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Bacterial Metabolism and Growth

 All cells require a constant supply of energy (ATP) to survive.

 ATP derived from the controlled breakdown of various organic substrates

(e.g. carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), this process termed as catabolism.

 Anabolism is process by which produced energy is used in the synthesis of

cellular constituents such as cell wall, proteins, fatty acids & nucleic acids).

 Together these processes, which are interrelated known as intermediary


Metabolism steps:
 Hydrolysis of large macromolecules in the external cellular environment by
specific enzymes or exoenzymes.

 Small subunits molecules produced (e.g. monosaccharides, short peptides,&

fatty acids) .

 These molecules are transported across the cell membranes into the
cytoplasm by active or passive transport mechanisms.

 These mechanisms may use specific carrier or membrane transport proteins.

 The metabolites are converted by one or more pathways to pyruvic acid.

 From pyruvic acid, the carbon may be channeled toward energy production
or the synthesis of new carbohydrates, amino acids , lipids & nucleic acids.

 Glucose is used by almost all bacteria to produce energy or other usable


 To produce energy from glucose , bacteria use two general processes:

A. Cellular respiration which is ATP generation process , using three

major metabolic pathways:

 Glycolysis (oxidation of glucose →pyruvic acid) with some ATP & energy
containing NADH(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ) which may convert to
ATP in presence of O2.

 The Kreps cycle (citric acid cycle ) is oxidation of acetyl CoA (derivative of
pyruvic acid) to Co₂ with ATP production & NADH & FADH₂.

 Electron transport chain system , which is NADH & FADH₂ are oxidized to
produce a great deal of ATP.

B. Fermentation : in the absence of oxygen, substrate-level

phosphorylation represents the primary means of energy production.

— During this process:

 Release energy from sugars or other organic molecules such as amino acids,
organic acids ,purines & pyrimidines.

 Does not require O₂ & not use the krebs cycle or an electron transport chain.

 Uses an organic molecules as electron acceptor.

 Produce small amount of ATP.

 M.O can ferment various substrate, the end-products depends on the

particular microorganism, the substrate , the enzymes that produce.

 The chemical analyses of these end-products are useful in microorganisms

Oxygen requirement of bacteria

According to oxygen requirement , bacteria are classified into three

1. Obligate aerobes , these bacteria require the presence of molecular oxygen

for growth (e.g. TB).

2. Facultative anaerobes , these bacteria use oxygen if present and are able to

Growth by using fermentation if oxygen is not available (e.g. E.coli).

3. Obligate anaerobes, these bacteria not require oxygen for growth & can be
harmed in the presence of oxygen (e.g. clostridium).

Carbon & nitrogen requirements :

According to the carbon & nitrogen source requirements bacteria are
classified into:

1. Autotrophic (lithotrophes) , those rely on inorganic chemicals for their

energy and source of carbon .

(Autotrophic bacteria are free living, non pathogenic organism)

2. Heterotrophs ( organotrophs) ,those require organic carbon sources such as

sugars, lipids, organic nitrogen.
.)heterotrophic bacteria are parasitic, pathogenic or commensal bacteria (
 Most bacteria require one or more organic nitrogen compounds, which they
supplied in food . These compounds termed as growth factors
 Also phosphorus, sulfur ,potassium, magnesium & calcium are inorganic
ions required for bacterial metabolism and growth.
 Microbes require very small amount of other mineral elements (e.g. iron,
copper & zinc), which termed as trace elements, most are essential for
enzymes functions.

 Bacteria require water for any biochemical reaction and bacterial growth.

 Most bacteria prefer PH between (6.5-7.5).

Temperature requirement:
There is an optimum temperature at which the microorganisms multiplies fastest,
also there is maximum & minimum temperature that microorganisms can not

 Mesophylic bacteria: grow best between (10-42℃) , & for pathogenic

between (35-37℃) .

 Thermophylic bacteria, grow best at 45℃ & can grow at 65℃.

 Psychrophilic bacteria , grow best at 18℃ & can grow at zero℃

(Arthrobacter) .

Microbial growth
 Bacterial replication is a coordinated process and two equivalent daughter
cells are produced.

 For bacterial growth, there must be sufficient metabolites to support

bacterial components synthesis ( specially DNA synthesis).

 Synthesis of proteins & RNA is a key to initiate a replication cycle.

 Depletion of metabolites or buildup of toxic byproducts (e.g. ethanol) cause

synthesis to stop.

Population dynamics
 Generation time (G) : is the time elapsed between the formation of a cell and
its division into two cells.

 When bacteria are added to a medium, they require a period of time to

adapt to the new environment.

 bacterial growth can be modeled with four different phases:

A)- Lag phase, It is the period where the individual bacteria are maturing and not
yet able to divide. During the lag phase, synthesis of RNA, enzymes and other
molecules occurs.

B)- Log or exponential phase, is a period characterized by cell doubling. The

number of new bacteria appearing per unit time is proportional to the present
population. If growth is not limited, doubling will continue at a constant rate so both
the number of cells and the rate of population increase doubles with each
consecutive time period.

C)- Stationary phase, is often due to a growth-limiting factor such as the depletion
of an essential nutrient, and/or the formation of an inhibitory product such as an
organic acid.

(Stationary phase results from a situation in which growth rate and death rate are

D)- Death phase: The number of new cells created is limited by the growth factor
and as a result, the rate of cell growth matches the rate of cell death.


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