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HR Practice in Bangladesh

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HR Practice in Bangladesh

Executive summary

Northern University Bangladesh is a government approved private university. It was established

by International Business Agriculture and Technology trust in 2002. There are five faculties to

offer various undergraduate and post graduate courses. Exponential increase in demand and

established Northern University Bangladesh in order to bring quality education within the reach

of students with modest economic means. Sponsored and founded by International Business

Agriculture & Technology (IBAT) Trust now known as NUB Trust (NUBT), a registered, non-

political, non-profit voluntary organization. Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) was set up

in 2002 with the slogan „Knowledge for Innovation and Change‟ The University also is shaped

by The NUB has about eight thousand students with six departments and 20 worthy

programmers including four campuses in Dhaka and two others in Rajshahi and Khulna each

under the leadership of its Vice-chancellor Prof Dr. M. ShamsulHaque. the unique resources

available through its location in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.Private universities have

always been branded as a profit making organization by no private university students and older

generations. Regardless of the disdain, private universities have constantly proven themselves to

be a worthwhile asset to man and country; providing higher education to the knowledge hungry

students, creating a source of employment to thousands of Bangladeshis and establishing a strong

backbone for the nation. The recent terrorist attack on the Holi Artisan in Dhaka has left an

indelible mark on the psyche of the Bangladeshi nation. This effect is more visible for Northern

students from South Asia and especially Muslim countries. Our Northern University education

department is facing so many problems due to terrorism. Our Northern University educational

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activities are affected. A rise in negative word of mouth among the masses is taking place

regarding the admission procedure of Northern University. Apparently, cases of corruption

related to the entry of students into the campus are the talk of town. Exploitation of loopholes,

bribery and unfair practices are key.

1. BACKGROUD...........................................................................................................................4

2. DATES AND DATA........................................................................................................................8

3. NEED ASSESSMENT......................................................................................................................12

4. EXISTING ARRENGEMENT.....................................................................................................18

5. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT.....................................................................................................22

6. REALIZATION................................................................................................................................26

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The leaves of the trees grew greener, and flower buds began to blossom to the advent of the

season of rebirth. In this beautiful lustrous day, the Vice Chancellor of Northern University of

Bangladesh, Prof. Dr. Anwar Hossain, stepped into his private car and started off for campus.

Pushing through the congested traffic of Dhaka, Dr. Anwar quietly arrived at the campus of

Northern University, the multi-storied glass exterior building on 3/18, Iqbal Road, Asad Avenue,

Mohammadpur. There was tempest brewing in his mind and all he could do was stay silent and

spend the morning in silent worry.

The terrorist threats and attacks by the ISIS on the soil of Bangladesh have everyone on high

alert and fear. The vice chancellor fears for the safety of his students and faculties and for the

reputation of his university as students from Northern University have been claimed to be

involved in the incident Dr. Anwar has heard talks of unethical practices taking place amongst

the campus grounds under his supervision. Private universities have always been branded as a

profit making organization by no private university students and older generations. Regardless of

the disdain, private universities have constantly proven themselves to be a worthwhile asset to

man and country; providing higher education to the knowledge hungry students, creating a

source of employment to thousands of Bangladeshis and establishing a strong backbone for the


The recent terrorist attack on the Holi Artisan in Dhaka has left an indelible mark on the psyche

of the Bangladeshi nation. Needless to say, terrorism and violent acts have become a way of life

in Bangladesh today and no one is suffering from this more than the student of this country.

There are many causes of terrorism in Bangladesh. Bangladesh faced so many problems during

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terrorist attack. Not only economically but other fields like education, tourism, industries and

many other fields are very much effected by terrorism.

This effect is more visible for Northern students from South Asia and especially Muslim

countries. Our Northern University education department is facing so many problems due to

terrorism. There are so many security problems even in Northern University. Regulators have

paid a visit to Dhaka‟s Northern University, which is facing flak after several of its students were

found to be involved in terrorism.

Educational institutions across Bangladesh have held rallies and events voicing their rejection of

terrorism, sympathy for the victims and taking a stance for love and compassion; students,

teachers and employees from Northern University around the nation.

