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Unit 7 evaluation Essay

When going into this course I was hoping to explore and learn about a variety
of different techniques and skills, going into this course I was quite confident
and excited to understand how much work goes into creating a video game. I
feel this course is really important to me because I’m a person who doesn’t
really enjoy doing hand written work but when it comes to practical work this
course is what I think of and is perfect for me I feel, I hope to use this course as
a way for me to do this kind of practical work as a job in the near future, I’m
hoping to get a pass or maybe better a merit so I can go onto game design level
3 and explore and learn more about the course.
I feel like my work has improved massively since the beginning of this course, I
wasn’t quite fond with Photoshop at first, it seemed really confusing and hard
to use but gradually throughout it was very useful to crop and remove
backgrounds of an image for example a character or object or anything else. I
feel with my work I was quite slow on catching up and was often distracted
easily but if I was self-aware or told that I wasn’t focusing and wasn’t
concentrating on my work or that I was slow on my work, I would move away
from the problem or put my headphones in, I feel like music helps me
concentrate and get on with whatever work I’m doing, I think I have improved
on my concentration but still need to keep up with work.
One of our main topics for Unit 7 is to create are own maze game, for my maze
game I have chosen to do a horror sort of suspense thriller game, I have a
strong passion for horror games and its been with me since day one of playing
games starting with a game called Outlast which is a first-person survival
horror video game. The game revolves around a freelance investigative
journalist, Miles Upshur, who decides to investigate a remote psychiatric
hospital named Mount Massive Asylum, located deep in the mountains of Lake
County, Colorado. I’m doing a very similar take of this with my maze game
named Hospital Isolation, I have used a software called game maker which has
helped me massively to create my maze game.
Throughout are course to help us with are maze game we was also introduce
to a website called Piskel, this website help me create amazing pixel
animations and images, we are to use this website in the future to help us
create are characters for are Maze game.
To improve my work I’m going to focus on doing maybe sketches or drawing
about my maze game if not that create some more piskel sprites for my game
to use in the future, I feel drawing is my key element and will hopefully hit the
marks, I really enjoy drawing and creating characters and I hope to maybe have
a job that includes sketching or drawing one day, furthermore with my maze
game I’m going to try and improve on understanding the Game Maker
software, I haven’t really gotten to great grips with the software and I find it
quite difficult to use but I’m hopefully going to try and understand the
software and that will help me improve my maze game. Currently are task is to
create some sprites and pixel art for are game and I’m going to try and create
each characters modal.
In conclusion I think I have improved since joining this course and I have really
enjoyed exploring and learning about all the techniques, skills and software in
the course, I hope to work on what I need to improve on and overall look
forward to finishing my game.

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