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Howl's Moving Castle Lesson Plans

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

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Howl's Moving Castle Lesson Plans............................................................................................ 1

Contents...................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 4

Lesson Calendar.......................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter Abstracts...................................................................................................................... 17

Characters................................................................................................................................. 52

Symbols/Objects........................................................................................................................ 54

Daily Lessons............................................................................................................................ 56

Fun Activities.............................................................................................................................. 75

Essay Topics.............................................................................................................................. 78

Short Essay Questions.............................................................................................................. 81

Short Essay Questions Key....................................................................................................... 90

Multiple Choice Questions....................................................................................................... 102

Multiple Choice Questions Key................................................................................................ 129

Short Answer Questions.......................................................................................................... 130

Short Answer Questions Key................................................................................................... 156

Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet................................................................................................ 182

Reading Assignment Sheet...................................................................................................... 183

Writing Evaluation Form........................................................................................................... 184

One Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 185

Two Week Quiz A..................................................................................................................... 188

Four Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 191

Four Week Quiz B.................................................................................................................... 195

Eight Week Quiz A................................................................................................................... 198

Eight Week Quiz B................................................................................................................... 201

Eight Week Quiz C................................................................................................................... 204

Eight Week Quiz D................................................................................................................... 207

Eight Week Quiz E................................................................................................................... 210

Eight Week Quiz F................................................................................................................... 213

Eight Week Quiz G.................................................................................................................. 216

Mid-Book Test - Easy............................................................................................................... 219

Final Test - Easy...................................................................................................................... 225

Mid-Book Test - Medium.......................................................................................................... 231

Final Test - Medium.................................................................................................................. 238

Mid-Book Test - Hard............................................................................................................... 245

Final Test - Hard....................................................................................................................... 252

Teaching Howl's Moving Castle
The Howl's Moving Castle lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater
to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple
Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework
Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and activities will help students gain an
intimate understanding of the text, while the tests and quizzes will help you evaluate
how well the students have grasped the material.

Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School)

Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 133 pages. Page count is estimated at 300
words per page. Length will vary depending on format viewed.

Browse The Howl's Moving Castle Lesson Plan:

 Introduction  Short Essay Questions

 Lesson Calendar  Multiple Choice Questions
 Chapter Abstracts  Short Answer Questions
 Characters  Worksheets and Evaluation Forms
 Symbols/Objects  Quizzes
 Daily Lessons  Tests
 Fun Activities  Quiz/Test Generator
 Essay Topics

Full Lesson Plan Overview
Completely Customizable!

The Howl's Moving Castle lesson plan is downloadable in PDF and Word. The Word file
is viewable with any PC or Mac and can be further adjusted if you want to mix questions
around and/or add your own headers for things like "Name," "Period," and "Date." The
Word file offers unlimited customizing options so that you can teach in the most efficient
manner possible. Once you download the file, it is yours to keep and print for your

Lesson Plan Calendars

The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. They
include detailed descriptions of when to assign reading, homework, in-class work, fun
activities, quizzes, tests and more. Use the entire Howl's Moving Castle calendar, or
supplement it with your own curriculum ideas. Calendars cover one, two, four, and eight
week units. Determine how long your Howl's Moving Castle unit will be, then use one of
the calendars provided to plan out your entire lesson.

Chapter Abstracts

Chapter abstracts are short descriptions of events that occur in each chapter of Howl's
Moving Castle. They highlight major plot events and detail the important relationships
and characteristics of important characters. The Chapter Abstracts can be used to
review what the students have read, or to prepare the students for what they will read.
Hand the abstracts out in class as a study guide, or use them as a "key" for a class
discussion. They are relatively brief, but can serve to be an excellent refresher of Howl's
Moving Castle for either a student or teacher.

Character and Object Descriptions

Character and Object Descriptions provide descriptions of the significant characters as

well as objects and places in Howl's Moving Castle. These can be printed out and used
as an individual study guide for students, a "key" for leading a class discussion, a
summary review prior to exams, or a refresher for an educator. The character and
object descriptions are also used in some of the quizzes and tests in this lesson plan.
The longest descriptions run about 200 words. They become shorter as the importance
of the character or object declines.

Daily Lessons

This section of the lesson plan contains 30 Daily Lessons. Daily Lessons each have a
specific objective and offer at least three (often more) ways to teach that objective.
Lessons include classroom discussions, group and partner activities, in-class handouts,
individual writing assignments, at least one homework assignment, class participation
exercises and other ways to teach students about Howl's Moving Castle in a classroom
setting. You can combine daily lessons or use the ideas within them to create your own
unique curriculum. They vary greatly from day to day and offer an array of creative ideas
that provide many options for an educator.

Fun Classroom Activities

Fun Classroom Activities differ from Daily Lessons because they make "fun" a priority.
The 20 enjoyable, interactive classroom activities that are included will help students
understand Howl's Moving Castle in fun and entertaining ways. Fun Classroom
Activities include group projects, games, critical thinking activities, brainstorming
sessions, writing poems, drawing or sketching, and countless other creative exercises.
Many of the activities encourage students to interact with each other, be creative and
think "outside of the box," and ultimately grasp key concepts from the text by "doing"
rather than simply studying. Fun activities are a great way to keep students interested
and engaged while still providing a deeper understanding of Howl's Moving Castle and
its themes.

Essay Questions/Writing Assignments

These 20 Essay Questions/Writing Assignments can be used as essay questions on a

test, or as stand-alone essay topics for a take-home or in-class writing assignment on
Howl's Moving Castle. Students should have a full understanding of the unit material in
order to answer these questions. They often include multiple parts of the work and ask
for a thorough analysis of the overall text. They nearly always require a substantial
response. Essay responses are typically expected to be one (or more) page(s) and
consist of multiple paragraphs, although it is possible to write answers more briefly.
These essays are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the broad points
in a work, interactions among the characters, and main points and themes of the text.
But, they also cover many of the other issues specific to the work and to the world

Short Essay Questions

The 60 Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence
answer. They ask students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of Howl's Moving
Castle by describing what they've read, rather than just recalling it. The short essay
questions evaluate not only whether students have read the material, but also how well
they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than multiple choice
questions, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

The 180 Multiple Choice Questions in this lesson plan will test a student's recall and
understanding of Howl's Moving Castle. Use these questions for quizzes, homework
assignments or tests. The questions are broken out into sections, so they focus on
specific chapters within Howl's Moving Castle. This allows you to test and review the
book as you proceed through the unit. Typically, there are 5-15 questions per chapter,
act or section.

Evaluation Forms

Use the Oral Reading Evaluation Form when students are reading aloud in class. Pass
the forms out before you assign reading, so students will know what to expect. You can
use the forms to provide general feedback on audibility, pronunciation, articulation,
expression and rate of speech. You can use this form to grade students, or simply
comment on their progress.

Use the Writing Evaluation Form when you're grading student essays. This will help you
establish uniform criteria for grading essays even though students may be writing about
different aspects of the material. By following this form you will be able to evaluate the
thesis, organization, supporting arguments, paragraph transitions, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, etc. of each student's essay.

Quizzes/Homework Assignments

The Quizzes/Homework Assignments are worksheets that can be used in a variety of

ways. They pull questions from the multiple choice and short essay sections, the
character and object descriptions, and the chapter abstracts to create worksheets that
can be used for pop quizzes, in-class assignments and homework. Periodic homework
assignments and quizzes are a great way to encourage students to stay on top of their
assigned reading. They can also help you determine which concepts and ideas your
class grasps and which they need more guidance on. By pulling from the different
sections of the lesson plan, quizzes and homework assignments offer a comprehensive
review of Howl's Moving Castle in manageable increments that are less substantial than
a full blown test.


Use the Test Summary page to determine which pre-made test is most relevant to your
students' learning styles. This lesson plan provides both full unit tests and mid-unit tests.
You can choose from several tests that include differing combinations of multiple choice
questions, short answer questions, short essay questions, full essay questions,
character and object matching, etc. Some of the tests are designed to be more difficult
than others. Some have essay questions, while others are limited to short-response
questions, like multiple choice, matching and short answer questions. If you don't find
the combination of questions that best suits your class, you can also create your own
test on Howl's Moving Castle.

Lesson Calendar

 Review Chapter Abstracts: Chapter abstracts are synopses of each chapter

that you can use to review the reading assignments with your students.
 Daily Lessons: There are 20 daily lessons detailed in this lesson plan. Select a
new daily lesson for each day.
 Fun Activities: There are 20 fun activities in this lesson plan. They serve as a
way for students to interact with the material in an enjoyable, educational way.
 Read Aloud in Class: Ask students to take turns reading aloud from where they
left off in their most recent reading assignment. Use the Oral Reading Evaluation
Form in this lesson plan to evaluate their reading skills.
 In-Class Handout: An in-class handout can be one of the quizzes/homework
assignments, vocabulary games, worksheets, or an essay/writing assignment. It's
something the students can complete and turn in during class, or begin in-class
and take home to finish as a homework assignment.

One Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 6-9

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Quiz Day 4 - Day 5 - Test
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapters 6-9 Chapters 10-13 Chapters 14-17 Chapters 18-21

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Quiz 1 Lesson from

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
1-5 6-10 1 Lesson from 16-20
Daily Lessons
1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 11-15 1 In-Class
from Fun Handout Handout
Activities 1-10 1 In-Class
Homework Handout Homework
Students Read Assignment: Assignment:
Aloud in Class Read through 1 Fun Activity Study for the
Chapters 14-17 from Fun test
Homework and choose a Activities 11-20
Assignment: homework
Read through assignment Homework

Chapters 10-13 from one of the Read through
Daily Lessons Chapters 18-21
and assign an
essay, due the
week following
the test

Two Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 1-5

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review 1 Lesson from Review Quiz

Chapter Chapter Daily Lessons Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to 6-8 Abstracts up to Homework
Chapters 1-5 Chapters 6-9 Chapters 10-13 Assignment:
1 In-Class Read through
1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Handout 1 Lesson from Chapters 14-17
Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons and assign an
1-3 4-5 Homework 9-10 essay, due the
Assignment: week following
Students Read 1 Fun Activity Read through 1 Fun Activity the final test
Aloud in Class from Fun Chapters 10-13 from Fun
Activities 1-5 Activities 6-10
Assignment: Review for the
Read through quiz
Chapters 6-9
Study for the
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review 1 Lesson from Review 1 Lesson from Test

Chapter Daily Lessons Chapter Daily Lessons
Abstracts up to 14-15 Abstracts up to 19-20
Chapters 14-17 Chapters 18-21
1 In-Class 1 In-Class
1 Lesson from Handout 1 Lesson from Handout
Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
11-13 Students Read 16-18 Review for the

1 Fun Activity Aloud in Class 1 In-Class test
from Fun Handout
Activities 11-15 Homework Homework
Assignment: 1 Fun Activity Assignment:
Homework Read through from Fun Study for the
Assignment: Chapters 18-21 Activities 16-20 test
Choose from and choose a
one of the homework
Daily Lessons assignment
from one of the
Daily Lessons

Four Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 1-5

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review 1 Lesson from Review Review Quiz

Chapter Daily Lessons Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to 1-2 Abstracts up to Daily Lesson 5
Chapters 1-5 Daily Lesson 3 Chapters 6-9
1 In-Class Students Read
Students Read Handout 1 Fun Activity Review Aloud in Class
Aloud in Class from Fun Homework
Homework Activities 1-3 Homework
Assignment: Daily Lesson 4 Assignment:
Choose from Homework Choose from
one of the Assignment: 1 Fun Activity one of the
Daily Lessons Read through from Fun Daily Lessons
Chapters 6-9 Activities 4-5
and choose a
homework 1 In-Class
assignment Handout
from one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Test

Homework Homework Chapter Homework
Abstracts up to Homework
Daily Lesson 6 1 Lesson from Chapters 10-13 Daily Lesson Assignment:
Daily Lessons 10 Read through

1 Fun Activity 7-8 Review 1 In-Class Chapters 14-17
from Fun Homework Handout and assign an
Activities 6-7 1 In-Class essay, due the
Handout Daily Lesson 9 Review for the week following
Homework test the final test
Assignment: Students Read 1 Fun Activity
Choose from Aloud in Class from Fun Homework
one of the Activities 8-9 Assignment:
Daily Lessons Homework Study for the
Assignment: Homework test
Read through Assignment:
Chapters 10-13 Choose from
and choose a one of the
homework Daily Lessons
from one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 11 - Day 12 - Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Daily Lesson Review Review Review

Chapter 12 Homework Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapters 14-17 1 Fun Activity Daily Lesson 1 Lesson from Chapters 18-21
from Fun 13 Daily Lessons
Review the test Activities 10-12 14-15 Quiz
1 In-Class
Daily Lesson Homework Handout 1 Fun Activity Daily Lesson
11 Assignment: from Fun 16
Choose from Homework Activities 13-14
Students Read one of the Assignment: Students Read
Aloud in Class Daily Lessons Choose from Homework Aloud in Class
one of the Assignment:
Daily Lessons Read through 1 Fun Activity
Chapters 18-21 from Fun
and choose a Activities 15-16
assignment Homework
from one of the Assignment:
Daily Lessons Choose from
one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review Review Review Daily Lesson Test

Homework Homework Homework 20

Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Daily Lesson 1 In-Class

17 18 19 Handout

1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 1 In-Class Homework

from Fun Handout Handout Assignment:
Activities 17-18 Study for the
Students Read 1 Fun Activity test
Homework Aloud in Class from Fun
Assignment: Activities 19-20
Choose from Homework
one of the Assignment:
Daily Lessons Choose from
one of the
Daily Lessons

Eight Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 1-5

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Daily Lesson 1 Review Review Quiz

Chapter Homework Homework
Abstracts up to 1 In-Class Fun Activity 2
Chapters 1-5 Handout Daily Lesson 2 1 In-Class
Handout Students Read
Students Read Homework Fun Activity 1 Aloud in Class
Aloud in Class Assignment:
Complete the Homework
Daily Lesson Assignment:
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Quiz Day 9 - Day 10 -
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson 3 Review Review Review Fun Activity 5

Homework Chapter Homework
Fun Activity 3 Abstracts up to 1 In-Class
Daily Lesson 4 Chapters 6-9 Daily Lesson 5 Handout
Assignment: 1 In-Class Quiz Fun Activity 4
Complete the Handout
1 In-Class

Daily Lesson Students Read Review Handout
Aloud in Class Homework

Homework Students Read

Assignment: Aloud in Class
Read through
Chapters 6-9 Homework
and complete Assignment:
the Daily Complete the
Lesson Daily Lesson
Day 11 - Day 12 - Quiz Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson 6 Quiz Review Review Review

Homework Homework Chapter
Students Read Fun Activity 6 Abstracts up to
Aloud in Class Daily Lesson 7 Daily Lesson 8 Chapters 10-13
Homework Assignment: 1 In-Class Fun Activity 7 Quiz
Assignment: Complete the Handout
Study for the Daily Lesson Homework Students Read
quiz Homework Assignment: Aloud in Class
Assignment: Read through
Complete the Chapters 10-13 Fun Activity 8
Daily Lesson and complete
the Daily Homework
Lesson Assignment:
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Fun Activity 9 Review Review Review Test

Homework Homework Homework
Homework Homework
Assignment: Daily Lesson 9 Daily Lesson 1 In-Class Assignment:
Complete the 10 Handout Assign an
Daily Lesson 1 In-Class essay, due on
Handout 1 In-Class Review for the day 38
Handout test
Students Read
Aloud in Class Fun Activity 10 Homework
Homework Study for the
Assignment: test
Complete the
Daily Lesson

Day 21 - Day 22 - Day 23 - Day 24 - Day 25 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review the test Daily Lesson Review Review Quiz

11 Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Fun Activity 13
1 In-Class Daily Lesson Chapters 14-17
Handout 12 Homework
Review Assignment:
Homework Fun Activity 11 Homework Complete the
Assignment: Daily Lesson
Complete the Homework Fun Activity 12
Daily Lesson Assignment:
Read through
Chapters 14-17
and complete
the Daily
Day 26 - Day 27 - Day 28 - Day 29 - Day 30 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Quiz

Homework Homework Homework Homework
Fun Activity 15
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Fun Activity 14 Daily Lesson
13 14 15 Homework
Homework Assignment:
Homework 1 In-Class Assignment: 1 In-Class Read through
Assignment: Handout Complete the Handout Chapters 18-21
Complete the Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson Students Read Homework
Aloud in Class Assignment:
Study for the
Homework quiz
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 31 - Day 32 - Day 33 - Day 34 - Day 35 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Fun Activity 16 Review Review Quiz

Chapter Homework Homework
Abstracts up to Homework Students Read
Chapters 18-21 Assignment: Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Aloud in Class
Complete the 17 18
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Fun Activity 18
16 1 In-Class Fun Activity 17

Students Read Handout Assignment:
Aloud in Class Complete the
Homework Daily Lesson
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 36 - Day 37 - Day 38 - Day 39 - Day 40 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review 1 In-Class Collect essay Review Test

Homework Handout assignments Homework

Daily Lesson Homework Daily Lesson 1 In-Class

19 Assignment: 20 Handout
Finish the
Fun Activity 19 essay Fun Activity 20 Review for the
Homework Homework
Assignment: Assignment:
Complete the Complete the
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson

Chapter Abstracts
Chapters 1-5
• The following version of this book was used to create this Lesson Plan: Jones, Diana
Wynne. Howl’s Moving Castle. Harper Collins, 1986. Paperback.

• In Chapter 1, Sophie Hatter lives in Market Chipping in the land of Ingary.

• Ingary is a place where seven-league boots and invisibility cloaks exist.

• Sophie is the eldest of three sisters.

• Her family has a ladies’ hat shop.

• Sophie’s mother died when she was two and her sister Lettie was a year old.

• Sophie’s father married his youngest shop assistant, Fanny, and they had a daughter
they named Martha.

• Sophie’s father then sees that all of the girls go to school.

• However, when he dies suddenly, there is so much debt that Fanny has to have the
girls leave school and become apprentices.

• Lettie is apprenticed to Cesari’s, a pastry cook, and Martha is apprenticed to Annabel

Fairfax, a witch.

• The girls prefer the others apprenticeship, so they trade places.

• Sophie becomes Fanny’s apprentice, since she will inherit the shop someday.

• Sophie already knows the hat trade and does not need much training.

• Sophie spends most of her days trimming hats in the back of shop.

• If she waits on customers, she wears an ugly gray dress.

• After a month, Lettie is very popular at Cesari’s and has received ten marriage

• When business picks up at the hat shop, Sophie has to wait on customers and take
hats home to trim, and she works late into the night.

• Sophie realizes she is becoming isolated, and she decides to visit Lettie.

• She has not been out for so long that being in crowds makes her nervous.

• A young man offers to buy her a drink.

• When he sees how frightened she is, he offers to escort her to her sister.

• Sophie declines.

• Sophie sees Lettie, and they go into the back to talk.

• Lettie tells her that she is Martha, not Lettie.

• In Chapter 2, Martha tells Sophie something that only Martha would know so that
Sophie will believe she really is Martha.

• Then Martha tells how she spent two weeks at Mrs. Fairfax’s to find the spell she and
Lettie are using.

• Martha got permission to go home, and she and Lettie changed places.

• Martha says she changed places because she wants to marry and have ten children.

• Martha tells Sophie that Fanny is out visiting, while Sophie slaves away in the shop.

• She says that Fanny should pay Sophie a wage; the Cesari’s pay her one.

• Martha says that Fanny is taking advantage of Sophie.

• Sophie returns to the shop and thinks about what Martha said.

• One day a plain woman comes to the store displeased that the bonnet she purchased
did not help her meet a count like Jane Farrier met when she was wearing one of
Sophie’s bonnets.

• Sophie tells the woman the bonnet does not flatter her, and the woman storms out of
the shop.

• A carriage arrives and an elegant woman and a young man enter the shop.

• The woman has Sophie show her hats, but none of them please her.

• Sophie asks why the woman came to such a small shop.

• The woman said that she has heard of Sophie, and she does not appreciate Sophie
setting herself up against her.

• The woman is the Witch of the Waste.

• She tells Sophie not to meddle with things that belong to her.

• Then she casts a spell on Sophie that turns her into an old woman.

• The Witch tells Sophie that she will not be able to tell anyone she is under a curse.

• Sophie decides that she cannot stay in the store.

• She puts up a CLOSED notice.

• Then she grabs her shawl, her purse, and some bread and cheese.

• Walking becomes difficult, so she looks for a walking stick.

• The first one she finds belongs to a scarecrow, so she leaves it.

• Then she finds a stick attached to a dog caught in a hedge.

• Sophie works hard to loosen the dog from the stick and the rope that entangle it.

• When freed, the dog disappears.

• He leaves behind the stick, which is a proper walking stick.

• Sophie eats some bread and cheese and walks again.

• She sees a shepherd who thinks she is a witch, and he wishes her good luck.

• Sophie begins to long for a comfortable chair.

• Night is approaching.

• She sees the Wizard Howl’s castle that is moving across the moorland.

• She yells, “Stop!” (35), and the castle comes to a halt.

• Sophie hobbles toward it.

• In Chapter 3, Sophie sees several doors, but there seems to be an invisible wall that
prevents her from approaching the castle.

• She goes to the back of the castle and finds a back door.

• The castle begins to move, and she yells for the door it open.

• It opens, but the castle continues to move.

• Sophie hobbles, hops, and scrambles and manages to get inside.

• A young boy stands in front of her holding the door.

• He asks her what she wants as she looks around the room at what appear to be
wizardly things.

• She sees a chair by the fire, and eagerly sits in it.

• She tells the boy that he should tell Howl that the castle will fall apart if it keeps

• The boy tells her that it is bespelled to stay together, and Wizard Howl is away.

• He tells her that the Wizard will probably return, and he is Howl’s apprentice, Michael.

• Sophie dozes, and Michael goes back to his work at the workbench.

• While Sophie is sleeping Michael asks the fireplace if she is the Witch of the Waste.

• The fireplace says he would not have let her come in if she was.

• Sophie wakes herself in the middle of the night with her snoring.

• It is chilly, so she puts logs on the fire.

• The flames turn blue and green, and she imagines that she sees a face in the fire.

• She learns that a fire demon lives in the fireplace.

• He notices that she is under a spell.

• They make an agreement that she cancels his contract with Howl, which keeps him a
prisoner, he will reverse her spell.

• The fire demon says she should stay about a month so she can study his contract and
he can study her curse.

• Sophie agrees and falls asleep again.

• In Chapter 4, when Sophie wakes, she aches all over.

• As she looks around the room she is in, she realizes how terribly dirty it is.

• From the window she can see a view of a dockside town.

• She opens doors trying to find the rest of the castle.

• First she finds a very nice bathroom where she cleans up.

• She is not sure about all the substances in jars, boxes, tubs, packets, and paper bags.

• She leaves them alone.

• One door leads to a loft, another into a backyard with high walls, and another door
leads to a broom closet.

• She opens the last door that she came in the night before, and she sees hills and can
feel the castle moving.

• Michael offers Sophie some breakfast of bread and cheese.

• She sees eggs and bacon, and asks to eat that instead.

• Michael says that only the Wizard Howl can persuade the fire demon to be cooked on.

• Sophie will not take no for an answer.

• She grabs a pan, eggs, and bacon.

• Then she tells Calcifer to bend down his head so she can cook.

• When he refuses, she threatens him.

• As she is cooking, Howl returns.

• Howl is the young man that Sophie saw in Market Chipping.

• He is wearing a blue-and-silver suit and carrying a guitar.

• He asks who Sophie is.

• Michael tells Howl her name and that she came the night before.

• Howl wonders how she got Calcifer bend down, and Calcifer says that she made him.

• Sophie smells the scent of hyacinths when Howl comes closer.

• He has a large blue jewel hanging from his ear.

• She tells Howl that she is the new cleaning lady.

• They prepare to eat breakfast, and Sophie asks where the rest of the castle is so she
can clean it.

• Michael laughs and tells her that the castle is just the rooms she has already seen,
plus two bedrooms upstairs.

• Howl and Calcifer invented the castle.

• Calcifer keeps it going.

• The inside of the castle is just Howl’s old house in Porthaven.

• He has to keep up appearances and impress everyone with his power and
wickedness, so he created the castle.

• Plus, he offended someone very powerful, and he needs to stay out of their way.

• Calcifer announces that someone is at the Kingsbury door.

• How goes to the door, which has a square wooden knob above it with dab of paint on
each of the four sides.

• Howl turns the knob to a red blob, and opens the door.

• The king has sent the Chancellor’s clerk with payment for 2,000 pair of seven league

• Howl takes the money and goes into the bathroom after telling Calcifer that he needs
hot water.

• Michael is worried that the clerk gave Howl all that money.

• Sophie wonders if Howl will allow her to stay, and Michael says he does not know.

• In Chapter 5, Sophie decides that she had better demonstrate what a good job she
can do of cleaning.

• Calcifer and Michael are horrified and want her to stop.

• A little girl comes to the Porthaven door for a safety spell.

• Michael gives her the spell, which is to be used for her dad’s boat.

• The girl wonders if Sophie if a witch, and Sophie says that she is.

• Michael is not happy that Sophie said that, because now everyone will gossip about

• Michael hides the little girl’s coin under a stone in the hearth.

• Michael says that he and Calcifer try to keep a store of money.

• Howl spends every penny, if they do not.

• When Howl comes out of the bathroom, Sophie is working on the cobwebs.

• Howl tells her she can take down the cobwebs, but must leave the spiders alone.

• How turns the knob on the door to the black blob and leaves for his private bolt hole.

• He tells Sophie she is not allowed to kill spiders while he is gone.

• Michael and Calcifer beg Sophie to stop cleaning, but she does not listen.

• Howl returns late that night, and Michael takes him to the bathroom and complains
about Sophie.

• At the same time, Calcifer howls that Sophie is killing them.

• Howl just asks Sophie if she killed any spiders.

• When she tells him that she did not, he goes upstairs.

• Michael sighs and pulls out a folding bed, straw mattress, and some rugs.

• He sets it up under the stairs for Sophie.

• He tells her to sleep there, and she wonders if Howl is going to let her stay.

