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I. Identification:
Directions: Choose the letter of the best possible answer.

1. The lack of rainfall for normal needs. It can be associated to the El Niño phenomenon.
A. Rainfall Effect B. Tornado C. Drought D. Hailstorm
2. A localized windstorm characterized by a visible funnel-shaped, rapidly whirling cloud
extending downward from the base of a dark cumulonimbus cloud.
A. Thunderstorm B. Tornado C. Tropical Cyclone D. Hailstorm
3. The most dangerous hazard associated with thunderstorm.
A. Lightning B. Tornado C. Storm Surge D. Hailstorm
4. An icy crystals falling from a thunder storm.
A. Rainfall Effect B. Tornado C. Drought D. Hailstorm
5. Heavy rains associated with tropical cyclone add to the sea level near the coast.
A. Rainfall Effect B. Tornado C. Storm Surge D. Hailstorm
6. If surge coincide with the occurrence of high tide, water level will be higher.
A. Rainfall Effect B. Tidal effect C. Wind Pressure Effect

7. A localized storm of cloud that produces lightning and thunder.

A. Hailstorm B. Storm Surge C. Tropical Cyclone D. Thunderstorm

8. The stronger the wind of the tropical cyclone and the lower the atmospheric pressure,
the higher the storm surge.
A. Rainfall Effect B. Tidal effect C. Wind Pressure Effect
9. A scenario that is associated with tsunami.
A. Hailstorm B. Storm Surge C. Tropical Cyclone D. Thunderstorm

10. Affect of low-lying and coastal areas, due to the over flowing of water.
A. Floods B. Tornado C. Drought D. Hailstorm
11. An intense low pressure weather system.
A. Hailstorm B. Storm Surge C. Tropical Cyclone D. Thunderstorm

12. Associated with having no rain.

A. Drought B. El Niño C. La Niña D. Rainfall Effect
13. Caused by a very short period of unusually heavy rainfall.
A. La Niña B. Coastal flood C. Flash Flood D. River Flood
14. Caused by the overflowing of rivers when the run-off exceeds the capacity of the
A. La Niña B. Coastal flood C. Flash Flood D. River Flood
15. Occurs when strong onshore winds push he water inland. The rise in the sea level
also causes flooding of the low-lying coastal areas.
A. La Niña B. Coastal flood C. Flash Flood D. River Flood
16. Associated with heavy rains. La Niña
A. Drought B. El Niño C. La Niña D. Rainfall Effect
17. Process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature.
A. Coastal processes B. Calamity C. Hydro Meteorological Hazard
18. Occur where waves break on a shore, not only on ocean/sea coasts but also on
A. Coastal processes B. Calamity C. Hydro Meteorological Hazard
19. Erosional remnants; with a cave cutting through in the sea.
A. Sea arch B. Sea stacks C. Sea caves D. Sea Splits
20. A ____ happens when a sea cave or two goes all the way through.
A. Sea arch B. Sea stacks C. Sea caves D. Sea Splits
21. Result where an easily eroded piece of rock is removed. Sea caves
A. Sea arch B. Sea stacks C. Sea caves D. Sea Splits
22. Wetlands that form as rivers, empty their water and sediment into another body of
water, such as an ocean, lake or another river.
A. Spits B. Tides C. Waves D. Deltas
23. Long thin sandy stretch of land, parallel to mainland coast that protects the coast from
the full force of powerful storm waves.
A. Barrier Island B. Long Shore Drift C. Rip current D. Caves
24. It is an extended stretch of beach material that projects out to sea and is joined to the
mainland at one end.
A. Spits B. Tides C. Waves D. Deltas
25. When sea levels ______, areas that were underwater get deeper and areas that were
sub aerial before might now be subjected to marine erosion.
A. Rises B. Falls C. Subside D. Lessen
26. A series of waves generated by the sudden displacement of the sea-bottom due to an
earthquake, a submarine landslide, an asteroid impact, or a volcanic explosion.
A. Storm Surge B. Tsunami C. Tides D. Waves
27. The earth-sun system also produces this effect, and the two are super-imposed,
resulting in a twice-daily rise and fall of sea level.
A. Spits B. Tides C. Waves D. Deltas
28. A fast-moving current that carries water away from shore in a concentrated stream. It
does not pull you under, but does carry you out to sea.
A. Barrier Island B. Long Shore Drift C. Rip current D. Caves
29. Causes a continual re-working of sediment on a beach and translation parallel to the
A. Barrier Island B. Long Shore Drift C. Rip current D. Caves
30. Usually caused by wind and controlled by wind speed.
A. Spits B. Tides C. Waves D. Deltas
31. Refers to the sum total of chemical reactions taking place in an organism.
A. Anabolism B. Bioenergetics C. Cellular Organization D. Metabolism
32. A theory where living organisms arise from non-living things.
A. Spontaneous Generation Theory
C. Biogenic Theory
C. Special Creation Theory
33. Refers to the ability of living organisms to live in harmony with other organism.
A. Integration B. Reproduction C. Cellular Organization D. Metabolism
34. Refers to parts and functions of the cells in an organism.
A. Integration B. Reproduction C. Cellular Organization D. Anabolism
35. The ability of living things to produce new individuals closely resembling them.
A. Bioenergetics B. Reproduction C. Cellular Organization D. Anabolism
36. A building up process shown by respiration.
A. Anabolism B. Bioenergetics C. Cellular Organization D. Metabolism
37. The living part of the cell has an intercellular movement called ______.
A. Cell B. Nucleus C. Cyclosis D. Atom
38. The study of energy in living systems.
A. Anabolism B. Bioenergetics C. Cellular Organization D. Metabolism
39. Store smaller amounts of energy, but each molecule releases enough energy to do
the work within the cell.
A. ATP B. DNA C. Gene D. RNA
40. The ability to do work.
A. Life B. Energy C. Cell D. DNA
41. A long strand made up of a building block called nucleotides. It has a single chain and
does not entwine in a double helix.
A. ATP B. DNA C. Gene D. RNA
42. A _____ is a segment of DNA that encodes a unique protein that performs a
specialized function in the cell.
A. ATP B. DNA C. Gene D. RNA
43. Holds the genetic information needed to make and control all cellular activities within a
living organism.
A. ATP B. DNA C. Gene D. RNA
44. Individuals that have a both male and female reproductive systems.
A. Fragmentation B. Parthenogenesis C. Hermaphroditism D. Asexual
45. The primary method of reproduction of prokaryotic organisms.
A. Binary fusion B. Binary fission C. Cellular Organization D. Budding
46. A form of asexual reproduction where a new organism grows from a fragment of the
A. Fragmentation B. Parthenogenesis C. Hermaphroditism D. Asexual

47. It is most commonly associated with bacteria and yeast.

A. Grafting B. Budding C. Fragmentation D. Reproduction

48. A Greek word for virgin birth.

A. Fragmentation B. Parthenogenesis C. Hermaphroditism D. Asexual

49. The method which involves development of new vareties of fruit plants.
A. Grafting B. Budding C. Fragmentation D. Reproduction

50. A kind of asexual reproduction, another type of fission is multiple fission, which is
advantageous to the plant life cycle, multiple fission, at the cellular level of occurs in
many protest.
A. Binary fusion B. Binary fission C. Cellular Organization D. Budding

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