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!J th JANITARV 2009
6. ~ !J.~~~;r.I~~:1.~ 1~:~:~I~i~~~:;I~~~~~ I=IJ~~IJ"!.t ~1~:~IlI~l~: I~;:~~~l~ ~;~~
The C n n~ mOf'!: W~fe i n1~m1wd hf ~ pub I~ c .Que.:a~ n n. Tinw' (nC'..'1 which ......od d. be held ~n
the: Cmmtd Chambe'f o-n 1.. '\:fwuury 2fHO.

Th~ HeadkL1£her explained thallh~ s(;ht~{)1 hlli.i not n;cd'.'\v'·J ~my inthmwiiml l'tg.;.uJi(lf; ih(:
budgt:t !~)r th( n.~).t finand~~l y~¥, H~ SJld th<it thee' V.';E)l.dd ftrc~h4oly h~ 4 2~\il ~m(,:i~ncy t.\.H
hum tlu.~ County CfIUlh::il. a~ f.,;dl a~d 5% w i 0% cu~ frum tlw \Vt-bh A.Yicml:Ay . {:\ph:1i.i11.,.'{1
th::lt s,mue key g.n~H"f: wou.1Ilat';H pr:)bhly ~ rer.n('IVt.~lL

fll~ thr(Lai 1b::3 P0:3e3lD· s,tamng Jcvds .and ,~tnnJnrdj jn £(:h~'~oh W~V:::' diwus~(."d, Th(.~ imp-l)rl.u!l~'.(
<;.1 f r~j sing a~\;meneS3 ~bt~Ht th;~ m:;Jlk', \f.·as ('mrhni'lt.':J.

h was: :+i1Atcri that me m her:;; of ~t3tl m I h t'!; b lid ~h I ~\'n i nk r'~Et i r)

:s(;hk~()l t~~)d Y .n;"'TjH~ Irw 111 ;l nd,
tn t: rd(1n.. C(1rrJ p~d ~n:ry n~ dUnW.l.lll~)' m igJH not h.~ H"C c:=;safY .

Other prc~su~s CD the :;.ch(tl,)l ~udget ..... ~!'C Jb~ USSl\.l~ e.g.. Jw ~fk\.:t ttrtk 'Tcu<.:-neN'
WOlklodd A~IT'(jJt;,;ut' ~rn.d lb( pf\:::8~u.n.~ La e;.;.knd dK vocaih~IMl pt\n:j;-;j<..m.
AUN~rrf1:~, 9f,TH~; A-~~~),Il'fq~,~~·:" ~!p~~~'RJ'~'~~~f B9~~Y ~lF;:'ETTf'Q
~ I:I~~;~~;'.~~ ~ ~i~·~\~~IXIII~I~~ J. ~~

The- !-kad it'a.E..hl.:!' ex p b i ll¢d th~ :S.(: h~~t) l'~; htdn(!ftJ <; it wui 1~ n ha . . tog .rr;<:..,:d V~d dll' draH budg~ r. H(: :ii.l ,-.1
1h.~1t th~ s.ctK).{.d. h;Jd for~~~n. d ~kfnjt (,f J..fdHn~j £2 20, l.}iJU~ tK,..,·~\:tL if Jil)W M....:m<.:J tkH ~hl,..~ ~k·udl l(r
rl\8 n~mirJ.~ Cn:m(::!<jJ Y«~f \.t·<'~l.d~i b~ r.;06.()OO, . ["he f·:L.:~~)dk~chl..:r exphb:.d ~h;)l th i,~ ~~a\ J U~ fu a
IllllTl be'( (.'i- r f5cwr~:-
I/o i\ 21/1 ciTicimK;, tal tu ~h0 ~·dl.ltTti{>.ll blh1U« hom rhi" (\mr.Hy Cnut"H.'·d. Thi\ cut i\ tikdy h be
.h.!.g,hcr fill th~ ~d~(l(d slu Hi'i1g lmd gJ.~t f4 %,'L
t3' BwJgd ovc:r:~pl'n~hn< un the C~Hlnty C\lWh:X in\~l,.'ra~jp.l~ Ij!}J~.l'l {nnO,nOO}
• .'\ em of 7% h) the h\0l "j(.~ l)uJg.d C\'~m~ ib: Wcl:-;b, A-:;t:<<..'luhIy.
• ;~ l~ i.l.1: lu gpmt~ " h~m\\ ... ,,~ 1 i \t' grant.;;,