Admission Northern University Bangladesh is a government approved private university. It was

established by International Business Agriculture and Technology trust in 2002. There are five

faculties to offer various undergraduate and post graduate courses. Northern University

Bangladesh welcomes international students and makes every effort to assist them to get

admitted in its academic programs, special consideration is given to the students from SAARC

countries, South and South-East Asia. The NUB has about eight thousand students with six

departments and 20 worthy programmers including four campuses in Dhaka and two others in

Rajshahi and Khulna each under the leadership of its Vice-chancellor Prof Dr. M.

ShamsulHaque. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), the NUB has BSc

in Computer Science and Engineering and BSc in Electronics and Communication Engineering


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The university launched functions comprising the latest courses in its academic disciplines

focusing both national and global issues to face the prevailing challenges of the country‟s

education sector in the 21st century. Regarding this, being satisfied with NUB‟s academic

performance, the UGC has recently signed an agreement with NUB to provide „Research Fund‟

for the university to roll its standard of education towards the apex level.

History In 2002, a group of eminent academics recognized this exponential increase in demand

and established Northern University Bangladesh on 17 October in order to bring quality

education within the reach of students with modest economic means. Sponsored and founded by

International Business Agriculture & Technology (IBAT) Trust now known as NUB Trust

(NUBT), a registered, non-political, non-profit voluntary organization, NUB made its foray in to

the field of higher education and established itself as a centre for excellence.

Presently, Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) has 5 Faculties situated within the Dhaka

Metropolitan city with its Permanent Campus near Haji camp at Ashkona, Dakshin Khan.

Northern University Bangladesh has affiliations & accreditations with international institutions

in its effort to provide education that can provide students with all the tools needed to face the

challenges in any chosen career from any specialized field & the global industry.

Northern University Bangladesh is now owned and managed by a group of academics under the

illustrious and reputable banner of NUB Trust, who intend to not only provide higher education

to the deserving students with moderate means but also aims to mould individuals with a specific

skill set along with the value of social responsibility. Northern University Bangladesh believes in

building a better future for the citizens of Bangladesh by enhancing its socio-economic

empowerment. Activities The teaching method at Northern University Bangladesh is intended to

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be basic yet exceptionally powerful. The point is to help students separate the greatest learning

from the educator through clear and exact strategies that can encourage achievement in the

course appraisals and examinations prompting accomplishment in their professions. A variety of

tools including lectures, seminar, workshops, case studies and field trips are the usual modes of

activities that are adopted by the university consistently. The university also collaborated with

different organizations that added value to its brand in order to regain recognition as one of the

top private institutions in Bangladesh. Northern University has, as discussed above, collaborated

with international and national organizations that would help in regaining the institution‟s

recognition as one of the top private universities in Bangladesh.

Most quality control is exercised through administrative review by the departmental head or

chairman, or deans of the university. Recently Northern University got accredited by LCCI

International Qualification, Pearson Education, and has collaborated with universities like

University of Putra Malaysia and UniMAP. Northern University was recognized as the first

digital university in Bangladesh. Northern University is also opened its Quality Assurance Cell

to maintain and rectify quality related issues in the university.

Frequent charity and social services work performed by Northern University will ensure its

contribution to the society and further prove private universities are a beneficial ingredient in the

development of Bangladesh. In order to improve business, Northern University has improved its

relations with international institutions, Bangladesh government and other important


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 At 9:17 AM, he entered his office, and immediately, locked the door, turned off his

phone and fell heavily on his chair and spent the next few moments staring upwards

towards the ceiling.

 Terrorist attack in Holi Artisan 1 July 2016.

 Gulshan terrorist attack that claimed 24 lives, where the attackers were later revelead to

be Northern university students.

 Northern University Bangladesh established by International Business Agriculture and

Technology trust in 2002.

 The admission rate range is 80-90% making this Bangladeshi higher education

organization a least selective institution.

 For Bachelors Programs: Minimum GPA 2.5 in both SSC and HSC or equivalent

examinations or „O‟ level in five subjects and „A‟ level in two subjects with minimum

„C‟ grade in each or US High School Diploma.

