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1029/2011JB008661, 2012

Critical state soil constitutive model for methane hydrate soil

S. Uchida,1 K. Soga,1 and K. Yamamoto2
Received 7 July 2011; revised 15 January 2012; accepted 27 January 2012; published 16 March 2012.

[1] This paper presents a new constitutive model that simulates the mechanical behavior
of methane hydrate-bearing soil based on the concept of critical state soil mechanics,
referred to as the “Methane Hydrate Critical State (MHCS) model”. Methane
hydrate-bearing soil is, under certain geological conditions, known to exhibit greater
stiffness, strength and dilatancy, which are often observed in dense soils and also in bonded
soils such as cemented soil and unsaturated soil. Those soils tend to show greater resistance
to compressive deformation but the tendency disappears when the soil is excessively
compressed or the bonds are destroyed due to shearing. The proposed model represents
these features by introducing five extra model parameters to the conventional critical state
model. It is found that, for an accurate prediction of ground settlement, volumetric yielding
plays an important role when hydrate soil undergoes a significant change in effective
stresses and hydrate saturation, which are expected during depressurization for methane
gas recovery.
Citation: Uchida, S., K. Soga, and K. Yamamoto (2012), Critical state soil constitutive model for methane hydrate soil,
J. Geophys. Res., 117, B03209, doi:10.1029/2011JB008661.

1. Introduction [5] Methane hydrate-bearing soil is generally categorized

into two types based on hydrate morphology, in relation to
[2] Methane hydrate-bearing soil is a natural soil deposit
the location where hydrate is formed in the pore space:
that contains methane hydrate inside its pores. Methane
[6] 1. Pore filling - hydrates exist inside pore space. The
hydrate is a metastable solid material that consists of
hydrates may bridge neighboring grains, the type also
methane gas (CH4) and water molecules. The water mole-
known as “load bearing”, when the hydrate saturation in
cules form a structure in which a floating methane gas
volume fraction exceeds 25–40% [e.g., Yun et al., 2007; Lee
molecule is encaged. Typically, 1 m3 of methane hydrate
and Waite, 2008]. As a result, the hydrate-bearing soil is
can release 164 m3 of methane gas and 0.87 m3 of water
effectively denser (i.e. less pore space) than that without
when the hydrate dissociates (i.e. becomes unstable) under hydrate and is likely to behave as an overconsolidated or
standard conditions of temperature and pressure.
dense soil.
[3] Methane hydrate-bearing soil can exist under condi-
[7] 2. Cementing - hydrates exist at soil grain contacts and
tions of high pressure and low temperature (e.g. 100 kPa at
act as bonding agent. Thus, the soil is likely to behave as a
80  C and 2.5 MPa at 0  C). Therefore, natural methane
bonded soil.
hydrate-bearing soil is usually found in deep water sedi-
[8] Based on the review of the mechanical properties of
ments (e.g. 1–2 km below sea level) or permafrost regions
methane hydrate-bearing soil by Soga et al. [2006] and
(e.g. 1–2 km below the ground surface) [Collett, 2002;
Waite et al. [2009], the following characteristics are apparent
Kvenvolden, 1999].
for both pore filling and cementation types: (1) the peak
[4] Deep water sediments with a high concentration of
strength of hydrate-bearing soil depends on hydrate satura-
methane hydrate in the pore space are considered to be a tion (Sh); (2) the hydrate contribution to its shear behavior is
possible energy resource for future exploitation. This has
of a cohesive nature rather than frictional, meaning that the
triggered numerous researchers to investigate the physical,
peak strength may vary but the critical strength at large shear
chemical and mechanical properties of methane hydrate- strain is similar regardless of hydrate saturation; (3) the
bearing soil. Two methods are generally accepted to be
dilation angle increases with hydrate saturation; and (4) the
feasible for dissociating methane hydrate and thus extracting
stiffness of hydrate-bearing soil tends to be greater than that
methane gas in situ: (1) the use of depressurized wells,
of soil without hydrate.
which reduce the pressure in the soil around the wells; and
[9] Note that the degree of these changes depend highly
(2) the use of thermal injection wells, which increase the
on hydrate morphology. For example, the rate of increase in
temperature in the surrounding soil by injecting hot fluid.
small strain stiffness with increase in hydrate saturation is
much greater in the cementing type compared to that in the
1 pore filling type [e.g., Clayton et al., 2010; Priest et al.,
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Japan Oil, Gas and Metal National Corporation, Chiba, Japan. 2009]. The detailed explanation on modeling of mechani-
cal behavior at larger strains with different morphologies is
Copyright 2012 by the American Geophysical Union. shown later.

B03209 1 of 13

Figure 1. Conventional drained triaxial compression test on bonded and dense soil.

