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Neurol Sci (2001) 22:377–384 © Springer-Verlag 2001


F. Nichelli • S. Bulgheroni • D. Riva

Developmental patterns of verbal and visuospatial spans

Received: 17 September 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 20 November 2001

Abstract This study presents developmental data for verbal Introduction

and spatial memory tasks: Corsi’s block-tapping test and
Luria’s verbal learning test. Norms have been collected from Any attempt to understand the functioning of all of the sys-
275 primary and early secondary school children aged from tems and sub-systems making up memory function must
5 years, 4 months to 13 years, 6 months. Our results confirm inevitably consider the changes that have taken place during
a slow and constant improvement in performances over time, the course of its maturation. The usefulness of developmen-
and the advantage of about 1.5 items of the verbal span over tal studies lies in their validation of the distinctions emerging
the spatial span supports the existence of developmental dif- from studies of adult patients by dissociating functionally
ferences between separate memory systems. No significant independent cognitive components and thus contributing
sex difference was found even if a slight trend in verbal span towards the definition of the architecture of cognitive sys-
favouring female subjects is present. tems. Furthermore, an understanding of mnemonic abilities
across development is extremely useful in the school envi-
Key words Children • Memory development • Corsi’s block- ronment because teaching methods are greatly influenced by
tapping test • Verbal memory our knowledge of how, and how much, children are able to
learn. Many neuropsychologists and cognitive psychologists
have reached the conclusion that there are many separable
memory systems that can function relatively independently
of one another [1].
The majority of memory tests reveal more or less marked
development tendencies [2]. The most widely studied devel-
opmental curves mainly refer to immediate memory span,
which is measured by offering a subject increasingly longer
sequences of verbal or visual items and establishing the
longest series that he or she can reproduce correctly. The
results of the studies carried out so far agree that there is an
approximately parallel development in verbal (as assessed
with digit span) and visuospatial memory (as assessed with
Corsi’s block-tapping test), with the former showing a con-
stant advantage of about 1.5 items over time [3].
Furthermore, both improve steadily from the age of four
years to adulthood, with considerable increases in perfor-
mance up to the age of eight years followed by a period of
less marked changes.
No definitive consensus has yet been reached concerning
the nature of the changes that take place in short-term mem-
F. Nichelli • S. Bulgheroni • D. Riva ()
ory during the course of development or, in particular,
Developmental Neurology Division whether these are qualitative or quantitative. Simon [4] sug-
C. Besta National Neurological Institute gested that the development of short-term memory may be
Via Celoria 11, I-20133 Milan, Italy determined by a progressive increase in the ability to think in
378 F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children

