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By Jalen Badu
Genesis is the first book of the Bible and was written by Moses it is known for telling the

story of creation and the story of Noah and the ark. In each of these stories God shows his power

in many ways, and his great works should be known all over the world. Thanks to him we are

alive, and these stories show how.

The story of creation begins with nothing but God who is the alpha and omega the

beginning and the end along with the heavens and the earth that were formless and covered by an

ocean of darkness. God saw the darkness and said, “let there be light” and there was light, then

he separated it from darkness calling the light day and the dark night becoming the first day. On

the second day he saw the waters and said, “Let there be a huge space between waters separating

them” and space was He called the sky was formed and he said it was good. Every day for three

more days He spoke the land, sea, clouds, and water creatures into existence calling it all good.

On the sixth day He spoke land creatures and a male into life then saw the man was lonely and

gave him and made and woman from the man's rib calling everything great, then on the seventh

day He rested.

A serpent named Satan appeared on the earth and entered the Garden of Eden where

Adam and Eve the people God made were and convinced Eve and Adam to sin or to go against

God. Because of this the world was filled with sin and all the people became sinful. After some

time, there were many more humans and all but one feared and loved God that man's name was
Noah. Now the rest of the people were all filled with sin and God want to cleanse the world of its

sin, so he told Noah to build an ark and so Noah did, he started to build a giant boat. After Noah

built the ark or boat, he was to collect 2 of every animal and put them on the ark then put his

family on the ark to people gathered and laughed at him saying stuff like is he delusional or

making fun of him but he still listened to God. Then when all was prepared, he entered the ark

and shut the door then God sent a terrible flood that wiped out all on earth destroying it all

except the ark and thought people begged and pleaded to be let on it was too late. The flood

lasted for forty days and forty nights and when it cleared Noah sent a bird to see if it would land

to nest after a few tries the bird did not return meaning that land was habitable, and God sent a

rainbow to show that he would never flood the earth again.

Genesis is the beginning of the Bible and the start to a story that has yet to end because

we do not know when God will come to Earth. Genesis can empower us and teach us that we are

Gods creation and that He loves us. This is why the book of Genesis is so important and

empowering to those who read it.

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