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Issue: (What’s the main subject/theme/topic shown in the movie?

The issue that I found in the beauty and the beast is closed-mindedness. The villagers in the
town are closed-minded people, except Belle. When they see Belle reading books and have her
own dreams and ideas, they laughed at her, think she is different from them and feel she is
strange. So, they are having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas.

Argument: (What are you trying to assert/prove?)

Therefore, we must be an open-minded people.

Justification: (What are your 3 reasons/evidence to support your argument?)

This is because open-mindedness will help us to gain confidence. In the movie, Belle is very
confident and outspoken in her opinions and seldom likes being told what to do. She enjoys
reading and believe can achieve her dreams one day, even though it ostracises her from the
rest of the town. This is because when we live with an open mind, we have a strong sense of
self. We are not confined by our own beliefs, nor are we confined by the beliefs of others. For
that reason, we are able to have and gain confidence as we learn more and more about the
world around us. Open-mindedness helps us to learn and grow, strengthening our belief in
ourselves to reduce unnecessary judgement.

Furthermore, Strengthening ourself. Open-mindedness provides a platform on which we can

build, piling one idea on top of another without any biases and prejudices. Everything we
experience can add up, strengthening who we are and what we believe in. For example, Belle is
strong, brave-hearted and independent. She can solve her own problem by reading and
continue learning such as invented a washing machine for women to clean their clothes in
order to give them more time to do other stuff. However, the women feel strange and refuse to
use. So, closed-minded people lost a good thing that could help them in doing housework as
they unwilling to accept new things and ideas. Therefore, with an open mind we can learn
about new things and we can use the new ideas to build on the old ideas in order to strengthen

Lastly, open-mindedness will help us to gain new experience. Opening up our mind to new
ideas allows us to the opportunity to change what we think and how we view the world. The
more we learn about diverse cultures and the world, the more new things we get to
experience! If we stay stuck in our little narrow-minded box, think of all of the worldly things
we will miss out on. That why Belle has stand out from her fellow townspeople to have an
extraordinary and wonderful experience with the Beast and finally found her true love because
Belle has open mind and free thinking attitude.
Conclusion: (Reinforce your stand / argument)

In a conclusion, we must be open-minded people as it can remove our personal biases and
prejudices from any situation, gaining confidence and completely immerse ourself in another

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