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Design Problem


Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Rahul Salhan Aman Varshney

B.Tech (H), IT

Reg. No. 7070070003

Section: A27T3

Roll No.: RA27T3A10

Web Server..................................................................................................................................................3
Step to install IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003...........................................................................................3
To Access the IIS manager...........................................................................................................................5
Creating and Configuring Web Sites in Windows Server 2003....................................................................7
Preliminary Steps.....................................................................................................................................7
Creating a Web Site.................................................................................................................................7
Controlling Access to a Web Site...........................................................................................................11
Windows Web Server- IIS 6 Installation

Web Server
IIS (Internet Information Services) 6.0 is Microsoft’s web server that comes supplied as standard
with Windows Server 2003. IIS is a collection of services designed to allow you to run a web
server on your Windows server the way you want it to be.

For example IIS comes with support for ASP.NET web software applications, and is the only web
server that supports ASP.NET as well as a built in SMTP email server and the option to allow you
to install support for additional programming languages if needed.

IIS is the Apache web server’s main rival, and is gradually gaining ground within the private
server world; although unlike Apache IIS will only run on the Microsoft Windows operating
system meaning that it isn’t compatible with any other systems i.e. Mac OSX and Linux.

Step to install IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003

 First need to navigate to ‘Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs’. From there you will
need to select ‘Add/Remove Windows Components’ from the left hand menu.
 Select the “Add/Remove Windows Components” tab on the left-hand side.

In the “Windows Components Wizard”, highlight the “Application Server” and press the
“Details” button

If you select ‘Application Server’ then click the ‘Details’ button near the bottom of the window, a
window should open allowing you to select what other applications to install; one of these should be
‘Internet Information Services’. If you select ‘Internet Information Services’ then again click the ‘Details’
button near the bottom of the window, you will be able to select more in depth options for the
installation of IIS; these include:

 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – if you intend on uploading files to your web server from remote
locations, and from multiple locations, then you might want to consider installing the FTP
service as it will allow you to upload all types of files from any internet connected computer or
server that is able to function with FTP
 Frontpage Extensions Server 2002 – if you have designed a website with specific functionality on
Microsoft’s Frontpage website builder program, then you will need to install this service to
ensure that your website is able to function correctly
 Internet Information Services Manager – it is important that you choose this option as you will
need this program in order to manage your installation of Internet Information Services
 Send Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) – if you intend on sending emails from any web applications
that you have coded using either the ASP or ASP.NET programming languages then you will need
this service to ensure that your emails are sent
 Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) – if you plan on hosting a newsgroup on your Windows
sever, then you will need to install the NNTP service to ensure that it is able to function correctly
 World Wide Web Publishing (WWW) – the WWW service is the service that is used by IIS to
serve requested web pages to client machines when they make requests for pages to your web
 Once you have selected the appropriate options based on your requirements by checking the
related boxes, you can continue installation by ensuring that your Windows Server 2003 CD-
ROM is in the CD drive of your server, or that it is accessible by your server via the network. If
you click the ‘Next’ button on the open windows, your installation will proceed and you will be
notified on completion of installation.

 On completion, click the ‘Finish’ button to exit the installation wizard. You have now installed
Internet Information Services 6

To Access the IIS manager

 Navigating to ‘Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’.
 The manager itself looks like this:
Creating and Configuring Web Sites in Windows Server 2003

Preliminary Steps
 Open Manage Your Server from the Start menu and add the Application Server role:

Creating a Web Site

 Then we open the manager

 To create any websites, you will need to navigate to the ‘Web Sites’ option on the left hand
pane, where all your existing sites will also be displayed. If you right click on ‘Web Sites’ you
should be presented with the site creation wizard.

 IP address for the Human Resources site and make D:\HR the folder
 Click Next again and specify as the IP address for the site:

 Click Next and specify D:\HR as the home folder for the site. We've cleared the checkbox to deny
anonymous access to the site because this is an internal intranet so only authenticated users
should be able to access it
 Click Next and leave only Read access enabled since the Human Resources site will initially only
be used to inform employees of company policies:

 Click Next and then

Finish to create the new web site:
Controlling Access to a Web Site

 Control access to our web sites are basically four ways to do this:
NTFS Permissions, web permissions, IP address restrictions, and authentication method.

By default only Read permission is enabled, but you can also allow Write access so users can upload or
modify files on your site.

 The final way of controlling access to your sites is to use the Authentication Methods dialog box
we looked at previously:

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