[10] Once the hydrate dissociates either through a decrease [e.g., Lade and Overton, 1989; Consoli et al., 1998; Miura
in pore pressure or increase in temperature, the hydrates et al., 2001; Asghari et al., 2003; Wang and Leung, 2008]
inside the pore space disappear and the soil may behave as for cemented soils [e.g., Cui and Delage, 1996; Rampino
less dense soil or unbonded soil. The loss of shear resistance et al., 1999; Toll and Ong, 2003; Tarantino and Tombolato,
and increase in pore space due to hydrate dissociation may 2005; Zhan and Ng, 2006], for unsaturated soils [e.g.,
lead to some geomechanical problems. For example, the Lade, 1977; Been and Jefferies, 1985; Bolton, 1986;
depressurization process used for methane gas extraction Burland, 1990], for dense soils. Figure 1 shows idealized
significantly increases the effective stress state by the geomechanical behavior of bonded soils and dense soils.
reduction in pore pressure and may change the mechanical The formation of bonds at grain contacts or the interlocking
properties of hydrate soils, which may lead to potential of grains increases the contact stiffness and hence the
geomechanical hazards such as excessive ground settlement, macroscopic stiffness, which is illustrated by the greater
submarine landslide or wellbore collapse, which have been gradient of deviator stress q to deviatoric strain d in
considered theoretically by many researchers [e.g., Settari, Figure 1. The enhanced adhesion at grain contacts and
2002; Sultan et al., 2004; Xu and Germanovich, 2006; interlocking of grains increase the shear resistance and
Freij-Ayoub et al., 2007]. hence the peak strength, represented by greater values of q
[11] This paper presents a new constitutive model that in Figure 1. However, once the bonds or the interlocking
incorporates the effect of hydrate on the stress-strain break due to shearing, the soil exhibits strain softening
behavior of soils. A simple example of the application of the behavior, decreasing its shear resistance. With increased
model is presented by evaluating the possible magnitudes of bonding in the soil pores or increased density, more dilation
ground deformation of hydrate-bearing sediments when (i.e. volume increase when the soil is sheared) is observed,
methane gas is recovered by the depressurization method. which can be seen as an increase in the specific volume v
(i.e. 1 + e, where e is the void ratio) in Figure 1. This occurs
2. Summary of Mechanical Behavior because of two mechanisms: (1) the bonding aggregates the
of Hydrate Soils soil grains and thus creates larger sized grains with more
kinematic constraints; and (2) soil grains with dense
2.1. The Effect of Hydrate on Stress-Strain Behavior arrangement need to be lifted upwards when the soil skel-
[12] Bonded soils such as cemented soil (i.e. cement eton is sheared.
bonding) and unsaturated soil (i.e. meniscus bonding) [13] The degree of bonding and soil density also influence
exhibit greater stiffness, strength and dilatancy compared to the compressive response of the soil [e.g., Burland, 1990;
unbonded soils with the equivalent soil skeleton structure Cui and Delage, 1996; Rotta et al., 2003; Consoli et al.,
under the same confining stress. Although different in 2005; Futai and Almeida, 2005; Chiu et al., 2009;
magnitudes, it is also known that denser soils (i.e. less pore Sivakumar et al., 2010]. Figure 2 shows a typical relation-
space) exhibit similar mechanical enhancements under the ship between mean effective stress p′ (i.e. mean value of
same confining stress due to greater interlocking of soil three normal effective stresses) and the change in the
grains. The mechanical behavior of such soils is well studied 1þe
specific volume (i.e. 1þe 0
) of bonded soils and dense soils

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Figure 2. A typical compressive response of bonded and dense soil under isotropic loading.

under an isotropic loading condition (i.e. zero shear loading). 2005; Masui et al., 2005; Miyazaki et al., 2008; Yun et al.,
As bonding or interlocking strengthens the structure of the 2007]. Some of the data are replotted in Figure 3, showing
soil skeleton, such soils tend to resist compressive deforma- the effect of hydrate saturation (defined as the ratio of the
tion. However, once the skeleton structure is destroyed by hydrate volume to the pore volume) on maximum tangent
excessive compression (i.e. volumetric yielding), greater stiffness (i.e. initial gradient of deviator stress against axial
deformation occurs, which can be seen as an abrupt change in strain; Figure 3a), peak strength (i.e. maximum deviator
slope of the compression curve in Figure 2. stress; Figure 3b) and dilation angle (Figure 3c). All the
[14] Soil straining may deteriorate the bonds and the samples presented are tested at an effective confining stress
degree of interlocking, which in turn reduces its contribution of 1 MPa. These mechanical values at different hydrate
to the enhancement of stiffness and strength. This is partic- saturations are normalized by those without hydrate. From
ularly evident in unconsolidated weak soils with bonding Figure 3, it is clear that hydrate-bearing soil exhibits greater
[e.g., Leroueil and Vaughan, 1990; Cuccovillo and Coop, stiffness, strength and dilatancy compared to soils without
1997; Malandraki and Toll, 2001; Sharma and Fahey, hydrate.
2003; DeJong et al., 2006; Hamidi and Haeri, 2008]. [16] Some researchers investigated the mechanical
[15] As the hydrates in the pore space make the soil behavior of tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate soil. Yun et al.
“effectively” denser or more bonded, it is natural to assume [2007] showed the degradation of tangent stiffness of syn-
that hydrate-bearing soil behaves similarly to such soils. thetic THF hydrate-bearing soil due to shearing. Dai et al.
This is confirmed by results of drained triaxial tests on arti- [2010] showed that the compressibility of THF hydrate soil
ficially created hydrate-bearing soils [e.g., Hyodo et al., increases with a decrease in hydrate saturation.

Figure 3. The effect of hydrate on (a) stiffness, (b) strength and (c) dilatancy.