• Michael says that he does not know.

• During the days that follow, Sophie cleans relentlessly.

• Word spreads about Sophie in Porthaven, and many people come to see her.

• They bring gifts and ask for spells.

• As Sophie cleans, she looks for Calcifer’s contract.

• It begins to rain, and Sophie whitewashes the walls.

• When Howl leaves, she heads to clean his bedroom.

• However, he is there when she goes upstairs and tells her to stay out of his room.

• Next she tries to clean the yard, and he tells her to leave that alone as well.

• Howl tears his jacket and Sophie offers to mend it.

• He gives her a look, and then he uses his magic to fix it.

• He leaves again.

• Sophie wonders why he did not make her leave.

• Michael is not sure why Howl let her stay, but he thinks it might be because Sophie is
not afraid of Calcifer.

Chapters 6-9
• In Chapter 6, Sophie sits by the hearth thinking for the few days that Howl stays home.

• She realizes she has been taking out her anger at the Witch of the Waste on the

• Sophie finds a pile of Michael’s clothes to mend, and her gloomy thoughts improve.

• When Howl creates spells he puts them together in an expert, slapdash manner.

• Howl starts a spell, stops, goes out to the yard to tinker, and then comes back inside.

• He is trying to create a spell for the King that will help his army get its heavy wagons
through the marsh and rough ground.

• He overcharges the King, but he is polite during the negotiations.

• He is also polite when customers come for Porthaven, and does not charge enough.

• Michael protests, but Howl gives him a magic lesson to elude Michael’s arguments.

• As Sophie sews buttons on Michael’s shirt, she listens to Howl teaching Michael to
create spells.

• As Sophie listens, she realizes she can learn something too.

• When Howl takes Michael out to work on the King’s spell, Sophie reads over Howl’s

• The next morning, Howl sends Michael dressed in his best with the spell for the King.

• Howl decides to go for a walk.

• Before he goes, he gives Sophie his gray-and-scarlet-suit to mend.

• Howl takes his guitar and goes to Market Chipping.

• Calcifer and Sophie argue about breaking his contract.

• Calcifer claims that he gave Sophie a hint, and she says he will have to repeat it.

• Sophie turns the knob of the door to the black blob and opens it.

• Outside is nothing.

• Calcifer knows nothing about it; he just maintains it.

• Sophie starts to go upstairs, but Calcifer tells her that Howl locked it to keep her out.

• Michael returns sooner than expected, and he is frustrated that Howl has gone
courting again.

• Michael hates it when the girl finds out that Howl is not serious or one of her aunts
comes to yell at Howl.

• Sophie wonders what Howl does with the girls.

• Michael tells her that he spread the rumor in Market Chipping about Howl eating their
souls, but he just breaks their hearts.

• Howl returns and goes to the bathroom.

• When he comes out he is screaming at Sophie, because his hair is turning a pink

• His screams increase, and Michael and Sophie have to leave to ease their ears.

• A crowd in Porthaven follows them to the water in hopes of avoiding the sound.

• People ask if something is wrong with the wizard, but Michael just says that he is a
little unhappy.

• When they return to the castle, Howl is draped in green slime and it oozing around the
room and threatening to put out Calcifer.

• Sophie puts ash on the slime to keep it from reaching Calcifer.

• She grabs the wizard and his stool and drags it to the bathroom.

• Calcifer provides hot water, and Sophie and Michael spend an hour cleaning the slime
off Howl.

• After they get him cleaned up, he sits by the hearth refusing to speak.

• Sophie says that he is having a tantrum.

• Something she had experienced often with her sisters.

• Finally Howl tells them the girl he has been seeing tells him that there is someone else
she is seeing.

• Howl says the girl’s name is Lettie Hatter.

• In Chapter 7, Sophie lies in her cubbyhole and worries about Martha.

• She wonders if she really has a beau or she just said that to scare off Howl.

• Howl decides that he likes his new hair color, and it goes nicely with his gray-and-
scarlet suit.

• Howl tells Sophie he has left a spell for Michael on the bench, and he goes to see the

• Sophie puts a number of logs where Calcifer can reach them, and she prepares to
leave herself.

• When she opens the door, a scarecrow is trying to get into the castle.

• It is the scarecrow Sophie saw on her way to the castle; she slams the door shut.

• Sophie feels a flutter in her chest and her heart jumps.

• She tells Calcifer that a scarecrow tried to get into the castle.

• Sophie looks to see if the scarecrow is still there.

• It is following them.

• Sophie persuades Calcifer to speed up the castle and go faster.

• The speed makes bottles clink and things fall of the shelf in the bathroom.

• When the scarecrow can no longer be seen, Calcifer stops for the night.

• Sophie cleans the bathroom and uses the drying power to dry things.

• Michael returns with a loaf of bread, a pie, and a pink-and-white striped box.

• He is happy because Lettie loves him, and she has never seen Howl.

• Michael got a cake to celebrate.

• Sophie wonders how old Michael is, and he tells her 15.

• He says that he has three years of his apprenticeship to run and Lettie has even
longer, but they do not mind waiting.

• Howl returns and he says that he needs to blacken his name with the King.

• The wagon spell works so well that the king is trying to get Howl to do something else
and perhaps be the Royal Magician.

• Howl tries to speak with Calcifer, but Calcifer tells him to go away because he is tired.

• Sophie tells about the scarecrow and how they had to get away from him.

• Howl complains about the King wanting him to look for his brother, Justin.

• Howl does not think that Wizard Suliman is dead.

• He knows that Justin was friends with the Wizard.

• Justin did not think that the king should have sent the Wizard to the Waste.

• Howl says that he avoids the Waste because of a lady there who is bad news.

• She tried to fry him alive last year, and she sent a curse that he has avoided because
he gave her a false name.

• Howl considers moving the castle a thousand miles away from anywhere, and he
wonders what to do about the King.

• He decides he should have Sophie pretend to be his mother and blacken Howl’s name
to the King.

• Sophie decides she has to leave, even if she cannot break Calcifer’s contract.

• Tomorrow she plans to go to Upper Folding and talk to Lettie.

• In Chapter 8, Calcifer wakes up his normal self, and Howl is relieved.

• Howl starts to go out the door, but the scarecrow is there.

• Howl pushes the scarecrow away, but it hops right back to the castle.

• Howl tells it to go back where it came from, but it does not leave.

• Howl raises his arms and says a strange word.

• The scarecrow flies away and vanishes.

• Sophie laughs weakly when Howl tells her that the scarecrow has some of the
strongest magic he has ever seen.

• Sophie’s heart is acting up again, and Howl realizes something is wrong.

• He and Calcifer hold her and her heart begins beating normally again.

• Howl gives Michael instructions for keeping Sophie quiet.

• After Howl leaves, Sophie tells Michael it is stuffy in the castle and she sneaks out the

• Michael comes running after her.

• Howl has given him strict instructions on how to care for Sophie and he does not want
to get in trouble.

• He tells Sophie it is over ten miles to Upper Folding.

• Michael decides they can go together using seven-league boots.

• It takes Sophie a bit to get used to the boots, and she travels back and forth between
Upper Folding and the Castle until she falls in a cowpat.

• Michael removes the boots.

• They visit Mrs. Fairfax.

• Sophie introduces herself as Lettie’s great-aunt.

• Mrs. Fairfax’s collie gets out, and Michael has to chase him.

• Michael and Sophie see Howl in the apple orchard with Lettie.

• When they return the dog to Mrs. Fairfax, she says the dog wants to bite Howl.

• Sophie wonders if Mrs. Fairfax knows who Lettie’s visitor is.

• Mrs. Fairfax laughs and says that he is Howl, although he has given an alias.

• Howl used to be a student of her old tutor.

• Mrs. Fairfax encouraged Lettie to fall in love with Howl so he would teach her.

• Together they could go far.

• Sophie says that she thought Lettie cared for someone else.

• Mrs. Fairfax said that person had a curse that she could not break that was caused by
the Witch of the Waste.

• Sophie asks if Mrs. Fairfax was supposed to be teaching Martha.

• Mrs. Fairfax says that she will not keep anyone against their will.

• So she told Lettie to be herself or else.

• Michael says they need to go and he pulls out the seven-league boots.

• Mrs. Fairfax admires them.

• She comments that Lettie must get her witchcraft from Sophie.

• Michael grabs Sophie and they go back to the castle.

• The door is open, and Calcifer is yelling that someone has been banging on the
Porthaven door since they left.

• In Chapter 9, it is the sea captain banging on the door.

• He is not pleased that Michael is late and that he might miss the tide.

• He says he may have a word with the sorcerer about him.

• Michael gives the captain his spell.

• Sophie contemplates her wardrobe as she mends her single pair of stockings.

• Michael wonders how many nieces Sophie has, and she says that she loses counts.

• He is glad that Howl is not seeing his Lettie.

• Sophie wonders if Howl can really be in love this time.

• Both Michael and Calcifer tell her no.

• The day that Howl forgets to spend time in the bathroom putting spells on his face, will
be the day he falls in love.

• Sophie decides to cut up Howl’s blue-and-silver suit and make a skirt for herself.

• While Sophie works, Michael struggles with a spell.

• He tells Sophie how he became an orphan and Howl took him in.

• His mother died and his father drowned in a storm.

• He had to leave their house because he could not pay the rent.

• No one wanted him on their doorsteps, so he slept on Howl’s.

• When Howl met him one morning, he told Michael to wait inside while he got
something to eat.

• He and Calcifer had a nice chat.

• Howl never told Michael to stay, but he never told him to leave either.

• Michael says he made a lot of mistakes at first, but he thinks he helps with the money.

• Howl spends a lot of money on clothes and other things.

• Last winter they were down to their last log, and Howl conjured some from someone.

• They had to eat seaweed.

• Michael asks Sophie for her help with his spell.

• She reads it and asks him questions.

• She wants to ask Calcifer, but Michael thinks Calcifer is part of the spell.

• Finally Sophie tells Michael to quit guessing about the spell and take it literally.

• They use the seven-league boots to go to a place where they can find a shooting star.

• Michael nearly catches the star, but the star wants to die and falls into a pond.

• They search 20 minutes for the boots and then return to Porthaven.

• Michael decides the spell is too advanced for him and he will have to ask Howl.

• He hopes he can get some sense out of Howl because Lettie has given into him.

Chapters 10-13
• In Chapter 10, Howl has returned when Sophie and Michael go back to the castle.

• He asks Sophie what she did with his suit, and he tells her that he could have mended

• He also tells her that he can make her a pair of seven-league boots in her size.

• Howl tells Sophie that he saw her when he was with Lettie.

• He tells Sophie he believes that if he courted a girl on an iceberg in the middle of the
ocean, he would see Sophie flying overhead on a broom.

• Howl goes to see the King.

• While Sophie is alone, a stream of customers comes wanting spells.

• Calcifer helps Sophie find the right spells.

• When a man comes wanting a spell to win a duel, Calcifer indicates to Sophie there is
nothing ready-made.

• Sophie puts together some cayenne powder and acts like she is doing something

• She gives it to the man and tells him to sprinkle in the air before the duel.

• Michael returns and tells Sophie about his day and asks about hers.

• When Howl returns he says that he works hard for them all day and they cannot even
say hello when he comes home.

• Howl is frustrated because the King wants Howl to find his brother for him, and would
like him to destroy the Witch of the Waste.

• Wanting to calm Howl down, Sophie offers to make toast.

• Howl dumps some parcels in her lap.

• Inside are petticoats, boots, a lace shawl and a gray silk dress.

• Michael receives a new blue velvet suit.

• Howl says that Sophie will go to the King to blacken his name, and Michael will
accompany her as her footman.

• Howl wants her to discourage the King from sending him to find Justin, but still employ
him to give him work like transport spells.

• In order to prepare Sophie for her visit to the King, Howl plans to take her to see her
old tutor, Mrs. Pentstemmon.

• Michael shows the spell he has not been able to work.

• Howl realizes that the spell came in when Sophie opened the door black-side-down.

• When Howl learns that Sophie and Michael tried to catch a shooting star, he makes
them promise to never try that again.

• Howl decides to take the paper with him and find out what is going on.

• He knows that Sophie will get in trouble if he leaves her behind, so he takes her and
Michael with him.

• Calcifer tells Sophie she has to give him a report when she returns, and that he has
given her a hint.

• In Chapter 11, the nothingness is only an inch thick.

• Soon Howl, Michael, and Sophie are on a road with houses on both sides.

• The castle looks like all the other houses when Sophie turns around to look.

• He changes their clothes so they fit in with the place.

• Howl goes to a house and unlocks the door.

• Inside they pass through a hall and hear voices.

• Sophie sees that the voices are coming from magic colored pictures on the front of a

• A woman exclaims, “Howell” (157), but she does not seem glad to see Howl.

• A little girl addresses him as Uncle Howell.

• They speak in a language Sophie and Michael do not understand.

• Then Howl introduces Michael and Sophie to his sister Megan Parry and his niece

• Howl asks Megan if Neil has lost homework lately.

• She says that he did, and he found another paper in its place.

• He gave the paper to his teacher to show that he had been working on his homework.

• Howl goes upstairs with Sophie and Michael.

• Two boys are crouched over magic boxes that seem to be rooted on the wall with
floppy white stalks.

• Howl says the name Neil, but one of the boys says not to interrupt.

• Neil will lose his life.

• Sophie and Michael back away toward the door.

• Howl walks over to the wall and pulls up the boxes by their roots.

• Neil threatens Mari for shutting off his game, and she tells him it was not her.

• Neil notices Howl.

• Howl asks him about his homework.

• He says that if Neil will help him, he will give him a new game.

• Howl shows Nick the shiny gray paper.

• Neil says that it is a poem that their teacher gave for homework.

• How asks where Neil’s teacher lives, and he tells him.

• Howl gives Neil a new game, and he and the others go back downstairs.

• When Sophie gets down the stairs, he is yelling at his sister for selling his books.

• She tells him she is not a storehouse for his property.

• She and Gareth are tired of Howl’s behavior.

• He had college degrees, but he does not even have a decent job.

• Sophie begins to understand why Howl has developed the habit of slithering away.

• Megan goes on about Howl never doing a honest day’s work and bringing shame to
her and Gareth.

• Sophie pushes Michael aside and stands as stately as possible.

• She tells Howl that they have to leave because money is getting away and the
servants are probably selling the gold plate.

• She tells Megan it was nice to meet her and that Howl is very busy.

• As they head out the door, Howl asks if his car is still in the shed.

• Megan tells him that he has the only set of keys.

• They ride in a carriage that has no horses to the teacher’s house.

• Sophie is terrified by the speed and the noises that the carriage makes.

• Miss Angorian answers the door when they ring the bell.

• She is young and very good-looking.

• She guesses that Howl is Howell Jenkins.

• He apologizes for bothering her and says that he took his nephew’s English homework
and left an important paper that he needs back.

• Howl wonders how she knows who he is.

• She tells him that there is a lot of gossip about him and how he disappears and turns
up suddenly.

• She gives him the paper, and Michael says that it is the spell.

• Howl tells Miss Angorian that he did his doctoral thesis on charms and spells.

• Howl gives her the paper and asks who the poet is.

• Miss Angorian tells him it is John Donne.

• Howl tries to get Miss Angorian to go to dinner with him, but she refuses.

• She says that she is engaged to Ben Sullivan, who disappeared a few years ago.

• Miss Angorian reads the poem at Howl's request, until he stops her.

• They leave and get back in the carriage.

• Michael asks what is wrong.

• Howl says that the Witch of the Waste has caught up to him.

• When he is 10,000 days old on Midsummer Day, he will have to go back to the Witch
of the Waste.

• When Howl returns to the castle, he tells Calcifier that the Witch of the Waste caught
up with him.

• In Chapter 12, Sophie does not see a need to blacken Howl’s name to the King since
the Witch has caught him.

• Howl says she still needs to blacken his name, because he will need everything he
has to escape the Witch.

• Sophie tells Calcifer about the strange country where Howl’s family lived.

• Calcifer thinks it is another world.

• He tells Sophie that he is scared.

• He will suffer if the Witch catches Howl.

• If Sophie does not break the contract before the Witch catches him, Calcifer will not be
able to help her.

• Howl freshens up in the bathroom, and then they go to Kingsbury.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon’s house is tall and is located near the end of a narrow street.

• As Sophie is led to Mrs.Pentstemmon, she can see why meeting her is good practice
for meeting the King.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon is tall and thin and is seated in a chair.

• She supports herself with one hand on a cane.

• She is the finest and most frightening woman Sophie has ever seen.

• She greets Howl, and he presents Sophie as his mother.

• She asks Howl and Sophie to sit.

• Then she announces that she is 86.

• Sophie says that she is 90 when Mrs. Pentstemmon asks how old she is.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon sends Howl to the terrace.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon tells Sophie that she thinks Howl is becoming bad.

• She wonders why he is walking around in a charmed suit that attracts the ladies.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon says that she is approaching death.

• Howell was her last student.

• She thought she was done teaching when she trained Benjamin Sullivan, who Sophie
knows as Wizard Suliman, and helped him obtain the post of Royal Magician.

• Howell and Suliman came from the same country.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon asks Sophie what she thinks has happened to Howell.

• Sophie tells her that Howl has a contract with a fire demon.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon tells Sophie that she must break the contract.

• She thinks Sophie will be able to do it because of her maternal feelings and her own
magic gift.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon says that Sophie’s gift brings life to things.

• She can tell that Sophie has talked to her stick so that it is now a magic wand.

• She does not believe it will be difficult for Sophie to break Howell’s contract with the
fire demon.

• Sophie protests that she is not a witch, but Mrs. Pentstemmon tells her that she relies
on her experiences to know things like that.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon says that the Witch also made a contract with a fire demon.

• The fire demon has taken control of her.

• Mrs. Pentstemmon dismisses Sophie, and the page leads her out of the room.

• Sophie thinks about what Mrs. Pentstemmon told her, and she realizes that she is a

• It explains the popularity of some of her hats and the jealousy of the Witch.

• Then she realizes that she put the spell on the gray-and-scarlet suit.

• Howl and Michael are waiting for her in the hall.

• Howl thinks she looks tired, and that he should go to the King instead.

• Sophie does not want to see the King, but she remembers what Calcifer said.

• If the King commands Howl to go into the Waste and the Witch catches him, Sophie’s
chance of being young will vanish.

• Sophie tells Howl that after seeing Mrs. Pentstemmon, the King will be like seeing an
ordinary person.

• In Chapter 13, Sophie feels strange when they reach the palace.

• There are soldiers standing on every sixth step that leads to the palace doors.

• Sophie is led through the palace.

• Howl is told to wait.

• Then Michael is left to wait in an anteroom.

• When Sophie is led to see the King, he is sitting alone on a chair.

• Sophie is overwhelmed at seeing the King, she forgets everything that Howl told her to

• She tells the King that Howl refuses to look for the King’s brother.

• She says that he is a coward and that he has sent her to plead for him.

• The King wants to know more about Howl.

• Sophie describes him as fickle, careless, and selfish.

• The King asks her if he “is an unprincipled, slippery rogue with a glib tongue and
clever mind” (188).

• Sophie agrees that that describes Howl.

• The King tells Sophie that she has reassured him that Howl is the Wizard to find his

• He needs his brother back, because he is a great general and war is looming.

• The King tells Sophie to inform Howl he is appointing him Royal Wizard and he
expects him to find Prince Justin, alive or dead, before the end of the year.

• He dismisses Sophie.

• Sophie gets lost and runs into the young man who wanted the spell to win a duel.

• He thanks her again, and then he gives her to attendant and promises to find Michael.

• Sophie gets outside and finds herself lost in the town.

• She decides to go to see Mrs. Pentstemmon again, but she sees the Witch of the

• The Witch recognizes her and tells her not to bother going to see Mrs. Penstemmon,
because she is dead.

• The Witch wanted her to tell her something and Mrs. Pentstemmon refused.

• So the Witch killed her.

• Sophie says that she does not know who that is.

• The Witch quizzes her about Howl, who Sophie says she does not know either.

• The Witch asks where Sophie is going, and she says is going to see the key about
better conditions for hatters, but she got lost.

• The Witch escorts her to the palace.

• Sophie announces herself and finds herself with the King again.

• She tells the King that Howl will look for Prince Justin if the King promises his
daughter’s hand in marriage.

• The King introduces his daughter, who is just a toddler.

Chapters 14-17
• In Chapter 14, Sophie returns to the castle in one of the King’s coaches, because
Princess Valeria goes with her.

• Michael and Howl are upset; they have learned that Mrs. Pentstemmon is dead.

• Sophie tells how she went to see the King twice and how she spoke to the Witch.

• She says that the Witch killed Mrs. Pentstemmon.

• The next morning, Howl has already left the castle.

• Calcifer does not know where he is, but he has been given instructions that Sophie
and Michael are not to open the door to anyone.

• Michael boards up the door, and he tells Sophie that he will keep her safe.

• Half an hour later, the door knob turns to black-down.

• There is a violent explosion, the door bursts open, and Howl storms in.

• He is soaking wet and sneezing.

• Howl asks about the boards, and Michael tells him why he added them.

• Howl informs Michael that he has so many misdirection spells out that even the Witch
will not be able to find him within three days.

• Sophie realizes that Howl has gone to see Miss Angorian, and she wonders about

• Howl decides they do not need to move the Porthaven entrance.

• He wants the castle away from where it has been before, and he wants the Kingsbury
entrance closed.

• Someone knocks on the door, but they do not answer.

• Howl continues and says that the black-down entrance will remain.

• By mid-morning, Howl is getting sicker and sicker.

• Sophie tells him that people who have an assignment from the King but go courting in
the rain deserve to be sick.

• Howl tells her that he has looked for Prince Justin, who bought finding spells from an
unknown person, Mrs. Fairfax, and then Michael.

• Howl goes up to bed.

• Sophie continues her mending.

• Michael rushes up and down the stairs bringing Howl things to make him feel better.

• People keep knocking on the door, but go away eventually when no one answers.

• Sophie is worried about the blue-and-silver suit.

• The more she sews, the smaller it becomes.

• They have bacon sandwiches for lunch.

• Then Michael goes to Market Chipping to get things for the move.

• He grabs a velvet cloak that makes him look like a big man with a red beard.

• Sophie decides to go to see Lettie, but the seven-league boots are gone.

• Something comes to the door and will not go away.

• Sophie throws on one of the velvet capes and answers the door.

• A dog bursts into the room.

• It transforms into a man and says something about coming from Upper Folding with a
message from Lettie and not to tell the Wizard.

• Before he finishes speaking, he turns back into a dog.

• Calcifer cannot take the spell off the dog-man, and Sophie tries without success.

• Howl moans and groans from upstairs and starts to shake the castle with his coughing
and sneezing.

• Exasperated, Sophie goes upstairs.

• He tells Sophie that he is waiting for three things: mermaids, mandrake root, and the
wind to advance an honest mind.

• There are about three weeks for them to come true; and when they do, the Witch gets

• Howl is determined to go to Mrs. Pentstemmon’s funeral no matter what.

• The dog-man comes upstairs, and Sophie looks out the window in Howl’s bedroom.

• She sees Howl’s niece Mari running with her Mother in pursuit.

• Howl is frustrated that she saw Wales out the window.

• He tells Sophie that she sounds like Megan.

• Sophie says that she can understand how Megan got the way she is.

• In Chapter 15, the dog-man curls up at Sophie’s feet when she goes back to her

• Michael returns with a box of things.

• He tells Howl that there is an empty shot for sale in Market Chipping that used to be a
hat shop.

• Howl considers moving the castle there, depending on how much the shop costs.

• Howl is in and out of bed all day, and Michael has to run up and down the stairs and
around the castle measuring and fixing brackets.

• Howl asks Sophie where she would like to live, and she says she would like a nice
house with lots of flowers.

• Howl leaves for a while disguised as the red-bearded man.

• Michael works on his spell.

• Howl returns and tells them that he took the shot.

• It has a useful shed and a house.

• He is not sure how he will pay for it.

• Michael says he can use the money he gets from finding Prince Justin.

• Howl reminds Michael that the goal is to disappear and not look for the Prince.

• Howl goes back to bed, and Michael has to go upstairs to tend to him again.

• Michael is excited because they are moving to Market Chipping, and he can see Lettie
every day.

• Howl reappears and tells Sophie he is going to Mrs. Pentstemmon’s funeral tomorrow
and he needs his gray-and-scarlet suit cleaned.

• Michael and Sophie are worried about Howl attending the funeral.

• He says that he will go in disguise.

• Sophie hacks up the gray suit into seven pieces to discourage Howl from wearing it.

• Michael finishes his spell, and they use it to make the blue-and-silver suit Howl’s size.

• Sophie takes the suit up to Howl’s room.

• When she looks out the window, she sees Howl’s nephew Neil playing ball with his

• When Howl gets up, the blue-and-silver suit has expanded to fill the house.

• He gets angry with Sophie, and she brings out the pieces of the gray-and-silver suit.

• He grabs the pieces of the suit and wades off in the blue-and-silver suit.

• Howl goes to the bathroom and spends two hours there.

• When he returns he is all in black; even his hair is black.

• Howl studies the dog-man, and then he transforms himself into a dog.

• He says that no one will notice a dog at the gravesite.

• In Chapter 16, Howl returns yelling that the Witch has found him.

• Calcifer drops the pan intended for lunch and flames up into the chimney.

• Things in the castle jump and fall to the floor.

• Michael puts the skull in the sink so it will not fall on the floor.

• Michael and Sophie look outside.

• People in the houses outside are at windows and doors pointing to something

• Sophie and Michael grab velvet cloaks.

• Sophie gets the one that turns its wearer into a red-bearded man.

• Michael’s turns him into a horse.

• They go out into the street and see a huge cloud boiling and twisting above the
chimney tops.

• The cloud tears in two and the clouds chase each other out to sea.

• Sophie and Michael join a rush of people who go down to the docks.

• Two clouds hang in the calm blue sky.

• A ship is caught in the storm under them.

• Wind and waves hit the harbor wall, and mermaids are brought with them.

• Sophie sees Howl standing on one of the clouds and the Witch on another.

