorders and, 203–204 hyperkalemia in, 154
liver disease with, 209–210 hyponatremia and, 101
management of, 212–220 Adrenal vein sampling, 461
Adrenergic agonists Alcohol consumption, 853
b, for hyperkalemia, 161–162 hypertension and, 449
central, 525–526 Alcohol poisoning, 797–804
dose modification of, in ethylene glycol, 798–801
renal insufficiency, 544t isopropanol, 801–803
for hypertensive methanol, 801–803
emergencies, 537t Alcoholic ketoacidosis, 125

Adrenergic antagonists Alcoholism, hypophosphatemia
a, peripheral, 529–530 in, 184–185
dose modification of, in Aldosterone
renal insufficiency, 544t potassium excretion and, 139
for hypertensive regulation of, 140
emergencies, 536, 537t Aldosterone receptor antagonists,
moderately selective, 531
528–529 dose modification of, in renal
b, 518–520, 537t insufficiency, 544t
class members of, 518, 519t for cardiac failure, 578
dose modification of, in Aldosterone-producing adenoma,
renal insufficiency, 544t 464
efficacy and safety of, Aldosterone-renin ratio, 460
518–520 Alfacalcidol, 631
for cardiac failure, 578–579 Aliskiren, 530
for hypertensive Alkaline urine, 27–28
emergencies, 537t, Alkalosis
540–541 metabolic, 127–128
for pheochromocytoma, 456 acute kidney injury and, 211
mechanism of action of, 518 causes of, 127t
renoprotective effects of, diuretic-related, 557
518, 657 in plasmapheresis, 780–781
side effects associated with, maintenance of, 128
520 treatment of, 134–135
Adrenergic receptor blockade, a respiratory, 129t, 130–131
dose modification of, in renal hypophosphatemia and, 184
insufficiency, 544t in pregnancy, 489
for pheochromocytoma, 456 treatment of, 135
African Americans, hypertension Allergic drug reactions, diuretic-
in, 465–466 related, 558
Age, of renal transplant recipient, Allergic granulomatosis. See
814 Churg-Strauss
Airway pressure release syndrome.
ventilation (APRV), 754 Allergic interstitial nephritis, in
Albumin early post-transplant
as nutritional status index, 640 period, 838
as replacement fluid, in Allogeneic transplantation, for
plasmapheresis, renal cell carcinoma, 386
779–780 Allograft dysfunction
Albumin excretion ratio (AER), clinical approach to, 832–842
urinary, 348 in early post-transplant period,
Albumin:creatinine ratio, 31–32 835–839, 835t
Albuminuria. See also Microal- acute calcineurin inhibitor
buminuria; Normo- nephrotoxicity, 835–836
albuminuria. acute pyelonephritis, 838
in diabetic nephropathy, 345 acute rejection, 837
Albuterol, for hyperkalemia, algorithm for management
161–162 of, 834f, 836
854 Allograft dysfunction (Cont.) Ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
allergic interstitial nephritis, (APD), 740, 742, 742t
838 Amikacin, for peritonitis, 747t
hypovolemia, 835 Amiloride-sensitive epithelial
thrombotic microangiopathy, sodium ion channel, 156
837–838 Amino acid transport disorder(s),
urinary tract obstruction, 399–402, 399t

838–839 cystinuria, 400–401

urine leaks, 838 Hartnup disease, 402
in immediate post-transplant Aminoglycosides, for peritonitis,
period, 832–834, 834f 747t
delayed graft function, 5-Aminosalicylic acid nephritis,
832–834, 834f 304–306, 305t
evaluation of recipient, 832 Amlodipine, doses and responses
late, 839–842, 839t of, 521t
chronic allograft Amoxicillin, for peritonitis, 747t
nephropathy, 839 Amsterdam Forum on Care of
chronic calcineurin inhibitor Live Kidney Donor
nephrotoxicity, 840 recommendations,
polyomavirus infection, 842 regarding hypertension,
recurrent disease, 840–842, 823
841t Amyloid A protein, 265–266
transplant renal artery Amyloid fibrils, 264–265
stenosis, 840 Amyloidosis, 264–267
Allograft nephrectomy, 848 dialysis-related, radiographic
Allograft survival rates, in renal features of, 628t
transplantation, 842 primary and secondary,
Allopurinol 265–266
for hyperuricosuria, 369 prognosis and treatment of,
for uric acid stones, 374 266–267
Alpha-adrenergic antagonists, Analgesic nephropathy, 302–304,
537t 305t
peripheral, 529–530 clinical features of, 303–304
dose modification of, in diagnosis and treatment of, 304
renal insufficiency, 544t Analgesics, dosage of, 667
for hypertensive Anemia
emergencies, 536, 537t cardiovascular risk factors and,
moderately selective, 583–584
528–529 in chronic kidney disease,
Alpha-adrenergic receptor 585–588
blockade consequences of, 587
dose modification of, in renal iron status in, 590–593
insufficiency, 544t iron therapy for
for pheochromocytoma, 456 adverse effects of, 593
Alport syndrome, 271–272 intravenous, 592–593
chronic kidney disease and, 16 oral, 591–592
Aluminum, and dialysis management of, 588–598
dementia, 608–609 pathobiology of, 586
Aluminum overload, causing recombinant erythropoietin
inadequate response to for, 588–590. See also
rHuEPO, 596 Recombinant
Amanita poisoning, management erythropoietin (rHuEPO).
of, 774 adverse effects of, 593–595
Ambulatory blood pressure inadequate response to,
monitoring, 441 595–598, 596t
Anemia (Cont.) for focal segmental 855
target hemoglobin in, 590 glomerulosclerosis, 231
renal azotemia and, 216 for pheochromocytoma, 456
sickle cell, 294–295 for preeclampsia, 497t
Aneurysms for renal artery stenosis,
abdominal, in urinary tract 480–482
obstruction, 337 for scleroderma renal crisis,

in autosomal dominant 292–293
polycystic kidney hyperkalemia and, 156–157
disease, 423–424 mechanism of action of, 511,
Angina, in hemodialysis, 727 512t
Angioedema, ACE inhibitors renoprotective effects of,
causing, 514–515 511–514, 513t, 655–656
Angiography use of, causing inadequate
coronary, 577 response to rHuEPO,
in acute kidney injury, 13 597–598
Angioinfarction, for renal cell Anion gap, 117–118, 117t
carcinoma, 382 calculation of, 113–116
Angiokeratoma corporis drug intoxication and, 789
diffusum universale, high, 118t, 123–126
274–275 normal (hyperchloremic),
Angiomyolipoma, renal, imaging 118–123, 118t
of, 53 urine
Angioplasty calculation of, 123
for arteriovenous fistula, 62–63 in diagnosis of metabolic
for atherosclerotic renal artery acidosis, 123
stenosis, 484–485 Anogenital cancer, in transplant
for fibromuscular disease, recipient, 845–846
483–484 Antegrade pyelography, of
for graft stenosis, 60–61 urinary tract
Angiotensin antagonist, obstruction, 341
hyperkalemia and, Antenatal ultrasonography, of
156–157 urinary tract
Angiotensin receptor antagonists, obstruction, 339–340
515–517 Anthropometrics, 639–640
efficacy and safety of, 517 Antiarrhythmic agents, dosage of,
for cardiac failure, 578 668
for preeclampsia, 497t Antibiotics
mechanism of action of, 515 dosage of, 668–669
pharmacodynamic properties for pyelonephritis, 326
of, 516t for sepsis, 765
renoprotective effects of, for urease-producing struvite
515–517, 656 stones, 375–376
Angiotensin-converting enzyme Anticoagulants
(ACE) inhibitors, in hemodialysis, 711–712
511–515, 537t in hemoperfusion, 795–796
class members of, 511, 512t in plasmapheresis, 779
diabetic nephropathy and, 352 Anticonvulsants
blood pressure control with, dosage of, 668
351–352, 354 for ethylene glycol poisoning,
dosage of, 668 800
dose modification of, in renal Antidotes
insufficiency, 544t for ethylene glycol poisoning,
efficacy and safety of, 514–515 800
for cardiac failure, 578 for methanol poisoning, 802–803
856 Anti–glomerular basement Arginine vasopressin. See
membrane disease, Vasopressin.
244–246 Arrhythmias, 573–574
clinical features and natural in hemodialysis, 726–727
history of, 245 treatment of, 580
in transplant recipient, Arterial blood gas(es), assessment
840–842, 841t of, in acid-base

laboratory findings in, 245 disorders, 112

plasmapheresis for, 245–246, Arterial blood pressure. See
782 Blood pressure.
treatment of, 245–246 Arterial dissection, in autosomal
Antihypertensive agents, 511–545. dominant polycystic
See also specific agent. kidney disease, 423–424
dosage of, 668 Arteriovenous fistula
for hypertensive emergencies, angioplasty of, 62–63
536–543, 537t immature, salvage of, 62
for hypertensive urgencies, in hemodialysis, 704–705
539t, 542 in transplant kidney, 59
for preeclampsia, 496–497, 497t preoperative vascular mapping
for refractory hypertension, of, 62
534–536 thrombectomy and
in breastfeeding, 501 thrombolysis of, 63
parenteral, 536–540 Arteriovenous graft
renoprotective effects of, in hemodialysis, 705
655–657 procedures involving, 60–61,
selection of, 532–536 60t
Antilymphocyte antibodies, for Arteritis
renal transplant Takayasu’s, 261–262
recipient, 828 temporal, 261
Antineoplastic drugs. See also Ascites, sodium retention and
Chemotherapy. edema in, 81–82
hyponatremia caused by, 105 Aspirin, prophylactic, for
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic preeclampsia, 496
autoantibody(ies) Atenolol
in Churg-Strauss syndrome, doses and responses of, 519t
260–261 for preeclampsia, 497t
in lupus nephritis, 252 Atheroembolic renal disease
in pauci-immune crescentic clinical features of, 293
glomerulonephritis, laboratory features of, 294
247–248 outcome of, 294
Antiphospholipid antibody treatment of, 294
syndrome, 256–257 Atheromatous ischemic heart
Antistreptolysin O, 238–239 disease, 570–572, 571t
Anti–tubular basement membrane Atherosclerosis, in renal artery
nephritis, 299 stenosis
Anuria, 12 angioplasty and stent
Aortic valve calcification, 574 placement for, 484–485
APECED syndrome, progressive, 475
hypocalcemia and, 173 renovascular hypertension
Aplasia, pure red blood cell, and, 472
recombinant Atherosclerotic plaque, coronary,
erythropoietin causing, 571–572
595 Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP),
AQP2 gene, loss-of-function in extracellular fluid
mutations of, 415–416 volume regulation, 74
Autoantibody(ies), antineutrophil B 857
in Churg-Strauss syndrome, Bacteremia, catheter-related,
260–261 706–707
in lupus nephritis, 252 Bacteria
in pauci-immune crescentic urease-producing, in struvite
glomerulonephritis, stones, 375

247–248 urinary nitrates affected by,
Autoimmune disease, 28–29
hypocalcemia and, 173 Bacterial infections
Autonomic nephropathy, in in glomerular disease,
diabetic patient, 349 276–278
Autosomal dominant infectious nephritis,
hypophosphatemic 276–277
rickets, 403–404 shunt nephritis, 277
Autosomal dominant nephrotic of urinary tract, 314. See also
syndrome, 274 Urinary tract infection.
Autosomal dominant polycystic Balkan endemic nephropathy,
kidney disease (ADPKD), 305t, 309–310
417–425. See also Bartter syndrome, 406–408
Polycystic disease, vs. Gitelman syndrome, 407t
autosomal dominant. Benazepril, dose and response of,
Autosomal dominant 512t
pseudohypoal- Bence Jones protein, 33
dosteronism, 413 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Autosomal recessive nephrotic (BPH), in urinary tract
syndrome, 273–274 infection, 336–337
Autosomal recessive polycystic Benign tumors, diagnostic
kidney disease imaging of, 53
(ARPKD), 426–427 Beta-adrenergic agonists, for
Autosomal recessive hyperkalemia, 161–162
pseudohypoal- Beta-adrenergic antagonists,
dosteronism, 413 518–520, 537t
AVPR2 gene, loss-of-function class members of, 518, 519t
mutations of, 415–416 dose modification of, in renal
Azathioprine insufficiency, 544t
for lupus nephritis, 255 efficacy and safety of, 518–520
for pregnant transplant for cardiac failure, 578–579
recipient, 509t, 510 for hypertensive emergencies,
for renal transplant recipient, 830 537t, 540–541
Azotemia for pheochromocytoma, 456
diuretic-related, 555 mechanism of action of, 518
intrinsic renal, 203–206 renoprotective effects of,
acute tubular necrosis and, 518, 657
204–206, 205t side effects associated with, 520
management of, 213–216 Beta-lactam antibiotics, for
vascular and tubulointerstitial cystitis, 323–324
disorders and, 203–204 Bevacizumab, for renal cell
postrenal, 206–207 carcinoma, 385
management of, 220 Bicarbonate
prerenal, 11, 202–203, 203t in metabolic acidosis, 116
fractional excretion of distal renal tubular, 120
sodium in, 11 gastrointestinal loss of, 117
management of, 212–213 proximal renal tubular,
Aztreonam, for peritonitis, 747t 119–120
858 Bicarbonate (Cont.) extracellular fluid volume
in metabolic alkalosis, 127–128 depletion and, 77
in respiratory acidosis, 128–130 in diabetic nephropathy,
in respiratory alkalosis, control of, 351–352
130–131 intradialytic and interdialytic,
Bilirubin, in urine, 28 356
Biochemical markers management of, in

of ischemia, 576 preeclampsia, 496–497,

of nutritional status, 640–641 497t
Biopsy measurement of, 450
bone, 623 monitoring of, ambulatory and
liver, 774 home, 441
renal reduction of, renoprotective
complications of, 40–41 effect of, 650–651
contraindications to, 40–41 targeted, for renoprotection,
in acute kidney injury, 13–14 651
in chronic kidney disease, 18 Blood tests, in acute kidney
in isolated hematuria, 39, injury, 10–11
223–225 Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
in nephrotic syndrome, in acute kidney injury,
38–39 10, 201
in non-nephrotic in pregnancy, 487–488
proteinuria, 39 postdialysis, 716, 717
in rapidly progressive Blood-membrane interaction, in
glomerulonephritis, hemodialysis, 728–729
13–14, 39 Body fluids, disorders of, 87.
indications for, 38–40 See also Water
percutaneous, 67 metabolism.
post-transplanation, 40 Body water, total, 87
technique of, 40–41 Body weight, in extracellular
Bisacodyl laxative, prophylactic, fluid volume depletion,
for hyperkalemia, 165 76
Bisoprolol, doses and responses Bone, 622–624
of, 519t biopsy of, 623
Bisphosphonates, for Bone disease
hypercalcemia, 171–172 high-turnover, 623, 624t
Bladder cancer, in urinary tract radiographic features of, 628t
obstruction, 336–337 in transplant recipient,
Bladder dysfunction 843–844
in diabetic nephropathy, 358 low-turnover (adynamic),
in renal transplant recipient, 623–624, 624t
818–819 mineral. See Mineral bone
Bleeding. See Hemorrhage. disease.
Blindness, in diabetes, 349 Bone marrow transplantation,
Blood flow, in hemodialysis, acute kidney injury
712–713 after, 208
Blood gas(es), arterial, Borderline hypertension, 440
assessment of, in acid- Brain, uremic, 611
base disorders, 112 Breastfeeding, antihypertensive
Blood pressure. See also drugs in, 501
Hypertension; Brucella infections, 278
Hypotension. screening for, in kidney donor,
acute reduction of, clinical 824t
considerations in, Bruits, in hypertensive patient,
542–543, 544t 451
Buffers for hypertensive emergencies, 859
in hemodialysis, 715 537t, 542
in peritoneal dialysis, 738t, 739 for pheochromocytoma, 456
BUN/Cr ratio, 77–78 mechanism of action of,
in acute kidney injury, 10 520–521
renoprotective effects of,
522–523, 523t, 656–657

