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Course Learning Elements

Mini-Lecture and Quiz

Each Module will contain important, informative instruction through a “mini-lecture” media. This may be
written content provided be the instructor, or a video presentation related to the week’s readings, or some
other form of direct lesson material. Students must complete a follow-up quiz on Moodle to demonstrate
their understanding of the mini-lecture.

Discussion Posts

Students must choose one discussion question (several will be posted) each module to initially respond
to. In addition, two responses (each to a different classmate’s thread) are required for full credit. You may
respond to threads addressing the same question you did or one of the other question choices. Review
the discussion rubric for expectations.

Module Activities

Activities will vary with module, but may include a webquest, essay, collaborative exercise, or other active
application of skills and knowledge.

Learning Journal

Each Module will require a post to the Moodle Learning Journal. This will be a more personal reflection
on the lesson work and themes.

Class Blog: Words with an Impact

This assignment asks that students post noteworthy words (lines/sentences/selection) from the class
reading and explain why they had in impact on the reader. They may have been written beautifully,
contain interesting word choices, convey a powerful message, be understated, or signify a shift in mood
or tone. Whichever words stand out to the reader, for whatever reason, should be expressed in the class

Unit Assessments

Each unit will culminate in a final assessment project. Choices will be provided at the midpoint of each
unit. Students are permitted to propose their own project idea that synthesizes the unit objectives and
demonstrates mastery of timeless literature and themes for that unit. Teacher approval is required prior to
beginning work on all unit assessments.

Ask a Question

Questions are always welcome! Use this discussion forum to ask any questions you have about the class,
readings, or assignments. Only course related questions are permitted.

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