chunks, defined as the grouping of objective items into sub- speed and efficiency of the underlying operations. This
jective units (e.g. the numerical series “2–3–4–6–8–1” is means that coding and retrieval operations require less pro-
stored in the form “23–46–81”). Improvements in short-term cessing space and attentive control, and so there is more
memory have also been attributed to an increase in storage room for storage [15, 16].
capacity [5], an improvement in the processes involved in Finally, recent studies [16] have shown that there is a
the storage of memory traces [6], a better use of strategies high degree of inter-individual variability in terms of mmem-
[4], or an increase in the efficiency of retrieval [7]. onic capacity (as is the case for all of the other cognitive
Short-term memory for digits, words or images is also functions). There is no doubt that the ability to retain infor-
considered to be an indicator of human ability to process mation concerning the visuo-spatial characteristics of events
information [8]. This approach examines the extent to which is mediated by a short-term memory store that is dissociated
the developmental memory trends are due not only to the from that involved in verbal memory.
greater storage capacity, but also to quantitative variations in Children are capable of processing and storing both types
the speed of information processing. On the basis of this of information from an early stage of life, and substantial
hypothesis, Kail [9] argued that one single mechanism of changes occur between the ages of five and eleven years.
processing speed underlies a large number of cognitive tasks The aims of this study were: (1) to study the developmen-
insofar as, however complex it may be, each task can be bro- tal curves of verbal and spatial spans and learning; and (2) to
ken down into more elementary mental operations with acquire normative data for a population of Italian children.
executive speed as a critical element.
It has been found that verbal span performance is strictly
correlated with speed in target identification, naming and
articulation [10]. This last aspect has been systematically Materials and methods
reconsidered by Baddeley [1], who is the principal supporter
of the existence of separate memory components that collab- The study participants came from two schools in the Province of
orate in the process of memorization in an independent and Milan, and were recruited by means of a letter of consent sent to their
highly specific manner. Baddeley proposed a theoretical parents. Foreign children and those with learning difficulties (as
model based on the existence of a central executive system reported by their teachers or families) were excluded from the study.
(which can be expected to undergo considerable develop- The present study consisted of part of a wider survey investigating
mental modifications) and peripheral components related to different cognitive functions. All children were right-handed.
sensory modalities (the phonological loop and the visuospa- Given that there was in many cases an overlap in the chrono-
logical age of the children in different school years, it was preferred
tial sketchpad). Baddeley’s hypothesis has been further sup-
to divide the subjects into age groups in order to have more
ported by the results of cognitive neuropsychology and brain homogenous groups. The population was therefore divided into
imaging studies [11, 12], which have demonstrated the exis- seven age groups (approximating school years), each defined by a
tence of separate memory systems and brain areas that medi- non-overlapping range in months.
ate the execution of tasks involving shortterm phonological All of the children were individually examined on Luria’s ver-
and visuospatial memory. In particular, the area of Broca and bal learning test and on Corsi’s block-tapping test during school
the prefrontal cortex of the left hemisphere are involved in hours in a room separated from their classroom. The estimated time
the functioning of short-term phonological memory storage, for the completion of the two tests was 20 minutes.
whereas the parietal and prefrontal areas of the right hemi-
sphere are involved in the short-term processing of visu-
ospatial information [13].
Memory tests
Further sub-divisions of these components have subse-
quently been proposed. Logie [14] hypothesized the exis- Luria’s verbal-learning test employs of a list of 10 semantically
tence of two sub-systems inside the visuospatial sketchpad: unrelated disyllabic high-frequency words (Table 1) [17] that are
a visual store in which the physical characteristics of objects read to the subjects at the speed of one word every 2 s [18]. The list
and events are represented, and a specifically spatial mecha- was repeated until the subject was able to spontaneously recall all
nism that is used to plan movements and may act as a repeat- of the words twice in succession without being prompted by the
ing station in order to reactivate the content of visual mater- examiner (or up to a maximum of ten times). The examiner record-
ial. The phonological loop may contain a passive sub-com- ed the order in which the words were reproduced. This test provides
ponent that acts as a phonological store, and an active various indices of memory function: it not only measures the imme-
diate verbal span and capacity of learning, but also makes it possi-
process of sub-vocal repetition.
ble to evaluate the presence of primacy and recency effects, which
A large number of hypotheses have been advanced con- respectively depend on short- and long-term memory.
cerning the nature of developmental changes in short-term The score given for Luria’s verbal-learning test considered not
memory, but the most accepted seem to be those sustaining only the immediate span, but also the learning score obtained by
that the increase in memory span is due to increased effi- assigning ten points when the words were correctly reproduced
ciency and working speed. What increases with age may not after the first reading, nine after the second, and so on until zero for
be the total amount of processing space available, but the the children who had failed to learn the list after the tenth reading.
F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children 379

Table 1 Words and their lexical frequencies in Luria’s verbal-lear- The indices considered in Corsi’s block-tapping test were spatial
ning test span, the total number of correct supraspan sequences, and the num-
ber of recurring and non-recurring supraspan sequences.
Word Lexical frequency

