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Morareng, Jin Riquisha A.

BSN1-B 09/05/20

Compare and Contrast the activities during the primitive time and present day
From the primitive time to the present day, there have been several observable changes in
the behavior and lifestyle of human beings. Looking back, humans mainly focused on their
survival. There were two roles back then; the role of a man and a woman. The men in the family
are taught at a young age on how to use weapons and tools such as the bow and arrow, the spear,
a sword and knife, and hammer stones however they were also taught how to fight with their
bare hands. This are essential skills needed for them to hunt food and to protect their family. Not
only that but they are also taught on how to start fire, chop woods and fire woods and build their
own shelter. The women on the other hand are thought to cook, to clean, to gather fruits and
vegetables, and to be take care of the family. Women during this time were also taught how to
use weapons for self-defense and start a fire. In the present, the roles of men and women are
equal. However unlike the primitive time, instead of hunting for food we go to the market.
Instead of fire woods, we have gas stoves in our homes (there are however some still households
that uses fire wood especially in the provinces). We are currently living in an advanced society
where machines do most of the work. People living in the present are like a broken record. They
do the same things almost every day. Wake up, brush your teeth, cook your food, eat, take a bath,
put on clothes, go to school/work, spend almost half the day there, go home, change your
clothes, cook, eat, brush, sleep then repeat. They spend most of their time in school as a child
and they spend most of their time at work as an adult.
There are similarities during the primitive time and the present like for example, when we
achieved something or became successful with our goal we usually celebrate which also
happened during the primitive time. When they are successful with their hunt, tribes would often
travel six to twenty miles to celebrate with neighboring tribes and then partake of dancing and
cultural games that lasted several hours. Another similarity is the need to survive. During the
primitive time, they are living to survive which is the same in the present. We focus on success
and money in order to survive this society that’s why we almost do the same routine no matter
how tiring it is in order to survive.

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