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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Lesson Plans
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling
(c)2015 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Lesson Plans................................................................... 1

Contents...................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 4

Lesson Calendar.......................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter Abstracts...................................................................................................................... 18

Character Descriptions.............................................................................................................. 29

Object Descriptions.................................................................................................................... 31

Daily Lessons............................................................................................................................ 33

Fun Activities.............................................................................................................................. 57

Essay Topics.............................................................................................................................. 60

Short Essay Questions.............................................................................................................. 64

Short Essay Questions Key....................................................................................................... 73

Multiple Choice.......................................................................................................................... 84

Multiple Choice Key................................................................................................................. 112

Short Answer Questions........................................................................................................... 113

Short Answer Questions Key................................................................................................... 139

Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet................................................................................................ 165

Reading Assignment Sheet...................................................................................................... 166

Writing Evaluation Form........................................................................................................... 167

One Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 168

Two Week Quiz A..................................................................................................................... 171

Four Week Quiz A.................................................................................................................... 174

Four Week Quiz B.................................................................................................................... 177

Eight Week Quiz A................................................................................................................... 180

Eight Week Quiz B................................................................................................................... 183

Eight Week Quiz C................................................................................................................... 186

Eight Week Quiz D................................................................................................................... 189

Eight Week Quiz E................................................................................................................... 192

Eight Week Quiz F................................................................................................................... 195

Eight Week Quiz G.................................................................................................................. 198

Mid-Book Test - Easy............................................................................................................... 201

Final Test - Easy...................................................................................................................... 207

Mid-Book Test - Medium.......................................................................................................... 213

Final Test - Medium.................................................................................................................. 220

Mid-Book Test - Hard............................................................................................................... 227

Final Test - Hard....................................................................................................................... 234

Teaching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone lesson plan contains a variety of teaching
materials that cater to all learning styles. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun
Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay
Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. The lessons and
activities will help students gain an intimate understanding of the text, while the tests
and quizzes will help you evaluate how well the students have grasped the material.

Target Grade: 7th-12th (Middle School and High School)

Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 137 pages. Page count is estimated at 300
words per page. Length will vary depending on format viewed.

Browse The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Lesson Plan:

 Introduction  Short Essay Questions

 Lesson Calendar  Multiple Choice
 Chapter Abstracts  Short Answer Questions
 Character Descriptions  Worksheets and Evaluation Forms
 Object Descriptions  Quizzes
 Daily Lessons  Tests
 Fun Activities  Quiz/Test Generator
 Essay Topics

Full Lesson Plan Overview
Completely Customizable!

The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone lesson plan is downloadable in PDF and
Word. The Word file is viewable with any PC or Mac and can be further adjusted if you
want to mix questions around and/or add your own headers for things like "Name,"
"Period," and "Date." The Word file offers unlimited customizing options so that you can
teach in the most efficient manner possible. Once you download the file, it is yours to
keep and print for your classroom.

Lesson Plan Calendars

The Lesson Plan Calendars provide daily suggestions about what to teach. They
include detailed descriptions of when to assign reading, homework, in-class work, fun
activities, quizzes, tests and more. Use the entire Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
calendar, or supplement it with your own curriculum ideas. Calendars cover one, two,
four, and eight week units. Determine how long your Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone unit will be, then use one of the calendars provided to plan out your entire lesson.

Chapter Abstracts

Chapter abstracts are short descriptions of events that occur in each chapter of Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They highlight major plot events and detail the
important relationships and characteristics of important characters. The Chapter
Abstracts can be used to review what the students have read, or to prepare the
students for what they will read. Hand the abstracts out in class as a study guide, or use
them as a "key" for a class discussion. They are relatively brief, but can serve to be an
excellent refresher of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for either a student or

Character and Object Descriptions

Character and Object Descriptions provide descriptions of the significant characters as

well as objects and places in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. These can be
printed out and used as an individual study guide for students, a "key" for leading a
class discussion, a summary review prior to exams, or a refresher for an educator. The
character and object descriptions are also used in some of the quizzes and tests in this
lesson plan. The longest descriptions run about 200 words. They become shorter as the
importance of the character or object declines.

Daily Lessons

This section of the lesson plan contains 30 Daily Lessons. Daily Lessons each have a
specific objective and offer at least three (often more) ways to teach that objective.
Lessons include classroom discussions, group and partner activities, in-class handouts,
individual writing assignments, at least one homework assignment, class participation
exercises and other ways to teach students about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone in a classroom setting. You can combine daily lessons or use the ideas within
them to create your own unique curriculum. They vary greatly from day to day and offer
an array of creative ideas that provide many options for an educator.

Fun Classroom Activities

Fun Classroom Activities differ from Daily Lessons because they make "fun" a priority.
The 20 enjoyable, interactive classroom activities that are included will help students
understand Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in fun and entertaining ways. Fun
Classroom Activities include group projects, games, critical thinking activities,
brainstorming sessions, writing poems, drawing or sketching, and countless other
creative exercises. Many of the activities encourage students to interact with each other,
be creative and think "outside of the box," and ultimately grasp key concepts from the
text by "doing" rather than simply studying. Fun activities are a great way to keep
students interested and engaged while still providing a deeper understanding of Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and its themes.

Essay Questions/Writing Assignments

These 20 Essay Questions/Writing Assignments can be used as essay questions on a

test, or as stand-alone essay topics for a take-home or in-class writing assignment on
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Students should have a full understanding of the
unit material in order to answer these questions. They often include multiple parts of the
work and ask for a thorough analysis of the overall text. They nearly always require a
substantial response. Essay responses are typically expected to be one (or more)
page(s) and consist of multiple paragraphs, although it is possible to write answers
more briefly. These essays are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the
broad points in a work, interactions among the characters, and main points and themes
of the text. But, they also cover many of the other issues specific to the work and to the
world today.

Short Essay Questions

The 60 Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence
answer. They ask students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer's Stone by describing what they've read, rather than just recalling it. The
short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the material, but
also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than multiple
choice questions, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

The 180 Multiple Choice Questions in this lesson plan will test a student's recall and
understanding of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Use these questions for
quizzes, homework assignments or tests. The questions are broken out into sections,
so they focus on specific chapters within Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This
allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit. Typically, there
are 5-15 questions per chapter, act or section.

Evaluation Forms

Use the Oral Reading Evaluation Form when students are reading aloud in class. Pass
the forms out before you assign reading, so students will know what to expect. You can
use the forms to provide general feedback on audibility, pronunciation, articulation,
expression and rate of speech. You can use this form to grade students, or simply
comment on their progress.

Use the Writing Evaluation Form when you're grading student essays. This will help you
establish uniform criteria for grading essays even though students may be writing about
different aspects of the material. By following this form you will be able to evaluate the
thesis, organization, supporting arguments, paragraph transitions, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, etc. of each student's essay.

Quizzes/Homework Assignments

The Quizzes/Homework Assignments are worksheets that can be used in a variety of

ways. They pull questions from the multiple choice and short essay sections, the
character and object descriptions, and the chapter abstracts to create worksheets that
can be used for pop quizzes, in-class assignments and homework. Periodic homework
assignments and quizzes are a great way to encourage students to stay on top of their
assigned reading. They can also help you determine which concepts and ideas your
class grasps and which they need more guidance on. By pulling from the different
sections of the lesson plan, quizzes and homework assignments offer a comprehensive
review of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in manageable increments that are less
substantial than a full blown test.


Use the Test Summary page to determine which pre-made test is most relevant to your
students' learning styles. This lesson plan provides both full unit tests and mid-unit tests.
You can choose from several tests that include differing combinations of multiple choice
questions, short answer questions, short essay questions, full essay questions,
character and object matching, etc. Some of the tests are designed to be more difficult
than others. Some have essay questions, while others are limited to short-response
questions, like multiple choice, matching and short answer questions. If you don't find
the combination of questions that best suits your class, you can also create your own
test on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Lesson Calendar

 Review Chapter Abstracts: Chapter abstracts are synopses of each chapter

that you can use to review the reading assignments with your students.
 Daily Lessons: There are 30 daily lessons detailed in this lesson plan. Select a
new daily lesson for each day.
 Fun Activities: There are 20 fun activities in this lesson plan. They serve as a
way for students to interact with the material in an enjoyable, educational way.
 Read Aloud in Class: Ask students to take turns reading aloud from where they
left off in their most recent reading assignment. Use the Oral Reading Evaluation
Form in this lesson plan to evaluate their reading skills.
 In-Class Handout: An in-class handout can be one of the quizzes/homework
assignments, vocabulary games, worksheets, or an essay/writing assignment. It's
something the students can complete and turn in during class, or begin in-class
and take home to finish as a homework assignment.

One Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 5 - 6

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Quiz Day 4 - Day 5 - Test
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapters 5 - 6 Chapter 11 Chapter 14 Chapter 17

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Quiz 1 Lesson from

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
1-8 9-15 1 Lesson from 24-30
Daily Lessons
1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 16-23 1 In-Class
from Fun Handout Handout
Activities 1-10 1 In-Class
Homework Handout Homework
Students Read Assignment: Assignment:
Aloud in Class Read through 1 Fun Activity Study for the
Chapter 14 and from Fun test
Homework choose a Activities 11-20
Assignment: homework
Read through assignment Homework

Chapter 11 from one of the Read through
Daily Lessons Chapter 17 and
assign an
essay, due the
week following
the test

Two Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 3 - 4

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Review

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapters 3 - 4 Chapters 5 - 6 Chapters 7 - 8 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Quiz

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
1-4 5-8 9-12 13-15 Homework
Students Read 1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 1 Fun Activity Read through
Aloud in Class from Fun Handout from Fun Chapter 13 and
Activities 1-5 Activities 6-10 assign an
Homework Homework essay, due the
Assignment: Homework Assignment: Review for the week following
Read through Assignment: Read through quiz the final test
Chapters 5 - 6 Read through Chapter 11
Chapters 7 - 8 Homework
Read through
Chapter 12 and
study for the
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Test

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 13 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17

1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from

Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
16-19 20-23 24-27 28-30

1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class 1 In-Class 1 In-Class

from Fun Handout Handout Handout
Activities 11-15
Students Read 1 Fun Activity Review for the
Homework Aloud in Class from Fun test
Assignment: Activities 16-20
Read through Homework Homework
Chapter 15 and Assignment: Homework Assignment:
choose a Read through Assignment: Study for the
homework Chapter 16 and Read through test
assignment choose a Chapter 17
from one of the homework
Daily Lessons assignment
from one of the
Daily Lessons

Four Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 1 - 2

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Review Review Review

Chapter Chapter Homework Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapters 1 - 2 Chapters 3 - 4 1 Lesson from Chapters 5 - 6 Chapters 7 - 8
Daily Lessons
Students Read 1 Lesson from 3-4 Review Quiz
Aloud in Class Daily Lessons Homework
1-2 1 Fun Activity 1 Lesson from
Homework from Fun 1 Lesson from Daily Lessons
Assignment: 1 In-Class Activities 1-3 Daily Lessons 7-8
Read through Handout 5-6
Chapters 3 - 4 Homework Students Read
Homework Assignment: 1 Fun Activity Aloud in Class
Assignment: Read through from Fun
Choose from Chapters 5 - 6 Activities 4-5 Homework
one of the and choose a Assignment:
Daily Lessons homework 1 In-Class Choose from
assignment Handout one of the
from one of the Daily Lessons

Daily Lessons Homework
Read through
Chapters 7 - 8
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9 - Day 10 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Review

Homework Chapter Chapter Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Daily Lesson 9 Chapters 9 - 10 Chapter 11 1 Lesson from Chapter 12
Daily Lessons
1 Fun Activity Review Review 14-15 Test
from Fun Homework Homework
Activities 6-7 1 In-Class Homework
1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Handout Assignment:
Homework Daily Lessons Daily Lessons Read through
Assignment: 10-11 12-13 Review for the Chapter 13 and
Read through test assign an
Chapters 9 - 10 1 In-Class 1 Fun Activity essay, due the
and choose a Handout from Fun Homework week following
homework Activities 8-9 Assignment: the final test
assignment Students Read Read through
from one of the Aloud in Class Homework Chapter 12 and
Daily Lessons Assignment: study for the
Homework Choose from test
Assignment: one of the
Read through Daily Lessons
Chapter 11 and
choose a
from one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 11 - Day 12 - Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review 1 Lesson from Review Review Quiz

Chapter Daily Lessons Chapter Chapter
Abstracts up to 17-18 Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Daily Lesson
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 23
1 Fun Activity
Review the test from Fun Review Review Students Read
Activities 10-12 Homework Homework Aloud in Class
Daily Lesson
16 Homework 1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from 1 Fun Activity

Students Read Assignment: Daily Lessons Daily Lessons from Fun
Aloud in Class Read through 19-20 21-22 Activities 15-16
Chapter 14 and
choose a 1 In-Class 1 Fun Activity Homework
homework Handout from Fun Assignment:
assignment Activities 13-14 Read through
from one of the Homework Chapter 16 and
Daily Lessons Assignment: Homework choose a
Read through Assignment: homework
Chapter 15 and Choose from assignment
choose a one of the from one of the
homework Daily Lessons Daily Lessons
from one of the
Daily Lessons
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review Review Review Daily Lesson Test

Chapter Chapter Homework 30
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Chapter 16 Chapter 17 1 Lesson from 1 In-Class
Daily Lessons Handout
Review Review 28-29
Homework Homework Homework
1 In-Class Assignment:
1 Lesson from 1 Lesson from Handout Study for the
Daily Lessons Daily Lessons test
24-25 26-27 1 Fun Activity
from Fun
1 Fun Activity 1 In-Class Activities 19-20
from Fun Handout
Activities 17-18
Students Read
Homework Aloud in Class
Read through Homework
Chapter 17 and Assignment:
choose a Choose from
homework one of the
assignment Daily Lessons
from one of the
Daily Lessons

Eight Week Lesson Calendar

Before the unit begins:

 Homework Assignment: Read through Chapters 1 - 2

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Quiz
Introduce Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Daily Lesson 1 Review Review Quiz

Chapter Chapter Homework
Abstracts up to 1 In-Class Abstracts up to Fun Activity 2
Chapters 1 - 2 Handout Chapters 3 - 4 Daily Lesson 3
Students Read
Students Read Homework Review 1 In-Class Aloud in Class
Aloud in Class Assignment: Homework Handout
Read through Homework
Chapters 3 - 4 Daily Lesson 2 Assignment:
and complete Read through
the Daily Fun Activity 1 Chapters 5 - 6
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Quiz Day 9 - Day 10 -
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Review Review Quiz Review Fun Activity 5

Chapter Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Review Abstracts up to 1 In-Class
Chapters 5 - 6 Daily Lesson 5 Homework Chapters 7 - 8 Handout

Daily Lesson 4 1 In-Class Daily Lesson 6 Review

Handout Homework
Fun Activity 3 Students Read
Students Read Aloud in Class Daily Lesson 7
Homework Aloud in Class
Assignment: Homework Fun Activity 4
Complete the Homework Assignment:
Daily Lesson Assignment: Read through 1 In-Class
Complete the Chapters 7 - 8 Handout
Daily Lesson and complete
the Daily
Day 11 - Day 12 - Quiz Day 13 - Day 14 - Day 15 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson 8 Review Review Review Review
Chapter Homework Homework Chapter
Students Read Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Aloud in Class Chapters 9 - 10 Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Chapter 11
10 11
Homework Quiz Quiz
Assignment: 1 In-Class Fun Activity 7
Read through Daily Lesson 9 Handout Students Read
Chapters 9 - 10 Homework Aloud in Class
and study for Fun Activity 6 Homework Assignment:
the quiz Assignment: Read through Fun Activity 8
Homework Complete the Chapter 11 and
Assignment: Daily Lesson complete the Homework
Complete the Daily Lesson Assignment:
Daily Lesson Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 16 - Day 17 - Day 18 - Day 19 - Day 20 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Daily Lesson Review Review Review Test

12 Homework Chapter Homework
Abstracts up to Homework
Fun Activity 9 Daily Lesson Chapter 12 1 In-Class Assignment:
13 Handout Assign an
Homework Review essay, due on
Assignment: 1 In-Class Homework Review for the day 38
Complete the Handout test
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson
Students Read 14 Homework
Aloud in Class Assignment:
1 In-Class Study for the
Homework Handout test
Read through Fun Activity 10
Chapter 12
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 21 - Day 22 - Day 23 - Day 24 - Day 25 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Review Review Quiz

15 16 Chapter Homework
Abstracts up to Daily Lesson
Review the test 1 In-Class Chapter 13 Fun Activity 12 18

Homework Review Fun Activity 13
Assignment: Homework
Read through Homework
Chapter 13 and Daily Lesson Assignment:
complete the 17 Read through
Daily Lesson Chapter 14 and
Fun Activity 11 complete the
Daily Lesson
Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 26 - Day 27 - Day 28 - Day 29 - Day 30 - Mid
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Unit Test

Review Review Review Review Quiz

Chapter Homework Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to Fun Activity 15
Chapter 14 Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Chapter 15
20 21
Review Review
Homework 1 In-Class Fun Activity 14 Homework
Daily Lesson Homework Daily Lesson
19 Students Read Assignment: 22
Aloud in Class Read through
Homework Chapter 15 and 1 In-Class
Assignment: Homework complete the Handout
Complete the Assignment: Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson Complete the Homework
Daily Lesson Assignment:
Study for the
Day 31 - Day 32 - Day 33 - Day 34 - Day 35 - Quiz
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit

Daily Lesson Review Review Review Review

23 Chapter Homework Homework Chapter
Abstracts up to Abstracts up to
Students Read Chapter 16 Daily Lesson Daily Lesson Chapter 17
Aloud in Class 25 26
Daily Lesson Quiz
Homework 24 1 In-Class Fun Activity 17
Assignment: Handout Students Read
Read through Fun Activity 16 Homework Aloud in Class
Chapter 16 Homework Assignment:
Homework Assignment: Read through Daily Lesson

Assignment: Complete the Chapter 17 27
Complete the Daily Lesson
Daily Lesson Fun Activity 18

Complete the
Daily Lesson
Day 36 - Day 37 - Day 38 - Day 39 - Day 40 - Final
Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Review Unit Test

Review 1 In-Class Collect essay Review Test

Homework Handout assignments Homework

Daily Lesson Homework Daily Lesson Daily Lesson

28 Assignment: 29 30
Finish the
Fun Activity 19 essay Fun Activity 20 1 In-Class
Homework Homework
Assignment: Assignment: Review for the
Complete the Complete the test
Daily Lesson Daily Lesson

Chapter Abstracts
Chapters 1 - 2
• Mr. Dursley sees odd occurrences on the way to work. He sees owls flying overhead,
a cat reading a newspaper, and strangely dress people standing on street corners.

• Mr. Dursley hears a conversation between a group of the people and they mention the
name Potter, which sends Mr. Dursley into a near panic.

• After the Dursleys have gone to bed, a tall man in a long robe puts out all the street
lights with a device. A cat transforms into a severe-looking old woman.

• The robed man is Professor Albus Dumbledore and the woman is Professor
McGonagall; they discuss the death of James and Lilly Potter.

• The Potters were murdered by a dark wizard named Voldemort, but their infant son,
Harry Potter, survived the attack. Voldemort has disappeared.

• Dumbledore has come to Number 4, Privet Drive to bring the infant, Harry, to live in
hiding with the infant’s aunt and uncle.

• The two professors leave Harry on the doorstep with a note of explanation. They wish
Harry well and then vanish from Privet Drive.

• Chapter 2 begins about ten years after Harry was left at the Dursley’s doorstep. It is
Dudley Dursley’s tenth birthday. He is a spoiled boy who is an overweight bully.

• Dudley receives 36 gifts for his birthday, but since he received 38 the previous year, he
manipulates his parents into making up the difference.

• Harry is not spoiled. He is berated and made to sleep in a small cupboard under the
stairs with the spiders.

• The family is getting ready to leave for Dudley’s annual birthday outing. The sitter has
canceled, so they are forced to bring Harry with them.

• Although Harry does not like spending time with the Dursley, he is delighted to be able
to go somewhere besides school. Harry is warned sternly to be good.

• The problem with Harry being good is that odd things seem to happen around him and
he does not know why or how to stop them. They seem to happen when Harry is afraid
or bullied.

• Dudley’s friend, Piers, also a bully, joins the family and they head for the zoo. The day
is going well for Harry; he even gets one of Dudley’s left over ice cream cones.

• At the snake house Dudley tries to wake a large snake. Harry begins talking to the
snake and Piers notices. Dudley knocks Harry over, and suddenly the boa is loose and
heading for freedom.

• Everyone in the snake house is shaken and, of course, Harry is blamed. Harry is
banned to his cupboard indefinitely.

Chapters 3 - 4
• During the summer vacation before Harry is set to attend a secondary school, a letter
arrives for Harry addressed to his cupboard under the stairs. It is curious, as Harry
never receives mail.

• Harry does not get to read the letter before his uncle snatches it from his hand, reads
it, and then disposes of it.

• Because of the letter's address, Harry is moved from the cupboard under the stairs to
Dudley’s spare bedroom. The Dursleys are concerned that someone is spying on them
have seen their bad treatment of Harry.

• On Sunday, about 40 letters come shooting out of the chimney. Harry and Dudley are
not allowed to see them and Mr. Dursley takes the family to a shack on a rock in the

• When the Dursleys and Harry arrive by rowboat at the rock it is the eve of Harry’s
birthday, although he is unsure if it is his tenth or eleventh.

• At the stroke of midnight there is a booming knock on the door of the shack.

• In Chapter 4, Uncle Vernon arms himself with a gun but refuses to open the door. The
door is knocked in by a very large, shaggy haired man. The man wishes Harry a happy

• The man, Hagrid, comments that Harry looks like his parents. Hagrid says he works at
Hogwarts, a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

• Hagrid is shocked and angry to find out Harry does not know what he is talking about
because the Dursleys did not inform Harry about his history.

• Hagrid informs Harry that he is a famous wizard and that Harry’s parents were also
wizards. Harry is stunned. Hagrid pulls out a duplicate of the letter and hands it to Harry.

• The letter informs Harry that he has been accepted at Hogwarts for the term beginning
in September.

• Vernon insists that Harry is not going to the school and calls Harry’s parents freaks.
Hagrid says they were not freaks. Hagrid says Harry’s parents were wonderful and were
killed by Voldemort.

• Hagrid then tells Harry that Voldemort tried to kill Harry but the spell backfired. Harry
was left with the scar on his forehead and Voldemort disappeared.

• Harry realizes this all might be true as he thinks of all the odd things that happen
around him. Hagrid tells Harry to get some rest, as they have a lot to do the next day to
prepare Harry for school.

Chapters 5 - 6
• Harry and Hagrid leave the shack the next morning bound for Gringotts Bank to get
some of the money that Harry’s parents left him.

• On the way Hagrid answers some of Harry’s questions. They enter a porthole to the
bank. Many of the customers recognize Harry and surround him in curious admiration.

• Hagrid and Harry enter Diagon Alley though a wall in a pub. This is the magical place
that would be equivalent to a strip mall. It is filled with stores selling magical items.

• Hagrid and Harry enter the bank which is run by Goblins. Harry has more money than
he can possibly spend. Hagrid and Harry then go to another vault where Hagrid picks
up a small item.

• When Harry is selected for a wand at Ollivander’s Wand Shop it turns out to be the
exact same wand that Voldemort uses and the twin of the one which gave Harry the

• Hagrid and Harry go to the train station when they are finished shopping. Hagrid tells
Harry that he will stay with the Dursleys until September. Hagrid then gives Harry
directions on what to do then.

• In Chapter 6, the Dursleys are uncomfortable around Harry and keep their distance
during his last month before school. Harry has an owl he names Hedwig and he reads
his new schoolbooks.

• Harry is given a ride to the train station by the Dursleys, but he has a difficult time
locating platform nine and three-quarters. Harry follows a family in which he hears the
word "muggle."

• Harry asks the mother of the group of red heads for help. She introduces her son,
Ron, who is also a first year student. She explains how to enter the platform.

• Harry makes it onto the train and one of the boys asks him if he is The Harry Potter.
He is embarrassed but says yes. He watches the red-haired wizard family saying

• Ron comes into Harry’s compartment and they begin a stilted conversation. Harry is in
awe of Ron and his wonderful family and Ron is awed to be talking to The Harry Potter.