C Calcium gluconate
C1C Kb gene, mutations of, for ethylene glycol poisoning,
406–408 800
Cadaveric donor, in renal for hyperkalemia, 160–161
transplantation, 196 intravenous
Cadmium, exposure to, 309 for hypermagnesemia, 180
Calcification for hypocalcemia, 175
aortic valve, 574 Calcium homeostasis, 619
coronary artery, 577 Calcium magnesium ammonium
diagnostic imaging of, 48–49 pyrophosphate crystals,
metastatic, radiographic 38
features of, 628t Calcium oxalate crystals, 38
mitral valve, 574 in acute kidney injury, 9–10
Monckeberg, 624–625 Calcium phosphate crystals, 38
vascular, 624–626 Calcium stones, 361–362,
inhibitors of, 625–626 366–368
Calcimimetic agents, 632–633 epidemiology and natural
Calcineurin inhibitor(s), for renal history of, 366
transplant recipient, etiology of, 367–368
828–829, 829t idiopathic, 370–371
Calcineurin inhibitor Calcium supplements
nephrotoxicity for hypocalcemia, 175
acute, 835–836 prophylactic, for preeclampsia,
chronic, 840 496
Calciphylaxis, 626–627 Calcium-sensing receptor,
Calcitriol, 631 619–620
for hypercalcemia, 172 Calculi. See also Nephrolithiasis.
Calcium analysis of, 364–365
dietary, 643–644 calcium, 361–362, 366–368
disorder(s) of, 166–175 in medullary sponge kidney,
hypercalcemia as, 166–172. 430–431
See also Hyperkalemia. in urinary tract obstruction,
hypocalcemia as, 172–175. 335, 342
See also Hypocalcemia. recurrence of, therapy
for osteoporosis, 844 minimizing, 366
in hemodialysis, 714 renal, diagnostic imaging of,
in peritoneal dialysis, 48–49
739–740 struvite, 374–376
serum levels of, 618–620 uric acid, 361–362, 372–374
Calcium channel blockers, Cancer. See Malignancy; specific
520–525 neoplasm.
class members of, 521–522, Candesartan, doses and
521t responses of, 516t
dose modification of, in renal Candida, in urinary tract
insufficiency, 544t infection, treatment of,
drug interactions with, 330
524–525 Candida albicans, in peritonitis,
efficacy and safety of, 523–525 745
860 Capillary(ies), peritoneal ischemic heart disease as,
distribution of, 730–731 570–572, 571t
transport across, 730 treatment of, 579–580
Capillary glomerulonephritis, left ventricular hypertrophy
mesangial, 235–237 as, 568–569, 569t
classification of, 236t management of, 575–584
clinical features and natural pathology and

history of, 235–236 pathophysiology of,

laboratory findings in, 236–237 568–574
treatment of, 237 risk factor intervention in,
Capillary leak, edema and, 85 581–584, 581t
Captopril risk factors for, 574–575
dose and response of, 512t stage of disease and, 567–568
for hypertensive urgencies, valvular disease as, 574
539t treatment of, 580
Captopril renography, in in diabetic hemodialysis
renovascular patients, 356
hypertension, 478 in renal transplant recipient,
Carbamazepine, hyponatremia 817
caused by, 105 preeclampsia and, 494–495
Carbohydrates, dietary, in Cardiovascular surgery, acute
chronic kidney disease, kidney injury after, 209
638t Cardiovascular system
Carbon anhydrase inhibitors, hypokalemia affecting, 141
546–547 in acute kidney injury, 7–8
Cardiac. See also Heart entries. in chronic kidney disease, 16
Cardiac dysfunction, in in hypermagnesemia, 180
hypertensive Carnitine deficiency, causing
patient, 448 inadequate response to
Cardiac health, anemia rHuEPO, 597
affecting, 587 Carveldilol, doses and responses
Cardiogenic shock, 769–771 of, 519t
clinical features of, 769 Casts, urinary, 37
evaluation of, 769–770 Catecholamines, 454
management of, 770–771 Catheter(s)
pathophysiology of, 769 care of, 217
Cardiomyopathy, treatment of, central venous, for
577–579 plasmapheresis,
Cardiovascular agents, dosage 778–779
of, 668 hemodialysis. See
Cardiovascular disease Hemodialysis, catheters
death due to, in transplant for.
patients, 197 peritoneal dialysis, 66–67,
hypertension and, 442–443 735–737, 736f
in chronic kidney disease, dysfunction of, 735–737
565–584 insertion of, 735–737
arrhythmias as, 573–574 removal of, indications for,
treatment of, 580 748–749
cardiac failure as, urinary tract infection caused
569–570 by, treatment of,
treatment of, 577–579 329–330
diagnosis of, 575–577 Cation exchange resins, for
dialysis hypotension as, hyperkalemia, 163
572–573 Cefazolin, for peritonitis, 747t
epidemiology of, 574–575 Cefepime, for peritonitis, 747t
Ceftazidine, for peritonitis, 747t assessment of 861
Celiprolol, doses and responses biopsy in, 18
of, 519t clinical history in, 14–16
Cells, urinary, 37 mineral bone disease in, 17
Cellulose membrane, in physical examination in,
hemodialysis, 708 16–17
Central diabetes insipidus, 92, 93t renal mensuration in, 18

treatment of, 96–97, 97t renal osteodystrophy in, 17
Central vein stenosis, 64 urinalysis in, 17
Central venous catheter, for cardiovascular aspects of,
plasmapheresis, 565–584. See also
778–779 Cardiovascular disease,
Central venous pressure, 77 in chronic kidney
Centrifugation method, of plasma disease.
separation, 777–778 definition of, 19–20, 189
Cephalosporins, for peritonitis, diuretics for, 562–563
747t electroencephalography in, 604
Cephalothin, for peritonitis, 747t end-stage renal disease and,
Cerebral edema, in hepatic 14. See also End-stage
failure, 772–773, 775 renal disease (ESRD).
Cerebral salt wasting, 101 epidemiology of, 187–198
Chagas disease, screening for, in granulocytes and monocytes
kidney donor, 824t affected by, 599–600
Chemotherapy hemostasis disorder in,
for renal cell carcinoma, 384 598–599
for renal pelvic tumors, 387 therapeutic strategies for,
for Wilms tumor, 388–389 598–599
Children uremic bleeding and, 598
acute poststreptococcal hypertension in, 443
glomerulonephritis in, hyponatremia and, 102
237–239 in pregnancy, 505–510
minimal change incidence of, 190–191
glomerulopathy in, mineral bone disease in,
227–229 616–634. See also
treatment of, 228 Mineral bone disease.
urinary tract infection in, 323 neurologic disorder in, 604–605
treatment of, 328 nutritional therapy in,
Chinese herb–aristolochic 635–648. See also
nephropathy, 305t, 306 Nutrition.
Chlamydia trachomatis, in prevalence of, 191
urinary tract infection, psychologic testing in, 604–605
314 risk factors for, 18–19, 19t
Chlorambucil, for membranous screening for, 21
glomerulopathy, 234 staging of, 19–20, 20t
Chloride deficiency, in metabolic National Kidney Foundation
alkalosis, 128 guidelines in, 189–190,
Chlorpropamide, hyponatremia 190t
caused by, 105 transitioning to hemodialysis
CHOIR study, of target in, 703–704. See also
hemoglobin, 590 Hemodialysis.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD), vs. acute kidney injury, 3, 4t
14–20 Churg-Strauss syndrome, 259–261
anemia in, 585–588. See also clinical and laboratory features
Anemia, in chronic of, 260–261
kidney disease. prognosis and treatment of, 261
862 Chvostek sign, 172 Co-morbidity, reduction of, in
Cinacalcet hydrochloride, hemodialysis, 703–704
632–633 Computed tomographic
Cirrhosis angiography (CTA), of
diuretics for, 561 renal artery stenosis, 56
glomerular disease and, 282 Computed tomography (CT),
sodium retention and edema 43–44

in, 81–82 electron-beam ultrafast, of

CLCN5 gene, mutations of, coronary artery
395–396 calcification, 577
Clean-catch urine specimen, in acute kidney injury, 13, 46
33–34 in autosomal dominant
Clearance polycystic kidney
in hemodialysis, 708, 709t disease, 420
in peritoneal dialysis in renal infection, 50–51
factors affecting, 742–743, in renovascular hypertension,
742t 479
measurement of, 741 of pre-transplant donor kidney,
Clearance targets, in peritoneal 57–58
dialysis, 741–742 of renal calculi, 48–49
Clonidine, 525, 526 of renal tumors
for hypertensive urgencies, benign, 53
539t cystic, 52
Clonidine suppression test, malignant, 54
454–455 solid, 53
Clostridium, in sepsis, 502–503 of renal vein thrombosis, 57
Clostridium sordellii, in toxic of unilateral obstruction, 47
shock syndrome, of urinary tract obstruction, 340
502–503 Computed tomography
Clotting time, activated, 711–712 urography (CTU), 43–44
Clq nephropathy, 232 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
Coagulation, in sepsis, treatment 154, 409–410
of, 767–768 Congenital nephrotic syndrome
Coagulopathy of Finnish type, 273
disseminated intravascular, in Congestive heart failure
sepsis, 764–765 antihypertensive therapy and,
in hepatic failure, 773–774, 445–446
775 diuretics for, 559–560
in plasmapheresis, 781 hyponatremia and, 102
Cockroft-Gault formula, for sodium retention and edema
glomerular filtration rate in, 79–81
estimation, 23–24, 23t, Connective tissue disease, mixed,
189, 821 257
Cognitive impairment, in renal Continuous ambulatory
transplant recipient, 819 peritoneal dialysis
Colic, renal, in (CAPD), 734, 740, 742,
nephrolithiasis, 365 742t
Colloid resuscitation, vs. Continuous mandatory
crystalloid resuscitation, ventilation (CMV), 753
760–762 Continuous positive airway
Color, of urine, 27 pressure (CPAP), 753
Combination therapy, in Continuous renal replacement
optimizing therapy (CRRT)
renoprotective drug removal by, 666, 796–797
interventions, 663 for cardiogenic shock, 771
Continuous venovenous treatment of, 244 863
hemodiafiltration pauci-immune, 246–249
(CVVHDF), 219 clinical features and natural
Continuous venovenous history of, 246–247
hemodialysis (CVVHD), laboratory findings in,
219 247–248
Continuous venovenous treatment of, 248–249

hemofiltration (CVVH), CRISP study, 417–419
218–219 Critical illness, hypocalcemia
Contrast agents, iodinated, 43 and, 174
Contrast studies, intravenous, Crohn disease, in urinary tract
acute kidney injury obstruction, 337
after, 207 Cryoglobulinemia
Convection, in hemodialysis, 708 mixed, 269–271
Coronary artery clinical and laboratory
angiography of, 577 findings in, 270
calcification of, 577 course and treatment of,
Coronary artery bypass graft, 580 270–271
Coronary artery disease, choice of plasmapheresis for, 784
antihypertensive and, Cryoprecipitate infusion,
534 for uremic bleeding,
Coronary atherosclerotic plaque, 599
571–572 Cryotherapy, with cryoballoon,
Coronary reperfusion, for for severe stenosis,
cardiogenic shock, 771 63–64
Coronary revascularization, Crystal(s), urinary, 38. See also
579–580 specific crystals.
Corticosteroids Crystalloid(s), as replacement
for acute rejection, 837 fluid, in plasmapheresis,
for focal segmental 779–780
glomerulosclerosis, 231 Crystalloid resuscitation
alternatives to, 231 for sepsis, 765
for membranous vs. colloid resuscitation,
glomerulopathy, 760–762
233–234 CTNS gene, mutations of, 396
for sepsis, 768 Cutting balloon therapy, for
Cough, nonproductive, ACE severe stenosis, 63
inhibitors causing, Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), 140
514–515 Cyclophosphamide
Cramps, in hemodialysis, 725 for anti–glomerular basement
CREATE study, of target membrane
hemoglobin, 590 glomerulonephritis,
Creatinine 245–246
glomerular filtration rate for lupus erythematosus, 255
and, 22 for lupus nephritis, 255
formulas for, 23–24, 23t for membranous
in acute kidney injury, 10, 201 glomerulopathy, 234
Creatinine clearance for pauci-immune crescentic
glomerular filtration rate and, glomerulonephritis, 248
22–23, 201–202 for polyarteritis nodosa, 259
in pregnancy, 487–488 Cyclosporine
Crescentic glomerulonephritis, for focal segmental
225–226 glomerulosclerosis, 231
immune complex–mediated, for membranous
243–244 glomerulopathy, 234
864 Cyclosporine (Cont.) Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
for pregnant transplant post-transplant, 847
recipient, 509t screening for, in kidney
for renal transplant recipient, donor, 824t
828–829, 829t Cytoreductive (debulking)
hyperkalemia caused by, nephrectomy, for renal
155–156 cell carcinoma, 382–383

Cyst(s). See also Cystic disease;

Polycystic kidney
disease (PKD). D
development and growth of, in Daily caloric intake,
autosomal dominant recommended, 641
polycystic kidney Daily hemodialysis, short, 719
disease, 420 Darbepoetin alfa, 588
hepatic, 423–424 initiating dose of, 589
renal Debulking (cytoreductive)
classification of, 418t nephrectomy, for renal
diagnostic imaging of, cell carcinoma, 382–383
51–53 Delivery, timing of, preeclampsia
Cystatin C, glomerular filtration and, 496
rate and, 24–25 Demeclocycline, for
Cystic disease, 417–436 normovolemic
acquired, 427–429 hyponatremia, 108
classification of, 418t Dementia, dialysis, 606–609, 607t
diagnostic imaging of, 51–53 aluminum and, 608–609
dysplastic, 432 clinical manifestations of,
medullary, 429–431 607–608
polycystic, 417–427. See also differential diagnosis of, 610t
Polycystic kidney prevention and treatment
disease (PKD). of, 609
simple, 431–432 Demographics
tuberous sclerosis complex changing, in renovascular
and, 432–434 hypertension, 472–473
von Hippel–Lindau syndrome of hemodialysis, 703
and, 434–435 Dent disease, 395–396
Cystine stones, 400 Denys-Drash syndrome, 388
Cystinosis Desmopressin, for uremic
clinical presentation of, bleeding, 599
396–397 Diabetes insipidus
pathogenesis of, 396 central, 92, 93t
treatment of, 397–398 treatment of, 96–97, 97t
Cystinuria, 399t, 400–401 clinical presentation of, 94–95,
clinical presentation of, 415–416
400–401 dipsogenic, 110–111
pathogenesis of, 400 diuretics for, 563
treatment of, 401 gestational, 94
Cystitis treatment of, 97–98
acute uncomplicated, 319 nephrogenic, 94, 93t
treatment of, 323–324, treatment of, 98
325–326 pathogenesis of, 415
recurrent, 319 Diabetes mellitus
Cytokines. See also specific as cardiovascular risk
cytokine. factor, 583
negative erythropoiesis postdonation development
regulation by, 597 of, 822
Diabetes mellitus (Cont.) of unilateral obstruction, 47–48 865
prevention of renal function pre- and post-transplantation,
loss in, 659–660 57–59
Diabetic ketoacidosis, 124 Dialysate
hypophosphatemia in, choice of, 711
184–185 composition of, 713–715
treatment of, 133 buffers, 715, 738t, 739

Diabetic nephropathy, 345–359 calcium, 714, 739–740
bladder dysfunction in, 358 glucose, 715
clinical course and potassium, 714
pathophysiology of, sodium, 713–714
347–349, 347f flow rate of, 712–713
clinical features of, 348–349 peritoneal, 737–740, 738t
end-stage renal disease in, temperature of, 715
353–358, 353t ultrafiltration rate of, 711
advanced renal failure in, Dialysis. See also Hemodialysis;
management of, 354–355 Peritoneal dialysis.
hemodialysis for, 355–357 chronic, pregnancy during,
peritoneal dialysis for, 357 507–508
transplantation for, 357–358 complication(s) of
epidemiology of, 345–346 dementia as, 606–609, 607t
extrarenal complications of, aluminum and, 608–609
349, 350t clinical manifestations of,
in pregnancy, 506 607–608
incidence of, 345 differential diagnosis of,
microalbuminuria in, 345–346 610t
natural history of, 348–349 prevention and treatment
normoalbuminuria in, 347–348 of, 609
other disorders in, 359 dysequilibrium syndrome as,
prevention of, 345 605–606, 607t
prognosis of, 346 stroke as, 612–613
treatment of, 350–353 subdural hematoma as,
blood pressure control in, 611–612
351–352 drug removal by, 665–670, 797
dietary protein restriction estimation of clearance in,
in, 353 665–666
glycemic control in, 350–351 factors affecting, 792t, 794
lipid lowering in, 353 heparin-free, 712
urinary tract infection in, hypotension and, 572–573
358–359 in acute kidney injury,
Diabetic retinopathy, 349 216–220
Diagnostic imaging indications for, 216–217
modalities in, 42–45. See also vascular access for, 217
specific modalities. in end-stage renal disease, 194
of acute kidney injury, 45–47 autosomal dominant
of kidney infections, 49–51 polycystic kidney
of renal artery stenosis, 55–57 disease and, 423
of renal calcifications, 48–49 survival rates associated
of renal calculi, 48–49 with, 194–195
of renal masses, 51–55 in hyperkalemia, 163–164
benign, 53 in lupus nephritis, 253
cystic, 51–53 loss of efficiency of,
malignant, 53–55 recombinant
solid, 53 erythropoietin and, 594
of renal vein thrombosis, 57 sustained low-efficiency, 797
866 Dialysis disequilibrium post–acute tubular necrosis,
syndrome, 605–606, 204
607t, 725–726 postobstructive, 344
Dialysis errors, technical, 612 saline, for hypercalcemia, 171
Dialysis Outcomes and Practice water, 110
Patterns Study Diuretics, 546–564
(DOPPS), 597 adaptation to, 553–555

Dialysis time, in hemodialysis, adverse effect(s) of, 555–559

713 drug allergy as, 558
Dialyzer, hollow-fiber, 708–709 fluid and electrolyte
Diarrhea abnormalities as,
in hemolytic-uremic 555–557
syndrome, 286–287 impotence as, 558
management of, 289–290 in pregnancy, 558
uric acid stones and, 373 metabolic abnormalities as,
Diastolic dysfunction, 569 557–558
Diazoxide, for hypertensive ototoxicity as, 558
emergencies, 536–539, vitamin B deficiency as,
537t 558–559
Dietary constituents, of nutrition, carbon anhydrase inhibitors as,
641–648. See also 546–547
Nutrition. classes of, 546–552
Dietary Kþ intake, potassium clinical uses of, 559–564
secretion and, 139 in acute kidney injury, 562
Dietary oxalate, 371–372 in cardiac failure, 559–560
Dietary protein restriction, in chronic kidney disease,
in diabetic 562–563
nephropathy, 353 in cirrhosis, 561
Diffusion in congestive heart failure,
in hemodialysis, 707 560
in peritoneal dialysis, 731, 731t in diabetes insipidus, 563
Digoxin, for cardiac failure, 579 in edematous conditions,
Dihydropyridines, renal effects 559–562
of, 523t in hypercalcemia, 563
Diltiazem in hyperkalemia, 162
doses and responses of, 521t in idiopathic edema, 562
for hypertensive urgencies, in nephrolithiasis, 563
539t in nephrotic syndrome,
for preeclampsia, 497t 561–562
renal effects of, 523t in nonedematous conditions,
Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus, 562–564
110–111 in osteoporosis, 564
Dipstick test, 27, 30–31 in preeclampsia, 497t
for urinary tract infection, combination, 555
322 dopamine as, 552
Disequilibrium syndrome, in dosage of, 668
dialysis, 605–606, 607t, hypokalemia caused by, 144
725–726 hyponatremia caused by, 101
Disseminated intravascular loop, 548–550. See also Loop
coagulopathy, in sepsis, diuretics.
764–765 osmotic, 546
Diuresis potassium-sparing, 551–552
forced, in renal elimination of thiazide or loop diuretics
toxins, 790 with, 555
osmotic, 110 renoprotective effects of, 657
Diuretics (Cont.) Drug dosing 867
resistance to, 553–554, 554t drug removal by dialysis and,
thiazide, 550–551. See also 665–670
Thiazide diuretics. for analgesics, 667
vasopressin antagonists as, 552 for antibiotics, 668–669
Dobutamine, for sepsis, 767 for anticonvulsants, 668
Donor for antihypertensive agents, 668