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plastic, also known as the slope of the normal compression

line. Critical state models also give both strain softening and
hardening behavior depending on the stress state and soil
density, which avoids the explicit modeling of strain soft-
ening used in Mohr-Coulomb model. Further details of
critical state models can be found elsewhere [e.g., Schofield
and Wroth, 1968; Wood, 1990; Schofield, 2005].
[18] For modeling of bonded soils, critical state models are
further extended by introducing new state parameters such
as water saturation and bonding strength that change the size
of the yield surface [e.g., Alonso et al., 1990; Wheeler and
Sivakumar, 1995; Rampino et al., 2000; Gallipoli et al.,
2003] for unsaturated soils; [e.g., Gens and Nova, 1993;
Vatsala et al., 2001; Liu and Carter, 2002; Nova et al.,
2003; Lee et al., 2004] for cemented soils. The increased
stiffness by bonding has been modeled by Alonso et al.
[1990], Gens and Nova [1993], and Liu and Carter [2002].
Degradation of bonding due to shearing has been modeled
by Liu and Carter [2002], Lee et al. [2004], and Vatsala
et al. [2001].
[19] Ideally, a constitutive model for hydrate-bearing soil
should include the mechanical characteristics of bonded
soils and dense soils, which are enhanced stiffness, strength
and dilatancy; limited compressibility; and degradation of
hydrate cementing and interlocking. Table 1 summarizes the
constitutive models currently available for simulating
hydrate-bearing soil behavior. An extension of Mohr-
Coulomb (MC) model has been a popular choice as shown in
Table 1. Typically, the stiffness and strength parameters are a
function of hydrate saturation. Klar et al. [2010] acknowl-
Figure 4. Isotropic loading in critical state models. edge the importance of enhanced dilation characteristics of
methane hydrate-bearing soil and used their model to simu-
late wellbore stability problems. Most hydrate-bearing soil
2.2. Constitutive Soil Model Incorporating the Effect models focus on shear deformation but ignore volumetric
of Hydrate yielding. Such behavior may be of engineering importance
[17] Constitutive modeling of the mechanical behavior of during the depressurization process as the effective stress
bonded soils and dense soils has been researched for more increases due to pore pressure reduction. Kimoto et al.
than three decades. Most of the models adopt the critical [2010] extended the original Cam-clay (OCC) model
state concept [Roscoe et al., 1958] due to its capability of [Roscoe et al., 1958] for hydrate-bearing soil but did not
modeling both shear and volumetric yielding, the latter of include the stiffness enhancement by the presence of
which Mohr-Coulomb model cannot capture. Figure 4 hydrate. To date, none of the hydrate-bearing soil models
shows the volumetric yielding in the critical state model considers the degradation of hydrate cementing and inter-
framework. Under isotropic loading, the soil becomes fully locking by plastic straining. Such behavior at large strains
plastic when the mean effective stress p′ reaches the volu- may be important for wellbore stability and landslide
metric yield stress p′cs, and the volumetric response then problems.
dramatically changes. It is usually defined by two material
parameters: k which represents the slope of the line in v:lnp′ 3. Methane Hydrate Critical State Model
space while the soil is elastic, also known as the slope of the [20] In this section, a new constitutive model for the
swelling line; and l represents the slope of the line while mechanical behavior of methane hydrate-bearing soil,

Table 1. Hydrate Constitutive Model

Mohr-Coulomb Model Based Critical State Model Based
Parameter Freij-Ayoub et al. [2007] Rutqvist and Moridis [2007] Klar et al. [2010] Kimoto et al. [2010] Methane Hydrate Critical State
Stiffness Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Strength Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dilation No No Yes Yes Yes
Softening explicit explicit No Yes Yes
Vol. yield No No No Yes Yes
Bond deg. No No No No Yes

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associated flow rule and hence the plastic potential g is the

