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t. Th€ name of the Socieiy is BRAC.

Thc R.gistered Officc of the Socicty is situat€d in Bangladesh at 75, Mahakhali.

Dhaka- 1212.


i. To engaSe in charitable puryoses and social w€lfar€ activni€s striclly on

Don-Droft basis.

ia. To promolc rnd advd@ chatily, welfa.e md in 8nd amo|lg

conmunili€s and p€oples of ud othcr count ies ofttc world.

ii. To provide relief to the peoplc aff€cled by natural disaters and asskt in
theh rehabilitalion and development.

iii. To ccop€rat., assis! enga8c in joint progms with orysnizations and

agencics s€ckiog th€ gorl of rclief. .€habilitllion dd developmcnl in

iv. To promot€, establish, mansgc, codrcl, supervise co-opemtive soci€F/,

corpoEle body or undenakinSs, companies. financial insitutioDs, banking
companics and any other instittrtiot subjecl to fi. aPproval by the rclcvdl
aulhorily a5 may b€ @nducive 10 the atrainhc of the objccrr of lhc
Soci€ty ddor rc geneEt€ funds to c,rry on ft. objcctr ofthe Socicty

v. To purchase, lsk. on lede, cxchan8e. hirc or otherwise acquire iDmovable

or movable propeni€s. rights and privileges whatsoever to build, construcl
alter and mrinlaiD buildinSs. houlcs or olhe. constr$ctions for thc Society
or ns nafT as n.ccssary or convcnicnt for any of lhc objects or purposd ot

vi. To purchase, hir€, mainbin sny agricultuEl equipmenl machin€ry or

spparatuses for ary of the purposes of fie Society in Bangladcsh or
€ls€where in tht world.

vii. To prcmorc. funA build. aid. arsist, managc, maittain, administ€r and run
*h@ls, pobacchnics, colleS€s. univeniti€s. rcs.srch centen, cducational
instirulions and truining cente6.

viii. To pufchalc, take on las€ or in exchange or allolment or hite or otherwise

acquire, erect. maintairl equip, construcl re-construcl rcPair, r.novate, or

qftF {6 lflll

adopr movable or imovable prop€ny including land, building. rcsidential

quartc6, qualte6 for ofiicefs. places of worship, school, hospitah,
disp€Dsaries recreation rooms. canleen! clubs, warchouses. godowns.
strucrurc! crcctiois or convcnicncc for the purposes of the seiety by
.xpending from lime to timc such sum or sums of morcy as may b€
n€cessary o. expediert fo. improving. adding to altcrin8, rcPanin8 aDd
maintairing lhe buildings, slructures, prope(y of lhe Society for the time
being of the Soci€ty dd to sell or mongage, let oul or hhe all or any
ponion of fte same as may b€ thoughl desimble-

To fund. buil4 ai4 ssisl, set up, mdaSc maintrin. administer libmries.
mu!€ums. public buildinSs rd halls, park, playgrounds, plees for
rereadon snd o$er plecs of usc or b.n€fit to comnunilies and p€ople as a
wholc or to ey specially disadvanlaged section.

To purcha!€, constJucl, improve, mainlain. develop, work, mmagq cury

out control ard superirteDd haah. markels, roadways, Lanways, raihvay
bnnchcs or siding bridgei r.scrvoirs, cmls, water cours.s. fenies. piers.
hydnulic wo*s. elect ic *o*s, telephon€ works saEllile, labout quartcts
and hous., village, wharvcs, j€nies, manufactoncs, wa!€hous, aircnns,
ships, storcs dd other infrastructure ed infomalion technological works
and convenience ehich may se.m lo the Socicty conduciv€ ro &hieve or
fudher any offie obj@ts of rhc Society.

Providc lic€ legal advicc. lcgal scr!ices and cduc$tion lo itdividuuls.

groups of disadlanlaged people who sutfer human rights violaiions and to
gro{ps who advocale lor th€m. Panicipale in adililies that redress
inequalirics .nd defects in la*s- policies. lhc lcSal system. and
admini{r.rivl: ad seialDracrices thll impncl on dis.rdlantaScd people.
To purcha!€, charter. hire. build or otheqise acquitc vehicls of aty or
every sod of d€eriplion for usc on land or oD aDd under sater or in fie air.
for the puryoses of the Sociely.

In associalion with dy foreign organiation or on ils own the Society may

mdedake all or any of its programs or activities in ary courtry of tie world
or ssist the rcplication of such proSEms or actiyities in such m.nn$ as th€
Goveming Body may dccidc from time ro fimc.

To d6ngc for money for such p€$ons. fims or associaiions, on such lehs
and conditions s
may seem cxpedieni in furthering lhe objectiles of ihe

To glannlee or stand d sur.ty to scure any obliS.lion of dy sister

conccm of thc S@iely dd / or sy other orgdiztion in shich lhe

(rn F ..!"nn! a€ at6
{Rr {lqry{
qlA nt\

xiii. To cnter inro ey uangcmcnr wilh dy Covcmmenl or authorily, local

municipal or olhcrwisc public or quasipublic bodics lhal tnay se€m
conducive lo lhe obj€cts of the Sociely for rights. privil€g€s and
concessions! which thc Society mry $ink desimble !o obtait and to carry
out, exercise, and comply may such arrangemml!, rights, privil€ges and

xiv. To r€ceive donation from any p€rson, local organiations.€ bodi.s
including without limitation prival€ and public limit.d comPanies.
Cov€mment of, Intcrnational Devclopm€nl Agcocics,
Irt.rMtional OrSdizdions, ForciSn Govemments, UN Agcnci.s frotn
homc dd abrcad.

xv To inv6t ud dal wirh thc mon.y of$. Smiety nol immcdiatcly rcquircd
in such ma ner as may from timc to tim. be deteinined.

xv!- To invest nonies of the Socicty in such se€urities, sharcs. d.benlurcs,

capital noles. real €statc, propcny including establishing sty industry or
busin€ss o. olherwire without limiiation in sDch manDer as may from time
to timc b€ delermined by thc Society.

x!b. To undenake without limitation any lawtul comm€rcial and ti.ancial

activity including micro crcdil wnh the intention to usc thc incoDe or
profits Senent€d thcre from lo achieve or to funher any of lh. obj€cts and
purpos€s of lhe So.iety and also to exP8nd ils s.op€ io cdry on chditabl.
and oth.r purpos for 8Eal.r ofthc benefici&ics.

xvi. To anang€ and bonow monics ed rais€ funds requi.ed ror thc obj.cts dd
purposes of lh€ Society and / or for any industry eslablishcd by thc Society
a8ainst such seurily as may bc required.