cadaver, 196 for cardiovascular agents, 668
living. See Living kidney for diuretics, 668
donor. for hypnotics, 670
Dopamine, 552 for hypoglycemic agents, 669
for cardiogenic shock, 770 for nonsteroidal anti-
for sepsis, 767 inflammatory agents, 669
Dopamine D1-like receptor for psychotropic agents, 670
antagonist, for for sedatives, 670
hypertensive for specific drug categories,
emergencies, 537t, 542 667–670
Doppler flow scanning, of acute in renal failure, 666–667, 671t
kidney injury, 12 initial patient assessment for,
Doppler ultrasonography, of 665
renal arteries, 478 Dry weight, definition of,
Dosing, drug. See Drug dosing. 715–716
Doxazocin, 529 Dyslipidemia
Drug(s). See also named drug or as cardiovascular risk factors,
drug group. 582–583
acidosis caused by, 125–126 as risk factor for renal failure,
acute interstitial nephritis 653–654
caused by, 297–299, 298t Dysplasia
affecting vasopressin fibromuscular, 56
secretion, 89t renal artery stenosis and,
dialysis removal of, 665–670, 55–56
797 renal, 432
estimation of clearance in, Dysuria, 317, 318f
factors affecting, 792t, 794
hemolytic-uremic syndrome E
caused by, 287, 288t Echocardiography (ECHO)
hypercalcemia caused by, 170 in heart disease, 576
hyperkalemia caused by, in hypertension, 441
155–157 Eclampsia, 491t, 493–494.
hypocalcemia caused by, 174 See also Preeclampsia.
hypokalemia caused by, 144 magnesium for, 498–499
hyponatremia caused by, 105 Edema
hypophosphatemia caused capillary leak and, 85
by, 185 cerebral, in hepatic failure,
lupus nephritis caused by, 253 772–773, 775
overdose of, 789–810. See also diuretics for, 559–562
Poisoning. generalized, 79
refractory hypertension caused in cirrhosis with ascites, 81–82
by, 535 in congestive heart failure,
thrombotic thrombocytopenic 79–81
purpura caused by, in nephrotic syndrome, 82–84
287, 288t in poststreptococcal
uric acid stones caused by, 373 glomerulonephritis, 238
Drug allergy, diuretic-related, 558 in preeclampsia, 493
868 Edema (Cont.) hypertonic, 94–95
local mechanisms in, 78–79 in poststreptococcal
pathophysiology of, 78–85 glomerulonephritis, 238
Effector mechanisms, in uremic, 601–604
extracellular fluid diagnosis of, 603
volume regulation, 72–75 hepatic insufficiency and,
natriuretic peptides, 74 603–604

prostaglandins, 74 signs and symptoms of,

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone 601–602, 602t
axis, 72–73 Endothelin receptor antagonists,
sympathetic nervous system, 73 527–528
tubuloglomerular feedback, Endovascular procedures, for
74–75 renovascular
vasopressin, 73 hypertension, 483–485
Elderly predictors of benefit regarding,
hypertension in, 466 485–486
treatment of End-stage renal disease (ESRD),
benefits of, 445 192–195
choice of antihypertensive Alport syndrome and, 272
in, 532–533 cardiovascular disease in,
pseudohypertension in, 567–568
534–535 chronic kidney disease and, 14.
Electrocardiography (ECG) See also Chronic kidney
in heart disease, 575–576 disease (CKD).
in hyperkalemia, 157, 160–161 complication(s) of, 605–611
in hypertension, 441 dialysis dementia as,
in hypocalcemia, 172 606–609, 607t
in hypokalemia, 151–152 aluminum and, 608–609
Electroencephalography (EEG), clinical manifestations of,
in chronic kidney 607–608
disease, 604 differential diagnosis of,
Electrolyte(s) 610t
in acid-base disorders, 112 prevention and treatment
in acute kidney injury, of, 609
210–212 dialysis dysequilibrium
in renal azotemia, management syndrome as, 605–606,
of, 215 607t
Electrolyte disorders dialysis-dependent
diuretic-related, 555–557 encephalopathy as,
in transplant recipient, 843 609–611, 610t
Electron-beam ultrafast diabetic nephropathy causing,
computed tomography, 353–358, 353t
of coronary artery advanced renal failure in,
calcification, 577 management of,
Enalapril 354–355
dose and response of, 512t hemodialysis for, 355–357
for hypertensive urgencies, 539t hypertension and, 354
Encapsulating peritoneal malnutrition and, 355
sclerosis, 750 peritoneal dialysis for, 357
Encephalopathy transplantation for, 357–358
dialysis-dependent, 609–611, dialysis for, 194
610t survival rates associated
hepatic with, 194–195
stages of, 772–773, 773t hyperkalemia in. See also
treatment of, 775 Hyperkalemia.
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) Escherichia coli, 285–287 869
(Cont.) in sepsis, 763–764
prophylactic treatment Esmolol, for hypertensive
options for, 164–165, emergencies, 537t,
165t 540–541
hypertension in, 443 Essential hypertension, 440
in autosomal dominant treatment of, 464–465, 466t,

polycystic kidney 467f
disease, 423 Ethanol, intravenous, for
incidence of, 192 ethylene glycol
trends and determinants poisoning, 800–801
in, 192 Ethylene glycol, acidosis caused
variation in, 192–193 by, 126
lupus nephritis and, 253 Ethylene glycol poisoning,
prevention of 798–801
global comparisons in, clinical course of, 798–799
193–194 diagnosis and laboratory data
in U.S, 193 in, 799–800
scleroderma renal crisis– treatment of, 800–801
induced, 292–293 Euvolemic hypernatremia,
sickle cell disease and, 91–95
295–296 in central diabetes insipidus,
Energy requirements, in uremia, 92, 93t
641 in gestational diabetes
Energy-based tissue ablation, for insipidus, 94
renal cell carcinoma, 382 in nephrogenic diabetes
Eosinophilia, in acute kidney insipidus, 94, 93t
injury, 10–11 osmoreceptor dysfunction in,
Eosinophilic peritonitis, 746 92–94, 93t
Eosinophiluria, diseases treatment of, 96
associated with, 36, 36t Excitable tissue consequences
Epherenone, 531 of hyperkalemia, 142, 142t
Epithelial cells, in urine, 37 of hypokalemia, 141
Epithelial sodium ion channel, Exercise, strenuous,
amiloride-sensitive, 156 hyponatremia caused
Epoetin alfa, 588 by, 105
Epoetin beta, 588 Extended Criteria Donors (ECD),
Eprosartan, doses and responses UNOS establishment of,
of, 516t 196
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Extracellular fluid volume
screening for, in kidney control of, 71–75
donor, 824t effector mechanisms in,
Erythrocytosis, definition of, 72–75
377–378 natriuretic peptides in, 74
Erythropoiesis prostaglandins in, 74
negative regulation of, receptors in, 72
cytokine-induced, 597 renin-angiotensin-
normal, 585–586 aldosterone axis in,
Erythropoiesis-stimulating 72–73
agents, 587–588 sympathetic nervous system
Erythropoietin (EPO), 585 in, 73
interactions of, 585–586 tubuloglomerular feedback
recombinant. See Recombinant in, 74–75
erythropoietin vasopressin in, 73
(rHuEPO). depletion of, 75–78
870 Extracellular fluid volume for alcohol poisoning, 797–804
(Cont.) ethylene glycol, 798–801
clinical manifestations of, isopropanol, 801–803
76–77 methanol, 801–803
dermal losses causing, 76 for lithium poisoning, 805–806
diagnosis of, 77–78 for salicylate poisoning,
diuretic-related, 555 806–808

etiology of, 75–76 for theophylline poisoning,

gastrointestinal losses 808–809
causing, 75 for valproic acid poisoning,
hemodynamic monitoring 809–810
in, 77 Extremity(ies), in acute kidney
hemorrhage causing, 75 injury, 8
hyponatremia and, 101 Eye(s), in acute kidney injury, 7
renal losses causing, 75
respiratory losses
causing, 76 F
sequestration causing, 76 Fabry disease, 274–275
serum indices in, 77–78 Familial disorder(s). See also
urine indices in, 78 specific disorders.
excess of benign hematuria as, 272
hypomagnesemia and, 177 hyperaldosteronism as, 145
hyponatremia and, 102 type 1, 457
in hyponatremia, 101, 102, type 2, 458
103–105, 103t hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
congestive heart failure as, 169–170
and, 102 Fanconi syndrome, 393–399
drug-induced, 105 causes of, 394t
exercise-induced, 105 clinical presentation of,
glucocorticoid deficiency 393–395
and, 104 cystinosis and, 396–398
hepatic failure and, 102 Dent disease and, 395–396
hypothyroidism and, 104 fructose intolerance and,
nephrotic syndrome and, 102 398–399
postoperative, 104 hypophosphatemia and, 184
renal failure and, 102 hypophosphatemic rickets and,
syndrome of inappropriate 395–396
antidiuretic hormone idiopathic, 396
secretion and, 103–104, Lowe oculocerebrorenal
103t syndrome and, 398
normal, hyponatremia and, X-linked recessive
103–105, 103t nephrolithiasis and,
Extracorporeal shock wave 395–396
lithotripsy (ESWL) Fat(s)
for cystinuria, 401 dietary, in chronic kidney
for struvite stones, 375 disease, 638t
Extracorporeal therapy urinary, 37
drug removal by, 794–797 Fatty liver, acute, of pregnancy,
dialysis-related factors 501–502
enhancing, 794 Felodipine, doses and responses
drug-related factors of, 521t
enhancing, 792–794, Fenoldapam, for hypertensive
792t, 793t emergencies, 537t, 542
principles of, 790–791 Ferritin. See also Iron entries.
response to, 797–810 serum, 591
Fetus, effect of ACE inhibitors for hypovolemic shock, 760, 871
on, 514–515 761t
Fever, renal azotemia and, 216 for prerenal azotemia,
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis 212–213
epidemiology and clinical Fluoroquinolone
features of, 243 for cystitis, 324
nomenclature related to, 242 for pyelonephritis, 326

treatment of, 243 Focal segmental
Fibrin, deposition of, in glomerulosclerosis,
thrombotic 229–231, 230t
thrombocytopenic clinical features and natural
purpura, 289 history of, 229–230
Fibromuscular disease collapsing variant of, 229–230
angioplasty for, 483–484 in transplant recipient,
in renal artery stenosis, 840–842, 841t
471–472 laboratory findings in, 230
Fibromuscular dysplasia, 56 pathology of, 229
renal artery stenosis and, treatment of, 231
55–56 alternatives to corticosteroid
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal, in therapy in, 231
urinary tract Folic acid, for methanol
obstruction, 337 poisoning, 802–803
Filariasis, 279 Fomepizole, for ethylene glycol
Filters poisoning, 801
granular activated-carbon, Formed elements, in urine,
710 33–38
in water purification, 710 casts as, 37
First-use syndrome, in cells as, 37
hemodialysis, 728–729 crystals as, 38
Fish oil therapy, for IgA fat as, 37
nephropathy, 241–242 hematuria and, 34–36, 35t
Fistula, arteriovenous. See leukocyturia and, 36, 36t
Arteriovenous fistula. microorganisms as, 38
Fixed proteinuria, 222 microscopy of, 33–34
Fludrocortisone, for sepsis, 768 Fosinopril
Fluid(s) dose and response of, 512t
absorption of, in peritoneal prophylactic, for
dialysis, 733 hyperkalemia, 165
body, disorders of, 87 Fractional excretion of
extracellular. See Extracellular magnesium (FeMg2þ),
fluid entries. 175–176
interstitial, accumulation of, Fractional excretion of sodium
78–79 (FeNa), 78
replacement, in definition of, 11
plasmapheresis, in acute kidney injury, 11
779–780 Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), as
thirst and, 89–90 replacement fluid, in
Fluid abnormality(ies), diuretic- plasmapheresis,
related, 555–557 779–780
Fluid challenge, in acute kidney Fructose intolerance, hereditary,
injury, 12 398–399
Fluid resuscitation Fluconazole, for candidal urinary
for cystinuria, 401 tract infection, 330
for hepatic failure, Fungal infections, in hepatic
774–775 failure, 773–774
872 Fungal pathogens, in urinary Glomerular basement membrane
tract infection, 314 disease, thin, 272
Fungal peritonitis, 748 Glomerular disease
Furosemide, for hypercalcemia, primary, 222–249
563 crescentic
glomerulonephritis as,

G hematuria in, 223–225, 242

Gaisböck syndrome, 449 nephritic syndrome as, 225
Ganglionic blockers, for nephrotic syndrome as, 223,
hypertensive 224t
emergencies, 537t, 541 proteinuria in, 222–223
Gastrointestinal disease, uric rapidly progressive
acid stones in, 373 glomerulonephritis as,
Gastrointestinal secretions, 225–226, 227f
extracellular fluid secondary, 250–284
volume depletion and, antiphospholipid antibody
75 syndrome as, 256–257
Gender, choice of autosomal dominant
antihypertensive based nephrotic syndrome
on, 533 as, 274
Genetic disorder(s). See also autosomal recessive
specific disorders, e.g., nephrotic syndrome as,
Bartter syndrome. 273–274
as risk factor for renal failure, congenital nephrotic
654 syndrome of Finnish
diabetes insipidus, 415–416 type as, 273
Fanconi syndrome, 393–399. in Alport syndrome,
See also Fanconi 271–272
syndrome. in amyloidosis, 264–267
hypercalcemia in, 169–170 in bacterial infections,
hyperkalemic hypertensive, 276–278
414 infectious nephritis,
hyperkalemic hypotensive, 413 276–277
hypokalemic hypertensive, shunt nephritis, 277
409–413 in Churg-Strauss syndrome,
hypokalemic hypotensive, 259–261
406–409 in cirrhosis, 282
hypophosphatemia in, 185 in Fabry disease, 274–275
of renal acid amino transport, in Henoch-Schönlein
399–402 purpura, 262–263
of renal glucose transport, 405 in hepatitis B, 280–281
of renal phosphate transport, in lecithin-cholesterol
402–405 acryltransferase
Genitourinary disorders, in renal deficiency, 275–276
transplant recipient, in malignancy, 282–284
818–819 membranous nephropathy,
Gentamicin, for peritonitis, 747t 283
Gestational diabetes minimal-change
insipidus, 94 disease, 283
treatment of, 97–98 proliferative
Gestational hypertension, glomerulonephritides,
499–500 283
Gitelman syndrome, 408–409 thrombotic
vs. Bartter syndrome, 407t microangiopathy, 284
Glomerular disease (Cont.) in autosomal dominant 873
in mixed connective tissue polycystic kidney
disease, 257 disease, 419
in mixed cryoglobulinemia, in chronic kidney disease,
269–271 19–20, 20t, 189
in monoclonal in diabetic nephropathy,
immunoglobulin 347–349

deposition disease, 267 in pregnancy, 487–488
in multiple myeloma, inulin and, 25
268–269 metabolic acidosis and,
in parasitic disease, 278–279 120–121
filariasis, 279 plasma urea and, 24
leishmaniasis, 279 radionuclide and radiocontrast
malaria, 278 markers of, 25–27
schistosomiasis, 279 renoprotection and, 651–652,
trypanosomiasis, 279 658t
in polyarteritis nodosa, serum creatinine and, 22
258–259 formulas for, 23–24, 23t
in sarcoidosis, 264 serum cystatin C and, 24–25
in Sjögren’s syndrome, threshold, in living kidney
263–264 donor, 821
in Takayasu’s arteritis, Glomerular hematuria, 223–225
261–262 Glomerular hypertension
in temporal arteritis, 261 as risk factor for renal failure,
in viral infections, 279–280 651–652, 652f
HIV-associated in diabetic nephropathy,
nephropathy, 279–280 348–349
in Wegener’s Glomerulonephritis, 237–243
granulomatosis, 269 acute poststreptococcal,
myeloma kidney as, 268–269 237–239
podocyte protein mutations clinical features and natural
and, 273–274 history of, 238
systemic lupus laboratory findings in,
erythematosus as, 238–239
250–256, 251t. See also treatment of, 239
Lupus nephritis. algorithm for, 227f
thin glomerular basement cirrhotic, 282
membrane disease crescentic, 225–226
as, 272 fibrillary
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) epidemiology and clinical
calculation of, 21–22 features of, 243
creatinine clearance and, nomenclature related to, 242
22–23 treatment of, 243
dietary calcium and membranoproliferative,
phosphorus affecting, 235–237
643–644 classification of, 236t
dietary protein affecting, 642 clinical features and natural
effect of ACE inhibitors on, history of, 235–236
513–514 in transplant recipient,
effect of calcium channel 840–842, 841t
blockers on, 513–514, laboratory findings in,
522–523 236–237
in acute kidney injury, treatment of, 237
201–202 mesangial capillary, 235–237
874 Glomerulonephritis (Cont.) Glucose transport disorder, 405
proliferative, malignancy Glucosuria
and, 283 in Fanconi syndrome, 393–395
rapidly progressive, 225–226 renal, 405
anti–glomerular basement Glycemic control
membrane, 244–246 in diabetic nephropathy,
clinical features and 350–351

natural history of, 245 in end-stage renal disease, 354

laboratory findings in, 245 in sepsis, 768
treatment of, 245–246 Goodpasture syndrome, 209,
biopsy in, 13–14 244–245, 782
immune complex–mediated, Gout
243–244 in transplant recipient, 844
treatment of, 244 uric acid stones in, 373
pauci-immune crescentic, Graft
246–249 arteriovenous
clinical features and in hemodialysis, 705
natural history of, procedures involving, 60–61,
246–247 60t
laboratory findings in, delayed function of. See also
247–248 Allograft dysfunction.
treatment of, 248–249 in immediate post-transplant
plasmapheresis for, 783 period, 832–834, 834f
Glomerulopathy Graft stenosis
immunotactoid, 242–243 angioplasty of, 60–61
membranous, 232–235 stents for, 61
minimal change, 227–229 surveillance of, 60, 60t
Glomerulosclerosis, focal Graft thrombosis, 61
segmental, 229–231, 230t Granular activated-carbon
clinical features and natural filters, 710
history of, 229–230 Granular casts, 37
collapsing variant of, 229–230 Granulocytes, effect of renal
in transplant recipient, failure on, 599–600
840–842, 841t Granulomatosis, allergic. See
laboratory findings in, 230 Churg-Strauss
pathology of, 229 syndrome.
plasmapheresis for, 786 Granulomatous disease,
treatment of, 231 hypercalcemia caused
alternatives to corticosteroid by, 171
therapy in, 231 Griess nitrate reduction test, 322.
Glucocorticoid(s) See also Dipstick test.
deficiency of, hyponatremia
and, 104
for hypercalcemia, 172 H
for renal transplant recipient, Hamartoma, renal, imaging
830 of, 53
Glucocorticoid-remediable Hartnup disease, 399t, 402
hyperaldosteronism, Head injury, redistributive
411t, 412–413 hypokalemia after, 143
Glucose Headaches, in hypertensive
for hyperkalemia, 161 patient, 448
in hemodialysis, 715 Hearing loss, in Alport
in urine, measurement of, 29 syndrome, 16
intravenous, for salicylate Heart. See also Cardiac; Cardio-
poisoning, 807–808 entries.
Heart (Cont.) catheters for 875
examination of, in nontunneled temporary,
hypertensive patient, 64–65
450 tunneled, 65, 706–707
hyperkalemia affecting, exchange of, 65–66
142, 142t venous, 706–707
hypokalemia affecting, 141 clearance in, 708, 709t