• They fight, and then Howl appears on the ship below.

• The ship disappears.

• Waves of water sweep the mermaids back into the harbor and roll every moored ship

• A monster bursts out of another wall of water.

• A second monster appears and chases the first.

• More monsters appear, and Michael tells her they are illusions used to try to fool the
combatants into chasing the wrong one.

• The monsters move to the marshes.

• Then a ball of fire appears in the distance and a loud bang follows.

• Smoke spreads, and then there is silence.

• Sophie and Michael return the castle when everything clears.

• The dog-man is so frisky, that Sophie believes Howl is done for.

• When they turn into the street where Howl’s home is, the dog-man chases a cat.

• The cat complains, and the dog backs away.

• Michael realizes that the cat is Howl.

• They go inside the castle, and Howl gradually returns to his usual self.

• He did not kill the Witch.

• He asks Sophie for some brandy to help him feel better.

• He says that the Witch relies on her fire demon and stays out of trouble.

• Calcifer says that the demon is old and knows more than he does.

• Calcifer is stronger, but the Witch has had her demon for a hundred years.

• Howl continues sipping Brandy, and Michael finds bread and sausages for everyone to

• Now that the Witch knows they are in Porthaven, it is imperative that they transfer
Calcifer to the shop in Market Chipping.

• Calcifer is not pleased.

• Howl tells him he has a choice between Marketing Chipping or the Witch.

• In Chapter 17, Howl and Michael prepare for the move.

• They measure and chalk strange signs, where they had put up metal brackets.

• Michael draws a five-pointed star inside a circle on the floor.

• Howl draws signs in and around the star and circle.

• How asks Sophie what they will sell in the shop, and she tells him flowers.

• Michael brings a silver shovel, and Howl sprinkles red powder on it.

• He puts some of the same grains in each point of the star and put the rest in the

• Howl places the shovel under Calcifer and carefully carries him to the star on the floor.

• Sophie gets her first good look at Calcifer.

• He does not have feet or legs.

• He is a long, pointed blue face in a glowing black lump that has a lump on it.

• Sophie can see her old parlor.

• The room turns and settles.

• Howl opens the door with the yellow blog down.

• The door opens on Market Chipping.

• They all collapse and rest.

• Sophie begins to think, and she asks Calcifer if he was a shooting star.

• Calcifer says that he is; Howl caught him five years ago.

• In the morning they knock a hole in the side wall of the broom cupboard.

• They make an archway that leads to the stairs that connect the shop and the house.

• Looking at her old house and shop is unsettling for Sophie.

• The place seems different with the window for Howl’s bedroom.

• Howl goes to the door and turns the knob to purple-down.

• He and Sophie go outside where there are bushes and thousands of flowers.

• It is a place very close to the Waste.

• Wizard Suliman started it about a year ago in an effort to make the Waste flower and
abolish the Witch.

Chapters 18-21
• In Chapter 18, the flower shop opens and Sophie and Michael get in a routine of
gathering flowers every morning.

• The doorknob is always turned black-down, and Howl is gone until breakfast time.

• It takes a few days for the people of Market Chipping to begin shopping at the flower
shop, but the shop becomes very popular.

• Whenever Howl is in the shop, he charms the ladies into buying more flowers than
they planned.

• Sophie is glad when he starts spending long hours in the workshed.

• He says that he is setting up defenses against the Witch.

• Sophie enjoys working with the plants and flowers.

• She tries to tell herself she has never been happier, but something is wrong.

• She cannot figure out what the problem is.

• Calcifer gets lonely with Sophie and Michael in the shop.

• Sophie makes Michael serve in the shop for at least an hour in the morning while she
goes and talks to Calcifer.

• He is discontented and wants to know when she will break his contract.

• Sophie is worried about the contract and that it might be the end of Howl and Calcifer.

• Sometimes Sophie thinks the dog-man is depressing her.

• The only time he seems happy is running down the lanes of the bushes in the

• Sophie experiments with planting roots, and she manages to plant a mandrake, which
has a baby.

• She realizes there is only one more thing to come true: a wind to advance an honest

• Sophie sees the scarecrow again, and she persuades it to go away.

• One day Sophie encourages the dog-man to try harder to be a man.

• He manages for a few minutes and tells her that he envies Howl.

• He says that he is the dog she helped.

• Lettie asked him to help Sophie.

• He says that he was in the shop with the Witch once.

• Sophie realizes that he is the man who was with the Witch when she cursed Sophie.

• Miss Angorian arrives and tries to look around the castle.

• She wants the guitar, saying that it belonged to her fiancé.

• Sophie finally pushes the woman out the door.

• Calcifer tells Sophie he has never seen anyone gotten rid of so quickly.

• This makes Sophie feel unkind and guilty.

• She gets upset and hobbles to a bucket of ferns and lilies.

• She tells them to be daffodils in an angry voice.

• The dog-man and Michael see the mood that Sophie is in and they disappear.

• In Chapter 19, Sophie glares at Howl when he returns.

• She wonders what suit he is wearing, and he shows her.

• It is the blue-and-silver suit.

• This annoys Sophie even more.

• Howl notices that the dog-man is now an English sheepdog.

• Sophie tells him that he is under a spell.

• That causes Howl to realize that the dog is actually a man.

• Howl gets angry when he realizes that both Sophie and Calcifer knew the dog was
under a spell.

• He manages to turn the dog into a man.

• The man does not know who he is.

• Calcifer says the name used for him most recently was Percival.

• The only thing Percival can remember is being on a shelf and looking at the rest of

• Calcifer says that the man is incomplete and he has parts from another man.

• Sophie angrily goes into the shop, and her daffodils have become wet brown things in
a poisonous-smelling liquid.

• Howl suggests she use the mess as a weed killer.

• She and Percival go out and use it on the weeds in the driveway.

• Sophie asks Percival why the Witch came into the shop with him that time.

• He tells her that she wanted to find out about Howl.

• Percival knew Lettie, and he told the Witch that she had a hat shop.

• He did not know that Lettie had a sister.

• After they left the shop, the Witch turned him into a dog just outside of town.

• He went to Mrs. Fairfax’s looking for Lettie.

• She told him to bite and get rid of Howl.

• Then Howl started asking questions about Sophie.

• Howl saw the resemblance between Lettie and Sophie.

• Howl told Lettie that Sophie was an old woman, and Lettie cried.

• She cried so much that Percival turned into a man and said that he would watch
Sophie for her.

• Sophie decides that she is going to take the seven-league boots and never come

• Then she sees the scarecrow again.

• She tells him to go away ten times as fast.

• The scarecrow hesitates and then hops back up the road going faster and faster.

• Sophie looks back at the mansion and sees that it is fully restored.

• She marches inside and sees Howl and Michael dismantling a spell.

• Sophie realizes they were listening to her and heard her say that the mansion needed
to be restored.

• Sophie discovers that Howl, Michael, Lettie, Martha, and Mrs. Fairfax all know that she
is under a spell.

• Howl says he tried to dismantle the spell, but was not able to do so.

• Sophie is frustrated and she throws the bucket of weed killer at Howl.

• It misses Howl and clangs into the sink, killing all the remaining flowers.

• Howl and Percival talk about how the Witch was looking for information about Wales.

• Howl goes into the bathroom.

• Sophie sits and sulks.

• Percival tries to play the guitar, and Michael tries to wipe up the weed-killer with a rag.

• Howl comes out of the bathroom and tells everyone he will be back late.

• He warns them to keep their defenses up.

• Howl asks Sophie if she is still not talking to him, and she snarls that she is not.

• Howl sighs and leaves.

• Sophie decides she is really leaving this time.

• In Chapter 20, Howl returns drunk.

• He staggers into walls and falls up the stairs.

• Sophie, Michael, and Percival go to gather flowers.

• Percival says that Howl improved the gardens.

• At first there were only small, dry bushes.

• After they gather flowers, they create Midsummer garlands.

• It takes so long to make the garlands, that it is time to open the shop before they

• It is midday before Sophie steals away and packs some food and her old clothes.

• A knocking comes at the mansion door, and Calcifer tells her it is harmless flesh and

• Sophie sees a carriage in the drive, and a footman tells her that Mrs. Sacheverell
Smith has come to call.

• Mrs. Smith comes inside, and it is Fanny.

• Sophie sees the hat she is wearing, and she remember how she told the hat it would
marry money.

• Fanny thinks they are in the servants quarters, and Sophie tells her they are not
moved in yet.

• Fanny recognizes Sophie and wonders what has happened.

• She says that she has a reward for Sophie’s return.

• Sophie tells Fanny that the Wizard Howl took her in and has been kind to her.

• Fanny tells Sophie about her husband and how they met the week Sophie left and
married before the end of the week.

• Michael and Martha arrive and then Lettie and Mrs. Fairfax with a hamper of food.

• Miss Angorian arrives, and Michael serves her a glass of wine.

• Miss Angorian is uneasy, and Sophie sends her out into the gardens.

• Suddenly Calcifer yells to Howl that the Witch has found his family.

• Howl hurtles down the stars and out the door.

• Sophie hobbles upstairs, and Fanny and Mrs. Fairfax follow.

• Fanny is appalled at the dirt.

• Sophie looks out the window and sees the Witch forcing Mari, Megan, and Neil to
come to her.

• Howl arrives and charges at the Witch.

• The Witch runs and Howl chases her.

• Fanny and Mrs. Fairfax get cleaning supplies and begin to clean Howl’s room.

• Michael wants to look around the mansion.

• The door is opened purple-down by mistake.

• The scarecrow is there.

• Calcifer tells Sophie that the scarecrow is saying that it means no harm.

• He thinks the scarecrow is telling the truth.

• Sophie allows it to come in.

• Michael drops the skull, and the skeleton grabs it and puts it on.

• The scarecrow says that now he can speak.

• Percival faints.

• Mrs. Fairfax says that the scarecrow is just a magician’s golem and is harmless.

• The scarecrow says that he has been sent to find body parts like the skull.

• He thanks everyone for helping him.

• He says that there are still parts missing.

• Then a voice speaks; it is the voice of the Witch.

• She says that she has Lily Angorian, and she will only release her to Howl.

• The scarecrow heads to the door.

• In Chapter 21, people run after the scarecrow.

• Sophie goes into the shop and grabs her stick and the seven-league boots.

• She uses them to take her to the Witch’s fortress.

• The building is a collection of chimney pots.

• Two of the Witch’s pages meet her and lead her inside the building.

• They take her to the Witch.

• When Sophie comes toward her brandishing her stick, the Witch backs away.

• Sophie tells the Witch to give her Miss Angorian and she will leave.

• The page boys melt into sticky blobs and traps Sophie.

• Sophie notices a throne with a man in a green uniform sitting on it.

• He has no head.

• Sophie realizes that she is seeing what is left of Prince Justin.

• The Witch tells Sophie she disposed of the Prince Justin and Wizard Suliman’s skulls
months ago when she sold the guitar.

• She plants to take Howl’s head and make one perfect human.

• Sophie realizes that the Witch is crazy, and she has to get loose and rescue Miss

• Sophie uses her stick to melt the sticky orange stuff.

• She works her head and shoulder loose when there is a dull booming sound.

• There is a crash and the scarecrow leaps in through an opening.

• The scarecrow and the Witch fight.

• Then Howl arrives just as Sophie is loose except for her legs.

• Howl shouts a word and a roll of thunder accompanies it.

• The Witch seems to fold in on herself and fades away.

• The scarecrow looks for the Witch’s heart, but Howl tells him that the fire demon has it.

• Then he points to Prince Justin and tells the scarecrow that there is what he was
looking for.

• The scarecrow tells Sophie and Howl that the Wizard Suliman sent him.

• How tells the scarecrow to bring the body to the castle and he will sort it out.

• Sophie is reluctant to leave Miss Angorian, but Howl tells her that she is the fire

• They realize that she is hiding in the guitar at the castle.

• The seven-league boots are missing, so Howl has Sophie start running and he
increases their speed so they get to the castle quickly.

• When they arrive at the castle, Miss Angorian grabs Calcifer.

• Sophie instructs her stick to hurt Miss Angorian and no one else.

• Sophie breaks Calcifer’s contract, and a black lump is left behind when he is freed.

• Sophie realizes it is Howl’s heart, and she pushes it into his chest.

• Howl regains consciousness and Sophie asks him to take care of Miss Angorian.

• Howl says a sentence of words that are lost in claps of thunder.

• The ceiling starts to fall in, and Howl steps back with a small, hard, black thing in his

• He crumbles the black thing between his hands and Miss Angorian fades away.

• The scarecrow disappears and two men stand in the doorway smiling at each other.

• Howl tells Sophie that gray does not suit her.

• She tells him that Calcifer is gone.

• He asks what color her hair is; she tells him red gold.

• Prince Justin and Wizard Suliman shake hands.

• Prince Justin says he has to go back to his brother.

• He addresses Fanny as the lady of the house, but she tells him that is Sophie.

• Mrs. Fairfax adds or that she will be soon.

• Howl tells Sophie that he always wondered if she was the lovely girl he met on May

• Wizard Suliman approaches Lettie.

• He asks if she will at least allow him to teach her.

• Howl states that he thinks he and Sophie will live happily ever.

• Sophie knows that living with Howl will be very eventful.

• Lettie asks for Sophie’s advice.

• Wizard Suliman apologizes to Howl for trying to bite him.

• Fanny says that she thinks one of the gentlemen is a prince.

• Prince Justin thanks Howl for rescuing him.

• Martha tells Sophie that her curse is gone.

• Sophie and Howl are holding hands and smiling.

• Michael shouts that Calcifer is back.

• Calcifer said that he does not mind being there if he can come and go.

• Besides, it is raining in Marketing Clipping.

Sophie Hatter
This character is a young woman who is very good at sewing and making hats. She is
the eldest of three sisters. A witch curses her and turns her into an old woman.

This character is a wizard from Wales. He has a moving castle and a contract with a fire

The Witch of the Waste

This character is a wicked person who wants to control the world. She lives in a
desolate place. She has had a contract with a fire demon for at 100 years.

Miss Angorian
This character pretends to be a school teacher. She is actually a fire demon.

This character is a shooting star that becomes a fire demon. He makes a contract with a

Michael Fisher
This character is a 15-year-old apprentice to a wizard. He loves a young woman who is
apprenticed in a bakery.

Lettie Hatter
This character is the middle child in a family of three sisters. She is apprenticed to a

Martha Hatter
This character is the youngest of three sisters. She is apprenticed to a baker and falls in
love with a wizard’s apprentice.

Fanny Hatter, a.k.a. Mrs. Sacheverell Smith
This character is the stepmother to two daughters. She has one daughter of her own.
When her husband dies, she finds apprenticeships for her girls.

Mrs. Pentstemmon
This character tutors wizards and witches. She is 86 and retired. She is killed by a

Megan Parry
This character lives in Wales and is a sister to a wizard. She thinks her brother is a no-
good loser who does not work.

Ben Sullivan/The Wizard Suliman

This character is a person from Wales who learns to do magic. He disappears while he
is a royal magician.

Percival the Former Dog-Man

This character is a man who is transformed into an animal.

Prince Justin
This character is the King’s brother and an excellent general. He disappears and the
King tries to have him found.

Annabel Fairfax
This character is a witch who teaches witchcraft. She also raises honey.

Howl's Castle
This is actually a small house. It is enchanted to look much larger and grander than it is.
It moves about the countryside.

Hat Shop
This is owned by Sophie's family and is where she learns to sew.

This is a very popular bakery. They make excellent baked goods and have several

This is a body part that is taken from its owner by a witch. At the end of the novel it is
returned to its owner.

Market Chipping
This is a small town where Sophie and her family live. Howl moves his dwelling here
when he is threatened by the Witch.

Upper Folding
This is where Mrs. Fairfax lives and teaches Lettie witchcraft.

This is a magical door in Howl's dwelling that leads to different places.

Gray-and-Scarlet Suit
This is something Sophie mends and that she manages to put an attraction spell into
that makes Howl very attractive to women.

This is a magician's golem. Sophie inadvertently helps it on its mission.

This is Sophie's walking stick. She infuses magic into it and it becomes like a magic

Seven-league Boots
These are footwear that allow their user to travel miles in one step.

The Waste
This is where a terrible witch lives.

Daily Lessons
Lesson 1 (from Chapters 1-5)

The objective of this lesson is to discuss imagery and how it is used in Chapters 1-5.
Imagery is a literary device authors use to describe something using the five senses to
help readers experience what a character is experiencing. Imagery is used to describe
Howl's castle.


Class Discussion: What does Sophie smell when she speaks with Howl in Chapter 1?
What does she smell when she sees him again in the castle? How is the scent
described? What olfactory clues might help readers better imagine the scent? How is
Howl's castle described when it first appears on the hills above Market Chipping? What
can bee sen from the turrets? How is it described when it is in the moors to the
northwest? How are visual clues used to describe the castle? What does Sophie hear
when she goes outside on May Day? How is the sound of the crowds described? What
noises does Sophie hear? Are there enough auditory clues to imagine the sounds of the
crowds on May Day? What does Sophie feel when she touches her face after the Witch
curses her? How does the chair and the fire that Sophie finds at the castle feel to her?
What tactile clues are used to describe how they feel? What does Sophie fix for
breakfast her first morning at the castle? Are there enough clues to imagine what the
food tastes like? What descriptions might help readers imagine the taste of the food?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group create a chart with
these headings: "Visual," "Auditory," "Olfactory," "Gustatory," and "Tactile." Read though
Chapters 1-5 of the book and list examples of imagery used by the author. Write each
example in the appropriate column on the chart. Include 2-3 examples for each column.
Save the chart for the Homework assignment.

Assignment: Research the terms imagery, visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and
tactile and write a definition for each term. Write an answer to these questions: What
does an author stimulate when he uses imagery to describe a scene, a person, or an
object? How does stimulating the senses make a scene, object, or person come alive?
When an author uses imagery, is it easier or more difficult to create a mental picture
from the words? Why?

Homework: Reflect on what is observed in Chapter 1-5 and write a conclusion on the
back of the chart from the Activity explaining which senses the author appeals to most,
which the least, and whether some senses are used very little or not at all.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 2 (from Chapters 1-5)


The objective of this lesson is to examine the point of view in Chapter 1-5 and how the
author's choice of viewpoint affects the story. Although the novel is about Sophie, the
novel is told through a narrator. Since the narrator only relates incidents that Sophie has
participated in, the novel is told from a third-person limited point of view.


Class Discussion: What pronouns are used as the story is told in Chapter 1-5? From
whose point of view is the story told? Is Sophie telling the story? Does the story seem to
be told by a narrator who sees all and tells all or a narrator who can see only through
the eyes of one character? Do readers know what any of the characters are thinking?
Does it seem that only Sophie’s thoughts are known to readers? What is the point of
view of the novel? How does the author's choice to use this point of view affect the story
and what readers know about characters and events?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group rewrite a section of
Chapters 1-5 in first person. Have the students discuss how this changes the narrative.
Are there sections that are told better from first person point of view? Are there sections
that are not as clear when told in first person point of view?

Assignment: Research these terms and write definitions for each: point of view, first
person point of view, second person point of view, and third person point of view. How
does point of view limit what a reader sees or hears of what is going on in a story? What
pronouns would be used in a story told from a first person point of view? What pronouns
would be used in a story told from a second person point of view? What pronouns would
be used in a story told from a third person point of view? What are the differences
between objective, omniscient, and limited omniscient points of view?

Homework: Based upon what is written and what is inferred, write a concluding
statement as to why Howl's Moving Castle is written in third person limited, not
omniscient point of view. What is known about Sophie? Do readers know how she feels
and thinks? What is known about other characters? Are the descriptions of these
characters revealed through Sophie's eyes or someone else's? Is everything that is
known filtered through experiences or events that Sophie has participated in? Why are
Chapters 1-5 written in third person limited, not omniscient point of view?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 3 (from Chapters 1-5)

The objective of this lesson is to discuss the genre of the novel. The novel is fantasy
because of references to magic. There are wizards, witches, and magic performed in
Chapter 1-5.


Class Discussion: What really exist in Ingary? Are seven-league boots or cloaks of
invisibility magic? What do witches, and wizards have to do with magic? What is
magical about Howl's castle? What is a fire demon? What does Michael make for
people? What do spells have to do with magic? Do Howl or Michael use technology or
magic? How does Sophie turn into an old lady? Why is the novel fantasy?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss why the
apprenticeship with Mrs. Fairfax reveals the novel as a fantasy. What does Mrs. Fairfax
teach? What does Martha learn from Mrs. Fairfax that enables her to trade places with
Lettie? How does the apprenticeship with Mrs. Fairfax reveal the novel as fantasy.

Assignment: Research the terms science fiction and fantasy genre. Make a list of the
traits that are found in the different types of genre. Write the answers to the questions:
Which genre is grounded in science? Which genre tends to have magic and mythical
creatures? Is it sometimes hard to tell the difference between science fiction and
fantasy? Why or why not?

Homework: Based upon what is written and is implied in the novel, write a conclusion as
to why the novel is fantasy and not science fiction. How does Howl fix a tear in his
clothes? How does the castle move? How is magic responsible for the appearance and
movement of the castle? Are there any references to technology or science? Do any of
the characters use any technological devices? How do Howl and Sophie cook food in
the castle? What role does magic play in the story? Does technology play any role in
the Chapters 1-5? Why is the novel fantasy and not science fiction?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 4 (from Chapters 1-5)

The objective of this lesson is to examine the author's life and writing. Diana Wynne
Jones is the author of Howl's Moving Castle. She started writing when she moved to a
village that had no books.


Class Discussion: What was Jones's favorite genre as a child? How did that influence
her writing? When did she start writing? What influenced her decision to write? When
did she finally receive encouragement in her writing? Where does she like to write?
Where do her ideas come from? Why does she always base at least one character on a
real person? Does she prefer to write for adults or children? What author's influenced
her? What would she be if she was not a writer?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group create a chart or poster
that shows these things: books Jones has written, any awards she won for writing, what
critics say about her writing, and what different genres she has written in.

Assignment: Use research to find biographical information about the author. Write a
short biography of her life. Include information about her childhood, her education,
where she has lived, and other jobs she has had besides being a writer.

Homework: Based upon what is written and what can be inferred through Jones's
writing and interviews, write a concluding statement as to why Jones wrote Howl's
Moving Castle. When did she first get the idea for the book? What did a boy suggest?
How does she feel about fantasy? Why did Jones write Howl's Moving Castle?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 5 (from Chapters 6-9)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss apprenticeships, and what is communicated

about the advantages for master and student. There are several examples of young
people who become apprentices in the novel.


Class Discussion: What was Michael's situation when he met Howl? How did Michael
come to stay with Howl? How long does Michael say that his apprenticeship is to run
with Howl? What does that infer about a formal agreement between them? What does
Howl teach Michael? What benefits do Howl and Michael receive from the
apprenticeship? What disadvantages are there for Howl and Michael from the
apprenticeship? Does Mrs. Fairfax realize that Martha and Lettie changed places? What
is Mrs. Fairfax's philosophy about apprentices and teaching those interested in
learning? How has the arrangement between Mrs. Fairfax and Lettie worked out? What
is communicated about the advantages for master and student through

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss Sophie's
apprenticeship with Fanny. Did Sophie need any instruction from Fanny? Was Sophie
paid anything? How many hours did Sophie work for Fanny? How much work did Fanny
seem to put into the shop? Was Sophie's apprenticeship with Fanny advantageous to
both of them or just one of them? Explain.

Assignment: Research the word "apprentice" and write a definition. Write the answers to
these questions: What type of agreement might there be between an apprentice and the
master? Is it common for an apprentice to be paid? What does an apprentice learn
during his apprenticeship? What are the benefits or an apprenticeship for an apprentice
and for the master?

Homework: Use a Venn diagram graphic organizer [graphic organizers help students
organize their thoughts in writing] to compare Martha's apprenticeship with Cesari's and
Sophie's apprenticeship with Fanny. Show the similarities and differences between the
apprenticeships. On the back of the organizer, use precise words and phrases, telling
details, and sensory language to describe why Martha believes that Sophie is being
taken advantage of.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 6 (from Chapters 6-9)


The objective of this lesson is to examine Howl's romances, and what is revealed about
dalliances. Howl likes courting girls. However, when a girl shows interest in him, Howl
loses interest in the girl.


Class Discussion: How is Howl finding the lady he is pursuing difficult? Why does he
leave her for a few days? What do Michael and Calcifer tell Sophie about Howl's
relationships with girls? Why have their been lawsuits, forlorn girls, and angry families?
How long does Howl stay with a girl? Why does he leave when they fall in love with
him? Why does Sophie think Howl is wicked and heartless in his romances?
Figuratively, what does Howl eat instead of souls?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss why Calcifer
and Michael do not believe that Howl is in love with Lettie? Why does Michael think that
Mrs. Fairfax is deceiving herself that Howl loves Lettie? What do Calcifer and Michael
say about the amount of time that Howl spends in the bathroom and his feelings about a
girl? What sign do Calcifer and Michael think there will be when Howl truly falls in love?
Why do Calcifer and Michael not believe that Howl is in love with Hattie?

Assignment: Research the words "romance" and "dalliance" and write a definition for
each word. What does romance have to do with feelings of love or attraction of one
person for another person? What does courtship often have to do with romance? What
is romantic love based upon? How might romantic love lead to a permanent
relationship? In what way is a dalliance a casual, non-permanent relationship? How is a
dalliance different from a romance? What does a dalliance imply about the permanence
of a relationship?

Homework: Based upon what is written and what is inferred, write a concluding
statement as to why Michael spreads rumors about Howl in Market Chipping. What
problems have there been between Howl and the young ladies he courts? What
problems have there been between Howl and family members of the young ladies he
courts? How has Michael had to deal with ladies with broken hearts and their families?
Why does Michael spread rumors about Howl in Market Chipping?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 7 (from Chapters 6-9)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss the fits that Martha and Lettie used to throw
and the fit that Howl throws, and what is revealed about tantrums. Sophie is used to
dealing with tantrums because of dealing with her sisters. So when Howl throws a fit,
she reacts calmly.