xvia. To guaranlee th€ payment of mon€y or perfomance of any obligation or

underlaking whatsoever and to nand surcty for any obligation of th€
Society or any concem / p.ojec! in ehich the Society and / or ory of ii3
si$€r conc.m has ey direct or indirecl inleBt 4d to p.rform and
di$hdg. obligarions arising from BivinA of s@h guamnte. or s.curily.

xvii- To dmw make, @.0r, dis.ount, cx4ut€ ed issuc bills of cxcharge,

promissory noks! bills, bills of lading, warrantt d€b€ urcs tnd olhcr
negotiabl€ or Iransfemblc instruDcnts or s€curities.

xviii. To r€munerate any person or comPany for services iendorcd or !o be

rcndcred in or about the fonnalion o. p.omorion of rhc Socicty or the
acquisilion of propeny by th€ Socjcty.

xix. To €stablish in any place in Bargladesh or elsewhere in th. world such

branch. asency or local board for danaging any ofthe affails of fte Sociely
as may b€ consid€red neccssary and expedied.



xx. To establish, run ,nd suppon research instilutions, laboratories, t€chnical

training c€ntres od schook. Srant stipends, schola6hips for training
abroad. md to do all such other fiings as may be calculated lo benelit lhe

sa To promote ans and scienc€ and dvarc.m.nt of knowl€dg€ on literalure,

nedicine, en8i.ccrin8, infomalion echnology, agriculture dd other 4eA
to promot€ the wcllbcing of human bcinSs and / or preseryation of flom
and fauna on a sust8inlblc bssis atd give literary and scimce awdds tud
prizes in fudh€rance of $cs. objcclivcs.

xxi. To establish, suppon, or aid in the establishment and running of

associations, institutions, funds trus1s and conveniences calculded lo
ben€fit mployes or cx-cmployc.s of lhe Socielt or th€ d€Fnd.nls
comcctcd lo such p€6ons and to 8r.rl plnsiotrs 4d a]lowances and to pay
towdds insurecc srd to subscribc or conrribut money to employecs'
provident tund and to open schools, hospiuh, clubs, ccopemtiv€ shops
dd to provide suitabl. living quari,crs.
uii. To improve, mmaBe, adminiee., develop, tum to accoun! 8ift away, sll,
lede, modgage or othcrwis€ dhposc ofor d€d wnh allor uy of the funds,
movable or imrnovabl€ prcpenics and assets of the Society as may be
thorighl exp€dient to promole its objects aDd puQose ofll)e Soci€ty.

xxiii. To give granis, aid or other assistarcc to pelson(t. co-operatile societies,

urdenakinS or associations ofpe$ons and agencies al hom€ dd abroad.

siv. To take ovcr and cany on includinS buying and purchase of shdos
of any findcial. banking or othcr comparies or bodies with tle ultimate
purpos€ to benefit the Socicty iD carrying out its objects and puQose.

nv. To tund, build. aid, assis! s€t up, manaS€, maintain, adminisl.r, M homes.
shelte6, for poor and ultra poor with sFcial eDph6is on welfarc of
children, women dd disablcd for lhcir devclopm€nt and empowemenr dd
for rcliefofdislress.

avi. To p.inl publisb issu€, circulate papers, p€riodicals, book, publi@lions

dd othe. lite6!y, sci.ntific and us.ful works, efforts dd und€rtakings 6
nay b. helpful roaccomplish ey ofthe objecls ofthe Sciery.
xr(vii. To act or b€ appointcd as trustc€. agcnt r€pres€nutive, delegak to conbol,
mdage, superintend and to providc oiher assistance to any dseiatior!
insritution or grcup which 1o thc Socicty may scem advdt aeous .o
achieve any of ils own ob.jects md puaoss
sviii.To fund, aid. assis! cltablish. mainlain, run, adDinister, rnanage rus15.
funds Srarts and orher beneficial .nliries.


rrcn !. c.F.n:ir oG 4n*

{R'' Xtg\

xxix. To .ncoumg€ rcs.arch, invcris$iorr discov.ry in any ficld for human

wcll-bcin8 aod dcvclopmc .

)dx. To .ncouragc, !.cur. and mainlain good tnd clo6c t lationships and snity
in and amonS communitic.i poopl.s of BanSl.dcsh 6nd olhcr countti€s
oflhc world. ''d
sxi. To aranSc, c$ablish, maincain and manryc funds, propertics nld asscls of
lh€ Socicty er may b€ dctermincd.

nxii. To sct up, acquir€. purcha$, manlgc 6nd dispos. of indllltri!|. busiocss.
ftnancial institutioo subjcct to lhc sppoval by thc !€l.vant Nthority and
olhcr conccm! ad rcal €st tc for thc b€n€fit of lh. So.iety.
xgiii. To do all such oth€r ihingr es .r. incidcntal or conducivc to th! ntbinmcnl
oflhc abovc objcc6.
uxiv. Thc obj€ct! as s.r fonh in any sub-chus. of th€ abov. clausc shall ml,
orccpt whcn lhc cont xt cxpr.ssly r.quir€s. be in anyway limitcd or
rcstriclcd by nfcrcncc lo or idf€ ftom thc tcrms of 5ny sub-claus. or
by lh€ narnc of th. Socicty. No such sub-claus.s or th. obiccts
spccificd or thc poecr! lhcrcby c.nfcnEd shall bc dc€mcd m.rcly
subsidiary or auxili.ry to th. obj.cls m.ntioncd in thc firsr sub-claus€ of
this claus., and tl|c Socicly sholl hlvc full powcrs lo ocrcis. all or nny of
rh. powcrs confcrcd by any part oflhis cliulc in ooy pan of thc world.
Thc incom. of rhc Sociay howcv.r d€rivcd, shall not b€ distribulcd lo it!
membcrs by wly of dividcnd or profit.
5. In ce of ehdint up of th. S@i.ty, Uc surylus in@nq if dy, shdl not bc dbtribulcd to
ils dctobcB. bur lhdl bc bn&d ovd to lmc otlt6 Soci.tics hwing smc ot simila
objccls !!d bcinS cx.hpr.d und.r scctid | 5(d) of ttc Incottrc T.x Act.
6. Th€ Narn6. Addrcss rnd OccupdioN ofth. Mcmbds oflhc Covcmins aody.


R.p|w !riv. B&€i.d6h

No. 12, Dh.lrt

Prof6s & Hcld ot$. D.Dt. of



7. w€ lh€ sqdal ncmb€rs wh6c nancs, .ddr€ss€s and occupalion are described
b€low aro &sirous of forminS n Sooicty wilh lh€ abov€

Occupation Signatlre

2 3 4


Betltddh Sfti}0ing

B. E. Houc, Elcpb.nt

Old Bu8low No. 3, DGpt. of Polilicd Sci6@,

Univcniry of Dh*t SuIi! K!m.l Poei.$ & Socid wo*Gt

Rotd No. 32,

4E, C/4,


qRtr iti lhl

Tri !. difir 6 t{.



