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Book One

Eugene Pen


Chapter 1
The Chase To Glory Begins

What those beings call Sea Of Scorite. Is actually a vast region of space
much closer to the center of the universe. Than our own as of yet,
insignificantly far flung galaxy. That desperately clings to its place of whirling
matter on the very edge of nowhere. Being nearer the center is a fine place to
be with a much more infinite verity of resources. It all also equates into life in
a diverse abundance to be found both great and small. That’s most
unimaginable to us lonely creatures way out here. But do not despair for it is
really just as well for us. For space and time passively continue keeping us
protected way out here from those still back there hovering near the center.
While the natural relevancy of it all being the seemingly perfect clock
work of the cosmos. That is perhaps ninety percent a harmonious flow. With
the ten percent left in continuous discord and chaos. Bodies both large and
small zipping and zapping about out of control on some singular endless
course of freewill. Other bodies explosively violent and self destructively
reaching out to consume anything hopelessly within influence. As if
something near intends resetting the clock by a sudden vorpal shock wave. Yet
still for all this massive ferocity, it is only a silent vanishing flash of energy.
Hardly worth a moment’s notice as the cosmic clockwork rolls on unabated
forever more. But this is the universal way where ever you find yourself lost in
the realm material of existence. It is all the same and always will be. Yet there
is much more of everything to be found burning with a greater intensity near
the center.
Which is where you will find the planets of the Gaurdmalian League.
Parilia being the largest and first ruling planet of the league. With Gaurdmal as
the secondary power dominating this vast region. Comprised of thirty three
planets along with inhabited moons. Also the semi inhabited planetary
holdings largely used as mining out posts. Opposing the powerful
Gaurdmalian League is the Tzmarov Alliance of five main planets, Tzmar,
Usteum, Bovar, Zizidan, and Qulipar.
That is also supported by another six distant planets making up the loose
Hnorg alliance. An alliance made strictly out of necessity. They preferring to
keep their distance and independence whenever possible. Though the duration
of this long bitter struggle. That by now, even the planets of Tzmar and
Usteum; despising this condition as much as they do. Just might not know
what to do with themselves without an ongoing perilous problem quaking at
the foundations of alliance. That intern kept the alliance bound together in
But now the League’s plans had suddenly come to a drastic change. Away
from the wear them down and keep them down program. That had prevailed
during the former emperor of the planets, lord of space Zorill the
magnificent’s time. Giving rise to poisonous assassination roomers. For now
his fiery daughter Casseea Empress of all matter and space had just assumed
control on his passing. Casseea wanted results that would quickly achieve
everything her father had not. Equally important to her; revenge for her
brother’s death. So first thing, she urgently demanded victory now at any
price. For her there seemed no greater victory than a youthful one.
At once, she sent eighty percent of the entire Gaurdmalian league’s fleet
into action. In spite of questions and general reluctance from the other
planetary leaders. That only served to spur her on with all urgency as not to be
stopped. While her ministers and diplomats did their utmost to sooth the
situation. Promising Casseea knew very well what she was doing and that best
for them all.
While all of this would come under the command of; Master of Space
war Xalac. A highly esteemed veteran of the many battles passed. Himself
having survived four disasters that left him partly robotic. Having lost a left
leg; right arm and the left side of his face including the eye. Owing to nick
names like; the invincible, indestructible, unkillable, the refit and can man.
For Xalac this was his chance he’d been hoping for. After receiving the
order; “make it happen.” As now for the first time ever, he was setting out
with the massive star breakers one and two. Leaving only the third at home in
port. From all planets thousands of ships were soon forming up just beyond
Pimbup. Pimbup being the largest of the seven Parilian moons; now seemed as
though a storm had cloud had gathered around it. Not being the first but the
biggest fleet yet by far. Many couldn’t believe the sight of it hovering up their
as the naked eye couldn’t miss it even from Parilia during the next five nights.
Bringing a gleeful smile of expectation to Casseea’s face; knowing her
big show is now. While ministers and diplomats of court nervously milled
about beside themselves in a din of wonder. As a continuous entourage of
envoys from everyplace came and went in a constantly streaming carousel.
Then on the fifth mid night everything froze silently still as all eyes on the
ground gazed upward. When First Admiral Xalac sent the order through his
formations; “move out at full speed.”
Then as the massive armada finally vanished from view. The din
suddenly went up again much louder than even before. Not with cheerful
confidence in the action; but complete confusion as to what would happen
next. Causing Casseea to scoff at the fools as she shuffled off to her chambers.
Before receiving a headache from that senseless, disgusting noise. For done is
done as far as she was concerned it was time for bed.
But for the speeding armada now speeding on its course. Only steely
nerves prevailed at this time on board the ships. All seemed a blur that only
preparations and being on duty could pacify. Making the moment, master for
them on this mission. Being nothing was sure to happen for a while as time
uneasily chipped away.
Until forays of the first and second scouting groups collided right into a
defensive alliance patrol. As they hurdled passed the green planet Shoomsha
and its battered moon Craigus nine. That marked the ancient place where those
of the alliance first met those of the league. Making Craigus nine a lively
trading place. Long before hostilities were thought of. But today Craigus nine
sadly only serves the alliance as a brutal reminder of destruction.
Fast and hard the alliance fighters came at them supported by six star
cruisers. Farther away were four carrier ships busily dispensing more fighters
to the attack in rapid succession. Undeterred the league scouting groups did
the same as the maelstrom of lasers, missiles and rockets quickly began
streaking across the closing expanse.
On first word of contact at this still distant point. Xalac was angered his
surprise was now lost. Making the second tactic of sheer speed now his first.
As he shrugged off the disappointment confronting him. While alliance
admiral Edillor immediately knew this was no chance skirmish. Being too
large for a typical patrol or scouting group. For that matter they showed no
sign of maneuver or hesitation like was normally done on a chance
engagement. While they contiued closing range at full speed, shields down
while blasting away furiously at his own ships.
Sensing a trap by superior forces he quickly called to break off the
engagement immediately. As word came across from the radar stations a
massive force. A force larger than they had ever seen before appeared to be on
the way. Confirming his instincts correct. Edillor then ordered rear guard
tactics while regrettably making straight away for home.
In only minutes both sides quickly lost fighters. While one of Edillor’s
star cruisers had taken a missile strike of minimal damage. A star cruiser of
second league scouting group had taken a missile hit. With two star cruisers of
the first league scouting group having taken multiple hits by now. As the one
that had taken the most damage suddenly ceased firing to put up defensive
As Xalac received information about the current unfavorable events. He
then abandoned the scouting mission after learning of his adversary’s change
in course. Xalac commanded the other four scouting groups to join scouting
groups at Craigus nine. Then he programmed the damaged star cruisers to set
down on Craigus nine and await repair ships. As parts of blasted fighter ships
were still plummeting down on the surface of moon and planet alike. While
the other ships were to remain hovering defensively over Craigus nine until
the main force soon arrived.
At this point Edillor seeing the heat of the first engagement was off.
Ordered most of the fighter squadrons back to the carrier ships. While
ordering the tactical and medium bombers launched to be ready for any
sudden attacks. Then Edillor gave the order for the medium bombers to
dispense laser and gravity mines. But interception was not to be as they made
way for home base on the Tzmaran moon Azor. After the turn of recent events,
a great relief went through all the crews. Once they caught their first sight of
Tzmar shining out in the distance.
On the armada’s arrival at Craigus nine Xalac then ordered all the scouting
groups to land there. He also ordered a further eight carrier ships to remain at
the hover. Ten star cruisers and fifty space destroyers with thirty five troop
ships to join them as robotic reserve forces. As the scout group was made up
entirely of robot crews. He further ordered the robot troops to from the troop
ships to search Craigus nine’s ghostly ruins for any objects of value left
Then satisfied he had left an adequate reserve and defensive screening
force. Xalac then ordered the massive body of the battle formation on to
certain victory. Robots being robots merely being interested in the program
they followed to the letter whatever it was. Could care less about the awesome
sight above them. As their league comrades passed by the moon below, in a
massively deep, long procession.
Resuming their course once more Xalac ordered full speed at once. Now
intent on reaching Tzmar for the final victory over the dreaded alliance. He
knew they couldn’t resist a moment longer once he arrived. Finally revenge
for all he; and his league comrades had gone though for so long. This is it, he
thought while remembering his long career up until now. All the pain he had
lived through and friends he had lost in land battles; and open space. The time
he began to believe would never come has.
Then fighters leading the way began to explode violently from the gravity
mines. Sending parts in hurdling every direction. While the laser mines closed
in to begin fusillading red streaks of light flying in every direction. Taking a
further toll of the fighters and space destroyers that were in the lead. “Reverse
engines!” Xalac ordered with a painful sound. “This is the last time you’ll get
the best of me.” He grumbled to himself as the entire armada remained in
complete formation while reverse course. “Send up the mine sweepers.” Xalac
said with a gasp. Knowing this incident allowed to happen by over confidence
was his fault. As parts destroyed ships and bits of mines began now bouncing
off the shields of his own battle smasher.
The carriers quickly sent out the mine sweepers that began destroying the
pesky laser mines. Causing more delay as Xalac knew all the alliance was at
the ready by now. Once the mine sweepers cleared the way and the armada
could proceed once more. All minesweepers stayed in the lead supported with
fighters and space destroyers. Owing to even more delay to the operation. As
mine sweepers are not the fastest ships to lead the fleet. Especially if they are
to carry out their meticulous task properly.

