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Akhmad Cahyadi / 03 / XII MIPA A

Conditional Tipe 3

Conditional tipe 3 /Untrue in tha past conditional/ Ipossiblle Conditional adalah kalimat
pengandaian yang dipakai untuk menyatakan informasi yang berlawanan / berbeda dengan
fakta waktu lampau. Contoh Fakta : I was born in 1967. Kalimat fakta ini bisa dibuat
conditional menjadi : If I had not been born in 1967, I would have been 57 years old.
Contoh lagi : Indonesia got national independence in 1945. Kaliamt fakta ini bisa dibuat
kalimat conditional menjadi : If Indonesia had not got national independence in 1945, it
would have become a superpower country.

Pola :

1. If + subjek + had + verb.3 + objek+Ket.waktu pampau , Subjek +

Kalimat sarat
would/could/should/might have+ verb 3 + objek. (verbal - verbal)
Kalimat hasil.
2. If Subjek + had been +adjective/adverb/noun phrase+ ket.waktu lampau, Subjek +
Kalimat sarat
Would/should/could/might have + been +adjective/adverb/noun phrase.
Kalimat hasil
3. If + subjek + had + verb3 + objek + ket.waktu lampau, Subjek + would have + been +
Kalimat sarat Kalimat hasil
adjective/adverb/noun phrase + ket. Tempat (campuran verbal + nominal)
4. If + subjek + had been + adjective/adverb/noun phrase,
+ Subjek would/should/could/might have + verb3 + objek (campuran Nom+ verbal)
1. If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.
2. If he had tried to leave the country, the police would have stopped him.
3. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.
4. If I had known that you were in hospital, I would have visited you
5. If you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you could have got a seat.
6. If I had been in Jakarta on August, I could have been eager to see the city
comemorating the indepence day
7. If you had been here last week, you would have seen my garden on its best.
Dari contoh diatas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa dalam kalimat conditional tipe 3 tensesnya
adalah sebagai berikut :
 Kalimat sarat adalah had + V3 + Kalimat hasil Would have + V3 Verbal – verbal)
 Kalimat sarat adalah had been + adj./adv/N.P + Kalimat hasil + would have been +
adj./adv.N.P. (Nominal -Nominal)
 Kalimat sarat adalah had + V3+ Kalimat hasil +would have been+ adj./adv./N.P
 Kalimat sarat adalah had been +adj/adv/N,P + Kaliamt hasil would have +V3
Kalimat negative

Kalimat conditional tipe 3 bisa dibuat negative didalam kalimat sarat, kalimat hasil atau
didalam kedua-duanya.
1. If I had not forgotten my driving licence, I could have ridden my motorcycle.
2. If I had brought my driving licence, the police would not have cought me for
3. If the student had not disobeyed the the teachesr, the would not have scorned him.
4. If the driver had not broken the traffic rule, the bus would not have got an accident
5. If the pilot had followed the ground staff , the plane wouldn’t have fallen .
Dari contoh-contoh diatas dapat kita pahami bahwa kalimat negative bisa dalam kalimat
sarta, kalimat hasil atau pada kalimat kedua-duanya.

Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative)