Casa (house) 3371 Data analysis

Bosco (forest) 423
Gatto (cat) 894 For each test, we first evaluated the score distribution in the sample
Notte (night) 560 as a whole in order to exclude any “outliers” (i.e. subjects whose
Tana (den) 72 scores were very different from those of the reference sample) from
Ago (needle) 28 the subsequent calculations. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test,
Torta (cake) 152 which makes it possible determine if the data approximate a normal
Mela (apple) 91 distribution, was then applied, and the data that were not normally
Ponte (bridge) 82 distributed were log transformed.
Libro (book) 292 Given that age was the predictive variable of greatest interest, we
evaluated whether the changes in scores over time were best repre-
sented by a linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic or exponential func-
In Corsi’s block-tapping test, subjects are shown a wooden board tion, and then assessed the various models that could be obtained
to which nine cubes are glued; the cubes are numbered, but only on the using the considered explanatory variables in order to establish the
side facing the examiner. Using a forefinger, the examiner begins by one that was theoretically most valid and statistically more predictive
touching cube no. 1 and then touching the surface of the table between and precise. Finally, the parameters calculated for this model were
the examiner and the board. The task of the subject is to touch the same used to find the expected mean score and upper and lower 5% toler-
cube using his/her dominant hand. The process is continued in order ance limits (CIlower/CIupper) for each month of age, and a similar pro-
with all of the cubes up to no. 9 in order to ensure that the task has been cedure was used to calculate the score for each age group.
understood. There are many versions of this test but we decided to use The test scores of each age group were then compared. If the dis-
the original version [19, 20], which consists of the non-verbal version tribution of the data allowed it and the variances of the scores between
of Hebb’s recurring digits [21]. This task is divided into two parts: the different age groups were homogeneous (i.e Levene’s test not signifi-
first evaluates the short-term visuospatial span and the second the cant at 5% level), a parametric comparison was applied and followed
capacity of incidentally learning supraspan sequences (span+1). by paired comparisons of all of the age groups (Sheffé’s test) in order
In order to establish a subject’s immediate span, the examiner to identify significant differences in the mean scores. When the vari-
uses a forefinger to touch progressively longer sequences of cubes ances were not homogeneous, a non-parametric comparison was
(from two to ten) at a rhythm of one cube every 2 s, returning his or applied followed by paired comparisons of the different age groups.
her finger to the surface of the table after each touch. Immediately
after the sequence has been demonstrated, the subject is required to
reproduce it in the same order. Three sequences are presented for
every series: if the subject correctly reproduces at least two of the Results
three sequences, the test continues with the next series; otherwise, it
is stopped. The longest sequence correctly reproduced corresponds to A total of 275 children (128 boys and 147 girls) performed
the subject’s spatial span. Corsi’s block-tapping test, while 238 children (109 boys and
Once the subject’s spatial span has been established, 12 supras-
129 girls) were tested on Luria’s verbal-learning test (Table
pan sequences are presented, one of which is repeated every three tri-
als (the recurring sequence). Various studies have shown that, in nor-
2). Not all children performed both tests, however subjects
mal subjects, the number of correctly reproduced recurring doing Luria’s word list test are the same who are also doing
sequences increases with the number of times they are presented, Corsi’s test. On Luria’s verbal-learning test, both age and
whereas the correct reproduction of non-recurring sequences remains gender were predictors of immediate span performances
low throughout the duration of the test [20]. (Table 3), but two-way ANOVA (by age group and by gen-

Table 2 Division of the study population into seven age groups

Children, n

Age, group Age, months School year Luria’s test Corsi’s test

1 64–83 I primary 31 31
2 84–95 II primary 40 50
3 96–107 III primary 29 33
4 108–119 IV primary 38 47
5 120–131 V primary 46 53
6 132–143 I secondary 31 36
7 144–162 II -III secondary 23 23

Total 238 275

380 F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children

Table 3 Immediate span (Luria’s verbal-learning test)

Boys Girls

Age group Mean±SD CIlower 5% Mean±SD CIlower 5%

1 4.1±1.5 2 4.4±1.5 2
2 3.8±1.2 2 4.5±1.1 2
3 5.3±1.2 3 4.9±1.1 3
4 4.8±1.4 3 5.3±1.0 3
5 5.5±1.1 3 6.0±1.2 4
6 6.3±1.6 4 5.8±1.4 4
7 6.2±0.8 4 6.8±0.8 5

der) showed that the between-gender difference related only Table 4 Learning scores (Luria’s verbal-learning test)
to the mean scores of the boys and girls as a whole and
depended on the fact that the girls in each age group had a Age group Mean±SD CIlower 5%
slightly higher score boys, although these differences were
not statistically significant. 1 3.3±2.6 0
2 2.7±2.8 0
In terms of the age-group comparisons, Sheffé test with
3 4.3±2.9 1
α=0.05 revealed significant differences between the mean 4 6.3±2.2 2
scores of the children aged 64–95 months (groups 1 and 2) and 5 6.8±1.8 3
those of the children aged 132 months or more (groups 6 and 6 6.8±1.5 4
7). Furthermore, the scores of the children in group 1 were sig- 7 7.6±1.2 5
nificantly lower than those of the children in group 5.
In addition to age, both the maximum and minimum
number of recalled words were predictive of the learning 2x2 comparison (Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon’s rank
score (Table 4). sum W test (α=0.0024) after Bonferroni’s correction of
As it was not possible to use ANOVA to compare the age α=0.05 corrected for the 21 comparisons made - of the sim-
groups because of the different variances in the seven age ple combination of seven classes taken two by two: Cn,k=
groups [Levene’s test (6, 229)=2.19; p=0.044], we used the binomial coefficient) which revealed significant differences
Kruskal-Wallis test, which revealed differences between the between the first two age groups and the groups aged more
age groups (p<0.0001). In order to discover which age than 108 months (groups 4–7), as well as between the chil-
groups differed from each other, we used a non-parametric dren aged 96–107 months and those aged more than 120
Learning scores