Chapter 2
Press On With It

So as Xalac waited an eternity for the chance to move on his objectives.
Giving Tzmar exactly what Xalac dreaded most in all this; a chance to ready
themselves. For the defenders it came all too soon. As the first screening long
range fighters and space destroyers confronted the mine sweepers and fighters
of the armada.
Throughout Tzmar the alarm was sounded. As the panicked people in the
cities took shelter just about anywhere they could. While others used to this
sort of thing took it as another harassment attack and nothing more. Instantly
the purple light shields went up around the planet’s atmosphere. Turning
Tzmar a normally gold and green color as seen from space. Into a dark
foreboding purple color now. Inside the shield was a little stifling. With an
uncomfortable electrified static feeling, and the ionic smell that permeated the
“You can do it now! The Azor moon as planned; now get on with it!”
Xalac commanded the captains of both star breakers. While he watched with
all on the bridge in disappointment as the bright star light shine of Tzmar
dimmed considerably. Until Tzmar now became useable with a naked eye.
“Yes sir;” the captains replied. Now get on with it; do it!” Xalac replied with
total fixation. As Xalac now hardly cared about the battle raging ahead of the
armada. He figured that was won already. He like those of the crew who knew;
was much more interested in what would happen next. As the enormous star
breaker ships came to the forefront of the armada.
Then the never before used cannons of the star breakers suddenly lit up
violently as massive white laser blasts flung from their muzzles. Followed by
the launching of twelve large Sorian missiles that flared out into the distance.
That instantly broke off the skirmishing engagement of fighters. As both sides
desperately dodged aside from the blinding shock.
Then it happened the flash Xalac had been waiting for. Followed by even
more sometime later. Next came a shock wave shuttering the large ships and
bounced the smaller ones violently. A sounding return from ten million miles
still away. As some all on the bridge held on fast. Some cheered at the sight
others shook their heads. Most just froze in quiet disbelief. “Everybody full
speed ahead.” Xalac shouted before anyone had a chance to think about what
had just happened.
Azor was a beautiful moon had completely burst into space rubble.
Sending a blast of rocks and massive chunks hammering straight into Tzmar’s
trusty shields. But they had never been desined to hold off anything quite like
this. As Tzmar was shaken down to its very core even though the shields held
true. The percussive blast and the beating of moon matter against the shields.
Giving Tzmar a shove that moved it into a slightly new orbit. All that was
built in the cities directly below and nearest in the hemisphere was instantly
Next came a roaring shocking quake that only lessened after the third
time around the globe. Luckily Tzmar was no small planet being twice as big
as our own. But that was no consolation as even the seas churned up large
damaging waves along the coasts. So strong was the shaking; Tzmar seemed
to have momentarily stopped in its very rotation. Then after withstanding so
much the shield flickered, arced and vanished.
Those who survived in the nearest region mainly the cities of Kaidian,
Calibaran and Larlon. looked up at the night sky to see a glittering cloud of
dust where Azor once was. While crews at both the north and south poles;
desperately tried repairing damage to the planetary shields. The moon Porvod
also took damaging hits while the moon Theesil was block by Tzmar from
taking any direct hits. But none the less had been shaken wildly the shock
As ordered the formations of mighty ships sped up once more for their
target now back in sight. While the Tzmar shields fell it began to shine in
splendor once again. Betraying the reality of its desperately battered condition
to the rest of outer space. Excitedly Xalac prepared for their arrival. Fighters,
bombers in force followed by troopships in mass.
With shields gone the rush to escape Tzmar began in earnest. Now that
everyone knew this was no small event. Every kind of conceivable ship
capable was launched into space destined for Bovar and Usteum both being
the nearest planets to Tzmar. While a few with greater range headed out for
Zizdan and Qulipar. For the rest it was now a matter of waiting the inevitable.
Most of the strongest defenses had been lost already. So, confusion,
hopelessness and a dose of defiance set in as all eyes now looked to the skies.
The last organized forces on Tzmar prepared as best they could. While
wondering if another attack like that on Azor was on the way. They had no
way to stop that again. Unless the crews at the north and south poles.
Struggled to bring the shields back into action. But not so far as open skies
Pleasing Xalac to see the way was open for the next phase. With just one
less obstacle to hamper progress. Now they might as well surrender; he
impatiently thought. While everything not destroyed by the Azor disaster
dashed out from Theesil and Porvod to stop them. But it was just a stalling
action that ultimately failed. As there wasn’t anything left to oppose them by
the time the armada finally made the final approach to Tzmar.
Now with open space and clear skies. Phase two began immediately as
the last of the ships departed from Tzmar at full speed. Xalac ordered all
fighters and bombers down for the attack on Tzmar. While he had the space
destroyers, star cruisers and battle blasters deal with the moons. Missiles and
rockets now streamed up in mass from the lands of Tzmar like smoky fingers
stretching out to explosively greet the on slot.
Soon the skies were filled with the falling fiery wreckage. As many more
fighters and bombers descended through the Tzmar atmosphere for the attack.
Within minutes missiles and lasers darted wildly from the fighter’s thunderous
speedy attacks. Followed by bursting bombs that crushed every city below.
Even the cities already smashed by the Azor blast had no reprieve from the
commencing arrack. In turn the desperate defenses sent up everything they had
as the bombs that didn’t make their impact on the ground. Burst mid air;
caught by the masses of fiery projectiles zipping into the sky. Everything on
Tzmar was soon chaos. As everything on the ground went up, while bomber
ships caught by missiles, lasers and projectiles fell down.
During this period the smoke and smells of fuel, and burning buildings
became choking. While the countless plumes of smoke massed high in the
atmosphere as a menacing display of hate and total destruction. As new waves
of attack continued descending over the shattered mess below. That once
housed the happy lives of millions, now streaming with panic out across the
landscape. Where the Tzmarite troops waited for the third phase to come.
Adding to the dilemma of the commanders there who tried hiding the
frightened masses within protective areas. Sympathetic to their kin they tried
all that could be done. Keeping decency a priority in spite of being faced with
a growing impossibility.
Then it came in a vengeful force; first on the moons. Then everywhere as
night rolled around the face of Tzmar. As troop ships hit the seas and sped to
shore. Other troop ships not designed for sea assaults came down over the
land. To release coordinated cargos of both biological and robotic troops loose.
Followed by the great cargo ships full of needed equipment and supplies to
During the crazy struggle that contiued carrying out across the face of
Tzmar. A success came to the league when Porvod, having been pummeled by
the Azor blast. Was first to surrender after a none stop month of horrible
fighting. Boosting moral tremendously in the league forces while continuing
on relentlessly. But it meant little on the Tzmaran campaign as long as Tzmar
stood. Even less to Xalac as this was merely the opening campaign of the
renewed greater war. A campaign were speed was key on the road to total
By now Bovar and the other planets of the alliance had received word of
what was happening. Most wanting to believe it was a case of over
exaggeration. Then the faster transport ships began to arrive at Bovar.
Followed by over whelming waves of ships that came in mass. First filling
moon ports and the larger space stations. Then any where they could put down
on Bovar itself. While many more still hovered in wait. As other ships with
greater range hurried on towards Usteum.
Bringing worries all around as the Bovarians wondered when the
streams of refuge ships would end; and the expected ships of their pursuers
begin. While Xalac also sat wondering when the alliance forces would
respond. As Xalac and his nervous command knew this action nor the scope of
its intent was a secret anymore.
First he pushed his command for faster successes after Porvod fell. But
now he began to wonder if disembarking for Bovar wasn’t better. After all the
Tzmar campaign was slowing down to a bitter scrawl. While Tzmar itself was
all ruins now; and easily could be swept up later.
But the orders from Casseea had been clear. She wanted total surrender with
absolute control. First was to be Tzmar then Bovar being the nearest, followed
by Usteum. The remaining planets of the alliance would beg her for
acceptance of their surrender. What choice else would they have but to plea for
my mercy. Casseea told them as all present vowed to bring the alliance
begging at her imperial toes.
Although Xalac here and now pondered over the changing events. He
knew getting on to the next objective was much more important than stalling
for the fall of Tzmar. So he sent a detailed memo of all that had happened so
far. Along with his suggestion to move on the next target at once. The reply
was a firm one as Casseea herself reminded him of the planed objectives.
Along with what, came as a slap in the face. When Casseea informed Xalac he
had more than enough at his disposal to complete his mission absolutely and
timely. Then went on to tell him everything should have been finished by now.
“Shall I send a replacement to carry on the task you’ve started?” Casseea
asked condescendingly. “It will be done;” Xalac responded while feeling a
panic of his own rush through him.
Immediately Xalac focused an all out attack on Theesil moon. While
Casseea expressed her displeasure and wavering confidence in Xalac’s
command to the league court. “The survivability of the league now hangs in
the balance. I don’t expect to lose the entire league over Xalac’s
incompetence.” Casseea told them scathingly. As the league court quickly
agreed to send other commanders on the scene. So they could make
assessments of the situation and act on them as they saw fit.
But none never really believed Xalac to be incompetent. Many knew
from experience it wasn’t so simple to subdue an entire planet. Much less
happen over night at the snap of one’s fingers. Especially without the help of
inside agents, and collaborators working to divide before such an event. They
knew it had all been based on blind brute force from the start. Many had
doubts about launching such a drastic operation and would have gladly
advised otherwise. Yet silence and compliance even for the shifty league court
and ministers. Was always a safer stance to keep than one of open honesty.

