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Lesson Plan


Grade: 5th (3rd year of study)

No. of pupils: 16
Time: 50 minutes

Textbook: Limba engleză 1; Ed. Litera, 2017.

Unit: 6
Topic: Sports; Grammar structures: adverbs of opinion, present continuous

Type of lesson: Evaluation

Lesson objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able:

- to identify the correct order of a conversation;

- to use correctly their knowledge of the language structures such as adverbs of opinion and
present continuous form of verbs in different types of items;
- to express their personal preferences and opinion in terms of sports;
- to follow all the steps in marking a test;

Skills: Integrated
Techniques: conversation, explanation, exchanging tests
Interaction: lock step, individual work.

Aids: board, laptop, handouts with the test paper and the answers.

Anticipated problems:
1. Ss may feel nervous and find difficult to evaluate the tests.
Possible solution – Teacher goes to those who request help and explains what is to be done.
2. Some Ss may not take to an end their task as evaluator for different reasons.
Possible solution – Teacher asks the Ss who have finished earlier to offer assistance to the colleagues
in need.

Stages of the lesson

1. Announcing the content of the test

Aim: to make pupils aware of the test content and what they are supposed to do

Procedure (T’s and Ss’activities) Interaction Timing

Taking the register. T-Ss 5 min
T gives Ss the test papers. T tells children that they have 15’ to solve the
T gives Ss the necessary instructions for them to complete the given tasks.

Aids: handouts with the test

2. Testing
Aim: to check the previously taught material

Procedure (T’s and Ss’activities) Interaction Timing

T tells Ss that they will all begin their test with the first exercise and for that T-Ss
they need to pay attention to a dialogue between Ben and Emily. 15 min
T plays the conversation twice.
T supervises pupils. Lockstep

Aids: handouts with the test, laptop.

3. Evaluation
Aim: to get pupils involved in their own evaluation

Procedure (T’s and Ss’activities) Interaction Timing

T asks Ss to gather all the tests on rows. Then, T switches the tests among the
rows of Ss. Thus, each S receives a classmate’s test. S-S

T gives each child a handout with the solutions/points for each item and invites 25 min
them to be a T for 25’ by evaluating a colleague’s test paper. T gives
explications to those who have not understood their task and how to finish it. Individual
When Ss finish making the necessary corrections and give marks, the T asks
them to gather all the tests and takes them for a final evaluation.

Aids: handouts with the test and the answers

4. Feedback and assigning homework

Procedure(T’s and Ss’activities) Interaction Timing

T announces the test results but mentions that the final marks are to be known
next time after the T also evaluates the tests. T-S 5 min
T and Ss share impressions. Ss tell the T what they liked, what was difficult, S-S
what it is to be changed/different at the next evaluation task.

T assigns homework: exercise no 9,12,13 / page 90 from the textbook.

Name and surname:………………………………………….
Name Teacher
Progress Test
 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 15 de minute.
 Punctaj din oficiu 30p

I. Listen to Ben and Emily. Put the sentences below in the correct order:
( ) Nothing. Why?
( ) Let’s meet at half past two o’clock then.
( ) I’m going to a football match. Do you want to come?
( ) Good idea. See you on Saturday then.
( ) Fine. Where shall we meet?

II. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the list: fun, easy,
dangerous, boring, difficult.

1. We love volleyball. It’s …………….

2. I hate golf. It’s really ……………….
3. I can’t snowboard. It’s too ………………..
4. I play football very well. For me it’s really …………….
5. Last weekend while skating Maria broke her leg. She thinks skating is ………………..

III. Choose the correct words. My friends are playing football every Sunday.

1. Where is Mary? - She is doing/going/playing aerobics now. Don't bother her.

2. My grandmother is 80 but she still does/goes/plays gymnastics every morning.
3. Where do you do/go/play badminton?
4. Steven and his son do/go/play hiking in woods every summer.
5. I go fishing on Saturdays and I go/play/do yoga on Sundays.

IV. Complete the table with the –ing form of the following verbs:
run, have, dive, hit, play, go, cycle, win, train, swim
+ -ing e + -ing Double consonant+ -ing


V. Write complete sentences using present continuous:

Your classmates / have / fun / on the stadium / at the moment.
Your classmates are having fun on the stadium at the moment.
1. My parents / not play / golf / now.…………… …………………………………..
2. I / learn / yoga / at the moment.……………………………………………….….
3. Your dad / train / at the moment.………….. ……………………………………..
4. We / cycle / now……………………………………………………………………
5. That man / wear / strange clothes.……… …………………………………….…..

VI. Answer these questions:

1. What do you think about football ?...........................................................................................
2. What is your favourite sport and why ? ………………………………………………………
Barem de corectare si notare

Punctaj din oficiu 30p

I. Se acordă câte 2 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns corect:

(1 ) Nothing. Why? – 2 points

(3 ) Let’s meet at two o’clock then. – 2 points
(2 ) I’m going to a football match. Do you want to come? – 2 points
(5 ) Good idea. See you on Saturday then. – 2 points
(4 ) Fine. Where shall we meet? – 2 points
5X2p=10 points

II. Se acordă câte 3 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

1. We love volleyball. It’s fun. – 3 points

2. I hate golf. It’s really boring. – 3 points
3. I can’t snowboard. It’s too difficult. – 3 points
4. I play football very well. For me it’s really easy. – 3 points
5. Last weekend while skating Maria broke her leg. She thinks skating is dangerous. – 3 points

5X3p=15 points

III. Se acordă câte 2 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns corect.

1. doing – 2 points 2. does – 2 points 3. play – 2 points 4. go – 2 points 5. do – 2 points


IV. Se acordă câte 2 puncte pentru fiecare verb scris în coloana corespunzătoare :

+ -ing e + -ing Double consonant+ -ing

Playing - 2 points having - 2 points
Going - 2 points diving -2 points running - 2 points hitting - 2 points
Training -2 points cycling -2 points winning - 2 points swimming -2 points

10X2p=20 points

V. Se acordă câte 3 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns corect și complet.

1. My parents are not/aren’t playing golf now - 2 points

2. I am learning yoga at the moment. - 2 points
3. Your dad is training at the moment. - 2 points
4. We are cycling now. - 2 points
5. That man is wearing strange clothes. -2 points
5X2p=10 points
VI. Se acordă câte :
1. 3 puncte – variante răspuns : I think/ I consider that football is a sport ………………………………
2. 2 puncte – variante răspuns : My favourite sport is ………… because I think it’s fun / interesting / easy to play.

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