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com 2010

Easy iPhone Unlocking

2G / 3G / 3GS
v. 3.1.3
- Follow the instruction closely.
- Use the appropriate guide.
- Use the FAQ for support most issues are resolved there.
- You`re iphone should be running on firmware 3.1.2, you can upgrade to it with iTunes
or download from one of the links below. Recommended that you use one of the links
below if it does not work than use iTunes to upgrade.

Before we begin, please read through the note carefully:

§ This guide is intended for jailbreaking iPhone 2G and 3G (no unlock needed) running iPhone OS 3.1.3.
§ For iPhone 3G users that requires blacksn0w or ultrasn0w to unlock your iPhone, please stay away from
iPhone OS 3.1.3. DO NOT upgrade your iPhone to OS 3.1.3 as it also upgrades the baseband version that is
§ For those using iPhone 3GS, please stick with iPhone OS 3.1.2. DO NOT upgrade to 3.1.3 as all popular
jailbreak tool (e.g. blackra1n) do not support jailbreaking your device on iPhone OS 3.1.3.
§ Make sure you use iTunes 9.0 or up for the jailbreak. If you are using older version of iTunes, please
upgrade it first. You can download the latest version of iTunes from Apple.
§ As usual, before jailbreaking, make sure you have backup all your contacts, sms, photos, etc via iTunes.
Simply sync your iPhone and backup the iPhone data.
§ Disclaimer: Jailbreaking may void your warranty of iPhone. Again, jailbreak it at your own risk. There is no
guarantee that this guide works on all iPhone devices.


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Guide For firmware 3.1.3

iPhone 2G / 3G / 3Gs

Upgrading to iPhone OS 3.1.3

WARNING: Let me highlight again. This guide is for iPhone 2G and 3G (using official sim card) only. If you
want to have your iPhone 3G unlock, please stay away from upgrading to iPhone 3.1.3.

1. Download iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware 2G & 3G and save it into a folder.

a. 2G:
b. 3G:

Note: Some browsers mis-recognize the .ipsw file as a zip file. You may need to end up with a file with
extension ( after download. You can simply rename the extension from “” to “.ipsw”. In case
your browser automatically extracts the .ipsw file, I suggest you to use Firefox to download the firmware file.

2. Connect your iPhone via USB and launch iTunes.

Note: I suggest not to use the docking for the jailbreak. Connect the USB cable directly with your iPhone.

2. Restore your iPhone with iPhone OS 3.1.3. For Windows, hold SHIFT key and click on the “Restore”
button and select the firmware file (i.e. For 3G, please selectiPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw. For
2G, please selectiPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw) you have just downloaded. For Mac, hold option
key and click on the “Restore” button and select the firmware file to restore.

4. If you’re not using official sim, your iPhone will not be recognized by iTunes after restoration. Don’t
worry. It’s normal. You can then close iTunes and continues with the next step.

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Jailbreaking Your iPhone using Redsn0w
5. Next, we will jailbreak your iPhone using redsn0w. You can download redsn0w 0.9.4 here (Windows / Mac).
Once download it, extract it.
6. Also, you’ll need the iPhone 3.1.2 firmware during the jailbreak process. Download it here (2G / 3G).
7. Once you got everything prepared, you can start to launch “redsn0w” to start the jailbreak process.

8. Click “browse” and select the iPhone 3.1.2 firmware file. For iPhone 2G, please
selectiPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw. For iPhone 3G, please selectiPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw.
Redsn0w then verifies your firmware file.

9. If your firmware is correct, click “Next” to continue. Select “Install Cydia” and “Unlock”. Then click “Next” to

Note: For iPhone 3G user, you will not see the unlock option.
Note: If you have pwned your device before, I still suggest you to uncheck the “Already pwned” option. From
my experience, if I select this option, I can’t go through the whole jailbreak process.

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10. (Optional and for iPhone 2G only) Next, you’ll be prompted to provide the bootloader files. You can
download the bootloader (3.9 / 4.6) here ( . Once download, please
click browse and select the bootloader files. Then click “Next” to continue.

11. Now, make sure your iPhone is turned OFF and connected with your computer via USB cable. If you haven’t
done so, simply connect it with USB and then power it off before you click the “Next” button.

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12. Once you click “Next”, follow the procedures to put your iPhone into DFU mode. If you fail to do so, don’t
worry. It won’t brick your iPhone and you can simply go through the procedures again until you get it work.

13. If you have successfully put your iPhone into DFU mode, redsn0w will do the rest. Just sit back and relax.

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14. While jailbreaking, your iPhone will show downloading jailbreak data, flashing NOR, etc. And, just don’t
touch your iPhone and keep waiting.

15. Once completed, redsn0w will let you know the jailbreak process is successful. Your iPhone will be restarted
and automatically launch BootNeuter (for 2G only) to perform unlock. This process will take 3-5 minutes to
complete. Be patient. When complete, your iPhone will be rebooted.

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16. After reboot, your iPhone should be jailbroken. Lastly, sync back your backup data with iTunes and restore
all your contacts & SMS.


Enjoy your unlocked/jailbroken Phone!

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