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run down – W - poorly maintained. Disrespectful.

That business is really run down,

they should close it.

rundown - W – status report. Often inquisitive, businesslike. Can you give us a

rundown on how the new project is going?

sleep on it - W – to spend some time thinking about a decision before making the
decision. Declarative, often positive. They offered me that new job, but I better sleep on
it before I agree to take it.

sooner or later - W – means something will happen, the only real uncertainty is when.
Often used at the beginning of the sentence. Demonstrative. Sooner or later I am going
to get rich. Less formal: Sooner or later I’m gonna get rich.

sort of (sorta) – informal. very similar use as kind of. Means a sort of, a type of, a degree
of, but probably not a complete amount of. Declarative, perhaps judgmental. Is she
beautiful? Sort of. Meaning she has some features that might be considered beautiful, but
perhaps not a complete beauty. I’m sorta hungry. Not famished, but could eat.

state of the art - W – very similar to cutting edge. Often used with the word
“technology”. Means that whatever is the subject being discussed is so modern that it
represents the latest state of the art (or science or technology) that creates it, the most
modern process known for it. Not just modern, but the most modern possible at this time.
Declarative, often boastful. Young people always hope to own cellphones that represent
state of the art technology. His motorbike is state of the art.

take it easy – to exhibit less concern or motivation, implies currently too much concern.
Declarative, sometimes slightly admonishing. We need to take it easy, this is going to be
a long day, no need to push ourselves too hard.

tight fisted - W – describes person who tries to avoid spending much money –
Declarative, mildly insulting. John is really tight fisted, he never buys the drinks.

tightwad - W – is a person who tries to avoid spending much money – Declarative,

mildly insulting. John is a real tightwad.

tough – W – describes a situation or a thing as difficult, or difficult to deal with.

Declarative, sometimes remonstrative. Our new teacher is tough, he never gives a good
score to anyone.

two-faced - W – references the idea of acting nice in person and displaying a different
attitude when not dealing directly with the person. Negative. That two faced salesman
lied to me about the total cost of the car.

under the weather - W – feeling sick, but not implying a major health problem.
Declarative. She is not joining us for lunch, she says she is feeling under the weather.

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