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Unit 3: Using Websites

Name : Ramanta Surbakti 201112500909

Fika Rahmayanti 201112500858
Erma Ardy Wijayanti 201112500896
Fitri Lestari 201112500922
Eunike Septiana 201112500920
Dahyani 201112500935
Oktavianus Sema 201112500859

Class: R.6.G



Why Would We Want a Website in Our Classroom?

No matter what grade, there is a use for a website. Websites allow for another
medium of communication between people, and will result in a more effective
degree of instruction. Some of the more common uses of a website in the
classroom can be:
Landing page for vital information about classes, clubs, sports, etc.
Resource pools for students to use to gather information
A system of archiving to save lesson plans and activities for the next year's
An accessible archive for students to refer to previous lessons and activities
File repository to offer relevant downloads to students
Event calendar to provide students of important dates and events
Closed-off section for approved user registrations to hold sensitive information
A live chat room to allow students to communicate in real time
A commenting system where students can post extended responses to pages
on the site
A user-profile for each student to build an identity on the website
Online private storage for students to upload and download documents
ELT Websites And Authentic Websites.

English as Language Target Website

● Provide easily useable content for language learners
● Opportunities for more controlled language work
● A great help for learner who need to improve on certain language skills
● Ideal for unsupervised homework
Authentic Website
● Can be chosen to fit learner's interests
● Keep motivation for learning high
● Provide opportunity to work through comprehension issues that learners need to
deal with at some point in their studies

How To Find A Useful Website

 Looking for a Specific Phrase? Try Quotation Marks: If you are looking for a specific
phrase, just typing it into a search engine will probably not get you the results you
were hoping for. However, using quotation marks can solve this problem.
 Use Basic Math to Search the Web: There are a few basic principles that you can
successfully use in nearly all the search engines out there to find exactly what it is
that you are looking for, and one of the most basic techniques is using the add and
subtract symbols in your Web search string.
 The Basics of Web Search: While every search engine and directory have subtle
differences, there are some basic search commands that they have in common.
Search more of the Web and find more of the good stuff with these Web search
basic tips and guidelines.
 Web Search for Beginners: Searching the Web can be overwhelming to Web search
beginners who don't know where to start, what's the best stuff to look at, or even
how to navigate the Web successfully. There are a few very popular activities that
most people use the Web for, and pretty soon, you'll be surfing with the best of
 Three Common Search Mistakes: Have you ever been frustrated when you've tried
to search the Web? Some of this frustration comes from simple searching mistakes
that are easy to make for both the beginning and experienced searcher.
 Free Web Search Class: Web Search 101 is a free class made up of thirteen weekly
lessons that will come to you in your email inbox; every week, I'll show you how to
do something different on the Web.It's a great introduction, and will get you well on
your way to becoming a more experienced (and less frustrated!) Web surfer.
How To Evaluate Websites

1.Accuracy: Who wrote the page? Is this person an expert in the:

a. check the subject matter qualification, experience, look for an ‘about me’ link Is the
page content reliable and factually correct?
b. cross-reference with other similar websites and encyclopedias

2.Currency: check factuaIs the content up-to-date?

a. information against other reliable sources check factual When was the page last

b. information at the bottom/top of the page

3. Content:Is the content interesting and stimulating?

a. consider the content from your learners’ point of view check the attractive and easy
to navigate

b. color combinations, the logic of the links and visual structure

4. Functionality: Does the site work well? Are there any broken links?

a. Be sure to check all pages, and follow all links to all pages you intend to use Does it
use a lot of large files or alternative

b. Check how quickly it echnologies (e.g. Flash)? loads for learners; check sound, video
and animation work.

Planning Lessons Using The Internet

By this stage you will have found evaluated and decided on a collection of web page which
you want to use as part of your teaching. The first thing of course is to plan your session

Visit the website you intend to use and make sure you know your way around them

Make a note of the particular page you want your learners to work on- you can use the
favorit option in internet explorer or bookmarks in firefox to log web addresses for later
use- and make sure you are familiar with the content.
Working With Lower Level Of Language Proficiency

One of the most often asked questions is if possible to work with lower-level classes and the
internet. The simple answer is that it is., of course, feasible but that the choice of websites
will be far more limited than for higher levels. Choosing the right websites can go some way
towards raising their comfort levels. Websites which are more suitable for lower levels will

1. Websites with simple, clearly presented text

2. Websites with non linguistic data will is easy to interpret?(e.g data in the form of a
chart,such as a weather page).
3. Websites with visuals-a task can be based around the visuals only.
4. ELT websites,where the content has been written, edited and prepared with this
audience in mind.

Web Teaching Dos And Donts

Planning carefully and adopting a structured approach to the way you use
websites in the classroom should give you the confidence to try out different ways of
introducing your learners to internet content.

A few considerations and some contingency said:

1. whenever you use technology you should always have a backup plan in a place. To
prepare when the website are down or the computer crash

2. use the knowledge of other teachers and of your learners to help you with the
technical side of the lesson.

3. if its a lesson that involves relatively few web pages. Try saving them to your
computer hard disk. From internet Explorer, choose file “file....’”Save As...” then give
the name of the file and make sure the ‘web page, complete’ option is selected. This
will save the web pages and all its images and you’ll be able to open the pages even
if the connection goes down. You could even go so far as to print them out.

4. Pair work and small-group work will help to encourage oral communication and
break down the ‘computer as a barrier’ effect often prevalent in technology- bassed

5. try to arrange the computer room in such a way that you have easily maintain
control over activities.

6. the wonder of the internet is that it caters for a wide variety of people, interests and
tastes. so much so that you are almost bound to encounter what you consider to be
questionable contents at the same point in your exploration, and the same can safely
said by your learners.
Example Of Web For Education


There are several ways in which the internet helps education. It makes education very
accessible in that students can have access to a lot of information and learning materials. In
this manner, the internet also helps in making it more cost effective to learn. Another way in
which the internet helps education is that it also saves time for the students, making
education and learning to be more time efficient.

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