 Cost of an application package is Tk. 300/- .

 NUB Provides tuition fee waiver up to 100% based on the result of SSC & HSC


 Sibling would get 25% waiver on tuition fees of each student.

 Sibling would get 25% waiver on tuition fees of each student.

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 Merit scholarship is based on the semester final results. Generous financial assistance is

also available for poor and meritorious students from IBAT Trust.

 Tuition fees must be paid in advance or by installment if it is agreed.

 All payments must be made at „ShahjalalIslami Bank‟ or any other prescribed bank

which is payable to „Northern University Bangladesh‟.

 University Authority reserves the rights to change the fee structure at any time specially

5% scholarship on tuition fee for females and tribal‟s.

 20% scholarship on tuition fee for Siblings and Special waiver for wards of Freedom


 Admission & others fee Tk. 16,500/- for undergraduates & Tk. 11,000/- for

postgraduates programs.

 Computer Lab & Library Fee Tk. 5000/- (For Undergraduate) Tk. 2500/- .

 Admission & others fee: Tk. 15,500/- for Undergraduates & Tk. 10,500/-.

 For Postgraduates (at a time). Admission fee is Non-refundable.

 Admission requirements for undergraduate programs Minimum GPA 2.50 both in SSC &

HSC or equivalent exams. Minimum five subjects in „O‟ level & two subjects in „A‟ level

with minimum „B‟ grade in 4 subjects and minimum „C‟ grade in 3 subjects.

 Minimum GPA 2.5 both in SSC & HSC or equivalent exams with science group and

Mathematics in HSC are required for Engineering programs.

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 Required papers/documents for admission All academic Transcripts & Certificates and

Testimonials original and photocopy.

 Job experience certificate for executive MBA.

 Payment mode in each semester & installment: 40% payable during registration (to

confirm registration), 30% payable before Mid-term Exam and 30% payable before Final


 Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) was set up in 2002 with the slogan „Knowledge

for Innovation and Change‟ .

 The registered office of Northern University Bangladesh is at Sher Tower and Beside

Registered office, the NUB has three other campuses in Dhaka City.

 NUB offers 17 courses under 10 departments of five faculties.

 The NUB has about eight thousand students with six departments and 20 worthy

programmers including four campuses in Dhaka and two others in Rajshahi and Khulna

each under the leadership of its Vice-chancellor Prof Dr. M. ShamsulHaque.

 Around 600 students, 15 full-time teachers, 17 part-time teachers, 150 more computers

with two computers labs, a rich library with a lot of text and reference books, and free-

internet facilities.

 Administration Faculty includes 44 full-time teachers, 27 part-time teachers, updated

syllabus, information-enriched library, central AC, pharmacists in the country Head of

the Department.

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 The Faculty includes around 400 students, nine full-time teachers, thirteen part-time


 A total of 313 meritorious teachers, most of them are full-timers, graduated from

different renowned universities like BUET, University of Dhaka and foreign universities,

have been employed by the university (NUB).

 In addition, it has employed 266 administrative staff.

 Recently Northern University got accredited by LCCI International Qualification,

Pearson Education, and has collaborated with universities like University of Putra

Malaysia and UniMAP.

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1. Terrorism and violent acts have become a way of life in Bangladesh, today and no one is

suffering from this more than the student of this country.

2. A rise in negative word of mouth among the mass is taking place regarding the admission

procedure of Northern University.

3. The vice chancellor fears for the safety of his students as students from Northern

University have been claimed to be involved in the incidentISISattacks.

4. The education quality and the standard of facilities are not at its peak. Also the

authorities are worried about the service quality that they are providing their


5. Bangladesh faced so many problems during terrorist attack. Mainly the private

universities. Because there is an accusation that the students of private universities are

more involved than the other educational institutions.

6. President demands audit reports from Northern University.

7. This effect is more visible for Northern students from South Asia and especially Muslim

countries. Our Northern University education department is facing so many problems due

to terrorism.

8. The problems within the university, spreading of negative publicity, accusations of wrong

doings and business, and most of all, the terrorist threat looming.