same as the yield function f:
f ¼ g ¼ q2 þ M 2 p′ðp′  p′cs Þ ð3Þ

where q is the deviator stress and M is the material property

that relates to a frictional behavior of the soil.
[25] Methane hydrate-bearing soil exhibits both enhanced
dilation and cohesion due to hydrate bonding (cementing)
and less pore space (pore filling) (cf. Figure 3). As men-
tioned before, it is known that hydrate morphology dom-
inates the cohesive or dilative nature of the hydrate-bearing
soils [e.g., Masui et al., 2005; Soga et al., 2006; Waite et al.,
Figure 5. Dilation enhancement by hydrate.
2009]. In the proposed model, the two mechanisms are
separately modeled so that the effect of morphology can be
named as the methane hydrate critical state (MHCS) model, produced by adjusting two additional model parameters
is derived. (shown later). Figure 5 illustrates the mechanism of dilation
enhancement and the mathematical representation of the
3.1. Volume Change Behavior yield surface expansion in the p′ : q space. The additional
[21] In critical state models, the stress-dependent elastic hardening parameter p′cd is added to the yield function in
soil bulk modulus K′ is given by [Roscoe et al., 1958; such a way that the yield surface expands to the right hand
Roscoe and Burland, 1968] side of the original ellipse. As a result, using an associative
flow rule, greater dilation is given by a greater normal angle
v to the tangent of the surface when the soil yields at a given
K′ ¼ p′ ð1Þ
k mean effective stress p′ at the dry side of the critical state.
[26] Figure 6 shows the mechanism of cohesion enhance-
where v is the specific volume (=1 + e), k is the slope of a
ment and the mathematical representation of yield surface
swelling line and p′ is the mean effective stress (compression
expansion in the p′ : q space. The additional hardening
parameter p′cc is added to the yield function to enlarge the
[22] Under isotropic conditions, full plastic volumetric
yield surface uniformly both the left and right hand sides of
deformation occurs when the isotropic stress reaches the
the original oval. This allows an increase in cohesive
volumetric yield stress p′cs as shown in Figure 4. In this
strength but the dilatancy characteristic upon yielding at a
study, the volumetric yield stress is used as a hardening
given mean effective stress is not affected.
parameter of the yield surface (cf. equation (4)) and increa-
[27] Adding the enhanced dilation (cf. equation (5)) and
ses with plastic volumetric strain (i.e. hardening law). Using
cohesion (cf. equation (6)), equation (3) becomes
Figure 4, the following conventional evolution law used by
many critical state models is adopted in this study: f ¼ q2 þ M 2 ðp′ þ p′cc Þ½p′  ðp′cs þ p′cd þ p′cc Þ ð4Þ
dp′cs ¼ d p ð2Þ [28] This yield surface is shown in Figure 7.
lk v
3.3. Degradation of Mechanical Properties
where p′cs is the volumetric yield stress (also known as pre-
consolidation stress), l is the slope of the normal compres- [29] The two hardening parameters defined in section 3.2
sion line and vp is the plastic volumetric strain (compression are modeled as a function of hydrate saturation:
positive).  b
p′cd ¼ a Shmec ð5Þ
[23] At low confining stress, it is known that the normal
compression line of sand is nonlinear in v:lnp′ space. At high  d
confining pressure (e.g. above 1–10 MPa), however, the p′cc ¼ c Shmec ð6Þ
slope becomes constant [Been et al., 1991]. At such stress
levels, sand grains start crushing and the compression
behavior becomes greater [e.g., McDowell and Bolton,
1998; Bolton, 2000; Cheng et al., 2003]. The effective
confining stress of 1–10 MPa is approximately equivalent to
100–1000 meters below the seabed, where hydrate com-
monly exists. Therefore, a critical state model with constant
l is considered to be appropriate for typical hydrate-bearing
3.2. Dilation and Cohesion Enhancement by Hydrate
[24] For the mechanical behavior of sand without hydrate,
the proposed model utilizes the following yield function f of
the modified Cam-clay model [Roscoe and Burland, 1968].
Note that the plastic strain development is modeled using the Figure 6. Cohesion enhancement by hydrate.

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very high hydrate saturation conditions, very limited

experimental data (with the exception of Yun et al. [2007] in
which THF hydrate is used) exists for such conditions and
further work is needed.
[34] For the elastic shear stiffness, however, the presence
of hydrate inside pores may contribute to shear resistance of
hydrate-bearing soil as shown in Figure 3. Thus, the elastic
shear modulus of hydrate-bearing soils Ghs is assumed to be
the summation of the stress-dependent shear modulus of soil
skeleton Gs and the shear stiffness increase due to presence
of hydrate Gh. For simplicity, the increase is modeled to be a
linear function of hydrate saturation:
1  2n
Ghs ¼ Gs þ Gh ¼ 3K′ þ m2 Shmec ð11Þ
2ð1 þ n Þ
Figure 7. Yield surface of MHCS model.
where n is the Poisson’s ratio of soil skeleton and m2 is a
parameter that gives the degree of increase in shear modulus
where a, b, c and d are material constants that describe the with hydrate saturation, which is hydrate morphology
degree of hydrate contribution to the two hardening para- dependent and is determined from experimental data.
meters, which are hydrate morphology dependent and 3.4. Yield Function and Plastic Strains
determined from the experimental data, and Shmec is the
“mechanical” hydrate saturation. [35] It is a well-known fact that irrecoverable plastic
[30] In equations (5)–(6), the “mechanical” hydrate satu- strains develop even when the stress state is inside the yield
ration is used rather than the actual hydrate saturation Sh in surface [Jardine, 1992; Mitchell and Soga, 2005]. In order to
order to model the behavior of hydrate bonding degradation provide a smooth transition from elastic to plastic behavior,
as the soil is sheared. This is done by introducing a degra- a subloading surface ratio R [Hashiguchi, 1989] can be used
dation factor c: such that equation (4) becomes

Shmec ¼ cSh ð7Þ f ¼ q2 þ M 2 ðp′ þ p′cc Þ½p′  Rðp′cs þ p′cd þ p′cc Þ ð12Þ

where Sh is the hydrate saturation.   

