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Attached here are my photos while reading and highlighting important details about the
module Retention and Motivation.

As what I have learned, Retention is the process of keeping employees employed to your
company. Losing employees is called turnover and that is what the company is avoiding
because it is costly. In order for that to be avoided, HR managers formulate a retention plan
that will address turnover. One method that can be used to measure job satisfaction that
can help in retaining employees is the JDI or the Job Descriptive Index that has five aspects
mainly, present job, present pay, opportunities for promotion, supervision and coworkers.

In this module, theories about motivations are discussed. The Hawthorne studies, that
discuss about the employees being cared about in the organization for them to feel
motivated. The Maslow’s theory that tackles about the Hierarchy needs that consists of
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Herzberg developed a
motivational theory that is based on actual motivation factors and hygiene factors.
McGregor’s theory on motivation looked at managers’ attitudes toward employees. And
lastly, the carrot-and-stick approach means you can get someone to do something by
offering some incentive to motivate them to do the work.



Attached here are my photos while watching the videos about Retention and Motivation.
By watching the videos, I have learned that Retention is very important in the company
because it helps both the company and the employee to grow. In order to do so, as an HR
manager you must understand the employees feelings. Having a survey about the
employees’ insights, wants, problems etc. is also effective. Giving commissions, rewards,
benefits, and promotions to employees is one way to keep employees for they can feel
motivated to do their work through those.


Attached here are my photos while reading and highlighting important details about the
module Training and Development.

As what I have learned, training and development is used to enhance the employees’ skills,
knowledge and abilities. Training nowadays became innovative, fun with the help of
technology. One of the steps of training includes employee orientation where employees
were oriented about their job and they are welcomed to the company. Types of training
usually depend on the job an employee usually will take. Training delivery methods is also
discussed in this module where there are six methods consists of On-the-job coaching
delivery, Brown bag lunch training delivery, Web-based training, Synchronous training
method, Job shadowing and Vestibule method. And lastly, the training consideration that
will take a big part in the training program is discussed.

To sum things up, Module 6 gave me a deeper understanding of how training in a company



Attached here are my photos while watching the videos about Training and Development.

As we all know, Training and Development is essential for a company because in this phase,
an employee can master his/her skills, knowledge, abilities and expertise through this
process. Basically, Training is the process of adding new knowledge or skills and/or
developing the knowledge and skills an employee had. There are 7 steps in order to
implement an effective employee training and that is, explaining the company objectives,
explaining the procedure, demonstrating the job, observing the process, giving feedback to
the trainee, expressing confidence and lastly, follow up advice. The training process can
only include 5 steps which are analysis, instructional design, validation, implementation
and evaluation. The benefits of doing training and development include employee job
satisfaction, employee motivation and employee retention. And lastly, having training
benefit both the employee and the company because the employee can improve their work
through training and the company will benefit from the work a trained employee done.

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