• A snobby boy Harry met in the robe store appears and asks Harry if he is The Harry
Potter, which Harry confirms. The boy introduces himself as Draco Malfoy.

• A fight starts between Harry, Ron and Draco and his friends, and Draco leaves the
compartment in a huff. They arrive at Hogwarts and are taken to the castle by boat
across a large lake.

Chapters 7 - 8
• In Chapter 7, the first year students are taken to a small chamber where they wait for
their sorting ceremony and have a Hogwarts dinner feast.

• In the hall, each first year student sits on a stool and, one-by-one, they put on an old,
tattered wizard’s hat. The hat declares which house the student will join.

• Of the four houses, the Gryffindors are brave, the Hufflepuffs are honest and hard
working, the Ravenclaws are witty and smart and the Slytherins are cunning and

• Ron and Hermione are placed in Gryffindor and Draco in Slytherin with his two friends.
At Harry’s turn the hat has a difficult time but finally declares him Gryffindor.

• After the feast the headmaster, Dumbledore, makes announcements. The tryouts for
Quidditch, a wizard sport, will be held in two weeks and the forest is off-limits.

• Dumbledore also says the third floor corridor on the right side is off-limits. After the
announcements, the students head for the dormitories.

• In Chapter 8, Harry’s first day of classes begins with too much attention from the other
students who whisper and point at him. It is difficult to find his way around the school.

• The caretaker of the school, Angus Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris, have a terrible
reputation of being mean and nasty.

• Harry and Ron’s Potions teacher, Professor Snape, is mean-looking and is head of
Slytherin House. Professor McGonagall is head of Gryffindor and their Transfiguration

• Snape seems to dislike Harry and treats him badly during Potions class. It is a difficult
week for all of them. A bright spot is when Harry and Ron get to visit Hagrid at Hagrid’s

• They read in the Daily Prophet, the wizarding newspaper, that a break-in occurred at
Gringotts Bank but the vault that was raided was empty so nothing was taken.

Chapters 9 - 10
• In Chapter 9, during Harry’s first broom-flying lesson, Neville falls off and breaks his
wrist. The instructor, Madam Hooch takes him to the infirmary. She tells the other
students not to touch the brooms.

• Malfoy sees that Neville dropped his Rememberall, a ball sent by Neville’s
grandmother to remind him of things he forgets, and Malfoy decides to hide it from

• Harry tells Malfoy to hand it over but Malfoy jumps on a broom instead. Harry grabs a
broom too and takes off after Malfoy. Harry is a natural on the broom and quickly
catches up to Malfoy.

• Malfoy throws the ball, and Harry dives for it so it does not get broken. Just as Harry
catches the ball, he hears McGonagall yell his name and instruct him to follow her. She
sounds angry.

• McGonagall takes Harry inside to meet the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

• McGonagall tells the captain, Oliver Wood, that Harry is to be Gryffindor’s new Seeker.
McGonagall saw Harry dive for the ball and was amazed at his speed in catching the

• Malfoy is angry at Harry’s humiliation of him and challenges him to a wizard’s duel at
midnight. Harry accepts, but Hermione overhears and warns Harry against it.

• Harry and Ron, Harry’s second, refuse to listen to Hermione so she follows them to try
and keep them out of trouble. Neville sees them and also comes along.

• The group almost gets caught by Filch, but Hermione pops a locked door so they can
hide in a room. Inside, they are confronted by a three headed watchdog who looks very

• They flee the room and make it back to their dorm. Hermione mentions the dog was
standing on a trapdoor and that the room was in the forbidden wing.

• Malfoy is shocked that Harry and his friends were not caught outside the dorms at
midnight. He obviously set up the duel at a time when they should not be out in the

• Harry and Ron wonder what is in the package guarded by the dog. They also wonder
how they can get back at Malfoy for his trick.

• Two weeks later, a Nimbus Two Thousand broom arrives for Harry. He is to use if for
Quidditch and meet the captain that night on the training field for practice.

• Malfoy is jealous and confused that Harry should be given a broom by McGonagall.
Harry meets Wood at the field that night and gets a crash course in Quidditch.

• Harry is to try and catch a winged gold ball called the Snitch while the other players
play with larger balls. Wood is delighted at Harry’s ability on the broom.

• Ron insults Hermione and she overhears him. She runs past them in tears and hides
in the girls’ bathroom. At the Halloween dinner Quirrell bursts into the hall and shouts
there is a troll in Hogwarts.

• The students are sent to their dorms but Ron and Harry duck out and go to investigate.
They see the Troll and lock it in the girls’ bathroom. They hear Hermione scream.

• Harry and Ron end up killing the Troll while attempting to rescue Hermione.
McGonagall and Snape hear the noise and burst into the bathroom and see Harry and

• Harry and Ron are in trouble until Hermione steps out and takes the blame, saying
they saved her and it was not their fault.

Chapter 11
• Harry is to play his first Quidditch match. It is November and Gryffindor will be playing
Slytherin House. Hermione has become Ron and Harry’s close companion since the
troll attack.

• Snape has acquired a limp and Harry finds out that it is the three-headed dog that
caused it. Harry wonders what Snape was doing around the dog.

• The big game arrives and it is a cold day. During the game Harry’s broom begins to act
oddly, nearing throwing him off. Slytherin has been cheating often.

• Hermione scans the crowds and sees Snape sitting in the stands mumbling under his
breath. Hermione jumps from her seat and heads for Snape.

• Hermione knocks Professor Quirrell out of the way and hides behind Snape and sets
his robes on fire.

• Suddenly Harry gets control of his broom. The Snitch flies into his mouth and he spits
it into his hand. The crowd begins to scream.

• Ron, Hermione, and Harry go to Hagrid’s after the game. She says it was Snape who
put a spell on Harry’s broom. They tell Hagrid about Snape’s leg and the three-headed

• Hagrid drops his tea pot in shock that the children know about the dog, whose name is
Fluffy. The children are amazed at the dog’s name.

• Ron, Harry and Hermione are convinced Snape is trying to steal what the dog is
guarding. Hagrid tells them 'no' and that the matter is between Dumbledore and Nicolas

Chapter 12
• Harry, Ron, and Ron's brothers are all staying at Hogwarts for the Christmas holiday.
Harry and his friends have been searching for information about Nicolas Flamel.

• Harry receives an invisibility cloak from an anonymous person with a note that says it
belonged to his father. After everyone is in bed that night, Harry slips on the cloak and
leaves the dorm.

• Harry goes to the restricted section of the library, but when he opens a book it begins
to shriek. Harry barely escapes and overhears Filch telling Snape that someone was in
the restricted section.

• Harry slips into a classroom to get away from Snape and Filch and sees a large,
inscribed mirror.

• In it, he sees a very pretty woman who is crying but smiles and waves at him. She is
with a man. They are Harry’s parents he stares at them a long time, but when he hears
a noise he returns to the dorm.

• Harry returns to the room two more times and decides he will stay there all night and
visit with his parents. Dumbledore comes into the room.

• Dumbledore tells Harry it is the Mirror of Erised and shows the person before it his or
her deepest desires.

• Dumbledore sends Harry to bed, knowing the mirror will be gone in the morning.

Chapter 13
• Harry is happy to see his parents’ images but he begins having nightmares. When the
term begins after the holidays he is working hard on his lessons and Quidditch.

• Hermione says she has found out that Nicolas Flamel was a wizard who was an
alchemist, and his partner was Dumbledore. Flamel is said to have created the
Sorcerer’s Stone.

• The stone turns metal into gold and creates the Elixir of Life, which makes a drinker
immortal. Flamel is 665 years old. Dumbledore must be keeping the stone safe for

• The game of Quidditch against Slytherin is less than five minutes, as Harry catches
the Snitch almost immediately.

• After the game, he sees a cloaked figure head towards the forbidden forest and thinks
it is Snape. He follows and sees Snape speaking with Professor Quirrell, the Defense
Against the Dark teacher.

• Harry hears Snape trying to get Quirrell to figure out how to get past Fluffy, and he is
threatening Quirrell.

• Harry tells Hermione and Ron what he heard. The three decide it is only a matter of
time before Quirrell cracks under Snape’s pressure, as the teacher is rather meek.

Chapter 14
• Weeks pass and Quirrell seems to be losing weight but he has not cracked. Hagrid is
hiding something and Harry, Ron and Hermione investigate.

• The trio find out that Hagrid is hiding a dragon egg he won in a card game. He loves all
creatures and is delighted, but owning a dragon is illegal.

• The dragon hatches and is a Norwegian Ridgeback that Hagrid names Norbert.
Norbert bites Ron and he has to go to the infirmary. Malfoy hears them discussing

• Harry and Hermione convince Hagrid to give Norbert to Ron’s brother, Charlie, who is
in Romania studying dragons. Ron’s hand has gotten worse and Hagrid realizes Norbert
is dangerous.

• Hermione and Harry have to get Norbert out of the school because Ron is in the
hospital. The two foil Malfoy’s design to get Hagrid in trouble and deliver Norbert to

• Coming down from the tower they realize they forgot the invisibility cloak at the top of
the tower steps and are caught by Filch.

Chapter 15
• Filch takes Hermione and Harry to McGonagall. She comes into her study with Neville
because he was found out of his dorm also. He was trying to warn Hermione and Harry
about Malfoy.

• McGonagall takes 50 points from each of the children, which puts Gryffindor in last
place for the competition for the top school house.

• The rest of the house is angry at the three children. They have to serve detention with
Filch. Malfoy, also caught, has to serve detention with them.

• When the children show up for detention, they find out they have to go into the
Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. They are to find an injured unicorn and help it.

• The group splits up with Hermione, Harry and Hagrid going one way and Draco,
Neville and Fang, Hagrid’s dog, going another way.

• A centaur appears and speaks with Hagrid. Hagrid changes the groups, with Hagrid
teaming up with Hermione and Nevile and Malfoy, Harry and Fang teaming up.

• Harry and Malfoy see a hooded figure crawl towards a dead unicorn and begin
drinking the blood. Maloy and Fang bolt in fear. The figure heads towards Harry and his
scar begins to burn.

• A centaur jumps over Harry’s head and chases the figure into the woods. The
centaur’s name is Firenze and seems to know Harry. He offers Harry a ride back to

• They return to the school and Harry realizes the figure had to be Voldemort. Voldemort
was weak and barely alive and was drinking the unicorn’s blood to stay alive.

• Harry goes to bed exhausted and finds the invisibility cloak under his pillow with a note
that says, “just in case.”

Chapter 16
• Harry gets through his final exams but worries that Voldemort will come after him to kill
him. His friends tell him that Dumbledore will never let that happen.

• Harry recalls how Hagrid won Norbert and asks Hagrid about the card game. Hagrid
admits that the stranger did ask Hagrid about Fluffy. Harry realizes Hagrid has been

• Harry goes to Dumbledore to tell him everything but Dumbledore is away. He then tells
McGonagall who tells him there is nothing to worry about.

• Harry decides to take matters into his own hands, and Ron and Hermione want to help
him. The three of them head for the forbidden wing. Once in the room, they realize
someone has gotten there first.

• Fluffy is sniffing around the open trap door and a golden harp is at his feet. Harry takes
a flute out of his pocket and begins to play until all three are down the trap door.

• The three friends go down a passageway filled with small, brightly lit birds. They find a
locked, heavy wooden door. Hermione realizes the birds are really winged keys.

• They find the correct key, open the door, and are confronted with a giant chess board.
They must play the game correctly to reach the other side of the room.

• Ron sacrifices himself so Harry can checkmate the King. The Queen grabs Ron and
knocks him out cold. Hermione and Harry go to the next room hoping Ron will be okay.

• They solve a riddle in the next room, and then must walk through fire into another
room. There is a man in the room, but he is not Snape or Voldemort.

Chapter 17
• Professor Quirrell is in the room. It was him, not Snape who was trying to knock Harry
off the broom. Snape was doing a counter spell because Snape could not figure out
who was trying to kill Harry.

• Harry had also interpreted the talk in the woods incorrectly. Snape suspected Quirrell
was up to something and was trying to figure out what the man knew about the stone.

• Quirrell tells Harry that Snape does hate Harry, but it is because of an old vendetta
against Harry’s father. Quirrell also says that Snape would never betray Dumbledore
and take the stone.

• Behind Quirrell is the Mirror of Erised, which Quirrell says is the key to finding the
stone. Quirrell is instructed by Voldemort - who is always with Quirrell - to use Harry to
find the stone.

• Harry stands before the mirror and sees that the stone is in Harry’s pocket. As soon as
he sees it, the stone drops into Harry’s pocket.

• Harry makes up a story, but Quirrell shoves Harry out of the way. A shrill voice gives
Harry away when Harry tries to escape. The voice tells Quirrell to remove his turban.

• When Quirrell removes his turban there is a face at the back of Quirrell’s head. It has
red eyes and a snake like nose. It is Voldemort. Voldemort is sharing Quirrell’s body.

• Voldemort tells Harry to give Quirrell the stone, but Harry refuses. Quirrell tries to
strangle Harry, but Quirrell’s hands begin to burn and blister. Harry passes out from his
scar burning so bad.

• Harry wakes to Dumbledore smiling down at him. Harry is in the hospital wing and has
been there for three days.

• Dumbledore arrived just in time to pull Quirrell off Harry, and Quirrell and the stone
were destroyed. Voldemort’s spirit escaped.

• Dumbledore tells Harry that Quirrell’s hands burned because of the love Harry carries
from Harry’s mother. Dumbledore also tells Harry that it is he who gave Harry the cloak.

• Dumbledore tells Harry that Snape and Harry’s father were enemies, much like Draco
and Harry. Dumbledore says that James saved Snape’s life once and Snape could
never forgive this.

• Dumbledore says that Snape is trying very hard to save Harry’s life so that the debt
between Snape and James will be paid in full.

• Ron, and Hermione come to the room and Dumbledore leaves. Harry tells them
everything Dumbledore said. They discuss the past three days.

• At the end of the year feast the school is told that because of the bravery of several
students of Gryffindor that house wins the House Cup. Harry is full of joy.

• In Harry’s first year at Hogwart’s he managed to help Gryffindor win the Quidditch cup
for the first time in seven years, save the Sorcerer’s Stone, and help Gryffindor win the
House Cup.

• The next day everyone is packed and ready to leave the school. Ron invites Hermione
and Harry to come and stay for a while at the end of the summer.

• Harry is grateful for the invitation because it is hard to think about going back to the
Dursleys. His friends wish him a happy summer and worry when they see Vernon
coming for Harry.

• Harry tells them not to worry because the Dursleys don’t know he is not allowed to use
magic outside of school.

Character Descriptions
Harry Potter
This character's parents are killed by a dark wizard that is rarely named.

Ron Weasley
This character is rather poor because of the size of his family and his father's low-
paying job with the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione Granger
This character is very smart and hard-working young witch with Muggle-born parents.

Neville Longbottom
This character lives with his overbearing witch grandmother because both of his parents
are dead.

Draco Malfoy
This character is the protagonist's nemesis and a rather nasty and arrogant boy.

Headmaster Dumbledore
This character is the head of Hogwarts school.

Professor Snape
This character is the head of Slytherin House and the Potions teacher.

Professor Quirrell
This character wears a turban on his head at all times and has an awful stutter.

Professor McGonagall
This character is the Head of Gryffindor and does not play favorites unless Quidditch is

This charactre is Hogwarts' Gamekeeper and is fascinated with magical creatures.

Uncle Vernon
This character hates the fact that he must care for the protagonist and is stingy and
mean to him.

Aunt Petunia
This character treats the protagonist like dirt and also cannot stand to have to raise him.

This character is a fat, lazy, spoiled bully.

Lord Voldemort
This character is the dark wizard who killed many in the wizarding community.

Object Descriptions
The Sorcerer's Stone
This is a small red ball that can turn any metal into gold.

The Mirror of Erised

One who looks into this sees his or her deepest desires.

This game is played in the air on broomsticks.

Bertie Bott's Beans

These are candies in every flavor.

Wizard Cards
These are collected by kids of the magical world.

Chocolate Frogs
Candy shaped like a certain amphibian.

Gringotts Bank
This is run by Goblins and is very safe and secure.

The Forbidden Forest

This is at the edge of the school grounds and is inhabited by many unknown creatures.

The Forbidden Wing

This is where the Sorcerer's Stone is hidden.

The Forbidden Section of the Library
This area contains books on the Dark Arts of magic.

This was started by four great wizards and witches.

Diagon Alley
This is a shopping area for wizards and witches.

The Leaky Cauldron

This is the entry way from the Muggle world to Diagon Alley.

Daily Lessons
Lesson 1 (from Chapters 1 - 2)

Setting. Where a play, book or story takes place often affects the characters'
personalities and the possibilities for plot. Setting is a usually carefully considered item
in an author's set-up for fiction. Setting in the fantasy genre is particularly important
since oftentimes the reader must understand the differences between the fantasy world
and the "real" world.

The objective of this lesson is to look at setting in literature and the setting in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Could Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone have been set
anywhere? How does the setting make this a unique story? How do the people in Harry
Potter's world differ from the students' world? How does the setting affect the
characters? The plot? The themes? Why is the setting important?

Activity: In groups, students will discuss the ways in which Harry’s life would have been
different set in another time or place.

Activity: Students will debate the following statement: Setting is more important in some
novels than in others.

Assignment: Class work. Students will write a short paper on how the town in which
they reside currently and attend school has shaped their lives.

Homework: Students will rewrite the basic plot of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
and set it in their hometown, explaining how the different setting changes the work.

Lesson 2 (from Chapters 1 - 2)


Denial. Odd occurrences begin happening one day that greatly upset Mr. Dursley to the
point of distraction. On his way to work in the morning, he notices that Owls are flying
overhead in broad daylight, a cat seems to be reading a newspaper and unusually
dressed people are standing around in the streets in alarming numbers. He also
overhears a conversation between a group of these oddly dressed people mentioning

the name Potter, which sends him into a near panic. He decides that these are all just

The objective of this lesson is to look at denial of Vernon Dursley regarding the magical
beings and events he sees.


Class discussion: Is honesty always best? Are there times when an event is so horrific
that a person is healthier to deny it or suppress it? What are the eventual consequences
of that suppression or denial? How might the body react to denial? The mind? The
emotions? What could happen if a denied or suppressed event should suddenly come
to the surface? Can extreme guilt cause denial? Fear? Love? Are negative events the
only ones that people suppress or deny? How is denial used as a coping or defense
mechanism? Is denial sometimes the best way to ease oneself into a truth that is
difficult to admit? How is Mr. Dursley’s denial of what he sees around him helpful to
him? How is it harmful? Why might Mr. Dursley deny magic exists when he actually
knew a wizard and a witch?

Activity: Group work. In groups have students debate whether Mr. Dursley’s denial is
only superficial or runs very deep and why they think Dursley would be lying to himself.

Activity: Class debate. Denial is only used by cowards who do not want to face an
unpleasant situation.

Assignment: Class work. In class, the students will come up with a story about an
individual who is having a number of different problems in his/her life. Then, divide the
class into two groups, and each group will write a story where the individual is in denial
about each of the problems in her/his life and the other group the individual is bluntly
honest. Skits will be presented for discussion.

Homework: Students will research and write a paper on the positive and negative
effects of denial. Include in the paper an opinion on Mr. Dursley’s denial and its effect on

Lesson 3 (from Chapters 1 - 2)


Description brings the world in a novel to life, giving the reader a sense of location and
time. It grounds the characters into the pretend world of a novel.

The objective of this lesson is to look at description in literature and, more specifically,
the description in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Students will discuss the description in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and whether they feel it is effective. Groups will choose two or three
descriptions and write why they feel the descriptions are effective or not. Groups will
present these to the class.

Activity: In groups, have the students come up with a picture of what they think each
character looks like and what they think the setting looks like based off of the
descriptions in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Groups can compare notes in the
class as a whole.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Detailed
descriptions are necessary in most novels in order for the readers to totally immerse
themselves into the story.

Assignment: Class work. Each student should write about their favorite piece of detail
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. What makes this their favorite? How does
the author use this description to enhance the reader's experience of their work? Can a
lack of detail also affect the reader's experience for the good? How?

Homework: Students will write a short description of a scene from their favorite place,
such as the beach, forest, mountains, city, etc. trying to imitate Rowland's style of

Lesson 4 (from Chapters 3 - 4)


Jealousy. Aunt Petunia was obviously very jealous of her sister and their parents'
admiration of her achievements. She has lived in self-righteous indignation all these
years feeling that her sister got what she deserved because she became involved in
developing her magical talents. This is a terrible jealousy, that Petunia would actually
think her sister deserved to be murdered. The objective of this lesson is to look at


Class discussion: How is jealousy harmful? Is jealousy always a bad thing? How can a
person who is jealous deal with the emotion? What kinds of confrontations does
jealousy engender? How can a person deal with a friend's jealousy? Can jealousy be
overcome? What is the true basis of jealousy -- fear? insecurity? feelings of inferiority?
perceived lack? Do some people encourage jealousy? How? Why? Is Petunia’s
jealousy towards Lilly natural or was it pathological? Was it okay for Petunia to be
jealous? How destructive could the jealousy Petunia feels be when she actually
believes her sister deserved to be murdered?

Activity: In groups, have students come up with three situations from the novel involving
jealousy, and have the students formulate a healthy solution to each situation. Include
their ideas on Petunia’s jealousy. Groups may then share their ideas with the class.

Activity: Class presentation. Divide the students into groups of about five people. Have
each group write a short skit in which jealousy between two or more characters is the
main issue. Have the groups present the skits.

Class debate: Students will debate the following statement: Jealousy is not necessarily
a negative emotion.

Assignment: In-class writing. In class, students will write an essay explaining what they
would say to Petunia about her jealousy of Lilly.

Homework: Students will research one event in history that occurred as the result of
jealousy and write a short paper on the event and what they believe could have
prevented the situation.

Lesson 5 (from Chapters 3 - 4)


Vocabulary is both necessary to understand what we read and learned when we read.
The objective of this lesson is to look at vocabulary in general and the vocabulary in
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Use a word from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to spark a
discussion on how specific vocabulary terms can affect the reader's schema for the rest
of the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Activity: Class work. Have the students decide which five words from the section are
key vocabulary and help the reader to set a framework for understanding the chapter.
Have them defend their decision orally through a class discussion.

Activity: In groups, have the students come up with ten words from Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and give their equivalent in their own slang. Groups may share their
lists with the class.

Assignment: In class, students will write a brief essay about the vocabulary in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Some points to consider: 1. Was the vocabulary too
advanced? 2. Was it too far below the students’ reading level? 3. How does the
vocabulary affect the flow of the book? 4. Was the vocabulary specific to the genre? 5.
What is one idea you would convey to the author about the vocabulary if she/he was
sitting next to you?

Homework: Provide the students with a list of 10 words from Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and have them look up their definition. After writing out the definition
for each, identify which of the 10 are considered key to understanding Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Lesson 6 (from Chapters 3 - 4)


Imagery in literature. Imagery is the picture we form in our minds of the story we read. It
can involve visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and kinetic (general motion),
and kinesthetic (motion of animals and people). The author uses these forms of imagery
to translate words into a visual story that we can see and participate in within our minds.

The objective of this lesson is to look at imagery in literature, and more specifically, the
imagery in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and motion
imagery? How does Rowling use these tools to create a world that contains "unreal"
events, objects, or beings? How is the imagery used so the reader will accept the story
as real?

Activity: In groups, have students use imagery to describe the various people and
situations that are not real, without using the author's description. Have the groups read
their descriptions aloud.

Assignment: In class, have students write a short essay discussing the differences
between imagery in drama and in fiction.

Homework: Have students write a short, short story similar to Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone, using all the various literary imagery techniques.

Lesson 7 (from Chapters 5 - 6)


Friendship. Harry is fascinated by Ron and his family. Being without a loving family his
whole life, he is drawn by their closeness and obvious love for one another. Likewise,
Ron is fascinated by Harry. This mutual admiration and a similar outlook on life make
the two fast friends. The confrontation with Malfoy seals the friendship since they are of
a like mind in their opinion of the boy. This is the first glimmer of a friendship that Harry
has ever had in his life.

