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“You Can’t Make Money And Excuses At The Same Time”

Module 2 / Lesson 2 Study Guide

How To Develop A Million-Dollar Mindset

Objective: Develop your million-dollar mindset

Time Allotment: 60-90 minutes (​ take as long as you need, but this is the estimated

Welcome to this module’s study guide. It’s this document that will help embed the knowledge
you’re learning, deeper into your mind. This is where you’ll begin to put your thoughts into
action. Print this out, write your answers by hand, and place them in Your Profitable Biz
Academy binder.

a. Read the questions below and take your time answering
b. If you like, you may take a couple of days to answer these questions so you’re 100%
sure of them. There’s no rush. This is for YOU and it’s crucial you follow these steps
c. Upon completion of this lesson, go back and examine it 3-4 days later. Would you
answer it the same? If so, then you can be confident in your answers.
d. It’s recommended to re-watch the video lesson modules, especially if you’re unsure
about a specific technique. This also helps you absorb the information easier.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

The Exercises
Answer the questions below in the space provided. If you need more writing space, feel free to
flip the worksheet over and continue on the back. Remember, this is for you and is key to your
success, so find some quiet time and complete the exercises.

Question #1. “What do I see in the mirror?”

Pro-Tip:​ define the NEGATIVES and POSITIVES of your INTERNAL dialogue. This isn’t about
your physicality and face. It’s about what THOUGHTS go through your mind about success and
making money. Don’t hold back. Be honest with yourself. No one else is seeing this writing, just
you, so the more concise and honest you are, the quicker you can identify positives you can
enhance and negatives you can correct.

Question #2. “Do I expect to win or lose when starting a new business?” ​(regardless of the
answer write down WHY you feel that way)

Question #3. “What is my financial goal?” ​(Secure, Comfortable or Rich)

Pro-Tip:​ get specific as possible. Example:​ “My financial goal is to be comfortable and being
comfortable to me is making $10,000 per month passively”.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Question #4. “What is ‘job security’ to me?”

Question #5. “What is financial security to me?”

Question #6. “What is financial freedom to me?”

Question #7. “What are some NEGATIVE mind chatter phrases I tell myself that have held me
back from achieving financial independence?”

Question #8. “What are some POSITIVE mind chatter phrases I tell myself that have spurred me
on to make great decisions that will enhance my life?”

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Question #9. “What is the BIGGEST EXCUSE I’ve ever told myself that has held me back from
making money online?”

Question #10. Write down the rebuttal to that negative self-limiting belief you just wrote in the
previous question.

Your Financial Affirmations

Begin to use "affirmations" or sayings that you can say in the face of your negative mind
chatter, to counteract it. Like, “I can do this,” or “I am good enough,” or “God doesn't make
junk. How can I make this work? I will find a way!”

List just 5 simple affirmations below and start to say these in the morning when you first get up,
in the evening before you go to bed and ANYTIME you start to ‘hear’ negative mental chatter.

This might seem weird for you at first, but I can assure you that with repetition and consistent
usage you will see a difference, but you must continue to do them ​faithfully.

Affirmation #1.

Affirmation #2.

Affirmation #3.

Affirmation #4.

Affirmation #5.

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Who Are You Hanging Out With?
Remember the exercise in the previous lesson where I had you write down anyone who may
be holding you back from reaching your potential? This is a quick checkup to ensure you’ve
taken steps to distance yourself as much as possible from those negative influences.

If you haven’t yet, then write down WHO below and HOW you’re going to distance yourself.

Your Dreams
What Would You Dare to Dream if You Knew That A
​ nything​ Was Possible?

Here are some examples below, but write down what YOUR dreams are in the allotted space
below. Go all out and don’t hold back! These are YOUR dreams and you should OWN them.

● Buy your dream home?

● Send your children to college, to any school they choose?
● Impact global issues like homelessness and poverty?
● Go into business for yourself?
● Retire early?
● Take a year off work and travel around the world?

Your Dreams

Feels GREAT to write them down, doesn’t it?

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

Your Financial Success
Why Do You Want Financial Success And What Is The Reward For Your Success?

At this point you’ve answered the questions thoroughly. If you have skipped over any section,
then take a break, come back to it and ensure it’s complete. It’s imperative you do each
exercise so you can get your success that’s right around the corner.

Let’s continue on this journey to creating Your Profitable Biz!

Copyright © Your Profitable Biz Academy 2017 and beyond.

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