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Goals That Support the Vision and Mission of the Hospital






Goals That Support the Vision and Mission of the Hospital

Financial or economic goal

Reviewing the hospital’s technology to make it cost-effective

The main aim of the goal is to support the mission and vision of the institution.

Improving the hospital technology by executing health information technology (HIT) tools,

like the electronic health records (EHR), gives the hospital a wide range of services

(Menachemi & Collum, 2011). The technology provides a good chance to the institution to

reduce the cost and improve the quality of services offered. Thus, many victims preferring the

facility over the others. The hospital had unworthy cash usage for this year compared to last

year, thus a great need to initiate a plan that will reduce the costs. The goal's success is

decided by comparing the amount used over the year and the estimated amount to be spent.

Legal or regulatory goal

Breaking goals into small objective

Still, on this goal, it aims at regulating the set mission and vision. Distributing the

daily set objectives such as the quality of the services offered to patients will assist achieve

the mission (Schwartzberg et al., 2018). Taking a step in a situation aiming to increase a staff

member in a certain department keeps the facility in progress to achieve the need to have the

most employees to provide the best services (Van Der Heijden et al., 2009). The step assists

the healthcare to have the required workers gradually. The goal's success is determined by

identifying whether each department has a care provider to offer the best quality services.

Risk or quality management goal

Allocating of daily limitations

On this goal, achieving the mission and vision is by minimizing the involvement

required to attain the goals. Knowing that each day has to achieve a certain target, the

employees have the morale and urge to work towards it (Nwokocha & Lheriohanna, 2015).

For instance, working for patient assistants, not for payment, and setting a goal that each

employer to attend to several patients a day helps manage the quality of services provided.

The facility is, therefore, able to provide the best service as its mission states. The goal is

measured by the number of patients appreciating the service quality offered to them in a day,

and the records each employer provides of the patients attended in a day.


Menachemi, N., & Collum, T. H. (2011). Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record

systems. Risk management and healthcare policy, 4, 47.

Nwokocha, I., & Iheriohanma, E. B. J. (2015). Nexus between leadership styles, employee

retention and performance in organizations in Nigeria. European Scientific

Journal, 11(13).

Schwartzberg, E., Nathan, J. P., Avron, S., & Marom, E. (2018). Clinical and other specialty

services offered by pharmacists in the community: the international arena and

Israel. Israel journal of health policy research, 7(1), 1-11.

Van Der Heijden, B., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M., & Meijs, E. (2009). Employability

enhancement through formal and informal learning: an empirical study among Dutch

non‐academic university staff members. International journal of training and

development, 13(1), 19-37.

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