L In th€s rules unlN thc conrcxt oticRise rcquires o. unles rh€ arc
othcrwise defined herein below' exprcasions d.fined in rhe Scieties RegistEtion
Acl. lE60 shall have the m€anings thcrcin d€fin€d.
. Words signifying th3 sinsular nunbcl only, shall include the plural and vicc

' "The Soliety" shallmean BRAC.

' "Registered Offce" shall mean the r€gister€d oflice ofthe So.iety for lhe lime

' WordssiSniryin8 male! shallext€nd to and include females.

Words signifyine p€rson shall includc bodies corpode "Coveming Body"
md the Memb€6 ofthc Gov€ming Body.
.Membel shall me3n membd of thc Socict) appearing
Mcnb6 ofth. Soci.ty.
. Th€ Regisler" shall nean !h. RcghEr of MenbeE to be kepr in pu6uu1 to

. 'Rules dd Regulations" means th€ Rules and Regulalions ofthe Soci€ty.

. "Month shall meanacalendarnonth.
. "Y€ar" shall D€an acalenda.year.
. "Seal" mems the comDon scalforthetime beingofthe Society.
. Ordinary Resolulion" shall n€an s resolution passed at a General M€eting pf
fi€Sociely by a simple majority.

' "Extraordinary Resolution shall meai a r.solulion pasd at a C€ncml

Meeting of the S@icty by a majority of not less th& three-finh of such
mcmbers mlitled 0o voG as d€ prcs. in pcrson or by proxy of which s nolic.
spccirying the intenlion to propos€ th. resolution a m qtmrdinary resolution
ha been duly 8iv€n.
. Sp€cial Resolution" shall nean a resolution pasted ar a Geneml M€.ling of
the SGiety by a majorily of nol lhan $rce-lifty of such members entitlcd
lo vote 6 arc pr€scnl in p€rson or by proxy ofwhich nol less lhan tcn days
notice specifying th€ inLnrion to propose rhe resolution 6 sp€cial rcsolution is
. "Th€ Act" meds the Society R€ghtration Acl (Ac1 No. XXVI860) and any
referenc€ to dy prolisioDs th€rcofshallbe read as reference to such pfovision
s mended or r€-enacred by any starl]te fof lhe tine beinS in force.



2. Any person, belonSing to ary naliorality is eligible to become a m€mbcr of the

Soci€ly if rccommended by two cxisting members of and approv€d by the
Govcming Body. A M6be. on clc.lion will pay d annud subscription ofTaka

A d€mb€r shall be . memb€r of the Soci.ry for the tem of his nalural lif€ unl€ss
hc shall r.si8n from his membership by sriting mder his hand addr€sscd to lhe
Goveming Body or is removed from m€mbcBhip by a votc of thrc€-founh of the
memb€rs ofthc Society or did not pay sribscripton for 2 cons€cutivc y€als.

2b. ThcGovcming Body sballhlv€ fulldiscrction to accept or refus.ory ncmbeBhip

oflhc Socicty witlout assigninS lry rclion whalwver.

Every mcmbcr shall act lo thc b€st of his abilily for funhcrorcc of the obj4ts,
interesr and innuence of lhc Sociay and shall obs€N€ all rcgularions hcrein
conLincd and all by€-laws of lh. Soci.ty made pursuant to rh. powers in thar
behalf hcrcin.ftcr contained.

2d. Th. D€mbcls shall be €ntitled to noticc olgeneml neetings and vote and to lake
pan in th€ d€liberation at such me€tin$.

Thc Annual General M€aing ofthc mcmbcrs shall b€ held within €ighrc.n months
from lhc drtc of inmrf'omfon of thc Soci.ty tud th€rcaner onc€ at lcalt in every
year al such lime nd place as may bc d€t nnincd by lh€ Cov€hing Body.

3a- The abov. mcntioned 8d€ral mccting shall be called ordinary mc.ring md all
oth€r gener.l me€tings shall be call.d extrsordinary 8.n€ral m€ctings.

Jb. The Coverning Body DaX lr,h€nevcr it thinks fit, and on requisirion in wdtine by
at lcastfive m€mb€re ofthe Socicly shallcallan extiaofdinary g€neral tneering.

3c. Thc r.quhidon hust stalc thc obj€ct of the meeting and nusr be siSr€d by th€
rcquisitioniis and deposil€d in thc Rcgistcred Ofllce offte Society.

3d. lf lhe Gov.minS Body of the Soci€ty do.s not prced wilhin tw€nty one days
from thc dst of r€quisilion bcing so dispos€4 rcquisilionisrs may rh€mselves
@nvcnc thc mceling within tbrcc months from the dale ofdeposir.

3e. Any m€ctins conven€d underthc Rul€ shallbe conven€d in thc san€ manner or as
near as possible to the meetinSs thsl sr€ onvcned by thc Gov€rning Body dd
shall bc held al lh€ R€gistfcd Officc of $e Sociely.


{rlrn qrql
alrn t @Fnlt' a6 tr''


Not l€s than founeen days' nolic. to th. mcmb€rs specifying the place, day and
hour of meeting with stat€n€nt of rhe business lo be tfmsacted at the meeting
shallbeSiven eitherby adv€nisemenl or by noticc sent by post or othe|tis€. With
the consenl in wriling ofall th€ membcrs entitled to receive rotice of the meeting,
a meetinS nay b€ convened by a shon.l nolic. and in uy manner the Goveming
Body think fit. Provid.d always thd nor lcss than twenty on€ days' notice shall b€
given of a meeling to pds sp.cial resolutions. If all fte members €ntitled 10 atterd
and lote at any such m€€ling so ag€cd a rcsolutior may be propo*d ard pass€d
as a sp€cial resolution at a mceling for which less thd twenty one days' notice ha!

5. The &cid€nlal omission 10 givc uy such norice ro or lh€ non-rec€ipt of notice by

any ofthe memb€rs shall no( invalidaE $. proceedings at dy such meding.

The o.dinary bEincss ofADnual Ctrcml Meeiflg sh6ll be to:

(a) Adopt audil€d accounrs, bolanc. shcct rnd repon ofthe Gov€ming tndy:
(b) Election of the nembers of the Golcming bodyj
(c) Appointing and lixing ofrcmuneration ofAuditorsl
(d) P6s Annual Budget ofth. Sociery.

