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Nama : Noni Devitasari Amanda

Kelas : XII MIPA 3

Absen : 23

Based on Aaron Barth’s experience in lecturer model. Education is that’s where we talk at
people for really long periods of time and gives them (the student) some text book to read, and
then give them a test.

E-learning can be done by anyone, anywhere to prevent the spread of viruses that are a global
problem. Mistakes in e-learning focus too much on technology until it forgets what matters
most, in education, that is the person.

Although e-learning can save in the present condition but the problem is that the boiling is not
as good as face to face, because e-learning can only see virtual whiteboards, virtual tutors, and
important points only in can be captured through virtual as well.

Actually good learning is like, like telling a story, talking from person to person, and speaking
based on experience, because it's the most effective and proven way.

E-learning should have contributed to this, but it didn't, because we forgot about how humans
learn. If you want to make e learning this can contribute well then the thing to do is re-tell it
based on your experience, because humans learn from other human stories.
If you want to make E-Learning more effectives and has the right contributions, you have to
telling the stories again. It's no contest which one is more likely to change our behavior it's the
one based on the human story we need to start telling these human stories again it's not gonna
be easy it means you can't keep cutting and pasting content into an e-learning module. It'll be
worth it because if we can get back to telling these human stories again, we can get back to
why we all got into education in the first place, we can get back to empowering people, so let's
start telling stories.

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