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Instruction: In submitting your answer, use this file name


1. Look at the picture below, what concept/topic that was discussed that you can relate with and
why? (10 PTS)


The Magic of Thinking Big, why?

Because like Dan Lok said if you are contented with your life now then you wont go further with your life
in the near future ,but if you think big you can change your way of thinking and also your future.
2. Based on the story of KFC, how can you apply your learnings on entrepreneurships? (10 PTS)

Based on the story of KFC, failing is not an option, if you fail now then do it better and strike
harder, think smarter, find a way or make room for improvements.
3. As an Entrepreneurial student, what can you advice to those businessman who are closing their
company or businesses? (20 PTS)

As an Entrepreneurial student, I can advice that you better make a good planning and strategies
for your business. Hire the right person for a certain position with good qualification. Base your
business with your environment for what is inclined and do not compete with other businesses
that is the same ventures as you because you might lose your profit because a lot of you are
selling the same products.
4. Explain. (10 PTS)

It means that not everyone will buy your product just because it is in trend, but it because not
every is in to it or not everyone likes it. Every product has its own target customers in terms of
(age, gender, nationality etc..) or shall we say specific costumers and not everyone will recognize

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