9. The tax burdens on private universities are very high, and in a country that is striving for

a higher literacy rate.

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10. As Northern University has several campus and there is a rule for one permanent campus

so there is a pressure on the authorities to finish their ongoing work of permanent


How can DR Anwar , solve the issues regarding
spreading of negative publicity, accusations of
wrong doings and business, and most of all, the
terrorist threat looming, which is hampering the
reputation of Northern university?

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1. A rise in negative word of mouth among the mass is taking place regarding the admission

procedure of Northern University.

#Does a performance discrepancy exists?


#is it important to the organization?

Yes it‟s important for their reputation.

# is it correctable through employee development?

Yes it is correctable through employee development, by giving them proper training and

strict rules to follow.

# isemployee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

Employee development is the most cost effective solution that can be applied.

Exploitation of loopholes, bribery and unfair practice are key reason thus developing

employee would reduce this.

2. The education quality and the standard of facilities are not at its peak. Also the

authorities are worried about the service quality that they are providing their


#Does a performance discrepancy exists?


#is it important to the organization?

Yes, because they think for the welfare of the students.

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# is it correctable through employee development?

No need because the education quality and the stranded of facilities receive by the

students and the facilities are already high.

# is employee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

No, employee development not needed.

3. Bangladesh faced so many problems during terrorist attack. Mainly the private

universities. Because there is an accusation that the students of private universities are

more involved than the other educational institutions.

#Does a performance discrepancy exists?

Yes its exists.

#is it important to the organization?

Yes because the reputation of the university is hammered.

# is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, through employee development can be solved.

# is employee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

Yes, because they are the one who are involved accusation.

4. As Northern University has several campus and there is a rule for one permanent campus

so there is a pressure on the authorities to finish their ongoing work of permanent


#Does a performance discrepancy exists?


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#is it important to the organization?

Yes, because they need to accommodate.

# is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it was possible as they could have started their work on their permanent campus a

lot earlier.

# is employee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

No, they needed more founds.

5. This effect is more visible for Northern students from South Asia and especially Muslim

countries. Our Northern University education department is facing so many problems due

to terrorism.

#Does a performance discrepancy exists?


#is it important to the organization?

Yes, they need to keep a good reputation for themselves.

# is it correctable through employee development?


# is employee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

No, because it‟s a Muslim country. We cannot change our religious.

6. The tax burdens on private universities are very high, and in a country that is striving for

a higher literacy rate.

#Does a performance discrepancy exists?

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#is it important to the organization?

Yes because student can‟t afford the tax.

# is it correctable through employee development?


# is employee the most cost effective solution that can be applied?

No, because it‟s all depends on the govt.

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Educational institutions all across Bangladesh have held rallies and events voicing their rejection

Terrorism, sympathy for the victims and taking a stance for love and compassion;

students,teachers and employees from Northern University around the nation. At the Central

ShaheedMinar, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said cultural practices should be increased

in all Education institutions four country in a bid to eradicate the ideology of militancy. Northern

University would play a pivotal Role in countering terrorism and militant activities in

Bangladesh. Northern was committed to cracking down on anyone misguiding students at their

University. “The presence of all students of Northern University is to show support for the

Families of the victims and it is a message that education Institutions are against terrorism.

Pros:Of course cultural practice is solution, because if the students can respect other people,

other religions and cultures they will have a broader mind and comprehensive thinking.

Cons: Public places like university can have extremist people thus cross cultural practice might

trigger them.

NUB Provides tuition fee waiver up to 100% based on the result of SSC & HSC examination.

Sibling would get 25% waiver on tuition fees of each student. Merit scholarship is based on the

Semester final results. Enrolment in a course or a program creates a binding agreement to follow

academic regulations and payment of fees and charges. Tuition fees must be paid in advance or

by installment if it is agreed. Tuition fees are not refundable after the commencement of a

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course. If a course is not conducted by the university, there will be a full refund of tuition fees

generous financial assistance is also available for poor and meritorious students from IBATrrust.

Pros:Nub provides tuition fee waiver up to 100% based on the academic result and would get

waiver sibling on tuition fees. It is a good system for sibling‟s student. And they can afford their

tuition fee withoutany economic problem.