Kalimat tanya dalam conditional tipe 3 ini bisa dalam dua bentuk :
 Yes/No Question
 Wh-Question
Contoh :
Yes/No Question
 Would the car have got an accident If the driver had driven the car carefully?
 Would the students have finished their homework if they had not watched TV too
 Would the forest have damaged if the people had not cut the trees irresponsibly?
 Would the plantd have died if the farmer had not watered them?
Jawaban dari pertanyaan diatas bisa “Yes/NO” sehingga kalimat tanya itu dinamakan
Yes/No Question.Ini sering dibuat apabila kita berinteraksi lisan dengan lawan
bicara.tentang kejadian/peristiwa pada waktu yang lampau dengan kalimat conditional tipe 3
Wh-Question bisa disebut pula information question adalah kalimat tanya yang meminta
informasi kepada orang lain. Informasi yang diminta adalah digambarkan dalam kata tanya
yang dipakai. Who= menanyakan siapa, which = menanyakan yang mana (benda), where=
menanyakan dimana, whom menanyakan siapa(objek) dsb. Kalimat conditional dalam
bentuk wh-question dibuat dengan menambah kata tanya didepan kalimat conditiona tipe 3
 A : What would have happened if the people had cut the forest irresponsibly
B : The forest would have damaged if the people had cut the irresponsibly
 A : Who would have got bad impact if the people had not solved the pollution?
B : Human being would have got bad impact if the people had not solved the
 A : Which country would have bad environmental impact if the global warming had
not been stopped?
B : Countris in the world would have got bad environmental effect if the global
Warming had not been stopped.
Dari contoh wh-question diatas dapat kita pahami bahwa membuat kalimat tanya wh-
question dalam kalimat conditional tipe 3 polanya adalah :
Kata tanya + would + subject + have+V.3 + objek + ket.waktu lampau + if + Subjek +
had+ V.3 + objek ? (tand tanya). Tetapi kadang kalimat tanya itu tidak memiliki subjek
karena subjeknya ditanyakan. Dalam contoh diatas kalimat pertanyaannya tidak memiliki
subjek karena subjeknya ditanyakan. Kalau yang ditanyakan bukan subjek misalnya
keterangan tempat (where, whom, when, ) maka pola kalimat pertanyaannya adalah :
 Where + would + subject + have+V.3 + objek + ket.waktu lampau + if + Subjek +
had+ V.3 + objek ?
 Whom + would + subject + have+V.3 + objek + ket.waktu lampau + if + Subjek +
had+ V.3 + objek ?
 When + would + subject + have+V.3 + objek + ket.waktu lampau + if + Subjek +
had+ V.3 + objek ?
 A : Where would the student have continued his study if he had had a visa?
B : The student wiukd have studied in foreign country if he had had a viisa.
 A : Whom would the teacher have given the reward if the test had finisshed?
B : The teacher would have given the reward to the student getting best score if
The test had finished..
Penyingkatan Klimat conditional tipe 3.
Lihat contoh :
 If the driver had known that the were bad, he would have driven the car carefully.
- Had the driver known that the road were bad, he would have the car carefully.
 If my father had told me that he would go to jakarta, I would have accompanied
- Had my father told me that he would go to jakarta, I would accomaned him.
 If Allied Forces had not dropped atomic bomb in Hirosimma, japan would not
have surrendered to Allied Forces.
-- Had the Allied Forces not dropped atomic bomb in Hirosima, Japan would
Not have surrendered to the Allied Forces.
Mencari fakta dalam kalimat conditional tipe 3
Lihat contoh :
 The bus would not have got an accident if the driver had driven the car carefully.
Fact : The bus got an accident because the driver didn’t drive the car carefully.
 Budi would have gonne to Andi’s house if he had known the address.
Fact : Budi did not go to Andi’s house because he didn’t know the address.
 If I had not come late to the class, I would not missed the fiest lesson.
Fact : I came late to the class so I missed the first lesson.
 If the weather had not been bad, the plane would have arrived on time.
Fact : The weather was bad so the plane didn’t arrive on time.
 If I had not forgotten the schedule of the work, I would have started to work
Fact : I forgot the schedule of the work so I didn’t start to work promptly.
Dari contoh diatas dapat kita pahami bahwa kalimat conditiona tipe 3 kalau dibuat menjadi
fakta, kalimat faktanya bertenses past tense dan berlawanan arti dalam arti conditional
berarti positif maka kalimat fakta harus negatif dan sebaliknya.Berlawanan bisa pula tidak
dinyatakan dengan positif lawannya negative tetapi bisa pula fakta itu dinyatakan dengan
antonim dari kata dalam kalimat conditionalnya.
 If Amin had the letter earlier to Yani, yani would have known that her mother was
Fakta : amin sent the letter later to Yani , so Yani didn’t know that her mother
was sick.
 If the host had locked the door of his house, the thief would not have entered to
his house.
Fakta : The host unlocked the door of his house, so the thief entered to his
 If the the driver had driven the car carefully, the car would not have got the
Fakta : The driver drover the car caterlessly so the got he accident.
 If the boxes had been fastened tightly, they would not have fallen to the ground.
Fakta : The boxes was fastened loosely so the boxes fell to the ground.
Latihan 1
Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct for of conditioal type 3
1. If you had been here last week you would have seen my garden at its best.
2. I shouln’t have believed it if I would have not seen it with my own eyes.
3. If I had slipped, he would been fall 500 feet from the top.
4. If you hadn’t locked all the drawers, the burglar would have not did so much damage.
5. If I had realized that he was ill, I would have offered to help him.
6. If you had left that wasp alone, it would have not stung you.
7. If had known what a bad driver you were, I would have not came with you
8. If you had shut the door, the hens would have not got into the house
9. If you had told me that he never paid his debt, I would have not gave him the money.
10. If he had known that the river was dangerous, he would have not tried to swim across
Latihan 2
Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan kalimat conditiona dalam bentuk tanya (interrogative)
1. A : What would have happened to the trees if he had not watered then for a long
B : The trees would have died if he had not watered them for long time.
2. A : Who would have the ruin in the water if they had used modern tool?
B : The crew would have found the ruin in the water if they had used modern tools.
3. A : Who would have submitted the goods if the buyer had paid the money?
B : The trader would have submitted the goods if the buyer had paid the money.
4. A : What would have happened to the passenger if the plane had not been delayed?
B : The passanger would have arrived at the airport at 9.00 if the plane had not been
5. A : What would have happened to me if the there was no black out?
B : I would have studied chapter 9 if there was no black out.
Latihan 3
Buatlah kalimat conditional tipe 3 in menjadi fakta
If the farmer had planted the trees in a better place, the trees would have grown well
Fact : The farmer didn’t plant the tress in a beter place, so the trees didn’t grow well
Atau : The farmer grew the tress in worse place so the tress didn,t grrow well.
1. If i had known your telephone number, I would have called you up last week.
Fact : I didn’t know your telephone number, so I didn’t call you up last week
2. If the weather had been warm yesterday, they would have gone to the beach.
Fact The weather isn’t warm yesterday, so they didn’t go to the beach
3. If he had taken a taxi, he would have come on time.
Fact : He wasn’t take a taxi, so he was come late.
4. If John had worn overcoat, he wouldn’t have caught a cold.
Fact : John didn’t wear overcoat, so he caught a cold
5. We would have gone to the party if he had invited us.
Fact : He didn’t invite us so we didn’t go to the party
6. If he had mentioned it in time, we could have saved ourselves all that trouble.
Fact : He haven’t mention it in time, so we didn’t save ourselves all that trouble.
7. If yesterday had been a holiday, I would have spent the dsay in bali.
Fact : Yesterday wasn’t a holiday, so I didn’t spent the day in Bali
8. If I had begun to study Englis a year ago, I would have had to take the final
Fact : I haven’t begin to study English a year ago, so I didn’t take the final
9. If I had been in Floriida last winter, I would have played sky there.
Fact : I wasn’t in Florida last winter, so I didn’t play ski there
10. If I had had more time to prepare the lesson, i would have made progress in my
Fact :I didn’t have more time to prepare the lesson, so I didn’t made any progress in
my English.
Latihan 4
Buat kalimat penyingkatan untuk kalimat conditional berikut
Contoh :
Ih you had asked me, I would have told you the who story
- Had you asked me, I would have told you the whole story
1.If you had used computer , you could have finished the work half in time.
- Had you used computer, you could have finished the work half in time.
2. If you had gone out of bussiness, hundred of people would have lost their job.
- Had you gone out of business, hundred of people would have lost their job
3. If Thomson had not dropped the ball, we would have won the basket ball game.
- had Thomson not dropped the ball, we would have won the basket ball game.
4. If they had not dared to be different, the history of civilization would have had to be
- Had they not dared to be different, the history of civilization would have had to be
5. If you had come earlier, I wouldn’t have employed someone else.
- Had you come earlier, I wouldn’t have employed someone else.
6. If I had seen it with my own eyes, I would have believed in it.
- Had I seen it with my own eyes, I would have believed in it.
7. If you had come some other day, it might not have been like this.
 Had you come some other day, it might not have been like this.
Latihan 5
1. Pilih a,b,c,d,atau e untuk jawaban ang benar
‘Did Paul get his work done?’