7. The quorum for a generalmeeting shallbe asccftained as follows:

(a) lf the members ol lh€ Sociely at the lime of the metinS do not exceed
twenty in number, lhe quorum shall be sven membeK pres€nt entilled to
volei if rh€y exceed twenty, ther€ shsll be added to the above quorum one
for ov€ry fiv€ addnional members with this limildion, that to quorun shall
inany event exceed t.n membcrs prescnl entilled to vote.
(b) If lhe quorum is not formcd wnhin on. hour from fie tine scheduled for
lhe m€eting fie meetirg. if callcd on the requisition ofth€ membe6 shall bc
dissolved; in any olher cos. n shall stand adjoumed lo lh€ eme day in th.
following we€k ar lhc samc timc snd plaei dd if at s@h adjoumed
me.tinS a quorum of memb€6 is nor presenr the neeting shall be held
withour such ouoruh.

No business exccpt th€ choicc, whcn nccesery, of a Chairperson or thc

adjoummenr ofthe me€ring shall b€ rransadcd or discussed at a General Meeting
whil€ th€ Chair is !&art.

The Chairperson (if dy) of th€ CovcrninS Body shall prcside 6 Chairpe6on a1
every Geneml MeetinS ofthe Soci€ty.


raln t (.rti!.r "rt'


10. Ifthere is no such Chairperso. or ifat sy me€tings he is not presnt within fift.en
minut€s affer lhe timc appointcd for holding the mceting or is unwillin8 to act a5
Ch.irp.M[ tne members prascnt shall choos! onc of ltcir member to b€
Chsirp.Mn of lhe meeting.

l0a" The Chairp€non may adjorm lhc mceting fmm time to time and from plac€ to
plact but no business shall k trdsact€d al any adjoumed m€crin8 other than lhe
busincss left unfinhhed al lhe mccting from which tle adjoummenl iook pl&e. lt
shall not be neessary to Bive nolicc of an adjoumcd mcdinS or of the business to
b€ hrsacled ar such meeline if thc ldjoumed meeting is held silhiD 7 (scven)

Il. At ary General Meeting aresoluiion put tothe voleofn€eting shallb€ d€cided on
a show of hands, unless a poll is (b€fo.e or on th€ declaralion of the resull of thc
show of hands) demanded by at l€a$ lnre€ memb€rs. Unles, a poll is ,o
demaoded, a declmtion by rhe Chairye6on that a r€solution hd, on a show of
hands, b@n cdied, or canicd unanimoully, or by a particular majority, or los!
and an cnry b thal €ffcct in thc book of proceedines of lhe Society shall b.
@ncl6ive qidence of fie fact, without proof of $e numbq or proponion of thc
votes recorded in favour of or agdnsl thc rcsolution.

I lr. If a poll is duly demanded. il shall bc Eken in such manner as lh€ ChairpcrsoD
direcB and the .esul of hc roll sh3ll be deemed io b€ the r€solution of rh.
mecting at which the poll wa dcftand.d.

I lb. In thc case of my equality of votcs, whaher on a show of hmds or on a Poll. th.
Chairpe6on of the meeting at which the show of hdd takes place. or at which thc
pollis demanded, shall beenlitledto s sccond or castinS vote.

llc. A poll demanded on the elcction of a Chairpersoq or on a queslion of

adjoummen! shall be taker forthwith. A poll demanded on ey oth.. question,
shall bc t ken at such timc as lhc Chairperson oflhc mceling di@t1

12. Minul€s sball be kepl in booki pmvided fo. that purpose. Au rcelutions and
pro.c€dings at G.neral M.clinSs and any such minut s if siSncd by lh.
Chairpe6on of lhe meeting lo which thcy rclale or by lhe Chairpcrson of thc ncxt
subsequem Geneml Mc€dng shall bc conclusiv. cvidence of st'ch resolution and

ll. OD a show ofheds every membcr pr.senl in person shlll have one vot€.

14. No mcmber shall be enrilled to vote a! 8ny meeting uoless aU subscription and
oth€r dues paFble by him in rcspect ofhh membership in the Society have be€n

dvmi Err


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l4!- Thc ChairpeMn of thc meeting shall bc lhe sole judge of the validny of ev.ry
vot tend.r.d at such meeting. Thc Chairpcrson prcsent ar th€ poll shall bc th. sole
judge ofth. validity of every votc l€ndercd at such poll.

15. The Coveming Body shall be compriscd of no1 be less the seven sd not more
than twenty one memb€n unless otherwise reduced or incrcased by a r€solulion in
a gen€ml meeting.

16. The followinS shallb€ thc M€mtcroflhc first Goveming Body:

L F. H. Abed
2. v.l. Chowdhury
3. S. R. Husein
4. AkbarKabir
5. Begum SufiaKMd
6. OaziF&lur Rahman
7. Professor Abdur Razzak
n. The ncmb€.s of rhe Goveming Body shall elect a Chairperson fron dnonsst
th€nsclves by majority vote.
t8. A memb.r of fie Goveming Body tnay r.ccivc s@h remuncdiotr as shall be
d.lcrmined by lhe Govming Body for scrvicd dy r€ndere! to thc Socicty.

l9- The Coveming Body shall mccl ar lc{( four tim€s in a y€ar for dispatch of
busincss, adjoum and otheruis€ rcgula'c meetings lnd proc€.dif,ss as they
lhink fir Quesriors disins at any mcetin8 of tl€ Goveming Body shall b€ decided
by a majority of votes. In c8e otan cquality of voies, the Chairpe$oo shall have a
s€cond o. casting vote. The Chairpc$on may calla meeiing whenev€r he thinks nt
and nece$ary. The quorum necessary for the transaclion of the bulin€ss of the
Covcming Body may be fix€d by th. Govcming Body and unless so fix.d, shall

zo. Thc continuing memb€.s of th. Oovcming Body may act notwirhsbrdinS dy
vacancy in lhe GoveminS Body, ifand so long rs lhc nulnber is rcduccd below th.
numbcr fix€d by or pursuanr to rhe rcSulations of the Sociery as the neccssary
quorum of $e Goveming Body. continuirg nmb€6 of lhe GovcminS Body may
scl for th. purpose of increasing thc number of memb€n of the Govcming Body to
that number, or of smmoning a g€neml mceling of the Sociely but for no oth.r

21. Th. m€mbe6 shall. subjecl to thc provisions ofRules dd Regulalions, el€cl on€
of thci. member to be ChaiD€lson of the Coveming Body and d€l€rftine the
p€riod for which he is to hold offic.. Thc ChairpeBon shall prcside at all fie



*tn ir 6F n! c"nr*

mc€tings of the Gov€ming Body. It at any me€ting lhe Chairpcnon in not prcscnt
within half 0r hour after the tin€ schedll€d for holding lhe m€eting, thc mcmbcrs
ol lhc Goveming Body or Cotnmittec present may choose on€ ofth€h membcr to
bc Chai.persn ofthat me€ting.

