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Implementation Progeess Report

(Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Training progess recording FORMATS)

Progress Monitoring Form

Partner's Name: F HTL

Date of Update: 12/11/2019

Database Updated by: Marcos

Tinan 2019/2020
Water Supply Construction PROGRESS MONITORING (Systema Be'e)
Water System Physical Progress: Liquica Programme Partner Name: F HTL
Implementation Year: 2019/2020 Date of update: 11-Dec-19

Proje Break Pressure Tank Air Valve Chamber Project

tu Naran Projetu Aldia Suco Intake Transmissio Pipe Line Reservoir (BPT) Wash Out (WO) (AVC) Distribution Pipe Line Torneira Progress
(Source/Bairo or Aldia) (In Numeru) (In Km.) (In Numeru) (In Numeru) (In Km.) (In Numeru)
no. # (In Numeru) (In Numeru) (In %)

Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in %

1 Likikra Asumanu 1 1.000 100% 5892 5037 85% 7 1.000 14% 4 1.000 25% 1 0.000 0% 0 0.000 0 7378 0.000 0% 27 0.000 0% 32%

0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Proje Naran Projetu Intake Transmissio Pipe Line Reservoir Break Pressure Tank Wash Out (WO) Air Valve Chamber Distribution Pipe Line Torneira Project
tu (Source/Bairo or Aldia) Aldia Suco (In Numeru) (In Km.) (In Numeru) (BPT) (In Numeru) (AVC) (In Km.) (In Numeru) Progress
no. # (In Numeru) (In Numeru) (In %)

Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in % Designed Progress Prog in %

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

Total 1.00 1.00 5892 5037 7.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7378.00 0.00 27 0.0
House Hold Toilet PROGRESS MONITORING (Sintina Progress)
Sanitina Physical Progress: Liquica Programme Partner Name: F HTL
Implementation Year: 2019/2020 Date of update: 11-Dec-19

Base Line Data Progress

Projet ODF Declaration
Naran Projetu Uma KK Cemplu Remarks Varification
u no. # Pour Ema ho Status and
Numer Numer Benefis Rai kuak VIP ng kuak flush Deficent Total Status & Date
u u aries (RK) sorin
(CKS) (PF) e

1 Likikra
67 6 61 67

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Base Line Data Progress

Projet Uma KK Cemplu Pour Ema ho Declaration
u no. # Naran Projetu Remarks Varification Status and
Numer Numer Benefis Rai kuak ng kuak Status & Date
u u aries (RK) VIP sorin flush Deficent Total Date
(PF) e

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Base Line Data Progress

Projet Naran Projetu Uma KK Cemplu Remarks Varification
u no. # Pour Ema ho Status and
Numer Numer Benefis Rai kuak VIP ng kuak flush Deficent Total Status & Date Date
u u aries (RK) sorin
(CKS) (PF) e

Total Sanitation 67 0 0 6 0 0 61 0 67
Hand Washing Facilities PROGRESS MONITORING (ijine Progress)
Ijine facilidade Physical Progress: Liquica Programme Partner Name: F HTL
Implementation Year: 2019/2020 Date of update: 11-Dec-19

Base Line Data

Facilidade Faciliman iha Facilidade Faciliman iha
Uma Sanitina
HH having
Projetu Naran Projetu Uma KK Hand Washing Remarks
no. # Numer Numer Num Numer
Tipu Tipu Facilities
u u eru u

1 Likikra 67 58
Falta uma 9 maka sedauk iha
5 Jergen 58 Balde, Bidon no Tanke
fasilidade fase liman

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0
Base Line Data
Facilidade Faciliman iha Facilidade Faciliman iha
Uma Sanitina
HH having
Projetu Uma KK
no. # Naran Projetu Hand Washing Remarks
Numer Numer Num Numer Facilities
Tipu Tipu
u u eru u

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

Total Sanitation 5 58 58
Base Line Data
Facilidade Faciliman iha Facilidade Faciliman iha
Uma Sanitina
HH having
Projetu Uma KK
no. # Naran Projetu Hand Washing Remarks
Numer Numer Num Numer Facilities
Tipu Tipu
u u eru u

1 Enter Project Information on Light Pink color Cells Only.

2 Enter Progress Information on Light Blue color Cells Only.
3 Green color Cells are linked or with formula, Auto fill & locked.
4 Other Cells are Locked
Training PROGRESS MONITORING (Treinamentu Progress)
Training Progress: Liquica Programme Partner Name: F HTL
Implementation Year: 2019/2020 Date of update: 11-Dec-19
Numeru Partisipante Remarks
S. Partisipante husi Projetu Data Treinament Feto Mane Labarik Labarik Ema ho Total
Naran Treinamentu
No. ka komunidade Treinamentu u Fatin Feto Mane Defisiente

Sede Suku
1 Treinamnetu GMF LIKIKRA 12-May-19
Asumanu 17 9 2 0 0 28 Partesipa Husi Menbru GMF