1 þ p′cd þ p′cc
[31] The evolution of the degradation factor c is modeled dR ¼ u ln R jd p j ð13Þ
as follows: p′cs

dc ¼ mcddp ð0 ≤ c ≤ 1Þ ð8Þ where p is the plastic strain vector and u is the material
constant that controls the plastic deformation while the soil
where m is the material parameter that gives the rate of is elastic, which represents the development of plastic strain
mechanical degradation upon shearing and dp is the plastic when the stress state is inside the yield surface. A smaller
deviatoric strain. value u generates more plastic strain. dR > 0 represents the
[32] This implies the change in the mechanical hydrate plastic state and dR < 0 when the soil is elastic.
saturation can be achieved by either shearing, hydrate dis- [36] The yield function of the proposed model is a func-
sociation or a combination of the two as shown by the dif- tion of six variables: q, p′, p′cs, p′cd, p′cc and R. The consis-
ferential form of equation (7): tency equation becomes

dShmec ¼ dcSh þ cdSh ¼ mcddp Sh þ cdSh ð9Þ ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f ∂f

df ¼ dq þ dp′ þ dp′ þ dp′ þ dp′ þ dR ¼ 0
∂q ∂p′ ∂p′cs cs ∂p′cd cd ∂p′cc cc ∂R
[33] The model assumes that the contribution of hydrates ð14Þ
to the mechanical behavior becomes zero when the soil is
excessively sheared even though “sheared” hydrates exist in [37] Together with the definition of the plastic strains
∂g p ∂g
the soil pores, unlike crushed sand grains altering the soil dpv ¼ L ∂p ′ and dd ¼ L ∂q, solving equation (14) in terms of
properties [Guimaraes et al., 2007]. This assumption is the plastic multiplier L gives
based on the fact that the stiffness of hydrate crystal is sig-
nificantly smaller than that of soil grains. This also leads to ∂f ∂f
an assumption that the elastic bulk stiffness of hydrate- dq þ dp′ þ Lh
∂q ∂p     

bearing soil is dominated by that of soil skeleton: ∂f vp′cs ∂g ∂g ∂f 1 þ p′cd þ p′cc  ∂g 
 þ mLh þ u ln R  
∂p′cs l  k ∂p′ ∂q ∂R p′cs ∂s′
Khs ¼ K′ þ Kh ≈ K′ ð10Þ
∂f ∂f
where Khs is the elastic bulk stiffness of hydrate-bearing Lh ¼ abðcSh Þb þ cd ðcSh Þd
∂p′cd ∂p′cc
soil and Kh is the stiffness enhancement due to presence of
hydrate. Although this assumption may not be realistic at

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3.5. Stress Relaxation Due to Hydrate Dissociation thus the term (s′  s′0) remains. It also depends on how
[38] Natural hydrate-bearing soil is often formed in sandy much hydrate dissociates and thus the term contains the
sediments under confinement with continuous growth of change in hydrate saturation dSh.
hydrate inside pores. That is, the original soil skeleton car- [43] The effective stress change due to the change in
ries most of the in situ stresses s′0 . When the additional temperature is caused by the expansion of soil grains and
effective stresses s′ are applied such as by wellbore con- hydrate. The third term of equation (19) can be obtained by
struction and depressurization, however, both the hydrate ∂s′ d
and soil skeleton will be loaded. This results in dT ¼ ½ð1  nÞb s þ nSh b h K′ddT ¼ Dehs b ∗ dT
∂T 3
s′  s′0 ¼ Deh eh þ Des es ¼ Dehs e ð16Þ b ∗ ¼ ½ð1  nÞbs þ nSh b h  ð20Þ

where s′ is the effective stress vector of hydrate-bearing soil where n is the porosity, b is the thermal expansion coeffi-
after deformation from the original in situ stress s′0 (com- cient, d is the Kronecker’s delta vector = (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)T
pression positive), e is the elastic strain vector and Dehs is the and the subscripts s and h are soil and hydrate, respectively.
hydrate-soil combined elastic stiffness matrix (using [44] The definition of strain is given by
equations (1) and (11)). This unique behavior of hydrate-
bearing soil was first introduced by Klar et al. [2010] (see d ¼ de þ d p ¼ de þ L ð21Þ
the referred paper for more detail). The formulation was ∂s′
further developed by A. Klar et al. (Explicitly coupled [45] Combining equations (15), (20), and (21), equation (19)
thermal-flow-mechanical formulation for gas hydrate sedi- can be rewritten as
ments, submitted to Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal,
2011), incorporating thermomechanical effects. Herein, a " T #
∂g ∂f
Dehs ∂s′ e
∂s′ Dhs
brief summary of the formulation will be presented. ds′ ¼ Dehs  d
∂f T e ∂g ∂f ∂k T ∂g
[39] Considering the thermomechanical effect, the incre- ∂s′ Dhs ∂s′  ∂k ∂p ∂s′
2  e 1 3
mental form of equation (16) can be expressed as ∂f T e ∂f
 1 ∂s′ Dh c Dhs ðs′  s′0 Þ þ ∂S e ∂g 5
 þ4Deh c Dehs ðs′  s′0 Þ  h
D dSh
 ∂f T ∂f ∂k T ∂g hs
∂s′ ∂s′  ∂k ∂ p ∂s′
ds′ ¼ Dehs de þ dDehs d¼0 e þ dT ð17Þ " #
∂T T
De ∂g ∂f De d ∗
þ Dehs  T hs ∂s′ ∂s′ hs T
b dT ð22Þ
De ∂g  ∂f ∂kp ∂g 3
∂s′ hs ∂s′ ∂k ∂ ∂s′
[40] Because only hydrate elastic stiffness changes due to
hydrate dissociation (i.e. soil elastic stiffness is independent [46] Equation (22) shows that the effective stress change
of hydrate, dDes ¼ 0), the following stiffness relation can be can be caused by soil straining, hydrate dissociation and
obtained using equation (11): temperature change, which are represented by each line on
dDehs jd¼0 ¼ dDeh ¼ Deh cdSh
the right hand side.
0 4 2 2 1 4. Verification of the MHCS Model
m  m2  m2 0 0 0
B 3 2 3 3 C
B 2 4 2 C 4.1. Synthetic Hydrate-Bearing Soil
B m  m2 C
B 3 2 m2 0 0 0 C ð18Þ [47] Hydrate morphology (i.e. pore filling and cementing)
B 3 3 C
Dh ¼ B
e 2
B  m2
2 4 C
C plays an important role on the mechanical behavior of
B 3  m2 m2 0 0 0 C
B 0 3 3 C hydrate-bearing soil. Masui et al. [2005] created both pore
B 0 0 m2 0 0 C filling and cementing types of synthetic hydrate-bearing
@ 0 0 0 0 m2 0 A
soils with Toyoura sands and conducted drained triaxial
0 0 0 0 0 m2
compression tests. Figure 8 shows that stress-strain rela-
tionship and volumetric behavior of hydrate-bearing
[41] Thus, equation (17) becomes Toyoura sands by Masui et al. [2005] and the simulations
made by the Methane Hydrate Critical State (MHCS) model.
∂s′ It is clear that the cementing case exhibits more enhance-
ds′ ¼ Dehs de þ Deh cdSh e þ dT ment in stiffness, strength and dilatancy than the pore filling
 1 ∂s′ case. In order to produce the differences, the hydrate
¼ Dehs de þ Deh cdSh Dehs ðs′  s′0 Þ þ dT ð19Þ dependent parameters such as additional hardening para-
meters for cohesion p′cc and for dilation p′cd and the elastic
where T is the temperature. shear stiffness Gh are adjusted accordingly as shown in
[42] The first term of the right hand side of equation (19) is Table 2. The degradation parameter m is also dependent on
the conventional incremental stress-strain relationship, the hydrate morphology and the cementing case has a greater
second term is the stress relaxation term due to hydrate degrading effect of shearing on mechanical behavior. Con-
dissociation under zero straining and the third term is the ventional critical state parameters such as the slopes of
stress change caused solely by the temperature change. critical state line, the normal compression line, the swelling
Stress relaxation occurs because “stressed” hydrate dis- line are M = 1.07, l = 0.16 and k = 0.004, respectively.
appears due to hydrate dissociation. The magnitude depends These parameters are soil material properties and are inde-
on how much additional stress is carried by the hydrate and pendent of hydrate morphology. The measured porosity is