The objective of this lesson is to look at friendship.


Class discussion: The class can discuss the role and the responsibilities of a friend. This
can be created into a list of the various ways a friend should act and perhaps how they
should not act. List the benefits of friends and the disadvantages of friends. Also,
discuss how many friends one should have, and whether more or less is better. What
about other relationships that you wouldn't consider as "friends"? Are these are
important? Does Harry’s friendship with Ron seem like a real friendship? How do you
think Harry will be as a friend if he has never had one before?

Activity: In small groups, students should talk about their best friend and what that
person means to them. If the student feels comfortable, they should also share how the
friends met and any difficult times the friends may have been through together. Include
in the discussion what the group thinks the friendship between Harry and Ron is based

Activity: Class work. Have students volunteer information about being new to a school
or to an activity and how they made new friends.

Assignment: Class work. Have each student define friendship as they understand it.
This can be a list of qualities of what makes a good friend or it can be a paragraph that
defines it. Find a character from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone who meets each
aspect of the student's definition of friendship.

Homework: Create a visual map of the friendships developing in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone. Add to this as the story progresses.

Lesson 8 (from Chapters 5 - 6)


Narrative Flow. How does the writing move the plot? The objective of this lesson is to
look at narrative flow in literature and the narrative flow in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is narrative flow? What are some of the ways a narrative can
flow? What is your favorite type of narrative flow--fast-paced with lots of action; slow
with much description, etc. How does narrative flow inform the plot? How does the
narrative flow in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? How do things such as
sentence syntax, word choice, and tone affect the narrative flow?

Assignment: In-class writing: Find an example of either fast or slow-paced narrative flow
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining what
elements of your chosen section of narrative make it fast or slow paced.

Activity: Group work: Share your in-class writing and decide what the advantages and
disadvantages are to different types of narrative flow.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Narrative flow is
most important in scenes with a lot of action.

Homework: Take a chapter from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and describe the
narrative flow and whether or not you think a different pace would work better and why.

Lesson 9 (from Chapters 5 - 6)


Dialogue allows characters in a book to talk to each other. It also informs, entertains and
makes the characters seem real.

The objective of this lesson is to look at dialogue in literature and, more specifically, the
dialogue in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Introduce dialogue to the students and how writers use it in books.
Ask the students to choose a character from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and
isolate the character's dialogue. They should look at the dialogue and see what it says
about that character. How does the character speak? What does the character say?
Bring the class back together and discuss what they have found out about dialogue.
How does Rowling use dialogue in this book? Is the dialogue realistic? Do the students
think the dialogue is more about style then characterization? Do they think almost every
word a person speaks is designed to have an effect on the story? How would dialogue
be different in a play as opposed to a novel?

Activity: Divide the students into pairs and ask them to take the dialogue from a scene
and adapt it into a scene for a play, still keeping to the story's characterization. End the
lesson by looking at what they have developed.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Dialogue in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is not like conversation in the real world.

Homework: Have the students writer 1-2 pages of dialogue between two characters
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The dialogue must be original from the
student, but an honest attempt to sound like the characters from Rowlins' book.

Lesson 10 (from Chapters 7 - 8)

Change. Harry is somewhat frightened and overwhelmed by all the new things he is
experiencing. Harry’s life has arguably changed more than most of the first year
students since he had no knowledge of the wizard world before he received his letter of
acceptance. It is a huge change for Harry to go from being treated poorly by the
Dursleys to being admired by the whole wizard community and having friends. To
become different. To shift. To move into another position. Change is one constant in life.
Without change life becomes static, dull, dead. Change is essential although often

The objective of this lesson is to look at change.


Class Discussion: How much does life change in a day? A year? Does everyone’s life
change? Is change always difficult? What are changes that a person would want? What
are changes that most people dread? How does Harry’s life change in the first eight
Chapters of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? Were all the changes good? How
does Harry react to the changes in his life?

Activity: Break up into groups of three or four students and have students discuss what
one thing they would like the most were they in Harry’s situation, moving starting at a
school for wizards. What is one thing they would dislike?

Activity: Class work. Have the class close their eyes and think about what their lives
would be like if they were in Harry’s situation. Have them write a brief essay on the
changes they can visualize.

Homework: Have each student share a story about a difficult change they had to make
in their lives in a short paper.

Homework: Students will write a short paper on a change she/he considers to be the
most important change in his/her life. Include the change, how it occurred, if it was a
positive or negative change, and how it impacted the student's life. Would the student
have prevented it if that was possible?

Lesson 11 (from Chapters 7 - 8)

Genre. The genre of a book is important to many people. The objective of this lesson is
to look at genre in literature and, specifically, the genre of Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Have the students identify why Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
is fantasy and provide another example of a novel which would fall into this genre as
well as examples of novels that do not fall into this category. Discuss the differences.

Activity: In groups, have students come up with a plot for a fantasy novel similar to
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Assignment: In class, have students write an essay on why fantasy is a popular genre
and what a reader derives from reading it.

Homework: Have the students research the genre of fantasy, writing a short paper on it.
They may answer questions such as who were early authors. How did they influence
fantasy during their era? How has the fantasy genre built upon early editions of it? Give
some examples of parallels between modern fantasy and early fantasy. What are some
of the differences? How does Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, differ from other
fantasy novels?

Lesson 12 (from Chapters 7 - 8)


Literary Tone. The attitude towards the subject of a book or towards the audience is said
to be the tone of a work. Tone can change in a book and is implied through a variety of
means such as the imagery, syntax, grammar, and metaphors.

The objective of this lesson is to look at tone in literature and, specifically, the literary
tone in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is tone? How is the tone conveyed? Can the tone be both
implied and overt? Why does writing have tone? What would writing without tone be

Activity: In groups, have students identify the tone of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone and write down some of the ways in which Rowling conveys the tone. Have them
identify where the tone changed and by what means it was changed.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Tone in a novel is
set early and cannot be changed.

Assignment: In class, students will write a short story that conveys a specific tone.
Students may read their stories and the class may discuss the success of conveying the

Homework: Students will research literary tone writing a brief paper on the findings
especially concerning what literary tone is, how it changes a book, its purpose and the
methods by which an author conveys the tone, either on purpose or accidentally.
Students should include in their research what the tone of Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone is and how it may impact the readers' responses.

Lesson 13 (from Chapters 9 - 10)


Bullies. Draco Malfoy and his two friends are bullies. They try to bully Harry and they do
bully Neville. Harry stands up to Malfoy but Draco remains a bully.

The objective of this lesson is to look at bullies.


Class discussion: What is a bully? Why do bullies exist? What should students do about
a bully? How should schools handle incidents of bulling? What is different in the
emotional make-up of a bully compared to a person who does not bully? Are bullies
insecure? Do bullies feel inadequate or inferior? What can parents do about bullies in
schools? Why was Neville subjected to bullies? How did the bullies treat the boy? Why
was Malfoy, who had so much going for him, a bully?

Activity: Group work. In groups, students will list the types of behaviors seen in bullies
and then decide the best way to handle each behavior. Include in the list the types of
behavior seen in Malfoy that would be considered bulling. Groups may present their
ideas to the class.

Activity: Class debate. Bullies are to be pitied because they do not like themselves.

Assignment: Class writing. In class students will write a brief essay about when they or
someone they know had an encounter with a bully and what they did about it relating
that situation to the one Neville and Harry faced at Hogwart’s.

Homework: Students will research the social ramifications of bullies in schools writing a
brief paper on their findings.

Lesson 14 (from Chapters 9 - 10)


Characters create the story. Without interesting characters, a novel would not exist.
Often we read or quit reading a particular work of fiction because we like or dislike a
character in the book.

The objective of this lesson is to look at characters in literature and, specifically, the
characters in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Why are the characters in a book important? What is meant by a
well-developed character? What is meant by a stereotypical character? What is meant
by a caricature character? What makes a character sympathetic? What makes a
character interesting? Are there dull characters in a very good book?

Activity: In groups, have the students come up with character traits they consider
negative or positive. Have them decide what kinds of flaws are acceptable in a
protagonist, and what is not. Which traits make most people like a character? What
traits make most people dislike a character? How do Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,
Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Snape,
Quirrell, McGonagall, Hagrid, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, and Voldemort fit into
the list?

Activity: Have the students choose someone they know well and write about why he/she
would make a good or bad character in a book. Look at conversations with them,
activities they have shared, their job and hobbies, and their personality. Would the
person be a protagonist or antagonist? Would they be exciting? Boring? Average? Are
they someone you could see reading a book about?

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: A novel must have
at least one sympathetic character in order to be interesting.

Assignment: Class work. Choose one of the characters introduced thus far and address
a letter to him/her. In your letter state why you like him or her, what you like about
him/her, how you imagine her/him to appear, what you don't like about her/him, and
what you think she/he is going to be in the book - the bad guy, good guy, someone
neutral, etc.

Homework: Have the students write a short paper about three of the characters
introduced thus far. Take each one separately. Is the person exciting? Boring? Does the

student like or dislike the character? Why is the character boring? Exciting? Bland?
Does the student feel connected in some way to the character? Indifferent? Why? What
is it, with just meeting the character, that might induce the student to continue reading
the book?

Lesson 15 (from Chapters 9 - 10)


Writing style. How does the author use words to create the story? Does she use long
sentences too much? Or is the writing too short and choppy? What about her
vocabulary--is it too much in the vernacular or too formal? Are the vocabulary words
ones that most readers should know?

The objective of this lesson is to look at writing style in literature and, specifically, J. K.
Rowling’s writing style.


Class Discussion: Examine the mechanics of Rowling's writing style. How does he use
dialogue? Are her sentences short or long? Does she use a lot of metaphor? What
meaning does her writing style give the book? How is it effective or not for the book's

Activity: In pairs, ask the students to analyze Rowling's style further and write notes.
Once they have finished, compare the students' thoughts.

Activity: Class Presentation. Have each student bring in his/hers favorite book and
explain the difference in writing style of it to Rowling.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Writing style can
make a boring subject exciting.

Homework: Ask the students to use Rowling's writing style to individually write a
dialogue about how they feel at that moment. Finish the lesson by looking at what the
students have written.

Lesson 16 (from Chapter 11)


Evidence. Someone is trying to kill or at the very least sabotage Harry, but it really isn't
clear that it is Snape. A lot of incriminating evidence seems to suggest that he is a dark

The objective of this lesson is to understand the idea of evidence, particularly
circumstantial evidence.


Class Discussion: What is evidence? Besides criminal evidence, what other kinds of
evidence are there? What is circumstantial evidence? How can circumstantial evidence
be misinterpreted? How can false evidence harm someone? How might Harry,
Hermione, and Ron be misinterpreting the evidence they believe they have against
Snape? What should Harry, Hermione, and Ron be considering when they begin to
think Snape is doing dark magic or out to steal the stone?

Assignment: In-class writing: Discuss if, at this point in the novel, students think Snape
could be guilty of plotting to murder Harry Potter. Why or why not.

Homework: Write about a time you have been convicted of wrongdoing by a parent,
friend, or other based on incorrect or circumstantial evidence. Are successful in
redeeming yourself? How might that compare to what Harry and his friends are thinking
about Snape?

Homework: Research the concept of evidence in a criminal proceeding and make a

chart listing the various types of evidence and their definition. Do you think Harry has
enough trustworthy evidence to condemn Snape?

Lesson 17 (from Chapter 11)


Theme. A theme is an idea or message contained in a piece of fiction. Themes to

consider in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone might be good and evil, love and
death, and the quest for power.

The objective of this lesson is to look at theme in literature and the, specifically, themes
in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is meant by a "theme" in fiction? Why does the author use
themes? How does an author convey a theme? Are themes always obvious? Do you
think an author can write a novel and have no conscious intention to include themes?
Why or why not? Can readers see themes the author perhaps does not intend? How
does one decide on what a theme for a particular book might be? Can a theme be
accidental? Are themes explicit or implicit or both? What are the methods of expressing
theme? e.g. repetition of words or motif patterning of objects or settings.

Activity: In groups, students will list two to three themes they see in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and list how the themes are portrayed. These will be presented to the

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement (using examples
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone): Themes are often a part of the author's

Assignment: Class work. Students will write a one-page story using one of the themes
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Homework: Students will research theme in literature and write a short paper on it.
Consider the following questions: 1. What are some of the common themes a reader
may encounter in literature (for example, the idea that honesty is eventually rewarded,
or that the bad guy will be caught, or that the family is more important than any other
bond)? 2. How are themes recognized in a work of fiction? 3. Are themes considered
important in fiction? Include in the paper what they see are the theme or themes in
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Lesson 18 (from Chapter 11)


Suspense. Suspense occurs in writing when a liked or sympathetic character is in some

possible danger and the reader feels concern for that character.

The objective of this lesson is to look at suspense in literature and, specifically, the
suspense in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is suspense in literature? How does suspense unfold? Can the
suspense be both implied and overt? Why does drama have suspense? What would
writing without suspense be like? What are the types of genre that include more
suspense than others?

Activity: In groups, have students identify the suspense in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and suggest ways in which the suspense could have been enhanced.
Groups may share their ideas with the class.

Activity: Students will debate the following statement: A novel is not interesting without

Assignment: In class, have students outline the plot for a short story centered around
suspense. The outline should have the suspense escalate to climax. Students may read
their outlines to the class and discuss the possible success of their chosen suspense.

Homework: Students will research suspense in fiction, writing a brief paper on the
findings. Answer the following questions in addition to any you may have of your own: 1.
Define suspense. 2. What does Aristotle write about suspense in his book Poetics? 3.
Why can suspense be paradoxical? 4. How does suspense differ between a thriller and
a murder mystery? How about between a thriller and a psychological drama?

Homework: Select a suspenseful scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and
dissect and analyze in a one-page paper what makes it suspenseful: What words, tone,
and other writing techniques are used to evoke suspense?

Lesson 19 (from Chapter 12)


Obsession. On the third night Harry sits before the mirror intending to stay all night
visiting with his family. He hears a voice from behind him and it is the Headmaster Albus
Dumbledore. He tells Harry it is the Mirror of Erised and it shows the person before it his
or her deepest desires. It can become an obsession and drive one mad if one stands
before it long enough.

The objective of this lesson is to look at obsession in human behavior and, specifically,
at Harry’s obsession with the mirror and seeing his parents.


Class discussion: What is obsession? Can obsession for one thing blind you to other
possibilities? Is obsession necessary when striving for a very difficult goal? Why might
Harry be obsessed with his parents? Would it be good for Harry to go to the mirror
every night? How might Harry’s obsession with his parents harm him?

Activity: Group work: List a variety of situations where obsession can positively affect an
outcome and where obsession can cause negative outcomes such as fanaticism. Share
with the rest of the class.

Activity: Class presentations and synthesis: Each group present their lists and have the
class create a statement about obsession. Is this statement applicable in Harry’s
situation? Why or why not.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Obsession with
anything is unhealthy.

Homework: Write a journal entry discussing a time when you were (are) obsessed with
a goal, a person, a hobby, etc.... Do you think the obsession led to a positive or negative
outcome? Why? How might it be similar to how Harry is feeling about his parents and
the mirror?

Lesson 20 (from Chapter 12)

Symbolism. Symbolism enriches writing and makes the text more varied and interesting.
Most, if not all, fiction writing contains symbolism.

The objective of this lesson is to look at symbolism in literature and, specifically, the
symbolism in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Discuss with students the symbols that appear in the book and what
they mean. Have them discuss why Rowling would choose the symbols that she did
instead of other potential choices. How successful does the symbolism in Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone work? How do the symbols enhance your reading experience?
How do they contribute to the understanding of the characters?

Activity: Class work. Have the students take three themes out of Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and decide upon a symbol that would represent each of these themes.

Activity: In groups, have the students discuss why the author uses symbols instead of
just discussing the idea in a straightforward manner. How does the symbolism make the
message more meaningful? Would the symbols used represent the same ideas to a
person of another culture? How universal are symbols? Groups will present their ideas
to the class.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Most symbols are
universal across all cultures and time.

Assignment: Class work. Have students write a short story using at least one symbol of
their choosing.

Homework: Have students write an essay on one of the symbols in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone, discussing how Rowling used the symbol and what the symbol

Lesson 21 (from Chapter 13)


Protagonist and Antagonist. Wherever there is conflict, there are protagonists and
antagonists. They are not always humans--they can be nature, other animals, ideas,
etc... Sometimes it takes some careful study to clearly identify the protagonist and

antagonist--and sometimes different readers will not agree about who is a protagonist
and who is an antagonist.

The objective of this lesson is to look at protagonist and antagonist in literature and,
specifically, the protagonist and antagonist in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is a protagonist? What is an antagonist? Can one

character/person be both? Is the protagonist also the good character? Is there always a
protagonist and antagonist in non-fiction? Can either one be an inanimate object?
Which might Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Gramger Neville Longbottom, Draco
Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Snape, Quirrell, McGonagall, Hagrid, Uncle Vernon, Aunt
Petunia, Dudley, and Voldemort be?

Activity: In class. have students label the main characters in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone as either a protagonist or antagonist and explain why they have
labeled each character as one or the other. Be sure to include other things besides

Activity: Group work. Assign a short story to each group and have the groups decide
who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist and write down their choices and why
they made the choice. Groups may present their ideas to the class.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Protagonists can
have some bad qualities and antagonists can have some good qualities.

Assignment: In class writing. In class, students will write a brief essay discussing three
essential qualities necessary for a human protagonist and three qualities necessary for
a human antagonist.

Homework: Students will research protagonist and antagonist and write a short paper
on the findings. Answer the following questions during the research: 1. Define
protagonist and antagonist and give an example of each from either the work we are
currently studying or another piece of fiction or movie. 2. Who are some of the most well
known protagonists in literature or film? Why are they considered a protagonist? 3. Who
are some of the most well known antagonists in literature or film? Why are they
considered an antagonist? 4. Why is the concept of protagonist/antagonist useful in
studying a work of literature?

Lesson 22 (from Chapter 13)


Point of view. Who is telling the story? How much do you know about the character's
inner life as you read?

The objective of this lesson is to look at point of view in literature and, specifically, the
point of view in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What different points of view can be used? What does each point of
view entail? Divide the students into groups and assign them each a point of view. Their
aim is to find the advantages and disadvantages of that particular point of view. After 10
- 15 minutes, compare the students' thoughts before leading them into a discussion.
Why do they think Rowling writes Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from the third
person? Does it limit the story in any way? How do the students think the story would be
different if it was written in the first person?

Activity: Group work. On the board, write down all the different points of view that a
novelist uses. For example, first person, second person, third person. Discuss with the
students how each point of view is used before dividing the class into groups and
assigning them each a point of view. The students should then individually choose a
short scene in the book and rewrite it using their particular point of view. End the lesson
by looking at the students' work and discussing what difference the point of view makes
to the meaning of a story.

Activity: Class presentations. Together, class will write a brief story. In three groups,
each group will write the story into a skit in a different viewpoint and present the skits to
the class.

Assignment: In class, students will write a brief essay saying what their favorite point of
view for a novel is and why.

Homework: The students will write a short story from the third person point of view, the
point of view Rowling uses in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Lesson 23 (from Chapter 14)


Author Agenda. Often a writer has an idea, position, belief or moral she or he wishes to
promote, either overtly or subtly in a book. This is an author agenda.

The objective of this lesson is to look at author agenda in literature and, specifically, the
author agenda in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: Discuss author agenda and how authors use writing to advance their
own ideas. Do you think a writer of non-fiction has a different agenda than one who

writes fiction? Why or why not? Are unstated author agendas honest? How do you feel
when you realize an author is using his/her work to influence your thinking?

Activity: Class debate. Divide the class into two teams and debate the following
statement: All authors have an agenda for why they are writing for public dissemination.

Activity: Class work. Students will write a short paper using author agenda as a
rationale for their reasoning. Choose a topic for which they wish to convince someone to

Assignment: In class, students will write a brief essay discussing what they think they
might be able to surmise about the author of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from
the author’s agenda.

Homework: Students will research the meaning of author agenda in literature and write
a brief paper on what the student perceives as the author's agenda(s) in Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Lesson 24 (from Chapter 14)


All writing contain various literary devices that help an author portray his/her story in an
interesting and compelling way.

The objective of this lesson is to examine the use of literary devices in literature and,
specifically, the use of literary devices in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What are some of the most common literary devices? What is the
value in identifying a literary device in a text? Do authors include literary devices into
their works intentionally? What are three literary devices encountered in Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone?

Activity: Small Group Work: Choose twenty pages you have already read from Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and find all the literary devices in those pages. Define
them and analyze how they are used and how they add to the meaning/success of the

Assignment: In-Class writing: Choose three literary devices from your homework and
write 3 creative paragraphs that would include each device. Rewrite the paragraphs
without the literary device and compare the effect of each style.

Homework: With research, define and give one example (preferably from Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone) of the following literary devices: Allusion, Metaphor, Simile,

Analogy, Flashback, Foil, Imagery, Irony, Mood, Prologue, Satire, Stream of
Consciousness, Syntax, Tone and Understatement, Symbolism. Bring your work to

Lesson 25 (from Chapter 15)


Values. When Draco and Harry encounter Voldemort drinking the blood of the unicorn,
Draco runs and Harry does not. Not only does this event indicate they have different
values but the difference in Draco’s behavior and Harry’s behavior in school seem to
indicate the same.

The object of this lesson is to learn about values and the difference between Draco’s
values and Harry’s values.


Class discussion: What are values? How are they learned? How do they differ between
cultures? Why do different countries have different values? Are Harry’s values good
ones? What about Draco Malfoy? Can values be immoral? How did Harry learn such
good values when his aunt and uncle do not seem to have good values? Can good or
bad values be instinctive?

Activity: In small groups students will list values that are helpful and those that are
harmful and why. Include in the list those values that Draco and Harry hold that seem
beneficial and harmful. Groups

will share lists with the class.

Assignment: In class have the students write a brief paper in which they explain the
difference between Harry’s values and Draco’s values.

Homework: For homework students will write what their values are and how they
believe they compare to Harry’s values.

Lesson 26 (from Chapter 15)


Conflict. Conflict occurs in fiction when the protagonist's goal is opposed by some force.
That force could be another person or persons, a force of nature, or even the
protagonist's own character. Conflict is inherent in the plot and is essential to drive the

The objective of this lesson is to look at conflict in literature and, specifically, the conflict
in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is conflict? How does conflict unfold? Can the conflict be both
implied and overt? Why does fiction have conflict? What would writing without conflict
be like? How does conflict ebb and flow in a piece of fiction? Must the central conflict be
resolved by the end of a book? Can there be more than one conflict in a book?

Activity: In groups, have students identify the conflict(s) in Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone and write down some of the ways in which Rowling builds the conflict
and resolves it (them). Have them identify where the conflict changed and by what
means it was changed.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: Conflict in a novel
is usually the main reason that motivates a reader to continue reading.

Assignment: In class, have students outline the plot for a short story which is centered
around a particular conflict. The outline should have the conflict escalate to resolution.
Students may read their outlines to the class and discuss the possible success of their
chosen conflict, what type of conflict it is and whether the resolution is plausible.

Homework: Students will research conflict in fiction, writing a brief paper on the findings.
Consider the following questions as you conduct your research: 1. Define conflict in
literature. 2. How does one identify conflict? 3. Define the types of conflict (internal;
conflict in relation to another person; external conflict). 4. What are the basic conflicts
you might encounter in fiction (for example, "character versus nature" or "character
versus society). See if you can come up with at least five types and what they involve.
4. Are there primary conflicts and secondary conflicts? How would you identify a conflict
as primary or secondary?

Lesson 27 (from Chapter 16)


Resolution. The resolution in a novel occurs after the climax when the situation is
different because the conflict has been resolved. Generally, the resolution will at least
imply that the new state is one that will continue from that point on with the characters
or situation.

The objective of this lesson is to look at resolution in literature and the resolution in
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: What is resolution? How does the resolution unfold? Can the
resolution be both implied and overt? Why does fiction have resolution? What would
writing without resolution be like? Can there be more than one resolution in a book?

Activity: In groups, have students identify the resolution of the central conflict in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and then write a different resolution. Groups may share
their ideas with the class.

