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Ranked #2 by, Ranked #3 by

IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Describe an art exhibition that you visited.

You should say:
 When you saw this exhibition?
 Where the exhibition was held?
 What was on display?
 Explain your impression of the exhibition?

Sample Answer:-

Art has always been an integral part of humanity and every human civilization – be it
the art pieces, literary ones or musical. Now the perception of people towards art has
changed dramatically so people appreciate it more and even are willing to get
themselves in one or the other form of it. I don’t claim myself to be a very creative
type however I have always been a keen observer and an aesthete.

Usually I don’t get enough time to get to the art exhibitions owing to my long working
hours. The last one I visited was, I guess, 5-6 years ago when I was in the last year
of my graduation. In order to appear for a competitive examination, I visited Shimla. I
was accompanied by my best friend Vikas and I must admit it was an invigorating
trip. After the exam was over, we had ample time to spend so we travelled ahead to
the Mall Road Shimla where it was drizzling. 

Fortunately, there was an art exhibition and a theatrical performance organised in

the municipal corporation building that day. We went in and had a wonderful time
observing the masterpieces of Chaman Thakur, a national award winner painter from
Himachal. It was a treat for our eyes as he has captured the mesmerising,
picturesque landscapes in a captivating way. A lot of people were gathered there
owing to the free entry which I think that was the best way to lure people to get
engaged with the art and appreciate it. It took an hour to look at all the paintings on
display and we were truly inspired by all his art pieces.

On a concluding node, I must say that art has the power to motivate people and offer
new experiences, sometimes even insights related to spirituality.

Discussion Questions:-
1. What can art bring to life?
Ans: Art, if understood, can give meaning to people’s lives by unlocking the entire
new world, which can ultimately help to explore themselves. It can prepare us to be
open for self awareness and new ideas.

2. Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?

Ans : Yes definitely, they can get exposure to creativity and can broaden their
horizons as well. Moreover, it can be employed as a way to get them familiar with
their culture and glorious past.


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Ranked #2 by, Ranked #3 by

IELTS Speaking Cue Card

3. Do people have different opinions about art? Why?

Ans : Yes absolutely, although some consider it a waste of time and are not intrigued
to engage themselves in it, others find the art pieces appealing, full of insights and
enlightening experiences. I presume that is probably because those who are not
creative, are not aware of its power and purpose.

4. Do you think that artwork, such as paintings, sculptures, and handicrafts,

can fill people’s spiritual need for beauty? Why?
Ans : I believe that creative interaction in the arts can be used as a way to
heal people, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Spiritual can describe our
deep thoughts and feelings but also the things in life that inspire us, help us to think
about the meaning of life, and make us feel awe, wonder, and happiness.


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