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Verifikasi Ka Prodi:
Semester Ganjil
Tahun Akademik 2019/2020
Ujian Tengah Semester (v) Ujian Akhir Semester ¨Ujian Susulan
Kode MK : Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Mata Kuliah : English for Elementary Kalkulator : Tidak
Hari/tanggal : Kamus : Tidak
Jam : ( 100 menit) NAMA LENGKAP : Widyaningrum
Ruang : NPM&JURUSAN : 1943700427 (Apoteker)
Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengajar : Pratiwi Rahayu

I. Direction: Write the sentences based on the tenses in the parentheses. Pay attention on what
kind of sentence you have to make positive (+), negative (-), and interrogative (?) (10 points)
Example: she/go/to computer course/at weekend. (present simple)
(+) She goes to computer course at the weekend
1. She/ know /how to speak Spanish (present simple).
(+) She knows how to speak Spanish

2. Daniel/ not/live/ in London (present simple).

(-)Daniel not lives in London

3. The Professor/ teach/math/right now (present continuous).

(+)The Professor teaching math right now

4. My mother/not/read/a newspaper/every morning (present simple).

(-)My mother not reads a newspaper every morning

5. The students/go/to/the museum/next Saturday? (future tense).

(?) Will The students go to the museum next Saturday?

6. Adam/sleep/when/my mother/come/to my room (past continuous).

(+) Adam was sleep when my mother come to my room

7. We/not/go/to the mountain/next holiday (future tense).

(-) We would not go to the mountain next holiday

8. My boss/have/a meeting/now (present continuous).

(+) My boss having a meeting now

9. She/continue/her study/to master degree? (future tense).

(+) She would continue her study to master degree?

10. You/sleep well/last night? (past tense)

(?) You were sleep well last night?

II. Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb provided in the parentheses (35
Example: she never … (work) on the weekend.
She never works on the weekend.

A. Present simple
1. Does your sister speak Spanish?
2. They often visits their grandparents at weekends.
3. Martha and Gina swims twice a week.
4. I usually helps my mother cook.
5. Jenny not works at the restaurant.
B. Present continuous
1. Are you eating breakfast now?
2. My boss is having a meeting at the moment.
3. She is not showing the report to her boss.
4. Is your sister reading a book now?
5. Our teacher is using the computer now.
C. Past Simple
1. Did you swim yesterday?
2. They sent me an email earlier.
3. He (drunk) too much coffee yesterday.
4. I not watched the movie last night.
5. They got ‘A’ score on Math.
D. Future Simple
1. I’m going to go to the market tomorrow.
2. I do not think they will win the match.
3. Do you think people will live on the moon?
4. Oh I am sorry! I completely forgot. I will do next Saturday.
5. I hope, they are going to passed the test.
E. Past Continuous
1. Jane was watching Tv when the light turned off.
2. I was begining my English project when my sisters fall.
3. Joseph was reading a book when his mother came in.
4. They were walking to school when suddenly they saw on unusual light.
5. The students were doing an exercise when the ball rang.
F. Past Perfect
1. Before they arrived at the airport, they had payed the taxi driver.
2. Helen went to bed after she had watched her favorite Tv program.
3. The fire had already reached the roof by the time the fireman arrived.
4. Lorenzo had ate all the ice cream before I opened the fridge.
5. My father bought a new car after he had tryed it a few times.
G. Present perfect
1. How long have you have lived in the UK?
2. He has spoken to his manager since June.
3. Ben has driven 300 miles in the pat two days.
4. I had seen that bag at a lower price in a different shop.
5. Has he have cleaned the car yet?

III. A. Direction: Comparison. Complete the sentences using the comparative and superlative
forms of the words (15 points)
Example: Question : Fruit price: Apple 2 euros, banana 3 euros, avocado 4 euros.
Apple is … banana, but avocado is ….. (Expensive)
Answer : Banana is more expensive than apple, but avocado is the most expensive.

1. Top speed: Kawasa 130 km/h, Shumika 140 km/h, TTR 150km.h.
The Shukima is faster the Kawasa, but the TTR is the fastest.
2. Room price: Grand Hotel 80 euros, Hotel Central 100 euros, Hotel Europe 130 euros.
The Hotel Central is more expensive than Grand Hotel, but the Hotel Europe is the most expensive.
3. MP3 players: Soundgood ***, MusicPro ****, iListen *****.
The MusicPro is better than Soundgood, but the iListen is the best.
4. Number of fans in the world: Border FC 20 million, DK Jets 100 million, AK Dynamo 200 million.
DK Jets are less popular than AK Dynamo, but Border FC is the least (popular).
5. Tall: Eric 165 cm, Alex 170 cm, Jack 185 cm.
Alex is taller than Eric, but Jack is the tallest.