N= 31 40 29 38 45 30 23

64–83 84–95 96–107 108–119 120–131 132–143 144–162

Age, months Fig. 1 Performances in
learning a list of words
F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children 381

months (groups 5–7). Figure 1 shows the trend of the perfor- There was a significant variation only in the case of group
mances in the different age groups. 2 which, because of the greater frequency of subjects with a
On Corsi’s block-tapping test, age was the the only vari- score of zero (probably related to the selected sub-group), had
able predicting the immediate span (F=76.19, p>0.0001). As a relatively lower mean value than the other groups. Given the
Levene’s test showed that the variances between age groups absence of substantial variations, it can be said that, in terms
were not homogeneous, we used a non-parametric 2x2 com- of the incidental learning of the recurring sequence, the score
parison (Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon’s rank sum W that places a subject below the fifth percentile is zero from the
test with α=0.0024 after Bonferroni’s correction of α=0.05 first primary to the second year of secondary school, and 1 in
corrected for the 21 comparisons made – the simple combi- the case of third year secondary school children.
nation of seven classes taken two by two: Cn,k= binomial The results of Levene’s test in relation to the data con-
coefficient), which revealed significant differences between cerning the non-recurring sequences were not significant and
the children aged 64–83 months (group 1) and those aged so the variances between the different age groups can be con-
more than 96 months (groups 3–7), as well as between those sidered homogeneous. We therefore used one-way ANOVA
aged 84–95 months (group 2) and those aged more than 96 to compare the mean number of correctly reproduced non-
months (groups 3–7). Figure 2 shows the trend of the perfor- recurring supraspan sequences in the different age groups.
mances in the different age groups and Table 5 shows the This revealed the existence of between-group differences,
detailed results. and a subsequent post hoc Sheffé’s test showed that there is
In relation to the supraspan indices, no significant a difference between the mean scores of the primary school
between-group differences were found in terms of the learn- children and those in the second year of secondary school.
ing of the recurring sequences: the mode was 3 in all of the Finally, the overall performance in the supraspan
groups, with zero for 5% (1 in the case of group 7). The mean sequences was analysed by adding the number of correctly
values in groups 1–4 were tendentially equal (F(3, 157)= reproduced recurring and non-recurring sequences. As the
1.11, not significant). results of Levene’s test were not significant, it was possible

Fig. 2 Immediate N= 31 50 33 47 53 36 23
span score on 64–83 84–95 96–107 108–119 120–131 132–143 144–162
Corsi’s block- Age, months
tapping test

Table 5 Immediate span performances on Corsi’s block-tapping test

Age group Mean±SD CIlower 5% CIlower 1%

1 3.4±0.96 2 1
2 3.8±0.77 2 1
3 4.2±0.71 3 2
4 4.4±0.88 3 2
5 4.7±0.90 3 2
6 4.6±1.05 3 3
7 5.1±0.90 4 3
382 F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children

Table 6 Supraspan performances on Corsi’s block-tapping test

Recurring Non-recurring Total

Age group Mean SD Range CIlow 5% Mean SD Range CIlow 5% Mean SD Range CIlow 5%

1 1.97 1.05 0–3 0 3.77 2.42 0–8 0 5.74 2.86 0–11 1

2 1.56 1.22 0–3 0 2.66 2.23 0–9 0 4.22 2.87 0–12 0
3 1.76 1.12 0–3 0 3.24 2.05 0–7 0 5.00 2.46 0–9 1
4 1.92 1.16 0–3 0 3.23 2.31 0–8 0 5.15 2.99 0–11 0
5 2.27 0.97 0–3 0 3.44 2.32 0–8 0 5.73 2.70 0–11 1
6 2.25 0.10 0–3 0 4.97 2.27 0–8 1 7.22 2.86 1–11 1
7 2.48 0.59 1–3 1 6.87 1.46 4–9 4 9.35 1.87 5–12 5