Class Discussion: What does Howl say and do when he comes out of the bathroom in
Chapter 6? What can be seen and heard as Howl begins to moan? Why do Sophie and
Michael have to leave? Why do the townspeople have to get as far away from Howl's
dwelling as possible? When do Sophie and Michael return to the castle? What covers
Howl when they return? Why does Sophie tell Howl to quit and to stop "behaving" like a
baby? Why does Sophie tell Michael that Howl is having a tantrum? What do they
determine is the cause of the tantrum? How does Sophie take control and help Howl get
over his tantrum? What is revealed about tantrums?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss why Sophie
knows how to deal with a tantrum. Where has Sophie seen tantrums other than Howl's?
How would you deal with the tantrums that Martha and Lettie had? What has
experience taught Sophie about tantrums? How does Sophie know how to deal with a

Assignment: Research the word "tantrum" and write a definition. Write the answers to
these questions: What does a tantrum have to do with not getting one's way? What are
some characteristics of a tantrum? How might a person lose control when they have a
tantrum? Why is a tantrum a childish way to behave? Do people usually grow out of
having tantrums as adults? What are some synonyms or antonyms for the word

Homework: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to
describe the tantrums Lettie and Martha had as children. What would start the
tantrums? How would not getting their way cause a tantrum? What would they fight
over? How would they act? How would you describe the tantrums that Lettie and Martha
had as children?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 8 (from Chapters 6-9)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss the origin of misfortune and witchcraft, and
what is inferred about inheritance of traits. It is a misfortune to be born the eldest child.
It means that you will fail in your endeavors.


Class Discussion: What does birth order have to do with success in the land of Ingary?
Why is success more assured for the last child of three than the first child of three? In

what way does the last child inherit success? Why are the older children more likely to
have misfortune? How does witchcraft run in families? Does it always run in families?
Why does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft from family? From whom
does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie has inherited her propensity for witchcraft? What is
inferred about inheritance of traits?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss why Lettie was
jealous of Martha. What chances of success did Lettie have because of her birth order?
Why is Lettie bound to be the least successful next to Sophie? Why is Lettie jealous of

Assignment: Research the word inheritance as to relates to traits and abilities that run in
families. How might traits or abilities be inherited from an ancestor? How might traits be
familial like hair color, eye color, or facial features? What role might genes have in
passing on traits and abilities? What are some traits that might be passed down from
generation to generation?

Homework: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to
describe why Sophie is called unfortunate just from her birth order. Why is it a
misfortune to be born the eldest of three? What does everyone know will happen? Why
will that happen if you are the first to seek your fortune? Why is Sophie called
unfortunate just from her birth order?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 9 (from Chapters 10-13)


The objective of this lesson is to examine why Sophie decides to help Howl, and what is
revealed about motivation and behavior. When Howl first proposes that Sophie help him
blacken his name, she refuses. Then she decides to help him because it will help her.


Class Discussion: What does Howl give Sophie? What does Howl threaten when she
refuses to speak to the King? What does Michael seem to tell Sophie with a glance?
What does Sophie realize depends on her? How tired does Sophie look after seeing
Mrs. Pentstemmon? Why does she agree to speak with the King anyway? What does
she fear will happen if she does not? What is revealed about motivation and behavior?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss why Sophie
refuses at first to speak to the King for Howl. When does Howl ask her to speak for him?
What does she think of the idea? Why does she refuse?

Assignment: Research the word "motivation" and write a definition. Write the answers to
these questions: What does motivation have to do with achieving goals? How can
motivation be the reason behind the way people act? What are some factors that can
motivate people? How can motivation cause action?

Homework: Based upon what is written and what is inferred, write a concluding
statement as to why Sophie decides to speak to the King. What happens to Howl? What
does Calcifer say about what will happen if the Witch catches Howl? How will that affect
Calcifer? How will that affect Sophie? Why does Sophie decide to speak to the King?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 10 (from Chapters 10-13)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss Sophie's visit with the King, and what is
revealed about unintended consequences. Sophie is allowed to meet with the King.
When she speak with him, she only manages to further encourage him to send Howl to
find his brother.


Class Discussion: What does Sophie have to go through before she even sees the
King? How does Howl try to prepare her for the visit with the trip to see Mrs.
Pentstemmon and his words of advice? Why does Sophie become overwhelmed when
she sees the King? What does she say about Howl? How does she agree with the
King's assessment of Howl? How does what Sophie says make the King want to hire
Howl even more to find his brother? What does the King do instead of firing Howl? What
is revealed about unintended consequences?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have one group take the position that
Sophie could have persuaded the King to not have Howl look for his brother if she had
remembered the things Howl told her to say. Have the other group take the position that
there was nothing Sophie could have said that would have blackened Howl's name and
persuaded the King not to send him to look for the King's brother. Allow the groups 5-10
minutes to marshall their arguments. Then have a representative from each group
present their arguments.

Assignment: Research the word "consequences" and write a definition. Write the
answers to these questions: How might consequences be the result of earlier actions?
How might consequences lead to unforeseen effects? How can consequences be
repercussions for behavior? How might an action lead to an unintended consequence?

Homework: Analyze the impact of how the choices the author makes in portraying
Sophie's visit to the King and how they impact the plot. How does the author build up to
Sophie's visit? How does the author present where Sophie visits the King? How does
the author present the King and his appearance and demeanor? How does the author
use the conversation between the King and Sophie? How do the choices that the author
makes in portraying Sophie's visit to the King impact the plot?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Reading: Literature RL.9-10.10, 11-12.3, 11-12.10

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.7, 11-12.7

Lesson 11 (from Chapters 10-13)


The objective of this lesson is to examine foreshadowing and how the author uses
foreshadowing to hint at future events create suspense. The author uses foreshadowing
to indicate that Sophie is a witch.


Class Discussion: How does the author use foreshadowing at the beginning of the book
to indicate that Sophie's life may be challenging? What does Howl say about the magic
behind the scarecrow? What does the scarecrow have to do with Sophie? How does
Howl's comment foreshadow to hint at who and what Sophie is? How else is
foreshadowing used in the book? Is the foreshadowing an effective way for the author to
build suspense? Why or why not?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group skim through Chapters
1-13 and list the times that the author has used foreshadowing. Does the use of
foreshadowing increase or decrease the suspense? Explain.

Assignment: Research the term foreshadowing and define it as used in literature. Write
the answers to these questions: What clues might an author use to hint or suggest what
will be happening in the story? Are these clues always subtle? How might these clues
prepare a reader for what will happen in the story?

Homework: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to
explain how Sophie being a witch is foreshadowed by the conversation Sophie has with
Mrs. Fairfax. What does Mrs. Fairfax say about where Lettie got her abilities? What
does Mrs. Fairfax say about Sophie? How is foreshadowing used to indicate that Sophie
is a witch?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 12 (from Chapters 10-13)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss spoilers, and whether chapter titles reveal plot
elements. Each chapter has a title heading that indicates something that happens in a
chapter. The titles often reveal what will happen in a chapter.


Class Discussion: What is the title of Chapter 10? What does it indicate will happen?
Does it give away many or details of the plot? Does the title misdirect readers? What is
the title of Chapter 11? What does it reveal about the story? Is the title vague enough
that it does not spoil the suspense? What are the titles of Chapters 12 and 13? Do
those titles spoils the suspense of what happens in those chapters? Are some chapter
titles in Chapters 1-13 less revealing than others? Is enough revealed in various titles
that reading the narrative is disappointing? Explain.

Activity: Divide the students into two groups. Have one group take the position that the
chapter titles are not true spoilers and don't really give away plot details. Have the other
group take the position that the chapter titles are spoilers and give away important plot
elements. Allow the groups 5-10 minutes to marshall their arguments. Then have a
representative from each group present their arguments.

Assignment: Research the term "spoiler" and write a definition. Write the answers to
these questions: How might a spoiler lessen suspense in a novel? What are some
things a spoiler might reveal? How might a spoiler interfere with a reader's enjoyment of
a novel and anticipation be damaged by a spoiler? How can a chapter title be a spoiler?

Homework: Use a two-column chart to list 3-4 chapter titles from Chapters 1-13. In one
column list the title of the chapter and in the other column give a brief summary of how
the chapter title lessens a reader's anticipation of what might happen next. Use precise
words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language in your summaries.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 13 (from Chapters 14-17)

The objective of this lesson is to discuss the conflict between the Witch and Howl, and
to explore conflict in Chapters 1-17. There is a physical conflict between Howl and the
Witch in Chapter 16. The conflict affects the castle and the town of Portshaven.


Class Discussion: Is the conflict between Howl and the Witch something new? How
have they had conflicts before? Has the conflict been physical before Chapter 16? How
does the fight between them in Chapter 16 begin? How does it proceed across
Portshaven and the ocean? What happens as they fight? How does the fight affect
those watching it or those in a boat? How does the conflict end in Chapter 16? Is the
conflict over between them? Explain.

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have the students demonstrate a conflict
from Chapters 1-17. Then have the students discuss whether the conflict is man vs.
man, man vs. nature, or man vs. self.

Assignment: Research the term "conflict" as it is used in literature and write a definition.
Write the answers to these questions: Is conflict usually caused by a problem? Why or
why not? Is a conflict usually a struggle between opposing forces? Why? What are
some different types of conflict? How would you describe these different types of
conflicts: man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. self? What are internal and
external conflicts? What is the difference between internal and external conflict?

Homework: Make a chart with the headings Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Self,
Internal and External. Look back at Chapters 1-17 of the novel and list various conflicts
that occur and whether they are man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. self and if they
are internal or external conflicts. On the back of the chart, write a concluding statement
discussing what types of conflicts occur most often and whether those conflicts are
internal or external.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 14 (from Chapters 14-17)


The objective of this lesson is to examine round and flat characters. In Chapters 1-17,
the author provides enough details about some of the characters that the reader can

understand the character's motives and feel as though the character is a real person.
These characters are round characters. Other characters are mentioned only in passing
or simply described according to a few prominent features with little to no mention of
what they think or what they feel. These are flat characters.


Class Discussion: When is Sophie introduced in the novel? Are there any scenes where
she is not present? How does she change in Chapters 1-17? What is known about her
motives and desires? Why is Sophie a round character? When is the King's daughter
introduced in the novel? How is she described? What is known about her? Is anything
known about her motives or desires? Why is she a flat character?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group label a three-column
chart with these headings: "Round Characters," "Flat Character," and "reasons." List two
to three round characters and two to three flat characters. Then ask the students to
discuss the reasons why the characters fall either under the category of "Round
Characters" or "Flat Characters."

Assignment: Research the terms round and flat characters. Write definitions for both
terms. What types of details do readers learn about round characters? What types of
details might a reader know about a flat character? If a good friend of yours that you
know very well was in a novel, would he be a round or a flat character? Why? If the
person you saw walking by your house every day was a character in a novel, would she
be a round or a flat character? Why?

Homework: Based upon what is revealed in the novel, write a concluding statement as
to whether Calcifer is a round or flat character. What is known about Calcifer? Is
anything known about his motives or desires? Does he grow and change in Chapters 1-
17? Is Calcifer a round or flat character?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 15 (from Chapters 14-17)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss how the Witch views herself, and what the
orchid symbolizes. The Witch views herself as a flower. She thinks of herself as a
solitary orchid blooming in the Waste.


Class Discussion: Where does the Witch live? Why is it called the Waste? Does there
seem to be any life there? Do people avoid the Waste just because of the Witch or also
because it is a desolate place? What does the Witch like to compare herself to? What
type of flower does she like to consider herself to be? Why does she compare herself to
an orchid? Why does she think she is a solitary orchid blooming in the Waste? What
does that reveal about what the Witch thinks of herself? What does the orchid

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss what people
say about the Witch. What do villagers say about her? What does Sophie think of her?
How do Michael, Howl, and Calcifer view her? What is she known for? What do the
things that people say about her reveal about the Witch and who she is?

Assignment: Research the term "symbol" as it relates to literature and write a definition
for the word. Write the answers to these questions: What might a symbol represent?
How is a symbol used to create a link between an experience or concept? How do
symbols shift meaning based upon how they are used? How does symbolism allow the
use of two meanings when writing?

Homework: Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to present the
witch and how that impacts how readers react to the idea that she is an orchid. How
does the author present the Witch in her visit to Sophie? How does the author use
rumors and gossip to present information about the witch? When does the author use
appearances of the witch and how do those impact what readers think of her? How do
the choices that the author makes regarding how to present the witch impact how
readers react to the idea that the witch is an orchid?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Reading: Literature RL.9-10.10, 11-12.3, 11-12.10

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.7, 11-12.7

Lesson 16 (from Chapters 14-17)


The objective of this lesson is to examine allusions and how they are used in Chapters
14-17. An allusion is a figure of speech that does not directly refer to a person, place,
thing or it is an idea that is significant. An allusion does not describe in detail what it
refers to. Readers are expected to have background information about an allusion and
know why it is important in a fiction or non-fiction work.


Class Discussion: Use reference materials as needed. What does Howl call the skull in
Chapter 17? Who is Yorrick? What does the reference to Denmark mean? Does what
Howl says mean anything if you do not know that he is quoting Shakespeare? How
does knowing the background of the comment help readers understand why Howl says
what he says? How is that an allusion?

Class Discussion: Use reference materials as needed. What painter is referred to in a

description of the woman who opens the door of P. D. Olson's home? Who was
Bruegel? What types of portraits did he paint? How did the woman often look in his
paintings? If you have never seen a Bruegel painting, would you have an idea of what
the woman looks like who opens the door at Olson's home? Does it help to see some of
his paintings? In Chapter 21, to what people group does the author compare Olson?
What is a Viking? What do Vikings often look like? How does knowing what a Viking
looks like help imagine Olson's appearance Activity:

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group go through Chapters 1-
17 of the book and create a chart to list 3-5 allusions and the page numbers where the
allusions are found. Keep the list to use for the Homework Assignment.

Assignment: Research the term allusion and write a definition. Write the answers to
these questions: Is an allusion a figure of speech? What types of things might an
allusion make reference to? Does the author provide clues as to what an allusion
means or is it up to the reader to make the connection? If an allusion is obscure and not
familiar to a reader, would that lessen the impact of the allusion? Why or why not?

Homework: Use the list from the Activity. Write a sentence or two explaining each
allusion and what it refers to using precise words and phrases, telling details, and
sensory language. Use reference materials as needed.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 17 (from Chapters 18-21)


The objective of this lesson is to examine the relationship between Sophie and Howl,
and what is revealed about love. Sophie takes refuge with Howl after she is cursed and
becomes an old woman. They end up falling in love.


Class Discussion: When is the first time that Sophie meets Howl? Where does she meet
him a second time? How different is she from the first time they meet? What is their
relationship like when Sophie first arrives at the castle? How does Sophie get on Howl's
nerves? How does he frustrate her? Why does Sophie feel so out of sorts when she
thinks that Howl is seeing Miss Angorian? Why does Sophie want Howl to quit wearing
the enchanted suits? What things does Howl do for Sophie? How does the way he fixes
up the mansion and invites her family over reveal about how he feels for her? How do
they realize that they care for one another? How would you describe their relationship?
What does their relationship reveal about love?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group make a list of the signs
in the novel that indicate that Howl and Sophie have feelings for one another.

Assignment: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to
describe the first time that Sophie and Howl meet. Where is Sophie going on May Day?
Where do she and Howl see each other? What would Howl like to do with Sophie? Why
does Sophie avoid him? Why is she so afraid of having him escort her? How would you
describe the first time that Sophie and Howl meet?

Homework: Based upon what is written and what is inferred write a concluding
statement as to why Howl and Sophie quarrel often. How often do they argue and
disagree? How do they get on each other's nerves? How do their feelings for one
another erupt in anger or distress? In what way are they very much alike? Why do Howl
and Sophie quarrel often?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.3(e), 11-12.3(d), 11-12.3(e)

Lesson 18 (from Chapters 18-21)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss the protagonist and antagonist in the novel.
Sophie is the main character and the protagonist in the novel. The Witch is the
antagonist, and the character that provides the most conflict with Sophie and her goals.


Class Discussion: Who is the main character in the story? Is Sophie also the protagonist
in the novel? Who provides the most challenges for Sophie? How does the Witch make
life difficult for Sophie? Is the Witch responsible for most of the conflicts that Sophie
faces? Is there any way that Sophie could have avoided the conflicts with the Witch?
Why or why not? Why is the Witch considere the antagonist in the novel?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group create a three-column
chart with these headings: "Conflict," "How Sophie Handles Conflict," and "How Conflict
Advances Plot." Use the chart to list the conflicts caused by the Witch. Save the chart
for the Homework Assignment.

Assignment: Research the terms "protagonist" and "antagonist." Write a definition for
each term. Write the answers to these questions: What is the term used for the main
character in a novel? What is the role of a protagonist? In what way are they usually the
main character? What is the role of an antagonist in a novel? How does the antagonist
often oppose the protagonist? Can there be more than one protagonist or antagonist in
a novel? How does conflict between the protagonist and antagonist advance the plot?

Homework: Use the chart from the Activity. In the third column of the chart, describe
how Sophie handles the challenges and conflicts caused by the Witch. Use precise
words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language in your descriptions.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Lesson 19 (from Chapters 18-21)


The objective of this lesson is to examine the theme of good and evil in the novel. Howl
and the Witch oppose one another. Their battle becomes a battle between good and


Class Discussion: Why is Mrs. Penstemmon concerned about Howl? Why does she
think that he could go bad? What contract does Howl have with his fire demon? Why
are both Sophie and Mrs. Penstemmon concerned about that relationship? Is Howl
naturally a person who works for good? What are some of the things that the Witch
does? Does she do anything that could be described as good? What are her goals?
Why is she consumed with evil? How do Howl and the Witch become engaged in a
battle between good and evil? Why does Howl win? How does the author use the theme
of good and evil in the novel?

Activity: Divide the students into small groups. Have each group discuss whether it is
the Witch that is evil, her fire demon that is evil, or they are both evil? Is the Witch acting
on her own when she does some of the things she does? How long has she had her fire
demon? What does Howl say about the control her fire demon has? Is the Witch evil
herself or is her fire demon evil or is it a combination of her evilness and that of her fire

Assignment: Research the words "good" and "evil" and write a definition for each word.
Write the answers to these questions: What does good have to do with moral values?
What are some qualities of a person who is good? What being evil have to do with
immorality and bad character? What might motivate evil? How might someone who is
evil cause problems for others? What are some synonyms and antonyms for the words
good and evil?

Homework: Based upon what is written and what is inferred, write a concluding
statement as to whether the author seems to infer that good triumphs over evil. What
does the Witch do to Sophie? How does that turn out to be something positive? How
does Sophie turn her curse into a something good? What does the Witch try to do? How
are her actions negated by Howl and others working for good? Does the author seem to
infer that good triumphs over evil?

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(e), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(e), 11-12.7

Lesson 20 (from Chapters 18-21)


The objective of this lesson is to discuss the plot structure of the novel. Plot is the
sequence of events in a story and how the story is structured. A novel can be divided
into five different sections: the introduction, the rising action, the climax, the falling
action, and the resolution.


Class Discussion: Where does the introduction of the novel begin and end? What is the
length of the introduction? Where does the rising action begin? Why does it begin when
the Witch curses Sophie? Are most of the conflicts in the novel part of the rising action?
What is the climax of the novel? Why is the climax the battle with the Witch's fire

Activity: Which section of the book covers the falling action? Why would everything that
happens after the battle with the fire demon be considered part of the falling action?
How long is this section of the book? What happens in the resolution? Does this resolve
the storyline? Are there any loose ends that are not explained?

Assignment: Research these terms and write definitions for each one as they relate to
plot structure of a novel--introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
What does the introduction do for a novel? What is the purpose of the rising action?
What usually happens during the climax? What is usually covered in the falling action?
How does the resolution tie everything together in a novel?

Homework: Use a graphic organizer [graphic organizers help students organize their
thoughts in writing] to show the plot structure of the novel. Indicate which chapters or
pages cover the introduction, the rising action, the climax, falling action, and the
resolution. List a couple of events that take place in each section of novel. Then make
an outline beginning the Sophie's family history to Calcifer's return to show the plot
structure of the novel. On the back of the organizer, use precise words and phrases,
telling details, and sensory language to discuss which section(s) of the book have the
most conflicts.

Aligned to the following Common Core Standards:

 ELA-Writing W.9-10.3(d), 9-10.7, 11-12.3(d), 11-12.7

Fun Activities
Books - Diana Wynne Jones
Read another book written by Jones.

Howl's Moving Castle - The Movie

Watch Hayao Miyazaki's movie based upon the novel.

Draw a portrait of the main characters in the novel.

Create a diorama of the inside of Howl's castle.

Book Review
Write a review of the novel as you would for a blog, newspaper, or magazine.

Cooking with Calcifer

Make a list of things that you would cook over Calcifer.

Before and After

Draw a picture of Sophie as she looked before and after the Witch's curse.

Discuss with a group how Megan might react if she learns who her brother really is.

Author Interview
Write ten questions that you would ask the author if you could interview her.

Create timeline showing major events in the book.

Map It
Draw a map of Ingary and how it intersects with Wales.

A Day with a Character

Discuss with a group which character you would like to spend a day with and why.

Make a Wanted poster for the Witch.

Imagine that you are a storyteller in the land of Ingary. Tell the story of the Witch's
demise to a group.

Fire Demons
Use a Venn diagram graphic organizer to compare the Witch's fire demon to Calcifer.
Show any ways that they are alike and the ways that they are different.

Cesari's Bakery
Create a collage of baked goods that might have been in Cesari's Bakery.

The Mansion
Draw a picture of the mansion showing what it looked like before and after Howl
remodeled it.

Epic Poem
Write an epic poem based on events from the book.

Create a booklet of hats that Sophie might have made. Have a description of each hat.

Happily Ever After

Write a short story explaining what Happily Ever After looks like for Howl and Sophie.

Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1
Imagery is a literary device authors use when describing things. How does the author
use imagery in the novel to help readers imagine the setting, characters, and events?

Essay Topic 2
Point of view is how a story is told. What is the point of view of the novel, and how does
it affect what readers think of characters and events?

Essay Topic 3
Genre is a way to classify a novel. Why is the novel a fantasy story rather than science

Essay Topic 4
An apprenticeship is a way for young people to learn a skill. What are some skills young
people might learn from an apprenticeship? What are the advantages of an
apprenticeship for the master and the student? Why do young people in the novel serve
as apprentices?

Essay Topic 5
Howl is often romancing young ladies. Would Howl’s pursuit of young ladies be
considered romances or dalliances?

Essay Topic 6
Characters have fits in the novel when they do not get their way. Who are some of the
characters who throw fits? Why are those fits called tantrums? How does Sophie take
control and help various characters when they are having tantrums?

Essay Topic 7
Howl studies to be a wizard; Sophie seems to be born a witch. What traits seem to be
inherited in the novel and which are learned? Do characters have to learn magical traits
even if they have a propensity for magic?

Essay Topic 8
Sophie and Howl disagree frequently, but Sophie decides to help Howl. What does
Sophie learn about Howl that affects her? What motivates her to decide to help Howl?

Essay Topic 9
Howl sends Sophie to the King to talk him out of having Howl search for Prince Justin.
What does Sophie say to the King? How do her words cause unintended

Essay Topic 10
Foreshadowing can be used to hint at events to come or create suspense. How is
foreshadowing used in the novel? Does it create suspense?

Essay Topic 11
Chapters have titles. How do the chapter titles indicate what will happen in the chapter?
Are these title spoilers?

Essay Topic 12
There are many conflicts in the novel. Are these conflicts mostly internal or external?

Essay Topic 13
Howl and the Witch have many conflicts. Are most of the conflicts in the novel man vs.
man, man vs. nature, or man vs. self?

Essay Topic 14
In the novel, some characters are more thoroughly described than others. Who are
some characters that are merely named in passing or have a minor role in the novel?
What is the importance of these flat characters to the story line? In what way do these
characters make the main characters more colorful or interesting? When there is
conflict, what type of role do these flat characters play?

Essay Topic 15
Why does the Witch consider herself to be an orchid? How does she view herself
against where she lives? What does the orchid symbolize to the Witch?

Essay Topic 16
Sophie and Howl disagree a lot when they first live together in the castle. How does
their relationship change?

Essay Topic 17
The main character in a novel is usually the protagonist. The antagonist is usually the
character that causes the most conflicts for the protagonist. Who is the protagonist?
Who is the antagonist? How does the antagonist causes conflict for the protagonist?

Essay Topic 18
There is a battle at the end of the novel. In what way is the battle for good and evil?
How is the theme of good and evil demonstrated in the novel?

Essay Topic 19
Howl refers to himself as a coward. Is Howl a coward or a hero?

Essay Topic 20
Sophie has a close family, even though she is separated from them. What is the role of
her family in the novel?

Short Essay Questions
1. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

2. In Chapter 1, what is said about the Wizard Howl?

3. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie in
Chapter 1?

4. How does Martha say that she and Lettie changed places and apprenticeships?

5. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

6. What happens when a woman comes to the shop in Chapter 2?

7. How does Sophie get into Howl's castle?

8. What agreement do Sophie and the fire demon make in Chapter 3?

9. At the beginning of Chapter 4, what does Sophie see from a window in Howl's castle?

10. How does Sophie get Calcifer to allow her to cook breakfast in Chapter 4?

11. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

12. What happens in Chapter 5 when Sophie tries to clean Howl's room and the yard?

13. What cheers Sophie up in Chapter 6?

14. In Chapter 6, what advice does Howl give Michael about doing spells?

15. What does Howl do in Chapter 6, when his hair is dyed a different color than he

16. In Chapter 7, what comes to the door that scares Sophie?

17. What does Calcifer have to do to get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 7?

18. At the end of Chapter 7, how does Howl think that Sophie can help him get the King
off his back?

19. How does Howl get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 8?

20. In Chapter 8, why does Michael suggest that he and Sophie go to Upper Folding
together using the seven-league boots?

21. What does Mrs. Fairfax know about Howl in Chapter 8?

22. What problem does Sophie have with her wardrobe in Chapter 9?

23. How did Michael become an orphan and then Howl's apprentice?

24. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

25. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is safe
from her?