Heart disease, 568–572 complication(s) of, 721–729
diagnosis of, 575–577 angina as, 727
ischemic, 570–572, 571t arrhythmias as, 726–727
treatment of, 579–580 blood-membrane interaction
valvular, 574 as, 728–729
treatment of, 580 cramps as, 725
Heart failure, 569–570 dialysis disequilibrium
congestive. See Congestive syndrome as, 725–726
heart disease. first-use syndrome as,
diuretics for, 559–560 728–729
hypertension in, 443 hemorrhage as, 727–728
symptomatic, 570 hypoglycemia as, 727
treatment of, 577–579 hypotension as, 721–724,
Heavy chain deposition disease 722t
(HCDD), 267 management of, 724
HELLP syndrome, 208, 287 conventional, 219
in pregnancy, 494, 503, 504t demographics of, 703
management of, 499 drug removal by, 665–670, 795
Hematoma estimation of clearance in,
perinephric, biopsy-related, 41 665–666
subdural, dialysis-related, for end-stage renal disease
611–612 in diabetic patient, 355–357
Hematuria, 29–30, 34–36, 35t, malnutrition and, 356–357
223–225 for ethylene glycol poisoning,
asymptomatic, 35–36 801
benign familial, 272 for hypercalcemia, 172
glomerular, 223–225 for isopropanol poisoning, 804
gross, 34 for lithium poisoning, 806
in autosomal dominant for methanol poisoning, 803
polycystic kidney for salicylate poisoning, 808
disease, 421–422 for theophylline poisoning,
in glomerular disease, 242 809
in IgA nephropathy, 240, 241 general principles of,
in living kidney donor, 826 707–710
in nephrolithiasis, 360–361 immunity and, 719–721
in poststreptococcal infection in, 719–721
glomerulonephritis, intermittent, 217–218
238–239 long, slow, 719
in renal cell carcinoma, maintenance of, patient
377–378 management in,
in renal pelvic tumors, 387 719–721
in simple cystic disease, 432 membranes in, 708–709
isolated, biopsy for, 39 morbidity and mortality of, 703
Heme pigment, 9–10 nocturnal, 719
Hemodialysis, 701–729. See also paralbumin and, 640–641
Dialysis; Peritoneal prescription for, 710–716
dialysis. alternative, 718–719
adequacy of, 716–718 anticoagulation in, 711–712
876 Hemodialysis (Cont.) renal involvement in, 286
blood and dialysate flow in, management of, 290
712–713 shiga-toxin–associated,
dialysate composition in, 285–287
713–715 management of, 289–290
dialysate temperature in, 715 Hemoperfusion, 795–796
dialysis time in, 713 for theophylline poisoning, 809

dialyzer choice in, 711 Hemorrhage

ultrafiltration rate in, extracellular fluid volume
715–716 depletion and, 75
reducing co-morbidity in, in acquired cystic disease,
703–704 428–429
short daily, 719 in autosomal dominant
starting, 704 polycystic kidney
terminology in, 707–708 disease, 422
toxin removal by, 795 in hemodialysis, 727–728
vascular access for, 704–707 in hepatic failure, 773–774
arteriovenous fistula in, uremic, 598
704–705 treatment of, 598–599
arteriovenous graft in, 705 Hemorrhagic stroke,
monitoring and surveillance antihypertensive
of, 706 therapy and, 446–447
water purification in, 710 Hemostasis disorder, in chronic
water treatment systems in, kidney disease
710 therapeutic strategies for,
water-soluble vitamins and, 598–599
645–646 uremic bleeding and, 598
Hemodialysis-hemoperfusion, Henoch-Schönlein purpura,
796 240–241, 262–263
Hemodynamic changes, of clinical findings in, 262–263
pregnancy, 487, 488t prognosis and treatment
Hemodynamic monitoring, of of, 263
extracellular fluid Heparin
volume depletion, 77 in hemodialysis, 711–712
Hemodynamic support, in sepsis, in hemoperfusion, 795–796
765–767, 766f in plasmapheresis, 779
Hemofiltration Hepatic. See also Liver entries.
drug removal by, 796 Hepatic cysts, 423–424
in sepsis, 768–769 Hepatic encephalopathy
Hemoglobin stages of, 772–773, 773t
in urine, 29–30 treatment of, 775
target, in chronic kidney Hepatic failure
disease, 590 fulminant, 771–776
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome causes of, 772t
(HUS), 207–208 clinical features of, 772–774,
clinical features of, 285–286 773t
etiology of, 286–289, 288t definition of, 771–772
in pregnancy, 503, 504t evaluation of, 774
in transplant recipient, management of, 774–776, 776t
840–842, 841t hyponatremia and, 102
laboratory findings in, 286 subfulminant, definition of,
plasmapheresis for, 785–786 771–772
postpartum, 208 Hepatic insufficiency, uremic
prognosis and treatment of, encephalopathy and,
289–290 603–604
Hepatitis B 11bHSD-2 gene, 146 877
glomerular disease and, 280–281 pharmacologic inhibition
membranoproliferative of, 146
glomerulonephritis and, Human immunodeficiency virus
236–237 (HIV)
screening for in hemodialysis, 720
in living kidney donor, 824t in renal transplant recipient, 814

in transplant recipient, 818 nephropathy associated with,
Hepatitis B core antibody 279–280
(HBcAb), 818 screening for, in kidney donor,
Hepatitis B surface antibody 824t
(HBsAb), 818 Human T-cell lymphotrophic
Hepatitis B vaccine, for virus-1 (HTLV-1),
hemodialysis patients, screening for, in kidney
720–721 donor, 824t
Hepatitis C Humoral hypercalcemia of
in hemodialysis, 720 malignancy (HHM), 169
membranoproliferative Humoral rejection, acute, in renal
glomerulonephritis and, transplantation, 788
236–237 Hungry bone syndrome,
mixed cryoglobulinemia and, hypocalcemia of,
270–271 hypomagnesemia and,
screening for 177
in kidney donor, 824t Hyaline casts, 37
in transplant recipient, 818 Hydralazine, 526–527
Hepatorenal syndrome, 208, for hypertensive emergencies,
209–210 537t, 539
Hernia, in peritoneal dialysis, for preeclampsia, 497t
749 Hydronephrosis, 332
Herpes simplex virus-8 (HSV-8), ultrasonography of, 46, 48
screening for, in kidney 11b-Hydroxsteroid
donor, 824t dehydrogenase type 2,
High anion gap metabolic apparent
acidosis, 118t, 123–126 mineralocorticoid excess
drug- and toxin-induced, and, 411
125–126 11b-Hydroxylase deficiency,
ketoacidosis, 124–125 409–410
lactic acidosis, 123–124 glucocorticoid-remediable
D-lactic acidosis, 124 hyperaldosteronism
uremia and, 126 and, 412
High osmolar contrast media 17a-Hydroxylase deficiency, 410
(HOCM), 43 1a,25-Hydroxyvitamin D3
HIV-associated nephropathy deficiency of, 404
(HIVAN), 279–280 mineral bone disease and, 620
Hollow-fiber dialyzer, 708–709 resistance to, 404–405
Home blood pressure 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, for
monitoring, 441 X-linked hypo-
Hormone(s). See also named phosphatemic rickets,
hormones. 403
affecting vasopressin secretion, Hyperacute rejection, post-
89t transplant, 833
Hospitalization, nontransplant- Hyperaldosteronism
related, 848 familial, 145
Host factors, influencing urinary type 1, 457
tract infection, 315–316 type 2, 458
878 Hyperaldosteronism (Cont.) proximal renal tubular,
glucocorticoid-remediable, 119–120, 122t
411t, 412–413, 457–458 treatment of, 133–134
potassium loss due to, 145 urine in diagnosis of, 117
primary, 457–458 Hyperglycemia
clinical characteristics of, diuretic-related, 557
459 in peritoneal dialysis, 750

diagnostic tests for, 459–461 Hyperhomocysteinemia, 584

lateralizing tests for, 461 Hyperkalemia, 152–165
treatment of, 462–464 acute kidney injury and,
Hypercalcemia, 166–172 210–211
cause(s) of, 167–171, 167t clinical approach to, 157, 159f
drug-related, 170 definition of, 152
granulomatous disease and, diuretic-related, 556
171 diuretics for, 162
hyperparathyroidism as, drug-related, 155–157
167–168 excess potassium intake
immobilization as, 171 and, 153
inherited disorders as, excitable tissue consequences
169–170 of, 142, 142t
malignancy as, 169 factitious
milk-alkali syndrome as, (pseudohyperkalemia),
170–171 152–153
nonparathyroid in transplant recipient, 843
endocrinopathies as, 171 redistribution and, 153–154
parathyroid carcinoma as, reduced renal potassium
169 excretion and, 154–155
vitamin D intoxication as, renal consequences of, 142
171 tissue necrosis and, 153
diagnosis of, 167 treatment of, 157–164,
diuretic-related, 556–557 160t, 215
hyperparathyroidism as, B2-adrenergic agonists in,
167–168 161–162
in acute kidney injury, 10–11 calcium gluconate in,
in renal cell carcinoma, 160–161
377–378 cation exchange resins
loop diuretics for, 563 in, 163
magnesium and, 177 dialysis in, 163–164
management of, 171–172 diuretics in, 162
signs and symptoms of, glucose in, 161
166–167 insulin in, 161
Hypercalciuria mineralocorticoids in,
calcium stones in, 368 162–163
hypophosphatemic rickets prophylactic options in,
with, 404 164–165, 165t
Hyperchloremic metabolic sodium bicarbonate in, 162
acidosis, 118–123, 118t Hyperkalemic hypotensive
gastrointestinal bicarbonate disorder, 413
loss in, 117 Hyperlipidemia
hyperkalemic distal renal as risk factor for renal failure,
tubular, 119t, 121, 122t 653–654
hypokalemic distal renal diuretic-related, 557
tubular, 120–121, 122t in diabetic nephropathy, 353
progressive kidney disease in peritoneal dialysis, 750
associated with, 117 in transplant recipient, 845
Hypermagnesemia laboratory, 451 879
clinical manifestations of, 180 medical history in, 448–449
etiology of, 179–180 physical examination in,
hypocalcemia and, 173 449–451
treatment of, 180 searching for remedial
Hypermineralocorticoidism, 128 causes in, 441
Hypernatremia, 90–98 glomerular, 348–349

definition of, 90 as risk factor for renal failure,
euvolemic, 91–95 651–652, 652f
treatment of, 96 in African Americans, 465–466
hypervolemic, 95 in autosomal dominant
treatment of, 98 polycystic kidney
hypovolemic, 91 disease, 419, 421
treatment of, 96 in autosomal recessive
in peritoneal dialysis, 751 polycystic kidney
management of patient with, disease, 426–427
91 in cardiovascular disease,
treatment of, 95–98 442–443
Hyperoxaluria, 371–372 in chronic kidney disease,
Hyperparathyroidism 443–444
calcium stones in, 367 in diabetic nephropathy, end-
hypercalcemia caused by, stage renal disease and,
167–168 354
in transplant recipient, in elderly, 466
843–844 in heart failure, 443
neonatal severe, 170 in living kidney donor, 823
secondary, causing inadequate in poststreptococcal
response to rHuEPO, glomerulonephritis, 238
597 in preeclampsia, 490–499,
treatment of, 168 491t. See also
Hyperphosphatemia, 181–182 Preeclampsia.
acute kidney injury and, 211 definition of, 493
clinical manifestations of, 182 in pregnancy, 490–505, 491t
etiology of, 181–182 chronic, 499
treatment of, 182, 215 gestational, 499–500
Hyperreninemic management of, 500–501
hypoaldosteronism, 154 secondary, 497
Hypertension, 437–467 in transplant recipient,
accelerated, 442 844–845
as cardiovascular risk factor, isolated systolic, 440
581–582 labile, 440
as risk factor for renal failure, malignant, 440
649–650 microalbuminuria and, 444
borderline, 440 nomenclature in, 439–442
complications of, 442–447 prevention of renal function
risk of, 442 loss in, 659
essential, 440 recombinant erythropoietin
treatment of, 464–465, 466t, causing, 594
467f refractory, 534–536
evaluation of renin-dependent forms of,
blood pressure monitoring 453–457
in, 441 renovascular. See
echocardiogram in, 441 Renovascular
electrocardiogram in, 441 hypertension.
general principles in, 447 secondary, 440, 441t
880 Hypertension (Cont.) in plasmapheresis, 780–781
stroke and, 443 treatment of, 175, 215
treatment of, benefits of, 445 Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia,
in specific clinical settings, familial, 169–170
445–447 Hypocitraturia, 370
urinary tract infection and, 317 Hypoglycemia
Hypertensive crisis, treatment of, in hemodialysis, 727

456 insulin dosing for, 669

Hypertensive emergencies Hypoglycemic agents, dosage of,
definition of, 536 669
drug treatment of, 536–543, Hypokalemia, 143–147
537t apparent mineralocorticoid
a-adrenergic antagonists, excess causing, 146
537t, 541 cardiovascular consequences
calcium channel blockers, of, 141
537t, 542 clinical approach to, 146–147,
direct-acting vasodilators, 150f
536–540, 537t definition of, 143
dopamine D1-like receptor diuretic-related, 556
antagonist, 537t, 542 drug-related, 144
ganglionic blockers, 537t, 541 excitable tissue consequences
labetalol, 537t, 541 of, 141
Hypertensive urgencies hyperaldosteronism
definition of, 536 causing, 145
drug treatment of, 539t, 542 in plasmapheresis, 781
Hypertonic encephalopathy, magnesium deficiency
94–95 causing, 146
Hyperuricemia, diuretic-related, nephropathy and, 310–311
558 nonrenal potassium loss and,
Hyperuricosuria, 369 144
Hypervolemic hypernatremia, 95 periodic paralysis and,
treatment of, 98 143–144
Hypervolemic hyponatremia, redistribution and, 143
treatment of, 108 renal consequences of, 141
Hypnotics, dosage of, 670 renal potassium loss and,
Hypoalbuminemia 144–146
in membranous spurious, 143
glomerulopathy, 233 treatment of, 147
in peritoneal dialysis, 751 potassium chloride in,
Hypoaldosteronism 151–152
hyperreninemic, 154 prophylactic, 152
hyporeninemic, 154–155 Hypokalemic hypertensive
Hypocalcemia, 172–175 disorder(s), 409–413,
acute kidney injury and, 211 411t
cause(s) of, 168t apparent mineralocorticoid
acquired excess, 411–412
hypoparathyroidism congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
as, 173 409–410
autoimmune disease as, 173 glucocorticoid-remediable
critical illness as, 174 hyperaldosteronism,
drug-related, 174 412–413
magnesium-related disorders Liddle syndrome, 410–411
as, 173 Hypokalemic hypotensive
miscellaneous, 174–175 disorder(s), 406–409,
vitamin D–related, 173–174 407t
Hypokalemic hypotensive Hypo-osmolar disorder(s), 881
disorder(s) (Cont.) 98–109
Bartter syndrome, 406–408, hyponatremia as. See
407t Hyponatremia.
Gitelman syndrome, 407t, Hypoparathyroidism, acquired,
408–409 hypocalcemia and, 173
Hypomagnesemia, 175–179 Hypophosphatemia, 182–185

acute kidney injury and, 211 cause(s) of, 183–185
clinical manifestations of, 178, decreased intestinal
178t absorption as, 184
diagnosis of, 175–176 drug-related, 185
diuretic-related, 556 increased renal excretion as,
etiology of, 175–176 183
extrarenal causes of, 176–177 redistribution as, 184–185
hypocalcemia and, 173 clinical manifestations of,
in transplant recipient, 843 182–183
renal magnesium wasting and, diagnosis of, 183
177–178 in transplant recipient, 843
treatment of, 178–179 treatment of, 185
Hyponatremia, 98–109 Hypophosphatemic rickets
acute kidney injury and, autosomal dominant, 403–404
210–211 with hypercalciuria, 404
diuretic-related, 101, 555–556 X-linked recessive, 395–396,
drug-induced, 105 403
etiology of, 99–101, 100f Hypoproteinemia, in focal
exercise-induced, 105 segmental
extracellular fluid volume glomerulosclerosis, 230
depletion in, 101 Hyporeninemic
extracellular fluid volume hypoaldosteronism,
excess in, 102 154–155
factitious, 98–99 Hypotension
hypervolemic, treatment of, in dialysis, 572–573
108 in hemodialysis, 721–724,
hypovolemic, treatment of, 107 722t
in congestive heart management of, 724
failure, 102 in plasmapheresis, 780
in glucocorticoid deficiency, overt, 77
104 Hypothyroidism, hyponatremia
in hepatic failure, 102 and, 104
in hypothyroidism, 104 Hypovolemia, 76–77
in nephrotic syndrome, 102 in early post-transplant
in peritoneal dialysis, 751 period, 835
in renal failure, 102 Hypovolemic hypernatremia, 91
in syndrome of inappropriate treatment of, 96
antidiuretic hormone Hypovolemic hyponatremia,
secretion, 103–104, 103t treatment of, 107
normal extracellular fluid Hypovolemic shock, 757–763
volume in, 103–105, clinical manifestations of,
103t 758–759
normovolemic, treatment of, diagnosis of, 759
107–108 effects of, on renal function,
postoperative, 104 762–763
symptomatic, 106 etiology of, 758t
treatment of, 108–109 management of, 759–762, 761t
treatment of, 106–109 pathogenesis of, 758
882 I for pregnant transplant
recipient, 509t
Icodextrin, in peritoneal dialysis, for renal transplant recipient,
737–739 827–831, 829t
IgA nephropathy, 239–242 antilymphocyte antibodies
clinical features and natural in, 828
history of, 240–241 azathioprine in, 830

laboratory findings in, 241 calcineurin inhibitors in,

treatment of, 241–242 828–829, 829t
Imaging. See Diagnostic imaging; glucocorticoids in, 830
specific modalities. mycophenolate mofetil in,
Imidazole agonists, dose 830
modification of, in renal nondepleteing antibodies in,
insufficiency, 544t 828
Immobilization, hypercalcemia overview of, 827–828
caused by, 171 sirolimus in, 831
Immunity, in hemodialysis, tacrolimus in, 829–830,
719–721 829t
Immunizations Immunotactoid glomerulopathy,
in hemodialysis patients, 242–243
720–721 Immunotherapy, for renal cell
in transplant recipient, 848 carcinoma, 384–385
Immunoglobulin (Ig), Impenem/cisplatin, for
intravenous, for peritonitis, 747t
plasmapheresis-induced Impotence, diuretic-related, 558
infection, 781 Infection(s). See also specific
Immunoglobulin A (IgA), in infections.
Henoch-Schönlein acute interstitial nephritis and,
purpura, 262, 263 298t, 299
Immunoglobulin deposition causing inadequate response to
disease, monoclonal, rHuEPO, 597
267 diagnostic imaging of, 49–51
Immunoglobulin G (IgG), in in autosomal dominant
mixed polycystic kidney
cryoglobulinemia, 270 disease, 422–423
Immunoglobulin light chain, in in hemodialysis, 719–721
amyloidosis, 264–265 in living kidney donor,
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) 824–825, 824t
in mixed cryoglobulinemia, in transplant recipient,
270 814–815, 815t
in Waldenström’s post-transplant complications
macroglobulinemia, of, 846–848
269 plasmapheresis-induced, 781
Immunologic status, of transplant urinary tract. See Urinary tract
recipient infection.
evaluation of, 819–820 Infectious nephritis, 276–277
immediately prior to Inflammation
transplantation, cardiovascular risk factors and,
831–832, 831t 584
Immunosuppression causing inadequate response to
for focal segmental rHuEPO, 597
glomerulosclerosis, 231 Inflammatory bowel disease, uric
for membranous acid stones in, 373
glomerulopathy, Influenza vaccine, for hemodialysis
234–235 patients, 720–721
Infrarenal reflux, 316 Intestinal malabsorption. See 883
Insulin Malabsorption.
dosing for, in hypoglycemia, Intoxication. See Poisoning.
669 Intra-aortic balloon pumping
for hyperkalemia, 161 (IABP), for cardiogenic
potassium balance and, shock, 771
137–138, 137t Intravascular fluid volume