28- Sede suku

2 Treinamento PSF LIKIKRA 29/10/2019 Asumanu 6 8 0 0 0 14 Partesipa Husi Menbru GMF

Promosaun saude Sede suku

LIKIKRA 11-Apr-19
Asumanu 19 11 1 0 0 31 Partesipa husi Komunidade

Sede suku
5 Treinamento Gender Modul 1 LIKIKRA 24/6/2019
Asumanu 14 14 3 2 0 33 Partesipa Komunidade

6 Treinamento Gender Modul 2 LIKIKRA 24/10/2019
Siskoelema 11 21 3 2 0 37 Partesipa husi Komunidade

24/10/2019 Mankri 27 14 2 1 0 44 Partesipa husi Komunidade

Numeru Partisipante Remarks
S. Partisipante husi Projetu Data Treinament Feto Mane Labarik Labarik Ema ho Total
No. Naran Treinamentu ka komunidade Treinamentu u Fatin Feto Mane Defisiente

Total Direct Training Beneficaries 94 77 11 5 0 187

Partner Name: F HTL
WS Progress Photo
Date of update: 11-Dec-19
Partner Name: F HTL
Sanitation Progress Photo
Date of update: 11-Dec-19
Partner Name: F HTL
Hygiene Progress Photo
Date of update: 11-Dec-19
Partner Name: F HTL
Training Progress Photo
Date of update: 11-Dec-19
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi

Referensi ba Fase liman ho Sabaun


Progresu iha numeru uma laran ne'ebe iha fasilidade adeikuadu

atu fase liman ho sabaun (ka buat seluk)
Saida mak ita atu sukat?
Ita sei sukat prezensa fasilidade fase liman hanesan simbolu katak ema fase duni sira-
nia liman. Ita sei hakerek observasaun no razaun tanba sa fo klasifikasaun

Uma iha fatin fase liman ho bee no sabaun/buat seluk

3 Fatin fase liman fo asesu diak ba sintina no dapur
Fasilidade ne’e uza be'e sulin (tippy tap, jerigen ho torneira)

Uma iha fatin fase liman ho bee no sabaun/buat seluk

2 Fatin fase liman fo asesu diak ba sintina no dapur
Fasilidade ne’e la prevene kontaminasaun bee

Uma iha fatin atu fase liman uza basia ka baldi ne’ebé loke
1 Bee iha maibe sabaun/buat seluk la iha.
Fasilidade ne’e la prevene kontaminasaun bee

la iha fatin espesifiku ho fasilidade atu fase
liman ne'ebe besik sintina no dapur.
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi

Referensi ba Tipo Sintina


Rai kuak (RK)
Cemplung kuak sorin (CKS)
Pour flush (PF)

Referensi ba Sintina ijieniku

# Sintina ne'ebe uza ho maneira ijieniku
Saida mak ita atu sukat?
Kualidade ijiene sintina ne’ebé ema uza, no ita sei hakerek observasaun no razaun tanba sa fo klasifikasaun

plataforma toos, aas liu rai, kaber

4 Taka kuak (lalar la bele tama)
dois la iha ka uituan
foer la iha - sintina mo'os

Taka kuak (lalar la bele tama)

3 Dois la iha ka uituan
Mo'os hotu

2 foer la iha - sintina mo'os

Lalar bele tama

1 Sintina uza ba soe foer ki'ik no soe foer bo'ot

foer hela, dois iha

0 la uza sintina
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi

Referensi ba Sintina

Progresu iha numeru uma laran ne'ebe iha asesu ba sintina ho

saneamentu diak liu
Saida mak ita atu sukat?

Kualidade ijiene sintina ne’ebé ema uza, no ita sei hakerek observasaun no razaun tanba sa fo klasifikasaun

Taka kuak (lalar/laho la bele tama)

4 Animal la bele tama ba sintina kuak
Pour flush, offset pit, cement plate

3 Taka kuak (lalar/laho la bele tama)

Sintina rai kuak, animal la bele tama

2 Sintina rai kuak, animal la bele tama

Lalar, laho sei bele tama/sai

1 Rai kuak loke

animal hotu bele tama

0 la uza sintina (ai laran, fahi luhan etc)

Tuir definisaun JMP, buat ne’e mak: Fasilidade ne’ebé asegura katak iha separasaun entre ema-nia foer no
kontaktu ho foer ne’e (= ema kontaktu kedas ho sira-nia isin no mos kontaktu ho ambiente). Klaru katak soe
foer iha liur mak etapa ne’ebé iha kraik liu iha eskada ba uza sintina ho saneamentu diak.
Contract 2013/L/001 NTF/002 HTL/003 Malaedoi

Referensi ba Fonte bee




Unimproved/La melhoradu (LM)


bee pozu ne'ebe loke

be'e matan ne'ebe loke

bamboo pipe system

Improved/Melhoradu (M)


pozu ho bomba (taka)

pozu ho matan taka ona

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