26. What spells does Sophie create while she is alone in Chapter 10?

27. In Chapter 10, what does Howl bring Sophie and Michael?

28. What does Sophie see when she, Howl, and Michael enter a house in Chapter 11?

29. In Chapter 11, what complaints does Megan have about Howl?

30. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

31. Why is Calcifer worried and scared about the Witch of the Waste catching up with

32. What does Mrs. Pentstemmon's house look like?

33. In Chapter 12, why does Howl say they should see the King another day, and
Sophie insists they go right away?

34. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

35. In Chapter 13, why does the King need his brother back?

36. What happens to Mrs. Pentstemmon in Chapter 13?

37. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14, and why does she get back
that way?

38. In Chapter 14, how does Howl catch a cold?

39. What does Sophie see out Howl's bedroom window in Chapter 14?

40. In Chapter 15, where does Howl suggest that they move the castle?

41. Why is Michael happy in Chapter 15?

42. In Chapter 15, how does Howl plan to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral?

43. What does Calcifer look like in Chapter 16 when Howl tells him that the Witch has
found him?

44. In Chapter 16, what happens to a ship while Howl and the Witch are fighting?

45. What does Calcifer say about the Witch's fire demon in Chapter 16?

46. How does Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping?

47. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie see as the castle settles into the house where she
had been born?

48. Where does Howl take Sophie at the end of Chapter 17, and who created the spot?

49. In Chapter 18, how do Sophie and Michael gather flowers in the morning?

50. What happens when Howl is in the shop in Chapter 18?

51. In Chapter 18, what does Miss Angorian say that she is looking for when she

52. What does Percival remember after Howl turns him back into a man?

53. What happens to Sophie's daffodils, and what does she decide to use them for?

54. In Chapter 19, who does Sophie learn knows that she is under a spell?

55. What happens when Howl returns to the castle in Chapter 20?

56. In Chapter 20, who comes to call?

57. What does the Witch announce at the end of Chapter 20?

58. What does the Witch's fortress look like from the outside?

59. What is Prince Justin's situation in Chapter 21?

60. Where is Calcifer at the end of Chapter 21 and why?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

Sophie is the oldest of three sisters. Her parents are well to do and have a ladies' hat
shop. Sophie's mother died when she was two and her sister Lettie was one. Her father
remarried his younger shop assistant, Fanny. Fanny had a daughter named Martha. Mr.
Hatter sent all of his daughter's to school to be educated. When he dies, the family
finances are in bad shape, and the girls have to be apprenticed.

2. In Chapter 1, what is said about the Wizard Howl?

People say that the Wizard Howl amuses himself by collecting young girls and sucking
their souls from them. Some people say that he eats the hearts of young girls. They say
that he is an utterly cold-blooded and heartless wizard, and no young girl is safe if he
catches her alone.

3. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie
in Chapter 1?

Sophie is on her way to see her sister Lettie at the pastry shop. She sees a young man
in a blue-and-sliver costume. She tries to hide, and he laughs. He tells her that he only
wants to buy her a drink. Then he offers to escort her to her destination.

4. How does Martha say that she and Lettie changed places and apprenticeships?

Martha tells Sophie that she and Lettie changed places and apprenticeships. Martha
spent two weeks at Mrs. Fairfax's looking for a spell to use. She asked to see her family,
and Mrs. Fairfax agreed. Martha took the spell and came to the pastry shop. Lettie went
back to Mrs. Fairfax pretending to be Martha.

5. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

Martha tells Sophie that her mother is taking advantage of Sophie. While Sophie is
working hard creating hats, Martha's mother is out visiting. Martha says that she gets a

wage, but Sophie is not even paid for her work.

6. What happens when a woman comes to the shop in Chapter 2?

A woman comes to the shop and asks Sophie to show her some hats. Sophie is sure
that they have no hats that will suit the woman, but she shows the woman a number of
hats. The woman tells Sophie that she has come because Sophie is competing with her.
She says that she is the Witch of the Waste. Then she casts spell on Sophie that makes
her an old woman.

7. How does Sophie get into Howl's castle?

Sophie tries several doors of the castle, but there seems to be a barrier preventing her
from getting inside. Then she finds a door that seems to be the back door. The castle
starts to move, and Sophie yells for the door to open. She has to hop and scramble to
get inside.

8. What agreement do Sophie and the fire demon make in Chapter 3?

Sophie and the fire demon make an agreement. The demon agrees to remove Sophie's
spell if she manages to break his contract with Howl.

9. At the beginning of Chapter 4, what does Sophie see from a window in Howl's

When Sophie wakes, she notices a window in the room. When she looks out the
window, she sees a view of a dockside town. She can see sloping, unpaved streets,
poor-looking houses, and masts behind the roofs. Beyond she can see the sea.

10. How does Sophie get Calcifer to allow her to cook breakfast in Chapter 4?

Michael offers Sophie bread and cheese for breakfast, but she wants a hot meal. She
tells Calcifer to bend down his head so she can cook. When he says that she cannot
make him, she tells him that if he does not she will pour water on him or take way his
logs. Then she whispers and tells him that she can tell Howl about their bargain. So

Calcifer allows her to cook breakfast.

11. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

A little girl comes to the Porthaven door. She tells Michael that she has come to get a
spell for her mother. She wants to get a safety spell for her dad's boat.

12. What happens in Chapter 5 when Sophie tries to clean Howl's room and the

Sophie sees Howl leave, so she goes up to clean his room. When she gets there, he is
standing blocking her way to the room. He tells her that she is not to go into his room
and clean it. She gives in and goes downstairs to clean out the yard. Howl appears
there as well and he tells her that she cannot clean there either.

13. What cheers Sophie up in Chapter 6?

Sophie is feeling angry at the Witch of the Waste and angry that she is at the castle on
false pretenses. She starts mending Michael's clothes. By evening she is feeling
cheerful to join in a ditty Calcifer is singing about saucepans.

14. In Chapter 6, what advice does Howl give Michael about doing spells?

Howl tells Michael not to be slapdash, even though he is. He tells Michael to always
read a spell carefully the first time. How says that a spell's shape will indicate whether it
is self-fulfilling, self-discovering. a simple incantation, or mixed action and speed. Once
he has decided the type of the spell, he needs to decide which bits man what they say
and which parts are a puzzle. Every spell has at least one deliberate mistake or mystery
to prevent accidents. It is important to spot those.

15. What does Howl do in Chapter 6, when his hair is dyed a different color than
he wanted?

When Howl discovers that his hair is colored a different color than he wanted, he begins
to scream. He screams to much that Sophie and Michael have to leave the castle, and

the people of Porthaven have to get as far from Howl's place as possible.

16. In Chapter 7, what comes to the door that scares Sophie?

Sophie plans to go see Martha. When she opens the door, the scarecrow is there. It is
alive, and it is trying to get inside the castle.

17. What does Calcifer have to do to get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 7?

The scarecrow keeps attempting to get inside the castle. Sophie orders Calcifer to make
the castle go twice as fast and circle the hills twice. When Sophie looks outside again,
the scarecrow if far, far away.

18. At the end of Chapter 7, how does Howl think that Sophie can help him get the
King off his back?

Howl needs to get the King off his back. He is afraid that the King will want to make him
court magician. So Howl says that Sophie can pretend to be his old mother and plead
for him. He thinks if Sophie can bully Calcifer, she can bully the King.

19. How does Howl get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 8?

When Howl goes out the door, the scarecrow is there. First Howl tries to push it away
and tell it to go back where it came from. When that does not work, Howl raises his
arms above his head and shouts a strange word. The scarecrow goes soaring away.

20. In Chapter 8, why does Michael suggest that he and Sophie go to Upper
Folding together using the seven-league boots?

When Sophie sets off for Upper Folding, Michael comes racing after her. He tells her
that he promised Howl that he would watch Sophie and see that she rests. He tells her it
is ten miles to Upper Folding. When Sophie insists on going, he gets out the seven-
league boots and they go to Upper Folding together.

21. What does Mrs. Fairfax know about Howl in Chapter 8?

Mrs. Fairfax knows who Howl really is, even though he calls himself Sylvester Oak.
Howl was Mrs. Fairfax's old tutor's very last pupil before she retired. Since Mrs. Fairfax
knows who Howl is, she suggested that Lettie fall in love with Howl, because he can
teach her a lot.

22. What problem does Sophie have with her wardrobe in Chapter 9?

Sophie has only one pair of stockings and her gray dress. She has worn the pair of
stockings so much that she has worn huge holes in them. Her gray dress is frayed and

23. How did Michael become an orphan and then Howl's apprentice?

Michael's mother died, and then his father drowned in a storm making him an orphan.
He had to leave his family's house because he could not pay the rent. He tried to live in
the streets, but people kept turning him off doorsteps and boats. Michael slept on Howl's
doorstep for a couple of nights. One morning Howl opened the door and Michael fell
inside. Howl told Michael to wait inside, and Michael has been with him ever since.

24. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

Michael thinks he needs a shooting star for a spell. So he and Sophie go to a place and
watch for a shooting star. Michael nearly catches the star, but it is desperate to get away
from him. Michael tells the star that he can save it. The star says that it just wants to die.
Then the star plunges in a pool and dies.

25. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is
safe from her?

Howl thinks that no matter where he might court a girl, Sophie would find him because
nothing is safe from her. If he was to court a girl who lived on an iceberg in the middle of
an ocean, he thinks that he would look up and see Sophie swooping overhead on a

26. What spells does Sophie create while she is alone in Chapter 10?

While Sophie is alone, many people come wanting spells. She is able to find ready-
made spells to unblock drains, fetch goats, and make good beer. When someone wants
a spell so he can win a duel, Sophie has to create one. She takes Cayenne powder and
runs a knife over it to make it look like she is doing something mystic. Then she tells him
to throw the powder in the air before the duel starts.

27. In Chapter 10, what does Howl bring Sophie and Michael?

Howl buys things for Sophie and Michael. He brings Sophie silk stockings, cambric
petticoats, boots, a lace shawl, and a dress of watered silk. He brings Michael a new
blue velvet suit.

28. What does Sophie see when she, Howl, and Michael enter a house in Chapter

When Sophie, Howl, and Michael enter a house, Sophie sees a shiny hall. When Howl
opens a door, Sophie sees a magic colored picture box that has voices coming from it.
In the room are a woman knitting and a young girl.

29. In Chapter 11, what complaints does Megan have about Howl?

Megan says that Howl is a disgrace to her and to Gareth. She says that he hangs
around in disreputable clothes and takes up with riffraff. She says that he had a good
education, and he does not even get a good job.

30. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

The Witch of the Waste catches up with Howl through a poem that Neil was assigned
for homework. Howl has to report to the Witch of the Waste when he is 10,000 days old
on Midsummer Day.

31. Why is Calcifer worried and scared about the Witch of the Waste catching up
with Howl?

Calcifer is worried and scared about the Witch of the Waste catching up with Howl. He
will suffer with Howl if the Witch catches him. If Sophie does not break the contract
before the Witch shows up, Calcifer will not be able to help Sophie.

32. What does Mrs. Pentstemmon's house look like?

Mrs. Pentstemmon's house is gracious and tall and located near the end of a narrow
street. Orange trees sit in tubs on either side of the front door. The front hall is cool and
comfortable and the floor is black-and-white checkered marble. The house has
enormous polished stairs that lead to the top of the house.

33. In Chapter 12, why does Howl say they should see the King another day, and
Sophie insists they go right away?

After Sophie speaks with Mrs. Pentstemmon, Howl sees that she looks tired. He says
that he should go to the King instead. Sophie does not want to speak with the King, but
she also does not want Howl to be caught by the Witch of the Waste. So she tells him
that seeing the King will seem like seeing an ordinary person after speaking with Mrs.

34. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

When Sophie sees the King, she is overwhelmed by the fact that she is speaking with
him. She forgets every word of the careful, delicate things that Howl told her to say.

35. In Chapter 13, why does the King need his brother back?

The King needs his brother back, becuase Justin is a brilliant general. High Norland and
Strangia are about to declare war. The King needs Justin to help fight.

36. What happens to Mrs. Pentstemmon in Chapter 13?

The Witch of the Waste visits Mrs. Pentstemmon. The Witch wanted information from
Mrs. Pentstemmon, and the woman refused to give it to her. She told the Witch "over
my dead body" (194), so the Witch killed her.

37. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14, and why does she get
back that way?

Sophie rides back to the castle in one of the King's coaches drawn by four horses.
There is a coachman, a groom, and a footman. A sergeant and six Royal Troopers
guard the carriage. The reason is that Princes Valeria is riding with Sophie.

38. In Chapter 14, how does Howl catch a cold?

Howl goes back to Wales to see Miss Angorian. It is raining there. He gets soaking wet
standing in the rain, and he catches a cold.

39. What does Sophie see out Howl's bedroom window in Chapter 14?

Sophie looks out the window in Howl's bedroom window. She sees a neat, square
garden with a child's metal swing in the middle. The sun is setting. Howl's niece Mari
goes running outside and Megan follows her yelling something.

40. In Chapter 15, where does Howl suggest that they move the castle?

Michael suggests that they move the castle to Market Chipping. There is an empty shop
for sale that used to be a hat shop. Michael thinks it would be a good place to move the

41. Why is Michael happy in Chapter 15?

Howl rents a shop in Market Chipping. Michael is very happy about the decision. Now
he can go and he can see his Lettie every day.

42. In Chapter 15, how does Howl plan to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral?

Howl plans to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral. He studies the dog-man. Then he
transforms himself into an identical dog. No one at the funeral is going to notice a stray
dog lifting its leg against the gravestones.

43. What does Calcifer look like in Chapter 16 when Howl tells him that the Witch
has found him?

Howl yells that the Witch has found him. Calcifer springs upright. he blurs into a dozen
or so blue faces. Then he whips from side to side of the fireplace. His faces blur and
pulse from blue to sky blue and then to nearly white. One moment his eyes are orange
and the next, silver. When a blast sweeps overhead, he pulses nearly blue-black.

44. In Chapter 16, what happens to a ship while Howl and the Witch are fighting?

A ship is caught in the storm that ensues when the Witch and Howl are fighting. The
masts of the ship beat back and forth. Spouts of water hit the ship on all sides. The crew
desperately tries to take in the sails.

45. What does Calcifer say about the Witch's fire demon in Chapter 16?

Calcifer says that the Witch's fire demon is old. Calcifer is stronger, but her fire demon
knows things that Calcifer never thought of. The Witch has had her fire demon for 100

46. How does Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping?

Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping. First Michael chalks a five-pointed star in a
circle on the floor. Then he brings Howl a silver shovel. Howl puts Calcifer on the
shovel, and he carefully carries him over the star. That completes the transfer.

47. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie see as the castle settles into the house
where she had been born?

When the castle settles into the house where Sophie was born, she sees the outlines of
the parlor. Then the castle room seems to wiggle itself into place inside the parlor
pushing it out and in. Then bringing the ceiling down to match its ceiling. The two melt
together and it becomes the castle room again.

48. Where does Howl take Sophie at the end of Chapter 17, and who created the

Howl takes Sophie to a garden where there are bushes loaded with flowers and lanes of
green grass. The air is hot and steamy and filled with the scent of thousands of flowers.
Everywhere Sophie looks there are flowers. The garden was created by the Wizard
Suliman, who hoped that if the Waste flowered it would get rid of the Witch.

49. In Chapter 18, how do Sophie and Michael gather flowers in the morning?

Every morning, Sophie and Michael gather flowers. Sophie takes her stick to test the
squashy ground or hook down sprays of roses. Michael has created a floating tub that
follows him. Sophie cuts armloads of flowers, while Michael loads his bath with flowers.

50. What happens when Howl is in the shop in Chapter 18?

When Howl is in the shop, it becomes even busier than usual. Any lady that Howl
serves goes away with at least twice as many flowers as she planned to buy. Howl is
able to charm most women into buying ten times as many flowers as they came for.

51. In Chapter 18, what does Miss Angorian say that she is looking for when she

Miss Angorian comes in the door when it is set to black. She says that she came to see
Mr. Jenkins and find out if he had any news of her fiance, Ben Sullivan. She is sure that
Ben came to the same place that Mr. Jenkins comes to, and she wants to find Ben.

52. What does Percival remember after Howl turns him back into a man?

Percival is not sure who he is when Howl turns him back into a man. Howl asks him
what he remembers. Percival says that he remembers being on a shelf and looking at
the rest of himself.

53. What happens to Sophie's daffodils, and what does she decide to use them

Something goes terribly wrong with Sophie's daffodils. They are wet brown things
trailing out of a bucket full the a nasty poisonous-smelling liquid. Howl suggests she try
using it on the weeds in the driveway. So Sophie goes out and kills the weeds with the

54. In Chapter 19, who does Sophie learn knows that she is under a spell?

Sophie learns that nearly everyone knows that she is under a spell. Michael told Howl.
Lettie told Michael. Mrs. Fairfax mentioned it. Even Percival knows.

55. What happens when Howl returns to the castle in Chapter 20?

Howl returns to the castle. He crashes through the door. Then he falls over the chair
and catches his foot in the stool. He attempts to go upstairs through the broom
cupboard and then the yard. He finally discovers the stairs and falls on the bottom one.
He smacks into a wall upstairs before he can find his bedroom door. He is so drunk he
can barely walk.

56. In Chapter 20, who comes to call?

There is a knocking at the mansion door. When Sophie opens the door, she sees
carriage in the drive pulled by a nice pair of horses. A footman stands in the door and
announces that Mrs. Sacheverell Smith has come to call. When Mrs. Smith comes to
the door, Sophie realizes it is Fanny.

57. What does the Witch announce at the end of Chapter 20?

The Witches voice speaks out of nowhere. She tells Michael to tell Howl that she has
the woman named Lily Angorian in her fortress in the Waste. She tells Michael that she
will only let the woman go if Howl comes for her himself.

58. What does the Witch's fortress look like from the outside?

Sophie sees the Witch's fortress and at first thinks it looks like thousands of grany
flowerpots in a heap. Then she realizes that the building is really a collection of fire pots.

59. What is Prince Justin's situation in Chapter 21?

Sophie sees Prince Justin sitting in a chair with no head. The Witch says that she got rid
of his head months ago. She is waiting for Howl, so she can use his head and make the
body a perfect human.

60. Where is Calcifer at the end of Chapter 21 and why?

Calcifer is freed from his contract. However, he returns to the fireplace. He says that he
does not mind being there if he can come and go. Besides it is raining in Market

Multiple Choice Questions
Chapters 1-5
1. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?
(a) Bookshop.
(b) Ladies' hat shop.
(c) Grocery.
(d) Pharmacy.

2. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?

(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

3. How old is Lettie when her mother dies?

(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

4. Who does Fanny arrange for Lettie to be apprenticed to?

(a) Doctor.
(b) Witch.
(c) Restaurant owner.
(d) Pastry cook.

5. By the end of a month of her apprenticeship, how many marriage proposals

has Lettie had?
(a) 10.
(b) 15.
(c) 11.
(d) 12.

6. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop
in Chapter 1?
(a) Pink.
(b) Blue.
(c) Gray.
(d) Purple.

7. At the end of Chapter 1, who takes Lettie's place at the counter when Sophie
comes to see her?
(a) Merrie.
(b) Lacy.
(c) Saly.
(d) Carrie.

8. In Chapter 2, how many weeks does Martha say that she was at Mrs. Fairfax's
before she changed places with Lettie?
(a) 1 week.
(b) 8 days.
(c) 12 days.
(d) 2 weeks.

9. How many children does Martha want to have?

(a) 10.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 7.

10. What type of feathers does the Witch of the Waste have in her hat?
(a) Ostrich.
(b) Peacock.
(c) Goose.
(d) Duck.

11. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Brown.

12. In Chapter 2, what color is the hat that is only remotely lilkely to interest the
Witch of the Waste?
(a) Green and yellow.
(b) Black and white.
(c) Red and white.
(d) Blue and white.

13. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?
(a) Lamb.
(b) Cat.
(c) Dog.
(d) Rabbit.

14. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?
(a) 25 feet.
(b) 80 feet.
(c) 75 feet.
(d) 50 feet.

15. What is the first door like that Sophie notices on Howl's Castle?
(a) Medium-sized and black and gray.
(b) Shabby and gray.
(c) Large and black.
(d) Small and white.

16. In Chapter 3, how many doors does Sophie have to try before getting into
Howl's castle?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

17. How tall is the boy that Sophie sees in Chapter 3?

(a) Head taller than Sophie.
(b) About Sophie's height.
(c) About 5 feet 8 inches tall.
(d) Nearly 6 feet tall.

18. In Chapter 3, how old does Sophie think the boy is that she sees in Howl's
(a) 11.
(b) About Lettie's age.
(c) 14.
(d) A little older than Martha.

19. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?

(a) 2 days.
(b) 3 days.
(c) A fortnight.
(d) Tomorrow.

20. In Chapter 3, what color are the flames in the fireplace when Sophie throws
logs on the fire?
(a) Pink and purple.
(b) Blue and green.
(c) Black and orange.
(d) Red and yellow.

21. How long does the fire demon want Sophie to stay in Howl's castle?
(a) 5 weeks.
(b) 3 weeks.
(c) About a month.
(d) 2 months.

22. When Sophie wakes in Chapter 4, what does she see from a window in the
(a) Forest.
(b) Mountain village.
(c) Dockside town.
(d) Market Chipping.

23. In Chapter 4, how many doors lead from the room where Sophie wakes in
Howl's castle?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

24. What is the first room that Sophie finds when she awakens in Howl's castle in
Chapter 4?
(a) Parlor.
(b) Bedroom.
(c) Kitchen.
(d) Bathroom.

25. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?
(a) Bread and cheese.
(b) A glass of milk.
(c) Crackers and cheese.
(d) Cold cereal.

26. What does Sophie cook to eat in Chapter 4?
(a) Eggs and bacon.
(b) Pancakes and ham slices.
(c) Pancakes and eggs.
(d) Bacon and pancakes.

27. In Chapter 4, how old does Sophie think that Howl is?
(a) 35.
(b) 30s.
(c) 25.
(d) 20s.

28. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay
(a) 2,000.
(b) 1,000.
(c) 1,800.
(d) 1,500.

29. In Chapter 5, how many rooms are there in the castle?

(a) 8.
(b) 4.
(c) 53.
(d) 34.

30. What type of spell does Michael give a little girl in Chapter 5?
(a) Healing spell for her mother.
(b) Love potion.
(c) Safety spell for her dad's boat.
(d) Healing spell for a horse.

31. In Chapter 5, what does Howl tell Sophie to leave alone while he is away?
(a) Michael.
(b) Spiders.
(c) The fire demon.
(d) The door.

32. How long did Michael live with Howl before Howl made him his apprentice?
(a) A year.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 5 months.
(d) 8 months.

33. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?
(a) Mrs. Witch.
(b) Madam Witch.
(c) Old Witch.
(d) Madam Sorceress.

34. What color hair does Calcifer have?

(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

35. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

(a) Blue and silver.
(b) Red and white.
(c) Green and white.
(d) Silver and gold.

36. Where does Howl refuse to allow Sophie to clean?

(a) Tower.
(b) Fireplace.
(c) Yard and his room.
(d) Laboratory.

Chapters 6-9
37. At the beginning of Chapter 6, what chore does Sophie find to do?
(a) Making a shirt.
(b) Mending.
(c) Scrubbing pots.
(d) Making a hat.

38. In his ditty, what does Calcifer sing about in Chapter 6?

(a) Wind.
(b) Trees.
(c) Saucepans.
(d) Logs.

39. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?
(a) Dish towels.
(b) Michael's clothes.
(c) Curtains.
(d) His old suit.

40. What type of spell does Howl give a seaman's wife in Chapter 6 for almost
(a) Good workers spell.
(b) Wind spell.
(c) Waterproof spell.
(d) Safety spell.

41. In Chapter 6, what does Michael wear to go to the Palace in Kingsbury?

(a) Blue velvet suit.
(b) Gray velvet suit.
(c) Black velvet suit.
(d) Plum velvet suit.

42. What name does How call himself in Porthaven?

(a) Wizard Pendragon.
(b) Sorcerer Jenkin.
(c) Wizard Merlin.
(d) Sorcerer Wilder.

43. In Chapter 6, what tinge of color does Howl have in his hair that makes him
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) Gray.
(d) Brown.

44. What color slime covers Howl in Chapter 6?

(a) Blue.
(b) Purple.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Green.

45. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?

(a) Purple.
(b) Blue.
(c) Pink.
(d) Green.

46. In Chapter 7, what scent does Howl use?

(a) Ginger.
(b) Pumpkin spice.
(c) Lilac.
(d) Apple blossom.

47. What does Michael take with him when he goes out in Chapter 7?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Crackers.
(c) Bread.
(d) Spell.

48. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?

(a) An aunt.
(b) Tiger.
(c) Jilted girl.
(d) Scarecrow.

49. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

(a) Billions of years.
(b) Thousands of year.
(c) Millions of years.
(d) Hundreds of years.

50. In Chapter 7, how much faster does Sophie tell Calcifer to make the castle
(a) 2 times.
(b) 4 times.
(c) 3 times.
(d) 1 1/2 times.

51. How old is Michael?

(a) 14.
(b) 15.
(c) 17.
(d) 16.

52. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

(a) 4 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 1 year.

53. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

(a) Ribbons.
(b) Cake.
(c) Pillow.
(d) Candy.

54. In Chapter 7, what is served for supper?
(a) Pie and onions.
(b) Sandwiches.
(c) Eggs and bacon.
(d) Soup.

55. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?

(a) Pumpkin.
(b) Squash.
(c) Watermelon.
(d) Turnip.

56. In Chapter 8, how many words does Howl use when he sends the scarecrow
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 8.

57. What health issue does Sophie have in Chapter 8, which Howl and Calcifer
have to help with?
(a) Back.
(b) Heart.
(c) Lungs.
(d) Shoulder.

58. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?
(a) 3 miles.
(b) 10 miles.
(c) 5 miles.
(d) 8 miles.

59. What do the seven league boots look like?

(a) Fisherman's boots.
(b) Leather buckets.
(c) Soldiers boots.
(d) Fancy dress shoes.

60. In Chapter 8, how many steps does Sophie need to take to get to Upper
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

61. How old was Sophie the last time she saw Mrs. Fairfax?
(a) 16.
(b) 19.
(c) 18.
(d) 17.

62. What type of dog does Mrs. Fairfax have?

(a) Yellow Lab.
(b) German shepherd.
(c) Collie.
(d) Poodle.

63. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft
(a) Lettie's aunt.
(b) Lettie's grandmother.
(c) Sophie.
(d) Lettie's father.

64. Who has been banging on the Portsmouth door in Chapter 9 since Sophie and
Michael left?
(a) Sea captain.
(b) A small boy.
(c) Captain's wife.
(d) A young lady.

65. In Chapter 9, how many pairs of stockings does Sophie have?

(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

66. How many hours did Howl spend in the bathroom before he left to see Lettie
in Chapter 9?
(a) 90 minutes.
(b) 1.
(c) 45 minutes.
(d) 2.

67. How did Michael's father die?

(a) Run over by a horse.
(b) Kicked by a horse.
(c) Drowned.
(d) Pneumonia.

68. How many nights did Michael sleep on Howl's doorstep before Howl saw him
and told him to wait indoors?
(a) Couple of nights.
(b) 5 nights.
(c) 3 nights.
(d) 4 nights.

69. In Chapter 9, what does Michael say that they ate last winter when they ran
out of money?
(a) Food a tavern threw out.
(b) Bread the bakery threw out.
(c) Grass.
(d) Seaweed.

70. What does Sophie persuade Michael to try catching in Chapter 9?

(a) Cat.
(b) Scarecrow.
(c) Shooting star.
(d) Dog.

71. In Chapter 9, where does a star jump into?

(a) Creek.
(b) Ocean.
(c) Lake.
(d) Pool.

72. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at
the end of Chapter 9?
(a) 20 minutes.
(b) 5 minutes.
(c) 40 minutes.
(d) 15 minutes.

Chapters 10-13
73. What does Howl smell of in Chapter 10?
(a) Carnations.
(b) Lilies.
(c) Rosewater.
(d) Honeysuckle.

74. In Chapter 10, what color jewel does Howl have in his ear?
(a) Green.
(b) White.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

75. How old is the man who wants a spell from Sophie in Chapter 10?
(a) 40s.
(b) 50s.
(c) 30s.
(d) 60s.

76. In Chapter 10, what is the only spell Sophie has to create that gives her
(a) Spell to make good beer.
(b) Spell to win a duel.
(c) Spell to fetch goats.
(d) Spell to unblock drains.

77. What does Sophie offer to do when Howl tells about his problems with the
King in Chapter 10?
(a) Make pancakes.
(b) Fix a glass of warm milk.
(c) Heat up soup.
(d) Make hot buttered toast.

78. In Chapter 10, what does Howl buy for Sophie?

(a) Jewelery.
(b) Cape.
(c) Hat.
(d) Clothes and boots.

79. What role is Michael to play when Sophie goes to the King in Chapter 10?
(a) Footman.
(b) Apprentice.
(c) Nephew.
(d) Page.

80. Who is Howl's old tutor who he wants to help Sophie comfortable going to the
(a) Mrs. Farage.
(b) Mrs. Weatherford.
(c) Mrs. Buttigieg.
(d) Mrs. Pentstemmon.

81. What does Howl call the paper that Michael thought was a spell in Chapter 10?
(a) Psalm.
(b) Song.
(c) Anthem.
(d) Canticle.

82. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

(a) About 2 inches thick.
(b) An inch thick.
(c) 3 1/2 inches thick.
(d) 1/2 inch thick.

83. What does the castle look like when Sophie looks back in Chapter 11?
(a) Small hut.
(b) Large stone castle.
(c) Red brick.
(d) Yellow brick.

84. In Chapter 11, what words are on the back of Howl's jacket?
(a) Oxford England.
(b) Welsh Rugby.
(c) Manchester Rugby.
(d) Welsh Dragon.

85. What is the name of the little girl who calls Howl Uncle Howell in Chapter 11?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Megan.
(c) Mari.
(d) Nancy.

86. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?

(a) Martin's.
(b) Dave's.
(c) Neil's.
(d) Rob's.

87. What did Megan sell that was Howl's in Chapter 11?
(a) Tools.
(b) Car.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Books.

88. What is Howl's last name?
(a) Watkins.
(b) Jenkins.
(c) Wilson.
(d) Martindale.

89. Who wrote the poem that Miss Angorian gave as homework to Neil?
(a) John Donne.
(b) Ben Jonson.
(c) Walter Raleigh.
(d) Edmund Spenser.

90. How many days old will Howl be on Midsummer Day in Chapter 11?
(a) 11,000.
(b) 10,000.
(c) 12,130.
(d) 9,125.

91. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?

(a) Rose.
(b) Honeysuckle.
(c) Hyacinth.
(d) Lilly of the Valley.

92. What color is Michael's suit in Chapter 12?

(a) Green.
(b) Cream.
(c) Blue.
(d) Brown.

93. In Chapter 12, how many years ago did Mrs. Pentstemmon retire from
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 5.

94. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?

(a) 94.
(b) 91.
(c) 86.
(d) 83.

95. In Chapter 12, how old does Sophie say that she is?
(a) 87.
(b) 84.
(c) 92.
(d) 90.

96. What is Wizard Suliman's real name?

(a) Richard Schmidt.
(b) Benjamin Sullivan.
(c) Peter Schuster.
(d) William Sikington.

97. Who besides Howl does Mrs. Penstemmon say has made a contract with a fire
(a) Mrs. Fairfax.
(b) Wizard Suliman.
(c) Wizard Fitzgibbons.
(d) Witch of the Waste.

98. In Chapter 12, who does Sophie realize has put a charm on Howl's gray-and-
scarlet suit?
(a) Witch of the Waste.
(b) Mrs. Fairfax.
(c) Howl.
(d) She has.

99. Where are Howl and Michael waiting for Sophie after she speaks with Mrs.
Penstemmon in Chapter 12?
(a) Black-and-white hall.
(b) Garden.
(c) Drawing room.
(d) Front portico.

100. In Chapter 13, what does the palace have that dazzle Sophie?
(a) Silver turrets.
(b) Bejewled domes.
(c) Golden stairs.
(d) Golden domes.

101. At the entrance to the palace in Chapter 13, where are soldiers standing
(a) At the top of the steps.
(b) Every 6 steps.
(c) At the bottom and top of the steps.
(d) Every 2 steps.

102. How many different types of woods are the walls of the anteroom paneled in
in Chapter 13?
(a) 1,000
(b) 89.
(c) 100
(d) 15.

103. In Chapter 13, what countries are about to declare war?

(a) Biringan and Falias.
(b) High Norland and Strangia.
(c) Jabulqa and Lemuria.
(d) Asphodel and Avalon.

104. What period of time does the King give Howl to find his brother?
(a) Before the year is out.
(b) 3 months.
(c) 8 months.
(d) By middle of next year.

105. What color hair does the Witch of the Waste have in Chapter 13?
(a) Red.
(b) Blonde.
(c) Chestnut.
(d) Black.

106. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long
does the witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?
(a) 30 minutes.
(b) An hour.
(c) 2 hours.
(d) 45 minutes.

107. Where does the Witch of the Waste tell Sophie that Howl is from in Chapter
(a) France.
(b) Ireland.
(c) Wales.
(d) Norway.

108. What is the name of the King's daughter?

(a) Astoria.
(b) Rosalinda.
(c) Cynthia.
(d) Valeria.

Chapters 14-17
109. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14?
(a) Walks.
(b) One of the King's coaches.
(c) In a small horse-driven buggy.
(d) Michael and Howl escort her.

110. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?
(a) 8.
(b) 13.
(c) 11.
(d) 10.

111. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

(a) Black and green.
(b) Black and brown.
(c) Blue and silver.
(d) Gray and red.

112. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop
the Witch of the Waste?
(a) 1 day.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 4 days.
(d) 2 days.

113. Who does Sophie think that Howl has been visiting in Chapter 14?
(a) A sea captain.
(b) The King.
(c) Lettie.
(d) Miss Angorian.

114. What color uniform did Prince Justin wear when Michael sold him a finding
spell and a disguise spell?
(a) Green.
(b) Silver.
(c) Gold.
(d) Black.

115. What do Howl, Michael, and Sophie have for lunch in Chapter 14?
(a) Soup.
(b) Grilled cheese sandwiches.
(c) Bacon sandwiches.
(d) Ham and cheese sandwiches.

116. In Chapter 14, what bangs on the door until Sophie opens it?
(a) Lettie.
(b) Mrs. Fairfax.
(c) Cat.
(d) Dog.

117. What does Sophie see out of Howl's bedroom window in Chapter 14?
(a) Wales.
(b) Upper Folding.
(c) Market Chipping.
(d) The Waste.

118. In Chapter 15, what type of shop is for sale?

(a) Grocer.
(b) Herbalist.
(c) Hat.
(d) Bookshop.

119. Where is Calcifer actually located?

(a) Kingsbury.
(b) Porthaven.
(c) Market Chipping.
(d) Upper Folding.

120. What type of place does Sophie say she would like to live in in Chapter 15?
(a) House in the woods.
(b) House with lots of flowers.
(c) House by a pond.
(d) House with a big orchard.

121. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is
finished with it?
(a) A very small boy.
(b) A baby.
(c) A doll.
(d) A toy.

122. What color powder does Michael use to make Howl's suit the proper size in
Chapter 15?
(a) Blue.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

123. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?
(a) Megan hanging laundry.
(b) A man playing ball with Howl's nephew Neil.
(c) Megan and her family eating outside.
(d) Mari swinging on a swing.

124. Where does Michael take the dog-man for a run in Chapter 15?
(a) Marketing Chipping.
(b) Portsmouth.
(c) HIlls.
(d) Side yard of the castle.

125. In Chapter 15, how many pieces does Sophie chop the gray-and-scarlet suit
(a) 5.
(b) 9.
(c) 11.
(d) 7.

126. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?
(a) Dog.
(b) Cat.
(c) Bird.
(d) Mouse.

127. In Chapter 16, how many hours pass before Howl returns?
(a) A few hours.
(b) 5 hours.
(c) 3 hours.
(d) Several hours.

128. Where does Michael put the skull in Chapter 16?

(a) Bathtub.
(b) Sink.
(c) Under the table.
(d) Broom closet.

129. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie become when she grabs a velvet cloak?
(a) Red-bearded man.
(b) Black-bearded man.
(c) Horse.
(d) Goat.

130. What does the clot of magic in Chapter 17 turn into when Michael and Sophie
(a) Tornado.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Lightning.
(d) Lions.

131. In Chapter 17, how many clouds can be seen over the sea when Howl is
fighting the Witch?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 7.
(d) 2.

132. What comes from the sea when Howl and the Witch are fighting in Chapter
(a) Whales.
(b) Mermen.
(c) Mermaids.
(d) Dolphins.

133. In Chapter 17, what color is Howl wearing when he fights the Witch?
(a) Silver.
(b) Gold.
(c) Black.
(d) White.

134. What does the Witch turn into when she tries to attack Howl on a ship in
Chapter 17?
(a) Red bird.
(b) Eagle.
(c) Hawk.
(d) Black bird.

135. In Chapter 17, how long does Calcifer say that the Witch had had her fire
(a) 200 years.
(b) 150 years.
(c) 50 years.
(d) 100 years.

136. What does Sophie decide they will sell when they move to the hat shop?
(a) Herbs.
(b) Baked goods.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Books.

137. What is the shovel made of that Michael uses in Chapter 17?
(a) Brass.
(b) Gold.
(c) Silver.
(d) Bronze.

138. In Chapter 17 when Calcifer is moved, what room does Sophie see from the
house where she was born?
(a) Her bedroom.
(b) Sitting room.
(c) Dining room.
(d) Parlor.

139. What color flowers does Sophie see in Chapter 17, when Howl turns the door
knob to purple-down?
(a) Red and white.
(b) Yellow and blue.
(c) Purple and yellow.
(d) Purple and white.

140. In Chapter 17, how long ago did Howl catch Calcifer?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 5 years.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 8 years.

141. What is Miss Angorian's first name?

(a) Lola.
(b) Lily.
(c) Lindi.
(d) Louella.

142. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?
(a) Jenkins.
(b) Pendragon.
(c) Wales.
(d) Howell.

143. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the
(a) 120.
(b) About 50.
(c) Several 100.
(d) 70.

144. Who started the garden on the edge of the Waste?

(a) Wizard Suliman.
(b) Howl.
(c) The Witch.
(d) Mrs. Fairfax.

Chapters 18-21
145. What does Michael use to gather flowers in Chapter 18?
(a) Self-propelled wagon.
(b) Floating bucket.
(c) Seven-league boots.
(d) Floating tin tub.

146. In Chapter 18, what does the dog-man chase when Sophie and Michael
collect flowers?`
(a) Rabbits and squirrels.
(b) Moles.
(c) Mice.
(d) Butterflies and birds.

147. When does Howl usually return in Chapter 18?

(a) In time for an early breakfast.
(b) Right after the shop opens.
(c) Right before the shop opens.
(d) In time for a late breakfast.

148. In Chapter 18, how many days does it take the people of Market Chipping to
start shopping for flowers?
(a) A few.
(b) A couple.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

149. How many times the number of flowers that women planned to buy does
Howl charm them into buying in Chapter 18?
(a) 3.
(b) 10.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

150. In Chapter 18, what color rose does Sophie create?

(a) Moss green.
(b) Navy-blue.
(c) Azure.
(d) Scarlet.

151. How often does the dog-man check up on Sophie in Chapter 18?
(a) Every 30 minutes.
(b) Every 3 hours.
(c) Every couple hours.
(d) Every hour.

152. What is the name of the dog-man?

(a) Gaston.
(b) Preston.
(c) Weston.
(d) Phillips.

153. At the end of Chapter 18, what does Sophie tell lilies to be?
(a) Violets.
(b) Daffodils.
(c) Carnations.
(d) Sunflowers.

154. In Chapter 19, what type of dog is the dog-man?

(a) Irish setter.
(b) Old English sheepdog.
(c) German shepherd.
(d) Golden retriever.

155. What name does Calcifer say that the dog-man answered to most recently in
Chapter 19?
(a) Marcus.
(b) Lucas.
(c) Percival.
(d) Danver.

156. In Chapter 19, what do Sophie and the Percival do after he is transformed
back into a man?
(a) Fix dinner.
(b) Take a walk.
(c) Kill weeds.
(d) Man the flower shop.

157. Where does Percival say that the Witch turned him into a dog?
(a) In her carriage.
(b) In the woods.
(c) Just outside of town.
(d) Near a pond.

158. What does Percival say that some people on a farm thought he was when he
changed into a dog?
(a) Cougar.
(b) Fox.
(c) Wolf.
(d) Werewolf.

159. Who does Percival say that Howl began asking Lettie questions about?
(a) Martha.
(b) Sophie.
(c) Fanny.
(d) Miss Angorian.

160. What do Percival and Sophie see when they are walking in Chapter 19?
(a) Lily Angorian.
(b) Mari.
(c) Scarecrow.
(d) Megan.

161. In Chapter 19 when Sophie sees the scarecrow near the mansion, how much
faster does she tell it to go?
(a) 15 times.
(b) 10 times.
(c) 25 times.
(d) 20 times.

162. What does Percival say that the Witch wanted to know in Chapter 19?
(a) About Miss Angorian.
(b) About Wales.
(c) About Sophie.
(d) About Howl.

163. In Chapter 20, where is Percival sleeping?

(a) Flower shop.
(b) Floor of Michael's room.
(c) Broom closet.
(d) By the fireplace.

164. What do Michael, Percival, and Sophie eat after making the Midsummer
garlands in Chapter 20?
(a) Bread and honey.
(b) Eggs and cheese.
(c) Bread and cheese.
(d) Eggs and bacon.

165. In Chapter 20, who comes to visit the mansion?

(a) Mrs. Justin Calderon.
(b) Mrs. Prescott Vanderwohl.
(c) Mrs. Sacheverell Smith.
(d) Mrs. Winston Wolencott.

166. What is the name of the lady's footman who visit the mansion in Chapter 20?
(a) Theobald.
(b) Frederick.
(c) Theodore.
(d) William.

167. In Chapter 20, when does Fanny say that she met her husband?
(a) Two days after Sophie left.
(b) The week Sophie left.
(c) Two weeks after Sophie left.
(d) Three days after Sophie left.

168. Who brings a hamper of food in Chapter 20?

(a) Lettie and Mrs. Fairfax.
(b) Martha and Michael.
(c) Lily Angorian.
(d) Percival.

169. In Chapter 20, what flowers does Miss Angorian see when she goes outside?
(a) Geraniums.
(b) Rhododendrons.
(c) Tulips.
(d) Peonies.

170. When Michael calls for everyone to look at the castle, in what position is the
button on the door by mistake in Chapter 20?
(a) Blue.
(b) Yellow.
(c) Purple.
(d) Black.

171. At the end of Chapter 20, who does the witch kidnap?
(a) Neil.
(b) Mari.
(c) Lily Angorian.
(d) Megan.

172. What color sand does Sophie land on in Chapter 21?

(a) Yellow.
(b) White.
(c) Brown.
(d) Black.

173. In Chapter 21, what is the building made of that Sophie sees?
(a) Rocks.
(b) Flower pots.
(c) Bricks.
(d) Chimney pots.

174. What color dress is the Witch wearing in Chapter 21?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) White.
(d) Blue.

175. In Chapter 21, where does Howl think the Witch's heart is?
(a) In a box.
(b) In a dragon.
(c) In her pile of bones.
(d) Her fire demon has it.

176. Where does Howl think the Witch's fire demon is in Chapter 21?
(a) Front drive of the mansion.
(b) Guitar.
(c) Broom closet.
(d) Skull.

177. In Chapter 21, what does Sophie use to try to stop Miss Angorian?
(a) Water.
(b) Her stick.
(c) A bucket.
(d) A fire poker.

178. What color is Calcifer when Sophie rescues him in Chapter 21?
(a) Green and blue.
(b) Creamy white.
(c) Milky-blue.
(d) Sky blue.

179. In Chapter 21, who stops Miss Angorian from going out the door?
(a) Fanny.
(b) Wizard Suliman.
(c) Scarecrow.
(d) Percival.

180. At the end of Chapter 21, what color does Sophie say that her hair is?
(a) Carrot.
(b) Red gold.
(c) Scarlet.
(d) Ginger.

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B 11. B 21. C 31. B 41. D 51. B
2. C 12. B 22. C 32. B 42. B 52. C
3. B 13. C 23. A 33. A 43. B 53. B
4. D 14. D 24. D 34. C 44. D 54. A
5. A 15. C 25. A 35. A 45. C 55. D
6. C 16. D 26. A 36. C 46. D 56. A
7. D 17. A 27. D 37. B 47. C 57. B
8. D 18. D 28. A 38. C 48. D 58. B
9. A 19. D 29. B 39. D 49. C 59. B
10. A 20. B 30. C 40. B 50. A 60. C

61. D 71. D 81. B 91. A 101. B 111. B

62. C 72. A 82. B 92. C 102. C 112. B
63. C 73. D 83. D 93. B 103. B 113. D
64. A 74. D 84. B 94. C 104. A 114. A
65. B 75. B 85. C 95. D 105. A 115. C
66. D 76. B 86. C 96. B 106. B 116. D
67. C 77. D 87. D 97. D 107. C 117. A
68. A 78. D 88. B 98. D 108. D 118. C
69. D 79. A 89. A 99. A 109. B 119. B
70. C 80. D 90. B 100. D 110. D 120. B

121. A 131. D 141. B 151. D 161. B 171. C

122. D 132. C 142. A 152. A 162. B 172. A
123. B 133. C 143. C 153. B 163. B 173. D
124. C 134. A 144. A 154. B 164. A 174. C
125. D 135. D 145. D 155. C 165. C 175. D
126. A 136. C 146. D 156. C 166. A 176. B
127. D 137. C 147. D 157. C 167. B 177. B
128. B 138. D 148. A 158. D 168. A 178. C
129. A 139. D 149. B 159. B 169. B 179. C
130. B 140. B 150. B 160. C 170. C 180. B

Short Answer Questions
1. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?

2. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?

3. How old is Lettie when her mother dies?

4. Who does Fanny arrange for Lettie to be apprenticed to?

5. By the end of a month of her apprenticeship, how many marriage proposals has
Lettie had?

6. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop in
Chapter 1?

7. At the end of Chapter 1, who takes Lettie's place at the counter when Sophie comes
to see her?

8. In Chapter 2, how many weeks does Martha say that she was at Mrs. Fairfax's before
she changed places with Lettie?

9. How many children does Martha want to have?

10. What type of feathers does the Witch of the Waste have in her hat?

11. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the Waste?

12. In Chapter 2, what color is the hat that is only remotely lilkely to interest the Witch of
the Waste?

13. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?

14. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

15. What is the first door like that Sophie notices on Howl's Castle?

16. In Chapter 3, how many doors does Sophie have to try before getting into Howl's

17. How tall is the boy that Sophie sees in Chapter 3?

18. In Chapter 3, how old does Sophie think the boy is that she sees in Howl's castle?

19. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?

20. In Chapter 3, what color are the flames in the fireplace when Sophie throws logs on
the fire?

21. How long does the fire demon want Sophie to stay in Howl's castle?

22. When Sophie wakes in Chapter 4, what does she see from a window in the castle?

23. In Chapter 4, how many doors lead from the room where Sophie wakes in Howl's

24. What is the first room that Sophie finds when she awakens in Howl's castle in
Chapter 4?

25. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?

26. What does Sophie cook to eat in Chapter 4?

27. In Chapter 4, how old does Sophie think that Howl is?

28. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay Howl?

29. In Chapter 5, how many rooms are there in the castle?

30. What type of spell does Michael give a little girl in Chapter 5?

31. In Chapter 5, what does Howl tell Sophie to leave alone while he is away?

32. How long did Michael live with Howl before Howl made him his apprentice?

33. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?

34. What color hair does Calcifer have?

35. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

36. Where does Howl refuse to allow Sophie to clean?

37. At the beginning of Chapter 6, what chore does Sophie find to do?

38. In his ditty, what does Calcifer sing about in Chapter 6?

39. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?

40. What type of spell does Howl give a seaman's wife in Chapter 6 for almost nothing?

41. In Chapter 6, what does Michael wear to go to the Palace in Kingsbury?

42. What name does How call himself in Porthaven?

43. In Chapter 6, what tinge of color does Howl have in his hair that makes him angry?

44. What color slime covers Howl in Chapter 6?

45. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?

46. In Chapter 7, what scent does Howl use?

47. What does Michael take with him when he goes out in Chapter 7?

48. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?

49. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

50. In Chapter 7, how much faster does Sophie tell Calcifer to make the castle travel?

51. How old is Michael?

52. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

53. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

54. In Chapter 7, what is served for supper?

55. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?

56. In Chapter 8, how many words does Howl use when he sends the scarecrow away?

57. What health issue does Sophie have in Chapter 8, which Howl and Calcifer have to
help with?

58. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

59. What do the seven league boots look like?

60. In Chapter 8, how many steps does Sophie need to take to get to Upper Folding?

61. How old was Sophie the last time she saw Mrs. Fairfax?

62. What type of dog does Mrs. Fairfax have?

63. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft from?

64. Who has been banging on the Portsmouth door in Chapter 9 since Sophie and
Michael left?

65. In Chapter 9, how many pairs of stockings does Sophie have?

66. How many hours did Howl spend in the bathroom before he left to see Lettie in
Chapter 9?

67. How did Michael's father die?

68. How many nights did Michael sleep on Howl's doorstep before Howl saw him and
told him to wait indoors?

69. In Chapter 9, what does Michael say that they ate last winter when they ran out of

70. What does Sophie persuade Michael to try catching in Chapter 9?

71. In Chapter 9, where does a star jump into?

72. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at the end
of Chapter 9?

73. What does Howl smell of in Chapter 10?

74. In Chapter 10, what color jewel does Howl have in his ear?

75. How old is the man who wants a spell from Sophie in Chapter 10?

76. In Chapter 10, what is the only spell Sophie has to create that gives her trouble?

77. What does Sophie offer to do when Howl tells about his problems with the King in
Chapter 10?

78. In Chapter 10, what does Howl buy for Sophie?

79. What role is Michael to play when Sophie goes to the King in Chapter 10?

80. Who is Howl's old tutor who he wants to help Sophie comfortable going to the

81. What does Howl call the paper that Michael thought was a spell in Chapter 10?

82. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

83. What does the castle look like when Sophie looks back in Chapter 11?

84. In Chapter 11, what words are on the back of Howl's jacket?

85. What is the name of the little girl who calls Howl Uncle Howell in Chapter 11?

86. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?

87. What did Megan sell that was Howl's in Chapter 11?

88. What is Howl's last name?

89. Who wrote the poem that Miss Angorian gave as homework to Neil?

90. How many days old will Howl be on Midsummer Day in Chapter 11?

91. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?

92. What color is Michael's suit in Chapter 12?

93. In Chapter 12, how many years ago did Mrs. Pentstemmon retire from teaching?

94. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?

95. In Chapter 12, how old does Sophie say that she is?

96. What is Wizard Suliman's real name?

97. Who besides Howl does Mrs. Penstemmon say has made a contract with a fire

98. In Chapter 12, who does Sophie realize has put a charm on Howl's gray-and-scarlet

99. Where are Howl and Michael waiting for Sophie after she speaks with Mrs.
Penstemmon in Chapter 12?

100. In Chapter 13, what does the palace have that dazzle Sophie?

101. At the entrance to the palace in Chapter 13, where are soldiers standing guard?

102. How many different types of woods are the walls of the anteroom paneled in in
Chapter 13?

103. In Chapter 13, what countries are about to declare war?

104. What period of time does the King give Howl to find his brother?

105. What color hair does the Witch of the Waste have in Chapter 13?

106. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long does the
witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?