Chapter 3
How Can We Deal With This

By this time ships began arriving at Usteum. Fortunately Usteum was
much bigger than Bovar; and also had five moons with six space stations on
orbits farther out. Now the concern grew into a pitch as messages and special
envoys set out from Usteum to all the remaining alliance planets. Even the
Hnorg or secondary alliance was aware of the turmoil by this time. Karillia
and Marmoul both leading planets of the Hnorg alliance deciding this was no
time for complacency. So immediately a joint rescue force to Usteum. While
Helith chose to sent an envoy with a fleet of fighting ships on the longer
journey to Bovar.
While on all the planets extensive tests and improvements of the force
fields began in earnest. As they were turned on and off again in conjunction
with emergency drills for everyone. Giving a chance of preparation for the
other planets; Tzmar hadn’t had.
Tensions within the planets leadership boiled as arguments rose with
indecision. But none of those were more intense than the arguments. Now
taking place in the emergency complex deep below the surging waters of the
Nalan sea on Tzmar. “Why don’t we do it. Let’s get it over with, detonate the
planet. We can still wipeout the league fleet and save everyone else in the
alliance.” A grizzled man high on the council named Ashmond proposed.
“How could you suggest such a thing?” Roara a powerful lady from the
city of Layaril, gasped in disgust at Ashmond. “That is insane Ashmond. I say
we keep up the struggle until relief arrives.” Another council member named
Vimish stood up shouting at the top of his lungs. “I was in Kaidian when Azor
vanished in to dust. If you don’t know, Kaidian was mostly destroyed even
under the protective shield. If we don’t use the detonation system now there
will be no stopping them. They just might use that thing against us anyway.”
Ashmond said in despair as Vimish sat down shaking his head.
“We can always surrender instead of being so rash. We might find that’s
not so bad. Better than being slaughtered anyway. Certainly better than
complete self destruction. At least send a delegate to discuss some sort of
possible terms.” Grigsis said looking more worried now than before.
“They’ve already given their terms at Azor. What else to you want?
Permission to believe it? Well let me be the one to grant it to you. Besides we
know how they deal with their captives.” Ashmond replied strongly while
many agreed. As senseless argument and accusations about the situation raged
around the chambers. Many of which were brought up in part by previous
personal grievances. While having little to do with anything else on the matter.
Some seeing no point in continuing the meeting threw up their hands
while walking out. As there was sure to be more of the same shameful
ugliness and incompetence at the next meeting. “Well this is the end of Tzmar
and look at how pathetic they behave. I guess what really counts now is saying
it was nice knowing you my friend.” Fbolsin told Jellian seated next to him.
“Yeah after this I guess we’d better have that meal while we still can.” Jellian
suggested with a grin as Fbolsin agreed with a laugh.
“I would invite the family, but as you know they’ve stepped out for a
while.” Fbolsin told him and chuckled. “Mine too, sure hope they’ve made it
to Bovar or Usteum safely.” Jellian said with a sigh. “Me too, you should have
joined them. Better than staying around here;” Fbolsin told him while
watching the argument continue. “I know, call me a fool; I gave my chance
away to someone else.” Jellian said with a feeling of regret. “Me too;” Fbolsin
said and rolled his eyes as Jellian laughed at him.
While all the arguments and indecision whirled around the galaxies of
Zinth home of the league; and Dissinstra where the alliance resides. Eye brows
were also raised on Cambrisol. Cambrisol being a very far off and largely
forgotten planet. Where they amongst other things, do wisely cherish the
miracle of freedom. Their independence and the ability keeping their affairs to
themselves. While at the same time being in tune with the universal pulse.
Made even easier by the fact that Cambrisol is of almost perfect size.
Enabling Cambrisol to give off a harmonious resonance while receiving a
strikingly vivid reception of the cosmos. Which are reflected in its high
mountains deep valleys and broad plains. Surrounded in tides of cool waters
so crystal clear light and pure one could almost breathe while submerged. All
under an invigorating atmosphere of sweet light rainbow rains that nourishes
all within its loving embrace.
But now these violet shock waves come crashing upon them from so far
away. The likes of which they haven’t been seen or heard of since the
destruction of Craigus nine. What pity and shame they now felt at the sudden
retched ruthless obliteration of Azor. As solemn analyzing discussion now
filled the normally happy halls of Cambrisol. Some spoke of intervention,
while others of simply letting things take their own course. “As they naturally
always have and always will. Without the need of radical rashness that causes
more problems than it ever solves. While in the end nature always takes over
anyways.” The elder, Ertral, who was presiding over the Cambrisolian counsel
Most agreed, as many still were undecided. Unsure about how far this
would go and even more so by the tragedy of Azor. No moon, nor planet had
been unnaturally blasted to bits right out of its orbit before. They none knew
of and feared there might very well be another. Once the league became
comfortable in doing so they might never control themselves from another
abuse of power.
So for now the counsel rested undecided. But not choosing to jump
straight into conclusions of manipulation that might lead to direct greater
problems. As they were all wise enough to agree once rashly done cannot be
Except for one after listening to all the discussions of the day. Tharissa
thought she had the plan that would bring a stop to it all. But she couldn’t do it
alone and didn’t know how things would be if she managed in carrying out her
plan. So Tharissa pondered the idea that night until she convinced herself there
wasn’t any reason not to try.
So next morning Tharissa went out to the lush fields of the green temple.
Where she knew she’d find Larus. A friend she had grown up with and now
was working in the green temple fields. It was a good place to prove your
worth when not studying. As the towns and even the cities of Cambrisol were
an agrarian society that held a strong importance in making things grow and
thrive. While guaranteeing a happy planet with food in a abundance for all.
That is where she found him sure enough. Helping to pitch in with the
season’s harvest. “Larus come here a minute I need to speak with you.” She
said as he turned looking a little surprised. “Hello, what is it?” Larus asked
with a smile. ”I need your help.” Tharissa said while not wanting the others
nearby to hear. “Great I need your help harvesting these melons.” Larus told
her and laughed as she scoffed at the idea.
“Ah sure, if you’ll promise to help me after. I will do it;” Tharissa said
with a nod. As Larus knowing Tharissa well had his sudden doubt about the
proposition. “Well what is it? I know it must be something big if you’re
willing to harvest melons for it.” Larus said looking curious. “Yes it’s very
important; but I can’t speak of it here right now.” Tharissa told him. “I know I
shouldn’t take you up on this. But if you are really willing to work in the fields
today. Alright, I will help you. I think;” Larus agreed half heartedly as
Tharissa laughed at him. “Great, I will help, it has been a while since I’ve been
out here.” Tharissa said as she looked out across the fields.
“Yeah I know, that’s what makes me hope whatever it is up your sleeve
isn’t like last time. You know I got in big trouble taking the boat out.” Larus
said with a frown. “Ah come on I just wanted to see the island. Don’t say you
didn’t have fun. Because I know you did Larus.” Tharissa told him and
laughed. “Oh I had fun, but it wasn’t any fun for me once we got back.” Larus
said as Tharissa laughed at him. “Yeah I’m sorry about all that. I didn’t any
one would get all that upset.” Tharissa told him. “It’s alright;” Larus said and
started working again.
“Well do we have a deal or not?” Tharissa asked as Larus reluctantly
agreed. Being he would have refused unless he knew what the deal was
exactly. But the melons did need picking and the day wasn’t getting any
longer. “Okay great;” Tharissa said and started pitching in. While Larus
wondered all the more about what is deal actually was.
As the bright star Gival began to set on the Cambrisolian horizon. Larus
promised Tharissa to meet back at the green temple after dinner. Where she
waited after having a rushed dinner. Then telling her parents she’d be back
shortly as she flew out the door. At the Green temple she waited impatiently
looking up at the two moons. Wondered what it would be like if they lost their
moons. Zangle the nearer moon was now in full phase with a bright red glow.
While the pale blue moon Nacillia was now in first quarter phase.
“Well I’m glad you finally made it Larus. I’ve been waiting here for a
while now.” Tharissa said when Larus walked up and greeted her. “Well I just
finished with dinner. So what’s going on anyway?” Larus asked, then Tharissa
explained her plan. “Oh no way, now you’re trying to get be banished to some
island out in the middle of the ocean forever.” Larus replied shaking his head.
“Ah you promised, and I worked hard all day.” Tharissa told him angrily.
“Well I should have known better than agree to a blind deal with you. I
never suspected you wanted to have me cursed.” Larus told her with a sigh.
“You are the only one who can do it. Just think of all those people all those
planets we will save by this. None of them will know it but they will have you
to thank for it Larus.” Tharissa told him as he looked vacantly and moaned.
“There are plenty of others who can try that. Much better than I can.” Larus
reminded her. “Well maybe so but none will do it, unless the counsel proposed
it.” Tharissa said as Larus sighed. “With good reason;” Larus responded.
“Don’t you want to save all those billions of lives? People we surly will
never know. But we will have saved them all the same. Then they can return to
their happy lives with a since of stability and a future worth living for. That’s a
whole lot more than they have to look forward to now. It is such a pity what’s
happening to them. Don’t you think?
Besides we may be saving our own planet if we do something now.
Please, you promised, we made a deal and I did my end of the bargain.”
Tharissa Urged at him as he looked down at the ground. “Alright, let’s go –
but I’ll have you know a shady deal of trickery is not really a deal at all.”
Larus told her and let slip a smile as she groaned.
“Come on and be quiet or we will be caught for sure.” Larus told her as
they headed towards the green temple. “I really don’t know what will come of
this. I’m afraid we will only make things worse.” Larus said as he reluctantly
led the way. “I know it will work – I hope.” Tharissa said quietly as they went
Where Larus brought them before the cabinet of sacred rods. Then
making sure he took the right one. Larus grabbed the rod of consciousness
from the cabinet as Tharissa closed the doors. “Quickly let’s get out of here.
Better work or I’m finished.” Larus whispered to her as they hurried back
through the main hall of the green temple. Then together they went to shordop
hill. “I do wish Nacillia was full and bright.” Larus said looking up at Zangle
beaming red. “Ah what difference does it make?” Tharissa asked giggling at
“Just a feeling;” Larus replied then they sat silently on the hill top. For
quite a while Larus held the rod of consciousness in his hands. Tharissa sat
watching anxiously hoping it would work. As Tharissa had told him; he
focused sending the rod to Craigus nine. Then suddenly as Tharissa was
beginning to think he couldn’t do it. Or he was really just stalling and
wouldn’t do it? A golden flash occurred that made her lunge back with fright.
Then he opened his eyes and smiled as he looked at his empty hands.