Activity: Class work. In class, have students outline the plot for a short story which is
centered around a particular conflict and create a resolution for that conflict. The outline
should have the conflict escalate to resolution. Students may read their outlines to the
class and discuss the possible success of their chosen resolution.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: A novel cannot be
complete without a resolution of conflict.

Homework: Students will write a brief paper respond to the following questions: Have
you ever read a novel where the resolution seemed to be impossible or improbable
considering how the conflict is resolved? How did you respond to this situation? Did you
think Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’s resolution was plausible?

Lesson 28 (from Chapter 16)


Courage. Harry, Hermione, and Ron go to stop Snape from stealing the stone. The
three of them are proving to be very brave and clever, even if they might be slightly
misled as to whom they are chasing. The three of them show a great deal of courage by
facing up to the three-headed dog and some dangerous riddles. Ron, demonstrating
great courage, sacrifices himself in the chess game even though he does not know
what might happen.

The objective of this lesson is to look at courage in humans and how Harry, Hermione,
and Ron exhibit courage in their quest.


Class discussion: What is courage? It is defined in the dictionary as: mental or moral
strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. How is courage
demonstrated? How can one know if she/he has courage? Why would someone be
perceived as being courageous? Is Harry a courageous person? What about the
Hermione? How about Ron?

Activity: In groups give students two situations or difficulties that would require courage
to withstand, to solve or enter. Have the students list actions and feelings that a
courageous person would do and have in those situations. Then have them decide how
they think Harry and his friends would react in the situations. Groups may share their
ideas with the class.

Activity: Students will debate the following statement: All courage starts with fear.

Assignment: In class have the students write a short essay about whether they believe
Harry, Hermione, and Ron are courageous people.

Homework: Have students research the history of the idea of courage and write a paper
detailing how the notion of courage has changed throughout history.

Lesson 29 (from Chapter 17)


Plot structure. The plot structure is of primary importance in a book of fiction or a play. It
drives the characters and the action is derived from the plot.

The objective of this lesson is to look at plot structure in literature and the plot structure
in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.


Class Discussion: With the students, look at elements of plot structure--exposition,

rising action, climax, falling action, resolution (or denouement). What do the students
know about each element? What is the basic plot of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s

Activity: Divide the students into pairs and assign them each a chapter in the book.
Their task is to deconstruct the chapter into its various elements. What is the goal of the
chapter, what complications are there, how does Rowling resolve these complications?
End the lesson by looking at what the students have found.

Activity: In groups, have the students discuss why plot lines are different depending on
the genre of a work. Groups may share their ideas with the class.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: The plot is the most
important element in a novel.

Assignment: In class, students will write a brief essay explaining why they think every
novel has to have a plot.

Homework: Ask the students to plan out their own plot for a book similar to Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Lesson 30 (from Chapter 17)

Characteristics of a Successful Novel. Most readers can say if they do or do not like a
book when finished with it. It is more difficult to articulate why one does or does not like
a book.

The objective of this book is to look at the characteristics of a successful novel.


Class Discussion: What are the characteristics of a successful novel? Does it need to
have a definite plot? Does it have to have at least one character to which the reader can
relate? Do it have to offer insight into human or animal nature? Does it have to contain
universal truth(s) or appeal? Must the piece of literature make connections to other
literature and/or real-life situations?

Activity: Small Group work: Get into small groups and create a two-column chart
showing characteristics that one does and does not like in a novel. Such things might
be: Too much or too little description; surprise ending; an evil hero; the "good" guys get
killed; the "bad" guys win; too much or too little dialogue. It will not stand the test of time.

Activity: Class exercise. In class, write on the board all of the literary terms learned in
the daily lessons or in other lessons. These could include: plot, characters, suspense,
conflict, resolution, literary tone, narrative flow, description, dialogue and writing style.
Through discussion and voting, have the students list the most important to the least
important element in determining whether a novel is a good piece of fiction.

Activity: Class debate. Students will debate the following statement: An interesting novel
could be poorly written.

Assignment: In-class writing: Answer the following question: Do you think it is useful to
know how and why you evaluate a particular work of fiction?

Homework: Using the rubric created in the class discussion, evaluate Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s Stone as to its success as a novel. Taking the charts from the small
groups, create a rubric to use in judging a novel or piece of fiction, discussing the ways
in which the rubric can be used.

Fun Activities
Draw a picture of the three-headed dog.

Letter Writing
Write two letters from Harry, one to his mother and one to his father after Dumbledore
moves the mirror so Harry cannot use it.

Create a list of actors to play the major characters and explain why you choose those

Write a biographical paragraph about one of the major characters.

You are a journalist with the Daily Prophet. Write out an interview with Harry.

New title
Have groups come up with a new title for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Have
the class vote on the best one.

After the Ending

Have the class write a brief plot that covers what happens the next five years in Harry’s

Trivial Game
Design a Trivial Pursuit type game based on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Choose six objects from the book to serve as playing pieces such as a wand, a wizard’s
hat, a cat, a stone and a dragon.

Create a time line, including illustrations, of the events from Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone. Have the time line branch off into the different locations in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Read another J. K. Rowling book and write a comparison and contrast between it and
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Create three posters about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone using a variety of
media (chalk, paint, markers, watercolors, etc.).

Book Talk
Talk about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to another class who has not read the
book. Include a short reading to encourage students in the other class to read Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Tell why you chose that particular passage to read.

Screen Play
Write a screenplay for one of the chapters in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Explain how the screenplay differs from the novel.

Create a three-dimensional collage of objects related to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone and write a sentence next to each to show why it is important to the book. Use a
theme around which to plan the collage.

Book Cover
Create the art for a front book cover for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from one
of the scenes in the book. Explain why you choose that particular scene for the cover.

Rename the Characters
Give Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Gramger Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy,
Albus Dumbledore, Snape, Quirrell, McGonagall, Hagrid, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia,
Dudley, and Voldemort new names that you think better reflects their personalities. Why
did you pick the names you did?

Play a Character
Put all the names of the characters from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in a hat
and ask everyone to pick one. No one should tell each other their character, but should
walk around the class conversing, pretending to be that person. After 10 or 15 minutes,
the group should guess who each other is.

Write an epithet for Harry’s parents.

New Ending
Write a different ending for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Character Debate
Split students into two or more groups and stage a debate about whether particular
characters are good or bad.

Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1
Dudley is an obnoxious bully who indulges too much in food. Harry is quite the opposite.

Why do you think Dudley, who is loved and pampered is such a selfish bully? How do
you Harry turns out to be honorable and kind? How might these two boys relate to the
question of nature versus nurture? Use examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone to support your answer.

Essay Topic 2
The Mirror of Erised is said to reveal your deepest desire or passion. Compare and
contrast what you believe you would see in the Mirror of Erised, versus what Harry saw.

Essay Topic 3
Hermione works very hard at being a good student.

Why do you think Hermione works so hard at being the best? What might this say about
how she feels about herself or her family? Do you think she works too hard at being
perfect? Why or why not? Use examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to
support your answer.

Essay Topic 4
Harry is convinced Snape is a dark wizard.

Do you think Harry is biased in his opinion about Snape? Do you think anyone would
interpret Snape’s behavior as Harry has done? Do you think Snape is a dark wizard?
Why or why not? Use examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to support
your answer.

Essay Topic 5
Harry seems to run into bullies wherever he is.

Compare Dudley’s behavior to Draco’s behavior. How are they similar? Do you think
there is a reason both of them react to Harry in the same manner? What might be that
reason? Do you think whenever there is a group of people there will always be at least
on bully in the crowd? Why or why not? Use examples from Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone to support your answer.

Essay Topic 6
Characters are an integral and important part of almost all novels.

Compare/contrast the characters of Harry and Voldemort. How are they similar? How
are they different? Is there a flaw in each of their personalities? Be specific and give
examples. Compare/contrast the characters of Harry and Dumbledore. How do they
seem different? Which do you like more? Why? Which one seems more of a well-
rounded character?

Essay Topic 7
Many readers of fiction place themselves in the position of one character, wondering if
they would do the same thing as that character.

Do you think one of the values of literature is to serve as a reflection of oneself? Why or
why not? Socrates said "Know thyself." How can reading a book such as Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone help a reader to know him/herself? Do you find yourself
reflecting on your own character and abilities when reading Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 8
Choose two significant symbols and trace and analyze their appearance in Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Are these universal symbols that would have the same
meaning in any culture? What other symbols could portray the same idea? Why do you
think Rowling chooses the symbols she does? Consider symbols such as Harry’s wand,
the killing of the unicorn, Norbert, and the three-headed dog.

Essay Topic 9
Trace and analyze the theme of good and evil in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Consider the following questions as you write: Examine which characters are seen as
good. What are some of the reasons they are considered good? Discuss the characters
who are seen as evil and some of the reasons they are considered evil.

Essay Topic 10
What do you think it means to say that a plot is character driven or action driven? Which
type of plot do you find more interesting? Why? Do you think it is possible to have a plot
where action and character are developed to the same degree? Why or why not? What
type of plot do you think Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is? Explain your

Essay Topic 11
Trace and analyze the theme of life and death in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Which characters struggle with this issue? Why? Which characters seem to want
immortality? Which characters are dead and how do they affect the other characters
and the plot?

Essay Topic 12
Define plot and include the definitions of the most important elements of a plot. Do all
novels have a plot? Why or why not? Write a brief synopsis of the plot of Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone, identifying where the various elements of the plot occur
(Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution or denouement). Do you find it
difficult to identify the plot? Why or why not? What about the various elements of the
plot? Give a brief synopsis of any important sub-plots.

Essay Topic 13
Trace and analyze the theme of the power of love in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone. How was Harry’s life affected by the power of love? How was Voldemort’s life
affected by the power of love? What other characters’ lives are affected by the power of

Essay Topic 14
What is foreshadowing? Identify three instances of foreshadowing in Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s Stone and what they foreshadow. How does foreshadowing contribute to
a book's suspense? Are there any incidences that you thought foreshadows a future
event, but it does not do so?

Essay Topic 15
Identify the protagonists of the story and why you believe they are such. Identify the
antagonists of the story and why you believe they are such. Which three secondary
characters have the greatest impact on the plot? Which, if any, characters are not
essential to the story? Explain.

Essay Topic 16
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone belongs to the fantasy genre.

Define the literary term "genre". What are the advantages and disadvantages of
assigning a genre to a novel? What elements of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
make this novel a fantasy?

Essay Topic 17
Often, authors will write about what they know, and sometimes knowing a little about the
author makes the books more interesting.

Research and give a brief biographical sketch of J. K. Rowling. What aspects of, or
beliefs from, Rowling's own life are seen in her writer - either directly appearing in or
having a probable influence over her writer.

Essay Topic 18
Trace and analyze one major theme of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. How is
the theme represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?

Essay Topic 19
Do you think Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone would qualify as a novel with a
happy ending? Why or why not? Why might Rowling have ended the novel the way she

Essay Topic 20
Analyze and discuss what you think are the characteristics of a successful novel and
why Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is or is not a successful novel based on your
criteria. Do you think the criteria for a successful novel should be different if it is written
for adults versus young adults? Why or why not?

Short Essay Questions
1. What begins happening at the Dursley's home in Chapter 1, and how does Mr.
Dursley handle it?

2. What does Mr. Dursley notice on his way to work one day?

3. What does Mr. Dursley overhear that makes him panic?

4. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some time?

5. Why is Dumbledore at the Dursley home at the beginning of the book?

6. Where are Dudley and Harry going to be attending school?

7. What happens one Sunday about the letters that are arriving at the Dursley home?

8. What happens when Mr. Dursley breaks under the stress of all the letters piling up?

9. What does Hagrid tell Harry in Chapter 4 that stuns Harry?

10. In Chapter 4, what does Hagrid tell Harry about the curse backfiring?

11. How does Harry feel the next morning after Hagrid first arrived to claim him?

12. How does Hagrid supply breakfast in Chapter 5, and what does he say that he and
Harry must do after eating?

13. Where is the porthole Harry and Hagrid use in Chapter 5, and what happens when
they go into the pub?

14. What is odd about the wand Harry ends up buying at Ollivander's Wand Shop?

15. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

16. What is the process of "sorting" at Hogwarts?

17. What happens when Harry puts on the sorting hat?

18. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

19. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

20. How is Harry's initial experience in potions class?

21. What does Malfoy do after Harry demands Malfoy hand over the "Remember all"?

22. What does Harry think is going to happen when Professor McGonagall yells at him
when he is on a broom in Chapter 9, and what does she do?

23. Why is Malfoy angry at Harry in Chapter 9, and what does Malfoy do about it?

24. Harry receives a package during lunch a week after his first broom ride; what is

25. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

26. What is to happen in early November after the weather turns bitterly cold?

27. What does Harry figure out in Chapter 11 about Professor Snape's limp?

28. What unusual way does Harry catch the snitch in his first Quidditch match?

29. What does Hagrid do when Ron, Harry, and Hermione mention Fluffy in Chapter 11?

30. About what are Ron, Hermione, and Harry convinced concerning Snape in Chapter

31. For what information have Ron, Harry, and Hermione been searching in Chapter

32. In Chapter 12, what does Ron realize the present Harry receives on Sunday
morning is?

33. What does Harry do after Ron is asleep the night of Christmas?

34. What happens when Harry removes a book from a shelf in the restricted area of the
library in Chapter 12?

35. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror in the abandoned classroom in
Chapter 12?

36. How does seeing his parents in the mirror affect Harry?

37. What is the Sorcerer's Stone?

38. Who is Nicolas Flamel?

39. What does Harry believe about the conversation between Snape and Quirrell that
Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest?

40. What does Harry believe is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone?

41. What is happening to Professor Quirrell as the weeks pass?

42. How does Hagrid feel about owning a dragon's egg, and why is that problematic?

43. What kind of dragon is contained in Hagrid's egg?

44. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital wing in Chapter 14?

45. What do Harry and Hermione convince Hagrid to do about the baby dragon?

46. What does McGonagall do when Harry, Hermione and Neville are found out of their
rooms after midnight in Chapter 15?

47. What else does McGonagall make Harry, Hermione, and Neville do and who is to
also be with them?

48. What does the detention for the group of students in Chapter 15 consist of?

49. What do Harry and Malfoy see when they hear a noise and go to the sound while in
the forest in Chapter 15?

50. What does Harry realize about the person drinking the unicorn blood?

51. Why does Harry worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

52. What does Harry realize Hagrid revealed through his story of how he acquired the
dragon egg?

53. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione realize in Chapter 16 when they enter the
chamber where Fluffy resides?

54. What does Hermione realize about the flying birds?

55. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and
Hermione do?

56. Who is the man in the last chamber that Harry and Hermione come to in Chapter 17,
and how do they react upon seeing him?

57. What does Harry learn about Snape in Chapter 17 concerning Harry?

58. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror to find the Sorcerer's Stone in
Chapter 17?

59. What does a voice tell Quirrell to do in Chapter 17, and what is the result?

60. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about why Quirrell's hand burned when he
touched Harry?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. What begins happening at the Dursley's home in Chapter 1, and how does Mr.
Dursley handle it?

Odd occurrences begin happening one day that greatly upset Mr. Dursley to the point of

2. What does Mr. Dursley notice on his way to work one day?

On his way to work in the morning, Mr. Dursley notices that Owls are flying overhead in
broad daylight, a cat seems to be reading a newspaper and unusually dressed people
are standing around in the streets in alarming numbers.

3. What does Mr. Dursley overhear that makes him panic?

Mr. Dursley overhears a conversation between a group of these oddly dressed people
mentioning the name Potter, which sends him into a near panic.

4. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some

Long after the Dursleys have gone to bed, the newspaper-reading cat, perched on a
wall outside their home, is joined by a tall man wearing long robes and carrying with him
a device that puts out all the street lights.

5. Why is Dumbledore at the Dursley home at the beginning of the book?

Dumbledore has arrived at the Dursley's home at Number 4, Privet Drive, to bring the
infant Harry to live in hiding with them until he is old enough to handle his notoriety.

6. Where are Dudley and Harry going to be attending school?

Dudley will be attending a private school, while Harry will be going to the ominous public

7. What happens one Sunday about the letters that are arriving at the Dursley

Finally, Sunday comes, and Harry's Uncle thinks he's in the clear, when 40 or so letters
begin shooting out of the chimney. Harry and Dudley have to be physically carried out of
the room and the door locked before they are able to retrieve any of the letters.

8. What happens when Mr. Dursley breaks under the stress of all the letters piling

Mr. Dursley cracks and gets everyone into the car to shake off the letter senders. He
drags them all to a horrid little shack, sitting on a rock in the sea, which can be reached
only by rowboat.

9. What does Hagrid tell Harry in Chapter 4 that stuns Harry?

Hagrid tells Harry that Harry is a very famous wizard and that his parents were also both
wizards. Harry is stunned by this news.

10. In Chapter 4, what does Hagrid tell Harry about the curse backfiring?

Hagrid tells Harry how the curse that killed his parents somehow backfired on Voldemort
when he tried to use it on Harry. This was what gave him his unusual scar on his

11. How does Harry feel the next morning after Hagrid first arrived to claim him?

Harry awakes the next morning thinking it was all a dream until he sees Hagrid asleep
on the couch.

12. How does Hagrid supply breakfast in Chapter 5, and what does he say that he
and Harry must do after eating?

Hagrid gets up, pulls breakfast out of his coat, and tells Harry they must be going to
Gringotts Bank to fetch the money his parents left him when they died.

13. Where is the porthole Harry and Hagrid use in Chapter 5, and what happens
when they go into the pub?

Hagrid and Harry enter a porthole to the bank via a pub called the Leaky Cauldron.
Many of the customers recognize Harry at once and begin to surround him in curious

14. What is odd about the wand Harry ends up buying at Ollivander's Wand Shop?

The wand that is just right for Harry turns out to be the twin of Voldemort's and the same
wand that gave him his scar.

15. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

Ron boards the train and enters Harry's compartment. They begin a stilted
conversation, with Ron in awe of Harry and Harry in awe of Ron and his wonderful,
magical family.

16. What is the process of "sorting" at Hogwarts?

In the "sorting" ceremony, each student puts on the hat in turn, and the hat declares out
loud to the entire student body and faculty the house of which that student is to be a

17. What happens when Harry puts on the sorting hat?

When Harry puts on the sorting hat, it can read Harry's thoughts, which seem to be
against the idea of Slytherin, and the hat finally declares aloud that he is to be placed in


18. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

Harry's first day of classes starts with an abundance of attention from other students
whispering about him and pointing him out to each other as he moves through the halls
with Ron to get to classes.

19. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

The caretaker of the school, Angus Filch, has a terrible reputation with the students as
being very mean and nasty. His cat, Mrs. Norris, is his aide in catching students up to
no good.

20. How is Harry's initial experience in potions class?

Professor Snape seems to have something against Harry and treats him badly during
Potions class. Snape goes out of his way to embarrass him.

21. What does Malfoy do after Harry demands Malfoy hand over the "Remember

Malfoy, knowing that Harry does not know how to fly and wanting to show off his own
skills, snatches a broom with the intention of hiding the Rememberall in a tree.

22. What does Harry think is going to happen when Professor McGonagall yells at
him when he is on a broom in Chapter 9, and what does she do?

Harry is sure he is going to be expelled from school, but instead Professor McGonagall
takes him inside to meet the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Oliver Wood.

23. Why is Malfoy angry at Harry in Chapter 9, and what does Malfoy do about it?

Malfoy is angry with Harry for humiliating him in the air earlier and challenges him to a
wizards' duel at midnight.

24. Harry receives a package during lunch a week after his first broom ride; what
is inside?

The package that Harry receives contains a note telling him that it is a new Nimbus Two
Thousand, given to him by Professor McGonagall.

25. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

The seeker is to catch a winged golden ball called a Snitch, which flies very quickly
through the air during the game.

26. What is to happen in early November after the weather turns bitterly cold?

In early November, Harry is to play his first Quidditch match after intensive training; if
Gryffindor wins, they will be in second place for the school championship.

27. What does Harry figure out in Chapter 11 about Professor Snape's limp?

Harry figures out that it is the three-headed dog that caused the limp, but what Snape
has been doing near the dog is still not clear.

28. What unusual way does Harry catch the snitch in his first Quidditch match?

Instead of grabbing the Snitch as Harry intended, it flies into his mouth. He spits it out
into his hand and holds it up to the screaming crowd.

29. What does Hagrid do when Ron, Harry, and Hermione mention Fluffy in
Chapter 11?

Hagrid drops his tea pot at his shock that the three know about Fluffy.

30. About what are Ron, Hermione, and Harry convinced concerning Snape in
Chapter 11?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione seem convinced that Snape is trying to steal what is being
guarded by Fluffy and that he is trying to kill Harry.

31. For what information have Ron, Harry, and Hermione been searching in
Chapter 12?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been diligently searching every book in the Hogwarts
library for information about Nicolas Flamel, the wizard whom Hagrid mentioned, who
had some connection to the mysterious package.

32. In Chapter 12, what does Ron realize the present Harry receives on Sunday
morning is?

Ron realizes the present Harry receives on Sunday morning is an invisibility cloak; a
very valuable item because it makes anything beneath it disappear completely.

33. What does Harry do after Ron is asleep the night of Christmas?

After Ron is asleep, Harry gets the irresistible urge to don the invisibility cloak and do
some investigating.

34. What happens when Harry removes a book from a shelf in the restricted area
of the library in Chapter 12?

When Harry takes a book down from a shelf in the restricted area of the library, it begins
to shriek and draws the attention of Filch, the groundskeeper, and his cat, Mrs. Norris.

35. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror in the abandoned classroom
in Chapter 12?

When Harry looks into the mirror, he sees a very pretty woman standing behind him
waving, smiling, and crying. Beside her stands a tall man with glasses and untidy hair.

36. How does seeing his parents in the mirror affect Harry?

Even though Harry is happy about seeing his parent's images for the first time in his life,
he begins having nightmares.

37. What is the Sorcerer's Stone?

The Sorcerer's Stone turns metal into gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which makes
the drinker immortal.

38. Who is Nicolas Flamel?

Flamel is a wizard noted for his work in alchemy with his partner, Albus Dumbledore.

39. What does Harry believe about the conversation between Snape and Quirrell
that Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest?

From the conversation Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest, he understands that
Snape is trying to get Quirrell to figure out how to get past Fluffy the dog, and he is
threatening the professor.

40. What does Harry believe is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone?

Harry supposes that there are Dark Art spells guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, and that
without Quirrell, Snape would not be able to get to the Stone.

41. What is happening to Professor Quirrell as the weeks pass?

Weeks pass, and Quirrell seems to be losing weight, but he does not seem to have
cracked yet.

42. How does Hagrid feel about owning a dragon's egg, and why is that

Since Hagrid is a lover of magical creatures and Hogwarts' game keeper, he is delighted
with his win, even though ownership of dragons is illegal.

43. What kind of dragon is contained in Hagrid's egg?

The egg hatches after some time and out comes a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon.

44. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital wing in Chapter 14?

The baby dragon bites Ron on the hand and he has to go the hospital wing for

45. What do Harry and Hermione convince Hagrid to do about the baby dragon?

Harry and Hermione convince Hagrid to give the baby dragon to Ron's brother, Charlie,
who is in Romania studying dragons.

46. What does McGonagall do when Harry, Hermione and Neville are found out of
their rooms after midnight in Chapter 15?

McGonagall takes 50 points each from Gryffindor for their escapades. This puts
Gryffindor in last place in the competition for top school house.

47. What else does McGonagall make Harry, Hermione, and Neville do and who is
to also be with them?

Harry, Hermione, and Neville are also to serve detention with Filch. Malfoy, who was
also out of his room trying to catch them, has to serve detention with them.

48. What does the detention for the group of students in Chapter 15 consist of?

Their detention involves helping Hagrid to find a unicorn that has been injured in the
forest and try to help it.

49. What do Harry and Malfoy see when they hear a noise and go to the sound
while in the forest in Chapter 15?

When Harry and Malfoy follow a noise in the forest, they see a hooded figure crawl
toward a dead unicorn on the ground and drink the blood.

50. What does Harry realize about the person drinking the unicorn blood?

Harry realizes that the figure could be none other than Voldemort. Weak and barely
alive, he is drinking unicorn's blood to stay alive in the forest.

