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Name and describe the types of publics in a company's marketing environment.

Publics refer to a group that has actual and potential interest on the organization’s ability to
achieve its objectives. There are seven different types of publics for an organization.

1. Financial publics: This group influences the firms’ ability to obtain or raise funds.

2. Media publics: This group impacts the firm by giving news and other information regarding
the company.

3. Government publics: This group impacts the firm through policy decisions and other

4. Citizen-action publics: This group impacts the firm through public interest litigations and
other activities.

5. Local publics: This group consists of local people, community organizations, and
neighborhood residents.

6. General public: General public refers to all the people in the society whose opinion of the
company can impact its performance.

7. Internal publics: Internal publics refer to managers, workers, and volunteers who influence
the functioning of the organization.

Describe Generation Z. What differentiates it from other demographic groups, such as baby
boomers, Generation X, and Millennials? (AACSB: Communication; Reflective Thinking)
Generation Z refers to hard on the heels Millennials. These people are born after 2000 and
have revolutionary ideas about the products and the marketplace. This market consists of kids,
teens, and other kinds of teen markets.

Generation Z is different from other demographic groups like baby boomers, Generation X
and Millennials due to their high levels of comfort with technology, willingness to try new
products and technologies in the marketplace. It is because of their willingness to buy all types
of goods online, and being more receptive to digital marketing channels. Marketers need to
develop sophisticated marketing strategies to effectively target these customers.


First answer

The current state of economic environment in developing countries such as Egypt decent.
Unemployment has lowered , real GDP has seen a steady growth(owing to high demand and growth)
in exports.

Egypt is a large gas exporter and this in turn has created a good healthy economic environment in the
market. Owing to the healthy environment, aggregate demand has risen. This has led to more
production , which in turn lowers unemployment.
 Second answer
 A developed economy is normally normal for a developed nation with a moderately elevated
level of economic growth and security. Standard measures for assessing a nation's degree of
development are salary per capita or per capita GDP, the degree of industrialization, the overall way
of life, and the measure of the mechanical framework.

Noneconomic factors, for example, the human development index (HDI), which measures a nation's
degrees of instruction, proficiency, and wellbeing into a solitary figure, can likewise be utilized to
assess an economy or the level of development.

The economic circumstance of your market impacts what you offer and how you present it to your
objective clients. For worldwide marketing, the economics of the objective market just as the global
economy influence your marketing strategy. The nearby economy impacts how you approach
shoppers, while the global economic system restricts your capacity to create, transport and disperse
your products through the expense and administrative imperatives. A successful worldwide
marketing strategy considers both nearby and global economic conditions.

1. Product: Your worldwide marketing of merchandise might be effective in western economies that
have a comparative economic structure to the United States, yet it will come up short in creating
markets except if you make changes. You need to adjust your products to the neighbourhood
economies. A product you market as earth agreeable may not be pertinent in a means economy. A
product that spares vitality won't sell if vitality is sponsored and modest in the unfamiliar market.
You may offer similar products universally as you do in the United States, yet your worldwide
marketing needs to change for your products to bode well in unfamiliar economies.

2. Price: Regardless of whether a global market is open to your organization relies upon whether you
can offer your products at a serious neighbourhood price. Global economic factors, for example, cash
trade rates, taxes and transporting sway your expenses and the prices of your merchandise. On the off
chance that the expense of offering your products in global business sectors is higher than that of
privately created products, you may need to target extravagance merchandise market portions. Now
and then mass-created merchandise cost not exactly privately made custom products, and your
marketing strategy can price your products to accomplish wide acknowledgement.

3. Production: Completing production locally is one approach to lessen expenses and breaking point
the impact of worldwide economic variables on your activities. Rather than causing costs through
obligations and transportation, you might have the option to exploit lower production costs in the
nearby economy with lower work and office costs. Neighbourhood production can affect your
marketing by influencing both price and nearby acknowledgement. Marketing your products as
privately created seriously priced choices can be a compelling marketing strategy.