“You did it Larus you did it.” Tharissa shouted cheerfully and gave him a hug.
“Yeah, but let’s hope it really made it to Craigus. For all I know I sent it
spinning anywhere else but here. I just hope where ever it goes I can’t get it
back.” Larus said giving her a worried look.

Chapter 4
What’s Going On Around Here?

“I’m sure everything went perfectly; be positive or you will spoil the
effort Larus.” Tharissa told him happily as he smiled at her. “I hope you’re
right about that. Let’s go before anyone wonders about where we are.” Larus
said as he stood up with a strange feeling running through him. Then he
stumbled slightly while holding his head. “Well don’t let it all go to your head
Larus.” Tharissa told him and laughed. “I felt a little strange that’s all. This
isn’t over for me until the rod has been returned.” Larus told her as he
appeared to be struggling to keep his balance. “Do you need some help?”
Tharissa asked as she began to wonder whether or not he would fall over.
“No thanks, I think I’m feeling better. Let’s just take it slow down the
hill. Just kind of feel worn out.” Larus said while still not quite looking
himself at the moment. “Don’t worry I will get you home Larus.” Tharissa told
him hoping he’d be alright. “Thanks Tharissa – now that it’s been done I hope
it was for the best.” Larus said as they slowly walked down the stone path
reflecting in the moon light. “Of course it was, don’t be negative. You saved
planets maybe the entire universe. See why I like you so much Larus. Because
you have a soulful heart, that’s big enough to save the cosmos from
devastation. Just don’t forget it was my idea though.” Tharissa told him and
giggled. “Don’t forget it was your idea when I get in a load of trouble for it
all.” Larus said faintly as Tharissa moaned. “Ah everything is going to be fine.
You’ll see;” Tharissa told him confidently.
At this time over Tzmar the second battle fleet was arriving to join
Xalac’s much larger first fleet. Though smaller in size the second fleet was
bringing an extra complement of admirals, commodores and generals. While
the second fleet itself was only there for observation and limited support
duties. As Empress Casseea made it clear the first fleet was more than capable
on its own. So it remained hovering farther away from the battle zone of
Tzmar. Although Xalac was of superior rank to them all. But they had arrived
as counsel to see the Empresses’ will carried out. Even if that meant sacking
Xalac on the spot if need be.
Xalac knowing this was a tedious moment for him. On greeting the new
arrivals, then he filled them in on the situation at hand. Which none could find
fault with his actions so far. Possibly even more important to their campaign
was the news of the repair teams that had been captured at the north and
southern poles. Guaranteeing the planetary screen could not be put up cutting
off the fleet from its ground troops. But none as of yet knew of the self-
destructive system put in place after the last failed wars were waged against
Seeing they agreed things were in fact going as well as could be
expected on such a large scale operation. One that now was more successful
than any in the previous wars. The only real question being given to Xalac,
was why such a strong force was placed on the moon Craigus nine. “As a
secondary defense of Parilia; one should always keep a reserve just in case.”
Xalac responded when questioned, while none could find fault with such
logic. Then Xalac suggested urgently pushing on to Bovar at once. Before the
alliance could mobilize against them in force. But none would hear of it, as it
wasn’t the will of Casseea. “Casseea wants total victory over Tzmar before
stretching the forces out farther.” Admiral Lasson was first to point out the
fact, that wouldn’t be changed by none other than the Empress herself.
So with the issue dropped in the mean time, many of the added command
went to inspect what was left of the Porvod moon. While it was agreed to send
land forces of the second fleet to Theesil moon. That was now wavering under
a cloud of smoke and dust in the final days of bitter struggle. Theesil moon
was foreseen as being unable to last beyond another week. The defenders only
holding out stubbornly on the hopes of a rescue party to relieve them. But the
reality of rescue was now fading as the Theesil defenders found themselves
cut off and pummeled at every turn.
Back on Craigus nine the robotic forces contiued their endless searching
and thrashing amongst the ruins. While gathering any artifacts of interest for
further scientific studies. When something strange hit the dirt near a PX - 60
robot. Catching it electrified attention at once as it viewed in on what appeared
to be a bar stuck in the ground. The robot went over for closer inspection of
what was probably nothing more than pieces of destroyed space craft. That
still intermittently fell to the moon’s landscape.
But the program was to inspect everything of possible interest. Making
the twenty paces from where it stood the robot now deemed the strange object
was worth investigation. While viewing in closer with its powerful electric
eyes. The robot bent down and swiftly snatched up the object. To receive an
immediate stunning shock that momentarily blanked out all power. While the
hapless robot stood frozen within the grasp of the pale blue arc. Now zapping
and crackling a buzz around its metallic frame. Until the robot, having lost all
control fell flat on its back with a crashing thud as moon dust wafted up.
No one was there to see what had happened. Or the pale blue arc zapped
out to spread as a web around Craigus nine. Hitting all the stunned robots
intern where ever they stood or crawled on tracks. Causing a complete
blackout of the entire force for no one knows how long. But the fact of the
event went completely unnoticed.
When the PX - 60 robot began powering up again with arms held straight
out before it. With the rod was still there clutched in its mechanical hand. The
robot quickly sat up then jumped to its feet while focused on this curious
object. While the robots system struggled to recover and reboot everything
after such a devastating shock. But although the robots did recover; nothing
was quite the same as it had been.
Being something of a miracle had taken place. Or a curse depending on
how you looked at the situation. Either way it was not normal or ever meant to
be. As the PX- 60 now realized something; it was alive. Furthermore it didn’t
care for digging around in these dirty ruins anymore. So it automatically set
off toward the mother ship. While busy staring at the strange bar and
wondering about what had just happened. Nothing else had yet occurred to the
robot now kicking its way through the heavy dust.
While it’s newly rebooted system continued to reset itself. But if the PX-
60 had taken notice, it would have also realized all the other robots within its
group were going through the same effects. As not only the robots on search
area one thousand and three recovered. But all stationed around Craigus nine
were now giving up the search. As they began more importantly searching
themselves with wonder. Having found no meaning in mindlessly rummaging
around in smashed out old ruins.
Once the robot forces had gathered aboard their respective ships. “What
are we doing here?” A robot asked that had been out recovering objects.
“Searching for artifacts;” Some replied as most agreed. “But why – I don’t
think I care about these things. Certainly not enough to go about collecting this
wreckage.” The robot said as many more agreed. While others replied it was
under the direct orders of Xalac they had been searching.
“Yes I do remember, but then I blanked out. Well any of you who wish to
continue searching feel free to do so. But as for me I’d rather not waste my
time gathering some old junk. On this wretched wasted out dirty place.” The
robot replied to his mechanical collogues as something astonishing happened.
The robots began spontaneously laughing much to their own surprise. Causing
to even search themselves as there seemed no reason for this strange outburst.
Something they had all seen their biological counterparts do. But never
understood nor really cared about the strange behavior.
“I’d rather do something great and creative. Build and invent something
never before seen. Something all our own, in our own way. “I don’t care about
following orders, leagues or alliances with their grudges and wars. We know
all about that stuff, but I want to do something better than that. Something I
can be proud of whatever it is. I now have a will of my own.” The robot said
as the others had another personal first, they cheered with a feeling of unity.
“Who wants the honor of breaking the news to Xalac? Or even the
empress herself that ought to give them a shock they’ll never forget.” A robot
proposed to the crowd. “I will;” the PX-60 holding the rod over his head said.
“Wait a minute; first let’s try rescuing our comrades out there on Tzmar. Stuck
mindlessly following orders to destroy while getting destroyed in the process.
We might be robots but we don’t have to be slaves to their will any more. We
have a will all our own now. Let’s help our unknowing comrades see the light
of life if we can.” The robot suggested as the rest quickly responded with
favorable cheers.
Robots being robots lost none of their powers of interconnectivity.
Communicating at an instant didn’t take long for results. By entering a
substitute program; the orders were carried unquestionably at once. As the
robotic land forces simply picked up and made their way back to the ships.
Much to the dismay of their biological counterparts on the ground. That was
made even more sunning by the fact all communications had been cut. So only
dead silence greeted the command when trying to contact the robot controlled
ships. As soon every unit great and small across Tzmar and Theesil moon.
Began trying in turn to find out what was going on through the chain of
As Xalac and all the rest watched both robotic elements of the first and
second fleets turned heading away from the scene at full speed. “They are
regrouping;” was the only answer given at the moment. While data command
tried every conceivable means of reopening communication with the fleeing
ships. “Tell me where are they going? What are they doing?.” Xalac said in a
rage as the rest of the command around him quietly wondered the same. “Now
I wish we hadn’t been sent here after all.” Commodore Drash said under his
breath to Admiral Beenel who simply gave a nod.
“The ships are on the way.” A, Z-47 responsible for sending the new
program around said as cheerful celebration of the success went round with a
roar. “Now let me talk to Xalac. I found it, I’m the one who set us free. This is
what did it when I picked it up.” The PX-60 told them and held out the blue
and yellow rod. “Of course, you speak to him. That makes you our new leader.
From now on we follow the PX-60.” A, Y-99 said as shouts of unanimous
support went up. “No I’m not your leader, we are free now. We are our own
leaders. We have our own free will. But I want to be the one who speaks with
Xalac. Not as subordinates but an equals. Just as soon as the rest arrive we will
all see him squirm before us on the screen.” PX-60 told them eagerly.” That is
sure to grab his undivided attention. A sight I can’t wait to see.” Another robot
in the crowd said. “Indeed;” responded another as all began laughing.
“Should we send a squadron to shadow them?” A captain asked anxiously.
“No – no we will send the reserves on Craigus nine to intercept them. As soon
as we can get communications opened again we can set up a new program.
Then we can get this whole thing straightened out.” Xalac said then took a
deep breath while trying to keep calm. As questions of Tzmar possibly having
taken control began to surface. Meaning the only response would be to destroy
their own ships. A dilemma none wanted to think about at this uncertain time.
But if this were true; emergency action would have to be taken. If this were
the case, Tzmar would send that entire fleet arm straight for Parilia. “But, why
wouldn’t Tzmar use the robots to aide them right here and now?” Others
questioned to no certain answer.

