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PÖGGELER, Otto. Editorial introduction. In: HEGEL, G. W. F..

Lectures on natural right and

political science: the first Philosophy of Right. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Londres: University of
California Press, 1995. 39p.

Translator’s Preface

Editorial Introduction by Otto Pöggeler

Para Hegel, contra Sieyès, o modelo de representação e o sistema parlamentar tinha suas
bases na Idade Média, logo o que era necessária era religar os representantes a suas esferas
próprias, aos estamentos [Stände]. O problema que surge daí é como combinar essa forma do
sistema parlamentar com a função regulatória tradicional do Estado. – 3

“What are actualized in the destinies of peoples are the principles of reason, and these can
ultimately be grasped by free thought in their necessary connectedness. So the stress on
reason in actuality is emphatically not an affirmation of the merely factual, and above all not a
simple acceptance of the status quo.” Ainda assim, os povos derrotados seriam “forçados” a
entender que não eram portadores de princípios justificados. – 10

“In his renewed association with Holderlin in Frankfurt, Hegel eventually came to take up a
position against French plans for conquest and to opt for Austria as trustee of the old empire.
This option was open to him because, as he saw it, ill France had done. was to replace. the
centralism of royal authority by an artificial and no less centralized national representation,
while countries like Austria had retained the participation of the estates in the administration
of power in the form of a corporate representation, and were building up the state from
below.” – 14

“For the state Hegei demands a system of government that as a constitutional monarchy does
not stand opposed to democracy and aristocracy but incorporates their motifs. Thus the
emancipated sphere of civil society should be integrated anew and the nobility united with the
of.6ce-bearing middle classes through education and office.” – 36

Hegel considerava melhor que as assembleias parlamentares novas se juntassem às antigas,

dos estamentos. Isso uniria a auto-organização dos trabalhadores com a representação
parlamentar, o que a França havia se esforçado para coibir. Com isso, Hegel constrói em cima
das ideais da Revolução Francesa, mas, ao mesmo tempo, “propounds a view of political
science that as far as constitutional policy is concerned involves a concrete conception
opposed to the guiding conception of the French Revolution.” – 37

“Heg;l's sole aim is to seek rationality in what is actual, and he has no desire to stray beyond
what is actual or is becoming actual. But when he calls for "corporations" he describes an
institution that never became actual in this manner, and that on the contrary was made
impossible as labor relations became progressively more extensive and more differentiated.” -

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