B. Direction: complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjective and adverbs in the
Example: I am …. (tall) than my father
I am taller than my father.
1. My life is better than it was five years ago.
2. I am the confidently I have ever been.
3. I learn slow than when I was younger.
4. I am not as busily (busy) as I was a year ago.
5. This is the largest (large) town I have ever lived in.

IV. Direction: correct the errors of the followings Modal Auxiliaries (10 points).
Example: You ought to eat more fruits and vegetables.
You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
1. He should come unless he is invited.
2. You would be punctual.
3. I wish you can not drive so fast.
4. May you like another cup of coffee?
5. He said that I can visit his home whenever I wanted.
6. Have to you mind moving a bit?
7. Noah should to swim in deep water where he cannot see the bottom.
8. You would obey the class teacher.
9. My mom said I could go play soccer outside.
10. When must not they arrive?

V. A. Direction: Please complete the sentence with the correct conjunction (15 points)
Example: I want to buy those shoes, but I don’t have enough money.
1. She says that she loves her dog, but she never plays with it.
2. He took me to the shop and bought me a new dress.
3. I was late for school, So my teacher made me stay after school.
4. I like to eat healthy but I find it very difficult.
5. I rang the bell but no one answered.
6. Would you like to play cards and read a book ?

7. The race car rounded the track for the last lap But ran out of gas before it made it to the finish line.
8. I feel sick, but I can still work.
9. I am vegetarian, So I do not eat any meat.
10. I will open the door So we can go in.
11. My favorite colors are white and green.
12. The store was closed, So I went home.

B. Direction: using the conjunction provided, make a new sentence.

Example: Question: I am very hungry. The fridge is empty. (but)
Answer: I am very hungry but the fridge is empty.
1. Jane went to the beach Bob went to the beach. (and)
jane and bob went to the beach
2. Peter had a headache He took an aspirin. (so)
peter had a headache so he took an aspirin
3. She cleaned the sink She did not wash the plate. (but)
she cleaned the sink but she did not wash the plate

VI. Direction. The passive: present and past simple. Rewrite these sentences in the passive (10

Example: Question : Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in1930

Answer : Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.

1. A company made my car in Germany.

my car was made by a company in germany
2. Bookshops don’t sell that book in your country.
that book wasn't sell by bookshops in your country
3. People eat sushi all over the world.
sushi were eat by people all over the world
4. In the UK, DJs play the number one song on the radio every hour.
the number one song was play on the radio every hour by DJs in the UK
5. Somebody broke a window in the night.
a window was broke by somebody in the night
6. The journalist didn’t describe India very well in the article.
india wasn't describe very well by the journalist in the article
7. Franks Gehry designed The Guggenheim, Bilbao.
the Guggenheim in Bilbao was designed by Franks Gehry
8. Marilyn Manroe wore Chanel No 5 parfume.
Chanel No 5 parfume was wore by Marilyn Manroe
9. Every year, 3 million people visit the Taj Mahal.
the Taj Mahal was visited by 3 million people, every year
10. A fire destroyed many parts of London in 1666.
many parts of london was destroyed by a fire in 1666

VII. Write a paragraph (no less than 100 words) about one of the following topics (10 points)
1. Daily activity.
Answer :
I am such an early bird. Every day I wake up at 5.00 sharp. First, I pick my bible and I start
to pray. I sing praises and worship my God. Around 6.00 my mother prepares to go to
work. I usually help her with making her breakfast. After she showered and get dressed,

she’s eating breakfast that I made for her. Then, she go to work. She is a teacher in
another city that took around an hour if the traffic is light. She always comes back when
the sun already set. I always admire her strength to endure such routine, the journey, the
pain, from wake up to finally sleep again at night. Thank you mom.
2. Unforgettable moment.
Answer :
I have a story I will never forget. Last year around August, me and some of my friends
planned to rent a boat and travel the island near our city. Plan already made, we packed
our bag and also brought some food and water. So, early in the morning we gathered at
the pier near my house. After talked with a local fisherman, we rented a boat and also we
were asking if the fisherman will go to with us, because none of us knew how to operate
the boat. Then, our journey begin, with the boat we sailed around the island, we made a
couple of stops so we can took a lot of picture. Such an unforgettable moment.
3. Future plan.
Answer :
This pandemic makes me so bored being home all day. I already have such a long list of
things I want to do after this pandemic end. First thing on my list I want to go to the mall, I
will buy some skin care, because some skin care I used I can’t find online. My face already
broke several time, my acnes and blackheads already multiplying like crazy. Second thing
on my list, I will change my sim card from 3G to 4G, and this one too I can’t do it online.
Yes, I can order a new one, but the I like the old number. To get it change I will have to go
to Grapari. And the third thing on my list, I really want to hang out with my friend again.
Last year, we planned to go to Thailand around the time for Songkran day. But pandemic
happened, and we have to scratch our plan. So, after this pandemic end, my friends and I
will go travelling to several places. One thing I learned from this pandemic: we can’t take
life for granted, we have to embrace day by day, live life to the fullest.

Goof luck

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