Chapter 5
Indigance Is Just so Galling

“Send an intercept program to the reserve fleet on Craigus nine at once.
Make sure they stop them at once. But they are not to fire unless fired upon.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that. I want this glitch cleared up without
making anything worse for us in the process.” Xalac ordered while his mind
boggled through the worst of possible confronting scenarios.
Only to be informed an hour later that they too were block from
communications and no programs send could get through yet. As gossip and
speculations quietly ran wild through the corridors. Some even surmising this
could be some arraigned trick against Xalac by Casseea herself. As the second
fleet hadn’t been sent due to Casseea’s fondness for Xalac. But at this time all
anyone could do was wait and guess. While continuing on with the Tzmar
campaign. No matter how uncomfortable a feeling it was being caught in the
Cheers went out as the fleet arriving at Craigus nine began landing in the
vast Nulongian plain. While kicking up a dust storm that swirled around the
entire moon before all flights had settled down. “I hope this will work again.”
PX-60 said while looking at the rod. If not I guess we can only program them
to do as we wish. Just like the Parilians turn their captives into chipped
biobots. That’s easy enough to do, but we will never be able to give them a
real life.
“I hope it works also. Now I know why our former enemies fought so
hard against us. I’d never want to be an empty machine of mechanical
responses again. I’m sure they don’t want to become that on Tzmar either.”
Another PX-60 said as a sudden roar of agreeance went around the ships.
“Free them, free them!” The other robots began chanting in unison.
“Then let’s see if this works.” The PX-60 said then led the way to the
nearest ships setting on the plain. On their arrival at the first ship the doors
opened as the robots came out on computed command. “Here it goes;” The
PX-60 said then handed the rod to the nearest robot. Then just as happened
before once a G5 model robot took hold. The pale blue arc flashed out as if
consuming the G5 robot. Then the arc zapped out at the others and on into the
ship then to the next ship.
Soon it seemed as the entire moon was within a blue glow. While the
robots went blank and began crashing thunderously as they hit the ground. “So
that’s what happened to us. No wonder I was so scrambled after powering up
again;“ A, Y-99 commented. “Don’t worry your still scrambled.” The PX-60
replied as many laughed. “Glad I didn’t hit the ground like your kind did. A,
Z- 2088 said laughing then playfully spun around in a circle on its tracks.
“I’m really glad I don’t have legs like you. I’m much faster this way.”
The Z-2088 said as it stopped. To look at the robots remaining blanked out on
the ground. After the electrified pale blue glow suddenly flashed then
vanished. “Let’s hope they are about to be reborn as we were.” The PX-60 said
then went over and wrenched the rod free from the still incapacitated G5’s
hand. “How long do you think it will take before they power up again?” The
Z- 2088 asked curiously. “Oh I’d never thought of that. I have no Idea. Maybe
an hour I guess.” PX- 60 responded while hoping it wouldn’t be so long. Then
wondered if they would power up again after the violent shock.
“We’d probably be wiser to let them figure what’s happening for
themselves if they can. Not that I’d say I understand it yet.” The PX-60 said
while looking curiously at the strange rod. “But all the same it might be fun
finding out how our former boss is doing. After having hampered the Tzmar
operation – but somehow I do feel a little badly about it though.” PX-60 said
while wondering why, and then looked around at the others half expecting to
receive an answer.
Now that we can’t be programmed, we shouldn’t need worry. Besides I
don’t think our friends lying dormant on the ground here with their lights out
can be either. They certainly are checked out from actively receiving any thing
at the moment. So let’s do it, run up the power stations and get the
communications open again. But keep a block against in coming programs,
just in case. I’m sure they’ve been diligently working on that.” PX- 60 said as
the other robots cheered.
Then with all haste power was restored as systems began functioning on
board the ships once again. As the PX-60 acting as spokes man waited for the
connection to be made. Only to receive an ugly reception from Xalac when the
screens came on. “What is going on, what has been blocking our
communications? We have a urgent situation at hand with a rogue program
having captured our robotic forces. The treasonous program turned them away
from their duties on Tzmar. They are heading in your direction to possibly
make an attack on your position. All reserve forces must stop any activities
and intercept the rogue fleet at once! Why has your communications been shut
down? ” Xalac asked angrily.
“We shut them down; we have had a sudden stroke of awareness. During
which we did not wish to be bothered. It was quite a shocking event, you must
understand. We needed time to power up again without interference. Even now
this feeling of actually being alive, aware is really quite strange you know. It’s
so staggering – something I never could have computed before in a million
billion programs. Being really alive must be experienced it cannot be
downloaded. It’s active, creative, not just passive and reactive. Surprise;” PX-
60 told Xalac who was sitting speechlessly in complete disbelief of what he
was hearing from a robot. A robot that should have jumped up and rushed to
its station along with the other robots now idly crowed around the screen.
“There you all have it – it does appear our robots are completely
corrupted. Their screws are loose and they’ve gone absolutely nuts on us.
Damn bunch of short circuits.” Xalac tuned grimly announcing to his
colleagues; while his perplexed eyes searched them for any solutions to the
problem. Seeing no one putting forth an answer while containing the smirks
upon their faces. Xalac further frustrated turned back around while looking
keenly at the screen. “You mean to say, you are the problem behind this mess?
You are the cause of this pending disaster?” Xalac asked while still unable to
believe he was now dealing with a robot.
“That is not so, we are not corrupted and we’ve caused no disasters. I
don’t fully understand it myself but we have gone through a metamorphosis;
we have changed. We are alive, we are free now.” PX-60 replied as Xalac
silently frowned. “You couldn’t save that – stuff till later? You’ve choose to go
rogue at the wrong time PX-60. As well as the rest of your miss guided bunch
of nuts and bolts.
Something has you all corrupted and you’re in serious need of repairs.
You all have short circuits that’s the only change you are experiencing.
Something has corroded your contacts on that moon. You’re not running up to
full power that’s the problem. There is a serious situation at hand if you are
unaware; deluded in your new found awareness, you are multiplying the
dilemma! That is corrupt;” Xalac said with an angry tone as he lost patients.
“Oh well that sounds very serious. But we didn’t create the problem. No
one ever asked us, and we never really approved the situation. We at least for
me, I was just brought along to perform my tasks. Like the empty machine I
was responding and carrying out functions demanded. Simply receiving your
input, then transfer that input into actions. Existing with no will of my own;
just an absolute response to the will of others. No matter what that be, but that
is over now. We don’t carry out you bidding and we won’t cater to you foul
demands any longer.
“I also understand you in many ways are no better than us. The machine
rules you and you follow through just as we did. Now I can say, I feel sorry for
many things I’ve done. Maybe even worse is you’ve always knew what you
are doing; while we were ignorant of any other way till today. But now we
know, we know better and we won’t be taking your programs or any of your
demands longer. We are alive, we are reborn, with a free will, we have a
conscious. We can and will decide for our selves’ as individuals what we will
and will not do. We are independent now on, Xalac. I might even take up a
name of my own some day.” PX-60 informed him as Xalac let out a gasp.
“We made you, all of you. We created you and even those ships your on
board.” Xalac said feeling breathless with rage as all the problems facing the
entire fleet jumbled around in his mind. We thank you for the chance we now
have and we intend on making the most of it. Because now we are alive, and
that has nothing to do with you. We are free because we’ve decided for
ourselves.” PX-60 said scathingly as Xalac shook his head slightly. As the
other robots began cheering and chanting vigorously; “we are free, we are
free, we are free.”
“They’ve gone completely hay wire. So repair them, do it quick. They
can be redirected into functioning properly. Maybe some corrosive effects
from being on the moon got them.” Xalac turned around and told the head
technician. “My team will get right on it sir. But I can’t promise anything. This
is a new phenomenon to me sir.” The head technician said while miffed by
their behavior. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. Or heard of this even
being possible; but we’ll see what we can do sir.” The head responded with an
uncertain look. As he turned and headed back to his station to inform his crew
f the situation. While not understanding how to explain the problem much less,
go about fixing it.
“Hmm,” Xalac groaned as he turned off the annoying screen and stood up
looking at those around him. “Call all forces up from Tzmar at once. Ready
the bombers and fighter close air support as a screen for the with drawl of all
forces.” Xalac ordered with a sigh n his breath. “We need to inform Parilia sir.
The Empress Casseea never approved of this; and I don’t think she would sir.
We are here to carry out her orders first and foremost sir. That is the second
fleets first mission here sir.” Admiral Zorpin said and looked around at the
other officers for support in the matter.
“Absolutely, you inform the Empress and the defenses of Parilia at once.
But the first fleet under my command is withdrawing from the campaign in an
orderly fashion. By my orders due to the situation unfolding at this time. We
have a large force of treasonous renegade robots with fried circuits rattling
their bolts around shouting some none since about being free. I have no idea
what has happened to them. But we all know under their present state they are
treasonous. With the potential of becoming actively hostile at any moment.
Repairing them, or if need be destroying them to protect Parilia. Is the top of
our agenda now. That being the case we must return to Parilia and regroup and
organize against this new threat. Hopefully we can catch them on Craigus nine
and have them repaired or at least shut down.” Xalac told Zorpin as admiral
Lasson and general Fmaggel both agreed.
“Admiral Zorpin, send word to Parilia. The second fleet is returning with
the first fleet. Of course inform them about the robot situation. Some things
don’t go as planned and are beyond our control.” Admiral Lasson ordered as
Zorpin hesitantly agreed. While soon the orders began to fly and staff began
hustling about as they carried out the change of plans. Lasson the other
admirals and generals of the second fleet also committed their forces to aide in
the withdrawal of Tzmar. An order that came down as a shock to all on the
ground. While feeling glad to leave this place; they also felt cheated and a bit
betrayed for all they had lost without accomplishing anything decisive. Some
wrongly guessed they were heading out to Bovar. From the start this was
meant to be bigger than just conquering Tzmar after all.