Tllt He adkJC htr .>.;ill d -rna t· a .Jer.: r¢~bB j n f'U ~\i t II til j ~ hen \\.\ l ~~ \ j aJ0(,; t ;-.;( In K HI ~w~v C1, th i s
8<!l()l)1 $,
w<..uiJ not aik;,,:t in the IleAf lll'H:l1h':l;JI y(;~w. fk mkl~ th<,t a new had
heel) u\e,J U product: !Iw hJJg.;.~t thi~ ye,)r :.1~·IJ ttlJ.l. tle ,~1M.f:1 h:H.1 ;l::-;kctl fi.~r;m t.~\.phn.< n~.g{c.ding.
~ome di<;cn..~p;1nc i<.~".

"flw h',:nnal l'i:...~!i ng WJS 1tL:n 1·b.J~ l:;; a lack ()[ umh.·r~IlIIHhHg. (,n 1he Wdsh i\.",~~mhjy° ~ r-chJlf (~f d~~
fa',,) t hv ~dW01s iH (: h lMl(: cJ t r(!l"l1 a Iwm b~r {J :' Ji ffl;r~ n: 00 \ ~ rl,.: 0;:; ~tnJ t h~iS". CUk an' >;mn ~ ng fmm .rw'>re
f\-un ~me {J i.!:el..', Tbe lfl\'ldk:.1(::ht~rex.pj.jin~~~l tLat ;\j)Sk~~.~' ~d"l{tul ~ hdd Uh I ~,t;:ycd lh.l Tm~s~~ge IJ}
tile n.+:nFI1 m~mbe.r$ d' th.' County Cntmd :mJ l (wi l.h~' n~(~dj·n lS \vitn ::vtr .h~ula \~/yrt Jon~<,. •. il.. \.1 Hi
I:ri-;;Lr:~,:, 5, rt'b:m~lry 1nd he~~n prodlLrivz~. 'l'he Cm'dnnr'.; :.11 "L~ di.ww-i:,-;cd !h~~ pr~~$Sfm .~ :'\(hL~nIs ~m.~ unck'f
!t~ expMld r~~~lr pnwi .:;inn ~n .,:,plk l"l(i·h~Si..~ Cllr~,
.. ..
.": ,..-
.:.:. ".;...

I be Hc:mlk'3('.b cr j-;ai~~ in th e h p nf 0-1: d~c i~\lnC r.l fmar.d a) ,~lna~1 nrt, tIw 'iliCh.nnl wmd.,J have 1.0
(:Nlji<.k'r ..:tdling stn"Hlng. k~tyls" He c\plnintd "{I,nt rhe Cuurrty C~)lInz~ll prZtv',c:~,l ·,;..<~~dd haH ~o b('
HAhn<\";l and \\icm throngh fb~ :<tpS i~) t.he- P]\)wcoL U\ ".>~py d' tlw Pl'tJhX~)j "W~k: ~btdhm~d W The

The l·k:~!dv·ur·her ex p bi f1:.~. j dw. h~ khli nhFm L'. \:1" of t ht· lj h~ !lt~ooJ 0 fj~~ h c:utc;, ~~, J 1:h~I.L t~l~ Iud
c(l[lta(:((:~l the union;:. (S~r! t). The lkJ.Jkw.:hn rn.~:;(:nh;:J ih(:' l.m;~)ll .< l\;:ph.~:; (Cam 2bj,

·Tbe. Hi..~a~lk<.1cber ;"r.(;LCl~ fei f~W Of' ~\.m:"HW~' ad\"lc00 wid~ r(.~::.HJ r!..~ L..;(lnt~'I1ni ni!. th(' o((::d f{} car stt...fFng
i-cvds u;d ~lgTe~~ i r~g un dH:1 ml.f.Un: ("I f iht, p~LI.s. 1i: wu.s. 'HI~.m~:Sk~d t1nt I ~h: '11 u rnb(:r of posts to lx~ CUt
~tFlld he l"\.,;v~"I,.~J f())Ji)·wlng thf..~ nK~C"i:l ng 0 t' th<:...~ (:~?lHHy Cnuudl L·.xt~nrtl\\.• (urn rniih:~' on 1h h~hn.lary.