4. Channel: The global and nearby economic situations impact your channel marketing. On the off
chance that setting up a nearby presence is exorbitant, you may choose to join forces with a
neighbourhood or worldwide wholesaler who as of now has involvement with the objective market.
For certain business sectors, it bodes well to advertise your products using direct deals, either through
neighbourhood delegates or using online deals. Then again, a minimal effort, open neighbourhood
economy may make it plausible to make your nearby circulation organization. The channel you
decide for your marketing activities relies upon the economics of conveying the products to advertise
and the nearby economic circumstance.
 Political environment plays a very vital role in shaping the economy of a country. For an
international marketer, it is a very important task to carry out Political situation analysis before
entering a new foreign market as it can have implications termed collectively as "Political Risks".
They are as follows-;

1. Macro Risk
 Expropriations & insurrections by government ( Usually by
Communist/Socialist governments)
 Improper taxation
 Trade barriers
 Law suits
2. Micro Risk
 Severe corruption and intereference by political parties
 Prejudice action against the company (Issues in land acusition
Whatever be the political risk, companies looses a lot of money which is in most the cases,
irrecoverable. Example -: Expropriations in Cuba and Venenzuela by communist goverments lead to
huge losses for many US and Europe based multinationals. Also, improper taxation, land acusition
issues has led to huge losses for many corporations in several democartic countries. Governments
have destroyed monopolies of established firms as a result of prejudice against corporations for
example, disintegration of Standard Oil Company by the US government.

Seeing the risks involved, the following measures should be taken in order to mitigate the effect of
Political environment- :

3. Preventive Measures
 Conduct in-house research on the political riskiness of a market before
entering it
 Refer to external data like "Ease of doing business rankings" given by
World bank/IMF to make decision
 Hire external consultants who are specialized in making these kinds of
4. Prescriptive Measure
 Take political risk insurance policy to hedge the political risk. The
premium involved depends on several factors such as the country, number of risks,
the industry etc.
 Enforce a legal contract by negotiating with the government to ensure
the safety of companies operations.
 Via international law suits through the International Court of Justice,
The Hague. The drawback, in this case, is that only countries signatory to the ICJ fall
under its jurisdiction. Hence, it is suggested to analyse a foreign market on this aspect
also before entering.
Case study A

Uber’s business model works and the role technology has played in its success:
Uber is become a standout amongst the most fancied taxi specialist organizations utilizing a cell
phone application lately. The explanation behind the increase in the business is that they offer
provoke benefit with prevalent solace. The procedure includes an enrolled client putting a demand
for a taxi utilizing the Uber application, a Uber driver is quickly dispatched to the traveler's area and
drops them off in the coveted goal and gets installment utilizing charge cards.Uber interfaces
individuals searching for intra city transportation with taxi drivers not claimed or worked by Uber by
means of a Smartphone application. Uber takes a % removed the driver's income earned per ride as
commission, which is the organization's essential income stream. Uber's incentivized offer to buyers
lies in:
Decreasing hold up times and expanding taxi unwavering quality for customers Institutionalized and
frequently less expensive estimating of taxicab rides when contrasted with disorderly division sans
hassle installment for rides utilizing card/wallet.

Uber's incentivized offer to drivers lies in: Expanded salary, on account of consistent stream of ride
demands as opposed to waiting around for a buyer Flexible working hours, the drivers pick their own
work timings. They can work somewhere else amid off hours and win additional

Uber's partners subsequently include:



Installment preparing administrations

Maps API suppliers

The future disturb ought to take after an approach that makes it simpler and more moderate for
individuals to do what generally has mattered to them. Making the entangled things basic and the
costly things reasonable is the reason disturbances can possibly significantly extend an obliged
advertise or succeed at value focuses that are far lower than market pioneers.

Uber Channels:
The Product Itself: The Uber application is itself a channel for Uber to connect with individuals. It
may appear to be abnormal however Uber has made a solid interest for its application. It has turned
into the need of individuals to download the application and utilize Uber administrations.
Prior individuals used to wave to taxis while remaining out and about edge so as to stop them and
have a ride. In any case, Uber has changed the circumstance as now you can have a taxi at your area
with a tap on your cell phone. Subsequently for Uber, the item itself is the best channel to connect
with individuals.

Online Social Media: Social media is clearly a channel which has helped Uber pick up fans and
transform them rapidly into paying clients. All offers, rebates and giveaways are pushed through
online networking efforts. Online networking is as yet a vital channel for Uber to advertise out to
new urban communities where it is yet to roll.
Associations: Partnerships with associations who have Uber's potential clients has been a noteworthy
piece of Uber's Business model to increase new clients. Uber as of late had an association with a
versatile assembling organization where it went out to convey the telephone to their clients. Aside
from this, Uber has dependably been on the bleeding edge to join forces with surely understood
organizations in the region in which it needs to get more clients.
Uber Revenue Model: Much the same as every other viewpoint related with Uber, income
demonstrate fused by Uber is sufficiently basic. Uber takes 20% cut on all rides when there are no
continuous advancements on the client side or driver side. The way that Uber is as of now esteemed
at around $51 billion unmistakably demonstrates independent of bullishness the income numbers
must be generous.