Intensive care, 753–776 in acute kidney injury, 210
for acute respiratory distress prerenal azotemia and,
syndrome, 755–757 212–213
for acute respiratory failure, renal azotemia and, 214–215
753–754 Intravenous urography (IVU),
for cardiogenic shock, 42–43
769–771 of medullary sponge
for hepatic failure, 771–776 kidney, 431
for hypovolemic shock, of renal infection, 50
757–763 of unilateral obstruction, 47
for sepsis, 763–769 of urinary tract
Interferon-a, for renal cell obstruction, 340
carcinoma, 384 Intrinsic renal azotemia, 203–206
Interleukin-2, for renal cell acute tubular necrosis and,
carcinoma, 384–385 204–206, 205t
Interstitial fluid, accumulation management of, 213–216
of, 78–79 specific therapies in, 214
Interstitial nephritis prevention of, 213–214
acute, 297–302 vascular and tubulointerstitial
clinical features of, 300–301 disorders and, 203–204
course and treatment of, Intubation, in salicylate
301–302 poisoning, 807–808
drug-induced, 297–299, 298t Inulin, glomerular filtration rate
etiology of, 297–299, 298t and, 25
idiopathic, 299 Ion metabolism, abnormal
infectious agents in, 298t, divalent, 584
299 Ionotropic agents, for cardiogenic
pathology of, 300 shock, 770
allergic, in early post- Irbesartan, doses and responses
transplant period, 838 of, 516t
chronic, 302–312 Iron deficiency, causing
analgesic nephropathy and, inadequate response to
302–304, 305t rHuEPO, 596
Balkan endemic Iron status, assessment of,
nephropathy and, 305t, 590–593
309–310 Iron therapy
cadmium exposure and, 309 adverse effects of, 593
Chinese herb–aristolochic intravenous, 592–593
nephropathy and, 305t, oral, 591–592
306 Ischemia, biochemical markers
common causes of, 303t of, 576
hypokalemia and, 310–311 Ischemic heart disease, 570–572,
lead exposure and, 308 571t
lithium exposure and, 307 treatment of, 579–580
sarcoidosis and, 311–312 Ischemic nephropathy
urate nephropathy and, 310 diagnosis of, 475–479, 476t
Interventional nephrology, management of, 479–486
59, 59t mechanisms of, 469–470
884 Ischemic stroke, antihypertensive Kt/V
therapy and, 446 in hemodialysis, 716
Islet cell transplantation, 358 clinical importance of,
Isolated proteinuria, 222 717–718
Isolated systolic hypertension, 440 in malnutrition, 646–647
Isopropanol poisoning, 801–803 in peritoneal dialysis, 741–742
Isotonic contrast media

(IOCM), 43
Isradipine, doses and responses L
of, 521t Labetalol
doses and responses of, 519t
J for hypertensive emergencies,
537t, 541
Jugular venous pressure, 76–77
for hypertensive urgencies,
K for preeclampsia, 497t
Kþ ion. See also Potassium Labile hypertension, 440
entries. Lactam, b, for cystitis, 323–324
acid-base disturbances Lactic acidosis, 123–124
affecting, 138 treatment of, 132–133
dietary intake of, 139 D-Lactic acidosis, 124
in potassium balance, 136–137 Laparoscopic nephrectomy, for
nonrenal loss of, 144 renal cell carcinoma,
Ketoacidosis, 124–125 382
alcoholic, 125 LCAT gene, 276
diabetic, 124 Lead, exposure to, 308
hypophosphatemia in, Leak(age)
184–185 capillary, edema and, 85
treatment of, 133 in peritoneal dialysis, 749
starvation, 125 urine, in early post-transplant
Ketones, in urine, 29 period, 838
Kidney(s). See also Glomerular; Lecithin-cholesterol
Glomerulo-; Nephr-; acryltransferase
Renal entries. deficiency, 275–276
adaptation of, to pregnancy, Left ventricular failure, 559
487–489 Left ventricular hypertrophy,
failing, in transplant recipient, 568–569, 569t, 573
849 antihypertensive therapy
hyperkalemia affecting, 142 and, 445
hypokalemia affecting, 141 electrocardiography in, 445
medullary sponge, 430–431 Leishmania donovani, 279
myeloma, 268–269 Leishmaniasis, 279
stones in. See Calculi; Leptospira infections, 278
Nephrolithiasis. Leukemia, uric acid stones in,
transplanted, biopsy of, 40 373
Kidney disease Leukocyte esterase, 28–29
in diabetic nephropathy, acute- Leukocytes
on-chronic, 355 chemotactic activity of, in
Kidney donor, living. See Living uremia, 599–600
kidney donor. in urine, 313–314
Kidney patients, risk factor Leukocyturia, 36, 36t
profile in, 657–658 Liddle syndrome, 410–411, 411t,
King’s College criteria, for liver 458
transplantation, in Light chain deposition disease
hepatic failure, 776, 776t (LCDD), 267
Lipid(s) potassium-sparing diuretics 885
dietary, 644–645 with, 555
reduction of, renoprotective thiazides combined with, 555
effect of, 654 Losartan, doses and responses of,
urinary, 37 516t
Lipid lowering therapy, in Low osmolar contrast media
diabetic nephropathy, (LOCM), 43

353 Lowe oculocerebrorenal
Lisinopril, dose and response of, syndrome, 398
512t Lung(s). See Pulmonary;
Lithium, exposure to, 307 Respiratory entries.
Lithium poisoning, 805–806 Lupus nephritis, 250–256
Liver. See also Hepatic; classification of, 251t
Hepatitis; Hepato- clinical manifestations of,
entries. 250–252
biopsy of, 774 course and prognosis of,
cirrhosis of. See Cirrhosis. 253–254
fatty, in pregnancy, 501–502 dialysis in, 253
transplantation of, King’s drug-induced, 253
College criteria for, 776, in pregnancy, 506–507
776t monitoring of, 252
Liver disease pathology of, 250
acute kidney injury and, plasmapheresis for, 783–784
209–210 pregnancy and, 253
glomerular manifestations of, serologic tests for, 252
280–282 transplantation in, 253
in renal transplant recipient, treatment of, 254–256
818 for class I and II disease, 254
polycystic, 424–425 for class III disease, 254
Living kidney donor, 820–826 for class IV disease,
and consequences of living 254–255
with one kidney, 822 for class V disease, 256
assessment of renal function Lymphoma, hypercalcemia in,
in, 821 169
hematuria in, 826 Lymphoproliferative disorder,
hypertension in, 823 post-transplant, 846
infectious diseases in,
824–825, 824t
malignancy in, 823–824 M
medical evaluation of, 820, Magnesium
820t defective reabsorption of, in
nephrolithiasis in, 823 distal nephron, 177
obesity in, 822 deficiency of, 175–179.
postdonation diabetes in, 822 See also Hypomagne-
postdonation nephropathy in, semia.
822 clinical manifestations of,
Loin pain hematuria syndrome, 178, 178t
361 potassium loss due to, 146
Loop diuretics, 548–550. See also excessive intake of, 179–180.
Diuretics. See also Hypermagne-
for cardiac failure, 572 semia.
for hypercalcemia, 171, 563 for eclampsia, 498–499
mechanism of action of, for hypomagnesemia
548–549 intravenous, 178–179
pharmacokinetics of, 549–550 oral, 179
886 Magnesium (Cont.) in renal transplant recipient
fractional excretion of, disease-free intervals
175–176 recommended, 816, 816t
Magnesium wasting disorders, post-transplant, 845–846
renal, 177–178 screening for, 815–816
inherited, 178 uric acid stones in, 373
Magnetic resonance angiography Malignant hypertension, 440

(MRA), 44 Malnutrition, 637–639. See also

in renovascular hypertension, Nutrition.
478 hypophosphatemia caused by,
of renal artery stenosis, 56 184
Magnetic resonance imaging in end-stage renal disease,
(MRI), 44–45 hemodialysis and,
contrast-enhanced, 44 356–357
in acute kidney injury, management of, 646–647
13, 46 nutritional supplements in,
in autosomal dominant 647
polycystic kidney other options in, 647–648
disease, 420 protein-energy, 637–639
in renal infection, 51 serum markers of, 640–641
of renal calculi, 49 Mannitol
of renal cell carcinoma, as diuretic, 547–548
54–55 for hepatic failure, 775
of renal cysts, 52 Mass transfer area coefficients
of urinary tract obstruction, (MTAC), for solutes,
340–341 731, 731t
Magnetic resonance urography MCKD1 gene, 430
(MRU), of renal calculi, MCKD2 gene, 430
49 Mechanical complications, in
Malabsorption peritoneal dialysis, 749
hypomagnesemia and, 176 Mechanical ventilation, modes
hypophosphatemia and, 184 of, 753–754
Malakoplakia, 331 Medical history, evaluation of
Malaria, 278 in hypertensive patient,
screening for, in kidney donor, 448–449
824t in living kidney donor, 820,
Malignancy 820t
acute kidney injury in, Medical status, of transplant
207–208 recipient, immediately
causing inadequate response to prior to transplantation,
rHuEPO, 597 831
diagnostic imaging of, 53–55 Medullary cystic kidney disease,
glomerular disease with, 430
282–284 Medullary sponge kidney,
membranous nephropathy, 430–431
283 Membrane(s)
minimal-change disease, 283 first-use syndrome and, 729
proliferative hemodialysis, 708–709
glomerulonephritides, cellulose, 708
283 semisynthetic, 709
thrombotic microangiopathy, synthetic, 709
284 peritoneal, pressure gradients
hypercalcemia in, 169 across, 732–733, 732t
in living kidney donor, Membrane filtration technique, of
823–824 plasma separation, 778
Membranoproliferative gastrointestinal bicarbonate 887
glomerulonephritis, loss in, 117
235–237 hyperkalemic distal renal
classification of, 236t tubular, 119t, 121, 122t
clinical features and natural hypokalemic distal renal
history of, 235–236 tubular, 120–121, 122t
in transplant recipient, progressive kidney disease

840–842, 841t associated with, 117
laboratory findings in, 236–237 proximal renal tubular,
treatment of, 237 119–120, 122t
Membranous glomerulopathy, treatment of, 133–134
232–235 urine in diagnosis of, 117
clinical features and natural pH in, 116
history of, 232–233 renal azotemia and, 215
laboratory findings in, 233 treatment of, 131–132
pathology of, 232 Metabolic alkalosis, 127–128
treatment of, 233–235 acute kidney injury and, 211
corticosteroids in, 233–234 causes of, 127t
cyclophosphamide in, 234 diuretic-related, 557
immunosuppression in, in plasmapheresis, 780–781
234–235 maintenance of, 128
Membranous nephropathy treatment of, 134–135
diabetes and, 359 Metabolic disorder(s)
malignancy and, 283 diuretic-related, 557–558
Men, urinary tract infection in, peritoneal dialysis–related,
323 750–751
treatment of, 327 Metabolic neuropathy, 615, 615t
Menin gene, in MEN-I, 169 Metabolism, ion, abnormal
Mensuration, in chronic kidney divalent, 584
disease, 18 Metanephrines, free, plasma and
Mesangial capillary urinary, 454
glomerulonephritis, Metastasis, renal cell carcinoma,
235–237 resection of, 383
clinical features and natural Methanol, acidosis caused by,
history of, 235–236 126
laboratory findings in, 236–237 Methanol poisoning, 801–803
treatment of, 237 treatment of, 802–803
Metabolic acidosis, 114t, 115f, Methenamine mandelate, for
116–126 urinary tract infection,
acute kidney injury and, 211 in children, 328
anion gap in, 117–118, 117t Methyldopa, 525
high anion gap in, 118t, for hypertensive emergencies,
123–126 537t
drug- and toxin-induced, for preeclampsia, 497t
125–126 Methylprednisolone
ketoacidosis, 124–125 for acute rejection, 837
lactic acidosis, 123–124 for IgA nephropathy, 241
D-lactic acidosis, 124 for lupus erythematosus, 255
uremia and, 126 for membranous
in hypovolemic shock, glomerulopathy, 234
treatment of, 762 for pauci-immune crescentic
in transplant recipient, 843 glomerulonephritis, 248
normal anion gap Metoprolol
(hyperchloremic) in, doses and responses of, 519t
118–123, 118t for preeclampsia, 497t
888 Metyrosine, 531–532 vitamin D sterols in,
Microalbuminuria, for 630–632
hypotension parathyroid hormone and,
definition of, 32, 345 621–622
hypertension and, 444 pathogenesis of, 616, 617t
in diabetic nephropathy, phosphorus levels in,
345–346 616–618

prognosis of, 346 radiologic features of,

Microangiopathy, thrombotic 627, 628t
in early post-transplant period, vascular calcification in,
837–838 624–626
malignancy and, 284 vitamin D and, 620–621
pregnancy and, 503 Mineralocorticoid(s), for
Microorganisms, urinary, 38 hyperkalemia, 162–163
Microscopy, urinary, 33–34 Mineralocorticoid antagonist,
Microvascular disease, hyperkalemia and,
285–296 156–157
atheroembolic, 293–294 Mineralocorticoid excess,
hemolytic-uremic syndrome, apparent, 411–412, 411t,
285–290. See also 458
Hemolytic-uremic potassium loss due to, 146
syndrome (HUS). Minimal change disease
in sickle cell disease, diabetes and, 359
294–296 malignancy and, 283
systemic sclerosis, 291–293 Minimal change glomerulopathy
thrombotic thrombocytopenic clinical features and natural
purpura, 285–290. history of, 227–228
See also Thrombotic laboratory findings in, 228
thrombocytopenic pathology of, 227
purpura (TTP). relapse of, management of,
Midodrine, predialysis, for 228–229
hypotension, 724 steroid-resistant, 229
Milk-alkali syndrome, treatment of, 228–229
hypercalcemia in, Minoxidil, 527
170–171 Mitral valve calcification, 574
Mineral(s) Mixed connective tissue disease,
dietary, in chronic kidney 257
disease, 638t Mixed cryoglobulinemia, 269–271
trace, 646 clinical and laboratory findings
Mineral bone disease, in chronic in, 270
kidney disease, 17, course and treatment of,
616–634 270–271
bone turnover in, 622–624, Modification of Diet in Renal
624t Disease (MDRD) study,
calciphylaxis and, 626–627 189
calcium levels in, 618–620 of glomerular filtration rate,
clinical features of, 626, 626t 23t, 24, 821
definition of, 617t Molecular adsorbent
management of, 627–634 recirculating system
calcimimetic agents in, (MARS), for hepatic
632–633 failure, 775
parathyroidectomy in, Molecular weight, of drugs, 792,
633–634 792t
phosphate-binding agents in, Monckeberg calcification,
627–630, 629t 624–625
Monoclonal immunoglobulin Narcotics, hyponatremia caused 889
deposition disease, 267 by, 105
Monocytes, effect of renal failure National Kidney Foundation
on, 599–600 (NKF) guidelines, in
Morbidity, of hemodialysis chronic kidney disease
patient, 703 staging, 189–190, 190t
Mortality Natriuretic peptides, in

in anemia, 587 extracellular fluid
in end-stage renal disease, volume regulation, 74
195 Nebivolol, doses and responses
modality-specific, 195 of, 519t
in preeclampsia, maternal and Necrosis
neonatal, 494 acute tubular. See Acute
of hemodialysis patient, 703 tubular necrosis
Moxonidine, 525, 526 (ATN).
Mucous membranes, in tissue, hyperkalemia and,
extracellular fluid 153
volume depletion, 76 Neonatal injury, ACE inhibitors
Multiple endocrine neoplasia causing, 514–515
(MEN), hypercalcemia Neonatal severe
and, 169 hyperparathyroidism,
Multiple myeloma, 268–269 170
renal failure associated with, Nephrectomy
plasmapheresis for, 784 allograft, 848
Muscle for renal cell carcinoma,
hyperkalemia affecting, 142 380–381
hypokalemia affecting, 141 cytoreductive (debulking),
Muscle cramps, in hemodialysis, 382–383
725 laparoscopic, 382
Mutations. See also specific gene palliative, 383
mutations. Nephritic syndrome, 225
inherited, of podocyte Nephritis
proteins, 273–274 5-aminosalicylic acid,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 304–306, 305t
278 hereditary, 271–272
Mycophenolate mofetil infectious, 276–277
for lupus nephritis, 255 interstitial. See also Interstitial
for pregnant transplant nephritis.
recipient, 509t acute, 297–302
for renal transplant recipient, chronic, 302–312
830 lupus, 250–256. See also
Myeloma, glomerular disease in, Lupus nephritis.
268–269 shunt, 277
Myeloma kidney, 268–269 Nephrocalcinosis, 48
Myoglobin, in urine, 29–30 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus,
93t, 94
treatment of, 98
N Nephrolithiasis, 360–376
N-Acetylcysteine, for asymptomatic, 361
acetaminophen calcium stones and, 361–362,
overdose, 774 366–368
Nadolol, doses and responses of, clinical presentation of,
519t 360–362
Naþ/Kþ-ATPase, potassium diet and, 368–369
transport and, 136–137 diuretics for, 563
890 Nephrolithiasis (Cont.) Clq, 232
hematuria in, 360–361 diabetic. See Diabetic
hyperoxaluria and, 371–372 nephropathy.
hyperuricosuria and, 369 HIV-associated, 279–280
hypocitraturia and, 370 hypokalemic, 310–311
idiopathic, 370–371 IgA, 239–242
in autosomal dominant clinical features and

