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Latest IELTS Speaking Cue Card with analysis and Model Answer

IELTS Cue Card

Describe an important e-mail that you have received lately:

-Who was this e-mail from?

-When did you receive it?

– Explain how important this e-mail was?

IELTS Speaking Task Answer

E-mail or electronic mail is the modern and quick way to send messages. This is a very useful gift of
technology. Here I would like to talk about a much awaited mail that I got recently. The mail was from
the British Council.

I had booked the date for my IELTS exam and the date for the exam was approaching near with each
passing day. I was waiting eagerly for the e-mail as from it I would be able to know the various details
like the venue of the examination hall, timings, date of speaking exam and of course, the date of the
result. My other friend, who had booked the date of the exam with me, got the email but I did not. This
made me a bit jittery and nervous. At the same time, I had full faith in the working of the British Council
and I was sure that the e-mail would arrive well in time.

Finally, when only five days were left for the exam, I received the e-mail. I felt very happy and relieved
to see this mail in my mail box. This mail was important to me, as I have already said, it gave me the
various details and aspects related to the taking of IELTS exam. Moreover, the IELTS exam was one step
in the direction of fulfilling my dreams of going abroad. This explains why this e-mail was of utmost
importance for me and also my restlessness till I did not get it.

Rounding off question for IELTS Speaking :

How often you write e-mails?

Ans. I prefer to write e-mails . Writing e-mail is a very convenient, quick and cheap way of sending and
receiving messages.

IELTS Speaking Task 3

Q.1. Do you think letter writing will become a thing of the past in the near future? Why?

Ans. I think that it is quite possible in the near future . This is because the e-mails are more effective way
of sending and receiving messages.

Q.2.Why do the older people prefer to write letters?

Ans. Well, the older people have been writing letters all their lives and do not want to change. They are
hesitant to try out something new. So they prefer to write letters only.
Q.3. How has technology changed our lives?

Ans. Technology has made a great impact on our lives. The things, which were considered to be a mere
figment of one’s imagination , have become a reality. The beneficial aspects of technology have made
our lives easy but at the same time, it has given rise to a sedentary way of living.

Q.4.How would computers change in the future?

Ans. Well, in my opinion, in future , computers will become even more advanced. They will be used in
every aspect of life.

Q.5. What is the role of computers in education?

Ans. Computers, especially with internet, have made a great contribution in the field of education. It is a
fact that internet is a mine of information. Computers help to actually visualize things and students can
remember those things better which they see.

Q.6. Is it important to be computer literate these days?

Ans. Yes, definitely. Computer literacy is very important these days, as every thing, every service is
becoming computerized these days. A person, who does not have knowledge of computers will feel
challenged in these circumstances.

Q.7. Do you think the e-books will replace the traditional books?

Ans. According to my point of view, the e-books will become more popular but these cannot completely
replace the traditional books.

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