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Name : Asma Mujahidah

Registered No : 412020428012
Program/Smt : Management 2
Subject : Dasar-dasar Manajemen SDM
Lecturer : Puspa Devi Maharani, S.E, M.M


1. Explain how Human Resource Management is a process to produce highly competitive
 One of the most important factors of production is labor, labor is obtained from
the results of the selection made by human resource management.
2. Explain the meaning of discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Give
 EEO is the principle of equality, in which every worker gets equal rights,
treatment and opportunities to work and develop a career. Employees are entitled
to compensation or promotion based on considerations of education, experience,
skills, and performance (contributions) to business organizations, not based on
primordial sentiments.
1. Gender discrimination
Inequality of wages between male and female workers
inequality of opportunities in career development
the difficulty of obtaining the right to menstrual and childbirth leave for women
2. Ethnic, racial and religious discrimination
One form of religious discrimination that can occur when workers experience
difficulties in obtaining religious leave rights.
3. Age discrimination
Age discrimination can occur when there is a significant age gap between co-workers,
or between superiors and subordinates. This age gap causes frequent
miscommunication between workers.
4. Discrimination against persons with disabilities
Discrimination against workers with disabilities can also occur because other workers
do not know how to behave kindly to their colleagues with disabilities.
5. Discrimination of political views
Differences in political views have even led to discrimination in the workplace. Of
course you still remember the various cases of layoffs that occurred due to differences
in political views.
3. Explain the meaning of Disparate Treatment and Adverse Impact.
 Discrimination laws distinguish between differential treatment and different
effects. Treatment means planned discrimination. Different treatment occurs when
an employer treats an employee differently because the individual is a member of
a certain racial, religious, gender, or group.
 Adverseimpact “refers to the total work process hat results in a significantly
higher perentage of the protected cohort in the poplation group of prospective
employees who are refused employment or promotion. Emplyers may not
standardize the practice of hiring employees which causes an adverse effect on
certain groups of people.
4. Explain the meaning of Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specifications. Give
 Job Analysis: Is a systematic process of gathering written information about what
types of work must be done in a company in order to achieve organizational
goals. The purpose of job analysis is to analyze the type of work, the
qualifications of workers, the calculation of workload, placement of workers and
the determination of work quality standards. Example: Job Analysis of PT Garuda
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
 Job Description: Is a written statement that contains the purpose of establishing a
position / task. Example: The purpose of establishing a Position: In order to be
able to think about and maximize product sales (both goods and services) and to
build relationships with customers on an ongoing basis so that sales achievement
and growth can survive and increase.
 Job Specifications: Are job specifications which are a written description of
educational background, experience, abilities and competences or other matters
related to work that must be possessed before filling certain positions so that they
can function effectively.
Position Identity:
Position name: Sales Services
Direct supervisor: Service Supervisor
Indirect supervisor: Head of Marketing Services & Goods
Department / field: Marketing
5. Explain the meaning of Job Rotation, Job Erilargement and Job Enrichment. Give
 Job Rotation: Is periodic shift of employee job positions horizontally without
causing changes in salary or rank / class with the aim of overcoming burnout,
increasing employee knowledge and expertise so that when there is a vacancy, the
position can be easily replaced. Example: Dania who previously worked as a
cashier is now working as a treasurer for a while.
 Job Enlargement: Is the process of combining two or more specific tasks in a
workflow section into one job. Example: a teller employee at one time was asked
to become customer service. Job enlargement functions so that employees do not
get bored of work, because they are given new tasks even though the work is still
at the same level.
 Job Enrichment: Is a method of motivating employees in which a job is designed
to have interesting and challenging tasks that require more skills and can increase
pay. Example: A chef who specializes only in cooking soup is ordered to cook
other dishes, or a student who becomes a lecturer assistant, or another soldier who
is promoted to the rank has a bigger responsibility.
6. What factors that count as challenges in planning Human Resource Management in
 External environmental challenges
a. Technological challenges
b. Political and government challenges
c. Economic challenges
d. Social field challenges
e. Statutory challenge
 Internal challenges
a. Strategic plan
b. Budget
c. Estimation of graduates, production and sales
d. New business or activity
e. New desidns, institutions and job assignments
7. Mention and explain the recruitment from outside the company. Give example!
 External recruitment
1. Environmental scale recruiting
where job vacancies are presented on a notice board outside the building around the
company. This kind of recruitment applies in general.
These types of workers are applying for their own jobs
2. Advertisement
The biggest advantage of advertising is that it can reach the wider community and
prospective applicants who are scattered can get information from advertisements.
Commercial Business and Monopoly Business Company Ads
3. Labor Exchange
There are labor exchanges run by the government as well as those carried out in
cooperation between companies. But usually this method occurs in government
4. Employment Agen
There are certain professional organizations engaged in the recruitment and
employment of people, namely private agencies run by private individuals providing
the necessary manpower for problems in need.
5. Institutions
This kind of recruitment is one through educational institutions or oten referred to as
Campus Recruitment. They have a dedicated recruitment team that helps provide jobs
for recent graduates.
6. Recommendation
Usually this is done by companies by listening to suggestions from their workforce
about people who are suitable to be employed in the company.
8. Make an advertisement about recruitment in your company, assuming you are HRD
 The requirement for a male or female is a maximum of 40 years of age, a
minimum of high school (SMA) equivalent, ready to advance the company. may
wear hijab / wear glasses with experience / non experience can work in a
disciplined team in fresh graduate work.
9. You are asked to explain what the consequences of mistakes in employee selection and
placement on other human resource management function, such as un training and
development, compensation and performance apprisals.
 The consequence of the company is that if it experiences errors in selecting and
assigning employees, an evaluation must be held to find out whether the program
has been successfully implemented or still needs improvements.
10. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized human
resources management selection and placement.
 The Advantages
a. Capture greater relevance to the environment in which the decision is made.
b. Encourage greater efficiency.
c. Encourage better motivation from employees.
d. Provide better input in decision making.
e. Allows more top managers to have more control over results.
 Disadvantages
a. Low synergy and coordination.
b. The process is more complicated.
c. Lack of clarity.
d. Increase costs.

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