Cons:On the semester first tuition fee paid in advance. This is a major problem. And another

problem tuition fee is not refundable after

The University also is shaped by the unique resources available through its location in Dhaka,

The capital city of Bangladesh. The registered office of Northern University Bangladesh is at

SherTower and Beside Registered office, the NUB has three other campuses in Dhaka City.

Northern university provides quality education in their every department. The NUB has about

Eight thousand students with six departments and 20 worthy programmers including four

Campuses in Dhaka and two others inRajshahi and Khulna each under the leadership of its Vice-

Chancellor Prof Dr. M. ShamsulHaque.

Pros:NUBhave three campuses all over the Bangladesh which is why they have the privilege to

choose from different locations.

Cons:According to the UGC every private university must have a permanent campus. But NUB

don‟t have Permanent Campus.

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The NUB and UK-based Nottingham Trent University signed recently an agreement for

collaboration in terms of offering LLB (Hons) degree in United Kingdom. Academic degrees and

Academic designations of the NUB are recognized by the United Kingdom (UK), Canada,

Australia and North American Universities. Students of the University can easily transfer their

credits to any university of the world. NUB Treasurer M Abu BakarSiddique said, "We are

trying our best to provide quality education in the country". "Our board of trustee is also an

Exceptional one from other private universities.

Pros:NUB makes sure their student get some opportunity higher in education. Student can

transfer their credits to any university of the world.

Cons: When NUB carries on credit transfer system, student can try to transfercredit to better

university from NUB. So NUB lost their student day by day.

Northern University has recently collaborated with LCCI and Pearson to get accreditation,

theUniversity has improved its admission process by introducing a new online admission process

And has also collaborated with Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy to increase


Pros: NUB applied foraccreditation. NUB has to improve their education quality to get

accreditation. NUB recruit PHD Faculties and recruit foreign faculty.

Cons: NUB recruits based on qualification. They don‟t follow standard faculty ability and


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The Bangladesh government had proposed a VAT on higher education earlier last year – which

Was later, revised due to protests. The government has since then been very active in its stride to

Augment the education system. Quality of private education is a big factor in the augmentation

of the private university education system. Bangladesh government has initiated UGC – which is

Mandatory for private universities to report to. The UGC is responsible to provide the

Government with regular updates regarding the quality and standard of education. The Ministry

of Education(MoE) is the ultimate authority to institutionalize quality control measures.

Pros:In 2015 government had proposed a vat on higher education. Government can have huge

tax revenue and can use the money for betterment of the education system.

Cons:Private University is a non-profitable organization. So government took wrong

decision.And every student protest government try to no put vat on education. And because of

the corruption the money won‟t be used as it was supposed to use and students should not have

to pay more for their education.

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1. Workplace Ethics Awareness - A rise in negative word of mouth among the masses is

taking place regarding the admission procedure of Northern University. Apparently, cases

of corruption related to the entry of students into the campus are the talk of town.

Exploitation of loopholes, bribery and unfair practices are key reasons to the negative

word of mouth about Northern University. An ethical workplace has well-established

codes of professional and personal conduct that not only stay in compliance with all

regulations and laws that govern your business, but also moral codes of conduct that

include honesty, diversity, compassion, and good citizenship. Both of these aspects

provide two main functions for your business. Unethical behavior can cost the company

in terms of lower stock prices, fewer customers, and inability to do business with those

who don‟t trust you.

Training and Development plan: First of all, identify the different types of ethical

training we can include - All quality training begins with a training needs analysis. In the

case of ethics training for employees, you might consider focusing on one or more of the

following areas:

Ethical conduct, both in and out of the office, Customer privacy and data protection,

Company code of ethics, Common ethical dilemmas, Company culture, Customer

relations, Regulatory and compliance training, Diversity training

Keep in mind, too, that ethics training is not a “one and done” solution to a single

concrete issue. The goal of different types of ethics training is to teach employees to

make good decisions that are consistent with your company‟s culture. This may need to

be reinforced in a variety of situations over time as your industry changes.