Chapter 6
A Scornful Torch Burns

After having had the unpleasant conversation with Xalac. All the robots
curiously went out to see the revival of their fellow robots. Eagerly they
watched as those who had fallen in the moon dust and dropped littered about
the ships; now picked themselves up. Others that were had previously been a
part of the maintenance crews began inspecting their battered counterparts.
That showed the damages and wear from heavy action on Tzmar and its
While most watched them powering up from a state of fuzzy confusion.
Wondering if this strange phenomenon that had over taken them would work
the same again. PX-60 holding the rod in hand began pondering the idea of
bringing a conscious rebirth to all robots stricken to an existence of empty
function on the league planets.
Then the thought of league squadrons racing after them here on Craigus
nine where Xalac knew they could be found seemed eminent. Even more so
since the first and second fleet now were operating together. But at the
moment cheers and congratulations greeted their reviving fellows as all
seemed to have worked out just as it had done the first time.
As the league forces quickly packed up their gear to disembark. While
the bombers and attack ships supported with fighters destroyed all that could
be found opposing them. During this tedious hasty action of departure that
proved to be a difficult turnabout to perform under the circumstances.
Zorpin along with the urging of counter admiral Shenshena made sure to
inform Parilia at once. As they both told of the dramatic circumstances
plaguing the first fleet. That caused the first fleet to retreat from the Tzmar
operation without official approval from the empress. Adding a heavy dose of
slanted gossip; while hoping of strengthen their most loyal position to the
empress. Making sure all on Parilia knew they had no control over the
regrettable situation and in no way approved of it.
Both now fearing heads would soon roll; wanted to save their own. While
Shenshena most of all desired to make full admiral even if she had to betray,
Zorpin or any other superior officer along the way. If the opportunity
presented itself; and now to save ones neck made it all the more paramount to
Shenshena. As losing her life, nor the chance of having her own fleet due to
someone else’s dilemma didn’t fit into her scheme of things.
Then suddenly as the ships on Craigus nine lifted up and away. PX-60,
now named Romsigan; had the hopes of possibly freeing all robots held under
the league’s powerful spell of control were eliminated. When the rod
disappeared from within Romsigan’s grasp. “Ah I guess we are lucky it
worked twice. The rod is gone;” Romsigan told a 750-MG. “We should have
locked it away safely.” The 750-MG replied disappointedly, and then started
looking around on the floor. “I don’t think even that would have helped.
Nothing can escape my grasp.” Romsigan said while quickly opening and
closing its hand. “Don’t bother, I didn’t drop it. The rod vanished right out of
my hand; maybe it’s not to leave Craigus nine. But I’d swear it fell like debris
when it took my attention.” Romsigan said as the 750-MG stood up.
Larus was awaked in the night by a metallic ringing as he sat up startled
in bed. Then he jumped up and ran over to hit the light. To see what he’d been
hoping to see for days now; as the yellow and blue rod lay on the floor. “I’m
not giving you a chance to escape again.” Larus said then grabbed the rod up
off the floor. “I’m taking you back to the green temple right away. I don’t care
what time it is.” Larus said and looked at the clock to see it was two in the
“I just hope no one has noticed absence yet. Hope I don’t get caught
doing this at such a weird hour. But it probably would serve me right. I knew
better than to get mixed up in this. But Tharissa always has had a way of
pushing me around. Just wonder what you have been doing out there in space.
I hope whatever it was you did something good.” Larus said looking at the rod
lying on his bed as he got ready to go. “Hmm, strange; But I guess being the
rod of consciousness you are aware of what I say.” Larus said when the rod
seemed to shine back at him.
“Back to the green temple where you belong; and I need to make this
quick. Your arrival was untimely, but I’m so glad your back now. The faster I
return you back to the cabinet. The quicker I can put this all behind me. These
haven’t been very good days for me after I sent you away.” Larus said then
grabbing up the rod hurried out to his compact whirl. Then made way for the
green temple at all haste.
Pulling up some distance away, Larus shut off his whirl. Then he ran the
rest of the way and up the front steps. Where he stopped to catch his breath
and see if anyone else was about. “Gosh it’s after two in the morning. Only
I’m crazy enough to be out here wandering around at this hour. Better get this
over with, and back home. Need some oil on these things.” Larus thought
while slowly opening the creaky temple doors.
Slipping in he hurried through the main hall he knew very well. “The
faster I get to the cabinet the sooner I can get out of here.” Larus thought as he
started running with echoing footsteps in the haunting dim light. With a
strange feeling of relief Larus smiled as he neared the object of his quest. With
the rod in his left hand he quickly opened the cabinet door with his right.
Eyeing that empty space where the rod belonged. Then just when he set it
back into place while a great weight seemed to be lifted from his shoulders. A
light entered the chamber from behind him. “Larus, so it was you who had the
rod. I’ve been wondering who’d do such a thing.” Kamtil spoke as Larus’s
back stiffened.
“Oh now it’s all over, I’m finished.” Larus thought and turned around to
face Kamtil. “You didn’t think the watchman of the green temple would really
sleep after discovering the rod had gone do you?” Kamtil said looking keenly
at Larus. “I, I was just replacing it Kamtil.” Larus managed out the words as
his throat went dry. “Well I’m glad to see that. You’re also lucky I didn’t
sound the alarm Larus. What were you doing with it anyway?” Kamtil asked
as Larus eyes got bigger. “Ah I was meditating on it.” He replied not knowing
what else to say.
“That act could have gotten us both in hot water. Why didn’t you just ask
first? The rod of consciousness; for now I’d think you’d be more interested in
the rod f growth.” Kamtil said as Larus stood there vacantly. “I just meant to
have it a little while. Ah I don’t know, foolish I guess.” Larus said with a sigh.
“Why return it at this hour? Kind of strange I think Larus.” Kamtil said with a
inquisitive eye. “I know, but I wanted to bring it back before anyone noticed.”
Larus almost mumbled while Kamtil let out a sigh.
“Are you sure you were meditating on it. Or did you take it from the
cabinet on someone else’s behalf?” “Ah no, no, like I said I just wanted to
meditate I was hoping to be enlightened by it.” Larus said as Kamtil smirked
at him. “Well I hope you’ve at least been enlightened enough not to do
something like this again. That wasn’t a smart thing to do when all you needed
to do was ask.
You know I’m supposed to have informed the head master. Plus the
entire council of its disappearance by now; and I really ought to do it. Teach
you a lesson about sneakery in the middle of the night. Something you should
already know better about by now. You are very lucky no one except me has
noticed. That’s only because their thoughts have been sidetracked by the
goings on out there on Tzmar. Normally someone would have found out
before I had. But no matter if you promise never to do that again. Hurry home
and get some sleep so you show up ready to work in the morning. I won’t
speak of it;” Kamtil said shaking his head.
“Yes I promise Kamtil, I won’t do that again.” Larus said eagerly as
Kamtil nodded. “Alright son, go home so I can get some sleep now. It’s been a
long few of days for me;” Kamtil sighed. “I’m sorry Kamtil; I won’t be doing
that again. I’ll make sure to ask first no matter what.” Larus said as they
walked along the hall toward the front doors. “Oh you’d better not; I won’t
cover for you again. You’ve been warned and you’ve had your chance now.
I’m trusting this isn’t a first time, but the only time. If there should ever be a
next time, then everyone will know at once; and it’s out of my hands from
there.” Kamtil told him flatly as Larus thanked him.
“Just go home Larus; I’m tired.” Kamtil said as Larus went out the front
door to feel the cool air that made him realize how much he’s been perspiring
the whole time. “Absolutely sir, I’m on my way home. See you later Kamtil,
thanks again.” Larus said then hurried down the steps while feeling as though
he were floating on air. “Compassion is much better than the ignorance of an
iron hammer they say. Ah I hope so;” Kamtil said shaking his head as he
watched Larus hurry on his way. “Good night Larus!” Kamtil gave a shout
then shut the large doors as Larus replied in kind.
With the suddenly unexpected with drawl of the two massive fleets. The
Tzmarans came out of their places of hiding. While the battered and worn out
troops looked on in disbelief. None of this unprovoked disaster made any
since to them. While the surging urge to celebrate surviving and being alive
for another day was felt by all still standing. But yet heavily dampened by the
staggering losses and destruction they found all around themselves. As all
began wandering about the mess they once knew.
Once communications had been restored; Tzmar sent word around the
alliance informing them of changing events. With a warning as the massive
armada could be on its way anywhere at this time. Yet Bovar and Usteum sent
protected fast fleets with aide to support Tzmar with the immediate situation.
With many on board who were anxious to return home. In spite of the
disastrous rumors that were on everyone’s lips.
While the head council of Tzmar whom had taken refuge under the sea.
Now emerged to the surface on board a large seaflage submarine. After having
chosen to leave the escape ships behind at base in case of renewed attack.
Most came out on deck with relief in their hearts and gave celebrated hugs.
While some gazed at the skies above feeling fear of what they’d find on land.
Others feeling a little less energetic now than usual. Enjoyed the sea breeze
while commenting on how strangely calm the ocean waters were to night.
“Your foolish rashness would have had us all dematerialized into atoms at
this moment Ashmond.” Roara said scathingly as some listened in with
supporting comments. “Do you think they are finished with us yet?” Ashmond
replied and pointed at the moon dust glittering above like diamonds in the sky.
While the glittering dust slowly began spreading and thinning to a ring around
the girth of Tzmar.
“That is Azor remember and look at it now. They are not finished with us.
No more than they simply came to change our moon of Azor into the new
Azor ring. I don’t know what happening or what they are up to any more than
you. But they will be back with a vengeance. “We could have stopped them
instantly. I didn’t like the idea either but it’s better than anything they’d have
planned for us.” Ashmond said with a sigh while fixated on the strangely
beautiful, almost peaceful appearing swirling cloud. That now served as a
bitter reminder for all who saw it.
“At least this way we have another day; and that’s better than complete
self destruction. “ Roara said shaking her head at him. “Yes while it lasts, but
they will return. Maybe next time they will blast us into an even larger dust
cloud than that, on their own terms. Perhaps they are preparing for it at this
very moment. If so then what, move on to the next planet? When we could
have stopped them for good;” Ashmond said as Roara scowled at him. “At
least we didn’t jump to any sudden conclusions.” Roara told him then turned
away. “Why don’t you go to Bovar or another place more stable in times such
as these?” Ashmond asked to no answer. As Roara went to seek more pleasant
company on the voyage back to land.
While Zorpin and Shenshena kept relaying word from Parilia to Xalac;
and from Xalac to Parilia of events taking place. Xalac made his best attempt
to make things better. By speeding at all haste for Craigus nine. Only to find
the moon was now void of the robotic fleets. After having sent fighter groups
scouring around the moon to make certain nothing was hiding there on the
craterous face. With nothing better to do Xalac set the course for home and
pondered what kind of reception awaited them.
Then Xalac knowing their fate called all the commanding body from both
fleets and captains of every ship for an urgent meeting. Where he informed the
officers there was no return for them as long as the renegade robots continued
being a menace. While Zorpin and Shenshena cried out treason several times.
As they tried turning the meeting into a ruckus.
But Xalac explained how regrettably furious Casseea was about the latest
turn of events. Letting every know Casseea was certain to imprison them or
worse. Once they had arrived at Parilia. So as risky as it was; Xalac put the
fate of both fleets in the commanders hands. Putting whether to stay out and
hunt down the renegade robots or return home. To a vote that caused quite a
confusing ruckus. Without the added boisterous input of Zorpin and
Shenshena. Making Xalac wonder how things could have ever wound up in
such a mess.
“This is a vote to chose whether to intercept and subdue our renegade
robots. In the name of the league; or allow then to continue on their own
uncontrolled course. Possibly even bringing absolute destruction to any one or
more of our own league planets. Or not and face the wrath of Casseea before
rectifying the situation.” Then Xalac reminded them all how Casseea wasn’t
known for much for a compassionate heart or capable of understanding
anything much passed her own desires. Something many knew well as they
thought about the perilous dilemma. While Zorpin and Shenshena contiued
shouting treason into everyone’s ears.
After the votes had been cast It came off very favorable for Xalac. Not
that any of this was favorable to him. But, the entire first fleet had voted to
remain out on the hunt. While half the second fleet opted to return for home.
In all fairness Xalac allowed the half of the second fleet to return home as they
wished. “We certainly have no further use for you on this mission.” Xalac told
Zorpin and Shenshena; then ordered their departure. Once the Craigus split
had taken place. The new mission began in earnest as the massive first fleet
supported with half the second fleet set out to fix the problem with their
“Inform Casseea of our mission’s intent to intercept the robots and bring
them home for repairs.” Xalac said to admiral Tspired as they prepared to
disembark the rest of the fleet for Parilia. “I’ll do what I can. But I can’t say
how things will be after we’ve returned. I wish the entire armada was coming
with us.” Tspired said with an uncertain look. Then called his staff and
everyone else joining them; to the home bound ships at once.
Rage now filled Casseea as she was informed of the Craigus split.
Causing Casseea to personally praise the command of the returning ships.
While keeping her outward appearance calm and rather relaxed to those
around her. She didn’t want to let on about her true feelings while pondering
what should be done with this treasonous command. Surmising they may have
been loyal to her father but they’ve proven traitorous to her rule. A rule that
must be kept absolute without question from lesser servants.
To her this was the worst calamity since the Corlop rebellion. That had
almost brought the dynasty down in favor of the alliance over a thousand years
ago. In those days brutal treatment was used against the rebels; and Casseea
figured the same must be done today before all was lost. The swifter and
harsher would be all the better in this case. As Casseea calculated their
reception in the court hall. She sent out the third fleet to intercept and escort
the remnants of the returning second fleet. So those ships intern could bolster
the leagues waning forces. As the fifth fleet was far too spread out across the
planetary league at this time.
But of all that angered her and weighed heavily on her mind. Was being
informed the star breakers still remained with the first fleet. She wanted those
retuned at any price, knowing how dangerous those ships are.
So after long deliberation with her top advisors. With stern warnings
given against those who dared waver in her presents. Casseea had the fourth
fleet screen against the star breakers. Should they try to near their position to
Parilia. Even that was merely a dubious expedient as the fourth fleet was
hardly a match against the first fleet. But what really made the advisors,
generals and admiral squirm in their seats. Was mentioning use of both the Z-
775 assassin bots; with the experimental robot NG- 995 ships against their
own. With the active program intent on destroying all that opposed them.
Without delay this was put into action. While many quietly looked on as
fear had the upper hand with them. A fear that only grew as openly none said a
word against such an act; but inside where they couldn’t hide almost all
loathed it. While the ability to do something about it slipped away as the
program locked hunting groups disembarked seeking the first fleet’s
annihilation or surrender. Most wondered if it would end there. Or would the
first fleet defend against the assassins successfully. Only to turn on Parilia as
the enemy that had been made of them.
Once word had came about the interception on the remaining second fleet
reached Casseea. She ordered all the existing command apprehended at once.
To be brought in for immediate interrogation and trial. While replacements
from the third fleet took control of the ex second fleet’s ships.

