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Pakistan Institute of Quality Control

Strategic Human Resource Management

Final Term – Course Outline USMAN SAEED

1. Basic functions that all managers perform are planning, organizing,

___________________, leading, and controlling.
(monitoring, implementing, staffing)

2. HR management involves the _______________ and practices needed to carry out

the staffing (or people) function of management.
(tactics, policies, strategies)

3. HRM is responsible for bringing people in organization helping them perform their
work, _________________ them for their work.
(supporting, directing, compensating)

4. This ___________________ is the foundation of an organization’s core

competencies that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers.
(experience, education, knowledge)

5. Workers are demanding that organizations accommodate their personal needs by

instituting ________________ work schedules,
(fixed, alternate, flexible)

6. Management has become an increasingly complex and demanding job for many
reasons, including foreign competition, new __________________, expanding and
rapid change.
(products, technology, markets)

7. An organization's failure to comply with regulating _______________ can result in

extremely costly back-pay awards, class action suits, and penalties.
(laws, policies, procedures)

8. _____________________is particularly important in compensation and promotion

(favoritism, consistency, regularity)

9. Now-a-days there exist sophisticated personnel activities that require special

(knowledge, skills, expertise)

10. Human resource activities have become increasingly important because of the high
_______________ of personal problem.
(value, price, cost)

11. Among all the resources possessed by the organizations it is only ___________
resources that create the real difference.
(human, material, machinery)

12. Keeping in view the opportunities in the market, the first issues will be to
________________ good people for your organization.
(develop, attract, compensate)

13. Development is related to provide the opportunities for training and development to
match the __________________to job in particular areas.
(knowledge, abilities, skills)

14. The _________________ can prevent undesirable detachments of talented and

motivated workers from the organization.
(retention, compensation, training)

15. Organization is asystematic arrangement of people to accomplish some specific

(direction, scope, purpose)

16. Planning provides a sense of _______________ and direction.

(achievement, purpose, accomplishment)

17. Planning also helps identify potential opportunities and ____________.

(strengths, weaknesses, threats)

18. Human resource planning has two components: requirements and

(availability, accessibility, forecasting)

19. The systematic review of human resource requirements getting the right people at the
right place at the right ________________.
(number, time, type)

20. Human resource planning helps in identifying the __________________ needs.

(hiring, selection, recruitment)

21. __________________ recruitment method uses the organization’s current level of

employment as the starting point for determining future staffing needs.
(bottom-up, zero-based, top-down)

22. In ________________ forecasting method an aggregate forecast of employment

needs is calculated by summing up the each level employees requirement.
(bottom-up, zero-based, top-down)

23. Simulation model is a / an _________________ of the real world.

(representation, perception, abstraction)

24. The succession planning is the process of ensuring that a ________________ person
is available to assume a managerial position once the position is vacant.
(suitable, appropriate, qualified)

25. Through HRP, an organization is able to have efficient and effective workforce which
will provide a____________________ advantage.
(relative, comparative, competitive)

26. Recruiting refers to the process of ______________ potential job applicants from the
available labor force.
(attracting, collecting, gathering)

27. The _______________ ratios express the relationship between the numbers of people
at one step of the recruitment process relative to the number of people who will move
to the next step.
(success, yield, hit)

28. ________________ inventories are useful in identifying individuals who have the
potential for advancement.
(employee, job, skills)

29. A promotion from within policy is intrinsic to ______________ development and

human resource planning.
(career, people, employee)

30. An organization can also use the policy of job ______________ as an internal
recruitment source.
(ad, announcement, posting)

31. ________________ and referrals from the present employees are valuable sources of
(contacts, friends, links)

32. In ________________ advertisements no identification about the company is

provided to applicants.
(secret, covert, blind)

33. Internship is a special form of recruiting that involves placing a student in a

________________ job.
(provisional, temporary, interim)

34. Head hunters are specialized form of private employment agencies that place top
level ________________ and experienced professionals.
(employees, executives, workers)

35. Organizations can also use ________________ recruitment to perform many

recruitment and selection activities online.
(Web, internet, cyber)
36. Out sourcing is the process of _________________ responsibility for an area of
service and its objectives to an external service provider instead of internal
(giving, providing, transferring)

37. Quality of the recruitment process can be assessed by the education,

_______________, capabilities and competencies of the applicants.
(IQ, skills, knowledge)

38. ________________ is the process of choosing from a group of applicants those

individuals best suited for a particular position.
(hiring, placing, selection)

