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He has a huge bulge on his leg.

She is prying to find out if her husband cheated on her.

They will climb this steep to get this insane view of the sky.
She is looking at him in a frown way.
He heard some rumors but they are off the books.
They hung their clothes to dry faster.
They preempt the accident by slowing down the speed.
He had a good charm and this is why he had success for girls.
At the least , you could finish your job.
This is sufficient , we don’t need anymore of this.
He winds up for his horrible nightmare.
To reach the 12th floor of the building from outside ,you will need some scaffolds.
She gets accustomed with this situation.
He is faithful to his religion.
The lining of the hoodie is perfect.

At the fire athlar Jesse says that meaby baron’s daughter is part of a crazy religious
group or something. I think that could be possible but meaby she used this athar for
calling spirits or something. The athar is made from a table that has a bread , a bow
made of metal that it's on fire and around this corner are many candles that are also
light. And the thing that made this athar so special are the burning tattoos on the

Geralt wants to talk with the pellar about the amulet or if he knows something about
Anna. The Baron warns Geralt about pellar that he is a hard man to talk with. He
also mentions that there are some rumors in the village that he killed his own father
with an axe and that he went crazy by seeing ghosts around him.

She presents as a woman from Ard Skellige , from the Holmstein town that is an
armorer assistant. Because the armorer thinks that females are not capable of
mastering armor. But the conversation demonstrates that she knows much more
than him and offers Geralt a mission and as a reward she would make him a light
strong armor as he likes.

1. The suggestion from people - the strategy.

2. The race - the outcome (statues woman mission)
3. The guys from pellars house - the reason (Edric baited) - Jesse opinion on the
fight (affect the story)(no way to perfection)
4. The pellar - the price for his help - who he manage to find the goat - goat error
- very rar diagram ( where,ursine steel sword , Jesse reaction)
5. Explain the process (wheat , milk , rat) , anna 2nd child ,correlation with the
stuff from baron’s room) ,his new mission (grave , blood)
The episode begins with Jesse looking around the map and searching for new
quests, he sees a question mark pretty close to him and decides to go there. On the
way, he fought some wolves and drowners. While he was looting the drowners he
finds two interesting items , a note about a child named Patrick that was letting alone
, and a stone that Jesse used to upgrade his silver sword. Just a few meters away ,
a man was captured by some guys that want to kill him for his money. Jesse here
has two choices: 1 letting him go away or second kill the guy. He chose the first
option because he always has trust in humans' hearts. And because of this choice
he had to kill everybody. On the same shore he found a dead body with a note that
said that this guy has a transport to complete. The quest mission was to recover
some loot from the near waters and get them to a witch that you have to look for.
The mission wasn't that hard ,but on his way to the witch he had to fight with some
level 9 Endrega Worker for a chest. Endrega Worker are a new type of beast , they
look like a spider , usually they are green or blue and attack with their two front feet.
Also in the same place ,I think he fought with their boss because the beast's name
was Endrega Warrior. This monster looks similar to the workers but this guy has a
giant tail that he attacks with , also he poisent you with his tail and has a dash with
which he can catch you from behind. In the rest of the episode he fights with two
bands of bandits , just some normal fights nothing special like the one with the

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