Tl';t; Hc;)d\¢;·v;::h~'r r~-r-ort~d

thJ.t 4 m~m~ts 0f s,t;;l.(fhad iSbn\'n intt;l\:~t in e~dy re1ixnwn lh~!"1 Y~:)l~ "but
ODe uf tbd~ j}lHb wudJ l: JYC to be ftIl j~d 11'1 Lt' maH.,,.. rIe (H.l.ibJ LtmL t}lC f:)ch.oo] (:.~)uU ~bG n:.','h3{::-;S
:<i.mne 01 her ~lJe~~" in nrd ~~r ~D rnJ.k e :<;av~ n gs., ~~. g.. : ~
.. Cleaning ~{lntntc~
• L.:md m a i tlh~lnI~.:e Gon l:rih:'1.
.. Ttm.'.b.vr':" i:llkl}t\',LK~~S (a~ d .hmd ~.,ption?

RES:OLVED: To UH 1 i.t\~c~~ir,g: rr~~i and "2 adminisimtlvt'iwdmic::L1 roe;L, reti:.·y>ng th(~ ;-:;iL~;lLl()n
/:< the CYlIfHY ((fundi [x(:cuth·T Cmr.mirte~ m~dlng. t"t!l t~~ F\;:truafY.
'fIe com mitk:e; n!(;m 1wn \.ve:r~~· wm i I"~tk~d 1JWt;'1 d ec i:+;~~} 1'1 had he~~11 In lld e h, .an 3.JJi1i I.mal m~~d.i ng Df
,1"K hdl G,:n:eming B{)~] yon Slt l r~~hnwry :01 to l:.:m ; h~(l{:hing. po~t ;:md 2 ';kim ini ~tmdvciw(;hnk:~~r
{l<:.)q:;; due to ~1 J(Jki! ill the llH ()·2lH·1 budge-L

The HC<1JI~;::.;1cht:J ~xp]at~kd ulat Uk! ~ch~)~)J h;'l~l j{j-cui.fied d ~kp-;n1.Ultm! whid~ j$, t;urt"{:~l1ly over
M.uJkd, dud dnt he bad lEs(':u'!-iscd the '!-:ltl.lAion \\"ith I.h~ .!T~I111~~rr:-: ()f dnr. dep;1rtmeH and shawd
inhml1atinn ~,;j I:h tk.'m regarding t'~fdy rethernent. He CX:rJa~fl~~d that flO {}~ll~~r drlXH1lr:l.':ut in tht
,>d~()ol was f'V.:r ;;mff,J. He ~wJ~d thaI ihe [UppWf 'tLnfY haJ ken tlUhrrnt.:::-J thm 2
~Jmini~\J~ti ...'.;.'v'techni(ul Pi.)SlS w~~uld h~w~ to b-;:,': r.:tlt.

T~]{~ n~~J:~he~I(J~(':; r.~).L~rmd 10 r.he Coun!.\' CiJuncd doe~m]('!nt, ;Sh1h lu b~ Taken in Ri::dvwbncy
S~hl}lt io·rl';/ ~md ,,-~x]lblm.d thar dH~ :rmp03e {~fthb mL.'X.~t i ng wn:,; W J l~C~t~S; $t1.';p J, {<~(l .[Igr~~~~ cri ~(:l'h~ h)
i Jtnti f: s, to be made t<d~.rnJall (~.

P0~dible IYH).l..kls {{lr The ct~krii:l w( ;:;h<.'l.((;:d and th<'::H: Wfl.~ a J.ddl.lnJ djsrus~lon 61~ du.': (;rikTid tu be
lncl u.d~d {~ll ~ h.i-:~ 'form r:~)r
{~tkr{'d gtidan~{.~ un ~:hc C(lk~~i~..