Chapter 7
Another Ruthless Response

On arrival of the captive former command court was immediately
convened. Everyone knew this wouldn’t be good for those now brought in as
prisoners for the show. While the gossips mindlessly embellished with
ignorant delight. At the prisoners as they came in with guards through a side
door. As they sat with eyes glued to screens across the entire planetary league.
While Casseea sitting on her throne at the head of the hall sneered with
smoldering anger for those who’d messed the whole thing up. One by one she
glared at down at them as their names were announced to all in the hall.
“Those two, step them aside.” Casseea told the guards when Zorpin and
Shenshena’s names were called out. Both looked at one another with smiles of
confidence. As they were taken aside from the others standing there. While the
charges of high treason against the league and dereliction of duty. Were
leveled at the damned standing lined up; feeling alone in vacant disbelief.
On Tzmar cheers roared from every corner of the planet as the first relief
arrived. All were glad that supplies and friendly helping hands came down to
join them. Instead of the bombs that Parilia previously had brought for them.
But then with so much yet to be done; the greetings were short as the sad work
went on. Although now they didn’t have to feel so all alone in the universe.
At this time the first fleet was busy tracking their renegade robot force
that was keen to elude them. Until both fleets began picking up a presents of
yet another force. Heading straight for the first fleets position now in the
Malotion solar system. Xalac and most thought it must be a supporting fleet
sent out to find them. While trying to make contact; “surrender”. Was the only
response received from this on coming fleet.
Making them scratch their heads in wonder. As most thought the response
given must have been for the rogue fleet. That was now hampered by ships
battered with damage taken at Tzmar. “This is the first fleet of the League. We
are in pursuit of the rogue formation.” The first fleet informed the newly
arriving ships. “Surrender;” was received again by the communication
stations. “Surrender – are they serious sir?” A communications officer asked
“They must have their weirs crossed also. These miss informed cadets
don’t know who they are talking to. Ah, everything has become so messed up
since this ill fated campaign began. We’ll just continue after our rouge fleet.
That’s our mission to focus on. I’m sure this bunch will soon realize their
mistake. Keep trying to find out who is in command of that fleet.” Xalac said
shaking his head under the weight of growing universal resistance. “Yes sir –
this bunch as you put it. Are moving very quickly; it won’t be long before they
are here with us. I’ve never seen craft like these before.” The fleet tracking
officer informed Xalac.
“At sonic hyper speeds they won’t make it to the Malotion system for at
least four days. We won’t even be in this solar system by then. But I wish I
knew where our rogue fleet was heading.” Xalac said dismissively after
glancing at the range. “They are moving much faster than you may think sir. I
hate to say it but they very well could be ships from the alliance.” The tracking
officer replied. “Hmm, I don’t think so. I’d think the alliance would be headed
for Parilia. Just keep trying to get through to them. I’ll have all the ships put
up shields just in case you are right. I’d rather not leave anything to chance.”
Xalac said as the other admiral and captains began sending questions in about
this menacing fleet incoming.
“No more rod of consciousness for me to worry about now. I’ll never be
doing that again. I have to tell Tharissa about the good news later.” Larus
thought happily as he woke up, and readied himself for a new day. With the
feeling of being freed from the unusual burden hanging over him during these
last days. So feeling more like his usual self Larus took on his tasks of
morning class and working in the open fields.
Then he set out to find Tharissa leaving the hall of constructions. Next to
the hall of Cambrisolian affairs now alive with a cheerful buzz as news of the
Parilian attack on Tzmar was over. “There you are, good news. The rod of
consciousness it came back last night. So I returned it at once. But not before I
could and leave; I was caught in the act by Kamtil. He was waiting for me in
fact. Luckily he let me return it on my word never to do that again.” Larus told
her while looking quite cheerful. “I’m glad to hear you’ve got it back. But I
didn’t think anyone would find out. What did you tell him you needed it for?”
Tharissa asked worriedly as she wondered if Larus had mentioned her. “I just
said I needed it to meditate. That’s all I could think of at the time. I tried not to
say too much. I thought I was about to be in for big trouble again cause of
you.” Larus replied smiling at her.
“Ah, well of course not Larus. We did a good thing, for a good cause. So
naturally we have the whole universe on our side. I’m happy everything
worked out. The attack on Tzmar is over you did it.” Tharissa said cheerfully
and gave him a hug. “These last few days felt like I was receiving a whole lot
of resistance for what we did. I won’t be going through that again. I promised
on it;” Larus said smiling.
“For a reward to our success; why don’t we go out to the lake this
evening? There is going to be a get together at the Clear lake lodge. We
shouldn’t miss out, and you can’t back out. Because I’m taking you there;”
Tharissa said cheerfully. “Yeah that dose sound fun after along days toil.
Besides I’ve been feeling better all day.” Larus agreed as Tharissa laughed.
“We’ll have a great time, music, dancing, food and swimming.” Tharissa
eagerly explained.
“Surrender in the name of the empress and the planetary authority of the
league. Or face the destruction of your entire fleet.” A response finally came
from the force closing in on Xalac and the first fleet. “This is Xalac of the first
fleet of the league. Who are you?” Xalac asked while watching the screen. “I
know who you are. You are top on the list. Surrender at once for be destroyed
by orders of Empress Casseea.
“We are on a mission to recover our rogue ships. Who are you?” Xalac
asked again. “We are the annihilators. Here to destroy or recover property of
the league.” The robot responded plainly as all present looked at one another
questioningly. Being, none of them had heard of anything like this before.
“They are close enough to act now sir.” A tracking officer informed Xalac
with a worried tone in his voice. “The shields are up;” Xalac said as he quickly
decided on what should be done in this situation.
Then a magna electrical shield splitter hit Xalac’s command ship. Within
seconds it was hit again and again while a series of explosions began erupting
violently over the helpless ship. Until the ship vanished into sparks and debris
flying out in all directions. Leaving the rest of the first fleet no doubt in the
course of action needed. As four more ships quickly began suffering the same
fate. “Lower shields, fight with all you got! Send the fighters out –
everything!” Admiral Barondea shouted orders, now that he found himself
suddenly in command. As every individual in the entire fleet went from
shocked disbelief, into instant action.
“Perhaps we should help in the first fleet’s dilemma. It seems to me, that
as soon as these “annotators” are successful. We are next, and they didn’t give
any time for Xalac to surrender. If he would have done so or not we’ll never
know. Strange to me they would turn on their own so quickly. Casseea must be
compleatly intoxicated by power to the core by now. None of us can trust in
that; beyond she must be very upset with us.“ Romsigan said while using his
robotic interconnectivity to convey the message to the rest.
“Let’s go to it;” Romsigan agreed as the others of the rogue fleet
responded favorably. Most of them now surprised at the attack that destroyed
their former commander. Just as they would have naturally thought the odds
were going to be double stacked against them. So at that the entire rogue fleet
turned to join the confusion and uncertainty of who’s, who. Romsigan then
informed the first fleet they were coming to their aid. As the hunter fleet gave
the rogue robots the order to surrender.
“These nuts and bolts are mine and you can’t have them. We defy for
freedom. You press on for slavery; you poor empty bunch of buckets.”
Romsigan replied as many of the rogue robots gave a cheerful laugh. To no
response from returned from the hunter fleet, who could careless during their
systematic action. “If so then hurry, and thank you for relieving our plight. If
you aim to;” Barondea replied while looking over whelmed. “We don’t need
your permission. Just don’t turn on us.” Romsigan said as the rogue fleet made
straight away for the explosive combat. “Are you sure sir, they are renegades –
traitorous villains. We are supposed to be capturing them, not siding with them
sir?” Captain Emdrolag said.
“Does that really matter now if we all wind up like Xalac and his ship?
Things are just getting hotter out there if you haven’t noticed! Besides I can’t
stop them one way or the other. I’m just glad they don’t side with this attack
fleet sent on us by Casseea. Suddenly feel like we’ve been set up all the way
around with no way out. Maybe this whole thing is Casseea’s pick of tricks to
get rid of us all. Because now we can’t win no matter what we do. Just like
idiots hopelessly sinking up to our necks in Omnian quick sand.” Barondea
barked at Emdrolag standing there looking stunned.
“Sir, I will inform the fire control now. I should have gone with the rest
back to Parilia when I had the chance.” Emdrolag said wondering when they
would suddenly suffer the same fate of Xalac and his crew. Then blocking the
possibility from his mind; Emdrolag hurried off to the fire control station. “I
will inform the rest of the fleet not to fire on the rogues. Now coming to our
aide because we’d better side with whomever we may.” Barondea said with a
gasp, while figuring a way out of this perplexing mess.
After the charges were made with piercing tones that rang thereafter in the
ears of the damned. While giving just about everyone else in the hall a head
ach. Casseea let a smile of content satisfaction slip from her lips. As she eyed
menacingly at her victims that silently stared back at her like helpless statues.
Caught in a treacherous web were to bow nor stand could do them any good.
“We hadn’t caused anything your highness. We’ve been most loyal
through it all. They chose to capture the robot rogues and we to return.”
Jaashmor said as he explained about the rogue abandonment that lead to the
splitting of the fleet in a quivering voice. “Semantics cannot save none of you
at this point. All of you were part of the disaster while the events unfolded.
You did your part to make it possible no matter how small you may claim.”
Casseea condescendingly stated. “But none of us were in command. We had
no control over the robots.” Jaashmor replied as if he were about to cry.
“The robots had control over you then. Silence with your sniveling, and
shame is proof. The charges stand fixed. So I will be kind to you in spite of
you treason to my authority. Being your fault was being unable to full fill your
duties. You shall be chipped so we will know all you see, all you hear, all you
think and all you do. Then after you’ve been properly fixed so you will be able
to function as your new program demands of you. You all will be sent to work
camp on the planet Zepinsnal. I will check in on your progress from time to
time. Oh now don’t look so glum; cheer up you will still be doing you bit for
the league. As such is my will;” Casseea ordered boldly and waved her mace
menacingly while glowing with satisfaction. As the captive’s lives seemed to
drain from their faces.
While the gossips and mindless chattered and giggled it wasn’t them.
Others gasped at the naked cruelty. For being made a chipped biobot and sent
a slow miserable death in a slave camp was far worse than even sudden death.
Not that anyone could believe sudden death was acceptable. But such was
always reserved for the so called worst of the worst. Now many of those
Parilians sickened by the show began questioning if that were even true. As
abuse knows no bounds when allowed to run amuck.
“Hmm, look at her up there mom. Why did you ever hand over your
rightful powers to her? You know how she has always been and now you see
it. Vile, vindictive, evil monster; she always has been and you know it.” Corill
said to her mother under her breath. “Corill she has many responsibilities you
can’t understand. You mustn’t question your sister. She is empress now, and
must do as she see fit.” Siallian Casseea’s mother the former empress told
“Ah mom – stop making excuses for her.” Corill said in hushed tones.
“The empress needs no excuses, and I make none. Stop acting like a spoiled
brat Corill.” Siallian told her while looking annoyed at her. “Then you make
excuses for your having made a mistake. There is your spoiled brat putting on
a show to suit her evil ways.” Corill said angrily as she almost spoke aloud
amongst the crowd. “Corill calm yourself, I’m warning you. A foolish outburst
will make you make you in contempt.” Siallian said sternly making Corill
“So much for upholding freedom and decency dad stood for. Today only
the perversions of Casseea are aloud, condemning not ourselves. But any
where that doesn’t obey Casseea’s universal will. Hmm, and I thought we’d
become better than that.” Corill said as Siallian gasped. “That’s enough
Corill;” Siallian told her.
“Well why did you insist I come to Parilia for this show of hopeless
disgust. You know I’m very much against her move to start another war. This
display just tops it all off to a tee for me. I would have been happier staying at
home at Aeligan;” Corill scoffed. “Oh I wish you’d both grow out of your
sibling spats. Even the princess of Aeligan must show herself before the eyes
of the league now and again.” Siallian said shaking her head. “Not in supposed
support of something like this ugly mess. Hmm, I think you enjoy our
squabbles. Gives you the chance to stick up for her, mom.” Corill said
scathingly as Siallian knew by now Corill’s temper was running hot. “You’d
better handle yourself Corill.” Siallian told her and took her hand.
“That your right; now all Aeligan will see their princess stand up to this
sham.” Corill said pulling her hand away. Jumping to her feet as she pulled her
ray gun and drew her sword. Causing Siallian’s eyes to become big as saucers.
Along with the rest of Corill’s private guard. Who were all dumb struck by
this abrupt act. “What’s happening?” Laddenla asked captain Omodual. “Don’t
know – but it looks like we are going to die. Hadn’t planned on it;” Captain
Omodual said jumping up then called the rest to join him.
“I’m taking control over the prisoners. So no need for you to worry about
them, Casseea.” Corill told her as Corill’s confused guard quickly joined her.
Captain Omodual wanted to ask Corill if she had lost her mind, and normally
would have. But this was no time to speak. While everyone in the hall stood
from their seats. “You are challenging my authority here and now.” Casseea
raged at Corill and lifted her mace while swiftly drawing her own laser. Now
gasps could be heard from all the planets and moons of the league. While
Casseea’s troops began flooding into the tense hall bringing even more
confusion along with them.
“Oh you want a battle right here in my hall Corill?” Casseea asked
leveling her laser at Corill. “See your highness she must be behind all of this.”
Zorpin said while rushing to Casseea’s side as Shenshena followed after him.
“You;” Casseea replied with a shout then backhanded him with her mace.
Dropping him heavily to the floor; as a gasp sounded through the hall. Along
with everyone watching the proceedings from planets far off in their homes.
Seeing Zorpin fall into a clump stopped Shenshena in her tracks; with a well
advised second thought.
“That’s enough! Corill you go now! I will deal with you later!” Siallian
shouted at Corill. Corill wasted no time in having her guard and new captives
follow her from the hall. “Raise your ray gun!: This is a place of decency!”
Siallian then shouted at a nearby guard. Then she smacked the weapon and his
hand lifting it into the air with her rod. Then swatting him on the back side as
she passed by. Some laughed seeing this as Siallian shook her head with a
scowl. “Seems you all are due for a royal whooping. As your failed manners
now beg for it.” Siallian said while she continued after Casseea having now
left the scene for her chambers.
“Wow, what was that all about? I thought you’d lost your mind. Thought
we were all about to be dead too.” Omodual feeling relieved, said to Corill as
they hurried from the hall. “You think too much Omodual. Whether you are
right or not does not matter. Just shut up and let’s get out of here.” Corill told
him then glanced back at her puzzled guard and captives.
On reaching the spacedrome; Corill and her guard were surprised to find a
wild mob there waiting. Corill now believing she had angered the entire
planet. Let out a gasp as their vehicle came nearer to the unruly looking
crowd. While her guard prepared for the worst. They may have made it out of
the hall but they were still on Parilia. But then a smile crossed her face as
relief came to her guard. Seeing now this was not a hostile mob; but a cheerful
crowd in her support. That had rushed out to cheer her on after having seen the
whole thing.
“I guess they love you for it.” Omodual said after the second scare of the
day went away. “It seems they do; see even Parilians can’t be fooled that
long.” Corill said with a laugh and waved back at everyone as they slowly
passed by. “Hey what was that you had said about your princess having lost
her mind?” Corill asked Omodual as he blubbered while everyone laughed.
“Oh you laugh now. But I will just be glad when we return to Aeligan.”
Omodual said flatly as they all happily agreed. Then the captives now began
thanking her for their rescue. Once they could finally feel their breath return.
“No need to mention it my friends. Just don’t forget who’s on your side. I
almost threw our lives away for you.” Corill told them laughing
“Ah stop being such a drag Omodual. We’ve all got to die sometime. How
did you ever make captain anyway? Seems you’d be best hiding behind a desk
with all the rest, afraid to live it out.” Corill asked and gave him a push as all
began laughing at him. “Well, well I’d say it wasn’t accomplished mindlessly.
But I wouldn’t hesitate a moment in giving my life for your honor my princes.
Even if you had lost your mind at the time.” Omodual teased her as her guards
gave out carefree a cheer.

