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To benefit from risk management action plans, you need to examine certain possibilities that could

affect the process, such as observing any threats and correcting them. For example, key aspects of risk
management are to ensure you allocate members specific roles and monitor the risks throughout, to
ensure tasks are completed with efficiency. This being a major factor, as evaluating what happens
during and after the project, will allow finding the positive and negative elements of each stage in the
planning, providing you the ability to develop on the risks further.

Executing an action plan :

 Ownership: one person must be responsible and accountable for tracing the progress, keeping
team informed, ensuring timely action steps are occurring and adjusting the actions.
 Action steps should be clear and actionable versus vague ideas or thoughts.
 Responsibility: each action step needs to have one person responsible.
 Support: For each action step, determine who will support the person responsible. This can be
multiple people. The key is that they’re not responsible for the action or outcome.
 Informed: keeping the right people in the communication loop for each action is critically
important. Key people might need to understand the state of progress around your actions to
see how they affect other actions and objectives.
 Metrics and budget: each action step must have a metric that tells us that the action is
complete. For example, if you needed to survey your customers and don’t have the internal
resources to run the survey or want to protect anonymity, using an outside resource will
require money that might not be included in your current operating budget.
 Milestone date: date the action step needs to begin
 Completion date

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