7 of 13

Figure 8. Drained triaxial tests on hydrate-bearing Toyoura sands by Masui et al. [2005] (normal lines)
and the MHCS model (bold lines).

approximately 0.37, resulting in the specific volume v MH Mohr-Coulomb model and the MHCS model, respec-
of 1.59. tively. It is clear that the natural hydrate-bearing soils exhibit
[48] Using the calibrated parameters for the synthetic greater stiffness, strength and dilatancy with increasing
hydrate-bearing Toyoura sand samples (cf. Table 2), the hydrate saturation. The MH Mohr-Coulomb model is an
MHCS model gives the change in the mechanical properties elastic-perfectly plastic model and thus the deviator stress
with different hydrate saturations. Figure 9 shows the vari- develops linearly during the elastic state and then becomes
ation of peak strength with hydrate saturation for the constant after it fails in shear. This model therefore cannot
cementing and pore filling cases presented by Masui et al. capture nonlinear elasticity and softening behavior of the
[2005]. The model predicts the rate of increase in the peak natural methane hydrate-bearing soil specimens. However,
strength to be greater in the cementing case than that in the the volumetric response of the soil upon shearing is captured
pore filling case, as demonstrated by the experimental data. by introducing the hydrate dependent dilation angle.
As discussed before, the model is intended to be used for [51] The MHCS model gives the variation of peak strength
methane hydrate-bearing soil samples with hydrate satura- using the calibrated model parameters (cf. Table 3), which is
tion of up to 70%, where the experimental data exists. Fur- shown by the solid line in Figure 9. The model prediction
ther experimental data and model modification are needed fits well with the experimental data presented by Masui et al.
for very high hydrate saturation conditions. [2006].
4.2. Natural Hydrate-Bearing Soil
5. Soil Compaction Due to Depressurization
[49] Masui et al. [2006] performed drained triaxial com-
and Hydrate Dissociation
pression tests on natural methane hydrate-bearing soil
samples that were recovered from Eastern Nankai Trough, [52] In this section, a hydrate-bearing formation that is
Japan. These experimental data are simulated by using the subjected to depressurization is modeled. The depressuriza-
Methane Hydrate Critical State (MHCS) model and the tion increases effective stress in the formation and hence the
Methane Hydrate (MH) Mohr-Coulomb model by Klar et al. soil will be compacted. As shown in Figure 11, two extreme
[2010]. Table3 summarizes the soil properties calibrated for geometric cases are considered. The first case is at a location
the Nankai methane hydrate-bearing soil. For the MH
Mohr-Coulomb model, the elastic stiffness K′ and G, dila- Table 2. Soil Properties for the Toyoura Specimens
tion angle y and cohesion c′ are dependent on hydrate sat-
uration as suggested by Klar et al. [2010], Soga et al. Properties Pore Filling Cementing
[2006], and Waite et al. [2009]. For the MHCS model, l 0.16 0.16
the slope of the normal compression line and the slope of k 0.004 0.004
the swelling line are l = 0.15 and k = 0.01, respectively, for p′cs (MPa) 12.0 12.0
the Nankai methane hydrate-bearing soil. The experiments M 1.07 1.07
n 0.37 0.37
were conducted at the initial effective stress of 1 MPa (i.e. u 15 15
p′0 ¼ 1 MPa). The porosity is assumed to be 0.35, equivalent p′cd (MPa) 14Sh1:6 42Sh1:6
to the initial specific volume of 1.54. p′cc (MPa) 0.8Sh 0.1Sh
[50] Figure 10 shows the results of the model predictions G (MPa) 0.75K′ + 250 0.75K′ + 850
m 1 3
as well as the experimental data. The dotted line, the dashed
line and the normal line represent the experimental data, the