22. Thc actilities of the Society shall b. managed by lhe Coveming Body and may
exercis! all such powels of lh€ Soci€ly $ ar€ no1 by the Ac( or any statotory
ftodificstion the.€of for lhe tim€ bcing in forcc, or by these Rules rcquire to bc
cxcrcis.d by th. S@i.ty in Mc.ting, subj@t n€vcnh.lcss to any
rctulation of the$ rules, to th. provhions of lhc said Act and lo such rcgulalions
or provisions 6 may be prcsrjb.d by the S@iety in Gencml Mccting nothing
b.rcby cont ir€d shall invalidalc any lct of lhe coveming Body which
would have b€en valid ifthc r€gulation had not b€.n madc.

Thc Goveming Body shall have full contml ov€r all the affairs and prop€ny of the
Society and shall exercis€ all powers ofthe Society as they lhink fit and nay from
timc b time provide for lhc management and trarsaction of lhe affairs of the
Socicty in any sp€cifi€d locality whcther in Bangladesh o. abroad ard for purposes
thcrcof mry establish local Gov.mirg Body and agencies or makc orh.r
appointmcnt! atd del€gal€ powcrs, od fom comittee of the Govcrning Body
for spccinc pu.p6es.

Without prejudice to thc Gencral Powcr, conf€ncd by dl€ last pr€ceding rul.s snd
lhc olher pow.6 .onfeflrd by this pr.scnts, it is hereby expressly declared rhar rh€
Coveming Body shall hav€ lhc following pow€rs that is to say:
(i) To pay the cost, cha4es and .xpcns€s pr€liminary and incid.ntal to rhe
promotion, fomalioq cstablishm€nt and regislration ofthe Socicty.
(ii) To purchas or otherwisc acquirc for llle Society any prop€ny. ri8h1s or
privil€ges which thc Socicty is au$orized to acquafe at such price and
g€n€rally on such terms gId condilions 6 they lhink lit od io s.ll. le!
€xchange or oth€Nise disposc of or condilionally any part of $e
propeny. privileges ard undcrukings of the Society upon such and
conditions ed for such considcration !s th€y mry lhink fit.
(iii) To scurc lh€ tulfilment of any contmcts" 4greemcdts or cngsgcmcnt!
.rlcr€d inb by rhe Socicty, mongaSe or charg€s of all or any of rhe
prop€ny ofth. Snci€ty or in such olhd manner as lhey may thint fit.
(iv) To appoint Chi.f Exccutivc Omccr as it may consid€r ncc€ssary or
€xp€dicnt dd may rcgulatc his duties and responsibilities atrd fix his
(v) To instilut€. conduc! dcfend, compound and abandon any legal
pr@eedings by or againsl th€ Society or its offic€rs or otherwise
conceming the affaiB of lhc Socicty and also to conpound and allow tiDe


{Ira rr crFiit G -nr'


for paymenl or satisfaction of any claims or d.mands by or aaaiml the

(vi) To act on behalf of th€ Socicly in all rclating to bdkru .y and

(vii) To invcst and dcal wnh ey of th. pu.poscs th€reof upon such secuities
od in such manner as thcy ftink fil od frotn tirne to timc vary or r@lise
such investment.
(viii) To givc to ey peBon mploy€d by thc S@icty as rernunention for his
*nices incentivc paymcnls 6 such a commission b4.d on performance
dd such paym€ shall b€ rrcatcd s a part of fte workinS .xPens€s of the
(ix) To appoint Chairperson of lhc Govcmirg aodl
(x) To appoint any person or pc.sons (wh€lher incorporalcd or noo to accept
and hold in rust for tre Socicty any propedy b€longing to the Society or in
which it is int.rcstcd or for any othcr Puryose and to execute md do all
such doeds documents and lhings a may be rcquifed iD relalion to any such
trusr dd toprovide rcmuncralion ofsuch lrust€e or lrustees.
(xi) To refer any claims or dcmands by or aSainst the Soci.ty 1o arbitration and
observe and perfom the awardr.
(xii) To make and Sive rcceipts, rcleasc and other discharges for money payable
to the Soci€ry and for the claims aDd denands ofthe Society.
(xiii) To execute in the nam. od on b.halt ot the Soci€ly o. in favour of my
membe. or other pcrson who may incur or b€ about to inclu any Pe6onal
liabilily for the benefit of Socicly, such mongagcs ofth. Sciety s ProP€rty
(pres€nt.nd luture).s thcy think fil and any such mongage may conlain a
poser of sale and such otner power$ covcnanls md Provisions as shall be

(xiv) From time to tim. to mak.. vary, by-laws for $e r€gulalions of tlle
businss ofrhc Soci.ty. its and cEployee.
(xv) To makc and aller rules ard rcgulalions conccmnu $e timc dd mmer of
payment of lhe conttibulioN of th. employees dd lhc Society respectiv€ly
10 dy Fund and the adual .mploFenl, suspension and forfeitur€ of the
benefit of the said fund dd spplication and disPo$l thdeof, and ofteois€
is relarion lo rhe working and man!8cm€nt of thc Funds as lhe GovdinS
Body shall from timc lo timc tiink fil
(xvi) To ent€. inio all such ncgoiiations a||d contrscts atd res.ind and vary all
such contracts ond execurc and do all such ac|s. dceds and tinSs ir the
name and on bchalf oflhe Sociay 0s they may consid€r exP€dient for or in
relation 10 any of thc mat!.rs aforesaid of othc ise for $e purpose of the



(xvii) To mak€, dnw, endoEn sigD, scc€p! negotiate ar give all cheques. bills
of ladin& dnfu, ordns, bill of ercha!8c and promisory not€s and orhcr
negotiable instruments requircd in thc bsine$ ofthe Soci€ty.
(xviii) To itrsurc and kcep insurcd ag.inn loss or ddnases by file o. othcrwis. for
such pe.iod ed to such cxrc a! lhey may think props all or any pan of
the buildings. machinery, goods, stoE, produce fld other movablc and
immolabl€ prop€ny of lhc Society eiiler sepamtely or joinlly, eho to
insurc all or my ponion of lhc goods, produce, machinery dd orher aniclcs
dealt with, irnportcd or exponed by the Society md b sell, assign.
suner er or discontinue and policy of assurance effected in pu$uance of
mls power.
(xix) To open accounts with any Bank or Barks and to pay money into of draw
money from any such account from timc to time 6 the GovminS Body
rnay think fit.
(u) To d.t€mine frcm lime to !im. who shall b€ entitled ro siSn on Soci.ty s
behalf bills, nol6, rcccipts. acccplanccs, cndorsem€nrs, cheques relcase
contrdcts documenls.
(xxi) To provide for thc w.lfare ofany cmployes ofth€ Ssiety and lhc spous.s.
widows and fmilics or fic dcp€ndcnts or connedions of such pc.son by
building or contributin8 to the buildinS of houss or dwellinSs or by gmnts
of money, pensioni, alloemccs, bonus or other payments or by creatiDs
ed from time to tim€ subscribing or conributinS to povid6! Fund ond
other N@iationi institutions. funds or lrusts and providing or subscribing
or conlributing toweds plsces of instruclion md recrcarion, mosqu€s,
$hool, colleges. univcKities, hospil.ah ed dkp€nsdies, medical and such
other a(endance as the Cov€ming Body shall think fit and subscribe.
contribute or otherwise dsist or to Srant money ro cultuhl, charitable.
benevolen! relisious, sciertific, nadonalor other objectswhich shallhave a
mo6l o. othd claim lo suppon or aid by the Sociely by realor of public
dd Beneral utility or oth.Nise.
(nii) To mmge all concems ed aflails of lhe Society! to appoinl dd employ
officels", wo*rn€n d.y lat{ure6 for $e puqose of O€ Sociely
dd to |move or dismiss th.m sd appoinr olhers in then plac€ dd to pay
such p6ons 6 aforesaid such saladcs, wa8s or oth€r rcmun€ration as
may be deemed fil ard propcr.
(uiii) The Gov€ming Body nay from timc to tim€ del€gate all or any of lhcir
powers and autlornics herein to lhc Chicf Ex€cutive Oficer, members of
Goveming Body, offic€E of lhe Soci.ty odor any other person(s) as they
may decide.
(xxiv) Th€ Ch.irpersoD, shall exeroise such powers and fulnl such funclions, as
may be deternin€d fiomtime to timc bytheCoverning Body.