51. Why does Harry worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

Harry worries about the Sorcerer's Stone constantly because he knows it grants
immortality to the drinker of the elixir that comes from it.

52. What does Harry realize Hagrid revealed through his story of how he acquired
the dragon egg?

Harry realizes that Hagrid has been duped into telling the secret of getting past Fluffy.

53. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione realize in Chapter 16 when they enter the
chamber where Fluffy resides?

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the room where Fluffy resides, they see that
someone has gotten there already. Fluffy is sniffing around, the trap door is open, and a
golden harp sits at his feet.

54. What does Hermione realize about the flying birds?

Hermione realizes that the birds are really winged keys. They have to find the correct
bird-key that will unlock the door; a difficult task since there are hundreds, and they are
all very similar.

55. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and
Hermione do?

The Queen grabs Ron and knocks him out cold. With sadness and difficulty, Harry and
Hermione win the game and go into the next chamber hoping Ron will be alright.

56. Who is the man in the last chamber that Harry and Hermione come to in
Chapter 17, and how do they react upon seeing him?

The man in the last chamber is Professor Quirrell. Harry and Hermione are shocked
because he is the last person they expect to see.

57. What does Harry learn about Snape in Chapter 17 concerning Harry?

Harry learns that Snape never wanted Harry dead and would never betray Albus
Dumbledore by trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone.

58. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror to find the Sorcerer's Stone in
Chapter 17?

As Harry looks into the mirror, he sees himself holding the Sorcererl's Stone in his

pocket, and at that moment the real Stone drops into Harry's real pocket.

59. What does a voice tell Quirrell to do in Chapter 17, and what is the result?

A voice tells Quirrell to remove his turban and when he does Harry sees a face at the
back of Quirrell's own head with red eyes and a snake like nose. It is Voldemort, who is
sharing Quirrell's body.

60. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about why Quirrell's hand burned when he
touched Harry?

Dumbledore tells Harry that Quirrell's hands had burned because the love that saved
Harry when his mother sacrificed her own life to save him, has a powerful effect on

Multiple Choice
Chapters 1 - 2
1. Who are the Dursleys?
(a) A magician and his wife.
(b) Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.
(c) The heads of Diagon Alley.
(d) Cousins to the Grangers.

2. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

(a) As generous.
(b) As totally evil.
(c) As kind.
(d) As uptight.

3. Who is Dudley?
(a) Another budding magician.
(b) Harry's cousin.
(c) Harry's best friend.
(d) The father of Harry.

4. How do the Dursleys view themselves?

(a) As mean-spirited.
(b) As the best magicians of the century.
(c) As laughable.
(d) As beyond reproach.

5. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it
were known?
(a) A powerful spell.
(b) The whereabouts of a murderer.
(c) That they are broke.
(d) A secret.

6. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?

(a) A dog keeps doing his business on his yard.
(b) The neighbors being shunning them.
(c) Odd occurrences.
(d) A flock of birds keep dropping poop on his car.

7. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?
(a) Owls flying overhead.
(b) Robberies of little old ladies.
(c) Streetlamps turning on.
(d) Criminals walking in the neighborhood.

8. What odd thing does Mr. Dursley notice a cat seeming to be doing?
(a) Reading a newspaper.
(b) Talking to the parrot.
(c) Playing with the dog.
(d) Breathing fire.

9. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost

panics Mr. Dursley?
(a) Harry.
(b) Voldemort.
(c) Tom.
(d) Potter.

10. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in
Chapter 1?
(a) A lantern.
(b) A device that throws a symbol in the sky.
(c) A device that turns off the street lights.
(d) A small dragon.

11. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

(a) A phoenix.
(b) A hen.
(c) A cat.
(d) A dragon.

12. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was
dropped off at the Dursleys?
(a) 13.
(b) 4.
(c) 15.
(d) 10.

13. How many gifts has Dudley received for his birthday in Chapter 2?
(a) 1.
(b) 13.
(c) 52.
(d) 36.

14. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?
(a) In the attic bedroom.
(b) In Dudley's room.
(c) In the garage apartment.
(d) In a cupboard under the stairs.

15. What does Harry converse with in Chapter 1 after Dudley awakened it?
(a) A caterpillar.
(b) An owl.
(c) A snake.
(d) A rat.

Chapters 3 - 4
16. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?
(a) Harry declined to go to the private school Dudley will attend.
(b) Dudley will attend a private school, and Harry the public school.
(c) They are in different grades.
(d) Dudley does not qualify for the magnet school Harry will attend.

17. What makes Harry's aunt and uncle move Harry into a bedroom in Chapter 3?
(a) Harry receives a letter that upsets them.
(b) They feel badly for their actions.
(c) They are remodeling the stairs.
(d) The cupboard is roach infested.

18. How is the letter addressed that arrives for Harry at the Dursley's home?
(a) To Harry Potter in the smallest bedroom.
(b) To Harry Potter in exile.
(c) To Mr. and Mrs. Dursley.
(d) To Harry Potter in the best bedroom.

19. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?
(a) To keep letters addressed to Harry from getting inside.
(b) There is a hurricane coming.
(c) To keep the roaches out.
(d) To escape a locust hoard.

20. What comes out of the chimney one Sunday at the Dursley's home?
(a) Flames.
(b) More letters.
(c) Locusts.
(d) Rats

21. Where does Mr. Dursley take the family in Chapter 3?
(a) Inland to higher ground.
(b) To a shack on a little island.
(c) To London.
(d) To the movies.

22. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?

(a) In two months.
(b) No one knows when Harry was born.
(c) It was just past a few weeks ago.
(d) The next day after they arrive on the island.

23. What happens exactly at midnight in Chapter 3?

(a) There is a pounding on the door.
(b) A piercing scream is heard.
(c) A flock of bats invade the shack.
(d) The shack blows over.

24. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's
(a) Calls the police.
(b) Arms himself with a gun.
(c) Makes Harry leave the shack.
(d) Puts Dudley and Harry in a safe room.

25. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?
(a) Hagrid.
(b) The storm.
(c) A member of the swat team.
(d) A motorcycle gang.

26. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?
(a) That Harry is expected in court concerning his adoption.
(b) That Harry is accepted into Hogwarts.
(c) That Harry is to go live with his grandparents.
(d) That Harry's great uncle leaves him money.

27. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

(a) Nothing.
(b) Harry attending Hogwarts.
(c) Harry going to live with his grandparents.
(d) Harry going to a court hearing without a lawyer.

28. What relationship is Lily to the Dursleys?
(a) Vernon's sister.
(b) No relation.
(c) Petunia's sister.
(d) Peturnia's cousin.

29. How did Harry's parents die?

(a) They are still alive but are held in Azkeban.
(b) Car accident.
(c) Magic gone awry.
(d) Voldemort killed them.

30. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?

(a) Magic that backfired.
(b) He fell off the jungle gym.
(c) No one knows.
(d) He fell in the bathtub when he was a baby.

Chapters 5 - 6
31. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were
not a dream?
(a) Dumbledore is snoring while levitated slightly off the floor.
(b) A frog talks to him when he wakes.
(c) Hagrid is sleeping on the couch.
(d) Professor McGonagall is making breakfast.

32. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?

(a) A motorcycle.
(b) An owl.
(c) Breakfast.
(d) A document.

33. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?
(a) Trafalgar Square.
(b) Nowhere; Hagrid has money with him.
(c) The National Reserve.
(d) Gringotts Bank.

34. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?
(a) Something he has wanted for each birthday he that has not been celebrated.
(b) A list of the clothing he would like to purchase for school.
(c) A list of all the times his aunt and uncle have been mean to him.
(d) The required list for the school term.

35. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where
they are going?
(a) A transformer.
(b) A porthole.
(c) A huge skeleton key.
(d) A beam machine.

36. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

(a) They have no reaction.
(b) Curious and admiring.
(c) Aggressive and mean.
(d) Scared.

37. To what does the narrator compare Diagon Alley?

(a) A black corridor.
(b) A carnival of lights.
(c) A muggy strip mall.
(d) A festival.

38. What establishment is run by goblins?

(a) The bank.
(b) The pub.
(c) The wand store.
(d) The bakery.

39. How do the Dursleys act towards Harry in his last month there before school?
(a) They are overly friendly.
(b) They do not allow him to stay there.
(c) They pretend he does not exist.
(d) They harass him constantly.

40. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new
(a) At the public library doing research on magic.
(b) With Ron Wesley.
(c) With Dudley and his friends.
(d) In his room looking over his new books.

41. Who is Hedwig?
(a) The neighbor's elderly mother.
(b) Dudley's gerbil.
(c) Harry's new owl.
(d) The neighbor's pig.

42. What is the platform from which Harry must catch his train to school?
(a) 9 3/4.
(b) 10.
(c) 7 1/2.
(d) 4 3/4.

43. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large
(a) Hogwarts.
(b) Dark arts.
(c) Magic.
(d) Muggle.

44. Who first enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

(a) Snape.
(b) Albus.
(c) George.
(d) Draco.

45. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to
(a) A fight ensues.
(b) Ron leaves.
(c) He asks for Harry's autograph.
(d) Harry gets the willies.

Chapters 7 - 8
46. What does the "sorting ceremony" do?
(a) Decides who goes into advanced coursework.
(b) Decides what house each student is assigned.
(c) Sorts out the type of wands each student is assigned.
(d) Sorts the various abilities of the witches.

47. Where does the sorting ceremony take place?
(a) The lawn outside the main building at Hogwarts.
(b) In the great hall.
(c) Each house has its own area for the ceremony.
(d) Each year the ceremony is rotated among houses.

48. What prop is used in the sorting ceremony?

(a) A personal interview by the headmaster of Hogwarts.
(b) A wizard brain scan.
(c) A tattered wizard's hat.
(d) A diadem.

49. In what order are the new students called up for the sorting ceremony?
(a) Alphabetical.
(b) By birthdate.
(c) By a ghost making the choices.
(d) By drawing lots.

50. What is the characteristic(s) of the Gryffindors?

(a) Wit.
(b) Hard workers.
(c) Creativeness.
(d) Bravery.

51. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

(a) Honest and hard workers.
(b) Physically hardy.
(c) Courageous.
(d) Wisdom.

52. What is the characteristic(s) of the Ravenclaws?

(a) Witty and smart.
(b) Spiritual.
(c) Sly.
(d) Brave.

53. What is the characteristic(s) of the Slytherins?

(a) Humble.
(b) Cunning and ambitious.
(c) Wise.
(d) Noble.

54. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?
(a) Slytherin.
(b) Hufflepuff.
(c) Griffindor.
(d) Ravenclaw.

55. In which house is Harry Potter placed?

(a) Griffindor.
(b) Ravenclaw.
(c) Hufflepuff.
(d) Slytherin.

56. What is Quidditch?

(a) An invisibility spell.
(b) A room in Hogwarts where students practice dangerous spells.
(c) A wizarding game played in the air.
(d) A game where students ride unicorns.

57. Who is Mrs. Norris?

(a) Slytherin's housekeeper.
(b) The caretaker's cat.
(c) The main cook.
(d) Griffindor's housekeeper.

58. What professor seems to have something against Harry Potter?

(a) Snape.
(b) Dumbledore.
(c) Lockwood.
(d) McGonagall.

59. Who do Ron and Harry visit during the first week of class that raises Harry's
(a) Filch.
(b) Dumbledore.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) The herbal nursery.

60. What is the name of the wizarding community's newspaper?

(a) The Lucky Zine.
(b) The Weekly Wand.
(c) The Yearly Herald.
(d) The Daily Prophet.

Chapters 9 - 10
61. How does Neville break his wrist?
(a) Falling off a broom in broom-flying lessons.
(b) A small dragon bites it.
(c) In a fight with Oliver Wood.
(d) He trips when he's walking with a girl he likes.

62. What does Neville drop when he breaks his wrist?

(a) A paper that is due in Potions class.
(b) His watch.
(c) A reminder ball.
(d) His favorite marble.

63. Who decides to hide the object Neville dropped after breaking his wrist?
(a) Harry.
(b) No one.
(c) Malfoy.
(d) Goy.

64. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?

(a) By chasing Draco on a broom.
(b) By telling Professor McGonagall on him.
(c) By slapping Draco.
(d) By breaking Draco's wand.

65. Who yells at Harry when Draco and Harry are at each other in Chapter 9?
(a) Dumbledore.
(b) Snape.
(c) Hooch.
(d) McGonagall.

66. Who is Oliver Wood?

(a) The caretaker.
(b) The captain of the Quidditch team.
(c) The defense against the dark arts professor.
(d) The potions professor.

67. What does McGonagall tell Oliver Wood about Harry Potter?
(a) Harry is to be the new seeker for Griffindor.
(b) Harry's potions grade must go up.
(c) Harry may not play Quidditch the first year.
(d) Harry is inept on the broom.

68. To what does Malfoy challenge Harry in Chapter 9?
(a) A worm-eating contest.
(b) A wizard duel.
(c) A card game.
(d) A writing contest.

69. What do Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville find when they go inside a room to
hide from Filch in Chapter 9?
(a) A three-headed watchdog.
(b) An old wizard journal.
(c) A dragon.
(d) A mirror that reflects their inner thoughts.

70. About what is Malfoy disappointed in Chapter 9?

(a) That Hermione is not interested in him.
(b) That Harry beats him in the challenge.
(c) That Harry and his friends were not caught out late at night and expelled.
(d) That his father is not coming to the first Quidditch match.

71. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?

(a) A wizard's ring.
(b) A potion.
(c) A wand.
(d) A broom.

72. What is a Snitch?

(a) A golden ball that has wings.
(b) A wizard who fries his wand through the dark arts.
(c) A wizard who works undercover for Voldemort.
(d) A black onyx duster ball.

73. How can a Quidditch team automatically win a Quidditch match?

(a) If the other team intentionally knocks someone off their broom.
(b) If the Seeker catches the Snitch.
(c) If the other team fails to have the right number of players on the field at the start.
(d) If the Seeker avoids the duster five times.

74. What does Professor Quirrell say when he bursts into the Halloween dinner?
(a) Harry Potter has been attacked.
(b) There is a troll on the Hogwarts grounds.
(c) Voldemort is in the Forbidden Forest.
(d) There is an attack by dementers on the grounds.

75. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter
(a) She is unable to convince the Headmaster not to punish the two boys.
(b) She tells the professors that the two boys saved her from the troll.
(c) She distracts the professors so Harry and Ron can get to Griffindor.
(d) She hides them with an invisibility spell.

Chapter 11
76. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?
(a) A new creatures course.
(b) Getting ready for mid-terms.
(c) Quidditch season.
(d) Students pledging to groups.

77. What has precipitated Hermione's friendship with Harry and Ron?
(a) Malfoy has been harassing her.
(b) Dumbledore asks her to be a steadying influence on the two boys.
(c) It stems from the incident with the troll.
(d) Hagrid suggests it.

78. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?
(a) Tuning up Harry's broom and Ron's wand.
(b) Interceding with Snape.
(c) Their homework.
(d) Planning ways to best Malfoy.

79. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

(a) A mysterious limp.
(b) A strange cape.
(c) A mysterious companion.
(d) A new miniature dragon.

80. What does Harry discover in Chapter 11 about the three-headed dog?
(a) It is Hagrid's pet.
(b) It is responsible for Snape's limp.
(c) There is no such creature.
(d) It is as harmless as a garden snake.

81. What does the Slytherin team do a lot of during the Quidditch match in
Chapter 11?
(a) Cheat.
(b) Give up points.
(c) Fall off their brooms.
(d) Lose the ball.

82. What suddenly starts happening during the Quidditch match between
Griffindor and Slytherin in Chapter 11?
(a) Harry's ears get hot and start ringing loudly.
(b) Hermione is contacted by McGonagall concerning an emergency at home.
(c) Ron gets in a fist fight with a boy from Ravenclaw.
(d) Harry's broom becomes uncontrollable.

83. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars
during the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?
(a) Malfoy reading out of a spell book.
(b) Dumbledore walking through the stands.
(c) A strange-looking gnome.
(d) Snape mumbling under his breath.

84. Who does Hermione accidentally knock over in Chapter 11?

(a) Snape.
(b) Professor Quirrell.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) Dumbledore.

85. Who is Fluffy?

(a) The three-headed dog.
(b) A newly born dragon.
(c) Hagrid's barn owl.
(d) A cat that used to be a dark arts witch.

86. Whose robe does Hermione make burst into flames at a Quidditch match?
(a) Snape's.
(b) Ron's.
(c) No ones.
(d) Hagrid's.

87. What happens after Hermione lights someone's robes on fire during a
quidditch match?
(a) Dumbledore admonishes her.
(b) Harry gets control of his broom.
(c) Ron is kidnapped.
(d) McGonagall takes Hermione's wand.

88. How does Harry catch the Snitch in Chapter 11?

(a) Hanging on to his broom with one hand and both feet dangling.
(b) In his mouth.
(c) He is unable to catch the Snith.
(d) In his jacket.

89. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in
Chapter 11?
(a) 170.
(b) 220.
(c) 75.
(d) 60.

90. What assertion by Hermione, Harry, and Ron does Hagrid vehemently deny in
Chapter 11?
(a) That Snape is a spy for Valdemort.
(b) That Snape is trying to steal what Fluffy is guarding.
(c) That Hagrid has allowed a new dragon to hatch.
(d) That the thing Fluffy is guarding belongs to Voldemort.

Chapter 12
91. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?
(a) To stay with Hagrid.
(b) With Hermione.
(c) To the Dursley's home.
(d) He stays in his room in Griffindor.

92. Why isn't Ron going home for Christmas?

(a) His parents want him to keep Harry company.
(b) He is.
(c) He is on disciplinary action.
(d) His parents are in Romania.

93. What is an unusual thing that Harry receives on Christmas morning?
(a) A potions book.
(b) An invisibility cloak.
(c) A sword.
(d) A long letter from Sirius Black.

94. What does Harry find in an abandoned classroom when he is wandering the
halls at Hogwarts late at night in Chapter 12?
(a) A stag's head.
(b) A picture of his parents in a yearbook.
(c) A costume.
(d) A mirror.

95. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about what Harry has found in Chapter 12?
(a) It was created by Voldemort.
(b) Harry can visit it as often as he likes.
(c) It will be gone the next day.
(d) It is not real and what Harry sees in it is not real.

96. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?
(a) Flamel.
(b) Fluffy.
(c) Voldemort.
(d) Snape.

97. Why are Harry, Ron, and Hermione searching for information about a specific
person in Chapter 12?
(a) To find out if it's the only three-headed dog alive.
(b) Because of the person's supposed connection to the package Fluffy guards.
(c) Because Hagrid acted so strangely during the conversation about Snape.
(d) To learn more about Harry's enemy.

98. Who left Harry the package with something that had belonged to Harry's
(a) Snape.
(b) The Wesleys.
(c) The Dursleys.
(d) The person does not say who s/he is.

99. What is Percy's position at Hogwarts?
(a) He has no particular position.
(b) Prefect.
(c) Assistant Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.
(d) Herald.

100. Where does Hermione go for Christmas vacation?

(a) She also stays at Hogwarts.
(b) To her grandmother's, who is a witch.
(c) To her older sister's house in London.
(d) Home to be with her parents.

101. What relation is Fred to George?

(a) Cousin.
(b) Twin brother.
(c) They do not know each other.
(d) Good friends from the time they met at Hogwarts several years ago.

102. What section of the school does Harry go to while hiding under his
invisibility cloak in Chapter 12?
(a) The potions classroom.
(b) The forbidden forest.
(c) The restricted section of the library.
(d) Snape's office.

103. What does Harry do in Chapter 12 that gains the attention of Filch?
(a) Knocks over a chair.
(b) Takes a book off the library shelf, and it starts to shriek.
(c) Trips and pulls a curtain off its rod.
(d) Knocks over and breaks a statue.

104. What does Harry hear Filch tell Snape in Chapter 12?
(a) That Malfoy's wand was floating down the hallway.
(b) That someone was in the restricted section of the library.
(c) That Potter was in the potions room.
(d) That a ghost was in the library.

105. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

(a) A man Harry does not recognize.
(b) The Dursleys.
(c) Flamel.
(d) His parents.

Chapter 13
106. What starts to plague Harry in Chapter 13?
(a) Boils.
(b) Nightmares.
(c) Ghosts.
(d) Voices in his head.

107. What is one activity Harry dives into after the holidays?
(a) Meeting more of the Hogwarts students.
(b) Learning defense spells.
(c) Running.
(d) Qidditch.

108. What does Hermione announce in Chapter 13 that she has learned?
(a) A spell to make everyone freeze in place.
(b) A spell to move forward in time in five-minute increments.
(c) Who Nicolas Flamel is.
(d) Why Snape was trying to sabotage Harry's broom.

109. For what was Flamel famous?

(a) Alchemy.
(b) The crusiate spell.
(c) Work with dark magic.
(d) A duel with Valdemort.

110. Who was Flamel's partner?

(a) Dumbledore.
(b) Griffindor.
(c) Harry's mother.
(d) Snape.

111. What is Flamel credited with creating?

(a) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(b) The Forbidden Forest.
(c) No one knows if he even existed.
(d) The Golden Phoenix.

112. What can turn metal into gold?

(a) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(b) The Rosetta Stone.
(c) Nothing can to that.
(d) A special spell that Snape discovers when creating new potions.

113. What drink makes the drinker of it immortal?
(a) The Chalice of Eternity.
(b) The Elixir of Life.
(c) The fountain of Parthena.
(d) The Golden Elixir.

114. How old is Nicolas Flamel?

(a) 225 years.
(b) 122 years.
(c) 665 years.
(d) 444 years.

115. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione think Dumbledore is doing for Flamel?
(a) Hiding him out somewhere on Hogwarts.
(b) Keeping his chalice safe.
(c) Supplying Flamel with basilisk venom.
(d) Keeping the Sourcerer's Stone safe.

116. Who will be refereeing the Quidditch school cup game?

(a) Dumbledore.
(b) McGonagall.
(c) Flamel.
(d) Snape.

117. How long does the Quidditch school cup game last?
(a) Five minutes.
(b) A day and a half.
(c) Forty-five minutes.
(d) Several hours.

118. What does Harry see headed towards the Forbidden Forest in Chapter 13?
(a) A satyr.
(b) A cloaked figure.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) A unicorn.

119. What does Harry think Snape is up to in Chapter 13?

(a) Trying to get a rematch for the game.
(b) No good.
(c) Inadvertently helping Harry.
(d) Trying to keep Griffindor from taking the cup to their house.

120. What conversation does Harry hear between Snape and Quirrell in Chapter
(a) About Voldemort.
(b) About Hagrid needing to be eliminated.
(c) About the Golden Elixir.
(d) About getting past Fluffy.

Chapter 14
121. What seems to be happening to Quirrell as the weeks pass?
(a) He is losing weight.
(b) He starts mumbling more and more to himself.
(c) He gets more and more forgetful.
(d) He is more and more hostile to the students.

122. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding
(a) A week and a half.
(b) 10 weeks.
(c) 3 days.
(d) 6 months.

123. What is Hagrid hiding in Chapter 14?

(a) A unicorn young colt.
(b) A dragon egg.
(c) A tiny flame urchin.
(d) A new horse baby.

124. How does Hagrid acquire the object he is hiding in Chapter 14?
(a) Won it in a card game.
(b) A stranger asks Hagrid to keep it for the stranger.
(c) His grandmother sends it to him.
(d) Steals it from the parents in the Forbidden Forest.

125. What is Hagrid's title?

(a) Handyman.
(b) Groundskeeper.
(c) Professor of Botany.
(d) Game keeper.

126. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?
(a) Allowing Harry and his friends to stay at his cabin.
(b) Keeping a special strain of bees.
(c) Possessing a dragon egg.
(d) Spying on Snape by the use of magic.

127. What is a Norwegian Ridgeback?

(a) A dragon.
(b) A large cat.
(c) A dog.
(d) A bear.

128. Who is Norbert?

(a) Filch's new cat.
(b) A ghost who lives in the boy's bathroom.
(c) The youngest student at Hogwarts.
(d) Hagrid's baby dragon.

129. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital ward in Chapter 14?
(a) An ewok spits acid on his leg.
(b) Norbert bites him.
(c) He falls off a broom and breaks his wrist.
(d) Malfoy trips him and he sprains his ankle.

