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Film Making 101 Essay

At first going into film making, I was quite upset, I wanted to explore
and go into the learning of animation and gaming so going into film
making I was quite negative, on a side note I was quite excited to
learn about how they did it, how they got these amazing angles and
shots and made these award-winning films! I was very glad that this
unit was a very practical unit and wasn’t just a hands down, I think I
have learnt a lot about film making and hope to pass this unit.
I feel like my work on film making has improved massively since the
beginning of this course, I wasn’t quite fond with editing software I
had to use at first, it seemed really confusing and hard to use but
gradually throughout it was very useful, I could easily crop down a
video to length I wanted it to be, and I could easily add some music
to the background of my videos, it helped me a lot throughout
filming and I’m glad I used it as a tool to help me edit my films.
Before making a film I would sit down with myself and just think how
I could make that certain topic we was given into a film, soon enough
an idea would pop into my head and I would just be oof like a rocket,
once I had thought of an idea I would get straight to it and start
filming. With the conditions of lockdown thanks to covid we had to
do all of are projects at home, this was quite difficult for me
personally since I didn’t really have any filming equipment, it was
very stressful at first but we had soon found a solution, using my
Iphone 6s to film and my computer with an editing software to edit
with we was able to get into filming.
With some films such as the Mexican Shootout, The Silent Comedy or
The Montage I would completely get right on with the task and had
some amazing idea in my head, but with the cross cutting, or the
interrogation scenes I was just kind of blank, I didn’t really know
where to go with them, I think those two films personally for me
where quite terrible in my opinion, with these two films I just
struggled with completely, even with the editing I just stressed out
and didn’t really know what I was doing, on a positive note thought I
got both films down an edited up onto my Weebly and I got them
out of the way!
I think my weak points during this unit was my attendance, I missed a
few lessons and I think that explains why I had such a hard time
filming the Cross Cutting and Interrogation films, missing lessons can
take a huge chunk out of your learning and education so it had a
massive impact on me while filming these two films, when I was told
how terribly low my attendance actually was, I immediately told
myself that I needed to wake up, literally. I think since then I have
improved on my attendance and I have tried to be attended almost
every lesson on time.
Drawing is a big key element of mine and will hopefully help me hit
the marks, with are films we also had another task which was to
create a storyboard for each of are films, a storyboard is a verity of
drawn images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-
visualising a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive
media, I felt this task for me was quite enjoyable for me since one of
my main talents and hobbies is drawing, I hope to use these
storyboards as a why to properly visualise the film into sequenced
At week one of this unit, we had to take a variety of shots to show
what angles and images took place during films, by combining
different types of shots, angles and camera movements, the
filmmakers can emphasize specific emotions, ideas and movement
for each scene. For example the shots taken where called, the
extreme long shot, body shot, full shot, close up, and extreme close
Inconclusion, I was upset with the unit at first but over time I came to
grips with the unit and really enjoyed it, I think I have learnt a lot
from this course and I’m glad I explored this unit.

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