(xxv) To bonow or raise any sum of money by loan, o' hyPolhecalion or

morlSage on such l€rms and coDdilions as may be d@med fit and proper'
(uvi) To e$ablish branch officcs snd agencics in any pan of Bangladesh or
abroad to promote the objccives ofthe S@i.ty or to replicate irs PrcSrams
md/or &tiviti€s.
(xrvii)To invest fund! of th. Society or to dispos. of the sm. on behalf of the
Society as may b€ decided by th€ Ooveming Body
(nviii) To Biv. donstion and subscriplions for chatiiabl€ or benevol€nl obj€cis-

Th€ Goveming Body shall duly comply wilh thc provisions of the Act and of any
slarutory moditication tlcrcof for the timc bcing in force applicable to thc Scidy
md in paniculd with rhc proeisions iD r€8ard to .c8istrz.ion of Parriculars of
mo.tgag€s and charges affeclinS th€ pmFny of th. society or crealed by th€m
and or keepinS s Egist€r of n€ or scnding lo lh€ Registtu copies of special
resolutions and & copy of lhc regislcr of of the Governina Body and
nolification ofey chanScs th.rcin.

23. At the first and elery thrce ycars thcr.after, elcclion to the Goveming Body will
take plac€ !t the Annual Oen€ral MectinS of the Sociely All membeB of the
Boveming body except the Chicf Ex@ulivc Omcer, if he haPpens to be t nember
of thc Gov€mins Body, shall retjrc !fter a thrce yee tem of office but will be
.ligible for r+election at th€ Annual Gcncrel Mecting

23a. A t enber of $e Covemins Body r€ti.ins as aforesaid shall be elisible ror

23b. The Society, at the Ccn.ral Me.ting al which a m€mber of the Goveming Body
rctie in rhe manner aforesaid. may fill up the vacat€d ofnce by electing through
the voles of membeB therclo,

23c. If a.dy meftins ar which an clcction of memb€rs of lle Coveming Body o!8h1 to
tate place but for my r.ason lhd do€s nol take plae th€n th. neting
shall sLnd adioum.d till th€ sam. day in the next weck at thc sd. time and placc
orly for holding thc said elcclion.

23d. The Society may from lime to lim€ in Ccnclll Mc.ting increas€ or teduce lhe
nunb€r of m€mb.6 of th. Covemin8 Body lo b€ €l.ct€d.

23.. Any calual vacancy occuring among mcmbcrs of the Goleming Body may be
fill€d up by the covemin8 Body but thc pcnons so chosen shall rdirc at the n€xt
following Annual General McctitS of th€ Socicty and shall lhen be €liSible for

23f. Members of the Goveming Body shall, subjcct to $e prolisions of Anicles 29,
havc power at any tine and from timc lo time to appoint I person as additionald
.% ry'Llil !
'",^ tstl
\s'l -,c
-'^/J.,", s\.cr \'


memb.r of th€ GoveminS Body but so that the toral number shall not a( any dme
cxcc€d lh. mtximum numb€r fixcd as above. A menb€r of thc Cov€min8 Body
so rppointcd shall rctire at thc ncxl followinS ordinary neting of rhc Society and
sh.all th.n bc €liSiblc for rc-€lcctioo.

2lg. By an €xtrs-ordinary rcsolution any mcmb€r of lhe Coveming Body nay be

rcmovcd b€for. expira,lion of his pcriod of ofrice ud may by an ordinary
rc$lution appoint amther person in his plsc.. The person so appointed shallrctirc
at the ncxl following ordinary mc€ling of th€ Society and shall then be cligibl. for

21. Thc mcmbcN of rhe Govcmirg Body may del€eale any of thcir pow.r to
commit&€s consisting of such mcmbcr or m.mb6 of Socicty er ft€y drink
lil. Any committee so formcd shall in llle .xercise of lhe powers so dclegated
conform lo ony regulations th.t may bc imposed on lhem by the Govcming Body.

25. A rcsolulion in wriling sign.d by all Incmb.s of tnc coveminS Body for the time
b€ing in Bssldesh (not being le$s lhan thre€) shall be a valid rnd cfTcctual a! if
it had bc€r palsed al a meedng of $e Oov.minS Bodydulycallcd and constitulod.

26. Thc Govcming Body shall ous. minutcs 10 be k€pt in books provided for tE
purpos€s of all reelulions and proccedings of meotings of lhe Cov.ming Body
md any such minules if signcd by lhc Chlirperson of lhe mc€ting to which rhey
rcla&d or by lhc Chairp€rson of $c ncxt succedirA me.ting shlll bc conclusive
elidencc ofsuch rcsoluliors and procccnirgs.

27. A Comhiltee may €lect a Chrirp€rson of ils meotings. If at any mcciirg the
Chai.p.rson h not pr€snt within half an hour afier the tim€ appoinrcd for holdinS
ihe same. fie members present may choos. one of then numb€r to b€ the
Chairperson of that meetinS.