I<.ESOL VEl); T0 u~e lht An~+.::]~y Lducm-ion /\uthMlt.y l1lC'ldd ({IT t';J.ching. sun: wi (h tht:
(.11 il.)w;ng ddd;b~)Jls·;alocndmt.::llt::<:
• 'Quaihy of tCikhing' h.l he 'u¥..:ludt-d ;1'-;. lUl. .add Linrut c~W.'gory. lh.,ifl.j; Self r';vidUllLon and th~
F::.1yn ..:-:;,,;h'm~ll insrc...~ti~)n Q....'i CVld(:n~~, "rh~ S";OH~~ ~l\\tibl"ok in lhis C4tl,:g.~:.rry wi.U k 5" ~t or t.
• ';\tl(-:f).{l~.H""l(,i:· to he inchl{kd JS (1J1 ~d.Jitinn~d :ai{:g..)lY, bd~vkh:d~ v...i!! VOrt.5, J N 1
dcp.-.:ndin~, on lh(:ir an.~rda.nC'< p('r(l..'l1.tagc ova ~l 3-~~diC'J p<ri~jd,
• Cm·egIJry~, <C(mtrHHl1h)n~ ~nd 'Puhfh.';~tkm~ in OHWf tl~...rd:Si ~-tppli(.'-d to the neeJ~ (~f rh~
~(:hG)r. tr.-. t'lt.:' ~~m<:nded so th<li InJi \';~hlnb may ~~m:' 1 matk~ ~~lr qua[dkmlC"J) tn -,zwry Hl,,'ld
imrnimum <,)(tJ m~rb}
.. CaL:fwry 6~ <{)thu (:(jtHrif.uti(\l~ ,wrlkd t~~ th( (l(.'eds ~)j'
thE:': s,;h()(~r, to k amcndd s.{'t lhm
inJ~ \' iduL":1l:-:; mar Sl,:(lre 3 in;lrL liC{ l...~pntrilHlti(m (maxi rnlln, or'~ mMks),

.~~\:- ..
HFSOLVKtl: To usc th~~ Hh)dd fm ~upp~m st~tf'f wiih the bllc~wlng add~tiC)n:~:/&m(ndm(:nty
• The- ';..>"f)fding jll Cat~gory 1 i~Qna.liL:;.at~(}n:s and c\.p~~d{:'-nc~~~Ho be L::"IBI\ged ~o 'Arrwpriak
~~nd rt-In' ant gud ift':.>l:~k~(js~,
• CMt~gm)" 1: (' F. \.peri(~I~('e '); 5 mark~ ''o"i]; be' 3w,1rJ.ed for more lha.ll 5 Y~1n:' e'JieHct' ~md 3
minks 1~)f lefs tbm 5 :y(~ar5.
• Cukg()ry J (' Spt'el11 (: 'Rl:Sf!1:>.n:;,lfl1 !iti ~B·)~ }Aul n n.'sp()n~j bdi tk'~ fmm th(' joh d(:':;;jed[)!ion to t)e
sp¢6Hed Hader "J.hl~ tnkgnry, \",,'lih I fnMk tl,.o,'lWdt:..:..i for ~4c·h ;i,.~3p·onstblllly '>lH>..'~,>\fll!ly
bltmed ty the ~ndivi&laL
• CUkgory 4 (Other (.'rmtdhution (tpphed i-o the nct'ds nf the :'i0h~)cn: 2 m.ark~ h~ b~~ aW<:1r&..'d
each contrJbm1fm (maximum or 10 mark~} ,
• (Att·eu,bnc:~~ ~
to w.~ irHJud,-~d (~~ on addj iinlM} l::~rl:~gor:y. Indiv i'hwls wiH %dt(.~ 5, .:; Dr i
d¢lxnJing on thdr atitnJan(\;: ptfu.'!tbge 0'..' (:[ ~f t;pe<;:ifltd perh~d.

The ~: omm i ttce- dii,cu~:sed d"h~ ll(.~\.~ S I.l~Fj;; to be t~t~ en, 'n dmdy _.. cnw; 1.1 h on 1th.~ n: l('r iu w i ~b ~mi on s,
i:{)fl"\'cm" to ad·(~rt the C:rlH.'rlQ uno ShlHC the ,c(h<:..~ri(~ with the rdCy.Hll swff

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