to compare the seven age groups using ANOVA, which recalled after only one reading of the word list) and visuo-
revealed significant between-group differences. The post hoc spatial span (the largest number of cubes touched correctly
application of Sheffé’s test showed that there was a significant during Corsi’s block-tapping test). These findings are in line
difference between the mean scores of primary school children with those of other studies of development age [3, 22].
and those of the children attending secondary school, particu- Figure 3 summarizes the results of our subjects in the two
larly between the children aged 84–95 months (group 2) and tasks of verbal and spatial learning, and indicates a trend in
those aged more than 132–143 months (group 6). performance similar to that reported in the literature: an
advantage of about 1.5 verbal span items over the visual
span, and a slow but constant improvement in performances
over time. Previous studies [3, 22] compared digit span and
Discussion Corsi’s span and in our research the administration of a word
span task in the same way as the digit span task (increasing
This study demonstrates the existence of a developmental sequences of words read by the examiner that the subject has
increase in verbal span (the number of words correctly to repeat in the same order) would have allowed a more evi-


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Luria’s test Age group

Corsi’s test Fig. 3 Trend in short-

term verbal and
visuospatial spans
F. Nichelli et al.: Memory development in children 383

dent comparison between verbal and visuo-spatial tasks. in the speed of information processing. On the other hand,
Nevertheless, in children aged 6–12 years, digit and word beginning school and the consequent increase in acquired
spans show no differences within any one age group [23]; knowledge revolutionises the cognitive system of children: it
therefore we are authorized to make a comparison between improves the ability to choose and use problem-solving
the two tasks results. strategies, some of which become automatic as a result of
The advantage of the verbal over the spatial span may repeated use (e.g. the automatic use of reiteration in short-
have been due to the different nature of the material: in addi- term memory tests), while the increase in processing speed
tion to requiring the use of different processing channels, it allows the task to be completed more quickly, thus diminish-
is clear that the retrieval of verbal material not only depends ing the probability of forgetting or interference.
on maturational factors per se but is also dependent on The results of our study have obvious clinical implica-
learned knowledge. tions insofar as there are very few standardised tests relating
As the development of the central nervous system differs to the population of Italian children: the existing normative
between the sexes and the various cognitive functions do not data relate to restricted age ranges, or consider only the ver-
seem to be equally represented, we also investigated the bal or spatial aspect of memory [24, 25, 29, 30].
between-gender difference in performance. Our Corsi test In conclusion, our study confirms the previously report-
data do not show the significant difference between males ed trend towards a slow and constant improvement in exe-
and females found by Orsini et al. [24, 25] and by Spinnler cuting tasks that not only require short-term memory capac-
and Tognoni [26]: the only between-gender difference in the ity, but also the conscious and flexible use of information
administered memory tests was a slight trend in favour of the storage, organisation and retrieval strategies. It also con-
females in the word list verbal span. It is of course possible tributes towards providing normative data useful for evaluat-
that the absence of this difference was due to the smaller size ing the memory capacities of the Italian children.
of our sample and/or the age range of reference may have
affected the performance trends: Orsini et al. [24] found this
significant between-gender difference in a study of children
aged 4–10 years, and the results of Spinnler and Tognoni Sommario In questo studio vengono presentati i dati norma-
[26] were obtained in an adult population. tivi relativi a due compiti di memoria ampiamente utilizzati
Analysis of the learning data showed that, in addition to nella pratica clinica: il test di Corsi e la memoria di lista di
age (which had a significant effect on both verbal and visuo- parole. Il campione è costituito da 275 bambini delle scuola
spatial learning), the maximum and minimum number of elementari e media (età dai 5 anni e 4 mesi ai 13 anni e 6
correctly recalled words also proved to be predictive of a bet- mesi). I nostri risultati confermano l’esistenza di un’evolu-
ter ability to learn the list of words. Therefore it can be said zione lenta e costante delle prestazioni nel corso del tempo
that the capacity of the short-term component of the memo- ed evidenziano un vantaggio di circa 1.5 item dello span ver-
ry store of verbal material also has a certain importance in bale su quello spaziale, confermando le differenze di svilup-
relation to more stable and longer-lasting storage. po dei due sistemi di memoria. Non sono presenti differenze
Furthermore, it is interesting to note that there was consider- di prestazione fra maschi e femmine in nessuna delle prove
able inter-individual variability in the learning of the word somministrate, ad eccezione di una lieve tendenza che favo-
list in groups 1 and 2 (as indicated by the high standard devi- risce le femmine nello span verbale della lista di parole.
ation values), whereas a larger number of subjects became
capable of learning efficiently with the passing of time.
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age groups in the recurring supra-span sequences of Corsi’s References
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