21a. A Comnittee may meet and adjourn as il thinks prop€r. Qu.stions arjsing ar any
m€.lin8 shall be det€rmined by a m6jority of votes of thc mcmbcrs pres€nt dd in
casc of lI cquality of vol€s dic Chairp€rson of the netina shall hav€ a scmnd or

27b. Allacls done by any me€ring of lhc Goveming Body or a Commin€e of lhe
Gov.mif,8 Body o. by any pcrson ading as a member of thc Cov€ming Body
shall, notwirhstandinS that il b. aftcrwards discover€d thar rhcre was some def€ct
in the appointm€nl of ary m€mbd of thc Cov.ming Body o. of th€ Committee or
p€rsons acling d afor€sid or that he or ary ofthen were disqualificd, be ar valid
a ifcv€ry such person had bcen duly appointed and was qualificd to bc a member
of thc Govcming Body or ComDittc€.




28. Th€ Gor€ming Body shall caus. rninurcs to be duly entered in books !o b€
provid.d for lne purpose:
(a) of all appointne s ofofiiccrs od commitles ofth€ S@iety.
(b) of th. nM6 of th. Mcmtgs oflh. GovehinS Body presnr a! @h mc.rinS
of the Goveming Body.
(c) or all .€solulions and proceedings a! all mcetings of lhe Society and any such
minutes of oy n.€ting of rhc Cov.ming Body or ofdy commine. or ofthc
Society if purponing ro bc signcd by the ChaiQelson or such m€cting shall
be r€ceivable as prima-facie €videnc€ of lh€ matreN stabd in such ninules.

Any register index, minul€ book of account or olher book! requifcd by thesc
Rules to b. kopt by or oD blhalf of thc S@icty may be kept either by making
mtries in bound book or by re€ording them in any oiher nanner.

30. The Goveming Body may d€le$lc all or ony of ib pow€r lo any memb.r of the
CoveminS Body, Managcr. S.crctary or any olher offic€r ofthe Soci€ty-

3I Thc Gov€mine Body shall caus. lo maintain pmper books of accounts with

(a) all sums of moncy .ccciv.d nnd cxpcndcd by lh€ Sciety and th€ man.6 in
rcsp€ct of which .cc.ipl! and cxp.ndilurc late placei
(b) ad purchases by thc Socictyi dd
all sales
(c) the 6ets od liabilities ofthc Soci€ty.

32. The books of account shall be mointaincd in the mann€r prescribed by thc
Coverning Body md shall be kept at thc re8ist€red ofllce of th€ Society or at such
other place a the Goveming Body shall $ink fit and shall be open to inspection
by members of $e Govemins Body durins business nou6-

The Covcming Body shall fiom tine to tim. daermir. wheth€r od !o what
extdt ed ar whar time and placc and undcr what conditions or regulations tl€
ac.ounts and books of th. Socicty or any of th€m shall b€ op€n to inspcclion by
ncmb6 nol bcing memt€rs of lh. Govcming Body and no member not bcing a
mcmbs of the Govcmins Body shdl havc any rieht of ins?ecting any ac.oum o.
book or documed of tl]e .xccpt as confened by law or authorizcd by tic
GoveminS Body or by lhe Society in GcncralMectins.

32b. The iDcome dd expenditure accounr shall shos, ananged und€r the mon
convcnient hoads, lh. mount of gross incomc distinguishing tle sevcral sourc€s
fiom which it ha, been d.rived. and lhe amount of gmss expenditurc,
dislinguishing thc €xpenses otenablishment, salaries and other like matters. Ev€ry
ilem of expenditurc fairly chargeable against the income of the year shall be
brough into ac@unt so that ljusi balancc of income and expendilure may b€ laid


bcfor€ fie nc€ting and in clsc whcrc ary ne'n of exFnditure which my in
faim€ss be dislribul€d ovcr scvcral y.!r has bccn incurcd in on y@, thc whole
or such item shall be dared wnh lddilion oflhc r€sons why only a ponion ofsuch
exp.nditure is sho*n a! chargcd for lhc ydr.

33. A balanc€ she€t shall be made out in .very year and laid before the Socicty in
c€ncral Meeting mad. up to s dalc not morc lho nine months beforc such
m€eting- The balance shc€t shall bc accompei./ by a repon of dl€ Goveming
Body as to the Society'saffai$.

J3a" A copy of the balmcc sheet and rcpon of thc Goveming Body and of$€ audilors
shall, founeen days previous to !h. m€eling be sent 10 the membcB cnlillcd to
reeiv€ noti@ of a C€nelal M.eting in the $m. manner in which notices are Sivcn
hereunder and in the like p€.iod shsll b€ op€n to insp€clion of all memb.6 of thc
Socicty at th. rcaislecd omcc of thc Soci€ty during business hos.

34. Th. Chi€f Executi!€ Officcr of lhc Society shall b€ ils Chi€f Execulive who shall
be appoinkd by lhe Govc.ninS Body. Thc posl of lhe Chief Executive of th.
Soci€ty my suilably bc rcicsignatcd by thc Coveming Body d and wh.n it is

35. The offi@ of a memb€r of tlc Golcming Body shall be vacaEd if th€ member:
(a) c€8stobe a memb€r of th. Society;
(b) is found to be ofunsound mind by a Coun ofcompaentjurisdictioni
(c) is adjudsed insollenli
(d) absenb himself fiom threc cons€cutiv€ me€lings of the Governing Body or
from all meetings of the CovcminS Body for a conlinuous rteriod of three
months, whichever is longer. without lcave of abs.nce frorn th€ Colemin8
(.) a@epts a I@n frcm fte Soci.tyl
(f) lh. pmfits of dy co mct with the Sociely:
is concemed or participatc,s in
(g) is punished wilh imprisotrmm by a comp€tcnt Court for a l.m excccding
six monlhs in r€spc.t ofan ofTcnc. which under lhe law fo.lhe lim€ beinS in
forc! is clgnizrble;

Provid€4 how€ver, that lhe olficc of m.mbcr of th€ Goveming Body shall not be
vacalld by rcason thal the membd conccmed is s direclor or member of any
company or corpomtion which hs .ntercd inlo contract or donc work for the
Soci€ly but the nemb€r concemed must nol vot€ in respecl ofaty such contract or
work and ifhe des so. his volc shallnot be countedt


rlot r crr*arA@


Provided funher lhat if all members of thc Goveming Body are dilqualifi€d ftom
voling in r€spect of any such contmct or work, the sane shall b€ subj€cl to
approvalor ratificarion of the Society in Gcneral Meetingr

Pmvided furlher tiat the disqualificatio. iD Clause (e) relating to acccPliDS lous
hav€ b€cn duly aulhorised by thc g.neml body.


Gov.ming Body may from time to tme rais. o. borow dy sum of mon.y for or
on b€half of the So.iety from thc m€mtcrs o. from uy ofter persons! inslituiions,


17. Oncc a yea. the accounls of th€ Society shall be cxMinod and audii,ed.
R€mun€ration of the audilors shall b€ fixed by th€ Society in Geneml Mceting
excepr rhar rh€ remunqatior of th€ first audito$ apPointed by lhe Govefning Body
shallb€ fixed by the Goveming Body.

