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Which of the following is true regarding endotoxin?

A. become toxoids with formaldehyde

B. causes fever
C. heat labile
D. very specific in their action
The stomach under normal condition is sterile; however, bacteria may colonize in the stomach when the gastric pH is greater than:
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
The ability of Klebsiella pneumoniae to resist phagocytosis and the killing power of the normal serum is due to its:
A. endotoxin C. capsule
B. flagella D. cell wall
The disease that is not attributed to Clostridium perfringens:
A. wound infection
B. pseudomembranous enterocolitis
C. food poisoning
D. clostridial myonecrosis
The signs and symptoms of tetanus are attributed to its:
A. endotoxin C. exotoxin
B. production of hyaluronidase D. invasiveness
The statement that is true with reference to Bacillus cereus infection:
A. clindamycin is the drug of choice
B. enterotoxin is a determinant of pathogenicity
C. manifest as food poisoning
D. all of the above
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the capsules of bacteria?
A. Most gram positive have capsules and gram negative rarely do
B. Most bacterial capsules are polysaccharides
C. Bacterial capsules can be purified and used as vaccine
D. Bacterial capsules are immunogenic and as a result some bacteria have many serologic types
LPS are correctly described as EXCEPT:
A. found in all gram negative bacteria of all specie
B. able to produce febrile response
C. contain lipid A responsible its antigen specificity
D. it is in the outer membrane
Phase in bacterial growth cycle wherein there is active metabolism but cells do not divide
A. lag phase C. log phase
B. stationary phase D. death
Organism that requires complex substances like amino acid as source of carbon
A. lithotrophs C. heterotrophs
B. autotrophs D. A & C only
Any change in the base sequence of DNA
A. Inversion C. mutation
B. recombination D. gene replication

Invasion of body by pathogens

A. contamination C. pathogenecity
B. disease D. infection
The following are associated with the autoclave, except:
A. moist heat C.121˚C for 15-20 min
B. live steam D. 15lb. pressure/sq. in
It inhibits the cross-linking of peptidoglycan
A. autolytic enzymes C. topoisomerase
B. carboxypeptidase D. transpeptidase
This lethal toxin of C. perfringens is a lecithinase which cause severe hemolysis
A. epsilon D. iota
B. beta E. alpha
C. kappa
Botulinum toxicity can cause the following EXCEPT
A. respiratory failure
B. uncontrolled muscle contraction
C. cranial nerve dysfunction
D. vomiting
Blocks the release of neurotransmitters for inhibitory synapses
A. tetanospasmin C. botulinum toxin
B. tetanolysin D. all of the above
The organism which survives stomach acid by creating an ammonia cloud around it.
A. H. aegypticus C. C. jejuni
B. bronchoseptica D. H. pylori
Gram (-) microaerophilic curved bacteria.
A. Campylobacter C. Both
B. Helicobacter D. neither
Which is true about the bacterial cell?
A. Prokaryotic, unicellular
B. Gram positive bacteria have outer membrane
C. Gram negative bacteria have thicker cell wall than gram positive bacteria
D. Eukaryotic, muliticellular
Which structure is found in gram-negative bacteria but not in gram positive bacteria?
A. outer membrane C. nucleoid
B. peptidoglycan D. plasma membrane
True about transfer of genes from one bacterium to another.
A. Gram negative bacteria that have sex pill transfer plasmids by conjugation
B. Free DNA fragments are transferred by transformation
C. Bacteriophages are involved in transduction
D. Involves participation of flagella
Which of the following bacteria is gram negative
A. Staphylococcus C. Corynebacterium
B. Vibrio D. Lactobacillus
True about obligate anaerobes
A. Use sugars by oxidative pathway
B. Infections are limited to muscle tissues
C. Lack superoxide dismutase
D. Can use oxygen in small amounts

Which structure is associated with virulence of a bacterium

A. Cell wall C. Flagella
B. Lipopolysaccharide D. Endospores
This mechanism of gene transfer is characterized by the requirement for cell-to-cell contact
A. Conjugation C. Transformation
B. Transduction D. Transfection
Action of lysozyme
A. Involved in the formation of peptide bond between two peptidoglycan subunits
B. Hydrolyzes peptidoglycan by cleaving the glycosyl bonds between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetyl glucosamine
C. An enxyme that dissolves the peptidoglycan layer
D. Located in the periplasmic space and is involved in the hydrolysis of foreign DNA
True about gram negative bacteria
A. Have simpler but thicker cell wall than gram positive bacteria
B. Has an outer membrane located outside the peptidoglycan layer
C. Contains teichoic acid polymers dispersed throughout the peptidoglycan
D. Removal of the cell wall results in the formation of protoplasis
This type of antibiotic should be used with caution because of renal and ototoxicity.
A. Penicillins C. Aminoglycosides
B. Macrolides D. Tetracycyclines
Lack/s the ability to develop catalase and superoxide dismutase:
A. Obligate aerobes C. Facultative anaerobes
B. Obligate anaerobesD. Aerotolerant anaerobes
Which bacterial structure is not essential for growth but may confer survival advantage under certain conditions?
A. Cell wall C. Endospore
B. Outer membrane D. Flagella
Serves as an anchor to bind and pull apart daughter chromosomes during cell division
A. Pili C. Flagella
B. Mesosome D. Outer membrane
Responsible for the endotoxin activity of lipopolysaccharide
A. Somatic O polysaccharide C. Lipid A
B. Core polysaccharide D. protein A
A mutant bacterium lacks the ability to produce the amino acid leucine and grows only in a culture medium containing leucine. This
bacterium was exposed to a preparation of DNA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and was able to grow in a medium without leucine.
What mechanism or event may have taken place?
A. Transduction C. Conjugation
B. Transformation D. Chromosomal mutation