130. What does Malfoy hear Harry and his friends discussing in Chapter 14?
(a) What they are going to do to avenge Ron.
(b) Going to the restricted area of the library.
(c) The ewok Hagrid has hidden.
(d) The dragon.

131. What does Malfoy consider doing about what he overheard in Chapter 14?
(a) Reporting Hagrid.
(b) Blackmailing Hagrid.
(c) Killing the ewok.
(d) Blackmailing Harry Potter.

132. What do Harry and Ron convince Hagrid to do in Chapter 14?

(a) Tell Malfoy something misleading.
(b) Hide the ewok in the forbidden forest.
(c) Take the two boys for a ride on a winged horse.
(d) Give Norbert to Charlie.

133. What is Charlie doing in Romania?
(a) Studying dragons.
(b) Teaching.
(c) Studying unicorns.
(d) Searching for Voldemort.

134. Where do Harry and Hermione meet Charlie in Chapter 14?

(a) In the same room as Fluffy.
(b) At the top of Hogwarts' tower.
(c) In the Forbidden Forest.
(d) In the dungeon.

135. Why does Ron have to stay in the hospital?

(a) His leg is actually broken.
(b) His hand is getting worse.
(c) He does not have to do so.
(d) For observation as ewok venom can have a delayed reaction.

Chapter 15
136. Were does Filch take Hermione and Harry in Chapter 15?
(a) To see Snape.
(b) To show them his new ewok.
(c) To see Dumbledore.
(d) To Professor McGonagall's study.

137. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of
his/her room in Chapter 15?
(a) Draco.
(b) Neville.
(c) Goy.
(d) No one.

138. About what does Neville wish to warn Harry and his friends in Chapter 15?
(a) That Hagrid is in trouble for Ron's dragon bite.
(b) That Draco has a new bad-memory spell just for the three friends.
(c) That Draco is trying to get Harry, Hermione and Ron expelled.
(d) That the dragon poison is worse than they knew.

139. In Chapter 15, how many points does McGonagall deduct for each students'
violation for being out after hours?
(a) 0.
(b) 50.
(c) 100.
(d) 10.

140. How does McGonagall's penalty affect Griffindor's standing for top school
(a) It puts Griffindor into third place.
(b) It puts Griffindor into last place.
(c) It puts them into second place from first.
(d) It does not change Griffindor's standing.

141. How do the other students in Griffindor feels towards Neville, Harry, and
Hermione the morning after McGonagall's punishment in Chapter 15?
(a) They think what the three did is humorous.
(b) Angry.
(c) Disgusted.
(d) Admiring.

142. With whom do Harry, Neville and Hermione have to serve detention in
Chapter 15?
(a) Hagrid.
(b) Filch.
(c) Snape.
(d) McGonagall.

143. Who has to serve detention with Harry, Neville and Hermione in Chapter 15?
(a) Draco.
(b) Ron.
(c) The Wesley twins.
(d) No one.

144. Where do Harry, Hermonie, Neville and Draco go with Hagrid in Chapter 15?
(a) The green houses.
(b) The flying horse stalls.
(c) The Quidditch grounds.
(d) The Forbidden Forest.

145. What are Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco to help Hagrid do in Chapter
(a) Find an injured unicorn.
(b) Clean the bathroom stalls.
(c) Pull pests off the plants.
(d) Pick up litter.

146. What is Hagrid's dog's name?

(a) Spot.
(b) Rover.
(c) Brutus.
(d) Fang.

147. What does Hagrid say will keep the group of students safe where he takes
them in Chapter 15?
(a) Special glasses he gives them.
(b) Staying with Hagrid and his dog.
(c) Their wands.
(d) A charm.

148. Which students go with Hagrid's dog in Chapter 15?

(a) Neville and Draco.
(b) Harry and Hermione.
(c) Harry and Neville.
(d) Hermione and Draco.

149. Who are Bane and Ronan?

(a) Two centaurs.
(b) Hagrid's cousins.
(c) Hagrid's half brothers.
(d) A centaur and a unicorn.

150. Who is drinking unicorn blood in Chapter 15?

(a) A rogue centaur.
(b) Voldemort.
(c) A rogue dragon.
(d) Fang.

Chapter 16
151. What does Harry worry about during final exams?
(a) Voldemort coming back to kill him.
(b) Not being invited back to Hogwarts.
(c) Going back to the Dursleys.
(d) Nothing except passing his finals.

152. What does Harry worry about constantly concerning the Sorcerer's Stone?
(a) That he will be seduced to use it on himself.
(b) That the stone is more dangerous than just granting immortality.
(c) That someone will figure out how to get past Fluffy.
(d) That Voldemort will get it.

153. Why do Ron and Hermione not worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?
(a) They think Voldemort will not be able to find a new body.
(b) They think Flamel will come retrieve the stone soon.
(c) They think it is not really able to grant immortality.
(d) They believe Dumbledore has everything under control.

154. What part about Hagrid's story of how he acquired the dragon egg stands
out to Harry?
(a) That the egg was not on the table at first.
(b) That it was in a card game with a stranger.
(c) That the egg was a different color when Hagrid saw it on the table.
(d) Nothing.

155. What does Hagrid say the stranger in the card game asked him?
(a) About Dumbledore.
(b) About the basilisk.
(c) About Harry.
(d) About Fluffy.

156. In Chapter 16, how does Harry think Hagrid has been duped?
(a) Into revealing that Harry attends Hogwarts.
(b) Into revealing Harry's class schedule.
(c) Into giving out the secret to getting past Fluffy.
(d) By thinking that dragon egg was a different species than it turns out to be.

157. What does Dumbledore say in Chapter 16 when Harry tells him about Hagrid
and Fluffy?
(a) That Harry needs to concentrate on his studies and leave the adults to handling the
stone business.
(b) Not to worry; Dumbledore will move the stone.
(c) Harry is unable to talk to Dumbledore, as the headmaster is away on business.
(d) Fluffy is only one of many wards.

158. Who, in Chapter 16, dismisses Harry's worries about the Sorcerer's Stone?
(a) Ron and Hermione.
(b) Professor McGonagall.
(c) Professor Snape.
(d) Professor Quirrell.

159. What is Fluffy doing when Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the room where
he is in Chapter 16?
(a) Sniffing around the trap door.
(b) He's dead.
(c) Lunging at Professor Qirrell.
(d) Snoring.

160. How does Harry charm Fluffy to go to sleep?

(a) Giving Fluffy drugged meat.
(b) Playing a flute.
(c) Playing the golden harp they find there.
(d) Singing.

161. What does Hermione realize about the chamber filled with flying birds?
(a) Some of them are missing.
(b) They are flying in a pattern.
(c) They are all keys.
(d) They are poisonous.

162. After leaving the room with the flying birds, what do the young people
(a) A huge chessboard.
(b) A room with large teddy bears.
(c) That someone has smashed all the porcelain vases in the next room.
(d) That there are two doors to choose from for advancing further.

163. What must the young people do to get past the room after the keys in
Chapter 16?
(a) Create a chemical potion.
(b) Battle the teddy bears.
(c) Successfully play a chess game.
(d) Solve a maze.

164. Why does Ron sacrifice himself in Chapter 16?

(a) To taste the chemical potion to see if it is correct.
(b) So Harry can checkmate the king.
(c) To block a teddy bear from killing Hermione.
(d) So the maze does not close behind them.

165. What do Hermione and Harry do after solving a riddle in Chapter 16?
(a) They see their loved ones dying.
(b) Fall through a trap door.
(c) Walk through a wall of fire.
(d) Nothing.

Chapter 17
166. Who do Harry and Hermione encounter in the last chamber in Chapter 16?
(a) Quirrell.
(b) Hagrid.
(c) Snape.
(d) Dumbledore.

167. What, in Chapter 17, is revealed about the time at the Quidditch map when
Harry's broom went crazy?
(a) Harry was not supposed to be in that match.
(b) Snape was helping Quirrell.
(c) Snape was trying to block Quirrell from killing Harry.
(d) The broom was not from McGonagall, but from Quirrell.

168. What was Snape saying to Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest, as clarified in
Chapter 17?
(a) They were both under suspicion.
(b) They both needed to escape Hogwarts.
(c) Snape has been observing Quirrell's odd actions.
(d) Quirrell better leave Potter alone.

169. What is behind Quirrell in Chapter 17?
(a) Another Fluffy.
(b) Dumbledore tied up with magical rope.
(c) The mirror of Erised.
(d) The Sorcerer's Stone.

170. What fact does Quirrell confirm for Harry in Chapter 17?
(a) That Harry's mother is still alive.
(b) That Snape hates Harry.
(c) That Harry's father is not dead.
(d) That Snape works for Voldemort.

171. What does Harry discover when he sees the back of Quirrell's head in
Chapter 17?
(a) That Quirrell has a bad leg.
(b) That Quirrell's head is empty.
(c) That Quirrell has a huge lump on his back.
(d) That Voldemort is part of Quirrell.

172. What does Harry see when he looks for the Sorcerer's Stone in Chapter 17?
(a) He sees Hermione holding the stone.
(b) He sees that the stone never has been at Hogwarts.
(c) He sees himself holding the stone.
(d) He sees Dumbledore shaking his head.

173. What does Harry realize is in his pocket in Chapter 17?

(a) A snitch.
(b) A charm to counteract Quirrell's immobilization spell.
(c) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(d) Nothing.

174. What does Harry tell Quirrell in Chapter 17, regarding the whereabouts of the
Sorcerer's Stone?
(a) That the stone is in Fluffy's stomach.
(b) That Hagrid has the stone.
(c) That the stone is in Harry's pocket.
(d) Harry makes up a story about what he sees in the mirror.

175. What color are the eyes in the face on the back of Quirrell's head?
(a) Purple.
(b) Black.
(c) White.
(d) Red.

176. What happens when Quirrell tries to choke Harry?
(a) Quirrell's hands begin to burn.
(b) Ron comes through the door and pushes Quirrell away.
(c) Voldemort starts screaming.
(d) Hermione hits Quirrell.

177. What happens to Quirrell's face when Harry grabs it in Chapter 17?
(a) It begins to turn blue.
(b) Nothing.
(c) It begins to blister.
(d) It changes into that of a demeter.

178. What makes Harry pass out in Chapter 17?

(a) His scar burning.
(b) He does not pass out.
(c) From Quirrell choking him.
(d) He hyperventilates.

179. What ultimately happens to the Sorcerer's Stone?

(a) Voldemort got away with it.
(b) It is destroyed.
(c) Dumbledore now carries in a pouch around his neck.
(d) It is put back at Gringott's.

180. Who wins House of the Year?

(a) Ravenclaw.
(b) Griffindor.
(c) Slytherin.
(d) Hufflepuff.

Multiple Choice Key
1. B 11. C 21. B 31. C 41. C 51. A
2. D 12. D 22. D 32. C 42. A 52. A
3. B 13. D 23. A 33. D 43. D 53. B
4. D 14. D 24. B 34. D 44. B 54. A
5. D 15. C 25. A 35. B 45. A 55. A
6. C 16. B 26. B 36. B 46. B 56. C
7. A 17. A 27. B 37. C 47. B 57. B
8. A 18. A 28. C 38. A 48. C 58. A
9. D 19. A 29. D 39. C 49. A 59. C
10. C 20. B 30. A 40. D 50. D 60. D

61. A 71. D 81. A 91. D 101. B 111. A

62. C 72. A 82. D 92. D 102. C 112. A
63. C 73. B 83. D 93. B 103. B 113. B
64. A 74. B 84. B 94. D 104. B 114. C
65. D 75. B 85. A 95. C 105. D 115. D
66. B 76. C 86. A 96. A 106. B 116. D
67. A 77. C 87. B 97. B 107. D 117. A
68. B 78. C 88. B 98. D 108. C 118. B
69. A 79. A 89. A 99. B 109. A 119. B
70. C 80. B 90. B 100. D 110. A 120. D

121. A 131. A 141. B 151. A 161. C 171. D

122. B 132. D 142. B 152. D 162. A 172. C
123. B 133. A 143. A 153. D 163. C 173. C
124. A 134. B 144. D 154. B 164. B 174. D
125. D 135. B 145. A 155. D 165. C 175. D
126. C 136. D 146. D 156. C 166. A 176. A
127. A 137. B 147. B 157. C 167. C 177. C
128. D 138. C 148. A 158. B 168. C 178. A
129. B 139. B 149. A 159. A 169. C 179. B
130. D 140. B 150. B 160. B 170. B 180. B

Short Answer Questions
1. Who are the Dursleys?

2. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

3. Who is Dudley?

4. How do the Dursleys view themselves?

5. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it were

6. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?

7. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?

8. What odd thing does Mr. Dursley notice a cat seeming to be doing?

9. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost panics Mr.

10. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in Chapter 1?

11. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

12. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was dropped
off at the Dursleys?

13. How many gifts has Dudley received for his birthday in Chapter 2?

14. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?

15. What does Harry converse with in Chapter 1 after Dudley awakened it?

16. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?

17. What makes Harry's aunt and uncle move Harry into a bedroom in Chapter 3?

18. How is the letter addressed that arrives for Harry at the Dursley's home?

19. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

20. What comes out of the chimney one Sunday at the Dursley's home?

21. Where does Mr. Dursley take the family in Chapter 3?

22. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?

23. What happens exactly at midnight in Chapter 3?

24. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's

25. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?

26. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?

27. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

28. What relationship is Lily to the Dursleys?

29. How did Harry's parents die?

30. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?

31. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were not a

32. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?

33. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

34. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

35. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they are

36. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

37. To what does the narrator compare Diagon Alley?

38. What establishment is run by goblins?

39. How do the Dursleys act towards Harry in his last month there before school?

40. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new school?

41. Who is Hedwig?

42. What is the platform from which Harry must catch his train to school?

43. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large family?

44. Who first enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

45. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

46. What does the "sorting ceremony" do?

47. Where does the sorting ceremony take place?

48. What prop is used in the sorting ceremony?

49. In what order are the new students called up for the sorting ceremony?

50. What is the characteristic(s) of the Gryffindors?

51. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

52. What is the characteristic(s) of the Ravenclaws?

53. What is the characteristic(s) of the Slytherins?

54. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?

55. In which house is Harry Potter placed?

56. What is Quidditch?

57. Who is Mrs. Norris?

58. What professor seems to have something against Harry Potter?

59. Who do Ron and Harry visit during the first week of class that raises Harry's mood?

60. What is the name of the wizarding community's newspaper?

61. How does Neville break his wrist?

62. What does Neville drop when he breaks his wrist?

63. Who decides to hide the object Neville dropped after breaking his wrist?

64. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?

65. Who yells at Harry when Draco and Harry are at each other in Chapter 9?

66. Who is Oliver Wood?

67. What does McGonagall tell Oliver Wood about Harry Potter?

68. To what does Malfoy challenge Harry in Chapter 9?

69. What do Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville find when they go inside a room to hide
from Filch in Chapter 9?

70. About what is Malfoy disappointed in Chapter 9?

71. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?

72. What is a Snitch?

73. How can a Quidditch team automatically win a Quidditch match?

74. What does Professor Quirrell say when he bursts into the Halloween dinner?

75. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter 10?

76. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?

77. What has precipitated Hermione's friendship with Harry and Ron?

78. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?

79. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

80. What does Harry discover in Chapter 11 about the three-headed dog?

81. What does the Slytherin team do a lot of during the Quidditch match in Chapter 11?

82. What suddenly starts happening during the Quidditch match between Griffindor and
Slytherin in Chapter 11?

83. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars during
the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?

84. Who does Hermione accidentally knock over in Chapter 11?

85. Who is Fluffy?

86. Whose robe does Hermione make burst into flames at a Quidditch match?

87. What happens after Hermione lights someone's robes on fire during a quidditch

88. How does Harry catch the Snitch in Chapter 11?

89. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in Chapter

90. What assertion by Hermione, Harry, and Ron does Hagrid vehemently deny in
Chapter 11?

91. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

92. Why isn't Ron going home for Christmas?

93. What is an unusual thing that Harry receives on Christmas morning?

94. What does Harry find in an abandoned classroom when he is wandering the halls at
Hogwarts late at night in Chapter 12?

95. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about what Harry has found in Chapter 12?

96. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?

97. Why are Harry, Ron, and Hermione searching for information about a specific
person in Chapter 12?

98. Who left Harry the package with something that had belonged to Harry's father?

99. What is Percy's position at Hogwarts?

100. Where does Hermione go for Christmas vacation?

101. What relation is Fred to George?

102. What section of the school does Harry go to while hiding under his invisibility cloak
in Chapter 12?

103. What does Harry do in Chapter 12 that gains the attention of Filch?

104. What does Harry hear Filch tell Snape in Chapter 12?

105. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

106. What starts to plague Harry in Chapter 13?

107. What is one activity Harry dives into after the holidays?

108. What does Hermione announce in Chapter 13 that she has learned?

109. For what was Flamel famous?

110. Who was Flamel's partner?

111. What is Flamel credited with creating?

112. What can turn metal into gold?

113. What drink makes the drinker of it immortal?

114. How old is Nicolas Flamel?

115. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione think Dumbledore is doing for Flamel?

116. Who will be refereeing the Quidditch school cup game?

117. How long does the Quidditch school cup game last?

118. What does Harry see headed towards the Forbidden Forest in Chapter 13?

119. What does Harry think Snape is up to in Chapter 13?

120. What conversation does Harry hear between Snape and Quirrell in Chapter 13?

121. What seems to be happening to Quirrell as the weeks pass?

122. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding

123. What is Hagrid hiding in Chapter 14?

124. How does Hagrid acquire the object he is hiding in Chapter 14?

125. What is Hagrid's title?

126. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?

127. What is a Norwegian Ridgeback?

128. Who is Norbert?

129. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital ward in Chapter 14?

130. What does Malfoy hear Harry and his friends discussing in Chapter 14?

131. What does Malfoy consider doing about what he overheard in Chapter 14?

132. What do Harry and Ron convince Hagrid to do in Chapter 14?

133. What is Charlie doing in Romania?

134. Where do Harry and Hermione meet Charlie in Chapter 14?

135. Why does Ron have to stay in the hospital?

136. Were does Filch take Hermione and Harry in Chapter 15?

137. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of his/her
room in Chapter 15?

138. About what does Neville wish to warn Harry and his friends in Chapter 15?

139. In Chapter 15, how many points does McGonagall deduct for each students'
violation for being out after hours?

140. How does McGonagall's penalty affect Griffindor's standing for top school house?

141. How do the other students in Griffindor feels towards Neville, Harry, and Hermione
the morning after McGonagall's punishment in Chapter 15?

142. With whom do Harry, Neville and Hermione have to serve detention in Chapter 15?

143. Who has to serve detention with Harry, Neville and Hermione in Chapter 15?

144. Where do Harry, Hermonie, Neville and Draco go with Hagrid in Chapter 15?

145. What are Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco to help Hagrid do in Chapter 15?

146. What is Hagrid's dog's name?

147. What does Hagrid say will keep the group of students safe where he takes them in
Chapter 15?

148. Which students go with Hagrid's dog in Chapter 15?

149. Who are Bane and Ronan?

150. Who is drinking unicorn blood in Chapter 15?

151. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

152. What does Harry worry about constantly concerning the Sorcerer's Stone?

153. Why do Ron and Hermione not worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

154. What part about Hagrid's story of how he acquired the dragon egg stands out to

155. What does Hagrid say the stranger in the card game asked him?

156. In Chapter 16, how does Harry think Hagrid has been duped?

157. What does Dumbledore say in Chapter 16 when Harry tells him about Hagrid and

158. Who, in Chapter 16, dismisses Harry's worries about the Sorcerer's Stone?

159. What is Fluffy doing when Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the room where he is in
Chapter 16?

160. How does Harry charm Fluffy to go to sleep?

161. What does Hermione realize about the chamber filled with flying birds?

162. After leaving the room with the flying birds, what do the young people discover?

163. What must the young people do to get past the room after the keys in Chapter 16?

164. Why does Ron sacrifice himself in Chapter 16?

165. What do Hermione and Harry do after solving a riddle in Chapter 16?

166. Who do Harry and Hermione encounter in the last chamber in Chapter 16?

167. What, in Chapter 17, is revealed about the time at the Quidditch map when Harry's
broom went crazy?

168. What was Snape saying to Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest, as clarified in Chapter

169. What is behind Quirrell in Chapter 17?

170. What fact does Quirrell confirm for Harry in Chapter 17?

171. What does Harry discover when he sees the back of Quirrell's head in Chapter 17?

172. What does Harry see when he looks for the Sorcerer's Stone in Chapter 17?

173. What does Harry realize is in his pocket in Chapter 17?

174. What does Harry tell Quirrell in Chapter 17, regarding the whereabouts of the
Sorcerer's Stone?

175. What color are the eyes in the face on the back of Quirrell's head?

176. What happens when Quirrell tries to choke Harry?

177. What happens to Quirrell's face when Harry grabs it in Chapter 17?

178. What makes Harry pass out in Chapter 17?

179. What ultimately happens to the Sorcerer's Stone?

180. Who wins House of the Year?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. Who are the Dursleys?

Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.

2. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

As uptight.

3. Who is Dudley?

Harry's cousin.

4. How do the Dursleys view themselves?

As beyond reproach.

5. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it
were known?

A secret.

6. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?

Odd occurrences.

7. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?

Owls flying overhead.

8. What odd thing does Mr. Dursley notice a cat seeming to be doing?

Reading a newspaper.

9. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost

panics Mr. Dursley?


10. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in
Chapter 1?

A device that turns off the street lights.

11. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

A cat.

12. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was
dropped off at the Dursleys?


13. How many gifts has Dudley received for his birthday in Chapter 2?


14. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?

In a cupboard under the stairs.

15. What does Harry converse with in Chapter 1 after Dudley awakened it?

A snake.

16. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?

Dudley will attend a private school, and Harry the public school.

17. What makes Harry's aunt and uncle move Harry into a bedroom in Chapter 3?

Harry receives a letter that upsets them.

18. How is the letter addressed that arrives for Harry at the Dursley's home?

To Harry Potter in the smallest bedroom.

19. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

To keep letters addressed to Harry from getting inside.

20. What comes out of the chimney one Sunday at the Dursley's home?

More letters.

21. Where does Mr. Dursley take the family in Chapter 3?

To a shack on a little island.

22. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?

The next day after they arrive on the island.

23. What happens exactly at midnight in Chapter 3?

There is a pounding on the door.

24. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's

Arms himself with a gun.

25. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?


26. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?

That Harry is accepted into Hogwarts.

27. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

Harry attending Hogwarts.

28. What relationship is Lily to the Dursleys?

Petunia's sister.

29. How did Harry's parents die?

Voldemort killed them.

30. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?

Magic that backfired.

31. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were
not a dream?

Hagrid is sleeping on the couch.

32. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?


33. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

Gringotts Bank.

34. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

The required list for the school term.

35. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where
they are going?

A porthole.

36. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

Curious and admiring.

37. To what does the narrator compare Diagon Alley?

A muggy strip mall.

38. What establishment is run by goblins?

The bank.

39. How do the Dursleys act towards Harry in his last month there before school?

They pretend he does not exist.

40. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new

In his room looking over his new books.

41. Who is Hedwig?

Harry's new owl.

42. What is the platform from which Harry must catch his train to school?

9 3/4.

43. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large


44. Who first enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?


45. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to

A fight ensues.

46. What does the "sorting ceremony" do?

Decides what house each student is assigned.

47. Where does the sorting ceremony take place?

In the great hall.

48. What prop is used in the sorting ceremony?

A tattered wizard's hat.

49. In what order are the new students called up for the sorting ceremony?


50. What is the characteristic(s) of the Gryffindors?


51. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

Honest and hard workers.

52. What is the characteristic(s) of the Ravenclaws?

Witty and smart.

53. What is the characteristic(s) of the Slytherins?

Cunning and ambitious.

54. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?


55. In which house is Harry Potter placed?


56. What is Quidditch?

A wizarding game played in the air.

57. Who is Mrs. Norris?

The caretaker's cat.

58. What professor seems to have something against Harry Potter?


59. Who do Ron and Harry visit during the first week of class that raises Harry's


60. What is the name of the wizarding community's newspaper?

The Daily Prophet.