‘He _____ if his computer had not been broken.’

A. could
B. could be
C. could not
D. could have
E. could not have
2. “How was your test?’

‘Not very good.I _____ much better If I didn’t missread the direction for the test last

A. might do
B. must have done
C. should do
D. could have done
E. would do
3. Had he handed the application letter earlier, he ____last week.
A. would be allowed to join interview test
B. was being allowed to join the interview test
C. would have been allowed to join the intrerview test
D. he will have been allowed to jpoin the inteview test
E. he was allowed to join the interview test
4. Had I realized that Tim was a bad driver , I ______ my car.
A. wouldn’t lend him
B. didn’t lend him
C. will lend him
D. had not lend him
E. would not have lent him
5. If he _____ more confidence during the interview, he might have got the job he


A. were
B. would be
C. could have been
D. had been
E. was being
6. ‘Did you buy the computer?’

‘No, but I would have if my father _____’

A. had given me the money

B. would have given me the money
C. would give me the money
D. was giving me the money
E. gave me the money

7. We would have lost our bag, if we ______ it in the hotel.

A. left
B. had left
C. have left
D. would leave
E. would have left
8. I would have finished cleaning the house, but if Ratu had not helped me, I _____

it so quickly.

A. could never have done

B. could never do
C. have never done
D. can never do
E. can never have done
9. If the mechanic had done his work properly, you _____ no problem with your car


A. would have had

B. have had
C. would have
D. hadd had
E. will have
10. If I had known that you were coming, I ____ you at the station.
A. will meet
B. will have met
C. will be meeting
D. may have met
E. would have met

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