polycystic kidney natural history of,

disease, 423 240–241
in cystinuria, 400 laboratory findings in, 241
in living kidney donor, 823 treatment of, 241–242
in pregnancy, 361, 504–505 ischemic
in urinary tract obstruction, diagnosis of, 475–479, 476t
335 management of, 479–486
management of, 362–366 mechanisms of, 469–470
investigations in, 362 membranous
laboratory studies in, diabetes and, 359
363–364, 363t, 364t malignancy and, 283
radiologic evaluation in, myeloma cast, 268–269
362–363, 363t obstructive, 332
referral in, 365–366 peripheral, in diabetic patient,
stone analysis in, 364–365 349
with renal colic, 365 postdonation development of,
pain in, 360 822
renal tubular acidosis and, 370 reflux, 320–321
struvite stones and, 374–376 salt-losing, 101
thiazide diuretics and, sarcoid, 311–312
369–372 Nephrotic syndrome, 223
uric acid stones and, 361–362, autosomal dominant, 274
372–374 autosomal recessive,
X-linked recessive, 395–396 273–274
Nephrolithotomy, percutaneous, biopsy in, 38–39
for struvite stones, 375 causes of, 224t
Nephrology, interventional, 59, Clq nephropathy causing,
59t 232
Nephron(s), distal congenital, of Finnish type,
defective magnesium 273
reabsorption in, 177 diuretics for, 561–562
potassium reabsorption in, 139 focal segmental
potassium secretion in, glomerulosclerosis
138–139 causing, 229–231, 230t
Nephronophthisis, 429–430 hyponatremia and, 102
Nephron-sparing surgery, for membranoproliferative
renal cell carcinoma, glomerulonephritis
381–382 causing, 235–237, 236t
Nephropathy membranous glomerulopathy
analgesic, 302–304, 305t causing, 232–235
autonomic, in diabetic patient, mesangial capillary
349 glomerulonephritis
Balkan endemic, 305t, 309–310 causing, 235–237
Chinese herb–aristolochic, minimal change
305t, 306 glomerulopathy causing,
chronic, in late allograft 227–229
dysfunction, 839 sodium retention and edema
chronic urate, 310 in, 82–84
Nephrotoxicity, calcineurin Nitrofurantoin, for urinary tract 891
inhibitor infection, in children,
acute, 835–836 328
chronic, 840 Nitroglycerine, for hypertensive
Nephrotoxin(s) emergencies, 537t, 540
associated with acute tubular Nitroprusside
necrosis, 205t for hypertensive emergencies,

exposure to, acute kidney 537t, 539–540
injury and, 5–6, 5t for preeclampsia, 497t
tubular, hypomagnesemia and, NKCC2 gene, mutations of,
177 406–408
Nervous system Nocturnal hemodialysis, 719
in hypermagnesemia, 180 Nonatheromatous ischemic heart
sympathetic disease, 572
in extracellular fluid volume Noncompliance issues, in renal
regulation, 73 transplant recipient, 819
potassium balance and, 138 Nondepleteing antibodies, for
Netilmicin, for peritonitis, 747t renal transplant
Neurologic disorder(s), 601–615 recipient, 828
in acute kidney injury, 605 Nonedematous conditions,
in chronic kidney disease, diuretics for, 562–564
604–605 Non-nephrotic proteinuria,
in end-stage renal disease, biopsy in, 39
605–611. See also End- Nonoliguric output, 12
stage renal disease Nonparathyroid endocrinopathy,
(ESRD), neurologic hypercalcemia caused
complication(s) of. by, 171
restless leg syndrome as, 604 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
sexual dysfunction as, drugs (NSAIDs)
613–614 dosage of, 669
uremic brain as, 611 hyperkalemia caused by, 155
uremic encephalopathy as, interstitial nephritis and, 298t,
601–604, 602t 304
diagnosis of, 603 Nontransplant-related surgery/
hepatic insufficiency and, hospitalization, of
603–604 transplant recipient, 848
uremic neuropathy as, Norepinephrine, for sepsis, 767
614–615, 615t Normal anion gap metabolic
Neurologic examination, in acidosis, 118–123, 118t
hypertensive patient, gastrointestinal bicarbonate
451 loss in, 117
Neuropathy hyperkalemic distal renal
metabolic, 615, 615t tubular, 119t, 121, 122t
uremic, 614–615, 615t hypokalemic distal renal
Neuropsychiatric disorders, 8 tubular, 120–121, 122t
Nicardipine progressive kidney disease
doses and responses of, 521t associated with, 117
for hypertensive emergencies, proximal renal tubular,
537t, 542 119–120, 122t
for preeclampsia, 497t treatment of, 133–134
Nifedipine urine in diagnosis of, 117
doses and responses of, 521t Normoalbuminuria, in diabetic
for preeclampsia, 497t nephropathy, 347–348
Nitrates, urinary, 28–29 Normovolemic hyponatremia,
Nitrites, urinary, 28–29 treatment of, 107–108
892 NPHP gene, 429 OKT3, 837
NPHS1 gene, 273 Oliguria, 12
NPHS2 gene, 273–274 Olmesartan, doses and responses
Nuclear imaging. See of, 516t
Scintigraphy. Opioid agonists, hyponatremia
Nutrition, 635–648 caused by, 105
calcium and, 643–644 Optic fundus, examination of, 450

dietary considerations in, 638t Orthostatic proteinuria, 222

dietary constituents of, Osmolal gap, drug intoxication
specific, 641–648 and, 789, 799
in magnesium deficiency, 176 Osmolality
in nephrolithiasis, 368–369 calculation of, 789, 799
in sepsis, 768 definition of, 87
in uremic patients, energy of plasma, 87–88
requirement and, 641 plasma, 87–90
lipids and, 644–645 Osmolar gap, 98–99
malnutrition and, 637–639. Osmoreceptor dysfunction,
See also Malnutrition. 92–94, 93t
phosphorus and, 643–644 treatment of, 97
potassium and, 643 Osmosis, reverse, 710
protein and, 642 Osmotic diuresis, 110
assessment of stores of, Osmotic diuretics, 546
639–641 Osmotic thirst threshold,
renal azotemia and, 216 89–90
sodium and, 642 Osteitis fibrosa cystica, 17
supplements in, 647 Osteodystrophy, renal. See also
trace elements and, 645–646 Mineral bone disease.
vitamins and, 645–646 bone turnover, mineralization,
and volume
O classification for, 624t
Obesity definition of, 617t
as risk factor for renal failure, in chronic kidney disease, 17
654–655 Osteomalacia
choice of antihypertensive and, in Fanconi syndrome, 393–395
533–534 radiographic features of, 628t
hypertension and, 449 Osteonecrosis, in transplant
in living kidney donors, 822 recipient, 844
in renal transplant recipients, Osteopenia, radiographic
817 features of, 628t
refractory hypertension caused Osteoporosis
by, 535 diuretics for, 564
Obstruction in transplant recipient, 844
unilateral, diagnostic imaging Ototoxicity, diuretic-related,
of, 47–48 558
urinary tract, 332–344. See also Oxalate, 371–372
Urinary tract Oxidative stress, 584
Obstructive nephropathy, 332 P
Obstructive uropathy, 332 Pain
OCRL1 gene, mutations of, 398 in autosomal dominant
Octreotide, for autosomal polycystic kidney
dominant polycystic disease, 421–422
kidney disease, 425 in nephrolithiasis, 360
Oculocerebrorenal syndrome, Palliative nephrectomy, for renal
Lowe, 398 cell carcinoma, 383
Pamidronate, for hypercalcemia, Perindopril, dose and response 893
171–172 of, 512t
Pancreas-after-kidney Periodic paralysis
transplantation, 358 hypokalemic, 143–144
Pancreas-plus-kidney thyrotoxic, 144
transplantation, 357–358 Peripheral nephropathy, in
Panel reactive antibody (PRA), diabetic patient, 349

measurement of, in renal Peripheral nerves, restless leg
transplant recipient, syndrome and, 615
819–820 Peritoneal dialysis, 730–752.
Paraneoplastic syndromes, See also Dialysis;
associated with renal Hemodialysis.
cell carcinoma, 377–378, adequacy of, 741
378t arrhythmias and, 573–574
Parasitic disease, 278–279 catheters for, 66–67, 735–737,
filariasis, 279 736f
leishmaniasis, 279 insertion of, 735–737
malaria, 278 removal of, indications for,
schistosomiasis, 279 748–749
trypanosomiasis, 279 choice of modality for, 740
Parathyroid carcinoma, clearance in
hypercalcemia in, 169 factors affecting, 742–743,
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 742t
621–622 measurement of, 741
dysfunction of, genetic clearance targets in, 741–742
disorders of, 175 complication(s) of
hypercalcemia and, 167, 170 catheter dysfunction as,
hypocalcemia and, 173 735–737
plasma levels of, 622 encapsulating sclerosis as,
primary function of, 621–622 750
Parathyroid hormone–related hernias as, 749
protein (PTHrP), hyperglycemia as, 750
hypercalcemia and, 167, hyperlipidemia as, 750
169 hypernatremia as, 751
Parathyroidectomy, for hypoalbuminemia as, 751
hyperparathyroidism, hyponatremia as, 751
168, 633–634 infectious, 744–749, 745t.
Pauci-immune crescentic See also Peritonitis.
glomerulonephritis, leakage as, 749
246–249 mechanical, 749
Pelvic inflammatory disease, in metabolic, 750–751
urinary tract noninfectious, 749–751
obstruction, 336 weight gain in, 751
Pelvic tumors drug removal by, 666
in urinary tract obstruction, equilibration test in, 734,
336 736f
renal, 386–387 for end-stage renal disease, in
D-Penicillamine, for cystinuria, diabetic patient, 357
401 in poisoning, 797
Penicillin(s) patient outcomes with,
for Amanita poisoning, 774 751–752
for peritonitis, 747t prescription for, 740–744
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, solutions for, 737–740, 738t
for struvite stones, buffers, 739
375 calcium, 739–740
894 Peritoneal dialysis (Cont.) Phosphate disorder(s)
transport process in, 730–734 hyperphosphatemia as,
changes with time of, 734 181–182. See also
diffusion, 731, 731t Hyperphosphatemia.
fluid absorption, 733 hypophosphatemia as,
fluid removal 182–185. See also
(ultrafiltration), Hypophosphatemia.

732–733, 732t transport, 402–405

ultrafiltration failure in, Phosphate-binding agents,
743–744 627–630, 629t
volume status in, 743 calcium-containing, 628–630
Peritoneal equilibration test, 734, calcium-free, 630
736f Phosphorus
Peritonitis, 744–749 abnormal, in chronic kidney
Candida albicans, 745 disease, 618
catheter removal in, dietary, 643–644
indications for, 748–749 increased intake of,
diagnosis of, 744–746, 745t hyperphosphatemia
eosinophilic, 746 and, 181
fungal, 748 redistribution of, 181–182
gram-negative, 745–746, 748 serum levels of, 616–618
gram-positive, 745 Phosphorus homeostasis, 618
management of, 746–749, 747t Pigmented casts, 37
peritoneal dialysis–induced, Pindolol, doses and responses of,
667 519t
polymicrobial, 748 PKD1 gene, 417–419
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PKD2 gene, 417–419
744–745, 748 PKHD1 gene, 426
Staphylococcus aureus, Plain film radiography, of
744–745, 747 abdomen, 42
Pharmacokinetics calculi in, 48
of carbonic anhydrase urinary tract obstruction in,
inhibitors, 546 339
of loop diuretics, 549–550 Plaque, coronary atherosclerotic,
of osmotic diuretics, 547 571–572
of potassium-sparing diuretics, Plasma cell dyscrasias, 33
551 proteins produced by,
of thiazide diuretics, 550 222–223
Phenoxybenzamine, 528–529 Plasma exchange. See
Phentolamine, 528–529 Plasmapheresis.
for hypertensive emergencies, Plasma free metanephrines, 454
537t, 541 Plasma osmolality, 87–90
Phenytoin, dosing considerations thirst and, 89–90
for, 668 vasopressin synthesis and
Pheochromocytoma, 453–456 secretion and, 88–89,
hypercalcemia associated with, 89t
171 Plasma renin activity, 459–460
localization of, 455 Plasma separation techniques,
phenoxybenzamine for, 777–778
528–529 Plasma urea, glomerular filtration
treatment of, 455–456 rate and, 24
PHEX gene, mutations of, 403 Plasma volume, estimation of,
Phosphate, for X-linked 777
hypophosphatemic Plasmapheresis, 777–788
rickets, 403 anticoagulation in, 779
Plasmapheresis (Cont.) renal elimination of, principles 895
choice of replacement fluids and techniques for,
in, 779–780 790–791
complication(s) of, 780, 780t Poisoning, 789–810
citrate-induced, 780–781 acetaminophen, 773–774
coagulation abnormalities as, alcohol, 797–804
781 Amanita, 774

hypokalemia as, 781 ethylene glycol, 798–801
hypotension as, 780 extracorporeal techniques for,
infection as, 781 794–797
for anti–glomerular basement intoxications response to,
membrane disease, 782 797–810
for anti–glomerular basement principles of, 790–791, 792t,
membrane 793t
glomerulonephritis, general management of,
245–246 789–790
for cryoglobulinemia, 784 isopropanol, 801–803
for focal segmental lithium, 805–806
glomerulosclerosis, 786 methanol, 801–803
for hemolytic-uremic salicylate, 806–808
syndrome, 785–786 theophylline, 808–809
for HUS/TTP, 290 valproic acid, 809–810
for lupus nephritis, 783–784 Polyarteritis nodosa, 258–259
for pauci-immune crescentic prognosis and treatment
glomerulonephritis, 248 of, 259
for polyarteritis nodosa, 259 renal features of, 258–259
for rapidly progressive Polycystic kidney disease (PKD),
glomerulonephritis, 783 417–427
for renal failure associated autosomal dominant, 417–425
with multiple myeloma, cyst development and
784 growth in, 420
for thrombotic diagnosis of, 420
thrombocytopenic end-stage renal disease in,
purpura, 785–786 423
in poisoning, 797 hematuria in, 421–422
in renal disease, 781–788, 782t hypertension in, 421
in renal transplantation, in pregnancy, 425
786–788 nephrolithiasis in, 423
plasma separation techniques pain in, 421–422
in, 777–778 polycystic liver disease and,
technical considerations in, 424–425
777–781 renal failure in, pathogenesis
venous access in, 778–779 of, 419
Plasmodium falciparum, 278 renal function abnormalities
Plasmodium malariae, 278 in, 420–421
Pneumococcal vaccine, for renal infection in, 422–423
hemodialysis patients, treatment of, novel therapies
720–721 in, 425
Pneumocystosis, post-transplant, vascular manifestations in,
847–848 423–424
Podocyte protein mutations, autosomal recessive, 426–427
273–274 Polycystic liver disease, 424–425
Podocytes, in urine, 37 Polydipsia
Poison(s) primary, 93t, 110–111
acidosis caused by, 125–126 psychogenic, 110–111
896 Polymicrobial peritonitis, 748 urinary indices of, 140–141
Polyomavirus infection, in renal renal loss of, 144–146
transplant recipient, 842 Potassium balance, normal,
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 136–138
graft, in hemodialysis, acid-base status and, 137t, 138
705 factors affecting, 137–138, 137t
Polyuria, 109–110 insulin and, 137–138, 137t

definitions of, 109 sympathetic nervous system

differential diagnosis of, 110 and, 138
hypomagnesemia and, 177 transport mechanisms in,
hypotonic, etiology of, 93t 136–137
Positive end-expiratory pressure Potassium chloride, for
(PEEP), 754 hypokalemia, 151–152
Positron emission tomography Potassium citrate
(PET), 55 for hypocitraturia, 370
FDG-labeled, of renal cell for hypokalemia, 370
carcinoma, 55 Potassium-sparing diuretics,
Postobstructive diuresis, 344 551–552
Postpartum period, preeclampsia thiazide or loop diuretics with,
in, 494 555
Postrenal azotemia, 206–207 Prazosin, 529
management of, 220 for hypertensive urgencies,
Poststreptococcal 539t
glomerulonephritis, Prealbumin, as nutritional status
acute, 237–239 index, 640–641
clinical features and natural Prednisolone
history of, 238 for focal segmental
laboratory findings in, 238–239 glomerulosclerosis, 231
treatment of, 239 for interstitial nephritis,
Post-transplant 311–312
lymphoproliferative for pregnant transplant
disorder (PTLD), 846 recipient, 509t
Post-transplant period, allograft Prednisone
dysfunction in. See also for Churg-Strauss syndrome, 261
Allograft dysfunction. for focal segmental
early, 835–839, 835t, 836f glomerulosclerosis, 231
immediate, 832–834, 834f for IgA nephropathy, 241
late, 839–842, 839t, 841t for interstitial nephritis,
Potassium. See also Kþ ion. 311–312
dietary, 643 for lupus nephritis, 254–255
in chronic kidney disease, for membranous
638t glomerulopathy,
disorder(s) of 233–234
hyperkalemia as, 152–165. for minimal change
See also Hyperkalemia. glomerulopathy
hypokalemia as, 143–147. in adults, 228
See also Hypokalemia. in children, 228
excess intake of, 153 for pauci-immune crescentic
in hemodialysis, 714 glomerulonephritis, 248
nonrenal loss of, 144 for polyarteritis nodosa, 259
renal excretion of, 138–141 Preeclampsia, 490–499, 491t
aldosterone and dietary Kþ clinical features of, 492–494
intake and, 139 long-term cardiovascular and
reduced, hyperkalemia and, renal outcomes from,
154–155 494–495
Preeclampsia (Cont.) Prehypertension, 439. See also 897
maternal and neonatal Hypertension.
mortality in, 494 Prerenal azotemia, 11, 202–203,
postpartum recovery from, 494 203t
prevention of, 495–496 management of, 212–213
screening for, 495 Pressure control ventilation
severe, 491t, 493 (PCV), 754

