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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:Mason Stewart

PCA-Politcal Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the political frame
2. Apply the political frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The Organization that I will be working internally with this semester is Nike

Brand in the Jordan Department.

As the Project manager/Creative Director in the Jordan department My goals are to try

and produce more products for the mass public, Retro past Jordan's allowing more

underprivileged and less wealthy people opportunity's to purchase iconic sneakers with

no outrageous price tag. I want to provide a good communication tool allowing

companies to reach out to each other for easier access to collaborations and branding

rights. Along with those goals I am determined to establish myself as a Creative, Senior

Project Manager, and Leader! As I make my transition from a LEAD Program assistant

into the role of a Project manager I feel that there will be a lot for me to learn. I am

opening minded to all ideas that come to mind. I will also make this transition as smooth

as possible and develop into the knowledgeable Nike consultant I know so much about.

Nike Brand will continue to work for the people and provide quality gear for all who seek


2) Describe how the politics of the organization influenced the situation.

When dealing with cooperating companies there are a lot of politics. Like everything

else, there is a person above the next control in things at a higher level making sure that

the shareholders receive their funds. When it comes to Nike tends to release enough

shoes for the public to receive. With the hype of shoes going up and the capability of

purchasing multiple shoes at a time with bots is un-real. Along with that many

cooperation don't want to realize more than around five hundred pairs of shoes. One

reason is that shareholders are unsure if demand is that high per sneaker. Allowing there

to be less of an ROI with the sneaker. My thing is that if they are making the quality

sneakers they are used to making the sneaker will come in demand. Also with leftovers

sure that have not been purchases seeling them close to what they were produced at

would get the shoes sold and help someone that may need good new sneakers.

When dealing with politics I have learned that all they care about is ROI. The return

on investment allows you to know what you will get in return if you invest now. I say

that it takes time and effort to want to invest in a company, but once they certify the self.

The moon is the limit. As I continue to build relationships with my coworkers, I know

that I will be able to accomplish more at hand. Having the ability to create the project I

want to create will be worthier all the hard work that is needed to be put in. To make the

most out of this situation I understand that I will need to be strong in my decision and

make sure to always create my best work.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational politics for an alternative

course of action regarding your case.

I would use organization politics in the workforce properly especially if it helps my

co-workers feel better about themselves. After all, it only takes one survivor to have faith

in you and you make the most out of the situation. I feel like make the most out of the

situation that is given to me will allow me to excel and develop since power like my

coworkers have. It takes time to have the power to control people's work ethic and drive.

As you gain control make sure that you use it for good. I have noticed that karma comes

into all ways of life and there is no telling when it will come back around. Keeping good

faith and working for the betterment of the people will allow you to be the person you

and everyone talking about.

Like anything, it takes time to understand where you want to go and where things can

take you. I am still learning how to develop and be the professional I see myself as. After

all, Rome didn't get built overnight, and nor will your destiny. Always keep the faith and

allow yourself to always learn from the situations you get yourself into. Never allow

yourself to get down when you lose, take that as a lesson and run with it.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have

learned about this frame.

I feel like I will continue to build the relationships I desperately need. You cant be the

best without having the network to back it up and the network is what I am missing at this

point. Once you have a good networkrs respect that is when you can take what you have

learned and drive that to the next stage. As I counted to learn more and more everyday

relating it to everyday life is not easy. So take it step by step, never allow fear to get in

the way of your goodness.

The reason I wouldn't do anything differently is that I feel like the way that I am

going about business is an effective way to do so. With that being said I feel that when

things start to move slower or my ways no longer get the job done, that is when I need to

think about discovering a better way of going about the situations that I am getting

myself into.

Reference or References

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