Sharing economy model

1. Sharing economy is an umbrella term with a scope of implications, regularly used to depict
financial and social movement including on the web exchanges. Initially becoming out of the open-
source group to allude to distributed based sharing of access to products and enterprises, Uber is one
of the quickest developing new businesses around the world, yet its ascent has prompted gigantic
exhibits by taxi drivers.Uber interfaces drivers offering rides and travelers looking for them on the
web. Potential travelers download an application that enables them to ask for the closest accessible
Uber auto on their cell phone. The organization does not possess autos, but rather joins private
drivers willing to give rides to paying travelers and passes the ride asks for straightforwardly to them.

2. Sharing economy stages abuse these variables. In the most recent dash for unheard of wealth,
funding speculators are theorizing on organizations that as a result representative plans amongst
clients and specialists. They are wagering that low costs, from paying suppliers less and keeping
away from costly controls, will make mass markets for administrations once held for the wealthy.The
nearness of Uber may drive the taxi business to advance and embrace new innovations to enhance
their administrations and survive. Aggressive weight consolidated with the fitting administrative
measures can prompt productivity. In the event that cabs can't react to the test of Uber, then they will
bit by bit be driven out of the market and Uber will turn into the predominant player.
Uber has since a long time ago deserted the sharing economy. Uber's been an impetus for the on-
request economy, which is apparent each time you find out about an organization that needs to be
Uber of whatever.It's molding customers to get what they need, when they need it, with a cell phone
and an application he stated, and that will be much more intense than the sharing economy.It's not
just making ready for the fate of on-request transportation but on the other hand it's changing shopper
desires for it to bring on-request benefits over numerous ventures," he said. Uber is considerably
greater than transportation.

Second answer
Uber's business model is based on the company's belief that taxi regulations do not
cover transportation service companies that,instead of operating a fleet of cabs and hiring
drives,merely connnect passengers to drivers.Uber's business model is a threat to txi
fleets.The business model of Uber has made it possible for people to simply tap their smartphone
and have a cab arrive at their location in the minimum possible time.
Uber is doing for is new technology which is choping up a broad array of tradition jobs
into discrete task that can be assigned to people when they are needed with wages set by a
dynamic measurement of supply and demand.

3-9. Uber’s business model works through exchange of service and money between two community
members. It’s based on sharing economy model. Just like in the conventional business, Uber has a set
of servers and clients. However, the servers are not the traditional cab drivers. In fact, Uber
encourages anyone with a car to be an Uber driver. In other words, Uber drivers are crowd sourced
from the regular community members.

Technology makes hailing a cab easy through Uber. For example, in traditional taxis, customers need
to be present on the road in order to get a cab. Or in at least call the cab company in order to send a
cab to their location. However, with Uber, all a customer needs to do is ask for a cab on the app and
the system automatically allots the nearest cab to the customer. In addition, the payment process is
also automated and customers can pay directly through the mobile app. These consumer
conveniences has been made possible due to technology.

The argument for banning these types of businesses are that, they do not follow the traditional
regulations. For example, a regular cab driver needs to follow government regulation in order to
continue providing service. However, since Uber drivers are not technically cab drivers, they skip
those regulations for safety, security, and legal system.

The argument for defending a business like Uber is that, it is not a cab service. It is a community of
drivers and passengers. If a person took a ride from his/her friend, then the friend does not need to
conform to the cab driver regulation. Same way within the community the Uber drivers are
technically just another individual who is helping his/her community members around.

3-10. Two other examples of sharing economy model are Kickstrater and Homeaway. Kickstarter
allows projects to be funded from the community member through crowdsourcing. Homeaway
allows community members to share their real estate with travelers and tourists.

A new business idea for sharing economy could be sharing the cooking skills of community
members. For example, a trained or professional cooks could offer their service to cook lunch or
dinner for various events. The customers could book their services online and have these cooks come
and cook for them. The billing could be on hourly basis.

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