treatment of, 496–499 Pressure support ventilation
blood pressure management (PSV), 754
in, 496–497, 497t Proliferative
magnesium and seizure glomerulonephritides,
prophylaxis in, 498–499 malignancy and, 283
novel therapies in, 499 Propranolol, doses and responses
timing of delivery in, 496 of, 519t
Pregnancy Prostaglandins, in extracellular
acute fatty liver of, 501–502 fluid volume regulation,
acute kidney injury in, 208, 74
502–505 Protein(s)
autosomal dominant polycystic amyloid A, 265–266
kidney disease in, 425 Bence Jones, 33
chronic dialysis and, 507–508 dietary, 642
chronic kidney disease in, in chronic kidney disease,
505–510 638t
diabetic nephropathy in, 506 restriction of
diuretics and, 558 in diabetic nephropathy,
hemodynamic and vascular 353
changes of, 487 in optimizing
hemolytic-uremic syndrome renoprotective
in, 503 interventions,
hypertension in, 490–505, 491t 661–662
chronic, 499 in urine. See also Proteinuria.
gestational, 499–500 measurement of, 30–33
management of, 500–501 applications of, 32–33
secondary, 497 techniques of, 30–32
in renal transplant recipient, Tamm-Horsfall, 30–31,
508–510, 509t, 849–850 268–269
management of rejection Protein binding, of drugs,
and, 510 792–793, 792t, 793t
lupus nephritis in, 253, Protein C, activated, 767–768
506–507 Protein stores, assessment of,
mechanism of vasodilation in, 639–641
489–490 Protein:creatinine ratio, 31–32
nephrolithiasis in, 361, Protein-energy malnutrition,
504–505 637–639
obstructive uropathy in, 504–505 Proteinuria, 222–223
physiologic changes of, as risk factor for cardiovascular
487–490 mortality, 658
preeclampsia in, 490–499. as risk factor for renal failure,
See also Preeclampsia. 653
treatment of, 496–499 dose titration for, 662–663
renal adaptation to, 487–489 fixed, 222
respiratory alkalosis of, 489 glomerular, 30, 33
thrombotic thrombocytopenic in acute interstitial nephritis,
purpura in, 503 301
urinary tract infection in, 505 in acute kidney injury, 9–10
898 Proteinuria (Cont.) Pulmonary disease
in autosomal dominant acute kidney injury
polycystic kidney and, 209
disease, 420 in renal transplant recipient,
in diabetes, 359 817–818
in Fanconi syndrome, 393–395 Pure red blood cell aplasia,
in focal segmental recombinant

glomerulosclerosis, erythropoietin causing,

229–230 595
in IgA nephropathy, 241 Pyelography, of urinary tract
in membranous obstruction, 341
glomerulopathy, 233 Pyelonephritis
in minimal change acute, 320
glomerulopathy, 227–228 in early post-transplant
in poststreptococcal period, 838
glomerulonephritis, treatment of, 326
238–239 xanthogranulomatous,
in preeclampsia, 493 330–331
isolated, 222 chronic, reflux nephropathy
measurment of, 30–33 and, 320–321
applications of, 32–33
techniques of, 30–32 Q
non-nephrotic, biopsy in, 39
Quality of life, anemia
orthostatic, 222
and, 587
reduction of, renoprotective
Quinapril, dose and response of,
effect of, 653
tubular, 30
Pseudohyperkalemia, 152–153.
See also Hyperkalemia. R
Pseudohyperphosphatemia, 182. Race, choice of antihypertensive
See also based on, 533
Hyperphosphatemia. Radiation therapy, for renal cell
Pseudohypertension. See also carcinoma, 383
Hypertension. Radiocontrast markers, of
in elderly, 534–535 glomerular filtration
Pseudohypoaldosteronism rate, 26–27
type I, 413 Radiographic studies
type II, 414 abdominal, 42
Pseudohyponatremia, 98–99. calculi in, 48
See also Hyponatremia. urinary tract obstruction in,
thirst and, 89–90 339
vasopressin synthesis and of nephrolithiasis, 362–363,
secretion and, 88–89, 89t 363t
Pseudomonas aeruginosa of renal cell carcinoma,
in peritonitis, 744–745, 748 379
in sepsis, 763–764 of urinary tract obstruction,
in urinary tract infection, 314 339–341
Psychogenic polydipsia, 110–111 Radionuclide-labeled marker, of
Psychologic testing, in chronic glomerular filtration
kidney disease, 604–605 rate, 25–27
Psychotropic agents Ramipril, dose and response of,
dosage of, 670 512t
hyponatremia caused by, 105 Rapamycin, for autosomal
Pulmonary capillary wedge dominant polycystic
pressure (PCWP), 77 kidney disease, 425
Rapidly progressive Reflux 899
glomerulonephritis, infrarenal, 316
225–226 vesicoureteral, 315–316
anti–glomerular basement Reflux nephropathy, 320–321
membrane, 244–246 Rejection, in early post-
biopsy in, 13–14 transplant period, acute,
immune complex–mediated 837

crescentic, 243–244 Renal. See also Kidney(s).
pauci-immune crescentic, Renal artery(ies), Doppler
246–249 ultrasonography of, 478
plasmapheresis for, 783 Renal artery stenosis
Recirculation atherosclerotic
fractional, calculation of, 712 angioplasty and stent
in dialysate flow, 712 placement for, 484–485
Recombinant erythropoietin progressive, 475
(rHuEPO), 586 renovascular hypertension
adverse effects of, 593–595 and, 472
for anemia, 588–590 clinical presentation of,
initiating doses of, 589 473–475, 473t
for uremic platelet diagnostic imaging of, 55–57
dysfunction, 599 epidemiology of, 471–472
forms of, 588 fibromuscular disease in,
inadequate response to, 471–472
595–598, 596t management of, 479–486
ACE inhibitor use and, progressive, 482–483
597–598 transplant, 833–834, 840
aluminum overload as, 596 unilateral, 480–482
carnitine deficiency as, 597 vs. renovascular hypertension,
infection, inflammation, and 468–469, 470f
malignancy as, 597 Renal azotemia, intrinsic,
iron deficiency as, 596 203–206
secondary acute tubular necrosis and,
hyperparathyroidism as, 204–206, 205t
597 management of, 213–216
intravenous iron therapy with, vascular and tubulointerstitial
592–593 disorders and, 203–204
Recurrent disease, in transplant Renal biopsy. See Biopsy, renal.
recipient, 840–842, 841t Renal cell carcinoma, 377–386
Red blood cell(s) allogeneic transplantation for,
hypochromic, percentage of, 591 386
life span of, in chronic kidney chemotherapy for, 384
disease, 586 clinical and laboratory features
Red blood cell aplasia, pure, of, 377–378
recombinant epidemiology of, 377
erythropoietin causing, FDG-PET scan of, 55
595 immunotherapy for, 384–385
Red blood cell casts, in urine, 37 in acquired cystic disease,
Redistribution (rebound), of 427–428
drugs, 792t, 793–794 in autosomal dominant
Refeeding syndrome, polycystic kidney
hypophosphatemia and, disease, 422
184 in tuberous sclerosis complex,
Referral, for renal 433
transplantation, timing in von Hippel–Lindau
of, 813–814 syndrome, 434
900 Renal cell carcinoma (Cont.) presentations in, 3, 4t
MR imaging of, 54–55 progressive, acidosis of, 117
paraneoplastic syndromes screening for, 32
associated with, Renal dysplasia, 432
377–378, 378t Renal elimination, of toxins,
prognosis of, 379–380 principles and
radiation therapy for, 383 techniques for,

radiologic diagnosis of, 379 790–791

surgical management of Renal excretion
angioinfarction in, 382 of phosphate, 181
cytoreductive (debulking) hypophosphatemia and,
nephrectomy in, 183
382–383 of potassium, 138–141
energy-based tissue ablation aldosterone and dietary Kþ
in, 382 intake and, 139
laparoscopic nephrectomy urinary indices of, 140–141
in, 382 Renal function
nephrectomy in, 380–381 abnormal, in autosomal
nephron-sparing surgery in, dominant polycystic
381–382 kidney disease,
of metastatic disease, 383 420–421
palliative, 383 after prolonged urinary tract
vena caval involvement in, obstruction, 343
383 assessment of, in living kidney
systemic therapy for, 384–385 donor, 821
targeted agents for, 384 in renovascular hypertension,
TNM staging of, 379–380, 477
380t, 381t Renal losses, extracellular fluid
Renal colic, in nephrolithiasis, volume depletion and,
365 75
Renal crisis, in scleroderma, 291 Renal magnesium wasting
ACE inhibitors for, 292–293 disorders, 177–178
definition of, 292 inherited, 178
Renal cysts. See Cyst(s); Cystic Renal masses. See also specific
disease; Polycystic mass or tumor.
kidney disease (PKD). diagnostic imaging of, 51–55
Renal disease. See also Acute benign, 53
kidney injury (AKI); cystic, 51–53
Chronic kidney disease malignant, 53–55
(CKD); End-stage renal solid, 53
disease (ESRD). Renal medulla, cystic disease of,
atheroembolic, 293–294 429–431
choice of antihypertensive and, Renal outer medullary potassium
534 (ROMK) channel,
clinical assessment of, 1–20 138–139
diagnosis of, 21–27 Renal pelvic tumors, 386–387
laboratory assessment of, Renal replacement therapy,
21–41 217–220. See also
biopsy in, 38–41 Dialysis; Hemodialysis;
urinalysis in, 27–38. See also Peritoneal dialysis.
Urinalysis. continuous, 218–219
plasmapheresis in, 781–788, in diabetic nephropathy, 355
782t intermittent, 219–220
preeclampsia and, 494–495 Renal sarcoma, 387–388
Renal sodium retention risk factor profile in, 901
in cirrhosis with ascites, 657–658
81–82 risk factor–based approach to,
in congestive heart failure, 649
79–81 for blood pressure reduction,
in nephrotic syndrome, 650–651
82–84 for genetic factors, 654

Renal transplantation. See for glomerular hypertension,
Transplantation, renal. 651–652, 652f
Renal tubular acidosis. See for hyperlipidemia, 653–654
Tubular acidosis, renal. for hypertension, 649–650
Renal tubule(s). See Tubule(s), for lipid reduction, 654
renal. for obesity, 654–655
Renal vein thrombosis for proteinuria, 653
diagnostic imaging of, 57 reduction of, 653
transplant, 833–834 for targeted blood pressure,
Renin, regulation of, 140 651
Renin activity, plasma, Renovascular hypertension
459–460 changing demographics and,
Renin inhibitors, 530–531 472–473
Renin-angiotensin system (RAS), clinical features of, 469t,
physiologic and 472–475
functional studies of, clinical manifestations of,
476–477 468
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone diagnosis of, 475–479
system (RAAS) goals of evaluation in,
ACE inhibitors and, 514 475–476, 476t
blockade of, 662t, 663 noninvasive imaging in,
in extracellular fluid volume 477–479
regulation, 72–73 renal function studies in,
in potassium homeostasis, 477
140 renin-angiotensin system
Renin-dependent hypertension, studies in, 476–477
453–457 management of, 479–486, 480f
Renography endovascular procedures in,
captopril, in renovascular 483–485
hypertension, 478 predictors of benefit
isotopic, in urinary tract regarding, 485–486
obstruction, 340 progressive renal artery
Renoprotection, 649–664 stenosis and, 482–483
clinical management of, surgical, 483
658–664 unilateral renal artery
framework for, 658–659, 658t stenosis and, 480–482
monitoring in, 661–664, 662t pathophysiology of, 468–470,
optimizing response in, 469t
660–661 vs. renal artery stenosis,
primary prevention in, 468–469, 470f
659–660 Replacement fluids, choice of, in
secondary prevention in, plasmapheresis,
660 779–780
pharmacologic approaches to, Respiratory acidosis, 128–130,
655–657 129t
antihypertensive, 655–657 hyperphosphatemia and, 181
diuretic, 657 treatment of, 135
902 Respiratory alkalosis, 129t, Saline diuresis, for
130–131 hypercalcemia, 171
hypophosphatemia and, 184 Salt-losing nephropathy, 101
of pregnancy, 489 Salt-wasting syndrome, 220
treatment of, 135 cerebral, 101
Respiratory disorders, acid-base, Salvage, of immature AV fistulas,
128–131 62

causes of, 129t Sarcoidosis, 264

Respiratory failure, acute, chronic interstitial nephritis
753–754 in, 311–312
Respiratory losses, extracellular hypercalcemia in, 171
fluid volume depletion Sarcoma, renal, 387–388
and, 76 Schistosoma haematobium, 279
Restless leg syndrome, 604 in urinary tract infection, 336
peripheral nerves and, 615 Schistosoma japonicum, 279
Resuscitation, fluid. See Fluid Schistosoma mansoni, 279
resuscitation. Schistosomiasis, 279
RET proto-oncogene, in MEN- screening for, in kidney donor,
IIA, 169 824t
Retinopathy, diabetic, 349 Scintigraphy, 45
Retrograde pyelography, of FDG, 45
urinary tract Tc-DMSA, 45
obstruction, 341 Tc-DTPA, 45
Retroperitoneal fibrosis, in Tc-MAG3-OIH, 45
urinary tract I-OIH, 45
obstruction, 337 in acute kidney injury, 13
Revascularization, coronary, in heart disease, 576
579–580 in renal infection, 51
Reverse osmosis, 710 post-transplantation, 59
Rhabdomyolysis, 10–11 Scleroderma renal crisis, 291
Rickets definition of, 292
hypophosphatemic Sclerosis
autosomal dominant, encapsulating, in peritoneal
403–404 dialysis, 750
with hypercalciuria, 404 tuberous, 432–434
X-linked recessive, 395–396, SCNN1B b-subunit mutations,
403 410
in Fanconi syndrome, SCNN1G g-subunit mutations,
393–395 410
RIFLE acronym, 3, 201 Secondary hypertension, 440,
RIFLE classification, of acute 441t
kidney injury, 202t Sedatives, dosage of, 670
Right ventricular failure, 560 Seizure(s)
Rilmenidine, 525, 526 drug-induced, 800
Rituximab, for lupus nephritis, recombinant erythropoietin
255 causing, 594
ROMK gene, mutations of, Seizure prophylaxis,
406–408, 413 498–499
Semisynthetic membrane, in
hemodialysis, 709
S Sepsis, 763–769
Salicylate(s), acidosis caused by, associated with abortion,
125 502–503
Salicylate poisoning, 806–808 clinical features of,
treatment of, 807–808 764–765
Sepsis (Cont.) Sirolimus 903
definition of, 763, 763t for pregnant transplant
management of, 765–769 recipient, 509t
antibiotics in, 765 for renal transplant recipient,
coagulation cascade and, 831
767–768 Sjögren’s syndrome, 263–264
corticosteroids in, 768 Skin

glycemic control in, 768 extracellular fluid volume
hemodynamic support in, depletion and, 76
765–767, 766f in acute kidney injury, 7
hemofiltration in, in chronic kidney disease, 16
768–769 magnesemia loss via, 176
nutritional support in, Skin cancer, in transplant
768 recipient, 845–846
source of infection in, Skin turgor, extracellular fluid
763–764 volume depletion and,
Septic abortion, 502–503 76
Sequestration, extracellular fluid Skinfold thickness, in triceps,
volume depletion and, 639–640
76 SLC3A1 gene, mutations of, 400
Serum amyloid P (SAP), SLC7A9 gene, mutations of, 400
265–266 SLC12A3 gene, mutations
Serum indices, of extracellular of, 408
fluid volume depletion, Slow continuous ultrafiltration
77–78 (SCUF), 218
Sexual dysfunction, in uremia Slow low-efficiency daily
pathogenesis of, 613 dialysis (SLEDD),
treatment of, 614 217–218
Shock Smoking
cardiogenic, 769–771 as cardiovascular risk factor,
clinical features of, 769 583
evaluation of, 769–770 hypertension and, 449
management of, 770–771 Sodium
pathophysiology of, 769 dietary, 642
hypovolemic, 757–763 in chronic kidney disease,
clinical manifestations of, 638t
758–759 fractional excretion of, 78
diagnosis of, 759 definition of, 11
effects of, on renal function, in acute kidney injury, 11
762–763 in hemodialysis, 713–714
etiology of, 758t renal retention of
management of, 759–762, in cirrhosis with ascites,
761t 81–82
pathogenesis of, 758 in congestive heart failure,
septic. See also Sepsis. 79–81
definition of, 763t in nephrotic syndrome,
Shunt nephritis, 277 82–84
Sickle cell anemia, 294–295 Sodium bicarbonate
Sickle cell crisis, 295–296 for hyperkalemia, 162
Sickle cell disease intravenous, for salicylate
clinical manifestations of, poisoning, 807–808
294–295 Sodium deficit, estimation of,
pathogenesis of, 295 107
treatment of, 295–296 Sodium ion channel, epithelial,
Simple cystic disease, 431–432 amiloride-sensitive, 156
904 Sodium status, in optimizing Steroids. See also specific agents.
renoprotective minimal change
interventions, 661 glomerulopathy
Sodium wasting, extracellular resistant to, 229
fluid volume depletion Stones. See Calculi; specific
and, 75 types of stone.
Sodium-loading maneuvers, Strenuous exercise,

aldosterone-renin ratio, hyponatremia caused

460 by, 105
Solid tumors, diagnostic imaging Streptococcus viridans, in
of, 53 infectious nephritis,
Solutes 276
low-molecular-weight, 792 Stress, oxidative, 584
mass transfer area coefficients Stroke
for, 731, 731t dialysis-related, 612–613
Sorafenib, for renal cell hemorrhagic, antihypertensive
carcinoma, 385 therapy and, 446–447
Specific gravity, of urine, 27 hypertension in, 443
Spondyloarthropathy, ischemic, antihypertensive
destructive, therapy and, 446
radiographic features of, treatment of, 613
628t Strongyloidiasis, screening for, in
Sponge kidney, medullary, kidney donor, 824t
430–431 Struvite stones, 374–376
Staphylococcus albus, in shunt treatment of, 375–376
nephritis, 277 urease-producing bacteria and,
Staphylococcus aureus 375
catheter-related bacteremia Subdural hematoma, dialysis-
due to, 706–707, related, 611–612
719–720 Sunitinib, for renal cell
in infectious nephritis, 276 carcinoma, 385–386
in peritonitis, 744–745, 747 Supplements
in sepsis, 763–764 calcium
Staphylococcus saprophyticus, for hypocalcemia, 175
in urinary tract prophylactic, for
infection, 314 preeclampsia, 496
Starvation ketoacidosis, 125 nutritional, 647
Statins, 644–645 Surgery. See also specific
impact of, 645 procedure, e.g.,
Stenosis Nephrectomy.
central vein, 64 in transplant recipient,
graft nontransplant-related,
angioplasty of, 60–61 848
stents for, 61 Sustained low-efficiency dialysis
surveillance of, 60, 60t (SLED), 797
renal artery. See Renal artery Sweat, extracellular fluid volume
stenosis. depletion and, 76
severe, treatment of Sympathetic nervous system
cryoplasty balloon, 63–64 in extracellular fluid volume
cutting balloon, 63 regulation, 73
Stent(s) potassium balance and,
for atherosclerotic renal artery 138
stenosis, 484–485 Synchronized intermittent
for graft stenosis/thrombosis, mandatory ventilation
61 (SIMV), 753
Syndrome of inappropriate Terbutaline, for hyperkalemia, 905
antidiuretic hormone 161–162
(SIADH) secretion, Theophylline poisoning,
hyponatremia and, 808–809
103–104, 103t Thiazide diuretics, 550–551.
Synthetic membrane, in See also Diuretics.
hemodialysis, 709 hypercalcemia caused by, 170