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2. Leadership training - Ethical leaders are committed to working with ethical employees.

Chances are good they have some ideas about what they‟d like to focus on. Get

leadership involved and committed from the very beginning. These core leadership

practices include: Being a role model, Making an impact, Focusing on following a vision,

Encouraging collaboration, Being positive.

 Training Development plan: Northern University can develop their leadership

program by, Define the needs of their organization from a leadership standpoint. ( VC ,

PRO VC , Director, Assistant Director )

 Assess your organizational goals. ...

 Identify viable candidates for leadership roles in the organization. ...

 Choose instructors who are experienced and proven leaders. ...

 Use a blended learning system.

3. Training on Running an international standard admin office – Private universities have

always been branded as a profit making organization by non-private university students

and older generations. Regardless of the disdain, private universities have constantly

proven themselves to be a worthwhile asset to man and country; providing higher

education to the knowledge hungry students, creating a source of employment to

thousands of Bangladeshis and establishing a strong backbone for the nation officers

should know about Technology, Verbal & Written Communication, Organization, Time

Management, Strategic Planning, Resourcefulness, Detail-Oriented, Anticipates Needs.

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Training and development plan:

 Technical skills - As used here, technical skill implies an understanding of, and

proficiency in, a specific kind of activity, particularly one involving methods, processes,

procedures, or techniques.

 Human skill - As used here, human skill is the executive‟s ability to work effectively as a

group member and to build cooperative effort within the team he leads.

4. Academic and teaching Methods - The NUB has about eight thousand students with six

departments and 20 worthy programmers including four campuses in Dhaka and two

others in Rajshahi and Khulna each under the leadership of its Vice-chancellor Prof Dr.

M. ShamsulHaque. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).

Administration Faculty includes 44 full-time teachers, 27 part-time teachers, updated

syllabus, information-enriched library, central AC, pharmacists in the country Head of

the Department. The Faculty includes around 400 students, nine full-time

teachers,thirteen part-time teachers, modern classroom and four lab facilities. multimedia

projector with employment-oriented BBA, MBA and MBM courses. NUB law

department has 23 full-time and 08 part-time teacher.

The training activities are divided into the following categories:

Initial training, Continuing education, Language training, Workshops on cross-

disciplinary issues in teaching, Specific and institutional training, Self-training.

5. Cultural Practices: Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said cultural practices should

be increased in all education institutions of our country in a bid to eradicate the ideology

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of militancy. Northern University would play a pivotal role in countering terrorism and

militant activities in Bangladesh.Prof. Dr. Abu Yousuf Md. Abdullah, chairman of

Northern University and president of the Private University Association of Bangladesh

(PUAB), said all private universities will take necessary steps to prevent terrorism.

Northern was committed to cracking down on anyone misguiding students at their


The authority must give the students a course about different culture and why they should

respect other cultures. The lack of knowledge caused the students to commit such kind of

activity, if they were properly trained, had knowledge they wouldn‟t be involved in

terrorism. Lack of respect to other people caused this incident.

6. IMPROVING MANAGERIAL EFFECTIVENESS:Quality of private education is a

big factor in the augmentation of the private university education system. Bangladesh

government has initiated UGC – which is mandatory for private universities to report to.

The UGC is responsible to provide the government with regular updates regarding the

quality and standard of education. The Ministry of Education (MoE) is the ultimate

authority to institutionalize quality control measures.

so the management should focus on the quality of education than profit. By giving them

training on what an educational management authority should do, NUB can handle their

teachers and students as well as their image which is in the verge of collapse.

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Most importantly, a rise in negative word of mouth among the masses is taking place regarding

the admission procedure of Northern University. Apparently, cases of corruption related to the

entry of students into the campus are the talk of town. Exploitation of loopholes, bribery and

unfair practices are key reasons to the negative word of mouth about Northern University.

Firstly the employee development needs are prioritized for not engaging in any kind of

corruption. That‟s why we should develop a new code of conduct for the NUB or make sure the

current one is followed by the employees properly. Another thing NUB can do is increasing the

incentives. Which will help the employees to not involve in any kind of unethical works.

