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Kassandra Medrano

English 1302-57L
Proposal Revision
Research Question:
 How does listening to music affect our academic performance?
Thesis Statement:
 Since most college students listen to music while studying, student’s academic
performance while listening to music can change by causing distraction, inefficient
multitasking, and hinder learning.

How Do My Resources Contribute to My Research?

 In my research, I found the negative effects that listening to music while studying could
cause. For example, in a recent study, Nick Perham and Harriet Currie mention that
listening to any type of music, regardless if it is lyrical or instrumental, has a negative
impact on a student’s performance because of the distractions it could result in. A
distraction causes lack of focus and understanding on the subject an individual could be
working on. A similar result was made in a study written by researchers, S.E.. Ransdell
and L. Gilroy, when they were identifying whether music would help or hinder a
student's ability to write essays. It did not matter what kind of music was playing because
it still caused a disrupted effect. This is proven to be because of the distraction caused
from listening to music. Therefore, quiet locations would be best for an effective
 The act of listening to music while studying involves multitasking. Even though most
students think that it can be effective to multitask, Dr. Clifford Nass argues that
multitasking brings less productivity. This is caused from the lack of attention that an
individual is giving to each task performed. Dr. Nass says that it would not bring any
benefits when you attempt to multitask.
 Even though some studies have shown that music can relieve stress, it shouldn’t be used
for academic purposes. This is shown by researchers at Heimerer College when they
demonstrate how music could increase the mood, but it is not as beneficial during
readings or studying. Any type of music would not be useful when there is academic
work being done because it could hinder a student’s learning performance. When music
is playing, it is harder to memorize or learn topics. As a result, the researchers inform the
readers that silence is the answer to avoid any risks in lacking academic performance.
Mamoudou N’Diaye, a speaker in a video titled “What Should You Listen to When You
Want to Focus?”, talks about a variety of studies that demonstrate how music has an
effect on our brain. For example, he mentions that the brain evaluates new information
faster in silence than with sound. Silence is the key to being more productive because
your brain is processing information for one thing at a time.

Thoughts For This Research

 At the beginning of my research, I was not sure if listening to music while studying was
helpful or damaging. However, my research sources showed me that it would not be very
effective to use music to learn because of the lack of focus it could bring. Most students
listen to music when they do homework or study because they either get bored or think it
would help them concentrate. My research demonstrates that silence would be the best
option when it deals with schoolwork because it would cause less distractions and for
work to be done at a faster pace.

What’s Next?
 I will need to find more sources for my research and use different key words to find a
variety of sources that could back up my point.

What’s My Purpose?
 My purpose is to show college students the damaging effects it could bring if they listen
to music while studying. Work without music would result in tasks finished faster
because there is less distraction. Students should stop listening to music while studying to
be able to learn more effectively.

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