8 of 13

Figure 9. Change in peak strength with different hydrate saturations.

close to the wellbore, where the pore pressure reduction by Sh = 50%; and Case 2: no hydrate Sh = 0%. Each case
depressurization causes an increase in mean effective pres- model undergoes both depressurization and pressure
sure. It is assumed that a soil element at this location recovery stages.
experiences large volumetric compression in an isotropic [55] Before hydrate dissociation takes place at the effec-
manner due to large change in pore pressure. The second tive stress of 6 MPa, both MHCS and MH Mohr-Coulomb
case is at a location relatively far away from the wellbore, models show that the initial loading curve of Case 1 is stiffer
where the soil deformation is more likely to be one dimen- than that of Case 2 because of additional resistance by the
sional in the vertical direction (i.e. K0 condition). The actual presence of hydrate. However, once the dissociation initiates
deformation mechanism by depressurization is more com- at 6 MPa, the compressibility increases and the loading
plicated and a proper numerical simulation is required curve of Case 1 moves toward that of Case 2. In the MHCS
(S. Uchida et al., Geomechanical study of the mallik model (Figure 12a), the loading curve of Case 2 follows the
methane gas production field trials, submitted to Bulletin- normal compression line l as the volumetric yield stress is
Geological Survey of Canada, 2010). However, the solu- p′cs ¼ 3:6 MPa, which is slightly larger than the initial state
tions obtained from these two cases are indicative of general p′ = 3 MPa. Thus, the soil immediately experiences plastic
soil compaction behavior due to depressurization. deformation. In Case 1, the initial part of the loading curve is
[53] For the simulation, the in situ vertical and horizontal almost elastic (i.e. k) due to the strength enhancement by the
effective stresses are 3 MPa (i.e. K0 = 1.0) and the initial two hardening parameters p′cc and p′cd . After dissociation,
pore water pressure is 13 MPa. The model parameters are the however, the contribution of these two hardening parameters
same as those of Nankai methane hydrate-bearing soil, pre- disappears and the soil exhibits large plastic deformation.
sented in section 4.2 (cf. Table 3). The temperature T0 is set When unloading occurs by the recovery process, the soil
to be 285.23 K and kept constant throughout the dissociation swells and the deformation is elastic. Hence, a permanent
process. At this temperature, methane hydrate starts to dis- residual volumetric strain develops at the end and the mag-
sociate at a pore pressure of 10MPa. The well is depressur- nitude is approximately 12% in this case.
ized from 13 MPa to 4 MPa to simulate the methane gas [56] In the MH Mohr-Coulomb model (Figure 12b), the
production process and then pressurized back to 13 MPa to stress state is always elastic due to isotropic stress loading
simulate the pressure recovery process. As the total “over-
burden” vertical stress is kept constant at 16 MPa, the soil Table 3. Soil Properties for the Nankai Hydrate-Bearing
element therefore undergoes effective stress loading from 3 Specimens
MPa to 12 MPa and then unloading back to 3 MPa. Such
Properties MH MC MHCS
loading and reloading process will produce permanent soil
deformation due to volumetric yielding. The hydrate starts to n 0.2 0.2
dissociate when the effective stress is 6 MPa (i.e. total stress K′ (MPa) 417Sh + 72 1.54p′/0.01
16 MPa - pore pressure 10 MPa). G (MPa) 313Sh + 54 200Shmec + 0.75K′

Dilation y ¼ 24Sh0:6 p′cd ¼ 20Shmec (MPa)
5.1. Isotropic Compression Coh. (MPa) c′ ¼ 10Sh + 0.15
p′cc ¼ 0:1Shmec
M ¼6sinf′cri
Friction f′cri = 33.9∘
[54] Figure 12 shows the volumetric strain v against the l
mean effective stress p′ under isotropic compression and p′cs 3.6 MPa
unloading of the Nankai hydrate-bearing soil with the m 2
MHCS model and the MH Mohr-Coulomb model. There are u 30
two cases considered: Case 1: initial hydrate saturation of

9 of 13

Figure 10. Drained triaxial tests on Nankai hydrate-bearing soil specimens.

