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10  Vocabulary

Use your head

1 Choose the correct alternative to complete these common expressions.
1 I realize that by telling Alice about her surprise party, I’ve really put my in my
a) hand b) foot c) head
2 When we go on vacation, we always ask our neighbor to keep an on things
while we’re gone.
a) eye b) ear c) arm
3 Now that I only work a three-day week, I have so much more time on my .
a) feet b) shoulders c) hands
4 At school, our English teacher used to make us learn long passages of poetry by
I can still remember some of them.
a) head b) mind c) heart
5 Once Anna’s set her on doing something, there’s no stopping her.
a) teeth b) mind c) head
6 They met in 2005 and fell over in love. They’ve been inseparable ever
a) head / heels b) nose / toes c) face / feet
7 It was a relief to tell her about my doubts. It was good to get them off my .
a) stomach b) shoulders c) chest
8 I should have told him that we didn’t like his proposal, but I just didn’t have the
for it.
a) stomach b) hair c) head
9 Members of this political party have to the line, or they are expelled.
a) finger b) toe c) eye
10 I’ll deal with it as soon as I can, but I’m -deep in work right now.
a) elbow b) shoulder c) knee ✂
2 Tell your partner about …
1 a time when you really put your foot in your mouth.
2 the person you’d ask to keep an eye on your house if you went away.
3 a time in your life when you felt you had a lot of time on your hands.
4 a song or a poem that you know by heart.
5 a time when you set your mind on doing something. What happened?
6 a couple you know who are head over heels in love.
7 a time you got something off your chest.
8 a time you didn’t have the stomach to do something.
9 a time when you had to toe the line.
10 a time when you were knee-deep in work.

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