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I. Is that all you can do?

You’re just not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not perfect enough
Making mistakes where ever you go, disappointing people like it’s a part of a show
Why don’t you try to be like her, she’s good at that she’s perfect at this, why can’t you?
Just why?
II. I want to be good, I want to be pretty, I do want to be both smart and perfect
I want to be well-rounded
I want to be a different person far from who I really am
I want change my face and body if I only have money
I want to study and study until exams become easy
III. I tried to be Regina George, proving confidence and beauty with every step
I tried to be Sherlock Holmes, solving mysteries like a puzzle for a three year old
I tried to be Harry Potter, living the life as the chosen one
I tried to be all those things
IV. I tried and tried and tried
Never have I felt this so tired

But no matter what you say, no matter what others say

I know that I can never be as good as you or even as close
I want you to know I am me in my own imperfect and unique way
Mind your own cause when God asks
He asks about you and not about me.
It’s that easy.
I chose to perform a performance poetry with a little drama since I enjoy writing stories, poems, scripts
and others. My poem focused on a girl finally realizing and accepting her flaws no matter how hard the
people surrounding her
This is my first time personally performing my own work and I did enjoy doing it.

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