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When Harry Met Sally, part 3

Written by Darles Chickens

The story so far...........

Harry is a 30 something living in the heart of London. He also likes

young girls, and often watches them in the park. This particular day he
watched a girl, Sally when she hurt herself. Having soothed her wounds, he
has found out that she is from a single parent family, and a latch key kid.
Having found out about one another, he took her to Burger King for lunch,
and she has now suggested seeing where he lives. Inevitably it turns
sexual after Sally sees some child porn pictures on his PC. He strips and
fondles her and she strips him.

...Suddenly, he felt some warm little hands wrap themselves around his
cock, and he moaned softly in response to the touch......

Sally wrapped her little hands around Harry's stiff uncircumcised cock.
Harry felt so good.

'Mmm button, that feels so nice' Sally felt pleased with herself, but
she just held it very very gently, unsure of what she should do, and she
didn't want to appear stupid by asking.

Harry sensed this and broke the ice.

'You don't know what to do do you?'

Shyly Sally shook her little head.

'Hey' Harry said gently turning her face to look in her eyes, 'don't
worry about it, everyone has to learn sometime. Even I had to!' He said
with a smile.

That made her smile, and suddenly she didn't feel so silly anymore.
'I've got and idea!' Harry said to her, 'hold on a tick!'

He jumped off the bed and went to a big unit, opened a drawer and a took
a silver disc out. He then grabbed a remote control on the bedside unit
and pressed a button. With that a curtain slid back electronically to
reveal another wide screen plasma TV. Sally was well impressed. Harry put
the DVD disc into a machine at the side of the bed, pressed another button
on the remote and the screen came to life with a blue screen. Then he
jumped back onto the bed with his naked 9-year-old lover.

'Come give us a cuddle Button and take a look at this'

Sally cuddled into him in such a way that Harry could caress her little
bum, and he quickly pecked her on the lips.

'What is it?' Sally asked.

'Watch and learn baby, watch and learn' was all Harry said.

Sally wanted to learn, she wanted to learn everything in order to please

her adult lover, and decided she was going to take it all in, and ask
questions if she wasn't sure.

On screen the blue disappeared, and a title came up 'Little Loli Lessons
Part 1' this faded out and a young girl about the same age as Sally
appeared. She was dressed in a school uniform of blue gingham summer dress
and white knee length socks. Her hair was long and dark, and was put up in
bunches. She looked the picture of sweetness and innocence, like butter
wouldn't melt in her mouth. Instrumental music played quietly in the
background, and Sally recognised it as 'Boys and Girls Come Out To Play'
The picture zoomed in to a close up of the girls face, and Sally was
immediately in awe of how pretty and innocent the girl looked. Then the
girl spoke.

'Hello everyone' she began, 'welcome to part one of my series. So you

want to know about sex and please your lover? I'll tell you all you need
to know'. Then she leaned into the camera conspiratorially and whispered
'actually, I'll show you' and gave the camera a sexy wink. 'Come with me'
she said and she got up. The film faded to black and then faded up again.
The girl spoke to the camera again. 'Oh I forgot to tell you, my name
is Katie, and I'm 8. Welcome to my bedroom' the camera panned around the
room. It was definitely a little girls bedroom, all co-ordinated with the
'Bratz' dolls theme. Wallpaper, curtains, duvet cover, sheets carpet and
even the lampshades were co-ordinated with the same theme. There was also
a large collection of Bratz dolls and cuddly toys. Sally thought of her
own bedroom; threadbare carpet, wallpaper peeling off the walls, mismatched
bedding mostly given to her mother by others, and her single cuddly toy, Mr
Snugglebum. She felt quite jealous of the girl on the screen.

'I'm gonna show you everything you need to know about sex' said Katie
emphasising the 'everything' bit, 'and if you watch the whole series,
there'll be nothing, and I mean nothing you won't know'. She paused for
dramatic effect. Giving her sexy wink again the picture faded out. Harry
pressed pause on the remote.

He had moved his hand so it was between Sally's legs, which she parted
slightly to give him better access. He was stroking her smooth pussy,
which Harry found was quite wet again. Sally was obviously turned on by
what she was watching, and anticipated seeing.

Sally looked up at Harry.

'What did she mean by everything? Sally asked.

'You'll see soon' Harry replied with a smug grin on his face.

Sally poked her tongue at him 'I hate you' she said playfully.

'Nah you don't..You love me really' he teased her and lightly smacked
her bum.

'Bully' Sally said always wanting to have the last word.

'Ready for some more?' Harry asked her. Sally nodded and he pressed
play on the remote.
Katie's face reappeared on the screen.

'Okay kids here we go with your first lesson. As you know boys and
girls are different sexually, boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.
Although there are lots of different names for these, we'll call a penis a
cock and a vagina a pussy. Let's see what they look like..'

The screen cut to a mans soft, uncircumcised penis. 'Here's a cock'

said Katie's voice, 'but it looks like it's asleep. Best wake him up'. A
little hand who Sally assumed was Katie's came into view and started to
squeeze the on-screen cock. In no time it started to harden.

'Wow!' said Sally 'I've never seen it go from that to that before'

Harry laughed doing a bad Al Jolson impression and said 'you ain't seen
nothing yet!'

Once the cock was hard, Katie continued 'see it's not hard to wake a
cock up, just remember to handle it with love and a nice squeeze it will be
hard in no time. There are other ways to do it, but we'll see that later'.
It cut from the cock to a close up of Katie's face. She went on, 'time to
look at a pussy' she said. It was clear now she appeared to be sitting on
the bed. In the conspiring way she'd demonstrated earlier, she leaned into
the camera and whispered ' not just any old pussy' the camera at this point
zoomed out. 'MINE!' she declared. The camera zooming out revealed that
she was actually lying on the bed, and what was more, she was now naked.

'Bet that surprised ya!' Katie said laughing.

'Not many' said Sally 'she's absolutely gorgeous and sexy'

'She certainly is. Just like you' Harry told her. He mentally made a
note of her comments about how much she liked Katie especially the sexy
remark. Maybe he could use that at a later date he thought.

Katie meanwhile had leaned back on a big bunch of pillows behind her,
which propped her up. She bent her knees up and then opened her legs wide
as the camera zoomed in on her pussy. Sally gasped again. She seen other
girls pussy's at school getting changed for P.E and swimming and stuff, but
she'd never seen one spread open like this, nor this close up. Harry could
feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter. Sally liked other girls too it

Back on screen Katie spoke again. 'Do you like my sweet smooth hairless
pussy?' she asked. Harry felt Sally unconsciously nodding. 'I'm going to
show you all the parts and how it works. These are the outer lips' she
said pointing, and then using her fingers, she spread her little pussy lips
apart, and these are the inner ones. But' she continued, 'this is the
secret bit, the magic love button' pointing to her tiny little clit at the
top. It has special nerve ending and when it's rubbed...' She left the
sentence unfinished and the screen faded out with the caption 'end of
lesson one'.

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