61. How does Neville break his wrist?

Falling off a broom in broom-flying lessons.

62. What does Neville drop when he breaks his wrist?

A reminder ball.

63. Who decides to hide the object Neville dropped after breaking his wrist?


64. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?

By chasing Draco on a broom.

65. Who yells at Harry when Draco and Harry are at each other in Chapter 9?


66. Who is Oliver Wood?

The captain of the Quidditch team.

67. What does McGonagall tell Oliver Wood about Harry Potter?

Harry is to be the new seeker for Griffindor.

68. To what does Malfoy challenge Harry in Chapter 9?

A wizard duel.

69. What do Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville find when they go inside a room to
hide from Filch in Chapter 9?

A three-headed watchdog.

70. About what is Malfoy disappointed in Chapter 9?

That Harry and his friends were not caught out late at night and expelled.

71. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?

A broom.

72. What is a Snitch?

A golden ball that has wings.

73. How can a Quidditch team automatically win a Quidditch match?

If the Seeker catches the Snitch.

74. What does Professor Quirrell say when he bursts into the Halloween dinner?

There is a troll on the Hogwarts grounds.

75. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter

She tells the professors that the two boys saved her from the troll.

76. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?

Quidditch season.

77. What has precipitated Hermione's friendship with Harry and Ron?

It stems from the incident with the troll.

78. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?

Their homework.

79. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

A mysterious limp.

80. What does Harry discover in Chapter 11 about the three-headed dog?

It is responsible for Snape's limp.

81. What does the Slytherin team do a lot of during the Quidditch match in
Chapter 11?


82. What suddenly starts happening during the Quidditch match between
Griffindor and Slytherin in Chapter 11?

Harry's broom becomes uncontrollable.

83. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars
during the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?

Snape mumbling under his breath.

84. Who does Hermione accidentally knock over in Chapter 11?

Professor Quirrell.

85. Who is Fluffy?

The three-headed dog.

86. Whose robe does Hermione make burst into flames at a Quidditch match?


87. What happens after Hermione lights someone's robes on fire during a
quidditch match?

Harry gets control of his broom.

88. How does Harry catch the Snitch in Chapter 11?

In his mouth.

89. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in
Chapter 11?


90. What assertion by Hermione, Harry, and Ron does Hagrid vehemently deny in
Chapter 11?

That Snape is trying to steal what Fluffy is guarding.

91. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

He stays in his room in Griffindor.

92. Why isn't Ron going home for Christmas?

His parents are in Romania.

93. What is an unusual thing that Harry receives on Christmas morning?

An invisibility cloak.

94. What does Harry find in an abandoned classroom when he is wandering the
halls at Hogwarts late at night in Chapter 12?

A mirror.

95. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about what Harry has found in Chapter 12?

It will be gone the next day.

96. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?


97. Why are Harry, Ron, and Hermione searching for information about a specific
person in Chapter 12?

Because of the person's supposed connection to the package Fluffy guards.

98. Who left Harry the package with something that had belonged to Harry's

The person does not say who s/he is.

99. What is Percy's position at Hogwarts?


100. Where does Hermione go for Christmas vacation?

Home to be with her parents.

101. What relation is Fred to George?

Twin brother.

102. What section of the school does Harry go to while hiding under his
invisibility cloak in Chapter 12?

The restricted section of the library.

103. What does Harry do in Chapter 12 that gains the attention of Filch?

Takes a book off the library shelf, and it starts to shriek.

104. What does Harry hear Filch tell Snape in Chapter 12?

That someone was in the restricted section of the library.

105. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

His parents.

106. What starts to plague Harry in Chapter 13?


107. What is one activity Harry dives into after the holidays?


108. What does Hermione announce in Chapter 13 that she has learned?

Who Nicolas Flamel is.

109. For what was Flamel famous?


110. Who was Flamel's partner?


111. What is Flamel credited with creating?

The Sorcerer's Stone.

112. What can turn metal into gold?

The Sorcerer's Stone.

113. What drink makes the drinker of it immortal?

The Elixir of Life.

114. How old is Nicolas Flamel?

665 years.

115. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione think Dumbledore is doing for Flamel?

Keeping the Sourcerer's Stone safe.

116. Who will be refereeing the Quidditch school cup game?


117. How long does the Quidditch school cup game last?

Five minutes.

118. What does Harry see headed towards the Forbidden Forest in Chapter 13?

A cloaked figure.

119. What does Harry think Snape is up to in Chapter 13?

No good.

120. What conversation does Harry hear between Snape and Quirrell in Chapter

About getting past Fluffy.

121. What seems to be happening to Quirrell as the weeks pass?

He is losing weight.

122. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding

10 weeks.

123. What is Hagrid hiding in Chapter 14?

A dragon egg.

124. How does Hagrid acquire the object he is hiding in Chapter 14?

Won it in a card game.

125. What is Hagrid's title?

Game keeper.

126. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?

Possessing a dragon egg.

127. What is a Norwegian Ridgeback?

A dragon.

128. Who is Norbert?

Hagrid's baby dragon.

129. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital ward in Chapter 14?

Norbert bites him.

130. What does Malfoy hear Harry and his friends discussing in Chapter 14?

The dragon.

131. What does Malfoy consider doing about what he overheard in Chapter 14?

Reporting Hagrid.

132. What do Harry and Ron convince Hagrid to do in Chapter 14?

Give Norbert to Charlie.

133. What is Charlie doing in Romania?

Studying dragons.

134. Where do Harry and Hermione meet Charlie in Chapter 14?

At the top of Hogwarts' tower.

135. Why does Ron have to stay in the hospital?

His hand is getting worse.

136. Were does Filch take Hermione and Harry in Chapter 15?

To Professor McGonagall's study.

137. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of
his/her room in Chapter 15?


138. About what does Neville wish to warn Harry and his friends in Chapter 15?

That Draco is trying to get Harry, Hermione and Ron expelled.

139. In Chapter 15, how many points does McGonagall deduct for each students'
violation for being out after hours?


140. How does McGonagall's penalty affect Griffindor's standing for top school

It puts Griffindor into last place.

141. How do the other students in Griffindor feels towards Neville, Harry, and
Hermione the morning after McGonagall's punishment in Chapter 15?


142. With whom do Harry, Neville and Hermione have to serve detention in
Chapter 15?


143. Who has to serve detention with Harry, Neville and Hermione in Chapter 15?


144. Where do Harry, Hermonie, Neville and Draco go with Hagrid in Chapter 15?

The Forbidden Forest.

145. What are Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco to help Hagrid do in Chapter

Find an injured unicorn.

146. What is Hagrid's dog's name?


147. What does Hagrid say will keep the group of students safe where he takes
them in Chapter 15?

Staying with Hagrid and his dog.

148. Which students go with Hagrid's dog in Chapter 15?

Neville and Draco.

149. Who are Bane and Ronan?

Two centaurs.

150. Who is drinking unicorn blood in Chapter 15?


151. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

Voldemort coming back to kill him.

152. What does Harry worry about constantly concerning the Sorcerer's Stone?

That Voldemort will get it.

153. Why do Ron and Hermione not worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

They believe Dumbledore has everything under control.

154. What part about Hagrid's story of how he acquired the dragon egg stands
out to Harry?

That it was in a card game with a stranger.

155. What does Hagrid say the stranger in the card game asked him?

About Fluffy.

156. In Chapter 16, how does Harry think Hagrid has been duped?

Into giving out the secret to getting past Fluffy.

157. What does Dumbledore say in Chapter 16 when Harry tells him about Hagrid
and Fluffy?

Harry is unable to talk to Dumbledore, as the headmaster is away on business.

158. Who, in Chapter 16, dismisses Harry's worries about the Sorcerer's Stone?

Professor McGonagall.

159. What is Fluffy doing when Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the room where
he is in Chapter 16?

Sniffing around the trap door.

160. How does Harry charm Fluffy to go to sleep?

Playing a flute.

161. What does Hermione realize about the chamber filled with flying birds?

They are all keys.

162. After leaving the room with the flying birds, what do the young people

A huge chessboard.

163. What must the young people do to get past the room after the keys in
Chapter 16?

Successfully play a chess game.

164. Why does Ron sacrifice himself in Chapter 16?

So Harry can checkmate the king.

165. What do Hermione and Harry do after solving a riddle in Chapter 16?

Walk through a wall of fire.

166. Who do Harry and Hermione encounter in the last chamber in Chapter 16?


167. What, in Chapter 17, is revealed about the time at the Quidditch map when
Harry's broom went crazy?

Snape was trying to block Quirrell from killing Harry.

168. What was Snape saying to Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest, as clarified in
Chapter 17?

Snape has been observing Quirrell's odd actions.

169. What is behind Quirrell in Chapter 17?

The mirror of Erised.

170. What fact does Quirrell confirm for Harry in Chapter 17?

That Snape hates Harry.

171. What does Harry discover when he sees the back of Quirrell's head in
Chapter 17?

That Voldemort is part of Quirrell.

172. What does Harry see when he looks for the Sorcerer's Stone in Chapter 17?

He sees himself holding the stone.

173. What does Harry realize is in his pocket in Chapter 17?

The Sorcerer's Stone.

174. What does Harry tell Quirrell in Chapter 17, regarding the whereabouts of the
Sorcerer's Stone?

Harry makes up a story about what he sees in the mirror.

175. What color are the eyes in the face on the back of Quirrell's head?


176. What happens when Quirrell tries to choke Harry?

Quirrell's hands begin to burn.

177. What happens to Quirrell's face when Harry grabs it in Chapter 17?

It begins to blister.

178. What makes Harry pass out in Chapter 17?

His scar burning.

179. What ultimately happens to the Sorcerer's Stone?

It is destroyed.

180. Who wins House of the Year?


Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Audibility - Projecting your voice so your audience can hear and understand you.

5 4 3 2 1

Pronunciation - Ability to recognize words before you say them and pronounce all the
sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Articulation - Using your tongue, mouth and lips to pronounce all the sounds correctly.

5 4 3 2 1

Vocal Variety/Expression - Using appropriate pitch, volume and flow.

5 4 3 2 1

Rate - Reading a speed, or pace that is easy to follow.

5 4 3 2 1


Reading Assignment Sheet
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

Reading Date Assigned Date Due Date Completed


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To Page: _____ __________ __________ __________

Writing Evaluation Form
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________________

5 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Below Average

Clear thesis or position Strong conclusion

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Relevant supporting arguments Grammar

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Transitions between paragraphs Spelling

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Clarity of expression Punctuation

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


One Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Harry and Hermione meet Charlie in Chapter 14?
(a) In the same room as Fluffy.
(b) At the top of Hogwarts' tower.
(c) In the Forbidden Forest.
(d) In the dungeon.

2. Who is Norbert?
(a) The youngest student at Hogwarts.
(b) Filch's new cat.
(c) A ghost who lives in the boy's bathroom.
(d) Hagrid's baby dragon.

3. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?

(a) Breakfast.
(b) An owl.
(c) A motorcycle.
(d) A document.

4. What happens after Hermione lights someone's robes on fire during a

quidditch match?
(a) Ron is kidnapped.
(b) Harry gets control of his broom.
(c) Dumbledore admonishes her.
(d) McGonagall takes Hermione's wand.

5. What seems to be happening to Quirrell as the weeks pass?

(a) He starts mumbling more and more to himself.
(b) He is more and more hostile to the students.
(c) He is losing weight.
(d) He gets more and more forgetful.

Short Answer Questions
1. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were not a

2. What is Hagrid hiding in Chapter 14?

3. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?

4. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

5. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they are

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were
not a dream?

Hagrid is sleeping on the couch.

2. What is Hagrid hiding in Chapter 14?

A dragon egg.

3. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?

Possessing a dragon egg.

4. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

A fight ensues.

5. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they
are going?

A porthole.

Two Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?
(a) Hagrid.
(b) A motorcycle gang.
(c) A member of the swat team.
(d) The storm.

2. What relation is Fred to George?

(a) They do not know each other.
(b) Twin brother.
(c) Good friends from the time they met at Hogwarts several years ago.
(d) Cousin.

3. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's

(a) Makes Harry leave the shack.
(b) Calls the police.
(c) Puts Dudley and Harry in a safe room.
(d) Arms himself with a gun.

4. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

(a) A strange cape.
(b) A mysterious companion.
(c) A new miniature dragon.
(d) A mysterious limp.

5. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

(a) He stays in his room in Griffindor.
(b) To stay with Hagrid.
(c) To the Dursley's home.
(d) With Hermione.

Short Answer Questions
1. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

2. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

3. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars during
the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?

4. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

5. What comes out of the chimney one Sunday at the Dursley's home?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

His parents.

2. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

To keep letters addressed to Harry from getting inside.

3. What does Hermione see when she scans the crowd with Hagrid's binoculars
during the Quidditch match between Griffindor and Slytherin?

Snape mumbling under his breath.

4. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

Gringotts Bank.

5. What comes out of the chimney one Sunday at the Dursley's home?

More letters.

Four Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7
- 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?
(a) Something he has wanted for each birthday he that has not been celebrated.
(b) A list of the clothing he would like to purchase for school.
(c) The required list for the school term.
(d) A list of all the times his aunt and uncle have been mean to him.

2. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost

panics Mr. Dursley?
(a) Potter.
(b) Harry.
(c) Voldemort.
(d) Tom.

3. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?

(a) Odd occurrences.
(b) A dog keeps doing his business on his yard.
(c) The neighbors being shunning them.
(d) A flock of birds keep dropping poop on his car.

4. What is the characteristic(s) of the Ravenclaws?

(a) Brave.
(b) Spiritual.
(c) Witty and smart.
(d) Sly.

5. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

(a) Wisdom.
(b) Honest and hard workers.
(c) Physically hardy.
(d) Courageous.

Short Answer Questions
1. What establishment is run by goblins?

2. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was dropped
off at the Dursleys?

3. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

4. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in Chapter 1?

5. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What establishment is run by goblins?

The bank.

2. How many years have passed in the opening of Chapter 2 since Harry was
dropped off at the Dursleys?


3. What happens when Malfoy enters Harry's compartment on the train to school?

A fight ensues.

4. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in
Chapter 1?

A device that turns off the street lights.

5. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?


Four Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Quidditch?
(a) A game where students ride unicorns.
(b) A wizarding game played in the air.
(c) A room in Hogwarts where students practice dangerous spells.
(d) An invisibility spell.

2. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about what Harry has found in Chapter 12?
(a) It will be gone the next day.
(b) Harry can visit it as often as he likes.
(c) It is not real and what Harry sees in it is not real.
(d) It was created by Voldemort.

3. What does Hermione announce in Chapter 13 that she has learned?

(a) Why Snape was trying to sabotage Harry's broom.
(b) A spell to move forward in time in five-minute increments.
(c) Who Nicolas Flamel is.
(d) A spell to make everyone freeze in place.

4. What is Percy's position at Hogwarts?

(a) Prefect.
(b) He has no particular position.
(c) Herald.
(d) Assistant Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

5. In which house is Harry Potter placed?

(a) Ravenclaw.
(b) Griffindor.
(c) Slytherin.
(d) Hufflepuff.

Short Answer Questions
1. Who yells at Harry when Draco and Harry are at each other in Chapter 9?

2. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large family?

3. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

4. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it were

5. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who yells at Harry when Draco and Harry are at each other in Chapter 9?


2. What word does Harry hear in the train station that makes him follow a large


3. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

He stays in his room in Griffindor.

4. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it
were known?

A secret.

5. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

Gringotts Bank.

Eight Week Quiz A
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 3
- 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Dudley?
(a) Harry's cousin.
(b) The father of Harry.
(c) Another budding magician.
(d) Harry's best friend.

2. How do the Dursleys view themselves?

(a) As mean-spirited.
(b) As beyond reproach.
(c) As laughable.
(d) As the best magicians of the century.

3. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?

(a) Robberies of little old ladies.
(b) Criminals walking in the neighborhood.
(c) Streetlamps turning on.
(d) Owls flying overhead.

4. How is the letter addressed that arrives for Harry at the Dursley's home?
(a) To Mr. and Mrs. Dursley.
(b) To Harry Potter in exile.
(c) To Harry Potter in the best bedroom.
(d) To Harry Potter in the smallest bedroom.

5. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

(a) A dragon.
(b) A hen.
(c) A cat.
(d) A phoenix.

Short Answer Questions
1. How did Harry's parents die?

2. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

3. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?

4. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?

5. What relationship is Lily to the Dursleys?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. How did Harry's parents die?

Voldemort killed them.

2. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

As uptight.

3. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?

The next day after they arrive on the island.

4. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?

In a cupboard under the stairs.

5. What relationship is Lily to the Dursleys?

Petunia's sister.

Eight Week Quiz B
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 5
- 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Dursley's guard that they think would ruin their reputation if it
were known?
(a) That they are broke.
(b) The whereabouts of a murderer.
(c) A secret.
(d) A powerful spell.

2. What odd thing does Mr. Dursley notice a cat seeming to be doing?
(a) Reading a newspaper.
(b) Breathing fire.
(c) Playing with the dog.
(d) Talking to the parrot.

3. What makes Harry think that the strange events the night of his birthday were
not a dream?
(a) A frog talks to him when he wakes.
(b) Professor McGonagall is making breakfast.
(c) Dumbledore is snoring while levitated slightly off the floor.
(d) Hagrid is sleeping on the couch.

4. What begins to happen that bothers Mr. Dursley?

(a) The neighbors being shunning them.
(b) A flock of birds keep dropping poop on his car.
(c) A dog keeps doing his business on his yard.
(d) Odd occurrences.

5. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?
(a) The storm.
(b) A motorcycle gang.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) A member of the swat team.

Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

2. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?

3. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new school?

4. What makes Harry's aunt and uncle move Harry into a bedroom in Chapter 3?

5. Who are the Dursleys?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who is Professor McGonagall disguised as in Chapter 1?

A cat.

2. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?

Dudley will attend a private school, and Harry the public school.

3. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new

In his room looking over his new books.

4. What makes Harry's aunt and uncle move Harry into a bedroom in Chapter 3?

Harry receives a letter that upsets them.

5. Who are the Dursleys?

Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.

Eight Week Quiz C
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9
- 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Harry spend most of his time while waiting to go to his new
(a) In his room looking over his new books.
(b) With Dudley and his friends.
(c) At the public library doing research on magic.
(d) With Ron Wesley.

2. What prop is used in the sorting ceremony?

(a) A tattered wizard's hat.
(b) A wizard brain scan.
(c) A personal interview by the headmaster of Hogwarts.
(d) A diadem.

3. To what does the narrator compare Diagon Alley?

(a) A festival.
(b) A carnival of lights.
(c) A muggy strip mall.
(d) A black corridor.

4. What happens exactly at midnight in Chapter 3?

(a) A flock of bats invade the shack.
(b) The shack blows over.
(c) There is a pounding on the door.
(d) A piercing scream is heard.

5. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

(a) Something he has wanted for each birthday he that has not been celebrated.
(b) The required list for the school term.
(c) A list of all the times his aunt and uncle have been mean to him.
(d) A list of the clothing he would like to purchase for school.

Short Answer Questions
1. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

2. What is Quidditch?

3. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

4. What does the "sorting ceremony" do?

5. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they are

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B

Short Answer Questions Key

1. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

Curious and admiring.

2. What is Quidditch?

A wizarding game played in the air.

3. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

Harry attending Hogwarts.

4. What does the "sorting ceremony" do?

Decides what house each student is assigned.

5. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they
are going?

A porthole.

Eight Week Quiz D
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How can a Quidditch team automatically win a Quidditch match?
(a) If the other team intentionally knocks someone off their broom.
(b) If the Seeker catches the Snitch.
(c) If the Seeker avoids the duster five times.
(d) If the other team fails to have the right number of players on the field at the start.

2. Who is Oliver Wood?

(a) The potions professor.
(b) The caretaker.
(c) The captain of the Quidditch team.
(d) The defense against the dark arts professor.

3. What assertion by Hermione, Harry, and Ron does Hagrid vehemently deny in
Chapter 11?
(a) That Snape is a spy for Valdemort.
(b) That the thing Fluffy is guarding belongs to Voldemort.
(c) That Snape is trying to steal what Fluffy is guarding.
(d) That Hagrid has allowed a new dragon to hatch.

4. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

(a) Nothing.
(b) Harry going to a court hearing without a lawyer.
(c) Harry attending Hogwarts.
(d) Harry going to live with his grandparents.

5. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?

(a) Getting ready for mid-terms.
(b) A new creatures course.
(c) Quidditch season.
(d) Students pledging to groups.

Short Answer Questions
1. How did Harry's parents die?

2. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

3. In which house is Harry Potter placed?

4. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

5. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter 10?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. How did Harry's parents die?

Voldemort killed them.

2. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

The required list for the school term.

3. In which house is Harry Potter placed?


4. What is the characteristic(s) of the Hufflepuffs?

Honest and hard workers.

5. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter 10?

She tells the professors that the two boys saved her from the troll.

Eight Week Quiz E
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has started now that it's November on Chapter 11?
(a) A new creatures course.
(b) Getting ready for mid-terms.
(c) Students pledging to groups.
(d) Quidditch season.

2. How does Neville break his wrist?

(a) In a fight with Oliver Wood.
(b) He trips when he's walking with a girl he likes.
(c) A small dragon bites it.
(d) Falling off a broom in broom-flying lessons.

3. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they
are going?
(a) A porthole.
(b) A beam machine.
(c) A transformer.
(d) A huge skeleton key.

4. What does Harry do in Chapter 12 that gains the attention of Filch?

(a) Knocks over and breaks a statue.
(b) Trips and pulls a curtain off its rod.
(c) Takes a book off the library shelf, and it starts to shriek.
(d) Knocks over a chair.

5. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?
(a) The storm.
(b) A member of the swat team.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) A motorcycle gang.

Short Answer Questions
1. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

2. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

3. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?

4. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

5. What conversation does Harry hear between Snape and Quirrell in Chapter 13?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. C

Short Answer Questions Key

1. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

Curious and admiring.

2. Why does Mr. Dursley nail up the windows and doors on the house?

To keep letters addressed to Harry from getting inside.

3. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?

That Harry is accepted into Hogwarts.

4. How are the Dursleys described at the beginning of the book?

As uptight.

5. What conversation does Harry hear between Snape and Quirrell in Chapter 13?

About getting past Fluffy.

Eight Week Quiz F
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does McGonagall tell Oliver Wood about Harry Potter?
(a) Harry's potions grade must go up.
(b) Harry is inept on the broom.
(c) Harry is to be the new seeker for Griffindor.
(d) Harry may not play Quidditch the first year.

2. What suddenly starts happening during the Quidditch match between

Griffindor and Slytherin in Chapter 11?
(a) Harry's broom becomes uncontrollable.
(b) Harry's ears get hot and start ringing loudly.
(c) Hermione is contacted by McGonagall concerning an emergency at home.
(d) Ron gets in a fist fight with a boy from Ravenclaw.

3. What does Malfoy consider doing about what he overheard in Chapter 14?
(a) Blackmailing Hagrid.
(b) Killing the ewok.
(c) Reporting Hagrid.
(d) Blackmailing Harry Potter.

4. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?

(a) Robberies of little old ladies.
(b) Criminals walking in the neighborhood.
(c) Streetlamps turning on.
(d) Owls flying overhead.

5. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding
(a) 3 days.
(b) 6 months.
(c) A week and a half.
(d) 10 weeks.

Short Answer Questions
1. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?

2. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

3. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?

4. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

5. Why does Ron have to stay in the hospital?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D

Short Answer Questions Key

1. In which house is Draco Malfoy placed?


2. What does Mr. Dursley say he forbids in Chapter 4?

Harry attending Hogwarts.

3. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?


4. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

He stays in his room in Griffindor.

5. Why does Ron have to stay in the hospital?

His hand is getting worse.

Eight Week Quiz G
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the Dursleys?
(a) The heads of Diagon Alley.
(b) Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.
(c) Cousins to the Grangers.
(d) A magician and his wife.

2. What does Hermione realize about the chamber filled with flying birds?
(a) They are flying in a pattern.
(b) Some of them are missing.
(c) They are all keys.
(d) They are poisonous.