107. Where does the Witch of the Waste tell Sophie that Howl is from in Chapter 13?

108. What is the name of the King's daughter?

109. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14?

110. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?

111. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

112. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop the
Witch of the Waste?

113. Who does Sophie think that Howl has been visiting in Chapter 14?

114. What color uniform did Prince Justin wear when Michael sold him a finding spell
and a disguise spell?

115. What do Howl, Michael, and Sophie have for lunch in Chapter 14?

116. In Chapter 14, what bangs on the door until Sophie opens it?

117. What does Sophie see out of Howl's bedroom window in Chapter 14?

118. In Chapter 15, what type of shop is for sale?

119. Where is Calcifer actually located?

120. What type of place does Sophie say she would like to live in in Chapter 15?

121. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is finished
with it?

122. What color powder does Michael use to make Howl's suit the proper size in
Chapter 15?

123. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?

124. Where does Michael take the dog-man for a run in Chapter 15?

125. In Chapter 15, how many pieces does Sophie chop the gray-and-scarlet suit into?

126. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?

127. In Chapter 16, how many hours pass before Howl returns?

128. Where does Michael put the skull in Chapter 16?

129. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie become when she grabs a velvet cloak?

130. What does the clot of magic in Chapter 17 turn into when Michael and Sophie

131. In Chapter 17, how many clouds can be seen over the sea when Howl is fighting
the Witch?

132. What comes from the sea when Howl and the Witch are fighting in Chapter 17?

133. In Chapter 17, what color is Howl wearing when he fights the Witch?

134. What does the Witch turn into when she tries to attack Howl on a ship in Chapter

135. In Chapter 17, how long does Calcifer say that the Witch had had her fire demon?

136. What does Sophie decide they will sell when they move to the hat shop?

137. What is the shovel made of that Michael uses in Chapter 17?

138. In Chapter 17 when Calcifer is moved, what room does Sophie see from the house
where she was born?

139. What color flowers does Sophie see in Chapter 17, when Howl turns the door knob
to purple-down?

140. In Chapter 17, how long ago did Howl catch Calcifer?

141. What is Miss Angorian's first name?

142. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?

143. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the garden?

144. Who started the garden on the edge of the Waste?

145. What does Michael use to gather flowers in Chapter 18?

146. In Chapter 18, what does the dog-man chase when Sophie and Michael collect

147. When does Howl usually return in Chapter 18?

148. In Chapter 18, how many days does it take the people of Market Chipping to start
shopping for flowers?

149. How many times the number of flowers that women planned to buy does Howl
charm them into buying in Chapter 18?

150. In Chapter 18, what color rose does Sophie create?

151. How often does the dog-man check up on Sophie in Chapter 18?

152. What is the name of the dog-man?

153. At the end of Chapter 18, what does Sophie tell lilies to be?

154. In Chapter 19, what type of dog is the dog-man?

155. What name does Calcifer say that the dog-man answered to most recently in
Chapter 19?

156. In Chapter 19, what do Sophie and the Percival do after he is transformed back
into a man?

157. Where does Percival say that the Witch turned him into a dog?

158. What does Percival say that some people on a farm thought he was when he
changed into a dog?

159. Who does Percival say that Howl began asking Lettie questions about?

160. What do Percival and Sophie see when they are walking in Chapter 19?

161. In Chapter 19 when Sophie sees the scarecrow near the mansion, how much
faster does she tell it to go?

162. What does Percival say that the Witch wanted to know in Chapter 19?

163. In Chapter 20, where is Percival sleeping?

164. What do Michael, Percival, and Sophie eat after making the Midsummer garlands
in Chapter 20?

165. In Chapter 20, who comes to visit the mansion?

166. What is the name of the lady's footman who visit the mansion in Chapter 20?

167. In Chapter 20, when does Fanny say that she met her husband?

168. Who brings a hamper of food in Chapter 20?

169. In Chapter 20, what flowers does Miss Angorian see when she goes outside?

170. When Michael calls for everyone to look at the castle, in what position is the button
on the door by mistake in Chapter 20?

171. At the end of Chapter 20, who does the witch kidnap?

172. What color sand does Sophie land on in Chapter 21?

173. In Chapter 21, what is the building made of that Sophie sees?

174. What color dress is the Witch wearing in Chapter 21?

175. In Chapter 21, where does Howl think the Witch's heart is?

176. Where does Howl think the Witch's fire demon is in Chapter 21?

177. In Chapter 21, what does Sophie use to try to stop Miss Angorian?

178. What color is Calcifer when Sophie rescues him in Chapter 21?

179. In Chapter 21, who stops Miss Angorian from going out the door?

180. At the end of Chapter 21, what color does Sophie say that her hair is?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?

Ladies' hat shop.

2. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?


3. How old is Lettie when her mother dies?


4. Who does Fanny arrange for Lettie to be apprenticed to?

Pastry cook.

5. By the end of a month of her apprenticeship, how many marriage proposals

has Lettie had?


6. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop
in Chapter 1?


7. At the end of Chapter 1, who takes Lettie's place at the counter when Sophie
comes to see her?


8. In Chapter 2, how many weeks does Martha say that she was at Mrs. Fairfax's
before she changed places with Lettie?

2 weeks.

9. How many children does Martha want to have?


10. What type of feathers does the Witch of the Waste have in her hat?


11. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the


12. In Chapter 2, what color is the hat that is only remotely lilkely to interest the
Witch of the Waste?

Black and white.

13. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?


14. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

50 feet.

15. What is the first door like that Sophie notices on Howl's Castle?

Large and black.

16. In Chapter 3, how many doors does Sophie have to try before getting into
Howl's castle?


17. How tall is the boy that Sophie sees in Chapter 3?

Head taller than Sophie.

18. In Chapter 3, how old does Sophie think the boy is that she sees in Howl's

A little older than Martha.

19. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?


20. In Chapter 3, what color are the flames in the fireplace when Sophie throws
logs on the fire?

Blue and green.

21. How long does the fire demon want Sophie to stay in Howl's castle?

About a month.

22. When Sophie wakes in Chapter 4, what does she see from a window in the

Dockside town.

23. In Chapter 4, how many doors lead from the room where Sophie wakes in
Howl's castle?


24. What is the first room that Sophie finds when she awakens in Howl's castle in
Chapter 4?


25. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?

Bread and cheese.

26. What does Sophie cook to eat in Chapter 4?

Eggs and bacon.

27. In Chapter 4, how old does Sophie think that Howl is?


28. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay


29. In Chapter 5, how many rooms are there in the castle?


30. What type of spell does Michael give a little girl in Chapter 5?

Safety spell for her dad's boat.

31. In Chapter 5, what does Howl tell Sophie to leave alone while he is away?


32. How long did Michael live with Howl before Howl made him his apprentice?

6 months.

33. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?

Mrs. Witch.

34. What color hair does Calcifer have?


35. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

Blue and silver.

36. Where does Howl refuse to allow Sophie to clean?

Yard and his room.

37. At the beginning of Chapter 6, what chore does Sophie find to do?


38. In his ditty, what does Calcifer sing about in Chapter 6?


39. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?

His old suit.

40. What type of spell does Howl give a seaman's wife in Chapter 6 for almost

Wind spell.

41. In Chapter 6, what does Michael wear to go to the Palace in Kingsbury?

Plum velvet suit.

42. What name does How call himself in Porthaven?

Sorcerer Jenkin.

43. In Chapter 6, what tinge of color does Howl have in his hair that makes him


44. What color slime covers Howl in Chapter 6?


45. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?


46. In Chapter 7, what scent does Howl use?

Apple blossom.

47. What does Michael take with him when he goes out in Chapter 7?


48. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?


49. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

Millions of years.

50. In Chapter 7, how much faster does Sophie tell Calcifer to make the castle

2 times.

51. How old is Michael?


52. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

3 years.

53. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?


54. In Chapter 7, what is served for supper?

Pie and onions.

55. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?


56. In Chapter 8, how many words does Howl use when he sends the scarecrow


57. What health issue does Sophie have in Chapter 8, which Howl and Calcifer
have to help with?


58. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

10 miles.

59. What do the seven league boots look like?

Leather buckets.

60. In Chapter 8, how many steps does Sophie need to take to get to Upper


61. How old was Sophie the last time she saw Mrs. Fairfax?


62. What type of dog does Mrs. Fairfax have?


63. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft


64. Who has been banging on the Portsmouth door in Chapter 9 since Sophie and
Michael left?

Sea captain.

65. In Chapter 9, how many pairs of stockings does Sophie have?


66. How many hours did Howl spend in the bathroom before he left to see Lettie
in Chapter 9?


67. How did Michael's father die?


68. How many nights did Michael sleep on Howl's doorstep before Howl saw him
and told him to wait indoors?

Couple of nights.

69. In Chapter 9, what does Michael say that they ate last winter when they ran
out of money?


70. What does Sophie persuade Michael to try catching in Chapter 9?

Shooting star.

71. In Chapter 9, where does a star jump into?


72. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at
the end of Chapter 9?

20 minutes.

73. What does Howl smell of in Chapter 10?


74. In Chapter 10, what color jewel does Howl have in his ear?


75. How old is the man who wants a spell from Sophie in Chapter 10?


76. In Chapter 10, what is the only spell Sophie has to create that gives her

Spell to win a duel.

77. What does Sophie offer to do when Howl tells about his problems with the
King in Chapter 10?

Make hot buttered toast.

78. In Chapter 10, what does Howl buy for Sophie?

Clothes and boots.

79. What role is Michael to play when Sophie goes to the King in Chapter 10?


80. Who is Howl's old tutor who he wants to help Sophie comfortable going to the

Mrs. Pentstemmon.

81. What does Howl call the paper that Michael thought was a spell in Chapter 10?


82. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

An inch thick.

83. What does the castle look like when Sophie looks back in Chapter 11?

Yellow brick.

84. In Chapter 11, what words are on the back of Howl's jacket?

Welsh Rugby.

85. What is the name of the little girl who calls Howl Uncle Howell in Chapter 11?


86. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?


87. What did Megan sell that was Howl's in Chapter 11?


88. What is Howl's last name?


89. Who wrote the poem that Miss Angorian gave as homework to Neil?

John Donne.

90. How many days old will Howl be on Midsummer Day in Chapter 11?


91. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?


92. What color is Michael's suit in Chapter 12?


93. In Chapter 12, how many years ago did Mrs. Pentstemmon retire from


94. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?


95. In Chapter 12, how old does Sophie say that she is?


96. What is Wizard Suliman's real name?

Benjamin Sullivan.

97. Who besides Howl does Mrs. Penstemmon say has made a contract with a fire

Witch of the Waste.

98. In Chapter 12, who does Sophie realize has put a charm on Howl's gray-and-
scarlet suit?

She has.

99. Where are Howl and Michael waiting for Sophie after she speaks with Mrs.
Penstemmon in Chapter 12?

Black-and-white hall.

100. In Chapter 13, what does the palace have that dazzle Sophie?

Golden domes.

101. At the entrance to the palace in Chapter 13, where are soldiers standing

Every 6 steps.

102. How many different types of woods are the walls of the anteroom paneled in
in Chapter 13?


103. In Chapter 13, what countries are about to declare war?

High Norland and Strangia.

104. What period of time does the King give Howl to find his brother?

Before the year is out.

105. What color hair does the Witch of the Waste have in Chapter 13?


106. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long
does the witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?

An hour.

107. Where does the Witch of the Waste tell Sophie that Howl is from in Chapter


108. What is the name of the King's daughter?


109. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14?

One of the King's coaches.

110. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?


111. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

Black and brown.

112. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop
the Witch of the Waste?

3 days.

113. Who does Sophie think that Howl has been visiting in Chapter 14?

Miss Angorian.

114. What color uniform did Prince Justin wear when Michael sold him a finding
spell and a disguise spell?


115. What do Howl, Michael, and Sophie have for lunch in Chapter 14?

Bacon sandwiches.

116. In Chapter 14, what bangs on the door until Sophie opens it?


117. What does Sophie see out of Howl's bedroom window in Chapter 14?


118. In Chapter 15, what type of shop is for sale?


119. Where is Calcifer actually located?


120. What type of place does Sophie say she would like to live in in Chapter 15?

House with lots of flowers.

121. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is
finished with it?

A very small boy.

122. What color powder does Michael use to make Howl's suit the proper size in
Chapter 15?


123. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?

A man playing ball with Howl's nephew Neil.

124. Where does Michael take the dog-man for a run in Chapter 15?


125. In Chapter 15, how many pieces does Sophie chop the gray-and-scarlet suit


126. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?


127. In Chapter 16, how many hours pass before Howl returns?

Several hours.

128. Where does Michael put the skull in Chapter 16?


129. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie become when she grabs a velvet cloak?

Red-bearded man.

130. What does the clot of magic in Chapter 17 turn into when Michael and Sophie


131. In Chapter 17, how many clouds can be seen over the sea when Howl is
fighting the Witch?


132. What comes from the sea when Howl and the Witch are fighting in Chapter


133. In Chapter 17, what color is Howl wearing when he fights the Witch?


134. What does the Witch turn into when she tries to attack Howl on a ship in
Chapter 17?

Red bird.

135. In Chapter 17, how long does Calcifer say that the Witch had had her fire

100 years.

136. What does Sophie decide they will sell when they move to the hat shop?


137. What is the shovel made of that Michael uses in Chapter 17?


138. In Chapter 17 when Calcifer is moved, what room does Sophie see from the
house where she was born?


139. What color flowers does Sophie see in Chapter 17, when Howl turns the door
knob to purple-down?

Purple and white.

140. In Chapter 17, how long ago did Howl catch Calcifer?

5 years.

141. What is Miss Angorian's first name?


142. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?


143. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the

Several 100.

144. Who started the garden on the edge of the Waste?

Wizard Suliman.

145. What does Michael use to gather flowers in Chapter 18?

Floating tin tub.

146. In Chapter 18, what does the dog-man chase when Sophie and Michael
collect flowers?`

Butterflies and birds.

147. When does Howl usually return in Chapter 18?

In time for a late breakfast.

148. In Chapter 18, how many days does it take the people of Market Chipping to
start shopping for flowers?

A few.

149. How many times the number of flowers that women planned to buy does
Howl charm them into buying in Chapter 18?


150. In Chapter 18, what color rose does Sophie create?


151. How often does the dog-man check up on Sophie in Chapter 18?

Every hour.

152. What is the name of the dog-man?


153. At the end of Chapter 18, what does Sophie tell lilies to be?


154. In Chapter 19, what type of dog is the dog-man?

Old English sheepdog.

155. What name does Calcifer say that the dog-man answered to most recently in
Chapter 19?


156. In Chapter 19, what do Sophie and the Percival do after he is transformed
back into a man?

Kill weeds.

157. Where does Percival say that the Witch turned him into a dog?

Just outside of town.

158. What does Percival say that some people on a farm thought he was when he
changed into a dog?


159. Who does Percival say that Howl began asking Lettie questions about?


160. What do Percival and Sophie see when they are walking in Chapter 19?


161. In Chapter 19 when Sophie sees the scarecrow near the mansion, how much
faster does she tell it to go?

10 times.

162. What does Percival say that the Witch wanted to know in Chapter 19?

About Wales.

163. In Chapter 20, where is Percival sleeping?

Floor of Michael's room.

164. What do Michael, Percival, and Sophie eat after making the Midsummer
garlands in Chapter 20?

Bread and honey.

165. In Chapter 20, who comes to visit the mansion?

Mrs. Sacheverell Smith.

166. What is the name of the lady's footman who visit the mansion in Chapter 20?


167. In Chapter 20, when does Fanny say that she met her husband?

The week Sophie left.

168. Who brings a hamper of food in Chapter 20?

Lettie and Mrs. Fairfax.

169. In Chapter 20, what flowers does Miss Angorian see when she goes outside?


170. When Michael calls for everyone to look at the castle, in what position is the
button on the door by mistake in Chapter 20?


171. At the end of Chapter 20, who does the witch kidnap?

Lily Angorian.

172. What color sand does Sophie land on in Chapter 21?


173. In Chapter 21, what is the building made of that Sophie sees?

Chimney pots.

174. What color dress is the Witch wearing in Chapter 21?


175. In Chapter 21, where does Howl think the Witch's heart is?

Her fire demon has it.

176. Where does Howl think the Witch's fire demon is in Chapter 21?


177. In Chapter 21, what does Sophie use to try to stop Miss Angorian?

Her stick.

178. What color is Calcifer when Sophie rescues him in Chapter 21?


179. In Chapter 21, who stops Miss Angorian from going out the door?


180. At the end of Chapter 21, what color does Sophie say that her hair is?

Red gold.

Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Audibility - Projecting your voice so your audience can hear and understand you.

5 4 3 2 1

Pronunciation - Ability to recognize words before you say them and pronounce all the
sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Articulation - Using your tongue, mouth and lips to pronounce all the sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Vocal Variety/Expression - Using appropriate pitch, volume and flow.

5 4 3 2 1

Rate - Reading a speed, or pace that is easy to follow.

5 4 3 2 1


Reading Assignment Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

Reading Date Assigned Date Due Date Completed


To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

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To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

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To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

Writing Evaluation Form
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Clear thesis or position Strong conclusion

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Relevant supporting arguments Grammar

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Transitions between paragraphs Spelling

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Clarity of expression Punctuation

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


One Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 17 when Calcifer is moved, what room does Sophie see from the
house where she was born?
(a) Sitting room.
(b) Her bedroom.
(c) Parlor.
(d) Dining room.

2. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?
(a) 13.
(b) 10.
(c) 11.
(d) 8.

3. In Chapter 12, how old does Sophie say that she is?
(a) 84.
(b) 87.
(c) 90.
(d) 92.

4. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?
(a) Megan and her family eating outside.
(b) Megan hanging laundry.
(c) A man playing ball with Howl's nephew Neil.
(d) Mari swinging on a swing.

5. At the beginning of Chapter 6, what chore does Sophie find to do?

(a) Mending.
(b) Scrubbing pots.
(c) Making a hat.
(d) Making a shirt.

Short Answer Questions
1. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

2. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft from?

3. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?

4. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop the
Witch of the Waste?

5. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?


2. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft


3. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?


4. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop
the Witch of the Waste?

3 days.

5. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

Black and brown.

Two Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By the end of a month of her apprenticeship, how many marriage proposals
has Lettie had?
(a) 12.
(b) 10.
(c) 15.
(d) 11.

2. How old is the man who wants a spell from Sophie in Chapter 10?
(a) 40s.
(b) 60s.
(c) 50s.
(d) 30s.

3. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay
(a) 1,500.
(b) 1,000.
(c) 1,800.
(d) 2,000.

4. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?

(a) Lilly of the Valley.
(b) Hyacinth.
(c) Honeysuckle.
(d) Rose.

5. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) Red.
(d) Blonde.

Short Answer Questions
1. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?

2. In Chapter 10, what color jewel does Howl have in his ear?

3. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long does the
witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?

4. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

5. How many hours did Howl spend in the bathroom before he left to see Lettie in
Chapter 9?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?


2. In Chapter 10, what color jewel does Howl have in his ear?


3. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long does
the witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?

An hour.

4. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

Blue and silver.

5. How many hours did Howl spend in the bathroom before he left to see Lettie in
Chapter 9?


Four Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sophie persuade Michael to try catching in Chapter 9?
(a) Shooting star.
(b) Dog.
(c) Scarecrow.
(d) Cat.

2. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?
(a) 5 miles.
(b) 3 miles.
(c) 8 miles.
(d) 10 miles.

3. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?

(a) Madam Sorceress.
(b) Mrs. Witch.
(c) Madam Witch.
(d) Old Witch.

4. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay
(a) 1,500.
(b) 1,000.
(c) 1,800.
(d) 2,000.

5. In Chapter 9, where does a star jump into?

(a) Ocean.
(b) Lake.
(c) Creek.
(d) Pool.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 4, how many doors lead from the room where Sophie wakes in Howl's

2. In Chapter 3, how old does Sophie think the boy is that she sees in Howl's castle?

3. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop in
Chapter 1?

4. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the Waste?

5. At the end of Chapter 1, who takes Lettie's place at the counter when Sophie comes
to see her?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 4, how many doors lead from the room where Sophie wakes in
Howl's castle?


2. In Chapter 3, how old does Sophie think the boy is that she sees in Howl's

A little older than Martha.

3. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop
in Chapter 1?


4. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the


5. At the end of Chapter 1, who takes Lettie's place at the counter when Sophie
comes to see her?


Four Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Percival and Sophie see when they are walking in Chapter 19?
(a) Mari.
(b) Megan.
(c) Scarecrow.
(d) Lily Angorian.

2. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop
in Chapter 1?
(a) Gray.
(b) Blue.
(c) Purple.
(d) Pink.

3. In Chapter 3, how many doors does Sophie have to try before getting into
Howl's castle?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

4. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

(a) Ribbons.
(b) Cake.
(c) Pillow.
(d) Candy.

5. How tall is the boy that Sophie sees in Chapter 3?

(a) About 5 feet 8 inches tall.
(b) Head taller than Sophie.
(c) About Sophie's height.
(d) Nearly 6 feet tall.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?

2. How many times the number of flowers that women planned to buy does Howl charm
them into buying in Chapter 18?

3. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?

4. What color hair does Calcifer have?

5. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?

His old suit.

2. How many times the number of flowers that women planned to buy does Howl
charm them into buying in Chapter 18?


3. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?


4. What color hair does Calcifer have?


5. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?


Eight Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the
(a) Brown.
(b) Red.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Black.

2. What is the first room that Sophie finds when she awakens in Howl's castle in
Chapter 4?
(a) Bathroom.
(b) Kitchen.
(c) Bedroom.
(d) Parlor.

3. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?

(a) Grocery.
(b) Bookshop.
(c) Pharmacy.
(d) Ladies' hat shop.

4. How long did Michael live with Howl before Howl made him his apprentice?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 8 months.
(c) A year.
(d) 5 months.

5. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?

(a) Mrs. Witch.
(b) Old Witch.
(c) Madam Witch.
(d) Madam Sorceress.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 3, what color are the flames in the fireplace when Sophie throws logs on
the fire?

2. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?

3. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?

4. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay Howl?

5. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 3, what color are the flames in the fireplace when Sophie throws
logs on the fire?

Blue and green.

2. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?

Bread and cheese.

3. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?


4. For how many pairs of seven-league boots does the Chancellor's clerk pay


5. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

50 feet.

Eight Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Howl refuse to allow Sophie to clean?
(a) Fireplace.
(b) Yard and his room.
(c) Tower.
(d) Laboratory.

2. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?

(a) Grocery.
(b) Bookshop.
(c) Pharmacy.
(d) Ladies' hat shop.

3. What color hair does Calcifer have?

(a) Red.
(b) Blue.
(c) Black.
(d) Green.

4. How old is Sophie when her mother dies?

(a) 5.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

5. In Chapter 2, what color is the hat that is only remotely lilkely to interest the
Witch of the Waste?
(a) Green and yellow.
(b) Red and white.
(c) Blue and white.
(d) Black and white.

Short Answer Questions
1. What type of spell does Howl give a seaman's wife in Chapter 6 for almost nothing?

2. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

3. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?

4. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at the end
of Chapter 9?

5. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the Waste?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What type of spell does Howl give a seaman's wife in Chapter 6 for almost

Wind spell.

2. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

Millions of years.

3. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?


4. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at the
end of Chapter 9?

20 minutes.

5. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the


Eight Week Quiz C
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Lettie when her mother dies?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

2. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?
(a) 50 feet.
(b) 75 feet.
(c) 25 feet.
(d) 80 feet.

3. How old does Calcifer say that he is in Chapter 7?

(a) Billions of years.
(b) Millions of years.
(c) Hundreds of years.
(d) Thousands of year.

4. What does Michael take with him when he goes out in Chapter 7?
(a) Spell.
(b) Bread.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Crackers.

5. In Chapter 6, what tinge of color does Howl have in his hair that makes him
(a) Red.
(b) Brown.
(c) Black.
(d) Gray.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 7, what scent does Howl use?

2. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?

3. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

4. What color hair does Calcifer have?

5. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 7, what scent does Howl use?

Apple blossom.

2. What type of face does the scarecrow have in Chapter 8?


3. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?


4. What color hair does Calcifer have?


5. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?


Eight Week Quiz D
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?
(a) Blue and silver.
(b) Red and white.
(c) Green and white.
(d) Silver and gold.

2. How many different types of woods are the walls of the anteroom paneled in in
Chapter 13?
(a) 1,000
(b) 15.
(c) 89.
(d) 100

3. Who wrote the poem that Miss Angorian gave as homework to Neil?
(a) Walter Raleigh.
(b) Edmund Spenser.
(c) Ben Jonson.
(d) John Donne.

4. How many nights did Michael sleep on Howl's doorstep before Howl saw him
and told him to wait indoors?
(a) 3 nights.
(b) 5 nights.
(c) 4 nights.
(d) Couple of nights.

5. In Chapter 5, how many rooms are there in the castle?

(a) 53.
(b) 34.
(c) 4.
(d) 8.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 10, what does Howl buy for Sophie?

2. When Sophie wakes in Chapter 4, what does she see from a window in the castle?

3. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?

4. What is the first door like that Sophie notices on Howl's Castle?

5. What color is Michael's suit in Chapter 12?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 10, what does Howl buy for Sophie?

Clothes and boots.

2. When Sophie wakes in Chapter 4, what does she see from a window in the

Dockside town.

3. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?


4. What is the first door like that Sophie notices on Howl's Castle?

Large and black.

5. What color is Michael's suit in Chapter 12?


Eight Week Quiz E
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is finished
with it?
(a) A doll.
(b) A baby.
(c) A toy.
(d) A very small boy.

2. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?
(a) 25 feet.
(b) 80 feet.
(c) 50 feet.
(d) 75 feet.

3. In Chapter 9, where does a star jump into?

(a) Lake.
(b) Creek.
(c) Pool.
(d) Ocean.

4. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

(a) 3 years.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 4 years.
(d) 2 years.

5. In Chapter 12, what scent does Howl wear?

(a) Hyacinth.
(b) Lilly of the Valley.
(c) Honeysuckle.
(d) Rose.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?

2. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop the
Witch of the Waste?

3. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

4. Where does the Witch of the Waste tell Sophie that Howl is from in Chapter 13?

5. How did Michael's father die?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?


2. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop
the Witch of the Waste?

3 days.

3. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

An inch thick.

4. Where does the Witch of the Waste tell Sophie that Howl is from in Chapter 13?


5. How did Michael's father die?


Eight Week Quiz F
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color hair does Calcifer have?
(a) Black.
(b) Green.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

2. What does Howl call the paper that Michael thought was a spell in Chapter 10?
(a) Psalm.
(b) Anthem.
(c) Song.
(d) Canticle.

3. What color is Howl's suit when he returns in Chapter 14?

(a) Black and brown.
(b) Black and green.
(c) Blue and silver.
(d) Gray and red.

4. What does Howl smell of in Chapter 10?

(a) Lilies.
(b) Honeysuckle.
(c) Rosewater.
(d) Carnations.

5. What does the clot of magic in Chapter 17 turn into when Michael and Sophie
(a) Tornado.
(b) Lions.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Lightning.

Short Answer Questions
1. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the Waste?

2. In Chapter 2, how many weeks does Martha say that she was at Mrs. Fairfax's before
she changed places with Lettie?

3. Who has been banging on the Portsmouth door in Chapter 9 since Sophie and
Michael left?

4. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

5. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What color hair does the young man have who comes with the Witch of the


2. In Chapter 2, how many weeks does Martha say that she was at Mrs. Fairfax's
before she changed places with Lettie?

2 weeks.

3. Who has been banging on the Portsmouth door in Chapter 9 since Sophie and
Michael left?

Sea captain.

4. In Chapter 2, how close does Wizard Howl's castle stop next to Sophie?

50 feet.

5. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?


Eight Week Quiz G
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, how many steps does Sophie need to take to get to Upper
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

2. In Chapter 5, how many rooms are there in the castle?

(a) 4.
(b) 53.
(c) 34.
(d) 8.

3. When does Howl usually return in Chapter 18?

(a) Right before the shop opens.
(b) Right after the shop opens.
(c) In time for a late breakfast.
(d) In time for an early breakfast.

4. What does the castle look like when Sophie looks back in Chapter 11?
(a) Small hut.
(b) Large stone castle.
(c) Red brick.
(d) Yellow brick.

5. In Chapter 18, what color rose does Sophie create?

(a) Scarlet.
(b) Navy-blue.
(c) Moss green.
(d) Azure.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

2. In Chapter 21, what is the building made of that Sophie sees?

3. How did Michael's father die?

4. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop the
Witch of the Waste?

5. In Chapter 21, who stops Miss Angorian from going out the door?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

3 years.

2. In Chapter 21, what is the building made of that Sophie sees?

Chimney pots.

3. How did Michael's father die?


4. In Chapter 14, how long does Howl think that his misdirection spells will stop
the Witch of the Waste?

3 days.

5. In Chapter 21, who stops Miss Angorian from going out the door?


Mid-Book Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his ditty, what does Calcifer sing about in Chapter 6?
(a) Trees.
(b) Wind.
(c) Logs.
(d) Saucepans.

2. In Chapter 5, what does Howl tell Sophie to leave alone while he is away?
(a) Michael.
(b) The fire demon.
(c) The door.
(d) Spiders.

3. In Chapter 7, what is served for supper?

(a) Eggs and bacon.
(b) Sandwiches.
(c) Pie and onions.
(d) Soup.

4. How many children does Martha want to have?

(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 10.
(d) 7.

5. What color hair does Calcifer have?

(a) Blue.
(b) Red.
(c) Black.
(d) Green.

6. What does Michael take with him when he goes out in Chapter 7?
(a) Crackers.
(b) Bread.
(c) Spell.
(d) Flowers.
7. How long does the fire demon want Sophie to stay in Howl's castle?
(a) 2 months.
(b) 3 weeks.
(c) 5 weeks.
(d) About a month.

8. In Chapter 8, how many words does Howl use when he sends the scarecrow
(a) 4.
(b) 8.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

9. In Chapter 7, what tries to get into the castle?

(a) An aunt.
(b) Jilted girl.
(c) Tiger.
(d) Scarecrow.

10. What type of shop do Sophie's parents have?

(a) Bookshop.
(b) Pharmacy.
(c) Ladies' hat shop.
(d) Grocery.

11. What type of spell does Michael give a little girl in Chapter 5?
(a) Love potion.
(b) Safety spell for her dad's boat.
(c) Healing spell for her mother.
(d) Healing spell for a horse.

12. When is the Wizard Howl expected to return in Chapter 3?

(a) Tomorrow.
(b) 3 days.
(c) A fortnight.
(d) 2 days.

13. What type of feathers does the Witch of the Waste have in her hat?
(a) Goose.
(b) Ostrich.
(c) Duck.
(d) Peacock.

14. In Chapter 4, what does Michael want to give Sophie for breakfast?
(a) A glass of milk.
(b) Cold cereal.
(c) Bread and cheese.
(d) Crackers and cheese.

15. What color slime covers Howl in Chapter 6?

(a) Green.
(b) Blue.
(c) Purple.
(d) Yellow.

Short Answer Questions
1. What health issue does Sophie have in Chapter 8, which Howl and Calcifer have to
help with?

2. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop in
Chapter 1?

3. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

4. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?

5. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft from?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. D 11. B
2. D 12. A
3. C 13. B
4. C 14. C
5. D 15. A
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C

Short Answer Key

1. What health issue does Sophie have in Chapter 8, which Howl and Calcifer
have to help with?


2. What color dress does Sophie wear when she waits on customers in the shop
in Chapter 1?


3. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

10 miles.

4. What does Michael bring Sophie in Chapter 7?


5. In Chapter 8, who does Mrs. Fairfax think that Lettie inherits her witchcraft


Final Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Megan sell that was Howl's in Chapter 11?
(a) Clothes.
(b) Books.
(c) Tools.
(d) Car.

2. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?

(a) Dog.
(b) Cat.
(c) Bird.
(d) Mouse.

3. How old is Mrs. Pentstemmon?

(a) 94.
(b) 86.
(c) 91.
(d) 83.

4. How many different types of woods are the walls of the anteroom paneled in in
Chapter 13?
(a) 15.
(b) 1,000
(c) 89.
(d) 100

5. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie become when she grabs a velvet cloak?
(a) Horse.
(b) Red-bearded man.
(c) Black-bearded man.
(d) Goat.

6. What type of place does Sophie say she would like to live in in Chapter 15?
(a) House in the woods.
(b) House by a pond.
(c) House with lots of flowers.
(d) House with a big orchard.

7. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?

(a) Rob's.
(b) Neil's.
(c) Martin's.
(d) Dave's.

8. What comes from the sea when Howl and the Witch are fighting in Chapter 17?
(a) Dolphins.
(b) Mermen.
(c) Whales.
(d) Mermaids.

9. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14?

(a) One of the King's coaches.
(b) Michael and Howl escort her.
(c) Walks.
(d) In a small horse-driven buggy.

10. In Chapter 15, what type of shop is for sale?

(a) Bookshop.
(b) Herbalist.
(c) Grocer.
(d) Hat.

11. In Chapter 15, how many pieces does Sophie chop the gray-and-scarlet suit
(a) 5.
(b) 9.
(c) 7.
(d) 11.

12. What does the clot of magic in Chapter 17 turn into when Michael and Sophie
(a) Lions.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Lightning.
(d) Tornado.

13. How many days old will Howl be on Midsummer Day in Chapter 11?
(a) 9,125.
(b) 11,000.
(c) 12,130.
(d) 10,000.

14. Who besides Howl does Mrs. Penstemmon say has made a contract with a fire
(a) Witch of the Waste.
(b) Wizard Suliman.
(c) Mrs. Fairfax.
(d) Wizard Fitzgibbons.

15. What name does Howl use for the flowers shop in Chapter 17?
(a) Jenkins.
(b) Howell.
(c) Pendragon.
(d) Wales.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the garden?

2. What color powder does Michael use to make Howl's suit the proper size in Chapter

3. Where are Howl and Michael waiting for Sophie after she speaks with Mrs.
Penstemmon in Chapter 12?

4. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

5. Where does Michael take the dog-man for a run in Chapter 15?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. B 11. C
2. A 12. B
3. B 13. D
4. D 14. A
5. B 15. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D

Short Answer Key

1. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the

Several 100.

2. What color powder does Michael use to make Howl's suit the proper size in
Chapter 15?


3. Where are Howl and Michael waiting for Sophie after she speaks with Mrs.
Penstemmon in Chapter 12?

Black-and-white hall.

4. In Chapter 11, how thick is the nothingness?

An inch thick.

5. Where does Michael take the dog-man for a run in Chapter 15?


Mid-Book Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of animal does Sophie set free in Chapter 2?
(a) Dog.
(b) Cat.
(c) Lamb.
(d) Rabbit.

2. What does Sophie persuade Michael to try catching in Chapter 9?

(a) Cat.
(b) Dog.
(c) Scarecrow.
(d) Shooting star.

3. What do people in Porthaven call Sophie?

(a) Old Witch.
(b) Madam Sorceress.
(c) Madam Witch.
(d) Mrs. Witch.

4. In Chapter 8, how many words does Howl use when he sends the scarecrow
(a) 4.
(b) 8.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

5. In Chapter 6, what does Howl tell Sophie she can mend?

(a) Michael's clothes.
(b) His old suit.
(c) Curtains.
(d) Dish towels.

Short Answer Questions
1. What color hair does Calcifer have?

2. In Chapter 4, how old does Sophie think that Howl is?

3. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

4. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at the end
of Chapter 9?

5. In Chapter 6, what does Michael wear to go to the Palace in Kingsbury?

Short Essay Questions
1. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

2. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

3. What happens in Chapter 5 when Sophie tries to clean Howl's room and the yard?

4. In Chapter 1, what is said about the Wizard Howl?

5. In Chapter 7, what comes to the door that scares Sophie?

6. What does Mrs. Fairfax know about Howl in Chapter 8?

7. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie in
Chapter 1?

8. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

9. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

10. What happens when a woman comes to the shop in Chapter 2?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B

Short Answer Key

1. What color hair does Calcifer have?


2. In Chapter 4, how old does Sophie think that Howl is?


3. How far is Upper Folding from where Calcifer drops Sophie off in Chapter 8?

10 miles.

4. How long does it take Sophie and Michael to find the seven-league boots at the
end of Chapter 9?

20 minutes.

5. In Chapter 6, what does Michael wear to go to the Palace in Kingsbury?

Plum velvet suit.

Short Essay Answer Key
1. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

Sophie is the oldest of three sisters. Her parents are well to do and have a ladies' hat
shop. Sophie's mother died when she was two and her sister Lettie was one. Her father
remarried his younger shop assistant, Fanny. Fanny had a daughter named Martha. Mr.
Hatter sent all of his daughter's to school to be educated. When he dies, the family
finances are in bad shape, and the girls have to be apprenticed.

2. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

Martha tells Sophie that her mother is taking advantage of Sophie. While Sophie is
working hard creating hats, Martha's mother is out visiting. Martha says that she gets a
wage, but Sophie is not even paid for her work.

3. What happens in Chapter 5 when Sophie tries to clean Howl's room and the

Sophie sees Howl leave, so she goes up to clean his room. When she gets there, he is
standing blocking her way to the room. He tells her that she is not to go into his room
and clean it. She gives in and goes downstairs to clean out the yard. Howl appears
there as well and he tells her that she cannot clean there either.

4. In Chapter 1, what is said about the Wizard Howl?

People say that the Wizard Howl amuses himself by collecting young girls and sucking
their souls from them. Some people say that he eats the hearts of young girls. They say
that he is an utterly cold-blooded and heartless wizard, and no young girl is safe if he
catches her alone.

5. In Chapter 7, what comes to the door that scares Sophie?

Sophie plans to go see Martha. When she opens the door, the scarecrow is there. It is
alive, and it is trying to get inside the castle.

6. What does Mrs. Fairfax know about Howl in Chapter 8?

Mrs. Fairfax knows who Howl really is, even though he calls himself Sylvester Oak.
Howl was Mrs. Fairfax's old tutor's very last pupil before she retired. Since Mrs. Fairfax
knows who Howl is, she suggested that Lettie fall in love with Howl, because he can
teach her a lot.

7. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie
in Chapter 1?

Sophie is on her way to see her sister Lettie at the pastry shop. She sees a young man
in a blue-and-sliver costume. She tries to hide, and he laughs. He tells her that he only
wants to buy her a drink. Then he offers to escort her to her destination.

8. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

Michael thinks he needs a shooting star for a spell. So he and Sophie go to a place and
watch for a shooting star. Michael nearly catches the star, but it is desperate to get away
from him. Michael tells the star that he can save it. The star says that it just wants to die.
Then the star plunges in a pool and dies.

9. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

A little girl comes to the Porthaven door. She tells Michael that she has come to get a
spell for her mother. She wants to get a safety spell for her dad's boat.

10. What happens when a woman comes to the shop in Chapter 2?

A woman comes to the shop and asks Sophie to show her some hats. Sophie is sure
that they have no hats that will suit the woman, but she shows the woman a number of
hats. The woman tells Sophie that she has come because Sophie is competing with her.
She says that she is the Witch of the Waste. Then she casts spell on Sophie that makes
her an old woman.

Final Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, how old does Sophie say that she is?
(a) 87.
(b) 90.
(c) 84.
(d) 92.

2. What does the Witch turn into when she tries to attack Howl on a ship in
Chapter 17?
(a) Eagle.
(b) Black bird.
(c) Hawk.
(d) Red bird.

3. At the entrance to the palace in Chapter 13, where are soldiers standing guard?
(a) Every 2 steps.
(b) Every 6 steps.
(c) At the top of the steps.
(d) At the bottom and top of the steps.

4. In Chapter 13 when Sophie speaks with the Witch of the Waste, how long does
the witch say that Mrs. Penstemmon has been dead?
(a) 2 hours.
(b) An hour.
(c) 30 minutes.
(d) 45 minutes.

5. In Chapter 13, what countries are about to declare war?

(a) Jabulqa and Lemuria.
(b) Biringan and Falias.
(c) High Norland and Strangia.
(d) Asphodel and Avalon.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is finished with

2. What do Howl, Michael, and Sophie have for lunch in Chapter 14?

3. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?

4. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?

5. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?

Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 14, how does Howl catch a cold?

2. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14, and why does she get back
that way?

3. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

4. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

5. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is safe
from her?

6. Why is Michael happy in Chapter 15?

7. In Chapter 15, how does Howl plan to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral?

8. In Chapter 10, what does Howl bring Sophie and Michael?

9. What does Sophie see when she, Howl, and Michael enter a house in Chapter 11?

10. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie see as the castle settles into the house where she
had been born?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Key

1. In Chapter 15, who would Howl's blue-and-silver suit fit when Sophie is finished
with it?

A very small boy.

2. What do Howl, Michael, and Sophie have for lunch in Chapter 14?

Bacon sandwiches.

3. What disguise does Howl plan to use at Mrs. Pentstemmon's funeral?


4. In Chapter 11, whose homework is Howl looking for?


5. In Chapter 14, how many men go along with Sophie to the castle?


Short Essay Answer Key
1. In Chapter 14, how does Howl catch a cold?

Howl goes back to Wales to see Miss Angorian. It is raining there. He gets soaking wet
standing in the rain, and he catches a cold.

2. How does Sophie get back to the castle in Chapter 14, and why does she get
back that way?

Sophie rides back to the castle in one of the King's coaches drawn by four horses.
There is a coachman, a groom, and a footman. A sergeant and six Royal Troopers
guard the carriage. The reason is that Princes Valeria is riding with Sophie.

3. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

When Sophie sees the King, she is overwhelmed by the fact that she is speaking with
him. She forgets every word of the careful, delicate things that Howl told her to say.

4. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

The Witch of the Waste catches up with Howl through a poem that Neil was assigned
for homework. Howl has to report to the Witch of the Waste when he is 10,000 days old
on Midsummer Day.

5. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is
safe from her?

Howl thinks that no matter where he might court a girl, Sophie would find him because
nothing is safe from her. If he was to court a girl who lived on an iceberg in the middle of
an ocean, he thinks that he would look up and see Sophie swooping overhead on a

6. Why is Michael happy in Chapter 15?

Howl rents a shop in Market Chipping. Michael is very happy about the decision. Now
he can go and he can see his Lettie every day.

7. In Chapter 15, how does Howl plan to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral?

Howl plans to attend Mrs. Pentstemmons funeral. He studies the dog-man. Then he
transforms himself into an identical dog. No one at the funeral is going to notice a stray
dog lifting its leg against the gravestones.

8. In Chapter 10, what does Howl bring Sophie and Michael?

Howl buys things for Sophie and Michael. He brings Sophie silk stockings, cambric
petticoats, boots, a lace shawl, and a dress of watered silk. He brings Michael a new
blue velvet suit.

9. What does Sophie see when she, Howl, and Michael enter a house in Chapter

When Sophie, Howl, and Michael enter a house, Sophie sees a shiny hall. When Howl
opens a door, Sophie sees a magic colored picture box that has voices coming from it.
In the room are a woman knitting and a young girl.

10. In Chapter 17, what does Sophie see as the castle settles into the house
where she had been born?

When the castle settles into the house where Sophie was born, she sees the outlines of
the parlor. Then the castle room seems to wiggle itself into place inside the parlor
pushing it out and in. Then bringing the ceiling down to match its ceiling. The two melt
together and it becomes the castle room again.

Mid-Book Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

2. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?

3. How did Michael's father die?

4. In Chapter 9, what does Michael say that they ate last winter when they ran out of

5. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 8, why does Michael suggest that he and Sophie go to Upper Folding
together using the seven-league boots?

2. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

3. At the end of Chapter 7, how does Howl think that Sophie can help him get the King
off his back?

4. What does Calcifer have to do to get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 7?

5. What agreement do Sophie and the fire demon make in Chapter 3?

6. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie in
Chapter 1?

7. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

8. How does Howl get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 8?

9. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

10. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Point of view is how a story is told. What is the point of view of the novel, and how does
it affect what readers think of characters and events?

Essay Topic 2

An apprenticeship is a way for young people to learn a skill. What are some skills young
people might learn from an apprenticeship? What are the advantages of an
apprenticeship for the master and the student? Why do young people in the novel serve
as apprentices?

Essay Topic 3

Chapters have titles. How do the chapter titles indicate what will happen in the chapter?
Are these title spoilers?

Short Answer Key
1. What colors is Howl wearing in Chapter 5?

Blue and silver.

2. At the end of Chapter 6, what color is Howl's hair?


3. How did Michael's father die?


4. In Chapter 9, what does Michael say that they ate last winter when they ran out
of money?


5. In Chapter 7, how long does Michael's apprenticeship have to run?

3 years.

Short Essay Answer Key

1. In Chapter 8, why does Michael suggest that he and Sophie go to Upper
Folding together using the seven-league boots?

When Sophie sets off for Upper Folding, Michael comes racing after her. He tells her
that he promised Howl that he would watch Sophie and see that she rests. He tells her it
is ten miles to Upper Folding. When Sophie insists on going, he gets out the seven-
league boots and they go to Upper Folding together.

2. What happens when Michael tries to catching a shooting star?

Michael thinks he needs a shooting star for a spell. So he and Sophie go to a place and
watch for a shooting star. Michael nearly catches the star, but it is desperate to get away
from him. Michael tells the star that he can save it. The star says that it just wants to die.
Then the star plunges in a pool and dies.

3. At the end of Chapter 7, how does Howl think that Sophie can help him get the
King off his back?

Howl needs to get the King off his back. He is afraid that the King will want to make him
court magician. So Howl says that Sophie can pretend to be his old mother and plead
for him. He thinks if Sophie can bully Calcifer, she can bully the King.

4. What does Calcifer have to do to get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 7?

The scarecrow keeps attempting to get inside the castle. Sophie orders Calcifer to make
the castle go twice as fast and circle the hills twice. When Sophie looks outside again,
the scarecrow if far, far away.

5. What agreement do Sophie and the fire demon make in Chapter 3?

Sophie and the fire demon make an agreement. The demon agrees to remove Sophie's
spell if she manages to break his contract with Howl.

6. What is the young man like whom Sophie sees and what does he say to Sophie
in Chapter 1?

Sophie is on her way to see her sister Lettie at the pastry shop. She sees a young man
in a blue-and-sliver costume. She tries to hide, and he laughs. He tells her that he only
wants to buy her a drink. Then he offers to escort her to her destination.

7. Why does a little girl come to the Porthaven door in Chapter 5?

A little girl comes to the Porthaven door. She tells Michael that she has come to get a
spell for her mother. She wants to get a safety spell for her dad's boat.

8. How does Howl get rid of the scarecrow in Chapter 8?

When Howl goes out the door, the scarecrow is there. First Howl tries to push it away
and tell it to go back where it came from. When that does not work, Howl raises his
arms above his head and shouts a strange word. The scarecrow goes soaring away.

9. What is told about Sophie and her family in Chapter 1?

Sophie is the oldest of three sisters. Her parents are well to do and have a ladies' hat
shop. Sophie's mother died when she was two and her sister Lettie was one. Her father
remarried his younger shop assistant, Fanny. Fanny had a daughter named Martha. Mr.
Hatter sent all of his daughter's to school to be educated. When he dies, the family
finances are in bad shape, and the girls have to be apprenticed.

10. What does Martha tell Sophie about her mother?

Martha tells Sophie that her mother is taking advantage of Sophie. While Sophie is
working hard creating hats, Martha's mother is out visiting. Martha says that she gets a
wage, but Sophie is not even paid for her work.

Final Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?

2. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the garden?

3. What color uniform did Prince Justin wear when Michael sold him a finding spell and
a disguise spell?

4. Where is Calcifer actually located?

5. What color hair does the Witch of the Waste have in Chapter 13?

Short Essay Questions
1. What does Calcifer say about the Witch's fire demon in Chapter 16?

2. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

3. How does Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping?

4. In Chapter 11, what complaints does Megan have about Howl?

5. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

6. What happens to Mrs. Pentstemmon in Chapter 13?

7. In Chapter 13, why does the King need his brother back?

8. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is safe
from her?

9. What does Calcifer look like in Chapter 16 when Howl tells him that the Witch has
found him?

10. In Chapter 12, why does Howl say they should see the King another day, and
Sophie insists they go right away?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Sophie and Howl disagree frequently, but Sophie decides to help Howl. What does
Sophie learn about Howl that affects her? What motivates her to decide to help Howl?

Essay Topic 2

Genre is a way to classify a novel. Why is the novel a fantasy story rather than science

Essay Topic 3

Howl is often romancing young ladies. Would Howl’s pursuit of young ladies be
considered romances or dalliances?

Short Answer Key
1. In Chapter 15, what does Sophie see through Howl's bedroom window?

A man playing ball with Howl's nephew Neil.

2. In Chapter 17, how many butterflies does Howl disturb when he is in the

Several 100.

3. What color uniform did Prince Justin wear when Michael sold him a finding
spell and a disguise spell?


4. Where is Calcifer actually located?


5. What color hair does the Witch of the Waste have in Chapter 13?


Short Essay Answer Key

1. What does Calcifer say about the Witch's fire demon in Chapter 16?

Calcifer says that the Witch's fire demon is old. Calcifer is stronger, but her fire demon
knows things that Calcifer never thought of. The Witch has had her fire demon for 100

2. At the end of Chapter 11, what is Howl's problem?

The Witch of the Waste catches up with Howl through a poem that Neil was assigned
for homework. Howl has to report to the Witch of the Waste when he is 10,000 days old
on Midsummer Day.

3. How does Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping?

Howl transfer Calcifer to Market Chipping. First Michael chalks a five-pointed star in a
circle on the floor. Then he brings Howl a silver shovel. Howl puts Calcifer on the
shovel, and he carefully carries him over the star. That completes the transfer.

4. In Chapter 11, what complaints does Megan have about Howl?

Megan says that Howl is a disgrace to her and to Gareth. She says that he hangs
around in disreputable clothes and takes up with riffraff. She says that he had a good
education, and he does not even get a good job.

5. How does Sophie feel when she sees the King in Chapter 13?

When Sophie sees the King, she is overwhelmed by the fact that she is speaking with
him. She forgets every word of the careful, delicate things that Howl told her to say.

6. What happens to Mrs. Pentstemmon in Chapter 13?

The Witch of the Waste visits Mrs. Pentstemmon. The Witch wanted information from
Mrs. Pentstemmon, and the woman refused to give it to her. She told the Witch "over
my dead body" (194), so the Witch killed her.

7. In Chapter 13, why does the King need his brother back?

The King needs his brother back, becuase Justin is a brilliant general. High Norland and
Strangia are about to declare war. The King needs Justin to help fight.

8. In Chapter 10, where does Howl think he would see Sophie because nothing is
safe from her?

Howl thinks that no matter where he might court a girl, Sophie would find him because
nothing is safe from her. If he was to court a girl who lived on an iceberg in the middle of
an ocean, he thinks that he would look up and see Sophie swooping overhead on a

9. What does Calcifer look like in Chapter 16 when Howl tells him that the Witch
has found him?

Howl yells that the Witch has found him. Calcifer springs upright. he blurs into a dozen
or so blue faces. Then he whips from side to side of the fireplace. His faces blur and
pulse from blue to sky blue and then to nearly white. One moment his eyes are orange
and the next, silver. When a blast sweeps overhead, he pulses nearly blue-black.

10. In Chapter 12, why does Howl say they should see the King another day, and
Sophie insists they go right away?

After Sophie speaks with Mrs. Pentstemmon, Howl sees that she looks tired. He says
that he should go to the King instead. Sophie does not want to speak with the King, but
she also does not want Howl to be caught by the Witch of the Waste. So she tells him
that seeing the King will seem like seeing an ordinary person after speaking with Mrs.


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