]E Thc Gov.ming Body shall havc common s€al for lhe purpos€ of lhe Socicly and
shall havc power from limc to timc to d.slroy lhe sarne dd substiruE a nc* sdl
in li€u thcrcof and the Covcming Body shall provide for the $fc cuslody of thc for lhe time being, and the shall ncvcr b€ us€d exc€pl by or undcr lhe
.utltorily ofthe Governing Body or a Committee of the Gov@ing Body and at
lcast in presence of one member of thc Co!€ming Body, who shall siSn every
insrrumcnt lo $hrch th. seal's amxed in his prcsenc.

39. Noticc may be given bythe Socieiyto ary member either personally or by scnding
it by regktered post or bycouficrto hh regisl€rcd address d recorded in the books

whei a notice is sent by post, s.rvicc of th. notice shall be dcemed to bc cffccled
by pfop€rly addrcssing, p.e-payiDS afld posting a letter containin8 th. norice srd,
unl€ss the conFa.y is Droved, shall b. d€cm.d to have been effcctcd at lhc time at
which thc l€tt€r would b€ delivercd in the ordinaty course of post.

40. Wh€ll€v€r it shall app€ar to thc Govcming Body thal it is advisable lo altq mend,
€xtcnd and abridS€ dy provision ofh€ Mcmorandum oflhe, thc PurDoses
and objects of the Society and/or thc Rul.s dd Regulalions of the So.iety of
analgamate the Society either wholly or panially wilh any otier Society, lhc
Govemin8 Body shall submir rhe proposition to the membe.s ofthe Socicly in a
writt€n or printed report md shall conven€ a special meeting for the consid.nlion

lR{tt a@l rFfll

<ct!. c.t{nr 0>{6

40a. A special m€etin8 is a me€ting which is called by thc GovcmiDg Body wilh 2l
(Nenty onc) days noti@ in w.iting to the mcmbeB of rhe Society for altcdnS,
amcnding, .xt nding dd ab dginS ary provision of lhe memonndum of the
Soci€ty includinS the purpos.s and objccts of ihe Sei.ty ardor thc Rules dd
Regulations of th€ Sciery or to amalgamarc the Sociery with ary oihcr Society.
No dccision in a sp€cial Dering sholl be taken except by l/5o (ft@ nnh)
Dajorily vores of rhe nembers of fte Society p.€sent in such m.€ring and
confirm.d by the volcs of3/5" (lhrcc lifth) members pr€senl al a second special
mecting corv€n€d by th€ Coveming Body a! an intedal of on€ month after the
DcelinS in which the decision of arn€ndmen! alteration. extension or abridgmen!
in the purpose end objeci of $e Society ard/of Rules and RcSulation of the
Socicty or amalgarnation is t!t.n. Th. quorum necossdy for transsctinS a special
metins is 7 (sevo). ln $e absdc. of a quoM a special mccling shall be
adjoumcd io slch rime {d pl&e ss may b€ decid€d by d!€ Ch0ilp€6on of such

lrcb. No proposilion a! mentioned in Claus.40a above shall be canied into €ffect

unl€sr 3uch repod shall have b€cn delivcr€d or senl by post ro every memb€r of
the Sociely, at l€ast l0 (en) days prcvious to the special meeting convcned by the
Governing Body for the considcrinS fiereol nor unless such proposition shall
hev€ agr€ed by the voles of 3/5" (hrce finh) of the nemben deliver€d in p€lson
ad coDfirmcd by tle voles of 3/5" (hrcc fifth) of the members prescnt at a sccond
special me€tin8 conveoed by lh€ Gov€min8 Body at m intenal of one monfr after
thc form€r mcelin&

4ft. Any such dlention or €{ension of abridgmcni or amendment as th. css. nay b€
or amalgnmation or any chdge in nanc, address or list of lhc membcn of the
Govcming Body shall be intimaled ro thc Regisltu ofJoint Stock Companies and
Firms for fecord within 2l (lw€nty one) days from lhe date of such amendment,
all€Etion. extension, abridgment, amslgamation or chang€ as the case may be.

41. Thc SocreD may be d6elv.d volunlurl) by l/5tr trhrce tlfth) majoriq \oFs of
the mcmbers of th. sciety in which cvcnl the Ncts dd liabilitics of the Society
shall be disposd off iD accordancc eith tle provisioN of thc Societies
R.gistration Ad 1860.

4la- lt shall b. the duty ofthe GovcminS Body to pay out ofthe funds to tle m.mbe6
of lh€ Sociely all cos! losss and €xp€nses which such p€non may havc incuned
or b€came liable by reasotr of any contracr entercd into o. act and thinS done by
ll)em acting in good fairh in lhe discharSc oftheir duties.

42. If any of the Rules md Regulations mcntioned aforcsaid cont.adicls with my

p.ovhion ofthe Memormdum of Associrtion. then the provision ofMcmorodum
otAsniaonshal|prelarl ZA,
xEiT <"'^r'


rnF r' .tP{n' "


43. Th€ Chairp.6on. n.mbc6 ofrhc Boud. ,nd orhcr for lhc timc bcinS of
thc Soci.ty and any trus|.s for thc timc bcing actinS ir rclation lo y of lhc
ltTairs of lhc Socicty ,nd thcir hcirs, cxccuton 3nd sdminisrrarors r6pcctiv€ly
shnll bc indcmnificd out of fic of thc Soci€ty from and againn all suils,
proclcdings, costs, chr.gci, los!.s, damagcs, ard cxDcnscs, shich lhey or any of
lhcm shall or m6y incu! or susbb by rlrson ofsny ad done or omin.d in or aboul
thc crrcculior of lh€ir duty in fich r.sp.ctivc ofiic6 or lrusts such (if rny)
a th.y shall incu or suslli. by or thrcugh own wilful or dcfauh
.€sFcliv€ly aM no such pcrson or ofiic.r or trustcc shall bc ansvcrlblc for lhc
scts, o.Slccts or dcfauh of y othcr such pcrsons, or trust .s or for
joininS in any r€ccipt for ihc satc of confonnity or for lh€ solvcncy or hon€sty of
any bnnkcB or orhcr pcrsons with whom nny moncy or cff.lts b€longing ro rh.
Socicty hay t lodg.d or dcpositd or for dy iNuffici.ncy or dcficicncy of uy
s€curili.s or invcsbcnls upon ehich 0ny moni.s of th. Soci€ty shdl b. inv6tc4
or fo. lDy othcr loss or damrg. duc io any such caos6 as aforcsaid or which may
hlpp.n in or about th. cxrcution of hcir oficcs or lrusts unless the sstnc shall
h.ppcn through own wilfol ncglccl or dcfault.

Dcsignrtion Signaiurc


l. Ouui F.zlu R.hnu sd-



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