39. The number of people hired for a particular job compared to the individuals in the
applicant pool is often expressed as a ________________ ratio.
(quantity, quality, selection)

40. The selection process often begins with an initial _______________ of applicants to
remove individuals who obviously do not meet the position requirements.
(viewing, inspection, screening)

41. Personal Resume presented with the job application is considered as source of
(knowledge, particulars, information)

42. ______________ interviews are used to verify information provided on resume or

application blank.
(initial, preliminary, screening)

43. Application forms are a good way to quickly ______________ verifiable and fairly
accurate historical data from the candidate.
(judge, collect, gather)

44. ___________________ refers to the uniformity of the procedures and conditions

related to administering tests.
(objectivity, reliability, standardization)

45. _________________ of selection tests is achieved when all individuals scoring a

given test obtain the same results.
(objectivity, reliability, standardization)

46. _______________ is the extent to which a selection test provides consistent results.
(objectivity, reliability, standardization)

47. _________________ test measures an individual’s ability to learn, as well as to

perform a job.
(interest, personality, cognitive)
48. _________________ test indicates the occupation in which a person is most likely to
receive satisfaction.
(interest, personality, cognitive)

49. __________________ test is not very useful considering that it only emphasize the
subjective interpretation)
(interest, personality, cognitive)

50. Interview is a goal-oriented conversation in which the interviewer and applicant

exchange _______________.
(views, information, knowledge)

51. Learning is a relatively permanent change in ________________ that results from

direct or indirect experience.
(attitude, skills, behavior)

52. Training is the heart of a continuous effort designed to improve employee

competency and organizational _______________.
(growth, development, performance)

53. Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping
those correct deficiencies in their _________________.
(growth, development, performance)

54. Upgrading employees' performance and improving their _________________

through training is a necessity in today's competitive environment.
(knowledge, skills, competency)

55. After stating the training _______________, management can determine the
appropriate methods for accomplishing them.
(goals, objectives, strategies)

56. Training must be continuously evaluated in order to facilitate _______________ and

accomplish organizational objectives.
(change, development, growth)

57. The first step in the training process is to determine training __________________.
(purpose, objectives, needs)

58. The objective of the ____________________ analysis is to examine how well

individual employees are performing their jobs.
(task, personal, operational)

59. The __________________ is an efficient means of transmitting large amounts of

factual information to a relatively large number of people at the same time..
(lecture, video, simulation)

60. In role play training method, participants are required to respond to specific
_____________ they may actually encounter in their jobs.
(issues, problems, situations)

61. _______________ training that takes place away from the production area on
equipment that closely resembles the actual equipment used on the job.
(vestibule, virtual, distant)

62. It is important that the training be assessed on how well it addresses the
_______________ it was designed to address.
(topic, subject, need)

63. The basic problem with participants’ evaluation is that it is based on

______________ rather than fact.
(action, reaction, opinion)

64. Benchmarking utilizes exemplary practices of other organizations to evaluate and

_____________ training programs.
(improve, judge, refer)

65. In post training performance method, the participants’ performance is measured

after attending a training program to determine if ________________ changes have
been made.
(work, task, behavior)

66. Performance can be defined as efforts along with the _________________to put
efforts for achieving certain objectives.
(attitude, skills, ability)

67. The ________________ is the basic skills possessed by the individual that are
required to give certain performance.
(motivation, ability, attitude)

68. __________________ involves developing modern plants for rapid, low-cost

production, fast distribution, and high productivity.
(effectiveness, efficiency, competence)

69. Using the internal systems approach, managers evaluate organizational

(effectiveness, efficiency, competence)

70. Using the external resource approach, managers evaluate a firm’s ability to manage
and ______________ the external environment.
(plan, implement, control)

71. Organizational effectiveness is evaluated by both official and ________________

(operative, administrative, financial)
72. _________________ managementsignificantly affects organizational success by
having managers and employees work together.
(performance, people, motivation)

73. Performance appraisal is a system of review and _________________ of an

individual or team’s job performance.
(monitoring, evaluation, organizing)

74. The first step in performance appraisal process is to identify the specific performance
appraisal __________________.
(objectives, milestones, goals)

75. “Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales” performance appraisal method combines

elements of the traditional rating scales and critical ________________ methods.
(tasks, incidents,issues)

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