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DM - Tyas 1

Hortatory Exposition Text


3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks hortatory exposition lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai topik yang hangat
dibicarakan umum, argumentasi pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Read the following text and answer all the questions of the text!
Students’ Safety in School

Do you know that the incidences of violence in schools increase? News programs have broadcasted many
cases related to violence happened in schools. The issue of school safety is a major concern at all levels of
government in every country. I think schools should increase their safety. The following are some reasons
why schools should increase their safety.

First, violent acts in schools occurs at all educational levels. Every student should feel safe from violence
in their school, yet there are many that do not feel the same. Once, violence in school was a fight among
students, often taking place in the schoolyard and ending with adult intervention. Today, it is not unusual for
students to violently attack other students, teachers, security guards, and school personnel, showing a
complete lack of respect for authority. These attacks often result in injury and at times, death.

Second, schools must be safe because schools must protect their students from assaults, bullying, theft,
fights, robbery, sexual attacks, classroom disorder, kidnapping, and other violent crimes. There are few of
many incidents that exemplify the need for school safety. For example, an elementary student was
kidnapped; a student attacked his teacher; some girl students bullied their classmate; a teacher hit his student.

The last reason is that safety in schools is important and necessary to support the academic success of
each student. A safe learning environment is essential for students of all ages. If the school is not safe, they
will unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful education and future. Safe schools also
give the students the opportunity and achieve in a safe and nurturing environment.

The crisis of violence in schools has devastating effects. All necessary steps and precautions need to be
taken to ensure the safety of all students. Zero tolerance policies and violence prevention programs need to
be instituted in schools. Parents, schools, and communities need to work together to take measures to make
their schools a safe place for everyone.

A. Vocabulary
Find the meaning of the following words! Use your English dictionary!
1. Incidence (N) : The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or something else
2. Intervention (N) : The action or process of intervening.
3. Authority (N) : The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
4. Injury (N) : an instance of being injured.
5. Assaults (N) : a concerted attempt to do something demanding.
6. Exemplify (V) : Be a typical example of.
DM - Tyas 2
Hortatory Exposition Text

7. Nurture (V) : Care for and encourage the growth or development of.
8. Devastating (Adj.) : Causing severe shock, distress, or grief.
9. Precautions (N) : a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or
inconvenient from happening.
10. Instituted (V) : Set in motion or establish (something, especially a program, system, or

B. Reading Comprehension
Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What is the text about?
It's about the student's safety at school.
2. What is the writer’s opinion?
The writer's think that school should increase their safety.
3. Were the violence crimes only done by students?
Not. Violence crimes could be done by another person whatever the status
4. Why is the school safety important?
School safety is neccesary to support academic success of each student, violent acts in school occurs
at all educational levels, and also schools need to be safe to protect the students from assaults,
robbery, bullying, theft, fights, sexual harrasment , kidnapping, etc.
5. What does the writer recommend?
Parents, schools, and communities need to work together to take measures to make their schools a
safe place for everyone

C. Purpose
The purpose of the text is to persuade the readers to work together to make schools a safe place for

D. Identifying Structure
Identify the structure of the hortatory exposition that you’ve read.
Paragraph Structure

I Thesis

II Argument

III Argument

IV Argument

V Recommendation

E. Language Features
Identify the language features by answering the following questions!
1. Mention modal verbs used in the text! (3)
a. student should feel safe from violence in their school,
DM - Tyas 3
Hortatory Exposition Text

b.Second, schools must be safe because schools must protect their students from assaults, bullying, theft,
fights, robbery, sexual attacks, classroom disorder, kidnapping, and other violent crimes. schools must
be safe because schools must protect their students from assaults, bullying, theft, fights, robbery, sexual
attacks, classroom disorder, kidnapping, and other violent crimes.
c.The following are some reasons why schools should increase their safety.

2. Does the text use expression of giving opinion? Mention the proof!
I think schools should increase their safety
2. the text use connective words? Give the examples! (3)
a.First, violent acts in schools occurs at all educational levels
b.All necessary steps and precautions need to be taken to ensure the safety of all students.
c.Once, violence in school was a fight among students, often taking place in the schoolyard and ending
with adult intervention
3. Mention the sentences using phrases of giving examples! (1)
a. an elementary student was kidnapped;
b. a student attacked his teacher
c. some girl students bullied their classmate;

4. Can you find conditional sentences in the text? Mention! (1)

If the school is not safe, they will unable to focus on learning the skills needed for a successful
education and future.

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