3. What is Flamel credited with creating?

(a) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(b) The Forbidden Forest.
(c) The Golden Phoenix.
(d) No one knows if he even existed.

4. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?
(a) Planning ways to best Malfoy.
(b) Their homework.
(c) Tuning up Harry's broom and Ron's wand.
(d) Interceding with Snape.

5. What color are the eyes in the face on the back of Quirrell's head?
(a) Red.
(b) White.
(c) Purple.
(d) Black.

Short Answer Questions
1. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of his/her
room in Chapter 15?

2. Where does Mr. Dursley take the family in Chapter 3?

3. In what order are the new students called up for the sorting ceremony?

4. What establishment is run by goblins?

5. How does Harry charm Fluffy to go to sleep?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of
his/her room in Chapter 15?


2. Where does Mr. Dursley take the family in Chapter 3?

To a shack on a little island.

3. In what order are the new students called up for the sorting ceremony?


4. What establishment is run by goblins?

The bank.

5. How does Harry charm Fluffy to go to sleep?

Playing a flute.

Mid-Book Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?
(a) By breaking Draco's wand.
(b) By telling Professor McGonagall on him.
(c) By chasing Draco on a broom.
(d) By slapping Draco.

2. What does Mr. Dursley do when something happens at midnight on Harry's

(a) Puts Dudley and Harry in a safe room.
(b) Arms himself with a gun.
(c) Calls the police.
(d) Makes Harry leave the shack.

3. What is in the Leaky Cauldron, which helps Harry and Hagrid get to where they
are going?
(a) A huge skeleton key.
(b) A transformer.
(c) A porthole.
(d) A beam machine.

4. What happens after Hermione lights someone's robes on fire during a

quidditch match?
(a) Dumbledore admonishes her.
(b) McGonagall takes Hermione's wand.
(c) Harry gets control of his broom.
(d) Ron is kidnapped.

5. Who are the Dursleys?

(a) Cousins to the Grangers.
(b) The heads of Diagon Alley.
(c) Harry Potter's aunt and uncle.
(d) A magician and his wife.

6. Who is Oliver Wood?
(a) The potions professor.
(b) The defense against the dark arts professor.
(c) The caretaker.
(d) The captain of the Quidditch team.

7. What does Harry discover in Chapter 11 about the three-headed dog?

(a) It is as harmless as a garden snake.
(b) It is responsible for Snape's limp.
(c) It is Hagrid's pet.
(d) There is no such creature.

8. With what does Hermione help Ron and Harry in Chapter 11?
(a) Tuning up Harry's broom and Ron's wand.
(b) Planning ways to best Malfoy.
(c) Interceding with Snape.
(d) Their homework.

9. What is the characteristic(s) of the Ravenclaws?

(a) Spiritual.
(b) Witty and smart.
(c) Brave.
(d) Sly.

10. How does Harry catch the Snitch in Chapter 11?

(a) In his mouth.
(b) He is unable to catch the Snith.
(c) In his jacket.
(d) Hanging on to his broom with one hand and both feet dangling.

11. Who is Fluffy?

(a) Hagrid's barn owl.
(b) A cat that used to be a dark arts witch.
(c) The three-headed dog.
(d) A newly born dragon.

12. Where does Harry sleep at the Dursley's house?

(a) In a cupboard under the stairs.
(b) In the attic bedroom.
(c) In the garage apartment.
(d) In Dudley's room.

13. In Chapter 3, when is Harry's next birthday?
(a) No one knows when Harry was born.
(b) The next day after they arrive on the island.
(c) In two months.
(d) It was just past a few weeks ago.

14. What does Neville drop when he breaks his wrist?

(a) His favorite marble.
(b) A paper that is due in Potions class.
(c) His watch.
(d) A reminder ball.

15. How does Hermione keep Harry and Ron from getting in trouble in Chapter
(a) She hides them with an invisibility spell.
(b) She tells the professors that the two boys saved her from the troll.
(c) She distracts the professors so Harry and Ron can get to Griffindor.
(d) She is unable to convince the Headmaster not to punish the two boys.

Short Answer Questions
1. What has precipitated Hermione's friendship with Harry and Ron?

2. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

3. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?

4. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

5. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in Chapter

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. C 11. C
2. B 12. A
3. C 13. B
4. C 14. D
5. C 15. B
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. A

Short Answer Key

1. What has precipitated Hermione's friendship with Harry and Ron?

It stems from the incident with the troll.

2. What has Professor Snape acquired in Chapter 11?

A mysterious limp.

3. How did Harry get the scar on his forehead?

Magic that backfired.

4. What list is Harry supposed to get in Chapter 5?

The required list for the school term.

5. What is Griffindor's final score in the Quidditch match against Slytherin in
Chapter 11?


Final Test - Easy
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Hagrid acquire the object he is hiding in Chapter 14?
(a) Steals it from the parents in the Forbidden Forest.
(b) Won it in a card game.
(c) A stranger asks Hagrid to keep it for the stranger.
(d) His grandmother sends it to him.

2. Who else, in addition to Hermione and Harry, is in trouble for being out of
his/her room in Chapter 15?
(a) No one.
(b) Neville.
(c) Draco.
(d) Goy.

3. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding
(a) 3 days.
(b) 6 months.
(c) A week and a half.
(d) 10 weeks.

4. What is behind Quirrell in Chapter 17?

(a) Another Fluffy.
(b) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(c) The mirror of Erised.
(d) Dumbledore tied up with magical rope.

5. What happens when Quirrell tries to choke Harry?

(a) Ron comes through the door and pushes Quirrell away.
(b) Hermione hits Quirrell.
(c) Voldemort starts screaming.
(d) Quirrell's hands begin to burn.

6. Where does Hermione go for Christmas vacation?
(a) She also stays at Hogwarts.
(b) Home to be with her parents.
(c) To her grandmother's, who is a witch.
(d) To her older sister's house in London.

7. What does Harry realize is in his pocket in Chapter 17?

(a) Nothing.
(b) The Sorcerer's Stone.
(c) A charm to counteract Quirrell's immobilization spell.
(d) A snitch.

8. What happens to Quirrell's face when Harry grabs it in Chapter 17?

(a) Nothing.
(b) It changes into that of a demeter.
(c) It begins to turn blue.
(d) It begins to blister.

9. After leaving the room with the flying birds, what do the young people
(a) A room with large teddy bears.
(b) That there are two doors to choose from for advancing further.
(c) A huge chessboard.
(d) That someone has smashed all the porcelain vases in the next room.

10. Who is drinking unicorn blood in Chapter 15?

(a) Fang.
(b) A rogue dragon.
(c) Voldemort.
(d) A rogue centaur.

11. Why do Ron and Hermione not worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?
(a) They think it is not really able to grant immortality.
(b) They think Flamel will come retrieve the stone soon.
(c) They think Voldemort will not be able to find a new body.
(d) They believe Dumbledore has everything under control.

12. What ultimately happens to the Sorcerer's Stone?

(a) Dumbledore now carries in a pouch around his neck.
(b) Voldemort got away with it.
(c) It is destroyed.
(d) It is put back at Gringott's.

13. What is Hagrid doing that is illegal?
(a) Spying on Snape by the use of magic.
(b) Allowing Harry and his friends to stay at his cabin.
(c) Possessing a dragon egg.
(d) Keeping a special strain of bees.

14. What is one activity Harry dives into after the holidays?
(a) Qidditch.
(b) Running.
(c) Learning defense spells.
(d) Meeting more of the Hogwarts students.

15. What does Hermione announce in Chapter 13 that she has learned?
(a) Who Nicolas Flamel is.
(b) Why Snape was trying to sabotage Harry's broom.
(c) A spell to move forward in time in five-minute increments.
(d) A spell to make everyone freeze in place.

Short Answer Questions
1. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

2. What is Flamel credited with creating?

3. What makes Harry pass out in Chapter 17?

4. Who are Bane and Ronan?

5. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. B 11. D
2. B 12. C
3. D 13. C
4. C 14. A
5. D 15. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. C

Short Answer Key

1. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

Voldemort coming back to kill him.

2. What is Flamel credited with creating?

The Sorcerer's Stone.

3. What makes Harry pass out in Chapter 17?

His scar burning.

4. Who are Bane and Ronan?

Two centaurs.

5. Where does Harry go for the Christmas holidays?

He stays in his room in Griffindor.

Mid-Book Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hagrid pull out of his coat in Chapter 5?
(a) Breakfast.
(b) A document.
(c) A motorcycle.
(d) An owl.

2. What does the letter say that Harry finally receives in Chapter 4?
(a) That Harry is accepted into Hogwarts.
(b) That Harry is to go live with his grandparents.
(c) That Harry's great uncle leaves him money.
(d) That Harry is expected in court concerning his adoption.

3. Why are Harry and Dudley going to different schools?

(a) They are in different grades.
(b) Dudley will attend a private school, and Harry the public school.
(c) Dudley does not qualify for the magnet school Harry will attend.
(d) Harry declined to go to the private school Dudley will attend.

4. What does Mr. Dursley notice happening in broad daylight?

(a) Streetlamps turning on.
(b) Owls flying overhead.
(c) Robberies of little old ladies.
(d) Criminals walking in the neighborhood.

5. How does Harry shock Draco in Chapter 9?

(a) By slapping Draco.
(b) By telling Professor McGonagall on him.
(c) By chasing Draco on a broom.
(d) By breaking Draco's wand.

Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

2. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

3. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?

4. Who is Dudley?

5. How did Harry's parents die?

Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Dumbledore at the Dursley home at the beginning of the book?

2. What happens one Sunday about the letters that are arriving at the Dursley home?

3. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

4. Why is Malfoy angry at Harry in Chapter 9, and what does Malfoy do about it?

5. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

6. What is odd about the wand Harry ends up buying at Ollivander's Wand Shop?

7. What does Mr. Dursley overhear that makes him panic?

8. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

9. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

10. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some time?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C

Short Answer Key

1. In Chapter 5, where does Hagrid say Harry and he must go for money?

Gringotts Bank.

2. How do the patrons at the Leaky Cauldron react to Harry?

Curious and admiring.

3. What is a Nimbus Two Thousand?

A broom.

4. Who is Dudley?

Harry's cousin.

5. How did Harry's parents die?

Voldemort killed them.

Short Essay Answer Key
1. Why is Dumbledore at the Dursley home at the beginning of the book?

Dumbledore has arrived at the Dursley's home at Number 4, Privet Drive, to bring the
infant Harry to live in hiding with them until he is old enough to handle his notoriety.

2. What happens one Sunday about the letters that are arriving at the Dursley

Finally, Sunday comes, and Harry's Uncle thinks he's in the clear, when 40 or so letters
begin shooting out of the chimney. Harry and Dudley have to be physically carried out of
the room and the door locked before they are able to retrieve any of the letters.

3. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

Ron boards the train and enters Harry's compartment. They begin a stilted
conversation, with Ron in awe of Harry and Harry in awe of Ron and his wonderful,
magical family.

4. Why is Malfoy angry at Harry in Chapter 9, and what does Malfoy do about it?

Malfoy is angry with Harry for humiliating him in the air earlier and challenges him to a
wizards' duel at midnight.

5. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

Harry's first day of classes starts with an abundance of attention from other students
whispering about him and pointing him out to each other as he moves through the halls
with Ron to get to classes.

6. What is odd about the wand Harry ends up buying at Ollivander's Wand Shop?

The wand that is just right for Harry turns out to be the twin of Voldemort's and the same

wand that gave him his scar.

7. What does Mr. Dursley overhear that makes him panic?

Mr. Dursley overhears a conversation between a group of these oddly dressed people
mentioning the name Potter, which sends him into a near panic.

8. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

The seeker is to catch a winged golden ball called a Snitch, which flies very quickly
through the air during the game.

9. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

The caretaker of the school, Angus Filch, has a terrible reputation with the students as
being very mean and nasty. His cat, Mrs. Norris, is his aide in catching students up to
no good.

10. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some

Long after the Dursleys have gone to bed, the newspaper-reading cat, perched on a
wall outside their home, is joined by a tall man wearing long robes and carrying with him
a device that puts out all the street lights.

Final Test - Medium
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short
essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After leaving the room with the flying birds, what do the young people
(a) That there are two doors to choose from for advancing further.
(b) A room with large teddy bears.
(c) That someone has smashed all the porcelain vases in the next room.
(d) A huge chessboard.

2. How long is it before finals when the three friends discover Hagrid is hiding
(a) 6 months.
(b) 10 weeks.
(c) 3 days.
(d) A week and a half.

3. What fact does Quirrell confirm for Harry in Chapter 17?

(a) That Harry's father is not dead.
(b) That Snape hates Harry.
(c) That Snape works for Voldemort.
(d) That Harry's mother is still alive.

4. Who does Harry see in an abandoned classroom in Chapter 12?

(a) A man Harry does not recognize.
(b) His parents.
(c) The Dursleys.
(d) Flamel.

5. What does Dumbledore tell Harry about what Harry has found in Chapter 12?
(a) It will be gone the next day.
(b) Harry can visit it as often as he likes.
(c) It was created by Voldemort.
(d) It is not real and what Harry sees in it is not real.

Short Answer Questions
1. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?

2. Who do Harry and Hermione encounter in the last chamber in Chapter 16?

3. Why does Ron sacrifice himself in Chapter 16?

4. Who has to serve detention with Harry, Neville and Hermione in Chapter 15?

5. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

Short Essay Questions
1. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione realize in Chapter 16 when they enter the
chamber where Fluffy resides?

2. What does Harry learn about Snape in Chapter 17 concerning Harry?

3. What kind of dragon is contained in Hagrid's egg?

4. What is happening to Professor Quirrell as the weeks pass?

5. What do Harry and Malfoy see when they hear a noise and go to the sound while in
the forest in Chapter 15?

6. What does Harry believe is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone?

7. What does Harry realize about the person drinking the unicorn blood?

8. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and Hermione

9. In Chapter 12, what does Ron realize the present Harry receives on Sunday morning

10. Why does Harry worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

Multiple Choice Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Key

1. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?


2. Who do Harry and Hermione encounter in the last chamber in Chapter 16?


3. Why does Ron sacrifice himself in Chapter 16?

So Harry can checkmate the king.

4. Who has to serve detention with Harry, Neville and Hermione in Chapter 15?


5. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

Voldemort coming back to kill him.

Short Essay Answer Key
1. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione realize in Chapter 16 when they enter the
chamber where Fluffy resides?

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the room where Fluffy resides, they see that
someone has gotten there already. Fluffy is sniffing around, the trap door is open, and a
golden harp sits at his feet.

2. What does Harry learn about Snape in Chapter 17 concerning Harry?

Harry learns that Snape never wanted Harry dead and would never betray Albus
Dumbledore by trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone.

3. What kind of dragon is contained in Hagrid's egg?

The egg hatches after some time and out comes a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon.

4. What is happening to Professor Quirrell as the weeks pass?

Weeks pass, and Quirrell seems to be losing weight, but he does not seem to have
cracked yet.

5. What do Harry and Malfoy see when they hear a noise and go to the sound
while in the forest in Chapter 15?

When Harry and Malfoy follow a noise in the forest, they see a hooded figure crawl
toward a dead unicorn on the ground and drink the blood.

6. What does Harry believe is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone?

Harry supposes that there are Dark Art spells guarding the Sorcerer's Stone, and that
without Quirrell, Snape would not be able to get to the Stone.

7. What does Harry realize about the person drinking the unicorn blood?

Harry realizes that the figure could be none other than Voldemort. Weak and barely
alive, he is drinking unicorn's blood to stay alive in the forest.

8. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and
Hermione do?

The Queen grabs Ron and knocks him out cold. With sadness and difficulty, Harry and
Hermione win the game and go into the next chamber hoping Ron will be alright.

9. In Chapter 12, what does Ron realize the present Harry receives on Sunday
morning is?

Ron realizes the present Harry receives on Sunday morning is an invisibility cloak; a
very valuable item because it makes anything beneath it disappear completely.

10. Why does Harry worry about the Sorcerer's Stone?

Harry worries about the Sorcerer's Stone constantly because he knows it grants
immortality to the drinker of the elixir that comes from it.

Mid-Book Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?

2. How did Harry's parents die?

3. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in Chapter 1?

4. In which house is Harry Potter placed?

5. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost panics Mr.

Short Essay Questions
1. Where is the porthole Harry and Hagrid use in Chapter 5, and what happens when
they go into the pub?

2. What happens when Harry puts on the sorting hat?

3. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

4. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

5. How does Harry feel the next morning after Hagrid first arrived to claim him?

6. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some time?

7. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

8. What happens when Mr. Dursley breaks under the stress of all the letters piling up?

9. In Chapter 4, what does Hagrid tell Harry about the curse backfiring?

10. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Dudley is an obnoxious bully who indulges too much in food. Harry is quite the opposite.

Why do you think Dudley, who is loved and pampered is such a selfish bully? How do
you Harry turns out to be honorable and kind? How might these two boys relate to the
question of nature versus nurture? Use examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone to support your answer.

Essay Topic 2

Trace and analyze the theme of the power of love in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone. How was Harry’s life affected by the power of love? How was Voldemort’s life
affected by the power of love? What other characters’ lives are affected by the power of

Essay Topic 3

Choose two significant symbols and trace and analyze their appearance in Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Are these universal symbols that would have the same
meaning in any culture? What other symbols could portray the same idea? Why do you
think Rowling chooses the symbols she does? Consider symbols such as Harry’s wand,
the killing of the unicorn, Norbert, and the three-headed dog.

Short Answer Key
1. Who knocks the door to the shack off its hinges in Chapter 4?


2. How did Harry's parents die?

Voldemort killed them.

3. What is the tall man in robes carrying when he joins the cat that night in
Chapter 1?

A device that turns off the street lights.

4. In which house is Harry Potter placed?


5. What name do the oddly-dressed people in Chapter 1 mention that almost

panics Mr. Dursley?


Short Essay Answer Key

1. Where is the porthole Harry and Hagrid use in Chapter 5, and what happens
when they go into the pub?

Hagrid and Harry enter a porthole to the bank via a pub called the Leaky Cauldron.
Many of the customers recognize Harry at once and begin to surround him in curious

2. What happens when Harry puts on the sorting hat?

When Harry puts on the sorting hat, it can read Harry's thoughts, which seem to be
against the idea of Slytherin, and the hat finally declares aloud that he is to be placed in

3. Who are Angus Filch and Mrs. Norris?

The caretaker of the school, Angus Filch, has a terrible reputation with the students as
being very mean and nasty. His cat, Mrs. Norris, is his aide in catching students up to
no good.

4. Why do Ron and Harry have a stilted conversation initially on the train?

Ron boards the train and enters Harry's compartment. They begin a stilted
conversation, with Ron in awe of Harry and Harry in awe of Ron and his wonderful,
magical family.

5. How does Harry feel the next morning after Hagrid first arrived to claim him?

Harry awakes the next morning thinking it was all a dream until he sees Hagrid asleep
on the couch.

6. What happens one night after the Dursleys have been in bed for quite some

Long after the Dursleys have gone to bed, the newspaper-reading cat, perched on a
wall outside their home, is joined by a tall man wearing long robes and carrying with him
a device that puts out all the street lights.

7. What is the seeker's role in a Quidditch match?

The seeker is to catch a winged golden ball called a Snitch, which flies very quickly
through the air during the game.

8. What happens when Mr. Dursley breaks under the stress of all the letters piling

Mr. Dursley cracks and gets everyone into the car to shake off the letter senders. He
drags them all to a horrid little shack, sitting on a rock in the sea, which can be reached
only by rowboat.

9. In Chapter 4, what does Hagrid tell Harry about the curse backfiring?

Hagrid tells Harry how the curse that killed his parents somehow backfired on Voldemort
when he tried to use it on Harry. This was what gave him his unusual scar on his

10. What is Harry's first day of classes like at Hogwarts?

Harry's first day of classes starts with an abundance of attention from other students
whispering about him and pointing him out to each other as he moves through the halls
with Ron to get to classes.

Final Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3)
essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?

2. What is an unusual thing that Harry receives on Christmas morning?

3. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

4. What, in Chapter 17, is revealed about the time at the Quidditch map when Harry's
broom went crazy?

5. What relation is Fred to George?

Short Essay Questions
1. What does a voice tell Quirrell to do in Chapter 17, and what is the result?

2. What else does McGonagall make Harry, Hermione, and Neville do and who is to
also be with them?

3. What happens when Harry removes a book from a shelf in the restricted area of the
library in Chapter 12?

4. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror to find the Sorcerer's Stone in
Chapter 17?

5. Who is Nicolas Flamel?

6. What does Harry do after Ron is asleep the night of Christmas?

7. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital wing in Chapter 14?

8. For what information have Ron, Harry, and Hermione been searching in Chapter 12?

9. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and Hermione

10. What does Harry believe about the conversation between Snape and Quirrell that
Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest?

Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Trace and analyze the theme of good and evil in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Consider the following questions as you write: Examine which characters are seen as
good. What are some of the reasons they are considered good? Discuss the characters
who are seen as evil and some of the reasons they are considered evil.

Essay Topic 2

Harry is convinced Snape is a dark wizard.

Do you think Harry is biased in his opinion about Snape? Do you think anyone would
interpret Snape’s behavior as Harry has done? Do you think Snape is a dark wizard?
Why or why not? Use examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to support
your answer.

Essay Topic 3

Define plot and include the definitions of the most important elements of a plot. Do all
novels have a plot? Why or why not? Write a brief synopsis of the plot of Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer’s Stone, identifying where the various elements of the plot occur
(Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution or denouement). Do you find it
difficult to identify the plot? Why or why not? What about the various elements of the
plot? Give a brief synopsis of any important sub-plots.

Short Answer Key
1. About whom have Harry, Ron and Hermione been searching for information in
Chapter 12?


2. What is an unusual thing that Harry receives on Christmas morning?

An invisibility cloak.

3. What does Harry worry about during final exams?

Voldemort coming back to kill him.

4. What, in Chapter 17, is revealed about the time at the Quidditch map when
Harry's broom went crazy?

Snape was trying to block Quirrell from killing Harry.

5. What relation is Fred to George?

Twin brother.

Short Essay Answer Key

1. What does a voice tell Quirrell to do in Chapter 17, and what is the result?

A voice tells Quirrell to remove his turban and when he does Harry sees a face at the
back of Quirrell's own head with red eyes and a snake like nose. It is Voldemort, who is
sharing Quirrell's body.

2. What else does McGonagall make Harry, Hermione, and Neville do and who is
to also be with them?

Harry, Hermione, and Neville are also to serve detention with Filch. Malfoy, who was
also out of his room trying to catch them, has to serve detention with them.

3. What happens when Harry removes a book from a shelf in the restricted area of
the library in Chapter 12?

When Harry takes a book down from a shelf in the restricted area of the library, it begins
to shriek and draws the attention of Filch, the groundskeeper, and his cat, Mrs. Norris.

4. What happens when Harry looks into the mirror to find the Sorcerer's Stone in
Chapter 17?

As Harry looks into the mirror, he sees himself holding the Sorcererl's Stone in his
pocket, and at that moment the real Stone drops into Harry's real pocket.

5. Who is Nicolas Flamel?

Flamel is a wizard noted for his work in alchemy with his partner, Albus Dumbledore.

6. What does Harry do after Ron is asleep the night of Christmas?

After Ron is asleep, Harry gets the irresistible urge to don the invisibility cloak and do
some investigating.

7. Why does Ron have to go to the hospital wing in Chapter 14?

The baby dragon bites Ron on the hand and he has to go the hospital wing for

8. For what information have Ron, Harry, and Hermione been searching in Chapter

Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been diligently searching every book in the Hogwarts
library for information about Nicolas Flamel, the wizard whom Hagrid mentioned, who
had some connection to the mysterious package.

9. What happens to Ron while they are playing chess, and what do Harry and
Hermione do?

The Queen grabs Ron and knocks him out cold. With sadness and difficulty, Harry and
Hermione win the game and go into the next chamber hoping Ron will be alright.

10. What does Harry believe about the conversation between Snape and Quirrell
that Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest?

From the conversation Harry observes in the Forbidden Forest, he understands that
Snape is trying to get Quirrell to figure out how to get past Fluffy the dog, and he is
threatening the professor.


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