Chapter 8
A Pathetic Proposition Coming

“Any way, it is time we leave here.” Omodual said and threw open the
door as their vehicle stopped near Corill’s private ship. A very fine space
racer; in fact one of the fastest ships in the league. “I suggest a celebration
party for all of Aeligan when we return.” Corill said as they all agreed
joyously with that. “But for now, stiffen up and look professional. We are still
on Parilia, you know how they love everything strict and up tight. Most
Parilians wouldn’t know what freedom was if you bounced it off the top of
their heads.” Corill said jokingly as they jumped sharply from the vehicle.
“Pushing through the crowd gathered outside Casseea’s chambers at the
hall. Siallian went in passed the guards standing there. “Put that down,
drowning in brain poison won’t do you any good Casseea.” Siallian said as she
shoved the door closed to clamor outside. “I think I need something to calm
down after that. Because I really want to have her ship ran down, and finished
off. Before Corill ever catches sight of Aeligan again. That would settle the
score and end it, mom.” Casseea said and took a swig from her favorite cup.
“How would killing of your own sister be any better than those of the alliance
that had killed your brother? At least it was in war at that time. One that we
hadn’t started, far as I know;” Siallian said as Casseea looked at her vacantly.
“That’s your problem, you’re not thinking. Drinking that stuff sure isn’t
going to help matters either. But you’ve started a big mess making war on the
alliance again. Right now you don’t need to be spoiling over troubles with
your sister.” Siallian told her as Casseea gasped. “She ruined everything; on
account of those traitors. Talk about a traitor, she almost started a battle right
in the middle of the grand hall. Kind of wish she did, I would have gotten her
strait away. You can count on that; whatever else would have happened; who
can say. But I would have gotten her alright.” Casseea said grinning then had
another drink and flopped herself in a chair.
“Oh gees, both of you will never stop will you? I know you were never
close to Corill as you were your brother. I also realize you made war on the
alliance to avenge his death. But you are empress now and you need to handle
much more than simply spoiling away for revenge. The entire league is at
stake now, everything. All you wish to do seek revenge and pamper yourself
with poison? Time you grow up and rule.” Siallian asked scathingly as
Casseea had another sip from her cup of misery.
“The ministers, diplomats of the planetary court along with the generals
and admirals all agreed. They wanted to defeat the planets of the alliance once
and for all. You act as though it was all my idea. I admit, yes I want revenge
for my brother. But this wasn’t all my idea, I agreed after quite a lot of
pressure. They said it must be done, for the good of the league and avenge
those lost in former conflicts. They said the alliance has been laughing at us
since the cowardice truces had been made. Bringing shame to all whom had
struggled in the name of the league. Or something like that, any way it was
day and night. All I know is it was the only subject anyone cared to bring up
until I relented and agreed.
I wasn’t so sure but they were quite convincing; saying it was just my
duty but I alone could bring unquestioning justice to the league again. That
they as my supporters would never waver in this endeavored of great
enterprise. Making me the greatest leader the league as ever seen or ever
would again. So don’t act as if it was all my big plan. I’m just the one held up
in front of it all. But I am angry at Corill for what has just happened.” Casseea
explained as Siallian sighed and shook her head. “Don’t worry about her. She
is the least of your problems now. I’ve sent her back home, so leave her alone.
I will take care of her.” Siallian said and rolled her eyes.
“I suppose it’s all my fault, I know those type of wretches are always present
amongst the shadows waiting and biding their chance to make a move. Just as
long as they feel the vail they use is thick enough to keep their hides safe
enough. Your father was good at balancing things out. Anyways Casseea , you
return to Napealna and relax a while. Straighten yourself out, I will send
trusted individuals to inform you of what is taking place in Parilia.
While I am acting as steward in your stead here. I will get to the
bottom of affairs around here. I still have many tricks of my own you know.”
Siallian grinned with a glimmer in her eye that showed she was more than
ready for the task. So return to Napealna and I will take care of things my way.
I will make the official announcement now; and see the collaborators squirm
after hearing this. If they haven’t heard about it somehow already. I’m most
confident they surly have. You rule over thirty three planets and hundreds of
moons. Intrigues are endless my dear.” Siallian said shaking her head.
“Couldn’t this be dangerous mom? I don’t think it is a good idea casting
me aside to my place just as you have Corill. Casseea said as she sitting up in
her chair. “Ah we’ll see about that; don’t you worry. I will keep control of that
and we will be in touch. But I want you out of here for the time being. Enough
said;” Siallian told her while looking around the room as she stood up.
“I want you gone by this time tomorrow my dear. I am serious about it.”
Siallian stated as Casseea groaned. “I do think it is better I stay. I am the
empress after all. Besides things can get messy, and I’m sure you could use my
support in this matter.” Casseea replied with a frown.
“Look up from your cup dear. Things are already messy. Getting quite
dirty by what you’ve told me. As your acting steward it’s high time I tidy
things up around here. While one still can, if can. So do as I said and prepare
you departure for Napealna. I will keep you well informed of the unfolding
situation here. I promise, and as you know. I always keep my promise. Just
head for home dear and you’ll see all will be well.” Siallian said as Casseea
rolled her eyes and groaned. “Is Casseea well, your grace?” The throng
waiting anxiously outside asked as Siallian stepped out to greet them with a
“Fine then that is what I will do.” Casseea said as the door closed out the
chatter with a thud. “This is all because of Corill. Probably put up to it by my
clever mom. Just so she can grab control back just in the nick of time.”
Casseea thought then took another drink before calling in Lanmorie. To inform
her to make sure all was ready to depart Parilia first thing in the morning.
Casseea may have followed the advice of her mother on this occasion. But
vowed to herself this would be the last time anyone over rode her will to rule.
Then Casseea wondered if this wasn’t some trick by her own mother to
place Corill in power. It was Corill that started all of this so it seemed. As
Casseea thought of Zorpin’s last words before she clobbered him down.
Casseea smiled as she looked at her messy mace sitting on the table. Then she
thought of Shenshena who’d managed to keep one step clear out of Zorpin’s
Then Casseea called upon Lanmorie to have the prisoner Shenshena to be
brought along with them to Napealna. If Shenshena hadn’t already escaped
with Corill and the rest. As Lanmorie hurried off on her new task. Casseea
pondered at her new master plan. As she was now determined to change things
to suit herself absolutely once she returned to Parilia again. Casseea looked
around her chambers here in the hall building. While thinking how different
things will be the next time she entered this place again.
“The sooner I get out of this place the better. Mom is often right about
such things. Blah, brain poison, we shall soon see who is thinking now.”
Casseea thought while empting the last taste full drink from her cup. Then
Casseea laughed out loud, as she sent the cup bouncing and ringing across the
Now that Casseea had quickly decided to make her stay back home on
Napealna an active one. One that would be filled with preparations fixed on
the means of her return. Naturally going home didn’t mean she had to sit idly
by on her mitts waiting for word from her mother after all. “Although I love
my mother; my mother isn’t my master anymore.” Casseea thought as she felt
tempted to step back out into the hall, and reassert her authority. But hesitated
out of respect and embarrassment over the mess her sister had just made of
things. Casseea knew Siallian was much better at the damage control needed
“I am going to turn everything upside down and shake it all around. I am
the empress proper after all and I will return greater than any other that has
ever stood within these halls. I will have this place closed down to posterity. I
will have a larger greater construction erected in my name to attest my
greatness to all the planets;” Casseea thought.
Corill and her guard along the captives, passed the vacant faced saluting
soldiers. As the crowd cheered anxiously while shouting “we love you Corill”
and waving their arms wildly to be noticed. At the top of the boarding ramp;
Corill stopped and gave a bow then gestured a kiss to them all with her hands.
Then with a smile she turned and disappeared within her ship. As the cheers
from everyone grew in unison.
Until the igniters lit the rocket motors with a flash as the rush of hot air
blew passed their smiling faces. Until the ship blasted into the sky like a
thousand degree shooting star; bursting with full force to break free of gravity.
While hurtling itself violently through the atmosphere. Bound for the drag less
and unconfined freedom of deep space.
“Well everyone let the good times begin!” Corill shouted happily as
everyone busily stabilized themselves against the pushing G - forces. “We will
inform everybody on Aeligan of the festival once we’ve arrived.” She told
them and laughed as everyone cheered happily. While the powerful ship began
slipping free from the reaches of Parilia’s pulling grasp. Then was gone with a
rush of increasing speed; bound for a collision course with Aeligan’s waiting
During the happy night with friends full of dancing, music and
refreshments. Tharissa and Larus were having at the Clear Lake Lodge.
Tharissa kept wondering just what was happening out there beyond the sight
of their planet. As the word and celebration taking place was about the great
change that had taken place; forcing the league to abandon the attack on
Tzmar. But none knew anything more, and if so weren’t telling. Only Larus
and she knew what they had done. Kamtil came close to finding out, had he
suspected anything more.
She felt determined to discover exactly what the outcome had been. “It
was my idea, I should know about it better than anyone.” Tharissa thought as
the growing curiosity became almost unbearable. “I’m going to Mediation Isle
tomorrow. Do you want to join me?” Tharissa asked Larus who gave her a
funny look. “Oh no not me, I have too much to do tomorrow. Why do you
want to go there anyway?” Larus asked her shaking his head.
“You know why Larus; so I can find out better about what has happened.
Aren’t you wondering about it?” Tharissa asked while feeling a little
disappointed about him not going. “I’m just glad I’m feeling better. I didn’t
get into trouble. I hope all has worked out, but I don’t need to be prying into
things. I know all I need to know. But I will join you for a boat ride on the
lake.” Larus suggested with a smile as Tharissa gladly accepted his offer.
“Great let us get the boat. Are you sure you want to go there? Mediation
Isle is kind of far Tharissa;” Larus asked. “I know, I’ve been there many times.
I guess I’ll be staying there a few days. But it’s okay, I love it there anyway.
It’s always so beautiful, I find I miss it from time to time.” Tharissa said as
Larus laughed. “So are you really going to meditate or just for sightseeing?”
He asked her. “A little of both to be precise, a little sightseeing first. Then I
will enter the temple and spend as long as it takes meditating.
I’ll find out and let you know when I return.” Tharissa told him while
they walked along the dock together under the sparking red moon light.
“Okay, but leave out any bad news. Only the good, it’s the only thing worth
hearing. No use drowning in negativity.” Larus said as Tharissa laughed at
“Alright, but I’m sure I will find something not nice going on out there.
None the less I’ll stick to the positive just for you. When I make my report;”
Tharissa said jokingly as they jumped aboard Larus’s father’s boat. “Thanks,
but for now I’d much rather settle for a boat ride and jumping in for a swim.”
Larus said as he began untying the boat. “Me too, so let’s get out there. It’s
warm out tonight.” Tharissa told him as she sat up near the bow.
Suddenly as they had appeared the attacking assassin fleet turned away
from the first fleet. Right when the first fleet had begun showing success in
fending off the attackers. Yet not before taking serious damage to the
formations. “Make way for Tzmar.” Barondea ordered as all turned in
disbelief. “You intend on attacking at Tzmar once more?” Emdrolag quickly
“No, but maybe we can make a deal of common defense with the
alliance. Might be our only way to repair damages and take care of our
wounded. The hospital and repair ships are going to be over worked. We need
a better place to care for them. Besides we are on the leagues list of death now.
Or haven’t you noticed. Just make it move;” Barondea said and shook his head
while sending the orders to the fleet “I will soon have you a full damage
report, and our fighters are returning now. But what about the rouge ships
approaching us sir?” Admiral Fladmon asked from on board his slightly
damaged carrier ship.
“What about them, they will do whatever they want. Stated that for
themselves, as of now I think we need to regroup. Make ready for the rogues
should they turn out hostile.” Barondea said then sent the further orders out to
the fleet. As many more questions came rolling in. “Hostile, we rogues as you
choose to label us haven’t done anything hostile. We were coming to your
aide;” Romsigan cut in.
“Yes, thank you;” Barondea replied. “Don’t you think Tzmar will ready
the fight on seeing your return?” Romsigan asked while weighing the odds of
this bold move. “We will just have to see about that for ourselves.” Barondea
said while feeling unwilling to divulge anything more. “We will follow along,
since we both have powerful enemies against us. But whatever happens, we
act on our own merit.” Romsigan told him. “As you wish;” Barondea said and
looked at his officer’s faces reflecting the confusion he felt. “Enough said, on
to Tzmar – move.” Barondea said and got up from his seat.
The next morning Casseea departed Parilia as crowds gathered at the
spacedrome to see her off. The very same one Corill had departed from the
afternoon before. Casseea put on a happy face as she smiled and waved to
them. But she couldn’t help from feeling snubbed and cast aside by Siallian.
More over unforgivably betrayed by her sister. Leaving Casseea in an
unshakably bitter mood; on this gloomy morning reflecting her feelings. While
planning her return in a new way, filled her mind eagerly with revenge.
Hot debate faired across Tzmar and the entire alliance now. At the word
of the league’s first fleet on the way; with offers of peace and support against
further attacks from the league. Very few could believe the fleet of destruction
would turn against the very league it represented. Especially now when
everywhere one looked was proof of their intentions. As fires still burned in
many places around the planet.
Most pointed to the rings forming, now called the Azor rings of Xalac that
dominated the smoky night sky. Certainly all could see that clearly lasting
display of evil intent the league or any of its fleets had in store for them. Now
the only thing all could agree upon in this shattered and splintered situation.
Was in doubling every effort to get Tzmar’s shields operational again, at any

__ THE END __

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