Syphilis, 277–278 loop diuretics with, 555
screening for, in kidney donor, mechanism of action of, 550
824t nephrolithiasis and, 369–372
Systemic inflammatory response pharmacokinetics of, 550
syndrome, definition of, potassium-sparing diuretics
763, 763t with, 555
Systemic lupus erythematosus, Thirst
250–256, 251t. See also hyperosmolar-induced, 90–91
Lupus nephritis. plasma osmolality and, 89–90
Systemic sclerosis Thirst threshold, osmotic, 89–90
clinical features of, 288 Thrills, in hypertensive patient,
laboratory findings in, 288 451
pathogenesis of, 288 Thrombectomy
renal involvement in, 288 of arteriovenous fistula, 63
management of, 288 of grafts, 61
Systemic therapy, for renal cell Thrombolysis, for arteriovenous
carcinoma, 384–385 fistula, 63
Systemic vascular resistance Thrombophilia, in renal
(SVR), in pregnancy, transplant recipient, 819
489–490 Thrombosis
Systolic dysfunction, 570 graft, 61
Systolic hypertension, isolated, in thrombotic
440 thrombocytopenic
purpura, 289
recombinant erythropoietin
causing, 594
T renal vein
Tacrolimus diagnostic imaging of, 57
for pregnant transplant transplant, 833–834
recipient, 509t Thrombotic microangiopathy
for renal transplant recipient, in early post-transplant period,
829–830, 829t 837–838
hyperkalemia caused by, malignancy and, 284
155–156 pregnancy and, 503
Takayasu’s arteritis, 261–262 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Tamm-Horsfall protein, 30–31, purpura (TTP), 207–208
268–269 clinical features of, 285–286
Targeted agents, for renal cell etiology of, 287–289, 288t
carcinoma, 384 in pregnancy, 503, 504t
T-cell cross-match, positive, in in transplant recipient,
renal transplantation, 840–842, 841t
787–788 laboratory findings in, 286
Telmisartan, doses and responses plasmapheresis for, 785–786
of, 516t postpartum, 208
Temperature, dialysate, 715 prognosis and treatment of,
Temporal arteritis, 261 289–290
Temsirolimus, for renal cell renal involvement in, 286
carcinoma, 386 management of, 290
906 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic malignancies in, 815–816,
purpura (TTP) (Cont.) 816t
shiga-toxin-associated, noncompliance in, 819
285–286 obesity in, 817
management of, 289–290 pulmonary disease in,
thrombosis and fibrin 817–818
deposition in, 289 thrombophilia in, 819

Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis, failing kidney in, 849

144 immunizations in, 848
Thyrotoxicosis, hypercalcemia medical management of,
in, 171 842–850
Time course, in optimizing bone disorders and,
renoprotective 843–844
interventions, 663–664 electrolyte disorders and,
Timolol, doses and responses of, 843
519t hyperlipidemia and, 845
Tissue ablation, energy-based, for hypertension and, 844–845
renal cell carcinoma, infectious complications
382 and, 846–848
Tissue necrosis, hyperkalemia post-transplant malignancy
and, 153 and, 845–846
Tobramycin, for peritonitis, pregnancy in, 508–510, 509t,
747t 849–850
Total body water, 87 management of rejection
Toxic shock syndrome, and, 510
Clostridium sordellii in, referral of, timing of, 813–814
502–503 surgical management of
Toxicity. See Poisoning. allograft nephrectomy in,
Trace elements, 646 848
Trandolapril, dose and response nontransplant-related, 848
of, 512t Transplantation
Transdermal volume losses, 76 allogeneic, for renal cell
Transferrin, as nutritional status carcinoma, 386
index, 640–641 bone marrow, acute kidney
Transferrin saturation injury after, 208
calculation of, 591 islet cell, 358
K/DOQI guidelines for, 591 liver, for hepatic failure, 776,
Transitional cell carcinoma, 386 776t
management of, 387 pancreas-after-kidney, 358
staging and grading of, 387 pancreas-plus-kidney,
Transplant recipient 357–358
evaluation of, 813–820 renal, 195–197
age in, 814 ABO-incompatibility and,
cardiovascular disease in, 787
817 acute humoral rejection in,
cognitive impairment in, 788
819 acute kidney injury after,
genitourinary disorders in, 208
818–819 allograft dysfunction in,
immediately prior to clinical approach to,
transplantation, 832–842. See also
831–832, 831t Allograft dysfunction.
immunologic, 819–820 allograft survival rates in,
infections in, 814–815, 815t 842
liver disease in, 818 cadaveric donation in, 196
Transplantation (Cont.) Transtubular potassium gradient 907
cardiovascular disease and, (TTKG)
568 in hyperkalemic distal renal
diagnostic imaging for, tubular acidosis, 121
57–59 potassium excretion and, 140
evaluation of recipient Triceps, skinfold thickness in,
immediately prior to, 639–640

831–832, 831t Trimethaphan, for hypertensive
for autosomal dominant emergencies,
polycystic kidney 537t, 541
disease, 423 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
for autosomal recessive for cystitis, 324
polycystic kidney for pyelonephritis, 326
disease, 427 for urinary tract infection
for hemolytic-uremic in children, 328
syndrome, 290 recurrent, 324
for lupus nephritis, 253 Trousseau sign, 172
for sickle cell disease and, Trypanosoma brucei, 279
295–296 Trypanosoma gambiense, 279
hypophosphatemia and, 184 Trypanosoma rhodesiense, 279
immunosuppressive agents Trypanosomiasis, 279
used in, 827–831, 829t TSC1 gene, 432–433
in diabetic patient, 357 TSC2 gene, 432–433
living donor issues in, Tuberculosis
820–826. See also Living in renal transplant recipient,
kidney donor. 815
outcomes of, 196–197 screening for, in kidney donor,
plasmapheresis in, 786–788 824t
positive T-cell cross-match Tuberous sclerosis complex,
and, 787–788 432–434
pregnancy after, 508–510, Tubular acidosis, renal
509t, 849–850 distal
management of rejection hyperkalemic, 119t, 121,
and, 510 122t
procedure for, 827 hypokalemic, 120–121, 122t
recipient issues in, nephrolithiasis and, 370
evaluation of, 813–820. potassium excretion and, 155
See also Transplant proximal, 119–120, 122t
recipient. Tubule(s), renal
timing of referral for, hypomagnesemia and, 177
813–814 inherited disorder(s) of,
Transport 391–416. See also
peritoneal, 730–734 specific disorders.
changes with time of, 734 diabetes insipidus, 415–416
diffusion, 731, 731t Fanconi syndrome, 393–399.
fluid absorption, 733 See also Fanconi
fluid removal syndrome.
(ultrafiltration), hyperkalemic hypertensive,
732–733, 732t 414
potassium, mechanisms of, hyperkalemic hypotensive,
136–137 413
Transport disorder(s) hypokalemic hypertensive,
amino acid, 399–402, 399t 409–413, 411t
glucose, 405 hypokalemic hypotensive,
phosphate, 402–405 406–409, 407t
908 Tubule(s), renal (Cont.) in hydronephrosis, 46, 48
in amino acid transport, in renal cancer, 54
399–402, 399t in renal infection, 50
in glucose transport, 405 of renal cysts, 51–52
in phosphate transport, of renal vein thrombosis, 57
402–405 of urinary tract obstruction,
Tubuloglomerular feedback, 339

in extracellular fluid antenatal, 339–340

volume regulation, post-transplantation, 58
74–75 Uninephrectomy, compensatory
Tubulointerstitial disease(s), changes following, 822
297–312 United Network of Organ Sharing
acute interstitial nephritis, (UNOS), 196
297–302 Urate nephropathy, chronic,
chronic interstitial nephritis, 310
302–312 Urea, plasma, glomerular
Tubulointerstitial nephritis filtration rate and, 24
(TIN), 299 Urea reduction ratio, 717
Tubulointerstitial nephritis with clinical importance of,
uveitis (TINU) 717–718
syndrome, 299, 301–302 Ureaplasma urealyticum, in
Tubulointerstitium, in intrinsic urinary tract infection,
renal azotemia, 314
203–204 Urease-producing bacteria, in
Tumor(s). See under anatomy; struvite stones, 375
specific tumors. Uremia
Tumor lysis syndrome, 10–11 acute kidney injury and,
hyperphosphatemia and, 182 211–212
Tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) cardiovascular risk factors and,
staging, of renal cell 583–584
carcinoma, 379–380, energy requirements in, 641
380t, 381t impaired leukocyte chemotaxis
Twenty-four hour urine in, 599–600
collection, 33–34 metabolic acidosis in, 126
in evaluation of urinary stones, sexual dysfunction in
33–34 pathogenesis of, 613
Tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, treatment of, 614
531–532 trace element supplements in,
dose modification of, in renal 646
insufficiency, 544t vitamin supplements in,
Uremic bleeding, 598
U treatment of, 598–599
Ultrafiltration, 707, 716 Uremic brain, 611
for cardiogenic shock, 771 Uremic encephalopathy,
in hemodialysis, 715–716 601–604
in peritoneal dialysis, 732–733, diagnosis of, 603
732t hepatic insufficiency and,
failure of, 743–744 603–604
Ultrasonography, 43 signs and symptoms of,
Doppler, of renal arteries, 478 601–602, 602t
in acute kidney injury, 12, 46 Uremic neuropathy, 614–615,
in autosomal dominant 615t
polycystic kidney Uric acid, in preeclampsia,
disease, 420 493
Uric acid crystals clinical presentation of, 909
in acute kidney injury, 9–10 317–321
in hyperuricosuria, 369 complicated, 320
Uric acid stones, 361–362, treatment of, 328–329
372–374 cystitis and
classification of, 372–373 acute uncomplicated, 319
drug-induced, 373 recurrent, 319

idiopathic, 372–373 diagnosis of, 321–323
natural history of, 372 history and physical
treatment of, 374 examination in, 321–322
Urinalysis, 27–38 radiologic and urologic,
bilirubin and, 28 322–323
color in, 27 urine tests in, 322
formed elements in, 33–38 epidemiology of, 317, 318f
casts as, 37 frequency of, 317
cells as, 37 host factors influencing,
crystals as, 38 315–316
fats as, 37 in autosomal dominant
hematuria and, 34–36, 35t polycystic kidney
leukocyturia and, 36, 36t disease, 422–423
microorganisms as, 38 in diabetic nephropathy,
microscopy of, 33–34 358–359
glucose in, 29 in pregnancy, 505
hemoglobin in, 29–30 pathogenesis of, 315
in acute kidney injury, pyelonephritis and. See also
9–10, 9t Pyelonephritis.
in chronic kidney disease, 17 acute, 320
in urinary tract infection, chronic, 320–321
313–314 recurrent
ketones in, 29 in young women, 324–325
leukocyte esterase and, 28–29 treatment of, 324–325
myoglobin in, 29–30 screening for, in kidney donor,
nitrites and, 28–29 824t
protein measurement in, treatment of, 323–330
30–33 in catheter-associated
applications of, 32–33 infection, 329–330
techniques of, 30–32 in children, 328
urobilinogen and, 28 in complicated infection,
Urinary dipstick test, 27, 30–31 328–329
for urinary tract infection, 322 in men, 327
Urinary free metanephrines, 454 in recurrent infection,
Urinary indices 324–325
of extracellular fluid volume in uncomplicated cystitis
depletion, 78 in older women, 325–326
of potassium excretion, 140–141 in young women, 323–324
Urinary pH, 27–28 in uncomplicated
manipulation of, in renal pyelonephritis, 326
elimination of toxins, urinalysis in, 313–314
790–791 urine culture in, 313
Urinary tract infection Urinary tract obstruction,
acute, 319–320 332–344
bacteriology of, 313–317 acquired causes of, 333–337,
etiologic agents in, 314 334t
candidal, treatment of, 330 extrinsic, 334t, 336–337
chronic, 320–321 intrinsic, 334t, 335–336
910 Urinary tract obstruction (Cont.) Urobilinogen, in urine, 28
clinical aspects of, 337–338 Uroepithelial tumors, 386
congenital causes of, 332–333, Urography
333t CT, 43–44
diagnosis of, 338–341 intravenous. See Intravenous
history and physical urography (IVU).
examination in, 338 MR, of renal calculi, 49

laboratory evaluation in, 338 Urologic referral, indications for,

radiologic evaluation in, 365–366
339–341 Uropathy, obstructive, 332
etiology of, 332–337 in pregnancy, 504–505
in early post-transplant period,
incidence of, 332 V
prevalence of, 332 Valproic acid poisoning, 809–810
prolonged, recovery of renal Valsartan, doses and responses
function after, 343 of, 516t
renal damage and, potential for Valvular heart disease, 574
recovery in, 343 treatment of, 580
treatment of, 341–343 Vancomycin, for peritonitis, 747t
Urine Vascular access
alkaline, 27–28 for dialysis, 217
bilirubin in, 28 for hemodialysis, 704–707
blood in. See Hematuria. arteriovenous fistula in,
color of, 27 704–705
culture of, 313 arteriovenous graft in, 705
glucose in, 29. See also monitoring and surveillance
Glucosuria. of, 706
hemoglobin in, 29–30 for plasmapheresis, 778–779
in acute kidney injury timely creation of, 355
chemistry of, 11 Vascular calcification, 624–626
output of, 11–12 inhibitors of, 625–626
ketones in, 29 Vascular mapping, preoperative,
leukocytes in, 313–314 of arteriovenous fistula,
myoglobin in, 29–30 62
nitrites in, 28–29 Vascular system
protein in. See also Proteinuria. changes in, during pregnancy,
measurment of, 30–33 487, 488t
applications of, 32–33 disorders of, in intrinsic renal
techniques of, 30–32 azotemia, 203–204
specific gravity of, 27 examination of, in
urobilinogen in, 28 hypertensive patient,
Urine anion gap, 117 451
calculation of, 123 Vasodilation, in pregnancy,
Urine collection mechanism of, 489–490
clean-catch, 33–34 Vasodilators, direct-acting,
24-hour, 33–34 526–527
in evaluation of urinary dose modification of, in renal
stones, 33–34 insufficiency, 544t
Urine leaks, in early post- Vasopressin
transplant period, 838 in extracellular fluid volume
Urine sediment, examination of, regulation, 73
9–10 plasma osmolality and, 88–89
Urine/plasma osmolality ratio secretion of, drugs and
(U/P Osm), 11 hormones affecting, 89t
Vasopressin antagonists, Vitamin D sterol(s), 630–632 911
552 alfacalcidol, 631
Vasopressin V2 receptor calcitriol, 631
antagonists, for new, 631–632
autosomal dominant Vitamin K, parenteral, for
polycystic kidney coagulopathy, 775
disease, 425 Volume of distribution (Vd), of

Vasopressors, for hypovolemic drugs, 792t, 793
shock, 762 Volume overload, in refractory
Vena caval involvement, in renal hypertension, 535
cell carcinoma, Volume receptors, in
nephrectomy and, 383 extracellular fluid
Venous catheters, for volume control, 72
hemodialysis, 706–707 Volume status
Ventilation, mechanical, modes in acute kidney injury, 7–8
of, 753–754 in chronic kidney disease, 16
Ventricular failure, diuretics for, in peritoneal dialysis, 743
559, 560 Von Hippel–Lindau syndrome,
Ventricular hypertrophy, left, 434–435
568–569, 569t, 573
antihypertensive therapy and,
electrocardiography in, 445 W
Verapamil WAGR syndrome, 388
doses and responses of, Wasting disorders
521t magnesium, renal, 177–178
for preeclampsia, 497t inherited, 178
renal effects of, 523t sodium, extracellular fluid
Vesicoureteral reflux, volume depletion and,
315–316 75
Vincristine, hyponatremia Water diuresis, 110
caused by, 105 Water metabolism, 87–111
Viral infections hypernatremia and, 90–98.
glomerular disease in, See also Hypernatremia.
279–280 hypo-osmolar disorders in,
in hemodialysis, 720 98–109. See also
Vitamin(s), 645–646 Hyponatremia.
dietary, in chronic kidney polydipsia in, 110–111
disease, 638t polyuria in, 109–110
Vitamin A intoxication, Water purification, in
hypercalcemia caused hemodialysis, 710
by, 170 Water softeners, 710
Vitamin B deficiency, diuretic- Water treatment systems, for
related, 558–559 hemodialysis, 710
Vitamin D, 620–621 Waxy casts, 37
for osteoporosis, 844 Wegener’s granulomatosis,
Vitamin D deficiency 209, 269
hypocalcemia and, 173–174 in transplant recipient,
hypophosphatemia and, 841t
184 Weight
nutritional, 621 body, in extracellular fluid
Vitamin D intoxication, volume depletion,
hypercalcemia caused 76
by, 171 dry, definition of, 715–716
912 Weight gain, in peritoneal X
dialysis, 751 Xanthogranulomatous
White coat hypertension, pyelonephritis, 330–331
535 X-linked recessive
Wilms tumor, 388–389 hypophosphatemic
WNK1 gene, 414 rickets, 395–396, 403
WNK4 gene, 414 X-linked recessive

World Health Organization nephrolithiasis, 395–396

(WHO) classification,
of lupus nephritis,
250, 251t Z
WT1 gene, 388 Zoledronate, for hypercalcemia,
WT2 gene, 388 171–172

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