Secondly, resources are allocated in priority order until they are exhausted. NUB has lots of

resources. So, they should allocated it effectively and efficiently. Also they should remember

that resources are not unlimited that‟s why they should prioritize their problems then act

accordingly. As we know making a new code of conduct will take a lots of time also it will use

lots of resources. So they should first try to work on existing one. Also there is always a second

option which is increasing the incentives. If the NUB authority wants they can increase it. Which

will reduce the unethical activities.

Thirdly, the surviving programs have to be well integrated into proper working plan. Basically,

as it is a moral point of view nobody can help them until and they are willing to help themselves.

So, the authority can do only one thing which is making a new code of conduct or try to

implement properly the existing one. On the other hand they can increase the incentives


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Leadership training which is really important for any organization. Ethical leaders are committed

to working with ethical employees. Chances are good they have some ideas about what they‟d

like to focus on. Get leadership involved and committed from the very beginning. These core

leadership practices include: Being a role model, making an impact. Focusing on following a

vision, encouraging collaboration, being positive.

Firstly, the employee development needs should be prioritized for viable candidates whom are

selected for the leadership roles in the organization. Because an organization cannot focus on all

higher level employees who are willing to be a leader. There should be some quality inherited in

a leader. So, the organization should focus on whom have the potential.

Secondly, resources are allocated in priority order until they are exhausted. As, the organization

not selected for everyone to be a leader, so the NUB can invest their resources on the potential

employees whom they targeted as their to be leader.

Thirdly, the surviving programs have to be well integrated into proper working plan. As

leadership quality is something which is rely on anyone by birth. So the organization can find out

the persons core leadership qualities. Then they can work on the deficiencies. Also it will help

the organization to understand anyone‟s leadership styles.

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Third realization we have is Cultural Practices. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said

cultural practices should be increased in all education institutions of our country in a bid to

eradicate the ideology of militancy. The authority must give the students a course about different

culture and why they should respect other cultures. The lack of knowledge caused the students to

commit such kind of activity, if they were properly trained, had knowledge they wouldn‟t be

involved in terrorism. Lack of respect to other people caused this incident.

Firstly, the employees need to understand every culture deserve same kind of acceptance. So, the

authority should make a plan and make it obvious for all employees and students to give respect

to other cultural people. If needed they can arrange training and development for the employees.

On the other hand they can offer a course on culture for better understand. Also they can arrange

seminars for the cultural development.

Secondly, resources are allocated in priority order until they are exhausted. As resources are not

unlimited that‟s why they have to decide which group first they want to educate about culture.

As there are lots of foreign student comes from different countries so it would be better to give

training and development to the students.

Thirdly, the surviving programs have to be well integrated into proper working plan. As the

institution will give cultural training to the students. They first focus on offering a new course

along with seminars. Also they can give training to their administrative level people. Because

they also have to contact with different cultural belonging people.

Stay home, stay safe Page 28

HR Practice in Bangladesh

As we know Northern University has different campuses and there are 44 full-time teachers, 27

part-time teachers, updated syllabus, information-enriched library, central AC, pharmacists in the

country Head of the Department. The Faculty includes around 400 students, nine full-time

teachers, thirteen part-time teachers, modern classroom and four lab facilities. Multimedia

projector with employment-oriented BBA, MBA and MBM courses. NUB law department has

23 full-time and 08 part-time teacher.

Firstly, as we here focusing on teachers so we have to select our training and development for

them. Which is NUB may has lots of PhD. holder faculties but it is not obvious that all well-

educated teacher can interact with the students properly or deliver their lectures as students are

required. So, the institution can arrange some training and development program for the faculties

so that they can properly fulfill their work.

Secondly, resources are allocated in priority order until they are exhausted. So, the authority

should make a list of faculties who needed the training most. For this information which faculties

are good enough in delivering lecture they can run a faculty evaluation by the students. Which

will help them to understand a better scenario.

Thirdly, the surviving programs have to be well integrated into proper working plan. So, if they

want to have a good faculties they should focus on the faculties who are capable enough to

deliver the lecture.

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HR Practice in Bangladesh

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