conditions. Hence, the loading curve of both Case 1 and 2 methane hydrate-bearing soil layer with hydrate saturation
are linear because of the use of linear elastic bulk modulus of 50%. Again, there is no residual strain in the MH Mohr-
(i.e. Young’s modulus with constant value of Poisson’s Coulomb model as the compression behavior is modeled by
ratio), which is a function of hydrate saturation (cf. Table 3). elastic theory, as discussed previously.
When unloading occurs by the recovery process, the soil
5.3. Effect of Initial Hydrate Saturation, Hydrate
swells and the deformation is again elastic. Hence, there is
Dissociation and Drawdown Pressure
no development of permanent residual volumetric strain
using this model. This highlights the deficiency of this [58] Results from sections 5.1 and 5.2 highlight the
model to reproduce soil compaction due to loading and importance of modeling plastic volumetric behavior when
unloading when the change in the effective stress is signif- simulating ground deformation by depressurization. The
icant (as in the case of depressurization). plastic behavior is generated by a significant increase in
vertical effective stress (3 to 12 MPa). The degree of hydrate
5.2. One-Dimensional Compression dissociation also determines the amount of the plastic
[57] Figure 13 shows the vertical strain against the effec- deformation. Therefore, the magnitudes of vertical strain
tive vertical stress during one-dimensional compression and during depressurization and after pressure recovery depend
unloading with the MHCS model and the MH Mohr- on initial hydrate saturation, the degree of hydrate dissocia-
Coulomb model. The simulated behavior is similar to that tion as well as the magnitude of drawdown pressure.
observed in the isotropic loading cases. During the depres- [59] Figure 14 shows the maximum vertical strain under
surization stage, the hydrate-bearing soil layer consolidates, one dimensional depressurization with different drawdown
producing vertical settlement. The MHCS model predicts pressures (i.e. DPw = 4, 7 and 10 MPa) and different degrees
vertical strain of 11%, whereas the MH Mohr-Coulomb of hydrate dissociation (i.e. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) using
model predicts vertical strain of 6%. The greater vertical the MHCS model.
strain prediction of the MHCS model is due to its capability [60] Hydrate-bearing soils with greater hydrate saturation
of modeling shear induced volume contraction in normally exhibit more elastic behavior. In the case of no dissociation
consolidated K0 conditions, which is a unique feature of soil (i.e. 0% lines in Figure 14), the plastic behavior is solely
behavior that cannot be captured by the MH Mohr-Coulomb caused by the increase in the effective stresses. The greater
model. The computed residual vertical strain by the MHCS depressurization causes the volumetric yielding at greater
model is approximately 10%, which is equivalent to initial hydrate saturation, which are denoted as arrows in
2 meters of vertical displacement for a 20 meter thick Figure 14 (e.g. Sh = 20% for DPw = 4 MPa, Sh = 45% for

Figure 11. Isotropic and one-dimensional compression on wellbore model.

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Figure 12. Isotropic compression simulation with (a) MHCS model and (b) MH Mohr-Coulomb model.

DPw = 10 MPa). This implies that even strong hydrate- and pressure recovery in the Eastern Nankai Trough, pro-
bearing soils with high hydrate saturation may cause large vided the magnitude of pressure drawdown, the initial
settlement under substantial depressurization. hydrate saturation and the final hydrate saturation are
[61] Figure 14 also shows that vertical settlement is pro- known. Suppose 20 meters of hydrate bearing sediments that
duced by hydrate dissociation. The more dissociation occurs, contain alternating unit layers (Layer 1: Sh = 40% and Layer
the more vertical strain develops as the additional effective 2: Sh = 60%) are depressurized by 7 MPa and eventually the
stress carried by the hydrate is transferred to the soilskeleton. hydrate saturation in each layer becomes 10% (75% disso-
This can be seen as each curve is shifted downward with ciation) in Layer 1 and 30% (50% dissociation) in Layer 2,
increasing dissociation. When full dissociation is achieved, respectively, then the vertical settlement can be estimated by
the magnitude of vertical strain converges with that of pure using the chart shown in Figure 14. From Figure 14, the
soil (Sh = 0), denoted as the dotted line in Figure 14. values of the maximum vertical strain of the layers can be
[62] Although the results are preliminary, Figure 14 may estimated as z = 7% in Layer 1 and z = 2% in Layer 2. As a
be used to predict a settlement caused by depressurization result, the expected vertical settlement is 1.8 meters for a

Figure 13. 1D compression with (a) MHCS model and (b) MH Mohr-Coulomb model.

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Figure 14. Maximum vertical strain induced under 1D compression with different drawdown pressures
and different degrees of dissociation.

hydrate-bearing sediment with a summed thickness of [71] As described in this paper, the proposed model is a
20 meters. simple extension of critical state model. Although the model
provides an accurate stress-strain relationship for methane
6. Summary hydrate-bearing soils, it may be necessary to test its capa-
bility with more experimental data and field data. The pro-
[63] In this paper, a new constitutive model for hydrate- posed wellbore model is considered at the element level and
bearing soil, Methane Hydrate Critical State (MHCS) model, thus a numerical model with more realistic geometry and
was presented. The model incorporated (1) volumetric hydrate saturation profile needs to be analyzed for better
yielding; (2) enhanced cohesion, dilation and stiffness by the prediction of the geomechanical behavior of hydrate-bearing
presence of hydrate in pores; (3) strain softening due to sediments during depressurization (e.g., S. Uchida et al.,
shearing deformation; (4) smooth nonlinear stress-strain submitted manuscript, 2010).
relationship; and (5) stress relaxation due to hydrate
dissociation. [72] Acknowledgments. This research was funded by the Research
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bearing sediments that was subjected to depressurization
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