Normally sterile site in the body

A. Mouth C. Vagina
B. Anus D. CSF
A strain of Streptococcus pyogenes is able to produce pyrogenic exotoxin encoded by a prophage is an example of:
A. Transposition C. Conjugation
B. Lysogeny D. Chromosomal mutation
Antimicrobial which exert its action through inhibition of cell wall synthesis.
A. Aminoglycoside C. Penicillin
B. Tetracycline D. Rifampicin
Purpose/s of giving Penicillin in cases of tetanus infection is/are:
A. inhibit the growth of C. tetani
B. neutralize unbound toxin
C. relax the muscle
D. to sterilize the necrotic tissue
Which the best to sterilize scissors and other sharps?
A. Glutaraldehyde
B. Formaldehyde
C. Iodophor
D. Phenol
Which is true about the bacterial chromosome?
A. Contains histones that stabilize the DNA
B. Composed of a single pair of homologous chromosomes
C. Replicates in a very different manner from that of eukaryotic chromosomes
D. Contain single copy of each gene
A non-encapsulated strain of Hemophilus influenzae acquires the gene for capsule production from a DNA extract of another
encapsulated strain. The event that has occurred is
A. Transformation C. Transduction
B. Conjugation D. Transcription
What is the substance primarily responsible for the structural integrity of the bacterial cell wall and is susceptible to lysozyme?
A. Cytoplasmic membrane C. Peptidoglycan
B. Teichoic acid D. Lipopolysaccharide
Which bacterial structure may carry gene for antibiotic resistance?
A. Mesosome C. Plasmid
B. Periplasm D. Outer membrane
Which of the following is the true regarding the bacterial cell?
A. He motility of bacteria is due to flagella, axial filaments or cilia
B. The ability to colonize cell surfaces is dependent on toxic production
C. The ability to survive in soil for a long period of time is dependent on the production of endospores
D. It has the same ribosomes as that of eukaryotic cells
Which of the following is the counterpart of mitochondria in a bacterial cell?
A. Cell wall C. Ribosomes
B. Endospores D. Cell membrane
Most pathogenic microorganism grows best at the temperature range of about _____.
A. 15-20ºC C. 50-60ºC
B. 30-37ºC D. 80-100ºC
A 22-year-old woman came in due to meningococcemia. Few hours after the admission, the patient experienced disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC). The patient shock was due to what component of the causative agent?
A. Cell wall C. Lipopolysaccharide
B. Capsule D. Endospores
Which of the following microorganisms takes up the color of Crystal violet upon properly performed Gram staining?
A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae C. Escherichia coli
B. Clostridium perfringens D. Pseudomonas sp.
Which of the following Clostridia cause gangrene?
A. Clostridium tetani C. Clostridium perfringens
B. Clostridium botulinum D. Clostridium difficile
Mycoplasmas are very pleomorphic and cannot be classified as to shape because they lack the following:
A. Peptidoglycan C. nucleus
B. lipid bilayer D. lipopolysaccharide
Which one of the following is a subcellular structure that is found only in Gram negative bacteria?
A. endospores C. mitochondria
B. lipopolysaccharide D. phosphatidylethanolamine
Which one of the following statements best describes a function of the peptidoglycan layer in bacteria?
A. The ability of bacteria to survive changes in the osmolarity of their environment is due to the physical properties of the
peptidoglycan layer.
B. The peptidoglycan layer contains all the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of membrane phospholipids.
C. The peptidoglycan layer protects bacteria from the effects of ultraviolet light.
D. The peptidolgycan layer renders Gram negative bacteria resistant to detergents.
Which one of the following structures is responsible for the passage of low molecular weight solutes through the outer membrane of
Gram negative bacteria?
A. capsules C. flagella
B. endospores D. porins
A 75-year old man in a nursing home is treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic for bed sores. Two days later he develops
bloody diarrhea. A stool specimen from the patient is positive in an ELISA test for a necrotizing cytotoxin, and his treatment is
switched to vancomycin. The agent MOST LIKELY to be responsible for this clinical syndrome is
A. Bacteroides fragilis
B. Campylobacter jejuni
C. Clostridium difficile
D. Escherichia coli
A patient recovering from a crushing leg injury suffered during an a motorcycle accident develops a temperature of 100o F, a rapid
pulse, and extreme pain at the site of his the wound two days after the accident. The skin overlying the patient’s sutured wound is
brownish- white, shiny, and studded with vesicles. Gram stain of the watery exudate from the wound reveals Gram-positive
rods, Gram-negative rods, and Gram-positive cocci. The Gram-positive rods are MOST LIKELY
A. Bacillus cereus C. Clostridium perfringens
B. Bacteroides fragilis D. Corynebacterium ulcerans
A 13-year old and her 10-year old brother are seen at an emergency room with complaints of double vision, difficulty swallowing,
and progressive muscular weakness. A detailed history reveals that both children attended a church picnic three days earlier but
neither child has gastroenteritis. The MOST LIKELY presumptive diagnosis is
A. botulism C. Guillan-Barré syndrome
B. Chinese rice syndrome D. salmonellosis

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