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The Problems of work

Question 1: What role do you see that work plays in people's lives?

Work plays the most important role in our lives, whether we like it or not. If we don't like
work, we don't like life.

Question 2: How important is work in your life? Explain.

For me, work is fundamental and is the means by which I put my skills and talents on
production of something that can contribute for others. It also means that work helps each
others with useful goods and services. By the work we can develop our character and makes us
grow up. By exchanging of goods and services, a whole stream of improvements to the world Is
generated, on a smaller or larger scale.

Question 3: What is insecurity?

Insecurity means unknowingness. Insecurity exists in the lack of knowledge. When someone
feels insecure it's simply because he or she doesn't know, because they're not sure. The men
who “knows” are safe. In a job, for example, a person becomes insecure because he (or she)
doesn't know whether he's going to be fired, or not. That's why you care. And so, it is with all

Question 4: Describe a time when your knowledge of an area has resulted in increased

When I became an expert in tax law, many years ago, when I use to be a lawyer and working as
a tax consultant, I did a graduate degree. After that I could understand very well how the
whole tax system used to work in depth, I could greatly increase my level of security and self-
confidence. I could work and understand the subject before; however, the graduate degree
gave me a great knowledge and, consequently, security. I was able to experience situations like
this at other times in my life, but this one in particular marked me a lot, because it was a
period of great growth and good results reached.

Question 5: In your opinion, what does it depend on maintaining and improving a job?

To keep and improve a job, I agree that it is necessary to know the exact and precise rules of
life, which bring security, so that it is not enough to know very well about the work we

Question 6: What goals are you trying to achieve in your work?

My goals are to create more products that can benefit the largest number of people in my area
and win over my first paying customers. I aim to finalize a product that I have been developing
by the end of March. I also have goals related to acquiring more knowledge by reading some
books and conducting some courses this year.

Question 7: Describe some things Scientology can change for the better in a person?

Scientology is a science of life, which brings a technology that allows the understanding of life,
because it brings understanding about the fundamental principles of life. It is a science that
brings order to chaos and with it you can change all human behavior for the better. It helps
greatly improve human intelligence by putting the individual in control of himself. In addition,
it can reduce reaction time and take years away from someone's appearance, among many
other things.

Question 8: Make a list of some things you'd like to improve to help you have a better life.

I want to improve my logical mind and reduce my reactive mind; increase my ability to focus
and my memory; be absolutely causative on building my life; improve my level of self-
confidence; increase my vital energy level and climb by emotional tone scale.

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